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By Teeka Tiwari



Since the dawn of technology, one simple fact has remained the same: When usage skyrockets, profits boom.

We’ve seen this phenomenon play out with personal computers, phones, music players, TVs, and VCRs.

One of the most famous examples, though, is broadband internet.

Most of you probably remember how slow dial-up modems were. They had a top speed of 56 kilobits per second.

Today’s broadband cable offers speeds between 10,000 and 500,000 kilobits per second. That’s nearly 200–9,000 times faster.

In 2000, only 1% of U.S. homes had a broadband internet connection. By 2020, that number had ballooned to over 77%.

As you can see from the chart above, broadband usage exploded from 2000–2020. And it led to a subsequent surge in internet usage among Americans. During the same span, internet usage rocketed from 43% to nearly 75%.

And internet companies like Amazon, Adobe, and Intuit saw their share prices explode during this period. They went up as much as 62,403%, 7,883%, 4,740%, respectively.

I saw a similar phenomenon of usage play out in

2003… when I recommended Apple to my retail brokerage clients.

At around that time, Apple was having financial problems. Even with the success of the iPod, the company was still struggling. The problem was that only people with an Apple computer could use it. So the addressable market was just about 3% of computer users.

But I knew the company was working on a version that would be compatible with any personal computer brand. And PC users made up the other 97% of the market.

It was a no-brainer that PC users would eventually fall in love with iPods – just as Apple users had. Except this time, Apple could sell iPods to a market of hundreds of millions of PC users instead of the tiny market of fewer than 10 million Mac users.

The Hyper Boom PortfolioBy Teeka Tiwari



And that’s exactly what happened…

By 2004, iPod usage had exploded... and so had Apple’s stock. Since the lows of 2003, shares have gone from a split-adjusted 91 cents to $155 this year. My clients made a bundle.

So you can see the power of skyrocketing usage. But here’s the thing…

It would’ve taken you an average of nearly 20 years to achieve those peak gains from Apple, Amazon, Adobe, or Intuit. And if you’re at or near retirement age… you just don’t have that much time to wait.

Unless you’re already rich and willing to risk massive amounts of money… you couldn’t make a fortune from investing tiny grubstakes in the Apples and Amazons of today.

The same is true for stock indexes.

For example, even if the S&P 500 rises 20% per year for the next five years… it still won’t be enough to bridge the funding gap between the life you have and the life you want.

If you put $10,000 into the market today and it compounds at 20% for five years, that’s $24,883.

Let that sink in for a moment…

It’s not a bad return, but it’s nowhere near what you’d need to have the kind of retirement you want.

That’s why my mission is so important. I’ve built my newsletter career on helping everyday Americans find a way to safely bridge the gap between the financial life they have and the financial life they want… without putting their current lifestyle at risk.

And over my 32-year career covering the markets, I’ve found no other asset that can rise higher and faster than cryptocurrencies.

Take bitcoin, for example…

When I first recommended bitcoin in 2016 at around $420, usage was low. At that point, there were only around 7 million wallets holding bitcoin. But since then, we’ve seen that figure explode to 200 million. That’s a 2,757% increase in adoption.

If you followed my initial bitcoin recommendation, you would’ve had the chance to see peak gains of 15,055%. That’s enough to turn every $1,000 into $151,550 in just five years.

As longtime readers know, what’s good for bitcoin is also good for the entire crypto ecosystem… just like broadband technology was good for the entire internet ecosystem.

And when bitcoin booms, it can slingshot certain altcoins to the stratosphere.

I call them “Catch-Up Coins” because just one can represent a lifetime of wealth creation.

And thanks to an unprecedented event in the crypto market, we’re about to see a Hyper Boom in this tiny subset of altcoins.

Remember, a Hyper Boom occurs when you have a massive influx of new users coming into crypto. Catch-Up Coins are some of the most sensitive coins to usage spikes. We find the best Catch-Up Coins by buying into projects that are seeing explosive usage, but their price action is either trending down from its peak or trading sideways.

Let me explain…

We estimate less than 1% of people on the planet realize these Catch-Up Coins even exist... Yet, some of them are seeing massive adoption. But while their usage rates are going up… their prices are either down or trading sideways.

As I’ve shown you, usage is about to hit an all-time high. This will trigger a Hyper Boom in the Catch-Up Coins for the ages.



It’ll be like a barrel of TNT… on top of a crate of nitroglycerin… on top of 100 tons of weapons-grade plutonium… sending certain coins to the stratosphere.

My readers saw this firsthand when I recommended a tiny altcoin called Neo (NEO) in February 2017. At the time, Neo was trading at $0.12.

But usage was skyrocketing... (see the chart at the top). Neo rocketed 156,753% in less than 10 months. That’s enough to turn $1,000 into over $1.5 million. That’s the Hyper Boom in action.

Another example is a tiny altcoin I recommended in November 2017 called Binance (BNB). At the time, it was trading for $1.88.

But I predicted it would eventually see massive growth in its usage. And we saw that play out earlier this year (see the chart to the right).

That’s because the number of unique smart chain addresses on Binance jumped from 650,000 to 93 million. That’s a growth rate of 14,244% (see the chart below).

Subscribers who bought Binance when I initially recommended it had the chance to cash in on peak gains of 36,652%... Enough to turn every $1,000 into $367,520.

Another example of the Hyper Boom is Aave (AAVE). If you look at its price chart from January to April 2020 (next page), you’d probably think, “This coin is a dud.”



Now, look at its usage chart (second image). By June 2020, it was hitting new highs…

The Hyper Boom in Aave usage led to a corresponding boom in prices...

From January to December 2020, Aave’s price boomed from $1.52 to $90.91 – a 5,881% gain. That’s enough to turn every $1,000 into $59,810.

In this special report, I’ll reveal six Catch-Up Coins I believe the Hyper Boom will catapult higher.

That’s because these projects will have the most important thing working in their favor: explosive usage.

Today, there are only 200 million people actively involved in this asset class. But the adoption rate for crypto is growing faster than the adoption rate of the internet… Which means we’ll have billions of people in this space over the next few years.

The next wave of blockbuster crypto projects will help bitcoin and Ethereum reach those billions of people.

They’re doing that by adding safety features… interoperability… and simpler user interfaces to the world’s two biggest blockchain networks.

And because they’re partnering with larger projects, they’re already seeing immediate increases in their usage.

Remember, usage drives value. And where I see the most usage right now are in Catch-Up Coins.

Friends, no stock or stock index in the world can move fast enough or far enough to bridge the gap between the financial life you have and the one you want.

The best way I know of to accelerate your wealth-building is with my Hyper Boom Portfolio.

So, if you still aren’t where you want to be financially… I encourage you to act now and position yourself in these six Hyper Boom Catch-Up Coins before the market realizes their potential.



A few important notes to remember before we get started:

• Immediately after our buy recommendations, we often see an initial price spike. We understand this can be frustrating. But don’t worry. This is par for the course in the cryptocurrency space. Most of the time, the recommendation falls back below our buy-up-to price. Use a limit order. And just be patient and let the price come to you.

• At Palm Beach Confidential, we look for asymmetric bets. These are trades where you can take a small starting stake and make incredible returns. It’s all on our journey to make life-changing gains without putting your current lifestyle at risk.

That’s why it’s so important you use rational position sizing. We recommend $200–400 per idea if you’re a smaller investor, or $500–1,000 if you’re a bigger investor. Don’t risk more than you’re willing to lose outright.

• We’ve listed the tokens in this report in alphabetical order, not necessarily the order we suggest you purchase them. As always, use small, uniform position sizes to create a basket of these coins in your own crypto portfolio. Using this asymmetric betting style, you can set yourself up for outsized gains without taking outsized risks.

Now let’s get to the Catch-Up Coins in my Hyper Boom portfolio…

Proof the Hyper Boom Is About to Hit

The Hyper Boom I’m seeing all has to do with one thing: crypto adoption.

There’s about to be an explosion of crypto adoption on a scale we’ve never seen before. I believe this unprecedented wave of new people coming into crypto will unleash a Hyper Boom of usage that no one has ever seen before in the 12 years that cryptos have been around…

That’s because what’s happening right now can ONLY happen once…

You see, the adoption of crypto is tiny compared to other technologies. It’s just 200 million people out of a total addressable market of more than 5 billion internet users.

But according to fintech analytics company Portfolio Insider, the current bitcoin adoption rate has been outpacing the internet’s user growth rate and will reach 1 billion users within the next four years.

That’s nearly two times faster than it took the internet to reach that landmark.

But what excites me most is the number of major U.S. financial firms offering crypto services to their clients. Just look at the number of people they could potentially bring to this emerging asset class:

• Wells Fargo: 70 million

• Bank of America: 66 million



• JPMorgan Chase: 55 million

• BNP Paribas: 33 million

• Deutsche Bank: 24 million

• Morgan Stanley: 8.2 million

In total, banks with a combined 300 million checking accounts are coming on board. For the first time, customers of hundreds of U.S. banks will soon be able to buy, hold, and sell bitcoin through their existing accounts.

Not only that, but these major players are planning to roll out bank accounts that pay interest in bitcoin. Think about that…

Imagine if you could just log into your checking account, and with a click of a mouse, transfer some money to another account… but one that paid interest in bitcoin.

What do you think that will do to the number of bitcoin users? It’ll go through the roof.

Second, credit card companies are starting to bring crypto into their platforms. This influx of potential crypto users is massive.

• Visa recently launched crypto-linked cards that make it easy to convert and spend cryptos at 70 million merchants worldwide… and it’s been a huge success. Visa has 3.3 billion users.

• Mastercard is also offering a card option to people wanting to spend their digital assets anywhere Mastercard is accepted. That’s another 975 million potential users.

And third, we’re also seeing big tech finally get serious about offering bitcoin on their networks.

• Amazon’s payment acceptance team is looking for a crypto expert to lead their team. Amazon would bring in as many as 300 million users.

• Twitter is also embracing bitcoin… That’s another potential 330 million users.

• And Square could bring in as many as 210 million users.

All in, we are looking at more than 5 billion potential new users about to come into bitcoin.

We’ve never seen a tsunami of new users coming into crypto like this before.

And bitcoin is just what I call the “gateway drug” to the rest of crypto. Of all these new people coming into bitcoin, many will filter into smaller coins.

And because these coins are much smaller than bitcoin, they are much more sensitive to changes in usage…



Hyper Boom Pick No. 1: Celo (CELO)

Imagine a world where there’s never a need for a physical bank… customer service… or staff of any kind. That’s not a wild science fiction dream anymore. It’s happening right now.

In what may prove to be among the most valuable use cases for blockchain, we’re witnessing the birth of a brand-new distributed financial system springing up to parallel, and ultimately, rival the traditional financial system.

I’m talking about decentralized finance (DeFi). And it will do for finance what the internet has done for so many other businesses: Replace a high-cost middleman with a low-cost one.

DeFi uses cutting-edge blockchain technology to slash costs by doing away with the need for trusted third parties.

Eventually, it’ll make banking, borrowing, lending, and investing more accessible and cheaper for billions of people.

That’s where our first pick in this special report comes in: Celo (CELO).

Celo gives anyone in the world with a smartphone access to public blockchains and financial services such as banking and lending.

Celo is designed for mobile use and offers speed, transparency, and low costs. By using phone numbers as public keys instead of a long, random string of words and letters – that’s almost

impossible to remember and too easy to input incorrectly – it aims to reduce one of the main barriers of entry to crypto.

Today, there are nearly 4 billion smartphone users around the world. And Celo opens the doors to new possibilities to every one of them, like DeFi applications and payments.

But where it’ll really make a difference is with those who are locked out of traditional finance. Take, for instance, the nearly 2 billion adults around the world who don’t have access to financial services.

Of these individuals, an estimated two-thirds own a smartphone. That’s over 1 billion potential users who could use Celo for financial services previously unavailable to them.

Celo has also gotten support and interest from many companies around the world.

Today, over 140 projects and companies are expanding on its ecosystem.

One of its latest partnerships is with Deutsche Telekom, the largest telecommunication provider in Europe by revenue, with over 242 million mobile customers.

The mobile carrier will allow validators on the Celo network to send verification text messages to its users. This improves the security and reliability of decentralized phone verification, which is what makes the Celo blockchain easy to use.

That’s where Catch-Up Coins come in.

The Catch-Up Coins in my Hyper Boom portfolio are the best I’ve found that should benefit from the huge increase in usage. These are projects I feel strongly will attract millions of users once the world wakes up to their incredible potential… and which we can get into before they take off.

Because as I showed you above, the bigger the usage, the bigger the boom. And the coins in this portfolio aren’t just primed to see a boom... They’re primed for a Hyper Boom.



In addition, T-Systems MMS, the subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, will operate a validator group to help secure the network and further develop Celo’s infrastructure.

To date, Celo has raised over $65 million from several big players in the industry, including Polychain Capital, Coinbase Ventures, Dragonfly Capital, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, and founder of Twitter and Square Jack Dorsey.

These are just a few of the many institutions and individuals backing Celo’s journey to become the premier decentralized global payment infrastructure for entry-level users.

The Celo Hyper Boom

Remember, a Hyper Boom occurs when you have a massive influx of new users coming into crypto.

Catch-Up Coins are some of the most sensitive coins to usage spikes. We find the best Catch-Up Coins by buying into projects that are seeing explosive usage, but their price action is either trending down from its peak or trading sideways.

When CELO first came on our radar, its price had plunged 70% from its April peak. Since then, it’s seen an increase in usage and its price has rallied (see the first chart above)...

You can see the increased usage in the second chart above...

As you can see, the price action is not telling the

whole story.

Now, CELO has begun to move up, which means it’s in the initial stages of its Hyper Boom phase.

But we think there’s a much larger move ahead in the coming weeks as Celo launches its cross-chain bridge to Ethereum. This will enable users to move assets between the two networks.

In the past, an efficient bridge to Ethereum has proven to be a key growth element for other blockchains. And we expect the same for Celo.



The bridge is called Optics. And its first connection point will be to Ethereum. But it also offers easy plug-in solutions for other chains. Following Ethereum, it’ll connect to other major networks like Solana, Polkadot, Cosmos, and more.

Pair this with the networks recently launched $100 million fund to bootstrap DeFi adoption on the Celo network – and we can expect massive growth ahead.

Protocols participating in expanding the DeFi ecosystem on Celo include: Aave, Curve, SushiSwap, 0x, Chainlink, and many more.

As you can see, Celo is rapidly approaching a critical moment in its early adoption phase that presents us with an opportunity to get in early before the Hyper Boom really takes off.

What’s It Worth?

As mentioned above, there are about 4 billion smartphone users. And 1.3 billion of them are unbanked. This makes them prime targets for Celo’s services.

Let’s say Celo can capture 15% of unbanked individuals who own a smartphone – or about 200 million users – over the next five years.

If each of them makes just one transaction per day… the network would process over 73 billion transactions per year.

Now, let’s assume each transaction costs one cent. And it’s paid in CELO. That would translate to roughly $730 million in yearly demand for CELO.

To get a sense of what this means for the price of CELO, we can compare it to Ethereum.

In August, Ethereum users spent nearly $700 million on transaction fees. That’s about $8.3 billion in annual demand for ETH.

Ethereum ended August with a $404 billion valuation. That’s about 49 times the annual demand for ETH ($404 billion / $8.3 billion = 48.7).

Based on our forecast above, if we give CELO the same multiple as Ethereum… its value would be about $35.5 billion ($730 million x 48.7).

At a market cap of $35.5 billion, each token would be worth $144.05 based on the current token supply… or a 2,747% increase from today’s price.

That’s enough to turn a $500 investment into $14,234. And every $1,000 investment into $28,468.

And remember, this estimate only assumes Celo captures 5% of smartphone users (banked and unbanked). If Celo could double that projected market penetration rate… under a blue-sky scenario, each CELO would be worth $288.10.

That’s a 5,593% increase from today’s price, enough to turn $500 into $28,468 and $1,000 into $56,936.

It’d take nearly 47 years to make those types of gains in the stock market.

By adding CELO to the portfolio today, we’re investing in the infrastructure that will improve financial services for the world’s unbanked population.

Action to Take: Buy Celo (CELO). Buy-up-to Price: $12 Stop Loss: None Buy It On: Coinbase (Under the ticker CGLD), KuCoin, Binance Store It On: Click here for our step-by-step instructions on storing CELO tokens using Celo Wallet.



Hyper Boom Pick No. 2: Curve (CRV)

Consumer adoption of technology is driven by making things cheaper, easier, and faster.

Just look at your own buying habits. Why do you use Amazon instead of taking a trip to a local store? Why did you stop visiting Blockbuster and start using Netflix?

They’re cheaper, easier, and faster – that’s why. And when it comes to disrupting financial institutions and services, DeFi will be a wrecking ball of cheaper, easier, and faster solutions.

And that brings us to our next project. It’s the third-largest decentralized exchange (DEX) by trading volume.

A DEX is simply an exchange market that doesn’t rely on third parties to hold customers’ funds. Instead, trades occur directly between users (peer-to-peer) through an automated process.

Unlike centralized exchanges such as Coinbase and Binance, a DEX doesn’t rely on third parties to custody users’ funds. Instead, trades occur directly between users (peer-to-peer) through an automated process.

By removing middlemen, DEXs speed up transaction times while reducing costs. The lower fees attract more users and – in turn – increase profits for its token holders.

Today, there are DEXs operating for most blockchains. For instance, Uniswap is the biggest DEX on Ethereum.

But as with any new technology, DEXs have had some growing pains.

Despite being more efficient and safer than centralized exchanges… the lack of liquidity so far has made trading on DEXs slow, expensive, and clunky. And it’s why traders have preferred

transacting on centralized exchanges such as Coinbase, Kraken, and Binance, despite their drawbacks.

The next project will help bring the promise of cheaper, safer, and more efficient DEXs to reality. It’s called Curve (CRV).

Similar to Uniswap, Curve uses liquidity pools to exchange assets instead of matching buyers with sellers. It’s also a non-custodial exchange. It places your tokens in smart contracts, which means you can withdraw them at any time.

Curve specializes in swapping stablecoins. These are cryptos pegged to another asset, such as the U.S dollar. For example, on Curve, you can swap U.S. dollar stablecoins like USDT and USDC… It’s the go-to exchange for these types of transactions.

The advantage Curve has over other DEXs is its ability to minimize slippage.

Slippage occurs when the asset prices change from the time you submit your order to the time the order executes on chain. And depending on the depth of the liquidity pool and market volatility, slippage can severely eat away at profits when exchanging assets.

Curve’s algorithm minimizes slippage and trading fees. But this is only possible when trading tokens pegged to the same asset. That’s why Curve isn’t currently a competitor to Uniswap (more on this below).

To increase liquidity, Curve uses incentives. It allows users to earn income by depositing their assets to liquidity pools to earn trading fees. In addition to trading fees, select pools on Curve also generate income by sending tokens to lending protocols like Compound and Yearn.finance for even more yield.

Those rewards have helped Curve create some of the deepest liquidity pools in DeFi.




And deeper pools mean lower slippage when trading assets. This has made Curve a powerhouse in the DEX space, generating nearly a quarter-billion dollars in trading volume on any given day.

But Curve’s innovation doesn’t stop there. The team recently launched an upgrade, which introduced dynamic pegs.

The dynamic peg pools differ from the original pools by allowing exchange rates to drift slightly when necessary. Yet, they’ll only drift if the move doesn’t cause liquidity providers to take a big loss.

The upgrade will help create highly efficient liquidity pools that aren’t pegged to the same asset. And that could eventually give Curve the capability to move beyond only offering transactions for pegged crypto assets.

Earlier this year, Curve launched a tri-crypto pool consisting of Ethereum, bitcoin, and USDT. Today, the pool holds over a half-billion dollars in assets and generates over $50 million in daily trading volume.

That being said, we believe both Curve and Uniswap will continue to thrive and coexist together. That’s because Curve is only focused on the largest assets in the space… not the small- and medium-sized tokens Uniswap specializes in.

In addition to its recent upgrades, Curve is expanding its operations to other networks.

It recently launched on Polygon, xDai, and Fantom. It also plans to launch on Avalanche, Celo, and the popular layer 2 scaling solution, Arbitrum, soon.

We’re excited to see this unfold, as these networks offer much cheaper transaction fees compared to Ethereum – opening the doors to everyday users.

But despite these new developments and its growing usage, Curve protocol’s token sold off in recent months.

The Curve Hyper Boom

Remember, a Hyper Boom occurs when you have a massive influx of new users coming into crypto.

Catch-Up Coins are some of the most sensitive coins to usage spikes. We find the best Catch-Up Coins by buying into projects that are seeing explosive usage, but their price action is either trending down from its peak or trading sideways.

We’re seeing that set-up with CRV…

Look at the chart above, which shows the CRV token price sell-off that started in April.

Meanwhile, if we look under the hood, assets held on the platform have exploded (see chart on following page)…




As you can see, the market is missing the bigger picture on Curve. And there’s another “hidden” catalyst that will boost the token higher…

Now, to top off the recent developments and increase in usage, Curve is a must own token today thanks to its recent drop in issuance.

Last month, Curve had its first anniversary. To celebrate this milestone, the platform reduced its liquidity mining rewards by 30%.

Like many DeFi protocols, Curve rewards liquidity providers with a percentage of its tokens as an incentive to boost usage. By drastically reducing the emission rate of new tokens, we’ll likely see massive appreciation in the price of the CRV token.

That’s good for CRV token holders.

For instance, the last time bitcoin halved its issuance rate, the price of BTC rocketed over 650%. We expect a similar outcome for CRV.

What’s It Worth?

Since the CRV token began its descent in April, the protocol has generated roughly $1 million each week on average from trading fees.

We believe this is only the beginning as Curve expands its operations to other networks and millions of new users enter the DeFi space.

Looking back over the past year, DEX monthly trading volume surged from $13.57 billion to $78.5 billion… a 478% increase.

Let’s assume DEX trading volume grows at just one-third of this rate (159%) over the next three

years. And we’ll also assume Curve maintains its market share in the DEX space along with its current trading fees.

That would imply roughly $17.6 million in weekly earnings for its stakeholders, or just over $917 million in annual earnings over the next three years.

To value these earnings, we’ll compare Curve to Coinbase, the largest crypto exchange in North America.

Today, Coinbase trades at 25 times its earnings. If we apply this same earnings multiple to Curve, its market cap would go to $22.9 billion (25 x $917 million).

Due to its cutting-edge technology and much larger growth potential, we believe Curve could fetch a multiple at least three times greater than Coinbase.

In that case, Curve would be worth $68.8 billion – or $152.76 per token based on current token supply. That’s a 5,356% increase from today’s price. Enough to turn a $500 investment into $27,278 and every $1,000 investment into $54,556.



But we believe Curve could sustain its current 478% growth rate over the next three years if it remains the go-to DEX for swapping tokens pegged to the same asset.

Under this blue-sky scenario, Curve would generate $10.2 billion in annual income. And if we give Curve the same valuation as Coinbase, the project would be valued at $254 billion (25 x $10.2 billion).

In this case, each CRV token would be worth $564.13 based on current token supply.

That’s a 20,047% increase from today’s price. Enough to turn a $500 investment into $100,737... And every $1,000 investment into $201,474.

It’d take nearly 70 years to make those types of gains in the stock market.

We believe this is a conservative target for Curve. The platform plays a critical role in the DeFi space for swapping tokens pegged to the same underlying asset at the cheapest cost. And this aspect of DeFi is only set to grow further as the trend rolls out.

Action to Take: Buy Curve (CRV). Buy-up-to Price: $5 Stop Loss: None Buy It On: Coinbase, Gemini, Binance, Uniswap, 0x Matcha, SushiSwap Store It On: MyEtherWallet or Ledger Hardware Wallet

Hyper Boom Pick No. 3: Lido (LDO)

By the end of Q1 next year, Ethereum will complete one of the biggest upgrades in the history of software: Ethereum 2.0.

Ethereum is the second-biggest cryptocurrency behind bitcoin in terms of market cap. And the Ethereum network processed roughly $2.5

trillion in transactions last quarter, making it the most popular blockchain in the world by transaction value.

Due to its exponential growth, Ethereum is seeing massive traffic on its network. So it began upgrading the network last year. The full upgrade should be completed by the first quarter of 2022.

We expect Ethereum 2.0 to bring a wave of new users to Ethereum. That’s why I believe it will eventually become the next trillion-dollar coin behind bitcoin.

The full rollout of Ethereum 2.0 will take place in three phases: Phase 0, 1, and 2. Phase 0 launched December 1. The next phases are expected to launch in 2022.

In Phase 0, Ethereum launched the Beacon Chain and deployed the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.

The Beacon Chain acts as a coordination layer for Ethereum 2.0. Its key function is to manage the PoS protocol for itself and all the shard chains.

Today, Ethereum uses proof-of-work (PoW) for consensus. That involves miners using specialized computer equipment to verify transactions.

Without getting into the weeds, PoS differs from PoW because it uses transaction validators instead of miners. To process a block, transaction validators must stake cryptocurrency. When they successfully validate and add a block, they’re rewarded in more cryptocurrency.

Today, ETH token holders can earn roughly 5% annual percentage yield (APY) as an incentive to migrate to the Beacon Chain.

That’s nearly four times the annual yield of the 10-year Treasury Bond and four times the annual average dividend on the S&P 500.

Here’s the problem…




To migrate your tokens, you need to run an ETH2 validator and transfer at least 32 ETH (worth about $108,800 at today’s prices). Plus, you won’t have access to your tokens until Ethereum 2.0 goes live sometime early next year.

So if you don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars of ETH to spare… or the technical know-how to transfer your tokens to the Beacon Chain… you’re out of luck. You can’t earn that juicy 5% yield on your ETH.

That’s where our next pick comes into play…

It’s created a simple solution that allows anyone who owns ETH to deposit their tokens and safely start earning interest almost instantly – without a long-term commitment.

The name of the project is Lido DAO (LDO). It’s the largest decentralized ETH2 staking solution – with over 1 million of the 7.5 million ETH currently staked in ETH2 contracts.

[Staking is when you hold (“stake”) your crypto assets to their respective protocol. That helps secure the network by guaranteeing that your staked crypto is available to validate transactions on the underlying blockchain. In return, you re-ceive more crypto as a reward. It’s similar to earn-ing a dividend from a stock or yield from a bond.]

Lido is one of the most efficient and secure decentralized staking platforms we’ve come across. And that will expand its use case beyond Ethereum (more on that in a moment).

First, let’s discuss security.

The node operators who manage the Lido network don’t have direct access to your assets. Instead, the network holds them in smart contracts. So you retain custody.

On top of this, Lido governance token holders only select the top node operators with proven

track records to manage the network. This helps protect against slashing.

Slashing is a risk management strategy used by PoS networks. The network can automatically punish bad or malicious node operators by deducting (slashing) a portion of the tokens they stake.

Anyone who stakes with a node operator who’s been slashed could see a portion of their stake reduced as well. And in the rare occurrence this happens, Lido offers insurance to protect its users against slashing penalties.

And it’s simple to use, too…

When you stake ETH on Lido, you receive a token that represents your staked ETH (stETH) in return at a ratio of 1:1. So if you deposit 100 ETH, you’ll receive 100 stETH in return.

By tokenizing staked Ethereum, Lido allows you to access your staked assets at a moment’s notice. For instance, you can use your stETH as collateral, lend it, or sell it.

This is an advantage to self-staking that can’t be understated. And that’s why we believe Lido’s services will see massive demand beyond Ethereum.

As you can see, there are many advantages to staking with Lido. And despite its growth in usage, we’ve seen a dramatic drop in LDO’s price.

The Lido Hyper Boom

Remember, a Hyper Boom occurs when you have a massive influx of new users coming into crypto.

Catch-Up Coins are some of the most sensitive coins to usage spikes. We find the best Catch-Up Coins by buying into projects that are seeing explosive usage, but their price action is either trending down from its peak or trading sideways.




When Lido initially came on our radar, it had dropped more than 70% from its May peak. But since then, it’s started to see Hyper Boom in usage and subsequent price rally (see the first chart to the right).

And as you can see in the second chart, usage is increasing...

As you can see, the increase in staked assets directly leads to an increase in profits for LDO token holders. So this is exactly the price movement we expected.

That’s because 5% of interest generated from staking goes to the Lido treasury, which is controlled by LDO token holders. And what’s more is Lido’s staking services don’t start and end with Ethereum.

That is why we expect usage to soar as Lido expands to other networks…

In March, Lido began providing staking for Terra’s native token, LUNA. So just like with stETH, LUNA holders can earn interest while maintaining liquidity and usability.

Since its launch on the Terra network, 16% of all circulating LUNA is being staked through Lido.

And just last week, Lido expanded its staking services to Solana... Next up is Polygon. Both networks reward users who stake their tokens to secure the network.

We believe the demand for liquid staking solutions will be massive as decentralized finance takes off.

Token holders want to earn rewards on their crypto assets… while retaining the flexibility of transacting the native token. Lido gives them the best of both worlds.

We believe Lido will become the go-to project for liquid staking solutions. That’s why it’s attracting attention from some of the top venture capital firms in crypto.

Earlier this year, Lido raised $73 million from Three Arrows Capital, Alameda Research, Coinbase Ventures, and others.



That’s a huge stamp of approval by some of the smartest money in the crypto space.

What’s It Worth?

To be clear: We’re buying the Lido (LDO) token, not staking crypto assets on the Lido platform. So we’ll benefit as the price of LDO rises from the Hyper Boom.

Lido splits the income it generates in three ways: 90% goes to token holders who stake on Lido; 5% to node validators; and 5% to the Lido treasury.

LDO token holders control the treasury. And in the future, we expect token holders to pay themselves with increasing profits from the treasury.

To value Lido, we’ll project its combined income from Ethereum and the other cryptos staked on the platform.

Based on the staking rates of other PoS networks like Cardano, Solana, and Polkadot… we estimate about half of all circulating ETH will be staked once ETH 2.0 goes live.

Because Lido is the best platform we know of for liquid staking, we believe it could eventually capture one-third of all staked Ethereum. This would translate to about 19.54 million ETH.

Once Ethereum transitions to Ethereum 2.0, we project its staking rewards will drop to about 2% to account for the increasing number of token holders looking to generate income.

That would equate to roughly 390,800 ETH per year in earnings. And 5% of that – or about 19,540 ETH – would go directly to Lido treasury (and to LDO token holders).

I predict ETH will hit $25,000 in the coming years. At that price, Lido would be earning $488 million per year in income.

To value Lido just based on its ether holdings, we can compare it to a traditional asset manager like BlackRock, the largest investment management service in the world.

Today, BlackRock is valued at 25 times its earnings. I believe we could easily fetch a multiple twice that since Lido’s growth potential is much higher.

Applying a 50 multiple to Lido’s annual income from ETH would give us a value of $24.4 billion ($488 million x 50).

But remember, Lido is expanding its services to other networks and applications.

Today, the value of crypto assets outside of bitcoin and Ethereum is $956 billion. We believe it could easily grow 5x over the coming years – to $5 trillion. (For comparison, the value of the entire gold market is $11 trillion.)

And many of these projects incentivize users to stake their tokens.

Let’s assume Lido tokenizes just 2% of these assets. And it earns users 10% per year. If we assume the same 5% take, the Lido treasury could see an additional $500 million in income.

Applying a 50 multiple to that would add $25 billion in value to the LDO token. Combined with its ETH income, Lido could see $49.4 billion in value.

With a 1 billion token supply, that would come out to roughly $49.43 per token, or an 891% increase from today’s price.

That would turn a $500 investment into $4,953. And every $1,000 investment into $9,906.

But I think Lido has the potential to capture much more than 2% as it becomes a global leader in liquidity staking solutions – just as it is with ETH today.



Over time, I believe we could see Lido capture as much as 30% of the altcoin market. And if we assume the same 10% interest on these staked assets and a 5% take for the Lido treasury, Lido would see $7.5 billion in annual income.

That would translate to an additional $375 billion in value for Lido and its LDO token holders if we give it an earnings multiple of 50.

Add in the market value from Ethereum staking income and you have a combined market cap of $399.4 billion ($24.4 billion + $375 billion).

Under this blue-sky scenario, we would see each LDO token valued at $399.43, a 7,905% increase from today’s price.

That would turn a $500 investment into $40,023. And every $1,000 investment into $80,046.

It’d take nearly 63 years to make those types of gains in the stock market.

Friends, by owning LDO we stand to profit from income-generating opportunities across virtually every network via staking. It’s a massive opportunity.

That’s why you want to take action now and add it to your portfolio.

Action to Take: Buy Lido Dao (LDO). Buy-up-to Price: $12 Stop Loss: None Buy It On: Uniswap, SushiSwap, 0x Matcha Store It On: MyEtherWallet

Hyper Boom Pick No. 4: Polygon (MATIC)

If you’ve recently tried to make a transaction on Ethereum, you know fees can skyrocket when network traffic is high. A simple transaction can cost $10. And a more complicated one – like swapping assets on a DEX – can cost more than $75.

As millions of new people discover the benefits of DeFi, they’re flocking to Ethereum. And it’s creating congestion on the network. These are just normal growing pains.

Nevertheless, if blockchain networks want to onboard the next billion users, they need to find a way to reduce network fees. And while Ethe-reum is working on some promising upgrades (like Ethereum 2.0)... the next pick is providing a solution now.

It’s called Polygon (MATIC). And it will help Ethereum increase transaction speeds by 100x and reduce transaction costs to a fraction of a penny.

Polygon is a layer-2 scaling solution that uses proof-of-stake sidechains to help Ethereum scale.

Polygon can plug directly into Ethereum with its Plasma sidechain. The key difference between Plasma and other sidechains is: Plasma can submit proof of transactions back to the Ethereum mainnet.

This drastically improves security since you can settle disputes by verifying data on the Ethereum network – one of the most secure in the world. This is critical to Polygon’s success. Because a faster and cheaper blockchain doesn’t mean much if it isn’t secure.

What’s more is Polygon allows Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible apps to easily deploy their smart contracts to Polygon. With just a few clicks, these projects can launch their platform on the Polygon network, opening the doors to everyday users.

And to incentivize new users to join Polygon, it recently launched a $150 million “DeFi for All” fund in April.

As you might’ve guessed by the name, the fund’s goal is to attract millions of users who can’t afford – or don’t want to pay – the higher transaction fees on Ethereum.



The program will run for 2–3 years and incentivizes users with rewards to participate in Polygon DeFi applications such as lending, borrowing, and yield farming.

Seemingly overnight, major DeFi projects like Aave, SushiSwap, Curve, 0x, and others launched on Polygon.

Since the announcement of the program, over 55 million new users have flocked to Polygon. That’s up from 290,000 – a whopping 19,000% increase.

Despite this massive increase in usage, MATIC’s token price has gone nowhere. And that’s setting up a Hyper Boom for Polygon.

The Polygon Hyper Boom

Remember, a Hyper Boom occurs when you have a massive influx of new users coming into crypto.

Catch-Up Coins are some of the most sensitive coins to usage spikes. We find the best Catch-Up Coins by buying into projects that are seeing explosive usage, but their price action is either trending down from its peak or trading sideways.

We’re seeing that set-up with MATIC. Despite incredible user growth, MATIC has fallen as much as 73% from its May peak before starting to rally (see first chart above).

But diving further into the data, you can see (in the second chart) Polygon network usage is exploding – and that’s why its price is rebounding.

This is exactly the buy signal I look for when identifying a Hyper Boom.

And if we look at the recent news of big exchanges and wallet providers giving Polygon users direct access to the network, we can expect usage to skyrocket even more.

Major exchanges OKEx and Binance recently allowed their users to directly withdraw crypto assets from Polygon. Additionally, Coinbase and Trust wallets also enabled support for Polygon’s decentralized applications (dApps). Combined, both wallets serve over 6 million users.




And just this month, popular DeFi mobile app Dharma integrated Polygon. Its users can now directly deposit funds from their bank accounts to the app and trade over 2,000 tokens on Polygon DEXs.

And as Polygon usage skyrockets, its token will follow suit. So let’s see how high it can go…

What’s It Worth?

Polygon users are making over 6.5 million transactions per day, up 185x since the start of the year. That’s over five times more than the Ethereum network is processing.

While this may seem like a lot, there’s still plenty of room to run. For instance, Visa sees an average of 150 million transactions per day.

We project Polygon could eventually see twice as many transactions as Visa per day to 300 million in the years ahead, as it increases its array of financial products. And as demand goes up, so will fees.

Let’s say transaction fees jump from 1/100 of a penny to one cent due to increased usage. That’s still 1,000 times lower than fees on Ethereum.

Under that scenario, Polygon would generate $3 million in transaction fees each day.

That’s roughly $1.1 billion each year.

To get a sense of what this means for MATIC, we can compare its earnings to a financial powerhouse like Visa or Mastercard. Both trade at a price-to-earnings (P/E) multiple of 47.

[The P/E ratio measures how much investors are paying for each dollar of current profits.]

If we applied a 47 multiple to Polygon, it would be worth $51.5 billion.

But we believe MATIC could fetch a premium

five times greater than that since Polygon is a disruptive technology and will experience much higher growth rates than Visa or Mastercard.

In that case, Polygon’s value would be about $257.3 billion – or $38.68 per token based on today’s circulating token supply.

That’s a 2,765% increase in price from today’s levels. Enough to turn a $500 investment into $14,327. And every $1,000 investment into $28,654.

But we think Polygon has the potential to go even higher.

You see, blockchain technology offers a more secure network to perform transactions than legacy systems. And on top of this, it’s able to settle transactions between two parties in seconds, not days.

For these reasons, we believe we could see one third of all non-cash payments processed on the Polygon network in the years ahead.

It’s estimated we’ll see just over 1 trillion non-cash transactions in 2023. And if one third of these transactions are processed on Polygon, that means the network would process nearly 365 billion transactions per year, or 1 billion transactions per day.

Now with this level of transactions, we’d expect Polygon network fees to climb higher as demand to use the network surges. To project Polygon’s potential network fees, we’ll use 5 cents per transaction.

And while this is much higher than today’s cost to use the network, it’s a fraction of the cost credit card companies charge merchants for each purchase.

That would translate to roughly $18.2 billion in yearly income for the Polygon network.




Now, by this stage, we’d assume Polygon is past its hyper-growth phase. For this reason, we’ll give these earnings the same multiple as Visa and Mastercard of 47.

That would put the Polygon network at an $857 billion valuation. Or $128.81 per MATIC token (based on the current token supply).

That’s a 9,442% increase in price from today’s levels. Enough to turn a $500 investment into $47,708. And every $1,000 investment into $95,416.

It’d take 64 years to make those types of gains in the stock market.

By owning MATIC, we’re positioning ourselves to profit from a much-needed scaling solution for Ethereum, the second-most popular crypto in the world.

As Polygon onboards the next billion users, its price will boom higher. So let’s act now before the floodgates open.

Action to Take: Buy Polygon (MATIC). Buy-up-to Price: $2.50 Stop Loss: None Buy It On: Coinbase, Gemini, Binance, Uniswap, 0x Matcha Store It On: MyEtherWallet or Ledger Hardware Wallet

Hyper Boom Pick No. 5 Ren (REN)

As I’ve mentioned above, DeFi will completely disrupt traditional finance as we know it.

Right now, DeFi protocols already allow users to trade billions of dollars in assets… all without any human intervention.

In the future, it’s my belief every asset will be tokenized. That means stocks, bonds, titles of ownership, music rights – everything of value – will have its ownership rights secured by a

blockchain. And you’ll be able to exchange that value with a click of a mouse – just like you do when you send an email.

But some great crypto projects are locked out of this trend. Let me explain…

Most DEXs only allow you to trade Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens on their platforms. If it’s not an ERC-20 token… you can’t trade it.

According to CoinMarketCap, there are over 8,000 cryptocurrencies. Of those, roughly 700 are non-Ethereum-based tokens, including bitcoin (BTC), Polkadot (DOT), and Ripple (XRP) – some of the biggest.

Over $1 trillion in assets is locked up in these non-Ethereum-based cryptos. So we started looking for projects that could easily and securely allow you to transact these non-ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum-based decentralized platforms.

The solution we came across is called Ren (REN).

Ren is a decentralized custodian that mints and burns digital assets 1:1 on Ethereum as ERC-20 tokens. Meaning it holds the original non-ERC-20 asset and creates a “wrapped” version of the token for use on the Ethereum blockchain.

Wrapped tokens are similar to derivatives. A derivative is a contract between two or more parties that has a value based on an agreed-upon underlying financial asset, index, or security. Examples of derivatives include options, warrants, and futures contracts.

The explosion of derivatives was partially responsible for the huge losses during the great financial crisis of 2007–2008.

Banks had no idea what their derivative exposure was. Worse than that, according to reports, they were using the same asset to back multiple derivatives.




This would be the equivalent of having 10 “wrapped” bitcoin for every actual bitcoin in storage.

The blockchain makes it so you can never issue more “wrapped” versions of an asset than actually exist in storage. Every wrapped coin corresponds to a held coin.

If Ren holds 1,000 BTC in storage, you don’t have to blindly trust that there’s only 1,000 wrapped BTC to match it. The blockchain shows exactly how much wrapped BTC has been created. That type of transparency doesn’t exist anywhere outside of the world of blockchains.

So you can see the implications for “wrapping” any asset and putting it on an Ethereum blockchain is huge.

And again, it’s not just limited to crypto coins. It’s my belief that every tradeable asset will, at some point, migrate to a blockchain.

And because there’s so much trading liquidity on the Ethereum blockchain, it suggests that much of those tokenized assets will migrate to the Ethereum blockchain in the form of Ren “wrapped” ERC-20 compatible tokens.

Because Ren’s process is so transparent and so secure, more than 60 DeFi platforms accept its wrapped coins. So non-ERC-20 token holders can potentially benefit from the yield opportunities DeFi offers – which is a huge market and growing daily.

Now what about decentralized coin storage? How do you store coins so you aren’t relying on a counterparty like a bank, brokerage firm, or custodian?

The answer is the RenVirtual Machine (RenVM). It’s a protocol for secure cross-chain interoperability. (To learn how RenVM works, see the grey box.)

Ren token holders stand to make a fortune as it bridges the gap between networks that are disconnected like Ethereum and bitcoin.

The Ren Virtual Machine (RenVM)

Earlier this year, Ren developers launched the Ren Virtual Machine (RenVM), which created fast, seamless, and secure cross-chain interoperability.

To understand how RenVM works, we’ll have to get a bit technical. Basically, it’s a network of thousands of computers called Darknodes.

Nodes are participants in a decentralized network. They vote on rules, secure the network, and verify new blocks through a consensus mechanism. In other words, a majority of nodes have to agree before validating data on the blockchain.

Anyone with an internet connection can become a Darknode.

Ren incentivizes its nodes by paying them a reward for contributing their resources to RenVM. But nodes must also post 100,000 REN as collateral as a good-faith measure.

RenVM rewards good behavior by paying a transaction fee to Darknode operators. But it penalizes malicious Darknodes by slashing their REN collateral and giving it to the honest Darknodes. And this all happens through computer code.

While 100,000 REN seems like a lot of upfront capital, we’ll likely see opportunities for people who want to get a cut of fees to delegate smaller amounts of their REN holdings to Darknodes.

This is the revolutionary nature of blockchain. And shows how you can run a trustless network without any middlemen.




The Ren Hyper Boom

Remember, a Hyper Boom occurs when you have a massive influx of new users coming into crypto.

Catch-Up Coins are some of the most sensitive coins to usage spikes. We find the best Catch-Up Coins by buying into projects that are seeing explosive usage, but their price action is either trending down from its peak or trading sideways.

Like some of our other Catch-Up coins, Ren saw a huge price drop before rallying on an explosion of usage (see the first chart to the right)...

The price action in REN is exactly what we expected to see from a coin experiencing a Hyper Boom in usage (see the second chart to the right)...

Although REN is on the rise again, we expect even more growth ahead...

Over the past month, Ren has added almost a half-billion dollars in assets, bringing the total value held on its platform to just over $1 billion.

And while this may seem like a lot, we believe it’s just the beginning for Ren as it continues to expand its network of toll roads.

You see, Ren recently expanded its operations to Solana, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Binance Chain, and the promising layer 2 scaling solution Arbitrum.

With Ren serving as the go-to solution for wrapping assets – enabling them to transact

on multiple blockchains – demand for the REN token will surge.

What’s It Worth?

To get an idea of what the REN token could be worth, it’s important to know where the demand for the REN token comes from.

As mentioned above, the process of wrapping assets and minting them on other blockchains is done by Darknodes.




And since you need the REN token to operate a Darknode, we’ll value REN based on the potential cash flows Darknodes could generate.

To send assets from one network to another via Ren, users can expect to pay a transaction fee between 0.15% and 0.3%.

RenVM Darknodes are on track to generate just over $1 million this month. That’s up 44% from the previous month.

Let’s assume Ren can sustain just half this growth rate through the end of next year.

If so, RenVM Darknodes would be generating roughly $16 million per month in fees by the end of 2022. Or roughly $196 million annually.

To value the token, we can compare Ren’s earnings to a traditional financial exchange like the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), which owns the NYSE.

ICE trades at an earnings multiple of about 25. But since RenVM is on the bleeding edge of technology with high growth potential… we’ll give it a multiple four times greater.

That would put Ren at a $19.6 billion valuation ($196 million x 100).

That would translate to $19.69 per REN token, or a 2,163% increase from today’s price based on current supply.

But we believe it can go even higher under a blue-sky scenario…

You see, Ren currently doesn’t charge a custody fee on the assets it holds in the Darknodes. Since it’s the most secure platform to exchange wrapped tokens, we believe Ren could eventually charge a small fee for housing assets on its platform.

If Ren captures just 2% of the $2 trillion in crypto assets outstanding – and charges a small 0.1% fee while doing so – it would generate an additional $40 million in annual income.

Based on these projections, Darknodes could generate $237 million in combined income per year.

And if we attach that same 100 earnings multiple for its valuation, Ren would be valued at $23.68 billion or $23.68 per REN token based on circulating supply.

That’s a 2,623% increase from today’s price. Enough to turn a $500 investment into $13,613. And every $1,000 investment into $27,226.

It’d take 38 years to make those types of gains in the stock market.

By adding REN to the portfolio, we’re positioning ourselves to profit from bridging assets between networks in a multi-chain world.

Action to Take: Buy Ren (REN). Buy-up-to Price: $2 Stop Loss: None Buy It On: Uniswap, Coinbase, Binance, Gemini, KuCoin, 0x Matcha Store It On: MyEtherWallet or Ledger Hardware Wallet

Hyper Boom Pick No. 6: Ox (ZRX)

Longtime readers know we don’t recommend holding large amounts of crypto assets on centralized exchanges. That’s because exchanges can be targets for hackers.

Hackers attack exchanges because they represent resource-rich targets with huge payoffs.

Think about it from a criminal’s point of view. Would you rather pick the pocket of individual bank customers or rob the whole bank?




Pickpocketing one person at a time with no guarantee of how much you’ll make is inefficient and time-consuming. Sooner or later, you’re likely to get caught and arrested for pocket change.

But robbing a bank you know is stuffed full of money makes more sense – at least from a criminal’s risk/reward perspective. Sure, robbing a bank is more difficult than picking pockets. But it’s worth the gamble because the payoff is much larger.

The same is true for exchanges.

The biggest exchanges move $1 billion worth of crypto every day. They’re much juicier targets for hackers than individual digital wallets that hold small amounts of crypto funds.

That’s why no matter how much money exchanges spend on security… someone smarter will figure out a way to rob them.

As you can see, cybersecurity is a huge problem for all centralized crypto exchanges. But we’ve found the solution: Decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

A DEX is an exchange market that doesn’t rely on third parties to hold customers’ funds.

While they’re much cheaper and more secure to use, DEXs do have one major drawback: Their prices fluctuate every few seconds. So you have to constantly search each individual DEX for the best price. It can be a headache.

The project that will get rid of these headaches is called 0x (ZRX).

0x is a DEX aggregator. It works to find the best price for users looking to swap assets. It does this by pulling liquidity from multiple DEXs on the network, making it the one-stop-shop to exchange assets on a decentralized network.

The 0x protocol automatically scans every major DEX on the network to find the best price to execute trades. And with its smart-order routing technology, it can even split orders across multiple DEXs to ensure lowest prices.

Unlike other DEXs, 0x doesn’t store orders on the blockchain. Instead, it only records settlements, making it faster and less costly than other DEXs.

In fact, 0x boasts 99.9% uptime and faster response times than its competitors. And one study found it produced better fee-adjusted prices than its competitors 70% of the time.

Developers can access this service using 0x’s application programming interface (API). The 0x API is free to use and easy to integrate, and it’s also available on multiple chains, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Polygon.

Some of the most popular dApps in the world have implemented 0x’s API, including MetaMask – the go-to web extension with 10 million active users… and Zapper.fi – a portfolio manager for DeFi assets with over 500,000 users. Combined, these two dApps have routed over $800 million in trades through 0x .

For these reasons and more, the number of 0x users continues to grow rapidly… despite its recent pull back in price. And that’s setting up a Hyper Boom for 0x.

The 0x Hyper Boom

Remember, a Hyper Boom occurs when you have a massive influx of new users coming into crypto.

Catch-Up Coins are some of the most sensitive coins to usage spikes. We find the best Catch-Up Coins by buying into projects that are seeing explosive usage, but their price action is either trending down from its peak or trading sideways.

We’re seeing that set-up with 0x…



From its peak in April, 0x fell nearly 80% over the next two months as the crypto markets cooled off following a big run up in Q1 2021 (see the first chart to the right).

Take a look at the second chart. As you can see, despite its pullback, 0x’s number of weekly active users continues to rise.

While 0x has leveled off since its peak in August, we believe it’s set for more growth soon as it expands its product offerings and deploys its platform to other networks.

For instance, 0x recently partnered with another of the recommendations in this portfolio, Celo (CELO). This is a huge development. As we pointed out above, Celo has roughly 1.2 million users on its network.

So it’s no surprise trading volume on 0x has increased 540% through the first six months of 2021 compared to the six months prior.

It seems every week, there’s a new project integrating with the 0x API or lining up to collaborate on building the DeFi ecosystem.

This trend will only continue as the digital asset space grows and more users discover the benefits 0f decentralized exchanges. And 0x’s recent pullback is giving us an opportunity to get in at a huge discount.

What’s It Worth?

Since the start of this year, 0x has generated over $61.2 billion in trading volume. That’s a 648%

increase from the roughly $8.2 billion in volume it generated in all of 2020.

If 0x can sustain that growth rate, it would end the year with about $167 billion in trading volume.

To estimate 0x’s value, we’ll use its historical fee average, which is about 0.01% of trading volume. By comparison, Coinbase charges a 0.5% fee – or 50x more than 0x.



Based on its current fees, 0x would see about $17 million in earnings ($167 billion x 0.01%).

And while this may seem small… We believe it’s only the start as the DeFi trend is still in its early stages and hasn’t yet reached the masses.

Let’s assume 0x’s current growth rate decreases by half over the next three years. That’s about 324% year-over-year growth in trading volume. At that rate, it’d see about $12.8 trillion in trading volume by the end of 2024.

Using a 0.01% trading fee, 0x would be earning roughly $1.28 billion per year.

To get a sense of what that means for the ZRX price, we can compare 0x to the largest publicly traded crypto exchange, Coinbase.

Today, Coinbase trades at 25 times its earnings. If we apply that same multiple to 0x, its market cap would grow to $31.9 billion ($1.28 billion x 25).

As an early-stage project with cutting-edge technology and huge growth potential… We believe 0x could fetch a multiple at least three times greater than Coinbase.

That would make 0x worth $95.7 billion – or $113.24 per token based on today’s circulating supply.

That’s a 10,271% increase from today’s price. Enough to turn a $500 investment into $51,857 and every $1,000 investment into $103,714.

But we believe it can go even higher as DeFi continues to gain mass adoption – and 0x pushes to expand in the multi-chain universe.

Let’s assume 0x sustains its current 648% growth rate over the next three years. That would imply 0x facilitating over $70 trillion in trading volume by the end of 2024.

And if we use the same 0.01% trading fee, 0x would rake in $7 billion in annual profits for its ZRX token holders.

Now at this point, we’d consider 0x’s hyper growth phase to be in its past. And for that reason, we’d give it an earnings multiple of 25 – matching Coinbase.

That would give 0x a $175.5 billion valuation. Or $207.62 per ZRX token based on the current circulating supply.

That’s a 19,673% increase from today’s price. Enough to turn a $500 investment into $98,866. And every $1,000 investment into $197,732.

It’d take 69 years to make those types of gains in the stock market.

By owning a position in ZRX, we’re positioning ourselves before the Hyper Boom we’ll see from the massive growth of decentralized exchanges. So it’s time to take advantage of this pullback in 0x before the market catches on.

Action to Take: Buy 0x Protocol (ZRX). Buy-up-to Price: $3 Stop Loss: None Buy It On: Coinbase, Gemini, Binance, Binance.US, 0x Matcha Store It On: MyEtherWallet or Ledger Hardware Wallet

Bringing It All Together

You can only go from 200 million users to 5 billion users once. The Hyper Boom in new users coming into crypto will ignite the biggest rallies we have ever seen in crypto’s short 12-year history. And Catch-Up Coins represent some of the most sensitive coins in the world to booming usage.

Each one of the Catch-Up Coins in our Hyper Boom portfolio is already seeing a massive surge in usage.



But this is nothing compared to what we’ll see over the next 10 months. We could see over 1 billion new users come into crypto between now and then.

Such an influx of new users has the ability to propel the value of these coins to levels they’ve

never seen before. The key is to get into them now before the Hyper Boom begins in earnest. Even waiting one day could hurt your total profits.

So take action now and position yourself ahead of the billions of new users that are about to flood into crypto.

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