The Ideal Fat Loss Workout Let me go ahead and start fresh here. First of all, I want to thank each and every person for participating in this webinar tonight. I want to tell you that you are part of something that’s just going to be absolutely phenomenal. This is literally life changing information and I’m just extremely, extremely happy to be in a position to share this with you. So, let’s go ahead and get this started. I do want to tell you that tonight we’re not just talking about fat loss workouts. We’re really talking about the ideal fat loss workout. And before we get going, for anybody who doesn’t fully understand my background, I want to take just a little bit of time to explain who I am and maybe why I might be qualified to share this kind of information with you. So, let’s go ahead and discuss that. First of all, I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy. So, I specialize in rehabilitation, joint health, that kind of thing from that end, avoiding surgery, conservative pain management, these sorts of things. I’m also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. That’s what the CSCS is. That, in a less long-winded way, means that I really can help people get strong quickly and effectively and safely. I’m also a Health and Fitness Specialist through the American College of Sports Medicine, which means that I work well with people that might have other conditions affecting their health and fitness situation, like diabetes, heart disease, that sort of thing. I’d like to pride myself on the ability to really, truly be able to take advantage and offer the best programs possible for those people as well as just the general clientele. My undergraduate degree is in Kinesiology and Kinesiology’s a fancy way of saying the study of human movement. That is really…I guess the long and short of it is that sort of makes me an expert in human movement. That’s what I want to impart upon you tonight, is how to become an expert in your own body and how to apply that to fat loss techniques and scenarios so that you can get the best result possible. So, let’s go ahead and get started. 1

The Ideal Fat Loss Workoutd38744ave4uqth.cloudfront.net/The Ideal Fat Loss Workout.pdf · 2009. 12. 11. · Ninja Fat Loss Technique. Yes, “Trademarked”. Here we go. Let’s talk

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Page 1: The Ideal Fat Loss Workoutd38744ave4uqth.cloudfront.net/The Ideal Fat Loss Workout.pdf · 2009. 12. 11. · Ninja Fat Loss Technique. Yes, “Trademarked”. Here we go. Let’s talk

The Ideal Fat Loss Workout

Let me go ahead and start fresh here. First of all, I want to thank each and every person for participating in this webinar tonight. I want to tell you that you are part of something that’s just going to be absolutely phenomenal. This is literally life changing information and I’m just extremely, extremely happy to be in a position to share this with you. So, let’s go ahead and get this started.

I do want to tell you that tonight we’re not just talking about fat loss workouts. We’re really talking about the ideal fat loss workout. And before we get going, for anybody who doesn’t fully understand my background, I want to take just a little bit of time to explain who I am and maybe why I might be qualified to share this kind of information with you. So, let’s go ahead and discuss that.

First of all, I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy. So, I specialize in rehabilitation, joint health, that kind of thing from that end, avoiding surgery, conservative pain management, these sorts of things. I’m also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. That’s what the CSCS is. That, in a less long-winded way, means that I really can help people get strong quickly and effectively and safely. I’m also a Health and Fitness Specialist through the American College of Sports Medicine, which means that I work well with people that might have other conditions affecting their health and fitness situation, like diabetes, heart disease, that sort of thing. I’d like to pride myself on the ability to really, truly be able to take advantage and offer the best programs possible for those people as well as just the general clientele.

My undergraduate degree is in Kinesiology and Kinesiology’s a fancy way of saying the study of human movement. That is really…I guess the long and short of it is that sort of makes me an expert in human movement. That’s what I want to impart upon you tonight, is how to become an expert in your own body and how to apply that to fat loss techniques and scenarios so that you can get the best result possible. So, let’s go ahead and get started.


Page 2: The Ideal Fat Loss Workoutd38744ave4uqth.cloudfront.net/The Ideal Fat Loss Workout.pdf · 2009. 12. 11. · Ninja Fat Loss Technique. Yes, “Trademarked”. Here we go. Let’s talk

Tonight I’m going to be showing you stuff like you’ve never seen before. We’re talking about something really, really great here. Forgive me; let’s just take a look here. I think I actually loaded the wrong presentation for you, as luck would have it. Excuse me one moment. I’m going to go ahead and pause my screen for a moment.

All right, game on. Here we are, back again. Check it out. We’re talking about the ideal fat loss workout and what goes into that. There’s a specific design, a specific system that yields the best results every single time and I’m going to share with you that exact system tonight.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the foundations for fat loss. Number one, you want to alternate push and pull. We’ll get into glorious details about exactly that. Number two, you want to alternate high intensity and low intensity in your workouts to produce the optimal result. That pretty much means you’re going to have to build in active rest periods. We’ll talk about exactly what that means. Third, we’re going to discuss EPOC, which is a fancy way of saying Excess Post-Oxygen Consumption, which means your body continues to burn up calories for the next days or hours or up to 48 to 72 hours beyond your exercise program, because fat loss doesn’t happen in the gym. Fat loss happens out of the gym and we’ll talk about exactly how to accomplish EPOC and be able to get the best possible result in your workouts as a result of that.

Now, I do want to just confirm that you guys are able to see that my slide is now advanced to Foundations for Fat Loss. So, I’m going to go ahead and reduce it. Sherry, would you please confirm that, because I’m not seeing it on my other screen right now. Yeah, you guys are up. I’m seeing it live. All right perfect.

So, when we’re talking about his, compound movements are very, very important, meaning two joints or more are moving in any given movement. Compound movements are the key to increasing metabolic demand with each and every exercise you do. We’ll talk about what a compound movement is, how to incorporate it into your exercise program and why each and every exercise that you do in Double Edged Fat Loss is a compound movement when it comes to burning up fat in the fastest, most intensity-driven way possible.


Page 3: The Ideal Fat Loss Workoutd38744ave4uqth.cloudfront.net/The Ideal Fat Loss Workout.pdf · 2009. 12. 11. · Ninja Fat Loss Technique. Yes, “Trademarked”. Here we go. Let’s talk

We’ll talk about the fact that you want to exercise four days a week maximum when it comes to fat loss. And finally, and most importantly, we’re going to discuss my Ninja Fat Loss Technique. Yes, “Trademarked”.

Here we go. Let’s talk about push/pull alternation. Get ready for some fantastic information. We want to build into our workout program super sets, giant sets, reciprocal inhibition, muscle pump for circulation, upper/lower body alternation, decreased impact in the joints. Yeah, sure Dr. K, but what does that really mean in English?

Okay, let’s break it down. Super sets equal two exercises back-to-back before you take a rest break. Simple enough, right? There’s no struggle there in understanding that. It’s two exercises back-to-back before you take a rest break. For example, bicep curls and tricep extensions, then you rest. Okay?

Giant sets, three to five exercises before you take a rest break; circuits being your entire exercise program before you take a rest break and start over again. Reciprocal inhibition, now we’re talking about alternating muscle groups. So, for example, working equal and opposite muscle groups in y our fat loss program in alternation.

Reciprocal inhibition is a term that comes from neural and physical therapy that I actually, during my time studying it, started to apply it to fitness. You see, I was given this amazing opportunity to start a fitness business while I was living in Miami, Florida and I was still studying for my Doctor in Physical Therapy. This fitness business served corporate wellness as well as personal training. At the time I was learning concepts in my class and I was saying, “All right, that makes sense for rehab, but what if we could just take this info, make it tangible towards fitness instead and then just get abnormally ridiculous fat loss results?” So, you have to understand the things we’re going to talk about tonight are like nothing you’ve ever heard before.

Reciprocal inhibition sounds crazy, sounds fancy, but what’s it really mean? It means going from biceps to triceps. It means going from lats to chest. It means going from quads to hamstrings. Equal and opposite muscles. If one muscle extends you knee and the other one bends it, then you’re going to work those back-to-back. And by


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doing that, you see, neurologically you turn off the equal and opposite muscle. That is to say, my tricep makes my elbow go straight. It extends my arm. So, if my bicep bends my elbow and makes my elbow flex and my tricep extends my elbow and straightens my arm, then naturally, from using my tricep, my bicep is “off”. Right? Neurologically, my body knows, don’t work right now, biceps. You’ll get in the way and you’ll create this sort of rigidity of motion that ends up in this bounce-back scenario. Naturally your body knows not to contract both muscles together unless it’s given a specific stimulus to do so.

So, let me ask you a question. If you want to rest, are you better of resting by just doing nothing, or are you better off resting by turning the signal off to the muscle to begin with? Think about that again. Have you ever walked out of the gym before with a pumped-up feeling and been like, “Yeah, I got a killer workout. That’s great!” Well, say goodbye to that. You could walk out with a fatigued feeling, you would walk out with a drained feeling, you could walk out with an energetic feeling, but say goodbye to that pump-up feeling because that means you forgot your second set.

If you haven’t turned off that neurological signal to your muscle, you’re missing out on fat loss in the greatest way possible and I’m going to tell you right now, you need to work on the program and make sure that you’re getting an adequate burn-out of the equal and opposite exercise.

See, if you can neurologically turn off the signal to that muscle, you can stop a contraction right there, right then. And if you stop a contraction right there, right then, and you work the equal and opposite muscle, you start driving circulation all the way through to begin with, you enhance muscle repair, you build muscle more easily and you result in an increased level of your metabolism.

That’s what this comes down to. How can you create a metabolic shift through your training program the likes of which cannot be compared to anything anybody’s seen before? Well, considering your neurological system or your nervous system is like the command center for your entire body, it only makes inherent sense to suggest that what you want to do is start working neuro first, then muscular second. It’s this neuromuscular connection that’s going to end in you getting the optimal contraction from every muscle you target in every workout you do.


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It’s this neuromuscular connection that’s going to determine when your fatigue point happens; and it’s this neuromuscular connection that’s going to determine whether or not your nerve gets tired before your muscle, which stops your muscle from ever being able to get adequate supply and adequate strength is needs to grow.

Now, I know you might be thinking, “Well, I don’t want to get bulky,” and we’ll cover that in another webinar. But, in the mean time, don’t worry about it, because we’re not getting bulky until then. All right? Right now, just follow the instructions. I’ll tell you exactly how you modify that. Double Edge Fat Loss is not set up to make you bulky to begin with and it’s not a concern. It’s set up to make you lean, shredded, ridiculous fat loss results and I can’t wait to give that to you.

So, again, we want to do at least two exercises back-to-back without a rest break. In the case of Double Edge Fat Loss, you’re seeing giant set scenarios. Giant sets of the three to five exercises without a rest break, in Double Edge Fat Loss you see five. You see squat, push, lunge, pull, plank. That’s a five exercise giant set. Now, let’s talk about why it’s set up that way, utilizing reciprocal inhibition.

Squat and lunge are equal opposites. Push and pull are equal opposites and plank just makes sure that you’re core is still with you and ready for the next set. There’s another thing that’s not listed here with the push/pull alternation and we’ll definitely come back to it. But, we’re going to use all three energy systems; that’s your ATP-PC. A really fancy way of saying that is the Adenosine Triphosphate Phosphocreatine system, which is just that zero to two second burst of energy that you can have. Anaerobic meaning oxygen deprived, that’s usually zero to sixty seconds that you can be using anaerobic and above sixty seconds it typically aerobic and we’ll be utilizing that in every giant set in Double Edge Fat Loss, too.

By using all three energy systems, you’re gassing your body in every way possible. Yeah, that’s true. And be ready for this, because we’re doing it and we’re doing it in a very serious way which means 30 days from today, we’re going to have to back-off a little bit. Let your body recover because we’ve utilized every energy system for 30 days straight to optimize and incinerate the fat inside of your body.


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We’ll come back to the energy system conversation, but I want you to understand, reciprocal inhibition it taken into account because the squat and lunge turn into opposites and because the push and pull turn into opposites. That reciprocal inhibition is what provides the adequate rest to that muscle group to allow that stimulus to exist just a little while longer for one exercise and then rest completely before going to the following exercise or the following giant set.

I hope that’s making sense to you, because that’s a huge concept. Long and short of it: equal and opposites. Okay? Long and short of giant sets: put a bunch of exercises together, then rest. Long and short of specifically why Double Edge Fat Loss is set up this way: we’re taxing all three energy systems through a five exercise giant set; those energy systems being, the fastest possible, almost the fastest possible and then the slow endurance one. Plain and simple.

We also want with the push and pull alternation to be able to benefit from the muscle pump system for circulation. As many of you probably know, arteries deliver blood down to your extremities or like to your feet, for example, and hands. And veins carry that blood back up to your heart after the oxygen’s gone. So, everybody knows venous return, right? You may have heard that term in the past. Venous return is blood returning to your heart to be able to pump back out, be pumped back out through your arterial system and get more oxygen and more blood to more muscles and more joints. That makes sense.

So, what is the muscle pump system? Well, think about your calves, these big rocks, massive, just muscle. They can literally pump the blood all the way back up to your heart, no problem at all, and be able to truly allow you to…I don’t know, just assist your venous system so that you can pump blood more effectively and more efficiently out to your heart every single time. And that’s the thing. If you’re venous system doesn’t have to work as hard, then you’re going to end up in a scenario where you can totally end up getting better blood flow from every heartbeat that you have. And by getting better blood flow from every heartbeat that you have, you’re going to end up getting better results in the gym. Your muscles won’t tire as quickly, they’ll heal more quickly and you’ll just in generally improve your health. You also have better adrenaline release and better endorphin release so that you won’t feel pain the same way.


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Through your muscle pump system you’re decreasing the work of your venous system so you can enhance the work of other systems. Let’s say that again. Through utilizing a muscle pump system, by using equal and opposites, like you can imagine sort of a water-pump sort of pumping from one side and drawing the air out and then back in. Well, this time you’re drawing the blood out and back in. You’re taking stress away from the venous system so that more emphasis can be placed on the arterial, which is what’s driving energy into your joints and into your muscles to begin with, to stimulate fat loss.

Let’s also talk about upper/lower body alternation. We’re talking about going from, for example, squat to upper body push. By going from upper body to lower body or lower body to upper body what you’re doing it providing a little bit more rest period before you go for your reciprocal inhibition set of the equal and opposite, from your push to your pull or your squat to your lunge. By doing that, you’re allowing the signal to get to the muscle a little while longer to really benefit from, in the greatest way possible for that ideal timeframe, that pumped-up feeling you can feel. You’re allowing that area to receive just a little bit extra neurological signal while the benefit’s still there and then you’re turning off the neurological signal because it’s the ideal time to do so.

It’s funny, you know, because I talked about Double Edge Fat Loss being this discovery of fat loss in a way that I’ve never seen before and something that I stumbled upon and it’s true. It really came down to, before I would have gone immediately into reciprocal inhibition. Before, I would have done more super sets without the giant sets. Before, I would have worked one energy system per workout. And when I put all this information together, and I allow three plains of movement, side-to-side, forward/backwards and transverse, like rotational, as soon as I put all that information together, low and behold, we got better results, by two fold of anything that I’ve ever seen in the fat loss or fitness industry before. And I sure hope that you guys, you ladies, you gentlemen are able to prove me wrong and show me it’s three fold.

The exercise potential contained in your workouts is sick. It’s crazy and it’s something that is going to produce abnormally fast fat loss results because of very proven, scientific rationale and a strategy that beats all of the rest.


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By alternating upper and lower body, you’re increasing signal for those squat muscles, quads and gluts, for just a little while longer while you’re going to your pushing set and then you go to your lunge, turn off the signal completely, because now it’s time to begin the recovery process for the following giant set. And that’s so important, right? You don’t want these muscles on for the rest of the day. You’re not going to get as much out of the next set, one; and number two, you’re going to be walking around awkward and in pain, and number three, when your muscles are on for the rest of the day, they’re pre-shortened, squeezing blood out and they’re not getting oxygenated in the way they need because blood carries oxygen. So, how in the heck are they supposed to heal?

The upper/lower body alternation mixed with muscle pump and reciprocal inhibition creates this ideal fat loss environment and scenario where your body can get any result you want. Also, taking a look at the push/pull alternation, some of the benefits, let’s talk about decreased impact into joints. By always balancing muscles around the joint, muscles that you emphasize today is strength and the opposites is endurance. Tomorrow may be the opposite scenario. By doing exactly that, you’re balancing muscles around a joint, creating an equal line of pull on both sides. So, instead of thinking about having biceps and small triceps or vice versa, now you’re getting equal pull on your humerus, your upper arm bone, from both sides, which holds it in joint and decreases the impact. The benefits are endless, but this is only the beginning. With a push/pull alternation in a fat loss program, you’re in for a treat.

The next thing that I want to talk to you about is high intensity and low intensity. Alternating high intensity and low intensity, for one, allows you to focus on strength in a certain muscle group and endurance in another. Number two, it allows a shock effect to take place. See, your body wants to adapt to any demand you place upon it. If you give it an opportunity to, I promise you, it will adapt. Again, there are fancy terms that are out there, it’s called homeostasis or an equilibrium in your body that it’s constantly trying to achieve.

That’s why marathon runners can run so painlessly and so well and so gracefully for 26 miles straight and in the Olympics, at five freakin’ minute miles. I mean, come on, right? That sounds like sprinting to most of us, because their body is no longer shocked by 14, 15, 18, 22 miles in. Their body has adapted and created an equilibrium and their


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running protocol is purposefully similar day to day and only changes on a weekly or biweekly basis. The reason for this is they’re trying to create homeostasis. They’re trying to create equilibrium so their body doesn’t interpret these long hours of running as stress. Instead, it says this is my daily activity. I can adapt and I’ll be fine. I know you’ve seen this example in other things in your life, so just think hard, realize it and it happens.

So, we want to always have a shock effect. By alternating high intensity and low, and mixing and matching then that happens, our body’s like, “Whoa! What did you do? I have no idea!” So, it’s always guessing, so what does it do? It burns more energy. And if it burns more energy and you feed it more energy, it’s going to burn off the fat! It’s going to take the fat right away and incinerate it just like I said.

The next thing I want to talk to you about is adequate rest for the next set or exercise. You see, if you don’t take proper rest periods, if you don’t alternate intensities, then you’re losing out on the second set, third, fourth and fifth. You’ll notice that there are four giant sets in every Double Edge Fat Loss workout. The reason for this is you really want to do two to five sets, four being a really good number for time management reasons as well as just decreased risk of injury as compared to five.

Let’s talk about what each set does. Now, I want you trying equally hard right from the start, because you’re warming up to a point where your body’s completely heated to begin with. So, it’s okay to go hard right from the beginning. However, I will tell you what you’re doing is the first set; you’re warming up the tissue with that movement, no matter what. I mean, go hard because you’re doing a more effective job of it. The second set, you’re wearing out the tissue and the third set is your results set and your fourth set is your burnout set to make sure any muscle fibers that you missed get taxed and they get gassed right then, right there so that you get that effect that’s maximum from each and every workout that you do.

Remember, you’re not coming to the gym to just lollygag and move around. You’re coming to the gym to get stuff done. Think about it, you’re coming to the gym because you want to get healthy in the fastest, most efficient way possible. No more of this nonsense of talking to other people while you’re there or working out at home and thinking the TV can be on in the background. Get crazy! Focus! Go nuts! Wouldn’t


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you rather be hanging out with your family? Wouldn’t you rather be earning money? Wouldn’t you rather be out doing something that would be more entertaining instead of working out? Sure, you could take passion from it. But, wouldn’t you rather do that than sit here and workout forever?

So, if you’re going to be in a position to just sort of hang out at the gym, you’re wasting your time and you’re not going to get the result. You see, you’re providing too much rest in certain periods and not enough in others and your body learns to adapt as no big deal like any other activity of daily living.

By purposefully and strategically placing rest periods into your workout that are the right amount of time, and we’ll talk about how that’s determined, you’re immediately changing the benefit of your exercise program for the positive. You want to make sure to adequately rest a muscle group before you hit it again, or you’re not going to be able to get as much from it in the following set.

We also want to alternate high intensity and low intensity to add a cardiovascular component to weight training. The reason for this is, if you did high intensity all the time, there’s no cardiovascular component to what you’re doing because, well, you just fatigue out way too fast. Who could sprint 100 meters and then keep that pace forever? If you take a look in the Olympics in Track and Field, you watch them do the 100 meter race. They’re already decelerating by the end. They accelerate and decelerate. It’s like a bell curve. So, that’s in 100 meters. Can you imagine what you would do in 45 minutes if you tried to just accelerate the whole time? It just wouldn’t work and you wouldn’t get a cardiovascular benefit from it. It would be purely anaerobic and then you’d just be tired and/or pass out or vomit, which is not good. You don’t want to get to that point, but you do want to tease that margin sometimes.

However, by alternating high intensity and low intensity you can gain a cardiovascular benefit. In fact, it’s been shown, I think it’s the Jabali Studies recently, that have shown that 20 minutes of high intensity exercise…now, naturally you have to build in some low intensity rest periods into that, but 20 minutes of high intensity exercise yields up to two hours of high intensity cardiovascular work. So, by alternating these intensities and being able to produce great intensity on all your high intervals each time, you’re really going to get a lot more from it. And by having an alternate high


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and low intensity and focusing as going as low as possible on the low intensities, well now, now you’re actually producing an environment where you can hit it hard every single time when you get to your high intervals or your high intensity portion.

That leads us into interval training. This isn’t sounding too far off, is it? Your weight training program shouldn’t be. Interval training, many could say, is just a less efficient way of doing the same thing with weights. However, because they are different and because it’s a little bit more constant blood flow, a little bit more predictable environment and it’s a safe environment to move on a machine in interval training, we go ahead and do both because it’s effective and it’s a good strategy to shock your system.

When it comes to interval training, you want to do 30 seconds at 9 to 9 ½ out of 10 intensity. So, let’s define what 0 to 10 means. Zeros is lying in bed, doing nothing, open your eyes in the morning. Ten out of ten intensity is passing out fatigue. I’m saying 9 to 9 1/2, which means, be careful, get a doctor’s approval first. But, 9 to 9 ½ means blacking in or out. it means you’re going crazy! It means you’re doing as much as you possibly can in that high interval and the only way that you can successfully do that is by making sure that you’re going low enough in your low interval. Your low interval should be 30 to 90 seconds. In Double Edge Fat Loss you’ll see me do 30/30. There’s an argument for it.

However, if you’re having a hard time going from 9 ½ out of 10 intensity down to 2 to 3, 2 to 3 being like sort of crawling along the floor or a nice leisurely stand up out of bed and get moving, barely keeping a machine on if you’re on a cardio machine. If you’re not down to 2 to 3 out of 10 within like three seconds, because you’ve gone that easy that fast, then you’re going to need to carry it out for longer and recover a little bit more.

The point of your low intervals is to stimulate a better high interval. The number one mistake people make in interval training is not going low enough. Everybody knows to push hard. Everybody gets fired up. But, not everybody can get fired up and push hard enough to get the result that you deserve. It comes down to how slow can you go? And then, you’re going to be going so painfully slow that you’re waiting for the high interval, not the other way around. Usually, you’re waiting for the high interval to end so


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you can sort of recover and then you’re waiting for it to end so you can sort of recover. Not the way we’re going to do things. Absolutely not!

The way we’re going to do it is, you can’t wait for that lower interval to be over, because it’s painful to move this slow. You just want to get going. You want to sprint and when you do it this way, your fat loss results go through the roof. They’re going to absolutely skyrocket and you’re going to get a way better result for it. But, beware. If you’re doing this in a gym, people are going to look at you funny. They’re going to be like, why do you even spend time on that cardio machine if you’re going to go so slow? But, none of them, none of them will meet your intensity of your high intervals, ever, beyond their first one. But, you’re going to do it over and over and over again, and you’re going to get a better fat burning effect for it, because you’re going to consume all the oxygen that was in your body, going back to that EPOC scenario. We’ll talk about that some more. And your body is going to be replacing it for days to come. This works like gold! I know you can do it and it’s a great thing for you.

Let’s talk about EPOC; speak of the devil here! So, excess post-exercise consumption – EPOC. The body continues to consume oxygen following exercise. The reason for this is, if you deplete it of oxygen energy supplies as much as possible during your exercise period, your body’s trying to recover, trying to take care of that lactic acid, trying to take care of all the damage it’s been done. So, it’s trying to deliver oxygen because that’s the healer to your body throughout your exercise program, in order for your body to be able to heal in the best way possible.

So, your body continues to try to demand this oxygen and demand and demand and demand it, and that’s why it requires energy to consume it. Okay? And because it’s always demanding to try to get more where it doesn’t exist, because you’ve depleted your body of oxygen in these muscle groups, it takes more energy to deliver new oxygen from new body parts.

Well, energy use equals caloric expenditure, and caloric expenditure over a long period of time or prolonged caloric expenditure equals an after-burn effect. Again, it’s not about the calories you burn in the gym; it’s about the calories that you’re able to burn for every moment after you leave the gym. If you focus on that as your goal of


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your exercise program day in and day out, watch your fat just melt right off your body. It’s crazy.

I’ve been focusing on this, during an intense 30 day training program. I always keep myself in good shape. But, for the last 30 days, I’ve been getting ready for the DVD shoot for Double Edge Fat Loss. I’ve taken myself from 14 ½ % body fat down to 6 ½ % in a 30 day period. That’s unheard of and I didn’t do anything in terms of extreme dieting or anything else like that. In fact, I’ve never been anywhere near this. The lowest I’ve ever been was 9% before, and that’s when I was actually filming another website that I wanted to be sure that I was using all the methods and everything else. I have never been this low.

The reason I’m able to do it is because I focus on EPOC. I focus on my low intervals and that allows me to get the most out of my high intervals and I make sure that every program I use is part of the Double Edge Fat Loss method, because it is the ideal fat loss program, and it is the way for you to get the result that you deserve with each and every exercise session that you have.

Remember, by consuming more oxygen after your exercise program, you’re naturally going to lead to prolonged caloric expenditure and that is an after-burn effect that will serve you in the best way possible.

All right, compound movements, we’re talking about two or more joints moving at the same time. That means that you’re not doing just an ankle pump or a leg curl or a leg extension. You’re not doing just a bicep curl or a tricep extension. You’re moving more joints at once. You’re moving your elbow, wrist and hand. You’re moving your ankle, knee and hip. You’re moving your spine in as many places as possible and by doing that, think about your metabolism as something that’s constituted of many local metabolisms that equal your global metabolism as a whole.

Let’s go back over that again. Every joint in your body has a local metabolism, meaning that every joint requires a certain amount of energy to maintain itself. All of those local metabolisms combined in every joint combined constitutes your overall whole body metabolism or global metabolism. So, it makes intuitive sense to say that if we increase metabolic demand at more than one joint at once in every exercise


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movement that we do and we can involve as many joints as possible safely, then we’re going to increase metabolic demand from each and every exercise that we do and overall in a workout program. Think about how much that adds up to! The success, the results are exponentially larger when you can get your whole body moving as much as possible, but doing it in such a strategic way as to not fatigue out any one body part ahead of time.

When we’re talking about global versus local metabolism, you really have to think about every joint independently and so, you want to try to get them all involved. If you get them all involved you’re naturally going to get way better results.

Let’s talk about a whole body example of a squat thrust. A squat thrust is something you can see through in your exercise video database. Feel free to take a look. If you haven’t seen that section yet, there’s over 425 different exercise videos that are up there for you for your reference so that you never plateau and you never get bored. I’m here to make sure that you get everything.

A whole body example of a squat thrust would be going from a standing position to a crouched position, kicking your legs back kind of like a donkey kick, spreading your legs apart, bring them back together, bringing your knees to your chest, standing up and jumping.

So, what did that involve? You used upper body to stabilize while our lower body was moving. You used lower body in/out squat movements and standing and jumping, and we got as many joints involved as possible, thereby raising many local metabolisms and having a much better change at raising our whole body or global metabolism.

Let’s talk about an upper body example of a compound movement; a push-up, right? Our wrists are being used, our elbows are being used and our shoulders are being used. Depending on your push-up position, you may or may not be using a whole lot of your wrist, although you could be if you’re doing push-ups on fists, for example, or if you’re shifting position and doing a push-up super-set. But, remember, you’re using at least elbow and shoulder.

In a lower body example, let’s talk about the squat. Now, you’re definitely using ankle, knee and hip. And in doing so, by using ankle knee and hip, you’re that much


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more likely to drive more local metabolism demand at each one of those joints and thereby affect your global or whole body metabolism.

So, do you see that sometimes you have to work just compound upper body movements, and sometimes you have to work just compound lower body movements and sometimes you want to utilize whole body movements. The reason for this is, the other things that we’re already talked about. Your body couldn’t possibly sustain high intensity the entire time. So, you couldn’t do a whole body. Your body couldn’t possibly get a rest break it needs with reciprocal inhibition with the opposite muscle group if you’re constantly doing whole body. So, sometimes it needs to be upper body/lower body alternations. Sometimes it needs to be upper body/upper body alternations. But, compound as often as possible, and that’s where you’re going to get the craziest and best result you can imagine.

Four days a week maximum for any good fat loss program. You want to get results; you do it four days a week. You don’t do more, you don’t do less. The reason is, there’s a possibility of over-training. You see, if you’re really taxing all three energy systems, if you’re really using ATP-PC anaerobic and aerobic energy systems, then you’re depleting your body of the energy sources it needs and it needs to recover. This will lead to overtraining which gives you a decreased training effect and increased risk of injury. You might be wondering whether or not you’re somebody that over-trains already. For some of you, this isn’t a concern at all. For others, it should be your number one concern.

Here’s a good sign. If your heart rate spikes immediately in your warm-up and you’re not sure why, it’s a good bet you’re overtraining and you need to back off for a little bit and warm-up slowly and decrease your amount of hours put into your exercise program for a temporary time period. If you’ve got chronic injuries that just continue to nag or it used to be your shoulder and now it’s your knee, and your knee goes to your ankle and your ankle goes to your hip; it’s a good bet that you’re overtraining.

Now, if your heart rate rises automatically when you’re doing your warm-up exercise program and you happen to be on birth control pills, I’ve seen clinically that this is a really common scenario and you need to teach your heart rate to adapt more successfully by using more steady state heart rate training, meaning starting at about


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40$ heart rate, keeping that for a designated time period, like two to five minutes, then going to 50 then going to 60 then going to 70 so that you regain control of your heart rate. That’s a different scenario and it doesn’t necessarily mean overtraining. That can just be a reaction to certain medications.

However, if you’re overtraining, that way this happens is it can happen with an hour of exercise, if you’ve never done anything; and it can happen with five hours of exercise if you’ve been doing four for the last year and you just upped the ante and go for five. And the way to tell is really, if you’re starting to get a decreased training effect, you’re starting to plateau but you keep variety in your program, you’ve started to increase risk of injury or you started to see you heart rate spike or your muscles fatigue our sooner when you think you should be getting strong.

Four days a week maximum means that you allow adequate time for a repair process to take place. Your body’s a natural healer. Whatever I do as a physical therapist to help a body heal is not nearly as good as creating a natural healing state in the body. If you can create an environment where the body can heal in the most ideal way possible, then you’ve created an environment that’s better than human.

Think about that. Put your body in an ideal healing scenario and let your body go to work. Well, we know with extreme demand, your body takes time to heal. That’s why it’s four days a week maximum. Let your body replenish those energy sources. Let your body repair the micro-tears that take place in muscles. Let your body get rid of the lactic acid and be prepared for the following workout on the following week.

Let’s go back in history again and talk about evolution. What happened after we caught game, after we caught the food? We feasted, right? We sat around for a little while until we got hungry again and we went for it again. Our bodies still remember that. So, we have to make sure that we do it. We’ve got to make sure that after we hunt real hard, we give our bodies a chance to repair.

In the lactic acid versus muscle tear example there are two competing theories or two schools of thought right now about why you get sore out there in the fitness industry. The American College of Sports Medicine supports both, so I do as well, at least they state both. Lactic acid is a byproduct of your energy cycle. Some of you may


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have heard of your Krebs Cycle, not important, but just something in case it sounds familiar. Lactic acid means that your body has stopped being able to optimally cycle through its energy and so it creates this byproduct or waste product to say, “Hey, we’re reaching a ceiling point or a stopping point before injury and I want you to turn off sooner.” So, it produces an acidic state in your body and that’s called lactic acid.

The point at which that happens is called your lactate threshold, which is like equivalent to your maximal oxygen uptake or sort of your exercise tolerance, would be an easy way to think about that. So, how long you can go with a certain level of intensity is your lactate threshold. Before lactic acid sets in, your body says, “Hey, I can’t take anymore.” Once the lactic acid sets in, your body sort of stops being able to produce the same quantity of intensity and you naturally will slow down. So, that’s one thought of why you get sore, is that acidic state in your muscles make you sore.

And another school of thought is muscle tear. Muscle tear is just as it sounds, except it’s not like a strain that you might commonly think of. It’s micro-tears in your muscle that you could imagine instead. These micro-tears are like no big deal unless you really tax them in the wrong way the next day. But, if you’re lifting for strength, for example, your muscles will naturally tear a little bit along the way. And in order to heal that, it takes energy, so that’s good, too.

Well, I really support both theories, both schools of thought. I think you do produce an acidic state when you reach a lactate threshold, which you’ll do in any good workout program. And I do think that your muscles try to heal and grow and when they try to heal and grow, I mean, it only sort of makes sense that cell division takes place. Your muscles sort of tear a little bit and then repair from there.

So, I really believe in both. It doesn’t really matter, but you want to make sure that you’re allowing that repair process to take place so that you can get the maximum benefit from each and every workout you do. There’s only one way to ensure that and that’s by making sure you don’t work out too much.

We also want to talk about the shock system value. Variety is king. In any exercise and nutrition program, variety is king. By mixing things up all the time, your body is like, “Woa! What hit me?” and it just reacts by getting rid of all the fat tissue, by


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getting rid of all that stuff and only working on lean muscle so that you have a higher energy output and you can do more the next time because it knows it wasn’t able to do enough this time. By producing inadequacy in each and every workout you do, you’re producing extreme success. Variety is king, never forget that.

Let’s talk about the skinny fat person and why variety is king. You know, this is sort of like a coined term after a while, this has come out. I don’t even know if I made it up or somebody else did. I really don’t know at this point, I’ve just sort of been using it for a while. But, the skinny fat person is the person you see in the gym and it may be you. The person you see in the gym that’s been running 45 minutes on the treadmill every single day for like 19 years straight, that you’ve been going to the gym so far, except, their body never changes. They’re not fat; at least they don’t appear it. They have a nice thin figure, but they’re not ever changing their body shape and they always feel a little bit heavy or they always feel a little bit inadequate versus the amount of work that they put in and they think it’s probably just their genes or they might look good on the outside but they’re just sort of flabby on the inside. They’ve got those turkey wings for triceps and the turkey gobbler for a neck and you can’t quite figure out why they don’t look more lean for the amount of time of exercise they’re doing.

Well, their body’s adapted to the same demand over time. They’re just running on a treadmill, 45 minutes, same speed, same incline, all the time, same heart rate. Your body starts to think, well, you’re a marathon runner and you’re chasing animals that have worse endurance, not just way better speed. So, we need to be able to keep you going for longer.

The skinny fat person has a harder time losing weight than the fat fat person. The reason for this is, people that are truly heavy end up building muscle mass just walking around to be able to support their body weight throughout the day. The skinny fat person has such a decreased ratio of muscle to fat, because of the fact that fat is high and muscle’s low, that their metabolism’s so low they have to work so long just to be able to raise their metabolism.

You see, because they don’t have variety, their muscles never learn to adapt and grow. Instead, they just work on endurance. Think about the marathon runner versus sprinter again. Who’s lean; who’s big? The sprinter’s lean and big, right? The


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marathon runner usually has 14, 15, 16 percent body fat, even in the Olympics. The sprinter might have 4 to 6. The difference lies in that sprint interval, that variety, that constant changing environment from high intensity to low produces leanness, gets people shredded. The marathon runner, on the other hand, maintains a higher body fat percentage despite extreme amounts of exercise and they turn into…well, if they weren’t running 26 miles all the time, they’d turn into somebody that becomes the skinny fat person, because their muscle mass goes down, your muscle builds endurance, it flattens out and your metabolism lowers in order to be able to be utilized as a survival skill.

All right, so on to my favorite part of all of this, Ninja Fat Loss. We’re talking about squat, push, lunge, pull, plank. That is the header right now and I want you to focus on it. It took me a while to come up with this and it’s just right. I don’t know what else to tell you. You know, I hope I don’t correct myself and come out with a program that’s twice as good, but by going from squat to push to lunge to pull to plank with your workout scenarios, your results are going to be way better. That’s all I have to say. Whether you’re doing strength, whether you’re anything else, fat loss, doesn’t matter. When it comes to really, truly getting the optimal fat loss result, you want to have this workout variety built-in.

What this comes down to is building muscular symmetry. Neurologically, your body wants to adapt to the demands or stresses you place upon it. However, it also wants to be developed in a certain fashion to reduce the risk of injury. By building symmetry around a joint, your body knows it’s time. It’s time to be able to build muscle successfully and raise my metabolism and burn off all that unnecessary fat. I no longer need this padding when I bump into things. I no longer need to be able to consume the belly fat that’s there in case I’m in starvation mode and winter’s coming around.

By building muscular symmetry and decreasing pain signals around your joints, your body’s no longer interpreting movement as the enemy and instead it’s interpreting movement as the solution. Build muscular symmetry by always including a giant set that hits all the muscles. It makes sense!

You also want to have a resistance training sort of scenario for a cardio effect. That’s the whole alternation of high intensity and low, taxing all the energy systems and


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you want to make sure that when you’re doing cardio you’re working hard for a constant time period. When you’re resistance training, you want to be able to have your heart rate up for that time period, too. You still want to get the cardiovascular benefit and when you’re working in the Ninja Fat Loss Technique, you’re getting exactly that.

Remember, you need to keep your heart rate elevated to gain the cardiovascular benefit. Sure, it can rise and fall, but overall it has to be a lot higher than sitting around. That’s what cardio used to do and that made sense. But now, we figured out how to do it with resistance training by having specific designated rest breaks, two minutes in between each giant set to allow adequate muscle recovery in order to replenish the ATP-PC, that quick system. It takes two minutes, at least, and sense that’s the first exercise every time, with squat being rapid squat, like as fast as you can go and craziness involving a whole lot of your body, you’re depleting that immediately, then you’re depleting anaerobic and you’re finishing off on aerobic before the end of the set because it goes longer than a minute.

So, what happens is, the ATP-PC system takes about four or five minutes to replenish completely, so you’re squatting until then, the first few seconds until then is about four or five minutes. That works. The second thing is that anaerobic. Well, the anaerobic system takes about two to three minutes to replenish, most the time, as long as you’re training properly. Well, considering the fact that the anaerobic system’s taxed up to 60 seconds into this giant set, and you have a two minute rest period, you’re safe. The aerobic system really replenishes pretty quickly, in about 30 seconds. So, we make sure that’s not actually the reason for the rest break, we make sure that you have that still in there and we just carryout your exercise program long enough by guaranteeing that you have a 30 second plank at the end of your giant set.

I hope that’s making sense. Also, in the Ninja Fat Loss Technique we use three planes of movement, forward/backward, side-to-side and rotational. We don’t just walk forward and do lunges that way. We don’t just do side-to-side stuff. We do rotational stuff, too, and then we combine them all into an exercise whenever possible.

We live in a 3D world and it’s time that we work out in a 3D way. Your body craves this and neurological adaptation will take place to allow better fat loss and better signaling to all the muscles in your arms and legs and everywhere else, if you just


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centralize your strength first. And by working all three planes of movement, you get a strong trunk, meaning your strong torso. And if you build a strong torso, then your body’s ready to take the demand when you go to do that heavy bicep curl and instead of backwards bending and hurting your back, it knows it’s safe and it’s ready to grow your biceps.

You need to make sure you’re working all three planes of movement, every angle possible and that you’re strengthening central first. Strengthen the trunk, focus there and your body will adapt. I like to give an example of three weeks to three months here. If I focused on bicep curls heavy for the next three weeks straight, and somebody else focused on trunk strengthening for the next three weeks straight, in three weeks from now, my biceps will be bigger than theirs. In three months from now, if we continued down that path and as soon as they had a strong trunk they started working on bicep curls and now they’re only doing it for maybe six weeks, but I’ve been working on bicep curls for the whole three months, I guarantee you their biceps would be bigger because they focused on the strength of their trunk first.

If you centralize your strength first, your body says, “I’m in a safe environment to grow.” You have to create this safe environment by speaking the language of your nervous system and allowing electricity to start close to your spinal cord to be able to stimulate muscle contraction and then expand out further and further to your extremities, to your arms, legs, hands and feet. If you do it in this order your body knows what to do and reacts as fast as possible.

In the Ninja Fat Loss Method, we also do heavy set and light set. By doing a heavy set and a light set, we’re allowing that high intensity/low intensity; we’re allowing strength with low repetitions and fast movements for those fast twitch fibers. In the light set, we’re using large repetitions or high repetitions and we’re going a little bit slower and we’re allowing those slower twitch fibers to be able to kick-in.

So, you might be asking, “Well, what’s a fast twitch fiber and what’s a slow?” More importantly, hit them all. Fast twitch fibers are fibers that primarily consume sugar and they’re your strength fibers. Slow twitch fibers, and this is a continuum, so there are in between. Slow twitch fibers are you aerobic fibers and they’re the ones that really have a lot of blood in them and that consume a lot more oxygen.


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So, when you’re considering really trying to design an exercise program, you need to understand that when you’re shooting for fat loss, you want to get as much muscle involved as possible, because muscle equals your metabolism. In order to do so, you have to have both fast twitch fibers and slow twitch fibers stimulated. By alternating between a heavy set and a light set, you naturally are going to stimulate both. In a light set you do what; more repetitions in order to be able to get to the point of fatigue. Well, if you’re doing more repetitions, you’re going for longer, you’re activating your slow twitch fibers and you’re doing them in a slow, controlled way. In your heavy set, what do you do? You try to get them done. So, those become your fast twitch, high growth fibers.

With Ninja Fat Loss we take long rest breaks. We talked about this for replenishing the three energy systems. If you replenish the three energy systems and you do it four times in your workout, it’s a sure bet your metabolism is going to be crazy for days to come. If you do this over time, over a six month period, that turns into a year and you just keep it up for a little while until your body adapts to this and creates a new equilibrium, but the new equilibrium is with a much higher metabolism, because every couple days you’re stimulating it to be higher and higher and higher. Your body adapts and it says, “Whoa! Now my metabolism needs to be higher. I need to be able to burn more energy throughout the day, because there’s all this demand and I need to adapt or I’m not going to survive.”

So, once you sort of carry this out for a while a metabolic shift takes place. It’s this very metabolic shift that allows you get away with eating foods that you didn’t use to. It’s the same thing that some people are born with that you can work for. It’s the same thing, though, that if you do work for, becomes your for a predictable time period, which should be the rest of your life.

We talked about fast twitch and slow twitch; now let’s talk about three speeds of movement. By going sprint, by going sort of fast and by going kind of slow, you work all three energy systems. That’s the easiest way to process that information. By working all three energy systems, again what you end up doing is you end up burning the most from every workout you possibly can and shocking your system in the greatest way possible.


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Ladies and gentlemen, fat loss comes down to simple strategies that when put together produce an optimal fat burning environment. I’m here to ensure that you get the best fat loss result in the world and I want to guarantee this. But, it takes strategically understanding how to build your own workouts.

The first step of all is squat, push, lunge, pull, plank. Sub in any squat; sub in any push; sub in any lunge; sub in any pull; sub in any plank. Put it in this order and then take a two minute rest and do it again; and do it again and do it a fourth time. If you do this, you will get great results and you won’t plateau because you’re going to have a shock value effect. Sometimes go fast, sometimes go really slow and sometimes go medium pace. Your body won’t know what to do and it will crave more muscle to be able to accommodate this amount of stress. It will burn through more oxygen and it will ask for more in days to come. That is EPOC.

This is not hard stuff. It’s simple. It’s not rocket science. Think about cavemen and cavewomen, but it takes strategy. It takes the correct method and it takes an ability to reset your mind to believe that this time it’s possible, because it’s a simple equation that can be balance on both sides so long as I understand what the variables are.

I’m Dr. K, or Dr. Kareem Samhouri and I’m thrilled to be here with you, to present to you both the Ideal Fat Loss Workout and the Ninja Fat Loss Method that defined Double Edge Fat Loss and created this to begin with.

At this point, I’d love to be able to answer any questions that people have, otherwise we’re going to just go ahead and end the webinar. I want to thank each and every one of you for attending tonight. You truly are part of something special and it’s you that makes it so special. So, thank you so much for being here with me.

Did anybody have any questions? If you do, I’m going to go ahead and un-mute everybody. Excuse me, I’ll go ahead and un-mute you if all you do is just raise your hand, which can be done just by typing in anything up to a letter. I will un-mute you one at a time and answer your questions.

Okay, Sherry, you went ahead and asked me whether or not there are pictures for each exercise. I’m going to go ahead and un-mute you so you and I can have an opportunity to discuss this one. I think that’s a great question. And then, Sherry, I also


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see another Sherry who’s raised their hand. We’ll go ahead and address both these questions. The first one is about whether or not there are pictures for the exercise program.

Okay, it does not appear to be allowing me to un-mute it; sorry guys. Technology is usually a forte for me, but apparently seems to not be working the way I’d like it to tonight in terms of un-muting it. So, let me go ahead and answer that question. There are a couple of pictures of each exercise. Yes, next to each giant set you’ll see that there are split images of the exercises. That should hopefully serve as a great reminder for you and I would hope that that would help you.

The other thing is, if you’re watching on an iPod or an iPhone, or your computer, just go ahead and pause it after each exercise. The amount of timer per transition to be able to alternate the exercises should be fine in terms of being able to still get the maximal benefit. I know the transition time in the beginning takes a little bit of extra time, but you guys are doing the workout twice each time and you’ll get adapted to it as time goes by. That’s been a concern for others, but I promise it hasn’t really affected the overall effect of the exercise program. So, great question. You will get the max fat loss, don’t worry too hard. The poor oxygen to the brain during the workout; I’m with you. I totally understand, but you will do well with it.

The other Sherry has raised her hand, so let’s go ahead and address this. What question did you have for me? Would you be kind enough to write that in? Oh, there it is. “Should I do any kind of exercise like walking on the days off?”

Great question, Sherry, I’m really glad you asked. The answer to that question is, light cardio, light movement is good just for keeping the healing state in your body. Some people really benefit from that from a flexibility standpoint, too, so, no problem with that, but not necessary. More than anything, I want you to just start to encourage yourself to build and active lifestyle where you crave some sort of activity that allows you to sort of draw more circulation to your body, create a better healing state and better thinking environment for yourself, too. So, that would be my comment on that and hopefully that’s helpful. Did I answer your question? Perfect! I’m glad I answered that question.


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Anybody else have any questions for me? I’d be glad to answer them. Don’t worry if you can’t think of anything. Lots of people end up like a little bit bashful or something in this situation, but it’s a totally…just all of the barriers are removed right here. It’s a totally low key environment. I’m glad to answer your questions. It’s not a big deal. I know we have quite a few people on this webinar, but if you don’t have any right now, that’s probably a good sign that I did some things right here. But, I’m very happy to spend the time with you. So, did you have any other questions for me; anything I can help you with?

We’ll give that about 10 more seconds. If I don’t see anything come in then I’m going to bid you good night, and thank you so much for participating. Keep kicking ass this week. Just keep kicking butt! I know you can do it! Reach deep inside, redefine difficult. It’s about intensity and ways that you body’s never seen before. Shock your system with every workout and be proud of every single thing that you accomplish. This is about really changing you for the better and being able to do it by producing a level of intensity and dedication like nothing you’ve ever had before. The best results in the world come from the best efforts and I know you’re capable; it’s just a question of reaching deep enough inside to make it happen.

So, I haven’t seen any other questions come in. I want to thank everybody sincerely for attending tonight. I want to tell you I really look forward to speaking with you again on Wednesday. Have a great night.