THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

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Page 1: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is
Page 2: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORT MAN Name: XYZ Date of Birth: mm/dd/yyyy Place of Birth: Name of city, Country Time of Birth: hh:mm:ss Birth Chart:

WOMAN Name: ABC Date of Birth: mm/dd/yyyy Place of Birth: Name of city, country

Page 3: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

Time of Birth: hh:mm:ss Birth Chart:

RELATIONSHIP: We shall analyze the birth charts of Mr. XYZ and Ms. ABC from holistic perspectives for the purpose of assessing the relationship from the point of view of life partners. Our horoscope shows all the aspects of life with their possibilities. The different houses show and signify different aspects while their lords and their respective status and position in the horoscope relates about the potential. Our life revolves around 4 major aspects of life, which are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Whatever we do feel, want or enjoy invariably relates to one of these. Dharma is our vocation or what we are here to do in this life. Artha relates to our wealth and material possessions, while Kama is our desire in life, be it material or sensual. Finally it is Moksha, which connects us to our ultimate goal, our seeking of transcendence. The recipe for peace, contentment and happiness in a life shared with your partner is to understand and accept each other’s score for individual goal and to

Page 4: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

lead the life in flow with the life script score. When the goal is common as it normally is between two life partners, one can supplement and thus compliment each other by understanding the patters of the life scores The ordained Life Script scores as computed from your respective natal charts are as follows: XYZ Pursuit of Vocation- 89 Pursuit of Wealth- 86 Pursuit of Desire- 81 Pursuit of Salvation- 81 ABC Pursuit of Vocation- 78 Pursuit of Wealth- 90 Pursuit of Desire- 86 Pursuit of Salvation- 83 The highest score for XYZ is Pursuit of Vocation followed by Pursuit of Wealth. The low scores are for pursuit of Desire and pursuit of Salvation both are at 81. The highest score for ABC is pursuit of Wealth. The lowest score for ABC is pursuit of Vocation. We further analyze the house strengths of the three houses (3,7,11) that denote desire or Kama. Kama literally means “desire” and refers to our need for emotional and sensory happiness in life. As such we call it “enjoyment”. All that we do in life should be enjoyable and not cause pain to ourselves or to others. XYZ’s Kama 3rd house-34 7th house-24 11th house-23 ABC’s Kama 3rd house-27 7th house-26 11th house-33 For XYZ, the 3rd house, where desires are seeded are very strong. He is highly ambitious and is willing to make efforts to fulfill his desires. However in human society no matter what is the desire, one cannot fulfill it in vacuum, one will need partner or partners depending on the desire to fulfill that desire.

Page 5: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

7th house stands for that partnership. 7th house signifies your ability to form successful partnership. A successful partnership is one, which is a win-win situation for both partners. In life partnership, the partner is spouse. Unfortunately the 7th house score is weak. In his approach to partnership, something happens that the partner progressively feels that the partnership is not beneficial for her. 11th house signifies the result or outcome of this partnership. His 7th house is Virgo, where Venus is located. Virgo is the sign of debilitation for Venus. This is the main reason why there is problem of partnership. The very low score of 11th house indicates that he will never be able to fulfill all his desires completely. It will be always difficult for him to sustain a partnership for a long period of time no matter what that partnership is. Whether it is partnership in personal life or in business front. As opposed to this we see that ABC relatively speaking is not that ambitious. She will have few desires, but her fulfillment rate will always be very high because of the high 11th house score. For material fulfillment of desires, we must have high score for 11th house in our chart. For both your chart, the main difference is the difference in Score between Pursuit of Vocation and Pursuit of Wealth. XYZ’s chart indicates that self-employment or business will be most suitable for him. It will be difficult for him to work under anybody. He must be his own boss. Whereas ABC can work only in a large set up like government or university or in a large organization. Her high score for pursuit of wealth indicates that she will be very successful in her day to day work. She does not have any great strategic vision or ambition. What she lacks in strategic vision, she makes it up by hard work in her day-to- day duties. Whereas XYZ will have great strategic vision but when it comes to implementation, he will not be very successful because of low 11th house score. Mars and Venus A major ingredient of a harmonious relationship is sexual compatibility. First there has to be a strong mutual sexual attraction. Then it must translate itself into a physical act, which can satisfy the sensual needs of the two individuals. XYZ has 12th house Mars affliction in his natal chart, from where it casts its inauspicious aspect on 7th house.

Page 6: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

Compared to that ABC has very strong Mars affliction on her 1st house. XYZ’s Venus is the lord of 7th house as well as lord of 12th house and is located in 11th house, where it is debilitated. Unfortunately the biggest challenge in XYZ’s chart is the wrong placement of Mars and Venus in his chart. Mars the planet which is responsible for physical attraction is in 12th house, the house of detachment. Venus is responsible for love and sustainance of emotional bonding between two partners is debilitated in 11th house. In ABC’s chart, Venus is located in conjunction with Mars in Ascendant and aspects 7th house. This makes her 7th house stronger. The combination of Mars and Venus will make her very passionate both physically and emotionally. The 5th and 7th house The Fifth House represents our Creative Instinct and Urges. Thus, it signifies love and romance in our life. It signifies children. It also represents our efforts and achievements in the field of education. The Seventh House is the house of Spouse or Life Partner. It is also known as the house of partnership. It describes marriage, divorce, and joint ventures in business. It also represents litigation, open enmity and success in negotiation. The 5th house in XYZ’s chart has retrograde Jupiter located in its own sign Pisces. This is a good position for Jupiter and is good for 5 th house. But because it is retrograde, it has lost much of its beneficial power. Especially retrograde Jupiter will always give XYZ the hope for the revival of an old relationship. He can never forget or can forget this relationship. It will make him totally obsessive which is not healthy for him and it will be difficult for him to seek any new relationship. The problem of 7th house is already discussed. The lord of 7th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is located in 5th house and aspects her 7th house. This also weakens her 7th house. Also retrograde Saturn in 5th house is not favorable for progeny or birth of progeny. Mars aspect from 1st house on 7th house will also cause strong Mars affliction on her 7th house.

Page 7: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

The problem in life together of XYZ with any partner is mainly because of debilitated Venus in his chart. Debilitated Venus makes him obsessive in his relationship. It makes him very possessive and he expects that focal point in his partner’s life must be he himself. He cannot tolerate any other interest or relationship no matter how harmless that relationship is on part of her partner. His partner feels suffocated in the relationship and would like to escape from it and breathe freely. XYZ has to understand that the problem lies within himself and unless he is able to consciously change his thinking and attitude, there is no hope for the relationship to survive. So my advice to him he must overcome his obsession. He has to look within himself and make conscious efforts to change his own attitude. Unless he is able to do that, he will not be happy nor will he get any peace or happiness in any aspect of his life including happiness in any relationship. 1. Remedies for strengthening the bond. No new remedies are being suggested for XYZ other than what has been suggested in earlier reports. May God help you and give you courage and awareness to deal with your debilitated Venus. On behalf of CyberAstro.com Satrajit Majumdar

Page 8: THE HOLISTIC LOVE REPORTvedicremedy.com/jotish/smp/HLR_Smp01.pdfThe lord of 7 th house is debilitated. The chart of ABC also makes her 5 th house very weak, as retrograde Saturn is

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