r ' 1 . VOLCHE LIT, NCMBE3 0. SEWfiEREX, 8. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1917. TWICE A WEEK, nil 1 YIU. I PERS0X14L PARAGRAPHS F PROSPEROUS PROSPERITY r Prosperity, Oct. 15..Mrs. Jj. P. iWise and children of Ridgeland and Mrs. J. C Taylor and son of Batesiburg are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wise. Tkiicoao T.ono on/1 T.anrip TjftStftr Of ^UlOOtO muu . . . Columbia spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Rosa Lester. Mr. R. K. Wise made a business trip to Columbia on Monday. 'Dr. and Mrs. G. Y. Hunter are homo from Baltimore. l Miss Rosa Mae Mitcnen or rayiora fc is home for a few days. r . Mrs Addie Hodges has gone U Blairs to visit relatives. Miss Diokson spent the week-enj in Columbia. Mr H. Fellers has gone to th2 Columbia Hospital for treatment. Mr Wm. Steel of Columbia spent Sunday with his cousin, Mrs. A. G Wise. Mr. Joe Long of Lone Star spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents. Micooc wuiie Mae Wise, Grace Bur- II ....v «. ton Reagin and Jennie Ruth Counts attended the Federation of Young People's Society in Columbia 12-14. . Mr. J. D. Quattlebaum has gone to J Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mark of Atlanta are the guests of Miss Gertrude Bobb I Miss Doris Kohn of Columbia college spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. s. j. jcvuuu. Mrs. Enos Counts hrs returned from a few days stay to Columbia. Sergt. Ellis Wheeler of Macon, Ga., spent several days last week at horns Mr. and Mrs. Jj. Bk Stockman and children spent last Monday in Columbia. I Miss Kate Barre has gone to the L Columbia hospital for a throat operar tion. Mi^ J. A. Cousins spent Thursday in Columbia!. * Mrs. Adams and Miss Madge Har.v.mon have returned from Columbia. Mr. C. S. Schumpert of Atlanta is -visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sc&umpert. On Thursday evening at the CityHall, will be given an entertainment t"by the sight singing class of the 4th and 5th grade of the school .entitled "Mother Goose Island." (Come one, come all and see the famous characters of the Mother Goose story-book loved by young and old, oii<->Vi qc Tact and .Till. eta. [OUVU «-»J U V»\/Wk 7 . . The entertainment will be on at7:45 o'clock. Admission.Adults 15c, children 10 cents,. The first attraction of the Lyceum ^ will Friday evening, October 19th, in f the City Hall. f LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE FOR 50. 9 TOWNSHIP Prosperity.Wl W. (Wheeler, J D. * V V Quattlebaum, J. F. Brown, Robt. Wise, C. T. Wyche. St. Luke School District.GeoJ. F. Hunter, L. O. Moore, J. T. Hunter. Big Creek School District.J. Sidney Stockman, NJ. Arthur Nichols, Jeff I. Boozer. Saluda School District.C. B. Bedr* enhaugh, Ryon Fellers, Jacob A. Bowers, u. w. jbeaeoaugnj. O'Neall School District.GL». "Willie Long, C. S. Wesinger, Pat Wise. Monticello School District.J. W. Warner, S. P. Counts, Joe Connelly. iFairview School District.Af. A. Ham, Marion W. Long, W|. M. Lester, F. 0. Koon. Mt. Pilgrim School District.S. | Arthur Quattlebaum, G. Fj. Stockman, I TftwflB T or |«j auiQo Wheeland School District.The following are asked to serve: Ed Sease, ^ M. L. Wheeler, iWes Lindler. T. A. Dominick, Chairman Liberty Loan, ^ Prosperity. . mm i * Stop and look. Alice Joyce ami Marc MacDermott will be with us m J ^ aerain at trie opera nouse xuesuoy m "An Alabaster Box." The story contains a powerful theme which deals with the efforts of a noble girl to | make restitution to the people of a I once Prosperous town for the ruin brought on by tha 'njudicious speculations of her fa'her a_reputaoie citizen and banker of the town, seventeen years before # i* THE COLOBED PEOPLE H TO KIT LIBERTY BONDS J The county executive committee for I the colored people for the second I Liberty bond held a meeting on Sat- gg urday, Oct. 13th, and appointed coin- | mittees for wards and townships as j I follows: j city or 3ewoerry , . Ward No. l.B. F. Neely, J. S. Dan- I | iels, G. W. Starks. Ward No. 2.r<V. W. Graham, B. W JI | Bradley, Rev. P;. M. J. Curry. Township Xo,. 3.Claur siewaru ga Bluford, J. B. Giles. Ward Xo. 4.JJ. L. Gallman, D. B I Cromer, S. W. .Allen, Willis Ruff. B County of Newberry I Township Xo. 1.Robt. Robinson, j Joe Williams'. i Township Xo. 2.1. S. Reid, Wm. I Lazenberry, Albert Xance, C. C. Glenn | i Aaron Suber, X. Caldwell, M. M ;g ! Marshall. Township Xo. 3.Claud sStew-artfi j g Arthur Tucker. Lee Gaffney, M. D. Gordon. Township No. 4.Will Wallace, Al- S bert Anderson, Rev. Harvey Thomas j N. C. Duckett, W. P. Moffat, Rev.' k Clarence Worthy. 11 j Township No,. 5.Jas. Wallace, Ford 5 ATon<riim Mark LoDg, H. E. Ellison. I "O " J ! Township No. 6.Jim Boozer, J. S. I j Smith, Tom Burton, Reuben Wilson. j I j Township Noj. 7.G. C. Bluford, I , Isaac Grisby, Frank Pitts, Jno. Teague I I Henry Pharroh, Tom Thomas, L. M. I ( Spearman. jfl j Township No. S-Qev. Zeb Dominick* I , O. 'If Singleton, Andrew Floyd, Jno. I ( Butler, Scurry Scott. it . J T>^rp | Township No. 9.Jd. a. itisaru, no. J. W. L. Duckett, Lud Boozer, George Young, Newton Darby. Township No. 10.J. C. Bedenbaugh, Robt. Tobias, Jno. Kibler, Sv P. Sligh. Township No. 11--J. P. Counts, Rev. H. H. Garmany, fcddie Stewart, R. S. Koomsou. Every member has been notified and asked to be present at the meet- j j ing on Tuesday, Oct. iSth to receive I information in regard to his duty. , j Executive Committee | \ Thos. .A: Williams, chairman; Wil- & lis A. Nance, Rev. Aj. W. Brown, Re'v. j || - y~, tr T,V1PS. 'D. M. Spearman, xvev. \j. ., Uulysses Jallman, secretary. I If Bin -ALE OF COTTON f Robert MoC. Holmes bought 700 [5 bales of cotton Saturday from Sum- 3 mer Brothers company, for which he £ paid about 27 cents. The lot brougnt K I $94,500. He also bought nine bales g of long staple from E. 0. Lake at 40 cents per pound. BED CROSS WORK. At the last meeting of the Executive committee of the Red Cross, Mrs. | J Herman Wright reported four new auxiliaries: Smyrna.Mrs;. G. P. Boozer, ; chairman; Trinity.Miss Lucy Longshore, chairman; Dominick. Miss Dolly Mae Senn, chairman; Bush River.Mrs. C- S. Cleland, chairman. I !\lrs. Floyd, chairman of the committee on headquarters, reported that Mrs. Williamson had begun worfc as paid headquarters secretary. Mrs. Williamson can be found at headquarI ters each day from 10 to 4. However, ! it is earnestly desired that each au! xiliary continue to send representa! tives to the room as formerly, as there is much work to be done. The committee wishes to express its sincere thanks to Mr. Gus Summer for the use of a sewing machine which he has placed in the Red Cross room. Bess Burton, Chairman Publicity Committee. j Last Thursday Sheriff Cannon G. j Bler.se went to Columbia with a col ored man for the asylum, and on Frii dav one of the sheriff's deputies, Rur- al Policeman Thos. R. Camnbell. lates ! ly appointed, carried another colored mprt. to the sn^e place. Poth of th-^ negroes were from the lower part of th<* county, one had escar*yl from confinement and was dodging about tli3 county. Mr. Campbell ca^rht him near - Little Mountain about four o'clock Friday morning. mu_ TT«;rvr, snhool will OD- i i't-! Uli'uu .-\.v en next Monday with Miss "^nn'ce FpKopre as teacher. The pntrons and friends of the school are expected to attend the opening exercises. »h Important A The people of New resDondinsr to the i * w Government to invest i bear interest at 4 per c we with loud acclaim s to the front to fight Pi-oorlnm miakf nftl" nei a i vvuwiit j equip them for the batl worthy and unnatui / Brothers, and Sisters, and lack of patriotism We earnestly urge and the County generally Committeeman in the Call meeting at New < morning 16th,October At which time literatur< will be distributed. T1 vassed thoroughly this done if a single Towns The following patriotic to address the meeting F I r 1 c The Liberty Loan These I of A ctii No "pussy-) but hard-hit man, no ma job may be. That is why MICHAE Clo di c "Action Clothes fc best way to descril Conservatively sty -young men's mo every yar every ificj every det staunch and firm and activity of the times. Priced $12 50, $15.0C Uopeia nnouncement j berry County are not imperative call of the «"» f Rnnr) c urkirli Q 11 VJ l/Viluo <1 itawia p| ent per ainnum. Have £; ent out patriotic boys and possibly die that rish, a*id >et refuse to tie. If so we are unral Fathers, Mothers, May such ingratitude 9 never be our portion. implore the people of and especially every County to attend the Court House, - Tuesday * »i i.i at eleven o clock snarp. e and application blanks; le County must be canweek and it cannot be ship is not represented, citizens have conseted >rof. S. J. Derrick 1 ion. F. H. Dominick )r. Geo. B. Cromer :ol. W. H. Hunt Executive Cotemittee 1 ** V ®| fc A §[($ f* i' J\ Ire Days HI rooting" now ting for every .. i__i. i_:. iter wnai nis > \ S-STERN ithes so mucii to the fore, ir Active Men" is the be them. led for the older man / dels for the youth d of woolen h of tailoring ail of trimming thorough to meet tte ). $20.00 up nd Bros PURELY PERSONAL ' IS c | The Movemcy.ts cf }l2zy People, New- ( berrians, and Those Who Visit Newberry. i ( Mr. J.pE. Bickley has changed from r Mollohon to Hopewell, Ya. Prof. Gilbert P Voigt was elected , > x. m -r* o..T._ . . . I president, l. r. ouuer viue-yi traiuca., | ^ J. B. Ballentme recording secretary, Miss Rosalyn Hipp corresponding sec_ retary, J. Ira Haltiwanger treasurer * and Miss Willie Mae Wise archivist at c the annual meeting in Columbia last j 1 v^eek of the Lutheran Young People's ( State Federation. j c The first address was delivered by 1 Boha Thomas, a student of Newberry * college Mr. Thomas snoke on "The Burning Bush," anu his tender and t far roaohin? r>lea wa ; for the VOUng 1 4 a r people to "help keep the bush burn- t ing." Mr. Thomas was born in f Uramia, Persia. His father was a ^ Presbyterian minister in Mohamme- t dan field..From The State's account of the meeting in Columbia of the "l State Lutheran Young People's Fede- j fofi'nn ^ i auvu, Rev. Edw. Fulenwider attended the ' 1 | State Federation of the Lutheran i Young People's societies in Columbia last week. His subject was: "Greet- . j ings From South Carolina Synod." j Mr. Fulenwider is always happy in extending greetings. He is the hon- , ered nresident of the South Carolina , ; !( Synoa. , « Cards have been received in New-: j berry announcing the marriage Of , Miss Isabel McLeod Smith, daughter 1 of Mrs. Alexander Coke Smith, to Dr. R'issell Landrum Haden, in Norfolk, Va., on the sixth of October < Hon. Alan Johnstone, Jr., of Colum< bia has been appointed by Secretary - /-« Paker«to travel Nortn ana-soum L,aruina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi in behalf of training camp I activities, as we notice by The State of Saturday Mr. Johnstone will serve 1 for the war. He is likely to receive the appointment of major in the judgrt I C + .r> I advocate's department. jl utr owic > says his selection by the national gov J ' ( ernment is in recognition of the fine 1 work he has done in Columbia. He | will make Atlanta his headquarters; 1 goiflg there from Newberry, having come here on a visit Saturday. Says 1 The State: "Mr. Johnstone has dis- ' s t_: hnr as nnguignea niiuscn at . .. a fearless advocate and as having a brillinnt mind. His loss to the community is great." Mr. Copelan^ has many friends' in Union, where he was at one time in 3 j business, who wish him great happi\ ess..Union Times in noting the passing through that place of Mr. and atpo Tnhn n fnneland. iust after! 1 O # t/VTWAA v. , w thgir marriage in Newberry. The Times says the bride is "a daughter of Clerk of Court Goggans." Now while we know that our genial clerk of' 'court wouldn't object to having just such another daughter, still we, rominil the. Times that the brido j is- a niece of Clerk of Court Goggans. She is the sister of Mr Jno. Q. Gog-1 gans, Jr., of Newberry. Mr. White Fant and family returned to "Columbia Sunday after a ibrief visit to Newberry. Mij. J. L. Welling of Columbia spent the week-end in Newberry with his family at the home of her people m this city. Mr. G. R. Wise, more generally known as "Pat," is in Atlanta for mules, to be here the latter part of the wefeki. Miss Kathleen Mobley, the trained nurse who attended the late Mr. Joe *""». /~i~viio loaf iTItiosq I Den ountrj' luiuugu uio ...uvw<t | has returned to Columbia. Mr. Strother Paysfnger is another citizen who eays it pays to advertise. If you lose anything tell it through The Herald and News. The medium is as true as the needle to the pole and draws lost articles like the magnet does a piece of steel. VARIOUS A>:D ALL ABOUT* The regular monthly meeting of the Civic league will be held at the home of Mrs. .Ije L. Keitt Thursdaj afternoon at four o'clock. There was a pretty heavy frost Sat < mnrnin? enough to bite sweet notatoes in low places, observed Mr. W. G. Peterson, the early rising metereologist of Newberry. There is a little life visitor at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Clisby. She came in on Monday of last week md they have named her Ciara Frances. / The latest news is that more draftid men may be called out within two nonths. The war department is likey to have them report during the ;arly winter, as all the regiments have acancies in their ranks. Beginning next Saturday there will >e a movement for the next increment )f negroes to Camp Jackson, contin:ing for five days. Xo whites included. Preparations are making at Camp fackson for the transfer Tuesday of >,504 troops to Camp Sjvier and 1,300 ;o Camp Wheeler. tA young negro boy from the ccm;y, who had been placed in the asy- um, but who was discharged some ;ime ago, has been taken bac£ by hi3 fathen. The boy spent a part of last veek in the lock-up at the police staion here. Among the eight new Lutheran iToung People's societies formed durng the year two are in this county, )ne at Bachman chapel and the other it Macedonia. Among those reorg- mized are Colony and St. James. A oegro boy on a bicycle ran against Mrs. J. IX Bruce late Saturday afternoon, knocking her down as she was crossing the street in front of the . S'ewberry hotel. No serious consequences resulted from the accident, ilthough Mrs. Bruce was somewhat briused and suffered also from the 3hock. Her glasses were brokeA by the fall. The negro soldiers received quite ^ an ovation at the depot a^they passed iown to Camp Jackson..Ninety Six cor. Greenwood journal. mat 13 nothing but right and due. The ones from Newberry received the biggest kind of ovation, and Jim Ferguson, who saw them at Camp Jackson, says they pitched right into their camp duties as though they were used to the life and are getting along all right. Crowds saw the beginning of "The Fighting Trail" at the opera house Saturday, and it took with them. Those who missed seeing it missed a good thing. Don't miss any more of it. And the opera house public is so glad that Manager Wells has again secur~ 3d those laughable Keystone comedies, which b^t anything going in that line. The Newberry Teachers' meeting will be held in the auditorium of the High school building Saturday morning beginning at 11 o'clock. Officers will be elected and plans formulated for another year. Prof. S. J. Derrick will explain the recent text book adoption, followed by a discussion on the part of some of the teachers. All members are urged to attendj. In these exciting days of trails, the next trail to which we desire to call t yoKc attention is the "Trail of the Shadows." which will be seen at the opera house Wednesday, as portrayed on the screen by Emmy Wehlen, who taking so well by the people. «A 11 these trails are good, and we know Miss Wehlen will again please the public when she appears in this one. The "Ten of Diamonds" will hold the screen at the opera house Thursday and will "be played by Dorothy Daltoiv She is the central figure. The wedding guests were assembled. The bridegroom stood at the palm-hedged altar. The strains of Mendelssohn liited softly. All eyes were turned toward the stairway, expecting to see the bridal party. Finally the bride appeared, her coiffure awry, her dress rumpled and in her haid a whis' 11 AnrtlAfleltr Key DOttlB. TSue vvas uwjjoicoinjr u uuu( The guests fled, and with them the bridegroom. Of course, she was only feigning intoxication, but she gained her pointj. Death of Mr J. B. if orley. Air. Joe Ben Corley died at 11 o'clock Friday morning, at the home of his father. Mr. Robert Corley, in West End, after an illness of six weeks with typhoid fever complicated with purpura hemorrhagica, lfe wa% buried in the Corley burial ground, Saluda county, on Sunaav aiternoun at 1 o'clock. He was 22 years old and leaves a widow, who was formerly Miss Miller of Saluda. Besides hi3 father he is survived by a step-mother and several step-brothers and -sisters of West End.

The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S.C.) 1917 ... · r ' 1 VOLCHE LIT, NCMBE3 0. SEWfiEREX, 8. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1917. TWICE A WEEK, nil 1 YIU. I PERS0X14L PARAGRAPHS

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Page 1: The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S.C.) 1917 ... · r ' 1 VOLCHE LIT, NCMBE3 0. SEWfiEREX, 8. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1917. TWICE A WEEK, nil 1 YIU. I PERS0X14L PARAGRAPHS

r' 1



r Prosperity, Oct. 15..Mrs. Jj. P. iWiseand children of Ridgeland and Mrs. J.C Taylor and son of Batesiburg are

the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wise.Tkiicoao T.ono on/1 T.anrip TjftStftr Of^UlOOtO muu ...

Columbia spent the week-end withtheir mother, Mrs. Rosa Lester.

Mr. R. K. Wise made a businesstrip to Columbia on Monday.

'Dr. and Mrs. G. Y. Hunter are homo

from Baltimore.l Miss Rosa Mae Mitcnen or rayiora

fc is home for a few days.r .

Mrs Addie Hodges has gone U

Blairs to visit relatives.Miss Diokson spent the week-enj

in Columbia.Mr H. Fellers has gone to th2

Columbia Hospital for treatment.Mr Wm. Steel of Columbia spent

Sunday with his cousin, Mrs. A. G

Wise.Mr. Joe Long of Lone Star spent

Saturday and Sunday with his parents.Micooc wuiie Mae Wise, Grace Bur-

II ....v «.

ton Reagin and Jennie Ruth Counts

attended the Federation of Young

People's Society in Columbia 12-14.

. Mr. J. D. Quattlebaum has gone to

J Atlanta.Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mark of Atlantaare the guests of Miss Gertrude


Miss Doris Kohn of Columbia collegespent the week-end with her

parents, Mr. and Mrs. s. j. jcvuuu.

Mrs. Enos Counts hrs returned from

a few days stay to Columbia.Sergt. Ellis Wheeler of Macon, Ga.,

spent several days last week at

hornsMr. and Mrs. Jj. Bk Stockman and

children spent last Monday in Columbia.I Miss Kate Barre has gone to the

L Columbia hospital for a throat operartion.

Mi^ J. A. Cousins spent Thursday in

Columbia!. *

Mrs. Adams and Miss Madge Har.v.monhave returned from Columbia.Mr. C. S. Schumpert of Atlanta is

-visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Sc&umpert.On Thursday evening at the CityHall,will be given an entertainment

t"by the sight singing class of the 4th

and 5th grade of the school .entitled"Mother Goose Island."

(Come one, come all and see the famouscharacters of the Mother Goose

story-book loved by young and old,oii<->Vi qc Tact and .Till. eta.

[OUVU «-»J U V»\/Wk 7 . .

Theentertainment will be on at7:45o'clock.Admission.Adults 15c, children 10

cents,.The first attraction of the Lyceum

^ will Friday evening, October 19th, in

f the City Hall.


Prosperity.Wl W. (Wheeler, J D.* V V

Quattlebaum, J. F. Brown, Robt. Wise,C. T. Wyche.

St. Luke School District.GeoJ. F.Hunter, L. O. Moore, J. T. Hunter.

Big Creek School District.J. SidneyStockman, NJ. Arthur Nichols,Jeff I. Boozer.Saluda School District.C. B. Bedr*enhaugh, Ryon Fellers, Jacob A.

Bowers, u. w. jbeaeoaugnj.O'Neall School District.GL». "Willie

Long, C. S. Wesinger, Pat Wise.Monticello School District.J. W.

Warner, S. P. Counts, Joe Connelly.iFairview School District.Af. A.

Ham, Marion W. Long, W|. M. Lester,F. 0. Koon.

Mt. Pilgrim School District.S.

| Arthur Quattlebaum, G. Fj. Stockman,I TftwflB T or|«jauiQo

Wheeland School District.The followingare asked to serve: Ed Sease,^ M. L. Wheeler, iWes Lindler.

T. A. Dominick,Chairman Liberty Loan,


. mmi *

Stop and look. Alice Joyce ami

Marc MacDermott will be with usm J ^

aerain at trie opera nouse xuesuoy m

"An Alabaster Box." The story containsa powerful theme which dealswith the efforts of a noble girl to

| make restitution to the people of a

I once Prosperous town for the ruin

brought on by tha 'njudicious speculationsof her fa'her a_reputaoie citizenand banker of the town, seventeen

years before#



The county executive committee for I

the colored people for the second ILiberty bond held a meeting on Sat- ggurday, Oct. 13th, and appointed coin- |mittees for wards and townships as j Ifollows:

j city or 3ewoerry , .

Ward No. l.B. F. Neely, J. S. Dan- I| iels, G. W. Starks.

Ward No. 2.r<V. W. Graham, B. W JI| Bradley, Rev. P;. M. J. Curry.

Township Xo,. 3.Claur siewaru gaBluford, J. B. Giles.Ward Xo. 4.JJ. L. Gallman, D. B I

Cromer, S. W. .Allen, Willis Ruff. BCounty of Newberry

I Township Xo. 1.Robt. Robinson, jJoe Williams'.

i Township Xo. 2.1. S. Reid, Wm. ILazenberry, Albert Xance, C. C. Glenn |

i Aaron Suber, D» X. Caldwell, M. M ;g! Marshall.

Township Xo. 3.Claud sStew-artfi j gArthur Tucker. Lee Gaffney, M. D.

Gordon.Township No. 4.Will Wallace, Al- S

bert Anderson, Rev. Harvey Thomas

j N. C. Duckett, W. P. Moffat, Rev.' kClarence Worthy. 11

j Township No,. 5.Jas. Wallace, Ford 5ATon<riim Mark LoDg, H. E. Ellison.

I "O " J

! Township No. 6.Jim Boozer, J. S. I

j Smith, Tom Burton, Reuben Wilson. j Ij Township Noj. 7.G. C. Bluford, I, Isaac Grisby, Frank Pitts, Jno. Teague II Henry Pharroh, Tom Thomas, L. M. I( Spearman.

jflj Township No. S-Qev. Zeb Dominick* I, O. 'If Singleton, Andrew Floyd, Jno. I(Butler, Scurry Scott. it

. J T>^rp

| Township No. 9.Jd. a. itisaru, no.

J. W. L. Duckett, Lud Boozer, George

Young, Newton Darby.Township No. 10.J. C. Bedenbaugh,

Robt. Tobias, Jno. Kibler, Sv P. Sligh.Township No. 11--J. P. Counts, Rev.

H. H. Garmany, fcddie Stewart, R. S.


Every member has been notified

and asked to be present at the meet- j jing on Tuesday, Oct. iSth to receive I

information in regard to his duty. , j j®Executive Committee | \

Thos. .A: Williams, chairman; Wil- &

lis A. Nance, Rev. Aj. W. Brown, Re'v. j ||- y~, tr T,V1PS.

'D. M. Spearman, xvev. \j. .,

Uulysses '» Jallman, secretary. I If

Bin -ALE OF COTTON fRobert MoC. Holmes bought 700 [5

bales of cotton Saturday from Sum- 3

mer Brothers company, for which he £paid about 27 cents. The lot brougnt

KI $94,500. He also bought nine bales gof long staple from E. 0. Lake at 40

cents per pound.

BED CROSS WORK.At the last meeting of the Executive

committee of the Red Cross, Mrs. |J Herman Wright reported four new

auxiliaries: Smyrna.Mrs;. G. P. Boozer,; chairman; Trinity.Miss Lucy

Longshore, chairman; Dominick.Miss Dolly Mae Senn, chairman;

Bush River.Mrs. C- S. Cleland,chairman.

I !\lrs. Floyd, chairman of the committeeon headquarters, reportedthat Mrs. Williamson had begun worfc

as paid headquarters secretary. Mrs.

Williamson can be found at headquarIters each day from 10 to 4. However,

! it is earnestly desired that each au!xiliary continue to send representa!tives to the room as formerly, as there

is much work to be done. The committeewishes to express its sincere

thanks to Mr. Gus Summer for the

use of a sewing machine which he has

placed in the Red Cross room.Bess Burton,

Chairman Publicity Committee.

j Last Thursday Sheriff Cannon G.

j Bler.se went to Columbia with a col

ored man for the asylum, and on Friidav one of the sheriff's deputies, Rur-

al Policeman Thos. R. Camnbell. lates! ly appointed, carried another coloredmprt. to the sn^e place. Poth of th-^

negroes were from the lower part of

th<* county, one had escar*yl from confinementand was dodging about tli3

county. Mr. Campbell ca^rht him

near - Little Mountain about four

o'clock Friday morning.mu_ TT«;rvr, snhool will OD-i i't-! Uli'uu .-\.v en

next Monday with Miss "^nn'ce

FpKopre as teacher. The pntrons and

friends of the school are expected to

attend the opening exercises. »h

Important AThe people of New

resDondinsr to the i* w

Government to invest ibear interest at 4 per c

we with loud acclaim s

to the front to fightPi-oorlnm miakf nftl" neia i vvuwiit j

equip them for the batlworthy and unnatui

/ Brothers, and Sisters,and lack of patriotismWe earnestly urge andthe County generallyCommitteeman in theCall meeting at New <

morning 16th,OctoberAt which time literatur<will be distributed. T1vassed thoroughly thisdone if a single TownsThe following patrioticto address the meeting



The Liberty Loan

These Iof A ctiiNo "pussy-)but hard-hitman, no ma

job may be.That is whyMICHAE

Clodi c

"Action Clothes fcbest way to descrilConservatively sty-young men's mo

every yarevery ificj

every detstaunch and firm andactivity of the times.Priced $12 50, $15.0C


nnouncement jberry County are not

imperative call of the«"» f Rnnr) c urkirli Q

11VJ l/Viluo <1 itawia p|ent per ainnum. Have £;ent out patriotic boysand possibly die thatrish, a*id >et refuse totie. If so we are unralFathers, Mothers,May such ingratitude 9never be our portion.implore the people ofand especially everyCounty to attend theCourt House, - Tuesday

* »i i.iat eleven o clock snarp.e and application blanks;le County must be canweekand it cannot beship is not represented,citizens have conseted

>rof. S. J. Derrick 1ion. F. H. Dominick)r. Geo. B. Cromer:ol. W. H. HuntExecutive Cotemittee


** V ®|fc A

§[($ f*i' J\ /»

Ire DaysHI

rooting" now

ting for every.. i__i. i_:.iter wnai nis


\ S-STERNithesso mucii to the fore,ir Active Men" is thebe them.led for the older man /

dels for the youthd ofwoolenh of tailoringail oftrimmingthorough to meet tte

). $20.00 up

nd Bros


| The Movemcy.ts cf }l2zy People, New- (

berrians, and Those Who VisitNewberry. i (

Mr. J.pE. Bickley has changed fromr

Mollohon to Hopewell, Ya.Prof. Gilbert P Voigt was elected ,

> x. m -r* o..T._ . . . I

president, l. r. ouuer viue-yi traiuca.,| ^

J. B. Ballentme recording secretary,Miss Rosalyn Hipp corresponding sec_retary, J. Ira Haltiwanger treasurer *

and Miss Willie Mae Wise archivist atc

the annual meeting in Columbia last j 1

v^eek of the Lutheran Young People's (

State Federation. j c

The first address was delivered by 1

Boha Thomas, a student of Newberry *

college Mr. Thomas snoke on "The

Burning Bush," anu his tender and t

far roaohin? r>lea wa ; for the VOUng 14 a r

people to "help keep the bush burn- t

ing." Mr. Thomas was born in f

Uramia, Persia. His father was a ^

Presbyterian minister in Mohamme- t

dan field..From The State's account

of the meeting in Columbia of the "lState Lutheran Young People's Fede- jfofi'nn ^i auvu,

Rev. Edw. Fulenwider attended the '


| State Federation of the Lutheran i

Young People's societies in Columbialast week. His subject was: "Greet- .

j ings From South Carolina Synod." j

Mr. Fulenwider is always happy in

extending greetings. He is the hon- ,

ered nresident of the South Carolina ,

; !(Synoa. , «

Cards have been received in New-: jberry announcing the marriage Of ,

Miss Isabel McLeod Smith, daughter 1of Mrs. Alexander Coke Smith, to

Dr. R'issell Landrum Haden, in Norfolk,Va., on the sixth of October <

Hon. Alan Johnstone, Jr., of Colum<bia has been appointed by Secretary

- /-«

Paker«to travel Nortn ana-soum L,aruina,Georgia, Florida, Alabama and

Mississippi in behalf of training camp

I activities, as we notice by The State

of Saturday Mr. Johnstone will serve1

for the war. He is likely to receive

the appointment of major in the judgrt IC + .r> I

advocate's department. jl utr owic >

says his selection by the national gov J


ernment is in recognition of the fine 1

work he has done in Columbia. He

| will make Atlanta his headquarters; 1

goiflg there from Newberry, havingcome here on a visit Saturday. Says 1

The State: "Mr. Johnstone has dis- '

s t_: hnr asnnguignea niiuscn at ...

a fearless advocate and as having a

brillinnt mind. His loss to the communityis great."Mr. Copelan^ has many friends' in

Union, where he was at one time in 3

j business, who wish him great happi\ess..Union Times in noting the

passing through that place of Mr. andatpo Tnhn n fnneland. iust after!

1 O#

t/VTWAA v. , w

thgir marriage in Newberry. TheTimes says the bride is "a daughterof Clerk of Court Goggans." Nowwhile we know that our genial clerkof' 'court wouldn't object to havingjust such another daughter, still we,

rominil the. Times that the brido jis- a niece of Clerk of Court Goggans.She is the sister of Mr Jno. Q. Gog-1gans, Jr., of Newberry.

Mr. White Fant and family returnedto "Columbia Sunday after a ibrief

visit to Newberry.

Mij. J. L. Welling of Columbia spentthe week-end in Newberry with his

family at the home of her people m

this city.Mr. G. R. Wise, more generally

known as "Pat," is in Atlanta for

mules, to be here the latter part of

the wefeki.Miss Kathleen Mobley, the trained

nurse who attended the late Mr. Joe*""». /~i~viio loaf iTItiosq IDen ountrj' luiuugu uio ...uvw<t |has returned to Columbia.Mr. Strother Paysfnger is another

citizen who eays it pays to advertise.

If you lose anything tell it throughThe Herald and News. The mediumis as true as the needle to the poleand draws lost articles like the magnetdoes a piece of steel.


The regular monthly meeting of

the Civic league will be held at the

home of Mrs. .Ije L. Keitt Thursdajafternoon at four o'clock.There was a pretty heavy frost Sat

<mnrnin? enough to bite sweet

notatoes in low places, observed Mr.

W. G. Peterson, the early rising metereologistof Newberry.There is a little life visitor at the

i home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Clisby.

She came in on Monday of last weekmd they have named her Ciara Frances./

The latest news is that more draftidmen may be called out within twononths. The war department is likeyto have them report during the;arly winter, as all the regiments haveacancies in their ranks.

Beginning next Saturday there will>e a movement for the next increment)f negroes to Camp Jackson, contin:ingfor five days. Xo whites included.Preparations are making at Campfackson for the transfer Tuesday of

>,504 troops to Camp Sjvier and 1,300;o Camp Wheeler.

tA young negro boy from the ccm;y,who had been placed in the asy-um, but who was discharged some

;ime ago, has been taken bac£ by hi3

fathen. The boy spent a part of lastveek in the lock-up at the police staionhere.Among the eight new Lutheran

iToung People's societies formed durngthe year two are in this county,)ne at Bachman chapel and the other

it Macedonia. Among those reorg-mized are Colony and St. James.

A oegro boy on a bicycle ran againstMrs. J. IX Bruce late Saturday afternoon,knocking her down as she was

crossing the street in front of the .

S'ewberry hotel. No serious consequencesresulted from the accident,ilthough Mrs. Bruce was somewhatbriused and suffered also from the3hock. Her glasses were brokeA bythe fall.The negro soldiers received quite ^

an ovation at the depot a^they passediown to Camp Jackson..Ninety Sixcor. Greenwood journal. mat 13

nothing but right and due. The ones

from Newberry received the biggestkind of ovation, and Jim Ferguson,who saw them at Camp Jackson, says

they pitched right into their camp dutiesas though they were used to thelife and are getting along all right.Crowds saw the beginning of "The

Fighting Trail" at the opera house

Saturday, and it took with them. Thosewho missed seeing it missed a goodthing. Don't miss any more of it.And the opera house public is so gladthat Manager Wells has again secur~

3d those laughable Keystone comedies,which b^t anything going in thatline.

The Newberry Teachers' meetingwill be held in the auditorium of the

High school building Saturday morningbeginning at 11 o'clock. Officerswill be elected and plans formulatedfor another year. Prof. S. J. Derrick

will explain the recent text book adoption,followed by a discussion on the

part of some of the teachers. All membersare urged to attendj.

In these exciting days of trails, the

next trail to which we desire to callt

yoKc attention is the "Trail of the

Shadows." which will be seen at the

opera house Wednesday, as portrayedon the screen by Emmy Wehlen, who

taking so well by the people. «A 11

these trails are good, and we know

Miss Wehlen will again please the

public when she appears in this one.

The "Ten of Diamonds" will hold

the screen at the opera house Thursdayand will "be played by DorothyDaltoiv She is the central figure. The

wedding guests were assembled. The

bridegroom stood at the palm-hedgedaltar. The strains of Mendelssohnliited softly. All eyes were turned toward

the stairway, expecting to see

the bridal party. Finally the bride

appeared, her coiffure awry, her

dress rumpled and in her haid a whis'11 AnrtlAfleltrKey DOttlB. TSue vvas uwjjoicoinjr u uuu(

The guests fled, and with them thebridegroom. Of course, she was onlyfeigning intoxication, but she gainedher pointj.

Death of Mr J. B. iforley.Air. Joe Ben Corley died at 11

o'clock Friday morning, at the home

of his father. Mr. Robert Corley, in

West End, after an illness of six

weeks with typhoid fever complicatedwith purpura hemorrhagica, lfe wa%

buried in the Corley burial ground,Saluda county, on Sunaav aiternoun

at 1 o'clock. He was 22 years old and

leaves a widow, who was formerlyMiss Miller of Saluda. Besides hi3

father he is survived by a step-motherand several step-brothers and -sisters

of West End.