The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1

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Page 2: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1



As far as laboratory fees are con-cerned, ChE students were brought out of the dark as they took part in the ChE Light Hour 2.0 last October 3 at the Engineering Theater, where the Proposed Institution and Revision of Laboratory and Waste Disposal Fees for Chemi-cal Engineering Courses was thoroughly dis-cussed. Six courses will be affected, namely ChE 26 (Fundamentals of Programming for Chemical Engineers), ChE 182 (Chemical Proc-ess Dynamics and Control), ChE 141 (Chemical Process Development and Plant Economics), ChE 142 (Chemical Engineering Plant Design), ChE 124 (Chemical Engineering Thermodynam-ics Laboratory) and ChE 135 (Process Engineer-ing Laboratory).

Table 1

ChE 26, ChE 182, ChE 141, and ChE 142 (referred to as “dry laboratories”) presently do not have laboratory fees. The proposed laboratory fees shall cover the computer units and operating costs for a service life of six years for ChE 26, and five years for the others. Also, the number of students are estimated and ac-counted for. Table 1 shows the proposed labo-ratory fees for the said courses.

Table 2

As for the other four courses, ChE 124, ChE 135, ChE 143, and ChE 144 (referred to as “wet laboratories”), waste disposal fees, which are currently nonexistent, are now being pro-posed. Table 2 displays the proposed fees for the aforementioned subjects. Besides the waste disposal fee, in-creased laboratory fees are also being pro-posed for both ChE 124 and ChE 135. This is mainly due to higher costs of chemicals, glass-ware, and equipment maintenance. Table 2 compares the current and the proposed lab fees.

Table 3

The event ended with an open forum between the students and the faculty regarding the proposed fees. — Diana Joy Gernan

Dry Laboratories Proposed Laboratory


ChE 26 Php 850.00

ChE 182 Php 750.00

ChE 141 Php 850.00

ChE 142 Php 850.00

Wet Laboratories Proposed Waste

Disposal Fee

ChE 124

Php 45.00

ChE 135

ChE 143 Php 80.00/kg waste

(local treatment); Php

300.00/kg waste (export

treatment), which is to

be paid per group and

collected at the end of

the semester

ChE 144








ChE 124 Php 500.00 Php 1000.00

ChE 135 Php 500.00 Php 850.00

ChE Light Hour 2.0 brings ChE students out of the dark

GeeCS 4.0, with the theme CSI: Com-

puter Science Investigation, unleashed the de-

tective in every Computer Science student last

September 12 to 16, as the annual seminar se-

ries kicked off with an exhibit which turned the

Alumni Engineers Centennial Hall’s lobby into a

crime scene. The exhibit spanned two floors,

with caution tapes everywhere warning every-

one who intend to trespass the crime scene. At

the middle of it all laid an overturn desk and

chair, various signs of struggle, and spattered

blood everywhere.

The First Issue Launch of the Depart-

ment of Computer Science’s own student publi-

cation, UP Parser, marked the beginning of the

weeklong event. Free issues were handed out to

the attendees. The 1st year and 2nd year students

flocked to the Lecture Hall on Day 2 as Mr. Philip

Zuñiga, a faculty member, and Mr. Benj del

Mundo, an alumnus, gave an inspiration talk and

shared experiences as a CS student, respec-


For the third day, a laboratory orienta-

tion was conducted for the 3rd year students to

help them choose which lab to go to for their

theses the following year. Next up was the Stu-

dent Teacher Dialogue, where con-

cerned students and faculty gather every

semester. Questions about the new cur-

riculum, the new GE course CS 10, the

new major courses CS 21, CS 30, and the

like were answered by Sir Philip Zuniga,

Ma’am Ada Cariaga, and Sir Edge Ange-


CSI’s last day was carefully

brewed with a sprinkle of Katy Perry, a

dollop of Harry Potter, and a touch of

Pixar, resulting into one exciting event,

Beat the Geeks, an annual quiz show

where teams of three do all they can to

beat the geeks. The three people the teams tried

to out-geek this year were Armina Francisco the

Katy Perry Geek, Dani Ayag the Harry Potter

Geek, and Benjamin Samson the Pixar Geek.

Twenty five teams competed to win, but ulti-

mately only one team succeeded. Dana Joy

Bausa, Kohlen Say and Gemmy Tupaz success-

fully beat the geeks and were awarded one thou-

sand pesos.

To culminate the grand event, an

equally grand Pakain was held. Loads of delecta-

ble food such as spaghetti with meatballs, Buf-

falo wings, garlic bread, fruit salad, and iced tea

were served to the guests and the students who

participated in the seminars.

The Dedicated Computer Science Stu-

dents, in cooperation with the CS Network and

the ESC, made the Computer Science Investiga-

tion possible. Also, utmost gratitude is extended

to the sponsors, Accenture Philippines and Mi-

crosoft Philippines, because without them, this

event would not have been as enjoyable and

fulfilling. — Mara Issabel Luna

GeeCS 4.0 unleashes Computer Science students’ investigative side

Page 3: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1


The Chemical Engineering Seminar Se-

ries 2011, with the theme Maximize. Exceed Limits.

Optimize Potential was held last September 20 to

23 at the College of Engineering Theater and was

comprised of four seminars integrating Chemical

Engineering with other Engineering branches

namely Industrial Engineering, Electrical and Elec-

tronics Engineering, and Mining, Metallurgical,

and Materials Engineering. Each one-and-a-half-

hour session aimed to show how various Engineer-

ing disciplines work together in the actual world.

The series started off with iNTEGRATE,

which brought together ChE and IE. The speakers

were Engr. Ryan Lloyd Rosqueta from Unilever

Philippines, Inc., Dr. Phares Parayno from Miriam

College, and Engr. Theresa Patalinghug from Asia

Brewery, Inc.

Next up was iNFUSE, where Engr. Philip

Marvin Joven from Mechatronics and Robotics

Society of the Philippines talked about how the

electronics industry can be applied to ChE. The

third seminar was iNTERLINK, where Engr. Patricia

Dizon from 3M Philippines, Inc. linked ChE and

MMME with her talk on semiconductors and poly-


Lastly, exciting opportunities for ChE

professionals were made known to the audience

with iNFLUX. The speakers were Engr. Krisette

Anne De Chavez from 3M Philippines, Inc., and Mr.

Hubert Punongbayan and Ms. Blaire Ann Delito

Arenas from DOST-UP Enterprise Center for Tech-


A total of 350 participants, which was

composed not only of ChE, but of IE, EEE, and

MMME students as well, graced the weeklong

event. This is the first time ChESS invited partici-

pants from other departments. — Diana Joy Ger-


ChE checks it up with Engineering mates in ChESS 2011

Department of IE/OR conducts 3 events in


Things do come in threes as the Depart-

ment of Industrial Engineering and Operations

Research department witnessed three huge events

all in the month of September, namely the Great

Outdoor Picnic (GOP) 2011, the Faculty and Under-

graduate Students Exchange (FUSE), and the Sep-

tember Seminar Series, which were all organized

by the IE Representatives to the Engineering Stu-

dent Council, together with the IE Students Com-

mittee, and with the help and support from the

Department itself.

CarnIEval: The Annual Great Outdoor Pic-

nic was up first, and spanned three separate days

(September 1, 2, and 5), which was unlike with the

previous years. Exciting games were played during

the first two days, which fostered a friendly compe-

tition between the IE batches. The culminating day

provided the attendees with carnival foods like

popcorn and snow cone, and cliques took turns in

posing for the photo booth. More games were held

for the five batches and in the end, Batch 2008

managed to defend the GOP Over-All Champion


FUSE, which was previously known as

Student-Teacher Dialogue (STD), was held on the

12th of September, where the IE/OR Department

Chair, Dr. Iris Ann Martinez, answered a pool of

questions from the IE students. Also, at the end of

the event, recognition and special citations were

given to the students who have gained awards

from different competitions.

The final event was the first ever Septem-

ber Seminar Series and was held from September

19 up to 21, where the UP Industrial Engineering

Club (IEC), UP Circle of Industrial Engineering Ma-

jors (CIEM) and the IE/OR Department each spon-

sored a seminar for the Seminar Series. On the first

day, Mr. Paul Abeto, an IE faculty, taught the third

year students how to use the statistical software,

Minitab. The following day, a seminar on how

Chemical Engineers and Industrial Engineers work

together was conducted. The said seminar was a tie

-up with the Chemical Engineering Students Initia-

tive, which was part of the Chemical Engineering

Seminar Series. For the last day, which was spon-

sored by the department-based organizations, Mr.

Weston Lee, a member of Debate Society and UP

IE Club, talked about how to present in a class. Dr.

Martinez was invited by UP CIEM to have a talk on

Technical Paper writing for their seminar.

Last September proved that three isn’t

always a crowd, as long as you have passion for

what you do and that you have the willingness to

share that passion with others. — Alyanna Jean


Engineering students listen intently to one of

ChESS 2011’s speakers


UP Diliman Engineering graduates from

various fields top recently concluded board exami-

nations. The results are acquired from the Profes-

sional Regulation Commission (PRC) and were

released during the past four months.

August 2011 The results of the Mining Engineering

and the Metallurgical Engineering board exams

were released last August. For EM, UPD achieved a

96% passing rate and produced the top three pass-

ers, namely Jose Alexander Verzosa (1st, 85.75),

Farina Pontejos (2nd, 85.70), and Ron Marian Bar-

bosa (3rd, 84.80). The passing rate for MetE was

slightly lower, with 95.83% of examinees making it.

The topnotchers were Marie Angelynne Fabro (1st,

87.10), Rodienne Meeko Malixi (3rd, 84.65), Jerrick

Dizon and Celaida Gayle Gumban (5th, 83.35),

Adrian James De Guzman (6th, 83.05), Riza Annieli

Mariano (7th, 82.95), Roy Angelo Baviera (8th,

82.20), Hazel Marie Tibule (9th, 81.60), and Kros

Katlin de Leon (10th, 81.20).

September 2011 Electrical Engineering, Geodetic Engi-

neering, and Mechanical Engineering board exam

results came out this month. All UPD EE exami-

nees passed with Jeremy Mendoza nabbing the 3rd

spot (91.65) and Aldrin Renz Medina getting the

8th (90.20). GE also witnessed a 100% passing rate,

with three topnotchers: Mark Juan Abelon (3rd,

86.40), Reynaldo Dizon Jr. (86.00), and Roel de la

Cruz (9th, 84.20). UPD was the top performing

school in the ME board exam and got a 96.23%

passing rate.

October 2011 UPD experienced an 86.49% passing rate

achieved by its Electronics and Communications

Engineering Graduates. Paulo Jessie Morales took

the first spot with 94.60 and Marc Stephen

Ocampo secured the ninth spot with 91.60.

November 2011 Just last month, results for the Civil Engi-

neering and the Chemical Engineering board ex-

ams were made public. ICE had a 96% passing rate,

with Elvin Cruz and Brian Bautista making it to the

top ten, grabbing the 6th and 8th spots with 96.30

and 95.25 respectively. As for ChE, 84.38% of UP

graduates passed, five of which snitched slots in

the top ten. The high achievers were Maria Chris-

tine Asuncion (3rd, 81.30), Richard de Guzman

(4th, 81.10), Marlon Jesspher de Vera (6th, 80.90),

Nicole Andrea Yazon (8th, 80.40), and Mario Nistal

Jr. (9th, 80.10). — Pia Jarantilla, Christelle Azel

Montemayor, Genesis Valencia

UPD Eng’g graduates top board exams

Page 4: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1

Opening Day


New Event

Get ready for your first trip to magic and mischief as the College of Engineering is trans-

formed into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry before your own eyes! The Engi-

neering Student Council brings you Platform 9 3/4, this Friday, December 9! Enjoy the food

and games brought to you by the Great Welcoming Feast, get fascinated by the moving

portraits of the Picturesque Hex-Making, and for unaffiliated Engineering students, be part

of the day-long activities The Wizard’s Hat and The Hunt for the Horcruxes!

Be haunted and get possessed by the intoxicating sound of party music as UP ACES brings

you Jammeng’g 2011: Sorcerer’s Playlist, featuring Up Dharma Down, Sheepsarahsleep,

and Game Theory! Listen to the top 10 Engineering bands that made the cut while enjoying

free-flowing drinks, various drinking games, and many more. Join the wild and magical

party on December 9, Friday, 7PM at the Be Bold Bar! Remember, once you enter, there’s

no going back..

Twelve powerful wizards. Three arduous stages. One mighty Kingdom. The Engineering

Student Council presents this year’s New Event, Kingdom Eng’gardium: Opulentia Et

Magia, and brings together twelve participants from different Engineering organizations in

a magic-filled legendary battle of witchcraft and wizardry! Don’t miss out on the enchant-

ment and find out which wizard weathers all the tough challenges that lie ahead! See you at

the Engineering grounds on the following dates: December 10, Saturday, 1PM; December

12, Monday, 1PM; December 14, Thursday, 1PM!

Smoker Night

Step into the dark side and unleash the evil in you as Atra Magus: Smoker Night 2011 ex-

pose you to the blackest of magic this year! Prepare yourself for damnation as 16 Engineer-

ing organizations stake and burn each other alive. See them bewitch and bitch other out

with their exciting performances, entertaining parodies, and engaging satires. But don’t get

too carried away with the cursing, or you just might find yourself locked up in Azkaban. Be

there on December 8, Thursday, 7PM at the UP Film Institute!

4 Article: Genesis Valencia

Page 5: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1

Dulaang Eng’g

Afraid of aswangs? Fascinated by diwatas? Witness Filipino mythical beings come to life as

UP PRIME brings you Juanderland: Dulaang Eng’g 2011, a theatrical compendium of 10 dif-

ferent plays, each portraying a pressing social issue and a legendary creature. With themes

ranging from pollution to LGBT rights, Dulaang Eng’g 2011 aims not only to showcase the

acting capabilities of Engineering students but to raise social awareness within the College as

well. Watch as the 10 organizations link a world of magic and wonder to our very own. Fly

yourself to Henry Lee Irwin Theater, ADMU on December 13, Tuesday, 6PM!


ABBA Cadabra! Get entranced as ABBA’s timeless magic amalgamates with the spirit of

Christmas infecting everyone today in UP KEM’s Awitan 2011! Celebrating its 47th year,

Awitan 2011 pays tribute to one of the most successful and prominent acts in the history of

music, Swedish pop group ABBA. Drown yourself in Christmas tunes and ABBA songs as 15

different UP organizations battle it out with their powerful voices to be named this year’s

champion choir! Witness the event on December 12, Monday, 7PM at the Crossroad 77 Con-

venarium Center!


Prepare yourself for a crazy and wild night as the Carnival comes to UP for a show you will

never forget. This year, the Beta Epsilon Fraternity offers you Maskipaps 2011: The Gather-

ing, a fashion show that will surely enthrall you and knock you off your feet. Consisting of

three categories, namely Male, Female, and Group, ready your body and mind for a sleep-

less night, because we’ll be up way beyond the witching hour. Get yourself a ticket and

show up at the Engineering steps on December 15, Thursday, 7PM!


Don’t even think about using your broomstick. Or even a Ford Anglia. Your need for speed

hasn’t been this hard to satiate, because this year, UP ACES brings you Hot Pursuit: Beat

the Blacklisted! Don’t call the cops. Don’t inform the Ministry of Magic. Just watch as vari-

ous pairs and groups from different organizations outrace each other with their dancing

skills to be hailed this year’s Indakan champs. Dance your way to Henry Lee Irwin Theater,

ADMU on December 14, Wednesday, 7PM!

5 Layout and Page Design: Edsel John Serrano

Page 6: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1


With enchanting beauty and oozing sexiness, the candidates of Miss Engineering

2011: Eng’gchanted are here to change your life forever. Memories of your childhood will

never be the same as you see them transform from valiant men into alluring fairy tale


There is more to this event than storybooks tell you. Miss Engineering consists of

two parts: the pre-pageant activities, which include photo and video shoots in studious

and various locations, rigorous practice sessions and boot camps, publicity stints in other

college activities, outreach programs, among others; and of course, the most-anticipated

Engineering event every year, the coronation night, where the beauties showcase their

talents by giving the performance of their lives.

Hailing from thousands of leagues under the sea, from Wonderland, and from

many other magical worlds, watch as the candidates compete to be crowned the Fairest of

Them All.

This time, there will only be ONE happy ending. Whose fairy godmother will pre-

vail? Come and find out at the coronation night, this December 17 at the University Thea-

ter. Witness one of the most-awaited events in the entire University and you will surely live

happily ever after.

Article: Genesis Valencia Page Design and Layout: Jonathan Bantigue and Lorraine Aguion

Page 7: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1


Team DMS conquers Engineering Marketing

Congress 2011: Business Beyond Bills After months of stiff competition, informative seminars, challenging workshops, and various other activities, Team

Disaster Management Solutions (DMS) was crowned as this year’s Engineering Marketing Congress champions during the

EMC2011 Finals Night held last October 7, 2011 at the second floor lobby of the College of Engineering. The team received

P30,000 in cash, a plaque, and a possible project incubation by one of EMC’s sponsors, Enterprise.

EMC2011 consisted of four seminars which aimed to help them equip them-

selves with skills relevant in the world of business and entrepreneurship, three workshops

which tested their skills and abilities, and the first-ever Marketing Fair Open House,

wherein the participating teams showcased their projects through the exhibits they made.

Besides these, the groups were also required to submit an infomercial about their thesis

and a marketing plan showing how they intend to execute it. After all these requirements,

only five teams were chosen to move on to the final round and present their projects on-


With the marketing proposal entitled Market Feasibility on Customized Flood

Management Plan, the project of Team DMS aims to provide a service alleviating the

number of people affected by floods and a more efficient evacuation and relief scheme.

Headed by team leader Remrod Ray Pine (BS Industrial Engineering), Team DMS was

composed of Kyra Ang (BS IE), Jeremy Aivin Chua Yap (BS IE), Jenniza Khae Paderna (BS

IE), and Wesley Hontiveros (BS Civil Engineering).

The team was closely followed by 1st runner-up Team Clean H2O (Dye Degra-

dation of Reactive Red 141 Using Sono-Electro Fenton Process) which won P20,000 and

2nd runner-up Team Agos (Agos Water Solutions) which was awarded P10,000. The

other two teams which qualified in the final round were Team Sinag (Natural Dyes From

the Philippine Plant Extract as Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells) and Team ENVolved (Assessment of the Use of Scrap tires as an Alternative Fuel in the

Philippine Cement Industry).

Other awards were also given to the participants and they were: Best in Workshops, which

was nabbed by Team Clean H2O; Best Infomercial, which was awarded to Team Agos; People’s

Choice Award for Best Infomercial, which went to Team ENVolved; Best Exhibit, which again went

to Team ENVolved; and Best Marketing Plan, which was given to two teams, Team DMS and Team


The Engineering Marketing Congress is an annual event of the Engineering Student Coun-

cil and is now on its seventh year. The EMC2011 steering committee was composed of: Diana Joy

Gernan and Melvin Carreon, Over-All Heads; Pia Jarantilla and Genesis Valencia, Seminars Heads;

Rachel de Villa and Leomer Paul Agcamaran, Communications, Submissions, and Records Heads;

Ma. Anjelica Ancheta and Percival Jerome Tolentino, Marketing Heads; Charmyne Mamador, Tech-

nicals Head; Jonathan Bantigue, Publicity Head; and Joselito “Yam” Alcaraz III, Logistics Head.

Team DMS poses for the camera with the EMC2011 over-all heads and

the finals night judges

Article and Layout: Genesis Valencia Page Design: Jonathan Bantigue

Page 8: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1


ENGINEERING WEEK 2011 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Thursday, December 08, 2011


Start End POINTS

Smoker Night NIGHT EVENT ESC UP Film Institue 7:00 PM 10:00 PM 250

Friday, December 09, 2011


Start End POINTS

Dateng'g Game PRC 49ERS Balay Kalinaw 8:00 AM 2:00 PM 100

Lantern Makeng'g ARTS AGGREGATES 3rd Flr 8:00 AM 6:00 PM 150

Music Video Makeng'g ARTS CIRCUIT UP Circuit Tambayan 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 150

Finger Olympics PRC CURSOR UP Cursor Tambayan 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 100

Hunt for Horcruxes

(Bonus) STRATEGY ESC Engineering Grounds 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 200

Picturesque Hex-Making ARTS ESC Melchor Hall 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 250

Picture Perfect PRC MSS MSS Tambayan 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150


Coloreng'g Game PRC CIRCUIT 4th Flr Quiet Zone 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Kanalan SPORTS EMC2 Ever Gotesco 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 150

Extreme Story Telleng'g PRC CIRCUIT Beta Way 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 150

Cartoonlitan QUIZ SHOW PSME MH 314 - 316 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 150

Debateng'g ARTS PRIME MH 313 - 315 2:30 PM 5:30 PM 150

I-draweng'g Mo STRATEGY PSME MH 314 - 316 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

Great Welcoming Feast

(Bonus) PRC ESC CHAC 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 100

Jammeng'g NIGHT EVENT ACES Be Bold Bar 7:00 PM 12:00 AM 200

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Start End POINTS

Pipol Pusoy STRATEGY CREST Beta Way 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Tuggeng'g SPORTS CURSOR Sunken Garden 8:00 AM 3:00 PM 100

Finger Olympics (Semis) PRC CURSOR UP Cursor Tambayan 8:00 AM 2:00 PM 100

Casteng'g Call ARTS CREST Beta Way 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 150

Eng'g Soccer SPORTS ENGG SOC Track Oval 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 200

Breng'g Me PRC ERG ERG Tambayan 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

Bato Bato Peak SPORTS ERG Power UP 9:00 AM 11:30 AM 200

Catch SPORTS ERG Sunken Garden 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 150

Street Jam 2k11 SPORTS GPs Ipil Basketball Court 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 100

Debateng'g Finals ARTS PRIME MH 318 - 320 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Eng'gel Making Contest ARTS EMC2 EMC2 Tambayan 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 150

Amazeng'g Race STRATEGY AGGREGATES UP Campus 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 150

Hilo Hoops SPORTS CREST UP 49ers Basketball

Court 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 100

Kingdom Eng'gardium

Stage 1 STRATEGY ESC Engineering Grounds 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 250

Finger Olympics (Finals) PRC CURSOR UP Cursor Tambayan 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

Monday, December 12, 2011


Start End POINTS

Pipol Pusoy (Semis and

Finals) STRATEGY CREST Beta Way 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Habuleng'g Mo, Pata-

tageng'g Ko PRC CURSOR TBA 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 150

Pautakan QUIZ SHOW EMC2 EMC2 Tambayan 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 150

Blind Volleyball SPORTS EPSILON CHI Philcoa Basketball Court 8:00 AM 2:00 PM 150

Picture Perfect PRC MSS MSS Tambayan 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

TADM Male SPORTS TAU ALPHA Acad Oval 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

TADM Female SPORTS TAU ALPHA Acad Oval 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

Six-man Strut PRC ARISE Engineering Lawn 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 100

Crazy Badminton SPORTS CREST Beta Way 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 100

Ninja Eng'g STRATEGY CURSOR Sunken Garden 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 100

Eng'g Soccer Finals SPORTS ENGG SOC Track Oval 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 200

Breng'g Me PRC ERG ERG Tambayan 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

Street Jam 2k11 (Elims2) SPORTS GPs Ipil Basketball Court 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Editorial Cartooneng'g ARTS PRIME MH Room 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Mallow Match PRC ARISE Engineering Lawn 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 100

Basketball Hot Seat SPORTS MSS Yakal Court 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 100

Film Festival 2011 ARTS AGGREGATES Engineering Theater 10:00 AM 5:30 PM 200

Pikaballeng'g STRATEGY ENGG SOC TBA 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 100

Photosprinteng'g STRATEGY ERG Eng'g Steps 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 150

Eng'g Eng'g Hooray PRC IECEP Beta Way 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Page 9: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1





Teng'gram STRATEGY SME MH 314-316 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Tongue Twist PRC ARISE Engineering Lawn 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 100

Triathlokohan PRC GPs Beta Way 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 100

Dresseng'g ARTS MSS MSS Tambayan 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 200

Dougie Dodge PRC ARISE Engineering Lawn 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 100

Tugtog Mo Sayaw Ko TALENT SHOW PRIME MH 318-320 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 100

Cliptomania QUIZ SHOW 49ERS P&G Room 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 150

Meron o Wala PRC CREST Beta Way 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 100

Guesseng'g Game PRC ENGG SOC Beta Way 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 100

Kingdom Eng'gardium: Guild Wars STRATEGY ESC Engineering Grounds 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 250

Puzzleng'g STRATEGY SME MH 416-418 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 100

Freak Show TALENT SHOW PSME Engineering Theater 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 150

Ball Busters PRC ARISE Engineering Lawn 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 100

Song Writeng'g ARTS PSME Engineering Theater 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 100

Big Board PRC ARISE Engineering Lawn 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

Minority Gameng'g STRATEGY SME SME-UPD Tambayan 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 150

Most Amazeng'g Videos TALENT SHOW PSME Engineering Theater 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 100

Awitan NIGHT EVENT KEM Convenarium 7:00 PM 11:00 AM 250

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Start End POINTS

Remembereng'g STRATEGY ALCHEMES MH 318 - 320 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

Pautakan (Semis) QUIZ SHOW EMC2 EMC2 Tambayan 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 150

Pautakan (Finals) QUIZ SHOW EMC2 EMC2 Tambayan 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 150

Iron Woman PRC EPSILON CHI Jogging Lane, front of Melchor Hall 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 100

Sumo Wrestleng'g SPORTS GEOP CHAC 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 150

Picture Perfect PRC MSS MSS Tambayan 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Command and Conquer STRATEGY SAVER Beta Way 8:00 AM 5:30 PM 200

Breng'g Me PRC ERG ERG Tambayan 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

Street Jam 2k11 (Semi-Finals) SPORTS GPs Ipil Basketball Court 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Runneng'g Heels PRC SME Acad Oval 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 100

Hayok sa EWOC Pres Edition PRC 49ERS Engineering Lawn 9:30 AM 12:00 PM 100

Epistaxis QUIZ SHOW ALCHEMES P&G Room 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Battle of the Heads STRATEGY FORCE Engineering Theater 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 150

EWOC o Bayong PRC FORCE Engineering Theater 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 150

Danceng'g Like A Star PRC FORCE Engineering Theater 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 100

Minute to Eng'g It STRATEGY FORCE Engineering Theater 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 100

Basaeng'g PRC GPs Beta Way 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 100

Dresseng'g ARTS MSS MSS Tambayan 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 200

Game of the Generals STRATEGY TAU ALPHA Tau Alpha Tambayan 11:30 AM 2:30 PM 100

Tarsiereng'g PRC IECEP Beta Way 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

Singeng'g Bee QUIZ SHOW ALCHEMES P&G Room 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 150

Pinoy Heng'gnyo PRC CIRCUIT UP Circuit Tambayan 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 100

Donations ARTS EMC2 EMC2 Tambayan 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 150

Dodgeng'g 2011 SPORTS GEOP Beta Way 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 150

Dodgeng'g 2011 Finals SPORTS GEOP Beta Way 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 150

Frisbilao SPORTS GPs Beta Way 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

49er-Ball Challenge SPORTS 49ERS UP 49ers Basketball Court 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

CalculatEng'g QUIZ SHOW FORCE MH Room 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

Minority Gameng'g STRATEGY SME SME-UPD Tambayan 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 150

Dulaang Eng'g NIGHT EVENT PRIME Henry Lee Irwin Theater 6:00 PM 10:00 PM 250

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Start End POINTS

I Object! STRATEGY ALCHEMES UP New Gym 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

Sumo Wrestleng'g Finals SPORTS GEOP CHAC 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 150

Dice Gameng'g PRC KEM MH Room 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 100

Picture Perfect PRC MSS MSS Tambayan 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Eng'g Appear PRC CIEM MH Room 8:30 AM 11:30 AM 100

Street Jam 2k11 (Finals) SPORTS GPs Ipil Basketball Court 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Steppeng'g Stones PRC ALCHEMES UP New Gym 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 100

Happy Feet STRATEGY CIEM Engineering Lawn 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Pokeng'g STRATEGY EPSILON CHI NEC lounge room 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 150

Kabayeng'g SPORTS GPs Ipil Basketball Court 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 100

Team Pusoy Dos STRATEGY GEOP MH Room 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 150

Start Stuffeng'g PRC ENGG SOC Enggsoc Tambayan 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 100

Pa-sense-syahan PRC KEM MH Room 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 100

Dresseng'g ARTS MSS MSS Tambayan 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 200

Page 10: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1


Mob Psychology -

Facebook Edition Riuji Sato

“Please pleaseplease help me to increase our likes in

our video project, by simply liking it. Even if you

don't watch it, IT'S OKAY! The important thing is to

LIKE it.”[sic]

-Anonymous Facebook user

There have been numerous accounts on

people being victimized by what event organizers

deem as harmless publicity, from stories of teachers

giving assignments that require elementary stu-

dents to create Facebook accounts and like random

photos in exchange for extra credit to student or-

ganizations in a frenzy to see who among them gets

the most number of likes. It is as if 5,000 likes on

Facebook really mean anything and that we are

supposed to be judged by the amount of people

that we please.

Victory tastes sweet, yet to most people it

perhaps tastes sweeter when easily achieved. The

point of competitions is to objectively judge who

among the contenders is best in a certain field rela-

tive to a standard that is better understood by cer-

tain experts. Detractors to this notion would argue

that one should let the masses decide because it is

them that these contestants should please in the

first place. We live in a world where great singers

are ignored because some handsome sexy crooner

appeals more to the voting populace comprised by

teenagers, and actors with washboard abs and ac-

tresses with large bosoms earning millions annually

in contrast to the meager salary of theater actors

who spent much time and effort in perfecting their

craft and art.

And alas, we have the Facebook winners.

There is really nothing wrong in liking

something on Facebook if one really wants to. The

goodness in this scheme of competitions is that we

let the people decide who they think is best, that

with great number comes credibility of results.

However, let us not lie to ourselves. At some point

in our Facebook existence we have been guilty of

liking for the sake of winning. Consider yourself

lucky if this is your sin. There are others who like in

ignorance, not knowing what they are voting for. In

such cases, it is tempting to ponder on how much

one is valued in this.

We are nothing more than agents to guar-

antee the success of others. It does not really mat-

ter if you are attending the party that your friend

invited you to as long as people see online that you

are coming. This is publicity and we are giving it for

free to capitalists. Call this an exaggeration but the

reality is that these people are doing what paid

commercials are trying to accomplish and that we

are giving it to them for free.

Do they really care if we like what they are


It is saddening to see students conforming

to the ways of the proud capitalists, where effort is

profit-driven rather than being fueled by passion

and the desire to do well. One may argue that no

money is involved in this grim scenario, but it is

undeniable that money here takes the form of repu-

tation and the number of people attending some

random event.

Ultimately, in a world where quantity

tramples quality, one can only guess what the fu-

ture has in store for us.



Violence affects everyone on numerous degrees

from victim to bystander to assailant; in several forms

from bullying to perjury to terrorism; in various places,

from home to parks to familiar places like our own univer-

sity. It is undeniable that we have to take action to end

such injustice and work towards a peaceful society.

The rise of recent fraternity-related violence in

the University has reached an alarming state, cultivating

in actions that are great in intensity and are affecting

people outside of related parties. There have been cases

from the past to the present where affected parties have

been brutally hurt and some have resulted to the loss of

lives. The danger is real and it may be too soon before

events like this once again results in irreversible damage.

As such we, the Engineering Student Council,

join the call for the halt of fraternity-related violence.

We ask that the administration take preventive

actions to reassure students of their safety and to forge a

more permanent peace in the University. Measures to

assure safety by acquiring more security is one of the few

options we would ask to be put forth, as well as the re-

forming of procedures and rules regarding these matters.

Regulations on the activities of these organizations

should be laid-out in order to prevent conflicts that may

arise from these organizations.

Conflict primarily causes frat-related violence.

In a university where its students are deemed as the

cream of the crop, we should be more diplomatic in our

means of handling such conflicts.

We fully support the actions of the Student-led

Anti-Fraternity Watch Alliance. We also reinforce our

stand with the USC and the Administration on their ef-

forts to bring together the Fraternities closer.

Most importantly, we call the attention of those

who practice this. Please, there are better and more

peaceful solutions.

The violence can only stop with the help of eve-

ryone. We ask the whole engineering population, faculty,

staff and students, that we all make it our responsibility

to keep the Diliman community safe.



“I saw ‘The Impulse’ today, was given a copy by the guard. Really nice job! :) We’re supposed to make something like that too for CSSP kasi sa Octo-ber naman, might prove really helpful as a guide.”

Juan Carlo Tejano


CSSP Student Council

on the first issue of The Impulse

Page 11: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1




Letter From

The Editor

Dear Reader,

December has finally arrived. And that, for us

Engineering students at the very least, only means two

things: Christmas and Engineering Week.

Quite obviously, this issue aims to guide you

through Eng’g Week, especially those who are experienc-

ing it for the first time. The Impulse team hopes that the

paper would be of help to your endeavors on the busiest

month of the year, that this would serve as your spell book

with all the hexes and charms you need to go through the

magical experience that is Eng’g Week 2011: Eng’gardium.

With that, I would like to remind all of you that

though EW is a competition, you should take time to enjoy

the moment and have fun. A few years from now I believe,

when you look back to your college days, it’s not your or-

ganization’s ranking that you would remember, but the

amount of joy and the blissful memories you created while

you were playing.

Merry Christmas and Happy Eng’g Week 2011!

At your service,

Genesis Valencia

Editor-in-Chief, The Impulse

Arm Wars SPORTS TAU ALPHA Tau Alpha Tambayan 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 100

Peng'g Pong SPORTS ENGG SOC CHK Table Tennis Area 12:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

Ten Twenteng'g PRC IECEP Beta Way 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 100

Music Video Makeng'g (Voting) ARTS CIRCUIT LC2, UPEEI 12:00 PM 2:30 PM 150

Human 4-Eng'g-A-Line STRATEGY CIEM Beta Way 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 150

Happy Feet (Finals) STRATEGY CIEM Engineering Lawn 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 150

Kingdom Eng'gardium: Quidditch STRATEGY ESC Engineering Lawn 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 250

Body Twisteng'g PRC SME TBA 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 100

Taleng'gtado Ka! TALENT SHOW 49ERS Engineering Theater 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 150

Natmo QUIZ SHOW CIEM MH Room 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

I Love That TV Series QUIZ SHOW CIEM MH Room 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 100

Costume Fantasy Display ARTS CURSOR 3rd Flr Lobby 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 150

Unlockeng'g STRATEGY KEM MH Room 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 150

Minority Gameng'g STRATEGY SME SME-UPD Tambayan 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 150

Indakan Pair NIGHT EVENT ACES Henry Lee Irwin Theater 7:00 PM 12:00 AM 150

Indakan Group NIGHT EVENT ACES Henry Lee Irwin Theater 7:00 PM 12:00 AM 250

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Start End POINTS

Touch Rugby SPORTS IE CLUB Track Oval 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Women Can't Jump SPORTS IE CLUB Amorsolo 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 150

Samson, Delilah, Lion PRC IE CLUB TBA 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 100

Karamboleng'g PRC IE CLUB 3rd/4th Flr MH 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 100

Egg Catcheng'g PRC IE CLUB Sunken Garden 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 100

Mattress Stuffeng'g STRATEGY MSS Beta Way 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 150

Team Pusoy Dos Finals STRATEGY GEOP MH Room 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 150

For Your Eng'gtertainment QUIZ SHOW CIRCUIT VLC, UPEEEI 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 100

Minority Gameng'g STRATEGY SME SME-UPD Tambayan 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 150

Maskipaps Male NIGHT EVENT BETA EPSILON Eng'g Steps 7:00 PM 2:00 AM 150

Maskipaps Female NIGHT EVENT BETA EPSILON Eng'g Steps 7:00 PM 2:00 AM 150

Maskipaps Group NIGHT EVENT BETA EPSILON Eng'g Steps 7:00 PM 2:00 AM 200

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Start End POINTS

Miss Engineering NIGHT EVENT ESC University Theater 4:00 PM 9:00 PM 300

Page 12: The Impulse Volume 2 Issue 1


The Impulse would like to thank the following:

Kakuro on the Quad

Kakuro is a number puzzle that is sort of a cross between sudoku and a crossword puzzle. In the grid be-

low, your job is to fill in numbers that will add up to specific sums. The sums are denoted by the small numbers in the

gray squares. Those numbers refer to sums that either extend directly below them, to their right, or both (gray boxes

with a slash). For example, in the upper left-hand corner, there is a gray box with "18/3." That means the sum to the

right should add up to 18 and the sum below should add up to 3.

There are a few rules to keep in mind: 1) Only use the numbers 1-9 to fill in the grid (i.e. no double-digit

numbers allowed). 2) Zero is not allowed in a proper Kakuro game so the ones used here are all provided. Put an-

other way, you will not have to fill in any zeroes yourself. 3) No digit will repeat in a sum (you can't add two 5s to

make 10). 4) There are no single-box sums (i.e. do not try to fill in "16" to the right of the gray "16" box in the upper

right corner. A good way to start is to try the top middle region of six boxes. Sure, it's isolated from the rest of the

puzzle, but it will get your summing and logic juices flowing…

SOURCE: Stanford University Engineering Website <http://soe.stanford.edu/alumni/puzzles/