¦ THE TRIBUN The P.ta m Hot..A writer in tbe Bango attrihutee the prevalent disease amcrng pota the old n_> the earietíee, which ar>- in"*' « bv it. Hi; aays:..! have been forcibly with due truth, that when? the ,-i"iu't. baa be tacked with ilv rot, ¡ han been coafioed, wi exceptions, to :..-.- irarieties which have be«. paçdtfii trie. Ion:>«t. while those which bavi recfntiv intr In :«. ! froni the natural need, nr.- as a milk-maid'* cheek The foci uMhattn rit'tie-s ure actual I> <t--ir.- -.« ;;-i, gjje, r__ l hard «.-.ter .-.¦.'. rj to bis ao the past s**_aon baa been rife with ail tv men:» oéceasan to quicken the«}« cay j as we have bei i vieil » in futrtoaK eve rrenie to which oui kl« clin nt-i- _ubj*cL" Sofart.-. the observation .: tl *r!t"r hi tend«'!, the I lenaogo variety, which baa bi eu vrtted ¡iv í-.riti-r?'..ir h Iocs aeries of ye .-, ha moat effected by the dise*««. _[neE an i I:..-, n :. ...<¦ Dot ßVr much, b< ihey it*;-.'.- constitutional !.;- ** bave, for some years, shown strong rytnptc dwa».'1 An intelligent fdrrtvr of our acqii fobomte. the. op.niun advanced in :t¡'- a ¦¦ ¦. graphs, attributing '., . disease to the con.«ti .slantir.i' of t!if sam» seed. He aays the iii,-t has become so fatal i. encta «n *< ihe Eastern Stales that the farmers.i cell it Lu tmo Cholera.1 TI »fan r f Nova rit:o:is ahipp-d large quantities f this root to Boston the- pas; season, ¡-.is- loi x. been acquainted »i disra.»,- and c-tll it the Rot, It eeewe !" pt panicular f.r.nï ; and Fometimes appears stalk ¡ike runt, looji before i'.:-- potato has nrri maturity, and on cutting cpeii the youojro dif*»a«,,- will i. found !.. i xhibit ilr" it .'!: oil cU throughout the o--1 .'.- ol ¡:. At 1er litni « h -ii-inpe?r will appear.Tier nie pótalos have bee vested and buried or put into the cellar. Thi i/.dication of the disease which the farmer rei will be Iruinin olFrisive grnell «rr-ini; frutu th- compoüi'ií.n. His only resource then is to n tbe:u »cKiB as poeeiSIe a-i '.he distemper in infect* the whole body, no mattei imw larg-: be. Tb-projrjess uf this diatemp r among li t .to»ii in .\ ivi Scotia seema'to ii ive been »¦¦:.- siiajiuUr it would breakout suddenly and*. ir.ui lärm to far.1an c-liar to ce lar, |.. gering .ycarr, ai.t! then entirely -¡.appearing for a Th- farmera supposing the epidemic was lo ? irnewlirr« about the preuiiava resorted io ts ¦wurûng and c.eAOsiog ic-ir cellaris but to no t At length the evil was discovered to L* e above, in the c mtioual replanting of the aaine Like all other plan-;-, the potat. finally degs-n« and runso'.t. The Novaäcot'ian.aow plant the lud thu» jiro.ure new e-i.;d winch du::.'g ine el year arrives ut maturity und full size, a.ctj procured i-i ;iruot ;i_ai..!s( the Ko: tnu by :iii« ; tice Uiey were: enabled ,o furnidli s^ed pot .It »oroe of our New-Ecgland fanners for ia.t S,'ri planting. Tim distítnp.-r with this indispensable plant not to bo couhncd to ihie si.-'e tne Atlautic, but long b/ten kno.v.-i to ih-J peo,>¡« ni Ireland, w potato-eating propensities _:e so proverbial. F t .--Riii-iriiin from that country wp leurn thi 18i6, lbs uj)|-,le potato*, which fur several J previous wan tiio favorite end moat e_ce!leut o; nanny epecicie then i-i existence in thai counirv, hilnted symptoms of decay ru<t unlike those nlrr spoken of, an. crar-ed to be a reliable portion only of the sea-stock of the emigrant, but aald.rn purchased f*»r ihe more immediate use o table. Tun rcault wan thai the (ormers discontii its cultivation, unwilling io lone 11.1-îr time nnd age. on seed wb.ori could no longer suoiuin the i. ttation of the stock ; and ihi- in stiil fie cii-it"ni it It w.)u!d hence appear that, eiib.-r unable i r ;' posed to iuqitir»! into the cause and nature i>¡ ib-cay, thoy coin.' at one; to the r.iot of tho evj r<-jrciiiiit the diseased rseuleni nltoç,,ihrr. On ei'j et ol pol '¦¦ Irish authori v in not so e bad. __ ^^^^ American KrfAMUh*.. "'l'-'k ».bout j noithetn «it«.tmboats, ' b;id a Mississippi fireii tha other dd_\, "yoahaiiit badabilei bur.t five yema. I: rinnt require no spunk to tit gate theiu waters: miy tool can doit: but takes a man, r-tranirrr. to ride ouo of these b alligator biati« head ou to a sawyer, high pr «uro und tuti v.dve soldered down, fi!)D pnssi gera on bot_rd, und every nnul cmlangcrtii !" Passen^rers Axrtved, ii«-m «- i»A'/> f'nnce Mittrt, ft ¡ait l.,inditr.~R l.f art. Uily and itrvaia, i»ln tdcCien, nb-s MnCiea. Mn .'I, my, AI McClroT.TMessengarand lady. Ali t__rli Kirs I bou. Ml Chadwick,Mr Willlamtsn uud lady. Mm Dubi N«vv-V'«.r-; VV V\ llonnin and lady, Ali.lhivsi«. Mrs« !.,i Mr Hooper. Mr K x-r,. \\ l'uve. ¡1 Pnyoe, Ur Ion; .Meru, Manila'« Viuayard: -V M Ki_.ii BuiTalo,Cl'osvel Hmton-9'in tbr loei - Inpvkrr tht» Ueninck //»/i*>rt. .''r.iTi L&ni n .!^!-a- ¡diluir« «.id lady. I. feguire Ir. Olurj ¡seguiia, i lauti nurae. Joliu J PVnaer. T It lirn:;, an«, l.oi.d li. Ki_l-i Catherwood.N V. ßdmund Ualdwinand lady, ,s \ .. Sowerby and L-.ly. London Jo«i_h Leckinand lady, I. don. Mi«f Am.a lurk. du. Mr« M Hennetl ^ d aliild, <i >. II janiui liana,, do Bo u AI Scw-Yoik, ItnUerl ¡i rsinth. I. Muí in, i.'-i.r.' J liiiii. da li-.-nry Lnw Wm \ Thompson, New-, uk, Charles Lyun, Lgndou, g .1 ncerae«. In Lut r_a'(C shut /í.i'íinvirr, /V-mi //.¡ere.lieisrj- I. nniu.ju«» Weil, Iriolpb Wei .. >hu V. J rfrey, Ji an Maiaauay, Lesm Roadla Charles Gilpiu, Jcha ¡f. fites. Jol.n BiMrel. .i l.i.rt. imps M int. ih¡v .Vu. M (Vir;./;n.-:,.i",-..m t.'-aûcn.Vt. Au__!t M. ...i...; I'.ii 'mi a.and _¦. ni .a Ueeiage /.t:is.sii>, Firl'ir.iuti from /.i».-r^vi)/.jlr .1 Etogcn, 1 J Uwtn, SarulCr-ssliy._!d »tcvia_«. MARINE JoiniXAL. PORT OF KEW-YORK....OCTOBER ID. Oienred. ShipsQuebee.Tlaubard, Um-bm.Grinnell, Minturn _' Roch.star, rtri.t,..i I, i- rue n. VV¦.. hull Muitutn; Cine nattl. !<..»,.. New 11;leans .-¦.>. ton o¿ I n.¦: I'.n-.:... Ludia __vannah. William««-tiuioii; .NK.».irt. Preeaian,do, L't ham JtUimnn; Montréal,.no*. Bow.J At-in-, Bark»Iwanowna,Sbinti. St Murks,» rt Pratt: John CM. r. Creen! ,iv. > ¦: k Sniilh tt Boynton Biia.l .!i hvo-y U.a.d.o. Cuad-loupe. vlti \, .! : 1 c*i:,u.i J_ ticb". :; >.ui in.-. I.ik.. .-i Martha. Nwaoui Wa'.b. ttjni. ,it, M »ten, Wiud-tf, Ct.; \. m ¦_.¦-. hon ¦on, I Same .m. oy masser. Kmpirss. L-wis, Auaiachlco_,l', Pin,lips: Kim v. I'.' kin«, \'..: ilk, Uadgei & icca; t'tuni Lumi. Banger, H.i-k a. IVier- .-c .r- Itagulus. i' >ie. sv iimington, N C.N i- McOendy C..; Derawnw, roibe«. tVashiacton, H II Cammerot \ Mann, J.n-i«. Kewbsrru, Si L Miti n Ju »tte, Woglani terslnit«. Jame» llui 1er; i ..ui ....... i". lUimore, J, hi ,..., I,.ml,-i:; It-'i'a... Brown, ii-i tit» -, J .<t N lin,a»: Ovos Mgiiira». Bii"">iov. .s I. Me tlseu , Jt . . ; CssaM lu lou. N- tola, du; J \V h. mpuin. sjshoi t«, Ni-rl-.». ¿ict.vs _; (.'le: man; China. Bailow, War. Ii.i_i. Ari-lvesl. Tacket ship Ptnce Alben. "V'.r. r.om t,"nri^nan^ T.ir :..>,.,: li sVptcniucr .i. ss ltd u.i'.Ir hi.a paJMB_Ct*,_I IsI.W« Mimuru .'. Ho. Paca-i .xi.' lie i.lii'k [lii-son. M >..rr from Um lin i. rorUjiou'i, t un .-'eut «rith mdx>» to Juha Gnswold lu l.-.i- lou. 4" FQ.exchai .^.1 signala withonaof L'oli..t'« tuse, tu nng rast. Packe. -îh .> Da'timar«, Funk. lu. Havre, ^<!.t. ID.h. md .o Boyd k Hme»en r«.uii N '-iti Ttir.' in«. Dnintni"" '. frein I. adon, Peptftnb Mut, tri» Downs the l-th. wuh / ¦-.. -su-, k :, n. .:. Oo. Q_the3U:hull 1st43S6.luogS) {G li. '.. ;-..criel. >»»mnn a int VH..I Pru'.in lêll uvi !. .-i t, ,1 ivas ürowu Mal eu m cu np«_vy i'r . n the :> *n< w lh ih p Cire .iau. % teii in. loi Ai« Ur_an»; bark Suuoa. ol Burwall. lot l>. ion ShipGun. Pr.-kshiil. Kowa, from Liverpool, Sept. iö. ...i.-. E &. t'. Anne», dhii« l*arth-n > i. IVoodbury. ol Bo«on. f n l. varpool, i-e. Ht, mdi to J Hwdmaa. t Pa p anchored in ms Uookat o clock ia«i evening Sup Warsiw, Kawkuis, fin Livarpo.I, i-r".-.. xcz to _-»r ! Into-. rsbip M y Flower, Week-. c7 da'-s iro_ Newport. Wales,! J C'»m, "on rail«. t,»"rder. Bn« t.ward, Uulklny.l days from Ch.rleiton. aoiton. G< B-lkley. , . Bremen bntk Charlestoc, 4. cs fin Bremen, with m.rs cr 110 pausangtrato orJer Ru-un hr g A itivs, WoLia_d. 99 days fin O.esta, with Hi »a*i i.e. loorder, Bent Marietta. CtOweli, 4 ds fia lios'.os. uidia to J A'Air. rsch Melalic. fni i'hoinx-lo .. .i>- tJehr Biltimore. W«_lam. lV'«r>bcr-. flour, te J Hunt.;. Sehr Jan. Vat.,. Fuller Bstrpoit, plaster, fso.r A.tora. Putnam. P.1._elpt_a, _._L Sailer!. (Thin* C-irea-Oa. Canto:-.: Guiñar«. eo»«t «l Airea: Prahu Aatw«>rp;'Pr«3tor.. Neu- I >..-1¦.,. ¡'éter itv.tncit. aed \V_>. sey. Mob:'s. Rock^i. Baod« Itiand; Mcholas tj,._ t«. _»va: pah; Casr!»»toii, Chatleston. l?i'<. Chenang -. S^vannan Bctgs ,V__pioci_,ci li-t.in.-'i l.s.-.iiv f. .\.r¿ a..; ^.¦n ;. <_.. (Swietockbolia: ''"am 0**bnnt_r,C_n<»_; Jon> Tk tBrilSt Johns. NF: Peter l»em II Sivintn.; Ju'o. Georgl town, _C: Emllf. Coat|m*T«n; Clarion, Wilmington, ISC.ao athf.-i _ «.;..>'-. .1. d_C Oei Ilth, lat 101?. lou 7'- ». r-poka s-b: F.-r .>. Com 5: D. »go for B'"t"u-:.y theUen Pai-hill. nt this i «t. Oct 14. !-' *t« la- -«>. sy.se Brthip Jss-a, 11 nad lor 1 on don. f-n St J '.'.a MJ-kjuo:*! to be icportid.by the W a; saw, at thi« port. Seot'él. ¡«.t (.*. i-'-iU 30. Veta.po. ilütton. Vcsyf fro: n»v*na-byt:i«P'incc X.ljf.-t.altni» po.'i Oct6. lat ¿7 e?i, :,m .7 55. (loicnts 3t Jago CI Ct Swansea.by 'he C_an_.on. -t mis port. Oct 16.-0 r.ii-e- utTil"--!-";! Light, Propon-i, piiver. US- ton, fjr >utii"fra «.let lO. lat 4115. lo.i f» W, a ship Showing Nos -4 13. supp© toa '.' be Me« Vo k packet. U<t 3 1st 30 JO. on b_, liosry < Kinf. fr._-. Philne. pt a h>' Biro.il «« "_ Jul> _.Wrnl_ f o"> Vr.l.ri'-ieO. a s., p «ip;.'»e: -ne !-., phia K «>»: ». Bysiou l.r \'_ paraiso. sas p.obaUy arr.vet there neiiiiay. _*_ Foreign Port». At Hull. Pep'. 19. die-tier. >ew Ymk. jisi arr. Ai Havre. r«*pt £0, Argo. Anthony, lor New-York, ?i:r; Francois lit. A:_>wortl¡. Uo. Oct 1; VUleda Lyou, p-.^aidard. ¿O, 510. À* -arbnd.a, Oct I, Get, Hammond. ?mit'i, f-.-r Alexan- dría. 4day.: raeeea Amy. li auuf, :r<>m B-lnaoi», j4 tan; J P^terKiu. lor st Thomas, 3d.. AtValparauo. July S3. Lnui<n. Hsrdy.lor timbre,'«w .ys. bid _)lh.8er>mtt:i. M yriek, fur leeward tort.; i.l.Del- fcwai-' Carter, ¡jandwicn Island»; _Hh. Kbouv, Har^i-y. iee- watil .oiu. COM VERCIALAJVD MONEY TTERS I Balea at dis Sic. k »:xcr:*ii«e....OcT..S. t.ciT-'.ss.'.i.r....; i- IfOMomsCsaal.Jl , Y ft*»e6«, Ü. ¦'¦< W *>.... íP»1 S.Oue d '»' I0*S M do. : -. o. "- Ker.tuckytiei .H«5i¡ W du.......bî0 9 ¦- ,- ink b il " i ûo . 9 -- '.. M UlasdRri.M adi í,,;- '.. S do. .-.o-..-,!:.tí*« í Cu.b:ob;-; Ai--.--»r¡'Tru«t. «¡ 3«J .-'< . '"" .h304-v!'; ¿o.....-'-'-.¦-. .. i- . Ja do .-t '--: i ', * «.abura and Roch....1»! M . i PíSsii ¡-.... Ui* .; .«. .' do.133 bs-, u. - 23 . ¦.' \ " d. i : íl 2i i .... ... -' BNoi vlchand Wm -t . Ea» '-¦¦ H ¦-< o. . W d.bi .¦- ¦'. ,....i .... '.I .relia l! nie . lo. '- v ..H :. .: Bos to Co.13 - ,.....-..,. Fire Insu .IPO .- . .b30 8d .¦. (i . .i" .. . 'ich. - ton. i. r 2*1 .;.i otonCc.oí» -,;.. ültsx Sa uni po ..."-t.':?. ' "....'.. T . 'Trust.. 4' tu do.- .'. 75 '1. '. .-¦ Lswxlsland . . do . lui M- r- iC .'.¦ '.'.'". .'.' co.'".' o . :. Su do . M0S4 , ri ..¦¦ i II id*oa i. Berkshire . »ÍÍ S3î,um«fcWor.....l39* . ? ¡KO d. . -i do. 8 -i rio..84 :¦> rio . "'. 0 d.baw El *.2> d. 7 aSStODisgtoo. f :Ci rio. '"»il 2J .:.»is i rio. í- '"tö rfj.bnw M .'5 Erie Hi ..opg BOλ' Thefo lowing in ü» efsterrvent of Produce and nyfrcm the commencement of Canal BBv gation to the close of the Se *<'.: nfOel w 1843. 1844. i Val open.May 1st. April 18th. ... . «213.248 7* ÛSl itum Flour .bbl« tSl.tW 1.074.163 [ -, ,.,., .bals rCS» 2 W r-, .r .bbl* ß ISO 1- 31*4 Uh«.ft.s 81 408 BJ.7H « î .S I'.-T .Cl-'r . Il 1.17 í . ley".',.,....,. bu i;.;. MS . I 2 9 I . ",X,..i und« 3.4S3 8¿0 t.WP.4 -, 1,*&m tint T;.*r*r-1 i* ufFloat for the 2J week m October were W.3v"J bbl A'::- .'-- »hels: "1.7-11 bnshelt, 'lhe loi « ni UnfTsJ. for be ttratwo weeksol October show i mnter.-1 falling ofTfrom :n* amount ree ¡ved daring the same pa .""-;- e folowiiig are tiu receipt* ui the first two -.e ksofOcI '. rfivesea on« iwji :¦.- »O 18«. I«43 623851 .'4 ..»:-..v3 ... SJJM.8S0.827,C23 . bowing .--.'-.it rece >ti, with toe exception, in Lhupei ¦¦ ..¦ in B44. PMlatlelpsilti Cattle ttnrVet-On. 17. Off! g ¦' n "I 9 0 he f C iitle i icloding 120 i ik< n JWw-Y. » '<.'¦'.- dCalvts; 50 Hogs, and IbOl)..sheen. Pnces oi n-e. '.- low. md the market dull at S8 n f4l . I'ig'jud.and $4 ,forexirasthe 100Ito.snout 159 hem s uns. Id. reísn'd nt ai*a S3\extras £3». Hog.Priées rai ged Irom i\ ¦¦ B4 Y. extras S11* the KO lbs, .-.lie p n.o»tlv taken al I I., a S3 each ¡lay.Go d fiinnihy ¡n t or r qj'»t Sin bacon'« tne 'n ; >':.-«.?. if/-, too t'-'J lbs. Straw scarce, and »ulo ut CE u 9~ Ü e ill *n)nii..». SCHOOLS FAMILY lUiABDING BCBOOL FoR BOYS. Stair.- ftird. Kairfield County. C nn.-JAMES BEITS, the Pu'c, a1 ofthe Wilton Family Boarding cchooilwhi h has its n id un ¡irruí r«*ei tcon.ph e.l will ...move hi«S. bnui lo Stamford, Novi muer I«-. »! tre he bai reeled a ¡irgt and comntodil tiv iiuii'l r.g i presslj Ssr his rvhooi. furnishing «u- peor LCCommodetioM. i'<- B. An mteiview cm be ha wrh the Principal b) calling on th-s Rev. D.Newell Ediiorol I in- Chriktisnl am 'i Magas tie. >üt¡ rsra«.sio«treet, oi ftev. D. ''sil Editor of the iiniii-ii Parlor .Maesxine. and H"ti»r'i M .-./.. ¦¦>- Nawaus'rtet, Septemlier 30. «'ctohei 1.8; 17, W ".; 89. '¦'¦'¦ an 31, and altoe rculart u: unv trae '.b.aised. olBiiw» _ l M F. i. tSSEI B i. \i.. PRAI TICAL AND GR \- 1 »lATIOAL SVSTEM OF FRENCH. TAUG HI VV| BOUT BOOKS AND S'l "I<V. :' Ill IAS b '..'. forming his Evening Cbsiçes foi t . »,tm Uruouway. Tbitnevi pi «I ico for tbese three yean, and hsv. to bose-pupils whose vocatii nand -"<.':. bai coovin «sri lhe in- ' naw method. It hashaenthor- t.sled, and never fa cd tu eise satisfaction T;-.o / >' lo join tit different chwess. will please to ca ». tin uinliei in each class will be limited, 1' ...:.¦ loot m Gnu 1er 7 P.M. Pf_&S _ ü>IHV >'. ¡. 'ION 1.1 F.C. ScharTei Professor oi l I'..m Dgand Wnl'x'nc in all its variety, would respect« fully ¡nil mili* Loi . Gentleim ol this City that heil now ¡ira celo c-'or privute instruction in the above ail« at In -¦- e ceNo. 177 Punce tt. near Sullivan. SeJu-ildayi nd evenings will be muds to suit the conven¬ ce ol hu PUplll ftlr.S. will «tteod Seminarias, siveprisosiielssi ins in classes . residence of his pup s or nt tiie A end. mi Ladies il Genii men who wish to make up pri i \' a -os academy. ir funlier parüoulnrsapi y a* above. .jlSS-.v* V/1 VI.E BOAÍtniNG mi. -HEMPSTEAD SEMI- «?t NAHY..NAIil.iMU. I .N.N. A. M Priompal.- Hemp. >ad. I.. I. -oi i. braucht fh« railro .!. ül mil.n Brooi o The wiiiiertermwi I cnmmsmceimtbelst claj N ¦. ir. 'i'enu9for pupil« under 14 $1X5 e year-, over M, 8150. IC*- irculiut nt.'so. S Ül alfa U il.ieir. U. Tne i'l-hci- ÍÍ x¦. :..:¦'. ol-l Zw* |7 "... LADIES' BOARDING ANÜDAVSCHOOL JL Mrs. 'i vi.i-.y respectlulli informs her natron* anit the publu thai in v. II i open bei :. runary on Monday, the B >! September ¦¦¦ ct, orti -. i, references, Jcc. apply a: net roil l-iuev. Blee'-ker f-t. jsjójiw' J ». tRDiNG FOB BOYS.New Imni. Sem If nary.Ct..Jon» Obbors. Piincipal.Numbei ol upih liniitedP '.«ei-'y-'i'd. -1 '.':¦¦ yeai Circulait can be o! .--.I. .- We1», «lo4 Giand-stteet, John Dm y'7 liiv. -...n .'re,.-. .-,iis l.urtlam,S Jaroea-.treel DSDon i . -. R Bach SOC noord-street,Brook'yo. h* ¦-....- i be seen at J)u9 t'earUkUeet, sshtre circuí ri iIh lamed. o4 Im* I :::. m \ .' »Y SEMINARY-Scienltfic. M ithemal cal : I ion ol ¿1 .v.-«.«.. ». i. n itondoy, Nov. lib. The cu-. .: Instruc'ion .- iii ruuehand p.-uct cal. Circulan, with testimonials and re- '. may be .".a'! oi J.ih.i S. Im lor. Brick t. i.j'ci ( iiapel, orolthePnncipals. S. H Win iLBBlDGi:. | iij»yw- H e;. WOODHttlDGE. TiROi Ki \ N CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH PELELT .- 'il '1., No. 7., l!ic».< »..-eH.-Thi« Sch sol will reSpea Iwith its ¿nil Sttssion on Monday, ind of September. 'I nor. ou^h Instruction and suh.iu.iieii pr. grr«« <«wure<i. Itelsrence to patron*. Circulanwith lenes and othei in-.i. rmaiimi may be nniaine«! of the P icipal._ s " «. -111. AND" HALL.A FAMILY BOAUDING SCHOOL F " 1 «.Number hniiU iitï .-.. o-,'.-.i ¦:. \'.V.; ,1 ... .. ( f¿ ;-.. j ij m'l «i'ui.i ( ¦¦ LS ir >m Newark. Terms moderóte Tfce/îrsi S«hu -. :i - new »uiutiun will openon VVed- n uedes lhe immediaiee reo« [for the last 3 yrart Principal ofth' Bloemfie/d r.nr.and Ctassx. liAVlii A. FRAME. Pno.-ioa' an Pro: i-i-i. ParttcutuR funuehed <-n application tu lha Pnoe pai : r :;.:.:' r- « « '27 tNI* JONES'S COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, " INITIATORY IX1UNT1NG ROOM. ii~. BunsTiivAV.i ixh'KRor McaaxY-sTRiaT. rj'lU. IE lustiiu ¡on lo impart lorongh i ::¦.. ping, iviniv.i «li p and Commet. es, Uni ..¦. lify Gentlemen I r the practical duties olifto .Prisai imtruction is given ifrequired. Room» oiMM day i. t : ¦: ia~ ve oben of the Vc-raiitil« Library \ttociatioa arere- ;. ted ."¦,' to the ibranan :¦: Clinton I¡all. who will lurrisb tickets ol admission <..;..¦ er the n:r cgement made with lh i ..-.i.i ;t,\ irr* References may he had at the Academy to r.-okk*#,«- er-. Meichai ^:..i I ii«. ¦*¦: have Shmtii siudenu iiur.r.g tse last :ri.' \e-.r-. rt5- For sale Jone»'« rrineip» snd Precttee of Bookkeep. ... sve *j«, hi. work it athspte«! m the first Academic In- sti'u'i.in inthbc entry, li is -ilsu repuplufted in England, and exlensieely introduced there _ol 8m* BOÚK-KSEPING, ¿fcc. Ci C. "¦'. .ii-> i. Vccountaot, respectfully announces that . hit I lurnns '.'..'.«. No. M Cesltu street, contioneopen l.M.ui P M. In the »I k-keei . i.'.ugit by Mr. Manh, .'..on phi leepi m -'. er, sai ets set ... --. -, .:..« dinere&t business se; hs becomes htm liai v ne the ««». with all the lime reUtiagtu . ..... balance she«:'.». %c-"iint> e calculation», m iulerest, ¦i . \ .3 ge, i.e. I .- ec irse 4 i¦¦«¦ uci n a penoa .1 good capacity wi boo net ipetenl li..o*-«ceiKv. and will rece/io a ccrt'ri : r .e s taught in a class. MERC VN I LLE '\ RT1 ING .A thorough csjnrse of pro- gu-K. ve - 'urs. ..¦ hich boI edssctinxa valuable im» ,.: uremeat Spécimens ofaOnly me.-ri.:..::e Itylemay be saor-, a' - :. I'r .kn tu«.--« v».:h urms. hours, te may be obtained atuie roomsttc] a.iJ svening C.C MARSH S WORKS. The Scianrsj ol Douh e Li.lt Llnok-SveepiaE Btopfioed, Uth -.«. lion S00 pages octavo; p-icesl. 'l^e A". ofSing .: Entry itosik-Kseping improved,ode-i'-ios. 19 pages ocavo; pnco75cccu. For sa'e a: thst booksto-es. and at th* roorai. Mr Manh .tfen h3sirr:c«5s tc opening, closing, o: «.r-ing ap -«oi k». S? t'edir street, up »tni-s. «âY" TWENTY DOLI.AR8 REWARD.-Stoksn n the -olt>c- «sr. in Broadway, front of Trinity >«»»->« -'....en, a >My horse.li hiinJs high, a&ou'. lüyeiss «1 S i¿ \. c '. one hid t « : white. :<3uur« dockeo tail a so lam ..in wi...:. wi:1: kiiiera r>,«x. troemen ax'*, in the wagon | - «. fivegaiion can. two paint pot», .-. Lu/TsJo ro» o cturu Bo tn in« «mita, an over.-.»«', and umbrella. Tbemaninal ..-ii ...re t-.k-r. lhe prop*::? it a tailor, r.aC on a .. ;¦».!"'. and cap Ten doiir.rs wi'! he paid .-or:."* recoeai) e' the property, »adt r i'o!iar*onro-'\icu.-n of thaL«..ef. New.Yorl -, '.-n^ * ,¿\ .-. '»' ".'.'¦. HANTS. M-UNXTFACTURERS.DEALERS. 1 S.O.. ». i- .'.M-i'tK .-- y au'Rotizeo ov " ' ''. r* of the ben empapen of most of the * »m ibt» State. New.Jetty. P«ioxtsyI»-ania and »» estará Mate», to .--ce;-, i sdvei : t"H * :. s teipec! - ¦. ,-->r». .«JTorded ti tiiebu'ineoeornmumty by this narioa rtrougbout ;.,.- -, : ,-.¦: ...--.-..- '¦' I e r... pnuog Phe term»arm the i:8»>-tr.sP'-'.-. may seen r.t .: i office . » ill he cr.«*it¿i i cji^r. he re '" --..¦ . ed \£T~ tît e >«.- !&-' Na*san -^ , i'r.^urie Bu.Mirtrs opj re C.'.y Gt-il-i.t ¡r.eC'salQft.-'._» . ii"...i A H. WASHI RN, "- ¡-"s-f-t.^aa '.V'i.shbLrt:.,'WL-!:li< ÍV. .^sp.ci.-.i i¡- i-ii.rm :::«(net-. « sind custonsers,that ... he* tai-n .."* «a- and spacious Store,... 63 John »irv-t. Pet«-..,, Wtllian uxlN >' ¦- «. and :. in dooa ir-tr. inee..-,:,- ,.i \\.i. ». - .- .i continue the bos.R«*iof a Merchant Tai.o:. Qe would sJwtntorm rJre-Pubbe thai be win bas« eoash lihroobai* the eewest s'.yis-->¦: i;.«hísoI all .'öm.-.p tion» f ,r Ciaiirt.-c'i'» jrni Boy*» wcr^whici: »ha be made up ¦ a'V-i -e .J.". a: rovod Lonooumd rarwan tc^es, axd war. ranted fit . ."..-a ..-.-.¿n ril .letir citliano ie»ve uteir orsers wrji a cer- ta.a.v ...:... -'jx uursptiy and ftituiiily ixecuttti. j au72a» REAL ESTATE. FO« SALE. EXTEîSIVS WATER p '.'-. iron >::.*. es .',. VALUABLE l'K.V.V F L.-.:- »FOB SALE, lying m i.-.- ,-. C-j:.'.y. on _-.-.- R_ naro luv.-.-. _5 miles ''on '. ofNe- Y-rk. the New V -. lErieRa n iLOr_-reT_t_- .- andBaactpoI rsr I .-¦ m r- isn the centre tnetrae- Thewaler-power . ay extent, sat ..-...-. rea - er wftntev» : ¦¦.-.''¦.. _.._.. ... ¦--= M-> r.rvrai.. ir,-,:i -nines ,-¦ Sat qnalitT. -¦-: ne- '*.« '. . af .-..--.¦.:.¦ Part ofll nake excel ent r_n__. [_e laxad ,.-...-,-. .- .--¦_. itnoea part Um -' -.,-.. _ .-.^/.ce _ -,¦ -. 1 tea :. -. s at. and vj Pit.» - '" «: .... .... ; - r - »tbs V-e .. i ; :.-. - x -. A-.« .' Nyack or Havensav» ot the i oc 1 -r g at No. 42 Crv an. _ _ lu COTTON PAC -Te« *--A :. -, ¦'. V. 'i .-..-. ....-¦. >er, fen r bur acre eg he_j ¦-. - re 1 ¦:-,-- . oats. i- ". . ' iteorderfii. ¦¦. ! .-¦ '-'¦¦ ...,.-., ..... ...... .¦-.. ed prices and on easy ten: Per««; .. arty trille r ..... ,' .' rou ci grifft -'.reel. !"iir _____ the premis» I'' :l; S M E.*. ¦' -- ! -..-. door. -...-...... Lj ÍOR ALE OB L.I-ii rr-_ '.: loi - -.. ..... J_____Av»__e. ind Ei n le ... Jersey .u - .¦..-. .- i FORSALE..> Lolleffi.I L ......... 4 ...'-.-. Li .¦.. .*...--- ceai -¦: -treat. t_ey ¦.. I - £___ :---.-- '. >, Broadway to let. ¦. i' un ~ -..--. i-,¦. «-. -i bu.ine.aor M.-r ur 3¿ *£>j\ '-¦¦¦¦ _ I ¦¦¦¦2_''.Ci'' ll.s.MR. r"ö, .'lit r-s LK.'-'i:.' <-!.-"..' "';::-- ,;' ': v. ¦..'iH-.w-. V&i/ N'ew-Jereey. i ¦"»-. K _cres._-ol «hir.-i uinb, 2C.W00 and Umber- be n del ¡tf acres .:» cl ,t T- .: rhe greater part is newly la .- n~t rate ä«_Tt, nod in rood lance li bos rm..':i- rville Rail -about i-.i. « Lhe 'I ».* n&nd I On the ..¦n. ..¦..-- .-. at -».story ...¦,.-.,.¦¦ at. rooms.a pair ofmarble mantels, cornices and ro ms above, a larra krtcosn i_dcell_r, h .:.:& ;;.-.rn und otherbnildingslOufëatt long, ttgood -..-.: n 1er, and a large .».liei <<_>>.«.<,_ , .w ,-.- .¦'.,_,..-.,¦". .¦.. .-. -. i- (jr:cs CWera.good f_r,¡a¡i _nd rr._rii Bruit ( :" : ui kind«, and every convenience to make sechst mi i .>.o :'r.e Kgyn ¦:¦ SALE. »l '. Vytr'hetownol ISrs^ikhaven,SufTo (island j m. " oing the '.. :.«. and Kai road, ru mi ¡ri m - '. .':. m' New 'i .-!.. known by 'ni' name of Wamo c/iniaining 3.9 0 acrsj». 100 ol which are under cu uva about If. arre» of large timber mostly nsk.Jying v u niii« of the Itaiiroad. Tin- r^xnmde« 'a ptirt ofwhich '- es oellentsoil knüv.eil adapted to cultivation)-», covered el Hi w t:i it. ., : awtl from 4 to 9e yeare' staa - '.' «v af¬ ford .e..,: nitsn toral Bate . ante itoekul sheep eight i-;' -ot'tn.- ys.-.r. Theresiontne pretnisei.contirc _tto t-.c Railrnad, n extensiv, b. uf* n two lettol me lur'.aee, sui'u!.^ i.'r t.'.i nc Sncka, with di the matenali 'pqu-s.te :n tfie immediate . '. i u rt- "n tho premnescn i.t of two small D»'( ling Hoi .-. ¦¦ fi I''--: " i. i\e property, d r soon, will be i erthetentire ornrndedintotw. Far-s, m .-. Por Csither information «pi ¦. OHÍ« VVELKS. Emi.. Uba ly street, S'ew-Vork. or to the rabsenh-r, a: his rea .-ínr-e .n H.'lv.'U-, .xr.-l: ;v ::. L. i. o. In." JAME. ¦' '.'. í"Rj»¡\¡:-'K ". D FAEMS F5Î S^aLB-On« aec: ¡'..-: ¦JW rpnng. Long IslanS, ISO acres,. milaa : -4.- toad. one ,-iíar VVaatehcatsrVOlsxa, lCdccres. ¡ -r.d _r^nc» from Railroad..tin .e. the City. Will Iseoicbar.ged forCit7 prnpertr. Appl/to s-i.m''_ ':. BOLTOf». ófct...'--n". ch-traet. «ca. fN'K BALE.A vpt7 i.-i__ Fart . cus id on Lor._ «SVIsland,only t mUes bom the cilyol New Vork.cun- .n...¦ '"¦-"¦. »¦¦i.e.-. ;... r which U in a I ,: state ofenttiva- ¦¦ --t.. nd 10 of good heavy ..;:i.P<r: 8 good Ulchards, goo Dwelling l!ocr+, nrw lltirr. cnil (.'>'.v nuuse, si (I u '.veil ol r-.. cel(t»t Hitlwaurr near the door. (Jnavhalfthe p-rehasa money can remain on boi'i and morrease &r » number ofyean. í'< r psrt.ulan inquire ol HKftltY it I «A IK. No. :.- Marsnallst . Pr uklyn. ..r GAUNT t LiERQlCKSOiN Is. .-o-.th-st'eef. New. York. _»11 AT PRIVATESALE-Two l>!'",fCrn».n.l.e,:c'i_lfee!'? by llHUeet. »,n the north e-.-t i-.i-.'nrj'. t!-e Inr.l Avenue arM Twenty.eighih.tieeL, with three small Hoi eanotheco nvr lot, A pump befo'»'h»i-e lou. Twentj eigh h-streel il paved and curb end gutter set: 4 leet in. ot the « II laid v..--. flagstones. All atseitm int« -.:.! ti r-. : -i :! ; t'i« t tie tndisputible. Partnl Hie purcti.ie rr.i.r.eyc:-.: remain on bond irtgnge. Thentnatk-n is gm»d. a public '¦'.¦'¦ the lout nf Twenty-eighth s:.,.f' For fariJi-. particulars op- ply u, AW l'H< 'NY .: BL'-'ECKEK _. cU. ol4 lw .No. ' U*"0<! itreet, i~:.r VVsll street. rpo rMPORTFRS OF DRY GOOÏ-5-The adver-san will X eich;!-;i- n i,:.:l ( .ix'ije:' 11 ,.«.-.. LutSnlgl ..:¦'. ¿^ .: .; titUhttd. about u e and u half miles North it'Ui unPlae«. hai¬ ring a splendid view ot tliv !' .threei Ihegreat- - :. : tug '. lead c 10 ¦¦.-:.¦,. ä :.- i. the Omner and Knouirer i.rfire >| AT Pi IVATE SALE.Puitah'e foi V *,'.."'i Stove in goosi irder. ivitli ornnmetn irel for two sida pipes. L'an . '...... « iiiheolBceof A.M'llt'sY.I I'.i.i.l-. K..K tCÜ. olrllie v. ', |t. :... .¦?, . IVhllst. _-tt BIG LET. __j TO LET.A rna Roonj on the-d : nt Wn _43 J__J ANTHONY D »IV ". >- '.- ( i..f Iwc .'-i' MA »eSIRARLE CtrTTAGE RF.««IDÉÑi PO LET.On the 8ih Avenue and 51<i .¦..-.¦ ¦¦¦..- ¡Ó K-oms, n.": Uscte's ¦: ¡' i¦¦¦ es, tinlshed in mnlern style, will, marble n ntcls, every rertQ.ite lora genieal family ; Use windows dim p->¡ the : m wh .reef Venetian blinda. Att»ched a - oarnage h.i m and ¦2. rden. l liesiiuai. n ia health) anC :¦..'. 'l he Knicker. '-ejK^r sîiij.-»*« con inuo Um -r .1 a ..:. i»ie h avenue i't- ihe (' :t:.a. i\lso, the MtuihaUanvillestages leavethe C. y Hali every hour during the day, '1 r.o -et low in n..,."t- .». Apply on the ptem>«e», i u> »IOTT .?. Kk' 'Tn«il 3, posten ol '.Vetch.i Jcc. " Nassann. Pnaasainn gieenon the Brst of November._ ~ i_. Tn i.ICT I.C.V.' TO A SMALL P Vi-ILY.-Plea- fifefif sun' aparlnienti in .-. cent?«-l 3 itnry II,¡u.-» ii¡ J'tnr.i at, JÈaEL Inquire oi n'.MKl, AOwE. 1«3 Fueon.st ..) npilE UOVVAKU INSURANCE COMPANY maks in. : turanee.esainstlow< r lamngebi fir* ..¡inmlnavi. t ui. un -s r.« favorable .-.t ¦;-¦-¦ -thai -. nilai in ::.¦-. '. .:i 'Capital, taOO,000_H3(_ce, No. 64 '.''.- Iittcet. DtRL^TDR»: ?.. li_v:-i:>. : debil H_lne_, n ... kin, VVm.W.T-ÓC, i' W-Jiil-r.::!, J.PhillipsPhanix, Wm Cniieli Vt: H ig C. Tucker, ft I.. \v ¦.. :i«r. Fs id :-.-:.-.-. David Lee. J. B Vnrnum, Henrili j ';.r L>. \\ oUe, Michael Hnlrii in, P«mi i.. Kevins, üJv-.i.: a-' a. rlAVENB. Ptasident. Lrvntt i'litt uea. 1.a-.'n-ir-___'__'.r PLUSIBERS: PLUVHERS! Pl.t'.viPrv: .-¦: .' icriberwookicatl the attention ol Plui -»rsandthepul lie 10h perfect unie.i ol" Tit Pi .I'd Lead Pipí, ad hy -.n entirely new t r»«.»s Inr which ha has tins mo cu'ed lauer» l'u'.»-nt, which i>:."..t. the '..it-,.- ., the .:.: »r, evei perfect platei four» 1 ..- Having attained treat perlectinn in the - ..:-.- i:.-:.,_ .m..:.... Lead Pipe, he ¡»«.a! di n_ rihissupenc: ar*'cle at the »ama nrice charged for eomi .... :' ,rhy m .¦..: to split, lie. ir.'.'i a :'..".. ¦:.,- ui other U-tparfec perteci v ui rra tl sknei a - on hi ... ilarg. ickol a itint 1 '. ... !'.-.ie. which can be exan ....... sir.-et. .' I \":.-.; .'. HATETAL ROOFS, '-; IE INTE1 .: ¡JA !'".! FIVE ViEARS' Wl H fl ftJUl LONGER THAN UI?0AL.-Trs« o-thi«. vlco'er-tii trii's with -.-':.:" fr'ncn they guarantee to ran» 1 water t!_M r:< s 1., /-.it o_ t'v iiietn. Tiie metcj -. -¦;:.- nil cannid -, ''-:¦¦¦ b>3 1. ihrinkmgotssvel! ». 1 1. I, y: yy tbecontractior ... expanrinn a the n ¦.. The.t»>l]Qwing gentle.en have hadthar veiling houses aad f..>resir this nry. cu-« >..».! by _i'._rwtn:.. ¦-. ¦- .;i"_ctio_; llínry Bnevoft, Esq., Mrr.!:. of$u> _.t-::^v ._.: 9th »... .'o-_ i. S-harn-nhuro, Es.-.. *..-.. .'.1 íi..-:,:wur. !>: nd Austin, Sùsq., er. ol _____n plai* ucJ vViDiatn-it. } GretJii Peur-ro. t_<;., Marchants' t_;__r_\, '."."_!;-<_, Geo. H. Itutler. Eso,. .Nu. r! .N i-arj-i:. P-.n-.ù Burriu, R>r.. . Broad ... Kotieaisgiventà.tasthe ¡,n;.-iiv.-;_*.-.: s patentad, au cet' ni: in the i__fe-___ngtorava?raot< i:» tr.u .r-...;;::iers'p.is i\i .¦'-.-tin w. rj ¦¦-.-, m moderate tern», ¦nl't-tr_P. SAVi.t'l «. O'.TTand .VB»-.'-;'. ~t u ¡J 1 FtîREST TREES..Propásala t-ill !>c re« rJ\t\ M »i!>e unnen'gneii.u 'o..tro ci lie Twelfth VVs i A-usciation for furnishing ..000 Tree», to be sel utl ...'.inert spring " the avenues aad >::ev's :_ the l__J-w_rd, l/vnl'lar r.ill « ::R- _._dc: Elm, ?ofl Mat .. Alanthus. Sycamore Hard Maple, Catali ll'-ri tr.-e to -e |_ t_-r In hiebt,and tn measure at l_ut5inch. cireumfrretice . fret Irnm the ground, and to he.« .ature roots twefcet from the '1 e proposa L mutt itau tha number and kind of trees thai tun rx-ii'plks; : ice price pel t ee, _-.: vei 10 t-.-.-.- .nwnienl (-.irti.^n tne N-ril; .-.-. E:" Rivers, svithin tha l*Ji A'ard, :>e e_t er u> de.roated '.;.-¦ pnce ar: tree ¦'..: -j un g then r,_t on the side walls: _n ._.-.! the iiru-e thalwiL bc_.-_rj lor gcara_l_eir.e each tres liva one year. I All person« owmns ¡r.njs :n the 12th Ward Jong any ¦"'.-- s-vc-n-rs i.rcroí-. meets. Ctmtous ol coôperaang .the loiprnverpaat will ptsras« ... ter to than« danugned. stntm. the number an.', kind of ire« ,-.«y may ce tire, and the pHfev.ri«rv tr.e:- with then 1 anted. Th. un- ricrs.g_e.lwt:! in dus timeùifoRa Lhemofthe ;:.ceo¡' thl trse« and poc-t cf _ie^ dt^cs.t. JAMES niK-TERMAN'. ' :ji 'C AHRI 1 ..'!:. ' eoim SlsVRRN H >;ori_TON. ANTHONY AKV'iUX. SAMUEL C. Mi TT. \CA.vD.-T.i« iu-ecrib.1 has npeoed Botines- A¡~--; st the t ity of K'<bv»:,-. ar.J he _jn_cr, ;, MareiuEU ! r»l_n_fti(M'-rer«, i-wmers of P.-a. rst^it. l-..i nhers havVn- bu-intsii .a :.-e VvMtarn part o' 'he «¡rate of New York h" ser» ices in relation their bu-iness _en«r_l!y in that part .. I the State, and esp-'ciaily in secuneg a^d »liectuig Oenuar c suie-fj-.ending nrd rellmg Real l>Lr-.:e gad ..:.».- Prcperi and in m.-.t.n.- ir\.strr.erts. Bn-i-e.s intruste,-! :n _:rn ». rvce.ve protrpt and cereful B.ention. acrl hi. ensrges w- hi rensoniD* Ke h_i han eip-.-ncnc« in _!erc;.'.;:;»i a-d oih_¡ busiu<-__. »,ni ha» an ext«i_v. acç._:_t__ee :_ tbc We.'»-- par* c: -heri-ate. Rocsjists-.. N Y.Ctetnber 8.1-11 _SAMUEL HAMILTON. NVe inrrlja'jyrecnrTimecdi.ixrr!. H»v'.LT.'«^ of at weu qu_j:_od lor the Ageacy _e_:..:.c_ ¡a _. Card Ca__-frl0.1f4C Tnr«. ii U--h,-.:-r U.-v-'r.M'i-; Add IC Car '. rl.); C.T Am» en.d. : ; ph '.--.. . ... t«ic Clark, do- EveMrii Peck - - e M-th-vs. _..: I.u-herTuc.- -.¡be VietaS i"'°'.V C.^!' ^e-jSoatCn .N.« \ -, ». HirtaCo. ¡1. |îyv,i Le-vut,*,; «eadbr. Poeip, fc Co : J_k_ .:- . E S3 n_tl _^«_«^Ptop_n__ otthe Flour, aadtbö w-e.* batio prododng rtEvtcr as us., in .^_ ,^.f OJ.NANT'S PATENTYJEÁsr thererarrercan ¡»-arood c_.ie for hnr-n* .... __..t a . ¿_-M^_,%_£3í _^-__,nt_v__: Cicr-.t-ry- an.i ¡fS bread t, B*[^ :.'; Í?«_d--Í- .if.i-i.award.ahenotpeft_-.it - -c ¦._.."..':¦ "!'. Y.est tod *al_»'-tc» art not «xacUy right tKsco. mr_ mode ol r_.<c. dcanh is by the tlam pn«4 ofviniZ, ¿'-ntr ........_,., vi___- ,,&-1< -«teañau ___ Nas»au-ttrveu. j_COAL»_I < SALEM VEIN NUTCOALT« smsll 5:it*.. g4 I Ci. r>»' ton..reacn Orchard. SchnyUau. Lehigh. l,acka- Wana and Lrrerpool i ".-.'. daily dsscharsmg sad for sale by the cargo ring * v.r.. cheap for cash '. ¡(elnrery, by BENJAMIN ü CO. .'..¦¦ [yleefc Mape* c rner 1 - ~-Ldm and W est-st ptrrDespvea Post promprii^exemiied._s-" Im* s VERI lTÖI EEL I OALv-T . mine: um will be 1_« schi i .'..".-. fe» -i.' " '¦.-,->-. otofsa- i p-iiorLrrerP '. On* Coat. The abo en of vary large stxe. -. rirl -- -- expressly f«-r family use osrett market prit* m left at erth* ftaeyards. fcTr ." -1 . iternrect,oi through the De»?<iicn Post, wi :. led 'o. W. a T TRLSLOVV. ;.-._. .; .". i! hcrtyst. --...¦.¦.'-.-..-. «,.--- superior lot of Y. icvck St Halhl m»i -:. "- "¦.' )' '-" I'" -. mil parr IRD&BROWNE «i '.v . . ...... ,: PEACH Ol CHARD ? .'.._. >.;..., a cowd* rertflg the - r-r:.'-"...' »«***». .,...-_- -: .-. ' rgestove orStt'veand Bel I: ¦' f r., S B S -. «de" ¦'-:..«-. retí .mm '¦¦. ' - .' / - ¦. ¦.¦.'.' ; ..... rifo stir l Oeil.* rrBi «¦.-.-.;.- - .' ce'«liées ..-.-."- '-¦ .,.-..- -, > tivmgstew day* Bocee .' -. \ .-¦'.-¦ I ... .-. .-- raej ¦¦ Ordert .... »jsg» (.ffjee. No street, or ihwi i* iPo*« will be promptly -.-.: at the aars pi T STOKES f. 107 Anthony. ._ -:. near -- tii ¦,. in.- c ¦¦ .¦. i kind« s. «util lor domestic and manufacturing purpose«. :¦..'. ;<i . -- wi are w m.-.kir: daily additions, we ivou-j .iiv.ie tr,e attention ol consumen tnereti. 11,.- nock . onsists of. .'I ».-;;. 'a PEACH ORCHARD, uf the mo«: ip. ,. ¦. ¦. -- -:¦ -.-:., Lev -,..- ISaiem- ; \SH SCIÎ YLK1LL, oftbs Bread ns, nnd '-. Lehigh, LsckaWannt. S ;in.«r. Virginia ¦i l.Kl.Ml.L k. :. J S.CK80N. '.> all ttreet, vhcra simple« ma] - «ew 9 Iron, and \ (X¡ 5i .... -. -r T-- « !¦.: ,r., .,-, jnd «mossi». and correr Pe .... RnseHill.8 h-lw, :it^:2i! street. IOrde.- t- lerPa yaaem* rnHE coal iTi'i''r. opposri e i he park-tri- 1 BUNE BUILDINGS. I COAL.Of the be»t Quality <:¦>... '-. in Und* and sixes to «ctive uses, fur sale el c¿-<'¡ ?ru-t.-. .-: ISO Naiiau st_ r. Igl)01 ": .m: .. ,-.-. ,. Ash hnylkill, Cannel, ¦. '..-..s. ¦¦:.T A;.1..-.--':;-.» ','. ¦-.-¦ Newcastle, .-¦-.. m.. !'.¦'..¦:, &c '. P.«,T.MEñ. Saseaost DAGI ERREOTYPES. V \TBVV-YORK DAGI ¦¦¦¦ RIAN MLNLATURE GALLE- ^.V V. corner, ( Bruadwny and Fu ;. n. er.trt-.nce in Fuuoti .¦.ie corner.wn-r-may r, turn iniiiiiitiiie, wnicii C,r beau«7 of color, tone indefl U can at« Itimesreo mmeod '. ..... it superior, nre equal to any thai have ..o- tuforetaken Mr. B. does not chum mperioritj (¡it .. .... -.. .. to the criticism ol a just and n who. as well assnangers. are invited to calls' theG'i er». reg< ¦. elsewaere, whether liwy miendsit- «.'r''. ,i^-ie>«ei in all eases warranted to z¡>u sati«factinn. ani r ..- -, n .' beautiful r- ir-.i:^:: ^n.-i n which Mr. !t. dees nty, it being tiled by a itei »n prai .'ti r,r...i- l'i .-. weathc/slrom9AMtofrrM. Instruc refuily given in the art. _^ .. ¡m» U. Ü. BRADY. rNITED ¡TTÄTES DAGUERRIAN GALLERY ^J u BBOAfiWAY. UP'STAlRs?.-E. WHITE would\re- « ¦.- ... the attpntwiiyifdcnixen« and s-renger« vuiung the city, to his splendid cnll&rJon ol I sguei entype Purtrail», » ,..-..¦; L---ops îiotn 2 T penn on toe tame plaie, \.i, el foi yandi cur cy ->t Delineation cannot be sur pasred. Pottraitsl iken iniJ kinds oi weather, . ther with r witi out (Le ci in, the price* of wïieh beba* recoced to tho»e ti'i-geii ny tu-m..si intupeittnced in thebusiness. The Arneriean Institute :-- its late exhibition awarded Mr. Wi-, »the Fini Premiumfor«hebe« ItagiierreotypeLikenes»- oi. Itor grouping nr.d general eifetti which is but another ¿rm.. to ths iui t iontj oi ht» Pomrtits. Mr. l>.':.i:e n le agent in w ^. oil: foi Uis v---r superb r 1 imported German Camaias. and at no otherettablixhment in Uieciiy or .t.-itecantfej benbtsined. :-.. u..Imported GermanCemeia*,aào French and Ameri¬ can instrumenu ofthe very best qiialrrj, with Plates. Cases C tmTcals Polishing meteríais, ttJc .Mr Wnne's Case Manufactory freine 'l-.e isrgett and mn«: extensive in »in* l'nite>l 5;..iiu«,fr is e;na! .it-! from theqnanoty lie imii'ii'i'tures. to «eh Dnguerreoij pe Miii Liure Cases, 10 |».« r-.-l low. -:li,)i, imy ..-jio- I..¦!¦¦ -i^ .n ¦'-' t/:i.-, PREMIUM DAGUBkKEOTYPKS-PLUMBE t DAIirXKitlAN G»LLKRY ui» r"ATKNT Piik'MICX l.'uL"REP Pbotooraphs, ¿M Broadway, above Murray street. New York, awarded the frrtl. premium asd h'C'ie-l àsonf. lor American an l Franklin ¡n-i are*, and Stiver .\lcd.u at Bot. tint Jiliir, for tire most beautitul colored Dtvguerreotypet ever t.-. ibited. | Th.tablishment '*. j i«t !i"en gren: y en'argeil and im proved by UMs addition ol nearly ine wh.,ie of the 6 m doo: above the street, and embieces nowno.fawer than twelve te« parafe p irtmenP T ¦.- t«': pun which fhe hu mess is con« rivicted ituuiv» Ivnntuge are i w! re els* to be met wi'h; i no therei rrn bai c «rays le : being tl " fir .- : .. .- .r.'¿." " t'of i'. i.-tiii.-.. !'-... ' ¦¦ ¦¦ .-.-it -.-.. t-i«.-ii*.-i ¦-!'.- blitbm. l. -!..-.. .-.;... shea list Mr. i was the first svh'iintroducei e oi . tin Dag erre ivpevuriraiu; bs wil beteen By :. « work«, he he.« i.r.i:^.-.'. Ihec ikiruic tu thehigbci ..«witc. inn ye' eiT.-cie.l. lie ree*n»i! thai itpromium lastyeai.bul *«yearh*prodneti«n*wire ¡{to be compared v.tl :' he has nr.iluced now. V\ htm we rememl e- tne ghostly, '. [¡I - i...rir.n.umt »ma gtvstn uy .fi- ImasÄi type pr tys* before color wasia nucr-d .i"il te lé'ii--i. «s- cannot afford too nrur.-i oraiset'Oh? an t who beides it&i hht time aod g»niu«to »neh agloriotn i oiurumatii n : thetwhich we behold tn Nu.^. at the Fair " lAtlii-. "Ptol. P'um ....Ever; bodj knewsthat this distinguished artist stand- .i heheidofhis rutestro in this country." I'r.it 1'.i.ir.b»..This celebrated Pb-togmnber hrw Ions ti-ri rig-, ded at tiie American Ihtgurre." i.N Y. Herald. " l'h» Photocrnph of a Inay. or Prnf. Plumbs, is tlie most beaiituul .. i.-g ci ene kmt) we nave ever seen. ol8 Bm*y .T*ili»r. HARDWARE » MER1CAN WROUGHT IRON BCTTHINGE8.-The S\ tubscnbsn have recently ci mmenetd the manufacture ol wrought iron Butt Hinget a tin c yofTroy. Theyareabla t supi ly len loi i ni « and Pi w !«ooi Berts, urn will sonn be able to furnish all the . red :.i the mitke» From lire commencement ni the businers, one f the subscriben haj h <. enr ced in it as lopetinteodonl 1er the tenons manutae- i'jier« ..* ':.< article. The isver,: ...r -;r¿ risproriimect.« made I./ him in '.he machinen '.¦>¦>* bronghl the bgsinM In its pte- sool rnparative .late of per' lion, u-.i ti.ey tnerefbre lee! abletn reduce nraelei thai rum* ¿¿-n »int. aw orden to tho i. ..scr. -i, u. i :'-.>.':. v.. ,j pio-optiy r.''enned to. tu îm* K !.:;..'. i. ', k LAZELL. i'^ifrifírxr -. WARRANTED CAST-STEEL EUGE .. ...- rOoLS..'IVrealgenuineO ter'sToob ¦"! een ooly be bed at Q Atrorney-street. where i ;.ey ... ;i. 1.3 the/n:e uiiule ariri unilhed -.vi'Ji b* bane bei rs can recommend »hem : ai at Georg* Brigg* St (Jo**.S P ¦¦. i", ::.!... Tours ...rlereJ i , on 1. "-le. BtSSFUItOfl -:rî<t. s's.p-it--l "t'uu.-e-." :r.. not my make, and aredesisned todacetve. Mineares thus: "Conger,New-York, 23 Attorney s::«:." A liberal 1 i era. :'.--. --v.: :;.-.. s-'^-rii-'_JOHN CONGER. i.« ..v .-i Lt. NAlLb. ü' lie.KEMEYS. BRÉESE ¦~ rsAMl"^' 'N, 11' i.rie.r.i ¦¦:, »'. SucCMsnn to BOOR- J. IHNS1 »N. « \ iU.S ä -Lu., cava on nii-td a ;'u.l :,. "it. .¦. ni sh flat and square bar iron ; Rnssisn old «able do. .'.:-. I tunara Iron : American do. man iron, te ¡ncn 1,3.161 «j ..!¦! tb«.«aehapes, all s':--. s.iif Norwetnan and old table lisa ,.- idaadtcTi Iron of all ùec ; toi -,' .-.ches 'pikes; English *rr :: ;-.- N;.is ,.- -: lesson.Btssthenigc t\>.'*»'^ín^p, tul ilzzzu ¦-;-'¦ la ip, warrai 'e-i --'-. üerman Seel; of various «tamps ---.-.' -i se » -,'..:.:, Bunt's Axes, a ".:- rlora tii r. N ':!--- :. r. can ^!-.eay; :-¦ Ó;.......¦.¦...'. subjee! to drnv.--: .n-^.'.-r}' HARDWARE ( LTLERY. EDGE T " h¿^¿. .-Iho suï.iïii'e;-. Im orten and :.¿.-:-' Daalen in English, L'encan aro-, Amencr.nHiird'viire. CntJery, Edge Took, rsaiis. I Shmek, Spades, etc. ice ..,r?r to country mercb^nti and cihtn, a fu! and complete assortment low, for ca«h orop- prove«! credit. OSBORN & IJTTLE. ! sl'J :m*_"S Fulton street. New. York. cutlery:^ CUTLERY, PLATED VVARE, TEA TRAYS, etc. ".¡"ITU.LIAMSa RILL.IS Maideolane. invite :ne tan. . V 'H.1I..I deafen to heir stock m NEW GOODS .nut»- ovenuig, con«T»tira. ir: pen, nfthe following F as ¡-.vri TABLE CUTLERY, el K t^rs and other a^- ten. C n.n-.>n £>lfTip. Si.ig. &c, ditto ditto (varióosmakers.] . RUT CUTLERY.A complete asiortmeat ufRuger»" \\'.>.:e- holm's, -nose's, be StC K \'/.' 1RS.W. «^ S i> .¦-.-.'., £..;«'», Sugers', Wustar.- -. i Irooke .. ¡'.ar:-6r'r, ate SCISSORS...'- notedmakon. PLATED WARE. Cash m, PaskeU I mmunioa V. are. Oizà ¿s-.ickî. Wütert, í. v lèvres: style*. Slreíi uta l^rrv>n Knivei and Fork.«, in sens or re: ¦¦- Knras. <ec. JAPANNED VARE-Fir.eG'-.thic. Sindw:c.i. Bndçom- , en Tea Trays, '..jeLser «»ith a greti '.i.-r.y of far-cy Hard. *T"t:»i_ii '" '.'¦'¦-.:'*. «bey ofrerai the ¡iwt.i pr.-es. <ú¿ :: TABLE t'rrlEKY---^. Bi.tn r--u t :m.-.'» supc-ior ''.'-. .a í'ü'1-v. far '.-;e -t the rnenufactorer's ^n.:», bs slü _JA MJS Uf_F.KF.~' V ¦¦a^-.r 1-r^. no ra -s. ¡ A MOST BLSSSED. S TRAJfGE. ASTOUtrDJJfQ .i.\'I) MllACULOUS ATEJrriOX, TO CURE CUr.iXEJi'S ERUPTIONS AXD CLEAR, DARK. SZJf-BURJCT. YELLOW, DISCOLOR- j ED OR Fl ECKLED SELY. ^YANY.ey. fce.-e ..re many who have been cheered with i Basa, laerafoR) -j: »S trie power» o'" the ¿em;- ins J.-iEe*"« Soepireexagrerated : .-t such give ita fair trial. f It is :ndt\.¿ th« mut stngulany wooderfillty cu.-aiiv» jrepc.ra- t.onsever t.-.h?, z u_ itto ^^1^*». in Id«, V. te^om or cevc: ÜB lüCUnig Pmtp'ns». Hlitchei. Fre-tlei. Tin. 5.'û-pi»w. : Sah Kheura ««eur-i-y. Erysipelas. BirDer'i lieh, Riagw rnn. 'J.A Sires, and S,irs Heads, Br. arind, it i* jia«'i so.:» has done sad still erTecu these cur-i. G«.t n rro vbere else in this cuy.or yoa willbeiwin- i tsi^tiiaeonntirlêit.bot at ..-.* siga o:' :he American Eb- . -i. ;. :. -haire^tresU. New-York ir. Bo«:o.n. at Iteddings . 'r-srrec: ZeUr. 2 Lecker ß-ikü-gi. Püiiadeiph-* ií¿ : L r .'.':.-xTr-ei..K-'«.«¡. -.._ ^27 1 rr, A SPLEJfDIL A.VD SCIEATJF1C ARTICLE FOR THF. QROWTHAXD RESTORATIOX. TO BEAUTIFT. DRESS, C/.;^d.V A.\'D S'lFTEY VKE HLMAN HA1K. Ar-l otherwise :=pruve arnl resile: i: - i^iendid orsamea: to yyjr. jssi«.. ,-c: the Low prtre or Titrée Shillirif's. O RADER íes mí_í tJirea skilline bonis*, tnat yon may l T,XatÄ« :"-: ta* « not foe tf la* bait ,-uxl ugs the day V". ."f «".>".>?",> '¦-.-; : rr«..reihaco,-.ce.»lv.B war¬ 'S r-str.efoliíjw:rsc':r ":'..-: It wül toree the bají '-'í,'-',>' ¦¦' *-^o.N-.turi.h'eadeilaairt.-i er.ñv s'orj rcrLcttreScufi ..r UancruiT. asd mite i.gnt. redor grey ß ur :n.w dari. F ..- rL-inng tne han seft srd lüky. ^ T ¦¦: tceeos :.».». [i i> irj^. « ^ ,.« »írjononiixaJ, yVt ,c- p«ri')r.*r.ieie mane;t..r f-ehmr. It is crw.p-r than t.-e i.-ltf. c r-;: oair o .a. and it will keep tfce hair m or.-er wita one are« p .-. .tviceas long us any Lihgr arti.-ie ¿.toe, .'-..i-P'-r- , r aahilhnn a boOJe.«t the sign nfi.ie A-encan r.ig.e. 82 Oktthan street, New-York : 13^ PoJtoo-- Fm'*1' "xi'yn : - Bttttr-sBXast. Bourn ; 3 Ledger Buil thtgj. BOOTS AND SHOES. V ORIN BROOKS..L the _n_em__«_. am happy to m-l _ form thé publie, pattK-hulj -S? =:".rtrrcn snri S_e -fco nie gwie des rou» oTtrayi mg a r» t___» ordm_r«reej»_. eiegiicc-a speed, nthtmn ... i-s pny-jcal, «xerooBi. that ! i- fully convinced :!.. : Brooki - Ea-ific Metr-ie :"-.-»* :''._. .omentos any uBdeverjrth ns i idaelorei ¦'..' »-. end that it __«. very -susruury »tn- - u:'u-ü W...:._- fa! reanii -. - -'¦ *.*¦ bE""- tnt*_ t -s past, Jked rn p thousnad «ifl»..«^ hundrvt». but I must sir 'hat _-»._ «p_____S ? .'..' <¦-....,.. .-.... - BS__aed_r_-_-._odatuwspejd.MlAd rea«- .i.i.--- __ m-«».««! » .-'r.iX'rvttH-Lcnroa fcou-e w_ .-i. I -m m_t«_«d is. to a çiy'^-"''^--'";; L..._- ,,.- ,e-.¡..-.i7 _>-s---.-.-- r. IStlC MetUiCFrUII- Boít"X;-.rifetureT ri MrVLORIN BRO. KB, No iSFu!- ?,*,'.'.- , rood tonoae to .>-¦. wminen .--._-: :..._..- my mind svna-il ..;.., ,,,. ., ., ; a; ama ich -- ic Shanks. :-- rh offer :'L_.... -. .: .. ... hearty _: aNNAR-J._¦¦'¦,^1, k> 1.1 i s«, _HU__jTl_A ¡ Ut.* <-c. T -, CIlAJUl__LALNe-G »LDI'HWAiT. ï-_r==i- rsS.havealsrgi rT-î/T7 E '"'-' 77/. a til J .'.A-, SOUiHKRSf AXD HTV TR.iDE,\ _nd_ree--»-_-ir rsn-erring trocí the Menniaetnren. Cheat- berlai ;. <'c .*.' «- o. ii Uesti n and A i: 0 »'d'hsri;; _ Co, __ts'^-wor.:r.--».r., "r:rjs fr%«th topplies, consist]ng of Mens' ,..-.: Boy»' Rusa, .i-:.::' ck pegeJ Uro*«.-. Do. do. Kip and Call do. do. Grain and do. thick negad Boo_ ». a Ct f. :. -: B ts !>o. -, v r re'berwmía tr..-:.-;. bei --.-.s in be Boot and Ph-st ...«_¦-¦- tiene: i.'.--.--, utui : i appi »ed endorsed notes _{__f* -. onde on ng nena_ IV r. - 1_ A.NU »HuEtf..-Th_ »oosenhen I __» aren»»w »upplyicc th with :~ ._.-»-.-.¦ . a .¦::¦¦¦¦.. :.«. lie« can have :. aada to fit the.I ail .¦:. it the ;tr-\.i -r Long : .: ia -.-¦¦-.-:¦. .-¦ ÎNOLA RUBBER StUlfcS..lU.uWpairemb igaci - ,.: ..i Men«and Wemen's ne:ivy rl.ti-eil an.: p;i'!i with a few very choice M i»»*» md C-i-tren's. i-rs.-.le by tbeeanot doxso Moil of IbOM r- -i ur- ci the hunous U U bnutd rti - C. __j_i'.'KvT. n. ti\Y. .-Ms.-.-« .,,-... .tASHION IBI.EBOOTANDSHOESTORE.GROSS _c i B-TTS.IS.. . one dour £»rt ol .roadway, keep Boots and St «s, in».:e :n tne ui»,«-!«-Ji -at- style .-¦...-- ..'ern'i. N.B. Mad. eacriot and tr-.-c. r:u ivarranted ' x ».I t LNDIA :: BBER SHOES.Thesubseribeno*. C^_"_-s >r ta'« the large»!.hnent of Inn» t. intl .-.. .- -. pan ol Mess I «th :... ers. U. -.-¦¦. th athersolo». leather . na .¦! beets, ..' Ladle»' She»l Kubier Uver-r-'hoetwiUi elasUc-u :¦« es' and Mis«e»'Buskins, ob - and leaüiei soles; lined and fur-trimmed i.'ubber,. and I. :v land in tne rough.bv the ease, doxeo. or »ingle ... reiher with even vari« ofmai ufictiired India Rub. in ..-.».-.'. the w_j bouse ol fjw Newark, N. J, la- boor Factory,53 Maiden l.i N. Y. _ HI it HINS N it 111 NYON. ._. LADIES* '.Al"i't'.' S -' -' tenof vartoce S_3-_S_de-cr.''::.>r.-..Irijrn-e. ..._- .Snj -- promise the .i .ton .- --¦ ».... .. ..... .._ »-. ,...,., tsl :..: .. o any made in Broadway -¦...-- ¦:. IT-. K.I tl _>lKJLrlCÍÍNÍ_.Í2 [TALIX)CR'S (' ,STi IR OIL C '.'- i Y i * highly an. xl proved ol as the !>r>t mode "f sdi-mntering this valuable ..«¡¦cm» to children, .. .. the äste that they w... r.-...'.... e-.: whatever . given "»: It n y be used for com- Pllrk«. r... i.-.i j .'... _u ,.:..'-",. ¦.- i,|#u.w. .... ranted t. :».. nanyelimaU n. -ac-'ve«. _t l;-: rir.t«e.-.ch, nrith :-:; dir cüons for use. See that the proprietor's own r.. me .'¦: teat a the engraved wrapper. Sold by moat __i_- g-.sts in citie. nrd .enar,! .'.:¦ hruu.bout the country ill -nn-d» D" R. SPANGLER'S NEW GERM VN REMEDY for the Sah Rheum, ar-d all enrptioot on ts*. -itin, warranted in e-.e-v .-.-._> t., eure . -i:e n oi -.- .-t: i It :. \\ ashington Pills, n vesetable i on pound, for purifying the !.»:.!.! r.'.re vVholesale and retail, by .30 ire« _-A MES HOVT. '.-4 CnthMine-st. «t' 1 í i i _'J i Whaiwi oi tmuison wiu. a .3xl/,In.'V.rie«l_-./i'_ire, free from Coughs, olds.spit- '. -.- )l Biota). Consumpuon, Bronchiti», Wh-oping Cough, .i "-:::.:, I) tT'ct-l' BrenthjOC, T-'li:iii_ or Kisiiii! in tn-Thro.it, I.ÍVM ¿omphjint, ._.-. RR SWAYNE- C0_1P0UNI) -'¦ RUT OF WU^D CHERRY irajrbesnid f <"ir exrel all other modieines. Only prepared i>y DR. SWAYNE, N. W .irr^r of EIGHTH ut RACE strtret», PHLADELPHIA. Agenia.Wm. Milnor. M. !'. comer ol Broadway uni join i real; F B. Warner.206Bleeeker, corner of Minerta street. a.-.d R. A. S.-in»ls, i.iu.rch i.'irpen-ii.ry I88 Kowery, comer M ^prn. sTreet. New-York; vV. ii Wood. M. I). Hi-r'em; lv.c:'-e ii ll:irr-or., -TO nt.isd .tfe-\ Newark, >. J.: Junathun P. Hall, No l Union street. Brewer; S evens it flushing, -i VVashing-.i rtreet. iml i_.i»-»m & Steven, No. '-'.ü Wasnmg- ::r itreet. B< »ton : '.'. '!. ¦"»' "'*>. Albany, N. Y. ar..t li.-.cx.» fc B'-'i N... ZJA Riverst.e Troy. N. Y._ _all 3m* .;!,!.i;:vi: and uvf: \ . . I'.II'.R A.<ryNTSHINGCITBEiirTiY0Jsi-P-v**5 ElCOMPOOSTD SYRUP OF TAR AJfl) HOOD .YAPTMAU .. . f'iitL.spmrm*. May s, l°-14. Mr 7_wwon.Dear Sir: With grataful feelings inform vouofthe nstnaithing siTec'i »i y.u:r n.ed'cine, -hch baa fiterall/raiseri me from ileath-b I! My dbeaae. Pelmnnary Cootomption. hna reduced me so low 'h:.t mv phy-iciaj, pro rn'ii.cci rnvcasehnpelesa! At tbi« juncture b-¿nn t>._s .mi- medicine and. mmsculnu» rut it mavseem, ii ha»e-oi .- > alth. after e«ery thing-isebad tailed. .;.. eeUuUyyiiun. WASHINGTON ilA.'K. v hai otto tireet, uye George ^-r-et The nndarsixned. beine ptisonally acquninten «nth IV. .-.Ii- ingto.i ''Iiick and h:-»t:ir*-in¡.»,. ueai mil .« '.¦ th«iul"'iis'"nrf erfK-tfoflho.ana's Compound Syrup of Tar, and the truui ol the :.I>-vj _u.t«n SI .'i.' i.VlN'N-?H._lflNonh'rhirdi :<*.. U t VID V I' K'l-' -r-. t. Min"n.l s'.~-' HUGH M'GINLEV. ¿. £. on; T:t-r--.nr ¡.nd Fourrh «:.-eet.< ïr> PRTNCTPAL OFFICE. N E. eornçf EtbasdSpmea itreet», I'r. idelphia Pnce ; eenti .-. í-.tt!í Porsa *yA.P3AN'lfS_;CO BJ3 Broadway, crjrnee nf Cnarnbcn stt^-i 79 f-Jtoa-st.; 71 Eott Broadway. r»tce . -anta._-33 am WHAT BCARPA'S ACOUSTIC OIL HAS DONE. / ¦-_ 'S,-^^'_-_. f /SCAAPÄ'S \ K* N/ACGUSTIC OIL! ! ¿M j/l Tl_. O-lli ct'S. fc». j VVV. Â' ;.' v-^. ---r_i.j._/ Xv'i «sS_¿____2a___^_-ir5-_^_í^^ '"jpîlF. .isle,: »_r. ttrttx rs_r{_r_Md by a..y .«>.!,.¡a. Il X cavor ii.. .- From '¿e .-:l_ny IJaily Knickorhocliir. wggrr Trot. June 3,1844. Tha :; 'r err.y tl:»:'. I, Wii'.irii -enks, ernprietor of the Wast Troy EUehance Hotel, havin« l-«c-¡ .flic'»- witn deal. re-.. ;.. r.« ...: lor the last twenty ..(..-..-, end id the other for the lust i ear, ... '::a: it .a« im-ô.abls fnr me :.' beei the l.»i-:-i: v.,.,-; ana, after trying varie remedies -.r :n.-at im- provii .- my hf^.i-L- in the east. I ur.-i. ¡nducad u, try Scarpa'i Compound iiusticDi fortheenreofdeafee.<. anditi. wiüi g'fcit.i: t:. til :i .n «nabled ti ît.-.to t!i.t ¡t mis perltictly c-itorf.. n.- ¦¦¦! :¦¦:¦:. and t .' ':..'-.i"y to lee any person who wi«he«for irf r...-.' on in rtimo '¦. mi.m. at my place I taWestTroy. lYlLLARD JEN'KS. 09" Prvpand by R. Billt and«>'d, »lio-ssale and retail. I»/A. P. D. KANDS. Iirurgist-, Nn.79 Pulton-ttreet; _7_ i.r.._.:*..y : ai.;,. .: .: Broadv ty. ti im CjEB-INfi'- RF-iTi iHATiVr..".,: in.-,,'.-.".|...»-:ccelt- iT*5 brctad .... the cere -r DYSPEP81A. NERVOUS AF ; FECTIONS, DEBILITY, au-,-prepared and sold, whole- -lie and n.-t_.i. ¡>y the :opi -. x u b' M -rn.y ., It muy .._, be obtained »ins .table Druggists and Apothecaries-»ix: J S in --'. tVilliam ,:.: P-ushmn JcCo-llOB ladwaj ii \_toi House; Wm. Burger. SO ..¦,-' and .:.; .',. ¡t. j. D._h___. . Fulton ¦..: A. B. Sands fc Co I! :'- --.;¦ vid Bands fc C».., "7 East Brnadwuy ; '<mel MirKT. .11 r'»':'.iin St.: J. T.irranf. eHrj Greenwich st.; G. I l ol ty 351 Pearl ; J. !.. SchierTelin, 111 Canal -t.; J. it S. ::--.- i. Ii' I'...¦..- ,i.: K. C-U-mey. 13- llowsry; Ii. L. Lotto .'.' 0 CCI- Agent in N_w_Jts.£.R P.VJ lia -i. iilli -Mr..! i'. anlem* RICH'S ;.:!.. -:.:' I'ATENT SALAMANDER r-Ai'r.-^ :. ::, -. v..-'' ::, 'irv .....! thief pn,.,f . 'I hi i ¦!.'¦..'....: ee ::; atas from -.mc-.-! lh< in^ait respect, ble merchants and others in ihe city »f Ñew.l :.».ins. eetabl.het tlie:r lire piooi .jm,. bey. od all iloubt; "Tne umlîr.i'ie.1 have thu day « itnesaedtbe trmi ofovof Rich's mproved p-tt_: Salamander S.fes m the t'urcieeoi thebea B rd. "The d ,1 was laced ,s the f-r.iai-r» at 10 m:pu»e« nfi_r 11 >.'c.e » A. M. _n<( r-tiLime,: there t.itee i,.Ur*. eontaatly ex¬ posed to t"e in.^t iDtens..- ncci th«t could be cre.-ted oy ;he u-a* ol ;; leb rineaod cottonwoud. It wa. then taken tu the ttamI of Mr. Rich'» aient in this c.:y ttn»l opened, when inry found that the < ontents -ere neitner l)i,r.e«l r,-r icorcheii. and thitt tti-.' ,vo»»d «ut- '.ure.-.i. appearance ol ha-..a. -ee:i exyo-s. Ui fire. l'.:e ur, 'e.-«-_:,nl are convinced that l^:, -'-.:.» wi « -ubj-cted to greater :,..' than c mid n»-^itil; es nut the burning of ariy building in inn c:»>. however combustible it» contenta; and :..«»>¦ then :-re .. .vo no neti-ttion in »aying Unit K.th'a Sate« Rreetninei.t;. >cc_m agiuut the r_k ufti:-.-.u.i.er ¡uiy ctrcuio- i-...--« er.t.*c»er. New-Omjc-SB. I_th 'une. !!.-.<. lei meß Ballard, Master of«tasa_r{tta Bird. ¿i. ,n lluey, Fire l_:p-. r "I '.', estera Mrvr.nound [F re Insurance Company. The», t\. C-enowtti, Joseph Grant, R. McCregor, J H - -i. C. Laüatt, Benjamin B. Cook. '.'.rze B. Brunet-, 0_* of n-_r cu>t-,merj ».-.s-e.! í_í;.(OJ in t.r.t of Rich's ft.,f""í, although -.he bcrzl.r h_d i:_ or ei.r.; iiocrj to cry tin »_iiioa _1e k ck. The i-'..ve ^s^^î ere mid In this city rnly h,7 A. _. MARVIN. Agent fur »_.* '.¦ítn'-.'-'efíirír«. '35 yc_3:>; Waur -rcst rpo ALL INTERESTED ¡N __n.CROTON vv'XtER. 1 JENNIcONS PATENT CH9TON FILTER..'i he Crotoi! WaPsr rond.red pe:;ec:!y pure and equii to Distilled j Water. Tnis r^rtaole apparstu«. sot larzer than pint nteasure. can I be read!1/attache-: to p.ay hydrant or pipe conveying witter, tad will yield e.tteedy stream of pertecüy pare water, ecuii to one hur.dreti galions per hour.'tüore than «coug.t for the c.linary ssan'sof '.ic lar__.t hotels. It s.i»nit.-s with eouaJ Ct-r_i:nty a_j de«p.«rcn all the animal, vegetable and earir.ly rr.ntcr lound, íes- te of all pos?i'»i- precaution! in every dis:-- imung chrinoe; o: _wCr_t_o, as the testimnm-Js of the follow I i.ig ern-iect ?hy.ic:i!,i h.-._ Chen;--) ofthe City ofNew- York. wno have tettad :u __dti at t_a;r ewe housí-, eoc eoaclu- t.vely snow: Valentine Matt. M. D. iJarcei Hirtwr, Jtiyor of the Alex. E. Hra-tci, M. D. ' I -,ry of New-Yorx. j'.mes R. Ch.lii-.n. M. D. 'Willard Hirttrr. '-I U. JohnT-rrey. M. Í).. Fret. oPJoha F. O-ît. M. D. roern-S-T il theOile.e of'J Kearney Rodgers. M. D. Phj.«tana ar._ _u:.ecss, N.1 John W. br-per. P'nt_--r ni '"'.*; -,L . . . Cnensitry at the University. John L. Chee«rr_.n. M. D. Jas, A. Washington. M. I). A. Gerud Hull. il. b. Ste-r.en A:!en..:neoftheon.i- J.m«. J .Mcpe, Pro/essor cfl nal C.,mtr.i«r,.>ne!-i of tnc Chemuto'. Crotna Water Works. J.-.nn W. Frire«. "J. U. IJonathan I. Cnddington, B_t Tem*Filter. ,«_-e r.ighy nrn-mcatal t^A will |:iir fo-)e_r. are ont aWetnget ont of repair, or si".j»xt to .mr. je iros fr».« witen ieit ta opers-ina, Trrey hawtn« ment oi cienr-ir.g th.iselves. and ara arso rr.o*t v,rni-_nly designed for _._.__ theSchuylki- or .Vis-iti'ppi VVr.ter. Penon» c_-r"_i> of esiimicing the Filter and ccderK-nding tr.e prL-.ci^.e af its openMon, cas call at 2-î-î Broi_dw_7, '.vher. taey are tu: ta.e oan -xhibi'-on. WILLIAM l!. JENNIBON. «S -m .Aa-nt fe| ta* P-o&r't <-"-». PATENT OFl ¡CE.Inventors are respecrtuily informed ;.::: E. Jones cmitinues lo prepare Dmwingsi ud «-necifi C-Uk-asofavary i___tpti_a ui'mvanuons at i_s office, ta r'ui- ton «L Iron Buildings N. V. .'c? '-"twinga ma> i>e IRhcfrapbad at his old establishment I^? Fnîtnn rt_ .N. V. where ;.c leat c!e«cnp'_oa ut Ut_~_>__plu_ aft .ter».--.,! nn the riohivs. flans ci every i__:r¡pt¡.:n, __d Drawing iu gaset rs«__icüin_-e__j¡_j_rj _u_ i_dtsar. -Olía* FOR THE NORTH. ~ .maot k PEOPLE'S LINE ÍTEAMBOATS FOR I tr" ¡n a i HAW . ;-. y.Sumta7t««xeepied.I VCS|^ïr^^î>-,lh-.>.r- -¦-.-¦- A- ¦¦¦'<¦ ¦-..k P.M. rrom lio-»umml al Wee between I ¦¦.".-!.¦'' ind LsOertl . - > ^The«tBansboet KNU KERBOI KKR, ' . *- ." St. Joi B Mi m ay. WtVr>--:nr and Friday evenings, at 6 l.-'r- steamboat «U CHESTER, lit.- A uoughtcn. Tu««-'./. Tbunday -.rre» Saturday creatae*. ai rt. At ¡>o'clock.Landing at tnter Halt ; .-.-es. Fr im fool of I'.-.-c .-.;-.: ¦¦'. TbestenraboBi NORTH AMI KB \. t" -.:. R. C. Ci ¦.-¦- ,!ep Tuesday Thl n. 101 ¡P.M 1-ie sreambuat 0OLTJMB1 «.. spurio Wi _i! Peck, oa v. ¡Jay, VVr*dne>jday, Friday and Sun av, at 6 P.M. '.i--.. ij-s .«'.-.' ineol ." - i- .'..-¦ -, ...:-.-¦:.-.. m for the ! '.'. .i r. fJSTTli" above boats are ne» - ; ta .- 'speeds SO© :.- mo 1st . s are mi oc : e He :¦¦ a try Gl personj areh'irl : the Boat* ofthis ¡,iri v»-,i.- at twntte rderfromi F' ïa.«.«;«:e or frei*' oil ¦ ri«» kMiiSMM, L^l \ 7 ¦"...'.¦ t-_¦'¦ \>.y ; -, y » ._.... gS»îSxfS=£» piesxcresu iTROY.Cxpt, A.< I harô l uswi-iy. Thursday and S «turday. ; EMPIRE. ii S. B Roe. M «Jar. .. Mnesday ar day, at 7 .l'c.vck. A. AL fitun the ; rat ti street. .. For passage r freight, apply on boar tw .ortor.i !! i LL, ai ¡be ft,-.- in the «hart" too« o.' Bare i return on the .pjM»..e 2?r . leaving ¡' '' '. X .IOAVV s\ .x¿ , -Es g Line lor ALB AM T.H V .. r -L ., > ' '. .«.-. N V. : ... - I . iNY.Ca i R. B. MacT. ted SWALLOW. < \ beny, after la .. ... - toT» of »-at aresmabrsd a. slltimes to pass .'.«. llha * ,,...... .._ :-...- .;c fe. ''.' Si B ofSce on thi n't«. N '-. oats c»«B«titnUng this line are onnvnled -. . and «iccommotlations. Duringthe pas. nr have been thoroughly overhai - .«-^ ^ ~-^ .;..., ¦-. N .Mi'lVI DI-VTE te_PlANHiNGS.-The VEST- SS^MikiZLH»«-»o7STER. Captain fftr, H..M .uve the tool rCedar street, or. Mondays. Wed» ¦¦..!' >l. connecting at Hudson with the H .' ri R Iroad tliec-in ut' which id :.'-.. ing Kudu :. .«ii Sun Icy*. I .- -, -. o .., i the amvi -. > hingHtch ,. .-.- js. Tickets ihroczb :u PtttB- '¦.. .-. 5 o in Ige 8-' Fot »reicht or psssnge. apply on ñijiij STORRS *- STEPHENS! >N. S9 (Yestst. This boat has bew thoroughly overhauled, and hern | modationssn improved as tobe equa any boat on e'river, .Hiai number of Stats Rooms ha em; been a.li.-'d. ;.-.¦..,.. Ms-i en hirgen. UW ». r-va te B. CARPENTER & CO.'« L! L. L~_J'iHH rllRCll-l.-.n ..- C* rS»5±iSc-r?tt','.:!hi. CoWspring, Corow I, The tea: oat JAMES M Dl ON. ' ai tainCl a¡fm¿ .. ii .. ........ i,v ... «set p-.i -1 c ;,...-_'¦ ruing. « .¦'- ¦¦ o :h --. -. ':-.ii.T and Sal .' ¡o'clcek P.M. AUBa .,.-¦¦ reels. Hunt t-'- . .¦' Spei u thisb w thi ¦¦. . at« edontheb .. r«t -p.« risk ¦.¦¦ lent >sc r*«n ft. T. POWELL Sc CO.S I.1NH for! fffl fe NEWRURGH.Landing at i '.» Id .. c.'s. \\. SffjJLnsA'Jt^Point r -.-t'i.ti..!.!'.'-ii«. r. .::¦ Suai HIGH1 ANDER, Capt. r «»a leave the pier foni of Warren «L even Monday, Ihoisi 1 ' ¦¦'''¦¦¦¦ . '¦' .*' ., , S.S. Return ng will :e..rc Newhorgh eve.-/ Monciu at 1 A. M. and Tuesday at Friday at.: P. M. Por freight or pnss--.:e, apply tu ;h.« Captain on board. Hrr- sage ind freight of all descriptions, bank btlls or spe« ; .'-...-¦..: í the risk of ownet thereof unless a bill o! la .- ng recen t bei i red for lhe tare >~FA"E REDI < Ê1 -;¦¦'. Pv l.l.K. S1VG SING. TARRYTOWN. "'.vim;. WILTSIE'S ¡'"ils. HAST- r;:.~.. :-. o .1 i:'-r PatuWny, * eu« :.!>!. 1:44. the now and «¦: -T.T:n' Sienmhi.a! WASHING- TON IRVING. Capt. flinm'lu'hil. will '«we the CThamben-street fur the above placel ctaiiy at tarts? P. "1 daysexi.ep'ed ! .... Rc.'urn.!*, will ¡ei'.ve ':...'.T.v:lie at £V, and Sirs Sing U o'clock A. M. laniiing a: '.lie foot o! itiimmorid ItttHt «aci. way. For pfifnige cr f.e.jht, ar>p'y or, bor.-d, o: :.y satlanl» BTCTBEr. I! TOMPKINS. WW . ¦'. ¿x j-irsss-' VrAlX ANd'wiNTEH «KB\M:i-.- L ttt,_i.-'MEN r.-NEWARKand NF.W-Y' -RK mtSS&í^Síor'^fí only 1S.S cen'a .The ¦>.' and - ..en did steamer RAINBOW. Capt J. Gnlfy. oa and after Tues¬ day. SenL luth, .ill ,-unat toUowt, liaiiy: Leave Newark, Leave Ncw-r '>rk. Ibot ni l'entre sireet. font of Barchiy-slteet. S o'cioc*. A. M. 8 O'clock. P. M. » Frcirh' can ¦: at very reasonable rti'et. sSO . sbbwssjso ,. s-i'Al'MN ¡-LAN!) FERRY, loot of ,r ItT3. i/'Whirehnil-'Teet .Or. cinl after Monday, ,2iSfle¿"ríEÍ!aScpt iiOOi. tbe bua: «:il inn iu lollowa unu; 1^,-J.er notice1 Leise New-Yoik ».t 9, II. A. W..XH, W, 'I P. M. " Älter. Ulsnd,8. W. A. ,M.-li>.2-,.5.P. M 63- «UIGonits ihippsstl niuit be particularly niurkesl, untl areni the risk ot the owners thereof. «88 .c g-ejsts .- THE 3TEAMEB SHREWSllURY. C_JS.=S, Capt !. :' Corlies. will harenftei leavs SrSES^Sfc. Ca-'iume ..-...:'.-.. N.Y.e-.-;ry n .':.- .:.. ¦ii.ii -«ii ur't-iy ut 10o'clock A »i. reí .: fro E loi Town Larulingevery Monda] andThursd -: III o'clock \. M The propneiors ol said Boa! offer hei lor wile cheap.. Bha caw i..-t.t. wiih excellent machinery and .1 -. » on ; .Jj .c.l as wuter.SB fe«"- beam. 139 long i -.. all reas«m loi offènng her fVtr tale is thai berspeed not sufficient ths mate as a passenger boat. For ml -¿ '...¦¦.. >!y to ih "- ;»- 'i.".-.-.'....,',!._-'24 le," ^itn¿*. lèt'A.-l'ALL ARRANGEMENT-NEW« rj"¡ J VOHK IND ERIE RAILROAD LINE FOR Sr~^Sk_JUIDDI.£TOH,Jf, OOSHEJY, and interns- ^Í^LÍ?íüÍ!Í;<ir.:p.'íice4, trom foi of h i it..TI M m i ICA, leaves -very Slioui ._>. Sundays exceptad) Bt8 o'clock: e".ry Attemoon fSnndays exrepleil il ¡iu'eloci, f-striermont. where pasteasen '»-t tbe carnmn diotu can of the Co ... nv .'-.-r '7. s::.«n. ¡Middietown. *tc ax. Returning, 'cuve Midd at ¦. a at t>S A. M. ant! o i'. .'.! Stages ir-...-i MiddletMWB toOwego. Binghampton, llone»- daie. i arbondaw, Milfnrd, etc. in connection with '-::* after¬ noon I.:,.. >rn New-York. Fksioiit Notu-x .Freight rocwlvod from 3 o'cloc» A M. lo S o'clock P r.l and forwaniesl the same day. For farther particulars, ¡ncoireofj. IAN i!EA'3t:L'r.AER, Aeent, cu.n.r of Diicr.eiiii'l lVe«t-«'r«*'«. H. C. SE YMOUK. Sapertotendent, ^vm. MORRIS AND F,ÜSP.X RAILROAD.-FALL îLi a 1 AHi'.A:'i':i':Mi::,l.';-j.i;js::c.i)rMr,.u^y,^p mBJ^s^renarrer9.ISl«. Leave New-York, i Lcsvs Nowart, I Leave Uorrlstown. 80'dock.A.M. 9 o'clock. A. M. 7 o'clock. A. M. 4 " P. M. S '. i* M. I U " !'. M PasBsneen r. ..i '.! nli -.- T Bin to ">: rf .'..»-e., -v:ll a.-;lve Ihre- -,t 1"^ ii'cl.ji k. w.-.-r/e «tn.ret will je m reailinees to eon rey them iSehooley'iMi unUun, Washington.Belvii .. lailT: toSuocascna. Stanhope. Newton.Milfordand Owegoon Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridayi and ><. R ¦¦ . sway. Dover, Sparta and Newton on Tnosdara, Thursday« andSaturdayi: e.-.t-h ¦..-. rotcrnlnti liw laliseauent i!n>«. A Stage will asso leave for Rockaway and Dover evi ¦i' the -irriv::! of t.-.j i.Vi Li Motrisioivn. and for '.. Ridgeevery evenir:,'. Pastangervsgo through to ':-'. from .]r.»- City without changing Care. On leevict, tie City pastees -, wul deposit thmr Baggage in the Car ni bot of Gonlandt street, wb re an Igeni * II be m atMndaace to receive it. Pitssencor' ir..m Mur..-:. u will arrive ;n Newarl in t«k-i tire Morning and .'. ernooB '.''-;.':;.. for ".;¦. Philade il *.i i.nc.¦:-..'. nr bundles musí be anterod on the way-bill, or tni- Company un! not hold thanucl-re-j reaporrfible. Freioiit will i»e forwarded immediately to Mon Ki wn m WhiUehi-ii. by »ItephensAi Condit'a Line of Sloops to New- ark. or from the Trensportauim Office of the N.J. IL Í- and traiu. Co, foot of Liberty stieet, p.ew York,ond, I desiretl, ««ill be called lor m s.-.y p-rnfihe City epp ¦¦ .I oi^lic«. IRA POPP. Supannleodeut. USOS" P.AÍI P.fiAD.Wtsrui ,in- o.jiKtsT.-Fore 87W issnts Irom Patenonto ¡L Jener City. :. ad after Oct. l-t the i'--r- .-,:.! r_i.Leave Patenon Depot. Leave New York. Ai lTr?clock, A. At9o'clock, A. M. At 11Vo'clock.A.M. Atli'Ko'clock. P. M. AtJo'-.c'. P. M At ; i;V,,-!i, p. ,\!. ü SPAY«!. «)« M,MUÏi, At8o'c ick. A.M. At9o'clock.A.5L At 8 o'clock, P.M. At4»'cl«<k.P. M. y Baggage at rsk ofowners, ijffic^ at 75 Courtlandt-it r.n.la: I«.,..,!, Patenon.»3U «?t.-rj-i5 FOR THE EAST r;-«J «-WINTER ARRANGEMENT for .\ew- >--..-^.*- port and Providemm.Fare S2..Tna plen -.rii^mssti.^ .'!'! steamboai NEPTUNE. CariaiB n. I hilds, will íes»-» pier i.e.i of Liberty street every Monday, Weiine.day i-.nd Friday, at 4 P. H. All sind» offréigbt lakefl ttl the lowe.t priées. i'i:«seagers tiiking tin» hoat w.il arriv- ir. ProriiJence iuume to take the morrnr.g'noii t..r Binton. For luither mlormativn enyuire on board, or. f J N. DILT3. olS tf_l41_Libert,..tte«n. î^anr» t D. W. VI38ÇHER*a EXPRESS will .k-_~«2*s¿Ti-?v :,::'vc :'E;v YORK o- Monda iNPrVIrtSféE^. l'i.u.-.^y .r, S^itiuboi.: NMIiii. .: - 0 creek A. M. mr West Btockbridga via Housston.c ¡letum 'e-ive VVest St.-ir.kbridee for ,\'îw York: Toisrisrj ,.r: 1 r:r!..7 fo: the traunortation ofbundle*, packages. Money i.: d OffieeN o.iao Wort threat. myâoni* LEHIGH TRANSPfJRTATlOV I '- E FOR BASTÓN AND WILKSBAttRE and allInterinediate Places, vi --, .-»ylvania an.! I^hith Cauar*..Men ¦: .- having Goods for i he aboV4 places «nil go bs \ies.n .¡¦¦'¦~.,-n. B. N-. -n'.'s Litnj loops !r.-.i New. V.ri: to \ r which wili he lutindai p.er No.2 Whitehall. e>st River. \gj. Yo'X.loop FuX or Greyhound. ABLE, WILSON it CO. "'h' Im*_ ProuBo^on. Bastón Pa WOOD WORTH'S PLANING MACHINES Jj'; '_¿_e .il YEARS e.-pjr.ec5i, together STUB Ti.r.y rat» g f ~/<¡ able improvements and StWäoBS lo his f«nner tOA» ^ 'ei'ï', entblM'^e.ubscr.ltertofurniih.iitthonQiiliiie.uii &Jg¡pf¡ oftnc tnKir.erfei-tconítrucüon.mRtermisajid work r-C^«", mtniii:t,5iichir.estopl!inewoi,di.-ia!iiu varieties, ï± raí.«» isiicr.i* pUiur.g0r111rf4c1r.gr/aly, orcotung mo«uc. lySru:, Also, placing,VjaxneisgEJidgru'iviing.juintiag SSjgSK. lorrabss'-tini:, and piamnc C'lappisoarCs. v.,i-iw ,.«-/ u«t oc^i., &Í.U hut iniorin-i-ion rttJiuva to ¿e same, mr.y be obrAined. as well as of Jntiajt BJickweil & Co. N'iv-Ywk. or J. W, Scheecx, AlbUI7. Lsttsti of mers icejtàry r.-.att be post-paid. . . SAML^LB.SCHZNCK. r'.ir.nro Man. Aorli. If/44. ollîc ollSci PATENT SIX BARBEL 8ELF-BEVOL-I VLNG AND REPEATING PxViOLiu. GUNS, PISTOLS AND RIFLES. M.\TF.P.:a!.S ¡7ir Can Smiths, Gun 1-ocks sad p-ro of !>x-ic«. Gun «nr! Rifle r'ane .. Percussion Cj^s and Pffig, Pr,.».Jii- Fiosks zr.á Shic Beit«. Cones an 1 Wrenches, Rtbx R'-.^«. Worm», jtc. &c. f-.r sale .n auin'it;-, by ti Y _A. W pPfjg fe -.. MS P^rt^rees, nPHE TWELFTH WARD ASSOCIATION tsssretre ¡,~» Í notice,tmitth^y heve mar!» irrnnreme 's «:th HIRAM psRK"lt t" op»>a a (jind Otrkein the Twelfth V.'urd for fh« !»e»in/ and '.\:e of re'.ler.a'^, and t±-e ii »»«tmetit ol mo¬ ney on horil f.nd mortcace All r>*rson» de»iring ut la* or h re. Dun-he««" or tell, real estate it this Ward, nnet all re»r- toní desinri: to 'eirr.w ct lo-n money on bond and mortrnt-e. aw'eaue-ted to îivs DotiCeta Mr. Pr rset. with lagmmsul the bind The nffice cmer o'JJrlth STrsjetan Fourth avenue, w.-.eôî a re;:rter will b«« kept |,sr thn purpose of enlenng appii- cm-'t» ; r.rnrrctr« of Mon t Brtithei». 7 Na»it.u stree'. oppo- site'ae '.eü'x'^-HuUíe. Office houn Irom 8 to 6 o'clock P. M. . C.H. HALL, President. FOR FOREIGN PORTS. r~ F ». ' \- v-tV_'t TBS 1-r \, v -7-, táítJ-. '-'*--.. »RIA. I ,.. !______ .- i - .- . ... ., "rr !.»» very« .-re r_b_ ai» ¦¦..-<... " if earry si VV. 4t J. T. TAP.« i" ¦» »-. ig to sei . . , ,. '' -ra-| ¦¦ . - ' id. : : ' pries ... ; y«?vv LINE 0? IIVERP '. ¡\y K.7"?"-. ,ir--r'j, . . '- r I. T - . .- - '-ifcir ... ; ... ... < - .... ..; , .- - i- . l\ art fa - ._».. ¦.¦¦.. .- c: p i. '. . . t- v a«. ARRANGE! ;-- ._**_¦- :__rr__l .-.-.- > -¦-.- Ct » JJ ; : : ;. m . | eHei u Live ... '.!¦_'. , , . « «.] -. Sew-i »very . .¦». thi j . » i are a -- .; t! ." - ~-*tr. -. '. .. ».-.. i ... .... i ..>¦-. ... H -". ir.noo ".. r:-...ra, .-. a> .-. n Meters .Hboi .- \-... -.<.,. j .. ; ; ,. .... toi.'-."-'.'' ¦;.'.-¦. fhl I, apply JOSEMJ Ml ICRK .. \'. 1 - .I South, v >> 1 «'ES f .'..,,.. _. FOR ,JOB<LE fA.Kl.V OF Its »..- ¦:-»._ jfrtfiT'f- «-.;-._.: i- ¦ » 11'».-- " ','. ,.«. S___t_K.i -. . . t . i.r. '-r-ge'ai i ¦¦ «. . ftt ;-,.». - rth.vsr.snl bsl it.ee «t e apo cti" ¦'»..... IV je j f. T \ -'nTl. oi9 70 Sonta street. _»t M-iJen l<ae. LEGAL. B\. . i -.. f ¦: m.:n t'c.rt »r, n : .-- ., i- - 'n ;r» ..;.. - ... : attarl »..-,;.' ih. r a -.' i rotor*, that >n a. .- e>tiiaofWii am II >V»-_ht, ... I. - - a .. '.i ler.iert ¦.: .- ;.- l e _ | l i l se» i. ... e moi « Il .; ¦¦>: U Iicat« n -, due to h m , r. -. Ib r tale, '" foi his .... > State, he . .! y i ni -.--.'.'-: i 11. 1811 T. C PARMI Kl l'I:. .¦¦ loi i Bs "'.!-..' i>l. Pruj i.Esq.. Supreme! errby given, pun nit to the Statut» «tits i«in«t . that Iea of li iron : <-\ ta ..¦ . .. ndthal .. .-, »i ittasn- li: > ¦:....-- Iteatioiiol mis notice, and that the i">: entul'nnyï « to him y res tits I Ihi. S.te. anil the delivery ti li ir t.,-., , ». ofany property within ihi» State, bel g'ol r, thetm ¦..¦.. I any such i I > forbidden by lav» Hated Cankill. July 15. lUM -, IKI P IX LLUN. Attorney for attaching Crediior. IT--' _._ IUsjl i\ lint an 1er« fthe th.l »us. :i ,.t' n.. \. r \.. :. h herehy ru-entoal nenon» âav. -.» i .i i-t ROBERT BARKER, lutoi- Uw city i.l New.York, deceased, to ..-..' theaume with the vouchers inere..' ... ihesubscriber. nsn id. nee. No. :' 4 Washingiea » ofNew-\ ., on or boli-r« ibe lenih .'.ay of ¡l...-,.:.1.it. |i- ,' New Vorlr, the Cnt day ofJune. WM. . . - UM. liii'iw Ni.\<:.JVr_ IN PUKSC VNCE ofon order nf_*e8uir-_steoftheC cn- t> of .". «r-York. Notice is lieroby aiven -.. n'., oenons hav- istSARAHHARKi rl.lnteoftheCiiyol'Nen S/ork.i '..;.' p -.':i' ''i.'-Hill.' t.-:r -I»e vi.itcl..-.Hiereii| . . -, m : , r.e lutiee. No I . . . '. 'i .t m 'ne i - .. Ir.y ..: 1>- I ert. Dated New-YorK, the Kint dt J -. !»:». , ... W.M. Ha.iV. CINC. ' State of Sew»York, Secretary*« fr'.i. e. .'.i ii.»-. ' ;..¦.. ¦' I, ¦-;: T.i r.'ie SHrriif v< the Cnn*_ <'..'.S'icl.i :.---,, .... rre'.y g a -, in lai <:-.i-_ii r the I ue> m »iiec «dins tin) fini Men» A ; ..i ;- .'...¦:.:. ilia '.wing utile« r-.,»? to In elected, s.. ¡over i».» «.-i l_as«itennnt.ftovernor of thi« «''¦ .- rtysix I tor¿ l'r< si '. :,t acd Vlea .' ntof '»» Cn .-.- SI l'ouï Canal Commisami ........ ..,.. « y, if il - term ».f _»r. II Senn,onf ..-..- :'- -. . next. \ ...,.....-,..» jn ibe _Mil>iigre>eol u.it ties, lortb« T-ir./U D -..:.-'-..¦ is of the 1st, id, i |u »Van!« t-i I City and County: also, a Repte. s- ., . cr-_«forlh» FüiirtADhtr.ct. c¡>tita. .-. i. i,: i," h II lb and '.'. h IrVanlti the .. <i I » »-.ml , Ai-,i i». Representative intbesut- Comrraistordw U:,i nnsuting <.! thebthHthand 14U IVardsuftha s .i . County, and al'oa Retirèrent« the laid i'one-« kirthe Sirr>C»ngn»_iinnal/mtrict, cm ¦. ¦¦ ¦« M IS :i, ¡ru... I6»h and .T'.h sVnrtlsoftlia said t.'ity end County oi New.York .> - - lowing county fli^nr» to t\:': 13 Maniarrsof .'.-- nbly, Youn rshipef fully. r? VDUISG. Secretary of-tats. PTn HlPF-ii OPI [CE. New York. Augwîth.UJ«. ledpunuantto the .. oessl thi un¬ tan i.-j »QuiremenU»! the Statute ir ,cie wad» and provided. WM. JUNES.i-hanif Blhl C'lUntV Ol N'cv; >',-_. 03" All the public Newspuoey» iniheC«Histy will pobiwh a ¦.. ni -i-1 ei n . until the election and ih n land lafoi . ti'kii » ... _i;.;.,. they mai ilaiu before the Boa lofSurpon ¦... and pa sell ym« ¦' (»tutea, vol, 1st, I n. Si tie ¿I. article 3d-. -li1. _ auS lawtNSM. ÍN *': i' ;. r. -.: » ait..1 he Pre '.¦¦. .. ire ton _i. otTh -. daxa County Bunko Th« Bank .i1 Bnf. I I«..N ¦.. given p rsuniiiuinan l.rofme Court olChnncery rial« ¦. ¡âth day ol ..,-¦.... <i \ lint on »y ni il il ft nea . - il M al ul c .IttheA -.' li"'. I.'- toe' ..y.'l ft .T.¡.. n.inte ».. t;.:,.- .' !-l '.-. -. \| .¦:¦.¦>.¦ ¡nie i. .;. - , ...... II .. .i UujT-Io.svI ' " real l>et-i .'. consisting in part ..» *»^e,. M.. ^ .,,,,...¦ r.. j meats. Bunds and Mortgases. unusng _»...:. niu. .i l:..i.lao(J I. ibyti .. ilubb-rd. Inrebout (in ' -""'.a I.l ..... i a |S< -..I -I M..i , ,,.-. ... ; '., Prutl_-Tnybir. bpontand mT'.led»), uhio fora it S lid-Ä \ ¦> ¦- --i n ,i... -..i«, amon . « kich is n nghl to :i.* «nvay. aoc -i lit« ... ii-.ii-it-ti Ohio, a lut os t_ai «'.'«tt. in the City of BufTaJo. kc _.-. I'hat the nrnna of such sale will - i',-¡t m.», .,.,..; ,v i.i.eji. r.»Hirse to u.H. D»:.il...;' .:-.'.-n-. 1841. IKA A. P.f.'i-S'iM. , .»2 i:--.-: -. .i 't.- »..' Roffaa _a__ ll »VISE OPTICI 1 '.. FROfll -"ÎERM S.NV.ii,»». r .peeifuilytrr iirmsthe / .. .¦- Yoll rj-.d general, that ho lia cate- hir.-all nihis ilty, (Sí " .... ,i a large a-d m '¦¦ ..'..-. i. ...I. rilver run ml .... e, lo .»h.en ¦. . ... tal ..i,', p-iratoa Spring* ¦ a .. .,> b_ k-.»',*i«»l. - -if lh_optical i| -.. .-¦.-. :i .:¦. .; gin .-¦ '¦'.. -.r ary .'¦¦ ..... ......,; went e,^. ea_ Ix aupislied arithaOaaM illgre lly bea-Ucand not itruio the «,._t. Paruculai ! attention is rfloc il rspectiv« ground gl___ »,i t.ir fin (lint, v -i ..i --¡.r., iheir hieb polis« od *ru« . ghlj recatar -¦. j,- i...ureiTaetauponthttera furpn rviaf and ....-;.-. igbt iu c»n_nued wT'Ung ami n uling.. -hort-si tal .ti :... and xuchag have een nopoa-M '-.-.uir._- .. .. tie uuairulikew>-i new glanes<d I fntmes, and aidicita l_e osironaga ofail ,i wan oj : :;: c.«-. -.. p.II at -I'iY " I-'., tlr.'e--.»". «w tir.I*.y. MR. CHILI). ' ' i ».1ST. .»rjtïï r ^--"o ins ,-..»al tne neighborhood "«_ v .:rn.i.;--;iy.i - n'liri's lo '»e ro.-i- j. fu,-«.. iei a-i dís^a.M of the l-ij« a». ^¿r''Lr"'¦ t-~ ."/...¦..7 liis.'lii'«. ',* Vendara -.iia-i, lo'ir .¦ènST .-, .* ¦' rfnor» l'mm H.»-».o, ev ry ilay, - I Sunday eiot.-tc,: ler'ween the hours ul 'U an.l 4 -Iki« rele'ea. .. »-. :i ».I'cms'lia inott dangerous and eojinohc.t_d. n_d ! leo, le.1/. r. >../ n fr.^jr yean'duratioi itndmr Ui bis tres.nent, many ol t.,a_i fre. Qeenlly pn nou icta1 tucnraUs Mr. Child lever uid».-r' ,ke.:ic-...e ».lier»« ¡her« ¦« -o: t»J teas ¡ tu vxoeeia cure A.lvice to 'he f>,r _r_t i. » ..... ,.. .1 olí It.» Ii. Ñ -.'-I'; T '¦:. '¦¦'" '.' I'. " -3 M'J'r-iy" ai.e* h;« exclusive ¦.._ p>D-te-sdEyesnn< 't ilmieSurgery, .' u.'h di «re__i- :!.»¦ í-.ye t:- ii guárante« -, ¦. :y ..¦ tnra ntostght ,n ".;r- nfimpeu« ni v.i.on. Dr 11 is i.i,»i.! Frnñi ¡.'a e_per"»nc" t-m{ eminent -urr^fs, t.-.cf hi- .odeol .reaif».ei t is beti adapted to .-¦ ihed (Tarent .' tiset to -.»'hich t»-.-t» <leH> eata organ and ib appendages ra subjeot : such An *. Cataract, ftheO mea, Irin», Ecu 'i.uiu or tursing outoltheeyel i. Pi lb),Trichiaai. etc dec. *cc Dr. .'.I. w.:: ab_ i-^n Arti-Cial L¡y«, sad w i-ii-'ul'v ad;rjt them as bot _i t_ dstueuâbed from the aaturaL Ciisrr« ve.T m»%ier.'t». «J! Irr»* TiíE li EST STOVE OUT. " D0TTGLA8S PATENT" AIR TIGHT OiiKING- ST«JVE lot Wed '»r C«_, The proprietor is ci.-'l-- that im« ¿Mve po»«*«_rs ad. \.'.t.--»t over »Ü othats.. Tbote in v set of a rood r-' ve «re invited to <__i-t.. this belore purchasing c_»; ss- »./» .-'. »I wr.»/«ss_:e -_1 ratailbr JOEf CLEVELAND. At the < om-ed Stov« Factory. .10 VVat-rst. »j ko* s-rm-r.t,.;'.- ...-'.i ^ .. .j, j bun ogstreod nr cno-, " ive »:. mad« tl It.»!-.-. n. «r.d tii«.-*- in want <»l Sum .ws r n I invite to extmine aura« t___ntl>»forepureh»- '.. i and put up al inort cotiea.aodaii l ¦¦ ¦',<(¦¦ t .-¦ ;: »-.»k -:-,,:a ta .-nier, i y .'-' I-' I'.'.'Ki'Wi.ri.'X.l-:. .1 V.^ier ,t. cear Fu.Ton-, 0' v«t;-;ds PATENT BT0VE8.-Those In w»r]t <* I'srlor. Mail ..r Nurserys-ovef. will find ac».- s*" ".-inn i. ., ban 'r article h«v ng rever b«-<r, rasu e) f.lvay«°n hnrvt -n't lor-nleon usrens.inable term« err in merket ** wbolrsale and ..»in F II TROvvBRH-'GE. Otnuteed -'nv- Mnrnfae»e»-r.'j!0 Water«) nearF-"«.. W. »tj. MORRISON A. CO. ÍMP^RTFr:? and Deektn |n__all War--». Bo.9J_--J«-« 'tre. -n!Ml Broadway. \ Y. kee" ena«'»n'..v .-n M'.;!. » e.irr.t-'e'ffh':. ..r.,nt ,il ,-'>'-« ¡r» the "Tjirend end .Vcclelne, .¦_. Kc'-nc Y«r".. o Wonted, do on, n. Tntr--''"'t¦«. Zephyr Worrtad. llalrClotb. Il-ey mH Glosjsaj '.Vv'tRib- bom. Kuaaw P.-ni'is, I'u.-iteO-nemen's.dnTwist.r""? :",':*î07' Supcii.»r Uu'loin». Rairaairl I.sce I'm«. S-'k v* ga_ l»aj ton«, fîilt nrt A we Ihin-n'. O no» ..rd P"n«e». T.r»es «n- B..-»dtnu*. R. Hemmm-s ._ Son's ren.tue Royal »r¡! (./«_.. t»r.-.irk DrjIUl Kve I Ney^. ~_sts__-_ pl/)Ti;5-f)::ve. Brown, ...rete. Rlacki. Bhrn, »aa» «W Gray, and other var»etie«, ¡ow medium »nd no-, MJ» i by oW E. C. _T__s10H. «0 Beam-is-»-«

THE j COAL» I · THETRIBUN TheP.tamHot..A writerintbeBango attrihutee the prevalent disease amcrng pota the old n_> oí the earietíee, whichar>-in"*' « bv it. Hi; aays:..! have

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Page 1: THE j COAL» I · THETRIBUN TheP.tamHot..A writerintbeBango attrihutee the prevalent disease amcrng pota the old n_> oí the earietíee, whichar>-in"*' « bv it. Hi; aays:..! have

-¦ ¦

THE TRIBUNThe P.tam Hot..A writer in tbe Bango

attrihutee the prevalent disease amcrng potathe old n_> oí the earietíee, which ar>- in"*' «

bv it. Hi; aays:..! have been forciblywith due truth, that when? the ,-i"iu't. baa betacked with ilv rot, ¡ han been coafioed, wiexceptions, to :..-.- irarieties which have be«.paçdtfii trie. Ion:>«t. while those which bavirecfntiv intr In :«. ! froni the natural need, nr.-

as a milk-maid'* cheek The foci uMhattnrit'tie-s ure actual I> <t--ir.- -.« ;;-i, gjje, r__ lhard «.-.ter .-.¦.'. rj to bisao thepast s**_aon baa been rife with ail tvmen:» oéceasan to quicken the«}«cay j as we have bei i vieil » in futrtoaK everrenie to which oui kl« clin nt-i- _ubj*cL"

Sofart.-. the observation .: tl *r!t"r hitend«'!, the I lenaogo variety, which baa bi eu

vrtted ¡iv í-.riti-r?'..ir h Iocs aeries of ye .-, hamoat effected by the dise*««. _[neEan i I:..-, n :. ...<¦ Dot ßVr much, b<ihey it*;-.'.- ;» constitutional !.;-** bave, for some years, shown strong rytnptcdwa».'1An intelligent fdrrtvr of our acqii

fobomte. the. op.niun advanced in :t¡'- a ¦¦ ¦.

graphs, attributing '., . disease to the con.«ti

.slantir.i' of t!if sam» seed. He aays the iii,-thas become so fatal i. encta «n *<

ihe Eastern Stales that the farmers.i cell it Lutmo Cholera.1 TI »fan r f Nova rit:o:isahipp-d large quantities f this root to Bostonthe- pas; season, ¡-.is- loi x. been acquainted »idisra.»,- and c-tll it the Rot, It eeewe !" ptpanicular f.r.nï ; and Fometimes appearsstalk ¡ike runt, looji before i'.:-- potato has nrri

maturity, and on cutting cpeii the youojrodif*»a«,,- will i. found !.. i xhibit ilr" it .'!: oil cU

throughout the o--1 .'.- ol ¡:. At où 1er litni « h-ii-inpe?r will appear.Tier nie pótalos have beevested and buried or put into the cellar. Thii/.dication of the disease which the farmer rei

will be Iruinin olFrisive grnell «rr-ini; frutu th-

compoüi'ií.n. His only resource then is to n

tbe:u aü »cKiB as poeeiSIe a-i '.he distemper ininfect* the whole body, no mattei imw larg-:be. Tb-projrjess uf this diatemp r among lit .to»ii in .\ ivi Scotia seema'to ii ive been »¦¦:.-

siiajiuUr it would breakout suddenly and*.ir.ui lärm to far.1an c-liar to ce lar, |.. gering.ycarr, ai.t! then entirely -¡.appearing for a

Th- farmera supposing the epidemic was lo? irnewlirr« about the preuiiava resorted io ts

¦wurûng and c.eAOsiog ic-ir cellaris but to no t

At length the evil was discovered to L* a« e

above, in the c mtioual replanting of the aaine

Like all other plan-;-, the potat. finally degs-n«and runso'.t. The Novaäcot'ian.aow plant thelud thu» jiro.ure new e-i.;d winch du::.'g ine el

year arrives ut maturity und full size, a.ctjprocured i-i ;iruot ;i_ai..!s( the Ko: tnu by :iii« ;tice Uiey were: enabled ,o furnidli s^ed pot .It

»oroe of our New-Ecgland fanners for ia.t S,'riplanting.Tim distítnp.-r with this indispensable plant r»

not to bo couhncd to ihie si.-'e tne Atlautic, butlong b/ten kno.v.-i to ih-J peo,>¡« ni Ireland, w

potato-eating propensities _:e so proverbial. Ft .--Riii-iriiin from that country wp leurn thi18i6, lbs uj)|-,le potato*, which fur several Jprevious wan tiio favorite end moat e_ce!leut o;

nanny epecicie then i-i existence in thai counirv,hilnted symptoms ofdecay ru<t unlike those nlrr

spoken of, an. crar-ed to be a reliable portiononly of the sea-stock of the emigrant, butaald.rn purchased f*»r ihe more immediate use o

table. Tun rcault wan thai the (ormers discontiiits cultivation, unwilling io lone 11.1-îr time nnd

age. on seed wb.ori could no longer suoiuin the i.

ttation of the stock ; and ihi- in stiil fie cii-it"ni it

It w.)u!d hence appear that, eiib.-r unable i r ;'

posed to iuqitir»! into the cause and nature i>¡

ib-cay, thoy coin.' at one; to the r.iot of tho evjr<-jrciiiiit the diseased rseuleni nltoç,,ihrr. On

ei'j et ol pol '¦¦ Irish authori v in not so e


American KrfAMUh*.. "'l'-'k ».bout jnoithetn «it«.tmboats, ' b;id a Mississippi fireiitha other dd_\, "yoahaiiit badabilei bur.tfive yema. I: rinnt require no spunk to tit

gate theiu waters: miy tool can doit: buttakes a man, r-tranirrr. to ride ouo of these balligator biati« head ou to a sawyer, high pr«uro und tuti v.dve soldered down, fi!)D pnssigera on bot_rd, und every nnul cmlangcrtii !"

Passen^rers Axrtved,/» ii«-m «- i»A'/> f'nnce Mittrt,ft ¡ait l.,inditr.~R l.f

art. Uily and itrvaia, i»ln tdcCien, nb-s MnCiea. Mn .'I,my, AI McClroT.TMessengarand lady. Ali t__rli Kirs Ibou. Ml Chadwick,Mr Willlamtsn uud lady. Mm DubiN«vv-V'«.r-; VV V\ llonnin and lady, Ali.lhivsi«. Mrs« !.,iMr Hooper. Mr K x-r,. \\ l'uve. ¡1 Pnyoe, Ur Ion;.Meru, Manila'« Viuayard: -V M Ki_.ii BuiTalo,Cl'osvelHmton-9'in tbr loei -

Inpvkrr tht» Ueninck //»/i*>rt. .''r.iTi L&ni n .!^!-a-¡diluir« «.id lady. I. feguire Ir. Olurj ¡seguiia, i lautinurae. Joliu J PVnaer. T It lirn:;, an«, l.oi.d li. Ki_l-iCatherwood.N V. ßdmund Ualdwinand lady, ,s \ ..

Sowerby and L-.ly. London Jo«i_h Leckinand lady, I.don. Mi«f Am.a lurk. du. Mr« M Hennetl ^ d aliild, <i >. IIjaniui liana,, do Bo u AI Scw-Yoik, ItnUerl ¡irsinth. I. Muí in, i.'-i.r.' J liiiii. da li-.-nry LnwWm \ Thompson, New-, uk, Charles Lyun, Lgndou, g.1 ncerae«.In Lut r_a'(C shut /í.i'íinvirr, /V-mi //.¡ere.lieisrj- I.

nniu.ju«» Weil, Iriolpb Wei .. >hu V. J rfrey, Ji an

Maiaauay, Lesm Roadla Charles Gilpiu, Jcha ¡f. fites.Jol.n BiMrel. .i l.i.rt. impsM int. ih¡v .Vu. M (Vir;./;n.-:,.i",-..m t.'-aûcn.Vt. Au__!t

M. ...i...; I'.ii 'mi a.and _¦. ni .a Ueeiage/.t:is.sii>, Firl'ir.iuti from /.i».-r^vi)/.jlr .1 Etogcn, 1

J Uwtn, SarulCr-ssliy._!d »tcvia_«.


Oienred.ShipsQuebee.Tlaubard, Um-bm.Grinnell, Minturn _'

Roch.star, rtri.t,..i I, i- rue n. VV¦.. hull <£ Muitutn; Cinenattl. !<..»,.. New 11;leans .-¦.>. ton o¿ I n.¦: I'.n-.:... Ludia__vannah. William««-tiuioii; .NK.».irt. Preeaian,do, L'tham JtUimnn; Montréal,.no*. Bow.J At-in-,Bark»Iwanowna,Sbinti. St Murks,» rt Pratt: John

CM. r. Creen! ,iv. > ¦: k Sniilh tt BoyntonBiia.l .!i hvo-y U.a.d.o. Cuad-loupe. vlti \, .! : 1

c*i:,u.i J_ ticb". :; >.ui in.-. I.ik.. .-i Martha. NwaouiWa'.b. ttjni. ,it,M »ten, Wiud-tf, Ct.; \. m ¦_.¦-. hon¦on, ISame .m. oy masser. Kmpirss. L-wis, Auaiachlco_,l',

Pin,lips: Kim v. I'.' kin«, \'..: ilk, Uadgei & icca; t'tuniLumi. Banger, H.i-k a. IVier-

.-c .r- Itagulus. i' >ie. sv iimington, N C.N i- McOendyC..; Derawnw, roibe«. tVashiacton, H II Cammerot \

Mann, J.n-i«. Kewbsrru, Si L Miti n Ju »tte, Woglaniterslnit«. Jame» llui 1er; i ..ui ....... i". lUimore, J, hi ,...,

I,.ml,-i:; It-'i'a... Brown, ii-i tit» -, J .<t N lin,a»: OvosMgiiira». Bii"">iov. .s I. Me tlseu , Jt . . ; CssaM lu lou. N-

tola, du; J \V h. mpuin. sjshoi t«, Ni-rl-.». ¿ict.vs _; (.'le:man; China. Bailow, War. Ii.i_i.

Ari-lvesl.Tacket ship Ptnce Alben. "V'.r. r.om t,"nri^nan^ T.ir

:..>,.,: li sVptcniucr .i. ss ltd u.i'.Ir hi.a paJMB_Ct*,_I IsI.W«Mimuru .'. Ho.Paca-i .xi.' lie i.lii'k [lii-son. M >..rr from Um lin i.

rorUjiou'i, t un .-'eut «rith mdx>» toJuha Gnswold lu l.-.i-lou. 4" FQ.exchai .^.1 signala withonaof L'oli..t'« tuse, tu

nng rast.Packe. -îh .> Da'timar«, Funk. lu. Havre, ^<!.t. ID.h. md

.o Boyd k Hme»enr«.uii N '-iti Ttir.' in«. Dnintni"" '. frein I. adon, Peptftnb

Mut, tri» Downs the l-th. wuh / ¦-.. -su-, k :, n. .:.

Oo. Q_the3U:hull 1st43S6.luogS) {G li. '.. ;-..criel.>»»mnn a int VH..I Pru'.in lêll uvi !. .-i t, ,1 ivas ürowuMal eu m cu np«_vy i'r . n the :> *n< w lh ih p Cire .iau. %

teii in. loi Ai« Ur_an»; bark Suuoa. ol Burwall. lot l>.ionShipGun. Pr.-kshiil. Kowa, from Liverpool, Sept. iö.

...i.-. t» E &. t'. Anne»,dhii« l*arth-n > i. IVoodbury. ol Bo«on. f n l. varpool, i-e.

Ht, mdi to J Hwdmaa. t Pa p anchored in ms Uookato clock ia«i eveningSup Warsiw, Kawkuis, fin Livarpo.I, i-r".-.. xcz to Eà

_-»r ! Into-.rsbip M y Flower, Week-. c7 da'-s iro_ Newport. Wales,!

J C'»m, "on rail«. t,»"rder.Bn« t.ward, Uulklny.l days from Ch.rleiton. aoiton. G<

B-lkley. , .

Bremen bntk Charlestoc, 4. cs fin Bremen, with m.rs cr

110 pausangtrato orJerRu-un hr g A itivs, WoLia_d. 99 days fin O.esta, with Hi

»a*i i.e. loorder,Bent Marietta. CtOweli, 4 ds fia lios'.os. uidia to J A'Air.rsch Melalic. fni i'hoinx-lo .. .i>-

tJehr Biltimore. W«_lam. lV'«r>bcr-. flour, te J Hunt.;.Sehr Jan. Vat.,. Fuller Bstrpoit, plaster,fso.r A.tora. Putnam. P.1._elpt_a, _._L

Sailer!.(Thin* C-irea-Oa. Canto:-.: Guiñar«. eo»«t «l Airea: Prahu

Aatw«>rp;'Pr«3tor.. Neu- I >..-1¦.,. ¡'éter itv.tncit. aed \V_>.sey. Mob:'s. Rock^i. Baod« Itiand; Mcholas tj,._ t«. _»va:

pah; Casr!»»toii, Chatleston. l?i'<. Chenang -. S^vannanBctgs ,V__pioci_,ci li-t.in.-'i l.s.-.iiv f. .\.r¿ a..; ^.¦n ;.

<_.. (Swietockbolia: ''"am 0**bnnt_r,C_n<»_; Jon> TktBrilSt Johns. NF: Peter l»em II Sivintn.; Ju'o. Georgltown, _C: Emllf. Coat|m*T«n; Clarion, Wilmington, ISC.aoathf.-i _

«.;..>'-. .1. d_COei Ilth, lat 101?. lou 7'- ». r-poka s-b: F.-r .>. Com 5: D.

»go for B'"t"u-:.y theUen Pai-hill. nt this i «t.

Oct 14. !-' *t« la- -«>. sy.se Brthip Jss-a, 11 nad lor 1 on

don. f-n St J '.'.a MJ-kjuo:*! to be icportid.by the W a;

saw, at thi« port.Seot'él. ¡«.t (.*. i-'-iU 30. Veta.po. oí ilütton. Vcsyf fro:

n»v*na-byt:i«P'incc X.ljf.-t.altni» po.'i

Oct6. lat ¿7 e?i, :,m .7 55. (loicnts 3t Jago CI CtSwansea.by 'he C_an_.on. -t mis port.Oct 16.-0 r.ii-e- utTil"--!-";! Light, Propon-i, piiver. US-

ton, fjr >utii"fra«.let lO. lat 4115. lo.i f» W, a ship Showing Nos -4 13. supp©

toa '.' be Me« Vo k packet.U<t 3 1st 30 JO. on b_, liosry < Kinf. fr._-. Philne. pt a h>'

Biro.il «« "_Jul> _.Wrnl_ f o"> Vr.l.ri'-ieO. a s., p «ip;.'»e: -ne !-.,

phia K «>»: ». Bysiou l.r \'_ paraiso. sas p.obaUy arr.vet

there neiiiiay. _*_Foreign Port».

At Hull. Pep'. 19. die-tier. >ew Ymk. jisi arr.

Ai Havre. r«*pt £0, Argo. Anthony, lor New-York, ?i:r;Francois lit. A:_>wortl¡. Uo. Oct 1; VUleda Lyou, p-.^aidard.¿O, 510.À* -arbnd.a, Oct I, Get, Hammond. ?mit'i, f-.-r Alexan-dría. 4day.: raeeea Amy. li auuf, :r<>m B-lnaoi», j4 tan;

J P^terKiu. lor st Thomas, 3d..AtValparauo. July S3. Lnui<n. Hsrdy.lor E« timbre,'«w

t« .ys. bid _)lh.8er>mtt:i. M yriek, fur leeward tort.; i.l.Del-fcwai-' Carter, ¡jandwicn Island»; _Hh. Kbouv, Har^i-y. iee-watil .oiu.


Balea at dis Sic. k »:xcr:*ii«e....OcT..S.t.ciT-'.ss.'.i.r....; i- IfOMomsCsaal.Jl

, Y ft*»e6«, Ü. ¦'¦< W *>.... íP»1S.Oue d '»' I0*S M do. :

-. o. "-Ker.tuckytiei .H«5i¡ W du.......bî0 9

¦- ,- ink b il " i ûo. 9-- '.. M UlasdRri.M

adi í,,;- '.. S do..-.o-..-,!:.tí*« í Cu.b:ob;-;

Ai--.--»r¡'Tru«t. «¡ 3«J . -'<.'""

.h304-v!'; ¿o.....-'-'-.¦-... i- . Ja do .-t

'--: i ', * «.abura and Roch....1»!M . i PíSsii ¡-.... Ui*

.; .«. .' do.133 bs-,u. -

23 .¦.' \ " d. i

: íl 2i i ....

... -' BNoi vlchand Wm -t .

Ea» '-¦¦ H ¦-< o. .

W d.bi.¦-



'.I .relial! nie .

lo. '-

v ..H:. .: Bos toCo.13 -

,.....-..,. Fire Insu .IPO.- . .b30 8d

.¦. (i . .i"..

. 'ich.- ton. i. r

2*1.;.i otonCc.oí»-,;.. ültsx Sa uni po ..."-t.':?.

' "....'.. T .

'Trust.. 4' tu do.-.'. 75 '1. '.

.-¦ Lswxlsland .. do.

lui M- r- iC .'.¦ '.'.'". .'.' co.'".'o . :. Su do . M0S4 ,ri ..¦¦ i II id*oa i. Berkshire. »ÍÍ S3î,um«fcWor.....l39*. ? ¡KO d. . -i

do. 8 -i rio..84:¦> rio . "'. 0 d.baw El*.2> d. 7 aSStODisgtoo. f:Ci rio. '"»il 2J .:.»isi rio. í- '"tö rfj.bnw M.'5 Erie Hi ..opg BOλ'Thefo lowing in ü» efsterrvent of Produce and

nyfrcm the commencement of CanalBBv gation to the close of the Se *<'.: nfOel w

1843. 1844.iVal open.May 1st. April 18th.

... . «213.248 7* ÛSl itumFlour .bbl« tSl.tW 1.074.163[ -, ,.,., .bals rCS» 2 Wr-, .r .bbl* ß ISO 1- 31*4

Uh«.ft.s 81 408 BJ.7H« h» î .SI'.-T .Cl-'r . Il 1.17

í . ley".',.,....,. bu i;.;. MS . I 2 9 I.",X,..i und« 3.4S3 8¿0 t.WP.4

-, 1,*&m tintT;.*r*r-1 i* ufFloat for the 2J week m Octoberwere W.3v"J

bbl A'::- .'-- »hels: "1.7-11 bnshelt,'lhe loi « ni UnfTsJ. for be ttratwo weeksol Octobershow

i mnter.-1 falling ofTfrom :n* amount ree ¡ved daring thesame

pa .""-;- e folowiiig are tiu receipt* ui the first two-.e ksofOcI '. rfivesea on«

iwji :¦.- »O 18«. I«43623851 .'4 ..»:-..v3 ... SJJM.8S0.827,C23. bowing .--.'-.it rece >ti, with toe exception, in

Lhupei ¦¦ ..¦ in B44.

PMlatlelpsilti Cattle ttnrVet-On. 17.Off! g ¦' n "I 9 0 he f C iitle i icloding 120 i ik< n

JWw-Y. » '<.'¦'.- dCalvts; 50 Hogs, and IbOl)..sheen.Pnces oi n-e. '.- low. md the market dull at S8 n

f4l . I'ig'jud.and $4 ,forexirasthe 100Ito.snout159 hem s uns. Id.

reísn'd nt ai*a S3\extras £3».Hog.Priées rai ged Irom i\ ¦¦ B4Y. extras S11* the KO lbs,.-.lie p n.o»tlv taken al I I., a S3 each¡lay.Go d fiinnihy ¡n t or r qj'»t Sin bacon'« tne 'n ;

>':.-«.?. if/-, too t'-'J lbs. Straw scarce, and »ulo ut CE u 9~ Ü eill *n)nii..».


ftird. Kairfield County. C nn.-JAMES BEITS, thePu'c, a1 ofthe Wilton Family Boarding cchooilwhi h hasits n id un ¡irruí r«*ei tcon.ph e.l will ...move hi«S. bnuilo Stamford, Novi muer I«-. »! tre he bai reeled a ¡irgt andcomntodil tiv iiuii'l r.g i presslj Ssr his rvhooi. furnishing «u-

peor LCCommodetioM. i'<- B.An mteiview cm be hawrh the Principal b) calling on th-s Rev. D.Newell Ediiorol

I in- Chriktisnl am 'i Magas tie. >üt¡ rsra«.sio«treet, oi ftev. D.''sil Editor of the iiniii-ii Parlor .Maesxine. and H"ti»r'iM .-./.. ¦¦>- Nawaus'rtet, Septemlier 30. «'ctohei 1.8; 17,W ".; 89. '¦'¦'¦ an 31, and altoe rculart u: unv trae '.b.aised.olBiiw»



:' Ill IAS b '..'. forming his Evening Cbsiçes foit . »,tm Uruouway. Tbitnevipi «I ico for tbese three yean, and hsv.

to bose-pupils whose vocatii nand-"<.':. bai coovin «sri lhe in-

' naw method. It hashaenthor-t.sled, and a« never fa cd tu eise satisfaction T;-.o /

>' lo join tit different chwess. will please to ca». tin uinliei in each class will be limited,

1' ...:.¦loot m Gnu 1er 7 P.M.

Pf_&S _

ü>IHV >'. ¡. 'ION 1.1 F.C. ScharTei Professor oil I'..m Dgand Wnl'x'nc in all its variety, would respect«fully ¡nil mili* Loi . Gentleim ol this City that heilnow ¡ira celo c-'or privute instruction in the above ail«at In -¦- e ceNo. 177 Punce tt. near Sullivan.SeJu-ildayi nd evenings will be muds to suit the conven¬ce ol hu PUplll

ftlr.S. will «tteod Seminarias, siveprisosiielssi ins in classes. residence of his pup s or nt tiie A end. mi

i» Ladies il Genii men who wish to make up prii \' a -os academy.

ir funlier parüoulnrsapi y a* above. .jlSS-.v*V/1 VI.E BOAÍtniNG Hü mi. -HEMPSTEAD SEMI-«?t NAHY..NAIil.iMU. I .N.N. A. M Priompal.-Hemp. >ad. I.. I. -oi i. braucht fh« railro .!. ül mil.nBrooi o The wiiiiertermwi I cnmmsmceimtbelst clajN ¦. ir. 'i'enu9for pupil« under 14 $1X5 e year-, over M,8150. IC*- irculiut nt.'so. S Ül alfa U il.ieir. U. Tne i'l-hci-

ÍÍ x¦. :..:¦'. ol-l Zw*

|7 "... LADIES' BOARDING ANÜDAVSCHOOLJL Mrs. 'i vi.i-.y respectlulli informs her natron* anit thepublu thai in v. II i open bei :. runary on Monday, the B>! September ¦¦¦ ct, orti -. i, references, Jcc. apply a: net

roil l-iuev. Blee'-ker f-t. jsjójiw'J ». tRDiNG FOB BOYS.New Imni. SemIf nary.Ct..Jon» Obbors. Piincipal.Numbei ol upihliniitedP '.«ei-'y-'i'd. -1 '.':¦¦ yeai Circulait can be o!

.--.I. .- We1», «lo4 Giand-stteet, John Dmy'7 liiv. -...n .'re,.-. .-,iis l.urtlam,S Jaroea-.treel DSDon

i . -. R Bach SOC noord-street,Brook'yo. h*¦-....- i be seen at J)u9 t'earUkUeet, sshtre circuí ri iIh

lamed. o4 Im*I :::. m \ .' »Y SEMINARY-Scienltfic. M ithemal cal

: I ion ol ¿1 .v.-«.«.. ». i.

n itondoy, Nov. lib. The cu-. .: Instruc'ion .-

iii ruuehand p.-uct cal. Circulan, with testimonials and re-'. may be .".a'! oi J.ih.i S. Im lor. Brick t. i.j'ci ( iiapel,orolthePnncipals. S. H Win iLBBlDGi:.

| iij»yw- H e;. WOODHttlDGE.

TiROi Ki \ N CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH PELELTi» .- 'il '1., No. 7., l!ic».< »..-eH.-Thi« Sch sol will reSpea

Iwith its ¿nil Sttssion on Monday, ind of September. 'I nor.ou^h Instruction and suh.iu.iieii pr. grr«« <«wure<i. Itelsrenceto patron*. Circulanwith lenes and othei in-.i. rmaiimi maybe nniaine«! of the P icipal._ s

" «. -111. AND" HALL.A FAMILY BOAUDING.» SCHOOLF " 1 «.Number hniiU iitï .-..

o-,'.-.i ¦:. \'.V.; ,1 ... ..( f¿ ;-.. j ij m'l «i'ui.i

( ¦¦ LS ir >m Newark. Terms moderóteTfce/îrsi S«hu -. :i - new »uiutiun will openon VVed-

n uedes lhe immediaiee reo«[for the last 3 yrart Principal ofth' Bloemfie/d r.nr.and

Ctassx. liAVlii A. FRAME.Pno.-ioa' an Pro: i-i-i.

ParttcutuR funuehed <-n application tu lha Pnoe pai : r :;.:.:'r- « « '27 tNI*


ii~. BunsTiivAV.i ixh'KRor McaaxY-sTRiaT.rj'lU. IE lustiiu ¡on lo impart lorongh

i ::¦.. ping, iviniv.i «li p and Commet.es, Uni ..¦. lify Gentlemen I r the practical dutiesolifto .Prisai imtruction is given ifrequired. Room»oiMM day i. t : ¦:

ia~ ve oben of the Vc-raiitil« Library \ttociatioa arere-;. ted ."¦,' to the ibranan :¦: Clinton I¡all. who willlurrisb tickets ol admission <..;..¦ er the n:r cgement made withlh i ..-.i.i ;t,\irr* References may he had at the Academy to r.-okk*#,«-

er-. Meichai '» ^:..i I ii«. ¦*¦: have Shmtii siudenu iiur.r.g tselast :ri.' \e-.r-.

rt5- For sale Jone»'« rrineip» snd Precttee of Bookkeep.... sve *j«, hi. work it athspte«! m the first Academic In-sti'u'i.in inthbc entry, li is -ilsu repuplufted in England,and exlensieely introduced there _ol 8m*


Ci C. "¦'. .ii-> i. Vccountaot, respectfully announces that. hit I lurnns '.'..'.«. No. M Cesltu street, contioneopen

l.M.ui P M.In the »I k-keei . i.'.ugit by Mr. Manh,

.'..on phi leepi m -'. er, sai ets set... --. -, .:..« dinere&t business

se; hs becomes htm liaiv ne the ««». with all the lime

reUtiagtu . ..... balance she«:'.». %c-"iint>e calculation», m iulerest,

¦i . \ .3 ge, i.e.I .- ec irse 4 i¦¦«¦ uci n a penoa .1 good capacity wi

boo net ipetenl li..o*-«ceiKv. and will rece/io a ccrt'ri: r .e s taught in a class.MERC VN I LLE '\ RT1 ING .A thorough csjnrse of pro-

gu-K. ve - 'urs. ..¦ hich *» boI edssctinxa valuable im»,.: uremeat Spécimens ofaOnly me.-ri.:..::e Itylemay be saor-,a' - :. .«

I'r .kn tu«.--« v».:h urms. hours, te may be obtained atuieroomsttc] a.iJ svening

C.C MARSH S WORKS.The Scianrsj ol Douh e Li.lt Llnok-SveepiaE Btopfioed,

Uth -.«. lion S00 pages octavo; p-icesl.'l^e A". ofSing .: Entry itosik-Kseping improved,ode-i'-ios.

19 pages ocavo; pnco75cccu.For sa'e a: thst booksto-es. and at th* roorai.Mr Manh .tfen h3sirr:c«5s tc opening, closing, o: «.r-ing

ap -«oi k». S? t'edir street, up »tni-s. «âY"

TWENTY DOLI.AR8 REWARD.-Stoksnn the -olt>c- «sr. in Broadway, frontof Trinity

>«»»->« -'....en, a >My horse.li hiinJs high, a&ou'. lüyeiss«1 S i¿ \. c '. one hid t « : white. :<3uur« dockeo tail a solam ..in wi...:. wi:1: kiiiera r>,«x. troemen ax'*, in the wagon| - .» «. fivegaiion can. two paint pot», .-. Lu/TsJo ro» o cturuBo tn in« «mita, an over.-.»«', and umbrella. Tbemaninal

..-ii ...re t-.k-r. lhe prop*::? it a tailor, r.aC on a.. ;¦».!"'. and cap Ten doiir.rs wi'! he paid .-or:."* recoeai)e' the property, »adt r i'o!iar*onro-'\icu.-n of thaL«..ef.

New.Yorl -, '.-n^*

,¿\ .-.

'»' ".'.'¦. HANTS. M-UNXTFACTURERS.DEALERS.1 S.O.. ». i- .'.M-i'tK .« .-- y au'Rotizeo ov

" ' ''. r* of the ben empapen of most ofthe* »m ibt» State. New.Jetty. P«ioxtsyI»-ania and

"¦ »» estará Mate», to .--ce;-, i sdvei: t"H * :. s teipec! - ¦. ,-->r».

.«JTorded ti tiiebu'ineoeornmumty by thisnarioa rtrougbout ;.,.- -,

: ,-.¦: ...--.-..-'¦' I e r...

pnuogPhe term»arm the i:8»>-tr.sP'-'.-. may b« seen r.t .: i office

. » ill he cr.«*it¿i i cji^r.he re '" --..¦ . ed

\£T~ tît e >«.- !&-' Na*san -^ , i'r.^urie Bu.Mirtrs opj ^» reC.'.y Gt-il-i.t ¡r.eC'salQft.-'._» . ii"...i

AH. WASHI RN, "- ¡-"s-f-t.^aa '.V'i.shbLrt:.,'WL-!:li<ÍV. .^sp.ci.-.i i¡- i-ii.rm :::«(net-. « sind custonsers,that ... he*tai-n .."* «a- and spacious Store,... 63John »irv-t. Pet«-..,,Wtllian uxlN >' ¦- «. and :. in dooa ir-tr. inee..-,:,- ,.i

\\.i. ». - .- .i continue the bos.R«*iof a MerchantTai.o:. Qe would sJwtntorm rJre-Pubbe thai be win bas«eoash lihroobai* the eewest s'.yis-->¦: i;.«hísoI all .'öm.-.ption» f ,r Ciaiirt.-c'i'» jrni Boy*» wcr^whici: »ha be made up

¦ a'V-i -e .J.". a: rovod Lonooumd rarwan tc^es, axd war.ranted u» fit .

."..-a ..-.-.¿n ril .letir citliano ie»ve uteir orsers wrji a cer-ta.a.v ...:... -'jx uursptiy and ftituiiily ixecuttti.

j au72a»


EXTEîSIVS WATER p '.'-. iron >::.*. es .',.

VALUABLE l'K.V.V F L.-.:- »FOB SALE, lying mi.-.- ,-. C-j:.'.y. on _-.-.- R_ naro luv.-.-. _5 miles ''on '.

ofNe- Y-rk. the New V -. lErieRa n iLOr_-reT_t_-.- andBaactpoI rsr I .-¦ m r- isn the centre

tnetrae- Thewaler-power .

ay extent, sat ..-...-. rea - er wftntev»: ¦¦.-.''¦..

_.._.. ...¦--= M->

r.rvrai.. ir,-,:i -nines ,-¦ Sat qnalitT. -¦-: ne- '*.« :¦ '. . af

.-..--.¦.:.¦ Part ofll nake excel ent r_n__.[_e laxad ,.-...-,-. .- .--¦_. itnoea

part oí Um -' -.,-.. _ .-.^/.ce_ -,¦ -. 1 tea :. -. s '¦ at. and

vj Pit.» -'" «:


; - r - »tbs V-e ..

i ; :.-. - x-.

A-.« .' Nyack or Havensav» ot the i oc 1 -r

g at No. 42 Crv an._ _

lu COTTON PAC -Te«*--A :.

-, ¦'. V.'i .-..-. ....-¦. >er, fen

r bur acre eg he_j¦-. - re 1 ¦:-,--

. oats. i- ". . '

iteorderfii. ¦¦. ! .-¦ '-'¦¦

...,.-., ...........

.¦-.. ed prices and on easy ten: Per««; ..

arty trille r '¦.....

,' .' rou ci

grifft -'.reel. !"iir_____ the premis»

I'' :l; S M E.*. ¦' -- ! -..-.

door. -...-......

Lj ÍOR ALE OB L.I-iirr-_ '.: .¦ loi - -.. .....

J_____Av»__e. ind Ein le ... Jersey .u

- .¦..-. .-

i FORSALE..> Lolleffi.IL......... 4 ...'-.-.Li .¦.. .*...--- ceai -¦: -treat. t_ey ¦.. I -£___

:---.-- '. >, Broadway to let. ¦. i' un ~ -..--.

i-,¦. «-. -i bu.ine.aor M.-r ur

3¿ *£>j\ '-¦¦¦¦_

I ¦¦¦¦2_''.Ci'' ll.s.MR.

r"ö, .'lit r-s LK.'-'i:.' <-!.-"..' "';::-- ,;' ': v. ¦..'iH-.w-.V&i/ N'ew-Jereey. i ¦"»-. K _cres._-ol «hir.-i uinb,2C.W00 and Umber- be n del ¡tf acres .:» cl ,t

T- .: rhe greater part is newly la .-

n~t rate ä«_Tt, nod in rood lance libos rm..':i- rville Rail -about

i-.i. « Lhe 'I ».* n&nd IOn the ..¦n. ..¦..-- .-. at -».story ...¦,.-.,.¦¦ at.

rooms.a pair ofmarble mantels, cornices andro ms above, a larra krtcosn i_dcell_r, h .:.:& ;;.-.rn undotherbnildingslOufëatt long, ttgood -..-.: n 1er, and a large.».liei <<_>>.«.<,_ , .w ,-.- .¦'.,_,..-.,¦". .¦.. .-. -. i-

(jr:cs CWera.good f_r,¡a¡i _nd rr._rii Bruit ( :" ;¦ : ui kind«,and every convenienceto make sechst mi i .>.o :'r.e

Kgyn ¦:¦ SALE. »l '.

Vytr'hetownol ISrs^ikhaven,SufTo (islandj m. .¦ " oing the '.. :.«. and Kai road, ru mi r« ¡ri m -

'. .':. m' New 'i .-!.. known by 'ni' name of Wamoc/iniaining 3.9 0 acrsj». 100 ol which are under cu uvaabout If. arre» of large timber mostly nsk.Jying v

u niii« of the Itaiiroad. Tin- r^xnmde« 'a ptirt ofwhich '- es

oellentsoil knüv.eil adapted to cultivation)-», covered el Hiw t:i it. ., : awtl from 4 to9e yeare' staa - '.' «v af¬ford .e..,: nitsn toral Bate . ante itoekul sheep eighti-;' -ot'tn.- ys.-.r. Theresiontne pretnisei.contirc _tto

t-.c Railrnad, n extensiv, b. uf* n two lettolme lur'.aee, sui'u!.^ i.'r t.'.i nc Sncka, with di the matenali'pqu-s.te :n tfie immediate . '. i u rt- "n tho

premnescn i.t of two small D»'( ling Hoi .-. ¦¦ fi I''--:"

i. i\e property, d r soon, will be i

erthetentire ornrndedintotw. Far-s, m .-.

Por Csither information «pi ¦. OHÍ« VVELKS. Emi.._¡ Uba ly street, S'ew-Vork. or to the rabsenh-r, a: his rea.-ínr-e .n H.'lv.'U-, .xr.-l: ;v ::. L. i.

o. In."JAME. ¦' '.'.

í"Rj»¡\¡:-'K ". D FAEMS F5Î S^aLB-On« aec: ¡'..-:

¦JW rpnng. Long IslanS, ISO acres,. milaa :-4.- toad.one ,-iíar VVaatehcatsrVOlsxa, lCdccres. ¡ -r.d _r^nc» from

Railroad..tin .e. the City.Will Iseoicbar.ged forCit7 prnpertr. Appl/tos-i.m''_ ':. BOLTOf». ófct...'--n". ch-traet.

«ca. fN'K BALE.A vpt7 i.-i__ Fart . cus id on Lor._«SVIsland,only t mUes bom the cilyol New Vork.cun-.n...¦

'"¦-"¦. »¦¦i.e.-. ;... r which U in a I ,: state ofenttiva-¦¦ --t.. nd 10 of good heavy ..;:i.P<r: 8 good Ulchards, gooDwelling l!ocr+, nrw lltirr. cnil (.'>'.v nuuse, si (I u '.veil ol r-..

cel(t»t Hitlwaurr near the door. (Jnavhalfthe p-rehasa moneycan remain on boi'i and morrease &r » number ofyean. í'< rpsrt.ulan inquire ol HKftltY it I «A IK. No. :.- Marsnallst .

Pr uklyn. ..r GAUNT t LiERQlCKSOiN Is. .-o-.th-st'eef.New. York. _»11AT PRIVATESALE-Two l>!'",fCrn».n.l.e,:c'i_lfee!'?

by llHUeet. »,n the north e-.-t i-.i-.'nrj'. t!-e Inr.l AvenuearM Twenty.eighih.tieeL, with three small Hoi eanotheconvr lot, A pump i» befo'»'h»i-e lou. Twentj eigh h-streel ilpaved and curb end gutter set: 4 leet in. ot the « IIlaid v..--. flagstones. All atseitm int« -.:.! ti r-. : -i :! ; t'i« t tietndisputible. Partnl Hie purcti.ie rr.i.r.eyc:-.: remain on bond

irtgnge. Thentnatk-n is gm»d. a public '¦'.¦'¦the lout nf Twenty-eighth s:.,.f' For fariJi-. particulars op-ply u, AW l'H< 'NY .: BL'-'ECKEK _. cU.

ol4 lw .No. ' U*"0<! itreet, i~:.r VVsll street.

rpo rMPORTFRS OF DRY GOOÏ-5-The adver-san willX eich;!-;i- n i,:.:l ( .ix'ije:' 11 ,.«.-.. LutSnlgl ..:¦'. ¿^ .: .;

titUhttd. about u e and u halfmiles North it'Ui unPlae«. hai¬ring a splendid view ot tliv !' .threei Ihegreat-- :. : tug '. lead c 10 ¦¦.-:.¦,. ä :.- i. .¦

the Omner and Knouirer i.rfire >|

AT Pi IVATE SALE.Puitah'e foiV *,'.."'i Stove in goosi irder. ivitli ornnmetn irel

for two sida pipes. L'an . '...... « iiiheolBceofA.M'llt'sY.I I'.i.i.l-. K..K tCÜ.

olrllie v. ', |t. :... .¦?, . IVhllst.

_-tt BIG LET.__j TO LET.A rna Roonj on the-d : nt Wn _43

J__JANTHONY D »IV ". >- '.- (i..fIwc .'-i' !¡

MA »eSIRARLE CtrTTAGE RF.««IDÉÑi POLET.On the 8ih Avenue and 51<i .¦..-.¦ ¦¦¦..-

¡Ó K-oms, n.": Uscte's ¦: ¡' i¦¦¦ es, tinlshed in mnlernstyle, will, marble n ntcls, every rertQ.itelora genieal family ; Use windows dim p->¡ the : mwh .reef Venetian blinda. Att»ched a - oarnage h.i m and¦2. rden. l liesiiuai. n ia health) anC :¦..'. 'l he Knicker.'-ejK^r sîiij.-»*« con inuo Um -r .1 a ..:. i»ie h avenue i't- ihe(' :t:.a. i\lso, the MtuihaUanvillestages leavethe C. y Halievery hour during the day, '1 r.o -et low in n..,."t- .».

Apply on the ptem>«e», i u> »IOTT .?. Kk' 'Tn«il 3,posten ol '.Vetch.i Jcc. " Nassann. Pnaasainn gieenon theBrst of November._ ~

i_. Tn i.ICT I.C.V.' TO A SMALL P Vi-ILY.-Plea-fifefif sun' aparlnienti in .-. cent?«-l 3 itnry II,¡u.-» ii¡ J'tnr.i at,JÈaEL Inquire oi n'.MKl, AOwE. 1«3 Fueon.st ..)

npilE UOVVAKU INSURANCE COMPANY maks in.: turanee.esainstlow< r lamngebi fir* ..¡inmlnavi.

t ui. un -s r.« favorable .-.t ¦;-¦-¦ -thai -. nilai in ::.¦-. '. .:i

'Capital, taOO,000_H3(_ce, No. 64 '.''.- Iittcet.DtRL^TDR»:

?.. li_v:-i:>. : debil H_lne_, n ... kin,VVm.W.T-ÓC, i' W-Jiil-r.::!,

J.PhillipsPhanix, Wm Cniieli Vt: Hig C. Tucker, ft I.. \v ¦.. :i«r. Fs id :-.-:.-.-.

David Lee. J. B Vnrnum, Henrilij ';.r L>. \\ oUe, Michael Hnlrii in, P«mi i.. Kevins,

üJv-.i.: a-'a. rlAVENB. Ptasident.

Lrvntt i'litt uea. 1.a-.'n-ir-___'__'.rPLUSIBERS: PLUVHERS! Pl.t'.viPrv: .-¦: .'

icriberwookicatl the attention ol Plui -»rsandthepullie 10h perfect unie.i ol" Tit Pi .I'd Lead Pipí,ad hy -.n entirely new t r»«.»s Inr which ha has tins mocu'ed lauer» l'u'.»-nt, which i>:."..t. the '..it-,.- ., the .:.:

»r, evei perfect platei four» 1 ..-

Having attained treat perlectinn in the - ..:-.-

i:.-:.,_ .m..:.... Lead Pipe, he ¡»«.a! di n_ rihissupenc:ar*'cle at the »ama nrice charged for eomi ....

:' ,rhy m .¦..: tosplit, lie. ir.'.'i a :'..".. ¦:.,- ui other U-tparfecperteci v ui rra tl sknei

a - on hi ... ilarg. ickol a itint 1 '....

!'.-.ie. which can be exan .......

sir.-et. .' I \":.-.;.'.

HATETAL ROOFS, '-; IE INTE1 .:¡JA !'".! FIVE ViEARS' Wl H fl r» ftJUlLONGER THAN UI?0AL.-Trs«o-thi«. vlco'er-tii trii's with -.-':.:"fr'ncn they guarantee to ran» 1 water t!_M r:< s 1.,

/-.it o_ t'v iiietn. Tiie metcj -. -¦;:.- nil cannid-, ''-:¦¦¦ b>3 1. ihrinkmgotssvel! ». 11. I, y: yy tbecontractior ... expanrinn a the n ¦..

The.t»>l]Qwing gentle.en have hadthar veiling houses aadf..>resir this nry. cu-« >..».! by _i'._rwtn:.. ¦-. ¦- .;i"_ctio_;

llínry Bnevoft, Esq., Mrr.!:. of$u> _.t-::^v ._.: 9th »...

.'o-_ i. S-harn-nhuro, Es.-.. *..-.. .'.1 íi..-:,:wur.!>: nd Austin, Sùsq., er. ol _____n plai* ucJ vViDiatn-it.} GretJii Peur-ro. t_<;., Marchants' t_;__r_\, '."."_!;-<_,Geo. H. Itutler. Eso,. .Nu. r! .N i-arj-i:.P-.n-.ù Burriu, R>r.. . Broad ...

Kotieaisgiventà.tasthe ¡,n;.-iiv.-;_*.-.: s patentad, au cet'ni: in the i__fe-___ngtorava?raot< i:» tr.u .r-...;;::iers'p.isi\i .¦'-.-tin w. rj ¦¦-.-, m moderate tern»,¦nl't-tr_P. SAVi.t'l «. O'.TTand .VB»-.'-;'.

~t u ¡J 1 FtîREST TREES..Propásala t-ill !>c re«rJ\t\ M »i!>e unnen'gneii.u 'o..tro ci lie Twelfth VVs iA-usciation for furnishing ..000 Tree», to be sel utl...'.inert spring " the avenues aad >::ev's :_ the l__J-w_rd,l/vnl'lar r.ill « ::R- _._dc:

Elm, ?ofl Mat .. Alanthus.Sycamore Hard Maple, Catali

ll'-ri tr.-e to -e |_ t_-r In hiebt,and tn measure at l_ut5inch.cireumfrretice . fret Irnm the ground, and to he.«

.ature roots twefcet from the'1 e proposaL mutt itau tha number and kind of trees thai

tun rx-ii'plks; : ice price pel t ee, _-.: vei 10 t-.-.-.- .nwnienl(-.irti.^n tne N-ril; .-.-. E:" Rivers, svithin tha l*Ji A'ard,:>e e_t er u> a« de.roated '.;.-¦ pnce ar: tree ¦'..: -j un g thenr,_t on the side walls: _n ._.-.! the iiru-e thalwiL bc_.-_rjlor gcara_l_eir.e each tres liva one year.

I All person« owmns ¡r.njs :n the 12th Ward Jong any ¦"'.--s-vc-n-rs i.rcroí-. meets. Ctmtous ol coôperaang .theloiprnverpaat will ptsras« ... terto than«danugned. stntm. the number an.', kind of ire« ,-.«y may cetire, and the pHfev.ri«rv tr.e:- with then 1 anted. Th. un-ricrs.g_e.lwt:! in dus timeùifoRa Lhemofthe ;:.ceo¡' thltrse« and poc-t cf _ie^ dt^cs.t.

JAMES niK-TERMAN'.' :ji 'C AHRI 1 ..'!:.


\CA.vD.-T.i« iu-ecrib.1 has npeoed Botines- A¡~--;st the t ity of K'<bv»:,-. ar.J he _jn_cr, ;, MareiuEU

! r»l_n_fti(M'-rer«, i-wmers of P.-a. rst^it. l-..i nhers havVn-bu-intsii .a :.-e VvMtarn part o' 'he «¡rate of New York h"ser» ices in relation I« their bu-iness _en«r_l!y in that part ..

I the State, and esp-'ciaily in secuneg a^d »liectuig Oenuar csuie-fj-.ending nrd rellmg Real l>Lr-.:e gad ..:.».- Prcperiand in m.-.t.n.- ir\.strr.erts. Bn-i-e.s intruste,-! :n _:rn ».rvce.ve protrpt and cereful B.ention. acrl hi. ensrges w- hirensoniD* Ke h_i han eip-.-ncnc« in _!erc;.'.;:;»i a-d oih_¡busiu<-__. »,ni ha» an ext«i_v. acç._:_t__ee :_ tbc We.'»--par* c: -heri-ate.Rocsjists-.. N Y.Ctetnber 8.1-11

_SAMUEL HAMILTON.NVe inrrlja'jyrecnrTimecdi.ixrr!. H»v'.LT.'«^ of

at weu qu_j:_od lor the Ageacy _e_:..:.c_ ¡a _. CardCa__-frl0.1f4CTnr«. ii U--h,-.:-r U.-v-'r.M'i-; Add IC Car '. rl.); C.T

Am» en.d. : ; ph '.--.. . ... t«ic ;»Clark, do- EveMrii Peck - - eM-th-vs. _..: I.u-herTuc.- -.¡be VietaSi"'°'.V C.^!' ^e-jSoatCn .N.« \ -, ». HirtaCo.¡1. |îyv,i Le-vut,*,; «eadbr. Poeip, fc Co : J_k_

.:- .

E S3 n_tl _^«_«^Ptop_n__ otthe Flour, aadtbö w-e.*batio prododng rtEvtcr as us., in .^_ ,^.fOJ.NANT'S PATENTYJEÁsrthererarrercan ¡»-arood c_.ie for hnr-n* .Í.... __..t a.¿_-M^_,%_£3í _^-__,nt_v__:

Cicr-.t-ry- an.i ¡fS bread t, B*[^ :.'; Í?«_d--Í-.if.i-i.award.ahenotpeft_-.it - -c ¦._.."..':¦ "!'.-» Y.est tod *al_»'-tc» art not «xacUy right tKsco. mr_mode ol r_.<c. dcanh is by the tlam pn«4 ofviniZ, ¿'-ntr

........_,., vi___- ,,&-1<-«teañau ___ Nas»au-ttrveu.

j_COAL»_IC« < SALEM VEIN NUTCOALT« smsll 5:it*.. g4

I Ci. r>»' ton..reacn Orchard. SchnyUau. Lehigh. l,acka-Wana and Lrrerpool i ".-.'. daily dsscharsmg sad for sale bythe cargo o» ring * v.r.. cheap forcash '. ¡(elnrery, by

BENJAMIN ü CO. .'..¦¦ [yleefc Mape*c rner 1 - ~-Ldm and W est-st

ptrrDespvea Post promprii^exemiied._s-" Im*s VERI lTÖI EEL I OALv-T . mine: um will be1_« schi i .'..".-. fe» -i.'

" '¦.-,->-. otofsa-i p-iiorLrrerP '. On* Coat. The abo en of vary large stxe.

-. rirl -- -- expressly f«-r family useosrett market prit* m left at erth* ftaeyards.

fcTr ." -1 . iternrect,oithrough the De»?<iicn Post, wi :. led 'o.

W. a T TRLSLOVV.;.-._. .; .". i! hcrtyst.

--...¦.¦.'-.-..-.«,.--- superior lot of Y. icvck St Halhlm»i -:. "- "¦.' )' '-" I'"

-. mil parr

IRD&BROWNE«i '.v .



,: PEACH Ol CHARD? .'.._. >.;..., a cowd* rertflg the

- r-r:.'-"...' »«***»..,...-_- -: .-. ' rgestove

orStt'veand Bel I: ¦' f r.,S B S -. «de" ¦'-:..«-. retí .mm

'¦¦. ' - .'

/ - ¦. ¦.¦.'.'; .....

rifo stir l Oeil.* rrBi«¦.-.-.;.- - .'

ce'«liées ..-.-."- '-¦

.,.-..- -, > tivmgstew day* Bocee .' -. \

.-¦'.-¦I ... .-. .¦ .-- raej ¦¦ Ordert

.... »jsg» (.ffjee. No >¦ street,or ihwi i* iPo*« will be promptly -.-.: at the

aars piT STOKES f. 107 Anthony.

._ -:. near --

tii ¦,. in.- c ¦¦.¦. i kind«

s. «util lor domestic and manufacturing purpose«.:¦..'. ;<i . -- wi are w m.-.kir: daily additions, we ivou-j

.iiv.ie tr,e attention ol consumen tnereti.11,.- nock . onsists of..'I ».-;;. 'a PEACH ORCHARD, uf the mo«: ip.

,. ¦. ¦. -- -:¦ -.-:., Lev -,..- ISaiem-; \SH SCIÎ YLK1LL, oftbs Bread

ns, nnd'-. Lehigh, LsckaWannt. S ;in.«r. Virginia

¦i l.Kl.Ml.L k.:. J S.CK80N.

'.> all ttreet, vhcra simple« ma] - «ew '¦ 9 Iron, and\ (X¡ 5i .... -. -r T-- « !¦.: ,r., .,-, jnd «mossi». andcorrer Pe .... RnseHill.8 h-lw, :it^:2i! street.IOrde.- t- lerPa yaaem*rnHE coal iTi'i''r. opposri e i he park-tri-1 BUNE BUILDINGS.

I COAL.Of the be»t Quality <:¦>... '-. in Und* and sixes to«ctive uses, fur sale el c¿-<'¡ ?ru-t.-. .-: ISO Naiiau st_

r. Igl)01 ": .m:.. ,-.-. ,. Ash hnylkill, Cannel,

¦. '..-..s. ¦¦:.T A;.1..-.--':;-.» ','. ¦-.-¦:¦ Newcastle,

.-¦-..m.. !'.¦'..¦:,&c

'. P.«,T.MEñ. Saseaost



\TBVV-YORK DAGI ¦¦¦¦ RIAN MLNLATURE GALLE-^.V tí V. corner, ( Bruadwny and Fu ;. n. er.trt-.nce in Fuuoti

.¦.ie corner.wn-r-may r, turn iniiiiiitiiie, wnicii

C,r beau«7 of color, tone indefl U can at« Itimesreo mmeod'. ..... it superior, nre equal to any thai have

..o- tuforetaken Mr. B. does not chum mperioritj (¡it.. .... -.. .. to the criticism ol a just and n

who. as well assnangers. are invited to calls'theG'i er». reg< ¦. elsewaere, whether liwy miendsit-'¦ «.'r''.

,i^-ie>«ei in all eases warranted to z¡>u sati«factinn. anir ..- -, n .' beautiful r- ir-.i:^:: ^n.-i n which Mr. !t. dees

nty, it being tiled by a itei »n prai .'ti

r,r...i- l'i .-. weathc/slrom9AMtofrrM. Instrucrefuily given in the art. _^


« ¦.- ... the attpntwiiyifdcnixen« and s-renger« vuiungthe city, to his splendid cnll&rJon ol I sguei entype Purtrail»,» ,..-..¦; L---ops îiotn 2 T i» penn on toe tame plaie,\.i, el foi yandi cur cy ->t Delineation cannot be surpasred. Pottraitsl iken iniJ kinds oi weather, . ther with r

witi out (Le ci in, the price* of wïieh beba* recoced to tho»eti'i-geii ny tu-m..si intupeittncedinthebusiness.The Arneriean Institute :-- its late exhibition awarded Mr.

Wi-, »the Fini Premiumfor«hebe« ItagiierreotypeLikenes»-oi. Itor grouping nr.d general eifetti which is butanother ¿rm..to ths iui t iontj oi ht» Pomrtits.Mr. l>.':.i:e .¦ n le agent in N« w ^. oil: foi Uis v---r superb r

1 imported German Camaias. and at no otherettablixhment inUieciiy or .t.-itecantfej benbtsined.

:-.. u..Imported GermanCemeia*,aào French and Ameri¬can instrumenu ofthe very best qiialrrj, with Plates. CasesC tmTcals Polishing meteríais, ttJc

.Mr Wnne's Case Manufactory freine 'l-.e isrgett and mn«:

extensive in »in* l'nite>l 5;..iiu«,fr is e;na! .it-! from theqnanotylie imii'ii'i'tures. to «eh Dnguerreoij pe Miii Liure Cases, 10|».« r-.-l low. -:li,)i, imy ..-jio- I..¦!¦¦ -i^ .n ¦'-'

t/:i.-, PREMIUM DAGUBkKEOTYPKS-PLUMBEt DAIirXKitlAN G»LLKRY ui» r"ATKNT Piik'MICX l.'uL"REPPbotooraphs, ¿M Broadway, above Murray street. NewYork, awarded the frrtl. premium asd h'C'ie-l àsonf. lor

American an l Franklin ¡n-i are*, and Stiver .\lcd.u at Bot.tint Jiliir, for tire most beautitul colored Dtvguerreotypet evert.-. ibited.

| Th.tablishment '*. j i«t !i"en gren: y en'argeil and im

proved by UMs addition ol nearly ine wh.,ie of the 6m doo:above the street, and embieces nowno.fawer than twelve te«

parafe p irtmenP T ¦.- t«': pun which fhe hu mess is con«rivicted ituuiv» Ivnntuge .¦ are i w! re els* to be metwi'h; i no therei rrn bai c «rays

le : being tl " fir .- : .. .- .r.'¿."" t'of i'. i.-tiii.-.. !'-... ' ¦¦ ¦¦ .-.-it -.-.. t-i«.-ii*.-i ¦-!'.- blitbm. l.

-!..-.. .-.;... shea list Mr.i was the first svh'iintroducei e oi . tin Dag erre

ivpevuriraiu; bs wil beteen By :. « work«, he he.« i.r.i:^.-.'.Ihec ikiruic tu thehigbci ..«witc. inn ye' eiT.-cie.l. lie ree*n»i!thai itpromium lastyeai.bul *«yearh*prodneti«n*wire

¡{to be compared v.tl :' he has nr.iluced now.

V\ htmwe rememl e- tne ghostly, '. [¡I - i...rir.n.umt »ma

gtvstn uy .fi- ImasÄi type pr tys* before color wasianucr-d .i"il te lé'ii--i. «s- cannot afford too nrur.-i oraiset'Oh?an twho beides it&i hht time aod g»niu«to »neh agloriotni oiurumatii n : thetwhich we behold tn Nu.^. at the Fair "

lAtlii-."Ptol. P'um ....Ever; bodj knewsthat this distinguished

artist stand- .i heheidofhis rutestro in this country."I'r.it 1'.i.ir.b»..This celebrated Pb-togmnber hrw Ions

ti-ri rig-, ded at tiie American Ihtgurre." i.N Y. Herald." l'h» Photocrnph of a Inay. or Prnf. Plumbs, is tlie most

beaiituul .. i.-g ci ene kmt) wenave ever seen.ol8 Bm*y .T*ili»r.

HARDWARE» MER1CAN WROUGHT IRON BCTTHINGE8.-TheS\ tubscnbsn have recently ci mmenetd the manufacture olwrought iron Butt Hinget a tin c yofTroy. Theyareablat supi ly len loi i ni « and Pi w !«ooi Berts, urn will sonnbe able to furnish all the . red :.i the mitke» Fromlire commencement ni the businers, one f the subscriben hajh <. enr ced in it as lopetinteodonl 1er the tenons manutae-i'jier« ..* ':.< article. The isver,: ...r -;r¿ risproriimect.« madeI./ him in '.he machinen '.¦>¦>* bronghl the bgsinM In its pte-sool rnparative .late of per' lion, u-.i ti.ey tnerefbre lee!abletn reduce nraelei thai rum* ¿¿-n »int. aw orden to thoi. ..scr. -i, u. i :'-.>.':. v.. ,j pio-optiy r.''enned to.

tu îm* K !.:;..'. i. ', k LAZELL.

i'^ifrifírxr -. WARRANTED CAST-STEEL EUGE.. ...- rOoLS..'IVrealgenuineO ter'sToob¦"! -« een ooly be bed atQ Atrorney-street. where


;.ey ...;i. 1.3 the/n:e uiiule ariri unilhed -.vi'Ji m»

b* bane bei rs can recommend »hem :ai at Georg* Brigg* St (Jo**.S P ¦¦. i", ::.!... Tours ...rlereJi , on SÎ 1. "-le. BtSSFUItOfl -:rî<t. s's.p-it--l "t'uu.-e-." :r..

not my make, and aredesisned todacetve. Minearesthus: "Conger,New-York, 23 Attorney s::«:." A liberal

1 i era. :'.--. --v.: :;.-..

s-'^-rii-'_JOHN CONGER.i.« ..v .-i Lt. NAlLb. ü' lie.KEMEYS. BRÉESE¦~ rsAMl"^' 'N, 11' i.rie.r.i ¦¦:, »'. SucCMsnn to BOOR-

J. IHNS1 »N. « \ iU.S ä -Lu., cava on nii-td a ;'u.l:,. "it. .¦. ni

sh flat and square bar iron ; Rnssisn old «able do..'.:-. I tunara Iron : American do.man iron, -» te >í ¡ncn

1,3.161 «j..!¦! tb«.«aehapes, all s':--.

s.iifNorwetnan and old table lisa,.- idaadtcTi Iron of all ùec

; toi -,' .-.ches'pikes; English *rr :: ;-.- N;.is

-¦ ,.- -: lesson.Btssthenigc t\>.'*»'^ín^p, tul ilzzzu¦-;-'¦ la ip, warrai 'e-i

--'-. üerman Seel; of various«tamps---.-.' -i se » -,'..:.:,

Bunt's Axes, a ".:- rlora tii r.N ':!--- :. r. can ^!-.eay; :-¦ Ó;.......¦.¦...'. subjee! to

drnv.--: .n-^.'.-r}'

HARDWARE ( LTLERY. EDGE T " h¿^¿. .-Ihosuï.iïii'e;-. Im orten and :.¿.-:-' Daalen in English,

L'encan aro-, Amencr.nHiird'viire. CntJery, EdgeTook, rsaiis.I Shmek, Spades, etc. ice ..,r?r to country mercb^nti andcihtn, a fu! and complete assortment low, for ca«h orop-prove«!credit. OSBORN & IJTTLE.

! sl'J :m*_"S Fulton street. New.York.


TRAYS, etc.".¡"ITU.LIAMSa RILL.IS Maideolane. invite :ne tan.. V 'H.1I..I deafen to heir stock m NEW GOODS .nut»-

ovenuig, con«T»tira. ir: pen, nfthe followingF as ¡-.vri TABLE CUTLERY, el K t^rs and other a^-

ten.C n.n-.>n £>lfTip. Si.ig. &c, ditto ditto (varióosmakers.]. '« RUTCUTLERY.A complete asiortmeat ufRuger»"

\\'.>.:e- holm's, -nose's, be StCK \'/.' 1RS.W. «^ S i> .¦-.-.'., £..;«'», Sugers', Wustar.-

-. i Irooke .. ¡'.ar:-6r'r, ateSCISSORS...'- notedmakon.

PLATED WARE.Cash m, PaskeU I mmunioa V. are. Oizà ¿s-.ickî. Wütert,

í. v lèvres: style*.Slreíi uta l^rrv>n Knivei and Fork.«, in sens or re:

¦¦- Knras. <ec.JAPANNED VARE-Fir.eG'-.thic. Sindw:c.i. Bndçom-

, en Tea Trays, '..jeLser «»ith a greti '.i.-r.y of far-cy Hard.*T"t:»i_ii '" '.'¦'¦-.:'*. «bey ofrerai the ¡iwt.i pr.-es. <ú¿ ::

TABLE t'rrlEKY---^. Bi.tn r--u t :m.-.'» supc-ior''.'-. .a í'ü'1-v. far '.-;e -t the rnenufactorer's ^n.:», bs

slü _JA MJS Uf_F.KF.~' '¦ V ¦¦a^-.r 1-r^. no ra -s.



^YANY.ey. fce.-e ..re many who have been cheered withi Basa, laerafoR) -j: »S trie power» o'" the ¿em;-

ins J.-iEe*"« Soepireexagrerated : .-t such give ita fair trial.f It is :ndt\.¿ th« mut stngulany wooderfillty cu.-aiiv» jrepc.ra-

t.onsever t.-.h?, z u_ itto ^^1^*». in Id«, V. te^om orcevc: ÜB lüCUnig

Pmtp'ns». Hlitchei. Fre-tlei. Tin. 5.'û-pi»w.: Sah Kheura ««eur-i-y. Erysipelas. BirDer'i lieh,

Riagw rnn. 'J.A Sires, and S,irs Heads,Br. arind, it i* jia«'i so.:» has done sad still erTecu these

cur-i. G«.t n rro vbere else in this cuy.or yoa willbeiwin-i tsi^tiiaeonntirlêit.bot at ..-.* siga o:' :he American Eb-. -i. ;. :. -haire^tresU. New-York ir. Bo«:o.n. at Iteddings. 'r-srrec: ZeUr. 2 Lecker ß-ikü-gi. Püiiadeiph-* ií¿: L r .'.':.-xTr-ei..K-'«.«¡. -.._ ^27 1 rr,



Ar-l otherwise :=pruve arnl resile: i: - i^iendid orsamea: toyyjr. jssi«.. ,-c: the

Low prtre or Titrée Shillirif's.O RADER íes mí_í tJirea skilline bonis*, tnat yon mayl T,XatÄ« :"-: ta* « not foe tf la* bait ,-uxl ugs oí the day

V". ."f «".>".>?",> '¦-.-; : rr«..reihaco,-.ce.»lv.B war¬'S r-str.efoliíjw:rsc':r ":'..-: It wül toree the bají

'-'í,'-',>' ¦¦' *-^o.N-.turi.h'eadeilaairt.-i er.ñv s'orjrcrLcttreScufi ..r UancruiT. asd mite i.gnt. redor

grey ß ur :n.w dari. F ..- rL-inng tne han seft srd lüky. ^T ¦¦: tceeos :.».». [i i> irj^. « ^ ,.« »írjononiixaJ, yVt ,c-p«ri')r.*r.ieie mane;t..r f-ehmr. It is crw.p-r than t.-e i.-ltf.c r-;: oair o .a. and it will keep tfce hair m or.-er wita one are«p .-. .tviceas long us any Lihgr arti.-ie ¿.toe,

.'-..i-P'-r- , r aahilhnn a boOJe.«t the sign nfi.ieA-encan r.ig.e. 82 Oktthan street, New-York : 13^ PoJtoo--Fm'*1' "xi'yn : - Bttttr-sBXast. Bourn ; 3 Ledger Buil thtgj.

BOOTS AND SHOES.VORIN BROOKS..L the _n_em__«_. am happy to m-l

_ form thé publie, pattK-hulj -S? =:".rtrrcn snri S_e -fconie gwie des rou» oTtrayi mg a r» t___» ordm_r«reej»_.eiegiicc-a speed, nthtmn ... i-s pny-jcal, «xerooBi.that ! i- fully convinced :!.. : Brooki - Ea-ific Metr-ie :"-.-»*:''._. .omentos any uBdeverjrth nsi idaelorei ¦'..' »-. end that it __«.very -susruury »tn-- u:'u-ü W...:._- fa! reanii -. - -'¦ *.*¦ bE""- tnt*_ t

-s past, -¦ Jked rn p thousnad «ifl»..«^hundrvt». but I must sir 'hat _-»._ «p_____S ? .'..'<¦-....,.. .-.... - BS__aed_r_-_-._odatuwspejd.MlAdrea«- .i.i.--- __ m-«».««! » .-'r.iX'rvttH-Lcnroafcou-e w_ .-i. I -m m_t«_«d is. to a çiy'^-"''^--'";;L..._- ,,.- ,e-.¡..-.i7 _>-s---.-.-- r. IStlC MetUiCFrUII-Boít"X;-.rifetureT ri MrVLORIN BRO. KB, No iSFu!-?,*,'.'.- , rood tonoae to .>-¦. wminen

.--._-: :..._..- my mind svna-il..;.., ,,,. ., ., ; a; ama ich

-- ic Shanks. :-- rh offer:'L_.... -. .: .. ... hearty

_: aNNAR-J._¦¦'¦,^1,k> 1.1 i s«, _HU__jTl_A ¡ Ut.* <-c. T -,

CIlAJUl__LALNe-G »LDI'HWAiT. ï-_r==i-rsS.havealsrgi rT-î/T7 E '"'-' 77/.a til J .'.A-, SOUiHKRSf AXD HTV TR.iDE,\_nd_ree--»-_-ir rsn-erring trocí the Menniaetnren. Cheat-berlai ;. <'c .*.' «- o. ii Uesti n and A i: 0 »'d'hsri;; _ Co,__ts'^-wor.:r.--».r., "r:rjs fr%«th topplies, consist]ng of

Mens' ,..-.: Boy»' Rusa, .i-:.::' ck pegeJ Uro*«.-.Do. do. Kip and Call do.

do. Grain and do. thick negad Boo_L» ».

a Ct f. :. -: B ts!>o.

-, v

r re'berwmía tr..-:.-;. bei --.-.s in be Boot andPh-st ...«_¦-¦- tiene:i.'.--.--, utui : i appi »ed endorsed notes

_{__f* -. onde on ng nena_ -« IVr.- 1_ A.NU »HuEtf..-Th_ »oosenhen I

__» aren»»w »upplyicc th r» with :~ ._.-»-.-.¦. a .¦::¦¦¦¦.. :.«. lie« can have :. aada

tofit the.I ail .¦:. it the ;tr-\.i -r

Long : .: ia-.-¦¦-.-:¦. .-¦

ÎNOLA RUBBER StUlfcS..lU.uWpairemb igaci- ,.: ..i Men«and Wemen's ne:ivy rl.ti-eil an.: p;i'!i with afew very choice M i»»*» md C-i-tren's. i-rs.-.le by tbeeanotdoxso Moil of IbOM r- -i ur- ci the hunous U U bnutd

rti - C.__j_i'.'KvT. n. ti\Y. .-Ms.-.-« .,,-...


i B-TTS.IS.. . one dour £»rt ol .roadway, keepBoots and St «s, in».:e :n tne

ui»,«-!«-Ji -at- style .-¦...-- ..'ern'i. N.B. Mad.eacriot and tr-.-c. r:u ivarranted

' x».I t

LNDIA :: BBER SHOES.Thesubseribeno*.C^_"_-s >r ta'« the large»!.hnent of Inn»

t. intl .-.. .- -. pan ol Mess I «th:... ers. U. -.-¦¦. th athersolo». leather. na .¦! beets, ..' Ladle»' She»l Kubier

Uver-r-'hoetwiUi elasUc-u :¦« L» es' and Mis«e»'Buskins,ob - and leaüiei soles; lined and fur-trimmed i.'ubber,. and

I. :v land in tnerough.bv the ease, doxeo. or »ingle... reiher with even vari« ofmai ufictiired India Rub.

in ..-.».-.'. the w_j bouse ol fjw Newark, N. J, la-boor Factory,53 Maiden l.i N. Y. _

HI it HINS N it 111 NYON.

._. LADIES* '.Al"i't'.' S -' -' G« tenof vartoceS_3-_S_de-cr.''::.>r.-..Irijrn-e. ..._- .Snj -- promise the.i


.- --¦ ».... .. .. ... .._ »-. ,...,.,

tsl :..: .. o any made in Broadway-¦...-- ¦:. IT-. K.I tl

_>lKJLrlCÍÍNÍ_.Í2[TALIX)CR'S (' ,STi IR OIL C '.'- i Y i * highly an.xl proved ol as the !>r>t mode "f sdi-mntering this valuable..«¡¦cm» to children, .. .. the äste that theyw... r.-...'.... e-.: whatever . given "»: It n y be used for


Pllrk«.r... i.-.i j .'... _u ,.:..'-",. ¦.-i,|#u.w. ....

ranted t. :».. nanyelimaU n. -ac-'ve«. _t l;-: rir.t«e.-.ch,nrith :-:; dir cüons for use. See that the proprietor's ownr.. me .'¦: teat a the engraved wrapper. Sold by moat __i_-g-.sts in citie. nrd .enar,! .'.:¦ hruu.bout the country

ill -nn-d»

D" R. SPANGLER'S NEW GERM VN REMEDY for theSah Rheum, ar-d all enrptioot on ts*. -itin, warranted in

e-.e-v .-.-._> t., eure . -i:e n oi -.- .-t: i It :.\\ ashington Pills, n vesetable i on pound, for purifying the

!.»:.!.! r.'.re vVholesale and retail, by.30ire« _-A MES HOVT. '.-4 CnthMine-st.

«t' 1 í i i _'J i Whaiwi oi tmuison wiu. a

.3xl/,In.'V.rie«l_-./i'_ire, free from Coughs, olds.spit-'. -.- )l Biota). Consumpuon, Bronchiti», Wh-oping Cough,.i "-:::.:, I) tT'ct-l' BrenthjOC, T-'li:iii_ or Kisiiii! in tn-Thro.it,I.ÍVM ¿omphjint, ._.-. RR SWAYNE- C0_1P0UNI)-'¦ RUT OF WU^D CHERRY irajrbesnid f <"ir exrel allother modieines. Only prepared i>y DR. SWAYNE, N. W.irr^r of EIGHTH ut RACE strtret», PHLADELPHIA.Agenia.Wm. Milnor. M. !'. comerol Broadway uni joini real; F B. Warner.206Bleeeker, corner of Minerta street.a.-.d R. A. S.-in»ls, i.iu.rch i.'irpen-ii.ry I88 Kowery, comer M^prn. sTreet. New-York; vV. ii Wood. M. I). Hi-r'em;lv.c:'-e ii ll:irr-or., -TO nt.isd .tfe-\ Newark, >. J.: JunathunP. Hall, No l Union street. Brewer; S evens it flushing, -iVVashing-.i rtreet. iml i_.i»-»m & Steven, No. '-'.ü Wasnmg-::r itreet. B< »ton : '.'. '!. ¦"»' "'*>. Albany, N. Y. ar..t li.-.cx.»fc B'-'i N... ZJA Riverst.e Troy. N. Y._ _all 3m*

.;!,!.i;:vi: and uvf:\ . . I'.II'.R A.<ryNTSHINGCITBEiirTiY0Jsi-P-v**5ElCOMPOOSTD SYRUP OF TAR AJfl) HOOD.YAPTMAU .. .f'iitL.spmrm*. May s, l°-14.Mr 7_wwon.Dear Sir: With grataful feelings inform

vouofthe nstnaithing siTec'i »i y.u:r n.ed'cine, -hch baafiterall/raiseri me from ileath-b I! My dbeaae. PelmnnaryCootomption. hna reduced meso low 'h:.t mv phy-iciaj, prorn'ii.cci rnvcasehnpelesa! At tbi« juncture b-¿nn t>._s

.mi- medicine and. mmsculnu» rut it mavseem, ii ha»e-oi.- > alth. after e«ery thing-isebad tailed.

.;.. eeUuUyyiiun. WASHINGTON ilA.'K.v hai otto tireet, uye George ^-r-et

The nndarsixned. beine ptisonally acquninten «nth IV. .-.Ii-ingto.i ''Iiick and h:-»t:ir*-in¡.»,. ueai mil .« '.¦ th«iul"'iis'"nrferfK-tfoflho.ana's Compound Syrup ofTar, and the truuiol the :.I>-vj _u.t«n

SI .'i.' i.VlN'N-?H._lflNonh'rhirdi :<*..U t VID V I' K'l-' -r-. t. Min"n.l s'.~-'HUGH M'GINLEV. ¿. £. on; T:t-r--.nr

¡.nd Fourrh «:.-eet.<ïr> PRTNCTPAL OFFICE. N E. eornçf EtbasdSpmea

itreet», I'r. idelphia Pnce ; eenti .-. í-.tt!íPorsa *yA.P3AN'lfS_;CO BJ3 Broadway, crjrnee nf

Cnarnbcn stt^-i 79 f-Jtoa-st.; 71 Eott Broadway. r»tce .-anta._-33 am


/ ¦-_ 'S,-^^'_-_.f /SCAAPÄ'S \ K*N/ACGUSTIC OIL! ! ¿Mj/l Tl_. O-lli ct'S. fc». j VVV.

Â' ;.' v-^. ---r_i.j._/ Xv'i«sS_¿____2a___^_-ir5-_^_í^^

'"jpîlF. .isle,: »_r. ttrttx rs_r{_r_Md by a..y .«>.!,.¡a. IlX cavor ii.. .-

From '¿e .-:l_ny IJaily Knickorhocliir.wggrr Trot. June 3,1844.

Tha :; 'r err.y tl:»:'. I, Wii'.irii -enks, ernprietor of theWast Troy EUehance Hotel, havin« l-«c-¡ .flic'»- witn deal.re-.. ;.. r.« ...: lor the last twenty ..(..-..-, end id the other forthe lust i ear, ... '::a: it .a« im-ô.abls fnr me :.' beei thel.»i-:-i: v.,.,-; ana, after trying varie remedies -.r :n.-at im-provii .- my hf^.i-L- in the east. I ur.-i. ¡nducad u, try Scarpa'iCompound iiusticDi fortheenreofdeafee.<. anditi. wiüig'fcit.i: t:. til :i .n «nabled ti ît.-.to t!i.t ¡t mis perltictlyc-itorf.. n.- ¦¦¦! :¦¦:¦:. and t .' '¦ ':..'-.i"y to lee any personwho wi«he«for irf r...-.' on in rtimo '¦. mi.m. at my place

I taWestTroy. lYlLLARD JEN'KS.09" Prvpand by R. Billt and«>'d, »lio-ssale and retail.

I»/A. P. D. KANDS. Iirurgist-, Nn.79 Pulton-ttreet; _7_i.r.._.:*..y : ai.;,. .: .: Broadv ty. ti im

CjEB-INfi'- RF-iTi iHATiVr..".,: in.-,,'.-.".|...»-:ccelt-iT*5 brctad .... the cere -r DYSPEP81A. NERVOUS AF

; FECTIONS, DEBILITY, au-,-prepared and sold, whole--lie and n.-t_.i. ¡>y the :opi -. x u b' M -rn.y ., It muy.._, be obtained »ins .table Druggists andApothecaries-»ix: J S in --'. tVilliam ,:.: P-ushmnJcCo-llOB ladwaj ii \_toi House; Wm. Burger. SO

..¦,-' and .:.; .',. ¡t. j. D._h___. . Fulton ¦..: A. B. Sands fcCo I! :'- --.;¦ vid Bands fc C».., "7 East Brnadwuy ;'<mel MirKT. .11 r'»':'.iin St.: J. T.irranf. eHrj Greenwich st.; G.

I l ol ty 351 Pearl ; J. !.. SchierTelin, 111 Canal -t.; J. it S.::--.- i. Ii' I'...¦..- ,i.: K. C-U-mey. 13- llowsry; Ii. L.

Lotto .'.' 0 CCI- .¦

Agent in N_w_Jts.£.R P.VJ lia -i. iilli -Mr..! i'.anlem*

RICH'S ;.:!.. -:.:' I'ATENT SALAMANDERr-Ai'r.-^ :. ::, -. v..-'' ::, 'irv .....! thief pn,.,f.

'I hi i ¦!.'¦..'....: ee ::; atas from -.mc-.-! lh< in^ait respect, blemerchants and others in ihe city »f Ñew.l :.».ins. eetabl.hettlie:r lire piooi .jm,. bey. od all iloubt;"Tne umlîr.i'ie.1 have thu day « itnesaedtbe trmi ofovof

Rich's mproved p-tt_: Salamander S.fes m the t'urcieeoithebea B rd."The d ,1 was laced ,s the f-r.iai-r» at 10 m:pu»e« nfi_r 11

>.'c.e » A. M. _n<( r-tiLime,: there t.itee i,.Ur*. eontaatly ex¬posed to t"e in.^t iDtens..- ncci th«t could be cre.-ted oy ;he u-a*ol ;; leb rineaod cottonwoud. It wa. then taken tu the ttamIof Mr. Rich'» aient in this c.:y ttn»l opened, when inry foundthat the < ontents -ere neitner l)i,r.e«l r,-r icorcheii. and thitttti-.' ,vo»»d «ut- '.ure.-.i. appearance ol ha-..a. -ee:i exyo-s.Ui fire.

l'.:e ur, 'e.-«-_:,nl are convinced that l^:, -'-.:.» wi « -ubj-ctedto greater :,..' than c mid n»-^itil; es nut the burning of ariybuilding in inn c:»>. however combustible it» contenta; and:..«»>¦ then :-re .. .vo no neti-ttion in »aying Unit K.th'a Sate«Rreetninei.t;. >cc_m agiuut the r_k ufti:-.-.u.i.er ¡uiy ctrcuio-i-...--« er.t.*c»er.New-Omjc-SB. I_th 'une. !!.-.<.

lei meß Ballard, Masterof«tasa_r{ttaBird.¿i. ,n lluey, Fire l_:p-. r "I '.', estera Mrvr.nound

[F re Insurance Company.The», t\. C-enowtti, Joseph Grant,R. McCregor, J H -

-i. C. Laüatt, Benjamin B. Cook.'.'.rze B. Brunet-,

0_* of n-_r cu>t-,merj ».-.s-e.! í_í;.(OJ in t.r.t of Rich's ft.,f""í,although -.he bcrzl.r h_d i:_ or ei.r.; iiocrj to cry tin »_iiioa_1e k ck.The i-'..ve ^s^^î ere mid In this city rnly h,7

A. _. MARVIN. Agent fur »_.* '.¦ítn'-.'-'efíirír«.'35 yc_3:>; Waur -rcst

rpo ALL INTERESTED ¡N __n.CROTON vv'XtER.1 JENNIcONS PATENT CH9TON FILTER..'i heCrotoi! WaPsr rond.red pe:;ec:!y pure and equii to Distilled

j Water.Tnis r^rtaole apparstu«. sot larzer than pint nteasure. can

I be read!1/attache-: to p.ay hydrant or pipe conveying witter,tad will yield e.tteedy stream of pertecüy pare water, ecuiito one hur.dreti galions per hour.'tüore than «coug.t for thec.linary ssan'sof '.ic lar__.t hotels. It s.i»nit.-s with eouaJCt-r_i:nty a_j de«p.«rcn all the animal, vegetable and earir.lyrr.ntcr lound, íes- te of all pos?i'»i- precaution! in every dis:--imung chrinoe; o: _wCr_t_o, as the testimnm-Js ofthe follow

I i.ig ern-iect ?hy.ic:i!,i h.-._ Chen;--) ofthe City ofNew- York.wno have tettad :u __dti at t_a;r ewe housí-, eoc eoaclu-t.vely snow:Valentine Matt. M. D. iJarcei Hirtwr, Jtiyor of theAlex. E. Hra-tci, M. D. ' I -,ry of New-Yorx.j'.mes R. Ch.lii-.n. M. D. 'Willard Hirttrr. '-I U.JohnT-rrey. M. Í).. Fret. oPJoha F. O-ît. M. D.roern-S-T il theOile.e of'J Kearney Rodgers. M. D.Phj.«tana ar._ _u:.ecss, N.1John W. br-per. P'nt_--r ni'"'.*; -,L . . . Cnensitry at the University.

John L. Chee«rr_.n. M. D. Jas, A. Washington. M. I).A. Gerud Hull. il. b. Ste-r.en A:!en..:neoftheon.i-J.m«. J .Mcpe, Pro/essor cfl nal C.,mtr.i«r,.>ne!-i of tncChemuto'. Crotna Water Works.

J.-.nn W. Frire«. "J. U. IJonathan I. Cnddington, B_tTem*Filter. ,«_-e r.ighy nrn-mcatal t^A will |:iir fo-)e_r.

are ont aWetnget ont of repair, or si".j»xt to .mr. je irosfr».« witen ieit ta opers-ina, Trrey hawtn« ment oi cienr-ir.gth.iselves. and ara arso rr.o*t v,rni-_nly designed for _._.__theSchuylki- or .Vis-iti'ppi VVr.ter.Penon» c_-r"_i> of esiimicing the Filter and ccderK-nding

tr.e prL-.ci^.e af its openMon, cas call at 2-î-î Broi_dw_7, '.vher.taey are tu: ta.e oan -xhibi'-on.

WILLIAM l!. JENNIBON.«S -m .Aa-nt fe| ta* P-o&r't <-"-».

PATENT OFl ¡CE.Inventors are respecrtuily informed;.::: E. Jones cmitinues lo prepare Dmwingsi ud «-necifi

C-Uk-asofavary i___tpti_a ui'mvanuons at i_s office, ta r'ui-ton «L Iron Buildings N. V..'c? '-"twinga ma> i>e IRhcfrapbad at his old establishment

I^? Fnîtnn rt_ .N. V. where ;.c leat c!e«cnp'_oa ut Ut_~_>__plu_aft l« .ter».--.,! nn the

riohivs. flans ci every i__:r¡pt¡.:n, __d Drawing iu gasetrs«__icüin_-e__j¡_j_rj _u_ i_dtsar. -Olía*


.maot kPEOPLE'S LINE ÍTEAMBOATS FORI tr" ¡n a i HAW. ;-. y.Sumta7t««xeepied.IVCS|^ïr^^î>-,lh-.>.r- -¦-.-¦- A- ¦¦¦'<¦ ¦-..k P.M. rrom

lio-»umml al Wee between I ¦¦.".-!.¦'' ind LsOertl . - >

^The«tBansboet KNU KERBOI KKR, ' . *- ." St.Joi B Mi m ay. WtVr>--:nr and Friday evenings, at 6

l.-'r- steamboat «U CHESTER, lit.- A uoughtcn.Tu««-'./. Tbunday -.rre» Saturday creatae*. ai rt.

At ¡>o'clock.Landing at tnter Halt ; .-.-es.

Fr im fool of I'.-.-c .-.;-.: ¦¦'.

TbestenraboBi NORTH AMI KB \. t" -.:. R. C. Ci ¦.-¦-

,!ep Tuesday Thl n. 101 ¡P.M1-ie sreambuat 0OLTJMB1 «.. spurio Wi _i! Peck, oa

v. ¡Jay, VVr*dne>jday, Friday and Sun av, at 6 P.M.'.i--.. ij-s .«'.-.' ineol .« ." - i- .'..-¦

-, ...:-.-¦:.-.. m for the !'.'. .i r.fJSTTli" above boats are ne» - ; ta

.- 'speeds SO© :.-

mo 1st . s are mi oc : e He :¦¦ atry Gl personj areh'irl : the Boat* ofthis

¡,iri v»-,i.- at twntte rderfromiF' ïa.«.«;«:e or frei*'

oil¦ ri«» kMiiSMM, L^l \ 7 ¦"...'.¦

t-_¦'¦ \>.y ; -, y » ._....

gS»îSxfS=£» piesxcresu iTROY.Cxpt, A.< Iharô l uswi-iy. Thursday and S «turday. ;

EMPIRE. ii S. B Roe. M «Jar. .. Mnesday ar

day, at 7 .l'c.vck. A. AL fitun the ; rat tistreet. ..

For passage r freight, apply on boar tw .ortor.i!! i LL, ai ¡be ft,-.- in the «hart" too« o.' Bare

i return on the .pjM»..e 2?r . leaving ¡''' '. X "¦ .IOAVV s\

.x¿ , -Es g Line lor ALBAMT.H V .. r -L ., > '

'. .«.-. N V. : ... -I .

iNY.Ca i R. B. MacT. tedSWALLOW. <

\ beny, after la.. ... - toT»

of »-at aresmabrsd a. slltimes to pass .'.«.

llha *

,,...... .._ :-...-

.;c fe. ''.' Si BofSce on thi

n't«. N '-.oats c»«B«titnUng this line are onnvnled -.

. and «iccommotlations. Duringthe pas.nr have been thoroughly overhai -


^ ~-^ .;..., ¦-. N .Mi'lVI DI-VTEte_PlANHiNGS.-The VEST-

SS^MikiZLH»«-»o7STER. Captain fftr, H..M.uve the tool rCedar street, or. Mondays. Wed»

¦¦..!' >l. connecting at Hudson with the H.' ri R Iroad tliec-in ut' which

id :.'-.. ing Kudu :. .«ii Sun Icy*. I .-

-, -. o .., i theamvi -. > hingHtch,. .-.- js. Tickets ihroczb :u PtttB-

'¦.. .-. 5 o in Ige 8-'Fot »reicht or psssnge. apply on ñijiijSTORRS *- STEPHENS! >N. S9 (Yestst.This boat has bew thoroughly overhauled, and hern

| modationssn improved as tobe equa any boaton e'river,.Hiai number of Stats Rooms ha em; been a.li.-'d.

;.-.¦..,.. Ms-i en hirgen. UW

». r-va te B. CARPENTER & CO.'« L!L.L~_J'iHH rllRCll-l.-.n ..- C*

rS»5±iSc-r?tt','.:!hi. CoWspring, Corow I, -¦

The tea: oat JAMES M Dl ON. ' ai tainCla¡fm¿ .. ii .. ........ i,v ... «set p-.i -1 c

;,...-_'¦ ruing. « .¦'- ¦¦ o :h--. -. ':-.ii.T and Sal .' ¡o'clcek P.M.AUBa .,.-¦¦ reels. Hunt t-'- . .¦' Spei u

thisb w thi ¦¦. . at« edontheb.. r«t -p.« risk ¦.¦¦ lent

>sc r*«n ft. T. POWELL Sc CO.S I.1NH for!fffl fe NEWRURGH.Landing at i '.» Id .. c.'s. \\.

SffjJLnsA'Jt^Point r -.-t'i.ti..!.!'.'-ii«.r. .::¦ Suai HIGH1 ANDER, Capt. r «»a

leave the pier foni of Warren «L even Monday, Ihoisi1 ' ¦¦'''¦¦¦¦ . '¦' .*' ., , S.S.

Return ng will :e..rc Newhorgh eve.-/ Monciu at 1 A. M.and Tuesday at Friday at.: P. M.Por freight or pnss--.:e, apply tu ;h.« Captain on board. Hrr-

sage ind freight of all descriptions, bank btlls or spe«; .'-...-¦..: í the risk of ownet thereof unless a bill o! la.- ng recen t bei i red for lhe tare

>~FA"E REDI < Ê1 -;¦¦'.Pv l.l.K. S1VG SING. TARRYTOWN.

"'.vim;. WILTSIE'S ¡'"ils. HAST-r;:.~.. :-. o .1 i:'-r PatuWny, * eu«

:.!>!. 1:44. the now and «¦: -T.T:n' Sienmhi.a! WASHING-TON IRVING. Capt. flinm'lu'hil. will '«we theCThamben-street fur the above placel ctaiiy at tarts? P. "1daysexi.ep'ed ! ....

Rc.'urn.!*, will ¡ei'.ve ':...'.T.v:lie at £V, and Sirs Sing Uo'clock A. M. laniiing a: '.lie foot o! itiimmorid ItttHt «aci.way.For pfifnige cr f.e.jht, ar>p'y or, bor.-d, o: :.ysatlanl» BTCTBEr. I! TOMPKINS. WW . ¦'.

¿x j-irsss-' VrAlX ANd'wiNTEH «KB\M:i-.-L ttt,_i.-'MEN r.-NEWARKand NF.W-Y' -RKmtSS&í^Síor'^fí only 1S.S cen'a .The ¦>.' and - ..en

did steamer RAINBOW. Capt J. Gnlfy. oa and after Tues¬day. SenL luth, .ill ,-unat toUowt, liaiiy:

Leave Newark, Leave Ncw-r '>rk.Ibot ni l'entre sireet. font of Barchiy-slteet.

S o'cioc*. A. M. 8 O'clock. P. M.»Frcirh' can ¦: at very reasonable rti'et. sSO

. sbbwssjso ,. s-i'Al'MN ¡-LAN!) FERRY, loot of,r ItT3. i/'Whirehnil-'Teet .Or. cinl after Monday,,2iSfle¿"ríEÍ!aScpt iiOOi. tbe bua: «:il inn iu lollowa unu;1^,-J.er notice 1

Leise New-Yoik ».t 9, II. A. W..XH, W, 'I P. M." Älter. Ulsnd,8. W. A. ,M.-li>.2-,.5.P. M

63- «UIGonits ihippsstl niuit be particularly niurkesl, untlareni the risk ot the owners thereof. «88

.c g-ejsts .- THE 3TEAMEB SHREWSllURY.C_JS.=S, Capt !. :' Corlies. will harenftei leavsSrSES^Sfc. Ca-'iume ..-...:'.-.. N.Y.e-.-;ry n .':.- .:..¦ii.ii -«ii ur't-iy ut 10o'clock A »i. reí .: fro E loi TownLarulingevery Monda] andThursd -: III o'clock \. MThe propneiors ol said Boa! offer hei lor wile cheap..

Bha caw i..-t.t. wiih excellent machinery and .1 -. » on ;.Jj .c.l as wuter.SB fe«"- beam. 139 long i -.. all reas«m loioffènng her fVtr tale is thai berspeed not sufficient thsmate as a passenger boat. For ml -¿ '...¦¦.. >!y to ih "- ;»-

'i.".-.-.'....,',!._-'24 le,"

^itn¿*. lèt'A.-l'ALL ARRANGEMENT-NEW«rj"¡ J VOHK IND ERIE RAILROAD LINE FORSr~^Sk_JUIDDI.£TOH,Jf, OOSHEJY, and interns-^Í^LÍ?íüÍ!Í;<ir.:p.'íice4, trom foi of h i it..TI M m

i ICA, leaves -very Slioui ._>. Sundays exceptad) Bt8o'clock: e".ry Attemoon fSnndays exrepleil il¡iu'eloci, f-striermont. where pasteasen '»-t tbe carnmndiotucan ofthe Co ... nv .'-.-r '7. s::.«n. ¡Middietown. *tc ax.

Returning, 'cuve Midd at ¦. a at t>S A. M. ant! o i'. .'.!Stages ir-...-i MiddletMWB toOwego. Binghampton, llone»-

daie. i arbondaw, Milfnrd, etc. in connection with '-::* after¬noon I.:,.. >rn New-York.Fksioiit Notu-x .Freight rocwlvod from 3 o'cloc» A M.

lo S o'clock P r.l and forwaniesl the same day.Forfarther particulars, ¡ncoireofj. IAN i!EA'3t:L'r.AER,

Aeent, cu.n.r of Diicr.eiiii'l lVe«t-«'r«*'«.H. C. SEYMOUK. Sapertotendent,

^vm. MORRIS AND F,ÜSP.X RAILROAD.-FALLîLi a 1 AHi'.A:'i':i':Mi::,l.';-j.i;js::c.i)rMr,.u^y,^pmBJ^s^renarrer9.ISl«.Leave New-York, i Lcsvs Nowart, I Leave Uorrlstown.80'dock.A.M. 9 o'clock. A. M. 7 o'clock. A. M.4 " P. M. S '. i* M. I U " !'. MPasBsneen r. ..i '.! nli -.- T Bin to ">: rf .'..»-e., -v:ll a.-;lve

Ihre- -,t 1"^ ii'cl.ji k. w.-.-r/e «tn.ret will je m reailinees to eonrey them iSehooley'iMi unUun, Washington.Belvii

.. lailT: toSuocascna. Stanhope. Newton.MilfordandOwegoon Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridayi and ><. R ¦¦ .

sway. Dover, Sparta and Newton on Tnosdara, Thursday«andSaturdayi: e.-.t-h ¦..-. rotcrnlnti liw laliseauent i!n>«. AStage will asso leave for Rockaway and Dover evi¦i' the -irriv::! of t.-.j i.Vi Li Motrisioivn. and for '..Ridgeevery evenir:,'.Pastangervsgo through to ':-'. from .]r.»- City without

changing Care. On leevict, tie City pastees -, wul depositthmr Baggage in the Car ni bot of Gonlandt street, wb rean Igeni * II bem atMndaace to receive it.

Pitssencor' ir..m Mur..-:. u will arrive ;n Newarlin t«k-i tire Morning and .'. ernooB '.''-;.':;.. for ".;¦.Philade il

*.i i.nc.¦:-..'. nr bundles musí be anterodon the way-bill, ortni- Company un! not hold thanucl-re-j reaporrfible.Freioiit will i»e forwarded immediately toMon Ki wn m

WhiUehi-ii. by »ItephensAi Condit'a Line of Sloops to New-ark. orfrom theTrensportauim Office of the N.J. IL Í- andtraiu. Co, foot of Liberty stieet, p.ew York,ond, I desiretl,««ill be called lor m s.-.y p-rnfihe City b» epp ¦¦

.I oi^lic«. IRA POPP. Supannleodeut.USOS" P.AÍI P.fiAD.Wtsrui ,in-

o.jiKtsT.-Fore 87W issnts Irom Patenonto¡L Jener City. :. ad after Oct. l-t the i'--r- .-,:.!r_i.Leave Patenon Depot. Leave New York.

Ai lTr?clock, A. .ö At9o'clock, A. M.At 11Vo'clock.A.M. Atli'Ko'clock. P. M.AtJo'-.c'. P. M At ; i;V,,-!i, p. ,\!.

ü SPAY«!. «)« M,MUÏi,At8o'c ick. A.M. At9o'clock.A.5LAt 8 o'clock, P.M. At4»'cl«<k.P. M.

y Baggage at rsk ofowners, ijffic^ at 75 Courtlandt-itr.n.la: I«.,..,!, Patenon.»3U


FOR THE EASTr;-«J «-WINTER ARRANGEMENT for .\ew->--..-^.*- port and Providemm.Fare S2..Tna plen

-.rii^mssti.^ .'!'! steamboai NEPTUNE. CariaiB n.I hilds, will íes»-» pier i.e.i of Liberty street every Monday,Weiine.day i-.nd Friday, at 4 P. H. All sind» offréigbt lakeflttl the lowe.t priées. i'i:«seagers tiiking tin» hoat w.il arriv- ir.ProriiJence iuume to take the morrnr.g'noii t..r Binton. Forluither mlormativn enyuire on board, or. f J N. DILT3.

olS tf_l41_Libert,..tte«n.i« î^anr» t D. W. VI38ÇHER*a EXPRESS will.k-_~«2*s¿Ti-?v :,::'vc :'E;v YORK o- MondaiNPrVIrtSféE^. l'i.u.-.^y .r, S^itiuboi.: NMIiii. .: -

0 creekA. M. mr West Btockbridga via Housston.c¡letum 'e-ive VVest St.-ir.kbridee for ,\'îw York: Toisrisrj ,.r:

1 r:r!..7 fo: thetraunortation ofbundle*, packages. Money i.: dOffieeNo.iao Wort threat. myâoni*

LEHIGH TRANSPfJRTATlOV I '- EFOR BASTÓN AND WILKSBAttREand allInterinediate Places, vi --,

.-»ylvania an.! I^hith Cauar*..Men ¦: .-

havingGoods for i he aboV4 places «nil go bs \ies.n .¡¦¦'¦~.,-n.B. N-. -n'.'s Litnj loops !r.-.i New. V.ri: to \ rwhich wili he lutindai p.er No.2 Whitehall. e>st River. \gj.Yo'X.loop FuX or Greyhound. ABLE, WILSON it CO.

"'h' Im*_ ProuBo^on. Bastón PaWOODWORTH'S PLANING MACHINESJj'; '_¿_e .il YEARS e.-pjr.ec5i, together STUB Ti.r.y rat»g f ~/<¡ able improvements and StWäoBS lo his f«nner tOA»

^ 'ei'ï', entblM'^e.ubscr.ltertofurniih.iitthonQiiliiie.uii&Jg¡pf¡ oftnc tnKir.erfei-tconítrucüon.mRtermisajid workr-C^«", mtniii:t,5iichir.estopl!inewoi,di.-ia!iiu varieties,ï± raí.«» isiicr.i* pUiur.g0r111rf4c1r.gr/aly, orcotung mo«uc.

lySru:, Also, placing,VjaxneisgEJidgru'iviing.juintiagSSjgSK. lorrabss'-tini:, and piamnc C'lappisoarCs.

v.,i-iw ,.«-/ u«t oc^i., &Í.U hut iniorin-i-ion rttJiuvato ¿e same, mr.y be obrAined. as well as of JntiajtBJickweil & Co. N'iv-Ywk. or J. W, Scheecx,AlbUI7.Lsttsti of mers icejtàry r.-.att be post-paid.. .

SAML^LB.SCHZNCK.r'.ir.nro Man. Aorli. If/44. ollîcollSci



GUNS, PISTOLS AND RIFLES.M.\TF.P.:a!.S ¡7ir Can Smiths, Gun 1-ocks sad p-ro of

!>x-ic«. Gun «nr! Rifle r'ane .. Percussion Cj^s and Pffig,Pr,.».Jii- Fiosks zr.á Shic Beit«. Cones an 1 Wrenches, RtbxR'-.^«. Worm», jtc. &c. f-.r sale .n auin'it;-, by

ti Y _A. W pPfjg fe -.. MS P^rt^rees,nPHE TWELFTH WARD ASSOCIATION tsssretre ¡,~»Í notice,tmitth^y heve mar!» irrnnreme 's «:th HIRAMpsRK"lt t" op»>a a (jind Otrkein the Twelfth V.'urd forfh« !»e»in/ and '.\:e of re'.ler.a'^, and t±-e ii »»«tmetit ol mo¬ney on horil f.nd mortcace All r>*rson» de»iring ut la* or

h re. Dun-he««" or tell, real estate it this Ward, nnet all re»r-toní desinri: to 'eirr.w ct lo-n money on bond and mortrnt-e.aw'eaue-ted to îivs DotiCeta Mr. Pr rset. with lagmmsul thebind The nffice i« cmer o'JJrlth STrsjetan Fourth avenue,w.-.eôî a re;:rter will b«« kept |,sr thn purpose of enlenng appii-cm-'t» ; r.rnrrctr« of Mon t Brtithei». 7 Na»it.u stree'. oppo-site'ae '.eü'x'^-HuUíe. Office houn Irom 8 to 6 o'clock P. M.

. C.H. HALL, President.

FOR FOREIGN PORTS.r~ F ». ' \- v-tV_'t TBS 1-r \, v -7-,

táítJ-. '-'*--.. »RIA. I ,..

!______ .- i - .- . ... ., "rr!.»»very« .-re ,¦ r_b_ ai»


if earry si VV. 4t J. T. TAP.«'¦

i" ¦» »-. ig to sei . . , ,.

'' -ra-|¦¦

. - ' id.: : ' pries ... ;

y«?vv LINE 0? IIVERP '. ¡\y K.7"?"-.,ir--r'j, . . '- r I. T - . .- -

'-ifcir ...;...


< - .... ..; ,.- - i- . l\

artfa - ._»..¦.¦¦..

.- c: p i. '. .

. t- v

a«. ARRANGE! ;--


.-.-.- >-¦-.- Ct

» JJ ; : : ;. m.

| eHei u <¦ Live ...

'.!¦_'. , ,

. « «.]-. Sew-i

»very . .¦». thij .

» i are a -- .;

t! ." -

~-*tr.s« -.

'... ».-..

i ... ....i ..>¦-. ...

H -". ir.noo>¦ ".. r:-...ra,.-. a> .-.


Meters .Hboi .- \-... -.<.,. j .. ; ;

,. ....

toi.'-."-'.'' ¦;.'.-¦. fhlI, applyJOSEMJ Ml ICRK .. \'. 1

- .I South, v >> 1«'ES

f .'..,,..

_. FOR ,JOB<LE fA.Kl.V OF Its »..- ¦:-»._jfrtfiT'f- «-.;-._.: i- ¦ » 11'».--

" ','. ,.«.

S___t_K.i -. . . t . i.r. '-r-ge'aii

¦¦ «. . ftt;-,.». - rth.vsr.snl bsl it.ee «t

e apo cti" ¦'».....IV je j f. T \ -'nTl.

oi9 70 Sonta street. _»t M-iJen l<ae.

LEGAL.B\.. i -.. f ¦: m.:n t'c.rt

»r, n : .-- ., i- - 'n ;r»..;.. - ... : attarl »..-,;.' ih.

r a -.' .¦ i rotor*, that >n a.

.- e>tiiaofWii am II >V»-_ht,... I. - - a .. '.i ler.iert

¦.: .- ;.- l e _ |

l i l se»i. ... e moi « Il .; ¦¦>: U Iicat« n

-, due to h m, r. -. Ib r tale, '" foi his

.... > State, he . .!y

i ni -.--.'.'-: i 11.1811 T. C PARMI Kll'I:. .¦¦ loi i

Bs "'.!-..' i>l. Pruj i.Esq.. Supreme! errbygiven, pun nit to the Statut» «tits i«in«t

. that .¦ Ieaofli iron : <-\ ta

..¦ . .. ndthal ..

.-, »i ittasn-li: > ¦:....--

Iteatioiiol mis notice, and that the i">: entul'nnyï «

to him y res tits I Ihi. S.te. anil the delivery ti li ir

t.,-., , ». ofany property within ihi» State, bel g'ol r,

thetm ¦..¦.. I any such i I >forbidden by lav»Hated Cankill. July 15. lUM

-, IKI P IX LLUN. Attorney for attaching Crediior.IT--' _._

IUsjl i\ lint an 1er« fthe th.l »us.:i ,.t' n.. \. r \.. :. h herehy ru-entoal nenon» âav.

-.» i .i i-t ROBERT BARKER, lutoi- Uw city i.l

New.York, deceased, to ..-..' theaume with the vouchersinere..' ... ihesubscriber. nsn id. nee. No. :' 4 Washingiea

» ofNew-\ ., on or boli-r« ibe lenih .'.ay of¡l...-,.:.1.it.

|i- ,' New Vorlr, theCntdayofJune. WM.. . -UM. liii'iw Ni.\<:.JVr_

IN PUKSC VNCE ofon order nf_*e8uir-_steoftheC cn-

t> of .". «r-York. Notice is lieroby aiven -.. n'., oenons hav-istSARAHHARKi rl.lnteoftheCiiyol'Nen

S/ork.i '..;.' p -.':i' ''i.'-Hill.' t.-:r -I»e vi.itcl..-.Hiereii|. . -, m : , r.e lutiee. No I . . -¦ . '.

'i .t m 'ne i - .. Ir.y ..: 1>-I ert. Dated New-YorK, the Kint dt J -. !»:».

, ... W.M. Ha.iV. CINC. '

State ofSew»York, Secretary*« fr'.i. e.

.'.i ii.»-.' ;..¦.. ¦' I, ¦-;:

T.i r.'ie SHrriif v< the Cnn*_ <'..'.S'icl.i:.---,, .... rre'.y g a -, in lai *» <:-.i-_ii

r the I ue> m »iiec «dins tin) fini Men»A ; ..i ;- .'...¦:.:. ilia '.wing utile« r-.,»? to In elected,

s.. ¡over i».» «.-i l_as«itennnt.ftovernor of thi« «''¦ .-

rtysix I tor¿ l'r< si '. :,t acd Vlea .' ntof '»»

Cn .-.- SIl'ouï Canal Commisami

........ ..,.. .¦ « y,if il - term ».f _»r.

II Senn,onf ..-..- :'- -. . next.\ ...,.....-,..» jn ibe _Mil>iigre>eol u.it ties,

lortb« T-ir./U .¦ D -..:.-'-..¦ is of the 1st, id,i |u »Van!« t-i I City and County: also, a Repte.s- ., . cr-_«forlh» FüiirtADhtr.ct. c¡>tita.

.-. i. i,: i," h II lb and '.'. h IrVanlti the .. <i I » »-.ml, Ai-,i i». Representative intbesut- ComrraistordwU:,i nnsuting <.! thebthHthand 14U IVardsuftha

s .i . County, and al'oa Retirèrent« the laidi'one-« kirthe Sirr>C»ngn»_iinnal/mtrict,cm ¦. ¦¦ ¦«

M IS :i, ¡ru... I6»h and .T'.h sVnrtlsoftlia said t.'ity endCounty oi New.York

.> - - .¦ lowing county fli^nr» to t\:': 13 Maniarrsof.'.-- nbly, Youn rshipef fully.

r? VDUISG. Secretary of-tats.

PTn HlPF-ii OPI [CE. New York. Augwîth.UJ«.ledpunuantto the .. oessl thi un¬

tan i.-j »QuiremenU»! the Statute ir ,ciewad» and provided. WM. JUNES.i-hanif

Blhl C'lUntV Ol N'cv; >',-_.03" All the public Newspuoey» iniheC«Histy will pobiwha ¦.. ni -i-1 ei n . until the election and ih n land

lafoi . ti'kii » ... _i;.;.,. they mai ilaiubefore the Boa lofSurpon ¦... and pa sell ym«

¦' (»tutea, vol, 1st, I n. Si tie¿I. article 3d-.-li1.

_auS lawtNSM.

ÍN *': i' ;. r. -.: » ait..1 he Pre '.¦¦. .. ire ton_i. otTh -. daxa County Bunko Th« Bank .i1 Bnf.

I I«..N ¦.. given p rsuniiiuinan l.rofme CourtolChnncery rial« ¦. ¡âth day ol ..,-¦.... <i \ lint on

»y ni il il ft nea .- il M al ul c

.IttheA -.' li"'. I.'- toe' ..y.'l ft .T.¡.. n.inte »..

t;.:,.- .' !-l '.-. -. \| .¦:¦.¦>.¦ ¡nie i. .;. - ,

...... II .. .i UujT-Io.svI ' " real l>et-i .'.consisting in part ..» *»^e,. M.. ^ .,,,,...¦ r.. jmeats. Bunds and Mortgases. unusng _»...:. niu. .i l:..i.lao(J

I. ibyti .. ilubb-rd. Inrebout (in -«

' -""'.a I.l ..... i a |S< -..I -I M..i , ,,.-. ... ; '.,

Prutl_-Tnybir. bpontand mT'.led»), uhio fora it Slid-Ä\ ¦> ¦- --i n ,i... -..i«, amon . « kich is n nghl to :i.* «nvay.aoc -i lit« ... ii-.ii-it-ti Ohio, a lut os t_ai «'.'«tt. inthe City of BufTaJo. kc _.-. I'hat the nrnna of such sale will- i',-¡t m.», .,.,..; ,v i.i.eji. r.»Hirse to u.H.D»:.il...;' .:-.'.-n-. 1841. IKA A. P.f.'i-S'iM.

, .»2 4«i:--.-: -. .i m» 't.- »..' Roffaa

_a__ ll »VISE OPTICI 1 '.. FROfll-"ÎERM S.NV.ii,»». r .peeifuilytrr

iirmsthe / .. .¦- Yoll rj-.dgeneral, that ho lia cate- hir.-all nihis ilty,

(Sí " .... ,i a large a-d m'¦¦ ..'..-. i. ...I. rilver

run ml .... e, lo .»h.en¦. . ... tal ..i,', p-iratoa Spring*

¦ a.. .,> b_ k-.»',*i«»l. - -if lh_opticali| -.. .-¦.-. :i .:¦. .; gin .-¦ '¦'.. -.r ary

.'¦¦ ..... ......,; went e,^. ea_ Ix aupislied arithaOaaMillgre lly bea-Ucand not itruio the «,._t. Paruculai

! attention is rfloc il rspectiv« ground gl___»,i t.ir fin (lint, v -i ..i --¡.r., iheir hieb polis« od *ru«

. ghlj recatar-¦. j,- i...ureiTaetauponthttera furpn rviaf

and ....-;.-. igbt iu c»n_nued wT'Ung ami n uling..-hort-si tal .ti :... and xuchag have een .¦ nopoa-M'-.-.uir._- .. .. tie uuairulikew>-i new glanes<d

I fntmes, and aidicita l_e osironaga ofail,i wan oj : :;: c.«-. .» -.. p.II at

-I'iY " I-'., tlr.'e--.»". «w tir.I*.y.

MR. CHILI). ' ' i ».1ST. .»rjtïïr ^--"o ins ,-..»al l» tne neighborhood oí

"«_ v .:rn.i.;--;iy.i - n'liri's lo '»e ro.-i-

j. fu,-«.. iei a-i dís^a.M of the l-ij« a».

^¿r''Lr"'¦ t-~ ."/...¦..7 liis.'lii'«. ',* Vendara -.iia-i, lo'ir.¦ènST .-, .* ¦' rfnor» l'mm H.»-».o, ev ry ilay,

- ISunday eiot.-tc,: ler'ween thehours ul 'U an.l 4 -Iki« rele'ea.

I» .. »-. :i ».I'cms'lia inottdangerous and eojinohc.t_d. n_d

! leo, le.1/. r. >../ n fr.^jryean'duratioi itndmr Ui bis tres.nent, many ol t.,a_i fre.Qeenlly pn nou icta1 tucnraUsMr. Child lever uid».-r' ,ke.:ic-...e ».lier»« ¡her« ¦« -o: t»J

teas ¡ tu vxoeeia cure A.lvice to 'he f>,r _r_t i.» ..... ,.. .1 olí It.»

Ii. Ñ -.'-I'; T '¦:. '¦¦'" '.' I'. " -3M'J'r-iy" ai.e* h;« exclusive ¦.._

p>D-te-sdEyesnn< 't ilmieSurgery,.' u.'h di «re__i-

:!.»¦ í-.ye t:- ii guárante« -, ¦. :y..¦ tnra ntostght ,n ".;r- nfimpeu«ni v.i.on. Dr 11 is i.i,»i.! Frnñi ¡.'a

e_per"»nc" t-m{ eminent -urr^fs, t.-.cf hi- .odeol .reaif».ei t isbeti adapted to .-¦ ihed (Tarent .' tiset to -.»'hich t»-.-t» <leH>eata organ and ib appendages ra subjeot : such a» An *.

Cataract, ftheO mea, Irin», Ecu 'i.uiu or tursingoutoltheeyel i. Pi lb),Trichiaai. etc dec. *cc

Dr. .'.I. w.:: ab_ i-^n Arti-Cial L¡y«, sad w i-ii-'ul'v ad;rjtthem as bot _i t_ dstueuâbed from the aaturaL Ciisrr«ve.T m»%ier.'t».«J! Irr»*

TiíE li EST STOVE OUT." D0TTGLA8S PATENT"AIR TIGHT OiiKING-ST«JVE lot Wed '»r C«_,The proprietor is ci.-'l--that im« ¿Mve po»«*«_rs ad.\.'.t.--»t over »Ü othats..Tbote in v set of a roodr-' ve «re invited to <__i-t..this belore purchasing c_»;ss- »./» .-'. »I wr.»/«ss_:e -_1ratailbrJOEf CLEVELAND.

At the < om-ed Stov«Factory. .10 VVat-rst.

»j ko*

s-rm-r.t,.;'.- ...-'.i ^ .. .j, j ^¡ bun ogstreod nr cno-," ive »:. mad« tl It.»!-.-. n. «r.d tii«.-*- in want <»l Sum .wsr n I invite toextmineaura« t___ntl>»forepureh»- '..

i and put up al inort cotiea.aodaiil ¦¦ CÏ ¦',<(¦¦ t .-¦ ;: »-.»k -:-,,:a ta .-nier, i y

.'-' I-' I'.'.'Ki'Wi.ri.'X.l-:. .1 V.^ier ,t. cear Fu.Ton-,

0' v«t;-;ds PATENT BT0VE8.-Those In w»r]t <*I'srlor. Mail ..r Nurserys-ovef. will find ac».- s*"

".-inn i. ., ban 'r article h«v ng rever b«-<r, rasu e) f.lvay«°nhnrvt -n't lor-nleon usrens.inable term« a» err in merket **

wbolrsale and ..»in F II TROvvBRH-'GE.Otnuteed -'nv- Mnrnfae»e»-r.'j!0 Water«) nearF-"«..

W. »tj. MORRISON A. CO.ÍMP^RTFr:? and Deektn |n__all War--». Bo.9J_--J«-«

'tre. -n!Ml Broadway. \ Y. kee" ena«'»n'..v .-n M'.;!. »

e.irr.t-'e'ffh':. ..r.,nt ,il ,-'>'-« ¡r» the "Tjirend end .Vcclelne,.¦_. Kc'-nc Y«r".. o Wonted, do on, n. Tntr--''"'t¦«.Zephyr Worrtad. llalrClotb. Il-ey mH Glosjsaj '.Vv'tRib-bom. Kuaaw P.-ni'is, I'u.-iteO-nemen's.dnTwist.r""? :",':*î07'Supcii.»r Uu'loin». Rairaairl I.sce I'm«. S-'k v* ga_ l»ajton«, fîilt nrt Awe Ihin-n'. O no» ..rd P"n«e». T.r»es «n-

B..-»dtnu*. R. Hemmm-s ._ Son's ren.tue Royal »r¡! (./«_..t»r.-.irk DrjIUl Kve I Ney^. ~_sts__-_pl/)Ti;5-f)::ve. Brown, ...rete. Rlacki. Bhrn, »aa»«W Gray, and other var»etie«, ¡ow medium »nd no-, MJ»

i byoW E. C. _T__s10H. «0 Beam-is-»-«