The Kennedy Conspiracy

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The Kennedy Conspiracy visually explores the conspiracy theories of the JFK assassination through visual manipulation of imagery and typographic experimentation.

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04- Part I : The Why

06- The Military-Industrial Complex 08- The Mafia Motive

10- Soft on Communism 12- Executive Order 11110 16- Vietnam 18- Wanted For Treason

Table of Contents

20- Part II : The How

22- Assassination Prediction 24- The Assassination

26- President Targeted28- The Assassination of a President30- Grassy Knoll32- News Bulletin34- “I’m Just a Patsy!”36- The Shooting of Oswald

38- Part III : The Who

40- The Warren Commission 42- 6 Seconds, 3 Shots 44- Single Bullet Theory 46- The CIA

48- Assassin or Patsy? 50- JFK to LBJ 52- All the way with LBJ 54- Inside job or Lone Assassin?

The Kennedy Conspiracy

The assassination of John F. Kennedy was a monumental event in the course of the 20th century. The events of that tragic day were the beginning of endless speculation as to what the truth is about his murder. Was his death at the hands of a lone assassin or an inside job, reaching to the highest levels of government?

This newspaper seeks not to provide the answers to that question but focuses on the theories surrounding the assassination,

before, during and after the event. This publication is separated into three parts; The Why, The How and The Who.

Part I: The Why, focuses on the events before the assassination and what may have been the motives for his murder, particularly the major events during his presidency.

Part II: The How, looks at the assassination and the mystery of the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.

IntroductionPart III: The Who, speculates who may have participated in a conspiracy and inspects the official government theory of the events.

The content of this publication does not give definitive answers on the events of the assassination or the conspiracy but merely echoes the theories of researchers investigations, which provide a more detailed insight into the conspiracies surrounding the death of John F. Kennedy.



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The why.“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently

and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.”


The President and the Press: American Newspaper Publishers AssociationWaldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York


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The potential for the disastrous rise of exists and will persist...The Military-Industrial Complex

During his farewell address to the American public on January 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower warned the American public about “the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power” within the American government and to not let this power endanger the liberties and democratic processes of the people two day before JFK took office.His speech referred to the military-industrial

complex, which had risen vastly in America following World War II. This can be charted through military budget spending. In 1950 the military expenditure was $13 Billion, by 1961 it had risen to $47 Billion and by the end of the Vietnam War it was $100 billion. When JFK took presidency he addressed the influence of the military-industrial complex and the way it operated through NSAM No.57. This memo attempted to divide

operations between the CIA and the military, under his own scrutiny. Kennedy’s actions did not sit well with the military-industrial complex, which had so much to gain, as well as profits, by controlling the resources of other nations. Is it possible that Kennedy’s attempts to curtail this power led to this power playing a part in his death?



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President Eisenhower’s farewell address to the American public, January 17 1961



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The Mafia Motive

The war on Organised crimeOne of the major movements by the Kennedy administration was to bring justice to many of America’s most powerful mobsters. Alongside his brother, Robert Kennedy, JFK tackled some of the countries most feared Mafia bosses. This caused great fear amongst the Mob and much hatred towards the Kennedy brothers. It is widely documented of some of the threats that were made towards them. There is surefire motive for

them to want JFK dead other than the clampdown of justice. During the Cuban revolution the mobsters lost a vast amount of investment in the island and had desire for an invasion of the island. There is credible documentation that can prove they worked with the CIA in many covert operations, which further stretched JFK’s relationship with the agency. Kennedy’s failure to provide full-scale invasion of Cuba during the Bay of Pigs disaster intensified their

hatred. These motives have led to many assassination researchers to believe that the mob was responsible for the death of John F. Kennedy. However, for many, it is hard to believe that the combined forces of the FBI, CIA, Secret Service and police agencies could not discover that fact. Although it is possible for some to believe the Mafia may have had some role in a conspiracy.

“Mark my words, this man Kennedy is in trouble and he will get what is coming to him.”

Santo Traficante

At the Scott-Bryant Hotel, September 1962

“Cut off the tail of a dog and the head will turn around and bite you. But cut off the head and the dog will die, tail and all.”

Carlos Marcello

Referring to John and Robert Kennedy and their war on Organised crime.


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Soft on CommunismLess than three months after Kennedy’s election in April 1961 came the Bay of Pigs. The plans to oust Cuban leader Fidel Castro were in place before Kennedy even took office. Castro was seen as a threat to American Business interests. The Bay of Pigs invasion turned out to be a disaster, with the Anti-Castro Cubans left stranded on the island. Kennedy refused to support the invasion and did not want American involvement be known. He felt as though the CIA tried to manipulate him into invading the island, and his decisions didn’t please the military who stood and watched helplessly as the Anti-Castro soldiers were torn to bits. Kennedy took public responsibility for the failed invasion, but privately confided that he would “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces”.

The following year, in October 1962, it was discovered that the Soviet Union were preparing offensive nuclear missiles on the island of Cuba, just ninety miles off the coast of the U.S. The CIA and military advised an immediate invasion of the island and bombing of the missiles, potentially plunging the world into World War III. However Kennedy had different ideas. He personally struck a deal with Premier Khrushchev that called for the removal of the missiles in exchange for a promise from Kennedy to not support another invasion of the island. Those who opposed JFK’s actions accused him of being “soft on Communism” and branded him a traitor.

On top of JFK’s defiance towards conflict, he further angered many Pentagon officials by signing a nuclear test ban treaty with Great Britain and the Soviet Union, declaring, “it is an important step, a step away from war”.

The anger displayed by those who worked in the CIA and military at the time with Kennedy’s policies has led to some researchers to strongly believe that there were some within those factions who may have been involved in the assassination.


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Executive Order 11110An overlooked aspect of Kennedy’s presidency is his attempt to reform American society through money. Ever-aware of the rising federal deficit, instead of turning to the Federal Reserve bank, as is usually the method, on June 4, 1963, he signed Executive Order 11110, which addressed this issue by turning to the U.S Treasury. By doing this he called for the creation of $4,292,893,815 interest-free money as opposed to the Federal Reserve who print money at interest therefore adding more debt to the economy. Once this money was in circulation it wouldn’t have taken long until the demand for Federal Reserve money would be non-existent, putting the bank out of business.

What makes this aspect of the Kennedy conspiracy a curious one is the fact that after his assassination all the money was instantly withdrawn from circulation. What’s more is that Kennedy’s successors have all returned to the usual method of using the Federal Reserve to print money thus adding to the national debt. This has led to many assassination researchers speculating that Kennedy’s order of the debt-free money may have been a factor in his fate. By issuing this money, JFK was tackling the elitist all-powerful international bankers by returning the power to print back to the U.S treasury. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would

think about following his policies? More suspicious is certain events on the day of his assassination. Following the announcement of his death, the New York Stock Exchange was closed at 2p.m., eighty minutes before its usual closing time. A few astute investors, or maybe one’s who had foreknowledge of the assassination took some steps to sell their stock before its sharp decline. These issues have aroused suspicion in some researchers minds and some openly believe that the Executive Order may be the true cause of his death.

$4,292,893,815Interest-free moneyDid Kennedy’s attempt to reform the U.S’ money supply cost him much more than just the emnity of the all-powerful international bankers?



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“In the final analysis it’s their war, they’re the ones who have to win it or lose it”

John F. Kennedy

September 2, 1963


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VietnamThere is substantial evidence to the theory that Kennedy’s policies towards the Vietnam War may have been the final straw to those who were against his hard-hitting policies. In September 1963, he was quoted as saying, “ In the final analysis, it’s their war. They have to win it or lose it” referring to the war between South and North Vietnam. This was in contrast to the wishes of those in the Pentagon. Kennedy’s intentions were confirmed when he

planned to withdraw all military personnel by the end of 1965. The most sinister moment in the conspiracy theories tend to look at the date when these policies were reversed on November 26, 1963, just four days after his assassination. This is evident in NSAM No.273, which cancelled Kennedy’s policies and changed the objective of the war from assisting the South Vietnamese, to assisting them to win. What’s stranger is that this memo was drafted on

the day before Kennedy’s assassination. It went against Kennedy’s policy towards Vietnam, so for what reason was this memo be drafted? More disturbing is that, through the research of assassination experts, it is noted that Presidential protection groups were told to stand down on the day of his assassination. Protection that could have prevented his death.


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THIS MAN had an idealistic vision of making the world a more peaceful and less corrupt place:

1. He and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy were breaking the power of Organised Crime.2. His refusal to militarily support the Bay of Pigs invasion angered the Anti-Castro Cubans, the CIA and the military. 3. He was attempting detente with the Soviets. He refused to attack Soviet missiles during the Cuban Missile Crisis, leading to claims he was “soft on Communism”

4. He made plans to withdraw all U.S troops from Vietnam by 1965.5. He was talking of ending the careers of LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover.6. In June 1963, he issued 4.2 Billion Dollars in U.S Notes, interest free money that bypassed the privately owned Federal Reserve System.7. He was battling the power of Wall Street and working to reduce the control of the Federal Reserve System. He was threatening to abolish with the Oil Depletion Allowance. The Kennedy Tax Act of 1962 closed loopholes for the multinational corporations.




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The How.“It had to be a ritual killing, a public execution for the same reason we execute criminals,

that is, to serve as a deterrent to anyone who would consider following his policies.”

Jim Marrs

JFK assassination researcher, author of the book, Crossfire


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12:30 p.m. C.S.t, Friday, November 22, 1963 Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.



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12:30 p.m. C.S.t, Friday, November 22, 1963 Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas.


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The Grassy KnollThis small patchy area of grass in Dealey Plaza, Dallas has become the subject of much controversy following the assassination and was the birthplace of the conspiracy theories. Assassination researchers who have visited the area have all agreed that this area provided a perfect spot to fire at a target from with its cover and elevation.

51 witnesses of the assassination said they heard or saw gunshots being fired from the Grassy Knoll area on November 22, 1963. Yet there was no effort by official government investigators to take these first hand accounts into serious consideration and were adamant that all shots were fired from the Texas School Book Depository.

Many credible witnesses who were stood in front of the Grassy Knoll were either never contacted or never had their accounts published by the Warren Commission. Some credible accounts of witnesses include the witness who filmed the assassination, Abraham Zapruder who stood in front of the Grassy Knoll. Zapruder said he heard shots fired from that vicinity, as opposed to the Texas School Book Depository, which was in the opposite direction. It is also ironic that the one eyewitness who claims he saw men with guns on the Grassy Knoll is deaf and therefore unable to tell his story. The Warren Commission never published his account. Other accounts include the smell of gunpowder around that area and mysterious men showing Secret Service credentials.

Perhaps the most obvious indication of shots coming from the Grassy Knoll is the Zapruder film, which shows the Presidents head being blown backwards when shot. This raises serious doubt when considering government claims that he was shot from behind and is the best indicator of a conspiracy.


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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash... apparently official... President Kennedy died at 1pm central standard time”



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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash... apparently official... President Kennedy died at 1pm central standard time”


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“Oswald’s statement to the media that he did not shoot anybody and was just a “Patsy” has been subjected to Voice Stress Analyses, which indicated

he was telling the truth.”

Jim Marrs, Author of Crossfire

"I'M just a Patsy!""I'M just a Patsy!"



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“I’m Just a Patsy!”Ex-Marine, Lee Harvey Oswald, was working in the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the JFK shooting. As soon as the President was shot, forces were converging on Oswald, the alleged assassin. However there are many credible accounts of research, which suggest that Oswald may not have been a part of the assassination at all. At 12:30p.m. on the day of the assassination, two co-workers reported seeing Oswald in the canteen eating his lunch, the time of the assassination. The lunchroom was several floors below the sixth floor, the floor Kennedy was allegedly shot from. Once arrested, whilst in custody, not a single interrogation of

Oswald was recorded because, it was claimed, the room was too small. This seems highly inefficient when investigating the murder of the country’s President. Interesting research by assassination experts into Oswald has revealed that he had connections with characters within the FBI, CIA and Anti-Castro Cubans. Just a few of the groups that are said to be involved with the death of the President. Credible research has shown evidence that Oswald may even have been working for the CIA undercover at the time and was setup as a part of the conspiracy to be portrayed as the crazed lone assassin. More intriguing, is Oswald’s connection to the man who killed him,

two days after the assassination. Several accounts have surfaced over the years that he and Jack Ruby, actually knew each other and on the day of Oswald’s assassination, Ruby was willingly let into the police department Oswald was being held at, and whilst Oswald was being transported, he shot him. This is another defect on the credibility of the investigators when handling the case of the murdered President. Or was it a ploy to silence Oswald from revealing damaging information?

"I'M just a Patsy!""I'M just a Patsy!"


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The who.“Assassins need payrolls, orders, times, schedules. This was a military-style ambush from start

to finish... a coup d’état with Lyndon Johnson waiting in the wings.”

Jim Garrison, JFK assassination investigator

As quoted in the Oliver Stone film, JFK


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The Warren CommissionThe official investigation into the assassination of John F. KennedyOn November 29th 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson, the newly appointed president, commissioned an investigation into the murder of John F. Kennedy. Its 888-page final report was presented to President Johnson on September 24, 1964, and made public three days later. It concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the killing of Kennedy and the wounding of Texas Governor John Connally, and that Jack Ruby also acted alone when he killed Oswald. The Commission’s findings have since proven controversial and have been challenged by many studies. Many of its investigations have come under great criticism

even by its own members. The case of Hale Boggs is a suspicious one in particular. When questioned about the single bullet theory, Boggs responded, “I have strong doubts about it.” He also criticised J. Edgar Hoover’s handling of the FBI during the investigation, which was selective about the information it gave to the Commission. On October 16, 1972, while on a military trip in Alaska, Boggs vanished and no trace of him has ever been found. Another controversy of the Commission was the appointment of Allen Dulles, the man who was sacked as CIA director under Kennedy, and had no sorrow for his death.

Then there was the FBI’s “spy” on the commission, Gerald Ford. Senator B. Russell had come to believe that a criminal conspiracy had resulted in Kennedy’s death. He even worked with assassination researcher Harold Weisberg, who claimed that Russell told him he was convinced the Commission had been deceived by federal agencies on the background of Lee Harvey Oswald and the ballistics evidence. The Commission was very selective of whose testimony they published and whose they didn’t. It was also accused ofintimidation of witnesses.



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(1913-2006) U.S Representative (R-Michagan)


(1914-1972) U.S Representative (D-Louisiana)


(1897-1971) U.S Senator (D-Georgia)


(1891-1974) Chief Justice of the United States, Chair


(1901-1991) U.S Senator (R-Kentucky)


(1895-1989) Lawyer


(1983-1969) Lawyer


(1907-1996) General Counsel



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6 secondsAs the official events of that day in Dallas go, it is said that Lee Harvey Oswald managed to fire three shots in six seconds at the president.

This version of events has come under great criticism over the years. Many find it an impossible time frame for three shots to be fired in such a short space of time, whilst also taking the time to reload and aim at a moving target.

Researchers simulating the event have attempted many reenactments and none have ever repeated the feats of Oswald on that day, who was said to be a “poor shot” by his Marine colleagues. CBS News and the Warren Commission, attempted to strengthen their case through reenactments. However, Chester Brenenman, a surveyor who participated in the simulations of the assassination, said the studies proved that there had to be more than one man

3 Shots


involved in the shooting. He went on further by saying the distance and time figures published by the Warren Commission were “at odds” with figures obtained in the reenactment simulations. Breneman went on to conclude, “I wish to state that both investigations led us to believe beyond any doubt there were two assassins.”

This version of events is further discredited when the studies of Dallas County surveyor Bob West, who found that one of the alleged shots, followed a path straight through a leafy tree.

This shows there was to be some level of deception by the Warren Commission with the reenactments. Two surveyors of the simulations both said that the Commission altered their figures. If this is true, then it is obvious that Oswald was indeed “just a Patsy” and was setup as the fall guy as part of a conspiracy.63 43

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The Single Bullet TheoryThe Warren Commission claims that there were three shots fired at President Kennedy during the assassination and that the first shot fired by Lee Harvey Oswald missed the presidential motorcade completely and the third shot was the fatal headshot, which killed the President.

This leaves the second bullet being the only possible bullet that could have caused all seven wounds, as described below, to President Kennedy and Governor Connally and being recovered, completely intact on Governor Connally’s bed at Parkland Hospital. The path of the bullet goes like this;

1. Bullet fired from Texas School Book Depository 60 feet high.

2. Strikes Kennedy in the back.

3. Travels upwards through his body and exits from the front of his neck leaving a hole in his tie knot.

4. Bullet makes a dramatic U-turn in mid air and hits Governor Connally entering near his right armpit.

5. It goes on to shatter his fifth rib.

6. Before exiting below his right nipple and shattering his right wrist.

7. Finally embedding itself in his left thigh and then later being recovered unscathed on Governor Connally’s hospital bed.

The official version of the path of the bullet defies the common capabilities of any bullet in history. Piercing dense bone, human flesh and fabric material and being recovered whole and intact stretches ones imagination.

When you take into account, all the shots were allegedly fired from behind, the wound on Kennedy’s neck resembled an entry wound, which would mean he was shot from the front. This raises serious doubt as to the lone assassin story and points to the area of the Grassy Knoll. Assassination researcher Jim Marrs argues that, “the single bullet theory of one bullet causing seven wounds to two men and being recovered


unscathed on a hospital stretcher that could not be traced to either of the wounded men is unbelievable. The Warren Commission knew this as per their discussion on page 193 of the Transcript of the Warren Commission meeting of January 27, 1964, long before they even began their “official” investigation.”

The theory for the single bullet is thrown into more doubt when viewing the Zapruder film, which shows Kennedy being hit and reacting to his neck wound and Connally, supposedly hit by the same bullet, still holding his Stetson in the hand that was meant to be wounded by the bullet.

The majority of assassination witnesses also claim to have heard four to six gunshots fired as opposed to the three. The single bullet theory has come to be the most criticised aspect of the Warren Commission’s report. Polls taken by the American public indicate that over two thirds of the population disbelieve the official story.


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Pa tsyAssassin



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All the way with LBJThe one man who benefited most from theassassination of JFK was Lyndon B. Johnson. The Vice-President took oath of office shortly after Kennedy’s death. There has been speculation that LBJ had some part to play in JFK’s death if not directly, and his actions after the assassination do little to argue against this theory. Most controversial was his decision to reverse JFK’s Vietnam policy of withdrawing from the Vietnam War completely, and sending more troops into the country, escalating the war. In Jim Marrs’ book, Crossfire he evidences that the limousine in which Kennedy was

shot down in was completely refurbished 72 hours after the assassination. The damage to the limousine would have provided critical evidence as to the number and the direction of shots fired and therefore would have been of utmost importance to any investigation. In any normal case, this is destruction of evidence. As well as the limousine, the clothing Governor John Connally was wearing during the assassination was taken, washed and dried after the assassination too. Another key piece of evidence destroyed. Lyndon B. Johnson was a very ambitious man all through his career and some theories suggest


that Kennedy was talking of ending his time as vice president in his second term, something that would have been extremely damaging to the ambitious nature of Johnson, giving him some motive not to be sorry of the death of JFK. One of the most important actions Johnson took after Kennedy’s death was to pass through Executive Order 11652. A presidential order that locked away an immense amount of assassination evidence from the American public until the year 2039. Is this act, evidence that Johnson may have played a role in the assassination?


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Inside JOB?ConclusionsIt is apparent to see that from the moment Kennedy was shot, there was very little effort to thoroughly investigate the case apart from that of building an incriminating one against Lee Harvey Oswald. From the moment the Warren Commission was founded it was guided on the sole idea that Oswald was the lone assassin and there was no such thing as innocent until proven guilty for the ex-Marine. During his presidency JFK was shaking up the status quo unlike any other President had done in recent history, and he truly believed he was President. He set out to change the

roles of the CIA and the military who had far outgrown their required purpose. He angered these factions through his war policies. The protection around Kennedy around was ordered to stand down on the day of his assassination, therefore you have to ask the question, who had the influence to order them to stand down? This points to an inside job with government agencies waiting in the wings to cover up the story and place the ambitious LBJ in power who had always lusted after Presidency and was no stranger to corruption. The evidence to support

a conspiratorial plot is evident with the treatment of assassination witnesses, some of whom were intimidated into saying what the Warren Commission wanted to hear. Over 51 witnesses reported hearing shots from the Grassy Knoll area yet there was no effort by the government to investigate the possibility of a riflemnan there. This publication has only lightly covered the conspiracy, which goes much deeper and darker in the studies of other researchers who have delved into the JFK conspiracy.

Or lone assassin?

“I think the Warren report, to those who have studied it closely, has collapsed like a house of cards... the fatal mistake the Warren Commission made was not to use its own investigators,

but instead to rely on the CIA and FBI personnel, which played directly into the hands of senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up.”

Richard Schweiker

“Lee Harvey Oswald is a question mark to history. The debate is often raised: ‘Was Lee Harvey Oswald alone as the assassin, or was he part of a conspiracy?’ The question is never raised:

‘Is it possible he didn’t do it at all?’”

Assassination researcher, Robert Groden


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