The Holy Spirit By Fr. Cornelius T. McQuillan, C.S.Sp. Pastor Our Lady of the Valley Hemet, CA ©

The holy spirit

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Page 1: The holy spirit

The Holy Spirit


Fr. Cornelius T.

McQuillan, C.S.Sp.


Our Lady of the Valley

Hemet, CA©

Page 2: The holy spirit

The Holy Spirit

In the Catholic Catechism

Page 3: The holy spirit

The Holy Spirit

Before Pascua, Jesus said that he would send them “another Paraclite” (Defensor)

That he would stay with the Apostles to teach them and guide them toThe complete truth.

Jesus reveals the Holy Spirit as another Divine PersonIn relation with Himself and the Father (Jn 1, 13)

CC 243

Page 4: The holy spirit

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

Sent by the resurrected Christ

Is he whom came to convince a sinful world

Who is its Redeemer (Jn 1, 8)

CC 388

Page 5: The holy spirit

The Holy Spirit

“Holy Spirit”

Is the proper Name

Of Him whom we adore and glorify

Together with the Father and the Son


In whose name we Baptize.

CC 691

Page 6: The holy spirit

The Holy Spirit

Jesus Called the Holy Spirit

Paraclite or Advocate

Which meas literally

“One with”

Is also know as Consoler (1 Jn 2,1)

Jesus also called him the Spirit of Truth (Jn 16, 13)

CC 692

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The Holy Spirit

In St Paul's letter the Holy Spirit is also referred to as:

Spirit of the Promise (Ga 3,14; Ef 1, 13)

Spirit of Adoption (Rm 8,15; Ga 4,6)

Spirit of Christ (Rm 8,11

Spirit of the Lord (2 Co 3, 17)

Spirit of God (Rm 8, 9.14; 15,19; 1 Co 6,11; 7,40)

CC 693

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The Holy Spirit

In St Peter's letter

The Spirit of Glory (1 Pe 4,14)

CC 693

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The Holy Spirit

Symbols of the Holy Spirit:

Water (CC 694)

Unction (CC 695)

Fire (CC 696)

Cloud and Light (CC 697)

Seal (CC 698)

Hand (CC 699)

Finger (CC 700)

Dove (CC 701)

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The Holy Spirit

Spirit of Promise

The Holy Spirit was active but hidden at all times And the Church seeks indications of his activity

Throughout the Old Testament, preparing the coming of the Messiah,

in the Law, Prophets and Wisdom Literature

(CC 702)

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The Holy Spirit


It belongs to the Holy Spirit to rule, sanctify and animate all creation

(CC 703)

God (Blessed Trinity) made man in His image and likeness, but by sin man was no longer in God's likeness. In the promise given to Abraham his descendant, Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit

who restores that divine likeness. (CC 704)

The Spirit is the giver of Life (CC 705)

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The Holy Spirit

Our Hope

Jesus, the progeny of Abraham gives us the Holy Spirit

Whose outpouring gathers into

one (sanctifies) all God's Children

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The Holy Spirit


Indicate the way from the Patriarchs to

Moses and the prophets

Through whom we hear God's Word

In which the Holy Spirit is revealed and concealed.

(CC 707)

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The Holy Spirit


Is a gift, but unable to save

Leads people toward Christ

But Law remains powerless because we have lost our “likeness” to God

It enkindles in us a desire for the Holy Spirit

(CC 708)

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The Holy Spirit


Two lines developed

One promising the coming of a Messiah

The other promising a New Spirit

(CC 711)

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The Holy Spirit

The Promised Messiah

Will give you a new Spirit

Taking on our death he gives us His own Spirit of Life

(CC 713)

He inaugurates His mission with the words from Isaiah

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,Because the Lord has anointed me

To bring good tidings to the afflicted...

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The Holy Spirit

Fulfillment of the Promise

St. Peter proclaims the fulfillment of the promise on Pentecost Sunday

The Holy Spirit renews the hearts of men, engraving a new law in them.

He gathers and reconciles scattered and divided peopleTransforming the first creation

(CC 715)

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The Holy Spirit

Hidden Mission

The poor, the humble and meek,

are awaiting the Messiah's Justice

In the poor, the Spirit is making ready a people prepared for the Lord

(CC 716)

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The Holy Spirit

A Man Called John

John was filled with the Holy SpiritFrom his mother's womb

(CC 717)

The fire of the Holy Spirit dwells in himMaking him the forerunner of Christ

The Holy Spirit completes his work of Making a people ready for the Lord

(CC 718)

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The Holy Spirit

A Man Called John

He is more than a prophetIn him the Holy Spirit concludes his speaking

through the prophets.

He is the voice of the consoler

He bears witness to the Light

He is the witness who proclaims seeing the Holy Spirit come down upon Jesus,

“Behold the lamb of God...

(CC 719)

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The Holy Spirit

A Man Called John

In John the Baptist the Holy Spirit prefigures the restoration of all men

in the divine “likeness”

John's baptism was of repentance

It Prefigures the Baptism of the Holy SpiritWhich give new life.

(CC 720)

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The Holy Spirit

A Woman called Mary

Mary is the masterwork of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit prepared her for the Father to be the dwelling place of the

Son and his Holy Spirit

Therefore she is venerated as the“Seat of Wisdom”

(CC 721)

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The Holy Spirit

A Woman called Mary

The Holy Spirit prepared Mary by filling her with Grace.

Conceived without Sin as a gift to humankind

Called by Gabriel the “Daughter of Zion”She was called to Rejoice! (CC 722)

Filled with the Holy SpiritShe is the definitive burning bush

Making manifest to the world the WordIn the humility of the flesh

making him known first to the poor.

(CC 723)

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The Holy Spirit

A Woman called Mary

Through Mary the Holy Spirit brings God'sMerciful love to her children. (CC 725)

She is made the new EVE

At the foot of the cross, the new mother of the living,She accompanied the Apostles in prayer

Until the birth of the Church, the New Adam,At Pentecost

(CC 726)

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The Holy Spirit

The new Adam a man called Jesus

The mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit:Jesus is the Messiah, Christ, Anointed One (CC 727)

Jesus does not reveal His Spirit until after

He is glorified in His Death and Resurrection,But he alludes to the Holy Spirit throughout his preaching(i.e. Nicodemus, Samaritan woman, Feast of Tabenacles) (CC 728)

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The Holy Spirit

The new Adam a man called Jesus

Jesus promises to send his His Holy Spirit at the hour of his glorification

We will Know him and He will remain with us forever. He will teach us everything and remind us of all that Jesus taught us.

He will lead us in all truth and will glorify Christ. (CC 729)

After His resurrection Jesus breathed on the Apostles saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit...”

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The Holy Spirit

A New Pentecost

On Pentecost the Holy Trinity was revealed.

The Holy Spirit comes and causes the world to enter into the “last days,” the time of the Church.

(CC 732)

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The Holy Spirit

Gift of God's love (CC 733)

First effect is forgiveness of Sin and restoration into the the Divine likeness (CC 734)

Second gift is life in the Holy Trinity which is love because we receive the power of the Holy Spirit (CC 735)

Through His power we bear His fruits: Love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

The more we renounce ourselves, the more we walk in the Holy Spirit (CC 736)

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The Holy Spirit

The Church

The mission of the Holy Spirit is brought to completion in the Church, which is the body of Christ

Their mission is to bring the faithful of Christ into communion with the Father

The Spirit prepare people going out to them with His Grace in order to draw them to Christ

The Spirit manifest the risen Lord

He makes the risen Christ present via the Eucharist (CC 737)

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The Holy Spirit

The Church

The mission of the Church is the same missionOf Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit

To be Christ's sacrament

To announce, bear witness and make present and Spread the mystery

To bring all into full communion with God who Is a community of persons

(CC 738)

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The Holy Spirit

The Church the Body of Christ

The Holy Spirit is the anointing of Christ

Who as head of the body, sends His Spirit out to all His members

To nourish, heal and organize

He does this through His sacraments

(CC 739)

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The Holy Spirit

Works of the Church

Are the Sacraments

Which bear fruit in the new life of Christ,

According to the Holy Spirit

(CC 740)

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The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

Helps us in our weakness

Prays to the Father through us,

He is God's Artisan

He is the Master of Prayer

(CC 741)

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The Holy Spirit

7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit



Fear of the Lord

(CC 10)

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The Holy Spirit

He fosters a virtuous life in the followers of Christ

Theological Virtues of

Fe (CC153), Hope (CC1817-21) and Charity (CC 1822-29)

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The Holy Spirit

He fosters a virtuous life in the followers of Christ

Cardinal Virtues of

Prudence (CC1806), Justice (CC 1807), Fortitude (CC1808),

& Temperance (CC 1809)