Cassandra Johanns Photo Essay EFRT 352 The Journey

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The Journey. Cassandra Johanns Photo Essay EFRT 352. Theme. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Journey

Cassandra JohannsPhoto Essay

EFRT 352

The Journey

Page 2: The Journey

My Photo Essay is about my journey to becoming a teacher. The pictures in my Photo Essay are about the experiences that I have encountered this spring semester 2010. These experiences have shaped me as a future teacher. The people that I have meet along the way have also been a huge impact in my life and my decision to be an educator. Overall, the Photo Essay displays the road that I am on and lessons that I have learned along the way.


Page 3: The Journey

Perseverance Perseverance is a trait that I

have learned from golf. I have had many ups and downs when it comes to golf. Recently I have been having more downs then ups. It became a struggle for me because I knew that I could play better then the way that I was playing. This picture was taken the day that I persevered through all those struggles and shot my career lowest round.

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Attention is something that all kids want. The challenge is to find the right kind of attention to give; that is exactly what I needed to do when I was babysitting my cousin Kat. Whenever we would have family gatherings Kat would act up. When I had to babysit her and her brother, I was nervous because I did not want to put up with her bad behavior all day. I noticed that when it was just the three of us she did not act up. I divided my attention between the two and she responded well. I gave her praise when praise was needed and she seemed to react well to that. Attention is a great thing to present to a child to make them feel that they are important.

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Hard Work Hard work is time consuming

but the rewards are worth it in the end. Trying to find a balance between school and golf became a struggle for me. My coaches wanted so much of my time out on the course but then I also had school to worry about. In the end, I listened to my coaches and worked so hard on my golf game. Then when I was done with golf I would go to the library and study. I worked very hard at both. This picture represents a round where all the hard work paid off and my coach was giving me fist pound because I hit a perfect shot.

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Determination is a quality I possessed when applying to get into the Education Program. I was determined to get into the program because I knew being a teacher was the most important goal I had. I did everything that I could to make sure that I would be accepted into the program. The only thing I could do from there was wait. The day the letter arrived I was so nervous because I wanted nothing more to get in. I opened the letter and was extremely happy. This picture is of my roommate Emily and myself. Emily had made me a cake because she was so proud that I made it into the Education Program!

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Strength Strength is a characteristic

that my family has taught me. They have shown me a sense of strength in the last couple of months that can withstand anything. I know that I have the strength to do anything if I just set my mind to it. I know that some of the little struggles that I may face in life are very minimal to those around me. I know that I have a great life and that I am very blessed. I can take the strength that my family has demonstrated and use it to make all my dreams come true.

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Dedication Dedication is

something that I have carried with me throughout my life. Being on the golf team I have seen a great deal of dedication and the success that it brings. All the girls on the team are very dedicated and put forth so much effort into their game. That dedication gave us one of the biggest wins that Winona has seen in a very long time.

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Practice The saying “practice

makes perfect” is exactly right. Mishua is the girl pictured in this photograph and she practices the game Memory all the time. When I was playing with her I had to try really hard to keep up. Most times when I am playing games with kids I let them win but this was not the case when I played Memory with Mishua. When she had ten matches I had one. I just could not compete with her. I asked her how she got so good and she told me that she practices at her house by herself. This demonstrates that with practice many things are possible.

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Patience Patience is a key

ingredient to success when working with kids. It is important as teachers to display patience because our students need to have it as well. Jump rope is a popular activity at Kid’s First. Everyone wanted to jump into the rope and some of the littler kids were not getting a turn. I had to show them how to take turns. I needed to have patience with them but they also had to have patience for each other.

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Discoveries New discoveries are fun for

students to try. My EFRT 352 group and I got to try new technologies for the classroom. We had the opportunity to work with a bioniCAM. This was a great new experience that we got to encounter. The bioniCAM let us see different objects like we have never seen them before. I feel that if we incorporate new technologies into the classroom the students will respond well because it is fun and exciting to work with something new.

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Learning I have learned that kids these

days are having to grow up very fast. I was playing barbies with a couple of the girls at Kid’s First. The girls were having multiple weddings. Then after the weddings the husbands would end up cheating on their wives. This made me realize that these girls know too much for their age and because of it they are having to grow up much faster. They should not have to go through all of the struggles that our society faces today.

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Communication Communication is a great skill that teachers need to have especially with their students. Communication is also a great thing to have between roommates. My roommate Casey and I have good communication. We are able to tell one another if we have a problem. We are then able to work through different situations. It is very easy to have a friend as a roommate because we can help each other out when something comes up.

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The road that I am on now is teaching me many lessons that I am going to be able to take with me to my career as an educator. This past semester has been a growing one for me. I have come across many experiences that have made me a stronger person and soon to be teacher. Also the many people that I have meet along the way have helped me develop to who I am today.

The Journey to the Classroom

Page 15: The Journey

“Don’t Stop Believin’”-Journey