X Copperjmlths end sounders Flag.'-- ' May we U brazedSogether by a love for our Country, as byborax end Jpelter, ' and riveted by an energetic Government. Xt Potters Flag, .Asoften.asthewjieeloftime ievilves this day, let gratitude tell of the heroes ,vho are proven as by sire, and may a tear' of remem- brance fall for such as were cracked. Xll. Rough "Carpenters Flag. May his head be divorced from hit body by the broad Ax of 'Jufi-ic- e, who does not square his conduct by the Rule of Right. . JCllI. House Carpenters Flag. Tlie new Poli-y- - tical Mansion may its apartments be commodious- -' May three rafters be added to the ten which al- ready support its roof, and may its lights be great and many. XIV. Blacksmiths Flag May the thirteen States ' is' welded into one united Empire, by the hammer of conciliation, on theAivil of peace, and may the "nan who attempts to blow the coal ofdifcord be burn- ed by the sparks XV. Nailors slag. May our Government b: Hell pointed and have a good head. XVI. Painters Flag. Tlie new Conflitution in its true colours neither caricatured or flattened end may the brufb of investigation correct the glare of light given by its friends, and the profun- di of bade thrown on it by its enemies. ' XVlI. Glaziers Flag. May the paine remain for ever ur.cracked; that threw light on the J'ubjeSs ' of our late war, and may the rays of truth be drawn on a'focus by the glass of Genius. XVIII. SaddlersFlag. A Curb bit and a Traverse .tetn to the importation of foreign luxuries, and may the man who denies his encouragement to home ma- - nuf allure, be ftirrupped round the world. t XiX. Hatters Fiag. May he who twangs the iow of tumult bejlripped to the pelt, then dipped in- to a kettle of blacking may his head be brought to , the block and their Union constitute hischaraUer. XX. Shoe and Boot makers Flag May we wax a great and happy nation, be bound by principles ' of mutual regard, actuated as by one Soul, and may cur prosperity as a people laji until the end of time. XXI. Breeches makers and skimers Flag. May he be fbom against. the grain, smoked and welted who has not braijtsto know that the bands of the old Government were too Joofe. . XXl. TobacconiJlsFlag. May the Leaves of an be twijled together and fajlened by -- thorns, or be rolled into tubes And end in a. puff. XXIII. Waggon-Maker- s Flag. Three more J pokes to our new wheel, a federal band for its tire, a forits axis, political wisdom toset it in mo-i'io- n, and may its progxefs never be retarded by the .JLock chain of opposition. , JTXlV. Saddle-Tree-Make- Flag . A: we arc chips-.o- f the same block, branches from the same tree, may we ,be glued together by a general efficient Government, '. .XXV. Blue-dyer- s and Stampers Flag. May same flamp immortality on their names who havedy-,- d for their country. XXVi. Tannerst and Curriers Flag. May every limb of that man be backed- - -- May he be leathered 'through Society, and have his hide completely tanned nho is mean enough to curry savor , XXV II- - Weavers Flag. For ever honored be the x1iames ofthofe who rejecting even the thrums of the . old web, have tut it out of the loom, and Jiave wive another to clothe the political nakedness of their country. . XXVIII. Tinplate workersYlag. May the fhsars ef liberality and extended policy cut away local pre- judices, and may the late heat of politicall difqui-ijitio- n only serve to melt the cement that is to. Solder . together. XXIX. Scythe and 'Sickle-maker- s Flag. May the ijpekie of industry be filled yith heavy harvests until time-w- it h his fcithe flail movt down Empires and ages. , XXX Butchhers b lag'. As the marrow is with the bone, or one Joint with another, so let be united, anfl may no cleaver disjoin us. :XXXl. Gun-Smith- s V tag. When the implements "df war are requisite to defend our country's rights, jar tefent her wrongs---M- ay coclnejs take the sight 'and courage draw the trigger. l XXXII. Printers Flag. May no Government be Jo potsnt as to refirain the liberty of the Prejs, .erfo impotent as not to be able to check its Licenti-"oufnef- s. ' XXXIII. Brewers Flag. May he be cheaked the grains, or drowned in hot ale wliofe buft-ef- s i'i to brew mischief. i XXXI V. Barbers Flag. Hot curling irons and o diill razor to the enemies of our new fyflem, and notwithstanding the wig they once took upon them, vtay they remain as they now are in the Juds. ' XXXV." Turners Flag. May the antient fede-talif- ts be " turned from the evil of their ways," Kand"bt held no longer bf ihtiist of gronndlejf oppo- -. XXXVI. Coopers Fdg. May the fitv Coretn-me- nt prove a binding hoop "Jo the different states, and never suffer them to go to fiaves. XXXVII. Brick-maker- s Flag. The materials which compose ournew Conflitution May they fuf tain the heat of party rage without a crack, and come out more perfect from the kiln offaction. XXXVIII. Rope-Maker- Flag. May the pro- duction of our trade be'the neck-clot- h of him who at- tempts to untwW the political rope of our' Union. XXXIX', Mathematical injlrument MakersFlag. The political compass-A- s it has been graduated by the singer of accuracy, may it prove our guide in the wilds of legiftation, and preserve its equipoise, however fbaken by the Jlorms of foreign imajion or donuftic broil. XL. Joiners Flag. Tlie unanimity which augurs that the hatchet fball soon be buried. XLI. Surveyors rlag. Mov the needle of the new Government, be magnetized by an hone ft love of same, and make the applauje of the people its pole, may the sights be taken by the prevailing eye of genius, the courses Ibaped by integrity, and may there be no variation from natio-ia- l honor, XLII. Mercliants. The new conflitution ; may it prove 100 per cent, better than the old; may , mercy and wijdom be sound in the invoice of its excellencies .and may its nett proceeds be good order at home and refpett in the councils of Europe. XLlIIr Lawyers. A mild judge, a believing ju- ry, a blundering opponent a good cause, a handrome see, and a federal client to every advocate of our in fant Conflitution. XUIV. Physicians. The political'Phyficianswho in place of mending have made a Conflitution ; may it retain its health and vigour without the aid of medicine, and may the quack undergo at the same time the double operation of cathartic and emetic who prescribes bleeding. XLV. Infantry Company. May the man who at- tempts to sap the foundations of our new government have a mine fprtlhg upon him, is he lights unhurt from this, may he be drummed out of society to the tune of the rogues march. Each Toast was announced by trumpets sounding, and followed by a roll from the drums which was signal to the artillery Mder the command of capt. Johnston, and to the infantry under the command of capt. Morris tosire. Ajter the several toasts were drank, a federal Jong composed by Mr. Eli Lewis, and set' to music by Mr. Edward Tyler, was sung, accompanied by hautboys. x At six o'clock the drums and trumpets gave no tice to form proceffnn again A gun was then si- red as a signal for marching. The prcceffion retur 7ied to town in the same orrfer in which they went out, and aster three cheers they difmiffed in high. Jlreet. The entertainment began and ended with the utmost ha.mony, to which the attention' and ar- rangements of the managers greatly contributed. The proceffion was Jplendid. The mimb'r of people pre-fo- nt could not have been less than 1 500, with between forty and fifty flags interperfed; containing theprin-pa- l toils and implements of each trade ; these made a beautoful appearance, and dijeovcred at once the head of ingenuity and the hand of a master. The exhibition certainly exceeded any yet made in the inland towns of the continent. Cheerfulness and good order were discovered throughout the company, and though the hammer of industry has for a while been J'ujpended by the proceffion, it must certainly afford pleqjurc to even honest man, to see so rej pec-tab- le a bodyof petpie convened to testify their appro- bation of a government which is generally regarded as. the political Jalvation of our country. From the INDEPENDENT GAZETTEER. Philadelphia, Sept. 1. A corrtfpondent queries, Whether it would net bt ver.y advisable, in the prcfent junilure of public af- fairs, in 'Congref,,to get rid of all their back lands at such prices as they can obtain, while it is yet in their povitr? Tlat country, continues our correspondent, cannbt from the (attire of things, remain iongfubjttttb the old state?. Their interest, remote fituatiou, and many other weighty and important conftderations, conspire againfi it. Is the navig ition of the MiJJifjippi be ceded by the States to Spain, this event will be fa- cilitated,' But an immediate sate of ' all "the weft-e- lands, will dtfeharge great part of the national debt,md slop an accumulating interest- - and the Jooner the bettar. Jf Congrejs were to.. devotesame of their time fa this important bufmejs, instead ofvJaftingitinfruit-lej- s and trifling debates, whirs theycritomsetc they would render their Country same feritce ftf the expence they incur. . The moment they attempt to give up the trada of the Miffiffippi, the weftem Country, with all their territorial claims and pretensions, yUl be lost) The Court of London, through' Lard Dorchefter, will aid the new settlements against Old Spain- - and the natives of South America, will unite with the Americans of Kentucke. Ludicrous as this may appear, let it be remembered that ftran'ger things have come to pass. It may be said Congress, by an army, &c. may prevent this event. The"premises cannot be admit-ted-'-th- have now about fioo men - illy paid and Supplied--- . It would require an army of 20,000 men an expence that cannot be supported, and tfieobjeS will not repay the expence. ' 808080808080808080808080808080 8080808080 TO BE LEASED For three lives at December Court in Fayette County. ' A quantity of Land in one hundred acre Lotts which layer near Lexington be ing the property of the Tranfylvana Seminary. EDUCATION npHk fubferiber being appointed by the trustees of Salem the seminary of lear- ning at Bairds Town, to superintend and! conduct the education of ftudent3 there, ia dedred toinform the Public that the Latin, Greek, and English Languages, w ith the ieveral Arts and Sciences commonl) ftudj-e- d at Academics and Colleges in thiscoun-r- v, will be taught from th- - twentieth in-sl- ant by JAMES PRIESTLY. N. B. Tlie prise of tuition will be $. ayear, sqf in money, and the-res- t in. cattle and country products at money price. fff November 17, 13 f8- - Db. Jtt e a t t y PRESENTS his relpe&fulcomplimenta 10 who have done him the honor to employ him in his profeffi-on- al line, and requests them to come in and fettie their accompts as he intends to leave the D ftridt the last of this montht Lexington November 14 A 1788. NOTICE TS hereby given the field Officers and Captains of Fayette county, to meet at. the courHioufe in Lexengton, on the first monday in December next at nine a clock in the mornings to firtilh the1 bufir ness of the court of enquiry, The are also notified to attend November 14, 1788, R.PATTERSON P.C.E. The Primer hereof gratefully returns his sine erf thanks to those gentlemen who gave incouragement to his publishing a newspaper in this diftriU. Hi hath $ade it his study to rtnder the Same asiifeftil end entertaining, as his situation and the naturp thereof would admit; but as a work of this kind not only requires the mol punSual payments but a far greater number of fubferibers to enable hin to procure the necejjary fupplics; and supporting ry hands, begs leave ro inform such of his as have paid no part of their fubferiptiont cither for the past or present year, that is they do not intend immediately ti settle up their refpetliva balances, to give him notice thereof, as it will be impofr fibleSor him otherwiSe to continue their papersany log- ger'. It is with the utmost reluSance he is constrain-e- d to give this information, but as no attention r!as paid to his publication ofAuguft last, conceive! it absolutely neceffary. The following Ankles will be taken in payment at their selling price in Lex- ington, viz.- - Bees Pork, Flour Wheat Rye, Bar-le- y, Oats, Indian, Com, Cotton, Wool, Hackled I las or Hemp, Linen or good Whiskey. ALEXANDER AND JAMES PARKER Will open, a large and general Afjortmtnt of Mirchandize, at thw Stort in isxingttn in ohoW ' ' " " Eight Days.

The Kentucke gazette. (Lexington, KY) 1788-11-22 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c3c17/data/0129.pdf · X Copperjmlths end sounders Flag.'--' May we U brazedSogether by a love for our

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Page 1: The Kentucke gazette. (Lexington, KY) 1788-11-22 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c3c17/data/0129.pdf · X Copperjmlths end sounders Flag.'--' May we U brazedSogether by a love for our

X Copperjmlths end sounders Flag.'-- ' May we UbrazedSogether by a love for our Country, as byboraxend Jpelter, ' and riveted by an energetic Government.

Xt Potters Flag, .Asoften.asthewjieeloftimeievilves this day, let gratitude tell of the heroes

,vho are proven as by sire, and may a tear' of remem-

brance fall for such as were cracked.Xll. Rough "Carpenters Flag. May his head

be divorced from hit body by the broad Ax of 'Jufi-ic- e,

who does not square his conduct by the Ruleof Right. .

JCllI. House Carpenters Flag. Tlie new Poli-y- -

tical Mansion may its apartments be commodious- -'May three rafters be added to the ten which al-

ready support its roof, and may its lights be greatand many.

XIV. Blacksmiths Flag May the thirteen States' is' welded into one united Empire, by the hammer

of conciliation, on theAivil of peace, and may the"nan who attempts to blow the coal ofdifcord be burn-

ed by the sparksXV. Nailors slag. May our Government b:

Hell pointed and have a good head.XVI. Painters Flag. Tlie new Conflitution in

its true colours neither caricatured or flattenedend may the brufb of investigation correct theglare of light given by its friends, and the profun-

di of bade thrown on it by its enemies.' XVlI. Glaziers Flag. May the paine remain for

ever ur.cracked; that threw light on the J'ubjeSs' of our late war, and may the rays of truth be drawnon a'focus by the glass of Genius.

XVIII. SaddlersFlag. A Curb bit and a Traverse.tetn to the importation of foreign luxuries, and maythe man who denies his encouragement to home ma- -

nufallure, be ftirrupped round the world.

t XiX. Hatters Fiag. May he who twangs theiow of tumult bejlripped to the pelt, then dipped in-

to a kettle of blacking may his head be brought to, the block and their Union constitute hischaraUer.

XX. Shoe and Boot makers Flag May we waxa great and happy nation, be bound by principles

' of mutual regard, actuated as by one Soul, and maycur prosperity as a people laji until the end of time.

XXI. Breeches makers and skimers Flag. Mayhe be fbom against. the grain, smoked and weltedwho has not braijtsto know that the bands of the oldGovernment were too Joofe.

. XXl. TobacconiJlsFlag. May the Leaves of anbe twijled together and fajlened by

-- thorns, or be rolled into tubes And end in a. puff.XXIII. Waggon-Maker- s Flag. Three moreJpokes

to our new wheel, a federal band for its tire, aforits axis, political wisdom toset it in mo-i'io- n,

and may its progxefs never be retarded by the.JLock chain of opposition.

, JTXlV. Saddle-Tree-Make- Flag . A: we arc chips-.o- f

the same block, branches from thesame tree, may we,be glued together by a general efficient Government,

'. .XXV. Blue-dyer- s and Stampers Flag. Maysame flamp immortality on their names who havedy-,- d

for their country.XXVi. Tannerst and Curriers Flag. May every

limb of that man be backed- - -- May he be leathered'through Society, and have his hide completely tanned

nho is mean enough to curry savor, XXVII- - Weavers Flag. For ever honored be the

x1iames ofthofe who rejecting even the thrums of the

. old web, have tut it out of the loom, and Jiave wiveanother to clothe the political nakedness of theircountry.

. XXVIII. Tinplate workersYlag. May the fhsarsef liberality and extended policy cut away local pre-

judices, and may the late heat of politicall difqui-ijitio- n

only serve to melt the cement that is to. Solder. together.

XXIX. Scythe and 'Sickle-maker- s Flag. May theijpekie of industry be filled yith heavy harvests until

time-w- it h his fcithe flail movt down Empires and ages., XXX Butchhers b lag'. As the marrow is

with the bone, or oneJoint with another, so letbe united, anfl may no cleaver disjoin us.

:XXXl. Gun-Smith- s V tag. When the implements

"df war are requisite to defend our country's rights,jar tefent her wrongs---M-ay coclnejs take the sight'and courage draw the trigger.

l XXXII. Printers Flag. May no Government

be Jo potsnt as to refirain the liberty of the Prejs,

.erfo impotent as not to be able to check its Licenti-"oufnef- s.

' XXXIII. Brewers Flag. May he be cheaked

the grains, or drowned in hot ale wliofe buft-ef- s

i'i to brew mischief. i

XXXI V. Barbers Flag. Hot curling irons ando diill razor to the enemies of our new fyflem, andnotwithstanding the wig they once took upon them,vtay they remain as they now are in the Juds.' XXXV." Turners Flag. May the antient fede-talif- ts

be " turned from the evil of their ways,"Kand"bt held no longer bf ihtiist of gronndlejf oppo- -.

XXXVI. Coopers Fdg. May the fitv Coretn-me- nt

prove a binding hoop "Jo the different states,and never suffer them to go to fiaves.

XXXVII. Brick-maker- s Flag. The materialswhich compose ournew Conflitution May they fuftain the heat of party rage without a crack, andcome out more perfect from the kiln offaction.

XXXVIII. Rope-Maker- Flag. May the pro-

duction of our trade be'the neck-clot- h of him who at-

tempts to untwW the political rope of our' Union.XXXIX', Mathematical injlrument MakersFlag.

The political compass-A- s it has been graduated by

the singer of accuracy, may it prove our guide inthe wilds of legiftation, and preserve its equipoise,however fbaken by the Jlorms offoreign imajion ordonuftic broil.

XL. Joiners Flag. Tlie unanimity which augursthat the hatchet fball soon be buried.

XLI. Surveyors rlag. Mov the needle of thenew Government, be magnetized by an honeft loveof same, and make the applauje of the people its pole,may the sights be taken by the prevailing eye ofgenius, the courses Ibaped by integrity, and may therebe no variation from natio-ia- l honor,

XLII. Mercliants. The new conflitution ; mayit prove 100 per cent, better than the old; may ,

mercy and wijdom be sound in the invoice ofits excellencies .and may its nett proceeds be goodorder at home and refpett in the councils of Europe.

XLlIIr Lawyers. A mild judge, a believing ju-ry, a blundering opponent a good cause, a handromesee, and a federal client to every advocate of our infant Conflitution.

XUIV. Physicians. The political'Phyficianswhoin place of mending have made a Conflitution ; mayit retain its health and vigour without the aid ofmedicine, and may the quack undergo at the sametime the double operation of cathartic and emeticwho prescribes bleeding.

XLV. Infantry Company. May the man who at-tempts to sap the foundations of our new governmenthave a mine fprtlhg upon him, is he lights unhurt

from this, may he be drummed out of society to thetune of the rogues march.

Each Toast was announced by trumpets sounding,and followed by a roll from the drums which wassignal to the artillery Mder the command of capt.Johnston, and to the infantry under the command ofcapt. Morris tosire.

Ajter the several toasts were drank, a federalJong composed by Mr. Eli Lewis, andset' to musicby Mr. Edward Tyler, was sung, accompanied byhautboys. x

At six o'clock the drums and trumpets gave notice to form proceffnn again A gun was then si-

red as asignal for marching. The prcceffion retur7ied to town in the same orrfer in which they wentout, and aster three cheers they difmiffed in high.Jlreet. The entertainment began and ended withthe utmost ha.mony, to which the attention' and ar-

rangements of the managers greatly contributed. Theproceffion was Jplendid. The mimb'r of people pre-fo- nt

could not have been less than 1 500, with betweenforty and fifty flags interperfed; containing theprin-pa- l

toils and implements of each trade ; these madea beautoful appearance, and dijeovcred at once thehead of ingenuity and the hand of a master. Theexhibition certainly exceeded any yet made in theinland towns of the continent. Cheerfulness andgood order were discovered throughout the company,and though the hammer of industry has for a whilebeen J'ujpended by the proceffion, it must certainlyafford pleqjurc to even honest man, to see so rej pec-tab- le

a bodyof petpie convened to testify their appro-bation of a government which is generally regardedas. the political Jalvation of our country.


Philadelphia, Sept. 1.

A corrtfpondent queries, Whether it would net btver.y advisable, in the prcfent junilure of public af-fairs, in 'Congref,,to get rid of all their back landsat such prices as they can obtain, while it is yet intheir povitr?

Tlat country, continues our correspondent, cannbtfrom the (attire of things, remain iongfubjttttb the old

state?. Their interest, remote fituatiou, and manyother weighty and important conftderations, conspireagainfi it. Is the navig ition of the MiJJifjippi beceded by the States to Spain, this event will be fa-cilitated,' But an immediate sate of

' all "the weft-e-

lands, will dtfeharge great part of the nationaldebt,md slop an accumulating interest- - and theJooner the bettar.

Jf Congrejs were to.. devotesame of their time fathis important bufmejs, instead ofvJaftingitinfruit-lej- s

and trifling debates, whirs theycritomsetc

they would render their Country same feritce ftfthe expence they incur.. The moment they attempt to give up the tradaof the Miffiffippi, the weftem Country, with alltheir territorial claims and pretensions, yUl be lost)The Court of London, through' Lard Dorchefter,will aid the new settlements against Old Spain- -

and the natives of South America, will unite withthe Americans of Kentucke. Ludicrous as this mayappear, let it be remembered that ftran'ger thingshave come to pass.

It may be said Congress, by an army, &c. mayprevent this event. The"premises cannot be admit-ted-'-th-

have now about fioo men - illy paid andSupplied--- . It would require an army of 20,000 menan expence that cannot be supported, and tfieobjeSwill not repay the expence. '

808080808080808080808080808080 8080808080

TO BE LEASEDFor three lives at December Court in

Fayette County. '

A quantity of Land in one hundred acreLotts which layer near Lexington be

ing the property of the TranfylvanaSeminary.

EDUCATIONnpHk fubferiber being appointed by the

trustees of Salem the seminary of lear-

ning at Bairds Town, to superintend and!

conduct the education of ftudent3 there, iadedred toinform the Public that the Latin,Greek, and English Languages, w ith theieveral Arts and Sciences commonl) ftudj-e-d

at Academics and Colleges in thiscoun-r- v,

will be taught from th-- twentieth in-sl- ant


N. B. Tlie prise of tuition will be $. ayear, sqfin money, and the-res- t in. cattle and country products

at money price. fffNovember 17, 13 f8- -

Db. Jtt e a t t yPRESENTS his relpe&fulcomplimenta

10 who have done himthe honor to employ him in his profeffi-on- al

line, and requests them to come inand fettie their accompts as he intendsto leave the D ftridt the last of this montht

Lexington November 14 A 1788.

NOTICETS hereby given the field Officers and

Captains of Fayette county, to meetat. the courHioufe in Lexengton, on thefirst monday in December next at nine aclock in the mornings to firtilh the1 bufirness of the court of enquiry, The

are also notified to attendNovember 14, 1788, R.PATTERSON P.C.E.

The Primer hereofgratefully returnshissineerfthanks to those gentlemen who gave incouragementto his publishing a newspaper in this diftriU. Hihath $ade it his study to rtnder theSame asiifeftilend entertaining, as his situation and the naturp

thereof would admit; but as a work of thiskind not only requires the mol punSual payments

but a far greater number of fubferibers to enable hinto procure the necejjary fupplics; and supporting ry

hands, begs leave ro inform such of hisas have paid no part of their fubferiptiont

cither for the past or present year, that is they do

not intend immediately ti settle up their refpetliva

balances, to give him notice thereof, as it will be impofr

fibleSor him otherwiSe to continue their papersany log-

ger'. It is with the utmost reluSance he is constrain-e- d

to give this information, but as no attention

r!as paid to his publication ofAuguft last, conceive!

it absolutely neceffary. The following Ankles willbe taken in payment at their selling price in Lex-

ington, viz.- - Bees Pork, Flour Wheat Rye, Bar-le- y,

Oats, Indian, Com, Cotton, Wool, Hackled I lasor Hemp, Linen or good Whiskey.

ALEXANDER AND JAMES PARKERWill open, a large and general Afjortmtnt of

Mirchandize, at thw Stort in isxingttn in ohoW' ' " "Eight Days.