BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. Ike Herald Steak Printing House makes a specialty of Legal Printing. Briefs, Transcripts, etc, printed at low rates. At B. F. Coulter's, 30 AB2 Main street, Baker Blook, oan be found a floe line of gent's furnishing goods, tbe latest styles cuffs, col- lars, cravats, underwear, hosiery, gloves, eto. Give him a call and examine goods and prices. Fresh shrimps Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays; California and Puget Sound oysters, 25 cents per plate; Eaatern oysters every styler hot and cold lunches and all tbe delicacies of the season served on tbe shortest notice at Congress Hall, corner or Malu and Requena streets. Boca beer, the best on tbe Coast, always on hand, as well as a fullsupply of the best brands of liquors, wines and cigars. En- trance to ladles' rooms on Requena street. Arrested for uot buying nobby ulsters for men and boys knee pants, underwear, shirts, neck- wear, gloves, handkerchiefs, socks, overalls, blankets, trunks, etc., at IXL Auotiou Company, Downey Blook. Police will keep tho door clear to prevt * tbe great rush for boots and suoee at the IXL Auction Company, Downey Block, which are belug sold at such extremely low prioes. Holman's, tbe Linn kidney and lung pads, Scott's Emulsion, Ho- meopathic specifics, patent medi- cines snd non-seoret remedies, Be- ttaesdaaod other mineral waters, are always lo be had at Preuss A PiroaH's. Bear in Mind! Sherman, Hyde & Co., the lead- I op. piano and organ dealers of the Pacific Coast, have a complete as- sortment of instruments at their branch store, kept by Mrs. D. S. Corona, 45 Main street, Cosmopoli- tan Hotel. Call aud enquire about the instalment plan. jy7-6m F. Llndquist, merchant tailor, No, 20 Spring street, Is himself a prai tlcal cutter; aod, having had ample experience iv Sail Fraucisoo aud Los Angeles, knows how to meet the requirements of his cus- tomers. He-keeps a full supply of tbe best cloths constantly on hand aud makes them up "upon honor." Most complexion powders baveja vulgar glare, but Preuss's vel- veteen Is a true bsauttfler whose effects nre lasting. Clothes cleaned or dyed, then mended and pressed and warranted to look like new, at No. 8 Aliso street. - A number of desirable rooms to let at No. 7 Third street. Tbe loca- tion is accessible and desirable from every standpoint; The neigh- borhood is good and the house is barely five minutes' walk fiom the Court House. Go to Dr. Sexton A Co., druggists, for your drugs, medicines aud toi- let articles. We are selling every- thing In tbe drug line cheap for cash. Prescriptions a specialty; ll|Main street. Do not fall to Bee those elegant toilet and perfumery cases at Helnzeraan at Ellis's, where you will find the largest assortment or toilet goods iv Southern Califor- nia. New York prices, Chinese made goods cannot be bought at tbe IX L. Nobby hats or every shape and style and at bot- tom prices at tbe IXL, Dowuey Blook. Insane people don't buy their boys' and children's clothing at the IXL Auction Company, Dow- ney Blook, but all sane people make It a point to trade there. A large and well selected stock. An entire new line or oloaks, dolmans, ulsters, circulars, dress goods, trimmings, ulster cloths and cloakiugs, vow ready for in- spection at B. F. Coulter's, 80 and 32 Malu street, Baker Block. A Chef D'Oeuvre in the art or perfumery is the composition of new and distinctive odors, as lv the case of the latest perfumes in satlu and Russia leather oases, just re- jiel'vedVby Breuss A Pironl, No. 21 Spring street. Shave yourself. Preuss & Pironl are the agents for the electric razor and the genuine Russia leather razor si rop. Try them. Tbe aolorUt does dyeing aud Booming at No. 8 Aliso street. Ladies hair dressing and hair work of all kinds. Hair jewelry a specialty. Hair dyed to any de- sired color, by Mrs. Wiufield, No. 6 Temple street. dB-lm T.IIO prescription department of Helnzeniau A Ellis Is In charge of thoroughly competent men. None but tbe purest and freshest drugs Vised. All gauds C,old at Eastern prices, To Whom it May Concern. Please take notloe: Any person having pledges or collaterals at tbe Star Loan and Broker Office, No. 4 Commercial street, will please re- deem the same or pay acorued In- teract thereon within thirty days from this d»te or they will be sold, ft'Hi-Money loaned on all kinds ol personal property. rorSOtf Hughes's Russian Baths. Lo- cated No. is Main street, opposite tbe Pico House. Gentlemen and ladles attended to by persons of tbeir own sex. . Becqod-band clothing bought and agld «t So. 6 Aliso street. A Card. To all who arc suffering from tbo errors snd Indiscretions of voutb, nervous weakness, early 'decay, loss of manhood, eto., I will send a recipe thst will cure you, free of charge. This grest remedy waa discovered by a missionary i n South Amerios. Send »»"?'' dressed envelope to the Rev. J T.lsman, Station D, Now \u25a0Hhr WAR DEPARTMENT, SIGNAL SERVICE, U.S. ARMY. DJvJaJon ol Telagrama and Reports for tba Uenefltof Commerce and Agriculture. Report of observations taken at. Loa An- anias. Oal.. Jan. 5.1881 Maximum Thermometer, 65 0 Minimum ?? 48 0 The Herald is the only newspa- per In Los Angeles that receives tbe Associated Press telegraphic dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES Admiral Banning was In Los Angeles yesterday. A. Glassell, Esq., got home from San Francisco by yesterday's over- land tralu. Mr. J. D. Dunlap, Deputy TJ. 8. Marshal, returned from San Fran- cisco overland yesterday. Lob Angeles has the champion marrying man in the person of a Welshman named Griffiths. A lot ill the town of Sail Fernan- do, donated by Mrs. Ponet, will be raffl-d at tbe Cathedral Fair. Persons seeking rooms are re- ferred to the advertisement headed "For Bent," uuder New To-Day. Mr. E. 11. Workman has on ex- hibition at his store a fine speci- men of a Gospel Swamp couoauut. Col. Charles Thomas, of Hemmet valley aud Mr. Louis Wolf, of Temecula, San Diego county, are registereil at tbe Cosmopolitan. Deputy Sbetlir iiuber went up to San Queutin yesterday, having In charge Nelson Dupuy, sentenced to that institution for three years. IvCity Justice Adams's Court yeetci.'ay evening, I. Elurio aud Juanßnchn, arrested by Constable Ling for flgbtlbg, each paid $5 Hue. At the meeting of the City Board of Education last evening, Mies Mary E. Hodgkius was appointed Assistant Principal of the High School viae Mr. Smith resigned. The finder of a lady's satchel, lost ou Olive or Seventh street, yesterday evening, will receive $5 reward on returning it to the Her- ald offleu. "Mumps" is iino of the unobtru- sive ailments whose occasional presence is being poled in Los Au- geles. As a beautiller "mump." is not v success. Oranges are beginning to come Into the market in n luslderable numbers. They are b.-iog shipped quite briakly both tn San Fran- cisco and Arizona, Mary Connolly made »v informa- tion before Justice Adams yester- day churning J. MuClure with pois- oning her sheep. The case cones up for I.earing Ml 1 o'clock tn-day. Tbe remittitur iv the case of Keller vs Berry, affirming the de- cision of the Court below, arrived yesterday. Thia decision confirms the tit lo nf Keller lv the Rubio place. It will he seeu by a telegram from Tucsuu, Arizona, that John S. Carr, a sometime Angeh-fij, has been elected Mayor of "The ancient and honorable Pueblo." The "Owl»" will lule the boards at Turuvereiu Hall 10-niglit. The , "Sleeping CJieen" aud "Livater" ought to at tract a large, audienoe. We guarautee our readers uu even ? lug of unusual enjoyment. Los Augeles has more lawyers than any city of her sizj in the Uuited States. There Is one exten- uating circumstance übjiiit this otherwise lugubrious fact, ours is one ot the ablest bars lv tbe land. Justice Fisher yesterday sen- tenced Edward Gillette, (the mar- riage broker) convicted of obtain. Ing money under false pretences, to pay a tine of $100, or in default to be imprisoned in the oounty Jail for 100 days. Rev. Father Hugh Gallagher, of St. Joseph's Parish, San Francisco, and Roy. Father Kysor, of San Jose, are pay lug Los Angeles a visit, and are the guests of Bishop Mora, at the Episcopal lesldeuce, Main street. Messrs. Emil Harris aud W. B. hettis have entered into a en-part- nership for carrying on a detective and collection agency- Both are experienced )n the business and are eminently trustworthy aud rt< liable gentlemen. We direct the attention of fami- lies to the advertisement nf Mr. J. Heiman, who has opeued the San Francisco poultry market at No. 41 Spring street, where they will always find n full supply of poul- try, fish aud gamp <t( wperibr quality. ' George Havens, arreted on the charge of breaking open his sister- in-law's trunk and abalraotlng money and Jewelry therefrom, was examined before Justice Adams yesterday and discharged, tbe evi- dence failing to couueut bim with the robbery. The Unas has arrived when San- ta Mouica ought to be provided i with a hotel like that at Monterey. The opeuing of the Southern Hue of railway admits of its being made one of tbe most attractive re- sorts, both In Summer und Win- ter, ou the American continent. f In correction of an item which I appeared the Commercial yes- -1 terday, Mr. Caystllo Wlebesusto \u25a0 say that bo has not withdrawn ' from tbe conteet for tho Postmas- i tershtp and will not do ao until tbe son Dupuy pleaded guilty to tbe cbarge of assault to commit rob- bery and was sentenced to State's Prison for tbree years. Dupuy is the man who, on Thanksgiving night, attempted to rob the rail- road office at San Fernando, a full account of wblcb was published In tbe Herald at tbe time. We refer our readers to au adver- tisement headed "The Best Bar- gain Ever Offered," and would add tbat we happen to kuow that the place on Ninth street may be had for one-third of its real value. Par- ties interested lv getting a nice plaoe for a homestead, fenced and bounded by ditches, with bearing trees and vines, etc , would do well to examine the property and then make a proposition to Mr. Rowan, agent, Los Angeles, or Mr. Tru- man, owner, Palace Hotel, San Francisco. An item appeared iv tbe Los An- geles papers a abort time ago, stat- ing tbat Chief of Police King bad received a circular from the Sher- iff of Pima county, Arizona, offer- ing a reward of $500 for tbe appre- hension of Billy Potueky, who is wanted at Tucson to answer to a charge of grand larceny. Major Ben C. Truman, in a private note, refers to tbe item aud says tbat be met Potusky and talked with bim at Chicago, during his recent visit to the East. Mr. J. D. Bicknell received a tel- egram yesterday Informing him that the judgmeut of our late Dis- trict Court In the case of O'Connor vs. Fractal ret al., involving tbe title to the Roeecrans lands, bas beeu rendered by the Supreme Court in bane and judgment or- dered to cuter iv favor of the plain- tiff. These cases have been before the courts for several years and the judgment now ordered deoides the issue adversely to tbe settlers and lv favor of Ihe State title, under which Mr. O'Connor claims. We glean the following interest- ing facte from the annual report of the Signal Service Officer at the Los Augeles station: Mean barom- eter, 80.01 degrees; mean ther- mometer, 58.7 degrees; mean rela- tive humidity, 69 7 per emit.; an- nual range of temperature, (17 de- greet; maximum, iv May, 97 de- grees; minimum, in January, 30 degrees. There were fifty-one rainy days during the yeai; total rainfall, 18 65 inches. Total veloc- ity of wind, 37,295 miles; greatest velocity in oue hour, 26 miles, in Februry; prevailing winds, south- west. In the joint cases of Bixby vs. Beut aud Sepulveda vs. Sepulveda, a sutt for partition of the Palos Verdes Rancho, now on trial be- fore Judge Hinea, of Veutura, sit- ting for Judge Sepulveda, twenty attorueys are engaged, viz: Messrs. Thorn & Stephens, Bicknell A White, Uravos A Chapman, R. H. Chapman, J.G. Howard, Eastman, King, Halty & Roberts, H. T.Haz- ard, Bruuson & Wells, Glassell A Smith, Barclay A Wilson, R. N.C. Wilson. For fear some solicitude may arise as to where this large ar- ray of counsel are to get tbeir fees, we will state that, not only is the property in question valuable, but the litigants are rich. Great Is the interest which, in' our local circles, hinges on t;ie struggle for Postmaster. That ro- bust stalwart, the present Incum- bent, Col. is confi- dent that he holds the interior lines. The agile Caystlle, bow- ever, wouldn't give a fig for Dunk- eiberget's chances and regards bis own as rating at a premium at least as high as government four and a half per cents. Brierly, having captured a legislative clerk- ship at Sacramento, would appear to have surrendered tbe local field to hisoompetilors. As Brierly dis- appears euters Fred Gllmore.whoße friends assume that he has the In- side track aud only needs to ele- vate hi9 pole to knock down the official persimmon. We shall see what we shall see. We had a conversation with a gentleman yesterday who has fust passed over the Atchison, Topeka aud Santa F<s and Southern Pacific .Railroads and the stage line con- necting the two, traversing the southern route from Denver to Globe. He says ihe former line is pushing westward as fast as prac- ticable, but as far as he could learn, after a general inquiry, it is by no means oertaln that the two lines will meet at Florida Point, as bas been generally supposed. In fact, it was ourrent talk at the front that the A. T. & S. F. will run parallel with the S. P. R. R. for some dis- tance ami not connect until it reaches Tucson. Our Informaut says tbo Southern Pacific people claim to be thoroughly In the dark as to the purpose of their great fl* vol.? Olobe (A. T.\ ChroniQlc. Board of Supervisors. Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1881. Board met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Preseul, full Board and tbe Clerk. Petition or John Trafford to be appointed Justloe of the Peace for Los Angeles tuwnshlp. Deuied. On motion, all blda for; publish ing the delinquent tax list rejected and the ('if i U Instructed to adver- tise for new bids, tube received up to the 17th instant Ou motion, the line between Soledad and Sau Fernando town- ship is changed as follows: Com- mencing at township oorner be- tweeu townships 3 and 4 N, ranges 15 aud 1G W. theucp south one mile, thenoe W to the couuty line, about 8 miles. On motion, resolved that war- rants be drawn on the current ex- pense fund for the six months Inter- est due July 1, 1831, oil the $40,050 bonds of the Funded debt of 1861, said warrants being lrelieu of cou- pons already exhausted and paid, tbe same to he delivered to tbe le- gal holder of, said bauds; interest to be computed at tbe rate of 7 per cent, per annum. When said In- terest is.paid, the County Treasur- er Is Instructed to endorse the came upon the bonds. Bills of Oeo. C. Knox aud H. S. Parceils, for $60 each, for services !n thwTsv Pnll*»nrnr*a nfflnp. Or- City Board of Education. Aregular meeting of tbe Board of Education waa held In the rooms of tbe First National Bank last evening. Present?Lindley, Workman and Lacy. Dr. Lindley in tbe Chair. Minutes of tbe previous meeting read au approved. Tbe following bills were read and approved and the Secretary in- structed to draw warrants on the Treasurer for the several amounts: B. Howard & Co. $7.90; Express, advertising, $2; Mirror, printing, Sl2; Perry, Wood worth & Co., $7.82; Woolcott & Vau Home, wood, $6; Harper, Moore & Co., $13 50; M. W. Child*, $4 00; Ex- press, advertising, $8; B. Raphael, $1.95; Heiozsmau & Ellis, $1.76; H. Newmark & Co., $16. Mr. R. W. Ellis presented his credentials as a member of Ihe Board and took his seat. Dr. Widuey was, on motion, elected President. ? Wm. Lacy was, on motion, elected Secretary. Miss M. A. Hodgkins was, on motion, elected first assistant principal of tho High School to All the position made vacant by the resignation of L. D. Smith. Mr. J. W. Redway was, ou mo- tion, elected eeond assistant prin- cipal of the High School, to fill the position made vacant by tbe pro- motion of Miss M. A. Hodgkins. Report of Board of Examination read and ordered placed on file; and, ou motion, tbat tbe recom- mendations suggested therein be carried out. On motion, it was ordered that a first grade certificate be granted tp Mr. Clias. Case aud second grade certificates to Miss Catherine Jared and Mrs. Frances Morgan. On motion, it was ordered tbat a second grade city certlfloate be granted to Mrs. M. C. Peabody ou presentation to the Board of her second grade State certlfloate, she having been a teacher in this de- partment at the time of tho Issu- ance of certificates to the olher teachers, but too 111 to atteud. A communication from Mrs. Stackpole, asking tbe Board to grant her leave of absence for tbree months, was read and, ou motion, granted. Commuuicttion from W. S. Reavls, read and ordered placed ou file. On motion, it was ordered tbat the school at Brooklyn Heiulita be discontinued for the preseut. Ou motion, It was ordered that Miss Yda Addis be assigned to tbe position of first assistant at East Los Angeles, and that Mrs. A. 8. Averlll be assigned to the second grammar grade In the High School. On motion, it was ordered that the schools nf Miss Turner and Miss Adams be made double ses- sion schools for the ensuing six mouths, and that the salaries of said teachers be Increased to $86 per mouth for suoh exlra work. On motion, Board adjourned. COURT REPORTS. Snp.rler Court BINES, J. Wednesday, Jan. 5. Sepulveda ot al. vs. Sepulveda et al.?Motion by plaintiff to dismiss denied. Smith vs. Penny?Judgment aud 'findings In favor of defendant. J. Blxby et al. vs. H. K. W. Bent et al. aud Sepulveda et al. vs. Se- pulveda et al. Attorneys of rsoord entered. Case continued until to- morrow at 10 A. m. Sepulveda, J. People vs. Nelson Depuy?Plea of guilty of robbery as charged en- tered. Sentenced lo three years in State Prison. Craig vs. Orogau, executor?Ar- gued and submitted; twenty days to file briefs. Graves, administrator, vs. East- man et al.?Six days further time for defendants to answer. Free of Cost Dr. Kino's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc, is giyen away In trial bottles free'of oost to the afflicted. If you have a seyere cough, cold, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness or any affec- tion of the throat or lungs by all means give tbis wonderful remedy a trial. Aa you vaiue your exis- tence you cannot afford to let this opportunity pass. We could not af- ford, and would not give this rem- edy away unless we knew it would accomplish what we claim for It. Thousands of hopeless cases have already been completely cured hy It. There is no medicine iv the world that will cure one-half the oases that Dr. Kino's New Dis- covery will oure. For »a\e by Heinzeman Jr. Kills, drVUjgh\ts, L.nn Angeles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Rn.iT Salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, uloers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptious. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction inevery case or money refunded. Price 25 Couts per box. For sale by Heiuzemau & Ellis, wholesale agents, Los Angeles, If you want a ne.at tilting shirt made up lu,'good style nnd of the best material, try the Coulter, In laundried and unlauuiried, et B. X, Coulter's, 80 A 32 Malu street, Baker Blocr. Death to high prices and monop- olists, Meu's suits, odd coats, dsnts aud vests .at manufac- turers prices, aud all the latest styles direot from New York at the Dpwuey Block. At the request or my young men I will close my stores, SU A 32 Main street, Baker Blook, at 7 o'olock P. m.i until further no- tice. B. F. Coulter. See the Concolodor in hi* won- derful transmutation of colors at the dyeing and scouring establish- ment, No- 8 Aliso street. Hot weather produces Inaction of tbe liver. Inaction of tbe liver oauses diseased kidneys, and dis- eased kidneys undermine tbe life quicker than consumption. These troubles oan be avoided by using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, the purest and best remedy ever discovered. rHURSDAY JAN. 6, 1881. A S £ \u25a0 Iff k « \u25a0 I 11 v i 1 p a 4:16 A.M. 29 80 43 75" N TVCToar 12:15 p. m. 20.91 60 65 K 4 Fair :1ft P. M. 29.68 51 72 NW I 4 Clear NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TURNVEREIN HALL. THE~OWL DRAMATIC CLUB. To gratify a generally expressed desire, the recent per- formances of LAVATER AND THE SLEEPING QUEEN! WILL BE REPEATED ON Thursday and Friday Even'gs, Jan. 6 & 7. PRICES. ADMISSION SOc. BKSKBVKD BKATB,7Bc. Secured at Lewlu & Co'a Book Store on and after Monday, Jan. 3d. CHRISTMAS! ml CHRISTMAS! *M 3 ?;Ss|e . SPECIAL SALE OF S^~el Boots and Shoes, r g?j« 1 For the Holidays! i \u25a0 Low Prices! Low Prices! THE LEWI i BROS, recognize the fact that tbe present month is one in which all classes of citizens are called upon to opeu their purse- strings more than any other month In the year. We have just opened 110 cases of Boots,Shoes,Sandals,Slippers and Rubbers, which for variety, etyle and durability far excel anything tbat bas ever come Into Los An- geles. They come to us direct from the most reputable manufacturers of New York and Philadelphia. Our stock Is now complete and has been carefully selected, and In every department we have marked prices down to most astonishing low figures. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Ladles' Kid Button Sboes, worked button-holes, liigb cut $2 90 Ladles' Kid Fox Button Shoes, worked button boles, blgb cut 1 90 Ladles' Calf or Ooat Balmorals, full scalloped, high out 1 50 Ladles' Kid Foxed Laced Balmorals, round or square toe 1 00 Men's Kip Boots, double sole , 2 60 Men's Gaiters and Alexis Ties (oalf) 2 00 Men's Brogsus, full stook, quilted bottoms ? 1 60 Misses', Children's and Infant's Shoes Reduced In Proportion. i J THE GREAT I ULU.O Ct.il .ull examine our stock and __ _ prioes: 8001 pulrsGray Bros. U A T GENTLEMEN: 20W palrf ront button, side button IIIIL/1 ? land-sewed French calf md side lace sboes, in nnrnn Boots; also, Alexis, Con french kid and French |V |sP 11 |h sress Gaiters, dress shoes, .ebble goat, tbe nXost ele- » I\lVJk. lust opened, to be had al {ant fitting sboo made anil UlWElt PillUKs than I. ilwuys keeps their slmne. Qgnt A ShOO HoilSe «<l?d lor the same goods )ur REDUCTION IN "«»' " n»i»w n Hau Franclsoo. In an- CRICES Is genuine, and we «y ano HPRturi «T lolpatlon of a rush, and intlolpate large sales. »7 *OU SPRING ST. baiall may be waited on e-hloh will somewual com. amutmUm tt n promptly,we have employ- peneateus for our very uiipwim r. v. Ed additional salesmen. SUM, PROFITS. I . s% ? I Lewis Bros. tmmmmmmmmmwmumm UHMt PREMIUM (SUA* Ell MED AM _SJ awarded at Horticultural Hair, 18SS, for display of pure drugs, chemicals, etc. LOS ANOELES. December. 1380. I respectfully Invite your attentiou to my large and elegant selection of articles suitable for the Holiday (Season consisting or CELLULOID TOILET CASES. AMERICAN ODOR CASES, KKENCH ODOR CASES, CELLULOID HAIKUKUSHLS AND COMBS. FRENCH * ENGLISH PERFUMERY, FARINA COLOGNE. PINAUD'B COLOGNE, COLGATE'S VIOLET WATER, SACHET POWDERS, ETC., ETC. .In addition to which lam constantly receiving fresh Invoices ol' the latest styles of TOILET ACCESSORIES, Both ol American and European manu- facture. oe-Your Inspection is respectfully In- vited, THEO. WOLLYVEBEB, APOTHECARIES' HALL, SO Main. Street. dlO-lm THE BEST SUITS HADE TO ORDER JN THK CITY Al j L , PFEIFFENBERGER'S, Downey's Marble Front, opposite Cosmo- politan llotai. Main street. Ht'lTHot UlTory Description from SSS to #«5. I have constantly on hand a largo and \u25a0elected stock ot the inostelegant cloths, arthe latest fashions, -and am enabled to furnish the most stylish lulU at the low- est prices. A GOOD FIT always guarao- Blankets and Flannels SoW Cheap. Everybody who want* to have a coat, vest or pucttAlooas made to order, will and It to his advantagefo call on me. la&f LOUIS PFEIFFENUURGKR A NEW APPLICATION OF ELECTRICITY AND MESMERISM, UV ETNA BENNKTT, Who has the advantage of, many years practice iv the Unitourttutes and foreign lauds. My method requires no other remedies thaa Imponderable agents. It applies.to all terms of disease, of body { aud mind, is prompt in Ita aotlon and 'Permanent In IU results. "Knowledge is power,'* satd the philosopher. This maxim Is true; but tbere Is a greater tru,th. which la that knowledge is saiely ?-ufety amidst the physical ills tbat be- set us. Itwill prevent and remove dis- ease and restore vitality. It eradicates tho Inlurious effects of medicine. It re- news health and prevents premature de- cay. ItIs the Household Physician and the greatest beatttifter of the ago. Test it. ear-Co SPRING STREET, jaOlm ETNA BENNETT. Change of Agency. The Agency of Ihe Fireman's Fund and tho Hartford Fire Inauranoe Com- panies, has thl. day bee.n transferred from me to DANIEL ULI.MAN. 8. H. BUCHANAN. Los Angeles, Deo. 24, 1860. Parties wishing to Insure In first-class companies will do well to call on me. DAN'L ULLMAN, ln.un.Dee Agent, dSS-lm Turner sir et. MoriAV to Loan Certificate of Co-Partner- ? ehlp. The undersigned bereby certify that tbey are partners doing business under the firm name of Jacoby BROTHERS, in Los Angeles city and oounty. State ol California. That the names In full or sncb co-part- nership are Nathan Jacoby, Charles Ja- ooby, Lesser Jaooby, and tuelr places uf resilience are as follows: Nathan Jaooby, residing in Los Ange- les city aud oounty; Charlea Jacoby, re- siding in San Franclsoo, California; Lesser Jacoby. residing In Los Angeles ttlly and couuty. NATHAN JACOB?. CHARLES JACOBY. LESSER JACOBY. Witness: A. no It TON, Deputy County Clerk. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) _ County ef Los Angeles. I On this3lHtday or December, in tbo year one thousand ciuht hundred aud eighty, before me, A. W. Potts. County Olerk and ex-uffleio Clerk of tbe Superior Court, in aaC for said county, person- ally appeared Charles Jacoby, Lesser Ja- coby aud Nathan Jaooby, known tome to be the persons whose names are sub- scribed to tbe witbln instrument, aud acknowledged to me that they executed tbe same. In witness whereof I bavo hereunto set my hand aad amxed tho seal of said Court tne day aud year in tbis certificate first above written. A. W. POTTS, Couuty Clerk and ex-offlclo Clerk. Jnl-lw By A, NORTON, Deputy. Notice?Delinquent Sale. Los Angelas Miningand Smelting Com- pany ? Location of principal plaoe of business. Los Angeles, California?Lo- cation of works, Resting springs, Inyo couuty, California. NOTICE. There is delinqueut on the follow- ing described siock,on account of assess- ment number five, levied ou the twenty- eighth day of October. 1880, tbe several amounts set opposite the names ofthe re- spective shareholders, as follows: No. of No. oi Names. Certificate. Shares. Amt. McKnlght, WJ 44. 2b $37 AO McKnlght, W J 64 80 4 > Oil McKnlght, W J...... «5 17 25 M McKnlght,'W J...... 78 ? 32 4S 00 McKnlght, W J 181 .... 82 48 00 Bent, HKW 98 5. 7 50 Crittenden, H 01 .200 300 to Crittenden, H.........11U 74 11l 00 Crittenden, H 149 21 80 00 Crittenden, H 159 til 9i hi' Morgan, H A .......1"4....._... 26. 37 50 And in accordance with law, and an or- der of tbe Board of Directors, made on the 28th day or October, 1880, so many shares of each parcel of sucu stook as may he necessary will be sold at pub- lic ctictiou. at the office of the Company, No. 1 Temple Block, Los An- gelosclty, Cal., on TUESDAY, tne 18lh day ol January, 1881. at tbe hour of ten O'clock a. m. of said day, to pay said de- delinquent assessments thereon, togeth- er with oost of advertising and expenses ot sale. J. M. ELLIOTT, Secretary. Ofnoe-Nn. 1 Temple Blook Loa Auge- les oily, California. Christy & Wise, AGENTS for WOOL GROWERS And COMMISSION MERCHANTS for tbe sale of Wool. Hides, Tallow. Orain, Live Stock, etc. Also, Wool Bags, Twine, Hips and all Ranch Supplies furnished customers ut lowest rates. 007 FRONT ST., between Jackson and Pacific, SAN FRANCISC ). LOS ANGELES OFFICE. fsl-lm 1 AROAPIA BLOOK. BATH ROOMS G. CAMILLO, SPRING STREET, next door to Union Hall, notifies his patrons -\u25a0*"-- public generally that be has At- batb-iooms at his barber shop prepared tn furnish hot or cold >r the moderate sum nf Wis. ivc bins »call. dtl.lm new APvgßTißjnißwro. \u25a0 FOR THE HOtIDAYS? ' The Largest, Cheapest and Nobbiest ?leek of HoH» j day Goods has Just been received by the cityofparM 17 &19 Spring St., | COMPRISING FULL LINE 9 OF J Cloaks, J Cliildren's Cloaks, | Dolmans, | Bnrnoua, ' , fteding-otes, et« "| .»aT"Speclal attention is called to our elegant Fox and CfelnoMUe fur-trimmed BURNOUS, "Sarah Bernhardt," "Angel" Mat) M "Ristorl;" also, Plain and Brocade Silk Parasols, f Brocade Silk Handkerchiefs, I Plain Silk Handkerchiefs, Ladies* Silk Scarfs, '4 Ladies' Lace Scarfs, & Gent's Silk and Satin Ties, J Gents' Silk and Satin Swpy Also, the Latest Slyles In Men'e, Youths' and Bojhs' jfim.'&W, Cassimere and Cheviot Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsterettes.; j Also, a very attractive stook of 1 GENTS 9 FURNISHING GOODS, Also, a variety of Fancy Articles, Suitable fori Christmas ancLNewYear Presents, J -A-ll of" wliioli is offered at tremely Reasonable Prioes. l|Casr*An inspection of our stock is respectfully solicited, fl nsroa?iOEi. For the accommodation of our customers our store will remain oat* : every evening up to 9 o'clock until Christmas. EUGENE METER & CO. J .? ? | Holiday Presents. v l The most acceptable present which can be made at this season of the year Is a pair of FINE BOOTS OR SHOES, Which can be had of Slaney. His stook ranges through all the favorite modes, and his prices are the most moderate in Southern California. Ladles'and Gentlemen*. Boys' and Misses' FOOTWJSAR of tbe best quality and PRICKS TO SUIT THE TIMES, A.T SIjAIVEY'S, 161 MAIN ST., bet. Flrat and Second. THE ARCADE,. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! r THE MOST COMPLETE AND LARGEST STOCK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODH EVER EXHIBITED IN LOS ANGELES. Assortment, Quality and Price will Tell. Our SHIRTS are acknowledged by all who have Wljssa^lsdJSMr^''''''' tliera to be the best, lower In price, superior IH \u25a0(/ Inquallty, perfect in regard to fit. Our stook is now . J mm W~r* f""!'!'''!', and satisfaction guaranteed. SHIRTS a mW a9mmm MADE TO ORDER. Our 'tock of UNDERWEAR and CALIFOR- |- \ ! MA 'gk'L N'A FLANNELS, made up Into Bblrte' V*!fflLV Drawers, manufactured by ourselves, enablee ue ' ? '" " X " l " our customers honest goods at LOWEB l'R ICES than they ever bought tbem before. - * A magnificent assortment of SILK HaSl»< 3 KERCHIEFS, Gent's Neokwear, Glove., CntV.® ajfer» Buttons. Studs, Scarf-Plns, Silk Umbrellas, eJaH»;?S nthfr atanie noveltiee, imported directly by ear- J \u25baelves, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, at * SIEGrEL'S, CORNER MAIN AND COMMERCIAL STB. ,^ BEST irV THE WOBIiB. PERMANENT BRANCH; 148 MAIN ftT..* ovu JOHN BURNS, Agent. J JUST RECEIVED ! 4 AT XX. «J. Tr^OOXleStOOtt'ssV A SHIPMENT OF TWENTY-FIVE BARBELS Of Jesse Moore & Co's Louisville, Kv., Pine <Wti Bourbon and Rye Whisk lee, .j DIRECT FROM THE ; \u25a0S-The following Is an Inoomplotc Hit of goods kept baud: Finest Cognacs. Holland and Old Tom Gin. Jamaica> Mf&j Crmx Rum, Irish ai d Hootch Whiskies, Imported Part IM \u25a0 Wines, Caohet Blanc and Green Seal Champagnes, Koftllsfc AM twi am now prepared to s«U the above goods (of which I SMfjl every article to be as represented) h.v tne BOTTLeS at GALm family or medio .1 ate. Q'«>d- prompt i v «alleered *c anyjeaM olty. Ore era ad dieted to p

The i cityofparM Goods has Just - Library of CongressBUSINESS ENTERPRISE. Ike Herald Steak Printing House makes a specialty of Legal Printing. Briefs, Transcripts, etc, printed at

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Page 1: The i cityofparM Goods has Just - Library of CongressBUSINESS ENTERPRISE. Ike Herald Steak Printing House makes a specialty of Legal Printing. Briefs, Transcripts, etc, printed at


Ike Herald Steak Printing

House makes a specialty of Legal

Printing. Briefs, Transcripts, etc,printed at low rates.

AtB. F. Coulter's, 30 AB2 Mainstreet, Baker Blook, oan be founda floe line of gent's furnishinggoods, tbe latest styles cuffs, col-lars, cravats, underwear, hosiery,gloves, eto. Give him a call andexamine goods and prices.

Fresh shrimps Tuesdays, Fridaysand Saturdays; California andPuget Sound oysters, 25 cents perplate; Eaatern oysters every stylerhot and cold lunches and all tbedelicacies of the season served ontbe shortest notice at CongressHall, corner or Malu and Requenastreets. Boca beer, the best on tbeCoast, always on hand, as well as afullsupply of the best brands ofliquors, wines and cigars. En-trance to ladles' rooms on Requenastreet.

Arrested for uot buying nobbyulsters for men and boys kneepants, underwear, shirts, neck-wear, gloves, handkerchiefs, socks,overalls, blankets, trunks, etc., atIXL Auotiou Company, DowneyBlook.

Police will keep tho door clear toprevt * tbe great rush for bootsand suoee at the IXL AuctionCompany, Downey Block, whichare belug sold at such extremelylow prioes.

Holman's, tbe Linn kidney andlung pads, Scott's Emulsion, Ho-meopathic specifics, patent medi-

cines snd non-seoret remedies, Be-ttaesdaaod other mineral waters,

are always lo be had at Preuss APiroaH's.

Bear in Mind!Sherman, Hyde & Co., the lead-

Iop. piano and organ dealers of thePacific Coast, have a complete as-sortment of instruments at theirbranch store, kept by Mrs. D. S.Corona, 45 Main street, Cosmopoli-tan Hotel. Call aud enquire aboutthe instalment plan. jy7-6m

F. Llndquist, merchant tailor,No, 20 Spring street, Is himself aprai tlcal cutter; aod, having hadample experience iv Sail Fraucisooaud Los Angeles, knows how tomeet the requirements of his cus-tomers. He-keeps a full supply oftbe best cloths constantly on handaud makes them up "upon honor."

Most complexion powders bavejavulgar glare, but Preuss's vel-veteen Is a true bsauttfler whoseeffects nre lasting.

Clothes cleaned or dyed, thenmended and pressed and warrantedto look like new, at No. 8 Alisostreet. -A number of desirable rooms tolet at No. 7 Third street. Tbe loca-tion is accessible and desirablefrom every standpoint; The neigh-borhood is good and the house isbarely five minutes' walk fiom theCourt House.

Go toDr. Sexton A Co., druggists,for your drugs, medicines aud toi-let articles. We are selling every-thing In tbe drug line cheap forcash. Prescriptions a specialty;ll|Main street.

Do not fall to Bee those eleganttoilet and perfumery cases atHelnzeraan at Ellis's, where youwill find the largest assortment ortoilet goods iv Southern Califor-nia. New York prices,

Chinese made goods cannot bebought at tbe IXL. Nobby hats orevery shape and style and at bot-tom prices at tbe IXL, DowueyBlook.

Insane people don't buy theirboys' and children's clothing atthe IXLAuction Company, Dow-ney Blook, but all sane peoplemake It a point to trade there. Alarge and well selected stock.

An entire new line or oloaks,dolmans, ulsters, circulars, dressgoods, trimmings, ulster clothsand cloakiugs, vow ready for in-spection at B. F. Coulter's, 80 and32 Malu street, Baker Block.

A Chef D'Oeuvre in the art orperfumery is the composition ofnew and distinctive odors, as lv thecase of the latest perfumes in satluand Russia leather oases, just re-jiel'vedVby Breuss A Pironl, No. 21Spring street.

Shave yourself. Preuss & Pironlare the agents for the electric razorand the genuine Russia leatherrazor sirop. Try them.

Tbe aolorUt does dyeing audBooming at No. 8 Aliso street.

Ladies hair dressing and hairwork ofall kinds. Hair jewelrya specialty. Hair dyed to any de-sired color, by Mrs. Wiufield, No.6 Temple street. dB-lm

T.IIO prescription department ofHelnzeniau A Ellis Is In charge ofthoroughly competent men. Nonebut tbe purest and freshest drugsVised. All gauds C,old at Easternprices,

To Whom it May Concern.Please take notloe: Any person

having pledges or collaterals at tbeStar Loan and Broker Office, No. 4Commercial street, will please re-deem the same or pay acorued In-teract thereon within thirty daysfrom this d»te or they will be sold,ft'Hi-Money loaned on all kindsol personal property. rorSOtf

Hughes's Russian Baths. Lo-cated No. is Main street, oppositetbe Pico House. Gentlemen andladles attended to by persons oftbeir own sex.. Becqod-band clothing bought andagld «t So. 6 Aliso street.

A Card.

To all who arc suffering fromtbo errors snd Indiscretions ofvoutb, nervous weakness, early'decay, loss ofmanhood, eto., I willsend a recipe thst will cure you,free of charge. This grest remedywaa discovered by a missionary inSouth Amerios. Send »»"?''dressed envelope to the Rev. JT.lsman, Station D, Now



DJvJaJon ol Telagrama and Reports fortba Uenefltof Commerce and Agriculture.Report of observations taken at. Loa An-anias. Oal.. Jan. 5.1881

Maximum Thermometer, 65 0Minimum ?? 48 0

The Herald is the only newspa-per In Los Angeles that receivestbe Associated Press telegraphicdispatches.


Admiral Banning was In LosAngeles yesterday.

A. Glassell, Esq., got home fromSan Francisco by yesterday's over-land tralu.

Mr. J. D. Dunlap, Deputy TJ. 8.Marshal, returned from San Fran-cisco overland yesterday.

Lob Angeles has the championmarrying man in the person of aWelshman named Griffiths.

A lot ill the town of Sail Fernan-do, donated by Mrs. Ponet, willbe raffl-d at tbe Cathedral Fair.

Persons seeking rooms are re-ferred to the advertisement headed"For Bent," uuder New To-Day.

Mr. E. 11. Workman has on ex-hibition at his store a fine speci-men of a Gospel Swamp couoauut.

Col. Charles Thomas, of Hemmetvalley aud Mr. Louis Wolf, ofTemecula, San Diego county, areregistereil at tbe Cosmopolitan.

Deputy Sbetlir iiuber went upto San Queutin yesterday, havingIn charge Nelson Dupuy, sentencedto that institution for three years.

IvCity Justice Adams's Courtyeetci.'ay evening, I. Elurio audJuanßnchn, arrested by ConstableLing for flgbtlbg, each paid $5Hue.

At the meeting of the City Boardof Education last evening, MiesMary E. Hodgkius was appointedAssistant Principal of the HighSchool viae Mr. Smith resigned.

The finder of a lady's satchel,lost ou Olive or Seventh street,yesterday evening, will receive $5reward on returning it to the Her-ald offleu.

"Mumps" is iino of the unobtru-sive ailments whose occasionalpresence is being poled in Los Au-geles. As a beautiller "mump." isnot v success.

Oranges are beginning to comeInto the market in n luslderablenumbers. They are b.-iog shippedquite briakly both tn San Fran-cisco and Arizona,

Mary Connolly made »v informa-tion before Justice Adams yester-day churning J. MuClure with pois-oning her sheep. The case conesup for I.earing Ml 1 o'clock tn-day.

Tbe remittitur iv the case ofKeller vs Berry, affirming the de-cision of the Court below, arrivedyesterday. Thia decision confirmsthe titlo nf Keller lv the Rubioplace.It will he seeu by a telegram

from Tucsuu, Arizona, that JohnS. Carr, a sometime Angeh-fij, hasbeen elected Mayor of"The ancientand honorable Pueblo."

The "Owl»" will lule the boardsat Turuvereiu Hall 10-niglit. The ,"Sleeping CJieen" aud "Livater"ought to at tract a large, audienoe.We guarautee our readers uu even ?lug of unusual enjoyment.

Los Augeles has more lawyersthan any city of her sizj in theUuited States. There Is one exten-uating circumstance übjiiit thisotherwise lugubrious fact, ours isone ot the ablest bars lv tbe land.

Justice Fisher yesterday sen-

tenced Edward Gillette, (the mar-riage broker) convicted of obtain.Ing money under false pretences,to pay a tine of $100, or in defaulttobe imprisoned in the oounty Jailfor 100 days.

Rev. Father Hugh Gallagher, ofSt. Joseph's Parish, San Francisco,and Roy. Father Kysor, of SanJose, are pay lug Los Angeles avisit, and are the guests of BishopMora, at the Episcopal lesldeuce,Main street.

Messrs. Emil Harris aud W. B.hettis have entered into a en-part-nership for carrying on a detectiveand collection agency- Both areexperienced )n the business andare eminently trustworthy aud rt<liable gentlemen.

We direct the attention of fami-lies to the advertisement nf Mr. J.Heiman, who has opeued the SanFrancisco poultry market at No.41 Spring street, where they willalways find n full supply of poul-try, fish aud gamp <t( wperibrquality.

' George Havens, arreted on thecharge of breaking open his sister-in-law's trunk and abalraotlngmoney and Jewelry therefrom, wasexamined before Justice Adamsyesterday and discharged, tbe evi-dence failing to couueut bim withthe robbery.

The Unas has arrived when San-ta Mouica ought to be provided

iwith a hotel like that at Monterey.The opeuing of the Southern Hueof railway admits of its beingmade one of tbe most attractive re-sorts, both In Summer und Win-ter, ou the American continent.

f In correction of an item which

I appeared '« the Commercial yes-

-1 terday, Mr. Caystllo Wlebesusto\u25a0 say that bo has not withdrawn

' from tbe conteet for tho Postmas-i tershtp and will not do ao until tbe

son Dupuy pleaded guilty to tbecbarge ofassault to commit rob-bery and was sentenced to State'sPrison fortbree years. Dupuy isthe man who, on Thanksgivingnight, attempted to rob the rail-road office at San Fernando, a fullaccount of wblcb was published Intbe Herald at tbe time.

We refer our readers to au adver-tisement headed "The Best Bar-gain Ever Offered," and would addtbat we happen to kuow that theplace on Ninth street may be hadfor one-third of its real value. Par-ties interested lv getting a niceplaoe for a homestead, fenced andbounded by ditches, with bearingtrees and vines, etc , would do wellto examine the property and thenmake a proposition to Mr. Rowan,agent, Los Angeles, or Mr. Tru-man, owner, Palace Hotel, SanFrancisco.

An item appeared iv tbe Los An-geles papers a abort time ago, stat-ing tbat Chief of Police King badreceived a circular from the Sher-iffof Pima county, Arizona, offer-ing a reward of $500 for tbe appre-hension of Billy Potueky, who iswanted at Tucson to answer to acharge ofgrand larceny. MajorBen C. Truman, in a private note,refers to tbe item aud says tbat bemet Potusky and talked with bimat Chicago, during his recent visitto the East.

Mr. J. D. Bicknell received a tel-egram yesterday Informing himthat the judgmeut of our late Dis-trict Court In the case of O'Connorvs. Fractal ret al., involving tbetitle to the Roeecrans lands, basbeeu rendered by the SupremeCourt in bane and judgment or-dered to cuter ivfavor of the plain-tiff. These cases have been beforethe courts for several years and thejudgment now ordered deoides theissue adversely to tbe settlers andlv favor of Ihe State title, underwhich Mr. O'Connor claims.

We glean the following interest-ing facte from the annual report ofthe Signal Service Officer at theLos Augeles station: Mean barom-eter, 80.01 degrees; mean ther-mometer, 58.7 degrees; mean rela-tive humidity, 69 7 per emit.; an-nual range of temperature, (17 de-greet; maximum, iv May, 97 de-grees; minimum, in January, 30degrees. There were fifty-onerainy days during the yeai; totalrainfall, 18 65 inches. Total veloc-ity of wind, 37,295 miles; greatestvelocity in oue hour, 26 miles, inFebrury; prevailing winds, south-west.

In the joint cases of Bixby vs.Beut aud Sepulveda vs. Sepulveda,a sutt for partition of the PalosVerdes Rancho, now on trial be-fore Judge Hinea, of Veutura, sit-ting for Judge Sepulveda, twentyattorueys are engaged, viz: Messrs.Thorn & Stephens, Bicknell AWhite, Uravos A Chapman, R. H.Chapman, J.G. Howard, Eastman,King, Halty & Roberts, H. T.Haz-ard, Bruuson & Wells, Glassell ASmith, Barclay A Wilson, R. N.C.Wilson. For fear some solicitudemay arise as to where this large ar-ray of counsel are to get tbeir fees,we will state that, not only is theproperty in question valuable, butthe litigants are rich.

Great Is the interest which, in'our local circles, hinges on t;iestruggle for Postmaster. That ro-bust stalwart, the present Incum-bent, Col. is confi-dent that he holds the interiorlines. The agile Caystlle, bow-ever, wouldn't give a fig for Dunk-eiberget's chances and regards bisown as rating at a premium atleast as high as government fourand a half per cents. Brierly,having captured a legislative clerk-ship at Sacramento, would appearto have surrendered tbe local fieldto hisoompetilors. As Brierly dis-appears euters Fred Gllmore.whoßefriends assume that he has the In-side track aud only needs to ele-vate hi9pole to knock down theofficial persimmon. We shall seewhat we shall see.

We had a conversation with agentleman yesterday who has fustpassed over the Atchison, Topekaaud Santa F<s and Southern Pacific.Railroads and the stage line con-necting the two, traversing thesouthern route from Denver toGlobe. He says ihe former line ispushing westward as fast as prac-ticable, but as far as he could learn,after a general inquiry, it is by nomeans oertaln that the two lineswill meet at Florida Point, as basbeen generally supposed. In fact,it was ourrent talk at the front thatthe A. T. & S. F. will run parallelwith the S. P. R. R. for some dis-tance ami not connect until itreaches Tucson. Our Informautsays tbo Southern Pacific peopleclaim to be thoroughly In the darkas to the purpose of their great fl*vol.? Olobe (A. T.\ ChroniQlc.

Board of Supervisors.

Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1881.

Board met pursuant to adjourn-ment. Preseul, full Board and tbeClerk.

Petition or John Trafford to beappointed Justloe of the Peace forLos Angeles tuwnshlp. Deuied.

On motion, all blda for; publishing the delinquent tax list rejectedand the ('ifiU Instructed to adver-tise for new bids, tube received upto the 17th instant

Ou motion, the line betweenSoledad and Sau Fernando town-ship is changed as follows: Com-mencing at township oorner be-tweeu townships 3 and 4 N, ranges15 aud 1G W. theucp south onemile, thenoe W to the couuty line,about 8 miles.

On motion, resolved that war-rants be drawn on the current ex-pense fund for the six months Inter-est due July 1, 1831, oil the $40,050bonds of the Funded debt of 1861,said warrants being lrelieu of cou-pons already exhausted and paid,tbe same to he delivered to tbe le-gal holder of, said bauds; interestto be computed at tbe rate of 7 percent, per annum. When said In-terest is.paid, the County Treasur-er Is Instructed to endorse the cameupon the bonds.

Bills of Oeo. C. Knox aud H. S.Parceils, for $60 each, for services!n thwTsv Pnll*»nrnr*a nfflnp. Or-

City Board of Education.

Aregular meeting oftbe Board ofEducation waa held In the roomsof tbe First National Bank lastevening.

Present?Lindley, Workman andLacy. Dr. Lindley in tbe Chair.

Minutes of tbe previous meetingread au approved.

Tbe following bills were read andapproved and the Secretary in-structed to draw warrants on theTreasurer for the several amounts:B. Howard & Co. $7.90; Express,advertising, $2; Mirror, printing,Sl2; Perry, Wood worth & Co.,$7.82; Woolcott & Vau Home,wood, $6; Harper, Moore & Co.,$13 50; M. W. Child*, $4 00; Ex-press, advertising, $8; B. Raphael,$1.95; Heiozsmau & Ellis, $1.76;H. Newmark & Co., $16.

Mr. R. W. Ellis presented hiscredentials as a member of IheBoard and took his seat.

Dr. Widuey was, on motion,elected President. ?

Wm. Lacy was, on motion,elected Secretary.

Miss M. A. Hodgkins was, onmotion, elected first assistantprincipal of tho High School toAll the position made vacant bythe resignation of L. D. Smith.

Mr. J. W. Redway was, ou mo-tion, elected eeond assistant prin-cipal of the High School, to fill theposition made vacant by tbe pro-motion of Miss M. A. Hodgkins.

Report of Board of Examinationread and ordered placed on file;and, ou motion, tbat tbe recom-mendations suggested therein becarried out.

On motion, it was ordered that afirst grade certificate be granted tpMr. Clias. Case aud second gradecertificates to Miss Catherine Jaredand Mrs. Frances Morgan.

On motion, it was ordered tbat asecond grade city certlfloate begranted to Mrs. M. C. Peabody oupresentation to the Board of hersecond grade State certlfloate, shehaving been a teacher in this de-partment at the time of tho Issu-ance of certificates to the olherteachers, but too 111 to atteud.

A communication from Mrs.Stackpole, asking tbe Board togrant her leave of absence for tbreemonths, was read and, ou motion,granted.

Commuuicttion from W. S.Reavls, read and ordered placed oufile.

On motion, it was ordered tbatthe school at Brooklyn Heiulita bediscontinued for the preseut.

Ou motion, It was ordered thatMiss Yda Addis be assigned to tbeposition of first assistant at EastLos Angeles, and that Mrs. A. 8.Averlllbe assigned to the secondgrammar grade In the HighSchool.

On motion, it was ordered thatthe schools nf Miss Turner andMiss Adams be made double ses-sion schools for the ensuing sixmouths, and that the salaries ofsaid teachers be Increased to $86per mouth for suoh exlra work.

On motion, Board adjourned.


Snp.rler Court BINES, J.Wednesday, Jan. 5.

Sepulveda ot al. vs. Sepulveda etal.?Motion by plaintiff to dismissdenied.

Smith vs. Penny?Judgment aud'findings In favor of defendant.

J. Blxby et al. vs. H. K. W. Bentet al. aud Sepulveda et al. vs. Se-pulveda et al. Attorneys of rsoordentered. Case continued until to-morrow at 10 A. m.

Sepulveda, J.People vs. Nelson Depuy?Plea

of guilty of robbery as charged en-tered. Sentenced lo three years inState Prison.

Craig vs. Orogau, executor?Ar-gued and submitted; twenty daysto filebriefs.

Graves, administrator, vs. East-man et al.?Six days further timefor defendants to answer.

Free of CostDr. Kino's New Discovery

for Consumption, Coughs audColds, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc, isgiyen away In trial bottles free'ofoost to the afflicted. Ifyou have aseyere cough, cold, difficulty ofbreathing, hoarseness or any affec-tion of the throat or lungs by allmeans give tbis wonderful remedya trial. Aa you vaiue your exis-tence you cannot afford to let thisopportunity pass. We could not af-ford, and would not give this rem-edy away unless we knew it wouldaccomplish what we claim for It.Thousands of hopeless cases havealready been completely cured hyIt. There is no medicine iv theworld that will cure one-half theoases that Dr. Kino's New Dis-covery will oure. For »a\e byHeinzeman Jr. Kills, drVUjgh\ts, L.nnAngeles,

Bucklen's Arnica Salve.The Rn.iT Salve in tbe world for

cuts, bruises, sores, uloers, saltrheum, fever sores, tetter, chappedhands, chilblains, corns, and allkinds of skin eruptious. Thissalve is guaranteed to give perfectsatisfaction inevery case or moneyrefunded. Price 25 Couts per box.For sale by Heiuzemau & Ellis,wholesale agents, Los Angeles,

If you want a ne.at tilting shirtmade up lu,'good style nnd of thebest material, try the Coulter, Inlaundried and unlauuiried, et B.X, Coulter's, 80 A 32 Malu street,Baker Blocr.

Death to high prices and monop-olists, Meu's suits, odd coats,dsnts aud vests .at manufac-turers prices, aud all the lateststyles direot from New York atthe Dpwuey Block.

At the request or my young menI will close my stores, SU A 32Main street, Baker Blook, at 7o'olock P. m.i until further no-tice. B. F. Coulter.

See the Concolodor in hi* won-derful transmutation of colors atthe dyeing and scouring establish-ment, No- 8 Aliso street.

Hot weather produces Inaction oftbe liver. Inaction of tbe liveroauses diseased kidneys, and dis-eased kidneys undermine tbe lifequicker than consumption. Thesetroubles oan be avoided by usingWarner's Safe Kidney and LiverCure, the purest and best remedyever discovered.

rHURSDAY JAN. 6, 1881.

A S £ \u25a0

Iff k «

\u25a0 I 11 v i 1p a

4:16 A.M. 29 80 43 75" N TVCToar12:15 p. m. 20.91 60 65 K 4 Fair

:1ft P. M. 29.68 51 72 NW I 4 Clear




To gratify a generally expressed desire, the recent per-formances of



Thursday and Friday Even'gs, Jan. 6 & 7.PRICES.

ADMISSION SOc. BKSKBVKD BKATB,7Bc.Secured at Lewlu & Co'a Book Store on and after Monday, Jan. 3d.


Boots and Shoes, r g?j«1 For the Holidays! i \u25a0

Low Prices! Low Prices!THE LEWIi BROS, recognize the fact that tbe present month is

one in which all classes of citizens are called upon to opeu their purse-strings more than any other month In the year. We have just opened110 cases of Boots,Shoes,Sandals,Slippers and Rubbers, which forvariety,etyle and durability far excel anything tbat bas ever come Into Los An-geles. They come to us direct from the most reputable manufacturers ofNew York and Philadelphia. Our stock Is now complete and has beencarefully selected, and In every department we have marked pricesdown to most astonishing low figures.

SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS:Ladles' Kid Button Sboes, worked button-holes, liigb cut $2 90Ladles' Kid Fox Button Shoes, worked button boles, blgb cut 1 90Ladles' Calf or Ooat Balmorals, full scalloped, high out 1 50Ladles' Kid Foxed Laced Balmorals, round or square toe 1 00Men's Kip Boots, double sole , 2 60Men's Gaiters and Alexis Ties (oalf) 2 00Men's Brogsus, full stook, quilted bottoms ? 1 60

Misses', Children's and Infant's Shoes Reduced In Proportion.

i J THE GREAT IULU.O Ct.il .ullexamine our stock and

_ _ _prioes: 8001 pulrsGray Bros. U A T GENTLEMEN: 20W palrfront button, side button IIIIL/1 ? land-sewed French calfmd side lace sboes, in nnrnn Boots; also, Alexis, Confrench kid and French |V|sP 11 |h sress Gaiters, dress shoes,.ebble goat, tbe nXost ele- » I\lVJk. lust opened, to be had al{ant fitting sboo made anil UlWElt PillUKs than I.ilwuys keeps their slmne. Qgnt A ShOO HoilSe «<l?d lor the same goods)ur REDUCTION IN "«»' " n»i»w n Hau Franclsoo. In an-CRICES Is genuine, and we «y ano HPRturi «T lolpatlon of a rush, andintlolpate large sales. »7 *OUSPRING ST. baiall may be waited one-hloh will somewual com. amutmUm tt n promptly,we have employ-

peneateus for our very uiipwimr. v. Ed additional salesmen.SUM, PROFITS. I . s% ?I Lewis Bros. tmmmmmmmmmwmumm

UHMtPREMIUM (SUA*Ell MED AM_SJ awarded at Horticultural Hair, 18SS,for display of pure drugs, chemicals, etc.

LOS ANOELES. December. 1380.Irespectfully Invite your attentiou to

my large and elegant selection of articlessuitable for the

Holiday (Season

consisting or






.In addition to which lam constantlyreceiving fresh Invoices ol' the lateststyles of

TOILET ACCESSORIES,Both ol American and European manu-


oe-Your Inspection is respectfully In-vited,





jL , PFEIFFENBERGER'S,Downey's Marble Front, opposite Cosmo-

politan llotai. Main street.

Ht'lTHot UlTory Descriptionfrom SSS to #«5.

Ihave constantly on hand a largo and\u25a0elected stock ot the inostelegant cloths,arthe latest fashions, -and am enabled tofurnish the most stylish lulUat the low-est prices. A GOOD FIT always guarao-

Blankets and Flannels SoW Cheap.Everybody who want* to have a coat,

vest or pucttAlooas made to order, willand It to his advantagefo call on me.




Who has the advantage of, many yearspractice ivthe Unitourttutes and foreignlauds. My method requires no otherremedies thaa Imponderable agents. Itapplies.to all terms of disease, of body{aud mind, is prompt in Ita aotlon and'Permanent In IU results. "Knowledgeis power,'* satd the philosopher. Thismaxim Is true; but tbere Is a greatertru,th. which la that knowledge is saiely?-ufety amidst the physical ills tbat be-set us. Itwillprevent and remove dis-ease and restore vitality. It eradicatestho Inlurious effects ofmedicine. Itre-news health and prevents premature de-cay. ItIs the Household Physician andthe greatest beatttifter of the ago. Testit. ear-Co SPRING STREET,


Change of Agency.The Agency of Ihe Fireman's Fund

and tho Hartford Fire Inauranoe Com-panies, has thl. day bee.n transferredfrom me to DANIELULI.MAN.

8. H. BUCHANAN.Los Angeles, Deo. 24, 1860.

Parties wishing to Insure In first-classcompanies will do well to call on me.DAN'L ULLMAN,

ln.un.Dee Agent,dSS-lm Turner sir et.

MoriAVto Loan

Certificate of Co-Partner-? ehlp.

The undersigned bereby certify thattbey are partners doing business underthe firm name of Jacoby BROTHERS,in Los Angeles cityand oounty. State olCalifornia.

That the names In full or sncb co-part-nership are Nathan Jacoby, Charles Ja-ooby, Lesser Jaooby, and tuelr places ufresilience are as follows:

Nathan Jaooby, residing in Los Ange-les city aud oounty; Charlea Jacoby, re-siding in San Franclsoo, California;Lesser Jacoby. residing In Los Angelesttllyand couuty.


Witness:A. no ItTON, Deputy County Clerk.


County ef Los Angeles. IOn this3lHtday or December, in tbo

year one thousand ciuht hundred audeighty, before me, A. W. Potts. CountyOlerk and ex-uffleio Clerk of tbe SuperiorCourt, in aaC for said county, person-allyappeared Charles Jacoby, Lesser Ja-coby aud Nathan Jaooby, known tometo be the persons whose names are sub-scribed to tbe witbln instrument, audacknowledged to me that they executedtbe same.

Inwitness whereof I bavo hereunto setmy hand aad amxed tho seal of saidCourt tne day aud year in tbis certificatefirst above written.

A. W. POTTS,Couuty Clerk and ex-offlclo Clerk.

Jnl-lw By A,NORTON, Deputy.

Notice?Delinquent Sale.Los Angelas Miningand Smelting Com-

pany ? Location of principal plaoe ofbusiness. Los Angeles, California?Lo-cation of works, Resting springs, Inyocouuty, California.

NOTICE.There is delinqueut on the follow-

ing described siock,on account of assess-ment number five, levied ou the twenty-eighth day of October. 1880, tbe severalamounts set opposite the names ofthe re-spective shareholders, as follows:

No. of No. oiNames. Certificate. Shares. Amt.

McKnlght,W J 44. 2b $37 AOMcKnlght, W J 64 80 4 > OilMcKnlght,W J...... «5 17 25 MMcKnlght,'W J...... 78 ? 32 4S 00McKnlght, W J 181 .... 82 48 00Bent, HKW 98 5. 7 50Crittenden, H 01 .200 300 toCrittenden, H.........11U 74 11l 00Crittenden, H 149 21 80 00Crittenden, H 159 til 9i hi'Morgan, HA .......1"4....._... 26. 37 50

And in accordance with law,and an or-der of tbe Board of Directors, made onthe 28th day or October, 1880, somany shares ofeach parcel of sucu stookas may he necessary will be sold at pub-lic ctictiou. at the office of theCompany, No. 1 Temple Block, Los An-gelosclty, Cal., on TUESDAY, tne 18lhday ol January, 1881. at tbe hour of ten

O'clock a. m. of said day, to pay said de-delinquent assessments thereon, togeth-er with oost of advertising and expensesot sale.

J. M. ELLIOTT,Secretary.Ofnoe-Nn. 1 Temple Blook Loa Auge-

les oily, California.

Christy &Wise,


tbe sale of Wool. Hides, Tallow.Orain, Live Stock, etc.

Also, Wool Bags, Twine, Hips and allRanch Supplies furnished customers utlowest rates.

007 FRONT ST., between Jackson andPacific, SAN FRANCISC ).




door to Union Hall, notifies his patrons-\u25a0*"-- public generally that be has At-

batb-iooms at his barber shopprepared tn furnish hot or cold>r the moderate sum nf Wis.ivc bins »call. dtl.lm

new APvgßTißjnißwro. \u25a0

FOR THE HOtIDAYS? 'The Largest, Cheapest and Nobbiest ?leek of HoH» j

day Goods has Just been received by the

cityofparM17 &19 Spring St., |


Cliildren's Cloaks, |Dolmans, |

Bnrnoua, ' ,

fteding-otes, et« "|.»aT"Speclal attention is called to our elegant Fox and CfelnoMUe

fur-trimmed BURNOUS, "Sarah Bernhardt," "Angel" Mat)M"Ristorl;" also,

Plain and Brocade Silk Parasols, fBrocade Silk Handkerchiefs, I

Plain Silk Handkerchiefs,Ladies* Silk Scarfs, '4

Ladies' Lace Scarfs, &Gent's Silk and Satin Ties, J

Gents' Silk and Satin SwpyAlso, the Latest Slyles In Men'e, Youths' and Bojhs' jfim.'&W,

Cassimere and Cheviot Suits,Overcoats, Ulsters and Ulsterettes.; j

Also, a very attractive stook of 1

GENTS 9 FURNISHING GOODS,Also, a variety of

Fancy Articles, Suitable foriChristmas ancLNewYear

Presents, J-A-ll of" wliioli is offered at

tremely Reasonable Prioes.

l|Casr*An inspection of our stock is respectfully solicited, fl

nsroa?iOEi.For the accommodation of our customers our store will remain oat* :every evening up to 9 o'clock until Christmas.


Holiday Presents. v lThe most acceptable present which can be made at this season of the

year Is a pair of

FINE BOOTS OR SHOES,Which can be had of Slaney.

His stook ranges through all the favorite modes, and his prices arethe most moderate in Southern California. Ladles'and Gentlemen*.Boys' and Misses' FOOTWJSAR of tbe best quality and PRICKS TOSUIT THE TIMES,

A.T SIjAIVEY'S,161 MAIN ST., bet. Flrat and Second.




Assortment, Quality and Price will Tell.Our SHIRTS are acknowledged by all who have

Wljssa^lsdJSMr^''''''' tliera to be the best, lower In price, superiorIH \u25a0(/ Inquallty, perfect in regard to fit. Our stook is now . Jmm W~r* f""!'!'''!', and satisfaction guaranteed. SHIRTSamWa9mmm MADE TO ORDER.

Our 'tock of UNDERWEAR and CALIFOR- |-\! MA 'gk'L N'A FLANNELS, made up Into Bblrte'V*!fflLV Drawers, manufactured by ourselves, enablee ue

' ? '" "X" l" our customers honest goods at LOWEBl'R ICES than they ever bought tbem before. - *

A magnificent assortment of SILK HaSl»< 3KERCHIEFS, Gent's Neokwear, Glove., CntV.®

ajfer» Buttons. Studs, Scarf-Plns, Silk Umbrellas, eJaH»;?Snthfr atanie noveltiee, imported directly by ear- J

\u25baelves, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, at *SIEGrEL'S,





Jesse Moore & Co's Louisville, Kv., Pine <WtiBourbon and Rye Whisk lee, .j


\u25a0S-The following Is an Inoomplotc Hitof goods keptbaud: Finest Cognacs. Holland and Old Tom Gin. Jamaica> Mf&jCrmx Rum, Irish ai d Hootch Whiskies, Imported Part IM \u25a0Wines, Caohet Blanc and Green Seal Champagnes, Koftllsfc AM

twiam now prepared to s«U the above goods (of which ISMfjlevery article to be as represented) h.v tne BOTTLeS at GALmfamily ormedio .1 ate. Q'«>d- prompt iv «alleered *canyjeaMolty. Ore era ad dieted to p