The Kids Show Mawlid Competition 2018 The Challenge! : You, our young listeners, will be asked to memorise all the Ayat and Ahadith & statements given every episode on the kids show for this Mawlid season 2018. The Competition Day! : You will be asked to come to the radio station on either the 4 th ,5 th ,6 th of December and will be asked to recite all the Ayat, Ahadiths & statements given on the kids show off by heart. Prizes and Rewards! : The top five kids that recite all the Ayat, Ahadith & statements very well will be given Major Prizes. Furthermore, all those who participate in the competition will receive small giveaways. Good Luck! (Note: Ahadith is the plural of hadith as Ayat is the plural of Ayah) The Statements: The following table tells you exactly what to memorise- highlighted in green. You will be memorising what is marked with green. Good Luck!

The Kids Show · Mawlid Competition 2018 Nº Statement: 1 -Celebrating the Mawlid) the honourable birth of prophet Muhammad) is a rewardable deed: the Prophet said: .ﺊﯿﺷ ﻢھِرﻮﺟُأ

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Page 1: The Kids Show · Mawlid Competition 2018 Nº Statement: 1 -Celebrating the Mawlid) the honourable birth of prophet Muhammad) is a rewardable deed: the Prophet said: .ﺊﯿﺷ ﻢھِرﻮﺟُأ

The Kids ShowMawlidCompetition2018TheChallenge!:








The following table tells you exactly what tomemorise- highlighted in green.Youwillbememorisingwhatismarkedwithgreen.GoodLuck!

Page 2: The Kids Show · Mawlid Competition 2018 Nº Statement: 1 -Celebrating the Mawlid) the honourable birth of prophet Muhammad) is a rewardable deed: the Prophet said: .ﺊﯿﺷ ﻢھِرﻮﺟُأ


Nº Statement: 1 -CelebratingtheMawlid) thehonourablebirthofprophetMuhammad)isarewardable


.وأجر من عمل بھا الى یوم القیامة ال ینقص من أجورھم شیئمن سن في اإلسالم سنة حسنة فلھ أجرھا ThisHadithmeans:TheonewhoinnovatesagoodinnovationinIslamhasitsrewardandarewardsimilartothosewhofollowhiminit-untiltheDayofJudgment-withoutlesseningtheirreward

2 CelebratingtheMawlidisarewardabledeed:TheProphetsaid:

ومن القیامة ال ینقص من أجورھم شیئ ، وأجر من عمل بھا الى یوم من سن في اإلسالم سنة حسنة فلھ أجرھا ووزر من عمل بھا الى یوم القیامة ال ینقص من أوزارھم شیئ.سن في اإلسالم سنة سیئة فعلیھ وزرھا


3 Whotookcareoftheprophetafterhismotherdied?

ھ أبو طالبلما توفیت أم النبي ءامنة ه عبد المطلب ثم بعد ذلك عم . كفلھ جد






4 .إنما أنا رحمة مھداة : قال رسول هللا صلى هللا علیھ وسلم Whichmeans:I am a mercy to all.

5 1- WhatisthemeaningofMawlid

The Mawlid is the celebration of the birth of our beloved prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

2- WhatisthedateoftheProphet’birth:the 12th of Rabi^ul Awwal

Page 3: The Kids Show · Mawlid Competition 2018 Nº Statement: 1 -Celebrating the Mawlid) the honourable birth of prophet Muhammad) is a rewardable deed: the Prophet said: .ﺊﯿﺷ ﻢھِرﻮﺟُأ

6 3- MentionagreatbenefitoftheMawlid:

The Mawlid has a great benefit: it inspires the heart to have a more profound love for the Prophet – sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.

CelebratingtheMawlidisarewardabledeed:Muslimsallovertheworldjointogetherforsuchrewardabledeedssuchas1-Reciting the Qur’an, 2-Chanting Islamic praises, 3-telling the story of the Prophet’s birth, 4-teaching Religious Knowledge,

7 رواه البخاري " " ال نبي بعدي: قال رسول هللا صلى هللا علیھ وسلم


Whichmeans:“There is no prophet after me.”

8 Listthenamesoftheprophet’schildren? بنات ن واربع نیب ولد للرسول صلى هللا علیھ وسلم ثالثة

Theywere3malesand4females.1- AlQasim القاسم 2- Abdullah عبد هللا 3- Zainab(theoldestofhisdaughters) زینب 4- Ruqayyah رقیة 5- Ummukulthum أم كلثوم 6- Fatima فاطمة 7- Ibrahim إبراھیم

Note:Ibrahim‘smotherisMariyyah–ما ریة

Page 4: The Kids Show · Mawlid Competition 2018 Nº Statement: 1 -Celebrating the Mawlid) the honourable birth of prophet Muhammad) is a rewardable deed: the Prophet said: .ﺊﯿﺷ ﻢھِرﻮﺟُأ

9 Mentionthemostimportantoftheprophetsnumerousmiracles

ماویة معجزات الرسول بلغت في حیاتھ ثالثة ءاالف معجزة، وأكبرھا القرءان الكریم –، ءاخر الكتب الس

The number of the prophet’s miracles reached 3000 in his life time the most important is The Holy Qur'an –

Other miracles include: The crying of the tree trunk - The camel speaking and seeking refuge in him - The speaking of the wolf and his testimony - The water coming out from between his fingers - Returning the eye of Qatadah (the Prophet’s Companion) - The testification of the tree and its speaking up.

10 Allah the Exalted revealed the name of His Messenger in the Holy Qur’an. In Surat al-Fath, verse 29 Allah said: سول هللا د ر حم مWhich means: “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”

29ذكر اسم النبي في القرءان في سورة الفتح ءایة : سول هللا تعالى :قال هللا د ر حم م11 MuslimsarethankfultoAllahfortheblessingsofIslamandforbeingamongthe



: قال هللا تعالى قل إن كنتم تحبون هللا فاتبعوني یحببكم هللا Which means follow the prophet and you will be rewarded by Allah.

12 CelebratingtheMawlidisarewardabledeed:Muslimsallovertheworldjointogetherforsuchrewardabledeedsas1-Reciting the Qur’an, 2-Chanting Islamic praises, 3-Telling the story of the Prophet’s birth, 4- Teaching Religious Knowledge (learn only the ones in green)

13 WhatisthenameofprophetMuhammad‘smother?The name of the prophet’s mother is Aminah Bintu Wahb WhatisthenameoftheProphet'sfather?The name of the prophet’s father is ^Abdullah Ibn ^Abdul-Muttalib

د صلى هللا علیھ وسلم ما اسم والدة دنا محم اسمھا : ءامنة بنت وھب: سید صلى هللا علیھ وسلم دنا محم لب؟ اسمھ : ما اسم والد سی عبد هللا بن عبد المط

14 WherewastheprophetSallallahu ^alayhiwasallambornandwherewasheburied?The prophet was born in Makkah and received the revelation also in Makkah.Hewasborninaplacecalled"Suqul-Layl"inMakkah.HediedinMadinahandwasburiedtherein.

این ولد النبي صلى هللا علیھ وسلم :

Page 5: The Kids Show · Mawlid Competition 2018 Nº Statement: 1 -Celebrating the Mawlid) the honourable birth of prophet Muhammad) is a rewardable deed: the Prophet said: .ﺊﯿﺷ ﻢھِرﻮﺟُأ

وتوفي في المدینة ( وكان مولده في محلة سوق اللیل ) .وبعث بھا ولد سیدنا محمد صلى هللا علیھ وسلم بمكة .ودفن فیھا

15 د صلى هللا علیھ وسلم : . وما أرسلناك إال رحمة للعالمینقال هللا عن النبي محم Thisayahmeans:We (meaning Allah) sent you as a Mercy to the Human and to the Jinn.

16 ام. ر خرج معھ نولما ولد رسول هللا صلى ) علیھ وسلم أضاءت لھ قصور الش It was said that when the Prophet's mother gave birth to him a light came out with

him, illuminating what is between the East and West. 17 د صلى هللا علیھ وسلم: قال هللا إنا أرسلناك بالحق بشیرا ونذیرا.عن النبي محم

the believers the ingvgi truth,h) sent you with the ae (meaning AllWThisayahmeans:good tidings about being rewarded with Paradise and warning about the punishment of hell fire.

18 د صلى هللا علیھ وسلم:اسم مرضعة النبي ما عدیة محم حلیمة السWhatisthenameofthewomanwhobreastfedtheprophetsallallahualayhiwasallam?Her name is Halimatus-Sa^diyyah

ItwasthehabitoftheArabwomentobreast-feedotherthantheirownchildren.Itisimportanttoknowthatwhenawomanbreast-feedsachildacertainamountofmilkshebecomeshisfostermother ضاع ( ھ بالر ofsiblingsbecomewouldchildrenherand )امthatbreastfedchild( ضاع (إخوتھ بالرHalimahraisedtheProphetuntilhewas2yearsand2monthsold,afterwhichshereturnedhimtohismother.

19 د توفي قبل والدة الرسول صلى هللا علیھ وسلمعبد هللا بن عبد المطلب والد النبي محم WhatisthenameoftheProphet’sfatherandwhendidhepass-away?^Abdullah Ibn ^Abdul-Muttalib, the Prophet's father died while ‘Aminah was still pregnant with the Prophet.HedidnotgettheopportunitytoseethebestandthelastofallProphets.HedieswhenAminah,theprophet’smotherwassixmonthspregnantwiththeprophet.

20 دل في طینتھ وسأخبركم عن ذلك ج وإن ءادم لمن إني عبد هللا وخاتم النبیین : قال رسول هللا صلى هللا علیھ وسلم. إبراھیم وبشارة عیسى بي ورؤیا أمي التي رأت دعوة أبي

Theprophetsallallahualayhiwasallamsaidwhatmeans:I am the slave of Allah and the seal of allthe prophets(whichmeansthelastofalltheprophets).

21 ItisimportantitistomemorisethenameoftheProphetandthenameofhisgrandfathers.HeisMuhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, the son of ^Abdullah, the son of ^Abdul-Muttalib, the son of Hashim, from the tribe of Quraysh.

Page 6: The Kids Show · Mawlid Competition 2018 Nº Statement: 1 -Celebrating the Mawlid) the honourable birth of prophet Muhammad) is a rewardable deed: the Prophet said: .ﺊﯿﺷ ﻢھِرﻮﺟُأ

ا د بن عبد هللا بن عبد المطلب بن ھاشم من قبیلة قریش.: إن معرفة اسم النبي صلى هللا علیھ وسلم مھم جد إنھ محم

22 : لقد جاءكم رسول من أنفسكم عزیز علیھ ما عنتم حریص عن سیدنا محمد صلى هللا علیھ وسلم قال هللا تعالىبالمؤمنین رؤؤف رحیم .علیكم

Theayahmeans: … to the believers, the prophet is the most kind and merciful.