The Impact of Language Planning, Terminology Planning, And Arabicization, On Military Terminology Planning and Translation

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  • 8/13/2019 The Impact of Language Planning, Terminology Planning, And Arabicization, On Military Terminology Planning and


    Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

    ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline

    %ol.#& No.1"& 2'1#


    The Impact of Language Planning, Terminology Planning, andArabicization, on Military Terminology Planning and Translation

    r.)ohammad *lsheha+,adara niersit/& 0nglish and ranslation epartment


    Abstracthe *ra+ militar/ armies hae +een su55ered 5rom the lac6 o5 accurate *ra+ic euialents 5or the a+undant newmilitar/ terminolog/. his is crucial +ecause modern *ra+ armies hae +een modeled in their structure& +ranches&weaponr/& and ran6ing according to modern 8estern and 0astern *rmies. onseuentl/& the/ need a newreial o5 older terms to meet the 5resh reuirements o5 a modern arm/ along with 8estern design. his paperaims at inestigating the impact o5 :anguage Planning (:P& terminolog/ planning& and *ra+ici;ation on the

    polic/ o5 militar/ terminolog/ and translation. It proides guidelines 5or the applications o5 language planningon militar/ terminolog/ at the national leel in ,ordan. his paper deals with the 5ie t/pes o5 :P (puri5ication&reial& re5ormation& standardi;ation& and moderni;ation as classi5ied +/ Nahir (1977.

    Keywords< :anguage Planning& *ra+ici;ation& erminolog/ Planning& )ilitar/ erminolog/ ranslation

    IntroductionRegarding the deelopment o5 science and technolog/& there has +een an increasing demand 5or understanding0nglish language in the deeloping countries. here5ore& to 6eep a+reast with scienti5ic deelopments& ,ordan asa deeloping countr/ adopts 0nglish as a second language. Recentl/& Nida (19"3 indicates that new 0nglishwords are used to e=press new concepts& techniues& and inentions that come into e=istence. hese words haedeeloped more rapidl/ during the last decades that cannot +e captured +/ the dictionaries. He adds that thisdeelopment has +rought to *ra+ic serious linguistic pro+lems. hese pro+lems are represented +/ the eer-e=panding wae o5 newl/ 5ound concepts and techniues 5or which no euialents in *ra+ic e=ist. o 5ace ahuge +ul6 o5 0nglish scienti5ic terminolog/& the processes o5 coinage& +orrowing& transliteration& and othermeans o5 trans5er are made.

    1 !ac"ground:P is characteri;ed +/ a ariet/ o5 isions across decades +/ a ariet/ o5 scholars. Some scholars such as(Haugen 19"9> as ?upta 197#> and 8enistin 19!9 5ocus on :P as language 5orms and standardi;ation issued

    +/ language academies. $ther scholars li6e (Ru+in @ ,urnud 1971> Aaram 1973> and ,urnud @ as ?upta1971 descri+e :P as a change in the language code s/stem. he/ 5ocus on pro+lem soling through the

    procedure o5 5ormulation and ealuation. Similarl/& Bishman (1973 and 8enistin (19!' indicate that :P isoutlined as pro+lem soling within the conte=t o5 the national language. $n the other hand& auli (1973maintains that :P is needed to improe languages and to create new ones at arious leels. Binall/& ooper(19!9 descri+es :P as a proposed e55ort to control +ehaior o5 others without authori;ed agenciesIn sum& :P is a process dealing with improing language and moderating new concepts and terminolog/ to meetthe eraCs reuirement o5 science and technolog/. Its 5unction is not onl/ in coining new terminolog/& +ut also inreiing archaic terms and e=pressions to sae our culture and religion.Types of LP

    Nahir(1977 and 0astman (1991 iew that :P is a decision-ma6ing that is geared towards puri5/ing& reiing&re5orming& standardi;ing& or moderni;ing languages to enhance communication within and +etween nations& andto encourage the 5eelings o5 unit/ and solidarit/. Bor more details& a light ought to +e shed at the 5ollowing t/peso5 :P

  • 8/13/2019 The Impact of Language Planning, Terminology Planning, And Arabicization, On Military Terminology Planning and


    Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

    ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline

    %ol.#& No.1"& 2'1#


    c. Language ReformationNahir (1977 indicates that languages need to +e re5ormed and puri5ied. New policies should +e made +/decision ma6ers to puri5/ a language o5 5oreign words that hae +een used and acuired during the period o5 a5oreign power in a countr/.

    d.Language StandardizationNahir (1977< 11G states& D:anguage standardi;ation is de5ined as a process where+/ one language or dialectspo6en in a region (usuall/ a single political region +ecomes accepted as the maor language o5 the region 5orgeneral usage.Ee.Language Modernization

    Nahir (1977< 117 points out Dplans to moderni;e a languageCs le=icon generall/ deal with e55orts to updateoca+ular/ and special terminologies.EArabicization Planning*ra+ici;ation means onl/ transliterating a term into *ra+ic. he er+ 5orm o5 this word is to ara+ici;e whichmeans to trans5er into *ra+ic. i55erent linguists hae de5ined *ra+ici;ation #ta'reeb$%&'(di55erentl/. 0achlinguist has de5ined it 5rom his point o5 iew& re5lecting the linguistic situation within which he is em+edded.

    Numan (19!1 iews the concepts o5 *ra+ici;ation as a mean o5 li+eration and moderni;ation to achiee the goalo5 national& cultural& and political independence o5 the *ra+s. Sa/di (19!2 5ocuses on two ideas o5 *ra+ici;ation>

    5irstl/& is adopted +/ the 0ast *ra+ countries& it 5ocuses on le=ical e=pansion. his inoles the rendering orcoining o5 new words either 5rom e=isting roots or through translation o5 5oreign terms. In addition& e=istingwords through +orrowings 5rom 5oreign languages are ta6en into consideration& 5ollowed +/ reiing andreitali;ing words o5 older usages in the same language. Secondl/& *ra+ici;ation em+raced +/ the North*5rican ountries which attempts to introduce *ra+ic as a replacement 5or the 5oreign languages +eing usedin di55erent wal6s o5 li5e. he 5ocus is on ma6ing *ra+ic the onl/ language in administration and dail/ li5e. he/reect all those who are against *ra+ici;ation& the/ o+liged themseles on ma6ing *ra+ic the language o5 theheart and soul.)an/ *ra+ scholars and writers tend to use the term D*ra+ici;ationE or *ra+i;ation as a s/non/m 5or the termtranslation. Hence& it is necessar/ to distinguish +etween them. ranslation 5ocuses on the meaning and st/le o5one language when trans5erring to another. *ra+i;ation& howeer& concentrates on using *ra+ic letters to 5orm5oreign terms that is called transliteration. Bor e=ample& the 0nglish term Computer in *ra+ic iskumputer &()*+-. *nother e=ample, Shoulder-held Redeye, which means in *ra+ic E .%/ 0/23456 7)89: ;:

    9:E. Here the militar/ termshoulder heldis translated into *ra+ic D #9: 456 7)89: & while the term Redeyeis transliterated in *ra+ic characters (ar+ici;ed.*s mentioned a+oe& it could +e seen that *ra+ci;ation is a wa/ o5 e=pressing li+ert/ and moderni;ation> it leadsto patriotism and national identit/. It is actuall/ a language planning moement.Terminology PlanningSager (199' indicates that terminolog/ is the stud/ and the 5ield o5 actiit/ related to collecting& descri+ing&

    processing& and producing terms regarding speciali;ed domains to use one or more languages. Sager adds thatterminolog/ has a dou+le 5unction which is represented throughout le=icographers and dictionaries to serelanguage users. erminolog/ planning& generall/& is the decision ma6ing done +/ authori;ed +odies to carr/ outthe intents& purposes& and goals o5 speciali;ed 5ieldsFaldau5 @ Aaplen (2''# de5ine terminolog/ planning as a process which re5ers to actiities and deli+eratee55orts to plan 5or< corpus& status& and acuisition o5 terms as 5ollows *l-Smad/ 199!> and *lSheha+Ks (2''9. In spite o5 the o+stacles in dealing with this su+ect& it is hoped that this research can ma6e a5ew contri+ution to militar/ 6nowledge.!.$ %b&ectives of t"e Stud#he 5oremost purpose o5 this stud/ is to shed light on the t/pes o5 :P& *ra+ici;ation and erminolog/ planningon )ilitar/ erminolog/ Planning ()P. It also aims at anal/;ing the translation o5 militar/ e=pressions 5rom0nglish into *ra+ic within the preious processes.!. (uestions of t"e Stud#

    o +e more speci5ic& the stud/ see6s to answer the 5ollowing uestion5*O :

    G:&2Q59 RS29:F instead o5 the 0nglish e=pression& $iger Cat &issiles. $n the other side& the 0nglish militar/term Sam, Shell"a 2N, 2>5*O are ara+ici;ed and used as loan words in *ra+ic. hus& the militar/ terms should+e ealuated to 5ollow the suita+le progress with the new technological deices. onseuentl/& themoderni;ation is needed 5or a lot o5 new militar/ terms& not a puri5ication o5 the old terminolog/.b. Language Revival

    No reial procedures were ta6en e=cept uni5/ing some o5 the militar/ terms within *ra+ countries. Reialprocedures were in use in the *ra+ academies. he/ uni5ied the militar/ terms to all militar/ personnel in the*ra+ world& as *ra+ possess arious dialects. In the 5ield o5 militar/ terminolog/& (*lsheha+ 2''9 indicates thatthe *ra+ )ilitar/ *cademies including institutes and priate organi;ations hae issued pamphlets and compileddictionaries 5or militar/ terms-the uni%ying military di"tionary issued !y *r +!raheem ayumy in 197'& theSe"urity eneral o% ra!i" Language "ademy in Cairo- that are used in eer/ arm/ across the *ra+ countries.Bor e=ample& the e=pression "om!at teamhas di55erent euialences in *ra+ic& in ,ordan& the *ra+ic euialenceis D-&'9: C%&U. In Ira& it means#72=J9: 6)EV #. In the uni5ied *ra+ic& its rendering is D72=J9: R&VWE. *nother

    e=ample& the 0nglish term*rone has man/ renderings in *ra+ic. In ,ordan& its rendering is D/2*X Y.Z R&2XU& inIra DR&*[V R&2XU he uni5ied rendering is D.'Z \6 ] 2*9^ _`)V +-&VE. *lsheha+ adds that +ecause o5 thesigni5icance o5 militar/ terminolog/& e55orts were ta6en +/ militar/ e=perts to inestigate& and when necessar/&to puri5/ the militar/ terms that are issued +/ militar/ e=perts at the *ra+ )ilitar/ $rgani;ations..c. Language Reformation

    Regarding the militar/ terms& there is no need 5or this process as ,ordan depends on the 8est 5or +uilding itsarm/. hus& the/ 5ocus on 0nglish e=pressions to deal with the names o5 these weapons. his re5ormation ta6es

    place in two stages& opposite to its original concept& as new militar/ terms are added +/ translating them into*ra+ic. he other stage 5allsl under the control o5 *ra+ici;ation. Bor e=ample& nti tanks$ow &issile# 0/23G2Z2Z.59 S29: 2=9:E. his 0nglish e=pression is added to the militar/ 5ield as a +orrowed word transliteratedregarding morphological and phonological *ra+ic characters. he term $owwhich is a name o5 weapon is*ra+ici;ed& while the term&issileis translated into *ra+ic as#0/23U (saruukh)or%(athi%ah).his weaponis 6nown as anti-tanks.

    d. Language Standardization* higher committee in the *cadem/ o5 ,ordan and others in the *ra+ countries organi;ed dictionaries such asDthe ni5/ing )ilitar/ ictionar/E issued in 197' +/ Dthe &ilitary Committee %or /ni%ying the &ilitary$erminology, and 0the *i"tionary o% &ilitary $erminologyE written +/ &ohammad 1athi meen. hesedictionaries are implementing man/ militar/ terms and words collected 5rom all militar/ 5ields in the *ra+countries. he militar/ terms and e=pressions eentuall/ need to +e the same in meaning all oer the *ra+countries (standardi;ed& e.g.&&ission Reportthat means in *ra+ic _9:&%&J(E&&ilitary &issionD%&>[6 _VU,

    *e%ense PlanD*62S QU& and1ire Planthat means #V&9: QU. he uni5/ing meaning could ena+le personnelin the *ra+ *rmies to communicate easil/ and con5identl/& without rel/ing on loan words.e. Language Modernization

    Regarding militar/ terms& le=ical moderni;ation in the )ilitar/ *cadem/ in ,ordan could +e created +/codi5/ing& where man/ new militar/ words in the academ/ are deised to +e reied and re5ormed to 5it newscienti5ic and technological aspects& e.g.& nti ir Cra%t Sam &issiles DG:&2Q59 RS29: 2N H%/:)3U, $iger Cat

    &issilesthat means in *ra+ic DG2- &E%2( H%/:)3U:anguage moderni;ation in the )ilitar/ *cadem/ starts withreiing& re5orming& and uni5/ing the e=isting militar/ terminolog/. Plans were setup to utili;e these terms toe=press new scienti5ic and technological militar/ terms such as $e"hnology, 2le"trote"hni"s, Radiothat mean in*ra+ic *DJ(,*2Z&_>9: *DJ=9:,>5N respectiel/. hese militar/ terms will +e utili;ed in communication throughmilitar/ messages. ecision-ma6ers and e=perts in the )ilitar/ *cadem/ are in5ormed to o+sere and ealuatethe usage o5 new militar/ terms. he moderni;ation here 5or militar/ terminolog/ goes along with *ra+ici;ationas indicated +elow.Arabicization PlanningRegarding the militar/ terms& the topic o5 *ra+ici;ation planning is er/ important to +e mentioned here. Its

    importance deries when discussing language planning and terminolog/ planning in the *ra+ic culture. 8hen5oreign militar/ terms are planned +/ decision ma6ers and speciali;ed academies to 5ind the e=act euialent in*ra+ic& the/ translate these 5oreign militar/ terms into *ra+ic. he/ add these euialents to the speci5ieddictionaries and pamphlets to +e used +/ militar/ personnel in all *ra+ armies. It is not eas/ to 5ind an *ra+ic

    euialent 5or eer/ 5oreign term> there5ore& decision ma6ers resort to di55erent 6inds o5 coinage& or *ra+ici;ing.Bor e=ample& the preious e=pression Shoulder-held Redeye F456 7)89: ;:.%/ 0/239:F, Redeye is

  • 8/13/2019 The Impact of Language Planning, Terminology Planning, And Arabicization, On Military Terminology Planning and


    Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

    ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline

    %ol.#& No.1"& 2'1#


    ara+ci;ed as ;:.%/F #. he 0nglish e=pression*ragon &edium ntitank &issile G2Z2Z.59 S29: Y)`:/SF 0/23D& theterm *ragun could not +e translated& so it is *ra+ci;ed as *ragon Y)`:/S. $n other hand& the technologicalterms are transliterated& e.g.& Rotary a3is that means in *ra+ic/:.9: /)89: 3isispronounced as [-: in +oth*ra+ic and 0nglish. *lso& the 0nglish terms 1ilter O&V ispronounced in *ra+ic as &=5 he 0nglish

    e=pressions& $e"hnology is *ra+ici;ed as *DJ(, 2le"trote"hni"s is *ra+ici;ed as *2Z&_>9: *DJ=9:& similar to theirpronunciation in 0nglish. )oreoer& the 0nglish e=pressionn Chaparral &issile is ar+ici;ed as7:&Z2O 0/23SaruukhS"aral.

    Terminology Planning*s indicated a+oe& militar/ terms are treated as similar as other technical terms when the/ are planned. ermsthat are planned are altered in some wa/ (puri5ied& re5ormed& standardi;ed& reied& moderni;ed to enhancecommunication within and +etween *ra+ armies. )oreoer& the planned militar/ terminolog/ inoles termchoice& term polic/ 5ormulation& term polic/ codi5ication& term polic/ ela+oration& term polic/ implementation&and term polic/ ealuation. Such a code o5 militar/ terms& 5or e=ample was issued through militar/ pamphletsand uni5ied *ra+ dictionaries. *s an e=ample& old and recent terms are compiled into *ra+ic-0nglish& *ra+ic-Brench& and *ra+icRussian dictionaries to accommodate the deelopment o5 militar/ inentions& euipment&and weaponr/ within this 5ield.erminolog/ planning within militar/ 5ield is inestigated regarding the classi5ication o5 Faldau5 @ Aaplen

    (2''# as 5ollows*=>=9: & legal )2 &administratie, "ommuni"atie& and maintenan"e that are translated into *ra+ic as 2*j9: k*53:)=9: k%/:S:respectiel/.b. Acquisition Term Planning

    In order to understand militar/ terms& militar/ courses are gien to militar/ personnel at all leels in the militar/academies and in their militar/ units. he/ are taught regarding their speci5ied +ranches at the militar/ 5ield. Bore=ample

  • 8/13/2019 The Impact of Language Planning, Terminology Planning, And Arabicization, On Military Terminology Planning and


    Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

    ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!"# ($nline

    %ol.#& No.1"& 2'1#


    he researcher suggested the 5ollowing research