THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. www.talentelle.com Hi there, I am pleased to invite you to the Ideal Career workshop, delivered every month in Montreal. For details and to register, please contact me at [email protected] . Originally called Career Brainstorming and created in August 2005, this workshop has been taught at McGill University in the Desautels Faculty of Management to help students clarify their intentions and encourage them to jumpstart a career based on their passion. This powerful and practical workshop is a MUST for anyone who wants a career or business based on what truly excites him or her. Below is a sample of what you will learn, based on over 5 years of full-time research and practice that I've passionately engaged in. Enjoy and see you at the next seminar! For details, please visit http://idealcareer.eventbrite.com. All the best, Peter Nguyen [email protected] Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved. 1

THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP...2010/06/02  · THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. Hi there, I am pleased

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Page 1: THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP...2010/06/02  · THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. Hi there, I am pleased

THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOPUpdated: October 7, 2010

By Peter NguyenStrategic consultant and co-founderTalentelle Inc.www.talentelle.com

Hi there,

I am pleased to invite you to the Ideal Career workshop, delivered every month in Montreal. For details and to register, please contact me at [email protected].

Originally called Career Brainstorming and created in August 2005, this workshop has been taught at McGill University in the Desautels Faculty of Management to help students clarify their intentions and encourage them to jumpstart a career based on their passion.

This powerful and practical workshop is a MUST for anyone who wants a career or business based on what truly excites him or her.

Below is a sample of what you will learn, based on over 5 years of full-time research and practice that I've passionately engaged in.

Enjoy and see you at the next seminar!

For details, please visit http://idealcareer.eventbrite.com.

All the best,

Peter [email protected]

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.1

Page 2: THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP...2010/06/02  · THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. Hi there, I am pleased


The Ideal Career – a life of passion, purpose and profit

When it comes to a career philosophy, you either believe Rod Stewart (“Everybody needs passion!”) or Tina Turner (“What's love got to do with it?”).

In other words, over and above SPECIFIC career choices (e.g. become a doctor, an architect, an engineer, etc.), there is the META-CHOICE: you either choose to do what you love and are passionate about, or you choose to do what pays the bills.

So what will it be? Do you choose LOVE or MONEY?

Please note, by the way, that love will lead to money – if you totally invest your heart and soul and mind into your work. But money will not necessarily lead to love.

Later on, we'll explore in detail the 6 steps that take you from Passion to Profit.

So let's get back to the meta-choice: either you choose LOVE or you choose MONEY. In other words, you either go where the money is, or you go where your heart is.

Both are valid choices, so there's no judgment whatsoever. But you will benefit greatly if you are CONSCIOUS about these two radically different choices.

Some people will say, “Well, I'd prefer to choose a career based on my passion, but I have no choice. I have to pay the bills.”

I would like to gently point out that we ALWAYS have a choice. What we sometimes lack, is courage.

Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, once wrote: “Whenever you see a successful business, it means that someone once made a courageous decision.”

Notice, by the way, that the word “courage” comes from the French word “coeur”, which means heart.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.2

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In short, the meta-choice is where you either choose to follow your heart (and it DOES take courage!), or you choose to follow your head.

A synonym for courage, is confidence. Often, people don't have enough confidence to launch their ideal career. And that is totally okay.

So what people will do, is take jobs to acquire skills and build some confidence. Of course, a job also pays the bills so one's confidence grows in the financial area as well.


Without passion, you will have to work HARD. And in today's global economy, competition is intense and will force you to work HARDER AND HARDER.

If your heart is not engaged in your work, your head will have to perform double duty – and that is very hard.

Stress and illness often accompany work performed without passion and enthusiasm. Stress and illness, sometimes of a severe kind, result from CONFLICTED ENERGIES: on the one hand, you have the energy of desire going in one direction, and on the other hand, you have the energy of your beliefs which tell you that you can't make enough money from your passion (or you're not good enough to make a living from your passion, etc.).

These two energies (desire and belief) are like your biceps and triceps: if you try to flex both muscles, you can't!

The Ideal Career seminar helps you to reconcile these two energies, by aligning your beliefs with your desires.

We use a framework called the DBO, for Desire-Belief Optimization. It's a progressive way of aligning your beliefs with your desire, so you always feel confident that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. There is no stress, only the blissful flow of stretching yourself and realizing more of your potential – at your own pace.

Without the DBO, people might have too much desire (and too little belief in

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.3

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themselves), and that leads to frustration.

Or, they might have too much confidence in themselves, but too little desire, which leads to boredom.

The DBO framework adds spice to your work life – but not too much! Just enough spice to make your work more fun, more lively!

WHAT IS “WORK”? But what is work, anyways?

In his little book, The Economics of Innocent Fraud, John Kenneth Galbraith bemoaned the vagueness of the word “work.” He observed that both the hospital janitor and the skillful surgeon refer to their job as “work,” yet one is performing brute, repetitive work while the other is engaged in what could be considered an artistic performance of remarkable precision.

Paradoxically, the surgeon who loves his skillful work, is paid much more than the janitor for whom work is merely a means to an end – to make money to pay the bills.

That is precisely the ultimate goal of the Ideal Career teachings: to help you become a performing artist who enjoys work for its own sake. The money, then, has no choice but to flow in response to such an abundant feeling of enjoying oneself in the act of performing self-absorbing and fascinating work!

In other words, how you treat yourself emotionally (by choosing work that you LOVE) will instruct the world so it treats you financially in the same manner.

To put it bluntly, the more you love your work and show it, the more you get paid! It's that simple.

Today, however, the sad reality is that “work” -- for the overwhelming majority of mankind – is merely a euphemistic word for a social and legal arrangement where you give your all to a business organization, and they give you just enough to survive (and pay the mortgage and living expenses) so you are forced to come back and continue to do work that doesn't really fulfill you or excite you.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.4

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But how do you REALLY know whether your current work is what you love to do, or what you are obligated financially to do?

The test is simple: Suppose you won the lottery tomorrow. Would you quit your job?If so, then your current job is NOT the work you were meant to do in this life.A similar but perhaps more poignant test is, suppose you were diagnosed with an illness and had only 5 years to live. Would you continue to do your job, or would you quit in order to enjoy life as much as possible, in the short time you have on planet Earth?

I know that the above two scenarios are rather extreme, but they can serve as powerful thought experiments to clarify your intentions and allow your TRUE feelings to come out, without the veil of conventional thinking clouding your thoughts.

If you discover that you are currently not doing the work you would love to do, then that is great news, because you have become self-aware and are ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime!

You might fret at the idea of having to generate income from your passion (which might, right now, only be a profitless hobby). But I guarantee you that passion is always financially sustainable.

The reason why it seems difficult to make money from one's passion, is NOT because there is no money out there or no money in your passion.

It is because there is no faith and no courage in you.

Don't worry, you are not alone. The overwhelming majority of human beings on planet Earth are experiencing the same struggle.

Fortunately, this is not a big problem. You only have to trust yourself more. As your trust in your heart grows stronger, Life will become easier and wealth – no matter how you define it and in what quantity – will flow into your life, to support you so you can do MORE of what you love to do.

One technique we teach in the Ideal Career workshop, is the Spotlight game, where

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.5

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you are encouraged to do – at any time – what feels exciting to you.

The more you develop the reflex of doing what excites you, the more excitement opportunities Life will give you. Life doesn't waste resources or opportunities, so it will only give excitement opportunities to people who are READY to act on them.

The feeling of excitement, is simply an indicator that you are aligned with your true self.

This is why kids are so happy and so lovable: they are always aligned with their true self.

As you courageously become MORE of the unique you and you fearlessly proclaim to the world who you TRULY are, the world WILL support you.

How much the world supports you, is ONLY a reflection of how much you clearly support yourself.

The more confidence you have in yourself, the more confidence the world will have in you.

Life will simply reflect the love you have for yourself. That's why it is SO IMPORTANT to always think and act in a way that CLEARLY shows how much love you have for yourself.

Unconditional self-love is one of the major lessons we need to learn in these times of awakening and accelerated evolution. As you love yourself more, you will naturally become more imaginative, more creative, and thus you will be able to create more and more solutions, products and services to offer to others.

You thus activate within you the energy of love which flows to others, and in return, they send love back to you – in the form of support, money, resources, opportunities, etc. That's how the universe works: energy must flow from you to the world, before the world can flow back the energy to you.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.6

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All change starts with you, for you create your whole life – one step at a time, one detail at a time, one preference at a time.


A word of caution: you might not be able to quit your regular job and immediately embark on your ideal career. It's not that such a “radical” approach is not feasible or possible; it's just that doing so would conflict with your current belief system, and therefore introduce stress and conflict into your life.

So it is better to be progressive and do it step by step.

That is, keep your regular job, but begin your ideal career slowly. For example, spend 2 to 5 hours every week on your ideal career.


We live in a Western civilization whose very foundation is based upon scientific truth. That is, most people are culturally “trained” to only believe what they can see (or smell, touch, hear, etc.).

The Ideal Career approach does not deny scientific truth or facts. But it invites people to start with subjective truth.

That is, start by acknowledging how you FEEL. Know when you feel good and when you feel bad.

Being sensitive to your feelings and emotions, and being open to their guidance, is absolutely critical to successfully realizing your ideal career.

If you don't feel joy in your current job, that is the sure sign that there is something better waiting for you.

A lot of people don't feel good at work in today's economy. That's not new.

The question is, if people feel bad about their work, why don't they look for a better job?

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.7

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As I mentioned previously, people ALWAYS have the power of choice. What they sometimes lack, is courage.

To develop courage, one must learn to listen to one's heart and do what one is excited about.

If you develop the habit or reflex of doing what excites you the most, you WILL be led – in a way that will totally surprise your rational intellect or logic – to your Ideal Career.

This is really the test of humanity in these times of awakening: to trust the heart.

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than intelligence.”

But to imagine, one must learn to think like a child, and allow one's heart to express itself.

As you listen more and more to your heart, you will naturally do what excites you. You will naturally do your passion, whatever it is.

My message to humanity is that it is possible to have an ideal career.

In my case, I struggled for almost 10 years before I was able to find my ideal career(s).

The good news is that I documented in great detail all the tools and techniques I used, so if you learn to use them properly, it won't take you long to design and develop your ideal career.

Am I super-rich as a result of pursuing my various ideal careers? Not really.

But I feel amazing! I feel alive! I feel like as if every day was an adventure!

Best of all, I can clearly see, quite logically and with mathematical predictability, that I will be able to create massive wealth and be able to share it with others.

In other words, I've developed business systems that you can use to MAKE MONEY from your passion.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.8

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This autonomous money-making aspect of a person's career, is not mentioned or described in detail by the career books you see in bookstores. Most career authors assume that the paycheck will STILL come from the employer.

The Ideal Career philosophy teaches that real, significant wealth can only come from the marketplace. And today, with the Internet, we are talking about a GLOBAL marketplace.

Ultimately, every Ideal Careerist will become an entrepreneur and will own his/her business.


Okay, doing one's passion and making lots of money from it by selling one's value in the open marketplace, sounds great.

But will it be difficult? It can't be that easy, right?

True, it won't be easy. The Ideal Career is not a walk in the park.

But it is good and well that the journey contain so many exciting challenges for you to overcome for you will grow and evolve through the process.

If the ideal career journey were simple, it would not have much value, and you would not evolve and grow as a human being.

The purpose of life is to experience freedom, joy and growth. But to experience freedom, you first have to relax your beliefs about what “reality” is and what is “possible.” Learn to see and apprehend reality as plastic, malleable material that you can play with and can shape according to your goals and preferences.

This playful attitude will give you more freedom of thought, and you can then create with JOY, thereby embarking on a journey of GROWTH.

Once again, life is: FREEDOM --> JOY --> GROWTH.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.9

Page 10: THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP...2010/06/02  · THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. Hi there, I am pleased

If in your current job, you don't feel free, or you don't feel ecstasy, or you don't feel like you're growing, then this invitation has come into your life for a reason. It is time to wake up.

The Ideal Career workshop will gently wake you up from a nightmare that does not reflect the unconditional love that Life has for you.

Once you wake up and become conscious, you might wonder, “Great, I have a new life! Now what?”

This is where the Ideal Career workshop will help you to clarify your intentions, and will train you to be passive-active, that is, to relax while attracting the opportunities that suit your personality and talent, so you can take INSPIRED STEPS toward your vision of the ideal life.

The Ideal Career is not about doing more, but being more.

By being more and expanding your definition of self, you will do less yet produce more. You will work less yet create more value. You will have more free time AND have more money coming to you.

This is because your income will not come from doing-what-is-not-you, but being-who-you-truly-are.

This may sound hard to believe, but if you can imagine your ideal career, then IT IS ALREADY WAITING FOR YOU.

Imagination creates!

The minute you imagine and visualize something that you desire, it exists immediately and is waiting for you.

So the Ideal Career is created mentally, and enjoyed physically.

But you don't get to the Ideal Career through analysis, rationality or a logical plan. If this were so, you would have achieved this ideal career already.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.10

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The secret is that this ideal career is reached by going within into your heart, and healing yourself of all negative emotions and self-obstructing energies. By raising your vibrations and focusing on feeling better, you will achieve your ideal career. For the ideal career is first and foremost about FEELING GOOD.

To feel good, you simply have to decide to feel good. You do not need any external circumstances, such as money or material wealth, to feel good. You only need to value your happiness and well-being enough to decide, calmly and simply, to feel good now. And forever after.

The best teachers, in this regard, are kids, and so adults can learn by simply spending time with young kids. As a result, they will naturally remember their childhood inclinations and will relax their ego or intellect, in order to feel the joyful, spontaneous impulses of their heart.

This movement within, is what has not been taught by the educational system or society at large.

The Ideal Career idea is simple. It is about having two things: Passion and Profit.

That is, you have to be happy at work. And I mean, REALLY happy, not merely content or “okay.”

“Okay” might have been good enough 5 or 10 years ago. Not today, not anymore.

That's because people want MORE, always MORE. They want to experience MORE of who they are and realize MORE of their potential.

In short, today, PASSION is the new “okay”!

As for PROFIT, it has always been required in the past. After all, everyone deserves a good paycheck for work well done, right?

However, notice here that I talk about PROFIT and not SALARY.

This means the profits from your career could include a salary, but also payment from contracts that you design and execute as a free agent (during week-ends, for example).

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.11

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There are only 2 major steps:

1. Discover your Passion (exploration)2. Do it 100% and profit from it (exploitation)

Profit from it psychically, by FEELING VERY GOOD about doing what you love to do.

Profit from it financially also.

Step 1: Discover your Passion

Find out what your passion is and include it in your “official” definition of what you do for a living. This is true by definition, since you cannot feel “alive” if you don't do your passion.

The very fact that you don't feel alive or excited at work, is the PROOF that you are not doing your passion. I understand that many will say that they show up at work only because they need the paycheck.

This means you work out of a sense of obligation. You feel financially responsible (bills, taxes, etc.). This sense of responsibility feels like the right thing to do. This is how you have been raised in society and by your parents. Be responsible!

The question is, at the end of your life, will you ask yourself: “Have I been responsible in my life? Have I paid all my bills and taxes?” Or will you ask yourself: “Have I been happy in my life?”

Speaking of happiness, many people seek happiness in love, in particular romantic love. So men seek a good wife, and women seek a good husband. This is fine and great. We are however here talking about happiness at work.

If you don't feel alive and excited and passionate at work, can you really be happy at work? Do you even accept the idea that a person should be happy at work?

People might say, “I don't have to be happy at work. I only have to be professional and perform the work I was paid to do, to the best of my abilities. Professionalism is key.”

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.12

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That is a sensible statement, and it is true that one should be professional at work. But professionalism does not exclude being excited and alive at work. Most successful and rich people are both passionate and professional.

However, the truly passionate ideal careerists are MORE than professional producers. They are creators. They create what did not exist before. As creators, they are one notch above professionals, who only produce what they have produced before. Of course, professionals are one notch above operators, who rely heavily on the means of production of the employer in order to add value.

My point here is that a professional PRODUCES, so is paid according to the quantity and quality of the outcomes he produces. A passionate worker or careerist produces but also CREATES, so his income has no ceiling. He can create “money.”

In other words, the professional produces something and exchanges it for money. Usually, he has a fixed salary. The passionate worker CREATES new things and exchanges them for money. He is paid per creation or per performance. Therefore, he can make much more money.

Of course, we are conveniently ignoring the process of turning one's passion into profit. Yet, that process, which is unique to each person, is not that hard to figure out. You must first BELIEVE that it is a simple process.

Step 2: Do it 100% and profit from it

So how does one turn one's passion into profit? This is the million-dollar question.

Here's the simple recipe, or methodology, that I teach:

1. Do your passion 100% (be in the state of flow; enjoy it; do not doubt or worry)2. Create something3. Share it with the world4. Shape it into a useful or beautiful thing or experience5. Price it confidently and fairly6. Sell it

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.13

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Strive to go through the above 6 steps as quickly as possible. In other words, don't create something COMPLEX. Create something simple, price it, and sell it. By going through this cycle, you will create a “groove” or habit and THIS habit will carry you forward and you will feel fearless as you create and share and make money.

Once again, don't think too much. Act out of passion. Create something, share it, and then price it. And finally, sell it to the world.


If you are a man, you are likely to THINK TOO MUCH. You are likely to allow your ego or rational intellect question the 6 steps above, so you would probably sit down, write a plan, do cash projections, imagine obstacles and difficulties, etc.

Friends, let it go! Follow your heart! Let your heart guide you in CREATING from joy. Just create something and share it TODAY with the world.


Women have less difficulty following their heart and creating joyfully. They only have to learn to become vibrationally impermeable to what other people say, for others are often controlled by their ego or rational intellect and will seek to discourage a passionate woman.

This is not necessarily a bad thing for the woman who is trying to create from her heart, for she will learn the lesson of authority – that is, she is the author of her life experience. She will learn to IGNORE other people's opinions and beliefs. She will learn to become INDEPENDENT and trust her own judgment.

Her opinion of herself is the ONLY opinion that matters.

She will learn to love her parents despite their negative opinions and beliefs. She will learn to keep loving her friends despite the fact that they are negating their joy, and are seeking to influence her to deny herself as well.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.14

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In other words, she learns the lesson of unconditional love. Finally, she learns that her career is her creation, period. Nobody else has any say in how she creates and manages HER career.

All the support she needs, will first come from her. As she supports herself and believes in herself more and more, everyone else will eventually support her. They are ONLY reflecting how she treats herself. Nothing more.


The Ideal Career, can be broken down into two elements: ID + DEAL. Or Passion and Profit. ID refers to Who You Truly Are. How do you know Who You Truly Are? The feeling of excitement indicates when you are Who You Truly Are!

So if the ideal career is ID + DEAL, then you cannot get to the deal (where you negotiate and make money) unless you first know Who You Truly Are.

No ID, no DEAL!

Of course, many people fake enthusiasm or passion. This is understandable. After all, it's important to show to the boss that we are excited about our work, right?

But eventually, we realize that we have to be true to ourselves.

How do you do your passion? One moment at a time. One minute at a time. In other words, look at how you spend your time right now. Separate whatever activities you do into 2 categories: Passion and Anti-Passion.

Next, try to spend as many minutes as possible doing Passion activities, as opposed to Anti-Passion activities. If there are things you feel you “have” to do, because of a previous agreement you freely entered into, then do them PASSIONATELY.

In the Ideal Career workshop, I discuss in detail the differences between State and Status. Basically, State (of being) creates everything. Status doesn't matter.

My point is that if you're the kind of person (and you CHOSE to be that kind of person) who does things out of love and excitement in her personal life, you are likely to also

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.15

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choose the kind of work that brings you joy and activates your passion.


There is no doubt that one must build one's power in order to successfully realize an ideal career.

The fact is, most people feel powerless NOT because they have no power, but because they chose (unconsciously usually) NOT to use their power. They chose to let others influence them and dictate how they should live, think and act.

It may seem strange that as adults, we choose NOT to use our power and our authority.

Yet, if you look at the way we've been educated, you can understand why most adults don't feel very powerful.

At elementary school all the way through high school, college and university, we are conditioned to sit quietly and absorb information. After we graduate and take a job, we are STILL conditioned to sit and listen to the teacher – except that now, the “teacher” is the news anchor man or woman!

Therefore, it is not surprising that most adults don't feel very powerful; they've never been encouraged to USE their power of decision-making, let alone self-definition.

Regarding the issue of power, remember that it is not about getting it and then using it. It's about USING it so that you HAVE it!

Use your power NOW and you have it NOW. Use your power MORE and you will have MORE power.

It's that simple.

The power you don't use, you eventually lose. To be accurate, you never lose your power. You only lose faith in your ability to use your power.

What I can do for you, in an Ideal Career workshop, is to help you AWAKEN to your power. I will then help you to USE your power, creatively and in a way that brings you

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.16

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up and that uplifts others around you.

It is not possible for you to use your power without inspiring others around you to do the same. So by helping yourself, you will help people around you quite naturally, especially family and friends.

Are you ready to discover your power and USE your power? Then join me as I lead and facilitate the Ideal Career workshop. You can come as often as you like. You will feel more powerful every single time.

Once again, I am NOT giving you any power. I am only helping you to rearrange your ideas and beliefs and assumptions and definitions so that you REALIZE that you already have this power inside of you!

There are so many people today who work for a corporation and who feel they have no power. Nothing is further from the truth. Every single employee currently working, could decide to quit tomorrow, and she will do just fine.

Every human being is a powerful creator. Yet, most human beings have not yet realized this. Or rather, they have beliefs that are covering up the truth about who they are.

People think, “I have little power (or money), therefore I can't quit my job.”

It's the other way around.

It would be more accurate to say: “I refuse to quit my stressful job, therefore I have little power.”

Indeed, POWER comes from the act of deciding. Every decision is an exercise of power.

Decide more often (and commit to your decisions) and you will have more power.

There are two kinds of decisions, one is rational, the other is spiritual or vibrational.

A rational decision is based on past performance or verifiable evidence.

A spiritual or vibrational decision, has no basis in the past and is centered in the Now

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.17

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moment. This kind of decision is much more powerful and self-liberating than the rational decision.

However, it takes spiritual maturity and mastery before you can make spiritual or quantum decisions.

Yet, that is precisely what Anthony Robbins did, one day, while he was on a beach.

He took a blank notebook and started writing out all the things he wanted to have and do in life, without being concerned about whether he could, logically speaking, do them or have them.

Similarly, the Ideal Career workshop invites you to write all out, all the things you want to do and have and be, in this life. It is an exercise in self-liberation: I help you to liberate yourself from self-limiting beliefs and notions and ideas.

I'm not saying that your current notions, ideas and beliefs are WRONG. They are valid because YOU chose them and accepted them. But are they serving you now? Are you having an amazing life now? If not, you can change them.

A belief is like a bicycle. Nobody would say that a bike is bad. But if your goal is to go faster and to be more comfortable, a car is probably a better mode of transportation. So you put your bike in the garage and you start driving your car.

Better yet, give your bike to a kid or a person who can't afford one.

Similarly, if Belief A no longer serves you now, you can choose to adopt Belief B, which may serve you better now that you have a different goal.

Unless you pick up new beliefs, new attitudes and new skills, you cannot succeed in realizing your ideal career. This ideal career ALREADY exists inside of you. You are the only thing blocking it from emerging.

The question then is, “Why are YOU blocking your own growth? Why are YOU preventing your ideal career from emerging and coming forth?”

You have to discover the reason. It is part of your self-discovery.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.18

Page 19: THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP...2010/06/02  · THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. Hi there, I am pleased

Some people have certain beliefs about themselves which BLOCK their ideal career – which exists already in them – from coming forth. Here are some of those beliefs about themselves or about reality or life.

1. “I'm not good enough.”2. “I'm not worth it.”3. “I'm not a talented person. I'm just a worker.”4. “I'm not a leader.”5. “I'm not special.”6. “I'm not disciplined.”7. “I'm not creative.”8. “I don't have self-confidence.”9. “I lack many critical skills.”10. “I'm not good at selling.”11. “I'm not good at networking.”12. “My family doesn't support me.”13. “I have to provide for the family.”14. “My friends don't encourage me.”15. “I haven't succeeded in my life.”16. “I have so much debt.”17. “I don't know much about business.”

There are tons of other self-limiting and even self-debasing beliefs that people have about themselves and which they carry for so long! This is insane, it's like stabbing yourself with a knife, over and over again, without knowing it.

A negative belief, such as the above beliefs, will keep on DISEMPOWERING you for the rest of your life. If you don't feel like you have power today, it is simply because you carry in your being all those negative beliefs.

Here's a good exercise for you: write the opposite of all the negative beliefs I listed above. Let me do this exercise with you.

1. I'm pretty good.2. I'm totally worth it.3. I'm very talented. I'm a very good worker.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.19

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4. I'm a leader who cares about people.5. I'm very special and exceptional.6. I'm disciplined and reliable.7. I'm creative and can generate ideas at will.8. I have self-confidence AND can help people to raise their confidence.9. I master many skills and I even teach them to others.10. I'm pretty good at selling, seducing, attracting people. I am very likeable.11. I'm good at networking because I love to meet new people and learning from

them.12. My family supports me in whatever ways they can. I appreciate their love and

support.13. I am happy to provide for my family, whom I love very much.14. My friends encourage me whenever they can, and I encourage them as much as I

can. I love my friends!15. I am alive today. That is success for me. And I look forward to more success and

more “feeling alive.”16. I confidently acknowledge I have debts, and this is great because it focuses my

mind on creating value and building wealth so I can repay my debts.17. I'm excited to learn more about business. I'm a business virgin! I know I will enjoy

the process of learning and mastering business.

Do you see how it works? Did you not feel the outflow of positive energy as I modified the negative beliefs into positive beliefs?

Every day, on planet Earth, billions of people take a shower to get rid of the dirt on their body.

Yet, how many people take a “mental shower” to get rid of self-limiting beliefs?

In the Ideal Career workshop, I invite everyone to “get naked” in terms of their assumptions, definitions and beliefs. They can then take a “mental shower” where they cleanse themselves of their self-limiting and self-negating beliefs.

People have been carrying self-negating beliefs for a long time. It is now time to let those beliefs go, and adopt new, empowering, self-liberating beliefs. Your ideal career and your amazing life depend on adopting new beliefs.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.20

Page 21: THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP...2010/06/02  · THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. Hi there, I am pleased

You deserve SO MUCH to have an amazing, fulfilling, financially rewarding career, and there is NOTHING and NO ONE “out there” who can stop you.

Only you can stop yourself. The corollary is that only you can start yourself.

With every decision that you make confidently and decisively, you are literally starting a NEW life. You are heading in a NEW direction where the exciting unknown is only another aspect of you, waiting with open arms to welcome you so that you can EXPAND your definition of self.

I am simply inviting you to LOVE YOURSELF and allow yourself to experience the Ideal Career you deserve.


This sounds simple enough, yet most people do not love themselves unconditionally. Why is that?

It's because of the Industrial Revolution and the accompanying mass institutions like schools, factories, news media, etc. It's also because of religion, but that is such a big topic that I will discuss it separately in a different report.

Mass institutions were created to be very efficient in managing masses of people, and this is great.

But the flipside is that people are not treated as individual human beings.

We become mere numbers in giant bureaucratic systems. We become mere “human resources” to be managed by employer organizations for profit maximization.

The time has finally come for us to become “resourceful humans.”

That is, you are no longer an object, but a subject as well. You live in and embody a subjective universe with your own feelings, emotions, values, preferences, interpretations, insights, ideas, sensitivities, aspirations, intentions, etc.

None of the above appear in management documents or dashboards or procedures

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.21

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used in corporations.

However, more and more employer organizations are now beginning to pay attention to what Harvard Business Review magazine calls “inner work”: the values and perceptions and feelings of workers.

So it is likely that subjective evaluations and interpretations will become more and more important in the new economy.

This subjective aspect of you, is what I call “inner wealth.” As you learn to acknowledge them and work with them the way an artist works for raw material, you will be able to create wealth in objective, physical terms.

This is how artists, singers, writers, dancers, speakers, performers, etc. have created wealth for themselves and for humanity in the history of mankind.

So the skillful and practiced translation of inner wealth into outer wealth is not something new.

But in these times of career redefinition and self-awakening, the new idea is that EVERYONE can become an artist.

Everyone can create through imagination and creativity.

Everyone can design his/her career so it feels like a work of art in progress or an artistic performance to be rehearsed diligently and delivered masterfully.

The key, and we can all learn from passionate artists, is to allow yourself to choose a career that you love to do, regardless of financial considerations or any monetary aspects that your rational mind might come up with.

You allow yourself to CHOOSE a line of work that you love to do, and trust that the money will take care of itself.

Money and all the support you need, will come to you but perhaps not in the way expected by your programmed (and restrictive) mental logic or rational intellect.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.22

Page 23: THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP...2010/06/02  · THE IDEAL CAREER WORKSHOP Updated: October 7, 2010 By Peter Nguyen Strategic consultant and co-founder Talentelle Inc. Hi there, I am pleased

Your heart KNOWS where the treasure is, for it has the treasure map. Your head does NOT know where the treasure is, although it can be useful in guiding you to be practical as you embark on the treasure hunt.

I know that your ego or rational intellect will STRONGLY object to this idea that your heart is the ultimate guide.

Your intellect or ego might say, “Hey, hey, hey! What the heck is this? I'm in charge, okay? Don't listen to your heart. Listen to me!”

You have to understand that the ego is afraid, VERY AFRAID, that if you follow your heart, then you will no longer listen to the ego. And it will become irrelevant in your decision-making. It might even die. So it is natural that the ego is AFRAID and will do everything to convince you to NOT listen to Peter, that radical ideal careerist.

But it's important to understand that in the Ideal Career journey, your heart works WITH your head, in a harmonious, aligned and synergistic manner.

Some people are too intuitive and not rational (or practical) enough. Others are too rational, and not intuitive or spontaneous enough.

A balance is needed. A blending of the two tendencies is required for maximum creativity and effectiveness.

This Yin / Yang harmonization leads us to become a whole person, embracing both the heart and the head, the right brain and the left brain, the female energy and the masculine energy.

In the Ideal Career workshop, we discuss the concept of the ego.

The ego is the practical you, the practical intelligence allowing you to survive in the physical world and in society.

A moderate amount of ego is needed to survive, but to really thrive and engage on the path of the Ideal Career, listening to your heart is primordial.Your ego or rational intellect, is only there to help you tackle PRACTICAL matters in society and in life on planet Earth. It will always be needed.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.23

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But your ego or rational intellect CANNOT choose for you. It cannot lead to an ideal career. If it could, you would have an ideal career right now, and would not be reading this text!

So your heart is needed. Listen to your heart and CHOOSE a line of work that you love to do, regardless of any financial considerations. If you choose a line of work BECAUSE of the money, then that is conditional love, not unconditional love.

Conditional love is okay. In other words, if you choose a job or line of work BECAUSE the money is easy or the pay is good, that is fine. That's the “normal” career. That's the way career decisions have been made so far.

However, what I'm talking about here is the ideal career, which is based on unconditional love.

The Ideal Career is the next phase of human evolution!

This is the career you do WITHOUT worrying about money. You do it because you feel fantastic as you do it.

You feel HAPPY when you do this kind of work. You're in the flow. You're in the zone. THAT is what the ideal career is all about. It's when you turn your vocation into a vacation. A productive, creative vacation!

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.24

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Join me in the Ideal Career workshop and your life will change forever. You will discover a more powerful you, a more fearless you, a super-you that is finally liberated from cultural and mental self-limitations!

http://idealcareer.eventbrite.com (English)http://macarriereideale.eventbrite.com (French)


If you have attended the Ideal Career workshop, and would like to teach it to others, please contact us! We are always looking for articulate and passionate people to share the knowledge! Earn extra income while meeting new people and refine your understanding of the Ideal Career methodology by teaching it confidently to others.

Copyright 2010, Peter Nguyen. All rights reserved.25