The Healthy Living’ Programme Educating & engaging Young People in Fitness & Nutrition www.petewebsterfitness.com

The ‘Healthy Living’ Programme

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The ‘Healthy Living’ Programme. Educating & engaging Young People in Fitness & Nutrition . " Only ONE in FOUR schools provide suitable fitness programmes for pupils" (Sky News 14th February 2013). Contents page - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The  ‘Healthy Living’  Programme


The ‘Healthy Living’


Educating & engaging Young People in Fitness & Nutrition

Page 2: The  ‘Healthy Living’  Programme

"Only ONE in FOUR schools provide suitable fitness

programmes for pupils" (Sky News 14th February 2013)


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Contents page

1. Cover page "Only 1 in 4 schools provide suitable fitness programmes for pupils" (sky news)

2. Contents page "We currently have a crisis in childhood obesity“ (BBC news)

3. Pete Webster Qualifications & Training

4. Testimonials

5. Healthy living program – what’s it all about? "33% of year 6 pupils are obese or overweight" (TES)

6. Healthy living program continued "Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years” (BBC News)

7. Healthy living program continued "Just 20 minutes of exercise a day can protect kids from diabetes" (BBC news)

8. Lesson example one

9. Lesson example two “Almost a quarter of children are overweight or obese by the time they start primary school” (The Guardian)

10. Contact details

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"We currently have a crisis in

childhood obesity" (Prime Minister

David Cameron, BBC News March 2012)


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The Healthy Living Program

What’s it all about?

The healthy living program is a direct response to reports that children and young people lack health, fitness and nutrition education, and that childhood obesity is constantly on the rise.

Not to single out students who are deemed unhealthy or overweight but to educate all young people in a fun, hands on, active style and address poor engrained habits and replace them with new ones that participants may be able to pass on to family, friends and hopefully other generations.

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"33% of year 6 pupils are obese or

overweight" (TES 2012)


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This is a program that can be used as an extension to lessons, as a support to specific subjects, inclusion support, during school hours, after school, breakfast clubs, respite and alternative education. The healthy living program can be aimed at particular groups of varied abilities who show interest in the subject, are in need of extra curricular work or looking into a related career. It is hoped that those who excel in the course can also become ambassadors or mentors for younger attendees who take part in continued or up and coming programs.


“me and my friends learnt about different ways we can exercise” year 8 student

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"Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. New research suggests that obese children and adolescents have several risk factors for heart disease, including raised blood pressure and cholesterol. Obesity experts say parents are struggling with …a lack of education about food, limited cooking skills and limited money to buy healthier food to longer working hours and marketing campaigns for junk food aimed at kids" (BBC News September 2012)


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The program aims to encourage responsibility for participant's own health and nutrition, prevent obesity and promote healthy living.

It is hoped they will use the knowledge gained towards other subjects, into their homes and everyday life to value their own health and those around them.


“I learnt so much about what food is good for you and the food that is bad for you” year 9, female student, Chelsea Academy

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"Just 20 minutes of exercise a day can protect kids from diabetes"

(ABC news September 2012)


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Lesson example #1SESSION ONE Introduction session/workout with a friend

Session objective - students to motivate each other, support each other with warm ups, exercises and cool downs, proper technique and form, understand team work and encouragement Resources needed - medicine balls/basketballs, floor matsTiming - 15 mins intro 45 practical, 1hr food preparation, serving and eating

Exercise (practical) session-Housekeeping -Icebreaker - Getting to know you (names, hobby, memory game)-Introduce programme and what to expect -Intro food and exercise diary - to be taken home, brought back every week-First day fitness test (heart rate, time to achieve certain tasks etc)-Shared stretching (upper body, hands on back/lower body, leg and foot)-Exercises – group to be spilt. half start with cardio machines and half work with tutor to undertake a number of exercises; Core exersices, medicine ball (basketball) workouts with a partner, crunches, hamstring roll out etc -Cool down-Stretch of the day - ‘wall sit’ stretch (lower body)

Nutrition section-Quiz – recap on the day-Fitness and food fact of the day -For next week... students to bring their own music to work out to / to inform group next week of fact learnt during that week?-Food and quantity - (fats and cals) ‘Fruit smoothie’ – ice, plain low fat yoghurt (500g pots x 8), bananas (x15), strawberries (150g x 5), raspberries (150g x 5), spinach (200g x 1), cocoa powder (400g tub x 1)-Diary review (group sits round whilst eating to discuss food and fitness diary of that week, individual progress, professional feedback and support etc)


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Lesson example #2SESSION SIX Gym box / Boxercise

Session objective - Group to learn Gym box & boxing as a sport and food necessary for endurance etc

Resources needed - boxing gloves and padsTiming - 15 mins intro 45 practical, 1hr food preparation, serving and eating

Exercise session-Housekeeping -Icebreaker - Healthy supermarket (I went to the supermarket today and I bought an Apple, a banana etc)-Introduce session-Intro food and exercise diary-Recap on stretches learnt (one student shows a stretch they learnt)-Exercises - group to be spilt. half start with cardio machines and half work with tutor to undertake a number of exercises. (discipline, basic hits and sprint and back x 10, Press ups x 5 then hit either, Squat and back to hit, Plank & hit 12, Sit up and hit, Hard round of punches (8) duck and swipe pad over head)-Stretch of the day - Leg on ball/wall quad stretch (lower body)-Cool down

Nutrition section-Quiz – recap on the day-Fitness and food fact of the day-For next week... students to bring their own music to work out to / to inform group next week of fact learnt during that week?-Food and quantity ‘Pasta dish’ - cherry tomatoes (150g x 5) onion (x8) rocket (200g bag x 3) olive oil (one bottle) stir in sauce (average jar of ‘dolmio’ x 5) and wholemeal pasta (500g bag x 5) -Diary review (group sits round whilst eating to discuss food and fitness diary of that week, individual progress etc)


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“Almost a quarter of children are overweight or obese by the time they

start primary school, and more than a third are

unhealthily heavy by the time they leave, new NHS

statistics reveal” (The Guardian, 2010)


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Pete Webster Qualifications & Training

•Active IQ level 3 Certificate in Fitness Instruction – QCF The Training Room •Active IQ level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instruction – QCF Gym The Training Room •Knee Rehabilitation Specialist (APPI Health Group) •Level 2 Certificate in sports coaching - English FA •First Aid Certificate - St John’s Ambulance • NVQ level 4 Advice & Guidance - Bishop Auckland College, Co Durham •Drug Awareness Level 2 - Greenwich Council •BA Hons Degree in Youth Work & Community - YMCA George Williams College •‘Gym based boxing’ training course - The Training Room •‘Circuit Training’ course - The Training Room •‘Studio Cycle’ training course - The Training Room •Smoking Cessation training - Greenwich Council •Practical Management of Health & Safety training - Greenwich Council •Level 2 Safeguarding - Brent LSCB •Child protection training - Greenwich Council •Fire Precautions in the Workplace training - Greenwich Council •Associate Member of the UKSCA

PLUS holding a FULL enhanced up to date CRBwww.petewebsterfitness.com

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Programmes can be aimed at those attending Primary School in years 5 and 6 and students in Key Stage 3 of secondary school.

If required, programmes can include fitness and Nutrition OR fitness alone. For example, programmes can be delivered on a once a week basis for 5 weeks or 10.

Get in touch for further details on how a bespoke programmes could be delivered at your school

Pete Webster / TEL 07943197657 / [email protected]

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"Thanks for all the work you have put in" Deputy Head, Chelsea Academy, London

"Pete, (The School staff) sang your praises. They said you have made a real difference. Thanks very much for your dedication" Early Intervention Manager, Brent, London

“The scheme has only been made possible through (Pete’s) hard work and dedication” Michael Glenn, Project Manager, Connexions

“Thank you for all the hard work and support you have given staff and students” Network Coordinator, Bishopton Individual Learning Centre

“The students have responded really well to Pete’s input and have thoroughly enjoyed his active, fun approach” Head of Personal Development, Plumstead Manor School

“You made a difficult job seem straight forward and I appreciate your efforts. Both the groups and myself benefited” Class Teacher, Egglescliffe School

“Our students, who can be very challenging, have found the programme interesting and motivating. The attendance and behaviour of our students has been most encouraging. Pete Webster has obviously spent a great deal of time and effort in preparing and teaching the course” Abbey Hill Technology College, Norton