The Influence of Saturn

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  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

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    The Influence of Saturn

    Phi losophica l concept ion of Saturn

    Saturn is the main planet, which brings into peoples life sufferings and misery. The effect is of a karmic nature and

    means that a person cannot change almost anything in that sphere of one s life where Saturn influences in the

    astrological chart.

    Saturn was considered the most important among nine planets not only in India but also in other ancient cultures.

    Saturn has a name of Arbiter of fate. He is in charge of life span and prosperity. He can easily take out and raise a

    person from rags to riches and vice versa.

    The Vedic astrology gives to the Saturn the most honourable place, as its power can change a person fate. In

    astrology, Saturn has been since old times a significator of death, diseases, poverty, separation, deformities, and

    various perversions. From a spiritual point of view, it embodies such qualities as discipline, austerity, severity,

    detachment, patience, and loneliness.

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  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    If Jupiter symbolizes creativity and extension, then Saturn means compression and destruction. Jupiter is a God of

    joy and he is an optimist. Saturn is a God of grief and sadness, he is a pessimist. Jupiter is a kind teacher, Saturn is

    harsh one and sometimes cruel.

    Saturn governs illnesses, old age and death, all those harsh teachers of human life, before which all the things being

    in the times power kneel. At the same time, destruction is the eternal companion of creation, while decay and death

    are the necessary conditions for a new life and growth. The more we have attachments and dependencies in this

    world the more we feel fear in front of the Saturn.

    Saturn gives sufferings which contribute to development and growth of our soul and many great men consciously

    choose life full of sufferings and limitations for rapid progress. Saturn can cause fast aging and decay as it is an

    indicator of aging. It is easily to notice that people leading hectic lifestyle tend to get older quite quickly. From the

    other hand, people who keep a correct routine of their everyday life, tend to the sensible self-restraint, get older at

    much older age, live longer and keep fit mentally and physically nearly to the last minutes.

    As being the most sluggish planet, Saturn slows down all the processes and hinders movement. The Saturns name

    for Sanskrit is Shani which means sluggish, slow. It often brings to the life of people delay and postponement.

    Saturn is able to draw ones power both at intellectual and physical levels. It causes melancholy and depression,

    awakens self pity and inspires anxiety and various concerns. Where are all those rooted? Selfishness. As, being on

    the lower level, Saturn is a planet of selfishness, so, the more egotistical the behavior of a person, the more severely

    and unfavorable Saturn affects him. However, as dear readers have already guessed, its influence does not give

    much pleasure.

    Almost all of our material aspirations like wishes to possess our own house, to be financially secured or wealthy are

    actually a disguised survival instinct as those desires are rooted in the fear of constraints, variability of this world, and

    poverty Saturn threatens with. However, Saturn which nurtures those desires destroys them. Saturn is a planet of

    fear and the fear lies at the base of deep selfishness also being under the power of that planet. Saturn eclipses the

    mind and blinds it with fear. Many coldhearted criminals have the affected Saturn and it is often associated with

    Mars, another harsh planet.

    Nevertheless, Saturn is not the lowest of the planets but the highest in the spiritual sense of the word. Its lessons are

    usually the most difficult and painful, but also the most useful. Having passed through the difficult lessons of Saturn,

    we might escalate to the highest peak of the spiritual evolution. Saturn manifests the highest realized knowledge, the

    access to which can be opened only to those who can be humble, free of dependencies and attachments, and can

    work with dedication and full concentration. Having obtained such qualities a person might become truly free.

    Saturns wisdom got a reflection in the Buddhist doctrine about impermanence, temporality and futility of all things

    and that the world is full of suffering. The more detailed description about Saturns influence and other planets you

    can read in the books of David Frawley Astrology of the Seers and Robert Svoboda The Greatness of Saturn.

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    Testimonials (2 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]
  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    Saturn in Ignorance

    Ignorant Saturn gives a person the deepest gloominess. Dejection is one of the greatest sins in the Christianity.

    Such a person also may feel contempt for others, a desire to hurt and humiliate them. All torturing is manifestation of

    Ignorant Saturn but sophisticated tortures signify Saturn with an element of Passion.

    Depression, enormous fear and inner heart emptiness are the signs of such Saturn. It also gives blind and

    unjustified anger when a person does not even understand what he/she is doing. For example, I had to give a

    consultation to a woman whose Saturn in the fall was in conjunction with Mars in the 8th House. This is a very bad

    combination. When her Martian period started, Saturn joined too and there began severe arguments between her

    mother, her and her only daughter. The woman nearly beat them saying she would kill. She confessed that she really

    experienced a great desire to hit them with something heavy.

    Ignorant Saturn gives laziness, absence of basic discipline, failure to perform ones duties. Such a person unable to

    follow anything at all he cannot even accomplish the course of prescribed medicinal drugs maximum 2-3 days.

    Moreover, if such a person has a weakened Mars so he/she may choose, on the contrary, to solve all the problems

    by force, in a very tough way, such people have a very tough way of thinking. Saturn is a very cold and harsh planet

    therefore Ignorant Saturn is very dangerous (such position was in the charts of the Nazis, Hitler, and Stalin).

    Ignorant Saturn (especially if the Sun is weakened) affects the joints, spine and contributes to great pride and

    reluctance to see the Divine in everything. Such a person can easily betray, he is a bad, untrustworthy friend.

    Saturn in Pass ion

    Passionate Saturn gives excessive organization and accuracy throughout. Such a person may not accept criticism;

    he is too proud and immodest. The Saturn is a planet which crashes the human Ego into the powder with its cold

    press. It can raise a person from rugs to riches and conversely, back to the dirt, and does it coldly and consistently:

    friends turn away from such a person; he loses money, serious illnesses begin.

    Since the Saturn owns Capricorn, people with Passionate Saturn may tend to power; desire to establish some strict

    system, to stand out in any way. It is also the basis for appearing a parvenus type. A person with Passionate Saturn

    may consider everything extremely unserious, tends to have fun even when there is no excuse for that. As the

    Russian folk proverb says: Laughter for no reason is a sign for foolishness. On the face of such person there may

    be a fun mask but in the eyes deep sadness.

    Passionate Saturn more often affects a person with excessive seriousness in relation to everything, great inner

    tension and inability to relax. You may come to such a person with some minor issue and he says he should think it

    over thoroughly. Such Saturn gives overly cautious. Such a person relies only on himself. He emanates the air of


    When Russia used to be under the influence of Passionate Saturn everything went according to the strict order,

    everyone was subordinated to the directions from the upper supervisors as Saturn is responsible for the hierarchy in (3 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    some extent. It is the Saturn that builds cold, accurately-build structures (they say social mechanism not in vain),

    defines a strict order where each cog should know its place. Saturn offers hard work every day for only elementary

    subsistence. Who does not work he does not eat this was the slogan of the people of that epoch. The

    Stakhanovite movement (Stahanovtsy) is one of its bright manifestations. Passionate Saturn is recognizable in a

    way of thinking when the world is divided into white and black and everything in it either from the devil or from the

    God. Under its influence a person thinks: I achieved something, everything is well so it is from the God, but if

    something went wrong so the Satan prevented not to get it. Such Saturn prompts to interact with other human

    beings like with impersonal mechanisms.

    At the physical level the signs of the weakened Saturn are a fragile structure of bone tissues, a weak nervous

    system and a general lack of vitality threatening early death. Quite typical are: constipations, accumulation of toxins

    in the body, possible purulent processes and necrosis of body tissues all described may happen as this planet is

    responsible for the decomposition. The influenced person recovers very slowly and his resistance to infections is

    quite low. In extreme cases the possible diseases are: epilepsy, paralysis, asthma or cancer. As Saturn is in charge

    of the nervous system the planet may cause its distress. Under Saturns influence there may be numbness and

    paralysis occur and progressive diseases of the nerves. Inhibitory and overwhelming influence of the planet on the

    human mind may lead to neurosis and serious mental illnesses. It is the Saturn which generates the majority of

    diseases, primarily, chronic and progressing.

    Weakened Saturn causes anxiety, nervous tremors, inability to cope with stresses, insomnia. A person may suspect

    that in peoples behavior there is some threat. He is not practical enough, his perception of reality is distorted, he has

    difficulty to make money, not consistent in his actions, does not have enough endurance, stamina and unable to cope

    with difficulties bravely. He may easily give up. His motivation fades away and vanishes and he is not able to manage

    with long terms plans. Irritability may occur, tendency to express dissatisfaction, complaints, he is prone to blind

    rage, insecurity in friendship.

    Saturn in Goodness

    First of all Sattvic Saturn encourages modesty, humbleness, an absence of false ego, a desire to live in the secludedlocation. All this is the highest manifestation of the knowledge; to such Saturn a person comes after his dedication to

    spiritual practices for many incarnations aimed at the development of love to the Divine. He is modest and short of

    ego, he understands that he lives in the Divine Will. It gives him the true humbleness which means a full acceptance

    of the situation, throughout the Vision Divine.

    Sattvic Saturn gives a serious attitude to the high values, while an excessively serious approach to some things

    shows Passionate Saturn. A person under the influence of Sattvic Saturn can laugh, joke, but he would always treat

    the high values seriously. Such a person has a responsible attitude towards his life and understands the true value of

    time. He knows that the human life form is a very expensive gift. Quite a great part of our time allotted to us in the

    human body is spent on the childhood days to grow and become mature individuals and for the conscious part of life

    we do not have so much time left. So, people who do not evaluate their life hours, live fast, are influenced by the (4 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    Ignorant or Passionate Saturn.

    People with Sattvic Saturn have a very serious and careful attitude to their life appreciating their time, knowing it is

    the greatest value no money can buy. Such people realize the supreme goal of life, they are aware that they have

    come to this world not to waste the precious moments on fleeting pleasures and mindless lifetime. Truthfulness,

    living in the Divine will these are the qualities of Sattvic Saturn. It enables to accept any person and any events

    development calmly on the inner level.

    Saturnine people often hide their true feelings under the face mask. Their face is usually motionless as a mask and

    this happens especially if a person is under the strong influence of Saturn as in the case of V.V. Putin (former

    Russian President). It is quite enough to recall his public speeches and Greetings for New Year. Such people hide

    their feelings under the cold mask but they can be very sensitive inside.

    The typical qualities of a person influenced by Sattvic Saturn are carefulness, being trustworthy, reliable, reserved,

    serious, and rather thin. They often have deep-set eyes. Sattvic Saturn also gives an ability to concentrate. People

    with Ignorant Saturn are not able to concentrate almost on anything.

    Sattvic Saturn makes a person truthful, executive, gives brilliant organizational abilities; such people tend to do their

    necessary duties precisely and permanently. Such people are very consistent. They may feel isolated and keep apart

    from the general mass of people, feeling an inner detachment from the world. Such a person realizes that everythingis temporal in the world of names and shapes and does not have attachment to anything, does not have


    Some of the qualities of Sattvic Saturn resonate with the ones of the Sun, like: leadership, responsibility,

    organizational skills but the energies of two planets are totally different. The Sun gives brightness and charisma while

    Saturn cold certainty and clarity. Externally such a person will have a serious, reserved and modest look; he will be

    trustworthy, careful, reliable, honest, capable to concentrate and keep silent, as well as to immerse into meditation

    and to have brilliant organizational and executive skills. As a rule, such people are thin with deep-set eyes.


    The effect of Ignorant Saturn is characterized by the following character qualities and models of behavior: a huge

    ego, sadness, depression, blind rage and overarching fear, soul emptiness, atheism, violence, a tendency to bring

    great suffering to other creatures, torturing them. Reluctance to see in all the Divine Will, every kind of betrayal, great

    pride, the unwillingness to work, laziness, complete detachment from the world. Making penance, sacrifices for

    causing suffering to others. Complete inability to endure. Criminal inclinations, perversion and paranoia.

    Saturn in Passion: a belief that hard work is a purpose of life, a constant desire to change something, finish building,

    etc. Inability to rest and relax. Too serious about everything, excessive caution, the fanatical desire to organize

    everything. Committing austerities for the sake of achieving ones selfish goals. The habit of relying solely on their

    own strength, work holism, impatience. (5 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    Saturn in Goodness: patience, modesty, humbleness, a lack of false ego, a desire to live in a secluded location, a

    lack of attachment and dependency, the understanding that everything is temporal, whereas an ability to appreciate

    every moment no money can buy. The vision through the Divine Will, complete inner acceptance of everything and

    all, calmness. Loyalty, honesty and reliability. Understanding that the real work is on themselves, first and foremost,

    ones own shortcomings, rather than hard work to achieve material comfort and glory. Full control over emotions.

    Great performing and organizational skills. Enormous patience and endurance.

    How t o harmonize the in f luence of Saturn

    From the first words I would like to note that harmonizing the influence of Saturn will take the greatest amount of time

    compared to other planets and the methods used for that contain more practical measures than theoretical ones.

    Saturn requires self-discipline, self-denial, humbleness and detachment. It is necessary to adhere to the most

    appropriate regime in diet and sleep for body and soul, to be able to give vows and not to break them, to accept

    everything good for body and soul and to reject anything adverse.

    To exercise self-denial and renunciation means not to be attached internally to anything in this world (money, fame,

    ideology and etc.). To live with a dual logic divine and human that is to say, being fully adequate externally we

    should have another inner divine perspective at the world, we should deeply realize: everything in this world istemporal, not accidental, even a blade of grass wouldnt sway without the Divine will; there are no enemies or friends,

    just somebody plays ones role according to our karma. In any moment we may lose everything: money, health,

    name, our loved ones, body, but God, love and soul are the eternal categories.

    On the outer level we must always serve and do our duties enthusiastically and without laziness: family duties,

    professional and social. At our work, for example, we make every effort to be good employees. Whereas, when

    receiving a letter of leave we should accept this fact as a Divine will, with no ambitions, fear and offence. On the

    other hand, if it is demanded we would defend our rights keeping internally peace and love.

    Humbleness is an ability to see everybody on one level that is to say not to feel proud, if we do something better that

    others, not to envy and fall into depression if someone is superior than us. But, the most important is to understand

    that the last word always rests with God and, therefore, be ready to take any life scenario calmly, without depression

    and ambitions to oneself, others and God. The lifestyle which strengthens Saturn contains development of inner

    balance, equanimity, composure, impartiality. Saturn is also strengthened when we strictly adhere to certain life

    regulations and follow some authority or tradition. It is recommended to refrain from all that might unnecessarily

    stimulate nerves and senses.

    It is desirable to avoid strong emotional outbursts, stressful and tense situations, to spend more time in nature and in

    solitude, to be able to slow down a pace of life, to calm down and relax. It should be done regularly, at least once a


    For that purpose there is a special day Saturday, it is a Saturn day. As Indian and Tibetan sages have been

    claiming resting on Saturday extends lifetime, and this day is specially designed by the Creator for disconnecting (6 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    from the busy day routine so we give more time to spiritual practices.

    In Judaism, as it is known are the similar views. By the way, many esoteric and astrological schools believe that

    Judaism is strongly influenced by Saturn. Therefore, there are many rules and regulations, also clothes preference in

    color is given to black and dark blue (Saturnine colors). Anyone who even slightly adheres to the Jewish traditions, in

    addition to obtaining the spiritual benefits, also enhances Saturn (not always its beneficial effect).

    Herbal remedies, strengthening Saturn are myrrh, frankincense, comfrey root. All of them reinforce the viability of the

    organism and help to recover. Additionally, natural remedies and plants that remove toxins and waste from the body

    are very favorable, they produce deep cleansing of all the tissues, one of such remedies is Triphala, an ayurvedic

    blend. Aromas of Saturn are sandalwood, frankincense, cedar, juniper; they have a healing effect, similar to the

    action of the herbs above.

    Fasting also enhances Saturn. The Vedic mantra is well suited for harmonization and peacefulness of mind: Om

    Shanti Shanti Shantee, or the Saturn mantra: Om Shanaye Namah. Those mantras should be chanted, especially on


    In conclusion, I would like to say that Saturn requires such qualities as self-discipline, calmness, strong and

    consistent adherence to certain regulations and authority. But the goal is to purify the heart as much as possible and

    not making a human robot, the aim is to learn fearlessness and total non-attachment to anything in this world

    whatsoever, to elevate a person to the divinity level and revive God s love in his heart.

    However, when regulations and rules become a goal (as it happens with various subgroups in Orthodox Judaism)

    and not the means, then the heart gets hard and very soon becomes similar to a stone; the sense of pride and

    superiority over others takes possession over a man.

    In the charts of religious leaders, fanatics and political extremists of all types Saturn tends to be very strong, but it

    creates big problems to others, and the personality is almost guaranteed with getting a series of incarnations full of


    It is important to remember that the spiritual level of the individual is counted by the amount of love in his heart, and

    not by how strictly and devotedly a person followed the rules and regulations (animals may get used to anything

    through training as well).

    If one comes to the strengthening of Saturn with a correct understanding, it is possible to go over the way of many

    lives for a few years, to bring a great benefit to others and to improve fate and health of oneself, ancestors and

    descendants. May you have the right outlook and detachment!

    From the Tra in ing Course

    Saturn is the most distant planet from Earth, co ld and smal l , s in is ter , karmic . Karma related to

    Saturn varies heavily. (7 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    If Saturn is placed well in the natal chart, it brings wisdom, an ability to tell right from wrong, sincerity, honesty, love

    of justice, detachment to some things, longevity, fame, power, leadership and organizational skills.

    If Saturns position in the natal chart is unfavorable, it might make its owner greedy, morbid, and gloomy. They

    always suffer from some losses and psychosomatic problems caused by violation of the chemical balance of the

    body. This happens due to the deterioration of the wind elements behavior (violation of the air flow occurring in the

    body). It may bring the obstacles, delays, humiliation, hostility, bad karma, lawsuits and jail.

    A ruler ofelder ly people .

    Karaka (indicator) of life expectancy.

    Responsible for the teeth, bones, sp leen, r ight ear , a sense of hear ing, feet , knees,

    hai r , na i ls , bone marrow , low w ais t .

    Enhances the ability to focus, being reserved and serious.

    Deep-set eyes, thinness, shyness, a tendency to hide ones feelings under the face mask, caution, fidelity, reliability,

    honesty, great performing and organizational skills.

    In the seventh house Saturn gets a guiding force (digbala) and is very strong there.

    Weakened Saturn gives irritability, a tendency to express the discontent, irrational anger, and insecurity in friendship.

    SignsCapr icorn, Aquar ius.

    Saturn exalts in Libra , falls in Ar ies.

    Colorb lack . The color of mourning, it brings gloom, decreases in size, but may increase energy of power.

    The combination of red and black enhances rigidity.

    I ron, s tee l , w ood, coal , lead.

    Gemstone of SaturnBlue Sapphi re.

    Profession - the w orkers, ar t is ts , organizers.

    DirectionWest .

    It is better always keeping closed tightly the windows on the West, for example, using the blinds.

    It is unfavorable to have an entrance to your home from the West. In this part of the house it is better to have a toilet

    or a workshop, to store tools. You can make a room for guests.

    The important quality given by Saturn is an inner humbleness, acceptance of the Supreme will.

    Talkativeness destroys Saturn.

    Saturn gives endurance. (8 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    Saturn is responsible for the first (Muladhara) chakra.

    Saturn number in numerology8.

    The day of the Saturn Saturday

    Those who were born on 8, 17, and 26 of any month are under Saturn influence. The number eight in many

    esoteric schools represents infinity.

    Saturn Mantras: Om Namo Bhagavate K urmadevaja, Om Shani Namaha.

    Indian astrologers advise for neutralizing the adverse influence of Saturn, as follows:

    to water public trees daily, except Sundays;

    to feed beggars and crows with salty rice with peas;

    to relate respectfully to subordinates;

    fasting on Saturdays (in general, if you fast in some day of the week, you amplify the planet, which is responsible

    for the day);

    to serve and take care of the elderly and aged people.

    Real Cases

    I have seen three, four charts where the fallen Saturn being related to the House of Children, and the first child was

    born disabled or brought much suffering to the parents. One woman (later she was a student of our course) had a

    very weak Saturn, and her first child was very ill: he had serious heart and digestion system problems; the mother

    could do nothing to help him and for years was forced just to stand it.

    They had been transferred from one hospital to another, but the effect was null. The woman had no internal patience,

    humility, and an ability to look at the events through the Supreme Will.

    I gave her the methods for neutralization, the woman began improving her shortcomings, to develop spiritually, and

    the child felt much better. He underwent the operation quite successfully, he started to walk, move. She also felt

    much better, because she had problems with her lower back due to the Saturn influence and her excessive thinness,

    with the time it got improved too.


    Once in Israel, I gave a consultation to another woman with the similar problem. She also had the weakened Saturn,

    related to the House of Children. She hadnt had kids for a very long time. Her husband came to the consultation andI started advise them what to do. They have followed all the instructions, and the healthy baby was born. Since they

    have done everything correctly, improved their shortcomings and changed internally, the harmonious child was born, (9 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

    h fl f

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    but the strongest post-natal depression developed with the mother. Instead of enjoying her long-awaited motherhood

    (at the time she was 36 years old), Saturn influenced gloom, sadness and reluctance to take care of her baby

    because for three consequent past lives she did not want to give anything to her children, whereas the child requires

    a lot in return.


    Once I consulted a man with quite debilitated Saturn in the House of Career. He had a very gray, heavy, monotonous

    work, and could not change it. I told him that he had to learn to accept the life events happened to him, to give his

    power to the work, to love truly what he had been doing, to try making others happy at his work, to help them, to

    bring good to people. He started working to improve himself. But, Saturn is a slow, heavy and profound planet, it is

    not so easy to budge it, and it usually takes several years to change something.


    Among real cases I had also the examples of strong Saturn. Once I consulted a girl over the phone. I said to her:

    You are a naturally born spiritual teacher and you will become such in a comparatively early age. At that time she

    studied biology at the University, and was engaged in the researching activities. When she heard it, she was very

    surprised. She was not interested in spiritual issues very much. However, she is a very wise person and indeed she

    began teaching people a few years later. She can read a few pages or even paragraphs of some wise philosophic

    book, immediately grasps the essence and can teach others. She has been writing very interesting and wise articles,

    and, as far as I know, already the books. Saturn in her chart is the master of the House of Personality in exaltation in

    the House of Wisdom and Supreme Knowledge (the Ninth House). She has successfully mastered yoga and

    immediately became one of the best teachers of it. While it takes years or even the whole life to understand the

    supreme knowledge for many people, she learns it within minutes or it is better to say she recalls it.


    In Moscow, I consulted a woman with debilitated Saturn in the chart, related to the Fourth House. The Fourth House

    is an indicator of Mother, Real Estate, and the Chest area. She had a sunken chest and like her mother she was very

    thin and suffered because of it. Her mother had a harsh life (the weakened Saturn in the House of Mother usually

    gives such an effect), and their relationships were very cold. In spite of that woman earned very well, her dwelling

    conditions were very poor: her apartment had been poured all the time by neighbors, it was noisy around and

    inhabited by homeless people; everybody wondered why she had to live there. Despite the fact she possessed

    enough money, there was always something occurred that prevented her to change her place of living. I told her that

    she had to accept her mother as she was, to get rid of depression and impatience, explained that it is essential to live

    in the Divine Will, and she began improving her shortcomings. The situation with the real estate improved: she (10 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

    Th I fl f S t

  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    moved, soon she gave birth to another child, the relationships with her mother harmonized, and the joints disease

    caused by the influence of Saturn, had gone.

    comments (6) t o post The I nfluence of Saturn


    Er ica on th i s pos t :

    I have a completely unaspected Saturn in my chart positioned in Aquarius. Plus, I have an

    abundance of Capricorn in my chart and 3 areas with influence from Aquarius. I ran a test to

    see what percentage of my chart influence from Saturn makes up, and my result was 33%.

    My Saturn isnt weak at all. But in Numerology, my number isnt 8, its 6.


    Kevrel l on th i s pos t :

    How could any of this be bteetr stated? It couldnt.


    nal in i kumar i on th i s pos t :

    my date of birth is may 11th 1971. at 23.10 hrs. i am having saturn in fifth house. can i have

    children are not. is saturn is the cause for my problem


    Sharan Sr idhar on th is post :


    My fathers date of birth is 23rd Feb 1949. Time : 9.10 AM. Place of birth : Bangalore.








    04:05 (11 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

    The Influence of Saturn
  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    From 2009 june, he has been having several health problems. Just a week back, he had a

    cardiac arrest and has kidney problem. He is still in the ICU now. Can you please help me

    and advise what corrective actions have to be done. Appreciate your help.


    manisha on th is post :

    himy saturn is in 10th house..n my dob is 8/4/1992..currently m lacking self disciplene..n

    undergoing saturn the cause for this..



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    10:03 (12 of 13) [15/09/2012 11:41:34 p.m.]

    The Influence of Saturn
  • 7/31/2019 The Influence of Saturn


    The Influence of Saturn

    2008-2009 Rami Bleckt. Personal website.

    All rights resereved



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