VOL. I. NO. CKAXFORDvX. J., SATUKDAY, MAY 14, 1808, THUEE CENTS.: THE HOLLAND One of the Most VVpnderful Pieces of N«v*J ArcKtect- «re in Existence. . Itneiaa; Henry31 eyer, hia aasiatant; {Nathaniel Addiaoa, the eapneer; W. , W. Seott, the dranfhtaiuaa. add \V. I F. C. Niademann, the gunner. Mr. - ^ (Holland ctempol down the ltd of her *l ~^r- u At the pr»»e»4tm»eeatfnes of war [country; U . i . X u p n wl are exerting antuMal interest in the | «d th* Holland at Etiiatwtb United 8tatea, and among those which , tain C. A. Morn*. Superintendent .'.f '.. lork. This boatrtthe sixth'one invent-1 Holland that hi* huat was ihrmo»t! edandbniltbyJohaP. Holland,of \ew Jwonderful piece ot naval archil«etur« I ••".-»**'.-«tae»-I»T7. "The-first of these mexistence •remtwtur* I ^-fesseleiraa only U feet lonirrttiiriec^ ond, built' in' 1870, wa* 31 feet'long and 6feet in diameter; the third was a •working model, 16) feet long by 30 lnehe*in diameter; the fourth .wa* the /Zalinski boat, bniltat Fort Lafayette, «|>peanuiee above the water the Hoi. land wsa dwoovaxed three-quarters of a mile awajr from the tug*. Her flag w»s> gone, and all that conldbe. seen pf her Wa* her conning- tower which tacked like an oyster ran a* it bobbed, up and down in the distance. j _ The Crowds on the tuga gave * yell I of delight, aud thw tag*' whistles i ; (oinetl in the chorus. The boat, grow- ' mg luggpi and jigger, ploughed i thmngli the water ia the direction, of the black Unojr at eight knot apeed. JNhe made several quick tnrn* to the right and to-the left .on the way, which , indicated that her steering Hear wa* m _ !wt -wnrking iirrinr - ymally—shn - - •topfted and•uinuic-updthe tugs along- side by three (lirill whistle* It »a» tou rough toopvu the lid of the con- ning tower, so Mr. Holland blew hi* whistle twice more to let theiueaou I -~ the tug* knim that lipwaa ready to try lus"dyua iiitn gun and hi* torpedo tube The aerial dynamite gun waa tneil first. A wooden projectile eight incho* ludiatueter, half an inch smaller"' than the liore of the gun, was fitted 'rom the THE REALM OF FASHION. Here i« a gingham aprou of a pretty newdnign that wan U for a Lopdou - nociety woman who garden* a 'great deal, and afterward iS.._ lJR, ? »teel frame*. Th» top u flat,, with two hatches and 'a rtsutral "telescopic coiining tower 2 feet in di •meter »ud three feet high. Steering , is done by two jiets ot ruddera r on«> ' rerUoalforateeriugon the surface and the other-horizontal for regiilatin^; the depth of dubuiersiou There ar« three sourcen of power {or proppllmg the boat above and below the water, axpelling water, dlichargtnit torpedoes anddynamite gjiiui ( jind lit;litiiig tlm ; anip loternalFy aiid externally, naiue ly: coulpresseil air, Ka»olme anil elec tricity. The most important ntfent in "eoniprtsseil uir, without irhich it would be imposaiblu to operate the boat an- fet' ,Xhe -mo«ruaportant.u«e of the com pressed'-uir in for Vhj) respiration of J h ? PI**. '1 ho boat is _<{iiicklv__tiaU . "a"(Hn7tttli(*"seii "water to""a' seriesof tlctl tankajxmuectod with \ Illl' KtStvill,- Tu thu boat to the Hiirfaie nil- is forced -''intoJjjU-nater Unk» under high pre» reniud as the watei is exptllcd the 'boat'rises nviiftly to.the surface. /The air tanks hate been tested to stand i "pressure of 1000 pounds per/sifuan. inch, and nro <aki>!atcd to ,holtl out 'for a submergence lasting/ten hourn, Mint if «!..» JIIII.IU iilinnlil t/\\ nfttir mil.' or ten 'IIOIIIH, tho I(IIIK,H can be replenished by means' of u tube pro jected to thesurface as a suction pipe The armament of.the boat consisU first of nu nenal torpedo ejector, at tho bow, capable df\ throwing to a . distance of oue mile, a projei tile weighing ISOpoiiudsaiM carrying 100 . pouuds of a high explosm* Immedia tely under this is an immNive tube ! •for a. Whitolityd torpediV with th im.nai charge of iOI) pounds () f cotton; uud pointing to theVear is a dynamite gun capable of jjir pomiib of a ln^li t xplof IM' or moro tlirdugh the «liter, equipped, foi service the "Ho would ci^rry thn'e Whiteheml pedoea, six. shots for the forward (,ni aud five for the after gun. The most important \i st the boa^t haa li.iidBrgonc-Jvaa «hi.n Mho-- made—tj _ »T JilOH srCCU ".ITJL <O1\IM» TO»EH *W?, programme tmnjpTI»elurr-~i ABOVB nt«nr( FOH o«utiu»Tio\ hand wa*that the Holland should' make a two-mile ran under wat«r. conning tower hnd"TiUed her trimming coming to the surface three time* at taut The little wfaalebaA wterreJa o( oae minute each. The , until her decks were awash aud uoth at runijaiayene, Holland uulffijore- thauijthai ameteri the fifth is nowunder c •trnction for the Government at lial- timpre, J|d., »ud is 85 feet lonrf by 11) feet in diamAer, and ha* Itis/tous Oisplacemeuf, amlthe «ixih is tbi one n . . . . . ,.„„.„„„, ; ,„, „ „« , ur , iw „„, rllI1 „„,, ... here iltastr»t«d. Ttalattbe,Fua'thM r «oor^.»»^l^ Jw A l'"»Mer charge ...fflcitntio feet long, 10 feet3 inches in.ImAieter, I «ater. came up aga.D.lnrne.l.ruand. m,,, ,w,s ,K..,,ted out l"»ard the "'. l 1 ^" 11 /' »« the uitiult. of -andhas-adisplaL-umentofT.it.iliii 'and ttett ba,U to ilie bfick l.nay in San.l llm-l fi-ht- i i ^ » r ' i _ ! » i _ _ t h , i g u u - U i -JO0O ^ m i i d s to the sipiaro ; . T h e hull, a. will be seel, f/omthe' the »ame ».y - i AsmHrt . ( , tM" everTthlng ,.as ,»,'!!"*, w rt 1 '-V* J>eeli uwd if •illustration, is cigar-shaped/and is . _ _ _ y••»»^ -»as m ^ the brppohof Ihe.guu had not beeu. Hsiue"* nhapi^ Hi* the.' tTyifamite *hell »liuh mil lie used inthu gun in actual aerMcp, but i(s Height «a« about 101) IHiiiudit liian. Iium»dlat«ly after this -!uaUliej«o.tHuamio.lujpeJii'tu.b«. w»s. snciensfully teatl'd, .- Mr llullaud «a* taken aboard tho tug \t blob carried tU<* "»»al uxprrta and was iiuentimied' by Lieutenant CouiuiK'nler Hpercy and his associates He explained tiyUioiu that the reason the Holland Cffiild not bi> seen wheu "Wii ttiat »he poked only her luiseaudcouinugtower sea was »o rough that so part of her was nut distili- wro miles away > keep out of oui 1,1» ^ a. faahioiiabli) iiitubma; and tun ln>< worn with II|OIMI> wai»t of the nanu<ri>r a »lnrtnai»U'( contraaliiig material Tu make ll>ii-j|utt fur a-wumau uf medium "ire will u<<|mri> ^^ jtn.l si>»fii eighth* TanN ot uiatrrial, fortr. four in>-li»« Miile, or eight ami tin no •|(i*rlpr» of 10 tiicli wi.iih Wide wi.t» c. roll»r« iiarri>«i-r <*ollar of: <np of tln> fvatun-a lmv Mor jiklt.>.| Mhillnt"init frniii a i'hitt or »ilk «r»' of dim* triiuii .J'AIXTV AI'ltOK. aent ov-er here to hit copied by own lady gardpuum . • •Tim 'unroll.,t»...luw.tiii'i kwil. and- lug is one of tin-marked f.iilln.'i. ..f the sea«oll With a null ml nn.l lltti'd p<<rfi'al<< oi Ian II shirt fri'sli from the Iktmdrv, thi>r>> I'OIUH* nt\ iip pi'nraiict**of stvl« uiut't^altu sis thatiii I'otintit fill lt« tonn^oinuiui'il popiilji \<j KVoi'.v'l"t|,<''.l peri ale ill la\i'inler iiliil»lM<- maVi' Him "lyftMi nitist, lli»* tucks nl uiurforihr Inuirth allonoil f,.i in tin. pattern givfnit u i|»*ir«hli< (ullio«* AL'i'uatt'th-f Itnat- that litfopcrmiurff v - -* I he. waist iirrangivl m^i Mtli I lining (that can In' omitted if di'sireih. ami has a straiijhi back vnkn that insets the front in >ioin< well forw.ir.l <jtt thF TBhmililpl'a"" = \n applTntl Idtv pleat fluishi's tha right fr.uir, fhr'>IIK)I which the > losiug m elFecto.! br ilii.ln in buttons and biittoiihulea ('lather' lut HIM naist hue blon«i' tlin front in tlin lati"rt "tvl>\ the back Imrnit ilrawu sinoothlv to the «aisl nha|ied It la gathered upon a yuke , bainl, an,rihi' »t«n.llil M < and is belted ill at thi> walat him byi liticu is inaile a Ijimlu'il llul "I whitu Ih. Itilrfme of tlio bay for you, I don't know whiit a hottiln . battleship that ti-oulil iio,' JLlu: me of the nn u "ri'lilnrki'il Iiml an a\eragu <l«]ith J»f tlnrtv feet. 'l)u> last time she, ma illuliT nhn linuippil along IIH' bottiim foi half n iinlr, ujnl liei iren^ioilld )iearHhi< nya ti<r shells k srruplng iiKaiust her iron W'lliMlthn Holblud i'i|Uipped foi | «ni it =i\ 111 not be ni'cessaty for lur to 11 ike any inctiil ballast on IJOWII at all TIIK ue'iulit of. her prujnilili s will make her heavy euotigli. mid shn will lie ii|icrutml niilely by hi'i ballast tanks Aided )>T her autotuutir/rteermg giur, Hbe held her i uiiir_frfrl«*itljrl>e- neatb the surface Tht^rcrage d#)>lb f water over hei counini; tower dur four dives of a mile each, «ent Ihrongh a series of surface evolutions, tried i aftcr\tlie '(livii)g / trials were or*r 'Jielmitb the "her aerial dynamite gun aud\expelled obere i Korkiuir order, Mr Holloud slowed the little boat up'andiiointed tier"none in toward the Na\esiiik Higblaml, nhich liwtued up siiKikyaud indintmct , - uu the Jersey shore (our" imleK fp the In Jier/Jirface eipemneuU ,*uuthward Then, at right angles . . . ,, „ , •, , . - , - e he tolil the nnal ofll- er aerial dynamite gun aud\expelled obeyed her helm more quickly Thin j «-r he «»uW Jake -ntjich lay fromthu a dummy torpedo from her submarine she Mei\ih,l lufure Shedid not bate ! bl«ck. buoy nlmo'st dni< wesfvaril to tube in iiantan Bay. | to stop 4ml take on more baHa-t as the fireat'iicd r.i B hts, nt the head-nf The experiments wcre.condnrte.1 for she has tn all her pre'viojs trial* , the dredg. d cbanuel lio neiit the Hoi the benefit of the board appointed by . This diflionlly »us n«-. om- by u<fin«Tlan.l forward at full »picil*aud forced theijecretary of the Xavy to. witness hir cvnipen<atiug tank-s Tlifre was her tin rudil v r dowu fhe Holland tho Holland s trials and report upon no delay Sim nent at b-r »<»rk relnclaLtly buried her blunt C S. Spcrry, Chief of the Buieau of) were on dress paruilc EquipiiiCjUt^ Iiieutenant Commander | llwgnn' esprmutnts ' nance, and Lieutenant. Hock, Natal, hhe expelled ii'.luinmv of btr «ueu »ere IIMIIIO U they «nc .tliurnr-d lh^ wiitti htm ran along in , ^ , , h e etpellrd « l « " » " ^p frum ConstruetorfWho ciimpriDethatIward, her submarine tube without difficnlly —• -^F-—*- ; and hurled a 7."> ]M>UQ,II wixjdAi pro- Hj^u\vs^tiiiStr frum t'odileuly awmgiug alw'nt and puiuUnic cnlly - IfTCHIOR <l|* TIIC HOIULAM) t lie Is 'J litre jectlle 100 yards thrcju^h the air from | j | lier forwarii dyimnute ^un, i pressed air in lioth instance ltaritau Hay was t-bo<-eu Iiy Mr."| Holland for the trial* hemase it was j i comparatively free from the harbor * — ^ 1 | boab* that pestered htm«<o much in heriTo>e touard tho (ir< { his experiments ill htaten I-l*aJ •!•<• *liuped out of sight S6und, aud i ileptli of water aalScient a Uv rippl,-^ aft ami a hftle.jifcick of to develop the full ilivint; [w<ti; of ( fo*m. l>nt that ia* all Tno huirareil the little vrhaleliock cualtl Ix-Ji*! yards fro:u shtre shedisappeared th» 4 TheHolland liehayedjwrfectlyiath^ Hollanu came qji like a huge^finrpowo staway She plonghetl right through atnl auiost immediately laatuhed from tUe waves, which tumbled thv tw>> vie» »4»iu ""/ ' tngli alwnt an*l it»sh<"l rlori'N '•{ spray >. - l-v»r? "'»" " i tlije^twj/injaJoultijaL I np to their pilot hojies tike a water- his watih an 1 counted tho minutes soaked log The nave^ aiupjy rolled sh' »a> under Mauy of theui b&tl ojer her. alternately rdb[Q«rrging ^ier nevtr «*»« a Tub^jiriue boat perform complelelra'ideipuiiEche.-»i.lf«n!j!i: lwfor«- and nere a little skeptical ai 10 the lights in her broa'Uirlp «iinli>w« the HoMibd'n ability to go"»cown and could be F sees Her aaperBtruiMirr come yy aA.«{it pleased ThencruiwC and about t^vlvt mchir* *>f .fcer Iwdy . «aes were reassured after a^tralt of «as out <jf water The Stari and t«el$e ininules by seeing-tfer appear I Stripes, oij -a four.fuot stiff, doated again but she J-ijauiMjircd instantly. Mi.li'iit Frank Thoiuaoii, i>( the rcuniiylluniii Kallroail, w Im has lii'i'n i nlled mi by MocreUrv iVIgri to tnk•', ehargn of iWn military railroads anil who m mitster of transportation fur v\or, \nyni> new hnliil 111 this brunch of MAMTPII OV ftilll UVCVIMI TLprSf PI,..., his v profe»»iou Apart from being a thorough railroad man, Mr Thom- son has had pnu tics! experience not only 7 in haihUnrg troops HI time of war, but mthe adusl conKtrtiitioirof Military rallruads and telegraphs a girdlo of the «am« material T ho rW alBflK-* are of fashionable ai/e, skirt ot the apron is full and long, ! th« modtrate fiilln«ss bolug gathered and is equipped with a mce'big \M,I k at the tops and wrists in straight et Thla apron buttons nil the way |( uirs A leather belt is.worti h down the back and afford* alompli te ' wamt, and a bow lie of satin p t t f th l Itibb protectio straps 1JOI for the ilrm* it up onUi p , Itibbou n.rk g t the at the. r witnessed them froin a tug provided by the Holland Coitfpany Ehhn W Frost Treasarer of the Holland Com pig-lead baila.*t imuleVof h*r, and her jiSrhvr »u cautfnt bV any one an either tanks fore aud aft,,whicuh3v«:MiArjty . tug. The^Uoat i.onti<lent of (Lie. spec j for about u i r and a half toa» of' Utorj/wvfe discouraged long^befc/re, ater, were fall. 'Her t%;miuinp Unk th^-iffiy minui-s wan over | • • • "' • ^ ' lranr and4w.o oimniea ] uia le Ler fn st iltvi» jn<l I offer L>r »tcuau p#ay; el-iV«*<>taDt Secretary of thej'ariiidnhipn wa empty. Her crewron-'^ Kxartly ou* h - 'Jfavy* McJUJoo," General^Mnrtwaygv. listed of 3Ir Hrt'JitiH. r.h-i wi'vydx* »fter_s"ie had uia ? ,the special agint^if- the Czir-iu 'ttSi^ C/ijnittJ tjwer. F T tiailej,^!* ei« >lK>at nftv i^uu T"-> J A clone fltV top, with t»tn, i« a spe< Ittl "Kirts.^ Th t nt th« itnie llartt at the bot- feature of thu neWjiiC \e presented in the X M M p UrgH eiigraving-Xby May Mauton, "hows hoH )bm iVew cfTed (an be £>iined without impairing the length, lUid, therefore, tile flltllre usefulness _, oithiuiu-t, yelitik-a-uiatter-uf r,bote« whether tlje skirt shall end at_ the tup of the flounce or nx.tund nnilerne'ath -t to the bottom For wash materials •lich as plrpip, crash. nt«., or thin grxjds, such us urifaajlip, greu iBine, etc , that aroiiiHtally worn over a col- ored underskirt, wp recommend the ! first method, while for woolen and ' silken fntjnci it is better tn im« th.-, lT*'?nr¥7 >' i.'KECr KnlRT -WA.MT, gores, fitted by ilarts at tb<- sides, ami' cmn \m either gathered nt plaife^l at' "the back Thrte yardii and A half ^thr width A the- 1wtt»m, aud thr , flounce is foqr and a half yards in the Totn^ke this wuial'lor a woman, of 'ruidmm m/e "'t* litre shuwu, it i«i i* m«lnuji *ttr_ fr»u> yards, of uiaferul " pale pi'p.e, nml )» IJJJUUIJ;I1 -ti.ih thirty 1'Jthet irf !•( ivMI ber(r|Uired ' A JiA " .- ' K- °~

THE HOLLAND THE REALM OF FASHION. - digifind-it.com · cotton; uud pointing to theVear is a dynamite gun capable of jjir pomiib of a ln^li t xplof IM' or moro tlirdugh the «liter,

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•BL« PArKK WHIN U R ] ^3UTOAPVTarat^ia

1 •S'j



u f t l f t l*ciilH UaiuH'lit One of the Most VVpnderful Pieces of N«v*J ArcKtect-

«re in Existence. .

Itneiaa; Henry31 eyer, • hia aasiatant;{Nathaniel Addiaoa, the eapneer; W., W. Seott, the dranfhtaiuaa. add \V.I F. C. Niademann, the gunner. Mr.

- ^ (Holland ctempol down the ltd of her

*l ~^r-

u At the pr»»e»4tm»eeatfnes of war [country; U . i . X u p n wlare exerting antuMal interest in the | «d th* Holland at EtiiatwtbUnited 8tatea, and among those which , tain C. A. Morn*. Superintendent .'.f

, sells our pianos near }'ou~+m ;6n time payments to; ;n any citj; or village] in the '~'

A small cash ]iaymfepjfli<^^

'.. lork. This boat rt the sixth'one invent-1 Holland that hi* huat was ihrmo»t!edandbniltbyJohaP. Holland,of \ew J wonderful piece ot naval archil«etur« I

••".-»**'.-«tae»-I»T7. "The-first of these m existence •remtwtur* I^-fesseleiraa only U feet lonirrttiiriec^

ond, built' in' 1870, wa* 31 feet'longand 6 feet in diameter; the third was a

•working model, 16) feet long by 30lnehe*in diameter; the fourth .wa* the

/Zalinski boat, bniltat Fort Lafayette,

«|>peanuiee above the water the Hoi.land wsa dwoovaxed three-quartersof a mile awajr from the tug*. Herflag w»s> gone, and all that conld be.seen pf her Wa* her conning- towerwhich tacked like an oyster ran a* itbobbed, up and down in the distance.

j _ The Crowds on the tuga gave * yellI of delight, aud thw tag*' whistles i; (oinetl in the chorus. The boat, grow-' mg luggpi and j igger, ploughedi thmngli the water ia the direction, of

the black Unojr at eight knot apeed. •J Nhe made several quick tnrn* to the• right and to-the left .on the way, which, indicated that her steering Hear wa* m _

!wt -wnrking iirrinr - ymally—shn - -•topfted and •uinuic-updthe tugs along-side by three (lirill whistle* It »a»tou rough toopvu the lid of the con-ning tower, so Mr. Holland blew hi*whistle twice more to let theiueaou I -~the tug* knim that lip waa ready totry lus"dyua iiitn gun and hi* torpedotube The aerial dynamite gun waatneil first. A wooden projectile eightincho* ludiatueter, half an inch smaller"'than the liore of the gun, was fitted

'rom the


Here i« a gingham aprou of apretty new dnign that wan Ufor a Lopdou - nociety woman whogarden* a 'great deal, and afterward

c.'irc one of our pianos; '(is for trial in your home,.you-Jivc-ihrw—lhouian4-~ml guarantee satisfactionjrneil to us .it our expense -ights both ways. A per- ;

plaining special pric,cs_and.,_ |in of "our- easy paymentm application. ", ...' •

i S . . _ l J R , ?»teel frame*. Th» top u

flat,, with two hatches and 'a rtsutral"telescopic coiining tower 2 feet in di•meter »ud three feet high. Steering

, is done by two jiets ot rudderar on«>' rerUoalforateeriugon the surface and

the other-horizontal for regiilatin^;the depth of dubuiersiou There ar«three sourcen of power {or proppllmgthe boat above and below the water,axpelling water, dlichargtnit torpedoesanddynamite gjiiui(jind lit;litiiig tlm

; anip loternalFy aiid externally, naiuely: coulpresseil air, Ka»olme anil electricity. The most important ntfent in

• "eoniprtsseil uir, without irhich it wouldbe imposaiblu to operate the boat an-fet'

,Xhe -mo«ruaportant.u«e of the compressed'-uir in for Vhj) respiration of

J h ? PI**. '1 ho boat is _<{iiicklv__tiaU. "a"(Hn7tttli(*"seii "water to""a'

seriesof tlctl tankajxmuectod with\ Illl' KtStvill,- Tu

thu boat to the Hiirfaie nil- is forced-''intoJjjU-nater Unk» under high pre» •

reniud as the watei is exptllcd the'boat'rises nviiftly to.the surface. /Theair tanks hate been tested to stand i

"pressure of 1000 pounds per/sifuan.inch, and nro <aki>!atcd to ,holtl out

'for a submergence lasting/ten hourn,Mint if «!..» J I I I I . I U iilinnlil t/\\ nfttir mil. '

or ten 'IIOIIIH, tho I(IIIK,H can bereplenished by means' of u tube projected to the surface as a suction pipe

The armament of.the boat consisUfirst of nu nenal torpedo ejector, attho bow, capable df\ throwing to a

. distance of oue mile, a projei tileweighing ISOpoiiudsaiM carrying 100

. pouuds of a high explosm* Immediately under this is an immNive tube !

•for a. Whitolityd torpediV with thim.nai charge of iOI) pounds ()fcotton; uud pointing to theVear is adynamite gun capable of jjirpomiib of a ln^li t xplof IM'or moro tlirdugh the «liter,equipped, foi service the "Howould ci rry thn'e Whitehemlpedoea, six. shots for the forward (,niaud five for the after gun.

The most important \i st the boa thaa li.iidBrgonc-Jvaa «hi.n Mho-- made—tj

_ »T JilOH srCCU ".ITJL <O1\IM» TO»EH*W?, programme tmnjpTI»elurr-~i ABOVB n t « n r ( FOH o«utiu»Tio\

hand wa* that the Holland should'make a two-mile ran under wat«r. conning tower hnd"TiUed her trimmingcoming to the surface three time* at taut The little wfaalebaAwterreJa o( oae minute each. The , until her decks were awash aud uoth

at run ijaiayene, Holland uulffijore- thauijthai

ameteri the fifth is now under c•trnction for the Government at lial-timpre, J|d., »ud is 85 feet lonrf by11) feet in diamAer, and ha* Itis/tousOisplacemeuf, amlthe «ixih is tbi one n . . . . . , . „ „ . „ „ „ , ; ,„, „ „ « , u r , i w „„, rllI1 „„,, . . .here iltastr»t«d. Ttalattbe,Fua'thM r«oor^.»»^l^ Jw A l'"»Mer charge ...fflcitntiofeet long, 10 feet3 inches in.ImAieter, I «ater. came up aga.D.lnrne.l .ruand. m, , , ,w,s ,K..,,ted out l"»ard the " ' . l 1 ^" 1 1 / ' »« the uitiult. of

-andhas-adisplaL-umentofT.it.iliii 'and ttett ba,U to ilie bfick l.nay in San.l l lm-l f i - h t - i i^»r'i_!»i__th,iguu-Ui -JO0O ^miids to the sipiaro; . T h e hull, a. will be seel, f/om the' the »ame » . y - i A s m H r t . ( , t M " everTthlng , .as ,»,'!!"*, w'»rt'» 1'-V* J>eeli uwd if•illustration, is cigar-shaped/and is . _ _ _ y••»»^ -»as m the brppohof Ihe.guu had not beeu.

Hsiue"* nhapi Hi* the.' tTyifamite *hell»liuh mil lie used in thu gun in actualaerMcp, but i(s Height «a« about 101)IHiiiudit liian. Iium»dlat«ly after this

-!uaUliej«o.tHuamio.lujpeJii'tu.b«. w»s.snciensfully teatl'd, .-

Mr llullaud «a* taken aboard thotug \t blob carried tU<* "»»al uxprrtaand was iiuentimied' by LieutenantCouiuiK'nler Hpercy and his associatesHe explained tiyUioiu that the reasonthe Holland Cffiild not bi> seen wheu

"Wii ttiat »hepoked only her luiseaudcouinugtower

sea was »o rough that sopart of her was nut distili-

wro miles away> keep out of oui

1,1»^ a. faahioiiabli) i i itubma;and tun ln>< worn with II|OIMI>

wai»t of the nanu<ri>r a » lnrtnai»U'(contraaliiig material

T u m a k e l l> i i - j |u t t fur a-wumau ufmedium "ire will u<<|mri> ^ ^ jtn.lsi>»fii e ighth* TanN ot uiatrrial, fortr.four in>-li»« Miile, or eight ami tin no•|(i*rlpr» of 10 tiicli wi.iih

Widewi.t» c.roll»r«

iiarri>«i-r <*ollar of:<np of tln> fvatun-a

lmv M or jiklt.>.|Mhillnt"init frniii ai'hitt or »ilk «r»'

of d i m * triiuii


aent ov-er here to hit copied byown lady gardpuum . •

•Tim 'unroll.,t»...luw.tiii'i kwil. and-

lug is one of tin-marked f.iilln.'i. ..fthe sea«oll With a null ml nn.llltti'd p<<rfi'al<< oi Ian II shirt fri'slifrom the Iktmdrv, thi>r>> I'OIUH* nt\ iippi'nraiict**of stvl« uiut't^altu sis thatiiiI'otintit fill lt« tonn^oinuiui'il popiilji\<j KVoi'.v'l"t|,<''.l peri ale ill la\i'inleriiliil»lM<- maVi' Him "lyftMi nitist, lli»*tucks nl uiurforihr Inuirth allonoil f,.i intin. pattern givfnit u i|»*ir«hli< (ullio«*AL'i'uatt'th-f Itnat- that lit fopcrmiurff v- -*

I he. waist l« iirrangivl m^i „ Mtli Ilining (that can In' omitted if di'sireih.ami has a straiijhi back vnkn thatinsets the front in >ioin< well forw.ir.l<jtt thF TBhmililpl'a""= \n applTntl Idtvpleat fluishi's tha right fr.uir, fhr'>IIK)Iwhich the > losiug m elFecto.! br ilii.lnin buttons and biittoiihulea ('lather'

lut HIM naist hue blon«i' tlin front intlin lati"rt "tvl>\ the back Imrnit ilrawusinoothlv to the «aisl

nha|ied It la gathered upon a yuke , bainl, an,rihi' »t«n.llilM <and is belted ill at thi> walat him by i liticu is inaile a Ijimlu'il

llul "I whituIh.

Itilrfme of tlio bay for you, I don'tknow whiit a hotti ln . battleship that

ti-oulil iio,'JLlu:

me of thenn u "ri'lilnrki'il

Iiml an a\eragu <l«]ith J»f tlnrtvfeet. 'l)u> last time she, ma illuliT nhnlinuippil along IIH' bottiim foi half niinlr, ujnl liei iren^ioilld )iearHhi< nyati<r shells ksrruplng iiKaiust her iron

W'lliMlthn Holblud i» i'i|Uipped foi| «ni it =i\ 111 not be ni'cessaty for lur to11 ike any inctiil ballast on IJOWII at all

TIIK ue'iulit of. her prujnilili s willmake her heavy euotigli. mid shn willlie ii|icrutml niilely by hi'i ballast tanks

Aided )>T her autotuutir/rteermggiur, Hbe held her i uiiir_frfrl«*itljrl>e-neatb the surface Tht^rcrage d#)>lb

f water over hei counini; tower dur

four dives of a mile each, « ent Ihrongha series of surface evolutions, tried i aftcr\tlie '(livii)g/trials were or*r 'Jielmitb the

"her aerial dynamite gun aud\expelled obere i

Korkiuir order, Mr Holloud slowedthe little boat up'andiiointed tier"nonein toward the Na\esiiik Higblaml,nhich liwtued up siiKikyaud indintmct

, - uu the Jersey shore (our" imleK fp theIn Jier/Jirface eipemneuU ,*uuthward Then, at right angles

. . . ,, „ , •, , . - , - e he tolil the nnal ofll-er aerial dynamite gun aud\expelled obeyed her helm more quickly Thin j «-r he «»uW Jake -ntjich lay from thu

a dummy torpedo from her submarine she Mei\ih,l lufure She did not bate ! bl«ck. buoy nlmo'st dni< wesfvaril totube in iiantan Bay. | to stop 4ml take on more baHa-t as the fireat'iicd r.iBhts, nt the head-nf

The experiments wcre.condnrte.1 for she has tn all her pre'viojs trial* , the dredg. d cbanuel lio neiit the Hoithe benefit of the board appointed by . This diflionlly »us n « - . om- by u<fin«Tlan.l forward at full »picil*aud forcedtheijecretary of the Xavy to. witness hir cvnipen<atiug tank-s Tlifre was her tin rudilvr dowu fhe Hollandtho Holland s trials and report upon no delay Sim nent at b-r »<»rk relnclaLtly buried her blunt

C S. Spcrry, Chief of the Buieau of) were on dress paruilcEquipiiiCjUt Iiieutenant Commander | l lwgnn' esprmutnts •

' nance, and Lieutenant. Hock, Natal, hhe expelled ii'.luinmv

of btr «ueu »ere IIMIIIO U they«nc .tliurnr-d lh^ wiitti htm ran along in

, ^ , , h e etpellrd « l«"»" ^ p frumConstruetorfWho ciimpriDethatIward, her submarine tube without difficnlly—• -^F-—*- ; and h u r l e d a 7."> ]M>UQ,II wixjdAi pro-

Hj^u\vs^tiiiStrfrum t'odileuly awmgiug alw'nt and puiuUniccnlly -



t l i e Is'J l itre

jectlle 100 yards thrcju^h the air from | j| lier forwarii dyimnute ^un, ipressed air in lioth instance

ltaritau Hay was t-bo<-eu Iiy Mr."|Holland for the trial* hemase it was j

i comparatively free from the harbor * — ^ 1| boab* that pestered htm «<o much in her iTo>e touard tho (ir<{ his experiments ill htaten I-l*aJ •!•<• *liuped out of sightS6und, aud i ileptli of water aalScient a Uv rippl,-^ aft ami a hftle.jifcick ofto develop the full ilivint; [w<ti; of ( fo*m. l>nt that ia* all Tno huirareilthe little vrhaleliock cualtl Ix-Ji*! yards fro:u shtre she disappeared th»

4TheHolland liehayedjwrfectlyiath^ Hollanu came qji like a huge^finrpowostaway She plonghetl right through atnl auiost immediately laatuhed fromtUe waves, which tumbled thv tw>> vie» »4»iu " " /

' tngli alwnt an*l it»sh<"l rlori'N '•{ spray >. - l-v»r? "'»" " i tlije^twj/injaJoultijaLI np to their pilot hojies tike a water- his watih an 1 counted tho minutessoaked log The nave^ aiupjy rolled sh' »a> under Mauy of theui b&tlojer her. alternately rdb[Q«rrging ^ier nevtr «*»« a Tub^jiriue boat performcomplelelra'ideipuiiEche.-»i.lf«n!j!i: lwfor«- and nere a little skeptical ai 10the lights in her broa'Uirlp «iinli>w« the HoMibd'n ability to go"»cown andcould beF sees Her aaperBtruiMirr come yy aA.«{it pleased ThencruiwCand about t^vlvt mchir* *>f .fcer Iwdy . «aes were reassured after a^tralt of«as out <jf water The Stari and t«el$e ininules by seeing-tfer appear

I Stripes, oij -a four.fuot stiff, doated again but she J-ijauiMjircd instantly.

Mi.li'iit Frank Thoiuaoi i , i>( ther c u n i i y l l u n i i i Kallroail , w Im has lii'i'ni nlled mi by MocreUrv iVIgri to tnk•',ehargn of iWn mi l i tary rai lroads anilw h o m mitster of transportat ion furv\or, \nyni> n e w hnliil 111 this brunch of


ftilll UVCVIMI TLprSf PI,...,

hisvprofe»»iou Apart from being athorough railroad man, Mr Thom-son has had pnu tics! experience notonly7 in haihUnrg troops HI time ofwar, but m the adusl conKtrtiitioirof

Military rallruads and telegraphs

a girdlo of the «am« material T ho r W alBflK-* are of fashionable ai/e,skirt ot the apron is full and long, ! th« modtrate fiilln«ss bolug gatheredand is equipped with a mce'big \M,I k at the tops and wrists in straightet Thla apron buttons nil the way | (uirs A leather belt is.worti hdown the back and afford* a lompli te ' wamt, and a bow lie of satinp t t f th l Itibbprotectiostraps 1JOI

for the ilrm*it up onUi

p ,Itibbou n.rk

gt the

at the.

rwitnessed them froin a tug providedby the Holland Coitfpany Ehhn WFrost Treasarer of the Holland Com

pig-lead baila.*t imuleVof h*r, and her jiSrhvr » u cautfnt bV any one an eithertanks fore aud aft,,whicuh3v«:MiArjty . tug. The^Uoat i.onti<lent of (Lie. spec jfor about u i r and a half toa» of' Utorj/wvfe discouraged long^befc/re,

ater, were fall. 'Her t%;miuinp Unk th^-iffiy minui-s wan over „ |• • • • • • " ' • ^ ' • lranr and4w.o oimniea ]

uia le Ler fn st iltvi» jn<l Ioffer L>r »tcuau

• p#ay; el-iV«*<>taDt Secretary of the j'ariiidnhipn wa empty. Her crewron-'^ Kxartly ou* h- 'Jfavy* McJUJoo," General^Mnrtwaygv. listed of 3Ir Hrt'JitiH. r.h-i wi'vydx* »fter_s"ie had uia? ,the special agint^if- the Czir-iu 'ttSi C/ijnittJ tjwer. F T tiailej,^!* e i « >lK>at nftv i^uu

T"-> J

A clone fltVtop, witht»tn, i« a spe< Ittl"Kirts.^ Th

t nt th«itnie llartt at the bot-feature of thu neWjiiC

\ e presented in theX M M

pUrgH eiigraving-Xby May Mauton,"hows hoH )bm iVew cfTed (an be£>iined without impairing the length,lUid, therefore, tile flltllre usefulness

— _ , oithiuiu-t, yelitik-a-uiatter-uf r,bote«whether tlje skirt shall end at_ the tupof the flounce or nx.tund nnilerne'ath

-t to the bottom For wash materials•lich as plrpip, crash. nt«., or thingrxjds, such us urifaajlip, greu iBine,etc , that aroiiiHtally worn over a col-ored underskirt, wp recommend the

! first method, while for woolen and 'silken fntjnci it is better tn im« th.-,


>' i.'KECr KnlRT -WA.MT,

gores, fitted by ilarts at tb<- sides, ami 'cmn \m either gathered nt plaife^l at'

"the back Thrte yardii and A half i«^thr width A the- 1wtt»m, aud thr , —flounce is foqr and a half yards in the To tn^ke this wuial'lor a woman, of'ruidmm m/e "'t* litre shuwu, it i«i i* m«lnuji *ttr_ fr»u> yards, of uiaferul "pale pi'p.e, nml )» IJJJUUIJ;I1 -ti.ih thirty 1'Jthet irf !•( ivMI ber(r|Uired '

, .1 -

AJiA ".- ' K- °~


f i

p -V


TEMI9-Ooe Dollar a Toar In Ail run

- . I ; A Bicycle Ordinance Finally AdoptedOff Sidewalks,

£ B. OLTJL4, • Ediwt and Pnbluhu.

tUTUU>AV, *«7*» 11 *r«rIiiff in Jt*raiif»ril ilnl>» ban bim

ilnllir during the )>»«t f«» wMk*«frainy »father than for many moon*

< raiiford i« f»"t taking itn it« «"min. r aajwl *if greenery and flower*and it makes a /harming I'ltlure fortirnli i n

In nut in aimniK T*ritT Lf r yirtirnrittr f»r Mr»«t

Mrx «lriK'pfJ.

1 |(in»l

- JlittfT J»J»iTa*4-»Uri«#1o*a I'ropfrtj.

i l l th* town roiuinltteemen, werepresent at last Monday tiifthl'* niM-t-

"'(" Ii MT« Aunif Wiuant »*«t « Mtet ]

complaining that .iirfacii w*t*r fromthe land of Mr Thomas ruined hergardtii llfr cwnplaint n a s r e f ' m dto a • i>m>iiltt«e coinpone ' "' '*""rH

j Sev^rani <" and LyonI Mm K (Jitrthwaite wrote askingWhat the name of Itiver alrtft 1)«, changed t«. LIIII1«II pl»'f. limsintiriia« tberr in «J»-*»)y • JL.in'l'U KVi-ime

~~*n«l ft ljindi"ii *tn»«"t 011 th*1 lo-wiinlnpv' map, it »M» thought bent nut to <»ui

ii|v with her r<M|iieiit. Chsiriuaiilliint / will «"k her to thousi Some

tias for bl<U for light&g the *We«t* of<y.,,1arA The pr«Mnt — " " * ' • " -pirea 3a\j 1. T

Tbe following bill*and ordered paid , ?•~F~I>llft»»1 \toar tffttani"WahlaVHaifl'-ld, cnubnl atoneJoliu ( lalCnr'a Hon»rtul/nrtwn El~-trl<? Uftbt eomfiaa;( m i l l llallroail, arrxun*! rentit X. Ludlow. rn*<l ropalr* . .

I A It Font*/ atindry eaah l l « a »i J K >fs<-< ouiinll, poor aHxrjumI ,|.,lm Wattinoa, »ld«walln1 » W Sl-u.lrll . | i l«waU«

ilr« M. lt.Tii«n>pKjii, r>ot' trolley advrrtl»lnn

R./A. B«n,aUt rrtar—fl from

l.oo-' IKJIO


•»l" ' i '"1 »" f«r I"iKh U _

| ( i i J I»,i, ^ _ _ _ _

, < I, rk"Mar»!infl rfiMut^iTftii m r l p l'11.*- I «.f » <t»<k f«r ».I7'.O from t i«y

t«r H<n»kllW«|wrttI i'ttt i«-«iri Koealleil, limit


A IHti- l . rmMl r«|i«lr» M 11I alxj/ OD mgrm • 10 ST

Haritwam »Jas HmilmM<x poll'1" <lu<y . 60 00John Kulin polta* doty 3 00f A < ram- * * *

T"AJ* Taylor — " 30J^tiDH^hlri(H«*r Jr I"»*H**- iOOJohn Hcbluillxr, Jr , iioltra duty t 00flrriiarri Uo) l« ,road rr|>alrs ISMr«*-ri-tt * I'li-non', »ork on fountain 17 SiX liltisrl rnsil r>-|>*1ip „ 7 »lF IIMIIIII. labor * Wfilran'tn i r u n baalntf Alt "y, ruldx r

i •»!* and laufrm - . MM


"TTKI Hroti WMTMT la H A*»lilil rmaferrt,

g y gpert* lh» Uotbar*' CongreM • apleoilnl anccem At'a reception held bytbe pre.ident,. Mra. Alice McCl«llanBirney, Mr*. Vvnadtot inttwlae«4 allthe ilefegatea. Hera are two or threeitema of mtereat wtueh were omittedar lpoortectly reported in the. <lall]rpaper*:- Ho popaIarlwa*.')Ir».-Birarjr-tb*tth«reoetvetl tbe nuantmoiia vote of thedelegate* from aacb: fttate, lneetmi;Heiiarately, behind eloaad dour*.

Mra. Annie Lowe Dickinson re-plied in penura to tbe l'reiident'oaililreaa of welcome.

The (janntau de-l)r*zz« tried torailroad through a resolution of con-doleno* to the Queen Regent i ofHpaia, bat failed. The Cahgtrn*thought that the nUrriiig t'Uhanniothera. and the mothrra, wi»«* and j•ittera of the aallor* of the Uaiue |were entitled to perhap* more ajm |]i«thy than' the mother of the boy |king TferertUelea* th<5 CV)flDt6*» war;

t i t th he waved an \mer

1O Park Flaott. - - -1 KTfaw -SgbrX-City.

Bicycle Repairs.Is'jour wheel in need of repair? If ao; coll on us. -~ tVerepair all kinds of wheels, and guarantee our work.

New i Second-hand Wheels.Wheels to rent, and bjejele aundries.Larw& Mowera repaired and sharpened.


so patriotic that she waved an \merKive Cranford glrla, who have lieen icati (tag, to which the andience

practicing basket ball for aome-tiiue reK)K>nded by rising and mnging theiB.ite/thlp

lMH7ld|ilny a tt-ain from tbe^Plaiiifleld Jtigh

h d The CfiDford t«am hail hard-| ynchiHdly

tain f gThe CfiDford t«am hail hard-

at all, WIHIB their opl l

I" ,

Mmiiilir »f On Spam-til <'»!>« \ t inlcHut mint li»'i I"iit rumii iK fromtin li««ti'n<»l K«»-\I rmiKlit nt Madrid'

t in

\ tmi| ,UlHi eiliiisn (it0lH»iK>d

iniiarki'd tin- othel <Uv tlmt "ideIIIIH of I t irg in ' m t raiifurd mid '

rrded l»v tlm ruli ut 11 me ur Uu'lili" ^ U u B r

•«i<r hadjoiiitH iu nimdr g«HN larryiug th«illr< inand

lifiir tani wrfh "I""1

uil, aiKlthn wat.r |iid into thn v»er

' ' ^ . . . .(f»iu>: Itthat

waB^apparnut atCranfiird girls


gallon -were- preaetit, anil tUe Miuia- jtar made a flaUtrlug and appreciative Iupeech. /

!f h

THE RIGHT SIDE OF PRICES.Some people say we are on the wrong side of the street;but we dca't mind that as long oa we are ofe the rightside of prict£. We have just received an invoice of

, c'oth lop ladies' shoes, which we think are up to themark, at*a reasonable price. Come in and ask for whatyen -wanf-and ktr4U-<jaote -a few prices— Newark andNew Yo»k,are_not_thc onlj plaops tojiuy goods. -f— -'-•-

Titfr "imUwcirthnronghly roaclredr —-The—«<ingreii»—wa»-treated- to-tthrough their effective team fiiatnotia


g fonKa and a talk by- Mr

. . . - ^ l l


-TOWJI-TAWfe-;—-The Union Club flie* a ""fine

Iff r "

E WJ Autin »

S W^Sbvphad a siege of the—this Weth,

T. T. Herbert M«eConne!oiaTfrit.

Ja*. A. HifaMCtt was kmp% has<Uy or two thi* week by illness.

Mr Martin Rehbein, Steinwpiano tuotr, was in town this wee

.hamnel DatulaoO andbonaeholiOf ore itreet. h»T« reOioTed toYork.

Mra.kTrayior, of Marlborongh s tha* gone U>\Wa»hmgton for aweek*' visit \ /

Ur. Pinney, of iewYork, has reone ol F. E. C. Winckler's bousehonth avenue. >

Bear in mind thft lineu sale aPresbyterian ChapeT Tor Wei1u«!eiiTuuig, June V

The Thursday afternoon tea atCasino, thus week was well atteiand Ver]M)U]OY>ble.

Petar Dock, pharmacist at Clias rented one of F. E C- Windhouses on South a>eune


i.lllv all the nhllemild lie to take up tb*

relay it with inmuutid jollitn

inn •"•» «r j |1 8 l ) ) l n.g| | to entirely diffureulriie ciiily . tB)Tt|(,H f r o m ,i l l)Pie o ( \\wyT opponents,

tht' «e» er fur a di«lanr« <>( abouton HprinnlleKl a\u

i\r«<e'alid Miibiuitted Inn

eyHlioMfdnu ability to dodge and'i.dmk that d«light«d the audience ^AH

wan a aerie* of xcrunffeut eiithnslasin Up to

fever heat Then the Cranfurd girlsfollowed tbe hull with a seeming ills

fur iiiusw|uenoe*» They ili\ed

| l i )aj in uar^nata inni'li nuini'} inmnrr Vra}» I'hail on<" II It "ball p lo \ i1r.ii' that tin- delay In Wim-kiuK flown

lung, Jjiid-LLt""' _!?' "1!, H'mt aniU fn-t dfipat Houfh IIMUIII.'I l i m e iiiiillholi H would be rfi|iurrd,

• oait ili'Ci nxe Kilim with RklllfillglU

1i olTiTiuiwn nrV

Mln» Hrailltiy of the viaiting team wanlblioJil_il"«re)llilifi._pJ»J£rJ.

thingH deuidedly livelyf,,r h t t


ill piijiurHtlonH fur dnleuillUK the AtIHIIIH- tnuKl from mi enemy « h oi1ni«ii t iluro oiniiejleHrit When (mirflii|i>i K< > lilt nui niDii Ki't killi.il.

fining l'laiufleld girln there,.»n been u notlce»ble abm'tiea of

nnd the work uouhl .imt g-.U -Ili*>r«- , l l n Ji ,j , .H «atunlay,"~liowi ver, thereiiiimiMliate neiil for tbe KI'WIT I „„«„„„!

1gaiiio tlniu tlieir~iTpi>onentM, bul thetvain pluy, nuiek but iiuict, was the~ " " """TilffiW in Itifftmittlt " - "

line<l up_u*follo»Jix._.I'liilnlhl I—

rlxlit lorwnnl* 0 rattanlilt (orwnril I l.nlteaiix

centr« . J I'milmi

mrii lit-i'arij—la'mpa, whnh niu«t iCeit fioui one hour niter NiinMit until

H)llirl»e, tn earry u bell, not (o go

I rnnfwnlt l

I In m HIM uiiitt legitnimtu lana)1 fort >ti||ilitiut nt the «»J in vthli'h the( niufoiil I l idrn^li iKlit »•)•) Wnter

i i IIIII him.—iiinJ—nrturrMir


i oinpuii}u m diluted and nogteotrdfold H to»u*iliip t'ouilullteeIIIIM II nuts i otiipau> 111him i bmt wtuli, mid tlmre in geiiernlloiiiplaint tlmt the \ \ i atlleld tow^liviniuutteo linko Imen ultt'jjituer tdoKuift loukiiig lifter its iutereiit*. TheyMittd tu KITI' them n tenyiinia'hydmtit• oulriiil nl 8JJ per lijilriint

J hi re him beeu luiii'hi ne\eiu d i t iti«m uf tfiu W liittell whife repropintliiK (.'riinfoid us freeholder ItKI HUH to be geueinlly admitted, hu»m i - -that be "got (or(.'rajifiird" alHiut

foster than li'ii milt« mi hoin, uml tolieop fill tlin xitlewiiltitt Children ill)'der « are oXi »|>t*«l Tin' |ienalf\ for

lohitiou )K $:» On Coiiiiuttteeinim'ontr>r's uiotiou'lt W»B in curded a *eiUil mid third ruadmg itml inlo|>ti<d

law • rtfi|<li*t*-lt)i—pulihutUoji UOJ

t *rniii t l " hody.

K—\il«tu9 «t«t* i n th»-«fM>kwith Inn ruiHinl all to iuak« In thin i«•pint "It may be reiuarkod in paiiaIDn, huuetor, that there are i>oiuenlhir rntlivr impuitiut tbinga to beluiitndt roil in tho vharacter i.f a freeholtlrr besidii hia abllity^t*^t thiugiI it Ciniifnrd

. t .K. riumnitr

'I- tlrmlliy

I ilajH lrtjfore itII »|iprar«d Tuesday and ft him in theChruiiifle, Wednesday mid l'lmriHliijin-tWe Klicabetb .loiiruiil. and to dnyt appMrs in thr CiTirKN It »UIlheiefort< I'e in force ti nun low

t liniriuaii Hunt, on lii'lmlf uf thobonid of edueatluii, axkul if th(^bt>ui)lmight Iji' pvriiuttud tnidrain the tellur(or linlTvr, holo) of Ulie llu'lAr strvi\nihool juto tlm wwer, m wisethiyiliiln t muveeil in keeping it |iunipedeleur during the week Hi exp|jiiiii'>lthat thej wlnhed to boiiou tlmtow II'Hinner pillli)!, ami hoped to koi'fi it

olear «lth that l'enlimiuui \wii notKi\eu formally todiain into the Hu»i<r,but Mr MoMtraiiee »B» aullioiued to

H* ||(« Ix.nril. <hi> timn'« jftiniii AUtbe water in tho neighboring keetiiB

rlKlit Kunnl II MlmrIi It guaril t', I UIIK

fioui Ilie-lleU, 1'ttttilll 2,7, l'rudeil 4, f(jiiln,-fWlley

J. ('rail* I lliifert't', Walter 1 Rof riaiiillehl, niii).ir<jH, Chni 1I-H Huston,of Cranfurd, »ml Clmr'na Mor«e, of

b T V W tr y vof l'Uiutlold 'liinu of hiihen, l'inndI'J uiiriuteH.

(ihurlen liunton uud Albert Hehioiicouched the ('rnufoid girln


\ lib Fl UN IIAMK

letuiu giiiuv baa been ijfrniigedto


tbai.^ chairmen i)f the \ariou« Iand withers The opera j 1MCBII III

house, where ttie eoiigreas ,inpt,<•rowde.il. eiery night of thiV wuekMrs Benedict came, liomo-veryenllium

tic about the fntiire of the oougf iiM


K ICunhester newspaper tells of aspring lUnelujiuleitt wbieb IH of morethauluciiLmteceHt, A lloche"t««r w*n t

Mr Little, has a rustle, table, newlymade of willow uud poplar branches,which utoiid bronzed and varnished inhis hoimi! But the wood in it wasrut in winter, and when tbe springi nine the sap In those brunches wokejij^aiiil_th« Jiranjiheh. began to growknobby, and, present;* threw nn iT!lot of greeji^Jttftves^'Whitib. plainly ap))eai in the ij[ptj»r«~wliTcb\thi>" uews-puper gives That i* the iortof deter-mined and/perseVering wood" thatwould seaui to-be udapted to the nseui the Tiee-i'lantiiiff Annotation ofTTBW Xork™ - Ctittil5gWn"w1»ich whe nbent, >urnmheil, and brought into th«bou*e<»till-p>!rjiiRt--iu carryuig uut-the .intentions of nature might f hri\o even

in th)j «tit9*tt1t~«lotijt~trip

Insurance policies, correctly written and at lowest market-able rates. ,' /

Buying, selling and renting of Real Etrtate. ^ /

Office, Opera House Block, - Cranford, N. J.\ Ghreeitacr t i e w TTorit Offloe, 34r Fine .Street.

C«,U. S9M CorUaadt. /


Choice Meats an

/Cox's and Manen's drug stores ai-^ the i\e,potue»« "(aail^ „

" — Wndnesday eTemng-n meet tng-oEpworth League will be in charthe literary committee

Two hnudred and muety eightJha\ e b«ev cut withiu tbe past wet

• the Fair lew Manor*p"ropertyMr. Cajor, of Oarwooti, wiU'

cliarge of the young people's tneiat the 41 E. Chnrcb next Hnuxlay

Praetioe Was begnu ye*tiMiithodwCHuujltty-8chui.il Jsiora. toe\ercise» for Children's Uny, •Tim

The ClTiZHi i" bem^mneb a|i luted these day* in homes whenneed of a good local /paper hasfolt ' - '

Tbe Her. Mr. il/mptirey* willdress the uunuer/ury league meut the Methodi/t ( hurrh to iu«


visions,IN SEA80N. _ _

The postponed entertainment <i-t'reacaut brV-iicli, V. I. A,. wi|lbi*

the lirtter /»art of wett week in

TTV our goods and ge^one of these checks with, eachb ptircliasBr - "w"'"" —*-'•"•--- -»»-—F—- — •— — -

Htrcetn of New iork. Tlie Uoobeaternursery men, who are iiiuck to rmvgHue Hptx'ial uiwri*) in veKfitation, willdo uull to cllltntite cuttium of thinwrt and U»t them in thmr next year'icataloguei! —Hniper'a Weekly

Mw.l.l » ltl>JTli> Uel * >Vlf».

Williiiiu Ouuii, II young miuvf thintowu, haw pro\wd hi* loyalty Ut hissweetheart in u toiiy which—fow-yotirtg2

men could rival, Hay« u telegram ixutnCoMiigtou, (lit. lie liai been migJtgudfor Homo tiniu to M m Ktnily Jackson _or lU-nry Comity, umV, on ut/emptwgto croatt the South ltiveJtbwlge to theehuruh, -nliuru the briflaK party *»»

f i l b h

Mr. atid'Mrs. Howard Cox willhouse/n Craufoid tU)H summer,ginning Tune 1, in their lion*tiroXe street ^ _

Mnnd Uauiniu; former/innford, lias bewit very Hick, a




Th«-ouiii>iilvrittiou of the nppjkntJon of the. \V*st(leld ami l.liMbethuouipHfiy for a trolli} fraii^lnie »» iadjourned ' 'to thu m>\t legular iiieoting ul the omnmitU-o<—,liinn 13, The o.iil> rtHsoti anuoiiiicefl was tlmt Coloiul l|irn «»»engaged lii camp nl Stn Out.

The "flag IHiIo eonuinltie lepoitodprogre.su TU* hiiburban

bo plnyitd next SnturdayMny 21, begni|iing at

7 4">, i,u tlin gymnuHlum ot thoCrnuford Athletic club Ithopiidj.~ranford will furnish «uuiiieiae, «ud that thu Msihirs will bumet HS cordially mid treated ai hundNomulv »» they tieuttul the* Crnnfordgirls iaat Saturday, for be i\ kuon uthat tho hitter were treated partieitlarly white fhero will be a dnmelifter the-gaum froih 'I toll,HO, lightrefreshments, intorveinug. ^

" IV

ehuruh, nliuru the briflaK party *nwnitiilg him, he«aa infiirueil by theguard .that thu |County/Coiiimi!i)(ionernh d d l d i l l x iirantiue

Union Water Company,ind declined u snmllpox i]ii|iraiitiue,

mil, unless be louhl produce u healthlortithute, he wynld not be ullonud topioceed to till IIIH eugagefneut "ioiiugOuuu walked about half a mile fromtlm guards, stripped, anil with hisclothes .ifi hu buck, »«mii tlm turbu-lent, iej stream, resumed IIIH garments,and presented /himself nt the-church -

. \fter tho—iuddiug the couple des^viidud lot l ie point oliere he bad

fro in the water, boariled a" " tho

Incorporated J870. Organized 1891.

mniill lioat,' mid, again uludiug-iiuarautmo olHciala, ruoched the np|>osjto shnre in safety.—Mobile (V&ItHAmtiir /

At the United States turpedo stationat Ne\\|Hirt a smokelKS^ ponder liasbeou de\ eloped mid js used lu therapidflro guu« up to six iiiobei millierrand n tutenuod as well foi guMol all cnlilier* This powder in a nii\-tiiiv of Kolublv uud lusolubli) mlro.eellulu'<e, with tbt' addition of about j Intent triumph in the art ofuineteen perceirt of nitrate tot barium u\u that ait tlmt has made such won

t; l

Mi>ial)««l Walch In ll>. « o r l j .What is Hind tv be tlie suikilesttti)h lu the world is on exlubit.icm inshop window ut llurltu. It i» tlie

The UNION WATER COMPANY supphas the inhabitantsof (he villages of Fanwood, Westfmid, CranWand Rdsolle withwater for domestic use.'


a laadiuwttw water *appli*J bf tb

Irwili? expert ot Bastas,ID a U«ui lu um cf ""

TUe tntentt oSthe ChBpuqr l» tdeatinel,and It I* the policy ot the aasagameat to da Itsproapiritr. ,

The Purest and Sweetest That/Nature Can Yield.

b h | tj i »waterotn«atqrgaalaV b t

Inti IT, but IS now convalescent

-TtW umi barUnion Hill, N J , «ai a \initor iiresidence; of her uncle, <Ti C Hunof North iivenne, foi four or t!\«this week

Hcmi'iuber that the Cruuford 1'libruiy is to be o] eu from 10 tiu< rningH only, mttead of nfterufrcim lion until Oitober 1 — fues'lhursdjkys uud huturdnjs

LieutPiiHtit T-U-Beriiudour"" >«iby the bursting of u Hhellon the "1<)W "Wednesday, is u cousin of

/WiU Huston, of L'nion ntenue'feared his wound is serious

Tbe ting money had all beencubed Thursday mprqing efi lo The school children

tributed something oier $11Halsey experts to bring home ththis afternoon

The statement in hvt week's Citlmt no Crauford men hut) enlistfur was not mireit \V»ltei rof (iarwood, who wns an emphthe C i C wurks, is in Couipaiuf Soiuer\ille, TlnrdiHegiiniiil

Tohn I'alterMju, steward of, Union Club, left for_Virgiuia T

; on it teiTday" 'Tslt

liliThe *in«ga»ln wDlch It* plant 1* loeatad,I IQII •bare to pramot* t,L»lr growta and

The Company RefprsT'To All Its Patrons. .\ uniMMitntiTT iTitini-mrriTT'" be plsaseil 10 call on parties wlo do sot at

prtMat an watar bnai II* nuiB^aal explwp rates, torms, motbod ot sarrlts, etc

tin \ ast livinlril eMutus nf thu i hurt huml the liodilltN, Nnpolroii or souiootbtr I'n iichmuu iiiisugul ninttirsK i tlmt tin. noil of l>ai)ie l>ix.iime the|HopirU, iu fie Minple, of the uirliwho lillid il A ml the u«ru ulturivl]>niiuliiti<in uf TraUCe uluiokt imuiedi«U'I\ liei AiAc'tlio moot tlui(l\ and frugut i>ee]>le of all Kurope So mm h »othat tlie ii'ionrces of Krifflii>>seem almost inesliaiihtilile comparvil«it It tho^eiff other uolti^nfis ol like populHtumand »iea.

Whcu Victor KuuuaniK'l "unitledjuf the


|H ,church ami clearing the laud ot mauyother uifehcral iucuutbranors, be ar

-ranged uattms, nr nemntted thitr-ar-raogeineut, so that uiost uf tbe lau 1

tlie hauds of the officers uf

rather than "richer, ever nuice/' NowItaly is threatoued with a^rei olutionwlncfi, if uol ^becked or controlledirona ttie otjUide, may repeat the heirrors of the Froncl re\olntion, jihtchba\ e serTeJ a* a pro\ crb juul a humble-example to itttca-neu fin- a century

__ie liliumtmu tunepujce WUH made iu IoMWets-W^IMimrvMwlitAH'vif^irc^'^^

half in mcti, its Uuoknosi Is little}mine than u teuth uf an inch The eu

I tiro works of the tiuy wutoh coinprj*?., ih gr«> color, niul smooth surface, .ninety -live uidiwdual piece-* \fterwitliH riiiiaKtv.uc.<i vesembliug glue |baMn« beeu u oliml up^nth the diiuinuNitro-^ellulove ts auothei form of "gun | live key thu watch mil rim fur twenty

1 cotton, and result* from triUtuiv; lot | eight hours lhe mutt ilfluate tools jton Hbcr wifh nitric ncid , j niul uieAsnnug iiistruinunt'* nere made

i =. I specially for -its oonstnutiou I b edrluiui' . prehiuiuury mirk in the making of

Water"Companyr^i-i.airiC=J^i^t*U»t»bi^*n«ti-JVU3ii_iiJJl.'(jj/Jl**-u-,-»^l^ja<«. on* . •*JJlt(.J_i) i^u-aaJMiif

At 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J.

trees _ ^^Tlie coiuiuittte to nun*' t\i« foutitaui

ri}>orti>d the-joh luarly doneComliiltteeiiian SeMiahco nportod

Uit/el'i burn, KU South »u>line its a suitable plm i* iu «liti h to••tore township propirly -nmstlv UH'ISand nmter'ials uied iu "i;« et niHluit»

wax antborizod to louse itW the pnriHis^ until nrxt Murih, at 'Soutoytara agi) "a Turin Fpoomlty of$.'n moiitli The old horn larrnvge [ordiuarTbread, called grls»iiu. laino

bu stored there, saxrtig the j muler t i e Mueeu's notice- duHlig one• tlilk > * I » • •*—k feaalVft l l A l l l i A I t . f t l . l ' * 1 * h . . . 1 . 1 1 3 . _ - i_1- «

\ V -

tOueen \1ctori11, while I'J m> meiiusaddultul to epicurcuu tjistes, bus \art

l l fancies in tho matter of die.t

$1 a moutb mm bciuit paid

The treasurer «»* instriiitvd to lefuud $1 i'J, taxes p«j<l on a lot iu Hosellc borough, a«se<seil m Cranfordl»v mi»tal.e. _ "" ~

"ThB.'Cr»ufi>M Klwtrii- Light andWater comjwiuy aecepteil the Iran


, C Vreclajid was appointedtownalnp engineer far the ensuingyear, Tu* oo&ipeusalion tu W 3"5*-

lnspector Hopkins was uwtruetculto clean out the "ewer on SpuugncMavenue ttwtn Wert-Eint pj*<^to \Ve»t*treet _, - < ' '

1 be clerW was in«trni.ted to *tl\iv

oi l,,.r , ,»,t,. abroad, aud_»hel l 1 4

e orders for « constant supply tobo s«ut for the royal table J*k»ue>Hof the nueon'it~Utost fancy spcHihiwcauio'Lnowii, and -tho-rosult m vthat a special cstablisuraoIitJur themakunj of -prtssini breatl > w startediu Lttudiui, ami Troiu it a dailj supplyis form anted to th» particular place*wtiiwuttrei ' "

p ythe watch was \er\ e\ponsi\e, and the,selling pxieu is tJ'O —We«tminHtetGazette

h /

riu.jiitts Shepler, a M*r ve^rau "ofChtllieothe, Ohio, tlisil there-reveutly,.1 Hm h.inr 1... I.a.l pr.wl..-t^.l 1,UM(.III.1pass away TTis «ife litiil dieil twodays bjforc at the very time she hadproph»"*fei} she vouM." VuothfefTeniarkaMe fact ,iii com\ettnm with the;old couple w»s SliepU'r's eti»tehoe fortwo mouths without food He hadoailcer of the stomach, and for sixty 'days bail utit taken - -* ' ' !

WAEEH0U8EOffice, Opposite Station, North Avenue.

PIANOS,stored carefully and safelyt at

bl rates. Gdo,ds insured

is still troubled with bad heuduthe- result, of hit meeting witLmilk bottle in Sirs. Kohlberg's b

Tb« Yonng"Ladies' Missionarytie imt with Miss llnlluu Ihuufteruoun. There w u an mteniiddreas by Miss Walsh, of New

jiil the recent comention at (laud There was a|so a solii bjSusie Wagner *

Kfmember that a-goodjucal tsmh as the ClTI/fvis, is"lEe~rrfi

. ^ j nr^*3«3UA.r iUiil*^i Mjrfc of p u b l i>nut"for «"i)Littj—and it is entit- lery hoiwehold s tuhst riptiouilollar-a- ytar-is very little foi rtii

-MLO it renders 3

It is hinted that the lull rousotrultey C(iiu]nuiy asked that ai tlth*ir petition be postponed Imonth, last Monday evening, »uthey »re unable to gattheneci

""iiumhtf ot uinsLTits from abiprnpertt owners

\ very enjoyable eutertaiuineutticipate'd at the opera honsethe grand Southern concert isou Thiirsdaj e\eumg, May ifi, fbenefit of the first Baptist clXho—pxugxainuie will be came

VVuy—lVThat \siv't much of ataiKirToil aie paUouuiug now. "

lUrprtsiYes—"J know lie isn't luncho( a fitter, but he is so shortsighted hecan t recognize a luau teu feet away "—CiuoiuuBti E

The Valilrn'nHoreui—"My father made" it

of teiuluufr us to lea\e the

yHis Vtftuu-~"<?b. T wish you'd

it now J X • b)>nld so like to «iv yonH B / ' 's Bazar /

is of brick, and insrirance rates arelow. Taddedfacility for h;safely. • , WAR


•^ans,and every-r , - ° •




iuo--tly by local talent, and _to be something' nmqu.e as welltertaimng.

lhere will"be ft fair next sattMa l\r t>u the lawn of MrsFaitontr, ou Madison nvenne, fto ti p. ui IJjrothy "Miitonte,fraylor null Harlene Hal'yr aiJutje misses most iuieie-ied, iv"

f hoiia to see l\ large number <•>'frieu U (here to riny cake, i amcream nud faue-y articles to tlthat they luay"" realise a large-«(•oiitnbnteto tbo fund for^heainiiniuont "The ice crjenu" «'"from Mwini-ti*. iu Mizabetb. i"

uml i Utebe Rolil by th^.i

. ' • S

•\ :. - i l - -A .: '- v •.


The fountain, waa ;potwon again tor thj» rammer, ve»t«rd»v

Benjamin P. Chanjlrr havtht; cmt-tract for toe iieo. c . Major &t»a?« ouWest EB-IJJIAC*.

tfni "B<niiwtt, of RirfatiicMH

call on us.'- tVentec our work.-

^ . v - now renting, at the ret>i<leo « of h*rthe Union Club flfc/Vfina new f W-in-Uw, X. K Foster. *ai no wcr«e

r - - i tnu morning.

E. WJ Anatin is ifriving a aew

s W«86srplMiil a iiiege of the trip—tin waefcr , _

. Herbert MaeConnell i»!OBavi|rit.

Jaa. A. Htheo» waa kept home •day or two thii week by iUneai.

Mr. Martin Rehbein. Steinwmy'spiano tnaer, was in town this week.

.tSamnel Davidson and bonwhold, of.have removed to X


ide of the street;re ok) the rightI an invoice ofare up to therod ask for whatu _ Newark andjy goods.JC&ASFOROV


Grove itreet,Turk, \ .

Mra.JVaJJor, of Marlboronghha* gone to\Wa»hington fiweeks' viiit. X

Mr. Pinney, ol^XewYortf ban Tentedone ol F. E. C. Winckler's bonoen uubooth avenue. ^

Bear in mind the, lineu Hale at the

'f On Toafulay. Mar 17, the'Bev. Jno.JEdgocumb* wiil attend a wtnArmationt«mM at 8t. tVl*r*«, Freehold, 'Mil^ . n -* .* » - J.i.

The weatiier has/beenhis »eek. ever »i»rr> Sun.lav: bnt it*< been au improvement in wveralrttrmctft ou the iiirV t ur four

of the W CT. C. will be heM/Oti Tnnday, MayIT, at the reudepre uf Mr*. Col, onCtiion avenne /

Biival Afeaasm, routed Fireside AJUUcil, Wea^leM. Thursday night andreport aa enjoyable evening |

Xelt Thnnday being AscruaionDay, dinne service will be hvld at iTrinity Church at 8 p m . when thf


•TUIt SALE - CamMutioa m r t «P J M * . baroaa Mil toMtsa: br*. ta

1. >nfrTyp* toastuiti<|Uiit<M

AJJrw* yc »<i«ir* Bu-

n a n a. »«w)ip«p»r fBi ib ti> l-rtal <hU y»|wr wttlu

The New York Al.hletrtt cltib tntu»|1J play balf with th* Cranforvl rpo LLTVthletic ejnb t«am thin afternoon oul *• IUJJIII UM-krr|>lu« K I

the Boonevelt MaiwrBronuds. 4 first } J'l«« * WrrJ K»x 1*1 i•i )u»ked fur




Shaiipg tDd BairCBttiH^ ParlorLaths' «n4 C!iilJr«'« IUIr Cultlnj

J S b l

B«« I, Oyera Hepw Uloek.

u thinuit* fr»m

~ rba little triaugalar corner lot uexttli« eobliitr shop at Vortli avenne and~

rector will preach an appropriate »<T

Htrert U t>et-*omiiiK • rtsorptarle for r«bbi»b,'and growp more uusightly from tuoutu tu mimih

V cilmmitlro oX rhnrcb gmtlttiueuI will ii«Tie a little pnbllcatmu Ji«\t' week, fur free distrilmtum ou SunVlay.j(•outaiuiug a retsird uf the kmon.

Mdsfor lighting Crawford, street, ",, ," t h ( , - r r e i . 1 ,v ter ia . i chnrvh.

lamps, and bids sbould be luaile un | 'full and moonlight ooheilalea I

VThat i»*poken uf iu tuime mm mimtiea as the annual Mrniontotlietiraml I

be preached iu I ranfur.l'

I HAVK oiM-unl a >t >n> In ita« <'(imul leiHiUitluic «h«rt< I i lo I'lMtBtnff aiul rv

]>a1rhkje a t ttiv towmt rat** * » writ as n**wwork lu tliat<«*l mauu<sr, a t luw'• • A . I l

01) r\ u waul auvthltti{ \ou Lint titiilrvailllv Or it> ai»|i •« »t unjrtbini;

you bat*-' \ i l»ni'ir in UicH'aoluniu* aty 1

Full -4\L^j jun* jU3*t


r-ntml <tal la mator u»* oh 1AWQ> I r

ir law.u, uranlnn an<ln»w*r IM^I1« • In full variety. l'kisr(*Ki»r'Lois »»i> F i n n Sr<«ii, Norm a v e n u e

GARWOQD,- t i l l >*.»•»,

Ei» r i c

Presbyterian ChapeT lor Wedueiiday~r'tfai» yeaP-br-the-Bev— \itrgrl--r nni«- jn-ni irht-ani l -daj ' -»••• —eitfnuiK, June V ' the-Methodist chnreh. May J• " Win 1'oekley, who Ion t w o " * ! ! ! ! ^ "

T h e Thursday afternoon tea at the j T h e Weather ha* been warm Munich I IU tli» V A (' worki ten dayt ago, i iCasiDQ t h u M t e e k was * e l l at temled | tI"*..y.*«k »o that va ter iu the. lxuler recovering uioelyaud very/eujovable _ -USS1?.'. u n « l e r 'be old «choulhou*<e has » a u k Het le jjiit married aud baa

Peto* Dock pharmacist at CI«"H. I " o t P r*T e n l*< 1 «h«" hol J l l 'K .if the brought h i t brids out from Hruoklvil

1 1 / i l l ) I I I l>«..r»M<- lionfur ruil" for |>ri¥«t«

i* r o o l t*ratlv*i liupifir^rstra i r li*m»** *if ttin^*'

Ua-i r ln tedoneofKi : C- Wmcklershouses on Sonth aveune.

. . . 1 Manen's drug stores and atr>tbe depot ue»s «(aaTl,

The sobjert of to -n iom mil

wiU be"bittmg- Byth«. evening's l


to Uarwoud to kevp huns«r

mn IK » I lb«lt«v J U Haiuner, U~l)chnrch 1 |>r(«aci»-4H—the p g

tliemo .if i e\euuiK Miss Cromwell, of Crannull be furd, Xill smirat the moruitig servne

\«*«r*1 Int.** N J

or murt*< Juilmr

lowest market-

Jxa\e been cut withiu the past week'tn> the Fair i«w Manor"ilroi>erty /

Mr. Cator, of Garwood, wiU/liavecliarge of the yuimg people's BjceliiiKat the M E t'hnrcli next Hnntlay

Praotioe was begun yesterday at theM^hodutJiRwUy-acliuijL^ioin. fur Jlieexercises for Children's Uny, .Time 12.

The CrpzBN is bein^ninch appre-t lated these days in homes where theneed of a good local /paper has beeuf«lt ' "

ThoR«T. Mr. Humphreysdress the ouauewary le«Kiieut the Methodi/t ( Imrcli

on Holly otrrett fur thoHe in xparrbeither of the rest aud inilftlhr-MlUtc*affordu, or of the social life viit amaterneut far Which Crnnford IH jrutlvfamous.

There ts an invitation in FlorixtvtondrafTx show wimtow siking tho»t>who wish the streets sprinkled in frontof their houses to leave orders -withMrs. Gregory, the manager. This willsave a lot of troublesome canvassing

> HOO.l pUHtoffljf Lvilt S*>«kH tll HlKHtttnrcs of the )il«lli people, while Mmdepeiiili ob bis pull, (IMJ »IIV

The poal

the lictter


i ~ "James Dunne, i atcher of the Neu< | York Athletic j luh uine, who )ilu\

to morrow, i \ierv this afUrnouii, is enga^fd to/ MiNii'Kiernati daiightwr uf the ex Heir

entertainment of the atnr, who ba>> hfeu a fre«inenf ut*it<irV, I. A,. m)l In-held. .tu.Mgg .yi .H_ '^2£E.^D1*S.Jiret2.il

of »ett «eek or the I married June II ™

WJieu tlu* u en!Up r<il>M seeI j r g e stork oharness Ui

Vote I ('other column

l*|i to imm o thniKH,• liifntion of hion>> of them

!e\ L»llsf«<r.n lighternik, * f \\e«ttlel.l

irse "lie. t-s, hlunkets,p m (TH

Ituukiu s eiinl in nn

I> v«>u wa&l tik r«ut >uur tnm*t» pi l ferlit** that >uu liuvt* ttiem to r*)tit sn I

where am) wlti u \on NIK t i t>*« f*i\mtl —It/th« <M* olunuttu It/wrn i out yo)i a * *. ut~Jt-v IF t irf csif i m~>m n


ter and Decorator.Dealer in'

Paints and Oils,T.T»iop_A.\ «»nne,



, j I'wn or three freight-cats-werit-di—d Mrs Howard Cox will keep ' raile.ll yesterday iiioruinir IjetveenCraufoid thjH slimmer, b« , VeattteM aud (iarit<M>d, delaying Hie

g Tune 1, m tlieir Imnae on 8 17 train UU paat 8 30 and blockinge »tr«et ^ _ } three, of the tracks ftr dome time

pnsin<j in Ilimiil ~ l ~ 8 1 M )


sH i* \<r\ ilfsirmbltj HI|(nt« iiiidtt from tlutle V soda fimntaiu inmli-ai Juliu Marieu's,oeribed in Ills aiher

AUlt f l IIHUU UIU1I1UIU, I KM ••«.* • • w» r •„-.' . .

W o r d , has been very sick at Uer • broken drawheaO,MK» U U f . A , ^ p j J , . X slati ly, but is now convalescent | Trinity church

with I'oiisideralithInynstfil ill good's

ltiker, of WtHtllilil, ii o|i« micll S< «his ail

Tt is Hie Hiihght. In il, iiro«re«»l\emrgn»rf-bj—tliinR-rn ndvmtisii, n o n »In re t hern

nn noliurgaiu counters iu the IIIIHIueHH II T Miirttiu* ^liomt that-spirit m-tiWiay's ('j up at

on Sunday May 11,

Union Hill, X J , NWIS a Msitor at the ' «•' the.Ehaliethgeneral lio-pKa Itresiden™ .if her uncle, J.C Hummer,' J* thB.«nnual «.!!«tiou, wid «ill «fof North avenue, foi four or tiv« .lavs ford a onvement method of contribnt ]this-meek * I "1(f '" * ••c"«"inK r l'sntv t

ltPmoiuber that the Cruuford I'nblu-' T h » 1««'I|I1« h « U t l u \ ^ " T W""!l,br..iy » to be o, en from 10 to U, nri.l;W«trr c .up.uv .sH C S, rB^i.t,imrniUBsonlv. ins ea.l of afternoons. «"•! the to.r. committee has y t e d to

nu« uuti O.tol,.r 1 - m ^ l i r , . . f€ni,ti«e»:».th them for a lire| hydrant

PlainfieM paiHpir"bv~,

Civil Engineer and Snrrejor.CHAB. P. HOBLE, • • » "

AbvCraari a *|«Uflr.

Room ©,- Rn

lceCce«» «a4_ Jtlnaji • • Haad.

Ckarrh»s aad Clubs Supplied

LAGGREN & BAIL,UJBroaiSt. Kilakttll.

Flags of Best Studud Biatiag.Iniip ut tvpii Ctmiii.

Still at It.W« a n ttilt at Ik* oU ttaBil, Oprra H**a«<-

than ever. W* win Mil a»til r«.nb*r atV.li"**at.ib* followtu: reJu«il prim*

Very txwt butterP J wy fl






Carpenter: and: Builder,Room9t0p€iaHous&Jhtck. •_

EstimntosftirnHhed promptly.

: LQfks, Knobs, Buttt SCMWS,Nails of all kinds jnj ROW era Ihardware for Saio nt iuasor..blo

/ puces


IV •

Florist, Seedsman, Etc.0»e act* of gists nt WostfioM,

M J Thi/ty years' oxponoi.ee*Flowor Store at CrnnfcmlScotls, C>'t Flowers "" andPlants ,~ - -

MRS. E. F. GREGORY, M'g'r.^ 1 now » i n I >« Him t

i ut will tilluii i|>i itutlmii tIf'111 N \UIH a |« *t»l I

SDNFAST HOLLANDS,l WM ti nnviir fsiU )

A l ' . J l inl . l im •Hoil li It illiaivIN I oll<•u 1 1*1 >r^«ili**i»

\ ( F > I K aU ,«if.IlH Ivf til" J"'«")

Ladies' tan b.cycle bools,Lad'ei' tan • bicycle boots,Ladlwllan b.cycle OiTwds" fl.WLaHles.'Jan »lc! W t)lcjcle0iIords,$L85

/ " /


There »as very line lrte»'tni|<-ofthe inisniuuary miTihsry of the Km"i opal Iward of missions hei] 'astTnaiilay afternoon at "Urn Ifiibriiiail «Mrs. Abbey, of Alonnt Hollv, slio is 1interested in (he church niiHsiiiuar>

I work in Mexico, made one of tin In xt

b y i i l o o H , > ,water otntwt qrgaala

**Vnn .m ta.b*iOnmSJB-_it«ty whatsver to toHt»wtlloti Its plast Is loealsd,omot* thslr (srowtn and

i parties wlo do sot atoi of sarrlts, etc

LieutPiiatit T-11-Beruadoiir» oiinde.lby the bursting of u Bhellon tilt. \\\ntlow Weilnesday, in a cousin of Mrs

Xv'm HtiHtou, of L'nion ntenue It i»feared bis wound is serious

The flag money had all been -mbxcnbed Thursduy inprqiug e«epl3J lo The school children LOIItnlmted HometlntiR o\ar $11 Mr w u r K

Halsej ex|wt.tH to brui« home the nag1 (ijjesntsAf-the-luuilthis ufteruoon f Oanforri

The statement... hist » . j k ' . t o ^ . f >>f n ^ ^ , , , ,that no Cranford m.'u hat, enlisted.so J c < ) I l i ^ l ( , ^mmM*. \ I K »ill

>>«.beld uctt Aluudav May Ifi. nt 1 pin , nt the home of the chairman Mrxl'orcella VnViiituiWr of the \ I \"wishing tu ]orn this inijMirtant com

MMIU miiciKuu, BHn.i» ". — [ uiiitele.uiay taLe* advantage of the opUnion Club, left forJTirgiuiu Tbnrs | ,,,)rtnnitv wbi.'b^^ll be oflert<l ut tins '*lny iiii.rniii(r nn n. tell day" 'Tslt ~ He | niHHtiliij; ^ -

h»iird in

fur was not .oireit Waltfi f'nller,of darwooil, who was au employe ofthe C i C wurks, is in Company II, juf Somerwlle, Third ilteKimtiit

Tolin l'alterhou, steward of the |

Bicycle Ordinance.\

S OIIDINKM h t o nit i i lui i H H ' i n i(hi v les trl . 'yf l '* un l^-*jfriilliir \ i h l

II*S iiri<) t»» r*nulnt« tliH^HjMttiil ot th*<mm JLT«_W« HIIS ttmt * f urjlntf^s imd nil)tli*r \*li l^| . i In^MUil upou th.) publlhlKhwnys >ir.«(A£**l l< wntk*!, « |U in < nn Im r k s

l » I I «UUA1NK1> I y tin" ' fownsl i l i .c jmuiUt . . of Hi' I >vrn*.hl|. nf< runtunl

nu 1 niinUtir v l i k l « vrli n l a u^ff <m JIIIVlint II h ighway >trr< t * | u a r » uwl I nrkwithin ™l I Tuwualilp slmll l i a \ . PI lump itMI. h Illumiiirilliik* p iW' r tiKto h* \ huii!\i*. i ti «.ni hull lr***l yiir U iihiiii 1 uttii h' It h . r to an I kiipt l ight . I l>*t»> in n li urafter *>uiinut nm\ Hiinrlf***

Sf I Ml on h II y 1 ". trl y Wx r "iiuliar vi hi l.« HIIIIII curry II xilin lunt nliirin1.11 utiu In l i t t l i" liIIIKII* Hir ! mi hiniu.hlui will li win n ruiiij may be I n n r lDII«* hu^i lr.nl t\ t ilixlnut

Sr 1 I hut II i l iul i , I nnlivwfiil t ) H I .Hny xti li inn tiiu** at 7L ^r nt* r rnt. if«|f.<1 tlnin t . u nillisi |>r limir

be -I It ..IIIIII l>) iirilnvrftiI to rl l e miyU > I.* trl \ I. ornlnillar *«'hi'I' II|I(HI HI**ni l , w a l l s within tin llmlU '•! DM* 1 iwn•lil | . tin li rm HI 1> Kidk «• n « l in tliln 11«1inmi ** in untiiK un> i*l I* wulk lui I .nt it**•in It-, Ijy-th rowuMhtp nr^nny *)wner f

> !aii 1 ill* r In nn I r«*s4rv.*<l by n**t6iiifjrthe tiM** 'if \t* 1'KtrlHli** iillal w h U h Im


uny ii»*rniF^K "Q lfc lr^" " * v .*-•*. , . .^_^is still troubled with bad headaches,the- result, of his meeting with the

, , ture by Mrs OrMary E . (>reen. under the auspices ol

milk bottle in Strs. Kohlberg's bauds. j^- i foniehoM Iconomics committeeThe YoniiK"Ladies' Missionary Cir ,,f t i , e ^ illume Improvement \sspma

ile mi t with Miss Dallxm. Thursday,. t I u n < o u FIMMI and ItsItLlatiou to Inufteruoon There was an interesting i ,| lvi,lu«l Needs with chart" , will liuaddress by Miss Walsh, of New lurk , ' g,vett uext Monday • \« nilirf, May Id

j>U the recent con\entiou at Cle\e-1 l u the Presbyterian Chapel a t K p mland There was a|so a solo hj MISK \dinfssion Will IM fr^eamlall lire inSusie Wagner * vited.

Mti ', Hint it •hal l hnil IJWU>>III|I J'oll "iii'm or CIIM IIUM w^ilki*

tw r riint f >r . ii'-h nml \* ry vlulntl jnj r n i i y o t t h n | ir) i lhlun« >l thl« or lluaii

th* nffen l . r xlinll IM mlij ' ol t o n lino in ti xi <* IHiK tl>* 'iiffl of Hv« il illnrs f t-r fn hOIJ^IIM wJil h nl 1 tliixniav I"" l"i|i «'"1 l>ymiv Jii^tl . f l lw (m » | ill «• jii«tlrPLonlrr i ro t l i t r m.ii,'l«trat. linvlnn Jurlnl|'-tl JII In nil I Iowni ! i l | u | .n riinplalnt

i H i n « f i » i l . t/W>r* lilm linrKlmt unv | < r«< i Hl t l i th . M ilatli n uf nnv f til* •*

I <n» jf I Hi r llunu * * _l—H-HVT —A

I l i i i lnni i i i I » Wi«lllt) <


SODAIn Cranford.

(J in n o w I m i t i t n l n W <•< l»'n-t l t 1 « u l l \ c OIlHt 1 tl( Tel] A l l ! • '

m o v i t / l i ' rt'lii^s t i i n k H I n s i d e

i o n i f I n < o n t i w ' t w l t h r I n e m •*

, . . . i d i t i i t f u i o t l e n t ] p o l M o n i i i i r •))

I t-ii\ c i t l i c i k l m l i)t i K j l ^ o i n r i C

A t f i i ' l n t i * ! } H H i i t t n > I n p i In

> !jd< m i l I'l >i< 11' <

I'ti i« ( l i ' i i n i ( i n l j

1 l i e bi-st KJ i r i p - , i n n i l D M ' In*

pi i ' i i i i -<"<

! t l i ' i n " * ' "At

M.»li".II 4 I*III*(II|I < J-rKMarien'e Pharmacy.

/ , A1—^ Carpet Cleanine^WorksOPUif l l * V i r O C 6 r S . «»i m.t. <••.!»!> f.riTrnrmn«kiim«al

^ ^^_^ UyiiiK of * «r«i <*ti« ou I II inr yivir i * • ut" ~ ~ ~ ™ ~ " ~ * " ^ ' ' * rv*ry .l^^rlj urn "\li wi»rk i/iiar»ni'*«Hl

Wagon Need Painting ?~ ilCUAi 1. MIT. tx«r#rf, i> J.Want a New Harness?niali. Ill tl>«

f.*lt-u ty t"' aml.io'nil r>»taM«

lln'ilx hnrii'm »t fri ••> ih«l »r- r iHh.nr (li.) lill • ! • »-ltl--* lu >arr»e>* n t lwilt * *lt y il D** with rulitrf llr^i r | uln n l « r tlr^i ny ur i l l in-. Our li •••"-«h . r. nr« < i i « f l - tt» »r- • l i - i i n <l<*I r-t t rm* In i rsuf r t n * nn t • " *^( "'ylli* u »t n n finir wu^r.

II. I,.fclm utroet,




Westfield--Th« GardenSpot of Jersey.

GJKyrTTTERrStum and Hot Water

; Huting;. XTinning and Hot Air Heating.

Estimate* furnished for Sewerand Water- connection*.

Tfecnty-three ytars' enperlence.

: Cr-anford. N. J_.

l * - - - »



J . C / W . R A N K I N .


i Offlee, Chron ic l e B'oefc.

ilollarjvy(-ar_i9 very little foi me- s i r . , ^ g i^a luay W i ' m e » "ot.ety iuILO it renders ' [ time, with an imlivi luality of i l s i u n ,It is hinted that the itnl reason tin-' mdepeudfiit oJ it« I lace in thf Mm

trultey C(im]iatiy asked that ai tion on ,l,,v-ix.ho*d Vt auv rat« it i ill be f

th*ir petition be postponed for ^ nii"iqne'"in «t%eral re.«pcits. Iho-i.month, last "Monday evening, »a»tuat «,jdling to Join *houl I nifoiiu Mrthey are unable to get the iiecetsary Kronse He has a *l}r, r > P' t

it a t l

| '" 'untilIH.I* of •coiisLiit'l f rom aui i t t t i i f j ''fnf ftlfii* t***^Iilt wiJ!K^iifc^i*riiia'*"*T"*sr"in"' "••

aochoiceLots BAffNETT CYCLE CO.Mrs. Fannn K l$at« s u .is *h-\ V 1propertj owners -

\ very enjoyable entertainment is au ..we-pre-idt-ut for \ e » J*r-"-v<if the jticipate'd at the opera honse if lieu ^tiouaIHon«ehold tcon*)iiSir'3s'.«>i i n ,the grand Southeru toiiLCrt is Ri\eu tnm.at the nieetiug of Hie Mate r t lou Thiirsdaj e\eHiUr!, May ifi, for thei e r s t io i i of "Women s clu1>« held atbeneht of the first Baptist church p|aiuHeld thisweeU Uxrai Tour lmn

JEho-pxusrauiuie w l l l be .carried out L,|re«LEoraen delegate- uere pi*•*.,-nt,mostly tiv local talent, and promises B1,d.it wa>]a ^erv aucces.Iul *.»•.•> m ito be xomethintr ninque as well as e» , Mrs.'Pr jUary h f.reen reail thi- re itertaimng. . |mrt .on ftUe StmU -f •ilau««-holil j

lheremU"T>e ft fair ne\t hatu .J^r. tcono'nuV ^ P H Hwrton, nho .MM U , t» the lawn ol Mrs T li ^ tofryan m the department of jr a . W e . o u Madison avenne, from 2, lU^H&l*--« unable to W proen ,

(lj >»tllie , Mrs.•-FUirjen« Hu**1 " a 1 1 f l ! 1 1 A I 1 1

FOB SALE, bought, Hold, fxrlrariged, renUsd and repaired>rk-}>y-j-4ft-it»-wljAMmder-JtaH'Js U u '

All vtork-ffiiarapteed.

W 1? tt 17 I T ' '">" Hl "'" " r l t ' or-" I* » » l l / l i l < i i| Srtu lii I i * I r,

U i i . U r a l . O i-ll t (Jy»l r rili il » H**.'-KI.-IU U <•> fl r i | « . l l<IH. i 1 H II 111 V I ' l -i i a l t i . l l *1 I Jw»t i> I hoifM t h i i r ti tn-* U nti r f'uifif M Vum I nti tt 1 ion <*r f JtfK « . l n I T in I M r ) i l i i r k n Vi lltuy),

I'Vlukifitf f / i n t i l l n ( l ln i i i x I>rlnkltiKV I U ! » I D < t i i iL ln i i l UllnlrlirK K . u i i l n l i i ) ,I n r u ' o t r f i b r i n i(*1> r » J r^HIl" I Jtitln/ t .( nl k M i l w , f 11 g I'.in J railir ll») kf11.11 i . f i t II rr> I nlHiil ( im A n"ri n u1 * j i iry V «* | iii. j nv« ryihi i u i (,itfri J It t* I ' . l i l l ry l i i / l

Yjfrrk" i(nd New JerseyAgents (or

Prairie State Incubators I Brooders.Z^kOs:m\ f-^C^~ A full line of bicycle sundries at resonable%-J ^ - ^ - 1 " *-* ^ prices. Twentieth Century Lamp, $159.

. , ON. . [ Opera Block, Cranford.Johnson Avenor -

3 rates areand every-arniture

t h e y iuttV r e m i s e n II»»B^ -»»« — • - - » - - ' . M,

' taZ ^ J T m i j i ^ l e t b . iuJ .ril authbp r-**pp. P»eJ«'l P-L '• 'J'.lieRoldl-vtl^.iti^fandiUte { sp«wl>«- ^ * * „

' ( " — , i , . • - - ' ' ; • ' 1

1 !

' ?200 each. $25 cash; balancecan remain on mortgage, or bepaid in monthly "rJaymentB.TitJes guaranteed by Securityr4t.o~Giwantee^a5di AbstractComp my.


C. M. TRAVIS & CO.,HoDDiental anil Cemetery Works,!

30 and 32 Somerset St. Plainfield, H. IJI - — , - —j _ _ _

Hailnr bairyht tn» Snllre »foer cad g*H will «fthe TOnTjlstfiD JilKULIS AM»«ttlf»TK vToKk**. wear* 'prepared to furulnh n l i M l n °»»* * • Br»* '•••» • • » * •* IrrawnaOle pntf». MB. EOWABII f*EBKMO. « • » bat Iwea •in tlie bn>ln-«» in 1'lainOrld ror Ibt: panllH j«r». i« «ltb at . ,


We sell all JcinHs bf_ Bone* Cutters, v

Don't forget our Banner Egg-Too&^itid Tonic for Eggs.

I lb. Can, - 25c.51-lb.Cans, - $100.

Live Poultry,"/ Eggsjor Hatching.

S«J f,ir o<ir«r|iod Catalogue V<««.

\ .

Eialaor fire mi Poultry fogf Co,', 28-SHe»e/ Street, Hew York/lJ 'y .

> ' l » > '


Vi - . - l — , \ -


BKaMta T«*r •«•»!» WICkC»<1f r«Ui»nlr. mrr,c«MU|iMloB fareiwr. <

Jfc.sv IICC.C tail.dnifiriaur*fus4ap>oe)i


Tbenri a statical land that we Of at la tbe

lull* eluae 14 tb« dark IV*M, alvof from the

To Care A Cold In One I'M1-T»k« l,

rrfomt moiwr itlt fafla lo c«r»

NrarlT fortjr prrcfnt. of tba populationof Kll« rtaarr ltnaalkn Fill**

i n TIMHUMI A Co. Dnwcliu* Omltrrn-I'II . Mr Iim>rurt yrt u « irta n d <i

» M II It, :J _a\\r* on wheat

nurprpBiiM until

At'iif.1 U Uw t»rtatarrti Ibr) t .rr ar.ld.

at Prrucbwill I"

Mr>.\V!h>1i>w'>Hooiliiii( Hjro(>irttlniie. Mti«nili«Kum^r<«l9»<»lnfi«mBi«-tlnu »llay* twin rury whi't <-ollr g* abotll*

ItUi* I'KllDi; i*«rl mart of ttia

eta lh*_Jaral|aataway,

Ab<l a <l"»1 or a thought li~ furt>i44ea tosla>. ~

»' maim of Illusion, wltb uotbinf that

Tba w Hid«r(ul sliw;>-b«»rit*ired' country of

—William Hamilton Harm.

Unas to curs* tba fate~t|*af > brirgs Hto him, bat this sort of lor* ie tooJ W f e *»riiadajr. world, and taw

di I i "


inul l"Wa Cursl^ftuil mil art sldftif1 wltJin. . .fur ( »tt«iuiiiill<iri It *l*rar»i tire* Mrp|C(.-alnllTus \t<*«lhairi, Man* t>rU*l*r =. l"*L , .

I baud* aflif in^liMral of l(r,u*>n LoaMi. a ilock L V I I , . .

wlililj li». krpl Unit, fur 9W) Ti-an. ' ' "

N*-Ta>t«Mi f a r n n r Geata,Guaranteed lataum> bat>ll run makes wrak

man .troof. blood pure. We II All druwsu.• In Ifamliirit Hi* aulliorltlralai a dog a«.


TJje.Ktiu alioun under her nlraw,au<l timdK her ^

•lieiui'ki'diijiat in?, »l«mliii){RB of tba I verty^

"Now, Mr CuliwaT,''olio »ai.l, Vnie-j( u quits lore J"ii rtu- inatiago aC»IIO(!?" / ^

"I'll |irmtriie you atipw fiorlt, Ml«»\ye\i\\yi u|>a«l jem," nuiil J/gullaiit'3 .

Don't Im ra»li,"«!ie .taUKlm!; "|«-r-ai>» I'M think a ii^w frock wellj*w'rtU

only artistic ending is a tragic one,i am afraid I bore Delia »o» aad

again by holding forth in this way,bat she only fare the politest possibleyawn, aa khe aald. 'SVud what abouttbe other?"

"Tbe other," I went on,Takintp#areto watch the conrse of \\m ctnat, "iia tender, pastoral lo?*^ wbitu make*a tnan cheerful and take^fesy tiews oflife.canaing turn to think heaven sveryday that aueh aJoVe has fallen to his

- lot, and the spHatiifendiijg ia « editing*liella ami domestic bappincaa/1 /

"Dear ine, Mr.Cnnway,^said Delia,uriiiUflK, "yon arem tfr know a deal

rout it." _ / ,! Oella hail tlm sir>rte»t Kray-browu

at i eyes, and it i« in 'extraordmai y picas-urn to loojr ri cljt into them, longerthan is actually ueceisaiy ulnlf listen-1UUM> nr Jnaklngarernarkianly speak-iu« of artistic ending unite me feelquite certain there -waVa fliore artiaticending to auch a lotsk'lhaii nintti,ally to drop our eyes.

I was Just thinking about this, andbow \err graceful some girls look ina callne, wheu,. like-a fool, f let my

And No* «»perimente. •hbuld be' rour Alrrj In BurlnK iriedlolne. "

I.wt olli*rv'«f!>prlru*fit; you sfi'iulil

"1 said—if i upset you,".I replied;"if you upset youiself 1 cry <it!' the

'.,._...;„.:...•. rour Alrn I n j u r i n g Wediolne. X»*riii^^um^mm_^mMm^4^mm^^-.~mi."• '".•,, '•^~Ui-'«iSti.7^rti<&i^ sure you1)! never be so mean way

7__:_^11jdm,M;y^irrl«r4r-KM»rjmr»w-arU^^,«Ky-e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M . ^ ^ — - ^y uWtsli . In n U t - «,-irlrnr,. I. .ur,. En^i " • ' J, »»•''*: , > ' » * « » * . . , ' " > k " ; , -I""!

y ^r^iuul^^, yml liarinf » i p . ^ V f I f "I '.;« a little afra.d" »h«v srild a« .Kav.— ^ fFi"-Mii»l H.m.i> Han.a|..,flll>- »HI ilu ' ^fl""' ''*'r '"? han.ll-.to llfllp-her- -«Siii.nfiii>- »m iiii ; i^K1"'1'

...jaa^l.. K l . . t l , | .«l«»r. l ,

try 'It—That la whaTTa nltia'iil hy lhv»»itniiinlwr of li--llm<ial»U wrfltrn In lirbalf• III 1 » Hi r-n| arllla r Tb-y^it" tli< / »nulli. uf « m^ii**!1» an*l i f n p tlial


'» nerw>ui.ue«a, bntvwaa- a' llflT*i ,|n-»'i«i"*<l l»y •''« '»• ' that Jilie -had the'|>r«1tie.t little foi-fiu tiuv world, and*"" "'"""K '!'" l<"r1f dalnlmat nflinmii HIIWH, whu^h uliowml to tlm


'Mn.'ntr»l MiyI n i l r r I".

parlllaX I t I f alt


i l lHood's Pills "V,</o*l uf Itiinalnv Urral I til«arilll^a.The tost of riinmtiK a Kreat uinvi*r>

mlvthiaf days counts up into bun•Ireds of thiMisaliils of dollars eieryyeat 'lhe moirry laid out annuallyliT fiarrard, I'eiiuaylrania, Yale, Cor•it>ll or Chicago unirrfaitim wouldtlnrlr viars ago have bom connicltTi4• fair nircd eudowiiiuut II foals I'*IT91 <mn,(MHI a year to run llnriaril9 , yllnivpr«|ly, and while il» •lidiwniint~!~~

> bust ndvniilaKo'aa ifhn (stood*• uiicertdtnt^'^inojVMitTins| | ois> d ovt*i thfitiinof* I (t i i i f tNsihe

altltudi' « a s fa*si iiistni){ to nn , uioittrajM t lalh ns/TS tit i ntsltated n \t*rv illstlifi I p icns i i i enf in\ stpiiilring hand

— I-Hn* t i imnti l» ttin\iirretl that "thoi t imidi ty « a s allni teir vtlrin she m e ni t i ial lr /stt t led beraelf nmnng the tushI loli» in HID bows of the canoe, fin allj the norld as if to the iiianuoi bomi Indeed, (is I "Mrppcd wnrdv in thei, centre, of the craft, 1 nlu sine I was' real I r the IHOIO ner\oua of the t»o,! but thtiii t toulil Jild|(« of my slimt

ioi|iiiig> ni«sa i*ni'ent far better Hunshe \

paddle (•atch in a weed.

"fathiT" io extricatebut ttfe weed proved obstinate: peliagierv uervous nml ant up in the canon.

wav '^"he cried • •

etwanrfal tacaya»la a«paUas the wa4«le«er.Bat D'. OM eata bvaksmfal had bring Jojr teMkm aaleas tb«y ban p-rrtart haaJth.Foiiyilatair.aeteiMMaasuUea4.t-- ' "Jaaaiwjn wlthla tbe reach of^nm^tlwfullowiaciseltleati

Mra. Aauwla Boblaaoa,Bobinson, lamer-

try woaaaa

BoMoaoD, lamer *»dKewoavilU, Cta» Coaotjr, lad., U WWJtaro yeari old and bad Tor a»T*ral yeantueaUKtocllBlaKhealth and daapoadoet.r»r three moatba ah. waa not oaly onaWato attend to b«r dOaeaHe duiloa bot toofMbl«toiMiapaa4 about To-day atta laIn fool healtftAluLabte to attend to brrbom.anld agaJo, Hbe nlatM l i» ex-|H>n<«<«e aa follow*7

"f/waa afflktad wltb femal* tronblri andwaalln a delicate atate ot health. I loatray apbetllr. (raw tbtn aad waa grMlly,ilepreaa«d. AfJ r taking Tarloui r**in«dlewithout twin* benefltoif I waa IndU'ed tyafriend'to try Dr. WUIIama' Pluk PI1U.

"Ear ly l aHi* mmmeroflWTI^pro-"ureit hi*bona-of Ihimtanil before fin-lab Ing t b ' '•aeond bq» I .t»«aa to Im-"***(.ro»« and by <lh«tlm«Ilmdtnknn the I1*>boiM I waa• We to_ goa b o u t ro y A Priiflrtti i kl'

*" »»» »*»»)'Sawtkl

ianw^«o.Wr-6Hlwrt«rtraiM traj


>Vhl«b wnoW ir«iai»vrr-«wb a train« b f il I

Ja» rMlman»vrr-«wb a train would h. mi»j thjn 'wo.«lb«. of a mil* Inni-aniJ wonld attain on1-v.Jlrark «iinw4 nf ilirr in fo Krlmr.Vo bvcmintlTC Inlhe world baaJto U(«a o m -Mnerf crlln4er-ari>a and Dnlil nrraaun- Tbet,,lAl Frtjbt or 'b« lommrUr* it aerrntr-*'*i.ma Tb" * » * , nw with It. no"*''"' «ElS"

t l 4 l l nur*'»>'; Bf'troppfm»'t can li»4ill« any nur*New V«rk onV«.pl Bmadwar.

It hai Iven flauro-l ont that nw man ofBrrllarOnt , Mr. fl. fWl*,ba» »»i relatlTMIn Ibr town

aajBke Imtai Vaair «>•*«Alloq'aFoot-EaM.apowiIarforthAfeH, It

rurra4kaJnful,twollfD.n»rvou»,»n)artlngloetami Inatantly takua the allnif/Jut^if rornaand bonloni. It'a the KrrateaC eomfort ilia-eoTeryoftbexjre. Allvo'a Foot-Eaas make*tight or new aboea foeleaay. It ta a cwtalnrare for: iwaatlnK. «all6aa and hot. tfrod.'ai-blas^oet. Tnt )t tv-dai/. Hold by all ilnur-nuita and aboe atorea, 24c, Trial packairoFBEE. Aildr.-M AllnpH Olmnleil I i Boy.S H.

At Hie prwnt ratK of lacrma« tbe popu-lation of tbe »rtk will double lUelf In M>y e a r n . - • — / . ^ •. v , ^ . ; , ^ • «• -.'-


"Our flaiiKbtar Anna, twelr*-;jr«^ar» old,waaaUo aDIMed with davlln»anil debility.

-Hhn loit fleah.aeemod io be hloodlns-

purpone. Then I loat patience. 1Have the paddle n aharp jeik.tlie weed

il t d d U l l iRave a little scr^aiu and I clutchedwildly ut tho side, of the cnnoB in a

innml wlie» I snjr n|f I im-ludu' Delin,myself and the online Fortunatelywe were-dose to thti liunli ami the«liter «a» shallow. I a< rambled ashore

in timid | mid helped Diiliu on tu diy lund *ibest 1 mil Id J

"tlualli, Miss Detm," I said feelingiiiiuttnnhlt fnollsh, us I inu^hj thti]uiinler nf thi'ianoi) and r< si lied thelimiting padille, "i Jl lievtr foigutimrsdf for this, I "wixh ynn -vrere amull Ilil'l iiinlil M«oar it me '

"Wliul uu ntvfill fright I must look,naiil pnor Delia, putting bat k her netbun fiom her faces, '

1 luuriuured of "Venus t ising fromthe K«H J but IIIIIIHIIIK Tl i, suddenlydoubling tint piopnetyof the kllualon

"Don't fi.iget'ryour bargain, MrCoiinsy," aaijshe, shaking tbe wattn

' Notr Him," I aaiil, "are j o "

_|Uiapi il

ial« «'IHMI in 1HK7 to 8l..'.8^.ll(Mlin 181)7. andyet • l ide i iitiaidpr*/ it". I' |MHiri'oliiiiibia l'nlicrsily; 1(1 Vi«w York

".^ ;ity Jiia/ont{«nuH«<iiiiti»K tuftMHMJ/OOir Iml il in riatrirtpil ill nprri . l ino( its di om I in i-ii In brl iuk of moiiev

,„ lll8 ,,„„, , ,,,,r „,,„„ ,,,„„,,, „',;,,| B , l,», I «K»ini.t the m h ii ihuiut »il l ia »it(lt nf lou t iml .

I let go tbo luff of KI is* to wlileli I

oftlin nllla ami they roatrjrel her aprmtltti,-altlwt alffestlon-aad hrouicbCoolor t<> h«r"lieelia.—tfli^fa flow in ihfr ti*.st-of-heallh,-t tlilnk f>F. Wlll|iim»' 'rink'nils" for r s >J"«orile the test medicine wnerer bad In-oar family and: renooinientl them tu'all

" ' fortublni; u|. ati'l tt-jaahatteradayatem.; .

. N<) iliaont«ry of nKi<l«rn Moms bis nrored. _ . , . _ _ . r:\rniTamT"

ttrnnicth nniliinalth to 'eiHau'stml wumnnwhen nyer'y'tllort of Ilia physician provesunavailing » Tbt-sn vegtitalilii pills an>ttverywIiHru n > oicnlae 1 us a apt" I'lc furtllsLases nf til" lil'Uil nn 1 nerves

Th" |mu|i|i< of Llni iiliislilrn bave ^leclJedtoeret.1 n si nt uu of I >rlTi»nny*uB n L1n<-urin " * A

Daa-litaarrallall anil KaMla I.ar Ufrlwa;.To quit u barro euslly and forever be mac

! lull nt I It norm and vlgtir, take No-TVie wi.n h r "trli.fr. tUvUu^licJU'eak o c a -

All drtmisis,BOoorll. CurevMsraa*Bouklct ami anmple free Address

l l id ^

••am'tr ia Blooal pee*;Clein blow! means, a clean akin. No

beauty without it. t'aafarets. Candy Cathar-

~ati>rlti(rn|i tUflaiy"liver anddhving _.puritiea from the body. llrgin to-day..'tobaniah iiimnla. Imili; blblchn, blackheads,and that alckly bilious completion by takingCfacareta,—beauty for. ten cents. All drug-gists, satisfaction'Guaranteed. ]0r. 23c,*50c,

The caihMitrftl of ltout*n:yboa»ta a' clock.nrtilcti h u kept time for SOQ yean.

, rlfwanei* tiermanenllj'oured by the uiw ofDr. Kline's l/nal N'eni) Keatorer. Send forPRBK. ItJJO trial" botU« and tr»atl-o to Dr.It. H. Kline. U.1..VUI Arch Htn-et, I'hila., VH.

Thi> aklna of anlinnls were I be earliestforma ol money. "

Both tho method and molts wnc%Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasantand refreshing to the taste, aad art*gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,idYor and Bowels, cleanses tbe sys,tern effectaaily,.dispels colds, bead-aches and fevers m cures babitna)constipation. Syrup of Figs 1m theonly remedy of its kind- ever pro.dneed, pleasing to tbe taste and ac-ceptable to the stomach, jrromrt isits action and truly beneficial m'iueffects, prepared only from tbe most

VOL.1. NO.


Interesting Informapelago OTer W


healthy and agroeaolesuDsunoes, itmany excellent qualities commend itto all and have "made it the mostpopnlar-rcrncdy known. - - "-

Syrup of Figs is for sale in SOcent bottles by all leading drag,gists. Any reliable druggist whomay pot have it on hand will pro.

ly for anyone whoit


51UM HUMU&O. 0*L

PATENTS l+wj**, m VMrMt. Hha*tstfUst

It, I Ulctw-t r b


• Sierllng llemailT <»: CIIICMO or New York.

lu lh» 1 uDab UuKUiig


ii* *( hoola of Inpnn the Enirfji rHi|iiired' to be taught by


ServeHaatorar Mtrlalbuttleandt

from her b e d . . Rgled .kirt. "will v..u .o id ir thufro i l . . or .hull I, and mmd '"

. Nufltaornervout.rst ilar's tiae nf l>r Kline a Oreat

. ir»r aitrlalbuUleandtraatlaafreaUu II II Kl 1st, I tiL.iUX An u wU'bll "

i mure herrlb^a art* eonaumed

K tree ot the Urgent sU»1 produce no more than Ihupouuda

f I l l l t l l l l g B

OPEN LHTTKR.S FfiOMJonnio IJ. Orcon ami Mrs. Barry

Hardy. (",

.IKVVIK K '(inn v, IK iriark, Itfira.wrlt.vH to'MrK. I'liiUhuiii

' 1 hu I In in Mil; nt in,', month*..]H rinds for avvt a ) turn, and triedHIU o«t. T. ri tiling I cvt. r tu artl of but 'njtluiul un\ In nellt \ \»s tnmhVd 'willi hucknehc, bcudiichi-, iinlxul intlia 'slumuh ra nnd dlulnraa 'lhrooghmyiimthirl «iit liuhuid to tr\ I,\(lia KI'liililitiut N \ i jrt \ Mv < iMin«ninj. andIt h.A* ilonc mti MI imub gooduo>v Miutul.nnd well."


Mr*, llvvjiv 'IAU;.V, Hitcraiilo.Iowa.w n t u Uy Mrs l'LuUham the atorvofh. r stnifr^tc A« Itli M'riiuisoruriau trou-bli nml lliu IKIKlit aim ni» ir td fromtin- (is. of I.Vdln K rinklinin'a Vejro-tmliU'(iiui|Hiiind ThW W h t r h t t i r '

' lloiv,Ihnnkfill I am tbal 1 tooh" I but u tig fur fulir tyimr mi iliclhi 1 ««« tmnhiiwi fur J JjrA1 Ilium l< a "fint-millon II

i h I f i f h h th b k t h

I «u weiWmt-tv-wllmt-' - / -

sunshinespurLUdun tho Antor,the leates of the In es MVIIMMI i<\ei sosii(th in tin' lui'i/i ,llm bright (olormldragon Hit s daitul luthei and Hutlii'i,wlnlit nloiig the I HI n\ the In t H HenlnngiiidU from llonei to lion IT. US ifIlii'i null kt |rt tlit'iiiM hi' i uuuku byimessiiiit l i i i /nug %

" I s n t it dtliglilfiil' uiiirinuiolDeh i

' It is, indeed, ' I assented, butwould liaTu tl.iiio so inii'o triitlifulliif lhe IMIWN of tbn I'niioe ha I uot dii*pU\o I so great a reliiolumo to keepetrmght up tho nier

1 ht'spT5sh«f tliimnti.1 fioiutbe| iddie unsnouilinfiilh •iiiool lung,unit uufair iompaiiion rinsed bet ei is Dlfi i thaim (ml ao politeness no lunger "dollarred me from gating my till at lie? upturued faee 7 <• J looked admii'iiiKl), Inking mentalatftik of hat iluirnis. How •sod11 lurdark eyelanbesiwept her llmeU howcoi|irctMshlt k u n i d b e r mouth hoirdaiuty the Huspit mniif ndimplu eithuiside her lip» how delicately tinnedher chin — bo« becoming (ho red^mshIon to hei wi'nltli' ol Ma k hail >cs,Undouillt'illl liei nn«i' wi» letioussn,

tlieuk In in

- 1 know it-was lint—a.—>rry—suitnliluotiiiston to do any thing so set tons minnke IIII till'i'l of inumage, also, tlmtIt « IIH It 1 01 \ pi(l*u)C Hill of puttingit, lint upon my word I loultln't help

"I ul ih v«u would Kl>e im< the rightulniitx |n pa\ unit lilIU," I mi 111

, Iv Italurilb' lOe eraserIf.CC c full iuiirr«'<lru»iii»ur»tuna mouef;

U I W D * has a hospital l».r£i> vnuugk tolvlil 7000 | ersuna


y Jtwo ycam with I if animation of iho-| crash uiln the bahk went-the him ofjvomb hud iivbriCH, »ouib wte^alaoVery ' Ihttta'u.ie, nud thy aubjett of m^ loInn I Man In constant UilMrv, Iliad i Srei le o mini l i n i ^ i a ui lhi i Kturllit nrt troublis wnn ahort^iltirxatKaud Kor o lift* of mo I iiittn.it Met i ncould mil Mam tlieli.txlintosjurtTiuj-^ isuuixttud think ot Houittlufi^ el».> utHfo Suffered\Yiry much with my-sl lb« a»ine llnir !tv tlm K>< iilent (;iioilliailt linil bt lulaclie nil thotlnicrwaa luc lnm »ern not up**tiiirinuB, imtislruatitmiinero irrrip'.ar "1 f l land IMinfnl. liinl u luwt <'l»iharp« andwaa troulilnl >ylth liUJltinjf. 1 w a j irwrfiU wntl t llad\i>l.H.tor.d and

—taken loettHrvBtmeiila. fmCaiitHraano

\Vi> were built i e r r not nml tiotnM'IT iir\nldy, but I looked into tbnoonfiue nit iiiiuiiml brown cier., and this(lino ahe didn't turn uwni, for I di»tmertillhi) inuri) nrtiatio e i i Kput lur nun around hot uuial andklnxiii hoi, Miiihuul'


•'•<>|1|« Now Abl . lt>, ITrparti Tor Altarkf— ^ of 4"*»nUia;i».ia

.'lho neuext thing m |>jr«i)nnl liwur~Him' in fur HI U i H i i i n n l dIt IUMIJIIIIK' nKUIIlxt an kni'nx. SinliiKiiriiui t) Jian In mi fiirnlnlit'il m I'liiud and on thi' (oiUtueul fin xtimi11nit* nml in <>eruuiiiY, liljem thellle!>HHIK'< of U pntULIIIkl RllH'TlllUl'lltaro eujovod to tho* fullest •\tcnt, ituim rivt>ntl\ nnuoUu.(iul tlmt all hemUof faiutliea eugttK«d til »ngo eiiriiin«Mould bo compelled to taku mit niiunto iigiiiu<it illm i«. '

lunilrniuo of tliiii klml haalieen fmmulled in tbiH i-ollntrv fnl aonu. timouu u Milnll Kinlu In nuitunl orguiu/utioim, biit it .'viua'ilot until hut Kuiii-int'4- tlmt it UII^ tnkttii up bj au.\ welltuSitabltnhed p y

I tii n iiit^xnitl tube oulv tno|ulilLant pit^uut- pieparitl hi/jioluu^iif iiimnniu^ ngniiiNt rtlueat'i'liin in iiitUuled »itth l d

p1 aui moat a«full%

tnrifld '"I jv«< Uflirl^ «»Ko|>.

. "1 iau'1 think uliat

fprn.," 1 (tain

aha said,hapimneil, itfr

neighbor* to vr rito to j ou. I hare nowfinished Uie scoond Inittlo of Mrs. J'inkIiaina Vigelablo Cuut|Hi\iiid. and am

'lietter ia iviri ivn\ 1 am able to doklluiy own work andean walk nrarlv» mile without fatigue, aomcthiW 1liad tiot been able to do for over twoyears. Your medicine has. dope mqmore good than all the ductora."

TryGra.n-0!TryGrain-O!A«k Jnu Grocer tu-day to show yonav*c]ugeuf QIUIN'.O, Uwnew fooddrink that tAkwi tbe.ivlace of coffee.*

' Tils ihlldrct) may dnak it without jInjury as well u tbe adult. AUwbatry It, like it. ^KAIN-O lias thatricn aeal brown of Mocba or Java,but It la mvlo from (tare gruns, andtbe moat delicate, stomach receirra itttilhrxititotmss; \ tbe price ofroifi-e.

IS cents anil 15 cents per package.-EoliUiy-aU-grooerfe

Tastes like CoifeeLooks like Coffee

replied with a grciiL£»odI paddled deal ot tbe bank and

towed auili n tolliaiou hbtitild nutoccur imam Delia, Imvrtum, madeuo further attempt tu g\> to sletp

"Hole Hiuootlil% tba m o r runs, 'Sl)B flBld tllTlltilhtfllllT

"Unlike the ionrar tit trui<lu.M'i' 1ait'U'd lather utakU,

It »ns lull a l e u nppisite leuiuik,bn' Iben 1 kuen till topii of lino n »a dangpriiua one for me, and so. fool*harth. Itouitcil it, as tin1 moth thecandle /

lliere was * p'ttise.iu the l o i n e i uj lion. «hite 1 aucfessfnll.i uegotinlr4 aI siidiUn beiul in tlm uiec.- - — -1 "It's a gf«at j>it», isut nf ' saidI Delia

"What i s " I innnlred"Wbj, th lhe ctuirse yf

nevt-r rtnts-ainoDtli ' . ~ I _ _"Oh,lint it does s.ame.tlmts.ieally,"

"I suppose the U»e isn't ie.illTtr\ie.lbenv ' said nhe. "Xo«»da>s, buolisand pla^s lu'ayl^ ql»B<,s end tin

true li>\o

'"Oh, well,,"1 »»id I, plu!o«ojdiiintti"theie »re t»»p <orl« nf lo\e —theni

nud theie ia npolicy oflt rt d In u limit f<<r a ."nnitl adilitiiinul pn\mtiilUlnc i It 'ceuied

\ piTBim no lumlrud nuii HumeJ.'O a utek if ho miflin (mm " pli'ici, li(iliont fetoi, mallet f(<\er,HIIIIIU)IO\, Miiioloid diphthiMin, mea»le\ or Vsiiitu thuleiu. ami anoli illiipfls sluvlt, uidepciideiitlv of iilttithor

l l v nmlahltMiud pievDiitthoiiiauiodfrom perToSuiiirc'aut imiVViei" ~k"iud ~iT tlu'fyp«rtatuiug to bis ot'ttupnttou ' 1'holimit of indemnity is Used at twentysix neoks All the ilnitiaSeaiuuationeilate. of iltoutngious chn>actor, and noattumpt bis been madtr as j-ut ti> m-snr< nginust nnv others * v

luiinnine men nho are interestedin this subjet t are wati lung with intt l o t to *io hrin tho now id«a"laLtnt


nml Muni' ut- them sa\ it is probablethat the list of >Us(nses Mliuu a p»rson OHII liei'inuo insured against willstunt bn jeugthfiied

It will In' noted that oue luipoitaut.contagious-dtseise, yellow feieriKnofiinmeil U»_tbejiat,i«ltthe t Imni-es otbeing- attacked null TelloV"this |uirt .if tht> tsMfntM nrethat its omission is not a matter utgreat loipoi tuuoo" tu/Neu Vorkera. .>"o» \ork Tiibmie

e n . Malrkea^ , vThe oldest matdw maurtfaitnrT vu

tbe iMirlil it in Sweden Malibfiwere niadwtherc long befoie the old,

U ! l l twas di«i«rdedfor wbielt (he>


tipped wttl^ sulphur,with the Under b ne"were us*d. In tweutj tlve je*r- tiiexport ttade'of Sweden m fotn^match**. inor«f««eil to 10,OlK>,OCH) lv.»»

eaaea or Urli*.««.OUR! OONtTIPATION. ...

"FUT-IKE" POWDER,A Ctrtila Oira foiTlreAoklng, BwaUlag » d

Penpirltj Fett

-rr«vflitKBlli « • Catfm» knit 8 IM HpQtt in


aall laralxHr. «««• . . .Lu «g>Mjttl»«i» Uruualyn

K. *, IIBAII t \ U K COMPAM. l M « 1 t

PRAYTOF allNaHMaifoN'N. V.


TOR.arTirOS)Mi»n.tMlit nn.S\ tk*yn«tittfth«fr«l«,K*aM«aMJaUat»Ll»«ll Ml Will W i n KlUffc SliKllMt—I

riUUteoredtnNO liar UU

al ialand is about 600 miles <long Konj; it U the largest am

northeru great island of tKe gro>|roup vhieli, extending -from' tiBreei to tnenty d e « t i s north Ulund oit>r;i longitude of tea de>;r117 degree* east of (treenmi-u ,a north nud Bouth liuVof UiTutmid mi eait and wett hfte^it Uiolulled

It is estimated thnt^tliit Cf >ip' priiei liO'l i%lauila. o£ ubul i I

the larger part a"fl uu re ulet ilire if i oral un.l lokuini for uthe hitttr often baling treuiecrtiptioim. The Inrtrmt of tlieiLii/tiii, on tin north of neartr i•<i|Uiirt> IIIIIOT nreu, au 1 Miu lanjthe s nithiMist, httvn g an area of :1'iuuie nnli H The total nr«a i<piltol it 114 IKK) iijunr^ miie-

l ho- . tnef seaport of tbe tenManili, overlooking a capacion

^ t ' l h f 1


FOR DEGOBATIHG WILLS AND CEILINGS fromr grocor or paiut dealer and do your own **BB**BSa**2J££a£ deto-

raliug. This material is a UAB1> TINISH to he applied with a brushand become* at hard an Cement. Milled in twouty-four tints and workseqnally aa well with cold or hot water. t&THE&D FOB SAMPLE

^ and it yon cannot purchase this material from yonr local deal-Ws let us knotf and wo will put you in tho way of obtaining it.T H E MIBALO.CO., HEW BRIGIITO>, S. I., \EW VOBK.

T)le . (her chief port* are- UotliG l i on the islands tit .theuame.Mittlie neutral part of thepelniru

1'h-re are hKiIf a dozen other uia tbe Ot)nlraUnd~wbateni-pAri tgroup, the areas of which rangethat of lthodtf fslaud t:i that of

L .L—1 .TO'{nil_iiumbjirs._by_j1ltttat_JiJi!j




are the strongest, most improved andbest form ot cycle construction. DON'TBE CONFUSED BY THE WORD "CHAIN-LESSA—There are-many untried chain- -less-TJ«vices~oirthB marketr

COLUMBIA BEVEL-BEARSare The Original, The Standard. 'Their superiority over chain wheels hasbeen demonstrated on the road.

|<*3olttmt>Ih Clmiit >Vlieol«, . # 7 3Hnrttord Bicycler, . J. ' SO \


V ^CLM- IN \

people, of whom <i dniirfe I ra->egrlttw, now ilrneti into (h- ntains and iuturior bind.', neem.tolideHueudants of t|ie ntiorigineibulk of tfn< poi>ltlatiou is MaUyiwhom there uro numerous triln-odirtiest and most pagan ii kuotrthe Tgorrotes, and vet theT ill;exemplary ipjalitiei They ure •>the most important rnonntaio. tnbLuzon nnd'are.a'niong the pt>pul

. v b u urtnalh escape vmniviSpanish Usutlon They are

Tarttiers, laying out terrated fieMthe mountains, coustructing irriK'canals and having'a cou.iiilifrabltrutation as metallurgists lhe.rnesttt! morality is favurahU in con

\ t h o t of_tjieir_ne>5hb->r- " :

ROPE MFC. CO., Hartford, Conn,. M A a"^^_ ar* ^ O . . * . Ak , ' '

mbj aiall far one te. ,


^B a Worid Where "- Prais»liTwt3walfor


, „ Auttthtjr element of the j - pa Jar thi LhiutT'e a id t'leir Mtf-«*i 'fdescendants of imse lSiuiticaa 1 nah'wil^ Flicre ji«i.an.'B'T n n i - uou iLz'e i«lauds vliere th?CUini!-.ndt fd'tud PtfttT trad* aad l>ani

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