The Isle of the Blessed: A book review and the novel synopsis

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The book cover: The original image of the Pleiades star cluster by NASA, ESA and AURA/Caltech. The original painting of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, The Birth of Venus, 1863. Edited by Ville Murtojärvi/ID BBN.

It makes your head spin, like in a spiral. Literature can still make you dizzy;

it can still surprise you.


The review was published in the newspapers Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, Keskisuomalainen, Savon Sanomat and Karjalainen in 2013–2014. The critics contributing to the same newspapers ranked The Isle of the Blessed among the best reading experiences of 2013.

ANDREI PAJANNEAutuaiden saari (N.B. The original Finnish name of The Isle of the Blessed)Imogen Books 2013. 1,000 pages

It makes your head spin, like in a spi-ral. Literature can still make you dizzy; it can still surprise you.

Andrei Pajanne writes the history of the universe(s), grabbing not just the individual and mankind along for a spin but also galaxies, stars, elements, cells, atoms, particles, emptiness… He dissects and bundles up scientific and folklore findings and characters, world view, biology, philosophy, phy-sics, number mysticism, archaeology, astrology, religions, art history, depth psychology, modern technology…

With an approach that bears slight resemblance to Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World, a book that popularised philosophy, Pajanne takes us through times and spaces, oceans and conti-

Through the brain and the cosmos

Andrei Pajanne wrote a spectacular surprise of a book where the reader is

summoned to all-embracing love.

nents. Just the sector is an exceptional one. Who would think about writing down the events of existence both sides of the Big Bang and also with re-ference to the future!

Pajanne does it, under an alias, in an imaginative way, also making use of information and vision, facts and beliefs.

The Isle of the Blessed is a map drawn in the brain, one parallel to a star cluster; a place where the moment of eternity and the billions of years of time conception are merged for those wandering there – in dream time.

The dream reality reminds us, for example, of C.G. Jung’s view on archetypal dreams that lead us beyond childhood into pre-history, the col-lective unconscious and the original experience.

The main character Andreas loses his younger sister in an accident as a child.

Fatefully guiltridden, he strives to re-concile what has happened by “leaving his marks”, building a successful career. As a neurologist, he develops a nano-technology-based method to affect the brain so that the insula, the area of emotions, finds a concrete expression in the mind as a state that corresponds with the real world and where you only experience good things and love.

The turns of the plot seem familiar from scifi stories, and they get quicker and quicker as the story goes along. Andreas encounters the embodiment of death and is led to a journey into the beginning and the end as well as billions of years of wonderings in between.

The essence of the universe reveals itself as the “thought of the virginal spirit”; energy appearing as material incarnations in worldly forms. It creates evolutionary periods that, in compliance with the book’s main theme, follow the “golden rule”: The world materialises as expressions of the absolute of love!

In The Isle of the Blessed, love is lar-ger than emotion, and it is a factor that also requires conscious will from man.

An individual that desires, inquires and searches for his purpose in a positive way becomes “found”. He is found by the creative energy of the universe, love that favourably assimi-lates any negative opposites into itself. The orientation that makes the world move is one that evolves ethically by its nature.

The dogmata are transformed into merciful spirituality and nature’s metamorphoses. All religions have the same basic message. There are many different ways to get to the secret.

On his way, Andreas becomes acquainted with the seven heavenly sisters that are analogous to a star cluster: Life, the Fall, Hope, Freedom, Grace, Eternity and Love.

Each of these characteristics, embodied as female persons, reflects the union of the spirit and the senses. They guide Andreas to experiencing the crossing point of timelessness and the moment here and now, within oneself and in connection with the self of others.

The text keeps repeating the mes-sage of love but does advance hand-somely. Fairytale fantasy, knowledge, market criticism and a bright vision of tomorrow come together in it. Spirituality, with its mysteries, myths, rituals and esoteric features, relates to the dimensions of the miracle of spheres and everyday life as well as the greatness of small acts.

Neither the aesthetic sentimentali-ty, generally strange names and turns of phrase nor the childish atmosphere of adventure dilute the expression, despite being exaggerated or even repeated, as is the case with character profiles; instead, they make it more colourful. The book should also be translatable to other languages.


On the Isle of the Blessed, the map drawn by Andreas as a child, the Seven Sisters of the star cluster of the Pleiades, the eternal beings representing love and the dust of intelligence particles transferred to Andreas’s insula all merge into one.

Published in Finland 2013 by Imogen BooksISBN 978-952-67923-0-91,000 pages

IMOGEN BOOKSwww.imogen.fi

ALL FOREIGN RIGHTSTimo Järvinen, tel. +358 40 505 7745, [email protected]




A virgin emerges from the waters of eternity, craving for the vanishing moment and the journey towards perfect equanimity. She makes a choice, aware of the ultimate imbalance that is required on the road to blessed harmony. She sets free the forces dammed up by eternity and creates a universe in order to be real for but an instant. This eternal being catches a glimpse of the isle where her worst fears and biggest dreams will come true – in dream time.


Part I – Alpha

ANDREAS, the sole survivor of a plane crash, waits for rescuers in the bosom of the Western Ocean. He encounters DEATH who is gathering dead people from the water to a ferry and tells Death his life story just to stay alive. The story begins with a happy childhood in a country village far north. This golden period is cut short when Anna, his younger sister, falls from a birch tree on their yard and loses her life. The boy blames himself for his sister’s death. He escapes his emotions and dedicates himself to reconciliation to make up to his parents and the queen of his heaven for what he has done. For the boy who is enchanted by the stars, heaven is the star cluster of the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, where Alcyone is the brightest star. The boy has drawn a map of the star cluster, one resembling an isle in the middle of a shoreless ocean.

Andreas wants to leave his mark on the world in the way that his mother has hoped, but is overwhelmed by the impossibility of this mission. On the bleak paths of lovelessness the boy meets a girl, OCEAN. A flicker of hope brightens Andreas’s life. It turns out that the boy and the girl have encountered in their dreams of a volcano, an Indian village and a migrating whale. The shadows of death and lovelessness keep following him. After Andreas and Ocean get married, Andreas’s mother dies. He, now a grown man, becomes aware of his infertility. The emotions that had been buried deep now return, forcefully and violently. Andreas must fulfil his mother’s wish. He must leave his marks, and profound ones, too. Studying to become a medical doctor, Andreas wishes to create a perfect experience of love in the human brain. The talented neurologist and scientist decides to give the gift of love to all mankind – to himself as well. Although Ocean does not have faith in her husband’s invention, she follows him with the power of her love.

Years later, Andreas presents his invention to investors. His research team in-tends to create an emotional map depicting perfect love to the insula within the human brain by utilising nanotechnology-based dust of intelligence. Andreas depicts the diversity of love by referring to the features of the heavenly angels of his childhood – the Seven Sisters. The invention strikes the fancy of HAIDAR, a man with a lion’s smile who will not reveal his motives. Haidar is designing a perfect virtual realm and wants to crown it with absolute control of human emotions. The extremely rich investor yearns for power on a divine scale and uses Andreas to reach his goals. He shows Andreas an ancient scripture that is in the possession of his family, one that is part of a Gnostic library discovered on holy ground. The ancient papyrus sheets describe the seven powers of love and the divine idea that guides the development of the world; these correspond with Andreas’s story of love. The scripture is entitled The Secret Letter of Andreas. Haidar believes in destiny written in the stars, a destiny that has led Andreas to him to fulfil the prophecy of the scripture. Andreas becomes blinded by the


importance of his mission and promises to give his everything to the scheme.Seven years later the scheme remains unfinished. Dust of intelligence has

been successfully tested on animals, but no human experiments have been made. Haidar has set a deadline date for the introduction of his virtual realm so as to fulfil the prophecy. Andreas feels cornered by the press conference arranged to take place in two weeks’ time. He does not have the courage to tell Haidar that it may take decades to carry out the tests on the human brain. At his moment of despair, Andreas’s thoughts wander off to the stars for help. His eyes are opened, and he realises that his childhood map of stars and the mystical isle – the Pleia-des, the Seven Sisters – is literally the map of love he has been looking for. The map has been right there before him all this time!

The map that Andreas drew as a child is found among his memories. Assisted by a fellow scientist, he attaches the dust of intelligence particles to his own insula which, surprisingly, corresponds with the outlines of the isle in the drawing. The nanocomponents correspond with the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades: Asterope, Electra, Celaeno, Taygeta, Maia, Merope and Alcyone. The map becomes alive within Andreas’s insula, fulfilling his wish. Alcyone makes the man rush to his wife – the lovers engage in an act of love as if for the first time. But the expe-riences of one man do not suffice as proof for the copyability of the map of love to every human brain. Ocean, too, wants to try out dust of intelligence. With the Seven Sisters in her insula, she experiences the same forms of love as her husband: Life, passion, hope, freedom, grace, eternity and all-encompassing love.

Ocean does not hope for more, but Andreas will not give up on his scheme. He believes he has discovered the secret of perfect love. The man sets out towards the City of Freedom and a major press conference carrying with him Haidar’s briefcase that contains The Secret Letter of Andreas and the designs for a revolutionary singularity computer, the nexus of the virtual realm. The flight across the Western Ocean ends in a crash where the sole survivor is Andreas who then tells his story to Death.

Andreas’s story ends in the middle of the ocean. As Death reaches out for him, the Seven Sisters of the sky are transformed into doves that descend upon him. His heart changes into the ladybird of fairytales from his childhood and flies away with the white birds towards the fabled west.



Andreas wakes up at the touch of a wonderful creature. The ladybird within the man has traced the scent of apple and honey to a mist-covered isle. The woman – who introduces herself as Asterope, LIFE – leads Andreas into a new life in a place called the Womb of the Ocean. Andreas engages in a discussion with the woman that opens his eyes to see the evolution of living beings as a continuous series of love letters passed on from generation to generation. The man acknowledges that he is simultaneously the object of writing and the writer of the love letter.

Life and Andreas climb to the hills and enter a ruined castle. Andreas must make a decision: either he crosses the ridge towards the west and LOVE or stays at the castle with Life. Andreas is afraid of death waiting in the west. He believes he can solve the mystery of the castle. This would guarantee him eternal life. He searches for the mystery but to no avail, finally loses his will to live and causes the death of Life. When laying the eternal being into the ground, a lust for life suddenly arises within Andreas, and this together with the secret number of Love, seven, bring Life back among the living. Andreas finds the courage to head west, towards Love.

After catching a glimpse of the Hill of Love and the Tower of Love emerging in the horizon, Andreas follows Life to the Misty Swamp. In the dark night, Andreas notices that the stars are in the same position as at the time of his birth. He can feel that the stars and the emptiness between them are thinking about him. He understands that the thought belongs to Love, to PROVIDENCE. His birth is a creation of the mind of Providence!

When Andreas and Life ascend the spiral road encircling the Hill of Love, Andreas loses his bearings and ends up lost inside the hill. There, in darkness, he goes over his life again and again but is unable to change a thing. Death approaches, but instead of grabbing a hold of Andreas to bring him along, Death advises him to change the future.

Stepping into the light, Andreas comes across a young maiden, GENESIS. This innocent girl leads him to the east, to the Garden of Eden. Genesis per-forms an initiation to Andreas, where they both cover each other’s naked body with wet clay. Andreas can barely contain his passion and thereby salvages the virginity of the eternal being. They both step into the water where Andreas is saved from drowning by a miracle: His feet are transformed into a tail and his lungs into gills. He encounters Genesis, who is now a mermaid, and swims in the wake of the female to Darwin’s Reefs. Andreas, who has been transformed into a male, loses trace of the female and is carried by sea currents far to the north, where he descends the evolutionary ladder, reverting into a simpler and simpler organism. He ends up in the womb of Mother Earth, in a hot cavity below the ocean floor, as a clay crystal.



Providence fills the cavity with love and writes its first word in the clay. Once evolution has started, Andreas climbs the ladder and becomes a conscious being. He swims on the wings of longing to Darwin’s Reefs and finally encounters the mermaid. The female and the male release their spawn at the confluence of the Red Stream and the White Stream. Andreas transforms into man and wakes up on the shore. Genesis, now a mature woman, ascends from the Red Stream and says that she is pregnant.

Genesis gives Andreas an apple, inside which there are two seeds of truth. After eating one each, the man and the woman would not be able to lie to one another. After a serpent has frightened Andreas into deceit, he hides his apple seed into the ground. Following the serpent’s advice, Andreas refrains from laying a hand on Genesis. The concealed seed grows into an apple tree. When labour starts and the first apple appears on the tree, the woman eats it and understands the lie. Overcome by hatred, Genesis rides into her death.

Andreas is left alone in Eden, which is burnt to ashes in a firestorm. The man flees from the burning paradise on his horse that gives up eternal life upon saving his master. Andreas comes to realise that getting lost is the only way to be found. He binds his eyes, wanders around blind and ends up in the Serpent’s Lair. He encounters Electra, THE FALL, who wishes to free him from his sexual distress. Encouraged by the serpent, Andreas succumbs to his lust. Upon satisfying the nine companions of the Fall, he winds up in a never-ending sexual act which he just barely survives, without reaching his fulfilment. The Fall is ready to give herself up to Andreas, but he is unable to receive love.

Andreas decides to find Genesis in the Valley of Death. Travelling north, he reaches Star Meadow. In a sea of grass, Andreas encounters an eternal being, HOPE or Celaeno, with whom he follows shooting stars. He finds hope in re-cognising his own star. Hope reveals to him that finding a star on the meadow will reinforce hope into unyielding faith, while an unsuccessful search would lead to despair. Andreas does not listen to the warnings, because he intends to get out of the Valley of Death aided by the star.

During the search, Hope – Andreas’s sister Anna, as it turns out – goes close to the gates of death, but finally Andreas finds his star. He wants to take the stone with him, but Hope tells him that the star will return to the sky. If Andreas refuses to give up the stone, this stone will take his consciousness with it. The girl tells him about a prophecy, according to which one star shall return to the meadow with the consciousness. The serpent makes Andreas believe that he is the chosen one in the prophecy. A firespewing star is thrust to the sky, carrying Andreas’s consciousness with it.



Andreas whizzes into space inside a meteoroid. Hope is with her, to his delight. The siblings share the experience of a miracle: The journey of their conscious-ness through time and space towards the birth of the universe. As the cosmos is compressed together, they go past the zero hour and end up behind it, in time before time.

Nothingness turns out to be living conscious energy and a shoreless ocean full of ideas and opportunities. Andreas encounters the first thought of the virginal spirit – Love – in the shape of a mermaid. As passion bursts out between the man and the virgin, Andreas penetrates the membrane that is the surface of the water. He sees the ultramarine ocean and sky. The embrace of the man and woman on the boundary of timelessness and time brings forth a tornado. A bubble emerging from the ocean – as if a drop of blood or a tear of the eternal being – is the seed of a new universe. Andreas ends up separated from the virgin and is grabbed by the cosmic inflation.

Andreas and Hope travel through the young universe to the birth of stars, the dawn of the universe. On this journey through billions of years, they witness the birth and death of star populations and galaxies. The cosmos, surrounded by love, evolves towards its purpose: The union of matter and immaterial reality consummated before the countenance of Providence. As wedding gift, cosmos and his spouse Love receive a love letter that would never again be paralleled. The letter contains an endless line of perfect prime numbers depicting all pos-sible acts of love.

The meteoroid plunges into one celestial body after another that revolve around the stars Harmozel, Oriel and Daviethai. The siblings that travel with the meteoroid encounter in their consciousness civilisations searching for love and, like the mankind, trying to eradicate evil by killing each other. Andreas leaves them with an understanding: You cannot kill the beast but you can tame it. The meteoroid returns to the blue planet that revolves around Eleleth – the fourth light, our Sun. Andreas notices that he is at Star Meadow together with Hope, billions of years before the beginning of time.

On the journey towards the Valley of Death, Andreas meets an eternal being, FREEDOM, or Taygeta. The man discovers freedom within him as well as wings on his back. He wants to see Providence writing a love letter on Earth. Andreas and Freedom fly up to the Cloud Castle of Freedom floating in the sky. Andreas falls asleep on a cloud bed and hears the rumble of the planet’s axis and the gradual transformations of the globe through his sleep. He then wakes up, floating over the ocean on a cloud raft. Supercontinents have come and gone, and evolution has brought about trilobites, the first animals with vision. Andreas and Freedom observe the story of creation materialising before them. Sea monsters grow into gigantic eating machines – however, they are not evil,


they love life. Life spreads to continents and becomes increasingly diverse. The richness of life and mass deaths follow one another. Time and again, life emerges out of ashes. As dinosaurs control the hours of daylight, mammals stay in their hideouts, cherishing love. Hope and trust emerge alongside the will to live and the reproductive drive. The limbic system evolving in the brain of mammals enables the processing of positive emotions and the evolution of love. After the dinosaurs become extinct, mammals thrive and new species of mammals are born. Andreas and Freedom witness the play of ancient bear-dogs, the displays of mercy and forgiveness.

Ultimately there is the beginning of man. Andreas and Freedom observe the life of the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. The love story of two man-apes ends up in a tragedy but leads to the birth of mankind. The evolution of man advances towards a space of needs, consciousness and dreams – a diverse balance, homeostasis, which turns out a comprehensive image of love. The principle concerning homeostasis applies to everything from a single cell to a whole human being, society and the entire universe. The concepts of good and evil are illusions – there is only love and lovelessness, equanimity and imbalance.

The psychological evolution of Homo sapiens is observed through the big bang of culture and the Neolithic period to the era of the great educators. Andreas’s eyes are opened to the inevitability of lovelessness. Without imbalance there would neither be life nor movement towards love and equanimity. Lovelessness also enables freedom, for conscious human beings must choose love voluntarily.

The brightening Alcyone guides the journey of Andreas and Freedom. They witness the birth of loving man, Homo caritas, on the first Christmas. The Seven Sisters and the mysterious GABRIEL praise the child before the face of the universe. The boy grows up a man who replies to lovelessness with love. The life of the child of Providence ends in an execution. The crucified Christ falls into despair but draws strength from the love of his mother and spouse, turns the other cheek and trusts in love at the time of his death. In a tomb carved in rock, Gabriel releases a corona burst that dematerialises the body of Christ, leaving an imprint on the shroud as proof of the resurrection of acts of love.

The followers of the loving man do not waver even at the face of cruel perse-cution. Gradually, however, they are entrapped by lust for power and the doctrine of the church. The interpretations of creative people are condemned heretical. Andreas learns the difference between spirituality and religion: Spirituality has a biological origin inside of man, but religion originates externally from culture. Spirituality connects people, while religion separates them. Religion confines thinking, whereas spirituality is based on freedom.

Near an ancient valley of the tombs, Andreas and Freedom see two monks


bury pots containing scriptures into the ground. The older monk has decided to spare the forbidden texts, against orders. The old man tells about the fourteenth text in the scriptures, the Secret Letter of Andreas, which contains a story of an invisible virginal spirit and her first thought, Love. Andreas realises that the text is Haidar’s scripture. The story tells about Love, also known as Providence, whose manifestations continue to grow more varied. The eternal beings Life, The Fall, Hope, Freedom, Grace and Eternity, together with Love, are the seven divine thoughts of the virginal spirit. They are assisted by Gabriel. In the letter, they are depicted as stars in the sky, the Seven Sisters. The writer of the letter, Andreas, has drawn a map of the sky, one resembling an island.

The older monk tells the younger one how Love was divided into two, the mother and spouse of the cosmos, whereby the amount of love was doubled. He describes the fertilisation of Love and birth of the children of Providence into worlds surrounding the four stars. In the letter, the journey of the children of light towards homeostasis describes the comprehensive well-being and meaning of life of both the individual and the community. The thought of the virginal spirit is materialised in every act of love, every incarnation. Evolution begins with a clay crystal, creating more and more new forms of love.

Wise man, Homo sapiens, begins to make choices between love and love-lessness. Expansion of consciousness proceeds from the self into the cosmic self, until living beings understand that ‘I’ and ‘we’ mean the same thing. The emerging loving man, Homo caritas, is finally ready to encounter his heavenly brothers and sisters.

The young monk initially becomes enraged by what the old man says but finally surrenders himself to those words of love. The goal in life is to meet Love on the isle that is located inside man and at the same time in the eternal mind of the holy spirit. Every material being is Christ, when performing acts of love. In contrast, any being that performs a loveless act or adds to imbalance is Anti-Christ. The cosmos expands at an accelerating pace, powered by the holy spirit called ‘dark energy’. The Big Rip will make all matter vanish into nothingness, into the thought of the virginal spirit from where it once emerged. Every act of love will be rescued into the ark of Providence, every loveless act will be forgotten, and every spirit will live forever.

The young monk gets upset about the talk concerning the futility of religion, but calms down upon hearing that sacred services will continue to be needed in the future. What is most important is to trust in love and respect the ideas and customs of others. According to the Letter, the feeling of longing will take man close to the essence of the universe, far into space and deep into a microscopic world. Man searches for a simple idea that could explain the existence of the universe and the wonders in it. The old man says that this theory must be


discovered by using both the heart and man’s reason. The theory of everything is a golden rule, the eternal law of love that has guided the mankind since the beginning of time.

The old monk talks about the prophecy but does not reveal its content. Final-ly, the monk says that Andreas has seen the content of his letter between life and death. He describes how Andreas climbed up a tree with his sister to see all the way to heaven. This attempt ended when his sister fell down and died. Andreas sank into the black tar of guilt and commenced his reconciliatory work that led to an accident and mysterious dream time.

During the following two millennia, Andreas and Freedom observe from their cloud the unique destinies of individual people. Andreas becomes acquainted with the poor fisherman’s wife, a shepherd, a caravan owner, a sailor, an artist, a brave Indian woman and, ultimately, himself. Andreas wonders why they are not observing famous historical persons and important events. Finally he understands that acts of love are performed outside written history, in small everyday things that people do. History books describe unusual loveless actions in a distorted way. Love is commonplace, yet unique; when things are as they should be, that is love.

Andreas wakes up on the yard of his home and sees his wife step out the front door. He thinks he has fallen asleep under the maidenhair tree growing by the driveway and has dreamt everything. Then Ocean answers the phone and experiences a terrible shock. Andreas tries to talk to his wife, but she cannot see her husband. Andreas realises that it has all been true. Ocean has just heard about her husband’s plane crash on the phone. When Ocean approaches the tree to gently caress the points of a star carved on it, Andreas is lost in emptiness.

Seven years have passed. Ocean has travelled across the world, at one point almost drowning herself, but eventually has returned home to wait for something. Haidar tells Ocean about the virtual realm, Seventh Heaven, where people can experience the different forms of love in the way Andreas wanted them to. Ocean perceives Seventh Heaven as a fundamentalist religious sect. Haidar wants Ocean to try it out herself, but she refuses. Haidar reveals to Ocean that in Seventh Heaven she would meet Andreas, the first conscious human being living only in a metaphysical world. The creature that would be created using Andreas’s DNA would be a perfect image of him, one that was not even aware of being artificial. The next version of the singularity computer could transfer Ocean’s consciousness to Seventh Heaven, where they could live forever and have Adam, the child they always wanted. Adam would be the first child conceived in Seventh Heaven and a loving man from his birth all the way to eternity.

Ocean is unable to object to this new opportunity. She gets inside a vessel


filled with intelligence gel and travels to Seventh Heaven. Freedom provides Andreas with an opportunity to shift into a character created by Haidar and meet his wife. Andreas gets inside the vessel, becomes one with the liquid and is carried to the shore of an isle lying in the Shoreless Ocean. Haidar, now in the figure of YALDABAOTH, the lion-headed snake, constructs Andreas’s body with his masters. Andreas realises that he is on an isle that is familiar to him, in the Womb of the Ocean. Haidar has now filled the natural landscape with restaurants, exclu-sive hotels and shopping centres. Seventh Heaven is flocked with tourists who have come to experience perfect love, each of them in the same way. Haidar takes Andreas for a helicopter ride over the isle. Andreas sees how Haidar’s masters – mere travesties of the eternal beings – incite people into a hypnotic emotional state that has been duplicated for all. People are praising freedom at the funfair, hope on the golf course and the fall at the seven-star casino.

Haidar flies Andreas over to Eden, which remains almost as before. In para-dise, Andreas finds a villa and a magical pool where Andreas and Ocean meet. They eat a fruit from the Tree of Truth. This time Andreas swallows the seed. Andreas reveals to Ocean that he is real – albeit she has already sensed this. They are both disgusted by Haidar’s artificial heaven but understand that this is the only reality where they can be together. They hope that Haidar would leave them in peace; in vain, however. Sheltered by darkness, Haidar, in the form of Yaldabaoth, listens to the couple talking and becomes enraged. He summons his masters to his help and ravishes Ocean. Yaldabaoth intends to imprison her in his tower and make her his slave for eternity. The masters throw Andreas into a swimming pool that expands into a shoreless ocean. The man becomes one with singularity. Now transformed into water, Andreas finds a starfish, counts its arms and returns to the yard of his home, under the maidenhair tree.

Freedom tells Andreas that he has just seen the prophecy of the Secret Letter of Andreas. Seventh Heaven will come true, if Haidar gets to carry out his plan. Freedom provides Andreas with two options: He can give up Ocean and return to the isle, or repeat his experience in Seventh Heaven. The only existing designs for the singularity computer are in Haidar’s briefcase that Andreas had with him on the plane. Following the death of the inventor, Haidar would not be able to construct Seventh Heaven without the briefcase. The items lost in the crash drift to the isle, to the Last Shore, where Andreas also ends up after passing through the Valley of Death. Thus he can spend the rest of his life on the isle and destroy the briefcase in the end. Haidar will not be able to carry out his plan, and Ocean can be free for the rest of her life.

To save his beloved one from Yaldabaoth, Andreas gives up his wife, deeply struck by grief. He lies down on the cloud bed, floats towards the setting sun and sinks into the blue depths of dream time.



Waking up on the isle, Andreas says his farewells to his wife in his mind, parts with Freedom and heads for the Valley of Death. In Andreas’s mind, Genesis and Ocean have merged into one, and now he decides more determinedly than before to seek out Genesis from the valley of shadows. A failure would lead to death and the Last Shore – this way Andreas could complete his mission all the same.

Before the Valley of Death, Andreas reaches a plain covered with decompo-sing wreaths and memorial ribbons. He wades through the sea of flowers, reading the words filled with sorrow and love. In a gorge between two mountains And-reas finds the memorial ribbon written by Ocean to her spouse, in other words Andreas. The words bring him to his knees. He enters the Valley of Death and the shore of the Black Lake. The road ends, and the only route available leads to the Steps of Mortals. Where the path ends, Andreas walks into a trap, falls into the Black Abyss and finds himself at the shore of the River of the Underworld.

Andreas meets Death, according to which Genesis is not in the valley but on the Hill of Love. Andreas realises that Genesis and Love are the one and the same being. He could have spent all this time by his woman! As his hope begins to fade, Hope arrives at the scene. The Black Stream grabs the ferry and takes Andreas and Death with it. Reaching for the rescue rope cast by Hope, Andreas falls into the stream. Hope tries to catch her brother with the rope as Death approaches her. Aided by the spirit of Andreas that transforms into a fish, Hope pulls her brother to the shore. The rocks in the Valley of Death begin to rumble when Andreas’s heart begins to beat. The only escape is a virtually impossible one: Hope must carry Andreas over the mountains on her tiny wings. But the siblings are saved by hope that grows into trust. They fly over the mountains and swamps to a place where Andreas can recover before his journey to the Hill of Love. In the garden of Grace, he falls asleep, lulled by the gentle sigh of leaves on the trees.

An eternal being – GRACE, Maia – frees Andreas from the burden of guilt. She helps him encounter the sources of his pain by the Holy Spring. An expla-nation is also found for the black bird that has been haunting Andreas; this turns out to be hatred concealed inside him. Andreas encounters perfect grace and forgiveness. He realises that he is the one that he was supposed to become.

Andreas continues his journey in grace, without guilt or shame. He wants to finally tread the Hill of Love, but fear of death guides his steps towards the Tower of Eternity. ETERNITY, Merope, shows him her tower which ascends beyond the stars all the way to infinity. Andreas yearns for undying love and enters the tower. Eternity tries to stop him but is too late. Time changes into eternity. There is no return. Andreas, with Eternity by his side, treads the never-ending stairs, into a spiral of fire illuminated by torches.


While climbing, Andreas sees skeletons that remind him of the living beings he has met during billions of years. All the dead are in the Tower of Eternity. Eternity tells him about the long process of death, leading from the River of the Underworld to the Western Ocean, the Harbour of Love and the Cathedral of Love and the sacred requiem of Providence. After the requiem, the deceased reach the Last Shore, receive their love letters and continue on to the Valley of Death. The River of the Underworld now leads to the Shoreless Ocean via its northern branch. After a seven-day wait, the dying ones sink through the living membrane that is the water’s surface into the Tower of Eternity. At the tower, they read and listen to each other’s love letters, until their strength fails and they look out the window. When the mortals fall down by the window, Death will carry the love letters into the Ark of Providence. All the acts of love carried out by the material universe during its existence are gathered into the ark. The spirits of the dead are set free into the wind passing through the tower, and they fly towards eternity.

To his horror, Andreas notices that he does not have his love letter with him, because he has entered the Tower of Eternity too early. He has also passed by the Last Shore and therefore cannot destroy Haidar’s briefcase. His acts of love face the threat of damnation, and Ocean – along with millions of others – may wind up forever enslaved in Seventh Heaven. Eternity is unable to come up with a way to avoid destruction. Ultimately, Andreas’s strength wanes away. After hearing the voice of his mother, he sees the Ark of Providence. He feels the urge to look out the window and give up. As his memory is blurred, with Death approaching on the stairs, Andreas experiences a moment of brightness: He manages to solve the riddle of the prime numbers and the Fibonacci sequence. Prime numbers depict eternal unique opportunities, some of which the universe materialises with the Fibonacci sequence. The figures, which are prime numbers as well as Fibonacci numbers, are incarnations – embodiments of the virginal spirit’s ideas. Number seven – the first prime number that is not a Fibonacci number – depicts a miracle, an act of love that is not of this world. It depicts the interaction between nothingness and matter. With this number, Providence creates and maintains the existence of the material world and the events that take place in it.

Andreas understands that number seven can take him from the moment into eternity, and perhaps vice versa. One can only encounter the universe between Alpha and Omega which are merged into one in a moment, in dream time. Andreas counts the numbers from seven to one and throws himself down from the Tower of Eternity, relying on his faith to carry him. As a storm wind piercing through the tower, he plunges out of the universe, ultimately into the core of his own existence. His journey comes to a halt between Alpha and Omega. Andreas stops at a perfect moment.


Andreas awakens on a moist lawn and hears a voice that tells him to look at the sunrise, the moment of Eleleth. Andreas meets a creature – MOMENT – whose charms and innocence make him forget everything else. Walking behind her on the Vanishing Path, he understands that a perfect moment can only be experienced by a spirit on which consciousness is based, one that the eternal beings call Né-yX. The layers of self on top of it live in past and future events. The surrendering to the moment reveals Né-yX and the connection to the vir-ginal spirit for a fleeting flash. The ladybird reveals its secret: The ladybird and the mystical Né-yX are one.

After spending the night in an apple orchard, Andreas and Moment ascend on the holy spiral road to the tower rising at the top of the Hill of Love. The pilgrimage that has lasted billions of years comes to an end, when the tower, glowing in morning light, appears before them.

Andreas enters the abode of Providence with Moment, who has introduced herself as the chambermaid of Love, by his side. Love has gone her own way, and just Andreas and Moment are in the tower. She prepares him delicious oatmeal. The two discuss the riddle relating to the pendant around her neck, the union between heaven and earth. Moment shows Andreas a locket discovered on the shore – a golden remote control Andreas has used to control the dust of intelligence particles attached to his insula. Andreas realises that the nanocom-ponents in his insula and the stars and heavenly angels of his childhood, the Seven Sisters, become one with the eternal beings he has met on the isle. He understands that he is on the same isle that he drew as a child, the isle being his own insula! He fears of still being in the ocean, close to death and experiencing delusions generated by the defective device.

Andreas cannot tell if he himself has made up everything that has happened or whether it has been created by Providence. He understands that there is a sword hanging over Moment – is she real or his own creation? But momentary dimples on her cheeks, the tears and the perfect oatmeal tell the truth: Every-thing is fine, Moment does exist and Love is real.

Moment leads Andreas to the second floor in the tower. His stomach is filled, and he sleeps like a baby. He enjoys ordinary things more than ever. He saves the woman from a spider, eats heavenly apple pie and plays a board game with Moment, where the prince lowers his weapon and gives up his kingdom to get the princess. On the third floor, Andreas helps Moment to hang a painting on the wall. He hits his finger with a hammer, which is the best thing that has ever happened to him. When solving the riddle of tapestries in the tower, Andreas realises that Love is alive in every eternal being and that these beings live within one another, the Fall also within Moment. He and she play with magical cards which inevitably point towards a destiny filled with passion where moths get


their wings burned.Andreas and Moment fall closer to one another, as if drawn by gravity. In

the vanishing light of Eleleth, he succumbs to his feelings. Moment leads And-reas to the highest floor, the Chamber of Love, the most sacred place in the universe. The garment, which resembles Moment’s living thought, flows down to the moonlit floor like water. Alpha and Omega merge with one another in a whirlwind of emotions, where the tidal forces of singularity swallow the man and lower him into the eye of the storm where true calmness resides.

In a state of perfect equanimity, Andreas confesses his love. Moment respon-ses to him in the language of the eternal beings: “Æ-La, éh X.” I love you. They become one, in dream time. Andreas cannot understand why he did not meet Love in the tower but fell in love with Moment. The brownness of Moment’s eyes dissolves as if washed away by rain, and the colour of ultramarine is now to be seen in them. For him, it is the same shade of blue as in the eyes of Providence in time before time, in the eternal mind of the virginal spirit. Moment reveals that she is Love, not coming through the door but from within him. Moment has transformed into Love. She is also Providence and Genesis. They are all one.

Andreas has been given it all but fears the worst. Love tells him that they had one day to fall in love and now have the night for love. Wrath arises within him, but he does not dare to face the feeling. Black birds attack Providence in Andreas’s thoughts. In Love’s embrace, he finds the courage to face his wrath and once and for all becomes free from the spell of the black bird. It turns out that wrath is not the opposite of love but an indicator of it. Andreas accepts his destiny. There is nothing else but this moment, in which the man and the woman fully give in to their emotions and to one another.

In the night, there is a knock on the tower’s door. Andreas leaves Love and faces Death at the door. A gloomy bunch of riders take him with them on a spine-chilling journey that ends up at the northernmost point of the isle: The Lonely Horn. On a ledge projecting over the ocean, Death gives Andreas the last moment. He sees Love that has ridden through the swamps to be there alongside her beloved one at the time of death. Death, as it turns out, is Gabriel. The angel of birth and death is a woman whose beauty is only matched by Love. Love and Death are like siblings.

When his and her fingers unclasp and Gabriel prepares to perform her duty, Love acknowledges life within her. She understands that she is pregnant. She gets very upset and refuses to obey Death. She protects Andreas with her own body and is prepared to die alongside the father of her child, should Death refuse to back down from her claim. Andreas sees the destruction that lies ahead: The death of Love would burn every love letter to ashes and bring all acts of love and souls to damnation. The virginal spirit would cease to exist, with her eternal


thought fading away. All universes would burst like soap bubbles. The body of the mermaid swimming in ultramarine ocean would descend to the bottom and be covered in mud. Despite the horrendousness of the devastation, an even more complete destruction arises in the thoughts of Andreas: The world might continue its existence without love!

The thought is unbearable. First and foremost, however, he wants to save his woman and child. Andreas steps forward in front of Love, grabs the hands of Death and gives up his life. His woman’s wrath disappears and leaves behind deep sadness. As his heart is dying out, Death goes away and leaves the lovers on the rock by the shore awakening in the morning. In glaring light, Andreas dies in Providence’s embrace.

Andreas awakens in the Valley of Death. His journey continues on the ferry of Gabriel down the River of the Underworld into the Western Ocean. On a seven-year journey, Andreas meets the spirit of his dead mother and sees his father on a remote isle, waiting for death there. The waters of the Bay of Love carry the ferry to the Harbour of Love. Andreas enters the Cathedral of Love alongside Gabriel for his requiem. A bunch of people come to the shrine on the evergreen hill – Andreas recognises them as the passengers who died in the plane crash. The eternal beings appear as well, headed by Providence. Love is donning a white bridal gown, while the other eternal beings are wearing black. Andreas realises that this is a wedding as well as a funeral.

Love commences the requiem. She cannot see Andreas but can feel his pre-sence in her heart. Providence goes over the difficult stages in Andreas’s life and the early part of his journey on the isle with Life and Genesis. The emotionally laden story makes him experience everything all over again. The congregation, with candles in their hands, proceeds to the southern transept, where Providen-ce’s narrative continues through the evolution of space and love together with Hope and Freedom. The whispering and singing of the eternal beings carry the story towards Grace, Eternity and the embrace of Love. Providence reveals that the requiem takes place at the Cathedral of St. Andreas. The walls and towers of the thousand-year-old shrine have been waiting for this moment alone.

The Chapel of Lady Alcyone that forms the western part of the cathedral is a chalice intended to be filled up to the brim with love. The chalice is Andreas, who encounters divine love in all its completeness. Gabriel unites Andreas and Love eternally, authorised by the virginal spirit. The seven-year-old Adam as their witness, Andreas and Love promise to love one another forever. As Providence confesses her love in the language of the eternal beings, Andreas experiences agape that encompasses all. The wedding ceremony ends in a song sung by Providence. The congregation moves to the northern transept where Andreas’s body rests on a sarcophagus carved in stone. There, by the sarcopha-


gus of St. Andreas, Andreas hears that he has left a faint mark of love. As Love bows down to kiss the stone figure, Andreas can feel her lips against his own and her tear on his cheek.

After the requiem, the deceased and the eternal beings travel north to the Last Shore. Providence says goodbye to the plane passengers who disappear into the ocean, hand in hand. Adam finds Haidar’s briefcase on the shore but, heeding to his mother’s advice, leaves it for his father to deal with. The son falls asleep on his mother’s lap. The eternal beings also sleep by the fire. Love alone stays awake. She whispers to Andreas that it is time for him to receive his love letter. The lovers sit by the dying fire, feeling each other’s presence. When Love finally falls asleep, Andreas finds an envelope in the ashes, his own love letter.

Looking at the eternal beings, Andreas realises that he has met each of them as the women who have brought love into his life. While Love is whispering in her sleep, Andreas can feel understanding rise towards the surface, but just at that time the first rays of the sun tell him it is time to go. He grabs Haidar’s briefcase, bids farewell to his sleeping beloved ones and leaves for north alongside Gabriel. At the Wolf Pass, Andreas and Death encounter a pack of wolves that give in to the loving man and allow them access to the Valley of Death. Andreas decides to take the briefcase to the Tower of Eternity where no-one could find it before the end of the universe. They embark the ferry and sail to the northern branch of the River of the Underworld, the Shoreless Ocean. On the seventh night, Andreas experiences great pleasure in understanding why he has shared the map of love with his wife Ocean. The positions of stars at the time of their births – the thoughts of Providence – had drawn the Seven Sisters as maps of love on the insula of them both.

The Seven Sisters transform into doves and descend upon the ferry. Andreas sinks into the ocean but is unable to go through living water to the Tower of Eternity. The briefcase stays afloat and will not let him through. Andreas will not leave the briefcase. He decides to sacrifice his eternity so that Ocean can retain her freedom. The sacrifice creates yet another line in the love letter. As a thunderstorm rises, one of the doves grabs the letter in its beak. The birds ascend to heavens in a divine revelation. The letter has been completed and is now secure – Providence has sent a carrier dove to collect the love letter! Forces of nature attack Andreas. While a giant wave lifts Andreas high up, a bolt of lightning strikes the briefcase. An immense burst of energy dematerialises the man and the briefcase. Both are merged into the emptiness of the universe and vanish to secret roads in the eternal mind of the holy spirit.


Part V – OMEGA

The Né-yX that has lived within Andreas travels the concealed paths of immor-tal spirits. It waits its turn inside a ball of wool that Providence uses for weaving an endless fabric. This fabric is a living thought that creates the truth out of the incarnations of the material world, a truth that is in perfect equanimity.

From beyond the ocean, Providence hears an anguished female voice but will not let this disturb her work. Every Né-yX is matched by one prime number, and each of them has its own place in the endless fabric. However, two numbers are stuck with one another – one of them a prime number, the other one not: One is Andreas’s Né-yX, the other one the briefcase. Providence cannot add an incorrect number into its fabric but would not want to return the correct number back to the material world, for this would leave a gap in the fabric. The woman’s cry beyond the ocean fades away. Providence understands that returning the Né-yX would create incarnations that would make the fabric even more beautiful. The perfect homeostasis would become imbalanced, but the grief-struck woman would receive an unexpected blessing. Providence sends the Né-yX back to the cosmos, contemplates a new opportunity and cries for joy.

Andreas’s consciousness is slowly filled by light. He hears beeps that turn out to be heartbeats. He is in a hospital. A woman is sleeping by his bed, and she calls his name in her sleep. Andreas has seen her by the fire on the Last Shore. The beeping gets faster, waking her up. She bursts into tears and embraces him. Andreas realises that the woman is Ocean, his wife. Ocean, Love and Providen-ce are one. Her green eyes have become ultramarine.

Andreas is told that he is in the City of Freedom and that he has floated between life and death for seven days. The locket that was found on Andreas is in Ocean’s handbag. The blinking lights of the waterlogged device fill his mind with premonitions. Andreas is faced with the same question as while at the Tower of Love: Is all this a creation of his own mind, or is Love real? Her blue eyes tell the truth: Andreas has met Love.

Haidar’s special-made briefcase has been brought to the hospital room. It can-not be concealed, because the positioning device inside it reveals its location. Andreas decides to give the briefcase to Haidar and leave his fate at the hands of Providence. Andreas checks out from the hospital, although not truly well yet, and goes with his wife to the Tower of Freedom, to Haidar’s press conference. Located above Haidar’s office on the 77th floor, the restaurant Ninth Heaven serves as the stage for the introduction of Seventh Heaven. Haidar tells the roomful of people about the conquest of the mammalian insula and the perfect map of love that will be a blessing to all mankind. He describes the metaphy-sical world to be created with the singularity computer, a world where love will become real. Haidar opens the briefcase and reads an excerpt from the Secret Letter of Andreas foretelling the birth of Seventh Heaven. He asks Andreas to

Part V – OMEGA


tell the people about love. Those present no longer think about the next day’s headlines; instead, they are trying to relate personally to what they have been told. Bewildered and hopeful, they wait for what Andreas has to say.

Andreas follows Ocean’s advice and trusts in love. He opens the Secret Let-ter of Andreas and tells about the monks that buried the forbidden scriptures. Andreas would like to read the text to the people but does not master Ancient Greek. After praying for Providence to help him, he suddenly notices that he understands every word in the scripture. Moreover, he realises that the Secret Letter of Andreas has been written by him. And it is not only that he has written it; he has also been written. The Secret Letter of Andreas is a love letter that Providence has written, to him and through him at the same time. The Secret Letter of Andreas is his life! Andreas remembers how the dove carried the letter on the shoreless ocean and how the lightning transferred him and the briefcase from this world to the next. Miraculously, the love letter has not been transferred into Providence’s fabric. It has returned in the briefcase into the material world, to this instant.

Andreas has been written for billions of years, and now the sacred text is right there before his eyes. He understands that there is only one Andreas and he him-self is the one. Andreas begins: “This is how I was written…” He reads the Secret Letter of Andreas to the people. The people understand the symbolic significance of the text and interpret it each in their own way. But Haidar only sees his own interpretation and disapproves of those conjured up by others. When Andreas reaches the end, Haidar carries on with the event but gets interrupted by people. They perceive the prophecy concerning Seventh Heaven as a warning. The holy spirit has given them the ability to speak Ancient Greece, and they are filled with love. They are children of light who do not believe in one single truth.

Haidar leaves the restaurant in fury and takes the lift up to the top of the Tower of Freedom. Andreas goes after him, worried about the situation. On the observation platform encircling the top of the tower, Haidar reveals what he is about to do: He will detonate an explosive charge placed in his office with a mobile phone signal. The Tower of Freedom would collapse, and no-one would hear the content of the Secret Letter of Andreas, intended to be interpreted only by Haidar’s family. No-one would be able to warn the mankind about Haidar’s plan.

The helicopter coming for Haidar approaches the top of the tower. Haidar climbs on the railing, preparing to escape the explosion. Andreas also climbs to the railing to prevent him. Ocean arrives at the scene, fearing that Andreas, still weak from the accident, is unable to match Haidar. She leaps up between the men. Driven by fear and hatred, she charges Haidar. Acting instinctively, Andreas pushes his wife to safety and almost falls into the abyss. In a moment


of despair, Ocean acknowledges the new life growing inside her and realises that she is pregnant. She screams at the first thought of the virginal spirit for help. Her prayer is answered, and Andreas regains his balance.

Andreas sees the destruction before him and now grabs a hold of Haidar’s briefcase. A murderous streak takes over the men who try to push each other down to a certain death. Ocean’s words about the baby awaken Andreas. He remembers the loving man and the golden rule. Andreas lets go of the briefcase and gives up. Wrath disappears from his mind, as does the lion from his soul.

Haidar is now free to make his choice. Thinking about the consequences of the explosion, his mind is filled with uncertainty. He thinks about a realm where he would always be right but nevertheless be a mere clone of perfect love. Haidar begins to doubt his own interpretation of the Secret Letter of Andreas. He asks himself questions that he never dared to contemplate before. Haidar sees a flash of his tragic history and realises that he can now be free. He can start all over again.

Haidar now has all the power, but it no longer feels worth obtaining. An-ti-Christ subsides at the top of the Tower of Freedom, making way for Christ. Haidar concedes power and acknowledges his ignorance. He chooses love. Hai-dar feels deep remorse and throws the designs of the singularity computer in the wind. He decides to share the Secret Letter of Andreas with all people. Andreas and Ocean only want one thing: To go back home.

Andreas and Ocean fly back to the Land of White Summers. During their travel, Andreas shares his experiences with Ocean. On the driveway of their home, Andreas receives a call. He is told about a defect in the manufacture of the dust of intelligence particles. This proves that Providence has truly been behind the events. Ocean points out to him a word carved on the maidenhead tree, one they have never noticed before. Andreas is familiar with the word. He has heard it from the lips of Providence, when the virgin created a new universe. He recognises his mantra. He knows that he has reached his destination.

Seven years later Andreas is gazing at the stars with his son. He tells Adam about the Seven Sisters and about love. Inside, the family enjoys hot chocolate in candlelight. Adam’s sister Anna tells about a miraculous isle she has dreamt about. Later when the couple are alone, Andreas, who continues his career as a doctor, tells his wife about a patient he treated earlier in the day, a girl who was nearly killed by strange bacteria. Life heard Andreas’s prayer and saved the girl. At the same time, Death has taken an old man, Andreas’s father. Andreas and Ocean feel sorrow and relief – Andreas’s father is now with his wife and the eternal beings.

Once the children have fallen asleep, Andreas crouches next to his wife on the sofa. His heart is full of sadness and love. To comfort him, Ocean asks him


to dance with her. With the familiar song playing, they press against each other, towards perfect equanimity. The final chord of the song vanishes into emptiness. Her breath is like a whisper of the ocean: “Æ-La, éh X.”

The eternal beings, floating above the house in the winter night, hear Provi-dence confess her love to the man who has become what he was supposed to. Led by Gabriel, they praise love, transform into doves and fly as shooting stars towards the starry sky of Providence. The breath of the universe makes the seven candles in the sitting room flicker. When time, after ceasing for an instant, again begins to move, a miracle occurs: In dream time, one second equals a billion years. As the axis of the universe rumbles, dark energy makes the universe expand at a blazing speed. Galaxies bid each other farewell, and the Big Rip separates even the smallest particles of the material world from one another.

The universe returns in perfect equanimity. Reality moves constantly in the consciousness of the virginal spirit. Immense energy reserves sparkle, in accordance with the golden rule. A mermaid swims rapidly towards the sur-face in the ultramarine ocean. Providence cannot live only in memories – the virgin is driven by childlike curiosity, blessed fertility and the dream of fleeting moments filled with love and sadness. Providence only feels truly alive when creating something new. The mermaid moves like a living thought. Penetrating the membrane that is the water’s surface, the virgin sees how the sky and the ocean part from one another. She feels the lightness of love and the gravity of sorrow. The storm that gathers its force from eternity is brewing, but the virgin is not afraid. Providence whispers the secret word in its wondrous language and starts all over again.

