THE JEFVERSONiAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND; August 14, 1920—Page 5 Local Correspondence GLENARM. Mis:< Marie Hartley has returned «from a trip to Atlantic City. Mrs. Harry Rever and her son, Wil- fred, of Philadelphia, have returned from a visit to Mrs. John Schneider. Miss Elizabeth Lane is spending a few days in Virginia. George and Albert Clark, who met with a serious accident on the Harford road, near here, on last Saturday while riding a motorcycle, are still ill at their home. Mrs. Harry LeBrun is) spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Wm. Francies, of Baldwin. Master Wade Wisnom is visiting his sister, Mrs. Clarence Amerin, of Park- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Atwill and their children, Lee and Lucy, have re- turned from a. visit to relatives in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. John ( Schneider were guests of Mrs. Henry Erbe, of Kings- ville, on Sunday. Dr. Armstrong will preach at WaAgh M. B. Church on Sunday at 11 A. M Sunday School at -10 A. M. All are welcome. SALES AND LEGAL. NOTICES. Samuel C. Mahle, Sheriff 0 f Baltimore County. SHERIFF'S SALE —OF— VALUABLE PROPERTY GRAVE RUN. There will be no services tomorrow at our church. Spend the day at Emory Grove instead. Mr.' and Mrs, Wagner, of Baltimore, sp'ent the week-end wUh Mr. and Mrs. George Alban. Mr. Jacob Hale has secured a posi- tion with the clerical force at Cam- den Station. Mr. Roscoe Jones visited Mr. Wm. Carr on Sunday. Miss Elsie Fowble was the guest of Miss Erma Martin in Hampstead last week. ' Miss Mattie Shearer visited her uncle, Dr. D. M. Resh, during, the car- nival. The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller on Monday and left a son, Rus- sell Franklin. Mr. William Miller was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schultz on last Sunday. TEXAS. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sparks and daughters, Agatha and Regina, of Bal- timore, sent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ensor. Mr. and Mrs. LJyman Anderson and son, of Ruxton, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Caslin and chil- dren, John, Albert and Edna, spent Sunday at Druid Hill Park. Mr. Lewrence Ensor is spending his vacation at Coster, Calvert county. Mrs. McGarrah, of Washington, D. C, is the guest of her brother, Rev. M,* J. Cahill, pastor of St. Joseph's Cath- olic Church. CHASE. Mrs. John Richardson entertained the Ladies' Aid Society of Ebenezer last Thursday afternoon. Mr. John Eurice has purchased Mr. George Smith's farm near Cowenton, on the Philadelphia Pike. Mr. Eurice will move there in the near future. Mioses Ruth Asher, Minnie Asher. Margaret Diamond, Marie Earle, Mrs. C. E. Earle, Mr. James Asher and Mr. Paul Price are spending a couple of weeks camping on the Bird River. Mrs. Gill, of Walbrook, was the week-end guest of Mrs. H. E. Brazier, r Miss Nellie Vincent has returned from a visit to'her sister, Mrs. Harold Stark, of Aberdeen. EVNA. Sunday School at the U. B. Church tomorrow at 9.30 A. M. Cedar Grove picnic will not be held today on account of the tent services at Mount Carmel, and has been post- poned until next Saturday, August 21, afternoon and evening. Miss Viola Foster, of Baltimore, was the guest on Sunday of her mother, Mrs. George Foster. Mrs. Jarrett Thompson, who had a, severe fall from a load of hay recently is slowly improving. Mr. W. L. Hoffman was the guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thompson, of Mt. Carmel. o HARRISONVILLE. The Presbyterian Church of Ran- dallstown, held its annual picnic Wed- nesday at Druid Hill Park. The Foreign Missionary Society met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Augustus Milke, 0 f Holbrook. The Men's Bible Class of Ward's Chapel held a meeting on Monday evening. The CDell family held its annual fishing party at the\ falls at North Branch. Miss Edith Dell and Mis/s Pearl Trip- lett, of Holbrook, have returned from Mountain Lake Park after spending a week there. MT. CARMEL. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Quail, of Har- rislburg, Pa., are visiting Mr. J. S. Gor- such. Evangelistic services are being held at the church. Come out and enjoy them. Many of our folks attended the car- nival at Hampstead. Several barns were burned during the recent storms. Miss E. Hale of Hereford, is visit- ingher sisters, Mrs. J. R. Peregoy and Mrs. Edward Armacost. Mr. Elmer Phillips, of Baltimore, spent Sunday at the home of his par- ents. SITUATE JN THE VILLAGE OF TIMONIUM, 8TH ELECTION DISTRICT OF BALTIMORE COUNTY, MD. Under and by virtue of a writ of fieri facias on condemnation issued out of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County at the suit of John C. Fitzpat- rick, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Edward G. Cherbonnier, to me directed, I have seized upon and taken in execution all the right, title, interes/t, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said Edward G. Cherbonnier, in the following described property, to wit: Beginning; for the same at the end of the 20 perches in a line drawn north 77% degrees, west from the west side of the York Turnpike Road and from a point where the land of Milton Al- bright adjoins the Baltimore County Agricultural Fair Grounds, at Timon- ium, and running thence bounding on said Fair Grounds north 77% degrees west 40 perches!; thence north 13 de- grees west 16 perches; thence south 77% degrees east 40 perches and thence south 13 degrees east 16 perches tr> the place oi beginning. Containing FOUR ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. And I hereby give notice that On Tuesday, September 7, 1920, At 12 o'clock Noon, At the Court House Door, Towson, Md. I will sell at Public Auction all, the right, title, interest, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said Ed- ward G. Cherbonnier, to the highest bidder for cash. SAMUEL C. MAHLE, "Sheriff of Baltimore County. S 8-14-4t. SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. Stewart & Pearre, Attorneys, 6431 Calvert Bldg., Baltimore, Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION CLARENCE S. GORE AND MARIE R. GORE, his wife, et al. VS. ALBERT P. GORE, CATHERINE GRAVES, MARY BELL GORE, et al. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY IN EQUITY. William P. Butler, Auctioneer, Towson, Md. PUBLIC SALE —OF— TWO LOTS OF GROUND ONE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOMBARD AND 10TH STREET^, AND THE OTHER ADJOINING THERETO ON THE EAST, IN BALTIMORE CITY, FORMERLY BALTIMORE COUNTY. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at the Court House Door, in Towson, On Monday, August 30, 1920, At 3 o'clock P. M., ALL THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY, MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning for the same at the South" east corner of Lombard and 10th Sts., and running thence Southerly on the East side of 10th Street 125 feet; thence Easterly and parallel with, Lombard Street 25 feet; thence North- erly and parallel with 10th Street 125 feet to the South side of Lombard St., and thence binding thereon Westerly 25 feet to the place of beginning. And immediately thereafter will sell all that valuable property more fully described as follows: Beginning for the same at a point on the South side of Lombard Street 25 feet Easterly from the Southeast cor- ner of said Street and 10th Street, and running thence on the outh side of Lombard Street Easterly 25 feet; thence Southerly and parallel to 10th Street 125 feet; thence "Westerly and parallel to Lombard Street 25 feet, and thence Northerly and parallel to 10th Street 125 feet to the place of begin- ning. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. WLLIAM F COGHLAN, WILLIAM P. BOSLEY, HARR1PON RIDER, ROBERT C. CLARKE, JOHN T. GRACE, County Commissioners of Baltimore County. JOHN R. HAUT, Clerk. 8-14-3t. The object of this s.uit is to procure a decree for the sale of a tract of land of approximately forty-one acres, sit- uate in the Fourth District of Balti- more County, Maryland. The bill alleges that by deed dated April 23rd, 1883, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber W. M. I., No. 134, folio 517, there was conveyed by Andrew W. Gore and others to Annie E. Gore and J. Lizzie Gore, also known as J. Eliza- beth Gore, a tract of land situated in the Fourth Election District of Balti- more county, near St. George Station, Maryland. That Annie E. Gore died in 1887, leaving a will duly probated in the Orphans' Court for Baltimore County, by which all of her interest in said tract of land was bequeathed to her sister, J. Elizabeth Gore, and that J. Elizabeth Gore, being the owner of all of the aforedea'cribed tract of land, died in 1918, leaving a will, duly pro- bated in the Orphans' Court for Balti- more County, devising said tract of land, which is situate nea» St. George, Baltimore County, Md., to her neph- ew, Clarence S. Gore, _ for life, and "upon and after his death unto his child o r children, share and share alike, per stirpes absolutely, and in the event of said Clarence leaving no child, children or descendants surviving him my will is that from and aft,er the death of said Clarence all my interest in said home place pass to s/uch person as would take an estate in fee simple in the State of Maryland had I died intestate after the date of the death of the said Clarence." That Clarence S. Gore married Marie R. Gore, and they have two children, Frances Elizabeth Gore, aged eleven years, and Elizabeth Hyatt Gore, aged three years. Tha't J. Elizabeth Gore at the time of her death left surviving her the following as her heirs at law, all of whom are still living, all of whom are of full legal age: Albert P. Gore, a brother, a resident of Baltimore City, Maryland, and the following children of A. Washington Gore, a brother of J. Elizabeth Gore, who predeceased her: Catherine Graves, a widow; Mary Bell Gore, unmarried; Albert J. Gore, who married Eleanor A. Gore, all of whom live in the Dist- rict of Columbia; Charles W. Gore, who married Frances Field Gore, who live in the State of New York; Hugh C. Gore, who married Ada Thompson Gore, who live in the State of Califor- nia. That the complainants and defend- ant^ are the only persons in, being in- terested in, or claiming any interest in the property disposed of under said will: that it is to the advantage of all parties concerned that the real estate described in said bill be sold and the proceeds) invested unde^ the direction of this Court. It is thereupon this 5th day of Aug- ust ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, in equity, that the plaintiffs by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore County- once in each of four successive weeks be- fore the 6.th day of September, 1920, give notice to the said absent defend- ants non-residents of the State of Marvland, of the object and substance of this* bill, warning them to be and appear in person or by solicitor in this Cour' On or before the 22d day of September, 1920, to show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not be passed as prayed. FRANK I. DUNCAN, Judge. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 8-7-5t. Lawrence E. Ensor, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, Md. ORDER NISI. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF BAL- TIMORE COUNTY. KlNGSVILLE. St. Stephens' picnic, under the man- agement of Rev. Cornelius Dacey, was attended by a record-breaking crowd. The Ladiesf Aid Society of Salem M. E. Church will hold a supper and bazar on the lawn of Mr. and. Mrs. Joshua Hammond, on Wednesday, August 18. Mrs. E. M. Brandt, who has been on the sick list, is reported to be improv- ing. Miss Emily Quinlin, Mr. Fletcher Gorsuch and Mr. Frank M. Gorsuch are among those who attended St. Mary's picnic, Pylesville. Miss Ethel Mann has gone on a pleasure trip to New York. o PLEASANT GROVE. Miss Mattie Curry, of Baltimore, is visiting Miss'- Elsie Mays. The Women's Auxiliary of Frazier P. E. Church held the regular monthly meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. E. P. Royston. i Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Zulauf, of Balti- more, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C.L Zulauf. Phoenix baseball team defeated War- ren team on the Warren diamond last Saturday afternoon. They will play Mt. Washington today, on< the Phoenix grounds. ROCKLAND. Mrs. M. L. Gar.rett motored to Wil- mington, Del., where she is visiting lelatives. Mrs. Ernest Dey and Mrsi. Wilbur Smith and children spent Wednesday with Mrs. Stanley Mash, of Texas. Miss Catherine Duffy, of Baltimore, spent a few days with Mrs. Joseph Smyth. 3IANOR GLEN. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lauderman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Amos. Miss Kathryn Rehberger, of Balti- more, visited her parents, Mr. asd Mrs. Lewis Rehberger, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Treut, of Phila- delpha, are spending some time at the home of Mr. Treut's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Treut. WANTED. A Non-Union Painter, residence some- where adjacent to York Road, be- tween Lutherville and iQockeysville; about three months' job of plain paint- ing. Address "B," 8-14-2t. Jeffersonian Office. ORDERED, By the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 15th day of August, 1920, that the sales of the Real Estate of^J. Adam Shuppert deceased, made by "Walter Shuppert, the Execu- tor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, and this day report- ed to this Court by the said Executor be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary On or before the 6th day of September, 1920. Provided a copy of this order be in- serted in some weeky newspaper, printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three succes- sive weeks before the said 6th day of September, 1920. The report states the amount of sales to be $1,675.00. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM J. PEACH, Register of Wills for Baltimore County. JAMES B. BENTZ, LUTHER M. B. WILLIAMS, Judges. 8-14-4t. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscribers have obtained from the Or- phans' Court of Baltimore County let- ters of Administration on the estate of RUTH ANN BELT, late of said county, deceased. All per- sons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, On or before the 16th day of February, 1921; they may othewise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under our hands this 12th day of August, 1920. MARY A. PELTZER, MATILDA A. PITTS, 8-14-4t*. Administratrices. C. Gusi Grasou, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, Md. NOTICE TO (QREDITORS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County Letters of Administration on the es- tate of JOHN T. HOPKINS, late of said county, deceased. All per- sons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the ^ame, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 9th day of February, 1921; they may otherwise by law be exclud- ed from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are re- quested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 3rd day of August, 19-20. MARY E. HOPKINS, 8-7-4t. Administratrix. STATE OF MARYLAND OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that applica- tion has been made to the Governor of Maryland for the pardon or parole of Major Payne, who was convicted at the September Term 1916, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, of Assault with Intent to Murder, and sentenced to the Maryland Penitentiary for the period of ten years. The Governor will take up the said case for final decision on or after Saturday (noon) August 7th, 1920, until which time protests against sluch pardon will be heard and the papers filed will be n pen to inspection at the discreion of he Governor. By order of the Governor, PHILIP B. PERLMAN. 8-7-lt. Secretary of State. For Sale. FRAME DWELLING, 7 ROOMS. Gas, Electricity. 107 W. Alleghany Avenue, Towson. Apply to MRS. J. G. JONES, 1706 Jackson Street, N. E., 7-31-4t Washington, D. C. SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. Samuel C. Mahle, Sheriff of Baltimore County. SHERIFF'S SALE. —OF— VALUABLE PROPERTY, SITUATE AT WEST ILCHESTER, BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND. Under and by virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the ^Circuit Court for Howard County at the suit of George E. Wheatley, against the goods and chattels, lands and tene- ments of John G. Rogers, to me direct- ed, I have seized upon and taken in execution all the right, title, interest, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said John G. Rogers in the following described property, to wit: Beginning for the same at a stone at the end of the North 60 degrees and 30 minutes West 50 fee t line of the 37 acres and 7 square perches of land more or less, conveyed by Robert Mickle, Trustee, to Peter W. Gibbons, and running thence binding on said land reversely allowing 2V 2 degrees for variation, South 58 degrees East 50 feet to the North 27 degrees and 15 minutes East 18 perch line of the whole tract of land called West II- chester; thence binding on said line al- lowing 414 degrees/ for variation, South 31 degrees and 30 minutes West, 141 feet to an iron pin in a rock near the surface of the ground; thence leaving said line and bearing South 50 degrees West 118 feet to the Frederick turn- pike road to intersect the original line; thence binding on said line along the North side of said road North 43 de- grees) West 103 feet and 3 inches to a corner of land conveyed by Robert Mickle to Arantina Stinchomb; thence binding n n said land North 53 degrees East 15 perches to the place of begin- ning. CONTAINING 77 SQUARE PERCHES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. For title of the said John G. Rogers in the above tract of land see Equity Docket No. 18, folio 147, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, entitled John G. Rogers, Mortgagee, vs. Jacob J. Werner, et al. And I hereby give notice, that On Tuesday, August 31, 1920, At 12 o'clock noon, At the Court House Door, Towson, Md. I will sell at Public Auction all the right, title, interest, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said John G. Rogers to the highest bidder for SAMUEL C. MAHLE, Sheriff of Baltimore County. 8-7-4t. Michael P. Kehoe, Attorney-at Law, Equitable Bldg., Baltimore, Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Pursuant to the power and authority contained in the will of the late Nich- olas Lowman, deceased, and-under an order of the Orphans' Court of Balti- more County, the undersigned Execu- tor will sell by Public Auction on the premises, s On Tuesday, 17th day of August, 1920, At 4 o'clock P. M., the above mentioned property, more particularly described as follows: Beginning for the same at a stone on the south side of the Old Sulphur fepring Road (now called Knecht ave- nue) at the end of the north forty-five degrees west one hundred and fifty- nine perches line of the- thirdly de- scribed parcel of land in a deed from the Leeds' 1 Land and Improvement Company of Baltimore City to John A. Knecht, dated November 30, 1900, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber N B. M., No. 248, folio 377, &c; and running thence binding on the south side of the Old Sulphur Spring Road, as now survey- ed, north eighty-eight degrees five minutes west one hundred and twenty- nine feet and four inches to a stone; thence south no degrees! and forty minutes east two hundred and eighty- six feet and nine inches to a stone marked "F 10"; thence stmth eighty- eight degrees east three hundred and seventy-seven feet, more or less, to in- tersect the north forty-five degrees west one hundred and fifty-nine per- ches line above referred to: and thence binding on said line northwesterly three hundred, and eighty-seven feet and nine inches, more or less, to the beginning. Containing ONE AND SIXTY-SEVEN ONE-HUNDREDTHS ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. IMPROVED BY A COMFORTABLE TWO-STORY AND ATTIC FRAME DWELLING, with large stable and other out-build- ings. The property is within five min- utes walk of the Halethorpe Electric Car Line and ten minutes from Arbu- tus Station on the Penna. R. R. Elec- tric car stop, Knecht avenue, walk east. TERMS OF SALE—$250.00 Cash, bal- ance upon final ratification of sale by Orphans' Court of Baltimore County. CARVILLE D. BENSON, Executor. CALEB S. HOBBS, Auctiineer. 7-31-3t. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY IN EQUITY. The object of this bill is to procure a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the plaintiff, Lillian F. Coombs, from the defendant, Clarence J. Coombs, and the custody of Mildred M. Coombss and Elain Elizabeth Coombs, minor chil- dren of the parties to this cause. The Bill recites that the parties, were married in the City of Alexand- ria, in the State of Virginia, on No- vember 3, 1913, by a Minister of the Gosepl, and lived together up to the month of July, 1917, when he deserted her in the city of Washington, D. C.; that the plaintiff hasj been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two years prior to the filing of this Bill of Complaint, while the defendant, Clarence J. Coombs, is a non-resident of the State of Maryland, his present whereabout being unknown to the plaintiff; that there have been two children born as the result of said mar- riage: Mildred M. Coombs, Born Jan- uary 13, 1915„ ,and Elain Elizabeth Coombs born February 21, 1916, both of whom are now in the custody of the plaintiff; that though the conduct of the plaintiff toward her said hus- band has been affectionate and above reproach, the defendant, Clarence J. Coombs, her husband, has, without just cause or reason, abandoned and desert- ed her, and declared his; intention to live with her n n longer; that .said abandonment has continued uninter- ruptedly for more than three years, is deliberate and final, and the separation of the parties is beyond any reason- able hope or expectation of reconcil- iation. It is therefore ODDERED, by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 4th day 0 f August, A. D., 1920, that the plaintiff, by causjing a copy of this Order to be inserted in some weekly newspaper, published in Balti- more County once a week for four suc- cessive weeks before the 6th day of September, 1920, give notice to the said non-resident defendant, Clarence J'. Coombs;, of the object and substance of this suit and warn him to be and appear in this Court either in person or by solicitor, On or before the 22d d«y of September, 1921, to show cause if any he' may have why a decree should not be passed as prayed. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 8-7-4t W. Gill Smith, Attorney, Towson, Md. ORDER NISI. MARY A. CARNEY, Widow, Et Al, vs. KATE CARNEY, Et Al, Infants IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. DON'T PUT OFF BUYING Ross Feed and Ensilage Cutters Better Ensilage at lowest cost; sizes to match any farm power. Will be difficult to secure later. Order immediately while we have them in stock and can make prompt delivery. The Ross Flywheel Type will make more money for j^ou every year yau use it. Can ship from stock Heavy Stude- baker Road Carts, Two-Passenger, Slat Seat, Slat Foot Rack, one-inch Collar Steel Axle, I" wheels ^and hickory shafts; special price of $37.50 while this stock lasts. Very similar Road Cart, slightly lighter, at $32.50. It will rjayyou to buy early. Several Sample Second-Hand Tractors at a bargain. Call or write for prices. Our 1920 Illustrated Catalog, describing fully allf Supplies for the Farm, Garden, Poultry Yard and'Dairy, mailed to you FREE. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO., 205-215 N. Paca Street and 366 N. Gay Street, BALTIMORE, MD. ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 21st day of July, 1920, that the sale made and re- ported by Robert E. Carney, Trustee, for the sale of the property described in the proceedings in the above en- titled cause be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown On or before the 16th day of August, 1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in- serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be- fore the said 16th day of August, 1920. The report states the amount of sale to be $3,640.00. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-24-4t Ben s on, Nock «fe Rowe, Attorneys, Fidelity lllds., Baltimore, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Or- phans' Court of Baltimore County, let- ters Testamentary on the estate of ELIZABETH WADE, late of said county, deceased. All per- sona having 'claims against the said es- tate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 2nd day of February, 1921; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 30th day of July, 1920. JOHN P. DEERING, Executor. Halethorpe, Md.i 7-31-4t. Box 50. SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. Benson, A T ock & Rowe, Attorneys 1301-3 Fi a elity Building, Baltimore, Md. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE FEE-SIMPLE DWELLING, PROPERTY OP THE LATE NICH- OLAS LOWMAN, SITUATE ON KNECHT AVENUE, THIRD HOUSE EAST OP BENSON AVENUE, IN LEEDSVILLE, '3TH DISTRICT OF BALTIMORE COUNTY. SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. William P. Cole, Jr., Attorney-at-lAsw, Towson, Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. James J. Lindsay, Attorney-at-Law, Equitable Bids., Baltimore Md. William P. Cole Jr., Attorney-at-Law, Towson Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OP BAL- TIMORE COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP MARY A. McBRIDE, ALSO KNOWN AS MAY McBRIDE, LATE OP BALTIMORE COUNTY, DECEASED. Upon the petition of James J. Lind- say, administrator of the estate of Mary A. McBride, also known as May McBride, late of Baltimore County, de- ceased, it is this 8th day of July, 1920, ordered by the Orphans' Court of Bal- timore County, that the 14th day of September, 1920, be named and appoint- ed for a meeting in this Court of per- sons entitled to distributive shares or legacies, or a residue of said dece- dent's estate, in pursuance of the pro- visions of Chapter 255 of the Laws of the State of Maryland, passed at the January Session of the Maryland Gen- eral Assembly, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and now codi- fied as Article 93, Section 143, in Bag- by's Annonated Code of the Public Civil Laws of Maryland; and it is fur- ther ordered that Clarence C. Strick- land, Mary S. Strickland, Sarah R. Strickland and William T. Vinsinger, administrator of Margaret E. Strick- land, deceased, all residing at Elkton, Cecil County, State of Maryland; James J. Lindsay, administrator of Eliza J. McBride, late of Baltimore County, de- ceased, whose residence is Towson, State of Maryland, and James J. Lind- say and William P. Cole, Jr., adminis- trators of Harriet McBride, late of Baltimore County, deceased, whose res- idence is Towson, State of Maryland, and the following non-residents: Annie L. Maclntyre, residing in Media, State of Pennsylvania; Andrew McBride, re- siding in Monmouth, State of Illinois; Mary E. Gilmore, residing in Los An- geles, State of California; William M. Watson, residing in Phoenixville, State of Pennsylvania; William T. Mc- Bride, residing in Wellington, State of Kansas; Eleanor E. Todd and Hen- ri Etta Todd, residing in Newark, in the State of Delaware; Lizzie G. Bon- ine, residing in the city of Philadel- phia, in the State of Pennsylvania; Louisa G. Gatchell, residing in the city of Wilmington, State of Delaware; Alfred C. Strickland, residing in the City of Philadelhia, State of Pennsyl- vania, Harry Strickland, residing In the City of Pittsburgh, in the State of Pennsylvania, and Amelia Anderson, Analine Anderson and Cordelia Ander- son, and Joseph Anderson, Palmer An- derson and David Anderson, if living are supposed to reside at Delta, in the State of Pennsylvania, and all resi- dents and all non-residents of the State of Maryland, and all known and unknown persons and all other persons interested as distributees, legatees or otherwise in the estate of the said de- cedent Mary A. McBride, also known as May McBride, deceased, or in the residue of the estate of the said de- cedent Mary A. McBride, also known as May McBride, deceased, be and they and each of them are hereby notified and warned to be and appear in per- son, by guardian, solicitor or agent in this Court. On the said 14th day of September,. 1920, At 11 o'clock A. M., to the end and for the object and pur- pose that distribution and -ayment may be then and there made under the Courts direction and control; and it is also ordered that this notice shall be published in one of the newspapers printed in Baltimore County, once a week for four successive weeks on or before the 10th day of August, nine- teen hundred and twenty. JAMES B. BENTZ, JOHN HOPF, LUTHER M. B. WILLIAMS, Judges. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM J. PEACH, Register of Wills for Baltimore County. 7-10-5L ANNIE L. McINTYE and JAMES R. McINTYRE, her husband; ANDREW McBRIDE and HARRIET E. Mc- BRIDE, his wife; MARY E. GIL- MORE (widow); WILLIAM T. Mc- BRIDE, unmarried; and WILLIAM M. WATSON and REBECCA STRICK- LAND WATSON, his wife; Plaintiffs, vs. ELEANOR E. TODD, unmarried; HEN- RI ETTA TODD, unmarried; MARY S. STRICKLAND, unmarried; SARAH T. STRICKLAND. unmarried; WM. T. VINSINGER. Administrator of MARGARET E. STRICKLAND, de- ceased; CLARENCE E. STRICKLAND and^ANNA HILTON STRICKLAND. his wife; LIZZIE G. BONNIE, wid- ow; LOUISA G. GATCHELL, widow; OLPRED G. STRICKLAND, widower; HARRY STRICKLAND and STRICKLAND, his wife; AMELIA ANDERSON; ANALINE ANDERSON; JOSEPH ANDERSON; CORDELIA ANDERSON; PALMER ANDERSON; DAVID ANDERSON; and JAMES J. LINDSAY and WILLIAM P. COLE, JR., Administrators of the Estate of Harriet McBride, deceased; Defend- ants. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. W. Gill Smith, Attorney, Towson, Md. ORDER NISI. ALICE ROYSTON, Widow, Et Al, vs. LULA B. ROYSTON, -Et Al. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. FOR SALjE. SPLENDID COTTAGE, Seven large rooms, Large Porch, cellar under house. One-half Acre of Ground, Barn, Henhouse, Good Fruit. Apply to the owner, LEAND'ER NESS, Boring P. O, 8-7-2t. Baltimore County, Md. ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 21st day of July, 1920, that the sale made and re- ported by T. Tilden Kelbaugh and W. Gill Smith, Trustees, for the sale of the property described in the proceed- ings in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, On or before the 16th day of August, * 1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in- serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be- fore the said 16th day of August, 1920. The report states the amount of sale to be $1,2,100.00. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. »-24-4t The object of this suit is to have a Trustee or Trustees appointed to make the sale of certain farm property, con- sisting of eighty-nine acres of land, more or less, situated near Monkton, Baltimore County, State of Maryland. This Bill states that Harriet Mc- Bride, late of Baltimore County, de- ceased, was in her life time and at the time of her death, sjeized and possessed of a certain farm consisting of eighty- nine acres of land, more or less, situ- ated along the County Road, near Monkton, Baltimore County, State of Maryland, and described in the follow- ing deeds From Solomon Foster, et al to James McBride, dated September 12, 1845, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber A. W. B., No. 357, folio 120, &c; and from James J. McBride to Mary Ann Mc- Bride et al, by deed dated January 9, 1893, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber L. M. B., No. 195, folio 548, &c, and by deed dated February 25, 1918, frim Jas. J. Lindsay, committee to Harriet Mc- Bride and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C No. 493, folii 447, &c, certified copies 'of the aforesaid deeds being filed with the Bill of Complaint in these proceedings, and prayed to be taken as a part < thereof. That James McBride departed this life, intestate about the year 1893, subsequent to the death of his wife, Hannah Strickland McBride, and left surviving him as his next of kin and heirs at law, the fol- lowing named children as a result of said marriage, viz: Andrew McBride. Jamesi H. McBride, Louisa McBride, Mary A. McBride, Eliza J, McBride and Harriet McBride. That Andrew Mc- Bride, one of the aforementioned chil- dren, predeceased his father, James Mc- Bride, and having died unmarried and without issue; that, James H. McBride, one of the aforementioned children died about the year 1902, unmarried an« without issue, but preceding his death by a deed of conveyance hereinbefore referred to, conveyed his interest in the aforesaid property to his four liv- ing sisters hereinbefore named. That neither of the said daughters of the said James and Hannah Strickland Mc- Bride, hereinbefore named, ever mar- ried, and all have departed this life without issue and died intestate, sub- sequent to the death'of their brother, James McBride, they having died in the following order: Louisa McBride, Mary A. McBride, Eliza J. McBride and Harriet McBride, and as all of the estates of the said sisters have been duly administered on in the Orphans' Court for Baltimore County, and hav- ing died in the order named, the sur- viving sister, Harriet McBride, inherit- ed the entire estate sought to be sold in these proceedings. That the said Harriet McBride having died intestate, .covered to be living first cousins at the time of the death of the said Har- riet McBride on the side of the father and mother of the said Harriet Mc- Bride, the said first cousins on the side of the father James McBride, being: Annie L. Mclntyre, who intermarried with James R. Mclntyre, her husband, and who now reside in Media, State of Pennsylvania; Andrew McBride, who intermarried with Harriet E. McBride, his wife, and now reside in Monmouth, State of Illinois; Mary E. Gilmore (widow), who intermarried with El- wood Gilmore, her husband, who died in 1905, and now resides in Los An- geles, State of California, and .William T. McBride, unmarried, now residing in Wellington, State of Kansas, the only living children of Andrew Mc- Bride, the only brother of James Mc- Bride, the father of the said Harriet McBride; and William M. Watson, who intermarried with Rebecca Strickland Watson, his wife, and now reside at Phoenixville, State of Pennsylvania, being the only child of Ann McBride, the only sister of Jamesi McBride, aforesaid. On the side of the mother, Hannah Strickland McBride, there are the following first cousins: Eleanor E. Todd and Henri Etta Todd, both un- married and residing at Newark, State of Delaware, being the only children of Rebecca A. Strickland, deceased, a sister of the said Hannah Strickland McBride, wife of James McBride, and mother of said Harriet McBride, the said Rebecca A. Strickland having in- termarried with John H. Todd, now de- ceased; Margaret E. Strickland, Mary S. Strickland, Sarah R. Strickland, all unmarried and residing at Elkton, State of Maryland, being the only sur- viving children of William' Price Strickland, the said William Price Strickland being a brother of the said Hannah Strickland McBride, the wife of the said William Price Strickland being deceased, the aforesaid Margaret E. Strickland, who was living at the time of the death of the said Harriet McBride, died May 31st, 1920, and Wm. T. Vinsinger has been appointed admin- istrator of her estate; Clarence E. Strickland, unmarried, residing at Elk- ton, State of Maryland, being the only surviving child of Palmer C. Strickland, deceased, whose wife is also deceased, the said Palmer C. Strickland being ai brother of the said Hannah Strickland McBride; Lizzie G. Bonnie, widow of Thomas Bonnie, residing at Philadel- phia, State of Pennsylvania, and Louisa G. Gatchell, widow of Samuel Gatchell, deceased, residing at Wilmington, State of Delaware, and only surviving children of Harriet Strickland, de- ceased, (the s»aid Harriet Strickland being a sister of the said Hannah Strickland McBride) whose husband is deceased; Alfred G. Strickland, unmar- ried, residing at Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, and Harry Strickland unmarried, residing at Pittsburgh, State of Pennsylvania, only surviving children of John Scott Strickland, be- ing a brother of the said Hannah Strickland McBride, Amelia Anderson, Analine Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Cordelia Anderson, Palmer Anderson and David Anderson, children of Mary Strickland, the sister of said Hannah Strickland McBride; the said Mary Strickland being deceased, but as; to whether her husband, Alexander An- derson, whom she married in 1836, and her children named hereinbefore, are married or single, living or dead, the Bill of Complaint states that the com- plainants therein have been unable to ascertain, but that they were known last to have lived in the State of Penn- sylvania, in the vicinity of Delta. That all the aforesaid first cousins except- ing those residing in Eikton, State of Maryland, are non-residents of the State of Maryland That James J. Lindsay and William P. Cole, Jr., are administrators of the Estate of Har- riet McBride, deceased. That the fee simple property and im- provements! sought to be sold in these proceedings are not susceptible of par- tition without loss or injury to the said parties hereto entitled to interest therein; that in order to make parti- tion of the interests herein it will be necessary that The said property and improvements be sold and all proceeds of same be divided among the said par- tics hereto as their said interest might appear, under the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court. SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. It Is Thereupon Ordered by the Cir- cuit Court for Baltimore County in Equity, this 22nd day of July, 1920, that the complainants by causing a copy of said order to be published in some weekly newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County once in each of four successive weeks before the 23rd day of August, 1920, give no- tice to the said absent defendants, Eleanor E. Todd, Henri Etta Todd, Liz- zie Bonnie, Louisa Gatchell, Alfred G. Strickland, Harry Strickland and Strickland, his wife; Amelia Anderson, Analine Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Cordelia Anders/on, Palmer Anderson, Davis Anderson, of the object and sub- stance of this Bill, commanding them to appear in this Honorable Court in person or by solicitor, On or before the 8th day of September, 1920, to show cause, if any they may have, why a decree should not be passed as prayed. * WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-24-4t John Mays Little, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, M°. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. EMMA E. BOYER vs. SAMUEL K. BOYER. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. The object of this suit is to procure a ivorce "a vinculo matrimonii" by the plaintiff from the defendant. The Bill states that the parties were married on the 28th day of February, 1875, at Hametown, York ciunty, Pa., by the Rev. Daniel Green; that since said marriage the plaintiff has resided continuously in Baltimor ecounty, State of Maryland; that the conduct of the plaintiff toward the defendant has al- ways been kind, chaste, affectionate and above reproach; that notwith- standing her conduct, the defendant on or about the 20th day of March, 1906, without any just cause or reason, abandoned and deserted the plaintiff and has declared his intention to live with her no longer, and that such abandonment has continued uninter- ruptedly for more than three years, is deliberate and final, and the separation of the parties beyond any expectation of reconciliation; that four children wene born to the parties, all of whom are now adults, and that the defendant is now and for many years past has been a non-resident of the State of Maryland. It is thereupon ordered by the Cir- cuit Court for Baltimore County this* 22nd day of July, 1920, that the plain- tiff, by causing a copy if this order to be inserted in some newspaper pub- lished in Baltimore County, once a week for four successive weeks be- fore the 23rd day of August, 1920, give notice to the said Samuel K. Boyer of the object and s/ubstance of this Bill and warning him to be and appear in this Court, either in oerson or by Sol- icitor. On or before the Sth day of September, 1920, to show cause, if any he may have, why a decree should not be passed as) prayed. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE. Clerk. 7-24-4L Frank D. Noel, Attorney, 557 Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md. ORDER NISI. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF BAL- TIMORE COUNTY. ORDERED, ' By the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 28th day of July, 1920, that the sale of the Lease- hold Estate of John William Schone, infant, made by Mary C. Pfaff, guar- dian of the said John William Schone, infant, and this day reported to this Court by the siaid guardian be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary ^ On or before the 23ru day of August, 1920. Provided a copy of this order be in- serted in some weeky newspaper, printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three succes- sive weeks before the said 23d day of August, 1920. The report states the amount of sales to be $50.00. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM "j. PEACH Register of Wills for Baltimore County. JAMES B. BENTZ, LUTHER M. B. WILLIAMS, 7-31-4t* Judges. Bartlett, Poe & Claggett, Attorneysk. ORDER NISI. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES E. INGRAM. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 17th day of July, 1920, that the sale of the prop- erty mentioned in these proceedings male and reported by Edgar Allan Po*' Trustee, be ratified and confirmed, un- less cause to the contrary thereof be shown, On or before the 16th day of August, 1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in- serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks before the said 16th day of August, 1920. The report states the amount of sale to be $400.00. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-24-4L John H. Richardson, Attorney, Baltimore, Md. ORDER NISI. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK LONG. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. ORDERED, By the Circuit Court, fir Baltimore County, this 29th day of July, 1920, that the sale made and re- ported by Geirge Long, Cimmittee, for sale made and reported by George Long, Committee, for the sale of the the sale of the property described in the proceedings in the above entitled cause be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown On or before the 23d day of An c list, 1930. Provided a copy of thisi Order be in- serted in some newspaepr printed and published i,n Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be- fore the said 23d day of August, 1920. The report states the amount of sale to be $1,225.00. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-31-4t. James Clark, Atftorney-at-Lavr, Ellicott City, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County Letters of Administration on the es- tate of GEORGE L. WILT, We of said county, deceased. All per- sons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 26th day of January, 1921; they may otherwise by law be exclud- ed from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are re- quested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 23rd day of July, 1920. MARY E. J. WILT, 7-24-4t. Administratrix.

THE JEFVERSONiAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND; August 14, …mdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1... · At the Court House Door, Towson, Md. I will sell at Public Auction all,

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Page 1: THE JEFVERSONiAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND; August 14, …mdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1... · At the Court House Door, Towson, Md. I will sell at Public Auction all,


Local Correspondence GLENARM.

Mis:< Marie Hartley has returned «from a trip to Atlantic City.

Mrs. Harry Rever and her son, Wil­fred, of Philadelphia, have returned from a visit to Mrs. John Schneider.

Miss Elizabeth Lane is spending a few days in Virginia.

George and Albert Clark, who met with a serious accident on the Harford road, near here, on last Saturday while riding a motorcycle, are still ill at their home.

Mrs. Har ry LeBrun is) spending a few days with her brother, Mr. Wm. Francies, of Baldwin.

Master Wade Wisnom is visiting his sister, Mrs. Clarence Amerin, of Park-ville.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Atwill and their children, Lee and Lucy, have re­turned from a. visit to relatives in Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. John ( Schneider were guests of Mrs. Henry Erbe, of Kings-ville, on Sunday.

Dr. Armstrong will preach at WaAgh M. B. Church on Sunday at 11 A. M Sunday School at -10 A. M. All are welcome.

SALES AND LEGAL. NOTICES. Samuel C. Mahle, Sheriff 0 f Baltimore




GRAVE RUN. There will be no services tomorrow

at our church. Spend the day at Emory Grove instead.

Mr.' and Mrs, Wagner, of Baltimore, sp'ent the week-end wUh Mr. and Mrs. George Alban.

Mr. Jacob Hale has secured a posi­tion with the clerical force at Cam­den Station.

Mr. Roscoe Jones visited Mr. Wm. Carr on Sunday.

Miss Elsie Fowble was the guest of Miss Erma Martin in Hampstead last week. '

Miss Mattie Shearer visited her uncle, Dr. D. M. Resh, during, the car­nival.

The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller on Monday and left a son, Rus­sell Franklin.

Mr. William Miller was the gues t of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schultz on last Sunday.

TEXAS. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sparks and

daughters, Agatha and Regina, of Bal­timore, sent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ensor.

Mr. and Mrs. LJyman Anderson and son, of Ruxton, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Patr ick Caslin and chil­dren, John, Albert and Edna, spent Sunday at Druid Hill Park.

Mr. Lewrence Ensor is spending his vacation at Coster, Calvert county.

Mrs. McGarrah, of Washington, D. C, is the guest of her brother, Rev. M,* J. Cahill, pastor of St. Joseph's Cath­olic Church.

CHASE. Mrs. John Richardson entertained

the Ladies' Aid Society of Ebenezer last Thursday afternoon.

Mr. John Eurice has purchased Mr. George Smith's farm near Cowenton, on the Philadelphia Pike. Mr. Eurice will move there in the near future.

Mioses Ruth Asher, Minnie Asher. Margaret Diamond, Marie Earle, Mrs. C. E. Earle, Mr. James Asher and Mr. Paul Price are spending a couple of weeks camping on the Bird River.

Mrs. Gill, of Walbrook, was the week-end guest of Mrs. H. E. Brazier, r Miss Nellie Vincent has returned from a visit t o ' he r sister, Mrs. Harold Stark, of Aberdeen.

EVNA. Sunday School at the U. B. Church

tomorrow at 9.30 A. M. Cedar Grove picnic will not be held

today on account of the tent services at Mount Carmel, and has been post­poned until next Saturday, August 21, afternoon and evening.

Miss Viola Foster, of Baltimore, was the guest on Sunday of her mother, Mrs. George Foster.

Mrs. J a r r e t t Thompson, who had a, severe fall from a load of hay recently is slowly improving.

Mr. W. L. Hoffman was the guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thompson, of Mt. Carmel.


The Presbyter ian Church of Ran-dallstown, held its annual picnic Wed­nesday at Druid Hill Park.

The Foreign Missionary Society met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Augustus Milke, 0f Holbrook.

The Men's Bible Class of Ward's Chapel held a meeting on Monday evening.

The CDell family held its annual fishing par ty at the\ falls a t North Branch.

Miss Edith Dell and Mis/s Pearl Trip-lett, of Holbrook, have returned from Mountain Lake Park after spending a week there.


Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Quail, of Har-rislburg, Pa., are visiting Mr. J. S. Gor-such.

Evangelist ic services are being held at the church. Come out and enjoy them.

Many of our folks attended the car­nival a t Hampstead.

Several barns were burned during the recent storms.

Miss E. Hale of Hereford, is visit-ingher sisters, Mrs. J. R. Peregoy and Mrs. Edward Armacost.

Mr. Elmer Phillips, of Baltimore, spent Sunday at the home of his par­ents.



Under and by virtue of a wri t of fieri facias on condemnation issued out of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County at the suit of John C. Fi tzpat-rick, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Edward G. Cherbonnier, to me directed, I have seized upon and taken in execution all the right, title, interes/t, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said Edward G. Cherbonnier, in the following described property, to wit:

Beginning; for the same a t the end of the 20 perches in a line drawn north 77% degrees, west from the west side of the York Turnpike Road and from a point where the land of Milton Al­bright adjoins the Baltimore County Agricultural Fair Grounds, a t Timon-ium, and running thence bounding on said Fai r Grounds north 77% degrees west 40 perches!; thence north 13 de­grees west 16 perches; thence south 77% degrees east 40 perches and thence south 13 degrees east 16 perches tr> the place oi beginning. Containing


And I hereby give notice tha t On Tuesday, September 7, 1920,

At 12 o'clock Noon, At the Court House Door, Towson, Md. I will sell at Public Auction all , the right, title, interest, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said Ed­ward G. Cherbonnier, to the highest bidder for cash.

SAMUEL C. MAHLE, "Sheriff of Baltimore County.

S 8-14-4t.

SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. Stewart & Pearre, Attorneys,

6431 Calvert Bldg., Baltimore, Md.


CLARENCE S. GORE AND MARIE R. GORE, his wife, et al.




William P. Butler, Auctioneer, Towson, Md.


— O F —



EAST, IN BALTIMORE CITY, FORMERLY BALTIMORE COUNTY. The undersigned will sell a t Public

Auction at the Court House Door, in Towson,

On Monday, August 30, 1920, At 3 o'clock P. M.,


FOLLOWS: Beginning for the same at the South"

east corner of Lombard and 10th Sts., and running thence Southerly on the East side of 10th Street 125 feet; thence Easter ly and parallel with, Lombard Street 25 feet; thence North­erly and parallel with 10th Street 125 feet to the South side of Lombard St., and thence binding thereon Westerly 25 feet to the place of beginning.

And immediately thereafter will sell all that valuable property more fully described a s follows:

Beginning for the same at a point on the South side of Lombard Street 25 feet Easterly from the Southeast cor­ner of said Street and 10th Street, and running thence on the outh side of Lombard Street Easter ly 25 feet; thence Southerly and parallel to 10th Street 125 feet; thence "Westerly and parallel to Lombard Street 25 feet, and thence Northerly and parallel to 10th Street 125 feet to the place of begin­ning.


County Commissioners of Baltimore County.

JOHN R. HAUT, Clerk. 8-14-3t.

The object of this s.uit is to procure a decree for the sale of a t ract of land of approximately forty-one acres, sit­uate in the Four th District of Balti­more County, Maryland.

The bill alleges tha t by deed dated April 23rd, 1883, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County, in Liber W. M. I., No. 134, folio 517, there was conveyed by Andrew W. Gore and others to Annie E. Gore and J. Lizzie Gore, also known as J. Eliza­beth Gore, a t ract of land situated in the Fourth Election District of Balti­more county, near St. George Station, Maryland. That Annie E. Gore died in 1887, leaving a will duly probated in the Orphans' Court for Baltimore County, by which all of her interest in said t rac t of land was bequeathed to her sister, J. Elizabeth Gore, and that J. Elizabeth Gore, being the owner of all of the aforedea'cribed t ract of land, died in 1918, leaving a will, duly pro­bated in the Orphans' Court for Balti­more County, devising said t ract of land, which is situate nea» St. George, Baltimore County, Md., to her neph­ew, Clarence S. Gore, _ for life, and

"upon and after his death unto his child o r children, share and share alike, per stirpes absolutely, and in the event of said Clarence leaving no child, children or descendants surviving him my will is tha t from and aft,er the death of said Clarence all my interest in said home place pass to s/uch person as would take an estate in fee simple in the State of Maryland had I died intestate after the date of the death of the said Clarence." That Clarence S. Gore married Marie

R. Gore, and they have two children, Frances Elizabeth Gore, aged eleven years, and Elizabeth Hyat t Gore, aged three years. Tha't J. Elizabeth Gore at the time of her death left surviving her the following as her heirs a t law, all of whom are still living, all of whom are of full legal age:

Albert P. Gore, a brother, a resident of Baltimore City, Maryland, and the following children of A. Washington Gore, a brother of J. Elizabeth Gore, who predeceased her: Catherine Graves, a widow; Mary Bell Gore, unmarried; Albert J. Gore, who married Eleanor A. Gore, all of whom live in the Dist­rict of Columbia; Charles W. Gore, who married Frances Field Gore, who live in the State of New York; Hugh C. Gore, who married Ada Thompson Gore, who live in the State of Califor­nia.

That the complainants and defend-ant^ are the only persons in, being in­terested in, or claiming any interest in the property disposed of under said will: that it is to the advantage of all parties concerned that the real estate described in said bill be sold and the proceeds) invested unde^ the direction of this Court.

It is thereupon this 5th day of Aug­ust ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, in equity, that the plaintiffs by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published in Baltimore County- once in each of four successive weeks be­fore the 6.th day of September, 1920, give notice to the said absent defend­ants non-residents of the State of Marvland, of the object and substance of this* bill, warning them to be and appear in person or by solicitor in th is Cour' On or before the 22d day of September,

1920, to show cause, if any they have, why a decree should not be passed as prayed.


True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk.


Lawrence E. Ensor, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, Md.



KlNGSVILLE. St. Stephens' picnic, under the man­

agement of Rev. Cornelius Dacey, was attended by a record-breaking crowd.

The Ladiesf Aid Society of Salem M. E. Church will hold a supper and bazar on the lawn of Mr. and. Mrs. Joshua Hammond, on Wednesday, August 18.

Mrs. E. M. Brandt, who has been on the sick list, is reported to be improv­ing.

Miss Emily Quinlin, Mr. Fletcher Gorsuch and Mr. Frank M. Gorsuch are among those who attended St. Mary's picnic, Pylesville.

Miss Ethel Mann has gone on a pleasure trip to New York.


Miss Mattie Curry, of Baltimore, is visi t ing Miss'- Elsie Mays.

The Women's Auxiliary of Frazier P. E. Church held the regular monthly meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. E. P. Royston. i

Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Zulauf, of Balti­more, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C.L Zulauf.

Phoenix baseball team defeated War­ren team on the Warren diamond last Saturday afternoon. They will play Mt. Washington today, on< the Phoenix grounds.

ROCKLAND. Mrs. M. L. Gar.rett motored to Wil­

mington, Del., where she is visiting lelatives.

Mrs. Ernest Dey and Mrsi. Wilbur Smith and children spent Wednesday with Mrs. Stanley Mash, of Texas.

Miss Catherine Duffy, of Baltimore, spent a few days with Mrs. Joseph Smyth.

3IANOR GLEN. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lauderman spent

Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Amos.

Miss Kathryn Rehberger, of Balti­more, visited her parents, Mr. asd Mrs. Lewis Rehberger, last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Treut, of Phila-delpha, are spending some time at the home of Mr. Treut 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Treut.

WANTED. A Non-Union Painter, residence some­where adjacent to York Road, be­tween Lutherville and iQockeysville; about three months' job of plain paint­ing.

Address "B," 8-14-2t. Jeffersonian Office.

ORDERED, By the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 15th day of August, 1920, that the sales of the Real Esta te of^J. Adam Shuppert deceased, made by "Walter Shuppert, the Execu­tor of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, and this day report­ed to this Court by the said Executor be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary On or before the 6th day of September,

1920. Provided a copy of this order be in­

serted in some weeky newspaper, printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three succes­sive weeks before the said 6th day of September, 1920.

The report s ta tes the amount of sales to be $1,675.00.

True Copy—Test: WILLIAM J. PEACH,

Register of Wills for Baltimore County. JAMES B. BENTZ, LUTHER M. B. WILLIAMS,

Judges. 8-14-4t.


THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscribers have obtained from the Or­phans' Court of Baltimore County let­ters of Administration on the estate of

RUTH ANN BELT, late of said county, deceased. All per­sons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, On or before the 16th day of February,

1921; they may othewise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment.

Given under our hands this 12th day of August, 1920.


8-14-4t*. Administratrices.

C. Gusi Grasou, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, Md.


the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County Letters of Administration on the es­tate of

JOHN T. HOPKINS, late of said county, deceased. All per­sons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the ^ame, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 9th day of February,

1921; they may otherwise by law be exclud­ed from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are re­quested to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand this 3rd day of August, 19-20.

MARY E. HOPKINS, 8-7-4t. Administratrix.



TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given tha t applica­

tion has been made to the Governor of Maryland for the pardon or parole of Major Payne, who was convicted at the September Term 1916, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, of Assault with Intent to Murder, and sentenced to the Maryland Penitent iary for the period of ten years.

The Governor will take up the said case for final decision on or after

Saturday (noon) August 7th, 1920, until which time protests against sluch pardon will be heard and the papers filed will be npen to inspection at the discreion of he Governor.

By order of the Governor, PHILIP B. PERLMAN.

8-7-lt. Secretary of State.


Gas, Electricity. 107 W. Alleghany Avenue, Towson.

Apply to MRS. J. G. JONES, • 1706 Jackson Street, N. E.,

7-31-4t Washington, D. C.

SALES AND LEGAL NOTICES. Samuel C. Mahle, Sheriff of Baltimore







Under and by virtue of a wri t of fieri facias issued out of the ^Circuit Court for Howard County at the suit of George E. Wheatley, against the goods and chattels, lands and tene­ments of John G. Rogers, to me direct­ed, I have seized upon and taken in execution all the right, title, interest, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said John G. Rogers in the following described property, to wit:

Beginning for the same at a stone at the end of the North 60 degrees and 30 minutes West 50 fee t line of the 37 acres and 7 square perches of land more or less, conveyed by Robert Mickle, Trustee, to Peter W. Gibbons, and running thence binding on said land reversely allowing 2V2 degrees for variation, South 58 degrees East 50 feet to the North 27 degrees and 15 minutes East 18 perch line of the whole tract of land called West II-chester; thence binding on said line al­lowing 414 degrees/ for variation, South 31 degrees and 30 minutes West, 141 feet to an iron pin in a rock near the surface of the ground; thence leaving said line and bearing South 50 degrees West 118 feet to the Frederick turn­pike road to intersect the original line; thence binding on said line along the North side of said road North 43 de­grees) West 103 feet and 3 inches to a corner of land conveyed by Robert Mickle to Arantina Stinchomb; thence binding n n said land North 53 degrees East 15 perches to the place of begin­ning. CONTAINING 77 SQUARE PERCHES

OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. For title of the said John G. Rogers

in the above tract of land see Equity Docket No. 18, folio 147, in the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, entitled John G. Rogers, Mortgagee, vs. Jacob J. Werner, et al.

And I hereby give notice, tha t On Tuesday, August 31, 1920,

At 12 o'clock noon, At the Court House Door, Towson, Md. I will sell at Public Auction all the right, title, interest, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said John G. Rogers to the highest bidder for

SAMUEL C. MAHLE, Sheriff of Baltimore County.


Michael P. Kehoe, Attorney-at Law, Equitable Bldg., Baltimore, Md.


Pursuant to the power and authori ty contained in the will of the late Nich­olas Lowman, deceased, and-under an order of the Orphans' Court of Balti­more County, the undersigned Execu­tor will sell by Public Auction on the premises, s On Tuesday, 17th day of August, 1920,

At 4 o'clock P. M., the above mentioned property, more particularly described as follows:

Beginning for the same at a stone on the south side of the Old Sulphur fepring Road (now called Knecht ave­nue) at the end of the north forty-five degrees west one hundred and fifty-nine perches line of the- thirdly de­scribed parcel of land in a deed from the Leeds'1 Land and Improvement Company of Baltimore City to John A. Knecht, dated November 30, 1900, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber N B. M., No. 248, folio 377, &c; and running thence binding on the south side of the Old Sulphur Spring Road, as now survey­ed, north eighty-eight degrees five minutes west one hundred and twenty-nine feet and four inches to a stone; thence south no degrees! and forty minutes east two hundred and eighty-six feet and nine inches to a stone marked "F 10"; thence stmth eighty-eight degrees east three hundred and seventy-seven feet, more or less, to in­tersect the north forty-five degrees west one hundred and fifty-nine per­ches line above referred to: and thence binding on said line northwesterly three hundred, and eighty-seven feet and nine inches, more or less, to the beginning. Containing ONE AND SIXTY-SEVEN ONE-HUNDREDTHS ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS.


FRAME DWELLING, with large stable and other out-build­ings. The property is within five min­utes walk of the Halethorpe Electric Car Line and ten minutes from Arbu­tus Station on the Penna. R. R. Elec­tric car stop, Knecht avenue, walk east.

TERMS OF SALE—$250.00 Cash, bal­ance upon final ratification of sale by Orphans' Court of Baltimore County.


CALEB S. HOBBS, Auctiineer. 7-31-3t.


The object of this bill is to procure a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the plaintiff, Lillian F. Coombs, from the defendant, Clarence J. Coombs, and the custody of Mildred M. Coombss and Elain Elizabeth Coombs, minor chil­dren of the parties to this cause.

The Bill recites that the parties, were married in the City of Alexand­ria, in the State of Virginia, on No­vember 3, 1913, by a Minister of the Gosepl, and lived together up to the month of July, 1917, when he deserted her in the city of Washington, D. C.; that the plaintiff hasj been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two years prior to the filing of this Bill of Complaint, while the defendant, Clarence J. Coombs, is a non-resident of the State of Maryland, his present whereabout being unknown to the plaintiff; tha t there have been two children born as the result of said mar­riage: Mildred M. Coombs, Born Jan­uary 13, 1915„ ,and Elain Elizabeth Coombs born February 21, 1916, both of whom are now in the custody of the plaintiff; that though the conduct of the plaintiff toward her said hus­band has been affectionate and above reproach, the defendant, Clarence J. Coombs, her husband, has, without just cause or reason, abandoned and desert­ed her, and declared his; intention to live with her n n longer ; that .said abandonment has continued uninter­ruptedly for more than three years, is deliberate and final, and the separation of the parties is beyond any reason­able hope or expectation of reconcil­iation.

It is therefore ODDERED, by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 4th day 0f August, A. D., 1920, that the plaintiff, by causjing a copy of this Order to be inserted in some weekly newspaper, published in Balti­more County once a week for four suc­cessive weeks before the 6th day of September, 1920, give notice to the said non-resident defendant, Clarence J'. Coombs;, of the object and substance of this suit and warn him to be and appear in this Court either in person or by solicitor, On or before the 22d d«y of September,

1921, to show cause if any he' may have why a decree should not be passed as prayed.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 8-7-4t

W. Gill Smith, Attorney, Towson, Md.


MARY A. CARNEY, Widow, Et Al, vs.

KATE CARNEY, Et Al, Infants


DON'T PUT OFF BUYING Ross Feed and Ensilage Cutters

Better Ensi lage at lowest cost; sizes to match any farm power. Will be difficult to secure later. Order immediately while we have them in stock and can make prompt delivery. The Ross Flywheel Type will make more money for j^ou every year yau use it.

Can ship from stock Heavy Stude-baker Road Carts, Two-Passenger, Slat Seat, Slat Foot Rack, one-inch Collar Steel Axle, I" wheels ^and hickory shafts; special price of $37.50 while this stock lasts.

Very similar Road Cart, slightly lighter, at $32.50. It will rjayyou to buy early.

Several Sample Second-Hand Tractors at a bargain. Call or write for prices.

Our 1920 Il lustrated Catalog, describing fully allf Supplies for the Farm, Garden, Poultry Yard and'Dairy, mailed to you FREE.

GRIFFITH & TURNER CO., 205-215 N. Paca Street and 366 N. Gay Street,


ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 21st day of July, 1920, that the sale made and re­ported by Robert E. Carney, Trustee, for the sale of the property described in the proceedings in the above en­titled cause be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown On or before the 16th day of August,

1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in­

serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be­fore the said 16th day of August, 1920.

The report s tates the amount of sale to be $3,640.00.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-24-4t Ben son, Nock «fe Rowe, Attorneys,

Fidelity lllds., Baltimore, Md.


THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Or­phans' Court of Baltimore County, let­ters Testamentary on the estate of

ELIZABETH WADE, late of said county, deceased. All per­sona having 'claims against the said es­tate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 2nd day of February ,

1921; they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand this 30th day of July, 1920.

JOHN P. DEERING, Executor.

Halethorpe, Md.i 7-31-4t. Box 50.


Benson, ATock & Rowe, Attorneys 1301-3 F i a e l i ty Building,







William P. Cole, Jr., Attorney-at-lAsw, Towson, Md.


James J. Lindsay, Attorney-at-Law, Equitable Bids., Baltimore Md.

William P. Cole Jr., Attorney-at-Law, Towson Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION.




DECEASED. Upon the petition of James J. Lind­

say, administrator of the estate of Mary A. McBride, also known as May McBride, late of Baltimore County, de­ceased, it is this 8th day of July, 1920, ordered by the Orphans' Court of Bal­timore County, that the 14th day of September, 1920, be named and appoint­ed for a meeting in this Court of per­sons entitled to distributive shares or legacies, or a residue of said dece­dent's estate, in pursuance of the pro­visions of Chapter 255 of the Laws of the State of Maryland, passed a t the January Session of the Maryland Gen­eral Assembly, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and now codi­fied as Article 93, Section 143, in Bag-by's Annonated Code of the Public Civil Laws of Maryland; and it is fur­ther ordered that Clarence C. Strick­land, Mary S. Strickland, Sarah R. Strickland and William T. Vinsinger, administrator of Margaret E. Strick­land, deceased, all residing at Elkton, Cecil County, State of Maryland; James J. Lindsay, administrator of Eliza J. McBride, late of Baltimore County, de­ceased, whose residence is Towson, State of Maryland, and James J. Lind­say and William P. Cole, Jr., adminis­t ra tors of Harriet McBride, late of Baltimore County, deceased, whose res­idence is Towson, State of Maryland, and the following non-residents: Annie L. Maclntyre, residing in Media, State of Pennsylvania; Andrew McBride, re­siding in Monmouth, State of Illinois; Mary E. Gilmore, residing in Los An­geles, State of California; William M. Watson, residing in Phoenixville, State of Pennsylvania; William T. Mc­Bride, residing in Wellington, State of Kansas; Eleanor E. Todd and Hen­ri E t t a Todd, residing in Newark, in the State of Delaware; Lizzie G. Bon-ine, residing in the city of Philadel­phia, in the State of Pennsylvania; Louisa G. Gatchell, residing in the city of Wilmington, State of Delaware; Alfred C. Strickland, residing in the City of Philadelhia, State of Pennsyl­vania, Har ry Strickland, residing In the City of Pi t tsburgh, in the State of Pennsylvania, and Amelia Anderson, Analine Anderson and Cordelia Ander­son, and Joseph Anderson, Palmer An­derson and David Anderson, if living are supposed to reside at Delta, in the State of Pennsylvania, and all resi­dents and all non-residents of the State of Maryland, and all known and unknown persons and all other persons interested as distributees, legatees or otherwise in the estate of the said de­cedent Mary A. McBride, also known as May McBride, deceased, or in the residue of the estate of the said de­cedent Mary A. McBride, also known as May McBride, deceased, be and they and each of them are hereby notified and warned to be and appear in per­son, by guardian, solicitor or agent in this Court. On the said 14th day of September,.

1920, At 11 o'clock A. M.,

to the end and for the object and pur­pose tha t distribution and -ayment may be then and there made under the Courts direction and control; and it is also ordered that this notice shall be published in one of the newspapers printed in Baltimore County, once a week for four successive weeks on or before the 10th day of August, nine­teen hundred and twenty.


Judges. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM J. PEACH, Register of Wills for

Baltimore County. 7-10-5L

ANNIE L. McINTYE and JAMES R. McINTYRE, her husband; ANDREW McBRIDE and HARRIET E. Mc­BRIDE, his wife; MARY E. GIL-MORE (widow); WILLIAM T. Mc­BRIDE, unmarried; and WILLIAM M. WATSON and REBECCA STRICK­LAND WATSON, his wife; Plaintiffs,

vs. ELEANOR E. TODD, unmarried; HEN­



W. Gill Smith, Attorney, Towson, Md.


ALICE ROYSTON, Widow, E t Al, vs.




SPLENDID COTTAGE, Seven large rooms, Large Porch, cellar under house. One-half Acre of Ground, Barn, Henhouse, Good Frui t .

Apply to the owner, LEAND'ER NESS,

Boring P. O, 8-7-2t. Baltimore County, Md.

ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 21st day of July, 1920, that the sale made and re­ported by T. Tilden Kelbaugh and W. Gill Smith, Trustees, for the sale of the property described in the proceed­ings in the above entitled cause, be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown, On or before the 16th day of August,

* 1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in­

serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be­fore the said 16th day of August, 1920.

The report states the amount of sale to be $1,2,100.00.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. »-24-4t

The object of this suit is to have a Trustee or Trustees appointed to make the sale of certain farm property, con­sisting of eighty-nine acres of land, more or less, situated near Monkton, Baltimore County, State of Maryland.

This Bill s tates that Harr ie t Mc­Bride, late of Baltimore County, de­ceased, was in her life time and at the time of her death, sjeized and possessed of a certain farm consisting of eighty-nine acres of land, more or less, situ­ated along the County Road, near Monkton, Baltimore County, State of Maryland, and described in the follow­ing deeds From Solomon Foster, et al to James McBride, dated September 12, 1845, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber A. W. B., No. 357, folio 120, &c; and from James J. McBride to Mary Ann Mc­Bride et al, by deed dated January 9, 1893, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber L. M. B., No. 195, folio 548, &c, and by deed dated February 25, 1918, frim Jas. J. Lindsay, committee to Harr ie t Mc­Bride and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C No. 493, folii 447, &c, certified copies 'of the aforesaid deeds being filed with the Bill of Complaint in these proceedings, and prayed to be taken as a part < thereof. That James McBride departed this life, intestate about the year 1893, subsequent to the death of his wife, Hannah Strickland McBride, and left surviving him as his next of kin and heirs at law, the fol­lowing named children as a result of said marriage, viz: Andrew McBride. Jamesi H. McBride, Louisa McBride, Mary A. McBride, Eliza J, McBride and Harr ie t McBride. That Andrew Mc­Bride, one of the aforementioned chil­dren, predeceased his father, James Mc­Bride, and having died unmarried and without issue; that, James H. McBride, one of the aforementioned children died about the year 1902, unmarried an« without issue, but preceding his death by a deed of conveyance hereinbefore referred to, conveyed his interest in the aforesaid property to his four liv­ing sisters hereinbefore named. That neither of the said daughters of the said James and Hannah Strickland Mc­Bride, hereinbefore named, ever mar­ried, and all have departed this life without issue and died intestate, sub­sequent to the dea th 'of their brother, James McBride, they having died in the following order: Louisa McBride, Mary A. McBride, Eliza J. McBride and Harr ie t McBride, and as all of the estates of the said sisters have been duly administered on in the Orphans' Court for Baltimore County, and hav­ing died in the order named, the sur­viving sister, Harr ie t McBride, inherit­ed the entire estate sought to be sold in these proceedings. That the said Harr ie t McBride having died intestate, .covered to be living first cousins at the time of the death of the said Har­riet McBride on the side of the father and mother of the said Harr ie t Mc­Bride, the said first cousins on the side of the father James McBride, being: Annie L. Mclntyre, who intermarried with James R. Mclntyre, her husband, and who now reside in Media, State of Pennsylvania; Andrew McBride, who intermarried with Harriet E. McBride, his wife, and now reside in Monmouth, State of Illinois; Mary E. Gilmore (widow), who intermarried with El-wood Gilmore, her husband, who died in 1905, and now resides in Los An­geles, State of California, and .William T. McBride, unmarried, now residing in Wellington, State of Kansas, the only living children of Andrew Mc­Bride, the only brother of James Mc­Bride, the father of the said Harriet McBride; and William M. Watson, who intermarried with Rebecca Strickland Watson, his wife, and now reside at Phoenixville, State of Pennsylvania, being the only child of Ann McBride, the only sister of Jamesi McBride, aforesaid. On the side of the mother, Hannah Strickland McBride, there are the following first cousins: Eleanor E. Todd and Henri E t t a Todd, both un­married and residing at Newark, State of Delaware, being the only children of Rebecca A. Strickland, deceased, a sister of the said Hannah Strickland McBride, wife of James McBride, and mother of said Harriet McBride, the said Rebecca A. Strickland having in­termarried with John H. Todd, now de­ceased; Margaret E. Strickland, Mary S. Strickland, Sarah R. Strickland, all unmarried and residing at Elkton, State of Maryland, being the only sur­viving children of Wil l iam' Price Strickland, the said William Price Strickland being a brother of the said Hannah Strickland McBride, the wife of the said William Price Strickland being deceased, the aforesaid Margaret E. Strickland, who was living at the time of the death of the said Harriet McBride, died May 31st, 1920, and Wm. T. Vinsinger has been appointed admin­istrator of her estate; Clarence E. Strickland, unmarried, residing at Elk­ton, State of Maryland, being the only surviving child of Palmer C. Strickland, deceased, whose wife is also deceased, the said Palmer C. Strickland being ai brother of the said Hannah Strickland McBride; Lizzie G. Bonnie, widow of Thomas Bonnie, residing at Philadel­phia, State of Pennsylvania, and Louisa G. Gatchell, widow of Samuel Gatchell, deceased, residing at Wilmington, State of Delaware, and only surviving children of Harr ie t Strickland, de­ceased, (the s»aid Harriet Strickland being a sister of the said Hannah Strickland McBride) whose husband is deceased; Alfred G. Strickland, unmar­ried, residing at Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, and Harry Strickland unmarried, residing at Pi t tsburgh, State of Pennsylvania, only surviving children of John Scott Strickland, be­ing a brother of the said Hannah Strickland McBride, Amelia Anderson, Analine Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Cordelia Anderson, Palmer Anderson and David Anderson, children of Mary Strickland, the sister of said Hannah Strickland McBride; the said Mary Strickland being deceased, but as; to whether her husband, Alexander An­derson, whom she married in 1836, and her children named hereinbefore, are married or single, living or dead, the Bill of Complaint states that the com­plainants therein have been unable to ascertain, but tha t they were known last to have lived in the State of Penn­sylvania, in the vicinity of Delta. That all the aforesaid first cousins except­ing those residing in Eikton, State of Maryland, are non-residents of the State of Maryland That James J. Lindsay and William P. Cole, Jr., are administrators of the Esta te of Har­riet McBride, deceased.

That the fee simple property and im­provements! sought to be sold in these proceedings are not susceptible of par­tition without loss or injury to the said parties hereto entitled to interest therein; that in order to make par t i ­tion of the interests herein it will be necessary that The said property and improvements be sold and all proceeds of same be divided among the said par-tics hereto as their said interest might appear, under the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court.


It Is Thereupon Ordered by the Cir­cuit Court for Baltimore County in Equity, this 22nd day of July, 1920, that the complainants by causing a copy of said order to be published in some weekly newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County once in each of four successive weeks before the 23rd day of August, 1920, give no­tice to the said absent defendants, Eleanor E. Todd, Henri E t t a Todd, Liz­zie Bonnie, Louisa Gatchell, Alfred G. Strickland, Harry Strickland and Strickland, his wife; Amelia Anderson, Analine Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Cordelia Anders/on, Palmer Anderson, Davis Anderson, of the object and sub­stance of this Bill, commanding them to appear in this Honorable Court in person or by solicitor, On or before the 8th day of September,

1920, to show cause, if any they may have, why a decree should not be passed as prayed. *

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-24-4t

John Mays Little, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, M°.





The object of this suit is to procure a ivorce "a vinculo matrimonii" by the plaintiff from the defendant.

The Bill s ta tes that the parties were married on the 28th day of February, 1875, a t Hametown, York ciunty, Pa., by the Rev. Daniel Green; tha t since said marriage the plaintiff has resided continuously in Baltimor ecounty, State of Maryland; that the conduct of the plaintiff toward the defendant has al­ways been kind, chaste, affectionate and above reproach; that notwith­standing her conduct, the defendant on or about the 20th day of March, 1906, without any just cause or reason, abandoned and deserted the plaintiff and has declared his intention to live with her no longer, and that such abandonment has continued uninter­ruptedly for more than three years, is deliberate and final, and the separation of the parties beyond any expectation of reconciliation; that four children wene born to the parties, all of whom are now adults, and tha t the defendant is now and for many years past has been a non-resident of the State of Maryland.

It is thereupon ordered by the Cir­cuit Court for Baltimore County this* 22nd day of July, 1920, that the plain­tiff, by causing a copy if this order to be inserted in some newspaper pub­lished in Baltimore County, once a week for four successive weeks be­fore the 23rd day of August, 1920, give notice to the said Samuel K. Boyer of the object and s/ubstance of this Bill and warning him to be and appear in this Court, either in oerson or by Sol­icitor. On or before the Sth day of September,

1920, to show cause, if any he may have, why a decree should not be passed as) prayed.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE. Clerk. 7-24-4L

F r a n k D. Noel, Attorney, 557 Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md.



ORDERED, ' By the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 28th day of July, 1920, that the sale of the Lease­hold Esta te of John William Schone, infant, made by Mary C. Pfaff, guar­dian of the said John William Schone, infant, and this day reported to this Court by the siaid guardian be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary ^ On or before the 23ru day of August,

1920. Provided a copy of this order be in­

serted in some weeky newspaper, printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three succes­sive weeks before the said 23d day of August, 1920.

The report s ta tes the amount of sales to be $50.00.

True Copy—Test: WILLIAM " j . PEACH

Register of Wills for Baltimore County. JAMES B. BENTZ, LUTHER M. B. WILLIAMS,

7-31-4t* Judges.

Bart let t , Poe & Claggett, Attorneysk.




ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 17th day of July, 1920, tha t the sale of the prop­erty mentioned in these proceedings male and reported by Edgar Allan Po*' Trustee, be ratified and confirmed, un­less cause to the contrary thereof be shown, On or before the 16th day of August,

1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in­

serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks before the said 16th day of August, 1920.

The report s tates the amount of sale to be $400.00.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-24-4L

John H. Richardson, Attorney, Baltimore, Md.




ORDERED, By the Circuit Court, fir Baltimore County, this 29th day of July, 1920, that the sale made and re­ported by Geirge Long, Cimmittee, for sale made and reported by George Long, Committee, for the sale of the the sale of the property described in the proceedings in the above entitled cause be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown On or before the 23d day of An c list,

1930. Provided a copy of thisi Order be in­

serted in some newspaepr printed and published i,n Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be­fore the said 23d day of August, 1920.

The report s ta tes the amount of sale to be $1,225.00. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 7-31-4t.

James Clark, Atftorney-at-Lavr, Ellicott City, Md.


THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County Letters of Administration on the es­tate of

GEORGE L. WILT, W e of said county, deceased. All per­sons having claims against the said estate are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, On or before the 26th day of January ,

1921; they may otherwise by law be exclud­ed from all benefit of said estate. Those indebted to said estate are re­quested to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand this 23rd day of July, 1920.

MARY E. J. WILT, 7-24-4t. Administratrix.