? v vft> "Mi m*. :\u25a0;. . -fTr> ~"# ' WW>A fv ' v CLASS I HID DIRtCTOKV *i.»h«h«l<nHr vrr«n*»<« f"' ,h * ''*? HalOT.l rtf Our »«»» *«<?" _______________ '?to r m.- ' *i ifc» ***???'" I *(.«« !»S l»,-«-l<1»«Ht. <??""" \u25a0MMItM r-» ""?> h "" ,, > » Smiiii I;»? un i.ol* t»»""\u25a0<'«?>* mu *~* ??>?«. J*« -»n fit. Ml<l ?UVPIIM *\u25a0 .". ,",. 1 '" y n AM* o\ o\T* l: II \# UIKtC COHAN It I*ll r » ««.<»<' ~M '** «?!>>? ».t «n-l «" *'* '"? "" "I_J »<.M» I.HIM'IMI rxTur^_n!n>-o> ' 41 IONM * « ' *** »"N" T w* w«f» fw> Kiuoti :** | aiy' » « : , TOKVKT r?f ?**?**?»»??. '**? »««h*nvl *n.i m\t* |»r«|»#rt? '*«**? CO !*?**! TATION FUKR «?* Ktt*r« *§»»?«?\u25a0 IMO> M>l» IHt | ybllW k'I'ARKIH J>l !.* n W4« Slam <*1* II T*«r« ?«p#rlf»n'» fWITti |ir%ltft| I -w *A/WV % | |<» |-t AMI® DEL WHY GO! !,om 4t«t«nc« \u25a0 1:,1>, « 14 BIIII\KM | (111 M J mn ?\u25a0 «"«* i%n<l hli4 J ?pj w " \u25a0 \ TaM** ? b»*wilnf ! ?!\u25a0?)? *«4 tft»»ar<N; »ar *J §)) k tvi'4«. P#%n>#ni» Til* lULKS - COLI KM>KN ; -X -*A * « ?*t-*» *. «?*»»»? mv«« I (a* >?»<'..,ji»- - ' ,-f»! \u25a0 \u25a0 ?\u25a0?-?! r»n«1« ?*«? l 0»n»r«l fc»»*lnt bu»ln.» allowed »? tnd U«»» ???mi* «*?»*-?» O V ftr>f.T Mtt fttllM> \% INH( N»» mm~ mm ~7^7rr~~7TT:rrr~rrr~i~^oN in tunc* it»ti<ittur * s ' feV*iVS«~rfifl> i. *5 ' !>?*? r>!r*H «nd CtNFI>TP*o J>: it-a ood ropoira Mo»n MM «... 1 \ IH VI IO\N» SA K T I.CA Nlf CHATTKL LOAN'S , T " Pgteo- -Pootoot Payme.i?« Bam*r - Pr\u25a0> kerago Co *9T Northern j «UeV H?dg l*k ond Wko ? d*"»"Tos vrth SWKt* looked on diamond* ond teoolm t.O \ N l ORPORA'fION j M Hl' 9mo- an Bank B'da 1 A FW MjItHODS l.oona from 119 99 to j f7® 9o !?» »de rj it-kly and fanMan^'aHj \u2666'?ft pt*noo ll* ootawk. olft millAV-AMERICA N l.ovs CSAMPANY y |go t | f* O^ CO AI If! WOfXI a - * Elliott tin ! ... rplfgM* d»tlr»cr Atl ktnde coal «i.no i>«4(w to borrow monwy 00 dtam« -la and lowatrt. 100 ratoo: prl vato efß .oo Amorlcoa Je*olry Co 4«l , ~ how X V*' Ai.3srsnn * *<? . «lll» SOU ' fintet N»«|ht 19* lili'kiaf H!d» El | ?? % P^>Rr> !*ilmor grad u»to. S9SI Ar- ?d* Building j , <;OiEjPTD-~-r*hiro-T>i*rar'' Wo pridur*- ; « *9||ii| wbore other* fall III!Arcade | | \u25a0" f*'i»fe; Ernrr>r TTTtfgyn* DETEC Tivr AOENCt ?Jl I r#g»ra' »:d9 Main %*SS vight phono i Oaea" Anno 1999. Cong-illation eo«f|~ don'te' f>»»«N"?t<--e 9 re».-r\u25a0 a9r.< %-cido ft'd | I; oppooiT vAriTw ? ft 1 y»«r oe» urea your ralvabta ponoro man-'* e*c. agatnat ftaa and bmrglaro 1M » *m Co In* 199 »*»»?»» »» " _ r»rnowod, 'irod a< hmg f~*' by *0"' apocliillot P»"p!o'a Bonk Bldf Even BIWMr. Ingo by appo!ntm>ent x* py^^ir ' #plrW Bo Bear ?. -waltfeo at>e<?a'lot or dolleate repair work 1191 Thl'd Main ?fit * I np FUkr K'««a ft? j tin. l^iea 'loroo from I"* r ; n W » I th« hoautlfu \u25a0 qyj *»»!»na" potiem In table 1 flat w »re WOt "OH TO V A flt-NTER f|s Teat *r War. W**tol Frro Wnlldtng P REP* ' : IJk APN'F. SUNDE 1919 Weot'oke Ave Aptirti'a Colonial Theater Co. ?lilt PIrat av F Etltott tftl VAWYSIKt tooka May B inn -Woman Lawyir Do- miM)" trmihloa. g*n»ral pactl/-o; «*on ?uftaitlon fr»e, --'.nfidentlal 419 Lyon *"*» V*ln ?Tti M ATIIINFRT ' " DiAM'»N D MA^ll.' SI A MPr> CO 411 Occidental A* Re*ttia E*poef printing pr»aa machlnlota maker* ttf ? ? ? \u25a01 «? ."'»« H IP ' 1 'Wahhi"' TT-VN lacndht cleanrra and dyera. earpot /?legnora Ph'vne Eaa» I?SS AUTODEUVESSY 69. dlatanra movtng Flllott 214 r TRTN!BFf:ir ' r<, pTanoia and houoehold g «/da moved Kaat 99? t. Jfgklna Mr»lng A Mtorago Co, Modloon at 12th Eoat 414 Auto vana. flreproot WaahTngion Monument Co . 191* trd Ava >11 - H \Mi %HK\ n*. t <t>' ' ' ¥ :? rt n ? . ir g. tax Blk . or *'orth 1499 ~ * o>T»r umiTiT i<i * Photo* that »r« made ac JOHNSON' 3 tit Lfborfv B'd* Third and t^ilon RKCTAL IHME/.HBH'ONLy . iLjV Arthur Cro> kail 412 Oroon Bidg Ur Or ant Tuekor, 594 Olobo Bldg <T7i men *nd women IKJ hit. AfHTON 414 American Bar,k Bldg Practice limited to bladder, kidney and urinary dlaes««« I- j,,, , (lu .., t Rao'lnan Plumbing A Ifouting Co, ll»- 1?0 Klnr Meat tie V<! r^r. IH od 910K11.K l>ry fireproof atoragg Cen- Aon t tie filgn shop, ltoi «i*Th Elliott 4929 6 1 tifit H* r* .\u25a0' «, . ?. ? | ~»r*rrrvirH i'... * pifi.. \f, - %% S? I I- M" It \ v , |. A r , , i : frC I 77* iTTi rl4l* MA ?it; uT Ballard '.tl Let Star Want Ads rent your vacant rooms. i vYFNT FKEDT C.ukin ?--« aecured or fM refunded 791 (*??»«! Main 9949 rm it I CdairTa a «M ''entral llldg ! l FUNERAL NOTICE ~ tUrfy O aged !* >wr*. ? .intM »*r» I CO* * ill ?»«\u25a0 ?»*\u25a0 ' *t Co ptrlori t>f ('? . | ? i Ottv* ?! oppMii* llr«*d»«r high, ?\u25a0, lay gt Ip m m#»dt are J invited i" rrfm>Ho» J 4 NOTICES M«sm~ Ha .<? lIKCAIHICt) 111 I"K" r.|/| Hlhll "Ml s WTI) MISCELLANEOUS W v STKt> T.. t '.7«. pi«"n«. Mr ? \u25a0 .T««r ;,«» M'» II »- 6 AUTOS FOR SALE w VflUr" u»»<1 kUlo* *1* I" ' FOR SALE ?FURNITURE furntlir* rhi«p f»r .-aeh Il:t W ' m.Ai'kwfix n H.N co. nf »*«?? ®T flic i Fact3BF coast mm.NtruHi co. kl j ?|«M t«Ti WANTED ? FURNITURT HI »XK >IH*> »?«» IU »MKI M «»»? | MOTORCYCLES j v»» trd hand; ill i mekee: aome of iheee tak*n <>n * INDIAN MOTORCYCLES Halloo A WrtgJs *1? C Ptke . M«r I riad ? MISCI LLANEOUS 9 CROSS-PANEL DOOMR. It 1t ln or ** r Xn *??*> *w ««rkm*t bitv during th« »l»'w m«nthA w* ha*e m/ade a ape rltl r*!« Ml the of oar I IfeLj W# f>«« end operate the \m-f- --4lr«f» ltt-e*niiai«r Im>i <n4 \u25a0mi Door Factory In the Wm, | »n4 mv« ym the r«t«li«r ? [ZvXl profit Qfl4llt7 f 'jaranteed ,||pßi PRf«'E* PRAM OCR \u2666* ATA \u25a0 voovm so it ? i ro«i :**ne? l& *t*ee II It ! Name for pointing *4 alio* only) 99 | ''olUf* front d(K»rt 2 49 up i 1-pty ««n««r Intfrlcr doorg i 49 up v#w Crtfl«m*«i int*rt"»r do-»rg I »? up I New i*reft»man front door* . J 29 up i''o(iac« front vindowt 7 §9 up II - light irii«o«n ...... Hup I Bungglo m aaah .... 14 up I Hquart por«-h column* 'built up) 1 49 t>9 j Complain tn*lde window trim 49 ! omplote tnatde d<*or trim -U.AMA PAINT* Bt'ILDINO PAPIB I AND HARDWARE ONE THIRD UK** AUK FOR CATAMMIt'E so »» 0 B WILLIAM* CO 194? ptr*t av« « Main iidt . . Safetr *?*"' hladea eharpaoed It*- de Yep 3i|iy MI * ?'??m ?nd | K-rffh r 100 nod THE KI.ITR I*ll Third Mnln «l»» 92.60 &* 92.60 BTBBt»AMnn. dPKiTTACLW FITTED with ophort'-Al i«n»«o. comptoto. 11.49. Indudlni ?umiMtlon Rrbwnrtp, Up- tomot riot 217 Kpl-r Block Opon Rnt urdny nUght ? kl-. i HAKr.PI.vI COMCCUND 91 f o tiorrol. 1.69 tv«r 19# It*. 19 lb MM It 90 Pbono Main It ! »v < »it»oot'or« -*ol»t» »-Udoo >;?« oror-#M 149P 9fll WOlf I'nloo CI.EARIN'I HOI WK r*lß MIfKICAL IN- HTI'.i MB NT*. Ill* WM7UKB KL I.IOTT Jilt. ML'»ICAL RICUKU KX- CHAMOIS f~99f> Bl "INKHH CARDM <lood printing. , tio moh <jul< k Print. Honltl*. Wooh NKW PIANOS FOR HiNY, MKNT AP pliod on purchaoo. M*rorTonor. 11l fJnl-m Hr n| In vnur old ah?*** ond rlothlng and i»t your mnMy f*«r thorn. Til Pino «r Vfafn 1999 N¥ W I HIiAN AND PL /./.4.KH J C **T KB CRIVID Tilrk A Pttlfl* Co., Ill* Ftr»t <I*»®J»» m«h r*gl«f»r« ehowro#oo9l9plne i*I»N'TR A**TO»W Pnintoro. i popor hani*r>. pi umbo Mi. hoot In* #»? fitting ond wiring ?!> Y^»lo» way Mo In IIST i 1 . k ||k#> tr» r»rrr«p«»od with tiihl# lody «? t fr»»m :i« to It yooro of \u25a0«'; objort malrlinoii) Addrw B*»t I I t '?tiir 9-A Wanted to Buy Livestock WAN'TFiD frl»h Hot tor pup prleo Addrooo J M Bond Portion Wooh « 9 FOR SALE?LIVESTOCK POI'R hor#o«. « nglo or douhlo, 9plor.dld gondii lon, douhlo ond two uln- glo horn»o» ro\orod dollvory wagon | two cirti cu'tablo for or frocory J dollvory You rgn g«»t o bargain For cod to o*U on occ-ount 8»ottIo Hun going out I of buoln*"" Phono B»oron 2120. or [ oil at 1407 2lrd B j POft MALE? <>no toom of hors««. weight about .',hoo lb* , 9 and 9 yearn old I will noli them «oparoto If Pof j torm« ond fwrthor diorrlptl«»n. addron* W A A ndrinon. IJndburg. Wa»h ' rka r : i.f" maiikkj n 17 Flmt W Auction Tu*«daya. 1 p in | Vt »(?» 1791 10 POULTRY K'Mt HA Mr?A f«w ni'o Whito Orpington ! fin k»rol« ghoap A Prod Plurklglr, 2 9th avo ond Mead nt . tt^orgotown Tn» "i ii a f«? u < \ii llKit's > \u25a0 "Ik Pa» Ifl" Coaot I<9«*cal corn I -(i I bin eg low price with ».»\u25a0! I ['* '\A |TT p<,ggihlo »\u25a0\u25a0onotruriion *>'? jr 3 up II yo»ia on lh« t"o*gt ? \u25a0 ?till giving aotlgfactlon Void hv The rha* II Lilly fo . Root\u2666 I«. ! Fofl ma LIS- Hlark OrplniAn rockerola, ? rid eg- hango a few pullet* Mr* ' r '>»«pw»nn. It! W. tttb gf. i ? 1 1! \u25a0' * i f* .«P v l!f - y \u25a0 ;\u25a0\u25a0 -? ri<? «'i r>!l.,! 'KRf. a Vehicles and Implements j ;.«\u25a0"? '.1 v Wji i ' W > i rri. j Implement* Buya *nd »«!'? ??? < nd- )»on«i vohlclog o How May I Serve You? I'm The Star \\ ,<nt Ad The w little worker in Seattle. Rain anil cold hold no terrors for tne I cover all Seattle, rain of >hine. at your bidding. I go into home*. More* anil office*, to all cla*«e* of people every day. I'll carry your to .ill Sr.ittle for a few pennies. C all me?Main 'MOO. 14 LOST AND FOUND If >uu want fOUt w«t«*h >*|i«ir«d a«* that , It <a«;l beep c«»rroct tint*, tak* It te 9t>»n >.»? 909 Pike at Cleaning 11 99, j "'?ln apilnga ?|r The Jeweler Wb* 1 *!-?*»» f, « f.-r | aae l.t».«*T o»» I'hlnner "a*%e ear'" Monday moining the llth par* el r >ntalnii>g i.< H9<t> ? ?h-»»* an>l rubbet* tinder plooae rail Kono«K*d 791 "»?!"»? I'Oa.at \u25a0' U S " * \u25ba fnder return to Doater llortob Truet I ?nd Movtnga bank IdIST «»n« ft»*n """ga *r- net ~~ Ungiiali t*?"!. '*rge. marked on eollor, Made! ?. I, * I.v»\u25a0 t ).. ? a»e ! Ml IT A T 11» N 9I »M UNIC \u25a0 «NT A W « »BD ! »" 'Mr ar * 1 17 FEMALE HELP WTD 19 ANTED \ girl «altraa*. no *aper> en«-o ne«M|ed. to wait on I table* and i a counter tl«»grd and room and go«»d | rav oni» 1 to 9 h"urg work If n»t ] aatiafied fare refunded Addreee II | Vinch. Hoi nee t afe 111 9mi Tbird a' Elton*burg Wa*h tPirtit. SAt.l I fftaplo ?kin* * xib from I to ||9 fngl I! 99. while tboy laa? WhirlI Parlor* 1929 Arcade Bwt'dtog i> MALE MELF WANTED MUIIt.ER BARBER SCHuOi. CO 111 incidental Wante men and women te learn barber ; trad* W|era patd «bile earning WTn¥eß~ «'arpenter and ? !*?? "ST«» ;<>a blng ghop 4 (florae o%or ehup wife to lend I" phone, farm ? Addreee <? 11. 919f V: A v t. \ I aii PIEK ST " L|9« BtlMtlf iP* Pott lltt. NATIONAL liAHMHH OOLMhiN 149 Main »t Meo and wo*ean 10 loom tno barber trade ] W ii'« paid while ieerntag WANTED Mano#er for 1 boot re Moat ? ln*eet a email a mount of money Mee manager turtle theatre I'lumbini *nrj* r49P*MM9 Klli'dt llllJ 1919 Wlatb a»e WAN r ic't> Two men' to ""'loam auto and truck 9rl*la| and repairing !199 4th Katana'igh a 9190 tlaia 199 i WTrat a«e Ear at rh«mp«"n a. Fourth end Pike 1 MR* Ma it TIN "Mrae goa flaemoai bowae. polnleeo. original twisight a.*op 1999 Moron EU 9I9TJ " TPRiTfIPBt-TORS 1 J.oorn aaaovtag tn one meatb al 2111 | IClliottaae^^^^^^ 7.O?MALE SITUATION Anf l««i Lt NDvt'tMT LIi.LY XEI l. 9?l men a ouito for 914* Heraaw that aoi t Item uiuialrt aoeond fl«w»r Jtohea "nua B'de YOt N'*l MAN wante pooltion drtntng Jit j ney bue. capable man Boa P-12 Star | MITI'ATION ADW ON* CENT A WORD IN THE STAR I W'hy pay more wh*a 111 buya a 111 auit 1 or overcoat at Trade 9 I potaira nutt | 999S Third *e«f»nd floor t WANTED WANTED For rae'h. from owner, from j j one |o fire north or aoutb oipfj aide city llmlta Mwet I* a bargain ! C-94. Mtar WANTED ? Mtore 7l>ee in with 'tving room grgte price Addr*** 71* 29rd a** ' PERSONALS \u2666 JET MA Rlt i ICI' lie** matrimonial paper | publlohed Mailed free The C«t 1 reep'tiden l ToloSo. Ollto 1 YOt'NO MAN Belgian. 29 would !!ke ??? | >1 gain tance of working girl. Fren« b pr* , forced Matrimony A Cher*t»lt. tlen j IMI . CM / WM .K I. RL'MOV !?:.». DEP- >BM ED no*e« ' orrectad 49t9 Arcade Bldg Main IT9I j 'JET MA RBI ED «end 14 renio for Hal of rich. aln< «r* correeponden'a and con fldentlai The lloclat Reg later K»attle. Wagh I R FM|*F.'*TARLE working man would 1lk« to g»t acquainted With working girl or I widow, not orgr 19. ohfect matrimony Addree* P-19 N*ar I >Ta RRV Por wealth and happ'n*** llun dreda rteh. attracflre. congenial and j willing 10 wed interesting literature, teat I moo la la. drar-riptlona and photoe free < Reliable, llat re art. The Me* j aenger .lgrk*on ( Hi*. Pl* Ladloe? iiandemn't Col ton Boot ptite a**e and *ure ftirm for dola**d porloda It Money ref'W»d*d If remedy fall* afrer fair trial Ztajrmond Remedy ro . fiTVfc Pike 1 MRM M A.HON HOME- INVA LIDM AND 1 AOED PEOPLE 114 P. MERCER r A PITOL 979 1 /AJB Dan' Ing guaranteed In I prlvata |***<ina Prlvata hall* I*aya Jrfjr and evening* dan>e« STHVI-NS ,V,L. A ;,.r lodlee I 900 reward I positively guar antee my great. \u25a0irr-o«aful "monthly" remedy; **fe|y re||ov*a tome of the longest, moot ohetlnate abnormal raaea In 1 to 9 daya; no harm, pain or Inter feren-e with work Mall II f.9 Doghla at>-angth Dr Houthlngton Rem- edy l*o. 49 Long Bldg. Kartaag City. Mo.. I 'Ikv'tkMan V. hn hail ii \ V-. In «t)Vr plea«e Hrlte Mlaa Helen Warnkln. Oen Del . city, aa It waa lmp«>«aihle for her to meet htm at P ft o»» Munday 19th [ Mhe would Ilka to hear fimn him. Hch'iit Hbop method, chiropodist. 1421 j We tier a* llapplneaa Ilea In married life Are you i' 1 ne|y * .If.ln .Heattle Reliable Friend- ship ''I ih l.ndiea free Ada P Evan*. 211 I'nlon Apt B 1 I HATS. \u2666APK ' leaned, 2if fo'i Mtewart Kavinn'ifh i|2 po Hati Itt9 gv* mTh .IkVVK! L MAMCI'I'INH 1111% Third Office 9 j lienver live Work* -lltt Seventh, city | 111 lit*r«l* v<« V. Iks ill* cleaned |T Mate 99T9 * 1 MI6#IKK Mrih a".TN"a W IIXRIKHRS 7019 t' J *b ev ?' t*' I"b?? »ie lt- ,, 1 *9t j Hot il Cafe I'i t'nlon ? *Ac rtlnn»r» I A MIDIH.E AOKD tTTd'ower with da ugh' | ter II year* old, and ha* <<»mfortah|e I h'>me. wlahe* t»» meef a lady. oh|e«-t I matrimony, Addreaa tl H Brown, Edge riirf Kart - f.angl<>\ Waah SPI HITUA ll M E DIUM S s<;n:'. r «r.: rendln ; iau«ht ii - Ninth ave < \ ' I » 1 l \I-I ?<. 714 Medlaon *t Boom 11. % HtoP. >K I'K1.1, fkHiN o Luti nh, ???\u25a0-\u2666 ? ? '"'jjj mt 23 WANTED TO RENT Fl RNISHFD IHIUMK wanlad, amall, ' beap Full particular*. Addreaa F it, Mtar STAR-FRIDAY. JANUARY 15, 1915. PAGE 12 ?4 FOR KENT. Fimi.htrt Wa *aa aava you monay on rour lurnl tura bat warn Tarom* and Naatlla NO CItATIN'I AUTO DELIVERY CO Anythloflr Dallvatad Anrwhara Hlllotl ».oa a >11 v ? TVVtS I'HaTR hat bar ahop and mnlat M'tnary atora fully ato<kad dulni a fair hualnraa thiaa 11\ Ir? ar rooma all fui Rant 111 00 mmih A*ldraaa I Ooa i <>iun»ai« ial a* a An«« ortaa W aah i i .I:\HA\T ataaui fiaaiad i Minn fui on. or htii potaona flrat hill M tdl*«it rahla tiaht 4of n lown Rlllott IfW roll llKM Mmlain t ro«un furnlahad ? Mtiaaa. Y4l N Til h at Phona Hnllatd 1 25 For Kent Unfurnishetl Fi »R "YoTnT Ha lar<l dial Hi t tofwiarn 4 room not ta a a at |l) vl 111* U«ai IMb at Kay naat tlpoi \ toay. wlll ar * «anaad ininmlrtii roitaata K J Mprangla 1109 Kaat tlatflaid at , ownar , 1",.. i;« i .at «4JI F«»l| I'l vi Ihraa r««>m ttouaa ia»«r aar.tan ap..t with fruit and harrlaa , i «'ornar fSrd and 21th ava S. W Ph«»nr , it.ii.xi«»« RICST Modam roitaga 4 rootna and. j haaamant. ? loaa to car. 110 10 Inqulra It: Waat A Ist 26 MOTELS 111 l (in. .1 aiNnllil 11 'ndar naw manaaamant lltiuaakaaplhi I? M and up Iranaiant, 21c night 91 It^ ' » I . ? '|l"l n>! rafurnlahad a*ar> thing rlaon and naat litis Flrat ava oppoalta <"«»rnar Mat | kai | I in! room, vary raaaiitaliia itotal J Valine |Y Wratlaka ata !A M Klt I?' A N lt« ?! Ft Flna i i»darn «>ui ?Id* .?n ? 111. u| Klllall 11.. ' Fourth and Ptka mVn i. OXFORD r , JOHN ar ANt.r* VI . will. M Mil ICarrfnarl n ift t * *\u25a0 t I* ».»* op 127 FURNISHED ROOMS i 1 U7 »"? ?? | 1 ' " !?#- »M|| HOUSEKEEPING RMS RINOVATIU) AMD klfl.Y FCIIMWH I ad and uafurnlanad haoaohaaplng and ! a aatiiai rooma al %arr low rataa till Waaiaia |f, ? Mil I'lty i..»a"lrd | ? n "i fi.« *ard Phona Ifudaon II? 140 blj SI NHSSC HAN CES IWPI*OHTI V|TY for Invaatioant in aalmnti j < i.t 1 |t » i|. l i ? t dt*ld« -w aaauiad Now la tha ttma to hatp Waahlngtoa induatrtoa kmall in*sat oaaota a..ii. Pad lAAiaaa F It *t»f j haI.K ? "khw. 1 '<iaakaapir<a i? >? t> >v ka to Waa*<aha Markai alwart full I lift tt Itll Ktghth I iTfvio KSKiaf for . h.ii. i.t4 i «a'il»«M Markat OIL I ftiH rwt I oil ftaida wf Waantnat?*« I'htid'a aui - I ai-rtpttan fraa publirlty Iwpt . Itt ' !,»«»? |i'<dg 4i ACREAOB LAKE FOREST PARK On a arra atdar Wt i»m land on gvadad road uaa ftra aod >*a rovtnin# atraam hand* ta arhaol naighix.ra a' 11-.aat auto faro \u25a0 a cHy You ran lira on tkta I'a < ' aij ? fir, ? ? r»|r» |l«t la# raah and I* la iw» gMMHA OI.U HANSON CO. lit Maw Yart lllock IK) VOIJ WAN I IC) OWN YOUR OWN I \KM And l>a lalapaii'latii * Wa Inatta > ?>« ta rail and ln*a»«tfata o«ar naw roloriaa i to® firogaaltlan About IH poopta ha«o atraagy takan up our «ffa» 4 and It-gata irifta 4 ta* arraa lo aa Ja<t from aioraa arhoa and at a iant i»ar>aport at lon atroadr aa tahltahad Wrtta or .all for full par Hruiara of OUR FRKE EXCURSION JO THE LAND C K \u25a0Tt'ITKYANT 111 Vloa*on VVlork gaatt!a + (l%r.M ? MHO IMPK4IA ||i Wit h T ? room, modara hmaao and owtbulldlnga partly rtaa'awf. ftaa running raak 'a tng '-m coun* road Prlra lI.YM. tarma tt awtt pufKhaaar Or IS arraa with naw * room piaatarad hooaa and ouibutidina* land half rt«ar«d flna wall wata* |«od tranapnrt* Hon Rrtta II T'" tanna Ilk* raah lit par inontK Iruiuira for Mr I. C Ottgan 2tS Vaw York Hl«rll a? a IMPROVED RANCH ! If roti ara looking f-»r an lnipro*ad ra<>- h ? -vina In and aoa »a \A a tiara a apian I Ha* of ran« haa In tha «*antralla ? hahatt* Mount Varn m and Aawlro Waallat diatrlrta OLE HANSON & CO. 114 Naw *ftrk Oto. k h\h a a i"7fc aij arraa g'*r»d (ar.'l 4 m11r? : from Fall f!ln, |l oto Writ a for par tlrulafa F. H t'artnlrhall Fall City. King ''ounty. Waah IS At* Vl*w lot. a*|ulty Main I?A4 FOR C A l.r! 4 krraa hl|h!v improi ad riaaa In |4tO takan from thla plara laat lummar Prlra 12 Ytt; tarma Ad .Iraaa F-|t H»ar i.iffi.® r a n«'ii ' haap; |i4g gggikl h||. anra IA yaara. ran glva purrhaa#r ron- ?ldarahla work Addraaa C-H. Mar ? fflr a 10 ACftKH KOI{ IKf.n Fartlla land. fr*nti on goad road mar a'h«H»l; In aplandld dlatrlrt. with tata- phnnaa mall and atoro dallvary; ton vanlant to a«attta Tarma |At . aati IJ o monthlr U J. MARHH a CO. 1201 .I<j AVK. TRADES A flna |* arra tracf naar Fdmond*. good vlaw of Hound PrUa 11.4** Trada for homa and aaaoma 41 arraa of good laval land. In Mnohomlah rounly Prlra |A oan arr* Will trada for *ood rlty proparty and aaauma *i raa of watarfront . alagant baarh . ona of tha prattlwat ap<>ta on tha Mound Prlca 121 an arra Will trad* Highly Improvad r.-arar ranrh modarn 4 room houaa. harn. rhlckan and hroodar houaa good baarlng orchard, running atraain cloaa to Haattla Will airhanga for good rlty proparty HKKMAN' A. BCHROKDKR I.lbariv Itullding Third and t'nlon. 40 Ai'Tilfif*. '4-mlla watar front. 4? room houaa. |at raa ilanrad, nonw «»r< har«l watar plpad to houaa A anap Prl. a | 11, tot Pi M P DIXON A ?"O Main 40 il* Marlon Ht RUNNING WATER '»n 20 a< r*a of laval rlrh. hlai-k wilt Inam. aapaclally adaptatl to <ai#ry, onlona rhut.arh and will rata* any rrop adapt «a ? . thla limata. |?, j, r< « . i.Mirait Halan*r anally c-alarad; fiark of tunning «at»»t riavar «»varflowa ,1 taaf tha plara I . ralaa hoga iind ||ck*; ll**a laaa than 2 mllaa from town and t-raain I ary It . F Ia , talaphona. on county i road and fraa ataga luka* rhlldrm |c» and from grhool. Prlro 940 Par Anc f.o Down and >11 I'ar Month ' i ' a - llui Ii |: MUCH FOR YOUR M< )Ni:v *0 grraa. fancacl partly rlaarad. i-ultl- vat ad i»ita of frnlta, larga and amall. aplandld a i|ar atippllaa gravp, fl.. hulldltiga, ln<'lud«> houaa. harn. frtill houaa poultry houaaa. Pr ?!!>? altuatlon, on hard road*; hatwarn town*, aarvlra of trlaphonr dalU iimll dallvarlna; arhool* cloga AH thla for 11,400, pra fr-rahly <aah or largalv raah t HAlll.l hi ?<** R «11 Alaaka lliilldlnu CoR HA LI-', iio arraa nlmat, alfalfa, fruit grown; good aprlng. rloh toll, ra llnqulahmatit $«:.000 iLirgaln Ho* lb, Hoap l.akr, Waah IMIM li! 0 * D FAIt M ' ? Al*g »i«l K nr ? . I a«pa» »*n Ih a atlttrirt il>* undi'iii r ia avaw up «?!?! Ihrra will Htfff l.r n >.rllr.f II 111 A lIIDH NOW M"Uf» ? *? ' "f piodurtKa land GATNOAITUUIDB iti tha Qitd nrttr, h hi. »» in MulfiMi mlajhml t<> all wn»«i» -*f llvonifml flftnltl AMI ?'« aaailr inmll ? ? ? *? ? ? **» «ii>i !'.? aratt af* ?*fr rr \u25a0 1 In I'. «.?« imtfl «*? from |740 to It.too par Iftfft >«?'' maka iha IflflM Pf «? 11 In formation rail «t «»nr offP a -t taWa v »? itaiii hjm morning at i .ta> | « 1 I <'«i» IIIWWMIIimIH «111 maat * ? . ' ? ifid halp you mill* a Ml*' H'»n WEST & WHEELER !*?» 'in» i .. » Main I 111 ??/ 41 ACKEAOE A TKII* T«» THKrie UKM I*'? <1 i ?\u25a0» a t.«< u* ill"* mu our l«it»i m Thrra lAbtt p »s.'hnfflllh > <>unO IVaih II 11** ildm to our mill* on road a ?m 4 ha.«d» Prlr»« Bfl>l to# rtm at m raawnat-ta rh ara tr« I auto *<agra and troll." dally »"*"1 *C!»«»*»; ? gtara. It r D an<t nalgb- b«r« Tr*na on* ilia r«»tr DKAt WITH I'd DIREtT Wt it* or wo r »l MriKi I fills Myr I and t»apt 1? ? I I. « Hmlih Rl4f Haai 11 ? thrfk i.akki i.t mu n t-n . JO acres' ONLY $400 $50.00 ( ASII Tt !? to arraa i ? a ' f! -4 * r 1 r '\u25a0 aa » floor v*rr aaatn i Im'*'l »n i"«»l l«*iar« now. Lao iih k or |r»#»l »»*>or I«mm| H H |ot»n roo4 tinl rt»oo ? » '\u25a0 H'.*| It! |>«f I 'nil It arrM *4>olfttnft Mm* |»ru« »im! ItriM nnr»»«.\ a -waiih t»rvKMirnK\T fo «?? flroo« Hull4tnc WHY PAY MORI f *? «ill imHI lha irat i ira- 'a flow In tt*o«tlo fa» ||amrh IM rich awl II fH»r III' <if h (Hia hwor i rl4* l»: from iha h»a" of thla rtlf ooorjt a«t Kmif ft iha 4ai T«u «on w«*ri»»« »««» wroalM'-* fort Orrltirtf Ticiffli an<t ftaaMlf Yoo ha»a 4al|*arf from aiir«a. ?r* l. ? g-4 ?rK'-»'« aM y«»Ml nri|i<Mt f»«lr * f»o iron* l«fl «|i. ? «? »? iK» !»»*\u25a0 ' cummn i van amualb. in' lftlt Thlifl A*« READ THESE CAREFULLY I Orr*« »f «*l*r fr "t *r.m Hir>» rl»*r«4 euoftlof *ii«i H a''it«r I«a<I 4*«4» kMt|o« >n:» |l#» . lirmi l«» agli UPOT f* 4? If I o I+TOl 1004 flno ooaiir rltaraA »«l» hoif mlto fri>t» h«orh |*rl- ? oot» 114*' IMPHOVItr* IIRnnT HAKCM 1$ ir»a« Hrh lata! lorvd ?mall h«vo*« rooi boiia* nfyaMf iaa|>iwfriM a»ir. { flna ?roll aM |nimii ICO t»itoti* 4*i(* orjr from ? a*»it un'lM l>f aal|h t~»r« A ®»*o *o*i ot I?** <»ol» !:!? AHICs A *ICXT?»% f'OMPAVr }'. A! i I A ! !\u25a0'. \u2666 \u2666 Ron witsT Til It KR WfM»M r-OTTAO* nooo i.'wrATioy frr» two r*A* i.ivrn i ALL MoriKRN roWßNlftKCftt is j nrsr tin; al* I ) CAI«L r W WRMTtR MAIN I I \u2666 IT YOI wont a n»» mMarn. ? -room homa ovi l«r|a lofo. plotily farilan room, larf* hon houooa. alwirlr Uffhtt walat, an* »»ow»r wtr and n»or ror lino, «n«1 If )rou »ou«d llvo «f Columtiia t'ltjr an<l If row hava mnti*y to f»otr nah or half roah. roll ot Itll Fourth ava and 1 ? ill ilvr iron ih# l>i|froi hariain In Hwoitl* Ta*'a. air paM * Prlr# la l«aa llion half ron of tha t>iflpari| Atk for Mr .!*f»aa A HAIPIOAtN for a rai'-har hut at»n'» nao«l apply I will trad* ihla f«»r |m- pravad rani*h )Af 111, I -room houa* front ar»«1 hark porrh*a and 2* room shark hoth In |*vml ??'?ndltlon. too hl<" ka fr-«m par Una Adilf»aa or rail i;rn«aw# ai barhn ihop lU}li;nTNG"T:of WANTED I liava l&A aitaraa In Iha Tanlno t.lttta R/vk fill Co i haat «-on>i»anjr In tha 9«m*i MhirM now ?oll'nff at ?fcr »arh Will (rail* fr»* In* If lot la *orih mora will (tar illffaranra In raah rotrvtTH AVE \u2666 \u2666 ?XII (Rl< 111 M II *r \u2666 \u2666 Thla la rl«ar to Itollard oil *? all 7 room moilarn hnua*. I' t amith front, full haaamant Thla i«lar« wmth O.fton will aall for || Aoo. llflA r«ah faa tia YfMTNfI A ItMonrTOi Phono Hat I aril 111. Full f<AI.K Mouaa an«l lot, on <jr aar« Anna hill at a aa<rlfl<«. houaa oall furnlahad. If daalra<l Call l*»4t Third W phona Quran Anna I IT? I ? 2«« Na w" fc room <Ot t ago 4 0 fi lot 11.000 Naw * room houaa. 40-ft rornar. hatha, haaamanta, flraplaraa ?la» ava F. at M< Italian at. Ilaaron hill: 10 front dapota. aaar If rrna IIOTIIWF.M. A CIIOCK KTT. I .»? nr« Htdir Main 4<*<» 44 UOMKSTFADS AO ACRBM. atiltabla f<»r hon nml alfalfa ranch; ti«*w 4-room houaa; harti and clilckm houaa. a fat% arraa undar rultl- vallon; lio* ami rhlrkau wlrw fan«-ln«; apt«*ndld wall of fraah watar; MUmaroua lakaa In aama dlatrlrt . Improved ranch tolnlng thla'hald at 1600 p«»r arrai r«o 'and daailad bring* alw>ut 1100 rm arra «'all at 1400 Fourth an- and learn why praam! ownar will aacrlflra hla r«" Unnuiahmant to thla cnttra *?# m< rra for IAf»o If aold thla waak. Tha property 111 t»»« fmiM I . Xiu llv MX ropt rarntail In Ihla ndvrrtlaamaiif Thr pun Imart will ha put to m> axpanta In aa«»inii tha lan«| I'rtia 100 low for ronimlaaiona, ao aitanta naad not cull 51 REAL ESTATE LOANS *Vfc%, 6%. 1% Monay on Improvad rlty proparty. Wa nittka hulidma l«»ona CALIIOt'N. IHNNY A I.WINO Alaaka Hulldlng RFAI* I/> A\H NORTIVRHN Bond A M 'r|nnka Central Hldf , hntoaan Columhli. and Marlon v ihtcic # l.oana Mitnav Tt"f'»ra hnvlnr or tnillrltnc aa« <:i<» a vinrt r. n , nioak I iIavIC rlTanta with - "IrTSo t«? |VOO to loan I i#n lmpr«»V#d Haallla raiil valuta at X par | «>nt Inlaraat A lu I'loita, l.'ll Ainat iOan lliink. IDAHO 111 \ I IS HI \l I (>R V( )t! I ()R I 111 I \k!N<«? ho you think Inml (hut will mlan 20 to 40 (malml* of wheat |*t ir H worth »«ti\ t hlnnT On you Nto|> to think what litml 111 th# older atiMog Ik worth, #*vmi where Ihny < initio? procure iih niurh? Twenty million ««?»**h hitve Iwi-n houieatt-;»«!«? I In fhe Ih *\u25a0 t two * I'mll ThfM In luit out* <to|» of fr«*«* Ihiml. him! It noon w ill nil huva horn hnrvcßh'il * Let tin help )ou to K"t 320 Mere* of good Initrl hi-for«' It i 'I! f 'li- i nun h. ntiil ? « whir wp <itu o * <»u In hnuM'ft' u«lm .loin our firm party, koliik from here the 30th. IDAHC) HOMHS'I HAD CO. Jul Orpheum Block, Seattle. INVESTM KNTS Orati'Ti Itiv oat loant 403 l.uitlbar ICa rhaiifa lOaai. i. t'a ri Miiß>iA<ii a. |la a cr 7% to a % fully ao< ura<l f«" aala Ji»a " Tb.nit,# / Ir,. ioa fharry at 47 FARM LANDS it. > r 1 AM) NOW Oaat <|ua.<tr a«UI. ito far ai . *\u25a0 »i i a 4<> ?aa li 'mi M M EXCHANOES A I \u25a0 I ?W »» 11 . ? » \u25a0 ? ? ir? ? « 5J LEGAL NOTICES i"\ f iif: T»ihtßT «*oi iit oF flfl t'nltml fttataa for Iho Waat»rtt Olatrht of \%aahlnst«n. Northarn IMfrlal-'ii No. t.l la IN HANKIIt IT«'Y la tha Mattor <-t a M l*ouihnay and Naal l.ouflhnay. hla wlfa To tha ifadltora «.f tha aUva nainawl hank rupta and to all idhar pamna in Intar aat Taka n«th a that tha l»aakru|li ah««\a namad haaa iwrtltlonad thla <ourt for a full diarharg* from all <l»Ma pro««nia a«ainat thalr aatata undar tha a<ta of Kiitfraaa ralatlhi to bankruptcy, and that a baarlng ha had upon aald pat» Rloo. l*#foro aald dlftfir-l rourt, at tha court room of aald rourt In tha city of hoattlw. In aald dlatrlrt on tha 14th dat ? f Fabruarr l»U at I* or lor k In tha forantmn. at which lima and pia< a you and aa«'h of you mar appoar and ahow rmua« If am yi»u ha** why tha pra ar of tha aald patltlonawa ahould not b* frantad |>aiad at Haaital thla lllhday of January Itll FRANK L I'ROARY ARM IS TORN OFF K r < lay ton. chief engineer of the \u25a0learner Trltan. on* of the An derao nKieamboat Co s Ixuti on Uko \\ nHhlnK<(iri. ?itflf r«*d the loon of half hi* left arm Thuraday. Clay- ton dropped a wrench into the cranking |>11. and when he reached for It hla arm tiwaine entangled In the machinery He waa taken to the Providence hoaidtaJ. y K msm I i/mniLLJi Marrioga I t. mar. L V l*anai Chlro. and Mlldur Olaon. Chartaa r* w iiaon 20 haatilr and K'.i*at«>th Ann "i-a'A* 24. t^aattlt Jamma Haiaigh. 11. liaattia. and Mra liiaoh || RHa taatlla A «l amlth HoHtugt>am and Edna A amlth r«n atatlon. HI c'harlaa H H«»aa 41 Aawttla and Flor- aiira I. Atdrlrh. 21, Haattla naror Krt«-kaon Haattla and Kama Johnaon. Hoattia flaorga II Morgan tfaattta. and Mra Marta l«ong l*lttaburg J U»|. Haattla and Rat bar Rlcklaa Haattla .ioa A-hart J4, Auburn and Altla Arhultlk 11. Auburn Hiriha Mra and Mr A. C Harg. la«anth ava H nrwl M' l.aHan *t daughtar. January ? Mra and Mr Van «Rtlngham. 1414 14th aia H. daughtar. January 11 Mra and Ma i| Ttartto. 4to 24th ar* V a<<n January 4 Mr* and M It R Wyatl. >012 Itth ava h daughtar. January 1 Mr* and Mr C 1. Tom*. Y4Y N. 44th ?t ann January i: Mra and Mr 1 F Walah 2410 «*nd a a W aon January II Mra and Mr r II Y: 4 11th a%a W daughtar. (taramtwr 1* Mra and M> A V Ranholda 2?t« W 4Mb a* aon. Oarambar II Mra and Mr M t'adr. 2«?« W 40th at *on. January Y Mra and Mr f'haa Andaraon 4211 2®th ava w daughtar January 4 Mra and Mr II W Yaagar. «?4l 2Hh a%a N AV . aon. Darambor II Mra and Mra t H King 2A42 W 14th ?t aon. January II Mra and Mr Hoin Y4IY Rglnlar ava , daughtar. January & Mra and Mr J H Hlmonaan. IIH Marldlan ava daughtar Januarv Y Mra and Mr .1 I Moora. han Talmo Apt*, aon. t»a<'amhar 14 Doatha Andraw 14. 420S California ava January 4 Oakar Itargar. 41. 424 f. Charrr gt January II 111 l orraa Dalla H Trankla from h a Trankla Itallfa II Harratt fr<« .laa Harratt. Dlvori a* \*kad Marhalla Victoria firry Hurton va Juaaph t'hlpman Burton, rrualtv, Katla llaaton va Auatln Y> llaaton. abandon tnant .. N'alllo Naa ton v* ("haa Kltnar Nan ton. nrdi \u25a0?upport; 1»alla R Trankla va. H A. Trankla. crualty. v . ,1 ' ? r f* ,] , ,;. ..'*%! '' v v»«jt'Wv<w't'Ri- £ . t faware * *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? \u25a0\u25a0? da ? BBi Twin Brr»w 8. 8. CITY OF ANOHLICfI l.uvai r|« r I. font of V»«l«r wm\ ?vwrjr fluy ?irapt Kuturday, at 1? midnight. Offlr*. Hnnm 10. Pl«r 1. Phonn Klllott 1571 < Say, What Were You Doing at 10:30-A. M.? Noted Educator Declares People* Are at Their Highest Point of Efficiency January 15 at 10:30 Write your ex- perience to the Editor of The Star. What were \< >U fining today at 10:30? Were you putting through an imjKirtant busine** deal? Were you deciding on tlie safety and value of an investment? W ere you 'choosing a husband from your hatch 'if beaux ' I.ucky for you if you were doing any of these thing* - or lucky for you if you were deciding some other big event of vital importance to you. A scientific man', I'rof. Frank K. I.akey of the English high school, .Boston, Mass , who han conducted experiment* in efficiency among subjects, recently made the a--er- tion before the National ( ommercial l ea'her-' a ??sc. i«*t»-*'i at their convention in Chicago that January 15 or June 15, at 10 .V) hi tin i'.reu<'im, i- th< \rr\ highr t peri<-I "i «ef- ficiency during the year. * The Star is interested in this assertion. TODAY IS THE DAY Whaj were YOU doing this morning at 10:30? Can you offer substantial proof to corroborate Prof. Lakey's dec- laration? If you accomplish something important ?import- ant to you?something that called for the highest efficiency in thought or deed, the editor of The Star wants to know rbout it Just tell briefly your experience and mail it in to the editor. The best of these letters will be printed in to- morrow's paper OPERATION A SUCCESS GILL MAKES SPEECH A certain doctor, whole name, for ethical reasons, we will withhold, was performing an operation at Providencs hospi- tal. just at the awe-inspiring moment- For like ethical rea- sons the name of the patient likewise Is suppressed. But, believe us he like ditl DOC DICTATES Doc Matthew*, the tallest Pre* bvterlan in the world, was busy dictating letter* at this terribly ef ficient hour. He was very busy- Indeed. so very, very buay that bis \u25baecretarj assured The Star man thst Monday morning would be the first chance for seeing htm unless "ne had a previous appointment for soma Intervening time. We'd like to read iome of the doc* letter* wrttten at thin por teuton* time Het they were worth perusal AFFECTS HAAS. TOO Council Pretident Haa* rap. fed three time* at 10:30 to call a ipecial meeting to order. The meeting wai to approve a bond \u25a0 ale under term* previously apreed on. 'Tie taid that Haa*. like mo*t everybody elie. wai ?o affected by the occasion that hi* rap* rang out perfect, and probably will go down in council hiatory a* the beat rap* ever delivered by a coun- cil preddent?at lea*t until 10:30 June IS. CALHOUN GETS IDEA Scott Calhoun lighted a clgaret. talked to \V R Crawford and ?rolled at 10'.30. Probably thought of a new way to *ell the S., H & 8. to the city. NOT AN ARREST And here I* some real. *ure enough proof of the truth of th* profe**or'a theory. Net an arreat wa» made In Seattle at 10:30 or anywhere near that time. IN FACT. THE BLOTTER IS BLANK FROM 9:40 TO 11:40. SOME REC- ORDS! JITNEY WINS Good omen for the Jitney bu*! Ju*t at 10:30 Albert Clark. Grand Central hotel, waa merrily driving hi* auto load of patienger* on Yecler way when bing! a cable car hit the machine The efficacy of the charm la *hown by the fact that thla attempt of the Elec- tric Co. to put the jit* out of bualneaa was absolutely futile. No damage done. You can juat Imagine how the kid* at Queen Anne hlKh shouted after listening to an address b* Mayor GUI at the psychic moment. Hlczoner talV<-d to them about civic duty, and electing the right men to office, and a lot of such thing* Kloqu«nM? Well, think of the combination--GUI. 10" 30 a m. of January !!>, and h bunch of kids. ELOQUENT MELVIN At the mystic hour Melvin \V. Cassmore was Just at the climax of his talk on advertising display at the Newspaper Institute, In session on the U. of W. campus. Pit? Never more eloquent In his life Hit? Well. Jn*t a*V of the edit- or*. PUBLIC MARKETS I OKWK Mall* ?. 1. mini 7. pot lfc 1* ; jx»rk ro«M. Irr Jb . »\u25a0! mui lie lb ; pork iolna iT'tf lb . homarand*lard. ll' lb pork a(*ak. 14c lt» Sialla J|.; . f bis (tM bMt milk. Ik with I ll*. rofft#. ( Iba Kr«m ht prunar !k; '-»-«ai. ayrup. S-tr; 20c can* f-.ab b«Jli. lSc; :*ac rani blackKarrlaa, lfc. Ctali I©2. fr«h «burned butter. Sic lb. 3 Iba (&p; cum \u25a0 antaad r<«c» Jfco do* St alia No. *«< a flour. IMS, dallt-arad; 4-d'»*. n«n* aolld (urk lomatuft. i>fc< . tan. > «?«>m ami paaa I rana 2&c. 3-lb. ran brat rh<KH>tat». 74* II ll>( au«ar. Mr «»r ?Mf rana milk. aith 1 lb Ik in or enffaa. hi *TTI * Stalla 1 In J cb<»lca »t»*r pot r«a«*. bl T-bona ataak. lac lb.; ffrah draaatad h«na. 'lirhf llr lb. Xtall 11. hali- but. 3 Iba Sic. frtah <al?iah l#r lb . fraab fearrtn*. 3 Iba 10r Statta 11*17. baat Vaktma potatoaa. 7 1>« 10c.. be«i onions. 4 Iba l©c Stall 12. 2 lOr loava* br#«d, 1 Sc. IS dot c«»oklaa. I4r. Stall I®, DromHarv dataa, 2 pk|a !k; Florida giapafrult. k aach Stalla 13-14. I Iba auaar. 41c and aparlal * ft«'r < p. m . % Iba au*ar. 40« . "Our Taatr" aoda bla- c tilt a. 4c pk|r 3 Iba 4k Magnet coffc-. fl «4; coro« ?0v lb ."'tall lk. \Vaahln«ioii craamary bultar, 3k lb ; atrlrtlv frnh ranch rcjra. If c d««a 2 doc. Ik. Nn atrinn* «»n our apaclala You don't haxa to buy otbar thinga to laka fttfvißum of lham mii rii r>r> Ftrtwara aartl«na Vaklrna pntft*<M>a 7a« aa< k ; drlad onlona. 1 Iba 1 Or. '-aM<a«t< (a brad, lattuca. Z liaada Sr Stall 31, p»t i«a#t, *«?; frtotl at«**k, 14r lb ; roaat po» k. 12% c lt».; r«»aat v*af, llr lb.; hama. tlo lb fancy baron. 13c to ftc lb. Htall l«. auffar. * Iba 42c. navy baana. 4 Iba : . Stall 43. fraoh »\u25a0»k* ->r dot; rraamarf liittlrr. llr lb. Rlall *3. full craam char***, !4' lb ; craamary but tar. 30c lb. Stall ?t. Italian chaaaa. 3?c lb.; pura ollva oil, j;.c can. stall *l. bulk «*ocoa. 2ac lb. stall !.« fraah harrlnir. 3 Iba 10c; klpparad aal- "i iba :f» . ft»? a l l ( atfiah j<k Stall *6. klpparad hrrrlni 10c lb. Douglas Shoes Keystone Trousers Union Made Union Made Extra Values inClothing at Both Stores O 1 C HA wl " bu y a Suit, Raincoat or Overcoat X 0»V/\/ that will surprise you. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Celebrated Winstcd Underwear in merino and wool, light and heavy weights. $1.00 per garment. COMPLETE ALASKA OUTFITTERS Westerman & Schermer SEATTLE'S TWO BIG UNION STORES 220-222 Fir.t Ave. S. 103-5-7 Flr.t Ave. 3. Where You Get the Moil for Your Money 9

The How May I Serve You?...? vvft> "Mim*.:\u25a0;. . -fTr> ~"# 'WW>Afv'v CLASS I HID DIRtCTOKV *i.»h«h«l

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Page 1: The How May I Serve You?...? vvft> "Mim*.:\u25a0;. . -fTr> ~"# 'WW>Afv'v CLASS I HID DIRtCTOKV *i.»h«h«l

? v vft> "Mim*.

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fttllM> \% INH(N»»mm~ mm~7^7rr~~7TT:rrr~rrr~i~^oN

in tunc* it»ti<ittur*s ' feV*iVS«~rfifl>i.*5


!>?*? r>!r*H «nd

CtNFI>TP*oJ>: it-a ood ropoira Mo»n


«... 1 \ IH VI IO\N»


" Pgteo- -Pootoot Payme.i?«

Bam*r - Pr\u25a0> kerago Co *9T Northern j«UeV H?dg l*k ond Wko

? d*"»"Tos vrth SWKt*looked on diamond* ond teoolm

t.O \ N l ORPORA'fION jM Hl' 9mo- an Bank B'da 1


MjItHODS l.oona from 119 99 to jf7® 9o !?» »de rj it-kly and fanMan^'aHj

\u2666'?ft pt*noo ll* ootawk. olft

millAV-AMERICAN l.ovs CSAMPANYy |go t | f* O^

CO AI If! WOfXIa -

* Elliott tin !... n» rplfgM* d»tlr»cr Atl ktnde coal

«i.no i>«4(w to borrow monwy 00

dtam« -la and lowatrt. 100 ratoo: prl

vato efß .oo Amorlcoa Je*olry Co 4«l

, ~ howX V*' Ai.3srsnn * *<? . «lll» SOU '

fintet N»«|ht 19* lili'kiaf H!d» El |??

i« % P^>Rr> !*ilmor grad u»to. S9SI Ar-?d* Building j

, <;OiEjPTD-~-r*hiro-T>i*rar'' Wo pridur*-;« *9||ii| wbore other* fall III!Arcade |

| \u25a0" f*'i»fe;Ernrr>r TTTtfgyn*DETEC Tivr AOENCt ?Jl I

r#g»ra' »:d9 Main %*SS vight phono iOaea" Anno 1999. Cong-illation eo«f|~

don'te'f>»»«N"?t<--e 9 re».-r\u25a0 a9r.< %-cido ft'd |

I; oppooiT vAriTw? ft 1 y»«r oe» urea your ralvabta ponoro

man-'* e*c. agatnat ftaa and bmrglaro1M » *m Co In* 199 »*»»?»» »»


_ r»rnowod, 'irod a< hmg

f~*' by *0"' apocliillotP»"p!o'a Bonk Bldf Even

BIWMr. Ingo by appo!ntm>ent

x*py^^ir' #plrW Bo Bear ?. r« -waltfeo at>e<?a'lot or

dolleate repair work 1191 Thl'd Main



I np FUkr K'««a ft? jtin. l^iea 'loroo from I"*r ;n W » I th« hoautlfu

\u25a0 qyj *»»!»na" potiem In table 1flat w »re

WOt "OH TO V A flt-NTERf|s Teat *r War. W**tol Frro Wnlldtng

P REP* ' :

IJk APN'F. SUNDE1919 Weot'oke Ave

Aptirti'a Colonial Theater

Co. ?lilt PIrat av F Etltotttftl


tooka May B inn -Woman Lawyir Do-miM)" trmihloa. g*n»ral pactl/-o; «*on

?uftaitlon fr»e, --'.nfidentlal 419 Lyon*"*» V*ln ?Tti


DiAM'»N D MA^ll.'SI A MPr> CO411 Occidental A* Re*ttia

E*poef printing pr»aa machlnlota maker*ttf ?

?? \u25a01 «? ."'»«

H IP ' 1 'Wahhi"' TT-VN lacndhtcleanrra and dyera. earpot

/?legnora Ph'vne Eaa» I?SS

AUTODEUVESSY 69.dlatanra movtng Flllott 214

r TRTN!BFf:ir ' r<, pTanoiaand houoehold g «/da moved Kaat 99?

t. Jfgklna Mr»lng A Mtorago Co, Modloon at12th Eoat 414 Auto vana. flreproot

WaahTngion Monument Co . 191* trd Ava

>11 - H \Mi %HK\n*. t <t>' ''

¥ :? rt n ? .

irg. tax Blk . or *'orth 1499

~ *

o>T»r umiTiT i<i *

Photo* that »r« made acJOHNSON' 3

tit Lfborfv B'd* Third and t^ilon

RKCTAL IHME/.HBH'ONLy. iLjV Arthur Cro> kail 412 Oroon Bidg

Ur Orant Tuekor, 594 Olobo Bldg <T7imen *nd women IKJ

hit. AfHTON 414 American Bar,k BldgPractice limited to bladder, kidney andurinary dlaes«««

I- j,,, , (lu.., t

Rao'lnan Plumbing A Ifouting Co, ll»-1?0 Klnr Meat tie



l>ry fireproof atoragg Cen-

Aon t tie filgn shop, ltoi «i*Th Elliott4929

6 1 tifit H*r* .\u25a0' «, . ?. ?

| ~»r*rrrvirHi'... * pifi.. \f, -

%% S? I I- M" It \ v , |. A r , ,

i : frC I 77* iTTirl4l* MA?it; uTBallard '.tl

Let Star Want Ads rentyour vacant rooms.


FKEDT C.ukin ?--«

aecured or fM refunded 791 (*??»«!

Main 9949 rm it ICdairTa a «M ''entral llldg !


tUrfy O aged !* >wr*.

? .intM »*r» I CO* * ill ?»«\u25a0 ?»*\u25a0 ' *t Co

ptrlori t>f ('? . |? i Ottv* ?! oppMii* llr«*d»«r high,

?\u25a0, lay gt Ip m m#»dt are Jinvited i" rrfm>Ho» J

4 NOTICESM«sm~ Ha .<? lIKCAIHICt) 111 I"K"

r.|/| Hlhll "Ml

s WTI) MISCELLANEOUSW vSTKt> T.. t '.7«. pi«"n«. Mr

? \u25a0 .T««r ;,«» M'» II »-

6 AUTOS FOR SALEw VflUr" u»»<1 kUlo* *1* I" '

FOR SALE ?FURNITUREfurntlir* rhi«p f»r .-aeh Il:t W '

m.Ai'kwfix n H.N co. nf »*«?? ®Tflic

i Fact3BF coast mm.NtruHi co. kl j?|«M t«Ti


| MOTORCYCLES jv»» trd hand; illi

mekee: aome of iheee tak*n <>n *INDIAN MOTORCYCLES Halloo AWrtgJs *1? C Ptke ?« . M«r I riad


9 CROSS-PANEL DOOMR. It 1tln or **r Xn *??*> *w ««rkm*t

bitv during th« »l»'wm«nthA w* ha*e m/ade a aperltl r*!« Ml the of oar I

IfeLj W# f>«« end operate the \m-f---4lr«f» ltt-e*niiai«r Im>i <n4

\u25a0mi Door Factory In the Wm, |»n4 mv« ym the r«t«li«r ?

[ZvXl profit Qfl4llt7 f 'jaranteed

,||pßi PRf«'E* PRAM OCR \u2666* ATA

|» \u25a0 voovm so it? i ro«i :**ne? l& *t*ee II It!Name for pointing *4 alio* only) 99 |''olUf* front d(K»rt 2 49 up i1-pty ««n««r Intfrlcr doorg i49 upv#w Crtfl«m*«i int*rt"»r do-»rg I »? up

I New i*reft»man front door* . J 29 upi''o(iac« front vindowt 7 §9 up

II- light irii«o«n ...... Hup

I Bungglo m aaah .... 14 up

I Hquart por«-h column* 'built up)1 49 t>9 j

Complain tn*lde window trim 49 !omplote tnatde d<*or trim



0 B WILLIAM*CO194? ptr*t av« « Main iidt

. . Safetr *?*"' hladeaeharpaoed It*- de

Yep 3i|iy MI * ?'??m ?nd| K-rffh r 100nod

THE KI.ITR I*ll Third Mnln «l»»

92.60 &*92.60BTBBt»AMnn. dPKiTTACLW FITTED

with ophort'-Al i«n»«o. comptoto. 11.49.Indudlni ?umiMtlon Rrbwnrtp, Up-

tomot riot 217 Kpl-r Block Opon Rnt

urdny nUght

? kl-. i HAKr.PI.vI COMCCUND 91 f otiorrol. 1.69 tv«r 19# It*. 19 lb MM

It 90 Pbono Main It

! »v <»it»oot'or« -*ol»t» »-Udoo>;?« oror-#M 149P 9fll l» WOlf I'nloo



f~99f> Bl "INKHH CARDM <lood printing. ,tio moh <jul< k Print. Honltl*. Wooh

NKW PIANOS FOR HiNY, MKNT APpliod on purchaoo. M*rorTonor. 11l


Hr n| In vnur old ah?*** ond rlothlng and

i»t your mnMy f*«r thorn. Til Pino«r Vfafn 1999

N¥ W I HIiAN AND PL /./.4.KH J C **T KB

CRIVID Tilrk A Pttlfl* Co., Ill*Ftr»t

<I*»®J»» m«h r*gl«f»r« ehowro#oo9l9plne

i*I»N'TRA**TO»W Pnintoro.

i popor hani*r>. piumbo Mi. hoot

In* #»? fitting ond wiring ?!> Y^»lo»

way MoIn IISTi 1 .


||k#> tr» r»rrr«p«»od with tiihl# lody«? t fr»»m :i« to It yooro of \u25a0«'; objortmalrlinoii) Addrw B*»t I I t '?tiir

9-A Wanted to Buy LivestockWAN'TFiD frl»h Hot tor pup prleo

Addrooo J M Bond Portion Wooh «

9 FOR SALE?LIVESTOCKPOI'R hor#o«. « nglo or douhlo, 9plor.dld

gondii lon, douhlo ond two uln-glo horn»o» ro\orod dollvory wagon

| two cirti cu'tablo for or frocory

J dollvory You rgn g«»t o bargain For codto o*U on occ-ount 8»ottIo Hun going out

I of buoln*"" Phono B»oron 2120. or[ oil at 1407 2lrd B

jPOft MALE? <>no toom of hors««. weightabout .',hoo lb* , 9 and 9 yearn old

I will noli them «oparoto If Pof

j torm« ond fwrthor diorrlptl«»n. addron*W A A ndrinon. IJndburg. Wa»h

' rka r : i.f" maiikkj n 17Flmt W Auction Tu*«daya. 1 p in

| Vt »(?» 1791

10 POULTRYK'Mt HA Mr?A f«w ni'o Whito Orpington

! fin k»rol« ghoap A Prod Plurklglr,2 9th avo ond Mead nt . tt^orgotown

Tn» "i iia f«? u < \ii llKit's>


"Ik Pa» Ifl" Coaot I<9«*cal cornI -(i I bin eg low price with ».»\u25a0!I ['* '\A|TT p<,ggihlo »\u25a0\u25a0onotruriion l» *>'?

jr3 up II yo»ia on lh« t"o*gt

? \u25a0 ?till giving aotlgfactlon

Void hv The rha* II Lilly fo . Root\u2666 I«.! Fofl ma LIS- Hlark OrplniAn rockerola,

? rid eg- hango a few pullet* Mr*' r '>»«pw»nn. It! W. tttb gf.

i ? 1 1! \u25a0' * i f* .«P v l!f - y \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 -? ri<? «'i r>!l.,! 'KRf. a

Vehicles and Implementsj ;.«\u25a0"? '.1 v Wji i ' W > i rri.

j Implement* Buya *nd »«!'? ??? < nd-)»on«i vohlclog


How May I Serve You?I'm The Star \\ ,<nt Ad The w little

worker in Seattle.

Rain anil cold hold no terrors for tne I coverall Seattle, rain of >hine. at your bidding.

I go into home*. More* anil office*, to all cla*«e*of people every day.

I'll carry your to .ill Sr.ittle for a fewpennies.

C all me?Main 'MOO.

14 LOST AND FOUNDIf >uu want fOUt w«t«*h >*|i«ir«d a«* that ,

It <a«;l beep c«»rroct tint*, tak* It te

9t>»n >.»? 909 Pike at Cleaning 11 99, j"'?ln apilnga ?|r The Jeweler Wb* 1*!-?*»» g» f,

« f.-r | aae

l.t».«*T o»» I'hlnner "a*%e ear'" Mondaymoining the llth par* el r >ntalnii>g

i.< H9<t> ? ?h-»»* an>l rubbet* tinderplooae rail Kono«K*d 791

"»?!"»? I'Oa.at \u25a0' U S "

*\u25ba fnder return to Doater llortob Truet I?nd Movtnga bank

IdIST «»n« ft»*n """ga *r- net~~

Ungiialit*?"!. '*rge. marked on eollor, Made!

?. I, * I.v»\u25a0 t )..? a»e !

Ml IT A T 11» N 9I »M UNIC \u25a0 «NT A W « »BD !»" 'Mr ar * 1

17 FEMALE HELP WTD19 ANTED \ girl «altraa*. no *aper>

en«-o ne«M|ed. to wait on I table* and ia counter tl«»grd and room and go«»d |rav oni» 1 to 9 h"urg work If n»t ]aatiafied fare refunded Addreee II |Vinch. Hoi nee t afe 111 9mi Tbirda' Elton*burg Wa*h

tPirtit. SAt.l Ifftaplo ?kin* * xib from I to ||9 fngl

I! 99. while tboy laa? WhirlIParlor* 1929 Arcade Bwt'dtog


111 incidentalWante men and women te learn barber ;

trad* W|era patd «bile earning

WTn¥eß~ «'arpenter and ? !*?? "ST«» ;<>a

blng ghop 4 (florae o%or ehup wife tolend I" phone, n» farm ? Addreee<? 11. 919f

V: A v t. \ I aii PIEK ST"

L|9« BtlMtlf iP*Pott lltt.


Meo and wo*ean 10 loom tno barber trade ]W ii'« paid while ieerntag

WANTED Mano#er for 1 boot re Moat ?ln*eet a email a mount of money Meemanager turtle theatre

I'lumbini *nrj* r49P*MM9 Klli'dt llllJ1919 Wlatb a»e

WAN r ic't> Two men' to ""'loam auto andtruck 9rl*la| and repairing !199 4th

Katana'igh a 9190 tlaia 199 iWTrat a«e

Ear at rh«mp«"n a. Fourth end Pike1 MR* Ma itTIN "Mrae goa flaemoai

bowae. polnleeo. original twisight a.*op1999 Moron EU 9I9TJ


TPRiTfIPBt-TORS1 J.oorn aaaovtag tn one meatb al 2111

| IClliottaae^^^^^^7.O?MALE SITUATION

Anf l««i Lt NDvt'tMT LIi.LY XEI l. 9?lmen a ouito for 914* Heraaw that aoit Item uiuialrt aoeond fl«w»r Jtohea"nua B'de

YOt N'*l MAN wante pooltion drtntng Jit jney bue. capable man Boa P-12 Star |


W'hy pay more wh*a 111 buya a 111 auit 1or overcoat at Trade 9 I potaira nutt |

999S Third *e«f»nd floor t

WANTEDWANTED For rae'h. from owner, from j

j one |o fire north or aoutb oipfjaide city llmlta Mwet I* a bargain

! C-94. Mtar

WANTED ? Mtore 7l>ee in with 'tving

room grgte price Addr*** 71* 29rd a** '

PERSONALS\u2666 JET MA Rlt i ICI' lie** matrimonial paper |

publlohed Mailed free The C«t

1 reep'tiden l ToloSo. Ollto

1 YOt'NO MAN Belgian. 29 would !!ke ??? |>1 gain tance of working girl. Fren« b pr* ,

forced Matrimony A Cher*t»lt. tlen jIMI . CM /

WM .K I. RL'MOV !?:.». DEP- >BM EDno*e« ' orrectad 49t9 Arcade BldgMain IT9I j

'JET MARBIED «end 14 renio for Halof rich. aln< «r* correeponden'a and con

fldentlai The lloclat Reglater K»attle. Wagh I

R FM|*F.'*TARLE working man would 1lk«to g»t acquainted With working girl orIwidow, not orgr 19. ohfect matrimony

Addree* P-19 N*ar I>Ta RRV Por wealth and happ'n*** llun

dreda rteh. attracflre. congenial and jwilling 10 wed interesting literature,

teat I moo la la. drar-riptlona and photoefree < Reliable, llat re art. The Me* jaenger .lgrk*on( Hi*. Pl*

Ladloe? iiandemn't Colton Boot ptitea**e and *ure ftirm for dola**d porloda

It Money ref'W»d*d If remedyfall* afrer fair trial Ztajrmond Remedyro . fiTVfc Pike 1


/AJB Dan' Ing guaranteed In I prlvata|***<ina Prlvata hall* I*aya

Jrfjr and evening* dan>e«

STHVI-NS ,V,L. A;,.rlodlee I 900 reward I positively guar

antee my great. \u25a0irr-o«aful "monthly"remedy; **fe|y re||ov*a tome of thelongest, moot ohetlnate abnormal raaeaIn 1 to 9 daya; no harm, pain or Interferen-e with work Mall II f.9 Doghlaat>-angth Dr Houthlngton Rem-edy l*o. 49 Long Bldg. Kartaag City.Mo..

I 'Ikv'tkMan V. hn hail ii \ V-. In «t)Vrplea«e Hrlte Mlaa Helen Warnkln. OenDel . city, aa It waa lmp«>«aihle for herto meet htm at P ft o»» Munday 19th

[ Mhe would Ilka to hear fimn him.Hch'iit Hbop method, chiropodist. 1421 j

We tier a*

llapplneaa Ilea In married life Are youi' 1ne|y * .If.ln .Heattle Reliable Friend-ship ''I ih l.ndiea free Ada P Evan*.211 I'nlon Apt B 1

I HATS. \u2666APK ' leaned, 2if fo'i Mtewart

Kavinn'ifh i|2 po Hati Itt9 gv*

mTh .IkVVK! L MAMCI'I'INH 1111%Third Office 9 j

lienver live Work* -lltt Seventh, city

| 111 lit*r«l*v<« V. Iks ill* cleaned |TMate 99T9 *

1 MI6#IKK Mrih a".TN"a W IIXRIKHRS7019 t'J *b ev

?' t*' I"b?? »ie lt-,, 1*9t

j Hot il Cafe I'i t'nlon ? *Ac rtlnn»r»

I A MIDIH.E AOKD tTTd'ower with da ugh'| ter II year* old, and ha* <<»mfortah|eI h'>me. wlahe* t»» meef a lady. oh|e«-tI matrimony, Addreaa tl H Brown, Edge

riirf Kart - f.angl<>\ Waah

SPI HITUA ll ME DIUM Ss<;n:'. r «r.: rendln ; iau«ht ii -

Ninth ave< \ ' I » 1 l \I-I?<. 714 Medlaon *t Boom

11. %

HtoP. >K I'K1.1, fkHiNoLuti nh,???\u25a0-\u2666 ? ? '"'jjjmt


' beap Full particular*. Addreaa F it,Mtar


?4 FOR KENT. Fimi.htrtWa *aa aava you monay on rour lurnl

tura bat warn Tarom* and NaatllaNO CItATIN'I

AUTO DELIVERY COAnythloflr Dallvatad Anrwhara

Hlllotl ».oa a >11 v ?

TVVtS I'HaTR hat bar ahop and mnlatM'tnary atora fully ato<kad dulni afair hualnraa thiaa 11\ Ir? ar rooma allfui Rant 111 00 mmih A*ldraaaI Ooa i <>iun»ai« ial a* a An«« ortaa W aah

i i .I:\HA\T ataaui fiaaiad i Minn fui on.or htii potaona flrat hill M tdl*«it rahlatiaht 4of n lown Rlllott IfW

roll llKM Mmlain t ro«un furnlahad? Mtiaaa. Y4l N Tilh at Phona Hnllatd


25 For Kent UnfurnishetlFi »R "YoTnT Ha lar<l dial Hi t tofwiarn 4

room not ta a a at |l) vl 111* U«ai IMbat Kay naat tlpoi \ toay. wlll ar

* «anaad ininmlrtii roitaata K JMprangla 1109 Kaat tlatflaid at , ownar ,1",..i;« i .at «4JI

F«»l| I'l vi Ihraa r««>m ttouaa ia»«raar.tan ap..t with fruit and harrlaa ,

i «'ornar fSrd and 21th ava S. W Ph«»nr ,!» it.ii.xi«»«

RICST Modam roitaga 4 rootna and.j haaamant. ? loaa to car. 110 10 Inqulra

It: Waat A Ist

26 MOTELS111 l (in. .1 aiNnllil

11 'ndar naw manaaamant lltiuaakaaplhiI? M and up Iranaiant, 21c night 91 It^' » I . ? '|l"l n>!

rafurnlahad a*ar> thing rlaon and naat

litis Flrat ava oppoalta <"«»rnar Mat

| kai |I in! room, vary raaaiitaliia itotal J

Valine |Y Wratlaka ata

!A M Klt I?' A N lt« ?! Ft Flna i i»darn «>ui

?Id* .?n ? 111. u| Klllall 11.. 'Fourth and Ptka

mVn i. OXFORD r ,

JOHN ar ANt.r* VI . will. M Mil

ICarrfnarl n ift t * *\u25a0 t I* ».»* op

127 FURNISHED ROOMSi 1 U7 »"? ??

| 1 ' " !?#- »M||


ad and uafurnlanad haoaohaaplng and !

a aatiiai rooma al %arr low rataa tillWaaiaia |f,

? MilI'lty i..»a"lrd | ? n "i fi.«

*ard Phona Ifudaon II?

140 blj SI NHSSC HANCESIWPI*OHTI V|TY for Invaatioant in aalmnti

j < i.t 1 |t » i|. l i ? t dt*ld« -waaauiad Now la tha ttma to hatpWaahlngtoa induatrtoa kmall in*satoaaota a..ii. Pad lAAiaaa F It *t»f

j haI.K ? "khw. 1 '<iaakaapir<a i? >?

t> >v ka to Waa*<aha Markai alwart fullI lift tt Itll Ktghth

I iTfvio KSKiaf for . h.ii. i.t4i «a'il»«M Markat

OILI ftiHrwt

I oil ftaida wf Waantnat?*« I'htid'a aui -I ai-rtpttan fraa publirlty Iwpt . Itt

' !,»«»? |i'<dg


On a arra atdar Wt i»m land on gvadadroad uaa ftra aod >*a rovtnin# atraam

hand* ta arhaol naighix.ra a' 11-.aatauto faro \u25a0 a cHy You ran lira on tktaI'a < ' aij ? fir, ? ? r»|r» |l«t

la# raah and I* la iw» gMMHA

OI.U HANSON CO.lit Maw Yart lllock

IK) VOIJ WAN I IC)OWN YOUR OWN I \KMAnd l>a lalapaii'latii * Wa Inatta > ?>« ta

rail and ln*a»«tfata o«ar naw roloriaai to® firogaaltlan About IH pooptaha«o atraagy takan up our «ffa» 4and It-gata irifta 4 ta* arraa lo aaJa<t from aioraa arhoa andat a iant i»ar>aport at lon atroadr aatahltahad Wrtta or .all for full parHruiara of


C K \u25a0Tt'ITKYANT111 Vloa*on VVlork gaatt!a

+(l%r.M ? MHO IMPK4IA ||i

Wit h T ? room, modara hmaao andowtbulldlnga partly rtaa'awf. ftaarunning raak 'a tng '-m coun*

road Prlra lI.YM. tarma tt awttpufKhaaar Or IS arraa withnaw * room piaatarad hooaa andouibutidina* land half rt«ar«dflna wall wata* |«od tranapnrt*Hon Rrtta II T'" tanna Ilk*raah lit par inontK Iruiuira forMr I. C Ottgan 2tS Vaw YorkHl«rll

a? a

IMPROVED RANCH! If roti ara looking f-»r an lnipro*ad ra<>- h

? -vina In and aoa »a \A a tiara a apian

I Ha* of ran« haa In tha «*antralla? hahatt* Mount Varn m and AawlroWaallat diatrlrta

OLE HANSON & CO.114 Naw *ftrk Oto. k

h\h a a i"7fc aij arraa g'*r»d (ar.'l 4 m11r? :from Fall f!ln, |l oto Writ a for partlrulafa F. H t'artnlrhall Fall City.King ''ounty. Waah

IS At* Vl*w lot. a*|ulty Main I?A4FOR C A l.r! 4 krraa hl|h!v improiad

riaaa In |4tO takan from thla plaralaat lummar Prlra 12 Ytt; tarma Ad.Iraaa F-|t H»ar

i.iffi.® r a n«'ii ' haap; |i4g gggikl h||.anra IA yaara. ran glva purrhaa#r ron-?ldarahla work Addraaa C-H. Mar? fflra

10 ACftKH KOI{ IKf.nFartlla land. fr*nti on goad road mar

a'h«H»l; In aplandld dlatrlrt. with tata-phnnaa mall and atoro dallvary; tonvanlant to a«attta Tarma |At . aati IJ omonthlr

U J. MARHH a CO. 1201 .I<j AVK.

TRADESA flna |* arra tracf naar Fdmond*. good

vlaw of Hound PrUa 11.4** Trada forhoma and aaaoma

41 arraa of good laval land. In Mnohomlahrounly Prlra |A oan arr* Will tradafor *ood rlty proparty and aaauma

*i a« raa of watarfront . alagant baarh . onaof tha prattlwat ap<>ta on tha MoundPrlca 121 an arra Will trad*

Highly Improvad r.-arar ranrh modarn4 room houaa. harn. rhlckan and hroodarhouaa good baarlng orchard, runningatraain cloaa to Haattla Willairhangafor good rlty proparty

HKKMAN' A. BCHROKDKRI.lbariv Itullding Third and t'nlon.

40 Ai'Tilfif*. '4-mlla watar front. 4? roomhouaa. |at raa ilanrad, nonw «»r< har«lwatar plpad to houaa A anap Prl. a

| 11, tot Pi

M P DIXON A ?"OMain 40 il* Marlon Ht

RUNNING WATER'»n 20 a< r*a of laval rlrh. hlai-k wilt Inam.

aapaclally adaptatl to <ai#ry, onlonarhut.arh and will rata* any rrop adapt«a ? . thla limata. |?, j, r< « . i.MiraitHalan*r anally c-alarad; fiark oftunning «at»»t riavar «»varflowa ,1 taaftha plara I . ralaa hoga iind ||ck*; ll**alaaa than 2 mllaa from town and t-raain

I ary It . F Ia , talaphona. on county iroad and fraa ataga luka* rhlldrm |c»and from grhool.

Prlro 940 Par Anc f.o Down and >11I'ar Month

' i ' a - llui Ii |:


*0 grraa. fancacl partly rlaarad. i-ultl-vat ad i»ita of frnlta, larga and amall.aplandld a i|ar atippllaa gravp, fl..hulldltiga, ln<'lud«> houaa. harn. frtillhouaa poultry houaaa. Pr ?!!>? altuatlon,on hard road*; hatwarn town*, aarvlraof trlaphonr dalU iimll dallvarlna;arhool* cloga AH thla for 11,400, prafr-rahly <aah or largalv raah

t HAlll.l hi ?<** R «11Alaaka lliilldlnu

CoR HA LI-', iio arraa nlmat, alfalfa,fruit grown; good aprlng. rloh toll, rallnqulahmatit $«:.000 iLirgaln Ho*lb, Hoap l.akr, Waah

IMIM li! 0 * D FAIt M' ?

Al*g »i«l K nr ? . I a«pa» »*n Iha

atlttrirt il>* undi'iiir ia avaw up

«?!?! Ihrra will Htfff l.r n >.rllr.fI I 111 A lIIDH NOW M"Uf» ? I» *? ' "fpiodurtKa land

GATNOAITUUIDBiti tha Qitd nrttr, h hi. »» in

MulfiMi mlajhml t<> all wn»«i» -*f

llvonifml flftnltl AMI ?'« aaailrinmll ? ? ? *? ? ? **» «ii>i !'.?

aratt af* ?*fr rr \u25a0 1 In I'. «.?« imtfl«*? from |740 to It.too par Iftfft>«?'' maka iha IflflM Pf «? 11 Information rail «t «»nr offP a -t taWav »? itaiii hjm morning at i.ta> | « 1 I <'«i» IIIWWMIIimIH«111 maat * ? . ' ?« ?

ifid halp you mill* a Ml*'H'»n

WEST &WHEELER!*?» 'in» i .. » Main I 111



l» I*'? a» <1 i ?\u25a0» a

t.«< u* ill"* mu our l«it»i m ThrralAbtt p »s.'hnfflllh > <>unO IVaih II11** ildm to our mill* on road a

?m 4 ha.«d» l« Prlr»« Bfl>lto# rtm at m raawnat-ta rh ara tr« I auto

*<agra and troll." dally »"*"1 *C !»«»*»; ?

gtara. It r D an<t nalgb-b«r« Tr*na on* ilia

r«»tr DKAt WITH I'd DIREtTWt it* or wo

r »l MriKi I fills Myr I and t»apt1? ? I I. « Hmlih Rl4f Haai 11 ?

thrfk i.akki i.t mu n t-n

. JO acres'ONLY $400

$50.00 ( ASIITt !? to arraa i ? a ' f! -4 * r 1 r '\u25a0

aa » floor v*rr aaatn i Im'*'l »n i"«»ll«*iar« now. Lao iihk or |r»#»l »»*>or

I«mm| H H |ot»n n« roo4 tinl rt»oo i«

? » '\u25a0 H'.*| It! |>«f I 'nil

It arrM *4>olfttnft Mm* |»ru« »im!

ItriMnnr»»«.\ a -waiih t»rvKMirnK\Tfo

«?? flroo« Hull4tnc

WHY PAY MORI f*? «ill imHI lha irat i ira- 'a flow

In tt*o«tlo fa» ||amrh IM rich awlII fH»r III'<ifh (Hia hwor i rl4* l»:from iha h»a" of thla rtlf ooorjt a«t

Kmif ft iha 4ai T«u «on w«*ri»»« »««»

wroalM'-* ?» fort OrrltirtfTiciffli an<t ftaaMlf Yoo ha»a 4al|*arf

from aiir«a. ?r* l. ? g-4 ?rK'-»'«aM y«»Ml nri|i<Mt f»«lr * f»o iron*l«fl «|i. ? «? »? iK» !»»*\u25a0 '

cummn i van amualb. in'lftlt Thlifl A*«


I Orr*« »f «*l*r fr "t *r.m Hir>» rl»*r«4

euoftlof *ii«i r» H a''it«r I«a<I 4*«4»kMt|o« >n:» |l#» . lirmi l«» agli

UPOT f* 4? If I o I+TOl 1004flno ooaiir rltaraA »«l» hoifmlto fri>t» h«orh |*rl- ? oot» 114*'

IMPHOVItr* IIRnnT HAKCM 1$ ir»a«

Hrh lata! lorvd ?mall h«vo*« rooi

boiia* nfyaMf iaa|>iwfriM a»ir. { flna

?roll aM |nimii ICO t»itoti* 4*i(*

orjr from ? a*»it un'lM l>f aal|h

t~»r« A ®»*o *o*i ot I?** <»ol» !:!?


}'. A! i I A ! !\u25a0'.\u2666 \u2666

Ron witsT

TilIt KR WfM»M r-OTTAO*nooo i.'wrATioy

frr» two r*A* i.ivrn iALL MoriKRN roWßNlftKCftt is j

nrsr tin;al*I )


I I\u2666 ?»

IT YOI wont a n»» mMarn. ? -roomhoma ovi l«r|a lofo. plotily farilan room,larf* hon houooa. alwirlr Uffhtt walat,

an* »»ow»r wtr and n»or ror lino, «n«1If )rou »ou«d llvo «f Columtiia t'ltjr an<lIf row hava mnti*y to f»otr nah or halfroah. roll ot Itll Fourth ava and 1? ill ilvr iron ih# l>i|froi hariain InHwoitl* Ta*'a. air paM *

Prlr# lal«aa llion half ron of tha t>iflpari|Atk for Mr .!*f»aa

A HAIPIOAtN for a rai'-har hut at»n'»nao«l apply I will trad* ihla f«»r |m-

pravad rani*h )Af111, I -roomhoua* front ar»«1 hark porrh*a and 2*room shark hoth In |*vml ??'?ndltlon.too hl<" ka fr-«m par Una Adilf»aa orrail i;rn«aw# ai barhn ihop

lU}li;nTNG"T:of WANTEDI liava l&A aitaraa In Iha Tanlno t.lttta

R/vk fill Co i haat «-on>i»anjr In tha9«m*i MhirM now ?oll'nff at ?fcr »arhWill (rail* fr»* In* If lot la *orih morawill (tar illffaranra In raah

rotrvtTH AVE\u2666 \u2666

?XII (Rl< 111 M II *r\u2666 \u2666Thla la rl«ar to Itollard oil *? all 7 room

moilarn hnua*. I' t amith front,full haaamant Thla i«lar« wmth O.ftonwill aall for || Aoo. llflA r«ah faa tia

YfMTNfI A ItMonrTOiPhono Hat Iaril 111.

Full f<AI.K Mouaa an«l lot, on <jraar«Anna hill at a aa<rlfl<«. houaa oallfurnlahad. If daalra<l Call l*»4t ThirdW phona Quran Anna I IT?

I ? 2«« Na w" fc room <Ot t ago 4 0 fi lot11.000 Naw * room houaa. 40-ft rornar.

hatha, haaamanta, flraplaraa?la» ava F. at M< Italian at. Ilaaronhill: 10 front dapota. aaarIfrrna IIOTIIWF.M. A CIIOCK KTT.I .»? nr« Htdir Main 4<*<»

44 UOMKSTFADSAO ACRBM. atiltabla f<»r hon nml alfalfa

ranch; ti«*w 4-room houaa; harti andclilckm houaa. a fat% arraa undar rultl-vallon; lio* ami rhlrkau wlrw fan«-ln«;apt«*ndld wall of fraah watar; MUmaroualakaa In aama dlatrlrt . Improved ranchtolnlng thla'hald at 1600 p«»r arrai r«o'and daailad bring* alw>ut 1100 rm arra«'all at 1400 Fourth an- and learn whypraam! ownar will aacrlflra hla r«"

Unnuiahmant to thla cnttra *?# m< rra forIAf»o If aold thla waak. Tha property

111 t»»« fmiM I . Xiullv MX ropt rarntail InIhla ndvrrtlaamaiif Thr pun Imart willha put to m> axpanta In aa«»inii tha lan«|I'rtia 100 low for ronimlaaiona, aoaitanta naad not cull

51 REAL ESTATE LOANS*Vfc%, 6%. 1%

Monay on Improvad rlty proparty. Wanittka hulidma l«»ona

CALIIOt'N. IHNNY A I.WINOAlaaka Hulldlng

RFAI* I/> A\H NORTIVRHNBond A M 'r|nnka Central Hldf ,hntoaan Columhli. and Marlon

vihtcic #l.oana Mitnav

Tt"f'»ra hnvlnr or tnillrltnc aa«<:i<» a vinrt r. n , nioak

I iIavIC rlTanta with-

"IrTSo t«? |VOO to loan

I i#n lmpr«»V#d Haallla raiil valuta at X par| «>nt Inlaraat A lu I'loita, l.'ll Ainat

iOan lliink.

IDAHO111 \ I IS HI \l I (>R V( )t! I ()R I 111 I \k!N<«?

ho you think Inml (hut will mlan 20 to 40 (malml* of wheat |*t

n« ir H worth »«ti\ t hlnnT On you Nto|> to think what litml 111 th#older atiMog Ik worth, #*vmi where Ihny < initio? procure iih niurh?

Twenty million ««?»**h hitve Iwi-n houieatt-;»«!«? I In fhe Ih *\u25a0 t two

* I'mll ThfM In luit out* <to|» of fr«*«* Ihiml. him! It noon w ill nil huvahorn hnrvcßh'il


Let tin help )ou to K"t 320 Mere* of good Initrlhi-for«' It i 'I! f 'li- i nun h. ntiil ? « whir wp <itu o * <»u In

hnuM'ft' u«lm .loin our firm party, koliik from here the 30th.

IDAHC) HOMHS'I HAD CO.Jul Orpheum Block, Seattle.

INVESTM KNTSOrati'Ti Itiv oat loant 403 l.uitlbar ICa

rhaiifalOaai. i. t'a ri Miiß>iA<ii a. |la a cr

7% to a % fully ao< ura<l f«" aala b» Ji»a" Tb.nit,# / Ir,. ioa fharry at

47 FARM LANDSit. >r 1 AM) NOW Oaat <|ua.<tr a«UI. ito

far a i . *\u25a0 »i i a 4<> ?aa li 'mi M

M EXCHANOESA I \u25a0 I ?W »» 11 . ? » \u25a0 ? ? ir? ? «

5J LEGAL NOTICESi"\ f iif: T»ihtßT «*oi iit oF flfl

t'nltml fttataa for Iho Waat»rtt Olatrhtof \%aahlnst«n. Northarn IMfrlal-'ii

No. t.l laIN HANKIIt IT«'Y

la tha Mattor <-t a M l*ouihnay and Naall.ouflhnay. hla wlfa

To tha ifadltora «.f tha aUva nainawl hankrupta and to all idhar pamna in Intaraat

Taka n«th a that tha l»aakru|li ah««\anamad haaa iwrtltlonad thla <ourt for afull diarharg* from all <l»Ma pro««niaa«ainat thalr aatata undar tha a<ta ofKiitfraaa ralatlhi to bankruptcy, andthat a baarlng ha had upon aald pat»

Rloo. l*#foro aald dlftfir-l rourt, at thacourt room of aald rourt In tha city of

hoattlw. In aald dlatrlrt on tha 14th dat? f Fabruarr l»U at I* or lork In thaforantmn. at which lima and pia< a youand aa«'h of you mar appoar and ahowrmua« If am yi»u ha** why tha pra arof tha aald patltlonawa ahould not b*frantad

|>aiad at Haaital thla lllhday of January


ARM IS TORN OFFK r < layton. chief engineer of

the \u25a0learner Trltan. on* of the Anderao nKieamboat Co s Ixuti onUko \\ nHhlnK<(iri. ?itflf r«*d the loon

of half hi* left arm Thuraday. Clay-ton dropped a wrench into thecranking |>11. and when he reachedfor It hla arm tiwaine entangled Inthe machinery He waa taken tothe Providence hoaidtaJ.

yKmsmI i/mniLLJi

Marrioga I t. mar.

L V l*anai Chlro. and Mlldur Olaon.

Chartaa r* w iiaon 20 haatilr andK'.i*at«>th Ann "i-a'A* 24. t^aattlt

Jamma Haiaigh. 11. liaattia. andMra liiaoh || RHa taatlla

A «l amlth HoHtugt>am and Edna Aamlth r«n atatlon. HI

c'harlaa H H«»aa 41 Aawttla and Flor-aiira I. Atdrlrh. 21, Haattla

naror Krt«-kaon Haattla and KamaJohnaon. Hoattia

flaorga II Morgan tfaattta. and MraMarta l«ong l*lttaburg

J U»|. Haattla and Rat bar RlcklaaHaattla

.ioa A-hart J4, Auburn and AltlaArhultlk 11. Auburn

HirihaMra and Mr A. C Harg. la«anth ava

H nrwl M' l.aHan *t daughtar. January ?

Mra and Mr i» Van «Rtlngham. 141414th aia H. daughtar. January 11

Mra and Ma i| Ttartto. 4to 24th ar*V a<<n January 4

Mr* and M It R Wyatl. >012 Itthava h daughtar. January 1

Mr* and Mr C 1. Tom*. Y4Y N. 44th?t ann January i:

Mra and Mr 1 F Walah 2410 «*nda a W aon January IIMra and Mr r II Y: 4 11th

a%a W daughtar. (taramtwr 1*Mra and M> A V Ranholda 2?t« W

4Mb a* aon. Oarambar IIMra and Mr M I» t'adr. 2«?« W 40th

at *on. January YMra and Mr f'haa Andaraon 4211 2®th

ava w daughtar January 4Mra and Mr II W Yaagar. «?4l 2Hh

a%a N AV . aon. Darambor IIMra and Mra t H King 2A42 W 14th

?t aon. January IIMra and Mr Hoin Y4IY Rglnlar

ava , daughtar. January &

Mra and Mr J H Hlmonaan. IIHMarldlan ava daughtar Januarv Y

Mra and Mr .1 I Moora. han TalmoApt*, aon. t»a<'amhar 14

DoathaAndraw 14. 420S California ava

January 4Oakar Itargar. 41. 424 f. Charrr gt

January II111 l orraa

Dalla H Trankla from h a TranklaItallfa II Harratt fr<« .laa Harratt.

Dlvori a* \*kadMarhalla Victoria firry Hurton va

Juaaph t'hlpman Burton, rrualtv, Katlallaaton va Auatln Y> llaaton. abandontnant .. N'alllo Naa ton v* ("haa KltnarNan ton. nrdi \u25a0?upport; 1»alla R Tranklava. H A. Trankla. crualty.

v . ,1 ' ? rf* ,] ,,;. ..'*%! '' v

v»«jt'Wv<w't'Ri-£ . tfaware *

*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? \u25a0\u25a0? da ? BBiTwin Brr»w

8. 8. CITY OF ANOHLICfIl.uvai r|« r I. font of V»«l«r wm\

?vwrjr fluy ?irapt Kuturday, at 1?midnight.

Offlr*. Hnnm 10. Pl«r 1.Phonn Klllott 1571


Say, What Were YouDoing at 10:30-A. M.?

Noted Educator Declares People* Areat Their Highest Point of EfficiencyJanuary 15 at 10:30 Write your ex-

perience to the Editor of The Star.

What were \< >U fining today at 10:30?Were you putting through an imjKirtant busine** deal?

Were you deciding on tlie safety and value of an investment?W ere you 'choosing a husband from your hatch 'if beaux '

I.ucky for you if you were doing any of these thing* -

or lucky for you if you were deciding some other big eventof vital importance to you.

A scientific man', I'rof. Frank K. I.akey of the Englishhigh school, .Boston, Mass , who han conducted experiment*in efficiency among subjects, recently made the a--er-tion before the National ( ommercial l ea'her-' a ??sc. i«*t»-*'iat their convention in Chicago that January 15 or June 15,at 10 .V) hi tin i'.reu<'im, i- th< \rr\ highr t peri<-I "i «ef-ficiency during the year. *

The Star is interested in this assertion.TODAY IS THE DAYWhaj were YOU doing this morning at 10:30? Can

you offer substantial proof to corroborate Prof. Lakey's dec-laration? If you accomplish something important ?import-ant to you?something that called for the highest efficiencyin thought or deed, the editor of The Star wants to knowrbout it Just tell briefly your experience and mail it in to

the editor. The best of these letters will be printed in to-morrow's paper


A certain doctor, whole name,for ethical reasons, we willwithhold, was performing anoperation at Providencs hospi-tal. just at the awe-inspiringmoment- For like ethical rea-sons the name of the patient

likewise Is suppressed. But,believe us he like ditl

DOC DICTATESDoc Matthew*, the tallest Pre*

bvterlan in the world, was busydictating letter* at this terribly efficient hour. He was very busy-Indeed. so very, very buay that bis\u25baecretarj assured The Star manthst Monday morning would be thefirst chance for seeing htm unless"ne had a previous appointmentfor soma Intervening time.

We'd like to read iome of thedoc* letter* wrttten at thin porteuton* time Het they were worthperusal

AFFECTS HAAS. TOOCouncil Pretident Haa* rap.

fed three time* at 10:30 to calla ipecial meeting to order. Themeeting wai to approve a bond

\u25a0 ale under term* previouslyapreed on. 'Tie taid that Haa*.like mo*t everybody elie. wai?o affected by the occasionthat hi* rap* rang out perfect,and probably will go down incouncil hiatory a* the beatrap* ever delivered by a coun-cil preddent?at lea*t until10:30 June IS.

CALHOUN GETS IDEAScott Calhoun lighted a clgaret.

talked to \V R Crawford and?rolled at 10'.30. Probably thoughtof a new way to *ell the S., H & 8.to the city.

NOT AN ARRESTAnd here I* some real. *ure

enough proof of the truth ofth* profe**or'a theory.

Net an arreat wa» made InSeattle at 10:30 or anywherenear that time. IN FACT. THEBLOTTER IS BLANK FROM9:40 TO 11:40. SOME REC-ORDS!

JITNEY WINSGood omen for the Jitney

bu*! Ju*t at 10:30 AlbertClark. Grand Central hotel,waa merrily driving hi* autoload of patienger* on Yeclerway when bing! a cable car hitthe machine The efficacy ofthe charm la *hown by the factthat thla attempt of the Elec-tric Co. to put the jit* out ofbualneaa was absolutely futile.No damage done.

You can juat Imagine how thekid* at Queen Anne hlKh shoutedafter listening to an address b*Mayor GUI at the psychic moment.

Hlczoner talV<-d to them aboutcivic duty, and electing the right

men to office, and a lot of suchthing* Kloqu«nM? Well, think ofthe combination--GUI. 10"30 a m.of January !!>, and h bunch of kids.


At the mystic hour Melvin \V.Cassmore was Just at the climax ofhis talk on advertising display atthe Newspaper Institute, In sessionon the U. of W. campus.

Pit? Never more eloquent In hislife

Hit? Well. Jn*t a*V of the edit-or*.


Mall* ?. 1. mini 7. pot lfc 1* ;

jx»rk ro«M. Irr Jb . »\u25a0! mui lie lb ;

pork iolna iT'tf lb . homarand*lard.ll' lb pork a(*ak. 14c lt» Sialla J|.; .f bis (tM bMt milk. Ik with I ll*.rofft#. ( Iba Kr«m ht prunar !k; '-»-«ai.ayrup. S-tr; 20c can* f-.ab b«Jli. lSc; :*acrani blackKarrlaa, lfc. Ctali I©2. fr«h«burned butter. Sic lb. 3 Iba (&p; cum \u25a0antaad r<«c» Jfco do* St alia No.i® *«< a flour. IMS, dallt-arad; 4-d'»*.n«n* aolld (urk lomatuft. i>fc< . tan. > «?«>mami paaa I rana 2&c. 3-lb. ran bratrh<KH>tat». 74* II ll>( au«ar. Mr «»r ?Mfrana milk. aith 1 lb Ik in orenffaa.

hi *TTI*Stalla 1 In J cb<»lca »t»*r pot r«a«*.

bl T-bona ataak. lac lb.; ffrahdraaatad h«na. 'lirhf llr lb. Xtall 11. hali-but. 3 Iba Sic. frtah <al?iah l#r lb .fraab fearrtn*. 3 Iba 10r Statta 11*17.baat Vaktma potatoaa. 7 1>« 10c.. be«i

onions. 4 Iba l©c Stall 12. 2 lOr loava*br#«d, 1 Sc. IS dot c«»oklaa. I4r. Stall I®,DromHarv dataa, 2 pk|a !k; Floridagiapafrult. k aach Stalla 13-14. I Ibaauaar. 41c and aparlal * ft«'r < p. m . %

Iba au*ar. 40« . "Our Taatr" aoda bla-c tilta. 4c pk|r 3 Iba 4k Magnet coffc-.fl «4; coro« ?0v lb ."'tall lk. \Vaahln«ioiicraamary bultar, 3k lb ; atrlrtlv frnhranch rcjra. Ifc d««a 2 doc. Ik. Nnatrinn* «»n our apaclala You don't haxato buy otbar thinga to laka fttfvißumof lham

mii rii r>r>Ftrtwara aartl«na Vaklrna pntft*<M>a 7a«

aa< k ; drlad onlona. 1 Iba 1 Or. '-aM<a«t< (a

brad, lattuca. Z liaada Sr Stall 31, p»ti«a#t, *«?; frtotl at«**k, 14r lb ; roaat po» k.12% c lt».; r«»aat v*af, llr lb.; hama. tlo

lb fancy baron. 13c to ftc lb. Htall l«.auffar. * Iba 42c. navy baana. 4 Iba : .Stall 43. fraoh »\u25a0»k* ->r dot; rraamarfliittlrr.llr lb. Rlall *3. full craam char***,!4' lb ; craamary but tar. 30c lb. Stall ?t.Italian chaaaa. 3?c lb.; pura ollva oil, j;.c

can. stall *l. bulk «*ocoa. 2ac lb. stall!.« fraah harrlnir. 3 Iba 10c; klpparad aal-"i iba :f» . ft»? a l l ( atfiah j<k t» Stall*6. klpparad hrrrlni 10c lb.

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