35 The Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review · Volume 6, Issue 1 · June 2021 The Impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on Road User Safety in New York City Alex C. Phares, Amdad Hossen, Kakan Dey West Virginia University Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources Introduction Vision Zero (VZ), a traffic safety project originating in Sweden, has been adopted by cities and states in the United States 3 . VZ places the responsibility for traffic fatalities on inadequate facilities for all users and unsafe roadway designs. This program promotes legislative actions, law enforcement, and innovative roadway improvement solutions to increase roadway safety. The VZ project successfully reduced the number of fatalities caused by road accidents in Sweden by half in 20 years 4 . In 2005, VZ was adopted in Poland, a nation with a high number of traffic fatalities per one-hundred thousand residents. According to a study on the effectiveness of VZ in Poland, traffic fatalities fell by 31% after five years 5 . After years of only battling traffic fatalities as a city with no dedicated program, New York City (NYC) started the VZ program in their battle against unsafe roadways under leadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2014 3 . To be recognized as a VZ community, NYC developed an action plan and created a task force to lead fatality-reducing efforts and evaluate progress 3 . The initiatives deployed in NYC include decreasing speed limits in arterial roads and neighborhood areas, installing speed cameras at school zones, and increased overall traffic enforcements 3 . In addition, roadway improvements (i.e., bike facilities, speed cushions, improved crosswalk facilities) across the city were completed to improve traffic safety. With over 8 million residents in NYC and another 900 thousand daily commuters 6,7 , it is important to evaluate successes and failures of implemented road safety initiatives. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of VZ initiatives in reducing traffic fatalities among three groups of road users (i.e., motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians) after initiation of VZ in NYC since 2014. Methods Trend Analysis Motor vehicle crash data collected by NYPD Despite modern vehicles, improved transportation infrastructure, and advanced traffic signals, more than 36,000 Americans die from traffic crashes every year 1 . With the goal of reducing traffic fatalities to zero, New York City (NYC) adopted Vision Zero (VZ) initiatives in 2014 and has deployed 23 categories of countermeasures ranging from road improvements to training and community outreach programs 2 . In this research, trend analysis and hypothesis tests were done on NYC traffic fatality data for three main categories of roadway users: motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians, to evaluate the success of the VZ initiatives. It was found that annual fatalities of both motorists and pedestrians declined significantly after the deployment of VZ initiatives, while fatalities of cyclists increased significantly. These findings indicate that current VZ efforts in NYC were not effective in improving cyclist safety. A comparative trend analysis was done on the relationship between summonses issued by New York Police Department (NYPD) and traffic fatalities. It was found that law enforcement was ineffective in improving traffic safety. Additional effective countermeasures should be deployed to reduce the frequency and severity of cyclist-involved crashes. Recommended potential measures include additional bike lanes in dense urban areas, wider bike lanes, and law enforcement focused on bicycle helmet usage.

The Impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on Road User Safety

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The Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review · Volume 6, Issue 1 · June 2021

The Impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on Road User Safety in New York CityAlex C. Phares, Amdad Hossen, Kakan DeyWest Virginia University Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Vision Zero (VZ), a traffic safety projectoriginating in Sweden, has been adopted bycities and states in the United States3. VZ placesthe responsibility for traffic fatalities oninadequate facilities for all users and unsaferoadway designs. This program promoteslegislative actions, law enforcement, andinnovative roadway improvement solutions toincrease roadway safety. The VZ projectsuccessfully reduced the number of fatalitiescaused by road accidents in Sweden by half in20 years4. In 2005, VZ was adopted in Poland, anation with a high number of traffic fatalitiesper one-hundred thousand residents.According to a study on the effectiveness of VZin Poland, traffic fatalities fell by 31% after fiveyears5. After years of only battling trafficfatalities as a city with no dedicated program,New York City (NYC) started the VZ program intheir battle against unsafe roadways underleadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio in 20143. Tobe recognized as a VZ community, NYCdeveloped an action plan and created a task

force to lead fatality-reducing efforts andevaluate progress3. The initiatives deployed inNYC include decreasing speed limits in arterialroads and neighborhood areas, installing speedcameras at school zones, and increased overalltraffic enforcements3. In addition, roadwayimprovements (i.e., bike facilities, speedcushions, improved crosswalk facilities) acrossthe city were completed to improve trafficsafety.

With over 8 million residents in NYC andanother 900 thousand daily commuters6,7, it isimportant to evaluate successes and failures ofimplemented road safety initiatives. Theobjective of this study is to evaluate theeffectiveness of VZ initiatives in reducingtraffic fatalities among three groups of roadusers (i.e.,motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians)after initiation of VZ in NYC since 2014.


Trend Analysis

Motor vehicle crash data collected by NYPD

Despite modern vehicles, improved transportation infrastructure, and advanced trafficsignals, more than 36,000 Americans die from traffic crashes every year1. With the goal ofreducing traffic fatalities to zero, New York City (NYC) adopted Vision Zero (VZ) initiatives in2014 and has deployed 23 categories of countermeasures ranging from road improvements totraining and community outreach programs2. In this research, trend analysis and hypothesistests were done on NYC traffic fatality data for three main categories of roadway users:motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians, to evaluate the success of the VZ initiatives. It was foundthat annual fatalities of both motorists and pedestrians declined significantly after thedeployment of VZ initiatives, while fatalities of cyclists increased significantly. These findingsindicate that current VZ efforts in NYC were not effective in improving cyclist safety. Acomparative trend analysis was done on the relationship between summonses issued by NewYork Police Department (NYPD) and traffic fatalities. It was found that law enforcement wasineffective in improving traffic safety. Additional effective countermeasures should bedeployed to reduce the frequency and severity of cyclist-involved crashes. Recommendedpotential measures include additional bike lanes in dense urban areas, wider bike lanes, andlaw enforcement focused on bicycle helmet usage.

Page 2: The Impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on Road User Safety


was used in this study8,9. Annual fatalities werecalculated for three categories of roadwayusers: motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians forthe years 2012 to 2020. A lack of reported crashdata prior to 2012 limited the extent of how farin the past this research could investigate crashstatistics. The crash statistics are summarizedin Tables 1-3, and by locations within NYC(Figures 1-3). The beginning of the VZ programin NYC (i.e., year 2014) was highlighted in eachfigure for before and after comparisonpurposes. These steps were repeated in the caseof each NYC borough (i.e., Bronx, Brooklyn,Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island). The yearlyfatality frequency as well as average annualfatality levels in NYC are shown in Table 1.

Beyond an investigation into traffic fatalitylevels, analysis was also done on summonses(i.e., traffic violation tickets issued by lawenforcement). Summonses were issued forspeeding, failure to yield right-of-way, cell-phone usage, and missing drivingrequirements (expired/no license, no carinsurance, or no registration). Data wascompiled from NYPD’s annual summonsesdata issued by specific summon types8. Figure4 presents the trend graphs, showing how

levels of the specific summons types, from2012 to 2020. To determine the relationshipbetween summonses and fatalities, generalyearly trends were studied. For this, NYC opensource data9 was used to determine how manypersons were fatally injured by contributingfactors (i.e., cell phone usage, driverinexperience, failure to yield right-of-way).These factors can be categorized as thosewhich the summonses investigated in thisresearch aim to prevent. The fatalities for eachyear were depicted as a line with summonseslevels as bar graphs (Figure 5) to show relativetrends over time. Trend lines for bothsummonses and fatalities were then included.Table 2 shows the data used in comparison ofsummonses issued and fatality levels.

Hypothesis Test

In addition to trend analysis, hypothesistests were performed to identify whether theaverage fatality levels, and average lawenforcement levels (i.e., summonses) beforeand after VZ were significantly different or not.Hypothesis testing is a procedure in which datais used to decide which of two hypotheses ismore likely to be true. The steps to be followedto perform a hypothesis test are: 1) state nullhypothesis, H0, 2) state alternate hypothesis,HA, 3) decide on significance level (alpha), 4)calculate appropriate test statistics, 5) find thep-value of the test statistics, and 6) makedecision and state conclusion. For this study,the null and alternate hypothesis were set asfollows:

Phares, Hossen, Dey The Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review · Volume 6 · Issue 1 · November 2020

Table 1. NYC Traffic Crash Fatalities (2012-2020)

Table 2. Dataset for comparing summonses and fatalities

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H0: The mean fatality/summonses levelbefore VZ is μ0

HA1: The mean fatality/summonses levelafter VZ, μ1 > μ0

HA2: The mean fatality/summonses levelbefore VZ, μ1< μ0

HA1 was assumed when the average fatalityor summonses increased after VZ and HA2 wasassumed when average fatality decreased. Thesignificance level was set to 95% (i.e., alpha =0.05). As the sample size is small (n < 30), t-test was performed instead of z-test. Theresults of the hypothesis test are presented inTable 5.

Results and Discussion

Descriptive statistics for traffic fatalities inNYC is presented in Table 3. Pedestrians areconsistently the most fatally injured group inNYC followed by motorists and cyclists. Despitehaving the lowest fatality levels, cyclists werethe only group with their maximum yearlylevel after VZ implementation in 2014. Thisgroup of fatalities also experienced the largestfluctuation in yearly levels as shown by itscoefficient of variation.

Figure 1 shows annual pedestrian fatalitylevels from 2012 to 2020 in NYC. Overall,annual rates of pedestrian fatalities trendeddownwards since the implementation of VZ.The fatality levels after VZ were at or below thenine-year average (Figure 1(a)). As Brooklyn,Queens, and Staten Island experiencedpedestrian fatality trends that were similar tothe citywide trend, their trend graphs are notincluded in Figure 1. Pedestrian fatalities forBronx and Manhattan demonstrated acontrasting trend compared to the citywidetrend (Figure 1(b), 1(c)) and included in Figure1. These two boroughs experienced largerfluctuations than the relatively constantdecrease observed in entire NYC. Hypothesis


test results in Table 5 confirms that thepedestrian fatality after VZ was significantlylower than before VZ in NYC.

Figure 2 shows annual cyclist fatality levelsfrom 2012 to 2020 in NYC. It is evident that thecity experienced a large increase in cyclistfatality from 2018 to 2019 and a furtherincrease from 2019 to 2020 (Figure 2(a)).Hypothesis test results in Table 5 also

Phares, Hossen, Dey

Table 3. Descriptive statistics for traffic fatalities in New York City

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Figure 1. Vision Zero Initiatives' relationship topedestrian fatalities in NYC and two of itsbouroughs

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confirmed that the cyclist fatality levels afterthe VZ program increased significantlycompared to before VZ. However, Queensexperienced a strong decline in cyclist fatalitiessince 2014 (Figure 2(c)). Staten Islandexperienced large fluctuations but had very fewyearly cyclist fatalities since 2017 (Figure 2(b)).Due to Brooklyn, Bronx, and Manhattanexperiencing cyclist fatality trends thatmirrored the citywide trend, their trend graphsare not included in Figure 2.

Figure 3 shows annual motorist fatalitylevels from 2012 to 2020 in NYC. From 2012 to2019, annual rates of motorist fatalitiestrended downwards with an increase to pre-VZlevels in 2020. Hypothesis test results in Table5 showed that the motorist fatality wassignificantly lower after VZ. The fatality levels

after VZ were at or below the nine-yearaverage, with the exception of 2020 (Figure3(a)). Motorist fatalities in Staten Island andManhattan increased when the citywideaverages were below the nine-year average(2015 in Staten Island, 2017 in Manhattan) andboth experienced below average levels in 2020when the citywide total increased (Figure3(b)(c)). Due to Brooklyn, Bronx, and Queens

experiencing motorist fatality trends thatmirrored the citywide trend, their graphs arenot shown in Figure 3.

Figure 4 shows the annual number ofsummonses issued to drivers for variousviolations from 2012 to 2020 in NYC. Totalannual summonses did not change much sincethe inception of VZ in 2014 (except in the case


Phares, Hossen, Dey

Figure 3. Vision Zero Initiatives' relationship tomotorist fatalities in NYC and two of its boroughs

Figure 2. Vision Zero Initiatives' relationship tocyclist fatalities in NYC and two of its boroughs.

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Page 5: The Impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on Road User Safety

of 2020) which was supported by hypothesistest (Table 5). It could be interpreted that lownumbers of summonses in 2020 was due to theCovid-19 pandemic related travel restrictions.In terms of types of summonses (Figure 4,Table 4), failure to yield right-of-way andspeeding experienced significant increasesover the past nine years while summonsesissued for cell-phone usage and missingdriving requirements were decreased.Hypothesis test supported significantdrop/increase in number of summonses

differences before and after VZ (Table 5).Figure 4 and Table 4 indicate that law

enforcement in VZ did not lead to any increasein overall traffic related policing of the streetsor quantity of summonses issued, but ratherimplemented law enforcement that targetsviolators of especially dangerous driverbehaviors, such as speeding and failing to yieldright of way. The “precision policingapproach” was how NYPD attempted toimprove overall safety through lawenforcement10. Due to this targeted lawenforcement practice, total summonsesremained relatively stable, while specific typesof summons saw significant increases ordecreases.

Figure 5 shows the relationships betweenthe number of summonses issued and thenumber of related fatalities over the period of2012 to 2020. In the cases of cell-phone usageand missing driving requirements, summonslevels declined, and related fatalities saw arelative increase. In the case ofpedestrian/cyclist-harm preventingsummonses, yearly counts increased butfatalities did not have a consistent change ineither positive or negative directions. Whilethis might not reveal causal relationship, thisis evidence that VZ law enforcement was notmaking significant impacts onpedestrian/cyclist safety. One potential reasoncould be a focus on non-life-threateningtraffic infractions rather than more seriousviolations One example is the documentedfocus of NYPD on stopping electric bicycleusage which has not been shown to causefatalities11.

The average annual pedestrian fatality levelhas decreased by 13.8% and average annualmotorist fatality level has decreased 12.7%, but


Figure 4. Vizion Zero Initiatives' relationship totraffic law enforcement.

Table 4. Descriptive statsitics for traffic summonses in NYC.

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Page 6: The Impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on Road User Safety

cyclist fatalities have increased by 35.7% sincethe VZ program in 2014. Due to the increase incyclist fatalities despite VZ countermeasures,this category of traffic safety was investigatedfurther. Cyclist fatalities could increase due todifferent factors. Despite a number of streetimprovement projects (SIPs), roadway designsand conditions may continue to be inadequatefor overall cyclists’ safety. One reason for thismay be bike lane obstructions (e.g., trash bags,shopping carts, people, motorcycles, trucks).One study reported 233 bike lane obstructionsin Manhattan with an average of 6.6obstructions per mile12. All bike routes studiedwere protected from roadway traffic- meaningthey were on/along the roadway,were designedfor cyclist use only and provide physicalseparation12.

Obstruction types were divided into threecategories: object, pedestrian, and vehicle; and

proportion of total obstructions were 53.2%,28.3%, and 18.5% respectively12. The high levelof obstructions per mile indicates that despitethe availability of protected bike lanes, cyclistsstill do not have a completely safe way totravel. When obstructions block the intendedpath of the cyclists, cyclists may divert theirroutes onto vehicle lanes or pedestrian-oriented facilities posing a danger tothemselves and the other road users13. Streetswith bicycle facilities are far less likely to havecyclist fatalities than those without any bicyclefacilities. In NYC, only 11% of total cyclistfatalities occurred on roads with existingcyclist facilities14.

Another safety concern from inadequatecycling facilities is the risk of dooring. Dooringis where a driver or passenger of a parked caropens their door when a parallel moving cyclistcannot stop in time and runs into the door. Thebest way to prevent dooring is with increaseddistance between bike lanes and parking lanes.To keep cyclists outside of the range in whichdooring can occur, the bicycle tire must be atleast 12 feet from the curb15. It was found thatbike and parking lanes with 12 feet of widthrarely kept cyclists out of traffic and away frompossible dooring, but a striped buffer zonebetween parking and biking could be the moreeffective solution15. Dooring accounts for 12%-27% of urban bicycle-vehicle crashes in NYC16.Also, reducing the number of travel lanes whileinstalling bike lanes reduces corridor injuriesand fatal crashes by 70%16.

Another possible factor in increasing cyclistcrash fatality could be that more people havechosen to ride their bicycles on the road due toimprovement in bicycle facilities. This couldlead to higher chances of cyclist crashesbecause of a higher number of cyclists on theroad. From 2014 to 2018, NYC’s cyclistpopulation increased by over 660,000 withcontributions from campaigns for cleanertransportation and the introduction of CitiBike’s bike share program in the city.

Helmets have been proven to reduce thedanger of head impact, the most dangerousinjury a cyclist can face. It was found thataround 85% of Citi Bike users do not wear


Phares, Hossen, Dey

Figure 5. Trend of traffic law enforcement inrelation to traffic fatalities in NYC.

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Phares, Hossen, Dey

helmets17, and half of all other cyclists do notwear a helmet18. While the overall number isbetter than the observed trends for Citi Bikeusers, having only half of bike users wearinghelmets still shows an unsafe behavior thatputs cyclists at a higher risk for serious injurywhen accidents occur.

To protect cyclists on the streets of NYC anddecrease associated fatality, initiatives androadway redesigns targeted at cyclist safetyshould be considered. Enforcement to improvehelmet usage has the potential to save lives ofcyclists involved in head trauma-inducingcollisions. Road redesigns that add bike lanesor improve upon existing bike infrastructureshould be prioritized. Furthermore, theremoval of yielding left turns on green byautomobiles should be implemented to preventcyclist-vehicle crashes caused by failure toyield, as law enforcement did not appear to beeffective in reducing this type of crashes.


In this research, open-source data fromNYC were used to conduct trend analysishypothesis tests, and an evaluation of theeffectiveness of VZ initiatives in NYC. Averageannual fatality levels for both pedestrian and

motorist were reduced in the post-VZ years.While this study did not specifically identifywhat specific VZ actions were helping and towhat degree, the combined impact of allinitiatives was evaluated. A different trend wasobserved in the case of cyclist fatalities asfatality levels trended upward compared tomotorist and pedestrian fatalities since VZ.This might not reveal a causal relationshipbetween VZ programs and cyclist fatalityincreases but suggests that VZ programs needto implement more focused initiatives (e.g.,bike lanes, helmet usage enforcement) toreduce cyclist fatalities in NYC. Moreover,further research should investigate whatfactors and safety strategies could improvecyclist safety and develop safe transportationsystems for sustainablemodes such as bicycles.

Competing Interests

The author declares no competing interests.


1. United States Department of Transportation. (2020, October 1).

2019 fatality data show continued annual decline in traffic

deaths. NHTSA. https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-


Table 5. Hypotheses test results for change in fatalaties and summonses after VZ in NYC

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Page 8: The Impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on Road User Safety

How to Cite This Article:

Phares, A.C., Hossen, A., Dey, K. (2021). The impact of Vision Zero Initiatives on road user safety in New York City. Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review, 6(1), 35-42.


2. Vision Zero open data. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2021, from


3.About the Vision Zero network. (n.d.). Vision Zero Network.


4. Vision zero - no fatalities or serious injuries through road

accidents. (2019, October 14). Retrieved April 23, 2021, from




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Phares, Hossen, Dey