What makes a people the best of all communities is when they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436 The Islamic Post $1.00 U.S. International Edition Serving the Nation & the World conflict. The best course for the world is that other countries do not interfere.” The appeal made by Saudi Arabia to Pakistan asking them to join their alliance was rejected. While it is good that both Pakistan and Turkey decided to limit their intervention in the Saudi – Yemen conflict to engaging in dialogue, it should be understood that this is a war between Wahhabis and Shiites who do not recognize mainstream Muslims as their co-religious partners. The involve- ment of other countries exacerbates the situation, will spread chaos and bloodshed and increase the chances of WWIII. “We are trying our best to bring the truth regarding this conflict in Yemen to the world,” said Maulana Husain M. Abdallah Qadree. Murder in the French Alps: Failure of Drugs in Mental Illnesses (IP Correspondent)- Global aware- ness has spread that Israel and Iran are involved in directing and financially backing the “phenomenon” known as ISIS. With aims to discredit Islam and create chaos throughout the world, these two countries provide full intel- ligence resources and logistics to ISIS. Declaring to be an “Islamic state”, ISIS is brazenly engaging in brutal, rep- rehensible acts that are in clear opposi- tion to the fundamental tenets of Islam, causing key figures in the Islamic world to decry ISIS’ behavior. Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon), also known as ISIS/ ISIL leader ‘Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’, was recruited and trained by the Israeli Mossad in espionage and psychological warfare to be used against Arab and Islamic societies. He has conspired with Israel, the British and the CIA to destroy Arab and Muslim nations, par- ticularly ones considered moderate, like Syria. ISIS is said to have a 2015 budget of $2 billion, with a $250 million expected surplus. Wealth of this magnitude among so called jihad groups is unprec- edented. The U.S. Treasury Under-Sec- retary for Terrorism and Financial Intel- ligence, David S. Cohen, has confirmed the aforementioned numbers for the areas controlled by ISIS. Oil from the 80 oil fields throughout Iraq and Syria that ISIS seized control of is being sold on the black market internationally with estimated sales of $1,000,000 a day. According to Cohen, the regime of President Bashar Assad of Syria has made an arrangement to buy ISIS oil, and some oil from ISIS territory has been sold to Kurds in Iraq. But what is not being mentioned is that Israel is also buying oil from ISIS through the black market at rock bottom prices. The Iraqi crude oil is exported through the Kurdish region to Turkish refineries and from Turkey’s Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, ultimately, to Israel. Facts require that we pay close at- tention to the various funding sources ISIS relies upon. Careful examination reveals ISIS’ horrific and unseemly JAPAN SHOULD RECOGNIZE CRIMEAN REFERENDUM, LIFT RUSSIAN SANCTIONS International Court rules billions to be paid for lives, health and jobs lost due to gross negligence. •INSIDE THIS EDITION• e Mourshidates: Algeria’s Female Religious Leaders WORLD PAGE 2 EDITORIAL PAGE 3 LATINO/CARIBE PAGE 8 NATIONAL PAGE 6 The Case of Stephen Esolen in Hancock, NY Alaska, the Beautiful MAGAZINE PAGE 4 The American Ulema, Religious Scholars, from Al Azhar University (bottom), Cairo, Egypt, and the United States (top and center) Ecuador Wins Against Chevron JOINT STATEMENT BY ULAMA FROM AL-AZHAR AND AMERICA DECLARE: YEMEN-SAUDI CONFLICT IS NOT ABOUT ISLAM Lady Scholars using education as a weapon against extremism. Residents express security concerns after threats, lethal explosives and deadly weapons are found. Ulama from Al-Azhar and America recently convened a meeting to discuss the current conflict that is raging in Yemen and concluded that this is not a war that involves Muslims or the religion of Islam. Instead, the Saudi- Yemen conflict is a war between Wah- habism and Shiism. The Ulama stated “We wish to clarify to the entire world that this war has nothing to do with Islam and the groups involved—Wah- habis, from Saudi Arabia and Shiite Houthi rebels from Yemen—are unfor- tunately misled.” Present at the meeting of American Ulama were Maulana Husain Abdallah Qadree (NY), Maulana Muhammad Abdul Mumin Qadree (NY), Maulana Nur Muhammad Qadree (NJ), Maulana Hussein Abu Bakr Qadree (NY), Mau- lana Ismail Abdul Haqq Qadree (VA), Maulana Saiid Abdul Kareem Qadree (GA), Maulana Qari Ismail Abdur Rahmaan Qadree (CAN), Maulana Su- laiman Abdur Rahim Qadree (TN), and Maulana Sayeed Shakir Qadree (SC). According to the Ulama, each group has its own history that contravenes the tenets of Al-Islam, proving that they do not adhere to Islamic principles. Mau- lana Muhammad Abdul Mumin Qadree stated, “The involvement of Saudi Arabia, which is home to two of Islam’s holiest sites, has led many people to be- lieve that it is a war concerning Islam, but it is really the opposite.” Azhari Ulama also met in Cairo re- garding the conflict. During their meet- ing, they concluded that Wahhabism is neither a sect of Islam nor Islamic, but a separate religion. “The tenets of Wah- habism declare all who disagree with their beliefs as heretics and unbelievers- -even if they are Muslim. The Shiites have their own religion and must not be confused with Islam. They neither pray as prescribed nor pay the obliga- tory Zakat, and they reject the Sunnah of the Holy Last Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him).” said Maulana Jamaaludin Abdul-Wahid Al-Qadri Al-Azhari. The Wahhabi Saudi led airstrikes against the Shiite rebels began with the aim of forcing the rebels to surrender the weapons they looted from army depots. Saudi Arabia earlier pledged that the military campaign in Yemen would not stop until security and stabil- ity are restored. Saudi warplanes have carried out dozens of raids on military sites across Yemen. So far, air strikes have killed 62 children and wounded hundreds. Saudi Arabia’s effort to draw in other Muslim countries to participate in their sectarian violence has led the region closer to the beginning of WWIII. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el- Sissi ordered Egyptian ships positioned in the Red Sea and called for a regional Arab military force in this conflict that has nothing to do with Islam. Egypt and Saudi Arabia had previously threatened a ground war and the latter amassed 150,000 troops on its border with Yemen. Although Israel has not officially stated their involvement, the Secretary General of Yemen’s Al-Haq Political Party, Hassan Zayd, stated on his Face- book page, “This is the first time that the Zionists are conducting a joint operation in coalition with Arabs.” The Saudi-Israeli relationship is not surprising to the Muslim Ummah who is well aware of King Abdul-Aziz Ibn Saud’s (1882-1953) agreement with the British to assist in usurping Palestine and turning it into Israel in exchange for being declared King of Saudi Arabia. Expressing dismay, Maulana Mahmud Abdussabur Al-Qadri Al-Azhari stated, “This is an ongoing Shiite-Wahhabi SIMFEROPOL — The former Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama said at a meeting with Crimea’s leadership that Tokyo should take an independent decision to lift the sanctions it has im- posed against Moscow and recognize the results of the Crimean referendum on reunification with Russia. Hatoyama stressed that the Japanese authorities are looking up to the United States when choosing a foreign policy course. Ac- cording to the former prime minister, Tokyo’s decision to join anti-Russia sanctions was not right. “I believe it’s time for Japan to wake up and face the reality. Let the other countries continue their policy of sanc- tions against Russia, but Japan should independently renounce this policy,” Hatoyama said. The former prime minister noted that because of Tokyo’s decision to join the anti-Russia sanctions, the visit of Russian President to Japan has been cancelled and the talks on Kuril Islands were frozen. Hatoyama noted that being a de- mocracy, Japan should have welcomed the March, 2014 referendum in Crimea – but due to the one-sided media cov- erage, the vast majority of Japanese remain unaware of real situation in Crimea and the amount of work that has been done in the region during the last year. Hatoyama said that during his visit to Crimea he witnessed the unanimity of locals regarding the reunification with Russia. “I believe this signifies that this was a right decision to take,” the politician said. Crimea and Sevastopol became Rus- sian regions following a referendum held in March, 2014, when 96 percent of voters backed seceding from Ukraine and reuniting with Russia. Despite this, the United States and their allies have branded the move an “illegal annexa- tion” and started imposing sanctions against Moscow. Tokyo followed US sanctions policy by restricting exports of Russian weapons to Japan and im- posing sanctions against several Rus- sian banks. TheJapanNews.net ISIS: Brainchild of Israel and the CIA The Russia-based cyber security group, Kaspersky Labs, has uncovered more evidence tying the United States’ National Security Agency, NSA, to a shadowy group of hackers. The hacking collective, dubbed “Equation Group,” must have been sponsored by a nation-state with vast re- sources in order to operate, Kaspersky analysts assert. The strongest evidence connecting the NSA to Equation Group is the string “BACKSNARF_AB25,” which was embedded in a sample of the Equation Group cyber espionage platform known as ‘Equation Drug.’ “BACKSNARF,” according to page 19 of an undated NSA presentation that was obtained by Ars Technica, an IT information web- site, was the name of a project tied to the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations. “While the presence of the ‘BACK- SNARF’ artifact isn’t conclusive proof it was part of the NSA project by that name, the chances of two unrelated projects with nation-state funding seems infinitesimally small,” Dan Gooding of Ars Technica points out. A new report, published in early March by Kaspersky, notes that time- stamps stored inside the Equation Group malware showed that hackers almost exclusively worked Monday through Friday. Assuming they worked from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., employees likely were working in the eastern part of the U.S. It is unlikely the timestamps were intentionally manipulated, the report states, since the years listed in various executable files match the availability of computer platforms the files ran on. Kaspersky Lab Uncovers Link to Infamous Hackers British Muslim Activists Condemn ‘Anti-Islam’ Laws MOSCOW -- More than 120 British Muslim activists recently released a public statement accusing the UK gov- ernment of “criminalizing” Islam and portraying Muslims as a threat. “The Muslim community rejects the state’s criminalization of Islam and condemns moves to silence legitimate critique and dissent… We reject the portrayal of Muslims and the Muslim community as a security threat,” the letter signed by 128 activists, including imams, humanitarian activists, journal- ists and scholars said. The signatories stated that UK politi- cians are exploiting the “Muslim issue,” including the public concerns regarding security and immigration, to gain more political capital and distract the public attention from problems in the economy and health service as the general elec- tions approach. “The latest act of parliament, the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, threatens to create a “McCarthyite” witch-hunt against Muslims, with nurs- ery workers, schoolteachers and uni- versities expected to look out for signs of increased Islamic practice as signs of “radicalization”,” the statement said. The activists also said that the expe- dient use of “politically charged” words such as “radicalization” and “extrem- ism” and labelling “normative Islamic opinions” as “extremist” impedes politi- cal dialogue in the country and serves as an excuse to silence speakers. “It is time that politicians stop divert- ing the attention of the British public away from its domestic crises and di- sastrous foreign policies by repeatedly playing the ‘Muslim’ or ‘national secu- rity’ card,” the letter concluded. Ria Novosti/Sputnik News Israeli and U.S. made weapons caches have been confiscated from ISIS extremists. Continued on Page 2 The Muslims of America members augment Muslim/Christian fellowship on one of the last American frontiers.

The Islamic Post April Vol 1

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The Islamic Post is an international news publication and THE premiere news source for the Muslim community at large. We have been in print since 1982. Our circulation has grown immensely over the years, we are currently at 20,000 and we are constantly working to improve and increase the presence The Islamic Post locally, nationally and internationally. The Islamic Post seeks to bring together communities, through its professional, unbiased reporting of today’s current events and issues, which affect the general public in the U.S. and all over the world. We champion the cause of those who are less fortunate, bringing justice by printing the truth!

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Page 1: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

What makes a people the best of all communities is when they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong.

April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436

The Islamic Post$1.00 U.S.

International Edition

Serving the Nation & the World

conflict. The best course for the world is that other countries do not interfere.”

The appeal made by Saudi Arabia to Pakistan asking them to join their alliance was rejected. While it is good that both Pakistan and Turkey decided to limit their intervention in the Saudi –Yemen conflict to engaging in dialogue, it should be understood that this is a war between Wahhabis and Shiites who do

not recognize mainstream Muslims as their co-religious partners. The involve-ment of other countries exacerbates the situation, will spread chaos and bloodshed and increase the chances of WWIII.

“We are trying our best to bring the truth regarding this conflict in Yemen to the world,” said Maulana Husain M. Abdallah Qadree.

Murder in the French Alps: Failure of Drugs in Mental Illnesses

(IP Correspondent)- Global aware-ness has spread that Israel and Iran are involved in directing and financially backing the “phenomenon” known as ISIS. With aims to discredit Islam and create chaos throughout the world, these two countries provide full intel-ligence resources and logistics to ISIS.

Declaring to be an “Islamic state”, ISIS is brazenly engaging in brutal, rep-rehensible acts that are in clear opposi-tion to the fundamental tenets of Islam, causing key figures in the Islamic world to decry ISIS’ behavior. Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon), also known as ISIS/ISIL leader ‘Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’, was recruited and trained by the Israeli Mossad in espionage and psychological warfare to be used against Arab and Islamic societies. He has conspired with Israel, the British and the CIA to destroy Arab and Muslim nations, par-ticularly ones considered moderate, like Syria.

ISIS is said to have a 2015 budget of $2 billion, with a $250 million expected surplus. Wealth of this magnitude

among so called jihad groups is unprec-edented. The U.S. Treasury Under-Sec-retary for Terrorism and Financial Intel-ligence, David S. Cohen, has confirmed the aforementioned numbers for the areas controlled by ISIS. Oil from the 80 oil fields throughout Iraq and Syria that ISIS seized control of is being sold on the black market internationally with estimated sales of $1,000,000 a day.

According to Cohen, the regime of President Bashar Assad of Syria has made an arrangement to buy ISIS oil, and some oil from ISIS territory has been sold to Kurds in Iraq. But what is not being mentioned is that Israel is also buying oil from ISIS through the black market at rock bottom prices. The Iraqi crude oil is exported through the Kurdish region to Turkish refineries and from Turkey’s Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, ultimately, to Israel.

Facts require that we pay close at-tention to the various funding sources ISIS relies upon. Careful examination reveals ISIS’ horrific and unseemly


International Court rules billions to be paid for lives, health and jobs lost due to gross negligence.


The Mourshidates: Algeria’s Female Religious Leaders









The Case of Stephen Esolen in Hancock, NY

Alaska, the Beautiful



The American Ulema, Religious Scholars, from Al Azhar University (bottom), Cairo, Egypt, and the United States (top and center)

Ecuador Wins Against Chevron



Lady Scholars using education as a weapon against extremism.

Residents express security concerns after threats, lethal explosives and deadly weapons are found.

Ulama from Al-Azhar and America recently convened a meeting to discuss the current conflict that is raging in Yemen and concluded that this is not a war that involves Muslims or the religion of Islam. Instead, the Saudi-Yemen conflict is a war between Wah-habism and Shiism. The Ulama stated “We wish to clarify to the entire world that this war has nothing to do with Islam and the groups involved—Wah-habis, from Saudi Arabia and Shiite Houthi rebels from Yemen—are unfor-tunately misled.”

Present at the meeting of American Ulama were Maulana Husain Abdallah Qadree (NY), Maulana Muhammad Abdul Mumin Qadree (NY), Maulana Nur Muhammad Qadree (NJ), Maulana Hussein Abu Bakr Qadree (NY), Mau-lana Ismail Abdul Haqq Qadree (VA), Maulana Saiid Abdul Kareem Qadree (GA), Maulana Qari Ismail Abdur Rahmaan Qadree (CAN), Maulana Su-laiman Abdur Rahim Qadree (TN), and Maulana Sayeed Shakir Qadree (SC).

According to the Ulama, each group has its own history that contravenes the tenets of Al-Islam, proving that they do not adhere to Islamic principles. Mau-lana Muhammad Abdul Mumin Qadree

stated, “The involvement of Saudi Arabia, which is home to two of Islam’s holiest sites, has led many people to be-lieve that it is a war concerning Islam, but it is really the opposite.”

Azhari Ulama also met in Cairo re-garding the conflict. During their meet-ing, they concluded that Wahhabism is neither a sect of Islam nor Islamic, but a separate religion. “The tenets of Wah-habism declare all who disagree with their beliefs as heretics and unbelievers--even if they are Muslim. The Shiites have their own religion and must not be confused with Islam. They neither pray as prescribed nor pay the obliga-tory Zakat, and they reject the Sunnah of the Holy Last Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him).” said Maulana Jamaaludin Abdul-Wahid Al-Qadri Al-Azhari.

The Wahhabi Saudi led airstrikes against the Shiite rebels began with the aim of forcing the rebels to surrender the weapons they looted from army depots. Saudi Arabia earlier pledged that the military campaign in Yemen would not stop until security and stabil-ity are restored. Saudi warplanes have carried out dozens of raids on military sites across Yemen. So far, air strikes have killed 62 children and wounded

hundreds.Saudi Arabia’s effort to draw in other

Muslim countries to participate in their sectarian violence has led the region closer to the beginning of WWIII. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi ordered Egyptian ships positioned in the Red Sea and called for a regional Arab military force in this conflict that has nothing to do with Islam. Egypt and Saudi Arabia had previously threatened a ground war and the latter amassed 150,000 troops on its border with Yemen.

Although Israel has not officially stated their involvement, the Secretary General of Yemen’s Al-Haq Political Party, Hassan Zayd, stated on his Face-book page, “This is the first time that the Zionists are conducting a joint operation in coalition with Arabs.” The Saudi-Israeli relationship is not surprising to the Muslim Ummah who is well aware of King Abdul-Aziz Ibn Saud’s (1882-1953) agreement with the British to assist in usurping Palestine and turning it into Israel in exchange for being declared King of Saudi Arabia. Expressing dismay, Maulana Mahmud Abdussabur Al-Qadri Al-Azhari stated, “This is an ongoing Shiite-Wahhabi

SIMFEROPOL — The former Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama said at a meeting with Crimea’s leadership that Tokyo should take an independent decision to lift the sanctions it has im-posed against Moscow and recognize the results of the Crimean referendum on reunification with Russia. Hatoyama stressed that the Japanese authorities are looking up to the United States when choosing a foreign policy course. Ac-cording to the former prime minister, Tokyo’s decision to join anti-Russia sanctions was not right.

“I believe it’s time for Japan to wake up and face the reality. Let the other countries continue their policy of sanc-tions against Russia, but Japan should independently renounce this policy,”

Hatoyama said.The former prime minister noted

that because of Tokyo’s decision to join the anti-Russia sanctions, the visit of Russian President to Japan has been cancelled and the talks on Kuril Islands were frozen.

Hatoyama noted that being a de-mocracy, Japan should have welcomed the March, 2014 referendum in Crimea – but due to the one-sided media cov-erage, the vast majority of Japanese remain unaware of real situation in Crimea and the amount of work that has been done in the region during the last year.

Hatoyama said that during his visit to Crimea he witnessed the unanimity of locals regarding the reunification with

Russia.“I believe this signifies that this was

a right decision to take,” the politician said.

Crimea and Sevastopol became Rus-sian regions following a referendum held in March, 2014, when 96 percent of voters backed seceding from Ukraine and reuniting with Russia. Despite this, the United States and their allies have branded the move an “illegal annexa-tion” and started imposing sanctions against Moscow. Tokyo followed US sanctions policy by restricting exports of Russian weapons to Japan and im-posing sanctions against several Rus-sian banks. TheJapanNews.net

ISIS: Brainchild of Israel and the CIA

The Russia-based cyber security group, Kaspersky Labs, has uncovered more evidence tying the United States’ National Security Agency, NSA, to a shadowy group of hackers.

The hacking collective, dubbed “Equation Group,” must have been sponsored by a nation-state with vast re-sources in order to operate, Kaspersky analysts assert.

The strongest evidence connecting the NSA to Equation Group is the string “BACKSNARF_AB25,” which was embedded in a sample of the Equation Group cyber espionage platform known as ‘Equation Drug.’ “BACKSNARF,” according to page 19 of an undated NSA presentation that was obtained by Ars Technica, an IT information web-site, was the name of a project tied to the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations.

“While the presence of the ‘BACK-SNARF’ artifact isn’t conclusive proof it was part of the NSA project by that name, the chances of two unrelated projects with nation-state funding seems infinitesimally small,” Dan Gooding of Ars Technica points out.

A new report, published in early March by Kaspersky, notes that time-stamps stored inside the Equation Group malware showed that hackers almost exclusively worked Monday through Friday. Assuming they worked from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., employees likely were working in the eastern part of the U.S.

It is unlikely the timestamps were intentionally manipulated, the report states, since the years listed in various executable files match the availability of computer platforms the files ran on.

Kaspersky Lab

Uncovers Link to

Infamous Hackers

British Muslim Activists

Condemn ‘Anti-Islam’

LawsMOSCOW -- More than 120 British

Muslim activists recently released a public statement accusing the UK gov-ernment of “criminalizing” Islam and portraying Muslims as a threat.

“The Muslim community rejects the state’s criminalization of Islam and condemns moves to silence legitimate critique and dissent… We reject the portrayal of Muslims and the Muslim community as a security threat,” the letter signed by 128 activists, including imams, humanitarian activists, journal-ists and scholars said.

The signatories stated that UK politi-cians are exploiting the “Muslim issue,” including the public concerns regarding security and immigration, to gain more political capital and distract the public attention from problems in the economy and health service as the general elec-tions approach.

“The latest act of parliament, the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, threatens to create a “McCarthyite” witch-hunt against Muslims, with nurs-ery workers, schoolteachers and uni-versities expected to look out for signs of increased Islamic practice as signs of “radicalization”,” the statement said.

The activists also said that the expe-dient use of “politically charged” words such as “radicalization” and “extrem-ism” and labelling “normative Islamic opinions” as “extremist” impedes politi-cal dialogue in the country and serves as an excuse to silence speakers.

“It is time that politicians stop divert-ing the attention of the British public away from its domestic crises and di-sastrous foreign policies by repeatedly playing the ‘Muslim’ or ‘national secu-rity’ card,” the letter concluded.

Ria Novosti/Sputnik News

Israeli and U.S. made weapons caches have been confiscated from ISIS

extremists. Continued on Page 2

The Muslims of America members augment Muslim/Christian fellowship on one of the last American frontiers.

Page 2: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

WORLD2 The Islamic Post, April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436

behaviors that Muslims, especially religious leaders, do not indulge in such as extortion and other such criminal activity. ISIS reportedly earned $20 million in 2014 from ransom payments. They additionally generated income from human organ harvesting, drugs and human trafficking – all activities of which the Mossad and CIA have previously been accused. These are ac-tivities which cannot be reconciled with Islamic principles practiced and taught for over 1500 years.

ISIS is also known to be selling Syrian and Iraqi relics on the black market. These are not acts of Muslims in the Middle East. In fact, when this has occurred in the past, it was always synonymous with foreigners smuggling and profiting from stolen artifacts that usually end up in Europe or America, obtained to satisfy their own greed at the expense of other cultures.

These acts, in opposition to Islam and its teachings and promoted by ISIS, are unexplainable. Popular Palestinian-American author, Ramzy Baroud states, “It is as if leaders of the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (IS) are getting tips on demonizing Muslims from world lead-ing Islamophobes and as if they are trying to live up to the expectations of hate-mongering organizations like that of Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative, whose latest ads all over San Francisco compared Muslims to Nazis.”

These dynamics reveal to the po-litically astute that Israel-CIA covert operations created an organization being referred to as ISIS, which is in the service of global Zionism. Their immediate goals are to destabilize the entire region, utilize insurgents to force Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad out of office, usurp oil revenues, weaken Islamic governments throughout the Middle East, and create a hatred and fear for Islam throughout the world.

In a November, 2014 interview with

Al-Hayat TV (Egypt) Egyptian Coptic Patriarch Pope Tawadros II stated, “As for violent and terrorist groups which have violated the norms of humanity about which we all see and read, these were created by the West. The West created these groups to serve its own interests and goals, one of which is to sow division.” Even Christians are keenly aware that they share a bond with Muslims and Christians are closer to Muslims than ISIS!

Over one year ago, Professor Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research clearly stated that the ‘Islamic State’ is a CIA-Mossad creation. He referenced the documents released by so-called ‘Russian spy’ Edward Snowden, es-sentially clarifying, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders. Can this be why the world has witnessed the swift rise in ISIS membership?”

Islamic authorities are asserting that this enemy created to protect the Jewish state is ISIS. Muslims believe that ISIS falls into the most despicable category of humankind, the Munafiqeen. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah identifies the decep-tion of hypocrites as a disease.

“In their hearts is a disease, so Allah has increased their disease and for them is a painful torment, because they fal-sify.” Surah Al-Baqara, Line 10.

The Munafiqeen or despicable hypo-crites are considered the lowest form of humankind because they deceive. Deception is the worst type of vice. Any religion or creed whose foundation is based on deception is false.

It is an open secret that the objective of ISIS is to bring a bad name to Islam. The abhorrent acts engaged in by ISIS are not allowed in Islam and are a direct violation of Almighty Allah. In fact, Islam condemns the senseless murders of both Muslims and non-Muslims. The protection that a Muslim state is required to provide for non-Muslim citizens is clearly outlined in the Holy Qur’an. ISIS is not representative of any Islamic state. It’s sickening pattern of violence, debauchery, and crime mani-fests that it is abusing the name.

Known as “mourshidates,” their goal is to spread the good word of Islam, strong faith and a message of tolerance.

The Mourshidates: Algeria’s Female Religious Leaders Female religious teachers in Algeria

are aiding in the challenge to educate the youth, and particularly women, as a deterrent to adopting errant ideologies that are against the precepts of Islam.

The surge of the terrorist ISIL group in Syria and Iraq, and even in Libya next door, as well as the growing influ-ence of Al-Qaeda-linked militants and Salafists, has them working around the clock.

Known as “mourshidates,” their goal is to spread the good word of Islam and a message of tolerance, helping those who have strayed from it.

“Killing is a capital sin, so how is it that people can kill innocent ones in the name of Islam?” asks Fatma Zohra, who is in her mid-40s. Like the other

300 mourshidates appointed by the religious affairs ministry, Zohra holds a degree in Islam and has learned the Holy Quran by heart.

She said she was “motivated to know Islam better in order to teach the religion” following the traditionally moderate Muslim country’s civil war in the 1990s, which killed at least 200,000 people.

The war erupted after authorities cancelled the 1991 elections, Algeria’s first democratic vote. Zohra, who was a student at the time, recalled bitterly as she met a group of women in a mosque, that “Algerians killed Algerians in the name of Islam.”

For the past 17 years she has been “listening to women, advising them

and referring them to specialists” when their problems are not directly linked to religion.

The mourshidates use skills bor-rowed from psychology and sociology, working in mosques, prisons, youth centres, hospitals and schools. Unlike imams, who are men, they are not al-lowed to lead prayers.

When the first mourshida was licensed in 1993 to teach and guide women, only housewives showed up; but the audience has grown over the years to include university students and professionals.

“Imams are good, but it is much better to confide in a woman,” says Aisha, in her 60s.

Meriem, a high school mathematics

teacher, said the rise of “fake prophets,” who seek to indoctrinate young people, persuaded her to attend meetings with the likes of Zohra only a few months ago. “I wanted to learn the true Islam,” she said. Samia, another mourshida who declined to give her surname, says she has been working for the past 15 years in a region of Algeria where youths, both boys and girls, have been increasingly radicalized.

“Their mothers suffer to see them [in this state] and confide in me so that together, and with the help of others, we can de-radicalize them,” she said. Samia warns that Algerians must be alert. “Even if very few Algerians have joined the ranks of the Islamic State group, vigilance is necessary because

radicalization takes many forms,” she said.

“Pseudo-imams, who know noth-ing about the teachings of the Holy Quran,” are trying to indoctrinate people through television programs and the Internet, she said. “Adolescents in particular must be monitored because they are impressionable and can easily be swayed.”

Like Samia, many mourshidates say they are proud to have contributed to help youths from falling into the grips of radical salafis.

“It is the biggest reward of our work,” one of them said.

Times of Jordan/ Edited for space by Islamic Post


CAIRO – A leading Nigerian Muslim group has denounced the extra-judicial murder of a Nigerian profes-sor that was ignored by mainstream Nigerian media, demanding the quick arrests of the perpetrators.

“There is no justification for this type of violence against anyone under any circumstance,” the Muslim Public Af-fairs Centre (MPAC) said in a statement sent to OnIslam.net in late February.

“Even at times of war, distinction is made between combatants and innocent inhabitants who by no fault of theirs happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Professor Ahmed Mustapha Falaki of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU),

Zaria, was brutally murdered by mobs in February, as police stood watching.

According to MPAC, the late Profes-sor of Agronomy was on an official as-signment when his car was snatched by gunmen at Fala village.

“He was reportedly at the scene of the crime for more than two hours frantically making calls to officials in ABU and his family before the Police came, accusing him and his associates of being members of the fleeing Boko Haram terror group and executed him on the scene, [despite the fact that] he identified himself by presenting them with his ABU identity card and driver’s licence),” the group added.



World Consensus

Favors Two-State

Solution for Palestine

Poisonous herbicides threaten our lives as millions of tons are sprayed

on crops each year.

ISISContinued from Page 1

WASHINGTON — White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough called for an end of Israel’s “50-year occupation” of Palestine in a speech to the lobbying group J Street in Washington on March 23. McDonough’s announcement of-ficially brings the U.S. in line with a rapidly increasing consensus of UN member nations who have voted in non-binding tallies to recognize Palestine as a full-fledged and autonomous state. According to reports in the Times of Israel: “McDonough denied that the basis of the current low in US-Israel re-lations was the bad personal chemistry between Obama and Netanyahu. Noth-ing could be further from the truth,” he said, arguing instead that it stems from the fact that “America’s commitment to a two-state solution is fundamental to American foreign policy. We will look to the next Israeli government to match words with action and to policies that demonstrates a commitment to a two-state solution,” McDonough continued.

“In the end, we know what a peace agreement should look like. The borders of Israel and an independent Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Each state needs secure and recognized borders…”

For years, UN member nations have been signing off on the two-state solution to the Palestinian occupation. According to their websites, Norway, Sweden and Denmark voted for recog-nition of Palestine as a state at the end of 2014, with Spain, Britain and France in the ranks as well. Press TV reported that Swedish officials scoffed at the U.S. and Israel’s disdain for Sweden’s stance on the Palestinian issue, with Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom dismissing the criticism leveled at the Scandinavian country by the U.S., saying, “It’s not the U.S. that decides our politics.” Despite the American government’s reticence in some mat-ters with Israel, McDonough spared no words to assure unfailing support with Israel in matters of security. “No matter who leads Israel, America’s commit-ment to Israel’s security will never waiver. At the same time, McDonough said later, ‘an occupation that has lasted for 50 years must end,’ referring to Is-rael’s 48-year hold on the West Bank.”

Kiev Rejects Minsk Peace

Pact, Prepares to Reignite War

glyPhosatE hERBIcIdEs ‘PRoBaBly’ causE caNcER

Ukrainian President Petro Porosh-enko has declined a Russian-proposed plan for peace between his government and pro-Russian forces in the east, says a spokesman for the Russian president.

“On March 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a written message to Ukrainian President Poroshenko, in which both sides of the conflict were offered a concrete plan for removal of heavy artillery,” Dmitry Peskov said 3 days later.

In the message, Putin proposed “urgent measures for the cessation of mutual shelling, and also the rapid withdrawal by the sides in the conflict of means of destruction.”

Poroshenko, however, rejected the plan without offering alternatives and “moreover started military actions all over again,” Peskov noted.

Meanwhile, clashes between Ukrai-nian troops and pro-Russian forces in the eastern parts of the country inten-sify, with heavy gunfire and explosions shaking the area around Donetsk Inter-national Airport. Ukrainian military claimed later in the day that it captured most of the airport.

At least 14 people, including four sol-diers, were killed, a number of houses were recently demolished and electric-ity was cut for many homes and busi-nesses as blasts repeatedly rocked parts of Donetsk.

The attacks came in violation of a shaky ceasefire agreement reached in September of last year in the Belarusian capital Minsk, following mediation by Russia and the Organization for Secu-rity and Cooperation in Europe.


Tetanus Vaccine Scandal in KenyaIn October 2014, reports from the

Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association sent shock waves around the world. Re-ports published on greenmedinfo.com stated that 2-3 million girls and women of childbearing age in Kenya had been vaccinated with tetanus vaccinations containing the anti-fertility hormone HCG, rendering them infertile.

This information was discovered after the vaccines being used in the campaign were sent for testing and came back positive for containing the hormone.

Interested to learn the truth about how the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association became suspicious and what they discovered, Ms. England, on behalf of The Liberty Beacon, decided to contact obstetrician and gynaeco-logist Dr. Wahome Ngare, a member of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association and the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum, and one of the six representa-tives of the Catholic Church in the joint committee of experts drawn from the Catholic Church and Ministry of Health appointed to test the tetanus vaccine in Kenya. Ms. England asked Dr. Ngare a series of questions, and what she found confirmed a plot by the WHO to invol-untarily sterilize Kenyan women.

Ms. England asked what made the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association suspicious that the tetanus vaccines contained the anti-fertility hormone.

Dr. Ngare replied that when WHO conducted its first purported neonatal tetanus eradication vaccination cam-paigns in South America using a fertil-ity regulating vaccine, the population most affected were Catholics. In 1995, the WHO came to Kenya through the ministry of health and offered to run a similar campaign. On the backdrop of what had happened in South America, the campaign’s details were identical,he stated.

The Catholic Church in Kenya requested the ministry of health to have the vaccine tested before it was administered, however the WHO opted to withdraw the vaccine and cancel the campaign instead of submitting it for testing.

In March of 2014, a very secretive vaccination campaign was begun aimed at random women aged 15 – 49, regard-less of whether they were pregnant or not, in only some areas of the county. Reports from the field during the cam-paign stated that the vaccine was under police guard, then afterwards was removed, an unheard of action. After many refused requests for samples of the vaccine for testing, one was finally obtained by the Ministry of Health, the testing of which revealed the vaccine to be positive for the sterility hormone, HCG.- Material for this report were ob-tained from The Liberty Beacon

The World Health Organisation’s (WHO)cancer agency has declared the world’s most widely used weed killer a “probable human carcinogen” in a move that will alarm the agrochemical industry and amateur gardeners.

The assessment by the Interna-tional Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of glyphosate, which is used in herbicides with estimated annual sales of USD 6 Billion, will be of special concern to Monsanto, the company that brought glyphosate to market under the trade name Roundup in the 1970s. The following summary on glyphosate was published by Dr. Joseph Mercola, leading health and wellness advocate, on his website: “Glyphosate, the active

ingredient in Roundup herbicide, has recently been detected in groundwater samples (Catalonia, Spain) at such high levels that 41 percent of them exceeded the limits of quantification.”• “Groundwater feeds springs, wells and aquifers, source of drinking water, and when contaminated, threatens the health of everyone who depends on it.

• Monsanto, the maker of Roundup, long claimed that Roundup is safe and environmentally friendly, but recent studies show it does not readily break down in the environment and is now contaminating our air, rain, water and food.


Page 3: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

EDITORIAL 3The Islamic Post, April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436

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Founder Vice Chancellor of the International Qur’anic Open University

El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani

An Airbus slammed into the French Alps while transporting 150 individuals from 18 countries from Barcelona, Spain to Dusseldorf, Germany. All are believed to have died instantly on impact, following what investigators are now calling an act of suicide and mass murder by co-pilot An-dreas Lubitz. Passengers can be heard screaming in terror on the voice recorder recovered from the crash site minutes before their body parts became strewn among the wreckage of Germanwings Flight 9295 in a gruesome scene of devastation.

The 27-year-old Lubitz suffered from extreme mental illness for at least six years. Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr insists that Lubitz passed medical and psychological testing prior to his hiring in 2013, but refused to comment about Lubitz having a history of psychiatric problems. Reported in UK’s The Telegraph on March 27, a search by police of Lubitz’s Dusseldorf apartment turned up a shredded medical sick note excus-ing him from work on the fateful day as well as a “small mountain” of antidepressants, which it ap-peared that Lubitz had not been taking.

Beginning in 2009, Lubitz underwent psychi-atric treatment during a previously unexplained 18 month break from pilot training. It has come to light that Lubitz was suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and was being treated with the antidepressant drug Agomelatine.

Many are trying to understand the mental ill-ness that would cause an outwardly healthy man to commit such a heinous act. El Gilani Methodol-

ogy provides answers as to how and why Lubitz, whose breathing never changed, was able to calmly take his own life and that of 149 others. It is because of the very use of these psychotropic drugs that patients’ conditions have worsened, causing them to hallucinate and become severely disturbed; even wanting to commit suicide. Addi-tionally, they may cause hallucinations during the withdrawal process. Patients begin to see beings and evil spirits sometimes referred to as ‘psychotic visions’. Prior to the influences of these drugs, in many cases, it is because of immoral deeds and violations of the Divine and Supreme Law of the One Almighty Creator.

British newspaper The Daily Mail reports the former girlfriend of Lubitz described him as “erratic, depressed and even suffering from nightmares.” These symptoms have been treated for almost 40 years utilizing the El Gilani Meth-odology (EMG). Visions of beings resulting from drugs and intoxication are not hallucinations, they are evil spirits which control the human mind and make the affected person do anything.

Founded by El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, EGM has successfully cured both physi-cal and mental illness. El Sheikh Gilani explains regarding mental illness and disease in A Journal of Sufic Sciences: Introducing El Gilani Method-ology and Sufic Knowledge, “In our research we have not come across a single person who was God-conscious, pious, told the truth, lived within their means, and was not involved with illegal ac-tivities, that had ever suffered from major mental diseases.” This being said, it is essential that spe-cific information regarding the personal details of Andreas Lubitz’s life are brought forth in an effort to provide the truth to the families of victims and the public.

We are witnessing the urgent global need for EGM. The horrific story of Andreas Lubitz and the 149 innocent passengers and crew he murdered, yet again brings to the forefront the necessity for the world to embrace the EGM healing modality, a proven and viable solution to the epidemic of mental illness plaguing the world community.

- IP Correspondent

Since embarking on his historic campaign to become the first U.S. President of African descent, Barack Obama has

faced unparalleled and unwarranted attacks on his character and upon his presidency. Security by the Secret Service was increased early for Barack Obama due to fears of possible assassination at-tempts by white supremacist or other racist groups or individuals against the first African American, major party, presidential nominee.The culmination of these incidents has been fostered by the Republi-can Party’s racist agenda, along with other ‘hidden groups’ who, from the beginning of Mr. Obama’s presidency, have worked diligently to discredit him on racist, unpatriotic, and religious grounds. They questioned his birthright as an American. They unceasingly accused President Obama of being a “closet Muslim”, which subjected him to the wrath of homegrown Islamophobic terrorists. These are the very dynamics and exploits of the Republicans in Congress that have exposed President Obama to an environment causing more threats than any other President in the history of the United States.

This “no holds barred” mentality is manifested in nefarious schemes employed to incite the American people by waging attacks against Presi-dent Obama and his policies, to the detriment of the United States and American citizens. In 2009, during President Obama’s major health care speech before a joint session of Congress in the House of

Representatives on nationalTV, South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson (R) yelled

out “You lie!” This was an unprecedented act of disrespect. Most recently, the treasonous letter signed by 47 Senators to undermine the U.S. – Iran Negotiations, the invitation granted to Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress over White House objections, along with yearly budget opposition, and immigration and health care battles amount to attempts of political assassination. This, coupled with rhetoric that Mr. Obama is destroying the country, creates a perfect storm leading to so-called ‘lone wolves’ fulfilling the ultimate evil agenda of the hidden enemies: eliminating the President.

Threats against the current leader of the free world have been made by Americans in various states, and these social terrorists hail from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. During the summer of 2013, two men with ties to the Ku Klux Klan were arrested in Albany, N.Y., for building a weapon of mass destruction. This high powered radiation emitting device could easily be placed in the back of a van to covertly emit lethal amounts of ionizing radiation on its target. The purpose of this deadly machine (allegedly deactivated by law enforcement) was to kill Muslims and assassinate President Obama. On September 19, 2014, Omar Gonzalez was armed with a knife as he jumped over the White House fence and made it through the unlocked front door of the White House and past a guard before being apprehended.

The agenda to incite hatred and claims that the President works against the Constitution are false. Obama’s integrity combined with the efforts of his legal team ensures that he is not in opposition to the Constitution of the United States of America. What’s most important is the lack of horror when it comes to the Secret Service not doing their job and increasing the possibilities of assassination. Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy recently appeared before a Senate panel to answer questions regard-ing agency misconduct and failings at providing security to the President and his family.

The fact that President Obama is loved by the American people, and was twice elected over-whelmingly cannot be ignored. Barak Obama is the President of all Americans, regardless of race, religion or creed. John F. Kennedy, Jr. was also overwhelmingly elected to the U.S. Presidency and was similarly beloved by the American people, but bitterly hated inside and outside the halls of politics the same as President Obama is, and like President Obama, claims were made to discredit President Kennedy and he eventually became the 4th sitting president to be assassinated. President Obama will not suffer the same fate. The hidden enemies have been exposed.

-IP Correspondent

President Barack Obama makes a statement to the press in June of 2014 on the South Lawn of

the White House






On March 15, 2015, there were two church bombings in Pakistan in the Christian township of Youhanabad, or Yahya. To date there are 18 deaths and 70 injured. The town of Yahya has a population of almost 100,000 Christians gener-ally living peacefully within the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Unfortunately, there are hidden hands conspiring to create violence in the region by bringing a clash between Christians and Mus-lims.

As a result of the attack, it was surprising to note that in retaliating Christians beat to death and burned two Muslims merely on suspicion, then caused millions of dollars in damage to public transportation and buildings.

In Pakistan, Christians have been given full equal rights in their independent towns, where they manage their own affairs and have never complained regarding interference from police, secret service or outside forces. They enjoy high positions in government, participate in the army and air force, hold very important positions in Parliament and various ministries, have their own courts and administration, settle their own affairs and pay taxes on churches. After this devastating bombing, the demands of the Christians were im-mediately accepted by the government with each victim paid compensation.

The rights afforded Christians in Pakistan are given to them in Holy Qur’an. Almighty Allah gives protection to churches, synagogues and mosques, saying that these are places where God’s Name is commemorated. “And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished mon-asteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” [Surah al-Hajj (22): 40] With this, Islam forbids destruction of any places of worship belonging to either Jews or Christians. These violent incidents are another example of non-Muslim extremists being utilized to brutalize people around the world in the name of a religion that clearly forbids such a practice.

This is the spirit of Islam in where Muslims throughout history have respected Christians even when in a position where great influence could have been used for oppression. In the 7th century, when the Muslims took over Jerusalem, Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra) gave absolute freedom to Christians, even refusing to pray within the Church to ensure that all Muslims honored its sanctity and did not convert it to a mosque. This church is known as one of Chris-tianity’s holiest- Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Christians then and now are able to take up procession of Cross, worship as they like and not fear any interference. This exceptional treat-

ment of religious minorities is not uncommon in a Muslim society because Muslims are highly civilized people.

Contrarily, although America prides itself on supporting the highest levels of freedom, it has allowed bigots to spread Islamaphobia rampantly, which has prompted zionist attacks against Muslim towns containing people who are peace-ful, contributing members of society. In America, Muslims have difficulty practicing their way of life when mass media manipulation, sensation-alism and false reporting perpetuate fear and suspicion of Muslims who simply choose to live privately.

In the Muslim village of Holy Islamville, located in York, South Carolina, a man fired multiple shots to terrorize the Muslim men, women and children living there. The authori-ties responded after the man had subjected his neighbors to religious slurs and threats. He was arrested for unlawful discharging of a firearm while intoxicated and trespassing, both misde-meanors.

In another incident, the International Quranic Open University, Inc., campus in Islamberg, New York received a visit from Eastern European trespassers driving a large van containing strange equipment mounted in the back. Days later, two men were arrested in Albany, New York, regard-ing a plot to use a high powered, lethal X-Ray weapon classified as a weapon of mass destruc-tion in order to attack a Muslim community in the same area. The FBI charged the pair with ”con-spiracy to provide material support, or resources, intending that they be used in preparation for, or in carrying out… a weapon of mass destruction” by building a “radiation-emitting device that could be placed in the back of a van to covertly emit ionizing radiation…”. In the men’s confes-sion, they also admitted to plans to kill President Obama.

Similarly, a Muslim village in Red House, Virginia woke to gunshots in the middle of the night after a well-known Islamophobe, Martin Mawyer, publicized the existence of the village likely inciting this act. Luckily, the gunman did not injure anyone. The incident was reported to authorities, along with the name of the instigator, but the police did not take any action.

Muslims in Pakistan are proud of their heritage of religion and history. They honor their obligation to treat minorities justly. Anti-Islamic forces from neighboring countries have perpetrated current attacks against minorities in Pakistan. These perpetrators are facilitated by an organization well known to the world by now.

- IP Correspondent

What Led To Mass Murder In The French A l p s ?

“ Many are trying to understand the mental illness that would

cause an outwardly healthy man to commit such a heinous act.

Page 4: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

CULTUREThe Islamic Post4

MAGAZINE4 The Islamic Post, April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436

In Early March, Saheela Ibraheem was named one of the World’s 50 Smartest Teenagers on the BestSchools.org website, and U.S. President Obama met and commended her on this feat at a reception celebrating Black History Month in February. The teenager had the honor of introducing the President and First Lady Michelle Obama at the event.

Here’s a bit of what the website had to say about the teenager:

“At just 15 years old, Saheela Ibraheem was accepted into Harvard University, which makes her among the youngest students ever to attend that school. But that’s not the most im-pressive part, Saheela was accepted at 12 other colleges, including MIT, the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Brown, Princeton, Columbia, and the

University of Chicago.”Saheela’s Nigerian parents, totally

supportive of the young scholar, some-times taught her subjects the schools didn’t offer.

Saheela believes the key to success is knowing what you love to learn as early as possible, a knowledge she says she came to at age five. “If you are passion-ate about what you do, and I am pas-sionate about many things, especially math and science, it will work out well.” The teen is also interested in languages, and knows Yoruba, Arabic, Spanish, and Latin, in addition to English.

As for her own brain, Saheela claims she is nothing special. “I try my best in everything I do,” Saheela said, “Anyone who’s motivated can work wonders.”

- By BellaNaija.com

Hakima Raziyah MuminIP Correspondent



Catnip is an herb that has been pres-ent for centuries. It has an aromatic smell that lets you know it is medicinal. The leaves are heart shaped with scal-loped edges and the perennial plant is very hardy and easy to grow. Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is named after the city Nepeta in France where it originated; it also grew in Central Asia and parts of China originally. However, today it is cultivated all over the world. It is a very gentle but powerful herb in the mint family. It is rich in iron and selenium. It is also high in potassium, manganese, sulfur, as well as vitamins A and C.

Catnip has been used for a wide va-riety of illnesses and discomforts. Ear-lier settlers (specifically the Shakers) brought catnip with them to America. They had used the herb in England for toothaches by simply chewing the leaves and as a simple daily tea. Many American Indian tribes used catnip as well. The Mohegans made a tea of its leaves for infant colic. James A. Duke, Ph. D., in his book “The Green Pharmacy”, made reference to the use of catnip for cataracts. He said it was a three star herb for cataracts, and that drinking catnip tea three times daily was very helpful in preventing cata-racts. Modern day researchers have also experimented with it in treating ADHD with great success.

Catnip is also a nervine, it strengthen the nerves. It has a sedative, tranquil-izing effect and has been very good for people suffering with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and sluggishness in general. It is also good for headaches, migraines and pain in general. It works on the nervous system and has a calm-ing effect on humans. This is quite the opposite in reference to cats; whereas catnip is an intoxicant. It doesn’t harm the cat, but in some cases it can become addictive to them.

Fighting Infections and ColdsCatnip has been known to have an

antibiotic effect on skin. When an out-break of measles or chickenpox occur, it has been known to lessen the spread of the infection; when taken internally and orally.

Catnip is also an herb used in combi-nations for chest congestion, colds, flu, bronchitis, and asthma. A decongestant tea can be made by combining the fol-lowing herbs together: peppermint, catnip, eucalyptus, coltsfoot or elecam-pane.

In the case of fevers, catnip is very good for youngsters as well as adults. It can be juiced and used in teas or as enemas. Catnip also has detoxifica-tion properties and works well to bring down fevers. In the case of fevers or detoxification, use enemas to quickly

remove toxins and/or impurities. It can also be used to expel worms.

Catnip Oil UsesCatnip oil is very popular. It is good

for trapped gas or stomach trouble. Just rub the oil on the stomach area and it is very helpful in removing the gas out of the body. especially trapped gas. The oil is also good for the gums; if you have loose teeth, it tightens them. Catnip promotes sweating which makes it a diuretic that is good for losing weight and bringing down the blood pressure.

Keeping the Bugs Away Catnip is also an excellent insect

repellant. There is an ingredient inside of catnip called nepetalactone which keeps bugs away. Cockroaches, mos-quitoes, and other insects avoid the scent. Here is a recipe that should be made immediately to help ward off in-sects as it takes time for the mixture to strengthen.

Cautionary NotesCatnip should not be consumed by

ladies in a family way as it contains hormones that bring about menses. Also, never boil this herb because boil-ing changes catnip’s composition.

- References:1. Nutritional Healing, James



At 15, Saheela Ibraheem received offers from 12 of the most prestigious universities in the United States and the world. She chose Har vard.

Alaska is one of the last pioneering frontiers in the United States. It has ma-

jestic and beautiful landscapes, with abundant wildlife and bountiful natural resources; it is truly God’s country. Anchorage, the largest and most highly populated city in Alaska, is home to a population of more than 300,000 – it is a culturally diverse city, with demo-graphics including Alaskan Natives, Polynesians, Africans, African-Amer-icans, Asians, Hispanics and Russian peoples.

Muslims of varying ethnic cultures have now joined the Alaskan populace,

representing less than 2% and being such a minute fraction of the popula-tion, it is not surprising that there are still many people unaware of their presence in the community. This is one reason members of the are working hard to change that. To that end, twice a month, Malikah Ahmad, brother-in-law M. Ashraf Ahmad, and family- all

members of The Muslims of America -work to feed the homeless at local shelters, helping the needy and sending a positive message about the presence of Muslims in Alaska.

Wasilla, Alaska residents, Malikah and family have spent several years building positive relationships and doing work within the community. In regards to life for Muslims in Alaska, she says, “By Allah’s Grace and Mercy, living in Alaska has been a blessing from the moment we stepped foot off the plane. Most of our efforts have been towards establishing ourselves in the community as Muslims and build-ing good relationships with Christians”.

The Muslims of Alaska are very much like all the other citizens of America, quietly and peacefully living out their lives. They work and attend school, run businesses and attend prayers. There are Muslims from all backgrounds and walks of life living and doing well in Alaska. Many are members of the Islamic Community Center of Anchorage Alaska (ICCAA), which is the largest Muslim group in Alaska. The organization is spear-heading the building of the first mosque in Alaska, and also has a weekend school. The ICCAA has done a lot of work in Anchorage, is a positive pres-ence in the community, and has many connections throughout America.

M. Ashraf Ahmad, comments on the relations between Muslims and non-Muslim people in the state, saying, “People here are friendly, and curious about Muslims. We meet all types of people, whether they are Christians or Jews. We meet and maintain peaceful relations with Mormons, Jehovah’s Witness, Russian Orthodox and even atheists. To all and everyone we give a universal message of peace, through our dress, speech, actions and good works in the community. We emphasize our readiness for open dialogue and

unity through the unchanging moral code of belief in One God and His Ten Commandments”.

Muslims living in Alaska are cer-tainly achieving a more powerful pres-ence for good throughout the state and people are starting to take notice. In the

words of Malikah Ahmad, “If I had to pick one of the most pleasant responses to the work we do, I would say that after giving our newspaper to one of my neighbors here, he said, ‘I want to per-sonally thank you for coming to Wasilla [Alaska] and leaving a great impact on

this town, this is what we needed’. I walked away thinking that Almighty God is truly Most Great! People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care”.

- IP Correspondent

A l a s k a ’ s m a j e s t i c a n d b e a u t i f u l l a n d s c a p e s w i t h a b u n d a n t w i l d l i f e .

“ M. Ashraf Ahmad, a member of

The Muslims of the Americas

AK Chapter, comments on the

relations between Muslims

and non-Muslim peoples in the

state, saying, “People here

are friendly, and curious about

Muslims. We meet all types of

people of many different faiths.


REMEDIES MEETING THE HEALTH CHALLENGES OF TODAY!For centuries man has used the vari-

ous elements of his habitat to treat the illnesses that plagued him. Ancient practitioners made concoctions such as salves and other medicines from the myriad of plant and animals that exist on earth. These men of medicine relied heavily on this knowledge to ensure the health of their communities. With mod-ernization, this relationship with nature has waned and we have come to solely

rely on synthetic medicine that not only offers no cure, but most times causes additional complications and more disease. The American Herbal Institute has now been established to usher in a new millennium! Our products reach back in time and drawing upon all the knowledge of the ancients to address the conditions of today. In a state of the art laboratory, we combine the freshest ingredients to make health supplements

designed to bring the human body into a healthy balance. Our team of scientists research daily to ensure our unique products provide optimal health outcomes for all we serve. Additionally, our aim is to expand to serve the world community at large. We are commit-ted to living by our slogan “promoting healthy lifestyles for a better tomor-row!”

By Dr. Jemille Smith


Page 5: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

MAGAZINE 5The Islamic Post, April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436


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The Muslims had learnt the details of the secret meeting which was convened by Christians and that Isabella’s letter had cooled down all their ambitions. After four or five days in the company of Ziad b. Umar, eminent exponents of Islam and divines assembled. Isabella and her friends were also present there when one of them said:

A person: Respected sir, the Chris-tians have been secretly trying to defraud Isabella and reconvert her to Christianity, but the Muslim govern-ment has not taken any action in this respect so far. When Isabella has become a Muslim, it is the duty of the Muslim government to release her from the clutches of Christians, but it did not do that. Even now, Christians are doing mischief but the Muslim government is taking no action against them.

Ziad b. Umar: All the efforts of the Christians have so far been secret, so how could the Muslim government take cognizance of it? Then there is an-other thing. It is true that when anyone becomes a Muslim, it is the duty of the Muslim government to protect him from the oppression of the non-Muslims and stand by anyone openly declaring Islam. But we deliberately prevented the Muslim government from taking such action for we thought the persecu-tion suffered by Isabella and her friends will make them used to suffer troubles in the path of truth and their belief and faith will be put to the test. If we wanted, we would have openly released Isabella from their clutches.

The same man: But for the future, the Christians should have been warned to refrain from doing this in the case of anyone else.

Ziad b. Umar: You need not worry. In future the government will be more active to support freedom of con-science. In this connection, we have informed Christian priests about all the details of Isabella and her where-abouts and told them that we do not in the least want to conceal Isabella as the government is responsible to take action against anyone trying to make her an apostate and that if they took any action in future against Isabella they will be liable to answer before the government.

Umar Lahmi: Respected sir, Isa-bella’s friends request that they may be taught the tenets of Islam and converted to Islam.

Ziad b. Umar: Well, do it in the name of Allah and convert them!

Umar Lahmi: Have Mirano, Mertha and Hanana any doubt about any tenet of Islam? Mirano, for her own satisfac-tion, wants to clarify some points. We do not want to stop her from further inquiry and not to answer her questions.

Ziad b. Umar: Very well. Ask Mirano to put up questions and I depute you to answer her.

Mirano: Respected sir, let us be converted to Islam and then I will ask one or two questions just because I wish I could give silencing answers to Christians. God forbid! I do not have the least doubt in my mind about Islam!

Then the three girls were converted to Islam and all those present congratu-lated them; after accepting Islam, they covered their faces while Mirano pro-ceeded to ask her questions.

Mirano: According to the Chris-tians, the Taurat is the law and Bible the perfection. Obviously, after the law and perfection there is no need of any-thing else, so the Holy Quran was also not needed. Since the Holy Quran has confirmed the Taurat and the Bible, the objection gains further strength.

Umar Lahmi: If Christians attribute certain qualities to their books, how does it become necessary to believe that they are actually so? This claim must be proved by argument. But taking for granted that Taurat is the law and Bible the perfection, then the Holy Quran is the preserver. As a preserver, the Holy Quran covers both the law and the per-fection. The word ‘preserver’ the Holy Quran itself has used. It says in Surah Maidah: “Oh Messenger! (peace and blessings be upon him) This Book (the Holy Quran) has been revealed to you with the Truth which confirms previous books and is their preserver.” 1 But the Bible never uses the word ‘perfection’ for itself. It is thus proved that the Holy Quran covers both the law and the per-fection.

Mirano: The Taurat and the Bible have been mentioned in the Holy Quran and it is necessary for every Muslim to accept them. Then why do not the Mus-lims believe in them?

Umar Lahmi: Because Christians do not have the real Taurat and Bible with them.

Mirano: If Taurat and Bible do not exist, why does the Quran confirm them?

Umar Lahmi: The Quran has con-firmed the original Taurat and Bible and not these forged and manufactured ones.

Mirano: Christians say that these are the very Taurat and Bible which the Holy Quran confirms.

Umar Lahmi: Well, now I will ask

the Holy Quran itself whether it con-firms the existing Taurant and Bible or considers them false. The Holy Quran says that Allah is One Who created the earth and the sky...and was not fatigued in creating them.2 But Taurat says that God created everything in six days and on the seventh day he rested. 3 Rest is taken by one who is fatigued, but the Holy Quran says Allah is never fatigued. Now say whether the Holy Quran confirmed or rejected the previ-ous books?

The Taurat says that the Messenger Solomon (peace be upon him) wor-shipped idols, but the Holy Quran says Solomon (peace be upon him) never committed unbelief. Now is it confir-mation or rejection of Taurat?

Now take the Bible. In all the four Bibles it is said that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) died crying on the cross, that he was actually crucified, but the Holy Quran says that the Jews neither killed nor crucified Christ. Then the Bible says that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) claimed to be God, but the Holy Quran says that those who call Jesus son of Mary God (peace be upon them both) are rejectors. Now lets say Christian priests say with justice whether the Quran confirmed or re-jected the Bible?

Mirano: No doubt, it is proved from the Holy Quran that it does not confirm the existing Taurat and Bible but rejects them!

Umar Lahmi: It is now clear that the Holy Quran does not at all confirm the existing Taurat and Bible, but rejects them strongly and has called their statements and facts and beliefs as as-signing partners to God and apostasy. Now I am giving a general principle from the Holy Quran by which every book can be tested, as if the Holy Quran had given us a touchstone by which we can judge every book. The Quran says that if the Holy Quran were not from Allah you would have found in it many contradictions.4 This verse of the Holy Quran asserts that except the

Book of Allah, no other book is free from contradictions, because man is not immune from errors and lapses and howsoever much care a man takes in writing a book, there must be some con-tradictions in it and a book which has contradictions cannot be from Allah, otherwise Allah will be taken to be committing lapses and lies. Can anyone dispute this principle?

Mirano: The principle is quite just and natural. Surely, any book contain-ing contradictions cannot be from The Perfect God. But are there contradic-tions in Taurat and Bible?

Umar Lahmi: Many, so many that the reader’s mind is puzzled. Now I test Christian books by this principle so that you may also see reality. Now, sister Mirano, tell me what is your age.

Mirano: Between twenty-one and twenty-two, say twenty-two.

Umar Lahmi: Very good. Now if you say that your age is twenty-two and an hour later that is forty-two. Will both the statements be correct?

Mirano: How can both be correct? My statement that my age is forty-two will be quite wrong, twenty-two will be correct.

Umar Lahmi: Now, see it is written in 2 Chronicles 21:20, that Ahaziah’s age was thirty-two when she was en-throned, but in 2 Kings 8:26 it is written that at the time that Ahaziah began to rule her age was twenty-two. Can both these statements be correct?

Mirano: Never, one of them will be correct and the other wrong.

Umar Lahmi: Now the question which of the statements is correct can never be solved and so both the books of the Bible have become doubtful and the seal of falsehood is affixed to both. Now see further it is written in 2 Samuel 24:9 that there were eight lakh of Israelites and five lakhs of Jews who took up swords, but in 1 Chronicles 5:18 it is written that Israelites were eleven lakhs and Jews 440,700. Now say if both the figures are correct.

Mirano: Never, one of them is incor-

rect.Umar Lahmi: And can the book

which gives such incorrect figures be from God?

Mirano: Never, God forbid. God protect, fie, fie! God’s honour is dam-aged by this and so it is better not to attribute them to God.

Umar Lahmi: Now, see further. It is written in 2 Kings 24:8 that at the time of coronation Jehoiachin was only of eighteen years. As if coronation was a miracle that his age was at the same time eight and eighteen. In the presence of these contradictions, can anyone call Taurat and the Psalms revelations from God? Can (Allah forbid!) such inaccu-racy be attributed to God?

Mirano: SubhanAllah (Glory to Allah) These are such patent arguments of unreliability of Christian Books which cannot be explained away. Even a child can understand it as two and two are four.

Umar Lahmi: In Second Samuel the twenty-third chapter: the eighth verse, it is written about an incident that Adino and the Eznite killed eight hundred ene-mies and against this in First Chronicles chapter eleven: verse 22, it is written about the same incident that he killed only three hundred, and, strangely, both are about the same incident. In Second Samuel, chapter twenty-four, the thir-teenth verse, it is said: “Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy hand?” but in First Chronicles it is said that the famine would be sent for three years. Probably in those days, there was no difference between the figures three and seven, as Christians did not dis-criminate between one and three Gods!

Those present: Surely, it looks like this.

Mirano: It is strange that Christians did not notice such errors.

Umar Lahmi: They could notice these errors if they had made enquiries and had resolved to reject inaccurate statements and confirm what is correct. But they hold on to these errors as one would adhere to the truth. And see in First Kings, chapter four, the forty-sixth verse, where it is written that there were forty thousand stables for horses and carriages of the messenger Solo-mon and twelve thousand horsemen, but against this in Second Chronicles, chapter nine, verse twenty-five it is written that there were just four thou-sand stables for horses and carriages of the messenger Solomon. Is there no difference between four thousand and forty thousand? One book says forty thousand and the other book deducts thirty-six thousand from it and is con-tented with just four thousand, and what is strange is that both the books are re-garded as revealed and from God. Did the Quran say it wrongly that there can be no contradictions in a book of God?

- 1 S. Maidah ayah 482 S. Qaf ayah 38

3 Genesis Chapter two verse 34 Al Nissaa ayah 82

C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n p a r t O n e : D u t y o f I s l a m i c G o v e r n m e n t

An Exquisite Mosque. “Brethren, we have assembled here to search faith and it is a very auspicious task.”

Page 6: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

NATIONAL6 The Islamic Post, April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436

Islamophobia, Islamberg and the Case

of Stephen D. Esolen(IP Correspondent)- Steven D. Esolen, from Hancock, NY was arrested after NY State Police and the Deposit Bureau of Criminal Investigation seized 12 electric detonators, 4 M60 Igniters, a rifle with a home-made silencer, and stolen jewelry from his residence. A further search led to the recovery of ap-proximately 20 lbs. of C4 explosive that Esolen, the prime suspect in a burglary investigation, had buried on an adja-cent property. State Police also seized numerous smoke, gas, and incendiary grenades, signal flares, packs of fuse igniters and two aerials bombs. Esolen was charged with the felonies second-degree burglary, third-degree burglary and three counts of third-degree crimi-nal possession of a weapon.

For Muslims living in Islamberg, located less than 10 miles from Esolen’s residence, the arrest raised concerns of his possible intent to use his arsenal against them. Often mistakenly re-ferred to as a “compound”, Islamberg is a quaint Muslim village nestled in the Catskill Mountains where its residents have lived peacefully for decades. Con-

trary to false propaganda spread by Is-lamaphobia, there has been no criminal activity ever associated with the village. In addition to threats by extremist mili-tia groups who form social events such as motorcycle “rides to Islamberg,” there are some who have long threat-ened violence on the community.

Comments made by those who knew Esolen underscored the legitimacy of the threat he and other likeminded people pose to Islamberg. “He is very pro-American”, Lauren Bilello stated in the comments section of a Watershed Post article. “I know he didn’t like the camp up the road as much as the next person in Hancock.” The comment im-plies that it is natural for pro-American zealots to vilify the Muslims.

Public Relations Director of The Muslims of America, Inc., Matthew Gardner, stated that “Promulgators of hate advocate that people violate the law by targeting law abiding Muslims. They create an atmosphere of fear and hatred through slanderous lies that Muslims intend to commit crimes against America – Our native county,

Clarion Project: Fake “Terror Expert” Ryan Mauro Refuted By Chicago-Area PoliceThe Clarion Project’s (aka Clarion Fund) so-called “national secu-

rity analyst” Ryan Mauro makes regular appearances on Fox News, where he hypes up the threat of “Islamic terrorism” in the USA.

Mauro recently appeared on Fox several times where he has argued that ‘Muslim patrols’ were a growing security concern for the United States, discussed the possibility of an anti-American alli-ance in the Middle East with ‘Syrian Jihadists’, and hyped fears that Somali refugees in the United States were becoming ‘homegrown’ terrorists. MediaMatters.org has reported on these allegations.

In mid-January of this year, Mauro was again on Fox, this time “The O’Reilly Factor”,where he produced a map claiming 20 munici-palities in the U.S. are hotbeds of “radical Muslim” organizations.

This, according to the Chicago Tribune, got the attention of Oak Brook, a Chicago area suburb, since to its surprise, it was included on the “radical” map.

In reality, Clarion Project/Fund is a Zionist organization funded by the extremist Israeli settler-colonial organization Aish HaTorah and was behind the distribution of the vile Islamophobic movie, Ob-

session: Radical Islam’s War Against The West.Oak Brook police and administration fact checked Mauro’s claims

about their town and asked him and the Clarion Project to substanti-ate and correct their misleading claims, which in the usual manner of Islamophobes and bigots they did not.

Mauro was a guest on a segment of “The O’Reilly Factor,” during which he responded to a request to pinpoint five dangerous situations of Islamic extremists in the United States.

While Oak Brook was not mentioned during the segment, it was listed on the map, as host Bill O’Reilly commented, “All of these have radical mosques or operations in all of those towns.”

Oak Brook Trustee Gerald Wolin emailed fellow trustees and some village staff about the segment.

Village Manager Rick Ginex emailed trustees a few days later, notifying them that Kruger was looking into whether there were any Muslim organizations in Oak Brook.

“The village president and manager contacted me about concerns about it,” Kruger said. “We started looking at any organization with

any kind of connections and couldn’t find any.”Ultimately, Kruger found that the North American Islamic Trust

is located at 721 Enterprise Drive in Oak Brook and the Islamic Center of Oakbrook Terrace is at 1S270 Summit Avenue, Oakbrook Terrace.

Kruger contacted the FBI to ask about the North American Is-lamic Trust.

“They said it is a legitimate place of business; there are no threats or other concerns in the village,” Kruger said, adding the FBI also said the Islamic Center of Oakbrook Terrace is not a concern.

Ginex emailed Mauro, stating the village checked and did not find any radical Muslim organizations in the village. Ginex said he never received a response from Mauro.

Kruger said he never contacted anyone at the North American Islamic Trust after learning the FBI considers it to be legitimate.

“There’s a concern of protecting the civil rights of a legitimate organization,” Kruger said.


Stephen Harper’s Re-election Campaign Built on Demonizing MuslimsCanadians will vote in the country’s

42nd general election on Oct. 19. In the lead-up to the vote, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made several calcu-lated decisions to capitalize on popular Islamophobic sentiments to secure another victory for the Conservative Party.

Harper has latched onto international events to marginalize Muslims for voters. For example, on Jan. 8, Harper responded to the attacks in Paris on the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, by claiming that an “interna-tional jihadist movement has declared war.” He then pledged to propose a new anti-terrorism legislation once the par-liament resumes regular session in late January.

His bill, the Anti-Terrorism Act 2015 or Bill C-51, will transform Canada’s spy agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), from an in-formation gathering service to one that proactively attempts to thwart terrorist plots in Canada and abroad. The act will also lower the threshold for monitoring

suspected national security threats, including adding a vaguely defined cat-egory called terrorist “sympathizers.”

The bill passed in the House of Commons on Feb. 23 and is now being sent to Committee. In an open letter to Harper, several civil liberty organiza-tions, former CSIS employees and former Canadian prime ministers have expressed concern about the lack of oversight and effective review mecha-nisms for the law. If Canada’s past anti-terror legislations are any guide, Muslim communities will likely see increased surveillance and profiling under Bill C-51. Previous counterterror-ism laws have resulted in the infringe-ment of Muslims’ civil liberties through arbitrary detention and inclusion in no-fly lists, as well as secret surveil-lance. Harper is not even pretending Bill C-51 will be any different.

“Our Government has never hesi-tated to call jihadi terrorism what it is,” he said of terrorist groups, introducing the bill.“And just as we are not afraid to condemn it, we are not afraid to

confront it.” Asked how security forces will distinguish between radicalized individuals and teenagers “messing around in the basement,” Harper said, “it doesn’t matter what the age of the person is, or whether they’re in a base-ment, or whether they’re in a mosque or somewhere else.”

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and the Canadian Muslim Lawyers’ Association (CMLA) have demanded an apology. “The Prime Minister’s comments ... implicated Canadian mosques as venues where ter-rorism is advocated or promoted,” the group said in a statement. “The words used by our elected leaders have a pro-found impact on public perceptions.” Harper’s response gives unwarranted credence to a common misconception. There is overwhelming evidence, in-cluding a 2011 CSIS report, showing the lack of connection between mosques and individuals suspected of terrorism.

However, since the October 22 shooting in Ottawa, several mosques across the country have been targeted

by violent Islamophobes. Harper’s statements and failure to condemn the string of vandalism against mosques in Canada have perpetuated this danger-ous conflation.

Canadian voters have fallen prey to rampant Islamophobia in the media and exaggerated claims of security threats. Harper’s fear mongering is not limited to warning of potential terrorists. He has also used his platform to curtail the rights of Muslim women. A 2011 law introduced by Harper’s Conservative immigration minister requires Muslim women to remove niqabs during citizenship ceremonies. Zunera Ishaq, a Pakistani woman, who postponed her citizenship ceremony in January, is suing the government, saying the ban fails to accommodate her religious be-liefs. In a ruling in February, Canada’s Federal Court sided with Ishaq and struck down the ban as being unlawful.

Harper’s government has since appealed the ruling to the Supreme Court. The Conservative Party has also released an online petition asking

Canadians to show support for the ban. Harper’s campaign against the niqab has received some pushback from the Liberal Party. “It’s unworthy of some-one who is prime minster for all Cana-dians,” Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, said of Harper’s comments. “Harper’s approach frays away the edges of our multicultural fabric … (by) stoking and pandering to fears rather than al-laying them.” Only about 100 women are affected by the ban each year so it is unclear why Harper personally retorted to such xenophobic fear mongering.

Harper’s attempts to win over voters by demonizing Muslims are working. Most voters have fallen prey to rampant Islamophobia in the media and exagger-ated claims of security threats. A new poll by the Angus Reid Institute found that 82 percent of Canadians surveyed support Harper’s Bill C-51.

Davide Mastracci /AlJazeera

I’M NOT SCARED OF MUSLIMS, I’M SCARED OF WHITE GUYS WITH GUNSBy Benjamin CoreyLately, it seems as if there is a grow-

ing fear and hostility towards Muslims in America. While there will always be racism in culture, and there will always be Islamophobia, the current level of fear and hatred toward our Muslim brothers and sisters is ramping up to levels that I haven’t seen since the early days following 9-11.

This peddling of fear and hatred hasn’t been limited to folks who don’t get out much - high profile Christians are getting in on the action too. The highest profile of which has been Frank-lin Graham [son of famous TV evange-list Billy Graham], who now seems to have made a modern crusade against Muslims a core part of his platform. If his twitter account hasn’t been enough, his recent statements and TV appear-ances have been over-the-top in his claims that the President favors Islam,

that Muslims now have “access to the White House,” and that persecution of Christians is coming because President Obama is “sympathetic” to Islam.

It’s as if a massive section of Chris-tianity in America is not only afraid of Muslims, but they want us to be afraid of them too. But you know what? I’m not buying it. I’m not scared of my Muslim neighbors. But you know who I am scared of? Who I think we should really be concerned about?

White guys with guns, that’s who.I’m not scared of the people who

come out of our local mosque after evening prayer, I’m not scared of the guy who owns the Somalian food store in town, and I’m certainly not afraid of that guy who likes to invite you into the shop to have some tea with him.

Who I am scared of however, are people who see no reason that a person should undergo a background check

prior to owning a firearm. I’m scared of the weirdos who take their AR15′s shopping with them at Walmart just to prove a point. I’m scared of the people pushing for a change to our state law, advocating that anyone should be al-lowed to carry a concealed gun on their person without any type of permit or training. I’m scared of the geniuses who take their 10 year old kids out to the woods to shoot an Uzi, scared of the people who think that limiting the amount of ammo their guns can fire in a single burst is an offensive restriction on their liberties, scared of the 19 year old kid who thinks he’s tough because he went out and bought a gun with his paycheck (that used to be me), I’m scared of people who are ready to shoot someone simply because they “feel” threatened, and I’m definitely scared of the kids who got picked on in high school who went on to become cops.

I’ve seen nothing in my Muslim neighbors worthy of a general fear of them, as some Christian leaders want us to hold. I’m not scared of Muslims. But I have to be honest, I am scared of white guys with guns.

So just remember when you see all of the anti-Muslim fear baiting from

Christian leaders: the real looming threat in our country has nothing to do with people who wear a hijab, but people who have been indoctrinated into the acceptability of violence, and who carry guns snuggled neatly under-neath their flannel shirt.

Hancock article pic caption: Steven D. Esolen, from Hancock, NY, stole stockpile of explosives (L); Joshua Allan Casey, York, SC, fired shots into a Muslim community (Center); Glendon Scott Crawford of Providence, Saratoga County, (R)

made a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) to kill Muslims and the President.

Major gun violence assaults against Muslims and minorities has increased.

which our parents, grandparents and great grandparents gave their blood and sweat to help build. Our community has experienced this firsthand.”

In 2013, trespassers driving a large van containing strange equipment in the back were turned away from Islamberg. Days later, two men from Albany, NY were arrested for plotting to use a high powered, lethal X-Ray machine classi-fied as a weapon of mass destruction to kill Muslims and President Obama. In another incident, a man fired multiple shots to terrorize the men, women and children living in the Muslim village of

Holy Islamville, South Carolina.This frightening news about Esolen

and his cache of explosives was largely overlooked by the media outside of up-state New York. If Esolen was Muslim, he would immediately be labeled a terrorist, and his picture would be plastered nationally and internation-ally. The almost non-existent coverage of this incident coupled with repeated threats and trespassing incidents has the local Muslim community in Hancock ill at ease.

“I called top law enforcement of-ficials in Delaware County to express

the Muslim community’s concern that Esolen may have had intentions on targeting Islamberg.” said Tahirah H. Clark, Esq. “I was emphatically told that Esolen happened upon the explosives during the commission of a burglary and that Islamberg was never a target. While we appreciate law en-forcement’s willingness to keep an open dialogue, the American Muslims are unconvinced about Esolen’s objective. We will closely follow the investigation and follow up with law enforcement to ensure that all local citizens, including the Muslims remain safe.”

Page 7: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

LATINO/CARIBE7 The Islamic Post, April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436

P re s i d e n t O b a m a’s E m e rg e n c y O rd e r s a g a i n s t Ve n ez u e l a P rovo ke

Re g i o n a l Po l e m i c

Turkey’s Erdogan Proposes Building Mosque in Cuba

President Recep Tayyip Er-dogan held talks for bilateral cooperation with his Cuban

counterpart in February at the Cuban capital of Havana, the second stop of his Latin American visit. Erdogan visited the monument of the Cuban national hero, Jose Marti, and laid a wreath after national anthems of both nations were played.

Cuban President Raul Castro wel-comed his Turkish counterpart at an official ceremony at Cuba’s presidential office. The Turkish and Cuban delega-tions then moved to a luncheon meeting following their delegation-level meet-ings.

Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Food, Agriculture and Livestock Min-ister Mehdi Eker and Culture Minister Omer Celik were part of the Turkish delegation.

“The culture of Cuba is very well-known in Turkey. Turkish culture is renowned in Cuba. We have much to develop in tourism,” Casals said.

Also, Turkey’s Ambassador to Havana Hasan Servet Oktem stated that Cuba’s need for foreign capital was on the rise and the country was expecting investors from Turkey.

“Turkey and Cuba have close rela-tions and Erdogan’s visit will contribute into expansion towards Latin America,” Oktem said.

In February Erdogan departed from Istanbul for Colombia, Cuba and Mexico, the first visit of a Turkish presi-dent to these countries.

This is the second visit of a Turkish high level delegation to Latin American countries, with the first held in 1995.

Erdogan’s talks during the visits focused on regional and international developments, bilateral relations and signing cooperation agreements in dif-ferent fields.

Erdogan arrived in Colombia’s capi-tal Bogota and was welcomed by Presi-

dent Juan Manuel Santos Calderon.The two leaders held a joint press

conference later and attended a signing agreement for a number of joint proj-ects.

Building a mosque in CubaTurkish President Tayyip Erdogan

has proposed to Cuba the construction of a mosque on the Caribbean island during a visit to Havana, pushing ahead with a plan apparently inspired by his belief that Muslims discovered the Americas.

After talks with Cuban President Raul Castro, Erdogan said on Wednes-day he had sought approval for Turkey to build the place of worship in Havana that would be based on the model of a mosque in the Ortakoy district on the European shore of the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul.

Last November, Erdogan told a conference of Muslim leaders from Latin America in Istanbul that Muslims had reached the Americas in the 12th century, before the European explorer Christopher Columbus did so in 1492.

“I presented all the information, project work and visuals regarding the Ortakoy mosque. ‘We will do this our-selves. We don’t want a partner. If you find it appropriate we want to do this’,” Erdogan’s presidential website quoted him as saying of his talks with Castro.

Erdogan also told reporters the Cuban government had agreed with Saudi Arabia on a similar project some time ago. In light of this, his planned mosque could be built elsewhere in Cuba, he said.

It was not clear what response Erdo-gan had received to the proposal from the authorities in Cuba.

The largest mosque in Latin America is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Closer to Cuba, the Caribbean nations of Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname have significant Muslim populations.

- Worldbulletin.net

The international court ruled in favor of Ecuador in its case against the U.S. oil giant for causing one of the world’s greatest environmental disasters. The International Court of Justice (CIJ) ruled on March 12 that a prior ruling by an Ecuadorean court that fined the U.S.-based oil company Chevron US$9.5 billion in 2011 should be upheld.

The money will benefit about 30,000 Ecuadorians, most of them indigenous.

“Today’s decision represents an important step in the right direction,” stated Ecuadorean Attorney General Diego Garcia Carrion.

Chevron appealed the Ecuadorean court ruling at The Hague, arguing that Ecuador had violated a bilateral invest-ment treaty signed with the United States and that a 1995 settlement agree-ment reached with the Ecuadorean gov-ernment made the class action lawsuit redundant.

However, the international court stated that the case included individual rights, therefore leaving null and void the agreement signed between the then

government of Ecuador and oil com-pany Texaco, which Chevron acquired in 2001.

Chevron is responsible for contami-nation in the region, he said, praising a prior judicial decision rejecting Chev-ron’s attempt to avoid the fine.

Chevron’s spokesperson James Craig stated that, “A federal court of the United States ruled that the Ecuadorean sentence against the U.S. company resulted from fraud, corruption and bribery. The provisional decision emit-ted today by the court does not change this fact.”

The lawyer of the Ecuadorean plaintiffs, Pablo Fajardo, replied that the accusation of “fraud” had no basis, adding that “it will soon be demol-ished” on April 20 in a New York court.

Texaco, currently part of Chevron, caused one of the world’s greatest en-vironmental disasters while drilling for oil in the Ecuadorean Amazon between 1964 and 1990.


- telesurtv.net

Ecuador Wins Against Chevron in Hague Ruling

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has censured the United States for meddling

in the South American country and im-posing sanctions on seven Venezuelan officials.

“[U.S.] President Barack Obama, in the name of the U.S. imperialist elite, has decided to personally take on the task of defeating my government, inter-vening in Venezuela, and controlling it from the U.S.,” Maduro said in a fiery speech broadcast on state television.

The president appeared alongside the sanctioned officials and congratulated them for the “imperial honor” granted by Washington, a remark welcomed by the officials.

Under Obama’s order made on March 9th, the U.S. property and bank accounts of the officials, including the former national guard chief Antonio Benavides, intelligence chief Gustavo Gonzales and national police chief Manuel Perez, will be frozen and they will be denied U.S. visas.

Washington accused the officials of rights violations in relation to last year’s protests in Venezuela.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has called the latest U.S. sanc-tions “the most aggressive, unjust and harmful step that has ever been taken by the U.S. against Venezuela”

He announced he would seek special powers from the National Assembly “to defend the integrity of the country”.

The Venezuelan NAtional Assem-bly approved Maduro’s request for the enactment of an enabling law after the new sanctions were issued by the U.S.

President Maduro was given the right to rule by decree by the Venezue-lan National Assembly untimid March. The legislation grants Maduro powers to issue decrees on matters concern-ing security and defense. According to BBC President Maduro said Venezuela needed the legislation passed to deal with the threat posed by the U.S.

Thousands marched in Caracas after the legislation was passed to show sup-port for the government and express anti-imperialist sentiment.

The U.S. Congress praised the deci-sion of President Barack Obama to impose sanctions on seven Venezuelan officials alleged by Washington to be behind human-rights abuses against Venezuelan citizens.

Senators Marco Rubio, Robert Menéndez, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen — who have recently been prohibited

from entering Venezuela — described Obama’s executive order as a good first step in punishing the “wave of repres-sion” emanating from the government of President Nicolás Maduro towards the Venezuelan opposition and civil so-ciety. The trio insisted that many more individuals should receive sanctions, including Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López.

The Cuban government of Raúl Castro meanwhile issued a statement showing its “unconditional support” for the Maduro’s administration after the new U.S. sanctions were applied.

Castro described Obama’s state-ments as “arbitrary and aggressive,” ar-guing that they were reprisals for mea-sures adopted by Maduro “in defense of his sovereignty in the face of interfering acts by the governmental authorities of the U.S. Congress.”

“Anti-Imperialist” CrackdownOn March 9, Venezuelan President

Nicolás Maduro responded to Obama’s announcement of sanctions, saying that he would ask the National Assembly to pass a law allowing him to take mea-sures “against imperialism.”

Elsa Cardozo, an international-relations expert and columnist with Venezuelan daily El Nacional, told the PanAm Post that Venezuela is “de-ploying the thesis of an international conspiracy,” and that Maduro’s govern-ment is likely to use the sanctions as an excuse to pass laws repressing internal dissent — thus affecting the Venezu-elan opposition more than the United States.

Venezuelan political scientist Ennio Cardozo agreed, saying in an interview with the PanAm Post that new powers granted by the National Assembly would allow the president to imprison anyone considered to be “pro-United States.” Cardozo raised fears that that Maduro’s response will give rise to “disproportionate rulings which will further limit the freedom of civil and political rights in Venezuela.”

For the political analyst, if Venezuela really wanted to take sanctions against Washington, it could have long done so by halting the sale of oil to the United States.

Hemispheric TensionsEnnio Cardozo, a professor at Ven-

ezuela’s Central University, suggested that “it suits Obama to show a more decisive government and portray the United States as an influential country within its neighborhood,” but noted that

the sanctions could “risk the ground” Washington has gained in improving relations with other regional countries.

Nevertheless, he explained that the links between human-rights violations and senior Venezuelan government figures implied by the sanctions would prove damaging, especially when added to Venezuela’s deteriorating eco-nomic situation.

He added that measures passed by Maduro in response to the initial announcement of U.S. sanctions in December 2014, which prohibited four U.S. congressmen from entering Ven-ezuela for promoting the Venezuelan Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act, were a particular spur to Obama’s application of sanctions.

The university professor believes that the U.S. government feels it has “strengthened relations in the hemi-sphere” and can thus afford the risk of issuing sanctions.

Targeting ThreatsAccording to a press release issued

by the White House, the United States has between 20 and 30 sanctions programs in force against various countries based on similar declarations of emergency to that announced with regard to Venezuela.

In recent years, the United States has declared states of emergency in coun-tries such as Ukraine, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

Cardozo added that Obama’s execu-tive order shares a similar appearance and motivations to a 1995 law which created the Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers List (the “Clin-ton List“), which sanctioned foreign officials for crimes threatening U.S. security. However, in this case, narco-trafficking offenses are replaced by cor-ruption, violence, mistreatment of the opposition, and impunity for repressive acts.

A source from the Treasury Depart-ment explained to BBC Mundo that sanctioned individuals are considered a “threat” to the health of the U.S. financial system, and thus constitute a problem for national security.

As such, Cardozo explained that the sanctions taken by the United States aren’t designed to affect the Venezuelan people, but are directed against seven officials that the Obama government considers to be “threats.”

- By Sabrina MartínTranslated by Laurie Blair

S a n c t i o n s M a y B e E x c u s e f o r A n t i - O p p o s i t i o n C r a c k d o w n , S a y A n a l y s t s

Turkish President Recep Erdogan and Cuban President Raul Castro met and held bilateral talks in Havana, Cuba,the first such talks between the two nations.

N at i o n a l D e fe n s e U n i ve r s i t y Ce n s u re d fo r H i r i n g Ac c u s e d H u m a n

R i g h t s A b u s e r sA former Colombian military com-

mander accused of complicity in a 1997 massacre has been hired by a mil-itary university funded by the US gov-ernment. The U.S. National Defense University located in Washington D.C, is facing renewed allegations that some of its classes are also taught by other accused human rights abusers.

“Reports that NDU hired foreign military officers with histories of involvement in human rights abuses, including torture and extrajudicial kill-ings of civilians, are stunning, and they are repulsive,” Senator Patrick Leahy told the Center for Public Integrity (CPI).

Funded by the Defense Depart-ment, the military university is widely regarded as the top one in the United States.

According to a report by the CPI published on March 11, one of the Na-tional Defense University’s counterter-rorism lecturers, Carlos Ospina, may have been complicit in the massacre of innocent civilians in Colombia in 1997.

According to the CPI, a Colombian military brigade under Ospina’s com-mand has been accused of allowing pro-government paramilitaries to slaughter civilians, torch homes and steal cattle in the northern Colombian village of El Aro.

“One shopkeeper was tied to a tree, had his eyes gouged out, and his tongue removed, according to witness reports at the time cited by human rights inves-tigators,” the CPI report stated.

Four years after the incident, Co-lombia’s attorney general cleared Ospina of the allegations. However, the conduct of Ospina’s brigade was again put in the spotlight in 2006, when an investigation by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights found the Colombian military had indeed turned a blind eye to the El Aro mas-sacre.

Ospina continues to deny any links to the incident, though he isn’t the only military lecturer causing headaches for the school.

According to an investigative report from McClatchy newspapers recently,

a Pinochet-era secret police official facing criminal charges in Chile taught at an NDU-affiliate for over a decade.

Jaime Garcia Covarrubias is ac-cused of overseeing the extrajudicial execution of at least seven people in 1973 and of torturing scores of dis-sidents under the military regime that ruled Chile until 1990.

According to the McClatchy report, the U.S. Departments of State and Defense were both aware of the al-legations against Covarrubias, but this doesn’t appear to have affected his visa status or employment.

Former U.S. intelligence official Chris Simmons told McClatchy Co-varrubias’ hiring “undermines our moral authority on both human rights and in the war on terror.”

Simmons said, “If he is in fact guilty of what he is accused of, he is a terrorist. Then who are we to tell other countries how they should be fighting terrorism?”

- Telesurtv.net

Page 8: The Islamic Post April Vol 1

WORLD 8The Islamic Post, April Volume I 2015 -Jumada Al-Thani 1436

Pourquoi je suis soulagé que Netanyahu ait gagnéPar: Ali AbunimahBenjamin Netanyahu au congrès

américain le 3 mars. (Caleb Smith/Flickr)

Beaucoup avaient espéré que Ben-jamin Netanyahu serait battu aux élec-tions israéliennes d’hier. Je n’étais pas de ceux-là.

Beaucoup l’avaient déjà enterré – des sondages pré-électoraux montraient son parti, le Likoud, à la traîne der-rière l’Union centriste prétendument du centre gauche, dirigée par Yitzhak Herzog et Tzipi Livni.

Mais je gardais à l’esprit l’élection de 1996 où Netanyahu était universelle-ment considéré comme le perdant bien après que les bulletins eurent été dépo-sés.

À la suite de l’assassinat du Premier ministre Yitzhak Rabin, on s’était at-tendu à ce que son successeur « paci-fiste » Shimon Peres, qui avait lancé une invasion sanglante contre le Liban quelques mois plus tôt en espérant prou-ver à l’électorat sa compétence musclée en matière de « sécurité », gagne facile-ment.

Mais le soir de l’élection, Netanyahu a dit à ses partisans, « Il est encore trop tôt, et la nuit est longue ». Pendant qu’on comptait les bulletins de vote, il avait pris de l’avance et il a battu Peres, assurant son premier mandat comme Premier ministre.

Netanyahu a recommencé mardi. Alors que pratiquement tous les bulle-tins étaient comptés, le Likoud obtenait 30 sièges, l’Union sioniste 24 et la Liste commune composée essentiellement de partis arabes se trouvait en troisième place avec 14 sièges.

C’est quasiment certain, Netanyahu va conserver son poste de Premier ministre d’Israël et il va diriger un autre gouvernement fanatiquement à droite.

La vérité dans l’étiquetagePermettez-moi d’être clair : je ne suis

pas heureux de la victoire de Netanyahu en tant que telle. Netanyahu est un tueur couvert de sang. Il faut le traduire en justice et le faire juger pour ses mul-tiples crimes, depuis les vols incessants de la terre palestinienne jusqu’au mas-sacre de l’été dernier dans Gaza – et j’attends ce jour avec impatience.

Mais en se complaisant dans l’assassinat de Palestiniens et en ap-pelant cela de l’« auto-défense », il ne diffère à peine de ses rivaux. Livni, suspectée de crimes de guerre et fuyant

la justice, a été l’un des artisans, fiers et sans remords, du massacre par Israël à Gaza en 2008-2009, qui a indubitable-ment servi de modèle à Netanyahu.

Herzog, le partenaire de Livni, a re-proché à Netanyahu de ne pas attaquer Gaza assez méchamment.

L’incitation risquée de Netanyahu, le jour de l’élection, disant « les Arabes sont en train de s’avancer vers les urnes » a montré une fois de plus qu’il pense véritablement que les citoyens palesti-niens d’Israël ne sont pas des citoyens légitimes méritant tous les droits. Mais Tzipi Livni a fréquemment, elle aussi, exprimé ce même point de vue.

Et si Netanyahu est résolument engagé dans le vol et la colonisation de la terre palestinienne occupée, cela ne le distingue pas davantage de ses pré-décesseurs se disant pacifistes.

Un article de fond interactif publié par The New York Times montre que les constructions de colonies israéli-ennes en Cisjordanie occupée (hors Jérusalem occupée) ont été, et de loin, souvent beaucoup plus importantes sous les gouvernements prétendument en quête de paix d’Ehud Barak et Ehud Olmert.

Par contre, ce qui distingue Netan-yahu, c’est qu’il annihile toute possi-bilité pour la soi-disant « communauté internationale » de cacher sa complicité avec les crimes effroyables d’Israël der-rière la mascarade d’un « processus de paix ».

En outre, l’alliance ouverte de Netan-yahu avec les éléments les plus racistes, les plus convaincus d’une suprématie blanche, les plus islamophobes et doc-trinaires des droites nord-américaines et européennes – son discours au Con-grès en début de mois en est la mani-

festation – cette alliance place Israël dans le camp idéologique convenable. Israël ne peut plus à la fois pratiquer l’apartheid chez lui, et en même temps se présenter fallacieusement comme un flambeau du libéralisme à travers le monde.

Bref, la réélection de Netanyahu, c’est comme la liste des « valeurs nutri-tives » sur une boîte d’aliments industri-els : elle vous renseigne sur les ingrédi-ents toxiques qui sont à l’intérieur.

Aucun État palestinienLa déclaration claire de Netanyahu

la veille du vote, selon laquelle il ne permettra aucun État palestinien, n’a été qu’une affirmation de ce que furent les véritables politiques de chacun des gouvernements israéliens depuis 1967, à laquelle Herzog et Livni auraient adhéré.

Herzog et Livni n’auraient pas autorisé un État palestinien digne de ce nom. Au contraire, avec le soutien international, ils auraient tenté de faire revenir les Palestiniens dans des « né-gociations » pour ce qui serait tout au plus un bantoustan/ghetto, dans le but de légitimer le vol par Israël de vastes étendues de terre, son annexion de Jérusalem et son abrogation des droits des réfugiés palestiniens. (L’analyse de Ben White de cet effroyable projet d’apartheid permanent est à lire absolu-ment).

Herzog lui aussi a promis de con-tinuer la construction de colonies sur la terre palestinienne accaparée. Mais il cacherait cette politique expansionniste derrière l’un de ces « gels » superficiels et fallacieux durant lesquels la colonisa-tion se poursuit sans relâche.

Si l’Union sioniste avait gagné, il aurait existé un très grave danger

que les Palestiniens soient entraînés à nouveau dans une décennie de « né-gociations » stériles du style Oslo, qui auraient servi de couverture pour la poursuite de l’assujettissement et de la colonisation.

De telles négociations ont fourni la principale excuse à ce que l’on appelle la communauté internationale pour dif-férer sans fin la mise en responsabilité d’Israël, ne serait-ce que très légère-ment.

Le refrain de ces officiels sans cour-age est systématiquement une version du « oui, n’est-ce pas épouvantable ce qui se passe, mais il y a un processus de paix, et nous soutenons ce processus de paix ».

Le seul résultat positif de l’élection en Israël, c’est que cette voie-là semble être fermée.

Intensifier le BDSNous devons nous faire aucune illu-

sion, avec la réélection de Netanyahu, les gouvernements européens, nord-américains et arabes ne vont pas sou-dainement mettre fin à leur complicité avec Israël.

Il y a tout lieu de croire que l’Administration Obama, par exemple, continuera sa campagne incessante d’opposition aux droits des Palestiniens et ses efforts pour qu’Israël ne soit tenu responsable dans aucun forum.

Mais le choix du public juif israélien de réélire Netanyahu doit bien faire comprendre aux peuples du monde entier qu’Israël ne recherche pas la paix et qu’il n’est pas en quête de justice. Il va poursuivre son oppression et son nettoyage ethnique des Palestiniens tant qu’il ne sera pas arrêté.

Négocier avec un tel régime est inutile quand son pouvoir sur ses vic-times reste étendu et hors contrôle. Le message que nous devons retirer est simple : le traitement qui convient pour un régime politique engagé dans une occupation, un apartheid et une supré-matie ethno-raciale, c’est son isolement jusqu’à ce qu’il admette qu’il doit aban-donner ces engagements.

C’est ce que les Palestiniens ont de-mandé au monde à travers le Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions (BDS). Avec Netanyahu, c’est un peu plus facile, aussi il est temps de faire passer le BDS au niveau supérieur.

Traduction : JPP pour l’Agence Média Palestine

Source: Electronic Intifada

Benjamin Netanyahu au congrès américain le 3 mars. (Caleb Smith/Flickr)



DU CICRPar Kardiatou TraoréLes employés humanitaires déployés

à Gao au Mali ne cessent d’être la cible d’attaque. Ce lundi, un employé du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) a été tué à Gao, au nord du Mali.

Au nord du Mali, les attaques ter-roristes se multiplient. Un employé du CICR a succombé à l’attaque de son convoi humanitaire près de Gao. Cette attaque a été revendiquée par le groupe terroriste MUJAO. Lors de cette at-taque , un membre de la Croix-Rouge malienne a été blessé.

Attaque préparéeLe camion qui effectuait la liaison

entre Gao et Niamey au Niger pour s’approvisionner en médicaments, a été criblé de balles par au moins six terroristes, ne laissant aucune chance à l’employé du CICR. Une attaque bien préparée, selon la MINUSMA. Aboul Walid Sahraoui du MUJAO a immédi-atement revendiqué l’attaque.

Dans son communiqué, le CICR a condamné l’attaque et appelé « tous les belligérants à respecter et protéger les travailleurs humanitaires » qui portent assistance à des milliers de personnes affectées par le conflit au Mali. Venant en aide aux populations maliennes du Nord, ces employés travaillent au plus proche des populations, dans des zones de conflits, depuis 2012. De ce fait, ils n’échappent pas aux attaques des groupes armés présents dans le nord.

Le MUJAO est un groupe très actif dans le nord du Mali. Ainsi, en février 2014, quatre membres du CICR avaient été enlevés alors qu’ils partaient de Kidal pour se rendre à Gao. Ces otages ont été libérés deux mois plus tard après une opération menée par des militaires français dans le nord. Le MUJAO est un groupe allié à AQMI, qui a contrôlé le nord du Mali entre 2012 et 2013.


Les USA ne retireront pas de troupes d’Afghanistan en 2015

Les Etats-Unis ont décidé de mainte-nir leurs 9.800 soldats en Afghanistan tout au long de cette année, a annoncé la Maison blanche mardi à l’issue d’une rencontre entre Barack Obama et son homologue afghan Ashraf Ghani, en visite à Washington.

“Sur la base de la demande du pré-sident Ghani en faveur d’une certaine souplesse dans le calendrier de retrait américain, les Etats-Unis maintiendront leur contingent actuel de 9.800 hommes tout au long de 2015”, a indiqué la Maison blanche.

En mai dernier, Barack Obama avait annoncé que le contingent américain serait réduit de moitié environ, de 9.800

à 5.500 hommes, et qu’il n’opérerait plus qu’à partir de ses bases de Bagram et Kaboul d’ici la fin 2015.

“Le rythme du retrait des troupes américaines pour 2016 sera fixé ultéri-eurement cette année (...)”, lit-on dans le communiqué de la Maison blanche.

Le président américain a estimé lors d’une conférence de presse conjointe avec Ashraf Ghani que cela “valait le coup” de maintenir pour quelques mois les effectifs actuels, ajoutant qu’il était important de garder en mémoire que l’objectif de la fin du retrait américain d’Afghanistan était 2017, échéance qui n’avait pas changé.

La pause observée dans le re-

trait américain en 2015 permettra d’accélérer les réformes en Afghanistan et de faire en sorte que les forces af-ghanes soient mieux entraînées et équi-pées, a dit quant à lui Ashraf Ghani, qui a succédé à Hamid Karzaï en septembre dernier.

Certains élus du Congrès avaient réclamé eux aussi un ralentissement du retrait des troupes américaines. Le républicain Mac Thornberry, qui dirige la commission des forces armées de la Chambre des représentants, a salué la décision annoncée mardi.

“L’Irak a montré à quelles con-séquences menait le fait de quitter pré-maturément un allié peu solide”, a-t-il dit.

وهو البشرية، تاريخ في المعجزة أعظم سبحانه واحــد بإله خاصة اســم مظهر موجود يــزال ال هللا اســم و ، وتعالى تجلية القادرية جامعة مسجد جدار على في المقدسة برغ) (اسالم بقرية األعظم ظهوره اول بعد نيويورك). (هانكوك نمط األبعاد ثالثة في أشهر سبعة قبل الساطع الــضــوء مــن العربية الكتابة ــه حدث أن الــحــدث ــذا ه أهمية ــور). (نـصنيع وهــو الشمالية، أمريكا في هنا الحرم فــي حتى أنعم لــم ــذي ال اإللــهــي الكعبة. عند المقدسة المكرمة مكة 2 في أوال ظهرت التي المعجزة هــذه هللا استجابة وهــي ، 2010 أغسطس في المشتركين المصلين لمئات تعالى وتعالى سبحانه هللا إلى المخلص الدعاء تحذيرا ، قبولها على عالمة وبمثابة ، هللا مــن للمؤمنين وبــشــرى للظالمين

وتعالى .سبحانه تلقت بلدة هانكوك الصغيرة في نيويوركالقبض على جارهم إلقاء مقلقة عن أنباء العمر يبلغ من الذي ستيفن دي. ايسولن، واليــة شرطة أعلنت حيث سنة. 24 عن أجرته الذي التحقيق نتائج نيويورك على السطو في التحقيق «أثناء ايسولن: نيويورك، هانكوك، في ممتلكات عقارية

التحقيقات ومكتب والية شرطة عثرت بحوزته أن وعلمت مشبوه، الجنائية عن من كبيرة وكمية تفجير كبسوالت عدة نفذت شرطة والية فور. متفجرات سي الهوية تحديد مكتب وحــدة نيويورك، أمر القنابل من التخلص ووحدة الجنائية عدد 12 على االستيالء إلى أدى تفتيش إشعال أنابيب و4 كهربائية، مفجرات ام 60، وبندقية مع كاتم صوت من نوع مسروقة. ومجوهرات الصنع، محلية ما السترداد التحقيقات من المزيد قادت سي متفجرات من رطال 20 من يقرب في دفنها قد المشبوه كــان والتي فــور منازل مجاورة». تم استدعاء ايسولن إلىتم حبسه في هانكوك حيث مدينة محكمة تبلغ نقدية وبكفالة ديالوير مقاطعة سجن

.خمسين ألف دوالر بديالً عن ذلكنيته مــن مــخــاوف ايسولن قبض ــار أثضد تــرســانــتــه ــدام ــخ ــت الس المحتملة الذين المقيمين ومن المسلمين جيرانه المسلمة إسالمبرغ قرية في يعيشون من ميال 10 من اقل بعد على تقع التي مثير الــوضــع ــإن ف ــذا ل ايــســولــن، سكن الخطأ طريق وعــن غالبا يشار للقلق. إن «معسكر»، أنها على القرية إلــى طبيعة ذات مسلمة قرية هي إسالمبرغ

حيث كاتسكيل جــبــال فــي تقع جــذابــة وخالفا عقود. منذ بسالم سكانها يعيش عبر تنتشر التي ــب ــاذي واألك للدعاية لم ــالم، اإلس من الخوف عن اإلنترنت يكن هنالك أي نشاط إجرامي أبداً مرتبطمن التهديدات إلــى باإلضافة بالقرية. الذين متطرفة ميليشيات جماعات قبل مثل اجتماعية مناسبات في يتجمعون يضعون ممن النارية الدراجات ركوب الفتات على دراجاتهم مثل «الركوب إلىهددوا الذين بعض هناك إسالمبرغ،» مجتمع في العنف بنشر طويلة فترة منذ

.القريةالذين بها ــى أدل التي التعليقات ــدت أك يــعــرفــون ايــســولــن صــحــة الــتــهــديــداتعلى أمثاله واآلخرين هو يشكلها التي للواليات جدا متعصب . «هو إسالمبرغ قسم في بيليلو لورين ذكرت المتحدة»، واترشيد بصحيفة مقال في التعليقات المعسكر يحب ال انه أعلم «أنا بوست. الشخص بقدر الطريق على الموجود القادم من هانكوك.» يعني التعليق أنه منذم المتحدة الواليات لمتعصبي الطبيعي

لمسلمين .االعالقات مدير - غــاردنــر ماثيو ــال ق«معلنو أمريكا- مسلمي لمنظمة العامة

الــكــره والــتــطــرف يــدعــون الــنــاس إلىجيرانهم بإذاء والدستور القانون انتهاك بالقانون. الملتزمين المسلمين مــن أكاذيب بنشر وكره خوف بيئة يصنعون (يقولون) والمسلمين اإلسالم مفترية عن جريمة ــاب ــك ارت ــدون ــري ي المسلمون سكانه نحن ــذي ال البلد - أمريكا ضــد أجدادنا آبائنا، ضحى حيث األصليين، شهدت ليبنوها.» وعرقهم بدمهم وآبائهم هذا أمريكا مسلمي منظمة جماعات

مباشرة .بشكل يقودون متجاوزين ُمنَع في سنة 2013، غريبة أدوات على تحتوي كبيرة شاحنة إسالبورغ. إلى الوصول من متنها على من رجلين على القبض ألقي أيــام، بعد في لتورطهم نــيــويــورك الــبــانــي، بلدة ــس راي ــالح اك ــرة الســتــخــدام س ــؤام ميمكن (الذي – العالية القدرة ذي القاتل كسالح يصنف والــذي شاحنة) في نقله المسلم المجتمع لمهاجمة شامل دمــار في نيويورك. ــة والي شمال منطقة في طلقات عــدة رجــل أطلق ــر، آخ ــادث حواألطفال والنساء الرجال لترويع نارية إسالمفيل هولي قرية في يعيشون الذين بوالية يورك مدينة في تقع التي المسلمة

.ساوث كارولينا

ــروع عن ــم أهــمــل جـــدا هـــذا الــخــبــر الوسائل في للمتفجرات ومخبأه ايسولن وال نيويورك. والية شمال في اإلعــالم تصنيفه لتم مسلما ايسولن كان إذا شك محليا صورته ولنشرت كإرهابي فورا الحادث شبه هذا تغطية إقترنت وعالميا. وحــوادث متكررة بتهديدات المعدومة للمسلمين في المحلي المجتمع تعدي على

.هانكوك مما جعلهم يشعرون بالقلقالقانون» تطبيق بالمسؤولين عن اتصلت قلق عــن للتعبير ديالوير مقاطعة في نوايا إحتمال وجود المسلمين عن مجتمع ايسولن إلستهداف إسالمبرغ» لدى سيئة كــالرك. طاهرة المحامية قالت هكذا ايسولن حصل أن قاطع لي بشكل «قالوا ارتكابه خالل من المتفجرات على فقط إســالمــبــرغ تــكــن ولــم ســرقــة لجريمة إلستعداد احترامنا مع لكن قــط. هدفا إلبقاء القانون تطبيق عن المسئولين غير المسلمين فإن بيننا مفتوحا الحوار عن سنواصل ايسولن. بأهداف مقتنعين قرب التحقيق وسنتابع مع سلطات تطبيقالمواطنين جميع أن لضمان القانون سيبقون المسلمين ذلك في بما المحليين،


الخوف من اإلسالم، بلدة إسالمبرغ و قضية ستيفن دي. ايسولن

Le Roi du Maroc inaugure L’Institut Mohammed VI

de formation des Imams et Prédicateurs est ouvert

Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI a procédé, le 6 Joumada ath-thania 1436 de l’Hégire, correspondant au 27 mars 2015, à l’inauguration d’une institution religieuse que Sa Majesté a bien voulu baptiser «Institut Mohammed VI de formation des Imams prédicateurs et des prédicatrices», dont le Souverain avait lancé les travaux le lundi 12 Rajab 1435 (Hégire), correspondant au 12 mai 2014.

Cette institution sera l’un des in-struments au service de l’approche

développée par Sa Majesté le Roi dans le domaine de la protection de la foi et de la religion, approche basée sur l’impératif de préserver le référentiel religieux du Royaume, fondé sur Imarat Al Mouminine, la doctrine achaârite, le rite malékite et le soufisme procédant de la pratique de l’Imam Al Jounaïd. Ce sont autant de constantes profondément enracinées au Maroc et qu’il partage avec l’ens

Source: 22 Septembre