Tfli jhrf^rf isM W M *^ m$mm&Mk. ' ^ ¦ ¦ ¦: ^ , al - A,*ui^ $$m^h- - a^Ww Vtfttf v'^ Isaac M. Wise Editor and Proprietor. Washington , Oc^bt 20th. every direction (o carry tUU out by /j 3i fnd^y . dr^#n^ V B y (he Pr esident of the United States of lawn, Blue laws, liq uor prohibition laws ,, (^)itoAie:randei: ($5$ ai o.\ , M$iahifri<m 1 ' . ,. - ¦ ¦ ' $:$*£&)£ ' * ¦ ? ,, - A merica: . Bibles, for the public, school s , and a piece* long for six highprieats orimeal desc end-' n . ¦ - (B r }ierdcKoih 6bY OUfpiNNATI , 0., NOVEMBER 3 , 1876 , , ,. PROC ^ UATl0S . thereof in every constitution. Wiethe ante. , ' " ^ ^ ' ^' fri- K^W^' V k - ' ' ¦ ' : , . ' " ¦- -i^^W^ UM1>w ««•- Bword iu one bandai djth^lM^feaUtiey' ^^do^ ' of tbe ^P ^m^&J^'^S&^S^ TJEBBU or swmcbi ption , tomed to, pause in our " daily pursuits , and call sb ) in ths other, thi s.people was tbvbe perh aps ,theiprlesMto generates frefledted ^?^^^f C??^ 5/^' e ? ^^Hfr 1 ^ 11 ' -he ^oriaiu. bnu.uto ' wiih aeniui. snm.ie- ' "< a E art , a "me. °£ er thftflks to Almighty converted into a centralized -nation , like in tiie. Book of <5b^ic^ ^^r^"!^ c, wUh Gtrmn,, 8 ^ lc - ,, (I. oo GoAf pr the cal 6 e*^#^ tace or Russia. ' S at it would not Work, period. It is ' admitte d ' (see Zuhz ' a *M& ?%$ W^ {lar;on^by^^un. je Amurfcuii iMraoilte. ' withourtho oannau , saf ed to- ue , ; ftit^our.prayertffor; a fdniihur . ' , lvo or iVU ° ' .%~ - -* w " . * ! w™.)i;>.fc, ¦ du r.\ nL* tu„ L«si„. ,,* na,, >who has \beeh» mentioned lni niediatolv SupTiomunL por nim mn v > -, «.*© ahee thereof < We ha%Wtlus-tto&i q ¥al We are many, and, each of , us ifl used to per- Kiens«i«c^ Vorlra ege) that the compiler of ' : ^ ba- ^«V ft mitf S7 7V° r f ™„ ' ,,p mcnl - l ° - " " ¦ a oo reason to be thankful for His continued sonal freedom , civil and religious liberty and the Books of Ezra and'Neh emiah was also g*"J « „,v . ^ 3 W ^ P 1 "" ' ^ortagc t.. K»,ope . rornMnom , i.BO protection and for many m aterial blowi ngs individual character , freely developed. We the author of Chronicles . His pspuliarity J! f* , !" , ^ u W . a v 8 . sno ]> 1 " l ; n ^ v e'been placed ^ ™hich h . niy h&B \ e T7?\J ?A?$i ' want only one common feature of a national of diction betrays (he age of tip activity, >^ Abba Benjamui^nd R. fcaap, being Te- lion to these favors accorded to us as indi- J . . t it u i , •• 1a h «oi ^ ' it\ naainvwould not have had the. preferenca \ * rates or advertisement*. viduals, we have especial occasion toexpreas character , which is loye of freedom and jus- In Nebetniah (zu. JO, 11 , 22) thero is,a list (l ,£. «j , £ Hii*™ ; \x , k VT'i njniiRH nH rr wur our hearty thanks to Almighty God that , by tlce. Any other formation of national char- of the six hi ghpriestsj exactly as mentioned ¦ u ' X v " * , f' ; " "^ . e ^^ English or GERMAN . R[s provfd ^.guidance , our Govern- acter under the auspiceB of free intelligence, by Josephus prior "to Alexander the Great . ° f Ab™^ wiU be nigh to help lum who 3»oI[ !F h -rem 0 ^ OU ' - ' - ¦ " . •}«; ^M^&i? cenl " ry a8 f 0 ' S i a8 f^ this age of steam and electric communica- This compiler* being identical with the ¦ '? M * W ^ *^- * to f^' , And when - •• twh montbi tS) enabled to fulfill the purpose of its found- . " ,,du b d v » « ^li«. "" ""umw ^ & he died {the-compiler of the Talmud adds) •¦ - threfmoX , - - - - 10 w era in offering an aay lum to the people of tion , and the continuous exchange of author of Chronicles, he must have flour. thev eu __ iz , d bL him - Woe tKS " •¦ six months , - - is iK' everv race, securing civil and religious li p- thoughts and feelings^ by the literature of all ished shortl y before the ad vent of Alexan- ;5. "" ? T* . f - "' " . . !; ' '? m ^ Oom^XVautioni , . ' . ' . ' VXi erty - to all wiilta its ' borders, and metin* nations, is barel y impossible. But we were derj or.according to the rabbi s perhaps in ^ZTa ^ rJ^T fw? " MttTrlajtes , Births, Dcdtha , each uotice, - - i no out to every individual alike justic e and , u a n a Pi,«t on na« rtn oiit^ ». At isn « r TTfn hnftlr in wi^iftAh onfirfllv in ° IiJ at "er Abraham- (is no more . We know ^o noti^ ^n be ^en of any order, for »i equality before thelaw. It is , moreover, es- J 0 become a Puritan nationality not by J80 b, c His book is written entirely jn Abraham. Kai a fixed Place where to vertiiiemeut not paid m advance. . "> plciai ^ our duty to offer our humble pray- force , for there is nope at anybody ' s com- , favor of the, priests and the Davidian for It is said, men- xix > « An\ ll ¦ " i ' i ers to the " . Father of All Mercies for the coili-, mand, but by means apparently insignificant, dynasty wiile the corresponding chapters £ * . ' 5'^- Vkt ¦ / u OKVFRAE aobht. tiimance of His Divine favor to us, as nation 0ne of these apparetttly inai gniflcan t ' means of history in the Book of Ezrjt, now Samuel 7^hl „L' £ 1D k f TT* * . T^^ 8 AHUBL J. Lobb. iSSftvSKtfeS b th. ' IMdfa^ .^ jj^ill^^ M Kl ^^. d^l M^II, 1. 1;^ ^ ^^SS^St ^ of the United States, do recommend to the appointing a national day of Thanksgiving, the prophets ; and the history of the re- , fc XSSi ZZa ¥«ii* ; im\ «5 *-^* people of the United States to devoto the which was formerly done by the Governors Public was entirely omitted by the author ; ' . «»•» 8ioou vrase up; anfl i ocae agents ^Otb day of! November next to an expression of thoge stateB whoBe pedple were BO : Q f Chronicles. Two political principles are P" 1 ^- . . .. .. Uw , . of their thanks and prayers to Almighty ¦*- distinctly rebresented in these two sourcea f11 aPPe^s that this Babylonian savan H. EL IASSOF, No. 38 Oass Street, Chi- God , and , laying aside th eir dail y avocations- t omed- aistincuy representea in tnese two sources thought that privatedeTOtioii: - at app ; - ^ oa g o, 111 . and all secular occupation , to assemble in People generally . will not take notice of <> f *» *™} ^^ h ' h ^ r Y i ¦«» &* « ¦** ed J ice was Preferable to PubS woSn ABRAHAM HIBSCH , 122 Raburg St., their respective places of worship and ob- Bmall thin28 and when th ha democratic theocracy with the prophet as f p ¦ v. ^ %, T P ? i woi snip , Baltim or e, Md.; and Washington, D.^. serve such a day a3 a day of thanksgiving Bm »^ ™^t$lJ££ coS the cMef ^^r , an d the other is the ollg- »*WI*»t»Bg fdj God s special assistance , M. SHTJLHOF , 316 Wells Street , Milwau- andrest. "? wtp. »«y are often beyond control¦ > theocracy with the bkhDriest as th^ becauee tbe devotion of a p9rs0n'ia so^^ kee Wis ^In witness whereof , I have hereunto get This evil of centralization and remoulding "c^lc ™eqcracy WIlh *he. nignpnest as me i|g ^^ . ge ; ^ it . K ' eV. J. SHONINGER , 47 Melrose St , my hand and caused the seal of the United us to a Puritan nation,haa grow* apon us, bead.. .Here is -the primary source of the , - q : ° tj ' fl d " [ . ' . Boston , Mass. States to be affixed. s teftdily . but we ^n Bay ,no more of it tin- two parties as they later appear , viz.: Sad- "^P. 1 £ p ' a f. 1B 8an ctl ? 6d »>*¦ °™y Jjr LEON SCHAAP, 1402 Main Street, Rich- Done at the City of Washington , this, 26th J^ ; b Pr^teatS eStton when we ducees and , Pharisees. bein g dedicated , as a synagogue , « by the ©nd. Va day.of October , in the year of our Lord one "^ ajter tue rresiaenuai election, wnen we , " ¦ presence of a worship ing congregation , but I. N. CHOYNSKT, San Francisco , Cal. thousand eight- hundred and seventy-six,- m i ght speak of it at more length. 5. lhe.Books of Ezra and Neheraiah con- als0 by one peraon ' B private devotion ; and M. ALLTRINO 172 Erato St., New Or- and of the Independence of the United -;-^, ' :,_— ; 1 sist chiefly of- valuable documents in the mah should wrav at a mn<*tifi«a ' tmot " for leatift La States of America Hhe oUe huftdred and , Ohaldnir ' ' hi r tnitki aM ' sCA ArteiMtik lw w_^ man Bn ouia P ray al a B ? ncimea 8 P ot > l <> r T' LINZ, Seventeenth and Pine Streets , fiSt ^«-»« « f a* *«£»»«"* *™P*»e 3 l j£SS S **" " ^ ^"^ U * &y h« th&t thiS St. Louis. ' [L. S.] U. S. Grant. l.e ctt.r P8 , and jy ehemiah {spe *«W jP. »e fij st Person) 8&7an a]aQ iutended t(J Bt thf tt fl flxed By the President : Kami won F«h, Secre- « Hebrew , and the additions of the Chron- lace . fe preferable to a . flxed time of devo . = tory of State - THE MEDO-PEBsuu PERIOD. ist , which are easily diBUnguished from the .^ m aj ;r > m ^ t ^ vit6 tb e ifMna/i doc- VHE pbehivm There is nothing objectionable in the ,_ Eleven Medo-Persian , kings, governed °th f/ po ^^ 8 , 01 . ?- e tf» bopks. The two ^^ wh pey|a, g xe ^ a ( iffle for , Ms prayer Th* AMBKioAK Isba^tk offers to It. 7°^^ ^ pjoclamatiou , except per- PaMiRe up to the xear 332 B. c., wh6n ^^^ ^TJ^?^ ^ ^ -t make it a supplication, i ,., readers an excellent apd valuable premium, ^^JZ^S^t^^J ^ tT^H^ < ?^™: to "i r ^ ri ^ S3^£S an^m^S ^^T £T^ t '^^"f.^ tho ip +/»«t mnstPr-wnrk nf M OnrKmheirri y rresiuoni ana. ma oecre although the beginning of his rbign is usu-, ' i ** ¦ ¦ ' ¦ «* *. J . v B , .. u 6 ,^ cause he feels the necessity of addressing fce latest master-work of M. Oppenheim, tary r but. there are te^ of thou8ands of citi . al, ^ fJ; ^ « c ^^ a re^ds ,-UflkhOwn now to >vh 1Ch ¦ ^ . the hiB & pljcntiona to the Mo8t Hi h<) thb bab j ii tsvah zen8 in thi6 ^^^ with whom the words ' country fro m the Persians. Ghroms added bis o^n. The source^which g _ . .. R H ^.^ E ^ . Leay . the THE BAB j iimvAH , » our Lord " have no meaning. They do * . ' , that.a . uthor mentions are : (I) The Book of evna„bgue bne . 8hould not run ¦ to which masterly lithographed on a plate 18 by . 20 not believe in the Lord of .Ul ysses S. Grant , Kr*'QB OT weuo-pehsia.apter dakius , the the Kings oflsrael and Judah CI Ghron. ix); A bai adds' tbat this refers to leaving only inches ;, a fine onianient for any parloi , a ;and.lkmilton Fish, and think ' the year one MEDE - (2) tlie Ohronlcles ' Of^ .King David (lb v id- b ^ g0 - ug ' tQ the 8yp ' ag0gUBj he should go beautifu l scene- from Jewish life of the last hundre d and first of our independence siif- Greek immes. Persian names. Datea. xxv»- 24) ; (3, 4 and 5) the . Narratives of {fl6t j na gaid^Hosea), ' Let us run (pursue) , centur y, illustrated by an artist of hfgh rej i - flees , and is all the law allows them to write, i- oyrni Kai KhuBru , 5a6-a2J b. a. ;Samuel, Nathan and . Gad (Ibid , xxix. - tQ ^now the Lord ' ' R Seira adds this otation- u . But such is the force of . custom, and that is ' ' ^PeS ^St a S'V? ^ ! ! ^ ^* C ^ ?^ hIah when formerl y I saw the Rabb is run o> Sab! Any subscriber , old or new, te the Amkb- abou t a?i it ifl . , 2. Cambv.es , " H^shelto^d the Vieiohs of Jeddo or ba[b r to t he academical iecture , r.thohght ioan Iseaelitb and Deborah , or to the fhe obiectionable feature of the proclama- -W«n: 620-aa . -f T ddo 'W Amebjcan Isbaexite only, on sending pay- tion ifl ^^ the preaiden i, of the tlnit;ed- s : »ne«ai. (p«udo) '- aawai ^^ve ^f|hemaiah, the Prop het (Ibid. . heard what R Tanchurfl 8aid of K , j 08bua ment in advance for one year to this offico, gtate8 . the ^ o{ a pmtj f u nkrimug > er. *• ^ Qush x u. ^OTt^^«* r^ ° the Prophet b< Levi j viZ ) «A man shou!d alwaya tan io . arrearage paid, will be sent a copy of this erciging the fnnction8 of fl Pope ; a Ru8sian 6. Xe , rxe/I. ' lBfuadea P r ; ^ 4E { d 4°i X " 1 " 2 f ) T ; W* 1 '* of lh f * ,n , g > learn Jhe Law, also on Sabbath , as " s aid lithography, free of charge. autocrat or a sovereign of Great Britain* "• Artaxerxes I.. of Jnd ah and IaraeKflbid. xv. 11); (11) the .(j £08e tt)f . ^ye pfiau Wfil k after the Lord hke Address office Amejucam'Isbablite, Citi- and exerci8irig it in the fityle and ^ne of a Lo^imanus. Bahman. 48W25 ? arra ^ B ° f J« h " be f J*™™ (^'d- xx a r0aring lipn '^I a lao ' did run. " cinn ati ' 0 - sort of hi gh priest of the people of the Uni- ' SSto.™ ' 42*^ ??&^ ^^Jf J? 0 ^^ ^ ? ln f^ ^V^ e V ¦ C* 1 * ^s^cond iphoria m B. H^ suggeato, ted States. To celebrate a day of thanksgiv .8. Darius n.. ooh« Jr f ^* itS r * n ^^ p * * h * - °^ k . : pt ? although ho.preferred private devotion, yet „.„ , ing is eitherareJ i gibus act or a moCKery and or Nothos. . «*-33 to «5-jo4 ' ¦ ' ' |t|?1 8?M-4%»( igp^^ ^ varieties. hypocrisy. If it is the latter , it is ^damnable 9 - Ajtaxerxes n., I bid, SxVl; 5^f S > * f^ «^ rrat^e °{ fl^1' the cohgregatibh in the synag ogue, and not . interference with the public business . l0 ^taTrxesin (Ibid ¦ xxair. 19) All tbese^po^s we rU ^ h -^ a3 ^ dd to be done , be . A HEVERKN n gentleman m tin s ctv has the public 8ehoolg j aad ttl r prlval a .S^™? ' «i-« - lo8t 'f wer f aU ^ P' 0 ^ 01 ^ 01 ^ made the attempt to prove that the Eastern indu8trv . and commerce. If it is the Rei ga of Bagoas for two years, , 838^36 prophets and prophetesses excep t of fift een eompdae a number 0f laudable objects be- Ohurch , viz. : the G reek Catholic Church , fomer / then the question ari8eB : yVhat right - » « I!J - ' ' ' . " ^ , flfter 6 *T loS * ' fln ^" " othing T Id . be sides BupplicatiW> au d private devotion , is incapable of redeeming the Eastern na- hag any p resident o( the UnUed gtatea apy Codomanua Darab IL su-aw known about either , if that conscientious BHch ^ ad ora{ioi]; instruCtiori ) and re . union . tions, and he ia right ; he onl y ought to have Congress or Supreme Court to inf^rfere , with ' , ' 2. There is a noteworthy deficiency in the Ghromst had not named his sohrces so care- Abai explains the aphorism , and Seira omitted all adjecUvesand said : The Church the reli gious aff a irs of the people ? We Hebrew era X. M., chiefl y on account of a fDuy- ' ¦ ¦ S ¦ ' , adds, that instruction alone, to go to hear never has and never will redeem any na- haye not elected a President to make reli- mistake which the rabbis and Josephus <J. These" lost books mentioned perchance the Mala diah , is- as laudable as to attend the tion. gion for U9 . hj 8 f unct i onS| dut - ie8 an d pow . made in the History of Afedo-Persia. They and the .prophetical scri ptures in our poa- .synagogue. To alt ' this the compilers of the . * ere are dearl v defined in the Constitution of maintain ( Seder Olam Rabba , ch. 30 , Abodu sess ion afford an insight into rthe . Uterarj- Talmud add the following brief sayings of A U8VBREKD lecturer in tne city ot wn- the UnUed s,atea bevond whioh he ha8 no Sarah 9 a and elsewhere ) that the Medo- activity of the Hebrews in the prophetical vari0Ug 8ageS regarding those who do not cinnatt fta s P^oyea irom trie cook oi mmei ^ ^ ^ ^ . g ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ RepubU . p er8ian Emp ire was o verthrown by Alex- age, especiall y from and after Samuel , which understand well what is tango*.In the syn- the downiau oi inrijey to oe at nana, we ^ Qon gresi hflg had the audacity of mak. ander thirty-four years after the tempje had was not equalled by any nation of anti quity ag0gUe or academy, ahd ahduld, neverthe- would like to Know wuat tnat class oi at- ing h ollday9 of the Fortb o{ JdV i Christ. been , finished ,, which was a4Mly . QseJ} <n> P"or to the age of Cyrus. More than that , ie8a rg0 there.) " vines could not prove iro m trie iiooks oi ^^ G oQd ^^ & ^ d Thanksg ivin g.day . dred and eigh ty-four years after that event , the whole of ahcidnt literature of all known >• Th _e benefit of the academical discourse jj aruei and Keve ation. e un oi tne ^ Congre8g c . ou idr n .lke those holidays only whi( * is a m 'Htake of one ' hundred and nations prior to Cyrus amounts not even in ia in the. hurry (eagerness/ to go:;there nnd thmg is, tnat most oi inem can not reaa in ^ ^^ Dist ric t of Colombia , if the peop le fi fty years. ^ Then they count (from 232 b. c. bulk , much less in contents and the amount to hear it ' . The benefU of the sermon (be- tne originals eitner oi tnose dooks. thereof submit to the imposition , for the of- to a. v.) to the deslruction.of the temple of verities, to the Hebrew scri ptures in our foIe the ' holidays) 'is in the throng (of at- 1f we were in North Carolina , we would fice^and officers of the United States only. three hundred and nine years , which is a possession and those lost , which were pro- tenilants). The benefit of the discdursive certainly vote for Governor Vance , who is and qot for the peoole thereof ; hence the mistake of ninety-three years, hence in all duced in the prehistoric time , i. e., prior to lecture (on the laws), is in the reflection not only an able and tried statesman , but President mi ght make proclamation to his ,he mistak e amounts to two hundred and C yrus. A gain the books lost merel y of . one ca08^d. The ben efit of the charnel house also a man of broad and libend princi ples, 100, 300 subordinates and to the peopl e of forty-three years. Therefore (5637 plus 243) branch , viz.: h istory, and prove that each ia ln 8nence. The benefit of the fast day is who can not do or utter anything smal l the District oJ 'Columbia , but not to the the era a. m. should , be this year 5880 a. m. period of Israel' s history was chronicled by i n alms (given). The benefit of funeral ora- mean or ungenerous. Governor Vance is a people of the United States , which is not The Hebrews counted first after . the depart- cotemporory writers , and transcribed by tions is in the lamentation (caused). The humane man , and a friend of our people, within his legitimate exercise of power or dis- are of * 8rj iel from Eg. v PMl King ' s vi.), others to the Chronicles ' of the Kings , of benefit q f attending weddings is in the glid- whose cause he has advocated warmly and charge of duty. Besides, the President ought then from thff reign 6f the Icing, native or which three are mentioned (see in jo , the dening w orda" (spoken), ablv , without solicitati on ; we owe him to know, that Than k sgiving-day is a New foreign { }lishnah] Yorna i. 1), then in the time books 1, 10 and 12). Therefore none has (These various brief sayings, represented thanks and support. England custom only, and his assertion , of the Maccafcees from the rei gn of the yet been able to discover an error or a false- bere as the proverbs of various rabbis, ap- ' " we have been accustomed , " if referring to high priest [Meguillath Taanith vii.), then hood In the h istorical books , although criti- peor to have been one poem , in which there Partisan organs have given publicity to the people of the Uni ted States , is errone- they adopted^the Seleucidan era ( beginning cism ond the 'interpre tation of ancient in- is moter and rhyme : the canard that Mr. Tilden , the Democratic QU6 There are this day plenty of people October 1 , 312 b. c), and in the tenth cen- scri ptions, coins, languages and monuments candidate for the Presidency , has introduced and vari0U8 lState8 who have not been ac- tury the era after the creation of the world have subjected almost every chapter thereof NOrn NplBI N 13K a bill in tlie New York legislature to dis- (,ustomed t0 do any BUch thing_ How can was adopted , ' counting from the creation of to riaid anal ysis. «pnn rbn NliN franchise the Jews. So the Jm-uh Rtcvrd of Uie PreBWent Bpba k for tliem ? Ifacomiuu- Adam. One , however , of the rabbis of the 7. It also appears that these lost book s «-i3B »<nuocin N1« New York said : There is no such paper in nity ora state impose a holiday upon them- Talmnd perceived this mistake , >3T K3H prove that the prophetical canon known existence , and no Jew is so ignorant and 8elveS| nooe , la9 a ri gh t , perhaps , to inter- in<fc (see Abod a Sara h Qa and Sanhedrin as Nebiim Acltaronim , the " LatterProph Q ts," Kmp'n* S!<BQ OT KTJK stupid as to believe that such a bill was in- fere . but the President of the United State? 97 a), who counts fro m the creation of and comprising the Books of I saiah , Jere- Kn pIV timwn NUN liod uced by a ny bod y in any legislature , or naa no ri gi lt lo i rapose anything upon tb i 8 A dam to the destructitfn of the temple miah , Ezekiel , and the twelve minor proph- „, l} «,„,,, u u that any legislature has the power to pass peop le f our Ul0Mand year8| whic h iavolve8 only a ets, had not been cl osed and added to the m - ^ m - ^ JN such a bill , or that any ordinary politician , Jt muat notbe argue(] that u ig mml y ad , rflietake o{ 8eVenty.four years, although he Book of Ezra, kept in the temple , When the ^OT OT NnJN who is not insane , would introduce a bill in vigory ftn d not C0 , npulflOry . for no body asks may have dated to the first Messianic agita- Chronist wrote bis work , for he must have It wm be ^^ tb ^ t the fir8t three Hnea any legislature , of which he knowFin ad- tbe President' s or his Secretary 's advice in tions in Palestine. -- ¦ ¦ possessed all the books which,he mentions. fh ftnd refer to Qnf} Bubject_iectures ¦ V rl??rJn ^ 0 TwL n i. tL -t , ,^' . tat ? C H ' matters of religion. Besides, a President of g. A fter Ezra and Nehemiah little is Had thaprop hetical canon been closed , those the two following lines rhyme, and refer to entertain iL inis is too stupid an election- ^ United states, wbo is an executive ofiB- ^nown of the historv of Israel during the books m ust have been in it and placed m the another sub]ect-the practice of pious men , ecnng canaro. cer _ tQ en{o rce and execu te the law s, has no Medo-Persian period. Josephus records tem P' e Wltfa the othere > therefore bke those fc0 viait the grave8 flU(1 tQ fMt . g0 the lfl8t Oca moralists and newspaper men were business to mak e any proclamation , unless two episodes from this period, the one from which are extant, because they were in the two Unefl Tilyme( aod, refer to another sub- dead l y opposed to all lottery business , and he is in possession of the power to enforce tbe time of Artaxerxes II., when the high- temple, they cpuld not have been lost. The ject , viz., to common intercburse.) we believe they w ere ri ght. But the same the substance thereof , and punish the of- prieaWohn slew his brother Jesus in the Talmud merel y says ,*hat the Gre&t "Synod i( R ftu ^ , here 5f} E Hei bo omit- moraliste and newspaper men countenance , fenders. If that di gnilbry has a right to fcunpl , aspiring to the same office , and* OTOfce the Books of Ezekiel , twelve minor He who prays behind the synagogue advertise , and in some instances advocate make a religious proclamation , why not Bagosus, the Persian General , inflicted prophets, Daniel and Esther (iJata mnra ^ called a wicked man aS 8Uid (Psalms xii ) «nd support the business of sooth-sayers, also a moral one ?-why not also a political punishmen t upon tbe Jews ; and the other 16 a)> whi . cl1 means they compiled them ; .^ WJcked TOUn d J . about' (the house of fortune-tellers , clarvoyants and spiritual °ne ? The next President , perhaps , will in the time of Darius III., when Sanbelat , but even there ib no idea of a canon yet , yfQTgM ) Aibai adds this was said of one seances, for which people pay dearlv with- make proclamation that people smoke no the Samarita» , and Menassah, his son-in- flnd later 8avanB wanted to exclude the ^ ^^^ nQ| . ^ fa ^ toward the . out a chance of winning anything. ' Every cigars and drink no wine , because " we have iaW ) who was tbe brother of the sixth high- Book of Ezekiel from the Sacred Scriptures. ^ ^ ^^ turns ^ {ace fo ^ sensible person knows that those people ob- been accustomed " to consider such indul- priest , called Jaddua , attempted to build a Therefore the close of the prophetical canon * £ ' fa . ^ included Tbere was a tain money under false pretenses, that they R ence s immoral ; and the next President tempie at Samaria , on Mount Gerlzzim . must belong to a time long after the Ch ron- ^J^^ d bebind the aynag bgue not further superstition and falsehood , def y wil1 make proclamation when , where and The government of the Hebrew people fell ist , we think to . the Maccabean period. turning hi- 8 f^ce thereto The prophet ' Eli- common sense and offend common decency, {or whom we should vote, because " we have altogether into the hands of the high priests -7^ and KAw>tah ' wew yrt one book tn the jah passing saw him and appeared to him They are a nuisance. Yet they are adver- been accustomed that certain persons in w ho wore also the presiding officers of the ttme at ^ Beryth* authors (Baba Bethra lib) and 1i33d in public papers , are permitted to have certain localities have done so. The Consti- Great Synod. The succession of the hi gh- Eira begins with tbo last verses ot Chronicles, of ? b. HUnna was the Prince of tbe Exile, r ealdtng at their signs out in broad day light , and to tution makes no ' provisions for a Pontifer priests was : 1. Joshua or Jesus ; 2. Joakim : which it it , a con tinuation, and to which it was Sura, wh en ft , Judah whs patriarch of Palegtoo. Ha give public shows for fees paid by benighted *¦£««. or a preacher; of morals , it pre- 3. Eiiasmb ; 4 >lada, calledV Judah V ^^' &^£^^™$ 'i££Z and swindled individuals. Wh y have we scribes powers and duties to executive, leg- Josephus ; 5. John alsoVealied Jonathan , " ' ¦ ¦*' * ¦ r the Uijgs and Zemhabel; In hmtme Abba Areka no law to stop these outrages ? Wh y does islative and judiciary officers and bodies, ^ 5, Jaddua, all lineal descendants of Onb 1 thing only ' of' all'th e1 Works of man is jmd Sa muel. Tfawlj ^n al becamo the^ heads 6focad- the law of Ohio not protect its citizens and there it stops. the first. Here JosephuA has ^Ale , xande ,r t mpprtoli . aDlfl ;^#?t ' i^ aV trttUi 6^ against these swindles ?• Some gentlemen But this is merel y one of a series of cen- the Great coming to JertiWemV *&*«*: he coveted^ ; Cj$® sa id, " all the , good done to. '^^^ ff^^S^ffSi^!^' elected to the Ohio Legislature ough t to take tralizing innovations with which the Repub- record s the highpriest Onias I., Epn of Jad- matt/ ho-ffever-great. it may be , is ¦ transitory an ' ir ' VnSi TPpiBD ! in)JlK ,,f ^^ words do not this matter in hand and draw up a bill to lican principle has burdened us. This is to dua , ond after him Simon the Just ; but the atte ' r all } the truths , however , bequeathed ij gni/y, th at he was expel led from the ao tde my of K. mak e an ond of this public nuisance. ' be one Puritan nation on the New England rabbis maintain Simon was highpriest when to man are eternal Hunaa ,

The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archivescollections.americanjewisharchives.org/.../3912/TIS-1876-11-03-001.… · m°™- and > , ^ ^ »? »» ." ^ every ^ °';?"

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Page 1: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archivescollections.americanjewisharchives.org/.../3912/TIS-1876-11-03-001.… · m°™- and > , ^ ^ »? »» ." ^ every ^ °';?"

Tfli jhrf^rfisMW M* m$mm&Mk.' ¦¦¦: ^ ,al - A,*ui $$m^h- -a^WwVtfttfv'Isaac M. Wise Editor and Proprietor. Washington , Oc^bt 20th. every direction (o carry tUU out by/j3ifnd^y .dr^#n^V By (he President of the United States of lawn, Blue laws, liquor prohibition laws,, (^)itoAie:randei: ($5$ ai o.\,M$iahif r i<m1 '. ,. - ¦ ¦'$:$*£&)£'*¦? , , -America: . Bibles, for the public, schools, and a piece* long for six highprieats orimeal descend-' n . ¦ - (B r }ierdcKoih 6bYOUfpiNNATI , 0., NOVEMBER 3, 1876, , ,.PROC^UATl0S. thereof in every constitution. Wiethe ante. • , ' " ^

' ^ ' f r i- K^W ' V k -' ' ¦' :,. ' " ¦- -i^^W^UM1>w ««•- Bwordiu one bandai

djth^lM^feaUtiey' ^^do^'of tbe P^m^&J^' S& S^TJEBBU or swmcbiption , tomed to,pause in our" daily pursuits, and call sb) in ths other, this.people was tbvbe perhaps ,theiprlesMto generatesfrefledted ^?^^^f C??^5/^'e? ^^Hfr1^

11'-he ^oriaiu. bnu.uto'wiih aeniui. snm.ie- '

"<aEart ,a "me. *° °£er thftflks to Almighty converted into a centralized -nation , like in tiie. Book of <5b^ic^^ r^"! c, wUh Gtrmn,, 8^

lc-,,(I.oo GoAfpr the cal 6 e* # tace or Russia. ' Sat it would not Work, period. It is' admitted ' (see Zuhz'a *M& ?%$ » W^{lar;on^by^^un.j e Amurfcui i iMraoilte.'withourtho oannau , safed to- ue,; ftit^our.prayertffor;a fdniihur . ' ,lvo or iVU ° ' .%~ - -* w" . * !w™.)i;>.fc, ¦ du r.\ nL* tu„ L«si„. ,,* na,,>who has\beeh» mentioned lniniediatolvSupTiomunL por nim mn v > - , «.*© ahee thereof < We ha%Wtlus-tto&iq¥al We are many, and, each of,us ifl used to per- Kiens«i«c^ Vorlra ege) that the compiler of ' : ^ba- ^«Vft mitf S77V°rf™„ '

,,p mcnl- l °- " "¦ a oo reason to be thankful for His continued sonal freedom, civil and religious liberty and the Books of Ezra and'Neh emiah was also g*"J« „,v . 3 W P 1 ""'^ortagc t.. K»,ope . rornMnom , i.BO protection and for many material blowings individual character, freely developed. We the author of Chronicles. His pspuliarity J! f*,!"


uW.av8. sno]>1"l;n^ve'been placed

™hich W» h™.niy h&B

\eT7?\J ?A?$i' want only one common feature of a national of diction betrays (he age of tip activity, >^ Abba Benjamui^nd R. fcaap, being Te-lion to these favors accorded to us as indi- J . . t it u • i , •• 1a h «oi ' • it\ naainvwould not have had the. preferenca \* rates or advertisement*. viduals, we have especial occasion toexpreas character , which is loye of freedom and jus- In Nebetniah (zu. JO, 11, 22) thero is,a list (l ,£. «j , £ Hii*™; \x,k VT'inj niiRH nH rrwur our hearty thanks to Almighty God that, by tlce. Any other formation of national char- of the six highpriestsj exactly as mentioned ¦

u ' Xv "„ * , f' ; " " . e ^^English or GERMAN . R[s provfd ^.guidance, our Govern- acter under the auspiceB of free intelligence, by Josephus prior "to Alexander the Great. °f Ab™^ wiU be

nigh to

help lum who3»oI [!Fh-r e m0OU' - ' -

¦" . •}«; ^M^&i? cenl

"ry a8f0'Si

a8f^ i° this age of steam and electric communica- This compiler* being identical with the ¦' ? M * W * -* to

f^' , And when- •• twh montbi tS) enabled to fulfill the purpose of its found- . ",,dubd v » « ^li«. "" ""umw

& he died {the-compiler of the Talmud adds)•¦ - threfmoX, - - - - 10 w era in offering an aaylum to the people of tion, and the continuous exchange of author of Chronicles, he must have flour. thev eu

__iz,d bL him - Woe tKS" •¦ six months, - - is iK' everv race, securing civil and religious lip- thoughts and feelings^ by the literature of all ished shortly before the advent of Alexan- ;5. ""? T* . f - "' ". .!;' '? m

^Oom^XVautioni, . ' . ' . ' VXi erty - to all wiilta its ' borders, and metin* nations, is barely impossible. But we were derj or.according to the rabbis perhaps in ^ZTa rJ^T fw? "MttTrlaj tes, Births, Dcdtha, each uotice, - - i no out to every individual alike justice and , ua„n„a „ Pi,«ton na«rtn oiit^ ».At k« isn « r TTfn hnftlr in wi^iftAh onfirfllv in °IiJ at"er Abraham- (is no more . We know^onoti^ ^n be ^en of any order, for »i equality before thelaw. It is, moreover, es- J

0 become a Puritan nationality not by J80 b, c His book is written entirely jn Abraham. Kai a fixed Place where tovertiiiemeut not paid m advance. . "> plciai our duty to offer our humble pray- force, for there is nope at anybody's com-, favor of the, priests and the Davidian for It is said, men- xix > « A n \ ll¦ " i ' i ers to the".Father of All Mercies for the coili-, mand, but by means apparently insignificant, dynasty wiile the corresponding chapters £ *. ' „ 5' - Vkt ¦ / uOKVFRAE aobht. tiimance of His Divine favor to us, as nation 0ne of these apparetttly inaigniflcant 'means of history in the Book of Ezrjt, now Samuel 7^hl „L' £

1D k f TT** . T^^8AHUBL J. Lobb. • iSSftvSKtfeS b th.' IMdfa^ .

jj ^ill^^ M Kl^^.

d^lM^II, 1.1; ^ ^^SS Stof the United States, do recommend to the appointing a national day of Thanksgiving, the prophets ; and the history of the re- , fc XSSi ZZa ¥«ii*; im\ «5*- * people of the United States to devoto the which was formerly done by the Governors Public was entirely omitted by the author ;' . „ «»•» 8ioou vrase up; anfl

i ocae agents ^Otb day of! November next to an expression of thoge stateB whoBe pedple were BO : Qf Chronicles. Two political principles are P"1^- . . .. .. „ Uw, .of their thanks and prayers to Almighty ¦*- distinctly rebresented in these two sourcea f11 aPPe^s that this Babylonian savanH. ELIASSOF, No. 38 Oass Street, Chi- God , and, laying aside their daily avocations- tomed- aistincuy representea in tnese two sources

thought that privatedeTOtioii:- at app ; -^oago, 111. and all secular occupation , to assemble in People generally .will not take notice of <>f *»*™} ^ h ' h rY i

¦«» &* «¦** ed J ice was Preferable to PubS woSnABRAHAM HIBSCH, 122 Raburg St., their respective places of worship and ob- Bmall thin28 and when th ha democratic theocracy with the prophet as f p ¦ v. %, ™T P? i woisnip ,

Baltimore, Md.; and Washington, D.^. serve such a day a3 a day of thanksgiving Bm™ ™»^™^t$lJ££coS

the cMef ^^r, and the other is the ollg- »*WI*»t»Bg fdj God s special assistance,

M. SHTJLHOF, 316 Wells Street, Milwau- andrest. "? wtp. »«y are often beyond control¦ > theocracy with the bkhDriest as th^ becauee tbe devotion of

a p9rs0n'ia so^^kee Wis ^In witness whereof, I have hereunto get This evil of centralization and remoulding "c^lc ™eqcracy WIlh *he.nignpnest as me i|g ^^ . ge ; ^ it .K'eV. J. SHONINGER, 47 Melrose St, my hand and caused the seal of the United us to a Puritan nation,haa grow* apon us, bead.. .Here is -the primary source of the, - q

• : ° tj'fl d "[ .' .Boston, Mass. States to be affixed. steftdily . but we ^n Bay,no more of it tin- two parties as they later appear , viz.: Sad- " P.1 £ p'af.1B 8anctl?6d »>*¦ °™y Jjr

LEON SCHAAP, 1402 Main Street, Rich- Done at the City of Washington , this, 26th J ; b

Pr^teatS eStton when we ducees and, Pharisees. being dedicated, as a synagogue, « by the©nd. Va day.of October, in the year of our Lord one " aj ter tue rresiaenuai election, wnen we, "¦ presence of a worshiping congregation, butI. N. CHOYNSKT, San Francisco, Cal. thousand eight- hundred and seventy-six,- m ight speak of it at more length. 5. lhe.Books of Ezra and Neheraiah con- als0 by one peraon'B private devotion ; andM. ALLTRINO 172 Erato St., New Or- and of the Independence of the United -;- , ':,_—; 1 sist chiefly of- valuable documents in the mah should wrav at a mn<*tifi«a '

tmot " forleatift La States of America Hhe oUe huftdred and , Ohaldnir '' hi rtnitki aM 'sCAArteiMtik lw w_^ man Bnouia Pray al a B?ncimea 8Pot> l<>rT'LINZ, Seventeenth and Pine Streets, fiSt ^«-»« «f a* *«£»»«"* *™P*»e 3l j£SS S **" " " U *&y h« th&t thiSSt. Louis. ' [L. S.] U. S. Grant. l.ectt.rP8, and jyehemiah {spe *«W jP.»efijst Person) 8&7an a]aQ iutended t(J Bt thftt fl flxedBy the President : Kami won F«h, Secre- —— « Hebrew, and the additions of the Chron- lace .fe preferable to a. flxed time of devo.= tory of State- THE MEDO-PEBsuu PERIOD. ist, which are easilydiBUnguished from the . m aj;r> m^t ^vit6 tbe ifMna/i doc-VHE pbehivm There is nothing objectionable in the ,_ Eleven Medo-Persian, kings, governed °thf/ po^^8,01. ?-e tf» bopks. The two

^^ whpey|a, gxe^ a (iffle for, Ms prayerTh* AMBKioAK Isba tk offers to It. 7°

pj oclamatiou, except per- PaMiRe up to the xear 332 B. c., wh6n


-t make it a supplication, i ,.,readers an excellent apd valuable premium, ^ JZ^S^t^ J ^ tT^H^



S3 £S an^m^S ^T £T^t' ^"f.^tho ip +/»«t mnstPr-wnrk nf M OnrKmheirri y rresiuoni ana. ma oecre although the beginning of his rbign is usu-, ' i **

¦¦ '¦ «* *. J .v B, .. u 6 ,^ cause he feels the necessity of addressingfce latest master-work of M. Oppenheim, taryr but.there are te of thou8ands of citi. al, ^ fJ; ^ «

c ^^ a re^ds ,-U flkhOwn now to >vh1Ch ¦^.the hiB & plj cntiona to the Mo8t Hi h<)

thb bab j iitsvah zen8 in thi6 ^^^ with whom

the words ' country fro m the Persians. Ghroms added bis o^n. The source^which g_ ... R H ^. E

. Leay. theTHE BAB j iimvAH, » our Lord" have no meaning. They do * . ' , that.a.uthor mentions are : (I) The Book of evna„bgue bne. 8hould not run ¦ to whichmasterly lithographed on a plate 18 by. 20 not believe in the Lord of .Ulysses S. Grant, Kr*'QB OT weuo-pehsia.apter dakius, the the Kings oflsrael and Judah CI Ghron. ix); Abai adds' tbat this refers to leaving onlyinches;, a fine onianient for any parloi, a ;and.lkmilton Fish, and think 'the year one MEDE- (2) tlie Ohronlcles' Of^ .King David (lbvid- b g0- ug 'tQ the 8yp'ag0gUBj he should gobeautiful scene-from Jewish life of the last hundred and first of our independence siif- Greek immes. Persian names. Datea. xxv»- 24) ; (3, 4 and 5) the .Narratives of {fl6t j na gaid^Hosea), 'Let us run (pursue), century, illustrated by an artist of hfghrej i- flees, and is all the law allows them to write, i- oyrni Kai KhuBru , 5a6-a2J b. a. ;Samuel, Nathan and . Gad (Ibid, xxix.- tQ ^now the Lord ' ' R Seira adds thisotation- u „ • . But such is the force of .custom, and that is ' '

^PeS^St a S'V? !!


?^hIah when formerly I saw the Rabbis run o>Sab!Any subscriber, old or new, te the Amkb- about a?i it ifl . , 2. Cambv.es, " H^shelto^d

the Vieiohs of Jeddo or ba[b

rto the academical iecture, r.thohghtioan Iseaelitb and Deborah, or to the fhe obiectionable feature of the proclama- -W«n: 620-aa . - f T

ddo'WAmebj can Isbaexite only, on sending pay- tion ifl ^^ the preaideni,of

the tlnit;ed- s: »ne«ai. (p«udo) '- aawai ^^ve f|hemaiah, the Prophet (Ibid. . heard what R Tanchurfl 8aid of K, j08buament in advance for one year to this offico, gtate8 .„ the

o{ a pmtjfu nkrimug> er. *• Qush

xu. ^OTt^^«*r^ °

the Prophet b< Levij viZ ) «A man shou!d alwaya tan io .arrearage paid, will be sent a copy of this erciging the fnnction8 of fl Pope; a Ru8sian 6. Xe,rxe/I. ' lBfuadea

Pr; 4„ E


f)T; W*1'*of lh

f *,n,g> learn Jhe„Law, also on Sabbath , as" saidlithography, free of charge. autocrat or a sovereign of Great Britain* "• ArtaxerxesI.. of Jndah and IaraeKflbid. xv. 11); (11) the .(j£08ett)f . ye pfiau Wfilk after the Lord hkeAddress officeAmejucam'Isbablite, Citi- and exerci8irig it in the fityle and ^ne of a Lo^imanus. Bahman. 48W25


^B °f J«h"


f J*™™ (^'d- xx a r0aring lipn' Ialao' did run."cinnati' 0- "¦ sort of high priest of the people of the Uni- '' SSto.™ ' 42* ??& ^^Jf J?0^^ ?


f^ V^eV ¦ C*1* ^s^cond iphoriam B. H^ suggeato,

— ted States. To celebrate a day of thanksgiv .8. Darius n.. ooh« Jrf ^*itSr *n ^ p* *h* - ° k.: pt? although ho.preferred private devotion, yet

„.„ ,„ ing is eitherareJ igibus act or a moCKery and or Nothos. . «*-33 to «5-jo4 ' ¦ ' '|t|?18?M-4%»(igp^^ ^varieties.

hypocrisy. If it is the latter, it is damnable 9- Ajtaxerxes n., Ibid, SxVl;5^f

S> *f^« rrat^e °{

fl 1' the cohgregatibh in the synagogue, and not. interference with the public business. l0 taTrxesin

(Ibid ¦ xxair . 19) All tbese^po^s we rU^ h— - a3

^dd to be done, be.A HEV ERKN n gentleman m tins ctv has the public 8ehoolg j aad ttlr prlval

a.S^™? ' «i-« - lo8t

'f wer

f aU ^




^made the attempt to prove that the Eastern indu8trv . and commerce. If it is the Reiga of Bagoas for two years, , 838 36 prophets and prophetesses except of fift een eompdae a number 0f laudable objects be-Ohurch , viz. : the Greek Catholic Church, fomer/then the question ari8eB : yVhat right -"¦ »*« « I!J- ' ' „' ."

,flfter 6*T loS*' fln^" "othing T

Id. be sides BupplicatiW>aud private devotion,is incapable of redeeming the Eastern na- hag any president o( the UnUed gtatea apy Codomanua Darab IL su-aw known about either, if that conscientious BHch adora{ioi]; instruCtiori) and re.union.tions, and he ia right ; he only ought to have Congress or Supreme Court to inf^rfere, with ' ,' 2. There is a noteworthy deficiency in the Ghromst had not named his sohrces so care- Abai explains the aphorism, and Seiraomitted all adjecUvesand said : The Church the religious affairs of the people ? We Hebrew era X. M., chiefly on account of a fDuy- '¦¦ S ¦ ' , adds, that instruction alone, to go to hearnever has and never will redeem any na- haye not elected a President to make reli- mistake which the rabbis and Josephus <J. These" lost books mentioned perchance the Mala diah, is- as laudable as to attend thetion. gion for U9 . hj 8 f unctionS| dut -ie8 and pow. made in the History of Afedo-Persia. They and the .prophetical scriptures in our poa- .synagogue. To alt 'this the compilers of the

. * ereare dearl v defined in the Constitution of maintain (Seder Olam Rabba , ch. 30, Abodu session afford an insight into rthe .Uterarj- Talmud add the following brief sayings ofA U8VBREKD lecturer in tne city ot wn- the UnUed s,atea bevond whioh he ha8 no Sarah 9 a and elsewhere) that the Medo- activity of the Hebrews in the prophetical vari0Ug 8ageS regarding those who do notcinnatt fta s P^oyea irom trie cook oi mmei ^

.g ^ .

RepubU. per8ian Empire was overthrown by Alex- age, especially from and after Samuel, which understand well what is tango*.In the syn-the downiau oi inrij ey to oe at nana, we Qongresi hflg had the audacity of mak. ander thirty-four years after the tempj e had was not equalled by any nation of antiquity ag0gUe or academy, ahd ahduld, neverthe-would like to Know wuat tnat class oi at-

ing hollday9 of the Fo„rtb o{ JdVi Christ. been , finished ,, which was a4Mly.QseJ}<n> P"or to the age of Cyrus. More than that, ie8arg0 there.) "vines could not prove irom trie iiooks oi ^^ G

oQd ^^ &^d Thanksgivin g.day . dred and eighty-four years after that event , the whole of ahcidnt literature of all known > • Th_e benefit of the academical discoursejj aruei and Keve ation. e un oi tne

Congre8g c.ou idr n.lke those holidays only whi(* is a m'Htake of one'hundred and nations prior to Cyrus amounts not even in ia in the. hurry (eagerness/ to go:;therenndthmg is, tnat most oi inem can not reaa in ^^ District of Colombia , if the people fi fty years.

^ Then they count (from 232 b. c. bulk, much less in contents and the amount to hear it'. The benefU of the sermon (be-tne originals eitner oi tnose dooks.

thereof submit to the imposition , for the of- to ™ a. v.) to the deslruction.of the temple of verities, to the Hebrew scriptures in our foIe the 'holidays) 'is in the throng (of at-1f we were in North Carolina , we would fice^and officers of the United States only. three hundred and nine years, which is a possession and those lost, which were pro- tenilants). The benefit of the discdursive

certainly vote for Governor Vance, who is and qot for the peoole thereof ; hence the mistake of ninety-three years, hence in all duced in the prehistoric time, i. e., prior to lecture (on the laws), is in the reflectionnot only an able and tried statesman , but President might make proclamation to his ,he mistake amounts to two hundred and Cyrus. Again the books lost merely of. one ca08^d. The benefit of the charnel housealso a man of broad and libend principles, 100,300 subordinates and to the people of forty-three years. Therefore (5637 plus 243) branch, viz.: history, and prove that each ia ln 8nence. The benefit of the fast day iswho can not do or utter anything small the District oJ 'Columbia , but not to the the era a. m. should, be this year 5880 a. m. period of Israel's history was chronicled by in alms (given). The benefit of funeral ora-mean or ungenerous. Governor Vance is a people of the United States, which is not The Hebrews counted first after .the depart- cotemporory writers, and transcribed by tions is in the lamentation (caused). Thehumane man , and a friend of our people, within his legitimate exercise of power or dis- are of *8rj iel from Eg.vPMl King's vi.), others to the Chronicles' of the Kings, of benefit qf attending weddings is in the glid-whose cause he has advocated warmly and charge of duty. Besides, the President ought then from thff reign 6f the Icing, native or which three are mentioned (see in j o, the dening worda" (spoken),ablv , without solicitation ; we owe him to know, that Than ksgiving-day is a New foreign { }lishnah] Yorna i. 1), then in the time books 1, 10 and 12). Therefore none has (These various brief sayings, representedthanks and support. England custom only, and his assertion , of the Maccafcees from the reign of the yet been able to discover an error or a false- bere as the proverbs of various rabbis, ap-' " we have been accustomed ," if referring to highpriest [Meguillath Taanith vii.) , then hood In the h istorical books, although criti- peor to have been one poem, in which therePartisan organs have given publicity to the people of the Uni ted States, is errone- they adopted^the Seleucidan era ( beginning cism ond the 'interpretation of ancient in- is moter and rhyme :the canard that Mr. Tilden, the Democratic QU6 There are this day plenty of people October 1, 312 b. c), and in the tenth cen- scri ptions, coins, languages and monumentscandidate for the Presidency , has introduced and vari0U8 lState8 who have not been ac- tury the era after the creation of the world have subjected almost every chapter thereof NOrn NplBI N13Ka bill in tlie New York legislature to dis- (,ustomed t0 do any BUch thing_ How can was adopted ,' counting from the creation of to riaid analysis. «pnn rbn NliNfranchi se the Jews. So the Jm-uh Rtcvrd of Uie PreBWent Bpbak for tliem ? Ifacomiuu- Adam. One, however , of the rabbis of the 7. It also appears that these lost books «-i3B »<nuocin N1«New York said : There is no such paper in nity o r a state impose a holiday upon them- Talmnd perceived this mistake, >3T K3H prove that the prophetical canon knownexistence , and no Jew is so ignorant and 8elveS| nooe ,la9 a righ t, perhaps, to inter- in<fc (see Abod a Sara h Q a and Sanhedrin as Nebiim Acltaronim, the "LatterProph Qts," Kmp'n* S!<BQ OT KTJKstupid as to believe that such a bill was in- fere . but the President of the United State? 97 a) , who counts fro m the creation of and comprising the Books of Isaiah , Jere- KnpIV timwn NUNliod uced by any bod y in any legislature, or naa no rigilt lo irapose anything upon tb i 8 Adam to the destructitfn of the temple miah , Ezekiel , and the twelve minor proph- „,l} «,„,,, u„uthat any legislature has the power to pass people four Ul0Mand year8| which iavolve8 only a ets, had not been closed and added to the m-

^m - JN

such a bill , or that any ordinary politician , Jt muat notbe argue(] that u ig mmly ad , rflietake o{ 8eVenty.four years, although he Book of Ezra, kept in the temple, When the ^» ^OT OT NnJNwho is not insane, would introduce a bill in vigory ftn d not C0,npulflOry . for nobody asks may have dated to the first Messianic agita- Chronist wrote bis work, for he must have It wm be ^^ tb^t the fir8t three Hneaany legislature , of which he knowFin ad- tbe President's or his Secretary 's advice in tions in Palestine. -- ¦ ¦ possessed all the books which,he mentions. fh ftnd refer to Qnf} Bubject_iectures ¦Vrl??rJn^


ni. tL -t

,, '.


CH ' matters of religion. Besides, a President of g. A fter Ezra and Nehemiah little is Had thaprophetical canon been closed, those the two following lines rhyme, and refer toentertain iL inis is too stupid an election-

United states, wbo is an executive ofiB- ^nown of the historv of Israel during the books must have been in it and placed m the another sub]ect-the practice of pious men,ecnng canaro. cer_ tQ en{orce and execu te the laws, has no Medo-Persian period. Josephus records temP'e Wltfa the othere> therefore bke those fc0 viait the grave8 flU(1 tQ fMt . g0 the lfl8tOca moralists and newspaper men were business to make any proclamation, unless two episodes from this period, the one from which are extant, because they were in the two Unefl Tilyme( aod, refer to another sub-

dead ly opposed to all lottery business, and he is in possession of the power to enforce tbe time of Artaxerxes II., when the high- temple, they cpuld not have been lost. The ject, viz., to common intercburse.)we believe they were right. But the same the substance thereof , and punish the of- prieaWohn slew his brother Jesus in the Talmud merely says ,*hat the Gre&t "Synod i( R ftu

,here 5f} E Heibo omit-moraliste and newspaper men countenance , fenders. If that dignilbry has a right to fcunpl, aspiring to the same office , and* OTOfce the Books of Ezekiel , twelve minor He who prays behind the synagogueadvertise, and in some instances advocate make a religious proclamation , why not Bagosus, the Persian General , inflicted prophets, Daniel and Esther (iJata mnra

^ called a wicked man aS 8Uid (Psalms xii )«nd support the business of sooth-sayers, also a moral one ?-why not also a political punishment upon tbe Jews ; and the other 16 a)> whi.cl1 means they compiled them ; . WJcked TOUndJ.about' (the house offortune-tellers, clarvoyants and spiritual °ne ? The next President , perhaps , will in the time of Darius III., when Sanbelat, but even there ib no idea of a canon yet, yfQ TgM ) Aibai adds this was said of oneseances, for which people pay dearlv with- make proclamation that people smoke no the Samarita», and Menassah, his son-in- flnd later 8avanB wanted to exclude the

^^^ nQ|. fa

toward the .out a chance of winning anything. ' Every cigars and drink no wine, because " we have iaW ) who was tbe brother of the sixth high- Book of Ezekiel from the Sacred Scriptures. ^ ^ turns ^ {ace fo

^sensible person knows that those people ob- been accustomed " to consider such indul- priest, called Jaddua, attempted to build a Therefore the close of the prophetical canon * £ '

fa . included Tbere was atain money under false pretenses, that they Rences immoral ; and the next President tempie at Samaria, on Mount Gerlzzim. must belong to a time long after the Chron- ^J^^ d bebind the aynagbgue

notfurther superstition and falsehood, def y wil1 make proclamation when , where and The government of the Hebrew people fell ist, we think to.the Maccabean period. turning hi-8 f^ce thereto The prophet'Eli-common sense and offend common decency, {or whom we should vote, because "we have altogether into the hands of the highpriests -7 and KAw>tah

'wew yrt one book tn the jah passing saw him and appeared to himThey are a nuisance. Yet they are adver- been accustomed that certain persons in who wore also the presiding officers of the ttme at Beryth* authors (Baba Bethra lib) and 1i33d in public papers, are permitted to have certain localities have done so. The Consti- Great Synod. The succession of the high- Eira begins with tbo last verses ot Chronicles, of ? b. HUnna was the Prince of tbe Exile, realdtng at

their signs out in broad day light, and to tution makes no 'provisions for a Pontifer priests was : 1. Joshua or Jesus ; 2. Joakim : which it it ,a continuation, and to which it was Sura, when ft , Judah whs patriarch of Palegtoo. Hagive public shows for fees paid by benighted *¦£««. or a preacher; of morals , it pre- 3. Eiiasmb ; 4 >lada, calledV Judah V ^^'

&^£^^™$'i££Zand swindled individuals. Wh y have we scribes powers and duties to executive, leg- Josephus ; 5. John alsoVealied Jonathan, " '¦ ¦*' * ¦ r the Uijgs and Zemhabel; In hmtme Abba Arekano law to stop these outrages? Wh y does islative and judiciary officers and bodies,

5, Jaddua, all lineal descendants of Onb1 thing only 'of' all'the1 Works of man is jmd Samuel. Tfawlj ^nal becamo the^ heads 6focad-the law of Ohio not protect its citizens and there it stops. the first. Here JosephuA has Ale,xande,r tmpprtoli.aDlfl ; #?t'i aV trttUi 6^against these swindles ?• Some gentlemen But this is merel y one of a series of cen- the Great coming to JertiWemV *&*«*: he coveted^ ;Cj$® said, "all the, good done to.

' ^ ff^ S ffSi^!^'elected to the Ohio Legislature ought to take tralizing innovations with which the Repub- records the highpriest Onias I., Epn of Jad- matt/ ho-ffever-great.it may be, is ¦ transitory an'ir'VnSi TPpiBD !in)JlK,,f ^^ words do notthis matter in hand and draw up a bill to lican principle has burdened us. This is to dua , ond after him Simon the Just ; but the atte'r all } the truths, however, bequeathed ijgni/y, that he was expelled from the ao tdemy of K.make an ond of this public nuisance. ' be one Puritan nation on the New England rabbis maintain Simon was highpriest when to man are eternal Hunaa ,

Page 2: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archivescollections.americanjewisharchives.org/.../3912/TIS-1876-11-03-001.… · m°™- and > , ^ ^ »? »» ." ^ every ^ °';?"

7^^ ^ v --r " ."" :7@*

«^-,^.i*a'-^M .-^n^^' crea^dn^, v \i, : Jv ' X'K^V; ¦"¦ the an&ipstedJfee: , \v, ,.- . .. Jl.is is aWtfe fi^duty,:,and thejarstlaif woraiiifJ,iiblb, Talmud , etc.; we are ndtin.

^fadeafe^foie:^ 7 B. H,Bald^n th> rime or*;R< finnna> ¦¦ ¦w*.-x< »> ~— -^'v . ' . aeuTOe nSIfS and wlvlaon oT man^bd tor#eQV°h this point , can not be taken,. ^^'¦W&kiUeia iiiiia.'V '¦- '¦'' . ¦ whoever;* knq^ 6 >. Iqto bonsidtiratioa here,'for he hBsafij jht

(In other versions of this story the u8Ua,1y ^A^ 'V^ virtji6r> j usttye and "And God saw.the light that it was good, to.entertaln and ttfexpressfbem orjrSundfly;,Prophet Elijah is omitted, and it is fimply should be eager ^

. naVritedy' that a man piay»«8 b^ind the (Psalms^xiiyvJ^ Seek^Bace and. ptirgii^ existence arid prolong their days, theXknessi H«i !LW$igh *» ' W -long-as 'people assemble^ at this or that hall .¦ sy^ogue' 'tyas Jellied by an Arab. The ^'u H bef6a!'qt^;hlriiand fe^ / ' \r ' ,.. '- ' We may rest, assured that wherever the m Now York or else where, Sunday morningnraviriz behind the svnaKoeue and not he is.wlled 'a'^obor, as said (Isaiah HI,), Those ^Ho have lost their conscience have HghtQf the Holy Scriptures is absent, among or any other time, to listen to some piecesSg'tL/ace toward it, or not iri the di- " And yei ;wh'o plunder- the vineyard have lost, the. most valuable jewel -existing for

J^^]^SlSi^Sii of


well rendered, and to. a,, utterancerectdol as does the congregation, is here the things robbed of the poor In your themselves and their fellow-men. h^'SR^Iof ff& S& oi

Prof' Ad,er'8 P»vate QP ™°™ on »»Y

represented as like one excluding himself houses." (Nothing could be robbed of the -* cold of death. « topic, no intelligent mah, Jew or Gentile4,hm tha Pftnorpufttion nn rl wm-nhminG an- P°°«" except, perhaps, the response to his A man without a conscience U one of the Five times the word light occurs upon the can raise any objection to such proceedings;S*C^TffS^-7Sf3:i Mendly salutation.) ¦ ^ost rePul8iv b i

^^^^^^St ?*-*?* "* * ^ "prior aphorism, viz., although private devo- face °f the earth. The children are afraid x >

hal, recommend ^Sl'oiyi to 'shlne Prof - Adl«* wi» flnd material enough to in-tion appeared preferable to R. Hunua, yet ^-aphorisms of BABBI jos* ban umba, of h

.f ' and the «ood avo,d h»» » lhey upon .the path of your life like a s,.n which tercet his audience for any length of time-he waited the Synagogue' looked upon as BBJBB' by b, ,oohaka*. would a poisonous herb. is never exUnguisW

^/0UW "* "* *! m°™-

at inauS-

the plaee of re-onion for the, d ispersed Is- tf .Bf t d& l*.) A *ood cWr ..ZL ^^Ii^ W* ta GotiTflrS/^nDOTmoSt ™^f « 'nduTerent to the

large community ;raelites, and none should pray behind it, or _ / ,7^ ' " ' . '... t

A good clear conscience gives a brilliancy Confidence ln Hita. ',God is' u^-, on the contrary , we think it might be as

eo around it (8 b) The compilers of the L ¦ ¦•J>-Bfttd . B. '.JpBef whence » it to the eyes .and a celesliat light to the coun- niN v„ As soon as you think of God, as beneficent to a certain class of our oeople asgo arp t I. t . known that ' the Holy On? p'ays ? It is said tenance that j ewels or the artsbf .handiwork soon as you pronounce His name, it becomes Dr. Frothinzham's lectures arexnPeS^^^a toSSSJ - < WFM&£& V»^ring

them to can not bestow. ' [*¦* around you in your mind and in your lf > howev*

r> u „ dTlinaugurate a-SZ W^ S,So'^ 1 my;h>ly; b,uhtam,,anaa wilLmake them - heart. ™ itip mj> nrf, rrn» » Through new anii.Sabbath movemen7to supercedethe connection. We translate.) ¦

$ ,^ , ? ^ad%f fthe'ho'nse'o^

my prayet l"dt is not Those who unlawfully appropriate other night to lwht" A the dark problems of the 8abbatb ot ttae.DecaJogiie by aoyW'"Ohe r^asked R^

Bib^^ people.8 property rob thea,Belv«s. First, SS'JST. wPpe'SKre iKnffi tense or excuse, and'adopt^ lieu thereofNachman -V I^




t ?the Holy One. prays. , What doe/he pray ? they rob themselves of theh%clear oon- WOrfd of Wen. Therefore pious men the Pope's Sunday, which rests on no otherthe^.W9rda^0»=?3^^CT,' W3. fi^s»ry... fe. Zutra reports of Eab, God prays so, science ; secolid , they rob themselves of walk always in the light while the skeptics basis except the allegation of the Gospelsside the wicked walkf^rrffff™^ May iti

be my pleasure that my mercies their good character and good name; and to w|l° have banished from 'their heart the that Jesus rose on Sundav and that PopeiffixSiefSSffl S

crown their infamy, they undor|iine their [! ^ rk^te to and


have adopted the day to replace 'WM#%IWS5H1 ' WW™-1111 W'Qllier ataboj in tfait I prosperity and happiness. !?Verily the mott o be, God is my light! the Jews' Sabbath, and countenance such a^' ^f' TSW -T^T-' may g0Vem m7 children in the attribute of way of the transgressor is a hard one." 2. 7"rMfA also is a light. Our sages say, change, because this or that person or num-.flp^4b:em*(Ato,^M-rAaat


aercy( arid gather them to me beyond the . The seal of God is truth. Falsehood is ber of persons can not or do nob keep thethe wicked walk about on every side,^hen', j ^ 6f ^

stice. (How. did Rab. know what Those who say, " I don't care," and act darkness and leads the one who gives up to gabbath of the Decakcue- or if it is intendedf ^^^^ - T

1^ ' W l It » t»>e same^s above in the accordingly, will soon find out that nobody « £

Perij Uoj . Truth ««JJ^gJ » to preach a new religion, one without God,E Jochahan; and ^Eea^r however, ex- Megoiyoi «,God, roarB>, aB we shall see by will care for them , and they will dwindle 2j f a»Je **£ %£j jg $R£Si immortality, revelation, providence andplain it so, if ope needs the fieip ol man, ms tbe pOntiTIuati0n;) n j 8 reported, R. Ish- down to a. nonentity, whope voice is not everything. It has often to battle against moral order of this cosmou, to succumb toface; will colo^like the Chetum, which, as K. mael b j ,liabft ^4^^^

Fabl),said, once heard and whose presence is not noticed, falsehood hy pocrisy and dissimulation, tne infatuated imarinaiion of thoughtleBSDimmi says, is a bird1 so called in the se> when i had gone into the ^«M .anctonjm Tbey cease, to exist for themsejves or their ' J^&^^S^^iS;

individuals; if it means opposition to theshore cities, which changes its color van- (<ft tbe Day o£. Atonement) to offer. the fellow-men. «I don't care " has done it. S &SSSS

^^ to {bVcS Decalogue and the priceless tLunfet theoualy when the sun shines on it. K. Amai frankincerJSe) 1 gaw Ackatliriel Yah, God . ' , . bat, as the sun triumphs over the fpg, and human family, the belief, faith and hope of«nd . B. Asai said, then a man (who needs ^baoth/'slitta* upon a high and exalted ^e and deatb^rospenty and misfortune light over darkness. Therefore let us pray l8rael8> thoU3and martys and sages-the help of pthers) is although he was throne; and he .said to merlshniael.my^on, are, to a great extent in our own bands. If with the Psalmist : ^nom -pw n^«'Send then f c we teflt ioudly and em^punished doubly, with fire and water, as b,e88 me . . a 1 ,May-it be

thy plea- ¦»* *8e5ve

<Ith* la


fof uat^


^the ukws {» ** 1 and thy truth

so that it might phatical|v; although, it trill not bo necessary ' •'«aid (Psalm lxvi), 'Thou -permitttst maiF 6ure that thy mercies overcome'thy wrath, °f th« >"»*. the first great steps have been lead us to happiness." P - ¦ J > _ J

»? J

»» .«JJto ride on our ' heads, we have come unto that thy ^ies overeome all thy other a^ ma^to ^reservehealth and peabebf mind. If 3. Virtue is also a light. Sin is dark- ^J^£ $^Z££Zfire and water.' . . tributes, tJlat thou^ mayest govern thy chil- we meet our obligations to the very best of ness. & vm TW & IK TO Vn nan ^'" J n

" the Sto S-4. .. M,^of K^unna/let every


ii* ^^^^r an^Sgoo n »S&a^ S. Krs^" Sr'SK Sah^thTpSa™«ne.be,careful to pray.the eyenmg prayer them to. thee beyond the line of justice ; W1

1 °' ;?"!'l° ™Bn ' „" fen^ *JTth shuns the light, and hides itself before the or will ever be read y to give up Judaism,(mnchah) ; for Elijah himself was heard. And heehbok his head to me (showing sat- anQ ine E00Q W1" . , • IBI1('w"me™ xne eyes of men; But can it also escape-the all- and talte in exchange the nrivate oninionaonly at his evening prayer, as said (I. Kings isfWtion)/ This suggests that the blessing avenue of prosperity is clear, and all one 8eeing eye of God ? Can the sinner flee of ^y one man or any set of men. ^xviii.), 'And it came to p^, wheh ev,nin^ ;(p^tt0,

ha8 to do is to push energetically ahead. -^^

^^^^^ ThiSe lie w^ reoiesTL corres-advaneed then ^PJ^ «

^^ T^Z^ ith the fatten. o« m^ b, BeV i,,. X ,. S^S B^^XSpert«™ P°ndent to r^

0rt Weekl-V' ".P^bl ^ th.^ Respond to me, O God, respond to me;' .(Ishmael b. .Ehsha, identical with the Ktf ai *lMtlMlBm c*nm*t£ate*+a *th she shines like a queen , and transrormslnto Lectures of Prof. Adler for our readers, andrespond to me, that fire come,from heaven, high priest iBbmael Eabi, one of the ten im-acl," iioaston, Tekas> a palace the hovel of misery ; like the rays we do not feel called upon to make any op-and respond to me, that they,say not, it was martyrs, who in the time of Nero.was sent ' - \'1. . ' of the sun, and his warmth, she heals all position to the movement inaucurated ; wedoughy witohcraft. , J^. adds, with ad,P ti6n

ofelSven.others to Eome . ^fgift * .™ wounds

^ ^g" »• must certainly defer our opinio^ till we arethis is also the. case wj th th^night prayer and kept there as a hostage, liyed to. about the,fiacred and imperishable-, monument, thJ i £^ S S\ -Sf hviS

m^ acquainted

with the motives

underlying the(Afa'on'o), as said (Psalm cxll)r 'Let my 70 A. a., and Rab dt Abba Areka lived in -the where, God has inscribed His- name and light^ tf kG a prie8 in tbe temple of the movement. It is our duty to defend >uda-prayer be as incense acceptable before thee, flret half of the third century a. c '; conse- engraved^is law. We .find thereashming mind ; and God 8ays,according to the words ism from whatever side the attack may beand the lifting; up oj W hands

^as the meal quentl y Rab must have learned this prayer ^ '

Sa^S^nlrdlSSSiSe' °LrZ thf tteh oriet' tohe


wh!chb-I made ; and U iB n° le88 °ur duty WV^b-offering jof the eve.' R. IJachman b. Isaac 0f -Ishmael, and not vice versa. The high a iuinjnoU8 Banctuary; where the. sweetest have placed in theffirmauient " {Tanchuin tu rb a gifted 3'0Ung mau in the'legitimateadds;-this is also' the case with the morhirig priest saw in his vision in the aanctum sane- canticles, chanted by immortal pontiffs and , ¦ 'Tn„.„_i, » ,L„ «,,«„ '«_ _„ „ exercise of his talents for the benefit ofprayer, as said (Psalm' v.-), '0-Godpn-the-

^mi Achaihriel, "the crown-of God," of prophets, sing the Eternal and' tlh. works ; P»«"'. t^" ™ ° Jl„ ™ Z, S! others, be this real or imaginarv.-L~ u- tu„ m„.mi™ m i i ,« raniT x.- - v. ~\\*a vJ.i. r,fc„„„fc 7 t,„nth =it a holy ark ill which are deposited the tables D'DKO 'FIJOpB' nVNNOn P \P?^Q pHNK' nni ' e . -mormng hear thou my voice m . the morn- him who -is called Yah Jehovah Zebaoth, sit- of t coyenaQt of hflav^,wJUl earth . a Likfl faith truth an(] vi l ,8 a . , " , . .log I direct to thee (my supplication ) and I ting upon a throne, as the prophets Isaiah, temple of justice , and righteousness, where genius from on high ,- light encircles her P^^?T?^?^P^Ts^^¦p¦ a' ,'T^ ,<lo waif ,- arid ¦ Eze,kiel saw in. 'visions. He says not there are promulgated the laws which the tike a cloak, a diadem of sunbeams brnates ' ^^^^-^P^^^^J-oifl ^Ji*

5 R. H said of R Hunna. whO enjoys a that lie saw God^.he eaw a pKantom upon .social order bf things rests upon ; an elo- her forehead and she has celestial wings ¦0. k. a. saia 01 n. nun1 a ,, w«u¦ nj y he calls Achatiirid through^ qaent a?d. "" P?lp1*' f5om wblch th

^ w,th wMch sho 8oars t0 the lofllest regions. NEW YORK unmbridegroom's meal, and- contributes not to a throne wrncn ne tans cnai«n«, inrougn mQst 8ablim6> God-inspired orators teach . nown_ .r th„ „rnwn nf .1, -„•.„ * ia __^_his gladness, disregards that admonition of which he heard in his vision God speakuig

morta,8 the rules

of life and the condi-

Jg^J^*%£$» Vnowledge of the . v~

v7, n , 01 ,**j five voices, as said (Jer. xxxiii.), 'A voice of arid encouraging Inm to pray to the Al- tions of happiness ; a course of history , ga(.red trea8'ure wbLch God i* inherit. ^EW Yohk, Oct. 27, 1876,joy , a voice of gladness, a voice of bride- mighfy, and t&Hmael in this state of exulta-. ¦¦^ Si ti niiS! ine?- an?e to His people. She « the source of To nv editoe of tke amekican isaAmrE.groom , a voice of .bride, a voice saying, tip* prayed that. Godls mercy, may over- gggg^goSTS all ?E(Tiod. i fril Jfi^ -t tS"SrtS I'd'Sce

' +-


of autumn , and par-

thank ye the God Zeboath.' Whoever does w to too*^W™to^ teachings of

all light



a!l holiness,

^/^f ih%™£A tho^ah^ This *££% ™anJe^hS SdThe LtropIcontribute to his gladness, his reward will and that his justice with all the kindred at- Dmrx book, treasure and rentage of Israel , ,ight of diy ine j bu jg fi fth ftnd

«***»% ™ehgj 2^^be, as R. Joshua ben Levi said, that he will tributes may be subject to his eternal mercy; i swme mee most precious gi t of the eternal . Had this Our country cousins have come upon usbe enlichtened in the Law, which was an- to- which the vision signified assent. The Again ancl ngaln wer thou thrown into llght not been kindled thousands of years ln fuU force, crowding the hotels, tne the-

and it came to pass oh the third day, when vision as a fact , explains the matter simply destruction ; but incombustible flambeau of 0f paganism and idolatry. The children of j ovment thai* only "he coMtrvSln Soirait was morning, and there were voices, and thus : frbmael vafi encouraged to pray , as which M oses had "glimpse >n the .hum in g Israei posS268ed utways the ligh t in-their Jwheil ho sees'a grtat city. Nothing bears

lightnings, and a heavy cloud upon the was Moses on similar occasions, and hie ^ ^ ^ ^ ^S^ ^ Si '

e] 1

^sa\ Dn

^M ^« !™ ¦»F&»»


so strongly to the general diffu-

mountain , and the voice of the cornet,' etc, prayer was a- revelation to teach how-and ^^. rt^^ff"^ K^hSrTt l t of S oiTToi T f M^ZlS7!SuT^S ¦

and then again, 'And there was the voice of what should be prayed to please- the Al- altor ; thou .stream of salvation, thou star of ^^ S^^V^Vt/aA. ' °f °' toi^poftffioT' hTi LdTl^eSthe cornet,' etc., < Moses^pake and the Lord mighty. This prayer teaches that God de-

^^M«J| a^U


hg^ [« bE oonnm] when |ne compares the American rarmer

answered in a voice.' Uift these were no sires to govern his children m mercy, if they Ho™b . i ^* yS are 8tan" . , , °r Pla«t« visiting New York and the Ger-actual voices, for it/s said (Ibid xx.), ' And seek it ingrayer andI so depe it

^He moves - 8acred

prostrate yollr.

Uam^M^[ n M x ffi tS S St. ttuulSaall the people saw the voice.* (?) Those himself to do St in the proper time before seFves 1 y privUegea of citizenship, has a knowledgevoices which were heard are those from be- this desire is realized it exists in God as a Book of our faith and of our love, thou Dr. 0. B. Frothingbam- lectures every 0f the, history of his native land , reads one

fore the Decalogue was delivered, and those desire, hence as a prayer in the human ¦h^.™^|edtto

B^^i»h^lf «pihlv Sunday morning, supported by a choir ele- or two (sometimes more) newspapers,which were seen m during the giving sense of the torm, whicl1 is the. expression an

gantly discussing classical music ; and there watohes^he course.of g^^g^thereof. R. Abhn says, his reward will be of a desire ; therefore Rab could say> that [ immo'rtality, its soul 'and its God. What are many Jews among his audience ; Froth- biB ^iew8( appreciaten the advantages ofas great as if be had brought a thankoffer- Ishmaers prayer was also God's prayer, and . would human society be Without this infall- inghain 's lectures are neither Christian nor living in a free country. Compare- hi'ni to

ing upon the altar, as the prophet continues it is the same as if he had said, that volition lible teacher ^"' ^JJ^JJ?™ Jewish , they are ethical. He discusses gen- a Bavarian peasant , who may or may "notafL The five voices, " And bringing thank- of Ishmael expressed in the words of his

^l^^^^ SlSSZr era| 8ub*f and f™ }h™ «»¦ 0c' & teVture t J2jjj &?w!&offering in the house of the Lord.' R. prayer is also the volition of God , connected nurnanity? Even those who pretend to casionally he speaks negatively of religious Uaii 0n government, political questionsNachman b Isaac adds then his reward with the desire that man should sue for possess the key to all things, and who have observances and dogmas , which spices his etc., he probably has no opinions whatever

will be as great as if he had rebuilt one of mercy in order to realize the volition. God the mistortune to deny th« vine ongm

^of ,ecturea i arfd administers just rebukes to and outside of his farm-work he knows

the ruins of Jerusalem, for the prophet con- is here represented as the most merciful , °herein t£e fir8i Uotions of all their science, existin8 ]>r«.J«dic*j and prevailing supersti- nothing. .eludes that passage thus, 'For i will bring who perpetually desires ( praya) that man a base upon which they could have raised an tions. We have neier inquired into it , ed bv observing the country cousin in townback the captivity of the land as at first, should seek his mercy. It is easily discoy- edifice of light,and salvation , instead oi con- what species of theism or deism JMr. Froth- _H by no means wearisome study, and onec in «i.« i Zri " ered that this whole allegory was directed structing thereon a tower of Babel , of con- inghain 's is, because from ftie standpoint of likel y to strengthen one's belief in thesattb tue ^rci

against the doctrine of a mediator who must f"8jon:1 °f doubt ' °f dismemberment a,nd JudaiBm we think-every thinker hag Uw ever-enduring power of American institu-wh^oreiTtbel ofZ


intercession with the Deity



fL word

s of Genesis, "Be*** right to understand the idea of deity accord - y h, , l"t-"J18 ,1J° *

hearkened to^ as hLm to mercjr' G°d; although all-jupt and Borok Elohim eth Ilashoniayim v'eth ho-oretz" mg to his own reasoning faculty, without . . . a.ins words respected (or ;

all-wise, is nevertheless most merciful ; he —"In the beginning God created the heaven being persecuted or excommunicated or de- Tbe second entertainment for the seasonsaid (Ecolesiastes xu.), 'A t the end (spo) eads with himself his children 's cariae, and and the earth "contain already tbe solutton cried As long as one acknowledges a Su- was given last Saturday evening. It wasevery word

fr^^ ' ^ . Lrcy

prevails with him as often as man

^a« Z %S£S?3£S££ preme Being and no pluralty of deities he

SC^^AfiKZa?^!.j f him who fears the Lora and keeps nis s^B u Again . Also here ig appiicabie of human reason have sometimes perceived stands upon a -solid basis of ethics. There- "Kauibach's Frcscoe of the Destruction ofcommandments.' What is the meamngJ of what ha? bWQ Baidon Ood's Thephilin : If from a great distance, and which every Qhild fore we always thought that Dr. Frothing- Jerusalem.-" by Rev. Dr. GottheH. The,the' close of this verse, ' For this is all the .. L ordains to urav then such is God's that opens the sacred book knows immedi- bam >8 iectUres could do good only, and es- popular clergyman'b eflfort was in everymanj ' R El^asar said, tlie Holy One says law, then he obsor

Pving his own law must ^^^'^aS^ 'SSra. peciahy to those who have no opportunity gJJJt <*£J*


all the world was created for the sake of al(jo pray The „ne?ory i8 philosophical thinkers of the world can not give a clearer to hear ethical discourses in any other form, was a glaring misrepresentation of an his-t his one man. (For this , one man is all.) and 0ptjm)8tiC) goodness predominates in and more useful result than these words en- as is the case with quite a number of Israel- torical event, and that Jews can not helpAbba b. Cabana understood it' so, this one ~ H ,B _-.„„„ ment nf the moral and intel- 8raved "Pon tbe 'wntispmce of the Bible : ite8 in j few York , who either from necessity regarding it with indignation. Of course-*:*•**TZ J tTZ £^^rs-?J--Si!tA;3!sapf^ -»**?.to-,tas.r Sabb"h , s w-"ss A;:i-nL,ts8'zAzai. or S. b. Zoma understood it so, the .( ^nuj ne Hebrew, the highest abstraction and earth, of God and the universe, the Now it appears that one more Sunday faahionable thing for rabbis to do.whole world was created to be at tbia one . & chiidlike form.) fira* ca,ise and the source of life , the origin lecturer is wanted in New York, and Prof. After tbe lecture Miss Lizzie Glick, theman 's command." - t and the aim of all things, the unity of the Felix Adler has undertaken this task, viz. : possessor Of a lovely soprano voice, sang„ t ¦ { . . , ,, ,.. „ „Motoj in [10 de COSTINUED.J Creator and the equality of His creatures, T ,w.tl .„ „..„„ Sllndav momina nt SianH- in charming styK 0 Mio Fernando. U i*(That the physical world was created to . . ^m . tbe condemnation of all usurpation upon T° leiltu ™ e\erj bUnday ""Tf n , K> be hoped that she will again fa«or thethe purpose of sustaining the moral and in- sMAXl, CHAK»E '* ¦ earth , which belongs to God, and the con- ard Hall , and our correspondent calls it a Association.

lellectual beings, is rabbinical principle secretion of brotherly love between men , Sunday service. This we expect is a misno- Last evening a vocal and instrumentall.asfid uDon the Law Those who fear God ~~ who were created by the same breath and me,.p for t0" deliver a lecture on some ethical concert was given , also, to a large, audience.TT p „. " . ar,.a a r .a (ho mftra i By the Author of "The Forffivins Khi." of the same matter, the certitude of reward .. . . diBcUBB 80me music bv Mo- Among the performers were little MissDeand keep His commandments are the moral * o£ tne od and puai6hnient 0f the evil wbject, ana 10 aiscuss some music Dy Mo-

^^ &n exceedingly clevw chijd.piant8iand intellectual beings,, hence for their sake through the revelation of an all-powerful zart or Mendelssohn by a quartette, is no di- Miss Henrietta Marksteiri, who played withthe world was created If there should be A magnanimous man is that lawyer who, God, Full of justice, of mercy and love. And vine service yet , either in the sense of Jews her accustomed brilliancy, Prof; Ehi, n, whoat any time as in the days ot Noab, only after carefully listening to your complaint,- it 13, Israel, who bought and preserved to or Gentiles. To lecture on any ethical topic, did likewise, Pro^froelich, the, excellent"' "mo> uf ",M ° ' ¦' ?i l fl„„ i „ 11 va t,„.

„a Lan » .the worid tins book of instruction, the pnn- ohntract tho momls thprpnf »ith violinist, and Mr. Edward Gilbert, a biiffo-one such man, well, then, he is the final paya: You have no case. ciple and foundation of all truths, for the or to abstract the morals thereof with- bariton^ who has become a gfeatj avorite.cause of creation for the time being. This --—- Eternal has said to him-: "Ye are my wit- out any belief , is far from being a religious In a neatly-prtritod' little pamphlet, theis the opinion of R Eleasarl Abba b. "Ha- A lawyer who advises acts of roguery is a nesses, the servants whom I have chosen ; exercise. We understand that Prof, Felix Young Men's Association of the Cohgrega-

huma thinks one man in his full dignity rogue himself. Avoid him,<• if you do not in order that ye may.know and believe me, Ad]er proposes to express his views and , tibn Ahawitfh Ghesed announce, their pro-

sensible or corrupt world, because in him and becomejCpoor, dfl aded human being, ^ilf he;n6ne." Isa. jtliii. 10. the form of lectures to ba delivered on Sun- i8n History, by Dr." Hirebach, to be deliv-the obj ect of creation Is realized. But ' ~ ,,¦ ¦¦¦', i: .' , . -- . -. , . > • /-,• a-, fiefpre this-wvelatiou to the world and day jnprning, because a certain^^« 'u ' a „r b Z tnouirht the perfect Beware of'tiuat lawyer who, without hav-i tWa:i?vjidence through IsraeL then at leisure, and at Standard g>n»lh? Mt nigh' and ending^ April' 19U). '¦£^^&\£tf ^--i*«A4.*^nothing being without its purpose in this to your case, jumps to the conclusion that lighfe"and there was light " the purpose. Whatever Prof. Adler's pn- m,. Crypti PalmoriL Tlev. TJri'Brgzbldj Dr.world , all things must be at this human you have a dear case, a good case, boiling Here is the first object of creation and vate opinions may be on the main points of Mark Blumenthal, Hon. M. Elliriger, Hon.