Vol. 97 . April 1982 The Journal of Experimental Biology EDITED BY J.E.TREHERNE WITH W.A. FOSTER & P. K. SCHOFIELD PAGE TAYLOR, C. R., HEGLUND, N. C. and MALOIY, G. M. O. Energetics and mechanics of terres- trial locomotion. I. Metabolic energy consumption as a function of speed and body size in birds and mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . j FEDAK, M. A., HEGLUND, N. C. and TAYLOR, C. R. Energetics and mechanics of terrestrial locomotion. II. Kinetic energy changes of the limbs and body as a function of speed and body size in birds and mammals 23 HECLUND, N. C, CAVACNA, G. A. and TAYLOR, C. R. Energetics and mechanics of terrestrial locomotion. III. Energy changes of the centre of mass as a function of speed and body size in birds and mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 HBGLUND, N. C, FEDAK, M. A., TAYLOR, C. R. and CAVAGNA, ,G. A. Energetics and mech- anics of terrestrial locomotion. IV. Total mechanical energy changes as a function of speed and body size in birds and mammals 57 PELHATE, M. and ZLOTKIN, E. Actions of insect toxin and other toxins derived from the venom of the scorpion Androctomis australts on isolated giant axons of the cockroach (PeripUmeta a m e r i c a n a ) . . . . . . . . . . :••* • . . . . 6 7 TOBWS, D. P. and HEISLER, N. The effects of hypercapnia on intracellular and extracellular acid-base status in the toad Bufo marinus 79 ULTSCH, GORDON R. and JACKSON, DONALD C. Long-term submergence at 3 °C of the turtle Chrysemys picta bellii in normoxic and severely hypoxic water. Ill, Effects of changes in ambient P o , and subsequent air breathing 87 Sooi, H., SUZUKI, S., TSUCHIYA, T., GOMI, S. and FUJIEDA, N. Physiological and ultra- structural studies on the longitudinal retractor muscle of a sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus. I. Factors influencing the mechanical response 101 SUZUKI, S. and Suci, H. Physiological and ultrastructural studies on the longitudinal retractor muscle of a sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus. II. Intracellular localization and translocation of activator calcium during mechanical activity 113 TAYLOR, WALTER R., DLNLAP, JAY C. and HASTINCS, J. W. Inhibitors of protein synthesis on 80s ribosomes phase shift the Gonyaulax clock i 2I SIGVARDT, KAREN A. and MULLONEY, BRIAN. Sensory alteration of motor patterns in the stomatogastric nervous system of the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus . . •. 137 SICVARDT, KAREN A. and MULLONEY, BRIAN. Properties of synapses made by IVN command- interneurones in the stomatogastric ganglion of the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus 153 VIDELER, J. J. and WEIHS, D. Energetic advantages of burst-and-coast swimming of fish at high speeds 169 SACCA, R. and BURGGREN, W. Oxygen uptake in air and water in the air-breathing reedfish Calamoichthys calabaricus: role of skin, gills and lungs 179 Continued on back cover

The Journal of Experimental Biologythe clown knifefish, Notopterus 22 chitala 5 MORGAN, D. O. and MCMAHON, B. R Aci. d toleranc ane d effect os f sublethal acid exposure on iono-regulation

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Page 1: The Journal of Experimental Biologythe clown knifefish, Notopterus 22 chitala 5 MORGAN, D. O. and MCMAHON, B. R Aci. d toleranc ane d effect os f sublethal acid exposure on iono-regulation

Vol. 97 . April 1982

The Journal of

Experimental BiologyEDITED BY



PAGETAYLOR, C. R., HEGLUND, N. C. and MALOIY, G. M. O. Energetics and mechanics of terres-

trial locomotion. I. Metabolic energy consumption as a function of speed and body sizein birds and mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . j

FEDAK, M. A., HEGLUND, N. C. and TAYLOR, C. R. Energetics and mechanics of terrestriallocomotion. II. Kinetic energy changes of the limbs and body as a function of speed andbody size in birds and mammals 23

HECLUND, N. C , CAVACNA, G. A. and TAYLOR, C. R. Energetics and mechanics of terrestriallocomotion. III. Energy changes of the centre of mass as a function of speed and bodysize in birds and mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

HBGLUND, N. C , FEDAK, M. A., TAYLOR, C. R. and CAVAGNA, ,G. A. Energetics and mech-anics of terrestrial locomotion. IV. Total mechanical energy changes as a function ofspeed and body size in birds and mammals 57

PELHATE, M. and ZLOTKIN, E. Actions of insect toxin and other toxins derived from the venomof the scorpion Androctomis australts on isolated giant axons of the cockroach (PeripUmetaa m e r i c a n a ) . . . . . . . . . . :••* • . . . . 6 7

TOBWS, D . P. and HEISLER, N . The effects of hypercapnia on intracellular and extracellularacid-base status in the toad Bufo marinus 79

ULTSCH, GORDON R. and JACKSON, DONALD C. Long-term submergence at 3 °C of the turtleChrysemys picta bellii in normoxic and severely hypoxic water. I l l , Effects of changesin ambient P o , and subsequent air breathing 87

Sooi, H., SUZUKI, S., TSUCHIYA, T., GOMI, S. and FUJIEDA, N. Physiological and ultra-structural studies on the longitudinal retractor muscle of a sea cucumber Stichopusjaponicus. I. Factors influencing the mechanical response 101

SUZUKI, S. and Suci, H. Physiological and ultrastructural studies on the longitudinalretractor muscle of a sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus. II. Intracellular localization andtranslocation of activator calcium during mechanical activity 113

TAYLOR, WALTER R., DLNLAP, JAY C. and HASTINCS, J. W. Inhibitors of protein synthesis on80s ribosomes phase shift the Gonyaulax clock i 2 I

SIGVARDT, KAREN A. and MULLONEY, BRIAN. Sensory alteration of motor patterns in thestomatogastric nervous system of the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus . . •. 137

SICVARDT, KAREN A. and MULLONEY, BRIAN. Properties of synapses made by IVN command-interneurones in the stomatogastric ganglion of the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus 153

VIDELER, J. J. and WEIHS, D . Energetic advantages of burst-and-coast swimming of fish athigh speeds 169

SACCA, R. and BURGGREN, W. Oxygen uptake in air and water in the air-breathing reedfishCalamoichthys calabaricus: role of skin, gills and lungs 179

Continued on back cover

Page 2: The Journal of Experimental Biologythe clown knifefish, Notopterus 22 chitala 5 MORGAN, D. O. and MCMAHON, B. R Aci. d toleranc ane d effect os f sublethal acid exposure on iono-regulation

Continued from front cover

PAGEYAMASRITA, SHIGBKI and TATEDA, HIOEKI. Importance of calcium and magnesium ions for

postexcitatory hypersensitivity in the jumping spider (Menemerus) eye . . . 1 8 7

CORNELL, JOHN C. Sodium and chloride transport in the isolated intestine of the earthworm,Lumbricus terrestrit (L) 197

PRATT, DAVID W. Saccadic eye movements are coordinated with head movements in walkingchickens 217

COOMBS, SHERYL and POPPER ARTHUR N. Structure and function of the auditory system inthe clown knifefish, Notopterus chitala 225

MORGAN, D . O. and MCMAHON, B. R. Acid tolerance and effects of sublethal acid exposureon iono-regulation and acid-base status in two crayfish Procambarus clarki and Orconectesrusticus 241

MACEY, D . J. and POTTER, I. C. The effect of temperature on the oxygen dissociation curvesof whole blood of larval and adult lampreys (Geotria australis) 253

PETTBRSSON, KNUT and JOHANSEN, KJELL. Hypoxic vasoconstriction and the effects of adrena-line on gas exchange efficiency in fish gills 263

BRADFORD, S. M. & TAYLOR, A. C. The respiration of Cancer pagurus under normoxic andhypoxic conditions 273

EVANS, D. H. Mechanisms of acid extrusion by two marine fishes: the teleost, Opsanusbeta,and the elasmobranch, Squalus acanthias 289

KASSIM, H. and SYKES, A. H. The respiratory responses of the fowl to hot climates . . 301DEITMER, JOACHIM W. and MACHEMER, HANS. Osmotic tolerance of Ca-dependent excita-

bility in the marine ciliate Paramecium calkinsi 311SMITH, FRANK M. and JONES, DAVID R. The effect of changes in blood oxygen-carrying

capacity on ventilation volume in the rainbow trout {Salmo gairdneri) . . . 325WITHERS, PHILIP C , HILLMAN, STANLEY S., DREWES, ROBERT C. and SOKOL, OTTO M. Water

loss and nitrogen excretion in sharp-nosed reed frogs (Hyperolius nasutus: Anura, Hyper-oliidae) 335

BECH, CLAUS and NOMOTO, SHIGEKI. Cardiovascular changes associated with treadmillrunning in the Pekin duck 345

DUTHIE, GARRY G. The respiratory metabolism of temperature-adapted flatfish at rest andduring swimming activity and the use of anaerobic metabolism at moderate swimmingspeeds 359

LOJEHAM, CATHERINE M. The effect of temperature on the tension responses of the anteriorbyssal retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis 375

BURROWS, MALCOLM. Interneurones co-ordinating the ventilatory movements of the thoracicspiracles in the locust 385

HUBY, RAYMOND B. and HBRTZ, PAUL E. Effects of body size and slope on sprint speed of al i z a r d { S t e l l i o ( A g a m a ) s t e l l i o ) . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1

ARMSTRONG, R. B. and T A Y L O R , C. R. Relationship between muscle force and musc le areashowing glycogen loss during locomotion . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1

B L A C B U R N , J. M . and BEADLE, D . J. Morphology of identified cereal afferents and giantinterneurones in the hatchling cockroach Periplaneta americana . . . . . 421

HOUSTON, A. H. and Koss, T. F. Water-electrolyte balance in goldfish Carassius auratus,under constant and diurnally cycling temperature conditions 427


JACKSON, R. R. and BLEST, A. D. The distances at which a primitive jumping spider, Portiafimbriata, makes visual discriminations 441

The Journal of Experimmntal Biology is published for the Company of BiologistsLimited by Cambridge University Press.

ISSN: 0022-0049

© The Company of Biologists 1982. .