The Herb That Can Change Your Life By: Kit Cain

The Herb That Can Change Your Life E-book

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How to improve your overall health, particularly where depression is a major problem

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The Herb

That Can Change

Your Life


Kit Cain

Page 2: The Herb That Can Change Your Life E-book

Copyright 2006Christopher C. CainAll Rights Reserved

Published By:Soulful Stories PublishingYarmouth, Nova Scotia,



ISBN 0-978-0-9782522-1-2

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CHAPTER 1. Rhodiola rosea 2. CHAPTER 2. What Does Rhodiola rosea do? 4.CHAPTER 3. How Do You Take It? 8.CHAPTER 4. More Steps To Better Health 11. First Principle 12. Second Principle 13. Third Principle 14. Fourth Principle 14.CHAPTER 5. Intelligent Choice 15. Salt 15. Food Supplements 16. Iodine 17. Nuts and Seeds 19. Carnivore Or Vegetarian 22. Grains 23. Bread 24.CHAPTER 6. A Critical Missing Link 24. Ascorbic Acid 27. Summary 28.CHAPTER 7. New Science for Old Problems 29. Proteolytic Enzymes 29. Chelation 31. Colon Health 32. Mental/Emotional Health 33. Applying the Principles 34. Supplement Program 35. For Colds and Flu 35. For Heart Problems 36. For Cancer 36.

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Rhodiola rosea

We have the Russians to thank for the detailed and carefully researched knowledge of this wonderful herb which grows wild in remote mountain meadows just below the Arctic Circle of Siberia, Scandinavia, and Mongolia. The root is the most valued part, having a rose-like aroma and growing a multi-stemmed stalk with yellow flowers.

It seems odd that one herb can positively affect so many things in the body without causing any serious adverse reactions, but it has proven itself to do so over hundreds of years in areas where modern medicines were as unheard of as Rhodiola rosea is to the modern medical world. In the old-time herbalist’s lingo, Rhodiola rosea would be classified as an alterative, antibiotic, antioxidant, astringent, detoxicant, stimulant, sedative, aphrodisiac, and tonic. To simplify its multi-functional nature into a single category, the Russians classified it with a new name: “Adaptogen”, because its primary functions seems to be the restoration of balance to nerves and organs that are either over-active or under-active.

Rhodiola rosea was only one of a number of herbs Russian scientists dubbed as adaptogens and utilized to bolster the stamina of their troops under conditions of extreme duress and prolonged stress which characterize all states of armed conflict. The results of their research were kept top secret for many years during the Cold War, but the carefully researched findings were not confined to military applications alone.

Russian astronauts were found to perform with higher mental capacity and acuity when taking these adaptogens—the most effective of which turned out to be Rhodiola rosea. Doctor Victor M. Baranov of the Institute Of Medical And Biological Problems researched and tested a combination of these adaptogens which included Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian Ginseng), and Schizandra chinensis in an effort to combat psychological and physical deterioration under conditions of extreme stress. Dr. Baranov’s tests proved conclusively the effectiveness of the formula … and also that the formula was most effective in those individuals who were the most emotionally unstable and who had the least resistance to long-term stress. The formula’s double-barreled effect on both physiological and mental/emotional conditions made it ideal for situations which astronauts face. It was not made public, however, that astronauts used these adaptogens until many years later.

As early as 1970, the Soviet Ministry of Health tested adaptogens for their effect on Olympic athletes. They quickly discovered that Rhodiola rosea stimulates the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and CP (creatine phosphate) in addition to raising the level of RNA and DNA in muscle cells. It thus not only increases cellular energy, but increases the capacity for cells to recover and repair themselves after heavy stress loads. It was also discovered that Rhodiola rosea produces the same result in sports applications as steroids, but without the negative side effects. Since adaptogens are not “steroids” they were not identifiable as such in blood tests, and even if the Olympic committee knew about adaptogens, they did nothing about them, thus giving the Russians no small advantage in stamina and clearer thinking.

It was not until after the cold war had ended that research on Rhodiola rosea and other adaptogens was released from its classified status. Even then, the information was written in Russian and not available to most of the world because of the language barrier. It was Russian plant biochemist Dr. Zakir Ramazanov who, through a series of unlikely events, brought Rhodiola rosea and adaptogens to the attention of the English-speaking population. He had first used Rhodiola rosea in the Soviet army as an officer in charge of a unit of soldiers in the mountains of Afghanistan in 1980. A comrade shared some Rhodiola rosea tea with him on a regular basis and he found that

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it improved his stamina noticeably as they tramped through snow and over high mountain passes loaded with full complements of food, gear, guns, and ammunition—and accomplished this on little more than four hours of sleep a night.

Upon being released from the army, Dr. Ramazanov forgot about this amazing energy synergizer—but not completely. Several years later he landed a good job designing solar batteries for the Soviet space station. What should have produced feelings of security and success soon degenerated into what he eventually determined to be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the emotionally charged events of the Afghanistan war. He became severely depressed for the first time in his life, couldn’t sleep at night, became highly reactive emotionally, and could not control the replay of war images running through his mind.

At this point Dr. Ramazanov, I’m sure, could not see the pattern of events unfolding before him which were to compel him into his lifelong love and pursuit. As mystical as the chain of events of life always are, when viewed from a high enough perspective the masking element of time disappears and leaves one continuously in wonder at the fortuitous and inescapable way life’s events unfold and lead us inevitably to fulfill the measure of our creation. For example:

Dr. Ramazanov says offhandedly that he “…heard a lecture on Rhodiola rosea” which re-ignited his memory of its benefits for him in the Afghan war. Shortly thereafter he was invited to give a lecture in Siberia where Rhodiola rosea grows wild. He started taking it again and noticed a change in his energy right away. Within a month he could sleep at night and the PTSD symptoms began to fade. After two months, the periods of depression had vanished completely, the agony of war image memory no longer plagued his mind, and he became increasingly productive in his work, publishing ten scientific papers in one year. As a direct result of this surge of energy and productive output, he received an invitation from the National Academy Of Sciences to come to the USA … and thus begins another phase of the Rhodiola rosea story.

Dr. Richard Brown, M.D., is a “Psycho-pharmacologist” and an expert in alternative medicine. He’s also an associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia College Of Physicians in New York City with private practices in psychiatry and psychopharma. His wife is Dr. Patricia Gerbarg, M.D., an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at New York Medical College. In the early 1990’s, Pat began to notice she was having joint pain that slowly became worse, spreading into tendons and muscles. She began losing strength and finally reached the point where any movement at all was unbearable. She joked that hers was the only psychiatrist’s office where the patient sat in a chair and the doctor lay on the couch!

She consulted numerous other doctors and, as you can imagine, being among the best medical facilities in the world, had every test that medical science had invented … only to find no concrete evidence of a specific problem! It was most certainly a profound lesson in the limitations of man’s knowledge—to say nothing of her opinion of her own medical profession. As she says, she learned what it’s like to be a patient with a doctor who doesn’t really believe the patient is ill. As a result of her own sickness, her view of the medical profession changed, as did her faith in conventional medicine.

She suspected it might be Lyme disease, but all tests for Lyme turned up negative for Lyme. As is now known, the standard blood tests for Lyme disease are often totally inaccurate. Finally, one doctor assumed she had Lyme disease based on her symptomology alone, put her on an eight-month-long antibiotic program, and she felt considerable improvement, but only about a 25% improvement … not a real testimony for state-of-the-art medicine!

And then along came another of those mystical “happenstances” which we humans have conveniently labeled as “luck” or “good fortune” in order to gloss over the hand of intricate infinite intelligence which forms the entire

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universe and all of creation entirely anew on a millisecond to millisecond basis. Pat’s husband, Dick, during a session with a patient of long-standing depression, was surprised to find the patient suddenly considerably improved. He told Dick that he had picked up an herb called Rhodiola rosea in a health food store and had experienced a very rapid mood improvement … an event which Dick considered could well be a placebo effect since placebo (a blank pill) can many times produce a 35% to 40% change in condition.However, a few months later, another patient reported the same results with the same herb.

I’m always intrigued by the way events form themselves in life, and it seems to me that the chances of this recurrent event happening by “chance” is indicative of an extremely narrow and limited point of view. Obviously, from his rather unorthodox methodology used in implementing remedial procedures with his patients, Dr. Brown quickly realized that something unusual was happening which required him to look into it more carefully. It didn’t take him long to discover that Dr. Zakir Ramazanov, who was one of the primary moving forces in translating the Russian research on Rhodiola rosea into English, lived but an hour away and was more than willing to share his research and knowledge with anyone who could put it to good use.

Dick, being well trained in the need for scientific evidence, immediately discovered a kindred spirit in Zakir Ramazanov and felt comfortable enough with the Russian research to feel that there was no danger in recommending Rhodiola rosea for his wife to try. Russian research had shown no serious side effects in the use of Rhodiola rosea even when taken in larger quantities than the normal 100mgs to 400mgs a day.

Patricia claims that within ten days of taking Rhodiola rosea, her memory improved. After several months, she felt she could dance again. Even at that, she did not return quickly to the Patricia of pre-Lyme disease days. But when a person is in their mid forties or early fifties, things do change slowly … especially when one has the stressful load of raising a family while at the same time functioning as a professional Physician.

From the viewpoint of others who have struggled valiantly to recover from Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Epstein Barre syndrome, and Chronic Fatigue syndrome, I would venture to guess that Patricia had a number of other positive factors influencing her rapid response in addition to the Rhodiola rosea … factors like a strong body constitution, a health-inducing diet, extended treatment with antibiotics, and no small amount of psychological support. My experience as a Health Practitioner has been that major efforts of detoxification, dietary change, treatment with hyperbaric oxygen chambers, and additional treatment with highly concentrated herbal extracts such as Samento, Artemisinin, Echinacea, and Carnivora are also essential adjuncts to the healing process over a lengthy period of time depending upon how well established the condition is.

However, if you are in reasonably good health but slightly overwhelmed by your situation in life—or even by the negative pressures of life itself— Rhodiola rosea will help you feel your inner powers and make you want to take charge of your situation no matter how bleak or how much effort is necessary. It’s like a will-power activator, influencing the soul first and the rest of the body as a result.


What Does Rhodiola rosea Do?

Again, it is important to realize that Rhodiola rosea is most effective in conditions of minor imbalance … of acute inflammation, infection, pain, psychological depression, etc.. This is no reason to not use it in cases of chronic degenerative disease, but it should be remembered that it is only part of a whole healing, regenerating regime. It has, for example, been found to be effective in alleviating the stress of cancer chemotherapy, thus making the treatment more successful.

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Since the Russians first started working with adaptogens 50 years ago, their research has shown that Rhodiola rosea has some rather astounding characteristics:

1. As to mental faculties, it increases mental acuity and memory; alters states of depression; increases the electrical capacity of the brain; and reduces mental stress and fatigue.

2. As to the physical body, it increases physical stamina; stimulates ATP and creatine phosphate synthesis and glycogen synthesis in muscle and liver tissue; increases muscle protein synthesis and anabolic activity similar to steroids, but without the side effects.

3. As to cardiovascular health, it reduces or prevents cardiac damage resulting from stress. It also prevents certain types of arrhythmias through its action on mu-opiate receptors in the heart itself.

4. As to sexual performance: in the male, it improves erectile dysfunction and alters premature ejaculation—even long-standing conditions—and normalizes prostate secretions. In the female, it improves female sexual desire, arousal, and the capacity for orgasm … and performs all of the above without side effects.

5. As to fat metabolism, it activates the lipolytic fat metabolism processes and increases the release of lipids (fats) from fatty tissues.

6. As to its anti cancer capacities, it reduces damage to the liver caused by chemotherapeutic and other drugs while at the same time seeming to enhance their actions. It reduces cellular free radical damage through its powerful antioxidant properties. Most importantly, it reduces the incidence of chromosomal mutation and promotes the activity of polymerase thus improving damaged DNA repair. Thanks to modern methods of research, we can now expand ancient herbal terminology to include the categories of: Antimutagenic, Anticarcinogenic, and Antimetastatic … which means “to stop cancer from spreading”.

7. As to the endocrine glands, any substance which enhances the body’s ability to combat stress would also have to affect in a positive manner the entire endocrine system: Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenals, Gonads … plus what I know has the secondary endocrine glands: the Liver, the Pancreas, the Spleen, and the Kidneys. Research (Saratikov and Krasnova, 1987)shows positive effects to the Thyroid without producing hypertension; stimulates the anti-aging capacities of the Thymus, and increases the Adrenal gland’s reserves. I personally feel that this is due in no small part to the Flavanoid content of Rhodiola rosea— an element which most research has overlooked, but which I feel is probably one of the most important synergizers of the herb’s total effectiveness.

8. Dr. Richard Brown, in the book The Rhodiola Revolution—which he wrote as a joint-venture with his wife and Dr. Ramazanov—describes how he has used Rhodiola rosea in his private psychiatric practice with positive results in the following conditions: • As a supplement to antibiotics in Lyme disease. • As a supplement to Parkinson’s disease treatments. • For traumatic head accidents where there is potential brain damage. • For stroke victims. • For Attention Deficit Disorder. • For Depression and Dyslexia.• To increase athletic endurance. • To restore sexual vigor and interest for both males and females. • For heart disease and arrhythmias. • For a high blood pressure. • As a broad spectrum mood booster for psychological disorders. • To increase the chances for feminine pregnancy. • To stabilize premenstrual syndrome problems. • To balance menopausal symptoms.

This is quite an array of effects from a single plant—effects which seem to be optimized only in Rhodiola rosea which is one of at least ten species of Rhodiola plant. Obviously, there is more that we don’t know about phytochemistry than is known in 2006!

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It’s important to interject here a definition of what constitutes “Depression”, since the herb so positively affects this particular condition. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders describes it as follows:

“Major depression is a psychiatric diagnosis based on one or more major depressive episodes. To qualify as a major depressive episode, it must meet three criteria:

1. At least five of the following symptoms must be present during the same two-week period, with either depressed mood or loss of interest as one of the five. In addition, each symptom must represent a change from previous function.

• Depressed mood most of the day (sadness or emptiness)• Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in nearly all activities most of the day.• Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day.• Significant unintended weight loss or gain (more than 5% of body weight each month).• Insomnia or excessive sleeping nearly every day.• Restlessness, nervousness, inability to sit still; mental and physical slowness.• Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt.• Diminished ability to think or concentrate; indecisiveness.• Recurring thoughts of death or suicide.

2. The symptoms must cause a significant distress or impairment of social, occupational, or other important functions.

3. The symptoms do not result from another psychiatric diagnosis or a medical condition.”

“Within the category of major depression are various gradations of the illness—mild, moderate, severe without psychotic features, and severe with psychotic features. Not all forms of depression qualify as “major”. Some syndromes have certain characteristics of depression, but do not meet all of the criteria for a major depressive episode. Among them is disthymic disorder, a low-grade depression of at least two years duration….”

The research for the active ingredients of Rhodiola rosea goes on, new substances being found as others are examined more closely. What is most important to realize in naturally-occurring substances is not just the identifying of new substances and isolating their primary functions, but rather the synergistic effect all substances have when working together at the same time. One of the great fallacies the chemical industries are guilty of lies in their misrepresentation of the complex synergistic nature of naturally-occurring substances. Vitamins, for example, are never single substances; they are a synergistic inter-relationship of numerous enzymes, minerals, chemicals, and other closely-related molecules, the clinical effectiveness of which diminishes—often to zero—when one portion of the vitamin complex is denatured, oxidized, or missing. This, of course, is also a shortcoming of scientific research as well, and leaves one to wonder who is the most guilty of selfish interest. Not the least of the problems is the extremely complex nature of all phenomenae in our universe. The microcosm as well as the macrocosm seem purposefully beyond our meager human intelligence.

Look, for example, at the phytochemical constituents of Rhodiola rosea. Six distinct groups have been identified so far:

1. The Phenylpropanoids: Rosavin, Rosin, and Rosarin. These constituents are specific to Rhodiola rosea alone. Phenylpropanoids are a class of plant-derived organic compounds biosynthesized from the amino acid phenylalanine. They have a wide variety of functions including defense against herbivorous animals, microbial attack, or any other source of injury. They are structural components of cell walls; protectors from ultraviolet light; pigments; and function as signaling molecules.

2. The Phenylethanol derivatives: Salidroside and Tyrosol. Salidroside is an ingredient of numerous species of Rhodiola.

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3. The Flavonoids: Rhodiolin, Rodionin, Rodiosin, Tricin, and Acetylrodalgin. Flavonoids have been referred to as “nature’s biological response modifiers” because of strong experimental evidence of their inherent ability to modify the human body’s reactions to allergens, viruses and carcinogens. They show anti- allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer activity, acting as powerful antioxidants to counteract the threat of free radical damage. They also play a vital role in the synthesis and production of collagen—the most abundant protein in the human body and a major ingredient of every cell in the body. In particular, the Flavonoids play a major role in the structure and functionality of the entire cardiovascular system.

4. The monoterpines: Rosiridol and Rosaridin.5. The Triterpines: Daucosterol and Beta-sitosterol. Terpenes are a large class of hydrocarbon produced by

plants … particularly conifers. They are a major component of resin and of turpentine which is produced from resin. Their primary function is that of aromatic essence, but they also serve to seal plant wounds and protect the plant from invading insects and pathogenic fungi. In the case of Rhodiola rosea, several of their more important values in human consumption are their antibiotic and antioxidant capabilities. The names of the individual substances are not common to all plants or even the various species of Rhodiola. Each species carries its own unique molecular footprint and synergy—Rhodiola rosea being the most unique among many, even having its own genus and species.

6. The Phenolic acids: Chlorogenic acid, hydroxycinnamic acid, and gallic acid. Many plant phenolic compounds are polymerized into larger molecules such as proanthocyanadins and occur as esters or glycosides conjugated with other natural compounds such as Flavonoids and Glucosides.

I’m a long way from an organic chemist or microbiologist, but it appears to me that, even with the extensive knowledge that we do have, the capacities of Rhodiola rosea exceed the knowledge of current phytochemistry forcing us to rely on empirical evidence and concrete results … which is basically why the herb has been utilized for hundreds of years in various parts of the world in the first place.

Rhodiola rosea is not a newcomer on the world scene by any manner of means. Back in 77 A.D., the Greek Physician Dioscorodes mentions “Rodia risa” in his medical reference text De Materia Medica. In 1725, the Swedish botanist Corel Linnaeus gave the herb its modern name, Rhodiola rosea, recommending it for hernia, hysteria, headache, and vaginal discharge.

Margaret Lantis, author of Folk Medicine and Hygiene (anthropological papers of University Of Alaska) claims that a tea made from Rhodiola rosea flowers was used by the Eskimos for stomach and intestinal problems and the raw flowers for Tuberculosis.

Christine Heller in Edible and Poisonous Plants Of Alaska describes how Eskimos and Indians used Rhodiola rosea roots for food. The leaves and succulent stems were used raw in mixed salads or cooked as a green vegetable. She also tells how the leaves and roots were used as tea by the Eskimos and made into a kind of sauerkraut.

Villagers in the mountains of Siberia and the Republic of Georgia take Rhodiola rosea every day throughout their lives with no dangerous side effects and with no increase in risk of cancer. Rhodiola rosea is a well-researched herb with few side effects other than those which occur as “healing crisis” symptoms in the natural healing process. In the field of natural healing, the effectiveness of any substance or process is quite often accompanied by a temporary worsening of the condition. This is called a “healing crisis” or a “Herxheimer reaction”. As the body cleans itself out, it often does so in a frightening hurry. Herring’s Law of Cure says that healing starts first with internal organs, and first with the head—a headache being a positive sign— and then proceeds downward through the body and outward to the skin.

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The toxicity of Rhodiola rosea need not be feared at all, the toxicity level having been measured on animals to be four hundred times the 100—600mgs daily recommended dosage. Neither is it a “cleansing” herb, so any healing crisis will normally be very mild … if there is one at all.

Still, until there is further research, use in Bi-Polar Disorder or Schizophrenia conditions should be accompanied by close supervision on the part of a medical doctor familiar with alternative medicines or a trained Health Practitioner. Also, the herb’s use during pregnancy has not yet been researched.



My personal experience has been that the way to optimize the effectiveness of any herb is to eat it in its natural state right out of the ground or off the bush. This is not always either practical, possible due to availability, or possible due to the gag reflex which occurs with some herbs other than Rhodiola rosea. My first cup of chaparral tea was a lesson in futility and just how horrible something can taste. It isn’t called Creosote Bush by mistake!

Fortunately, Rhodiola rosea with its rose aroma makes for an easily-swallowed beverage. Despite the fact that exposure to air and sunlight can affect, for example, the many synergistic elements that make up the vitamin C complex in herbs, and heat above 118° can denature enzymes and bioflavonoids—and thus the synergistic effect of many vitamins— many of the phytonutrients do not seem to be adversely affected. Rhodiola rosea retains a high level of effectiveness in its tableted, capsulized, or liquid extract form.

European popularity of Rhodiola rosea seriously depleted the natural supply resulting in substitutions of other Rhodiola species for the “real thing”. It is important to purchase from well-established herb companies like Medi-Herb of Australia and the U.S. (for MD’s; Chiropractors; and other Health Practitioners only); Ameriden International; Jarrow’s Formulas; or Nature’s Way … to name just a few who have too much to lose by mislabeling or misrepresenting their products. The product label should say Rhodiola rosea, not just “Rhodiola”, and should additionally guarantee standardization to a minimum 3% Rosavins and an approximate ratio of three parts Rosavins to one part Salidroside. Salidroside is common to all species of Rhodiola (and numerous other plants as well) but the phenylpropanoids: Rosavin, Rosarin, and Rosin (referred to together as “Rosavins”) are only found in Rhodiola rosea. A high quality—and slightly more expensive—version of Rhodiola rosea will have as high as a 4.5% or 5.0% Rosavins extract.

In an effort to combat the diminishing supply of Rhodiola rosea, Dr. Zakir Ramazanov, as president of National Bioscience Corporation, decided to begin producing a supply of high quality Rhodiola rosea to very exacting standards. I include this rather lengthy company news release of May, 2006 because it contains an important part of the Rhodiola story in and of itself:

“Over the last ten years, the introduction of Siberian Rhodiola rosea standardized extract into the U.S. dietary supplement market has led to heightened demand for raw Rhodiola rosea root while at the same time, the supply of imported wild-crafted raw material is now insufficient to support this rapidly expanding demand. Moreover, governments in Siberia and Northern China are now placing serious restrictions on the harvest of wild Rhodiola rosea plant. Currently the limited wild harvest of Rhodiola rosea is permitted only with special license issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Predictably, this growing demand for Rhodiola rosea extract is accompanied with a significant and disappointing decline in quality and efficacy of the Rhodiola rosea extract now being used in many

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products, a situation all too familiar in the North American marketplace. This situation provides motivation for economic adulteration and the opportunity for products with little or no efficacy to enter the market to satisfy short term windfall profit objectives. Independent Rosavin assays of a variety of “new Rhodiola rosea” products reveal that the inappropriate substitution/adulteration of Rhodiola sacra or Pseudo-Rhodiola with inferior pharmacological activity is becoming more and more common. This substitution goes generally unnoticed because of a lack of well-funded, industry-wide promotion and active consumer education about the critical need for verifiable identification of true Rhodiola rosea product to ensure its clinical efficacy. Recognizing the impact of this environment, not only concerning Rhodiola products, but also botanical credibility in general, and to satisfy the increasing demand for pharmacologically active true Rhodiola rosea, National Bioscience Corporation is pleased to introduce a revolutionary technology of intensive Rhodiola rosea cultivation using ecologically friendly and economically superior modern agricultural technology. The company’s new greenhouse farming cultivation guarantees the steady supply of quality Rhodiola rosea all year around, and decreases the threat of this valuable plant’s extinction from excessive wild crafting. It allows both a high yield and a high quality crop, with no possibility of adulteration. The company’s estimated production of cultivated Rhodiola rosea for year 2005-2007 is approximately 40,000 kg, which represents ¾ of the existing world supply. National Bioscience Corporation President Zakir Ramazanov has been involved in Rhodiola research and applications since 1979 and in fact was previously Senior Scientist, Chairman of Biotechnology Department, KA. Timiriazev Institute of Plant Physiology, the USSR Academy of Science, Phytopharmacology of Rhodiola rosea for Space Programs. “Our current research results indicate that the greenhouse cultivated Rhodiola rosea contain all key active compounds that are 20-30% higher than the levels found in wild-crafted plants, and free of pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and other residues of environmental and modern agricultural “evolution”, observes Dr. Ramazanov. “We have the opportunity to bring to the marketplace a high quality extract derived from the first greenhouse cultivated Siberian golden root-Rhodiola rosea. This product is water extracted freeze dried Rhodiola rosea extract, which has been shown to be consistently more efficacious than a spray-dried extract.” National Bioscience Corporation, in collaboration with Russian and Spanish researchers have introduced organic, solvent-free water extracted freeze dried Rhodiola rosea extract derived from the first greenhouse cultivated Siberian golden root-Rhodiola rosea. Studies provide convincing evidence that the freeze-dried Rhodiola rosea extract demonstrates a two-fold advantage in prolonging physical exertion in rats, compared to the spray-dried form, both in the initial swim test and in recovery capacity for the second swim test. “We are excited about what this means for Rhodiola consumers and all those supporting quality and efficacy of botanical ingredients. We are convinced that our approach will enhance the confidence of both the public and the government and in a renewed professional integrity that is the only path of enduring prosperity open to the US dietary supplement industry that makes any long-term sense,” concludes Dr. Ramazanov. About National Bioscience Corporation:National Bioscience Corporation is a leader in the introduction and supply of true phytotherapeutic-grade Rhodiola rosea extract. It is also the source of other important recent innovations in applied phytotherapeutics in the US nutraceutical market. It develops and supplies high value-added botanical

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ingredients, primarily in the form of standardized extracts, and continues to create significant opportunities for fundamental nutraceutical and phytotherapeutic innovation. About Dr. Zakir Ramazanov:Dr. Ramazanov, formerly a Soviet soldier in Afghanistan where he first discovered Rhodiola rosea, is well known for his work in space biology, the cultivation of photosynthetic organisms in space stations, and the development of marine natural products from sea vegetables. He is also the author of a total of 158 publications, six patents and over fifty international invited presentations.”

As to what times and how often to take the herb, the optimal time is to take it on an empty stomach early in the morning half an hour before breakfast. If a second dose is called for, it should be taken on an empty stomach preferably before mid afternoon so that it does not interfere with sleep patterns.

One can start out with a single tablet or capsule containing 100 - 150mgs of Rhodiola rosea for the first few days. Add a second dosage later in the morning or early afternoon for a total dosage of 200 - 400mgs per day. 200mgs should be adequate for most adults with a sensitive nervous system, but there is no harm in taking 400mgs per day if the response is not too stimulating.

Rhodiola rosea is a far healthier substitute for stimulants like coffee, pop, sugar products, or nicotine. This is a good time to cut back to one cup of black coffee, and no more than one can of NON-DIET pop a day—and the less of the latter the better. I recall being warned 30 years ago about sugar intake and its production of insulin resistance with resultant diabetes. The substitutes appear to be far worse—Aspartame being a long term “excitotoxin” with such hidden physically destructive contents as to be criminal in proportion. Aspartame destroys the physical body slowly over time by overloading the glutamate receptors in individual cells all over the body.

Quite often the effects of Rhodiola rosea are not immediate, taking from three to seven days for results to register in minor imbalance conditions. For positive results from a natural remedy, however, that short a period of time can almost be classified as immediate.

There are numerous formulas containing Rhodiola rosea on the commercial market, not the least of which is called Prime One—a formula developed by Dr. Israel Brekhman, a Soviet scientist and major authority on adaptogens. His research of adaptogens over 45 years with a team of 1200 Biologists and Physicians constitutes one of the most extensive programs of human testing of herbs ever organized.

Russian Cosmonauts used Dr. Brekhman’s Prime One formula to compensate for the extreme stresses of space travel. Russian Olympic athletes used Prime One and Prime Plus formulas to extend stamina and produce steroid-like results without side effects— and without breaking Olympic rules. These formulas are available today through Advantage Marketing Systems and other Health Food retailers.

Prime one and other Brekhman formulas have been subjected to more than 3000 documented studies to ascertain the extent of their influence and determine their overall safety. Take them for a minimum of three months before passing judgment. Prime one contains the following herbs:

1. Eleutherococcus senticosis (Acantho Root)2. Schizandra chinensis3. Manchurian Thorn Tree4. Ural Licorice Root5. Rhaponticum carthamoides (Maral Root)

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6. Rhodiola rosea7. Cinnamon rose8. A proprietary blend of molasses and other adaptogens.

Rhodiola rosea alone should be more than adequate for most daily situations, but for athletes an excessively stressful situations, try Dr. Brekhman’s formulas.

If you are under the care of a Physician for Mood Disorders, Bi-Polar Disorder, or Attention Deficit Disorder, you should consult with your Physician first if he is amenable to alternative therapies. If not, have him read this book, lend him a copy of the book The Rhodiola Revolution written by two medical doctors—or find yourself a more competent, broadminded, thinking person for a Physician!

Since there seems to be an overwhelmingly high percentage of the world’s population which feels depressed, tired, stressed-out, exhausted, and without motivation, it is not surprising that the disease-oriented medical profession would try to put a disease label on conditions that are basically just poor health. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS); Lyme Disease; Epstein-Barr Syndrome; Neurasthenia; and a host of more popular names like a Arthritis, Heart Disease, and Cancer are current examples.

Doctor Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O. and a host of other professional titles, is one of North America’s leading authorities on alternative medicine (www.gordonresearch.com). His attitude, like my own and others in the field of Health Practitioner, is that treatment of any disease is strictly secondary to treating the whole person. And the first principle of natural healing for the restoration of health is physical body purification … or detoxification, as it is commonly called. Details are discussed in a later chapter.

With the above frame of reference established, one cannot expect miraculous results from an adaptogen in a body whose optimal function is hindered by numerous energy blockages like heavy metal poisoning, destroyed and mutated DNA, inflammation, infection, and a constant influx of food/beverage substances that compound the problem rather than synergize it in a positive manner.

Rhodiola rosea should never be seen as a single cure-all for any disease condition. It is more of a single synergizer for a total health program which includes detoxification, flooding the body with easily-assimilated nutrients and oxygen, and major changes to diet, stressful living conditions, and harmful habits that have produced the self-destructing condition in the first place.

I have attempted to outline in the following chapters some of the more important procedures and supplements for a modern-day health program for those whose health is not too far out of balance.



In the final analysis our health is our problem and the solution is almost entirely in our own hands. I say “almost” because until we know what to do and how to do it, we’re the victim of the situation. Mastery of the situation is hard … sometimes very hard and very long, and beyond the capacities and capabilities (or interests) of the major portion of souls on earth. This is why the world needs doctors and drugs and hospitals and government programs to combat disease, because few of us here on Planet Earth have yet arrived at the graduate school course in wisdom, power, and freedom. It is the “way of the earth school” and the beginning and middle of the journey only look good from the graduating class!

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STEP # 1

If one is not already brimming with health, the first step is to make modifications to one’s efforts and understanding. Change and growth seem to be among the most essential requirements for experiential living. If there is disease or sickness, the assumption must be that what we have been doing—and what we have not been doing—have caused our situation.

Each generation seems to draw us further and further away from a naturally-formed world into a man-made world of chemically-treated soils and foods, processed foods, nutritionally deficient foods, toxic preservatives, flavor enhancers, polluted air and water, competitively stressful daily lives, sedentary activities, and weakened genetic patterns and immune capacities. The challenges of life—particularly to the “inexperienced and undeveloped” souls—seem to require escape mechanisms which are all too readily at hand: alcohol, cigarettes, oral pleasures, drugs, and other indulgences too numerous to mention.

The shift from physical exertion as an integral part of survival to the mechanical and technological advances which use the brain more and more, also change the way the body utilizes, metabolizes, and requires energy … as well as the way it rids itself of metabolic and toxic waste.

The first principle of change is REST

The first responsibility of a Health Practitioner is to determine what kind of rest or change (or both) is appropriate or possible for a patient’s condition. Most people have never gone a day without food in their lives … and most likely would never consider that going without food was a type of rest. Since childhood we have been programmed by well-intentioned mothers to eat everything placed before us or otherwise there would be dire consequences: we would get sick; we would not grow; would have no energy; or we would die. Though having a bit more than a margin of truth, the whole truth is that given a proper quality of food, a child can grow with considerably less than three meals a day.

In extreme acute or chronic situations, the intestinal tract needs periods of rest with only occasional periods of light, highly nutritious liquids. In cases of life-threatening chronic disease, the sick person will need liquid nourishment of a highly nourishing sort every two or three hours.

When I first started out to be a Naturopath and Nutrition Consultant in 1974, there were no accredited alternative medicine schools in North America and no licenses issued to Naturopaths for private practice. I had to work under a Chiropractor’s or Medical Doctors’ license. My education had to come by experimentation on myself and by apprenticeship to Chiropractors or MD’s who chose to use more natural means of health restoration … rather than drugs or surgery for the sole relief of symptoms. Quite often these men could only be reached through the books they had written.

One of those wise and eccentric men was Dr. Henry Bieler who wrote a book (which I recommend to everyone) called Food Is Your Best Medicine. Doctor Bieler’s form of rest and detoxification was an alkaline broth made from fresh, non-starchy garden vegetables such as zucchini, cabbage, kale, lots of onions, lots of garlic, carrots, celery, and herbal flavoring. Dr. Bieler recommended removing most of the fats from the well-cooked soup with a spoon and pouring off the liquid—discarding the vegetable carcasses—and drinking only the mineral-rich liquid broth. He also used a cake of Baker’s yeast in the broth—added after cooking to ensure that the enzymes and B-vitamins were not denatured by heat. One should drink only the broth and eat no solid food for a minimum of four days. For variety, and up until noon, one can drink freshly-made and filtered carrot/vegetable juice, watered-down fruit juices (without sugar added), or apple cider.

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I was personally unable to produce real changes in my own physiology and weight control until I had practiced the restraint of fasting on juices and water for 4 to 7 days at a time, gradually extending the periods of time until I could go for 21 to 30 days without succumbing to the temptation for food. It was, without a doubt, one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. My first seven day fast lasted for four and a half hours! I was determined, however, to beat my “foodaholic” habit, but it took almost two years to do so.

Another detoxifying program that I often recommend came from studies of European “naturalists” who had been using natural therapies before America was even born. The apple diet was—and still is—a classic detoxifier. Apple pectin, malic acid, ascorbic acid, and vitamin C co-factors are all detoxifying elements of the lowly, inexpensive apple. They are chelators of heavy metals, waste acids, and proteins, carrying them out of the body from the cells, lymph, blood and finally into the intestinal tract where they are colloidally bound and eliminated. The apple pectin is especially soothing to the intestinal tract, and the synergy of the apple ingredients establishes a proper slightly acid pH which is soothing and regenerative to the colon.

The methodology is to eat apples in any way one likes them for a minimum of seven days … and longer times can be even more effective. The apples can be raw, baked, or made into an unsweetened applesauce. They can be accompanied by apple cider or apple juice watered down about 25% and drunk cold … or heated with added cinnamon or ginger as flavoring for variety. That means three meals a day of apples! … and even snacks of dried apples in between times.

Other instructors in the natural healing field whom I knew personally and often invited to seminars were: Dr. Ken Bernd; Dr. Bernard Jensen; Dr. John Ray Christopher; and Dr. William Donald Kelley. Others I learned from through their seminars or books were: Dr. George Goodheart; Dr. John Diamond; Dr. Max Gerson; and a hundred of those of lesser fame but equal educational importance. They all had minor variations of the same methodology … the prime requisite of which was invariably some sort of rest and detoxification.

This second principle of change is to …STOP POISONING YOURSELF WITH CHEMICALS!

The most toxic of food chemicals are the “excitotoxins” like monosodium glutamate and aspartame that overload the cellular glutamate receptors resulting in cellular death, particularly of the neurons in the nervous system, when calcium appears in the blood. The sites in the brain that have been reported to be damaged by excitotoxins are the Purkinje neurons, the Hippocampal neurons, and the Hypothalamus.

Aspartic acid—which is 40% of Aspartame—does not cross the blood brain barrier, but is secreted into the cerebrospinal fluid by the Choroid Plexus located in the ventricles of the brain. There, in the brain’s lower regions and the upper end of the spinal cord is where Lou Gehrig’s, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis damage is most prominent.

Avoid all soft drinks with artificial sweeteners. 30 years ago, sugar was a problem. Today sugar is the preferred sweetener over Aspartame, Nutrasweet and other artificial sweeteners. I use sugar with great restraint and then use only molasses, maple syrup, raw cane syrup, brown or raw cane sugar, and honey.

This is not the end of the toxicity problem by any means, but all that I want to cover here as the substances mentioned are so universally prevalent and such a daily, yet insidious, threat to long life and sound health.

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… is to seek out a competent medical doctor or health practitioner (if you have a problem of longstanding illness) who can organize a regimen specific to your body constitution, present condition, and capability to follow it through. The most essential part of the road back to health is detoxification, and if the M.D., Naturopath, Nutrition Consultant, Chiropractor, Osteopath, or anyone else proclaiming to be a “Health” practitioner does not begin your program with some sort of a process that purifies your blood, liver, kidneys, or intestinal tract, you are in the wrong place!

Just to familiarize you with these detoxification tools, they would include—but not be limited to—the following:

1. Intravenous sodium ascorbate.2. Intravenous calcium disodium EDTA (ethylene dimethyl tetra-acetic acid).3. Oral formulas such as Dr. Garry Gordon’s Beyond Chelation Improved, Essential Daily Defense, or any of

his other numerous products designed to detoxify. (www.longevityplus.net)4. Garlic extracts (both liquid and tablet) taken several times a day, regularly, every day as a permanent part

of any supplementation program.5. A series of colonic irrigations or coffee enemas.6. Ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, or sodium ascorbate (depending upon the body’s prevailing pH) taken

in quantities of at least 6g a day … 10-20grams when injured or under stress.7. Zeolites for toxic mineral chelation and removal.8. Malic acid (as in apple cider vinegar) several tablespoons a day as a systemic heavy metal chelater and pH

balancer.9. Selenium to bind mercury (binding it is as effective as removing it) until it can be chelated and carried

away as dead cells are metabolized.10. Juice fasting and apple diets as mentioned previously.11. Herbal blood, liver, kidney, and colon purifiers.


… is to begin eating intelligently and intuitively those foods that produce health instead of disease. Most important on this list are foods that contain unadulterated vitamins, and the best source of vitamins are uncooked, unprocessed, preferably organic fruits and vegetables. 50% of the diet should be fresh, uncooked foods that don’t come out of a box, a plastic bag (except fresh vegetables), or a can. An entire bottle of vitamin tablets cannot equal the clinical effectiveness of a daily diet as specified above. Minerals, however, will invariably need supplementation due to poor soils, processed foods, overcooked foods, or chemically removed minerals such as occurs in table salt.

This is not to say that all of us should be vegetarians. Some of us can survive very well on a vegetarian diet; others cannot survive at all without animal protein. This is because some of us have inherited unusual genetic patterns. There are regions of the Earth where for hundreds of years the only dominant foods available have been fish, fowl, or animal flash. The human body does not genetically mutate from survival under those conditions to radically different diets in one or even ten lifetimes, and no small percentage of us have our genetic origin in ancient history in cold northern climates.

By the time one reaches maturity—and providing there is at least some level of intuitive development—one can visualize on the mind’s “screen” any particular food in order to derive some sort of intuitive response as to whether it is desirable are not. This can (and should) be done throughout the day whenever there is a desire for food, and the effectiveness of this particular methodology can be further reinforced by being aware of how

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foods affect one’s energy level as a result. If ice cream or chocolate keep coming up on your “screen”, I’d suggest that you get your advice from your mind rather than your intuition!

If the above methods of dietary choice do not seem to work for you, there are other alternatives. Should you prefer to get your mind into the act, the diet recommendations I prefer are referred to under the heading of THE SCIENCE OF METABOLIC TYPING, a system devised by Dr. Harold Kristal, DDS, which can be looked into at www.bloodph.com.

As we age beyond 30 and responsibilities increase the amount of stress in our life, it becomes more and more important to utilize intelligent choice over habit, choose quality over quantity, and restraint over indulgence. In addition, I find that we digest our foods better the more we put single foods or simple combinations of food into the stomach at a time. Different foods—for example fresh fruits and animal proteins— require entirely different types of digestive enzymes and processing times in the stomach before they can be passed on to the next phase of digestion. Intelligent choice over habitual repetition is a major factor of change, and intelligent choice will change from day to day, week to week, and year to year.

If your progress is preceded by your belly rather than your belt buckle, you’ve been eating far too much food for far too long. There’s more than a little research to show that small amounts of high quality food lead to long life and abundant health.




Salt seems to be the subject of considerable controversy in the present day and age and proves to be so because of the number of difficult-to-determine variables. First of all, there is the Body Constitution … which is to say the molecular integrity of the individual cell and the entire physical structure. A strong body constitution retains minerals, regenerates enzymes, stores and metabolizes nutrients for energy, and eliminates metabolic and digestive waste products far more efficiently than the weaker body constitution. Herein lies the explanation as to why “Uncle Harry” was able to drink a quart of whiskey a day, eat like a hungry horse, smoke two packs of cigarettes a day, and never have a day of sickness until he drops dead at the age of 90! It doesn’t seem fair, but then, “fair” doesn’t seem to be what it’s all about on planet Earth!

The word “salary” originated in Roman times as Roman soldiers were paid with salt as well as grains. Salt was a barterable commodity anywhere in the empire and beyond, but salt in those days was quite different than it is today. Some clever but less than magnanimous genius figured out they could make more money for themselves by giving people the taste of salt without the nourishment. As a result, what passes for “salt” today is pure sodium chloride with all the other nutrients beneficial to human digestion—and particularly for optimal liver function—removed. Calcium chloride, for example, is removed from the original ocean source or mined salt and sold for a very high price for spraying on dirt roads to keep down dust and retain moisture. Removed and sold separately also is the potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, and the many other elements found naturally in salt from the sea or mined underground in ancient seabed deposits which are also essential and synergistic to human health.

As though that were not bad enough, iodine in minute inorganic quantities is added thus turning the sodium chloride red so that it has to be bleached to turn it back to white. Drying agents (such as aluminum) are then

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added so the salt will “pour”… and even sweeteners are added. Even the label “Sea Salt” is misleading … a partial truth based on the idea that the salt originally came from the sea before processing. Always look for a label that lists the ingredients. If sodium chloride is the only ingredient, look elsewhere.

I personally use sea salt that is air and sun dried, and packaged (without any processing) as large granules that retain their moisture. It requires a mechanical grinder much like a pepper grinder, but one needs far less for an exceptional gourmet flavor. Even this salt, however, is very high in sodium chloride content and should be used sparingly unless one is perspiring heavily as an athlete or laborer. A second alternative is a pure vegetable-derived “salt” such as Veggie-Sal. Keep in mind that all Sea Salt and vegetable salt is very low in Iodine, and one of the most important synergistic minerals in the human diet is Iodine.

Recent news from The Hindu newspaper in New Delhi, India, brings news of still another recent salt innovation. Here’s an excerpt from the news release:

New Delhi, May 18, 2003. Researchers at the Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute at Bhavnagar in Gujarat have produced salt from a vegetable plant.

“This is the first time salt has been produced from a vegetable source and we have filed an international patent,” says Pushpito Ghosh, Director of the CSMCRI, an institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research told PTI. Named “saloni”, it contains several important nutrients not normally found in sea salt. While sea-salt is predominantly sodium chloride (NaCl), the vegetable salt contains salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium and also some micronutrients like iron as well. Apart from being of vegetable origin its production process does not involve use of any chemicals, it is claimed and the salt is naturally free-flowing without the requirement for any additive.

As a final note, no successful beef cattle farmer fails to make a salt block available at all times for his stock. The block is made up of a high concentration of essential and trace minerals provided to supplement even well-fertilized fields of grass. The cattle instinctively know when they need more minerals and a few licks fill the need. Humans also need sodium and other chlorides for proper liver function.


By far the best vitamin/mineral supplement is one derived from the low heat, vacuum-dried removal of nutrients from organically-grown fruits and vegetables. These are known as “Concentrated Foods” and are as close to the natural, living plant as possible at the present time. They are still no substitute for the whole, living fruit or vegetable whose enzymes, coenzymes, and vitamins can be adversely affected by exposure to air and light when dried or processed in any way, but they are an essential part of any “Intelligent Choice” health-regenerating and sustaining program.

Dr. Royal Lee, a dentist turned nutrition researcher in the early 1930’s, was the first to recognize the importance of concentrated foods in the American diet. He was the founder of Standard Process Laboratories, a company which still today makes the finest of concentrated food supplements for sale by health practitioners in North America. It was he who discovered that 2mg of a naturally-derived vitamin C complex could cure Scurvy where ascorbic acid would not do so. We’ll go into this in more detail in the next chapter.

Of the concentrated food supplements available to the public at large through health food stores and other retail outlets, I personally prefer those manufactured and distributed by Garden Of Life. In particular I recommend, and use for myself on a daily basis, the product called Perfect Food. Each serving yields 140g of dried fresh grass juice from cereal grasses such as wheat, barley, oats, and alfalfa … as well as Spirulina, Chlorella, kelp, and other sea vegetables. I also use—and recommend—Garden of Life’s colon health pro-biotic called Primal Defense … designed to provide a proper balance for colon bacteria.

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It has been my experience that the minimum daily requirement for iodine is way below that required for optimum health, particularly in cases where there is prolonged or severe stress. Dr. Max Gerson, who worked with terminally ill cancer patients for over 30 years and who summed up his 30 years of experience in his book A Cancer Therapy, Results Of 50 Cases, found the Thyroid gland’s function to be universally almost totally exhausted in cases of serious degenerative disease with the result that his first action was invariably to administer three drops of Lugol’s Solution of Iodine six times a day in order to restore the body’s basal metabolism rate … which he was able to do within three weeks in most cases. This would work out to roughly 50 times the RDA since he diluted the Lugol’s solution by half.

Iodine is a two-edged sword in that it can be as harmful as it is helpful. Too much iodine over too long a period can suppress thyroid function; too little iodine can cause goiter (enlarged thyroid) and throw the entire endocrine system out of balance. It takes courage to use, and a certain amount of awareness of physical body changes. The tests outlined below can help considerably. If in doubt, consult a health practitioner and ask for help in monitoring thyroid and iodine balance. If he or she doesn’t know how to do that, find another health practitioner. It’s that important!

In my studies of the psychic Edgar Casey’s 40,000 psychic readings, there were several (two) statements he made that have stayed in my mind over the past 30 years. He said: “The body can synthesize its needs out of four basic elements: potash, soda ash, fatty acids, and iodine.” I find this at first quite troubling, especially knowing how valuable enzymes and vitamins in their natural state are for optimized health. Upon contemplation, however, I can accept his statement as probable rather than possible based on the very broad variation between minimum and optimized health. If a single enzyme can speed up a chemical process by as much as a million times—which it does—and vitamins are simply “synergists” (wherein the total is greater than the sum of the parts) I can begin to see an explanation as to why the physical body survives as well it does under the adverse conditions of ignorance, lack of self discipline, lack of willpower, lack of nutrients, chemical poisoning, overheating, chemical processing, and all of the other negative influences hindering optimal physical health. It would seem to me, even knowing as little as I do about biochemistry, that the iodine in the above the equation is the real synergizer … even in such small quantities as is the minimum daily requirement.

My personal experience has been that the use of iodine is essential in cases both of overactive as well as underactive thyroid conditions. I take six times the minimum daily requirement for iodine as a nutrient food for the thyroid and the numerous other cells and body organs which require iodine for daily health. Since we are unable to acquire Lugol’s solution of Iodine here in America (except through veterinarians for use with animals … or whatever other excuse works!) I have relied on a very non-toxic iodine tri-chloride product known as Atomidine, available from The Heritage Store in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I take one drop a day which is approximately six times the minimum daily requirement (0.225mg) of iodine and have done so for 25 years with no adverse effects. The only time I have had health problems was when I stopped taking Atomidine for a period of time five years ago, but that will not happen again! If I have been exposed to flu or virus or feel such a condition is imminent, or if I have been under severe stress or injured, I will increase my iodine dose to 6 drops a day for as long as a week or ten days; then revert to a single drop a day.

Prior to the development of antibiotics, Lugol’s Solution Of Iodine and other remedies like Atomidine were used regularly with highly effective results by medical doctors for all manner of bacterial, microbial, and viral infections. In 1933 a survey questionnaire was sent by Schieffelin and Company, a wholesale drug company started in 1794, to several thousand physicians and dentists who had tested Atomidine clinically. The 1241 re-sponses received were classified as follows:

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Cases Favorable Negative

PHYSICIANS REPORT Decided Results ResultsGastrointestinal disorders 540 494 46

High blood pressure 1029 978 51Acute infections 515 483 32Throat infections 1155 1122 33

Diseases of urinary tract 691 614 77Iodine deficiency diseases 583 558 25

Asthenic conditions 231 140 91Topical applications 1369 1332 37

Syphilis 3 3Influenza 53 53Bronchitis 15 15

Rheumatoid arthritis 1 1Pneumonia 2 2

Malaria 2 2Goitre 2 2


Pyorrhea 2296 2145 151Vincent’s angina 884 821 63

Dental post-operative cases 8787 8714 73Gingivitis (sore gum) 26 26

Antrum 1 1

Total 18,186 17,507(96%

679 (4%)

It is apparent that of a total of 18,186 cases with decisive results (in 2,188 additional cases, results were undecided) from treatment with Atomidine, 96% of the reports received were favorable and 4% unfavorable. Granted these were not “double blind/placebo-balanced” research reports, but the numbers alone should speak for themselves … and with no serious side-effects!

Dr. Gerson, in his book, A Cancer Therapy, has these additional words to say about Lugol’s Solution of Iodine:

“Another characteristic feature of the treatment (of terminally ill Cancer patients) is the liberal use of iodine in the inorganic form of Lugol’s Solution and the organic form of thyroid. Both are strong restorers of electrical potentials and cell activity. The thyroid gland stores only 20% of all the body’s iodine content. The rest of the body’s iodine is contained in the skeletal muscles, the liver, and central nervous system, but it is also relatively highly concentrated in the pituitary gland and in the ovaries. The thyroid gland takes up about 80 times more iodine than does any other tissue.”

Table salt may provide us with small amounts of iodine, but natural sea salt is even lower in its iodine content thus necessitating some other form of supplement. Other factors as well influence our retention of iodine. Iodine is classified as a “halogen” on the chart of atomic weights. Halogens are only one step removed from the inert elements such as gases because they have one electron missing from their outer shell which fact makes them inert and inactive. However, it also makes them quite volatile and readily reactive. Other halogens are fluorine (atomic weight 18.99), chlorine (atomic weight 35.45), and bromine (atomic weight 79.90), and, finally, iodine whose atomic weight is 126.70.

Halogen reactivity means that iodine is easily replaced by bromine, bromine easily replaced by chlorine, and chlorine easily replaced by fluorine. Iodine, then, is easily replaced in the body by bromine, chlorine and/or fluorine. Chlorine may be fine for water purification, but it certainly is not fine for the human body if for no other reason than the fact that it replaces iodine … which, in the vast majority of people, is in very short supply throughout life.

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In his book, Folk Medicine, by Dr. D.C. Jarvis, M.D., Dr. Jarvis is quick to recommend folk remedies that have been used effectively as home remedies for hundreds of years. Chief among them are Lugol’s Solution of Iodine and apple cider vinegar … as well as drinking pure, unchlorinated, unfluoridated water. Though his book was written over 50 years ago, his advice is even more appropriate for today’s world. Here is one of his comments about iodine:

“Supposing you … find that during some weeks the pressures of your private and your business life are causing you to lose the ability to bounce back. Then you should add a drop of Lugol’s Solution of Iodine to your glass of apple or grape juice at breakfast, or you may take it in the mixture of apple cider vinegar (2 Tbspns.) and water. The point is that the potassium in the solution (Lugol’s is 5% Potassium-Iodide) blocks off the body mechanism that organizes for aggressive action, releasing its hold on the body when the opportunity for rest and relaxation arises. The iodine swings into action in the building up and storing of body reserves. When working under pressure, include the Lugol’s Solution each day until the period of pressure passes. If it should happen that your body becomes saturated with iodine, you will find that there is an increase of moisture in the nose. If this occurs, omit the iodine until the nose is normal.”

Another way of testing for iodine sufficiency is by painting an area of skin with Tincture of Iodine. It should take between 18 to 24 hours or more for the body to absorb the red or orange iodine stain if the person has an adequate reserve of iodine. If the iodine patch absorbs more quickly, the likelihood is the person being tested needs additional iodine. Tincture of Iodine is nontoxic when absorbed through the skin, but do not take Tincture of Iodine internally.

Wikipedia encyclopedia suggests a similar test using Lugol’s solution: “Painting the soles of the feet with (a patch of) Lugol’s before retiring for the night allows the body to absorb what it needs from the soles. If, upon waking, the Lugol’s is gone it means that the body has taken what it needs and needs more. Painting is done on a nightly basis and, as treatment progresses, the need for the solution diminishes because the body has rebuilt its stores and thus absorbed less and less over each 24-hour period until none is being absorbed at all.”

Iodine is one item of dietary supplementation that is absolutely essential to sound, balanced health.


In my opinion (and there’s plenty of research to support it) there are few foods on the earth with as much nutrition and energy, and as few side effects, as some nuts and seeds … notably: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and the lowly peanut which is, in fact, not a nut at all, but a legume. Not only do all the nuts and seeds mentioned contain the eight essential amino acids for proper manufacture of the body’s many proteins, but they also contain a complete complement of vitamin complexes including minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes, fatty acids, and their associated synergistic nutrients such as bioflavonoids, antioxidants, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and numerous other active ingredients like flavoproteins which allow oxygen-based energy production to occur … to name just a few ingredients.

Raw, unheated, unroasted nuts and seeds contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin F, enzymes that have not been denatured by heat … all in their natural synergistic form. They are best eaten with their brown skins intact. Says Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., senior scientist and director of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at Tufts University:

“We have identified a unique combination of Flavonoids in almonds. Blood tests demonstrated that eating almonds with their brown skins intact significantly increases both Flavonoids and vitamin E in the body. This could have significant health implications, especially as people age.”

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Blumberg’s team tested the effects of almond skin flavonoids alone, and then in combination with the vitamin E found in almond meat, on blood samples containing LDL cholesterol. While almond skin flavonoids alone enhanced LDL’s resistance to oxidation by 18%, when almond meat’s vitamin E was added, LDL’s resistance to oxidation was extended by 52.5%!

Bioflavonoids are essential factors of the vitamin C complex which affect the synthesis of collagen … a substance which is used by nearly every tissue in the body. Cardiovascular disease has been shown by Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath to be directly related to improper collagen synthesis in the highly stressed heart arteries, a condition which bioflavonoids remedy. Five large human epidemiological studies all found that nut consumption is linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Among those studies were the Nurses’ Health Study; the Iowa Health Study; the Adventist Health Study; and the Physicians Health Study.

Ounce for ounce, almonds are one of the most nutritionally dense nuts. As well as providing an array of powerful flavonoids, almonds are among the richest sources of vitamin E in the diet. A one-ounce, 164-calorie serving of almonds—about a handful—is also a very good source of vitamin E and manganese, a good source of magnesium, copper, vitamin B2, and phosphorous, delivering heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and other nutrients as well.

The well-known psychic Edgar Casey—whose 40,000 or more recorded psychic readings over a 40-year period proclaim carefully researched integrity few psychics can match— stated numerous times that four almonds a day would keep cancer away. That was 50 years ago, and the toxic nature of earth’s environment and body influences has changed dramatically since then, but the principle is quite heartening.

Sunflower seeds are also high in vitamin E and play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. A quarter of a cup of sunflower seeds contains 91% of the daily requirement for vitamin E … and this in its natural, unchemically modified, unheated state. Nuts and seeds are classified as highly concentrated foods. Whole trees and plants form themselves from the seeds’ nutrients and DNA. Roast an almond at a temperature higher than the sun’s heat and it will not produce an almond tree!

Sunflower seeds contain phytosterols which are compounds having a chemical structure very similar to cholesterol, but are believed to reduce blood levels of cholesterol and enhance the immune response. Phytosterol beneficial effects are so dramatic that they have been extracted from soybeans, corn, and pine tree oil to be added to processed foods such as butter replacement spreads which are then touted as cholesterol-lowering foods. The Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry published research on phytosterols present in nuts and seeds, finding them high in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and pistachios.

Sunflower seeds are also a good source of selenium, a trace mineral which binds mercury and nullifies its effects. Selenium has been shown to induce DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells, to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, and to aid in the self-destruction sequence the body uses to eliminate worn out or abnormal cells. Additionally selenium is a co-factor with glutathione peroxidase … one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant enzymes used in the liver to reduce a wide range of potentially harmful free-radical molecules.

Walnuts have often been thought of as a “brain food,” not only because of the wrinkled brain-like appearance of their interior meat, but because of their high concentration of omega-3 fats. The human brain is more than 60% structural fat. For the brain cells to function properly, this structural fat needs to be primarily the omega-3 fats found in walnuts and other nuts and seeds (particularly flax seed), and cold-water fish. This is because the membranes of all our cells, including our brain cells or neurons, are primarily composed of fatty acids. Cell membranes are the gatekeepers of the cell. Anything that wants to get into or out of a cell must pass through the cell’s outer membrane. Omega-3 fats, which are especially fluid and flexible, make this process a lot easier, thus maximizing the cell’s ability to usher in nutrients while eliminating wastes—definitely a good idea, especially when the cell in question is in your brain.

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Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, has been discovered in walnuts in natural, bio-available form. Melatonin has been found to be effective for those who have difficulty getting to sleep that night. It is particularly effective for those of us who have reached an elderly age wherein the natural supply of melatonin from the pineal gland has diminished.

Sesame seeds contain the phytonutrients sesamin and sesamolin which have been shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect in humans as well as to help prevent high blood pressure. Sesamin has also been found to protect the liver from oxidative damage.

In a study involving 40 patients with high cholesterol, daily consumption of 20g of ground flax seed was compared to taking a statin drug. After 60 days, significantly reductions were seen in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol in both groups. Those receiving flax seed did just as well as those given statin drugs! … and with no side effects! Read the side effects of statin drugs for a real eye-opener!

Ground flax seed meal is one of the most wonderful high fiber foods for the intestinal tract … particularly the colon. A single teaspoon of flax seeds, ground in a small coffee grinder daily and sprinkled over a salad or vegetables, will improve the quality of bowel function beyond measure.

Doctor Bernard Jensen used to teach us that the most nutritious substances on the earth were the small seeds … the smaller the more nutritious. That puts sesame seeds, flax seeds, alfalfa seeds, mustard seeds and chia seeds high on the list for optimum human nutrition. Too bad the captains of the old-time square-rigged sailing ships didn’t know about these small seeds which can be stored indefinitely and which could have been sprouted as fresh greens on a daily basis as food for the ship’s crew. Had they known, they would never have lost so many thousands of men to the vitamin C deficiency disease called Scurvy. Sprouting these seeds in fresh water has the magical effect of producing abundant vitamin C complex … the true vitamin C that cures Scurvy due to the fact that bioflavonoids are an inseparable part of the C complex.

There is an interesting reference to the power of seeds in the Biblical story of how Daniel, when offered the meat and wine of King Nabuchodonosor while in prison, instead requested that “Pulse be given us to eat, and water to drink.” The Eunuch placed in their charge was fearful that Daniel might look lean and unhealthy when presented to the King, and that he might have to pay for this consideration with his life. Daniel requested a trial period wherein they would eat nothing but pulse and water. At the end of the trial, their countenances were more radiant and healthier than the children who ate the Kings fare. When finally brought before King Nabuchodonosor, the Biblical record tells us:

“And when the King had spoken to them, there were not found among them all such as Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarius. And they stood in the King’s presence and in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the King enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the diviners and wise men that were in all his kingdom.”

Just exactly what was this thing called “pulse”? The dictionary tells us that pulse, among other things, refers to the edible seeds of certain pod-bearing plants such as peas and beans. Though the tiny little seeds have some food value in and of themselves, they have ten times the value when soaked in water and sprouted. I would venture a wild guess that Daniel’s seeds were sprouted or the fact that he was given water as well as pulse would never have been mentioned. Ever tried eating an alfalfa seed or the seed of a pod-producing plant? You’d have better luck with a mouthfull of sand.

As for peanuts … well … what would childhood in North America be like without peanut butter? There are many claims about the origin of peanut butter. Africans ground peanuts into stews as early as the 15th century. The Chinese have crushed peanuts into creamy sauces for centuries. Civil War soldiers dined on “peanut porridge”. These uses, however, bore little resemblance to peanut butter as we know it today.

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Peanuts, being a legume and not a nut, have a very mushy and unpleasant taste unless roasted. This high heat does not do great things for the oils, fatty acids, and enzymes of the peanut, but it is still a highly nutritious and energy-producing food for the active, growing youth. To further bastardize natural peanut butter made from ground, roasted peanuts, the dollar-wise, health-inconsiderate food companies have “hydrogenized” peanut butter to give it a longer shelf life … and subsequently made it more difficult to digest. As though that were not enough, they’ve added sugar so as to increase the risk of diabetes in later life. Purchase only ground, roasted peanuts in their natural state from your local health food store or market. You may have to stir the nut butter occasionally to keep the oils from separating, or else keep the nut butter in the refrigerator for longer shelf life, but the quality achieved is well worth the extra effort. For those who older and more sedentary, the fat in the peanut will quickly turn to fat on the body! Use peanuts with one eye to the mirror.

Pumpkin seeds, like peanuts, carry all the nutritional value that nuts do. Though zinc is one of the characteristic minerals of a pumpkin seed, there is more than a little controversy as to how effective it is for prostate problems. There seems to be some evidence that a concentrated extract made from pumpkin seed oil can positively effect Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, the triggering of prostate cell multiplication by testosterone and DHT (dihydrotestosterone; a biologically active metabolite of the hormone testosterone), but there’s no telling how many pumpkin seeds it would take to equal the effect of the extract. One would be better advised to try concentrated extracts of herbs like Tribulus terrestris, Nettle root, Saw Palmetto, or Crataeva or a complex of all together.


As I mentioned earlier, there don’t seem to be any rules regarding the eating of fish, fowl, or animal flesh. It’s a very well established fact that nobody gets out of here alive … all living things included! How long we stay; how we live; and how we die often seem quite beyond our conscious control and beyond moral and ethical considerations. It seems morally a very “right” thing to not kill animals for food, but then we still have to kill plants. Survival on planet earth seems to leave us no other choice than to kill to live, and that is in keeping with the “dual” nature of all things.

I find it very interesting—and quite instructional as well—to realize that we are not designed to be strictly carnivorous any more than we are designed to be strictly herbivorous. We are omnivorous … a fact which gives us a much greater freedom and “latitude”. We are perfectly capable of living a predominantly carnivorous diet in the northern climates where plants are not available for a large portion of the year. One could ascribe this characteristic to “evolution”, but I am only a subscriber to the illusion of evolution … not the fact. I subscribe instead to a more spiritual perspective of the miraculous—even mystical—adaptability of living organisms in conjunction with a Creator whose consciousness is so vast that It hides itself within Its own creations.

One must assume—and all evidence suggests—that it took a long period of “time” for the human body to adapt to a predominantly carnivorous diet. Similarly, it would take more than a few generations for any genetic pattern to adapt to a totally new way of sustenance. We are faced with such an enigma today with the inter-mixture of genetic patterns from all climatic regions of the world … and with the expectation to move immediately into entirely new conditions without adverse reactions. The prevalence of degenerative disease is, to me, due in no small part to our inability to adapt to new circumstances within a few generations.

I speak here of several things: our propensity for living primarily on cooked food for one; our programming from childhood for animal, fish, and fowl protein for another; the impulse to consume large amounts of processed and sweetened carbohydrates; and the prevalence of chemical preservatives, taste enhancers, coloring agents, highly-heated oils, and lifeless foods in our daily diet. The transition can be made, but it must be done with no small amount of intelligent choice and restraint. The art of living a long and healthy life today is a matter of how well the details are recognized and observed, and how well the structure of life is understood.

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Highly-heated, fat-fried foods clog the millions of tiny little “fingers” extending out from the surface of the intestinal tract (the intestinal “villi”) thus inhibiting absorption and producing nutritional deficiency. Fats, as they occur naturally in nature, carry their own emulsifying agents within them, but high heat destroys these emulsifiers and radically alters the molecular structure of the natural oils. Intelligent choice means avoidance of these substances and/or daily supplementation with unheated, cold-processed oils like virgin olive oil. Processing and cooking foods denatures the enzymes or destroys them completely. Intelligent choice means supplementing cooked food with foods that are tree-ripened and completely untampered with.

When cooking beef, sear the meat at high heat, but leave the middle raw or barely cooked. Cook pork thoroughly. Because of the way chickens are raised nowadays, their flesh is very high in coliform bacteria. Cook chicken thoroughly, but eat it sparingly. Free-range chickens and their eggs are infinitely better, and worth whatever price they bring. The flesh of most fish needs very little cooking and very little heat … the less the better. I personally prefer to pay more for fish that is not farmed, and animals that are not raised with antibiotics, hormones, and in toxic commercial feedlots.

Similarly, the shorter period of time vegetables are cooked, and the less water used (steaming being the best method) the more vitamin, enzyme and mineral content is retained. Keep in mind that beans, corn and rice are excellent sources of protein as are the nuts and seeds mentioned. Low-fat or no-fat yogurt is an excellent source of protein, and all vegetables and fruits contain protein—obviously—or how would our vegetarian primate friends, whose bodies are very similar to ours, survive.


In actuality, grains such as rye, wheat, barley, oats, millet, and rice are really nothing more than seeds with an inedible structure in their natural state. The epidermis or outer covering of the seed is very hard necessitating either soaking in water for five or six hours or cooking in water to soften the epidermis and break down the interior starch. Grains have been a basic staple for human cultures for thousands of years and it’s interesting to note that that those cultures which have been predominately nourished by grains seem to have been more “advanced” or progressive than those who have used corn as a basic staple of nourishment. A major portion of the nourishment of these seeds/grains lie within or just inside this hard outer covering which is commonly removed in processing, thus depriving the user of much of the vitamin and high-fiber values inherent in the whole seed/grain. This hard outer shell protects the inner seed from oxidation and does so for thousands of years. Grain seeds from the days of the Egyptian pharaohs have been sprouted in our present times.

Rye, wheat, barley, oats, and millet are considered “cereal” grains and an excellent high-energy food. They can be cooked in their hard, natural state at medium heat until the starch is broken down without seriously affecting the vitamin, mineral, protein, and energy-producing states. Certain of the more heat-labile enzymes, however, will be denatured by the heat and must be compensated for by the intake of other uncooked foods. The most nourishing of the rice grains is wild rice where the outer shell is left intact; it just takes a little longer to cook than the brown or white rice where the outer shell has been removed. A major portion of the earth’s population uses rice as a basic staple of their diet … and the least-healthy, processed white rice at that!

Oatmeal is a very nourishing cereal prepared as a cooked porridge for a winter food, or as a granola or muesli for Spring, Summer, and Fall. Multi-grain cereals such as was the Red River cereal of my childhood should be cooked in a double broiler at medium heat so as to minimize the nutritional damage yet long enough to break down the starch. Whole flax seeds should be added to any of the above cooked cereals for its nourishing and mucilagenous value to the intestinal tract. Add a small amount of sea salt during cooking and sweeten with molasses or brown sugar. Great food for all ages.

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One final, but very important item: bread. What has passed for bread in the past ten years is really a very poor excuse for food. One might as well create a sandwich out of two paper napkins. A gentleman I knew in northern California delivered bakery items for a living and thought it would be a good idea to feed his pigs the bread he had to replace due to outdated shelf life. The pigs ate the bread hungrily for a year or so … and then began to die mysteriously. He took one of his prize old sows to the University of California Animal Research Center to find out why. The results came back that his pigs had died from the preservatives, chemicals, and lifeless nutrients in the bread.

The European cultures have been around long enough to know the importance of bread as a basic staple of life. In particular, the Scandinavians and Germans know how to make bread that is sound, nutritious food. They use as little wheat as possible and the wheat they do use is not genetically mutated by some seed company for financial gain. Rye is considered one of their primary, health-building nutrients. Doctor Bernard Jensen used to teach us a simple little saying that bears more truth than may be realized: “Wheat builds fat; Rye builds muscle”. The Scandinavian and Germanic peoples are testaments to this truth.

Though wheat is invariably the first ingredient in any rye bread due to the essential requirement for there to be gluten to “rise” the bread, the second ingredient should be sourdough rye and the third ingredient rye flour. The wheat should be whole, unbleached wheat flour. The bread will be heavy because it is nutrient-rich … not light because it’s full of air. Other breads such as multi-grain or twelve-grain breads also have high nutritive value. All brands mentioned above will have high fiber value … a factor which stimulates the intestinal wall muscles to produce the peristaltic action essential for proper digestion and elimination. Fiber moves food through the intestinal tract rapidly—an essential factor for those who are flesh eaters. All flesh is high in coliform bacteria, the spores of which begin to multiply at body temperature after 24 hours. It is the coliform bacterial waste products of indol, skatol, and guanidine that are extremely toxic and irritating to the colon … sound reason for all food products to exit the body within 24 hours from ingestion.



In my opinion there is a major error of misunderstanding in the health industry, the medical profession, the field of biochemistry, and the chemical industry. It is an error of improper definition of a substance which has critical, life-sustaining value to human health. That substance is ascorbic acid which has been improperly labeled as vitamin C.

There is no proper standardized, scientifically-researched description of what constitutes a true vitamin as it occurs in nature. The net result is that we have all kinds of descriptions—with accompanying research—of substances that are portions of vitamins, but which fail to recognize the synergistic effects of all closely-associated nutrients which constitute true vitamin complexes as produced in nature. Synergy, of course, is almost impossible to prove “scientifically” but not at all difficult to prove “empirically” by observation and human experience. Furthermore, substances which are a portion of any vitamin complex should be labeled with a different name than “vitamin” so that the synergistic relationship is better understood and qualified.

Vitamin E, for example, is not d-alpha-tocopherol any more than fruit is an apple. An apple may be fruit, but fruit is not limited to being an apple. Neither is vitamin E limited to being d-alpha-tocopherol. There are seven additional forms of tocopherol discovered so far as part of the vitamin E complex, and as though that were not enough, the effectiveness of vitamin E has been shown to be optimized or synergized only in the presence of “co-

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factors” such as selenium, co-enzyme Q-10, and vitamin C . New substances are being discovered all the time. The point I’m trying to make here is that there is no substitute for nature … not yet anyway.

Vitamin B is a complex of eight water-soluble nutrients discovered so far. Not long ago it was considered to be a single substance, but research has revealed that it coexists with other substances such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, etc. which have also been labeled (incorrectly in my opinion) vitamin B1, B2, B-12, and so on. Each substance has been found to have its own unique effect, but what is overlooked is the synergistic and counter-balancing affect these substances have when combined together in their naturally-occurring, unadulterated, unchemically-separated form … and that result is critically important to human life.

Vitamin D is manufactured naturally in the physical body through the skin’s exposure to sunlight as well as taken in through certain foods. It plays a major role in regulating the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, in ensuring strong bones, and in the growth and replacement of skin cells. It has long been thought to be a single substance, but now includes five categories: D1 – D5, and that again is only what’s been discovered to date.

As to vitamin C: ask any scientist, and most health practitioners as well, what vitamin C is and they will tell you it is a single substance called ascorbic acid. Nothing could be further from the truth! … and your life may depend upon that knowledge! Ascorbic acid is only one small part of the complex of nutrients, minerals, enzymes, co-enzymes, flavonoids, and oxidizers that synergize real vitamin C in its natural, unadulterated, undivided state. Vitamin C is no more a single substance than vitamin A, B, D or E.

It was the discoverer of ascorbic acid, Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who mislabeled it vitamin C. He admits to the fact that his pure ascorbic acid crystals, which he went to great expense and research to isolate, did not cure “Scurvy” … the disease symptomology which results from a long-term absence of the vitamin C complex. Here are his own words from his Nobel prize winning lecture where he was awarded the Nobel prize for his discovery of what actually turned out to be ascorbic acid, the protective coating of the vitamin C complex, not vitamin C as he thought.

“At the time that I had just detected the rich vitamin content of the paprika,I was asked by a colleague of mine for pure vitamin C. This colleague himself suffered from a serious haemorrhagic diathesis. Since I still did not have enough of this crystalline substance at my disposal then, I sent him paprikas. My colleague was cured. But later we tried in vain to obtain the same therapeutic effect with pure vitamin C (author’s italics). Guided by my earlier studies into the peroxidase system, I investigated with my friend St. Rusznyák and his collaborators Armentano and Bentsáth the effect of the other link in the chain, the flavones. Certain members of this group of substances, the flavanone hesperidin (Fig. 5) and the formerly unknown eriodictyolglycoside, a mixture of which we had isolated from lemons and named citrin, now had the same therapeutic effect as paprika itself. It is still too early on in our experience for us to make any definitive statements. But it does seem that these substances possess great biological activity. They influence most obviously the capillary blood vessels, whose permeability and resistance suffer gravely in many disease states. These dyes are able to restore the state of affairs to normal, and to judge by the first experiences, it seems that these substances will enrich the doctor’s inventory with a really useful new weapon for him to fight illnesses with. Our experiments made it probable that certain members of this group possess vitamin-like properties. For this reason I called the substance vitamin P. Unfortunately these vitamin-like properties have not yet been successfully demonstrated in a completely irreproachable and reproducible fashion.”

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It was Dr. Royal Lee, a dentist and world famous nutrition researcher who further elaborated on the nature of the naturally occurring vitamin C complex. Dr. Lee was a very unusual man, having numerous patents to his name as an inventor, and being the founder of Standard Process Laboratories which still exists today as the premier manufacturer of concentrated foods as life-giving natural food supplements. According to Dr. Lee’s research, the vitamin C complex included what he called the “P” factors, better known as flavonoids such as hesperin, hesperedin, eriodictyol, quercitin, and rutin which are essential to collagen production and maintenance for nearly every tissue in the body. Additionally, Lee identified what he labeled as the “J” factor portion of the vitamin C complex which influence the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. He discovered the vital importance of the enzyme tyrosinase, the major building block of which is organic copper, as a key synergizer of all vitamin C functions.

Drs. Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath formulated a theory that cardiovascular disease is actually a pre-scorbutic condition resulting from a long-standing lack of high quality vitamin C and I concur 100% with their finding. They failed, however, to see the vital, synergistic nature of the vitamin C complex and instead did all their research using only ascorbic acid. The major symptomology of any pre-scorbutic or scorbutic condition is inflammation and infection. High doses of ascorbic acid have the effect of destroying viral and bacterial inflammation and infection as does the amino acid lysine, a secondary part of their proposed cure. The application of high doses of ascorbic acid and lysine may well eliminate the symptomology, but it does not restore the integrity of the arterial wall. Science has recently discovered that the flavonoids are important in this regard, but I maintain that there is no substitute for coronary artery integrity yet discovered that can equal the whole, natural, unadulterated vitamin C complex which includes ascorbic acid, tyrosinase, flavonoids and all of its other factors so crucial to human health.

The lack of vitamin C complex, and the resultant lack of a proper supply of collagen, affect first the areas of greatest stress in the human body, and what area could be more constantly under stress than the arteries of the heart. One of the first signs of this deficiency is capillary fragility and cracks in the main heart artery wall. At the same time, capillary fragility shows up as epithelial (skin) tissues which bruise easily or which appear as numerous tiny veins near the surface of the skin that are bright red with arterial blood or dark blue with veinous blood. In seniors they are most prevalent in the lower leg and ankles.

In the absence of adequate collagen, cracks in the heart’s arterial wall call for repair with a second line of defense which is a sticky type of cholesterol to cover up the damaged part of the wall. This sticky cholesterol soon hardens, forming plaque and resulting in arterial blockages. Ascorbic acid does not remedy this problem any more than lysine does, and I am not even certain that biologically isolated flavonoids alone will do a proper job.

Another symptom of this lack of vitamin C complex presently available only through fresh fruits, green vegetables, and sprouted seeds is swollen and/or bleeding gums … a well-established symptom of Scurvy in its acute stage. Your dentist is constantly instructing you to floss your teeth to toughen up your gums instead of realizing the true problem: vitamin C deficiency. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food And Life Yearbook way back in 1939 said this about the scorbutic condition:

“Even when there is not a single outward symptom of trouble, a person may be in a state of vitamin C deficiency more dangerous than Scurvy itself. When such a condition is not detected and continues uncorrected, the teeth and bones will be damaged, and what may be even more serious, the bloodstream is weakened to the point where it can no longer resist or fight infections … a condition not so easily cured as Scurvy.”

My personal experience, however, is that scorbutic conditions can be restored to proper levels of health when the proper nutrients are applied. This can take from three months to three years depending upon the quality

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and quantity of nutrients, the stress factor of the collagen-related tissues, and the type of tissues involved. In my opinion, there is no substitute yet devised that equals the vitamin C from fresh fruits and vegetables.


This is not to say that ascorbic acid isn’t a very important substance by itself. Most animals have the capacity to produce their own ascorbic acid through a genetically-enabled synthesis of glycogen, and they do so in massive quantities when injured so as to ward off infection. Goats, for example, will produce up to 90,000mg of ascorbic acid when injured.

Humans and guinea pigs have lost this genetic capability and thus their immune systems are deprived of ascorbic acid’s tremendous anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities unless it is supplemented in the diet. But let us not forget that ascorbic acid alone will not cure Scurvy as to its collagen-related symptomology. It may temporarily eliminate the pre-scorbutic symptoms of inflammation and infection, but it does not restore the collagen-related tissue integrity.

Keeping the limitations of ascorbic acid as a single substance in mind, let’s examine how powerful a tool to health and healing it really is. Current research as well as practical experience over the past 50 years indicate that intravenous sodium ascorbate in large (20 – 50 gram) doses has chemotherapeutic results without the tremendous destructive side-effects of modern chemotherapeutic drugs. Here’s an example of the recent research:

Topic: CANCER - Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C, Ascorbate Title: Vitamin C in High IV Doses May Kill Cancer Cells Reference: “Pharmacologic ascorbic acid concentrations selectively kill cancer cells: action as a pro-drug to deliver hydrogen peroxide to tissues.” Chen Q, Espey MG, et al, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2005; 102(38):13604-9. Address: Molecular and Clinical Nutrition Section, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892. Summary: In an in vitro study to test whether the ascorbate form of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) killed cancer cells selectively, results suggest that ascorbate, in pharmacologic concentrations (achieved only by intravenous administration), may kill cancer cells. 20mM of ascorbate administered to 10 cancer and 4 normal human cell types, killed 5 of the cancer lines and did not affect any of the normal cells. Human lymphoma cells were studied in detail because of their sensitivity to ascorbate. Cancer cell death was found to be mediated by extracellular but not intracellular ascorbate, and found to be absolutely dependent on the formation of hydrogen peroxide. Additionally, cell death resulting from the separate addition of Hydrogen peroxide to cells was found to be identical to that resulting from the hydrogen peroxide generated by ascorbate. The generation of hydrogen peroxide was found to be dependent on ascorbate concentration, incubation time, and presence of 0.5 - 10% serum. Notably, the ascorbate addition to blood generated no

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detectable hydrogen peroxide in the blood. Taken together, the findings suggest that the infused ascorbate appears to diffuse outside of the bloodstream, allowing reactions to generate hydrogen peroxide, which may kill cancer cells. Thus, according to the researchers, these findings give plausibility to intravenous ascorbic acid in cancer treatment and suggest that it may be a pro- drug for the formation of hydrogen peroxide.

Neither is this the end of the evidence for ascorbic acid’s effectiveness in healing acute and chronic conditions. Back in 1948, Dr. Frederick Klenner utilized massive doses of ascorbic acid to cure polio cases when it was thought that polio had no cure. He cured 60 out of 60 cases presented to him using 6 - 20g doses of intravenous ascorbic acid. Despite writing numerous articles about his success in national medical trade publications, his advice went almost totally unheeded. Convinced of the validity of his methods through the empirical results produced, he began using ascorbic acid treatments for herpes simplex, and children with measles and chicken pox. Dramatic results occurred giving 400mg per kilogram of body weight intravenously two to three times in a 24 hour period.

Dr. Klenner cured mononucleosis, urethritis, glaucoma, diphtheria, streptococcus, staphylococcus, snake poisons, spider poisons, barbiturate poisoning, and monoxide poisoning using ascorbic acid alone. For more information on Dr. Klenner’s methods and the technical details of vitamin C used intravenously I highly recommend the book Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing The Incurable, by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD.


In summary then, when a product label says that vitamin C has been “added”, you can be sure that only the pure ascorbic acid crystal has been added and that is not vitamin C in its natural state. It is very important to realize that vitamin C in its natural state is quickly and easily denatured by exposure to light, exposure to air, exposure to heat greater than that of sunlight, and by any effort to remove it from its naturally-occurring source. At this point in time and space the only way to properly nourish the body with vitamin C is through the daily intake of fruits and vegetables such as: parsley, which has roughly 170mg /100grams; strawberries, which have roughly 60mg /100 grams; oranges, lemons, limes, which have roughly 50mg /100 grams; cabbages and broccoli, which have roughly 50 – 100 milligrams /100 grams; and nearly all other fresh fruits and vegetables.

For myself, I prefer ripe bananas and red grapes with seeds intact, eaten daily. Chewing the seeds means I don’t have to pay large amounts of money to buy grape seed extract in order to get the proanthocyanadins, bioflavonoids, and antioxidant values inherent in the seeds themselves in their natural, low-quantity, high-quality, highly-effective state. Proanthocyanadins are one of the most potent free-radical scavengers known, and, in addition, OPC’s (Oligomeric Proanthocyanadins) found in grape seeds may well be the critical anti-scorbutic factor in the Vitamin C complex; the most critical factor in all arterial disease; and essential for dispelling all collagen-related deficiencies. Purchasing genetically mutated fruits for their seedless value defeats one of their primary functions in human nutrition.

Nuts and seeds have virtually no vitamin C until sprouted, but have very high levels of vitamin C immediately after sprouting.

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Proteolytic EnzymesAlong with Rhodiola rosea comes another modern-day discovery which dramatically affects physical body health. This is the highly beneficial effect on the physical body of proteolytic enzymes.

Enzymes are proteins composed of amino acids arranged in chains that spontaneously fold into three-dimensional structures. All enzymes are proteins, but not all proteins are enzymes. Enzymes are extremely important in producing health because they are involved in nearly all metabolic and physiological processes in the body. No vitamin, mineral, or hormone can exert its beneficial effects in the human body without the involvement of enzymes. They are a key to the maintenance of a strong immune system, high cardiovascular integrity, central nervous system integrity, and optimal hormonal balance. Enzymes are catalysts that can accelerate a biological or chemical reaction by as much as a million times. They also initiate, maintain, and terminate biochemical processes and are absolutely essential to the life of every cell in the body.

The body produces and regenerates its own supply of enzymes, primarily through the liver, as they are needed. The enzymes, however, do become inactivated at rates faster than the body can replenish its supplies … particularly through the consumption of highly heated and processed foods whose enzymes have been destroyed, and in the neutralization of other toxins and foreign substances such as chemical drugs not compatible with the body’s wide-ranging, closely-interrelated functions. With advancing years, the body gradually loses its ability to produce sufficient amounts of enzymes to keep up with the body’s demands as imposed by metabolic attrition. This insufficiency is one of the root causes of chronic and age-related diseases.

“Proteolytic” enzymes are enzymes whose specific purpose is to break down the peptide bonds between the amino acids of protein. The process is called peptide cleavage and is especially applicable in balancing blood coagulation as well as in catalyzing the 4000 or more chemical changes of the Kreb cycle of food digestion in the intestinal tract. Proteolytic enzymes require a molecule of water to perform their tasks … which means they are stabilized when completely dehydrated. This enables them, when properly processed, to be used in supplementary form in the daily diet without their biological function being affected.

While, under normal physiological conditions, proteolytic enzymes maintain homeostasis in the healthy body, they also break down aberrant proteins that may arise during various diseases and during conditions of reduced metabolic function. Increased proteolytic activity (through supplementation) during periods of high stress or old age depolarizes inflammatory debris, dissolves micro thrombi thus reducing edema (such as ankle and lower leg swelling), and restores circulation in the tiny capillaries which become clogged with waste proteins. This also reduces inflammation and allows regenerative healing action to occur more rapidly. Wounds and injuries heal many times more rapidly with less scar tissue and less local trauma.

Numerous studies over the past 50 years of research show positive, health-producing results of proteolytic enzymes in the following situations:

1. Bronchitis2. Clearing out excess mucus.3. Enabling better blood oxygenation.4. The frequent elimination of allergic, asthmatic conditions completely.5. Chelating plaque from arterial walls.6. Effectively clearing up thrombosis and phlebitis conditions.

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7. In sports injuries such as strains, sprains, breaks, contusions, and concussion, there is an immediate decrease in pain, reduction of edema, and noticeable improvement in healing.

8. They are very effective in cases of “leaky gut” syndrome and irritated colon conditions.9. They are very effective for auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and allergies.10. Most exciting is their “fibrinolytic” activity as conditioning agents to help prevent blood clotting.11. Proteolytic enzymes are presently being researched by the U.S. FDA as adjuvant therapy for multiple

myeloma, which is cancer of the B cells in blood.12. Dr. William Donald Kelly (author of One Answer To Cancer, a book which explains in detail the methods

he used in treating over 33,000 Cancer cases) used similar enzymes extensively in his Cancer treatment practice.

13. They have been found to be essential in the treatment of pancreatitis because of their pancreatin content.

Though many individuals down through the years have recognized the value of enzymes in human health, it is a German company named MUCOS Pharma that has spent the most time, effort, and money on research to develop their highly effective, now world-renowned product known as Wobenzym-N. Other companies try to imitate the name and the product, but few can match the qualitative results. Note carefully the way the company name and product name are spelled. MUCOS Pharma has been researching and developing this product for over 50 years and it is now used extensively by medical doctors and health practitioners on all the world’s continents. I first heard about its use with European Olympic athletes who found their injuries incurred during competition and workouts to be more rapidly healed, and with less pain and inflammation, than with any other product or procedure.

Wobenzym-N contains the following ingredients:• Pancreatin; extracted from porcine pancreas for its RNA/DNA and enzyme content.• Papain which is an enzyme derived from Papaya.• Bromelain; an enzyme derived from Pineapple.• Trypsin, a proteolytic enzyme manufactured in the pancreas.• Chymotrypsin, another proteolytic enzyme synthesized in the pancreas.• Rutosid, which is a high-quality flavonoid extracted from the Japonica tree in China. It includes Rutin

and Quercetin, and is known for its ability to chelate excess iron from the body as well as to strengthen capillary fragility.

As you can tell from the ingredients, taking Wobenzym-N as a daily supplement is intended to lighten the load on the highly overworked organ, the pancreas. The pancreas is overworked due to the high intake of processed carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol which result in insulin resistance and degeneration into the plague of diabetes so prevalent in our present day and age.

The product is not used as a “digestive” enzyme, but rather taken between meals on an empty stomach, in the evening before bedtime, or first thing in the morning at least 45 minutes before breakfast. Its primary purpose is that of “house cleaner” to break down excess undigested protein, cholesterol, and mucus in the intestinal tract and in the body’s tissues. Quantities for adults range from a maintenance dose of two tablets taken three times a day to as many as ten tablets taken three times a day in cases of serious degenerative disease.

“Digestive” enzymes differ slightly from this formula in that betaine hydrochloride extracted from beets is added as an aide to stomach digestion. For those elderly persons who have an excess of gas after meals, digestive enzymes taken immediately before or after a meal will usually resolve the problem. Taking digestive enzymes may also prove to be unnecessary with the taking of proteolytic enzymes. There’s an interesting and enlightening story that goes along with my discovery of the effectiveness of digestive enzymes during the time I worked as a Naturopathic Physician.

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Using muscle-testing techniques that could pinpoint various nutritional deficiencies, I was invariably sending people home with large quantities of vitamins and minerals to take for a three week period to remedy their deficiencies. After treating several hundred people in this fashion, I began to notice certain patterns. The people who required digestive enzymes also required a considerable number of vitamin and mineral supplements as well. So as not to make their burden too heavy financially, I started them out on digestive enzymes alone. When they came back three weeks later to be tested, they had no vitamin or mineral deficiencies at all! I quickly discovered that in almost all situations, those who had a healthy diet only required periods of supplementation with digestive enzymes in order to maintain a proper vitamin and mineral balance. Even those on very poor diets fared much better with the use of digestive enzymes. This was rather troubling to me because I had heard so much about depleted soils and the lack of minerals in our present-day foods. It didn’t seem that was the case at all. What was even more troubling was what I discovered when I put people on a four-day cleansing fast. After completing the fast, they had neither digestive, vitamin, nor mineral deficiencies … much to my financial chagrin! This was one of my first lessons in the discovery of truth. Wealth is found at one pole … and Truth at the other! How I managed to balance out the two is another story.


Toxicity from heavy metal poisoning is a major concern in today’s world. Research has disclosed that we have 1000 times more lead in our bones than did our sixteenth century ancestors. For a short period of time in my younger years I sold reverse osmosis water purifiers in the southwest portion of the United States. I was amazed to discover that those areas served by domestic water systems which drew on Colorado River water as their major source of supply carried quantities of dissolved solids amounting to between 2,000 and 4,000 parts per million … this when the Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum recommended safe drinking water level was 750 parts per million of dissolved solids! No one seemed to want to do anything about it. Major population areas were affected: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego and their surrounding areas included. Once a person is aware of the problem, compensation is not difficult. When I first saw bottled water on the market I thought the major soft drink distributors must be out of their minds. Was I ever wrong! When buying bottles or purified water, be sure the amount of dissolved solids is published on the label, and below 500 parts per million … the lower the better.

Selenium is well known and researched for its ability to neutralize mercury. The Chinese had an epidemic of Keshan, a myocarditis (disease of the muscular part of the heart) that is fatal to children in which there was a disturbed Glutathione (a protector of cells from oxidative injury). The Chinese realized that one of the key factors involved in Glutathione interference was mercury. There was a major concern about what to do about it until someone suggested sodium selenite (selenium) which is both cheap and without side effects. The results for several hundred thousand children was a 98% reduction in the incidence of the disease.

Mercury can be 100% neutralized by taking 400 – 800 micrograms of selenium daily for adults. There are documented cases of mercury workers with high brain levels of mercury who are functioning normally in Europe when adequate selenium is introduced into their diet. Dr. Gerhart Schrauzer, PhD, of the University of California at San Diego is past president of the international Society of Bio-organic Chemists. He dismisses our rantings about the dangers of mercury poisoning saying that we simply do not understand basic bio-inorganic chemistry … more specifically, the “chelation” part. He would move the recommended daily allowance for selenium to a protective 600 micrograms a day for adults. It has to be taken for at least three weeks before the mercury in the body is bound.

Selenium is also a powerful liver-oriented antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Selenium also helps tie up cadmium and lead—the latter of which increases the toxicity of mercury—thus protecting the brain. If every atom of mercury is tied to selenium, it is as though there is no mercury at all.

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Dr. Garry Gordon, the father of modern chelation therapy, has developed highly effective orally-administered chelation products using calcium di-sodium EDTA. He calls them Essential Daily Defense and Beyond Chelation Improved. A portion of Calcium EDTA is malic acid (which comes from apples and apple cider vinegar) and malic acid is one of the few substances which chelates aluminum and removes it from the body. As to the effectiveness of oral chelation using calcium EDTA, one study documented removal of 1,200 – 2,600mg of lead in just five days. A compilation of literature over the past 50 years documents such an overwhelming consensus of the safety and efficacy of oral chelation with EDTA that the Food and Drug Administration has approved it for the treatment of lead poisoning. Excess free iron and cadmium are picked up and excreted as well. EDTA (ethylene dimethyl tetraacetic acid) is basically ethylene plus 4 molecules of vinegar (acetic acid) and is so safe that it is legally added to supermarket foods as an antioxidant preservative. Dr. Gordon recommends taking it on a daily basis … and even bathing in it in cases of heavy toxicity.

Garlic is another important heavy metal chelater and health protecting nutrient due to the more than 100 sulfur compounds it contains, especially allicin, which is responsible for garlic’s characteristic scent and flavor. Allicin is formed when the garlic bulbs are crushed, chopped, or chewed. When aged garlic extract was combined with red blood cells it prevented lead, mercury and aluminum from destroying them. When no aged garlic extract was added to the blood samples, these heavy metals ruptured the red blood cells. Garlic is the only antibiotic that can actually kill infecting bacteria and at the same time protect the body from the poisons that are causing the infection. It is known that the most sensitive bacterium to garlic is the deadly Bacillus anthracis which produces the poison anthrax. Even the forefather of antibiotic medicine Louis Pasteur acknowledged garlic to be as effective as penicillin. Later studies showed similar activity to some modern antibiotics. Even the blood of garlic eaters can kill bacteria, and it is also reported that the vapor from freshly cut garlic can kill bacteria at a distance of 20 cms!

Garlic also contains small amounts of selenium, and is rich in potassium, zinc, and vitamin A. When eaten as the fresh uncooked clove it is high in the vitamin C Complex. Those who prefer to not be accompanied by the characteristic garlic older can purchase garlic capsules and tablets which minimize or eliminate odor entirely but are still quite effective as supplements.

Colon Health

The colon is one of the most important—and most abused—organs in the body. Due primarily to a lack of proper quality and quantity of fiber in the diet, and the fact that many people register their stress in the solar plexus and abdomen area, the colon begins to cause problems by middle age … if not earlier. Whenever I talk about this subject I always recall a huge billboard just off the interstate in Portland, Oregon, which states in equally huge letters “KNOW THY POOP!” That signs says it all! The minute a person fails to have at least one regular bowel movement a day, or their excrement is not a long and well-formed stool, it is an indicator that poor colon health is beginning—and likely to multiply—and more than likely to cause other internal problems as complications. Though I had received a very intensive training in colonic irrigation systems and the proper use of the enema bag, and applied them both to myself as well, I did not realize how serious or how widespread the problem was until I had spent two years as a colon therapist … particularly in those over 60 years of age. I don’t believe there is a single person over 30 years old who has grown up on the standard North American diet who doesn’t need a series of six to ten colonic irrigations or several months of use of an enema beg to restore proper function to their colon. The colon is really just a long, tubular muscle whose nerves trigger it into action when they feel cellulose and fiber inside. A meal should move through a person’s entire body and exit within 18 to 24 hours, otherwise the spores of Gram negative bacteria multiply and their waste products cause extreme irritation of the muscle wall. Impaction of fecal matter results … and the problems begin.

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Once the colon is cleaned out and functioning properly, the diet should be supplemented on a regular basis with a newly-developed product known as a Pro-Biotic. This product serves to maintain a healthy balance of gram positive bacteria in the colon during the final stage of digestion of cellulose and fiber foods. It used to be that yoghurt and other fermented milk products containing Lactobacillus Acidophilus were the only colon-friendly substances available. They are not nearly as durable or as effective as a probiotic such as, for example, Primal Defense, manufactured by Garden of Life. It contains twelve different species of hardy beneficial microorganisms that are capable of making their way unharmed through the acids and other chemicals of the stomach and small intestine to do their work in the colon. I consider a small amount (1/4tsp.) of this kind of supplement a daily necessity for children as well as adults … and particularly for the elderly. We live in too sterile a world. The body needs certain kinds of bacteria to function healthfully, and the preponderance of coliform bacteria in the tissues of animal, fish, and fowl require this kind of balancing support.

Finally, the use of Wobenzym-N and other similar enzyme products make further contributions to normal colon function through their ability to clean up undigested proteins and break down the mucus accumulations of improper diet or poor digestion.

Mental/Emotional Health

No discussion of physical body health would be complete without a discussion of the mental and emotional factors which affect the physical body. Since the entire thrust of my life’s effort has been more toward that of teacher than of healer or physician, I have naturally chosen to present in this treatise simple methodologies which anyone interested in their physical body health can easily implement. These methodologies, however, are concepts which may require further investigation, study, and disciplined, persevering effort in order to derive maximal—or even minimal—results.

Until recently, the only way to access the hidden sub-conscious emotional road blocks and mental incapacitators was to seek out the help of someone professionally trained to dig for them. Unfortunately, professional training is a poor substitute for the long and arduous journey by the individual himself into the inner self and the reconciling of the multiple paradoxical enigmas of the human personality. There is, however, a recently developed method for discovering blockages of energy flow at the mental/emotional level which oftentimes have direct physical consequences. The methodology is known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. It involves exploring the psyche with a trained EFT practitioner, with a close friend, or even by one’s self after a minimal amount of training.

The person wishing to get at the “heart” of his physical/emotional/mental problem must be willing to probe for problematic emotional issues, confront them, accept them through the use of certain tested and tried affirmations while tapping on certain specific acupuncture meridian points that seem to have a universal application to most psychological issues. There are variations on the meridian-tapping theme, but none so complex or complicated that any normal person can’t figure them out using the adequate instructions offered by the technique’s originator, Gary Craig.

The underlying concept for EFT began back in the 70’s with Dr. George Goodheart’s adaptation and expansion of certain muscle testing techniques which he later formalized into a science called Applied Kinesiology … a science which became very popular among chiropractors in the U.S. and which served as the basis for a technique I used for nutritional testing. Around the same time I was attending Dr. Goodheart’s seminars and learning his techniques (circa 1974), Dr. John Diamond, MD, began applying Goodheart’s muscle-testing techniques to his knowledge of the Chinese acupuncture meridians and subsequently developed what he called Meridian Therapy.

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I know from my own personal experience with John Diamond that there are few people on this planet capable of uncovering a person’s major core psychological issues more quickly, more thoroughly—or handling them with greater expertise—than he does.

Along about the same time in the mid to late seventies, Dr. Roger Callahan developed his own somewhat different techniques which correlated acupuncture meridians with muscle-testing and psychological issues. Using Roger Callahan’s techniques as a basis for his own intuitive ideas, Gary Craig, a graduate Stanford engineer, evolved what is today known as Emotional Freedom Technique … and he seems to be treating it as an “open architecture” for continual improvement. The program would not be nearly as successful today were it not for Gary’s unusually organized engineer’s mind, his intuitive capacities, and the investment of a huge amount of his own capital and time. His willingness to share openly and freely his own experience and discoveries are exemplary of a lack of selfish interest the world could certainly use more of. It is not my place here to do any more than steer everyone to his website (www.emofree.com) and encourage you to pursue the free instructions and procedures with a vengeance.

EFT has been used with continuous success in the following situations: pain management; addictions; weight loss; allergies; children’s issues; childhood issues; panic/anxiety; asthma; trauma; PTSD; abuse; depression; dyslexia; anger; ADD and ADHD; fears; phobias; eating disorders; fear of flying; claustrophobia; agoraphobia; anorexia/bulimia; headaches; neck stiffness; and PMS … just to name a few of the more prominent issues.

EFT often works where nothing else will. Gary has a series of instructional DVD’s which anyone can purchase who wants to continue on to the category of EFT practitioner. Within the DVD series are actual film sequences of the technique in action with, for example, Vietnam veterans whose twenty years of professional therapy was eclipsed in a matter of minutes using EFT techniques. Medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, health practitioners, as well as lay people are deriving great satisfaction out of their ability to help the troubled of heart, mind, and spirit with such simple procedures.

APPLYING THE PRINCIPLESEat for pleasure; supplement for health.

You may already be familiar with some—or all—of the principles, methodology and supplements mentioned in this booklet. If there is even one new thing learned, considerate it of major importance … particularly for those over 50 years of age. Developing new habit patterns requires a concerted focus of attention and a certain amount of effort at first, but quickly becomes a habit pattern of newer and greater awareness. I have been very health conscious over the last 35 years, but even that was inadequate to prevent personal heart problems which have plagued my ancestors for generations. Had I known five years ago what I have written today I could well have avoided the problems which only modern medicine resolved temporarily until I could put myself back on a proper track.

All products mentioned by name and brand are products that I personally use myself. I have no vested or financial interest in their manufacture or sale, and use them entirely for the results obtained. This is not to say that there aren’t products equal or better in quality and price, but I will leave that up to you the reader to research and decide for yourself. The Internet of today is a modern miracle in the availability of information to anyone who has made the effort to learn how to use it. The following summary will suggest sources, quantities, and times of day to take supplements.

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Supplement Program

Rhodiola rosea: Quantity: 100-400mg a day in one or two doses.

Time of day: immediately upon arising; minimum ½ hour before eating or one hour after eating; second dose before mid-afternoon if called for.

Source: Health Practitioner; Health Food Store; Internet.

Wobenzym-N: Quantity: five tablets twice a day; total of ten tablets.

Time of day: immediately upon arising; minimum ½ hour before eating or one hour after eating; second dose before mid-afternoon if called for.

Source: Health Practitioner; Health Food Store; Internet.

Iodine: Quantity: One drop of Atomidine or Lugol’s Solution daily (1.35mg). Time of day: morning with breakfast. Source: Health Practitioner; Health Food Store; Internet.

Ascorbic acid: Quantity: 4g (4000mg) as calcium or sodium ascorbate daily. Time of day: spread over the day; maximum 1000mg per hour. Source: many sources available.

Selenium: Quantity: 600 micrograms daily split into two doses. Time of day: morning and/or evening. Source: Health Food Store; Pharmacy; Costco; Internet.

Garlic: Quantity: 1,000 – 1,500mg or more per day. Time of day: with meals or any time. Source: Health Food Store; Wal-Mart; Pharmacy; Costco; etc..

Green powder: (Perfect Food by Garden Of Life, or similar). Quantity: 2 – 4 heaping teaspoons or more a day. Time of day: anytime. Source: Health Practitioner; Health Food Store; Internet.

Pro Biotic: (Primal Defense by Garden Of Life, or similar) Quantity: as specified on container. Time of day: evening is best. Source: Health Practitioner; Health Food Store; Internet.

For Cold and Flu SeasonPurchase a small atomizer or spray bottle and load it with ten parts of pure water to one part of Echinacea liquid extract. If you have liquid iodine available, add four or five drops to the mixture. When exposed to cold or flu

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germs—or you feel symptoms beginning to develop—spray two or three squirts of the mixture into your mouth, swirling the mixture around for fifteen or twenty seconds before swallowing it. If you are able to recognize the symptoms early enough, doing as directed three or four times a day for a day or two should be sufficient. Otherwise, repeat the procedure every hour until the symptoms depart.

For Heart ProblemsI highly recommend researching what Dr. Garry Gordon has to say about heart issues on his website at www.gordonresearch.com. Among other things, he has specific recommendations for Coumadin alternatives. They are basically his specially-formulated products called Essential Daily Defense (EDD), Beyond Chelation Improved (BCI), and Nattokinase … all of which are available at www.longevityplus.net.

Dr. Gordon has a considerable following among medical doctors and health practitioners all over the world. He is the founder of modern chelation concepts in addition to being a practicing MD in alternative medicine and a focal point for bio-medical research worldwide. Few products are as carefully researched as his own.

For CancerThose who have discovered that they have cancer will inevitably require the help of medical doctors or health practitioners who are experienced in the treatment of cancer and who have access to facilities where proper treatment can be implemented. There was a time in my younger life when I was very much anti modern medicine, but at age 70 my perspective has broadened considerably.

Except in rare cases where there was inadequate funding for proper cancer care, I have always taken or referred clients to specialists in the cancer field such as: Charlotte Gerson Strauss, who continues her father, Dr. Max Gerson’s, 30 years of experience treating cancer through the Gerson institute (www.gerson.org). Anyone can become familiar with Dr. Gerson’s methodology by reading A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 cases. Dr. Gerson was Albert Schweitzer’s personal physician and physician to his family.

I have also taken numerous clients to Dr. William Donald Kelly when he was alive, and highly recommend his book One Answer To Cancer for those who wish to take their health into their own hands, or to supplement chemotherapy and modern medicine’s procedures.

Modern methods of chemotherapy and radiation are what I would consider to be “last resort” measures which should follow—or at least accompany—the more natural, less traumatic, less stress-producing methods emntioned above. That includes Rhodiola rosea as a part of any of the treatments mentioned above.

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There are more of Kit Cain’s stories, poems, instructional books, and autobiographies at your local bookstore,...or at www.kitcain.com

The first three chapters of most books can be read for free on the above website and they are available as Pa-perback Books, or E-Books in Adobe .pdf format.

Leaves In The Wind: a story of diffident origin about a biker who formed his own major motorcycle club in L.A. and Vegas … and lived to tell me his story.

Master Of The Welded Bead: a fictitious short story comparing the lifestyles and attitudes of two men: one who chooses to live a whimsical and humorous life on the “road less traveled”; the other who chooses to live a life of selfish interest on the road too-often traveled. It is an entirely personal idea of how I imagine a disin-terested Master Of The Universe might lead an unusual yet entertaining life in a predominantly negative and otherwise boring world.

An Arrow To The Heart: a fictitious short story placing the hero of Master Of The Welded Bead in a close-en-counter family situation with the “Mother from Heaven” and the beautiful, desirable, precocious “Daughter from Hell”.

The Chasm Crossed: an autobiographical story about the unusual experiences and events of my 70 years of spiritual journey from youth to present.

Ride the Wind Laughing: An Illustrated autobiographical story describing the mystical events and experiences which contributed in major ways to my building a 51-foot sailboat in my mother’s back yard in rural Nova Sco-tia— an event which began with no money in an effort to test the Laws of Manifestation and prove to myself the efficacy and practical value of my years of spiritual training.

Soul And Man: is a major work attempting to define and describe the parameters of the word “Soul”— par-ticularly as it applies to the human soul. The very nature of its perspective brings together the various schools of Religious, Scientific, Philosophical, Spiritual, and Mystical thought suggestive of a unified frame of reference and vocabulary for all. This book is not easy reading. It can be discomforting and thought-provoking for those new to the Spiritual Journey. I wrote it primarily to further define and synergize my own thinking … and for the benefit of those compelled—as am I—to journey into areas of the unknown, uncertain, and impossible to define.

On Pegasus’ Wings: is a collection of personal poems and song lyrics begun in 1962 solely as a means of inner expression and never intended for the eyes of the world. Only in later years have I realized that in their num-ber and variety there might be at least a single poem among the many for each person. The knowledge of such would give me great satisfaction.

The Tears Of Power: is a fable for all ages from ten to eternity about a mouse named Victor who lives in Edgeville—which is at the edge of everything: the river, the fields, the forest, the mountains, and the sky. Edgeville quickly becomes too small for his adventurous soul so he ventures out into the world of the great un-known, learning to pilot tugboats, fly helicopters, and meet some unusual friends like Oddie the Otter, Mo the musical Mole, and Minkie, his flight instructor. It is Eagle, though, who finally tells him what the tears of power really are.

Flying The Yukon’s Bush: is the recounting of my adventures as a helicopter bush pilot in the Yukon Territory in 1962. Part 1 is the story in writing, and Part 2 is a slightly different story in pictures. Both parts can be down-loaded from my website for free.

Perfect Health For Dogs And Cats: First wife Ann loved animals and so we always lived on a farm surrounded by dogs, cats, chickens, goats, and horses. Her dedication leaned toward the health and healing of animals by natural means, while mine leaned in a similar direction with humans. Contained in this small booklet are the simplest principles of health and healing for dogs and cats supported by our own experience and that of a ma-jor research foundation.