Welcome to our Catholic Community September 2, 2018 Church of St. John the Bapst and School 106 Main St W. • Vermillion, MN 55085 Mass Schedule: Sunday 10:00 am Tuesday 6:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am during school year 8:00 am during summer months Reconciliaon: Tuesday 6:00 pm Adoraon: Wednesday 10:00 am—3:00 pm, Summer 8:30 am—1:30pm Church of St. Mary (New Trier) 8433 239 th St E. Hampton, MN 55031 Mass Schedule: Sunday 8:00 am Friday 7:30 am First Saturday 8:30 am Reconciliaon: First Saturday 9:00 am Adoraon: Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm Church of St. Mathias 23315 Northfield Blvd Hampton, MN 55031 Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00 pm Thursday 8:30 am Reconciliaon: Saturday 4:15 pm Thursday 9:00 am Adoraon: Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm New Parishioners: Please contact the parish office to register. Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made at least one year in advance. Contact Father Cole. Infant Bapsm: Please contact the parish office near the me of birth or adopon to arrange for this special event and for pre-bapsmal parental instrucon. Hospital Paents: Please contact Sister Tresa or the parish office when you are admied to a hospital. The Historic Parishes of St. John the Baptist, St. Mathias and St. Mary

The Historic Parishes of St. John the Baptist, St. Mathias ...€¦ · Welcome to our atholic ommunity • September 2, 2018 hurch of St. John the aptist and School 106 Main St W

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Page 1: The Historic Parishes of St. John the Baptist, St. Mathias ...€¦ · Welcome to our atholic ommunity • September 2, 2018 hurch of St. John the aptist and School 106 Main St W

Welcome to our Catholic Community • September 2, 2018

Church of St. John the Baptist and School 106 Main St W. • Vermillion, MN 55085

Mass Schedule: Sunday 10:00 am Tuesday 6:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am during school year 8:00 am during summer months

Reconciliation: Tuesday 6:00 pm

Adoration: Wednesday 10:00 am—3:00 pm, Summer 8:30 am—1:30pm

Church of St. Mary (New Trier) 8433 239th St E. • Hampton, MN 55031

Mass Schedule: Sunday 8:00 am Friday 7:30 am First Saturday 8:30 am

Reconciliation: First Saturday 9:00 am

Adoration: Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Church of St. Mathias 23315 Northfield Blvd • Hampton, MN 55031

Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00 pm Thursday 8:30 am

Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 pm Thursday 9:00 am

Adoration: Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

New Parishioners: Please contact the parish office to register.

Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made at least one year in advance. Contact Father Cole.

Infant Baptism: Please contact the parish office near the time of birth or adoption to arrange for this special event and for pre-baptismal parental instruction.

Hospital Patients: Please contact Sister Tresa or the parish office when you are admitted to a hospital.

The Historic Parishes of St. John the Baptist, St. Mathias and St. Mary

Page 2: The Historic Parishes of St. John the Baptist, St. Mathias ...€¦ · Welcome to our atholic ommunity • September 2, 2018 hurch of St. John the aptist and School 106 Main St W

Judgment tends to have a bad reputation. We often associate it with condemnation, and in the Gospels, we associate it with the Pharisees.

Today's Gospel features the Pharisees doing exactly what we expect. "They observed that some of his disciples ate their meals with unclean, that is, unwashed, hands." The Jewish people had strict purification laws that applied to all areas of life. The Pharisees attempt to accuse Jesus of not following the ancestral traditions. Jesus doesn't take offense at their judgments per se. He instead points out the hypocrisy of their words. "You hypocrites ? this people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."

From there, Jesus turns his attention to the concerns of the heart. "The things that come from within are what defile." He lists off a number of sins, including some the Pharisees were likely struggling with, including evil thoughts, envy, and arrogance. When we examine the list, perhaps we're reminded of our own trips to the confessional! As we strive to follow Jesus and live with integrity, we must be aware of our hearts. We must judge our own actions. Are they leading us closer to God or away from Him? Are we growing in love of our neighbor, or are we becoming more closed in on ourselves?

As we move into this week, consider the state of our own heart. Perhaps you are overly scrupulous in less important areas. Perhaps there are large areas of overlooked sin that you've excused for too long. Whatever it is, the judgment of God need not cripple us. He offers us a share in His mercy as soon as we turn to Him. This week, allow your heart to be transformed!

Parish Contact Information

Emergency Contact Number: 612-405-6955

Church of St. John the Baptist—Vermillion Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Parish Office: 651-437-9030 Fax: 651-437-3427 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjohns-vermillion.com Rectory: 651-318-1005 Convent: 651-438-8680 School: 651-437-2644

Church of St. Mathias — Hampton Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Parish Office: 651-437-9030 Fax: 651-437-3427 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.stmathias.com Church Basement: 651-480-0080

Church of St. Mary — New Trier Office Hours: 7:45 – 8:45 am Parish Office: 651-437-5546 Fax 651-437-3506 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.stmarysnewtrier.com

Parish Staff Contacts Pastor: Rev. Cole Kracke 651-318-1005 [email protected]

Faith Formation & Pastoral Care: Sr. Tresa Margret 651-438-8680 (Convent) [email protected]

Interim School Principal: Rita Humbert 651-437-2644 [email protected]

Administrators: Vermillion & Hampton Rhonda Rother 651-437-9030 [email protected] New Trier Patti Brown 651-437-5546 [email protected]

Cemeterians: Vermillion Greg Ries 651-437-4439 Hampton Rosie Giefer 651-437-9025 New Trier Michelle Kimmes 651-437-8356

Music Directors Vermillion Patty Aslesen Hampton Martha Barth New Trier Alan Reinardy

Maintenance Vermillion Earl Wagner Hampton Harry Thurmes New Trier Rob Enedy

2 | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

*Please submit bulletin announcements to your Parish Office by 10:00 am Tuesday*

Page 3: The Historic Parishes of St. John the Baptist, St. Mathias ...€¦ · Welcome to our atholic ommunity • September 2, 2018 hurch of St. John the aptist and School 106 Main St W

September 2, 2018 | 3

Community Schedule Week of September 3-9

Mon No Mass—Father Cole’s Day Off—Labor Day Tue (V) 6:00 PM Confessions (V) 6:30 PM Mass + Deceased Members of the Sisters’ families (V) 7:00 PM KC 5199 Meeting Wed (V) 9:00 AM Mass + Lawrence Niesen (V) 8:30 AM Adoration Thu (H) 8:30 AM Mass + Vince Mathews (H) 9:00 AM Adoration Fri (NT) 7:30 AM Mass + Theresa King (NT) 8:00 AM Adoration Sat (NT) 2:00 PM Wedding Ceremony of Daniel Meyers & Kaidy Sirinek (H) 4:15 PM Confessions (H) 5:00 PM Mass + Sherrie Becker Sun (NT) 8:00 AM Mass Lloyd Peine Family (V) 10:00 AM Mass + Lawrence Niesen

Altar Server training for children interested in serving and in the fourth grade or above will be held Saturday, Sept. 15th starting at 8:30 am at St. John the Baptist Church. Training will last 2 1/2 hours. If you plan to attend this training, please register with the parish office by Sept. 11th by calling 651-437-9030 or email [email protected]. We'd like to know who will be attending in the event we need to reschedule the altar Server training because the church is needed for another function.

St. Mathias will have Mass Server Training on Saturday, September 15 at 9:00 am. Students who have completed 3rd grade are encouraged to attend. Please contact Sharon Endres @ 651-270-7418 if planning to attend or to make arrangements for a different date/time.

Rudolph Grotto Gardens: There is still time to register for the pilgrimage to Rudolph, Wisconsin. We have 23 people signed up and welcome more to join us. I was there for a wedding last weekend and was amazed at how big and beautiful the grotto is. Register your family to see this amazing Grotto and bring your camera – lots of gardens and flowers to get some fantastic pictures! I brought a few booklets describing all the areas, cave and shrines...check it out. Patti

Liturgical Ministries 5 pm Sat 9/8 (St. Mathias) 8 am Sun 9/9 (St. Mary) 10 am Sun 9/9 (St. John)

Lector Dan Massman Scott & Patty Kopp Renee Vought

Eucharist Dan & Barb Massman,

Tara Hodgson, Chris Heiman Lori Wiik, Bob Angell, Pat Ramel,

Larry Hofmeister

Sr. Noel, Don Kamen, Kathy Kriha, Sally Siebenaler,

Martin Thomas

Servers Abby Endres, Leah Oistad Dustin Reinardy, Dylan

Reinardy, Michael Carpenter Riley & Annika Ries,

Ryan Wentzler

Greeters Ron Giefer

Ushers Ron Giefer, Chuck Smith TJ Nordling & Pat O’Donnell Dave & Jean Beskau,

Bernie Frandrup, Ken Kasel

Gifts Pat Weatherly

Rosary Otto & Betty Rehder Joe Kummer

Money Counters Chuck & Linda Smith

Denise Podritz

Joe Kummer, Bruce & Patty Aslesen

Collection for Last Weekend

Parish Env & Plate Weekly Budget YTD Collected YTD Budget Overage/(Deficit)

St. John the Baptist $1,671.00 $3,061.00 $26,280.97 $27,549.00 ($1,268.03)

St. Mathias $2,367.00 $1,878.00 $13,343.00 $15,024.00 ($1,681.00)

St. Mary $1,203.50 $2,212.00 $24,555.12 $19,908.00 $4,647.12

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4 | September 2, 2018

FAITH FORMATION NEWS Need Your Help: We are looking for volunteer teachers and helpers to teach in our Faith Formation Program. We need teachers and helpers for Grades 5 on Wednesday evenings at St. Mathias in Hampton. For more information please call Sr. Tresa Margret at 651-438-8680 or e mail: [email protected].

Teacher Aides and Substitutes: We need volunteers who would help the teacher in the classroom and substitute if a teacher is ill or unable to teach.

Catechetical Sunday for the commissioning ot the Faith Formation teachers will take place at the Masses the weekend of Sept. 15/16.

Teacher In Service: Sunday, Sept. 9th in Vermillion after the 10 AM Mass. Wednesday, Sept. 12th at 7 pm in the St. Mathias church basement.

First day of Class will be on Sunday, Sept. 16th (8:45-9:45 am)St. John Vermillion Campus (and Wednesday Sept. 19th for St. Mathias Hampton Campus ( 6:30-7:30 pm)

Grade 9 Net Retreat will take place on Sept. 19th for all Grade 9 students in the Tri Parish Faith Formation Programs from 4-9 pm at St. Pius V in Cannon Falls. 9th Grade students are required to attend.

CCW NEWS Two of St. Mary’s women attended an all day Leadership, Training and Development Program hosted by the Archdiocese of Detroit.

Led by two members of the new National Council of Catholic Women’s Leadership Team, the workshops brought new ideas and training skills to the women of our area. Come to our next St. Mary Council meeting Sept. 10 and hear more about it!

Save the date: St. Mary's Annual Blood Drive, Monday, October 8, 2018.

Joseph's Coat - has re-opened so St. Mary's will again be collecting. Put your donations in the collection box by the school. Put in bags, not boxes unless necessary, and don't make too heavy. If you have ques-tions about what can be donated, please contact Laurie Otte or Lenore Peine. Thanks for all previous donations.

The St Anne’s CCW of St. John the Baptist parish is collecting school supplies for the Hastings Lewis House until September 28, 2018.

WEDDING BANNS: Daniel George Meyers & Kaidy Jane Sirinek St. Mary’s – New Trier September 8, 2018

HOSITALITY School will soon start! St. Mary's Hospitality Committee will be handing out apples

Sunday, Sept. 9 to everyone in attendance. Prayers are with our youth as they begin another school year.

In Remembrance - Our Beloved Dead: Please remember in your prayers Raymond Nicolai Sr. of St. Mathias parish who died on Sunday, August 26, 2018. Mass of Christian burial was on Saturday,

Sept. 1, 2018 at St. Mathias. We extend our prayerful condolences and assurance of prayers to the family.

Please Pray For . . .

Heather Granger, Larry Rehder, Regan Nordling, Kathy Fritz, Dan Stoffel,

Gary Cater, Karen Horsch, Fred Angell, Tyler Ostertag, Pam (Schweich) Peine, Mary (John) Beissel, Laura Kurzawski, Irene Smith, Donny Waltz, Mary Haan, Terry Serres

KC Council #5199 Vermillion, MN

Sep 3—Council Picnic and Soccer Challenge. K of C 5199 Invites you and your family to our annual soccer challenge and Picnic. It will be behind the school in Vermillion on September 3rd starting at noon! Kids of all ages welcome, everyone gets to enjoy a picnic lunch by the KC's. Come join your Local Knights and their families. Hope to see you there!

Sep 4 - Council Meeting - St. John’s Church Basement at 7 pm

Dan Luskey, Grand Knight 651-343-8277

[email protected]

Readings for September 3-9

Monday: 1 Cor 2:1-5/Ps 119:97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 [97]/Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16/Ps 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13ab, 13cd-14 [17]/Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9/Ps 33:12-13, 14-15, 20-21 [12]/Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18-23/Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [1]/Lk 5:1-11 Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5/Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 27-28, 39-40 [39a]/Lk 5:33-39 Saturday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Ps 13:6ab, 6c [Is 61:10]/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23 Next Sunday: Is 35:4-7a/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37

FESTIVAL NEWS St. John’s Annual Festival

Vermillion, MN September 30, 2018

10 am Mass Festivities 11-3:30

Chairperson: John Wellman

Kids Games: Do you have Brand New items in your house just lying around? Would you be willing to donate them to our “Kids Games” at the Parish Festival? Clearance items are a great buy for kids game prizes.

Bake Sale: Start getting your recipes out and looking for some tasty recipes for items to put on our bake sale. This is always one of the tastiest events at the festival. We are looking for garden produce as well. Contact Ann Gergen 438-3157

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September 2, 2018| 5

St. John the Baptist Catholic School

111 Main St. W, PO Box 50 Vermillion, MN 55085

651-437-2644 Fax 651-437-9006


SCHOOL STAFF Mrs. Rita Humbert - Interim Principal Mr. Eric Nitti– Education Advisory Chair [email protected] Ms. Deb Sauer – School Secretary

[email protected] Miss Becky Armstrong – Home & School Assn. Pres. [email protected] Mrs. Shannon Allen – PreK Teacher

[email protected] Mrs. Brandy Wentzler—PreK Aide

[email protected] Mrs. Teresa Huneke – Kindergarten Teacher

[email protected] Mrs. Lora Maertens – Grade 1 Teacher [email protected] Miss Maria Therres – Grade 2 Teacher

[email protected] Sister Noel Aranjanyil – Grade 3 Teacher

[email protected] Sister Navya Memattathill – Grade 4 Teacher

[email protected] Mrs. Eileen Perra – School Nurse [email protected] Mrs. Karen Hail—Music Teacher

[email protected] Mrs. Rose Niederkorn—Phy Ed Teacher

[email protected]

Upcoming Events:

September 4—First day of School. September 7—Back to School Movie

Night September 11—VIRTUS session at St.

Pius V in Cannon Falls at 6:30 PM Register online at www.virtus.org

Volunteer Opportunities: We are always looking for people to share their time, talent, and treasure to help our students and our school. Contact the school office for areas where we need help. School Needs:

Smiling and eager students will soon fill the hallways and classrooms of St. John’s School. Each day these children will become better versions of themselves – stronger in Christian virtues, deeper in learning, and more rooted in service. Your support makes this happen. Thank you. Please remember that each of you is welcome to participate in the life of the St. John’s School community.

Back to School Movie Night: the Home & school Association will host a movie night on Friday, September 7, 2018 at 6:30 PM. In the school community room. Popcorn will be available. Bring a blanket, pillow and drinks to snuggle in for a good time with good friends old and new.

There will be a VIRTUS Session at St. Pius V on Tuesday, September 11 at 6:30PM. Register online at www.virtus.org or contact the office for help with registration. Please consider taking a VIRTUS session – then when you want to help, you have the main hurdle complete!

Page 6: The Historic Parishes of St. John the Baptist, St. Mathias ...€¦ · Welcome to our atholic ommunity • September 2, 2018 hurch of St. John the aptist and School 106 Main St W