The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France Virginie Supervie, Jacques Ndawinz & Dominique Costagliola U943 Inserm & Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France

The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

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The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France Virginie Supervie, Jacques Ndawinz & Dominique Costagliola U943 Inserm & Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France. Background. Many HIV positive individuals are unaware of their infection. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us?

The case of France

Virginie Supervie, Jacques Ndawinz & Dominique CostagliolaU943 Inserm & Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France

Page 2: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France


Many HIV positive individuals are unaware of their infection.

Undiagnosed HIV infection has serious implications for both the individual and public health.

Persons unaware of their HIV infection cannot benefit from timely treatment.

Persons living with undiagnosed HIV infections may transmit HIV to others.

Information on persons living with undiagnosed HIV infection is essential for guiding screening policy and resource allocation planning.

Page 3: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Methods to estimate the size of the hidden HIV epidemic

Direct method (based on prevalence surveys)

Back-calculation method (based on reported numbers of HIV/AIDS diagnoses)

Method based on simultaneous HIV/AIDS diagnosis and CD4 cell count at diagnosis

Working Group on Estimation of HIV Prevalence in Europe (2011) HIV in hiding: methods and data requirements for the estimation of the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV. AIDS 25, 1017-1023.

Page 4: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Original “back-calculation” approach, before availability of treatment

Calendar year

What can this tell usabout how many peoplewere infected and whenthey were infected ?

Observed number of AIDS cases diagnosed

Source: Phillips A (2009) Estimation of the number of people with undiagnosed HIV infection in a country. HIV in Europe Conference.

Page 5: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Original “back-calculation” approach, before availability of treatment

Estimated number of people infected (incidence curve)

Observed number of AIDS cases diagnosed

Calendar year

Source: adapted from Phillips A (2009) Estimation of the number of people with undiagnosed HIV infection in a country. HIV in Europe Conference.

From the incidence curve it is possible to work out the size of the hidden epidemic, by subtracting the number of deaths, the number of HIV-infected individuals in care and those diagnosed but not yet in care.

Page 6: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Estimated HIV incidence in France by transmission category (using extended back-calculation model)

Ndawinz JD, Costagliola D, Supervie V. (2011) New method for estimating HIV incidence and time from infection to diagnosis using HIV surveillance data: results for France. AIDS 25:1905-13

Page 7: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Estimated distribution of time interval between infection and diagnosis by transmission category (using extended back-calculation model)

Ndawinz JD, Costagliola D, Supervie V. (2011) New method for estimating HIV incidence and time from infection to diagnosis using HIV surveillance data: results for France. AIDS 25:1905-13

Page 8: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Estimated distribution of time interval between infection and diagnosis by transmission category (using extended back-calculation model)

The probability of not being diagnosed 10 years after the infection occurred is very small among each transmission group (<5%); therefore, most people infected before 2000 were aware of their HIV status at the end of 2010.

Page 9: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Estimated HIV incidence in France by transmission category (using extended back-calculation model)

Extrapolating our estimated curves of HIV incidence over the whole 2000-2010 period, and using our estimated distribution of times from infection to diagnosis, we obtained the size of the hidden epidemic in France in 2010.

Page 10: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Persons living with

undiagnosed HIV

Overall 28,800 (19,100-36,700)

Men who have sex with men


Injecting drug users 500(100-800)

French heterosexuals


Women 4,200(1,800-5,100)

Men 5,600(3,400-8,400)

Non French-national heterosexuals


Women 5,000(3,600-6,000)

Men 4,500(2,500-6,300)

Estimated undiagnosed HIV prevalence and rates in France in 2010 (using extended back-calculation model)

Page 11: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Persons living with

undiagnosed HIV

Undiagnosed prevalence rate

(per 10,000 population)

Overall 28,800 (19,100-36,700)


Men who have sex with men



Injecting drug users 500(100-800)


French heterosexuals



Women 4,200(1,800-5,100)


Men 5,600(3,400-8,400)


Non French-national heterosexuals



Women 5,000(3,600-6,000)


Men 4,500(2,500-6,300)


Estimated undiagnosed HIV prevalence and rates in France in 2010 (using extended back-calculation model)

Page 12: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Persons living with

undiagnosed HIV

Undiagnosed prevalence rate

(per 10,000 population)

Overall 28,800 (19,100-36,700)


Men who have sex with men



Injecting drug users 500(100-800)


French heterosexuals



Non French-national heterosexuals



Estimated undiagnosed HIV prevalence and rates in France in 2010 (using extended back-calculation model)

Essential to designand interpret HIV screening survey/program

Page 13: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Persons living with

undiagnosed HIV

Undiagnosed prevalence rate

(per 10,000 population)

Overall 28,800 (19,100-36,700)


Men who have sex with men



Injecting drug users 500(100-800)


French heterosexuals



Non French-national heterosexuals



Estimated undiagnosed HIV prevalence and rates in France in 2010 (using extended back-calculation model)

Essential to designand interpret HIV screening survey/program

Non-targeted HIV screening survey in emergency departments in France:- 12754 persons screened;- All newly diagnosed HIV patients belonged to a traditional high-risk group:

- 7 MSM (out of 268 tested);- 11 non French-national heterosexuals (out of 2658 tested);

- 0 out of 8430 French heterosexuals tested had undiagnosed HIV infection;

Were these results unexpected?

Page 14: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Persons living with

undiagnosed HIV

Undiagnosed prevalence rate

(per 10,000 population)

Overall 28,800 (19,100-36,700)


Men who have sex with men



Injecting drug users 500(100-800)


French heterosexuals



Non French-national heterosexuals



Estimated undiagnosed HIV prevalence and rates in France in 2010 (using extended back-calculation model)

HIV screening survey*




Undiagnosed prevalence rate

per 10000



D’Almeida KW et al. (2012) Modest public health impact of nontargeted human immunodeficiency virus screening in 29 emergency departments. Arch Intern Med, 172:12-20.

The results of the survey were not unexpected and confirm that we have to test a lot of French heterosexuals to find the ones living with undiagnosed HIV infection.

Page 15: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Persons living with

undiagnosed HIV

Undiagnosed prevalence rate

(per 10,000 population)

Overall 28,800 (19,100-36,700)


Men who have sex with men



Injecting drug users 500(100-800)


French heterosexuals



Non French-national heterosexuals



Estimated undiagnosed HIV prevalence and rates in France in 2010 (using extended back-calculation model)

What could be acost-effective HIV screening strategy?

A screening strategy is cost-effective as long as at least 0.1%* of results are HIV-positive.

Universal screening of the whole French population would not be cost-effective because the undiagnosed prevalence rate is 0.07% (95% CI: 0.05%-0.09%) in the general population.

*Yazdanpanah Y et al. (2010) Routine HIV Screening in France: Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness. PLoSONE 5(10): e13132.

Page 16: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Persons living with

undiagnosed HIV

Undiagnosed prevalence rate

(per 10,000 population)

Overall 28,800 (19,100-36,700)


Men who have sex with men



Injecting drug users 500(100-800)


French heterosexuals



Non French-national heterosexuals



Estimated undiagnosed HIV prevalence and rates in France in 2010 (using extended back-calculation model)

What could be acost-effective HIV screening strategy?

A screening strategy is cost-effective as long as at least 0.1% of results are HIV-positive.

Pr. Y. Yazdanpanah suggested universal testing among men. Is that strategy cost-effective?According to our estimates, undiagnosed prevalence rate is 0.10% (95% CI: 0.07%-0.13%) among men.

Page 17: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

CD4 count distributions among undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals in 2010 in France

Among people living with undiagnosed HIV infection:- 59% were eligible for ART;- 39% were late presenters;- 19% had advanced HIV disease;

CD4 count

Page 18: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

CD4 count distributions among undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals in 2010 in France

CD4 count

Lower % of individuals with CD4 counts > 500 and higher % of individuals with CD4 counts < 200 among heterosexual men than among other transmission categories.

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Estimated number and percentage of HIV-infected persons engaged in selected stages of the continuum of HIV care in France in 2010

81% 92% 87% 87%

Data from health insurance scheme (CNAMTS) and French Hospital Database on HIV ANRS-CO4

Page 20: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Estimated number and percentage of HIV-infected persons engaged in selected stages of the continuum of HIV care in France and in US*

*Cohen SM et al. (2011) Vital sign: HIV prevention through care and treatment – United States. MMRW, 60:1618-23.

Page 21: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Estimated number and percentage of HIV-infected persons engaged in selected stages of the continuum of HIV care in France and in US*

81% 92% 87% 87%

81% 51% 89% 77%

*Cohen SM et al. (2011) Vital sign: HIV prevention through care and treatment – United States. MMRW, 60:1618-23.

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Estimated number and percentage of HIV-infected MSM engaged in selected stages of the continuum of HIV care in France in 2010

82% 93% 87% 89%

Although 59% of HIV-infected MSM were virally suppressed incidence of HIV infection did not decrease among MSM

Page 23: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Conclusion 28,800 undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals. Similar to the

32,000* recently estimated by InVS. This represents about 20% of HIV-infected people.

About 40,000 HIV-infected individuals are not in HIV care.

About 60% of undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals are eligible for antiretroviral treatment.

Although 56% of HIV-infected persons are virally suppressed, HIV incidence is not decreasing.

Increasing HIV testing opportunities is thus essential.*Cazein F et al. (2012) Prevalence and Characteristics of Individuals With Undiagnosed HIV Infection in France:Evidence From a Survey on Hepatitis B and C Seroprevalence. JAIDS, 60:e114-e116.

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Andrew Phillips

Sara Lodi

Page 25: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

19%unaware of HIV


81%aware of HIV


People living with HIV/AIDS: 150,200

New infections each year : 7,500

Account for:

43%*of new HIV infections

57%*of new HIV infections

Awareness of HIV infection and transmission of HIV (Adapted from Marks G. et al. AIDS (2006) with French estimated data)

* Assuming no reduction in the prevalence of non protected sex acts with individuals at risk of HIV infection among diagnosed HIV-positive individuals

Page 26: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

19%unaware of HIV


81%aware of HIV


People living with HIV/AIDS: 150,200

New infections each year : 7,500

Account for:

64%*of new HIV infections

36%*of new HIV infections

Awareness of HIV infection and transmission of HIV (Adapted from Marks G. et al. AIDS (2006) with French estimated data)

* Assuming 57% reduction in the prevalence of non protected sex acts with individuals at risk of HIV infection among diagnosed HIV-positive individuals

Page 27: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

CD4 count distributions among undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals

To estimate the distribution of CD4 counts among undiagnosed HIV-infected individuals we combined: data on CD4 cell count decline* year of infection of undiagnosed HIV-infected


We assigned to each HIV-infected individuals still undiagnosed in 2010 a value of CD4 cell count based on the time elapsed between 2010 and the year of infection of this individual

*Lodi S. et al. (2011) Time From Human Immunodeficiency Virus Seroconversion to Reaching CD4 Cell Count thresholds <200, <350, and <500 Cells/mm3: Assessment of Need Following Changes in Treatment Guidelines. CID, 53:817-825.

Page 28: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Curve linking infection to AIDS, without treatmentN


r of n

ew A




per y


2 3 10 25 40 65 80 90 100 100 100 90 80 70 55 30 25 15 10 5 5

Years from infection0 5 10 15 20

Curve known from seroconverter cohorts

Expected number of new AIDS cases per year after 1000 people infected - illustration

Source: Philips A. (2009) Estimation of the number of people with undiagnosed HIV infection in a country. HIV in Europe Conference.

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Curve linking infection to AIDS, without treatmentN


r of n

ew A




per y


2 3 10 25 40 65 80 90 100 100 100 90 80 70 55 30 25 15 10 5 5

Years from infection0 5 10 15 20

Curve known from seroconverter cohorts

Expected number of new AIDS cases per year after 1000 people infected - illustration

Source: Philips A. (2009) Estimation of the number of people with undiagnosed HIV infection in a country. HIV in Europe Conference.

BC uses reported number of AIDS cases and information on the incubation period to “work backwards” and infer the numbers of persons infected in previous years that would reproduce the observed AIDS surveillance data.

Page 30: The hidden HIV epidemic: what do mathematical models tell us? The case of France

Extended back-calculation approach

Question changes…

How many people must be infected, and when must they have been infected, in order to produce the numbers of new AIDS we have observed ?

How many people must be infected, and when must they have been infected, and what must the probability of getting diagnosed have been, in order to produce the numbers of new HIV diagnoses we have observed ?

infection AIDS

infection HIV diagnosis



Source: Philips A. (2009) Estimation of the number of people with undiagnosed HIV infection in a country. HIV in Europe Conference.