The Internet (1) JEENA

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  • 7/24/2019 The Internet (1) JEENA


  • 7/24/2019 The Internet (1) JEENA



    Definition of Internet

    History of Internet

    Basic services of Internet

    Internet domains

    Uses of Internet

    Disadvantages of Internet


  • 7/24/2019 The Internet (1) JEENA


    What is Internet

    The Internet is the global system of

    interconnected computer

    networks that use the

    internet protocol suits

    (TCP/IP) to link billions

    of devices worldwide.

  • 7/24/2019 The Internet (1) JEENA


    The history of InternetYOU TUBE & MORE . . .









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    Packet Switching

    Packet switching is a digital networking communications method that groups all

    transmitted data into suitably sized blocks, called packets which are transmitted

    via a medium that may be shared by multiple simultaneous communication


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    ARPANET was the network that became the basis for the Internet. Based on a

    concept first published in 1967, ARPANET was developed under the direction

    of the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).

    In 1969, the idea became

    a modest reality with the

    interconnection of four

    university computers. The

    initial purpose was to

    communicate with and

    Share computer resources among

    mainly scientific users at the connectedInstitutions. ARPANET took

    advantage of the new idea of

    sending information in small units called PACKETs

    that could be routed on different paths and reconstructed at their


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    A system for connecting a number of computer

    systems to form a local area network, with

    protocols to control the passing of

    information and to avoid

    simultaneous transmissionb two or more s stems.

  • 7/24/2019 The Internet (1) JEENA


    World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web (www) is an open source information space where

    documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by

    hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet. The Web consists of pages

    that can be accessed using a Web browser. The Internet is the actual network of

    networks where all the information resides. Things like Telnet, FTP, Internetamin Internet Rela Chat IRC and e-mail are all art of the

    internet, but are not part of the World Wide Web. The Hyper-Text

    transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the method used to transfer Web

    pages to your computer. With hypertext, a word or phrase can

    contain a link to another Web site. All Web pages are written in

    the hyper-text markup language (HTML), which

    works in conjunction with HTTP.

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    Basic Services of Internet

    Remote login (Telnet)


    File Transfer (FTP)Network news

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    Telnet is an application layer protocol used on the internet or local area

    networks to provide a bidirectional interactive text-oriented communication

    facility using a virtual terminal connection.

    Telnet was developed in 1969 and standardized

    Internet Standard STD 8, one of the first Internet

    standards. Historically, Telnet

    provided access to a command-line

    interface (usually, of an operating

    system) on a remote host.

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    E- mail

    Email, short for "electronic mail," is one of the most widely used features of

    the internet, along with the web. It allows you to send and receive messages

    to and from anyone with an email address, anywhere in the world. When you

    configure an email account, you must define your email address, password

    and the mail servers used to send and receive messages.

    Fortunately, most webmail services configure

    your account automatically, so you only need to

    enter your email address and password.

    Besides the email address and password,

    you may also have to enter the incoming and

    outgoing mail servers and enter the correct

    port numbers for each one.

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    File Transfer

    The file transfer tool FTP is another client-server application, used to retrieve

    files from a remote machine. Two kinds of access are possible:

    Identified (with account and password) and

    Anonymous (no account or password required).

    Most public archive sites operateanon mous FTP servers. Until earl 1995

    FTP data accounted for by far the

    largest amount of traffic on the Internet

    (about one third of the total traffic in bytes).

    A related service Archie provides

    an indexing facility for anonymous FTP archives,

    making it easier to find FTP


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    Network News Transfer Protocol

    The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) is an application protocol used for

    transporting Usenet news articles (net news) between news servers and for

    reading and posting articles by end user client applications

    Network News is the Internet equivalent

    of a discussion group or bulletin board.

    News is organized hierarchically into

    broad topics called newsgroups

    dealing with particular themes,

    for example comp.lang.c++ for the C++programming language.

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    Internet Browsers

    An internet browser is the program that you use to access the internet and view

    web pages on the computer. Although browsers are primarily intended to use the

    World Wide Web, they can also be used to access information provided by web

    servers in private networks or files in file systems. The major web browsers are

    Firefox, Internet Explorer/ Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari.

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    Internet Search Engines

    Google, Excite, Lycos, AltaVista, Infoseek, and Yahoo are all search engines.

    They index millions of sites on the Web, so that Web surfers like you and me

    can easily find Web sites with the information we want. By creating

    indexes, or large databases of Web sites (based on titles, keywords, and the

    text in the pages), search engines can locate relevant Web sites when users

    enter search terms or phrases. When

    you are looking for something using a

    search engine, it is a good idea to use words

    like AND, OR, and NOT to specify your search.

    Using these boolean operators, you can usually

    get a list of more relevant sites.

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    Internet Domain

    A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of

    administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain

    names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System

    (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name.

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    Uses of Internet

    Now a days Internet is using for anything everywhere . Following are the main

    areas of internet usage:





    Social network


    Commerce & trade

    Financial transactions &

    many more

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    Disadvantages of Internet

    Although there are many advantages, internet has some disadvantages as listed


    Internet frauds


    Wastage o t me

    Cheater sites

    Wrong information

    Hackers & virus

    Addiction to Internet &

    many more

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  • 7/24/2019 The Internet (1) JEENA


    Created by

    een ohny