J Physiol 596.8 (2018) pp 1319–1330 1319 The Journal of Physiology SYMPOSIUM REVIEW Sedentary behaviour is a key determinant of metabolic inflexibility Corey A. Rynders 1 , Stephane Blanc 2,3 , Nathan DeJong 4 , Daniel H. Bessesen 4,5 and Audrey Bergouignan 2,3,4 1 Division of Geriatric Medicine, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA 2 Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Universit´ e de Strasbourg, CNRS, Strasbourg, France 3 UMR 7178 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Strasbourg, France 4 Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes and Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA 5 Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA “Stressor” Metabolic flexibility “Regulator” “Effector” Other “stressor” examples Physiological Acute exercise Caloric restriction Sleep deprivation Environmental Cold exposure Light exposure Other “regulator” examples Catecholamines BAT sympathetic nervous system activity Other “effector” examples Lipolysis Proton leak across BAT mitochondrial membrane Overfeeding High fat diet Inactive Active Day Night Insulin Pancreas Inactive Active Day Night RQ Fuel selection The authors are a group of researchers from the University of Colorado in the USA and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS, Strasbourg) who are experts in metabolism, energetics, exercise and physical inactivity physiology. Corey Rynders is a senior postdoctoral fellow working with Daniel Bessesen on studies of circadian rhythms, exercise, and metabolism. St´ ephane Blanc is studying the role of environment on the etiology of obesity using unique human and animal models. Nathan DeJong is a graduate student working under the mentorship of Audrey Bergouignan. Daniel Bessesen, MD, is an endocrinologist who studies the regulation of body weight at the University of Colorado. The group is building an international lab including members from the two institutions to address the role of sedentary behaviour in the onset and progression of metabolic diseases. Audrey Bergouignan, PhD, is a researcher who completed her graduate studies and postdoctoral training under the mentorship of St´ ephane Blanc and Daniel Bessesen, respectively. This review was presented at the symposium ‘Physiological approaches to study the science of human sedentariness’, which took place at Physiology 2016, Dublin, Ireland, 29–31 July 2016. C 2017 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology C 2017 The Physiological Society DOI: 10.1113/JP273282

The Journal of Physiology€¦ · J Physiol 596.8 (2018) pp 1319–1330 1319 The Journal of Physiology SYMPOSIUM REVIEW Sedentary behaviour is a key determinant of metabolic inflexibility

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Page 1: The Journal of Physiology€¦ · J Physiol 596.8 (2018) pp 1319–1330 1319 The Journal of Physiology SYMPOSIUM REVIEW Sedentary behaviour is a key determinant of metabolic inflexibility

J Physiol 596.8 (2018) pp 1319–1330 1319









Sedentary behaviour is a key determinant of metabolicinflexibility

Corey A. Rynders1, Stephane Blanc2,3, Nathan DeJong4 , Daniel H. Bessesen4,5

and Audrey Bergouignan2,3,4

1Division of Geriatric Medicine, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA2Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Universite de Strasbourg, CNRS, Strasbourg, France3UMR 7178 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Strasbourg, France4Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes and Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Aurora,CO, USA5Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA


Metabolic flexibility

“Regulator” “Effector”

Other “stressor” examplesPhysiologicalAcute exerciseCaloric restrictionSleep deprivationEnvironmental Cold exposureLight exposure

Other “regulator” examplesCatecholaminesBAT sympathetic nervoussystem activity

Other “effector” examplesLipolysisProton leak across BATmitochondrial membrane

OverfeedingHigh fat diet Inactive


Day Night






Day Night


Fuel selection

The authors are a groupof researchers from theUniversity of Coloradoin the USA and theFrench National Centrefor Scientific Research(CNRS, Strasbourg)who are experts inmetabolism, energetics,exercise and physical inactivity physiology. Corey Rynders is a senior postdoctoral fellow working with Daniel Bessesen on studies of circadian rhythms,exercise, and metabolism. Stephane Blanc is studying the role of environment on the etiology of obesity using unique human and animal models.Nathan DeJong is a graduate student working under the mentorship of Audrey Bergouignan. Daniel Bessesen, MD, is an endocrinologist who studiesthe regulation of body weight at the University of Colorado. The group is building an international lab including members from the two institutions toaddress the role of sedentary behaviour in the onset and progression of metabolic diseases. Audrey Bergouignan, PhD, is a researcher who completed hergraduate studies and postdoctoral training under the mentorship of Stephane Blanc and Daniel Bessesen, respectively.

This review was presented at the symposium ‘Physiological approaches to study the science of human sedentariness’, which took place at Physiology2016, Dublin, Ireland, 29–31 July 2016.

C© 2017 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology C© 2017 The Physiological Society DOI: 10.1113/JP273282

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1320 C. A. Rynders and others J Physiol 596.8

Abstract Metabolic flexibility is defined as the ability to adapt substrate oxidation rates inresponse to changes in fuel availability. The inability to switch between the oxidation of lipid andcarbohydrate appears to be an important feature of chronic disorders such as obesity and type 2diabetes. Laboratory assessment of metabolic flexibility has traditionally involved measurementof the respiratory quotient (RQ) by indirect calorimetry during the fasted to fed transition(e.g. mixed meal challenge) or during a hyperinsulinaemic–euglycaemic clamp. Under thesecontrolled experimental conditions, ‘metabolic inflexibility’ is characterized by lower fasting fatoxidation (higher fasting RQ) and/or an impaired ability to oxidize carbohydrate during feeding orinsulin-stimulated conditions (lower postprandial or clamp RQ). This experimental paradigm hasprovided fundamental information regarding the role of substrate oxidation in the developmentof obesity and insulin resistance. However, the key determinants of metabolic flexibility amongrelevant clinical populations remain unclear. Herein, we propose that habitual physical activitylevels are a primary determinant of metabolic flexibility. We present evidence demonstrating thathigh levels of physical activity predict metabolic flexibility, while physical inactivity and sedentarybehaviours trigger a state of metabolic ‘inflexibility’, even among individuals who meet physicalactivity recommendations. Furthermore, we describe alternative experimental approaches tostudying the concept of metabolic flexibility across a range of activity and inactivity. Finally, weaddress the promising use of strategies that aim to reduce sedentary behaviours as therapy toimprove metabolic flexibility and reduce weight gain risk.

(Resubmitted 28 February 2017; accepted after revision 22 May 2017; first published online 24 May 2017)Corresponding author A. Bergouignan: IPHC/DEPE CNRS UMR 7178, 23, rue Becquerel, 67087 Strasbourg, France.Email: [email protected]

Abstract figure legend Sedentary behaviour is a key determinant of metabolic inflexibility. In our view, metabolicflexibility can be assessed by examining the allostatic relationship between a regulator (e.g. insulin, catecholamines,brown adipose tissue sympathetic nervous system) and an effector (respiratory quotient, lipolysis, or proton leak brownadipose tissue mitochondrial membrane) in response to a stressor (e.g. meal consumption, exercise, or cold exposure).Stressors can be of physiological or environmental origin. In general, a physically inactive individual responds to a stressorwith either an increase in the amplitude/mean concentration of the regulator or a decrease in the amplitude/meanconcentration of the effector.

Abbreviations OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; RQ, respiratory quotient.


Metabolic flexibility refers to the capacity to modulate thelevel of daily fuel oxidation to changes in fuel availability(Kelley & Mandarino, 2000). Impairments in metabolicflexibility have been observed in chronic disorders suchas obesity (Kelley et al. 1999; Astrup, 2011), insulinresistance (Corpeleijn et al. 2008; Faerch & Vaag, 2011),and type 2 diabetes (Kelley & Mandarino, 1990; Kelleyet al. 1992; Kelley & Simoneau, 1994). The metabolically‘inflexible’ state in these disease conditions is typicallycharacterized by decreased fat oxidation during fastingand a reduced ability to upregulate carbohydrate oxidationduring feeding (Kelley & Mandarino, 2000). However, theintrinsic and extrinsic factors that regulate the inabilityof fuel oxidation (carbohydrate and fat oxidation) torespond to changes in fuel availability (either by dietor infusion protocols) are not well understood. Thepresent review focuses on the hypothesis that physicalactivity status is a main predictor of metabolic flexibility.We present evidence to support the notion that a shifttowards more sedentary time in modern society is a

cause of multiple metabolic diseases because of thisinflexibility. Furthermore, we demonstrate the power ofthe metabolic flexibility concept as a detailed, integrativebiology approach to understanding the mechanisms thatlink sedentary behaviours to states of dysmetabolism.Finally, we argue that increasing daily physical activityand/or reducing sedentary time is an inexpensive andpractical approach for enhancing metabolic flexibility andpreventing adverse weight and diabetes-related outcomes.

In 2008, 9.4% of all 57 million deaths in the worldcould be attributed to physical inactivity (Lee et al.2012). It was also concluded that physical inactivityhas a deleterious effect on health that is comparable inmagnitude to smoking and obesity (Lee et al. 2012).Physical activity has increasingly been engineered outof contemporary society with the emergence of passiveleisure activities (e.g. TV viewing, video games) andwork-related activities (e.g. extended commute times,computer work). Traditional approaches to decreasing theprevalence of physical inactivity have focused on exercisetraining and increasing time spent in activities of moderateto vigorous intensity. However, daily sedentary time has

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emerged as a distinct form of physical inactivity thatappears to exert deleterious effects on metabolism evenin individuals who meet current intensity-based physicalactivity guidelines (Hamilton et al. 2014; Bouchard et al.2015). A growing number of epidemiological studieshave observed positive relationships among sedentarybehaviours, such as time spent sitting, and the risk ofdeveloping obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovasculardiseases independent of age, sex, ethnicity and adiposity(Levine et al. 2006; Oldridge, 2008; Dunstan et al. 2012a)

Physical activity–inactivity status exists along a broadcontinuum that likely covers a range of different levelsof fuel integration. In the present review, we highlightemerging data to suggest that physical activity levelspredict metabolic flexibility. While exercise trainingand high levels of daily physical activity improvemetabolic flexibility, physical inactivity and sedentarybehaviours trigger varying states of metabolic inflexibility(Bergouignan et al. 2013a). For the purposes of thisreview we compare and contrast measures of metabolicflexibility in endurance trained adults and those meetingcurrent physical activity guidelines (i.e. 150 min of weeklymoderate-intensity activity) with untrained adults whomeet criteria for high levels of sedentary time (i.e. inactiveadults). Here, sedentary activities refer to any wakingbehaviour characterized by an energy expenditure lessthan 1.5 metabolic equivalents while in a sitting orreclining posture (1 metabolic equivalent is defined as theenergy expended while sitting at rest). We will consider theeffects of sedentary behaviours on metabolic flexibility inadults who accumulate more than 6–8 h of sedentary timeper day. We also consider studies that have included peri-ods of bed rest in healthy adults as a way to measure physio-logical responses to physical inactivity under controlledlaboratory conditions.

In this review, we discuss (i) the definition of andcommon methods for measuring metabolic flexibility,(ii) the effects of different levels of physical activity andinactivity on metabolic flexibility, and (iii) recent datafrom protocols testing the metabolic effects of frequent‘breaks’ in sedentary time as a novel approach to preventthe negative health effects induced by physical inactivity.

Original definition and assessment of metabolicflexibility

Kelley and Mandarino originally defined the termmetabolic flexibility as ‘the capacity for an organismto adapt fuel oxidation to fuel availability’ (Kelley &Mandarino, 2000). The most common experimentalapproach used to assess metabolic flexibility involvesmeasuring the change in the respiratory quotient(�RQ; indirect calorimetry) during a euglycaemic–hyperinsulinaemic clamp. An increase in RQ underinsulin-stimulated conditions reflects the suppression

of lipid oxidation and greater utilization of glucose foroxidation and storage. Using the clamp method, metabolicflexibility to glucose has been shown to be reduced in anumber of clinical conditions and physiological states,including type 2 diabetes, obesity and ageing (Kelley& Mandarino, 2000). The physiological mechanismsthat explain impairments in metabolic flexibility aremultifactorial, but appear to be due to reduced skeletalmuscle glucose disposal rate (Kelley & Mandarino,1990; Thyfault et al. 2006; Galgani & Ravussin, 2008;Galgani et al. 2008a); impaired suppression of adiposetissue lipolysis (Thyfault et al. 2006; Gaster, 2007; Sparkset al. 2009a,b); reduced suppression of hepatic glucoseoutput (Thyfault et al. 2006); and/or skeletal musclemitochondrial dysfunction (Ukropcova et al. 2007; Boyleet al. 2012). Collectively, impaired glucose transport,lower fatty acid turnover, and reduced oxidative capacityfavour the accumulation of ectopic lipid and multi-organmetabolic dysfunction.

Our view of the metabolic flexibility concept

The underlying mechanisms and factors triggering theonset of metabolic inflexibility are not fully elucidated,potentially because the definition of metabolic flexibilityis still under debate in the scientific community. Formany years, researchers studied the pathophysiology ofobesity and related metabolic diseases by focusing on themain metabolic pathways involved in the regulation ofmetabolism at different levels of integration. These studieshave included measures of glucose uptake by peripheralorgans, glycolysis, glycogen synthesis in skeletal muscleand liver, mitochondrial fat uptake and oxidation, andwhole-body and skeletal muscle fat oxidation in differentmetabolic situations (e.g. fasting, postprandial conditions,exercise, beta-adrenergic stimulation). To understand theindependent role of each pathway in the aetiology anddevelopment of metabolic diseases, scientists have useddifferent paradigms to create highly controlled metabolicconditions to isolate one pathway or another. Whileinformative, these studies provide a limited view of theholistic regulation of metabolism. The regulation of energyand fuel homeostasis are intrinsically intertwined andrequire the integration of a multitude of extrinsic andintrinsic metabolic regulators and effectors. In this line, theconcept of metabolic flexibility is powerful as it representsa framework within which changes in fuel oxidation can beexamined along with changes in fuel availability that resultfrom modifications in dietary intake, energy demand,or peripheral metabolic processes. It thus representsan integrated assessment of the interaction betweenenvironmental factors (diet, physical activity, others) andregulation of the metabolism (organism). Understandingthe interaction between environmental and biologicalfactors in the development of metabolic flexibility is

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important to improve our understanding of the aetiologyand progression of metabolic diseases.

In their comprehensive review of metabolic flexibilityand insulin resistance, Galgani et al. (2008b) suggestedthat a number of additional metabolic challenges (besidesthe clamp) should also be considered in the assessment ofmetabolic flexibility. For example, the switch from glucoseto lipid oxidation during an overnight fast (i.e. metabolicflexibility to fasting) or fuel shifts in response to dietarychallenges varying in macronutrient composition (e.g.high-fat and high carbohydrate diets) could be consideredin the context of metabolic flexibility. Our group ascribesto the view that any response of fuel metabolism toa stress or challenge, be it environmental or physio-logical, might provide information about metabolicflexibility. In our view, any paradigm which aims toassess metabolic flexibility must have three components:a stressor, a regulator and an effector. It is the allostaticrelationship between the regulator and effector in responseto stressor that is measured experimentally and informson metabolic flexibility. For example, under the originaldefinition of Kelley & Mandarino (2000), the conditionsof the clamp serve as the metabolic stressor, and theallosteric relationship between the insulin infusion rate(regulator) and �RQ (effector) provides information onmetabolic flexibility (Fig. 1). Within this construct, theartificial hyperinsulinaemic condition of the clamp is

just one challenge to the system, and an important one,but other stressors and challenges, like exercise, fasting,meals, catecholamines infusion, etc., can also be usedto examine the response of an effector to a regulatorproviding new insights into metabolic dysregulation. Forexample, one could study the effects of exercise (stressor)on the relationship between sympathetic nervous systemactivity (regulator) and lipolysis (effector). Anotherhypothetical example would be a study of the relationshipbetween the proton leak through brown adipose tissuemitochondrial membrane (effector) and sympatheticnerve activity (regulator) in response to cold exposure(stressor). Although these hypothetical scenarios might beconsidered an over-simplification of the in vivo metabolicsituation we believe that the stressor–regulator–effectormodel of metabolic flexibility will ultimately lead to newinsights into integrative pathophysiology of obesity anddiabetes.

In summary, we believe that it is important for thescientific community to consider a broader definition ofmetabolic flexibility that includes a variety of potentialmetabolic and physiological challenges/stressors thatcould result in perturbations in the fine tuning betweenmetabolic regulator and effector, which ultimately impactfuel homeostasis. It is within this framework that wereview evidence supporting the role of physical activityand inactivity on fuel selection and metabolic flexibility.






































/ I




/ I




lin V





lin P






Physically ACTIVEMetabolically FLEXIBLE Individual

Physically INACTIVEMetabolically INFLEXIBLE Individual

Ins Ins




Meal Meal

ʺEffectorʺ ʺEffectorʺ

ʺRegulatorʺ ʺRegulatorʺ


Steeper slopeInactive


RQ PercentilesRQ Variance


Figure 1. The variance-based concept of metabolic flexibilityPhysical activity and inactivity levels modulate the response to challenges (stressors) to the system. The variationin 24 h insulin and respiratory quotient (RQ) represent the regulator and effector components of the system,respectively. It is the allostatic relationship between the regulator and effector responses that are measuredexperimentally and inform on the degree of metabolic flexibility. A physically active metabolically flexible individualis characterized by a high variance in RQ and low variance in plasma insulin concentration (A). To the contrary,a physically inactive, metabolically inflexible individual has a low amplitude RQ response to marked changes ininsulin levels (B), resulting in a low variance in RQ for a high variance in insulin. By plotting the variances of 24 hRQ and insulin, we obtain a clear graphic representation of the effects of physical activity status on metabolicflexibility status (C). Another way of graphically representing the data is a log transformation plot of the RQ andinsulin percentiles (D; see text for details).

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Visualizing the metabolic flexibility conceptin relation to physical activity status

We previously proposed that physical activity is a relevantsystemic challenge that potently modulates metabolicflexibility (Bergouignan et al. 2011, 2013a). In ananalysis of one of our previous interventional studies, weconsidered the effects of daily physical activity (stressor) onthe dynamic nature of postprandial metabolic responsesto standardized meals (regulator and effector systems). Weestablished an index that accounts for the intra-individualvariances in daily insulin (regulator) and RQ (effector)responses to standard meals (as measured by repeatedindirect calorimetry measures or during whole roomcalorimetry) and stratified these responses based onphysical activity levels (Bergouignan et al. 2013a). Usingthis analysis approach, exercise training was found tocorrelate with an increase in the daily variance in RQ anda decrease in the daily variance of insulin (i.e. a large shiftin the fuel mix being oxidized at a low insulin signal;Fig. 1A). In contrast, a sedentary metabolically inflexiblesubject is characterized as having a large daily variancein insulin for a small variance in RQ (i.e. a small shiftin the fuel mix being oxidized at a high insulin signal;Fig. 1B).

The variances in insulin and fuel oxidation can berelated mathematically to compare subjects contrasting inphysical activity status (or other relevant stressors). Oneapproach is to calculate the product of the 24 h RQ andinsulin variance (Fig. 1C). Another objective approachto examine changes in metabolic flexibility is to test fordifferences in the slope of the relationship between theeffector and the regulator obtained after linearization of thedata (Fig. 1D). Following a log transformation, percentilesranging from the 1st to 99th can be calculated for eachindividual. The average of every 5th percentiles canthen be plotted to create a percentiles–percentiles linearrelationship. A metabolically flexible state characterizedby a large shift in the fuel mix being oxidized in responseto small changes in insulin is thus associated with largedifferences between the 1st and 99th percentiles of thepostprandial RQ values and small differences betweenthe two extreme percentiles for postprandial insulin. Ametabolically inflexible state is associated with a decreasein the range between the 1st and 99th percentile in RQconcomitant with an increase in the range between the1st and 99th percentile insulin values, thus resulting inan increase in the slope of the percentiles–percentileslinear relationship. The whole goal of these mathematicalcalculations is to provide an easy and objective wayto detect changes in metabolic flexibility by integratingthe changes in both the effector and the regulator inresponse to a stressor. This definition of metabolicflexibility is consistent with the original definition ofKelley & Mandarino (2000), but broadens the concept

and assessment techniques to include other relevantdeterminants of metabolic flexibility.

Effects of exercise training on metabolic flexibility

Although the term ‘metabolic flexibility’ is not alwaysused, a number of studies provide strong evidence toindicate that exercise training improves components ofmetabolic flexibility. It is well known that exercise increasesdietary fat trafficking towards oxidation in muscle andaway from storage in adipose tissue (Calles-Escandonet al. 1996; Friedlander et al. 1998), and towards ectopicstorage in other peripheral tissues, and improves insulinsensitivity (Bruce et al. 2006). For example, metabolicflexibility defined as the insulin-stimulated (clamp) RQminus fasting RQ improved after 12 weeks of aerobicexercise training (60 min day−1 for 5 days week−1 at�85% heart rate maximum) in 24 older adults with pre-diabetes and obesity (Malin et al. 2013a). Also, young,obese individuals lack metabolic flexibility in terms ofincreasing fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle inresponse to a high fat diet; however, just 10 consecutivedays of aerobic exercise training (1 h day−1, 70% VO2peak)increased fat oxidation in skeletal muscle during a highfat meal challenge in obese individuals in a mannerthat was similar to lean subjects (Battaglia et al. 2012).Finally, we previously showed that 1 month of exercisetraining performed at currently recommended levelsimproved metabolic flexibility in lean sedentary subjectsas indicated by shifts in the insulin/RQ variance indicesdescribed above (Bergouignan et al. 2013a,b). Together,these findings support the beneficial role of exerciseand physical activity on metabolic flexibility, whichmay partially explain the well-known preventive effectof exercise-training programmes on unhealthy weight,the onset of obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, andmortality risk. If exercise improves metabolic flexibility,the direct corollary is that physical inactivity and sedentarybehaviours impair metabolic flexibility.

Physical inactivity, sedentary behaviours andmetabolic flexibility

The scientific community has only begun to appreciatethe fundamental role of sedentary behaviours in thedevelopment of metabolic diseases. However, the hazardsof physical inactivity have been known for a long time(Martin, 1966). The cascade of events triggered by physicalinactivity and leading to the development of metabolicinflexibility has been summarized in a previous reviewby our group (Bergouignan et al. 2011). Briefly, physicalinactivity per se, independent of detectable changes inenergy balance, triggers insulin resistance (Blanc et al.1998, 2000a,b; Bergouignan et al. 2009, 2011); hyper-lipidaemia; decreased clearance of dietary lipids; and

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reduced fasting and post-prandial lipid oxidation (Blancet al. 2000b; Bergouignan et al. 2006, 2009) in favour ofgreater use of carbohydrate as fuel and ectopic fat storage(Dirks et al. 2016). Collectively, these abnormalitiesdefine the main tenants of the metabolic inflexibilityconcept.

We have previously used the bed rest model toexplore the effects of activity and inactivity on metabolicflexibility. Using an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT),we showed that following 7 days of bed rest both menand women transitioned from a metabolically flexiblestate characterized by high variance in RQ in response tolow variance of insulin to a metabolically inflexible statecharacterized by low variance in RQ for high variancein insulin (Fig. 2A) (Blanc et al. 2000b). The decrease inmetabolic flexibility was also confirmed by an increasedslope of the daily insulin–RQ percentile relationship(Fig. 2B and C) resulting from a simultaneous reduction inthe RQ amplitude for a greater change in insulin followingmeal consumption, which indicates an overall negativeeffect of physical inactivity on metabolic flexibility.

While our bed rest studies have focused on the effectsof physical inactivity on postprandial variability in insulinand RQ, it is important to consider other metabolicmarkers that might inform on metabolic flexibility. Forexample, one of the earliest detectable changes in thetransition from normal glucose tolerance to diabetes isthe decline in pancreatic β-cell function. β-Cell functionis characterized by a two-pool model consisting of animmediate first phase insulin secretion response uponinitial glucose stimulation and a second phase insulinresponse resulting from the synthesis of ‘new’ insulinduring the remainder of the postprandial period. Firstphase insulin release is one of the earliest detectable defectsin β-cell function in individuals at risk of developing type2 diabetes (Gerich, 2002) and can be measured duringthe early postprandial period as well as from C-peptideresponses. According to our expanded definition, theloss of the first phase insulin response (regulator) to ameal challenge (stressor) could be considered an indexof metabolic inflexibility. A number of studies havedemonstrated that exercise (both acute and chronic) issufficient to augment the first phase insulin response inadults with impaired β-cell function (Slentz et al. 2009;Malin et al. 2013b; Rynders et al. 2014). To our knowledge,the independent effects of sedentary behaviours on firstphase insulin responses and β-cell function have not beeninvestigated. However, 5 days of detraining increasedglucose-stimulated insulin, proinsulin and C-peptidelevels in trained young men (Mikines et al. 1989). Also,6 days of prolonged sedentary time increased postprandialC-peptide levels, reflecting increased endogenous insulin,in healthy young men (Altenburg et al. 2016).

In summary, the direct effects of physical inactivityand sedentary behaviours on metabolic flexibility

using the standardized method of the euglycaemic–hyperinsulinaemic clamp or alternative methods (e.g.meal tolerance tests) are only starting to be investigatedin controlled studies. In addition, the respective effectsof physical activity level, time spent sedentary, bodycomposition, sex and age on metabolic flexibility remainto be elucidated.

From oxidative balance to metabolic flexibility

Consideration of outcomes from training, detraining,exercise and bed rest studies has the potential to reveal














0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.85

0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.85



0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0120.010












RQ Variance

5h OGTTPre-Bed rest - Men

Pre-Bed rest - Women

Post-Bed rest - Men

Post-Bed rest - Women

7-day bed restActive lean men - 5h OGTT

7-day bed restActive lean women - 5h OGTT

Pre-bed rest

Post-bed rest

Pre-bed rest

Post-bed rest

RQ Percentiles

RQ Percentiles






Figure 2. Metabolic flexibility represented by variances andpercentile–percentile plots of RQ and insulinData shown were collected on 8 women and 8 men who performeda 5 h oral glucose tolerance test before and after a 7 day bed reststudy (Blanc et al. 2000b). In A, the decrease in metabolic flexibilityafter bed rest is indicated by a shift in the relationship between theinsulin and RQ variance. Values plotted in B and C represent the 1st,5th, 10th, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile, 90th,95th and 99th percentiles of RQ and insulin. The significantly steeperslope in the percentile–percentile plots indicate a decrease inmetabolic flexibility following bed rest.

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how metabolic flexibility integrates relationships amongsubstrate availability and oxidation as well as amongcarbohydrate, fat and energy balance (Fig. 3). Maintaininga stable body weight not only requires that energy intakematches energy expenditure, but also that macronutrientintake must balance macronutrient oxidation. This hasbeen well described and modelled by J. P. Flatt (2004) asfollows. Regulation of macronutrient oxidative balancerelies upon the storage and oxidative capacity of themacronutrients (Fig. 3). While proteins and carbohydrateshave limited storage capacities in muscle and glycogenrespectively, fat has an almost unlimited storage capacityin adipose tissue. Protein contributes a minor and fairlyconstant proportion of dietary energy, and biologicalevolution has led to regulatory features that spontaneouslymaintain protein balance (Flatt, 1995, 2004). Thus, itis the interaction between carbohydrate and fat intakeand oxidation that primarily determines body weightmaintenance. For example, changes in carbohydrate intakeinduce wide variations in the glycogen storage pool thatrapidly adjust carbohydrate oxidation. To the contrary,changes in fat intake cause small changes in the lipidpool size and are therefore not compensated for byequivalent adjustments in lipid oxidation (Flatt, 2004).Different parameters regulate the flow in and out of theglycogen and lipid reservoirs. While inflow depends onthe quantity and quality of meals, outflow can only bemodulated by physical activity (Fig. 3). To illustrate thispoint, Schrauwen et al. (1997) studied the effect of low

glycogen stores on fat oxidation after a switch from areduced-fat diet to a high-fat diet. On a high fat diet, fatoxidation remained below fat intake, indicating the slowmatching of oxidation to intake when switching to a highfat diet. However, after a bout of exercise that loweredglycogen levels, fat oxidation matched fat intake. Thisresult demonstrates that it is possible to rapidly adjustfat oxidation to fat intake only when glycogen stores arereduced.

The role of physical activity in regulating the adjustmentto lipid flux is a central aspect of the regulation of fatbalance and hence, body mass. As shown by Smith et al.(2000) physical activity favours the adjustment of fatoxidation to fat intake when dietary fat increases (Fig. 4A).Similarly, using cross-over study design they showed that7 days of sedentary behaviour or exercise modulated theability to adjust dietary fat oxidation in response to aeucaloric high fat diet. In this study, healthy male subjectswere asked either to remain sedentary in a whole-roomcalorimeter (physical activity level = 1.4) or to performtreadmill walking at moderate intensity to reach a physicalactivity level of 1.8, a value representative of physicallyactive individuals in the general population. In sedentaryconditions, several days were required to increase fatoxidation to match fat intake when dietary fat intakeincreases. Furthermore, there was a high inter-individualvariation in the ability to adjust fat oxidation to fatavailability. Increasing total energy expenditure from 1.4 to1.8 times resting metabolic rate accelerated the adaptation

Body weight regulation

Energy balance Oxidative balanceCHO intake = CHO oxidationFat intake = Fat oxidixation

Protein intake = Protein oxidation

Body massGain Loss







The double compartment of J. P. Flatt







800 0004000




600 000

400 000

200 000% ingested lipid



Lipid stores





Figure 3. Physical activity and exercise exert influences on metabolic flexibility through regulation ofenergy balance and fuel homeostasisBased on J. P. Flatt’s theory (Flatt, 1995, 2004), the main regulator of lipid oxidation, and hence balance,is carbohydrate availability and oxidation. While an increase in carbohydrate intake leads to an increase incarbohydrate oxidation, an increase in fat intake does not trigger fat oxidation and results in fat storage. Byutilizing glycogen stores, exercise increases fat oxidation. By being one of the main components of total energyexpenditure, physical acivity and exercise further contribute to the regulation of energy balance. Energy balanceis the result of energy intake composed of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins on one side and energy expenditurecomposed of physical activity energy expenditure, thermic effect of food (TEF) and resting metabolic rate (RMR).Both energy and oxidative balance are key factors involved in the regulation of body weight.

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to high fat diet and reduced inter-individual variability.Along the same lines but in the opposite direction, Olsenet al. (2008) have reported that a decrease from 6200 to1400 in daily steps impairs insulin sensitivity and increasesplasma triglycerides, suggesting a reduced fat oxidation, inhealthy lean men after 3 weeks of intervention. To date,the long term effects of such changes in physical activitybehaviour on body weight regulation have not been tested.

In agreement with Flatt’s two-compartment model(Flatt, 2004), we have shown a strong positive correlationbetween changes in activity energy expenditure anddietary fat oxidation (Fig. 4B), in association withgreater metabolic flexibility (Bergouignan et al. 2013b).In this study, a decrease in total energy expenditureof −263 kcal day−1 in lean active men was associatedwith a reduction in total lipid oxidation of 47 kcal over8 h following meal consumption. Because this study wasconducted in stable energy balance, the decrease in fatoxidation was counterbalanced by a 52 kcal increase incarbohydrate oxidation over 8 h. We have also observed anegative correlation between carbohydrate and fat balancewith both high and low amounts of physical activity,as would be expected under conditions of approximateenergy balance (Fig. 4C). By increasing the use of dietaryfat as fuel, physical activity and exercise are likely to provide

a higher tolerance to high fat diet, which favours thecontrol of fat balance and hence energy balance, as energyand fat balance are tightly intertwined (Schrauwen et al.1997, 1998). In support of this, Stubbs et al. (2004) haveshown that active adults were in a negative energy balance(−3.8 MJ day−1) when facing 7 days of high fat intake,likely because of greater fat oxidation, while inactiveindividuals were in positive energy balance (+0.7 MJ day−1

or 167 kcal day−1) and gain weight (+0.19 kg week−1),likely because they are not able to increase fat oxidation tomatch fat intake (Fig. 4D).

In summary, these studies collectively suggest thatmetabolic inflexibility is one of the causes of weightgain and the related metabolic diseases. Furthermore,while physical activity is one of the key factor favouringmetabolic flexibility and prevention of weight gain,low levels of physical activity trigger a transition frommetabolic flexibility to metabolic inflexibility.

Effect of frequent interruptions of sedentary timewith microbouts of activity on metabolic flexibility

While the relationship between physical activity and healthhas been considered to be linear for several decades,recent data suggest that sedentary behaviours play an






−0.050 1 2 3 4






−100 −50 0 50 100

−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4











−100 20 40 60 80



Δ Activity Energy Expenditure(MJ/kg/d)



ry F

at O



Fat B


nce (




y B


nce (


High Fat Diet Days

Carbohydrate Balance (MJ/4d) % Fat intake tolerated to achieve EB

Physically Inactive

Physically Inactive

Inactive <- Physically -> Active

Inactive <- Physically -> Active

Physically Active

Physically Active




Figure 4. Contrasting levels of habitual physical activity predict adaptations to high fat feeding, dietarylipid oxidation and energy balanceIn reponse to high fat intake, physical activity helps to adjust fat oxidation to fat availability (A; Smith et al. 2000).There is a positive association between changes in dietary fat oxidation and activity energy expenditure along thissame physical activity continuum (B; based on Bergouignan et al. 2013b). Because of the effects on glycogenstorage, there exists a tight negative relationship between fat and carbohydrate balance along the physical activitycontinuum (C; based on Smith et al. 2000). Together these relationships provide a higher fat tolerance to activeindividuals than inactive individuals, i.e. active individuals are able to achieve a stable energy balance at a higherfat intake compared to inactive individuals (D; based on Stubbs et al. 2004).

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independent role in this relationship. In other words, toolittle exercise seems to have different health effects fromtoo much sedentary activity (i.e. mainly sitting). Inter-estingly, recent population studies suggest that frequentinterruptions to sedentary time with bouts of physicalactivity are associated with beneficial metabolic outcomes,even in individuals who regularly exercise (Healy et al.2008, 2011). Breaking up sedentary time is a stimulusfor improving metabolic health (flexibility) and has beensuggested as a novel and promising strategy in the generalpopulation.

In light of these epidemiological observations, agrowing number of studies have examined the effects offrequent interruptions in prolonged sedentary activitieswith short bouts of activity varying in intensity, duration,mode and frequency on metabolism. For example,Dunstan et al. (2012b) compared in a cross-over studythe effects of uninterrupted sitting with interruptedsitting (2 min bouts of activity every 20 min for 5 h)in overweight adults on plasma glucose and insulinincremental area under the curve. Sitting was either inter-rupted by light- (3.2 km h−1) or moderate-intensity(5.8–6.4 km h−1) treadmill walking. Compared touninterrupted sitting, glucose and insulin area underthe curve in response to standardized meal were bothsignificantly reduced after the activity-break conditions.Notably, no statistical differences were observed betweenthe light- and moderate-intensity bouts of activity. Takingall the recent studies in this area together, breakingup prolonged sedentary time with bouts of activitydecreases both postprandial plasma glucose and insulinconcentrations, regardless of the adiposity, sex and age ofthe subjects in these studies (Dunstan et al. 2012b; Peddieet al. 2013; van Dijk et al. 2013; Blankenship et al. 2014;Buckley et al. 2014; Holmstrup et al. 2014; Thorp et al.2014; Bailey & Locke, 2015; Larsen et al. 2015; Lyden et al.2015; Dempsey et al. 2016, 2017). Even standing insteadof sitting has been reported to be enough to significantlyattenuate blood glucose variations over a day as measuredby continuous glucose monitoring (Buckley et al. 2014).However, reducing time spent sitting through frequent2 min bouts of standing every 20 min did not reduce5 h postprandial glycaemia while frequent 2 min boutsof light-intensity walking did (Bailey & Locke, 2015),suggesting that muscle contraction is a key factor in theuse of glucose by the body. Mechanistic studies lookingat insulin-dependent and muscle contraction-mediatedglucose uptake pathways at the skeletal muscle levelssupport the role of contraction in glucose uptake by muscle(Bergouignan et al. 2016).

One could argue that a reduction in plasma insulinand glucose, which suggests greater use of carbohydrate asfuel, would have been expected as the energy expendedduring the bouts of activity was not replaced in thediet. However, when energy expended was replaced, a

decrease in plasma insulin concentration was still detected.This suggests independent beneficial effects on insulinsensitivity from reduced sitting. Even greater healthbenefits by placing subjects in negative energy balancewere observed (Stephens et al. 2011). A similar questionis whether the observed metabolic benefits were due tothe frequent interruptions to prolonged sitting or theaddition of physical activity and/or energy expenditure. Toaddress this question, Blankenship et al. (2014) examinedin sedentary overweight adults the effects on postprandialglycaemia following a day with either frequent longbreaks incorporating standing/stepping vs. taking fewerbreaks by walking as per activity guidelines, with totalenergy expenditure matched between conditions. A thirdcondition, frequent short breaks, with the same numberof breaks as the frequent long breaks condition butwith standing/stepping instead of walking was addedto delineate the respective role of energy expenditurevs. breaking up sitting position. While no differenceswere observed between all conditions for both post-mealglucose and insulin responses, glycaemic variabilitymeasured by continuous glucose monitoring was reducedto a greater extent in the two frequent break conditionsrather than in the walking condition, suggesting greaterglucose control.

Other recent studies (Peddie et al. 2013) have comparedthe metabolic effects of microbouts of activity toone isocaloric continuous bout. Overall, these studiesshowed that while microbouts of activity reduce plasmaglucose concentrations, one continuous bout of activityis associated with lower plasma lipid concentrations,mainly triglycerides and in some instances free fattyacids. These findings suggest the differential metabolicresponses to one continuous bout or microbouts ofactivity are associated with a greater reliance upon lipidor carbohydrate, respectively, independent of differencesin energy expenditure and/or energy balance. Only a fewstudies have examined the effects of frequent interruptionsto prolonged sitting on both postprandial respiratoryquotient and plasma insulin, the respective effector andregulator in response to meal consumption. Peddie et al.(2013) observed an increase in 9 h RQ with microbouts ofactivity but no change in RQ with one bout of activity. Thishowever did not inform on changes in metabolic flexibilityas only the average values were considered in this study.

In summary, a number of studies have linked timespent sitting to adverse health effects and increasedrisk of all-cause mortality, while others have found noassociation. Also, a growing number of studies haveexamined the effects of frequent interruptions to sedentaryactivities on postprandial glucose, lipid and insulinconcentrations. It will be important to perform detailedphysiological studies into the role of physical inactivityon fuel selection as new strategies to break up sedentarybehaviours emerge.

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Conclusions and future directions

It seems clear that physical activity level is a keydeterminant of metabolic flexibility and metabolicflexibility plays an important role in the regulationof fuel homeostasis and metabolic health. However, itis surprising to observe that few studies have directlyexamined the role of physical activity and sedentarybehaviours on the regulation of metabolic flexibility. Thismay be due to the constraints of the initial definition andmethods for assessing metabolic flexibility established byMandarino and Kelley (i.e. changes in RQ in responseto a hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp). We believethat by broadening this definition and offering alternativemethods of assessing metabolic flexibility in a widevariety of physiological conditions will allow for a morecomprehensive examination of this relationship in thefuture. Overall, the goal of this line of research is togenerate sufficient data to help refine the guidelines onphysical activity; to recommend the most appropriateapproach to breaking up sedentary time either as acontinuous bout or in total time; and to understandhow manipulations in frequency, duration, intensity andvolume of daily physical activity differentially impactvarious components of the metabolic flexibility concept.Future studies will need to confirm our hypothesis thatreducing time spent sedentary and/or frequently breakingup time spent sedentary with multiple short bouts ofactivity has an equivalent or more favourable effect thanan isoenergetic continuous bout of physical activity on themany facets of metabolic flexibility (e.g. improved 24 hglucose control, lower postprandial glycaemia, highernocturnal fat oxidation).


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Additional information

Competing interests

The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Author contributions

C.A.R. and A.B. wrote the first draft of the review, and all authorscontributed to the revising and editing of the paper. All authorshave approved the final version of the manuscript and agree tobe accountable for all aspects of the work. All persons designatedas authors qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify forauthorship are listed.


NIH/NIDDK Colorado Nutrition Obesity Research Center 5P30 DK048520-21, K24 DK02935, R01 DK62874 (D.H.B.); NIHT32 HL116276 (C.A.R.); NIH/NIDDK K99DK100465 (A.B.).


We would like to thank Chantal Simon for her scientificinput particularly on the mathematical approach usingthe percentiles/percentiles relationship to assess metabolicflexibility.

C© 2017 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology C© 2017 The Physiological Society