The Importance of the Humanity of Jesus

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  • 8/7/2019 The Importance of the Humanity of Jesus






    Part III - The Nicene Age:

    Lesson No. 16 - The

    Nature of Christ

    I. The Relation of Humanity and Divinity in Christ

    One aspect of Christology has to do with Christ's relationship to the

    Father. In practical terms this addresses Christ's divinity. In what sense,

    or to what extent, was Christ divine? Previous lessons have shown thatthis question drew forth a variety of answers and generated prolonged

    and heated controversies among the various factions within the Church.

    Some, such as Arius who asserted that Christ was a created being, went

    to such an extreme that they practically denied the true divinity of Jesus

    Christ. It was principally these matters which occasioned the convening

    of the Council of Nicea (325) which reaffirmed the full divinity of

    Christ. However, it was many years before the controversy cooled and

    Arianism was largely eradicated.

    A discussion of how Christ was divine and how He was related to the

    Father naturally led to a discussion of the other major aspect of the

    Christological problem - the humanity of Christ. In what sense, or to

    what extent, was Christ human? How were the human and divine

    natures related or united in Christ? These questions gendered

    controversies as long and vicious as those gendered by a consideration

    of Christ's divinity. Again, it was to the advantage of the West that it had

    early arrived at a formula which provided it with unity on this matter.

    Christ was considered fully God and fully man at the same time but

    in such a way that His human and divine natures did not detract

    from one another. Obviously, this is more of a simple statement of

    belief than a defense or explanation of it. This may well be as far as the

    finite human mind can take it. Nevertheless, the more philosophical East

  • 8/7/2019 The Importance of the Humanity of Jesus


    was not satisfied with this. Its people wanted a clearer definition of just

    how Christ's human and divine natures were related.

    It was possible to assert one aspect of Christ's nature at the expense of

    the other. One could so emphasize Christ's divinity that His humanitycould be practically overwhelmed; or one could so emphasize His

    humanity as to diminish His divinity.The latter of these two dilemmas

    had more or less been at the heart of the Arian controversy. The

    former was an important part of the controversy concerning the human

    and divine natures in Christ. Some had no difficulty in speaking of

    Christ as having two natures - one human and the other divine. Others

    had great difficulty in thinking of Christ as having two natures. This to

    them implied a duality of persons. They were thus dubbed"Monophysites" (from the Greek words, "monos," meaning "one," and

    "phusis," meaning "nature"). Controversies over such issues raged

    through the Fifth and Sixth Centuries and were the occasion for several

    more general councils. Monophysite sects exist in certain parts of the

    Middle East to this day.

    II. The Importance of the Humanity of Christ

    Without becoming involved in the subtle and intricate distinctions of thecontroversies surrounding the nature(s) of Christ, it must be recognized

    that there is a balance to be maintained between the deity and the

    humanity of Christ. Neither can be slighted in the least. Some have

    diminished the deity of Christ even to the point of making Him nothing

    but a man. This is wrong. He was fully divine. On the other hand, some

    are reluctant to give to Him everything His humanity implies. This too is

    wrong. He was fully human.

    As the death of Jesus is nothing to men without His resurrection, soHis deity is of no avail to men without His humanity. (1) It took One

    who had been with both God and man to adequately reveal God to man

    (Jn. 1:18; 14:9). (2) Jesus became God in human flesh so that He might

    explain God to man in terms man could understand. Moreover, (3) it was

    the offering of the body of Jesus which served to sanctify men (Heb.

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    10:10). (4) Without partaking of humanity, Jesus would not have been

    perfected (Heb. 5:8,9; 2:10). (5) Through His death He rendered the

    devil powerless (Heb. 2:14).(6) In order to be a high priest and also be

    able to make propitiation for sins, He had to be made like His brethren

    (Heb. 2:17). (7) Since, He was also human, He can identify withmankind and help and understand them (Heb. 2:18; 4:1416), and (8)

    knowing that Jesus had to endure the afflictions common to all men,

    those in human flesh can take courage.

    III. Exercises (Please click on "File" on your browser window, then

    "Print" to print out this page.)

    (1) One aspect of Christology addresses itself to the relationship

    between the _________ and _________ natures in Christ.

    (2) (T or F) Christ was both fully human and fully divine.

    (3) (T or F) The Monophysites believed Christ had only one nature.

    (4) (T or F) It would have been impossible for Christ to have sinned.

    (5) Why is the humanity of Christ important?

    (6) What aspects of Christ's humanity are brought out in the Scriptures,

    and where?