The Imperialism of Romance By Tinman McWrath

The Imperialism of Romance

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8/3/2019 The Imperialism of Romance

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The Imperialism of Romance

By Tinman McWrath

8/3/2019 The Imperialism of Romance

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Greetings, this is a short essay I decided to write about the similarities of female romantic love

and Western imperialism. As I lay in bed pondering the current state of gender relations and how both

genders experience romantic love differently the thought occurred that female romantic love is very

similar to imperialism. In short female romance is to women as imperialism is to superpowers, especially

those of the age of imperialism.

Firstly many imperialists excuse their pillaging of nations by saying they are somehow bettering

or benefiting the invaded. They claim that they are saving their souls by spreading their faith/ideology,

that they are fighting communism, that they are spreading democracy, that they are giving the

heathens/savages a better way of life, that they are bringing medicine, technology and modernization

ect ect ect. The truth is the imperialists were simply supremacists who needed resources. How is this

similarity between imperialism and romance you might ask?

The human female seems to harbor a natural, maybe even innate hatred towards males,

especially now that misandry is acceptable and even expected. Western culture is filled with examples

of female supremacy. It’s in the media, it’s in the courts, it’s evident by the attitudes women and

upsettingly enough, some men have towards the human male. Furthermore many most women believe

that by entering a relationship with a man and leeching off of his wealth and assets believe or at least

want others to believe that because she’s female she will benefit him by bestowing her feminine

wisdom and goodness on what she perceives to be a homer simpson-like partner and improve him

somehow. This attitude and behavior is similar to that the imperialists towards people they’d invade. It

all boils down to the pillaging of those they thought they were superior to whilst claiming it was

altruistic and good in nature.

Throughout human history women always garnered resources from men through whatever

means were necessary. Most would not consider this a bad thing because it allowed men and women to

forge partnerships and work toward the mutual goal of preserving the species, unless of course you’re a

misanthrope and want humanity to stop breeding until we die out like I do. Anyway though female

imperialism aka romance benefited the species as a whole it almost always cost the male. Most men

who have been or are in a relationship would attest to this. However back then men did have some

benefits such as being genetically successful but that was a rarity due to the face that female humans

breed with cads and cuckold dads. Other benefits included emotional support, which was usually fluffy

lovey dovey bullshit lies the woman would tell the man to make him feel happy when she felt she

wanted or needed him to be.

In a relationship men lose a lot of time, currency/resources and potential. Many men also lose

the ability to pursue their hopes and dreams and find happiness. On top of that female behaviors would

wreak havoc on the male mind and soul. Sadly since humanity benefits from this exchange human

evolution has made men biologically wired to desire this slavery and to blind him of truth and reason. He

feels instinctual false happiness and bliss as he slaves away to please the female’s every whim and as he

provides for her and her offspring which may or may not necessarily be his. She may even leave him, kill

him and dishonor him after death but still use the fruits of his labor for her benefits but until he dies his

wiring keeps him loyal until the bitter and inhuman end. The losses though depressing for men in old

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times were endurable and benefited the species greatly however in modern times romance has been

twisted by the elites to serve an evil agenda. In modern times this once beneficial exchange has become

more malevolent and more dangerous for men. In fact what little benefits men had are now null and

void changing this exchange into nothing short but the pillage and rape of men.

In modern times men can lose more and are more likely to be destroyed. The effects of thegender pillage in romance is magnified to critical and deadly magnitudes, so much so that most men

now end up being cuckolded and their lives are pillaged in their entirety. With ever divorce, with ever

marriage, with ever hook-up, with ever pregnancy, with every sexist law passed one more man’s life is

pillaged and the spoils of gender war go to the ravenous victors who sold their souls and humanity to

the elites.

This gender pillage, along with a plethora of other evil things in the modern world causes

nothing but harm to everyone but the elites, who benefit from practically every vile thing they set in

place. The exchange that was once invaluable to the healthy continuation of humanity is now a twisted,

demented shadow of it’s former self. It is counterproductive to the species as a whole since women no

longer take their offspring into consideration and the two genders understandably distrust each other.

The females distrusting the males because of conditioning which magnified her misandric tendencies

and the males distrusting the females because of THEY ARE TRYING TO FUCKING DESTROY US AND REAP


After pondering these points and pondering what I know about the biology, human evolution

and the psychology of males and females I have come to the conclusion that any relationship a man has

with a woman is like that of an invaded, resource-rich country being occupied by a military power, the

only difference being is that men are wired to enjoy this slavery even though it does nothing but destroy

and exploit them. Furthermore since female romance is naturally imperialistic towards men and since

the elites have twisted it men must go their own way or be destroyed. MGTOW is the only answer, the

leeches have became blood sucking beasts of burden, starve the beast and their vile elitist masters. I

envision a world where over 80% of the male global population are MGTOWs and most women are

desperate to find compansionship.