THE HEALTH REVOLUTION – EPISODE 10 CLIVE DE CARLE INTERVIEW TONY PANTALLERESCO Clive: Welcome to The Health Revolution and today I’m particularly pleased to invite via Skype from Canada Tony Pantalleresco and he is a brilliant herbalist, a researcher, an inventor one might say of many healing remedies, he’s also written three books and he has a host of incredibly informative videos and an incredibly informative website and I’ve learnt masses from Tony and I’m sure in future all of you will, particularly tonight! Welcome Tony... Tony: Hi Clive I’m in my work haven here, this is where I get it all done! Clive: Tell us what you’re doing right now, what are the things that you’re working on currently, what’s exciting you? Tony: At the moment I kind of formulate ideas in regard to prepping, everyone’s into prepping right now because everyone’s looking at the global insanity going on like chemtrails coming down on us, genetics happening, vaccines and all this stuff so people are prepping but a lot of the time what they’re putting together are foods that have all these contaminants in them like the soy and the canola and the disodium guanylates so if you’re consuming these prepped foods that you’re storing or stockpiling you can still wind up with a lot of the health conditions that you’re facing now but without the existence of people like myself or you or health shops where you can go and get antidotes or remedies that can alleviate some of these poisons so – we did a show last week showing people how to make shelters using trees and knowing what’s around you, knowing botanicals and what’s in the area, so at the moment I’m trying to formulate things around those lines that if you are prepping you can minimise getting cancer for instance, you can minimise having a breakdown of joints or minimise any kind of respiratory issues or brain

The Health Revolution- Tony Pantalleresco Episode 10

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Tony Pantalleresco

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Clive:Welcome to The Health Revolution and today Im particularly pleased to invite via Skype from Canada Tony Pantalleresco and he is a brilliant herbalist, a researcher, an inventor one might say of many healing remedies, hes also written three books and he has a host of incredibly informative videos and an incredibly informative website and Ive learnt masses from Tony and Im sure in future all of you will, particularly tonight! Welcome Tony...Tony:Hi Clive Im in my work haven here, this is where I get it all done! Clive:Tell us what youre doing right now, what are the things that youre working on currently, whats exciting you?Tony:At the moment I kind of formulate ideas in regard to prepping, everyones into prepping right now because everyones looking at the global insanity going on like chemtrails coming down on us, genetics happening, vaccines and all this stuff so people are prepping but a lot of the time what theyre putting together are foods that have all these contaminants in them like the soy and the canola and the disodium guanylates so if youre consuming these prepped foods that youre storing or stockpiling you can still wind up with a lot of the health conditions that youre facing now but without the existence of people like myself or you or health shops where you can go and get antidotes or remedies that can alleviate some of these poisons so we did a show last week showing people how to make shelters using trees and knowing whats around you, knowing botanicals and whats in the area, so at the moment Im trying to formulate things around those lines that if you are prepping you can minimise getting cancer for instance, you can minimise having a breakdown of joints or minimise any kind of respiratory issues or brain dysfunctionalities because youre going to need your brain, youre going to need your wits about you if youre in that kind of situation so the last thing you want to be doing is eating things that are going to have any kind of prolonged degenerating effect on the brain or the neural network or the digestive system or the respiratory system or the heart. If were in that kind of situation we want to be using things that are fortifying, building and immunising because youre still going to be dealing with chemtrails, you may not be dealing with lithium and fluoride in the water but you may be dealing with fungal or other environmental pathogenic materials that you may be using from your drinking water at that time because youre going to have to filter out your own water, youre going to have to sanitise your own water. So along those lines and showing people maybe and getting things ready so people have an idea what to do and how to do it and what you might want to have on hand when that happens if it happens.Clive:On a daily basis what do you feel people should be taking in the way of foods and supplements and perhaps detoxing as well, just on a regular day to day basis, in the old days we might have taken a multi-mineral say and now we know those are perhaps as safe as they were if you buy them from a supermarket. I know that youre very much into making your own supplements and encouraging and showing people how to do it, what would you recommend for just day to day health?Tony:3 top supplements that I would probably push the most would be enzymes (especially if youre past the age of 40), iodine, ascorbic acid and sulphur and maybe phosphorus, some form whether it be through sunflower lecithin or egg yolk lecithin or some kind of sulphur based foods or phosphorus based foods because of the continual over moding of the radiation thats falling from the sky, from the chemtrails, the metals that were absorbing, from the nano silver that were eating, from the vegetables that theyre spraying and again the chemtrail fallout, fluoride in the water, the lithium in the water and other powerful components, the zeno oestrogens, the fibroid oestrogens that were consuming again through the drinking water and through the foods. The iodine, phosphorus and sulphur will help to clean a lot of that out on a regular basis, the vitamin C to help protect the body while its detoxing a lot of this stuff out, the enzymes again to help you in facilitating the bodily functions that are required on a daily basis whether theyre to convert the minerals into oxidants, convert the fats into hormones, to utilise the proteins and break them down into proper aminos and the anti-oxidants that need to be utilised by the enzymes to be converted. So enzymes are very key, I think there are probably the most important thing predominantly that everybody should be taking overall, without them nothing happens, right next to enzymes I would probably say Probiotics. I would say 80% - 90% of the population on the planet today is probably having digestive issues and thats a result of eating soy, all the grains, theres not one grain that I can research that shows that they have not been genetically altered or engineered, these things thrive and grow inside the body, they do not break down, they create all kinds of mayhem, they destroy the colon, they destroy the respiratory, they destroy the endocrine system, the reproductive system so again I dont see any need to be eating any grains today unless you can get them from non GMO and grow them in a greenhouse I dont see any point in even having them today but because a lot of people are having them and are compromised they cant digest. A stripping agent, the best stripping agent I have seen to date that works unequivocally nothing comes close to it that Ive seen is sodium thiosulphate, using that orally for 4 weeks, 5 grams of that or one teaspoon of that with one teaspoon of ascorbic acid before going to bed every night, Ive seen that do more for pulling out morgellons fibres and amber crystals and metals and layers off the colon, off the lining, it strips the layers, it pulls parasites out, Ive never seen anything that even comes close to this in regard to this in doing the job properly. Theses colon cleanse kits they actually exasperate the colon unless theyve got a high pectin or charcoal base to them I dont see the need to be using any of them except for the sodium thiosulphate which I have to say, using it myself Ive not seen anything I mean NOTHING that comes even remotely close. Clive:Right well Id like to come back to sodium thiosulphate in a moment but Id like to rewind a little bit to enzymes, how would you suggest that we get the enzymes?Tony:Any way you can! I mean I use a pancreatic enzyme, for diabetic people I give them a high concentration of pancreatic enzyme, theres a company here called Solgard, theyve got one of the strongest ones out there that you can buy, Im not sure what you have in the UK but anything thats above 50,000 USP units or they may be using FCC units in Europe, anything in the high end of the proteolytic levels and the analytic levels on the cellulose levels, the lipase levels, the higher the better. Your foods today are completely genetically engineered whether were aware of it or not, theyre packaging it, boxing it, bagging it, whatever its been genetically engineered. You can get them from using pineapple, papaya, kiwi, things of that nature, using vinegar, peppermint, ginger, these will also help assimilating enzyme activity and to help break down proteins and fats in the body even using roots like comfrey root or comfrey leaf this too will help because this is pepsin in the colon any way you can get it whatever works, use it! Clive:And Ive watched several of your videos regarding fermentation, presumably one could make ones own enzymes partially in the fermentation process, could one open the capsules of the pancreatic enzymes and put them in the ferment along with the comfrey root and the other items that you mentioned and create the whole thing in one big ferment?Tony:I really dont know, it may break down what youre trying to ferment with it. Fermentation is the process of breaking down solid matter into a smaller matter and releasing whatever the components are, by adding the enzyme to whatever youre doing it may actually break it down for you. I mean for instance I tell people that take a B vitamin or B complex or even single Bs and put them either in a kefir or yoghurt, mix 2 ounces and open up a capsule and let it sit overnight on the counter because what will happen is the Probiotics will convert and break it down for you one step and start utilising it for you so by the time you drink it and get it down itll get past the first pass in the stomach, it gets into the colon, its absorbed immediately and instead of getting a 25% absorption rate youre getting closer to 70% absorption rate and therefore you get a higher concentration of B12, folic acid, B1, choline, these now will be absorbed and will be more readily utilised so Id encourage people especially if youve been compromised IBS, Crohns, leaky gut or the 25 other intestinal disorders that theyre prescribing today, this is a godsend for a lot of them and even the yoghurt can help even regrow a new colon for some people whove had surgical procedures through shortening the colon. Using things like colostrum, MSM, cursitan, this also helps repair the colon so anything youre going to put in a yoghurt, especially a B complex, nothing beats it, anybody who tries it within three days will tell you ???? off the chart because now theyre absorbing those nutrients more efficiently.Clive:And as far as a source of B vitamins what do you think of brewers yeast or nutritional yeast?Tony:I wouldnt use it today primarily because weve been so inundated with genetics the ??? has bound to the colon so any yeast you consume today is going to create a problem and it may even create an overgrowth because its going to react inside. If you clean it out it may work then but for the most part a lot of people who take brewers yeast will have a reaction and the primary cause of that action is because its mixing with something thats already stuck or embedded inside of you that hasnt moved in whatever time frame its been there and so now you have a reaction. People tell me for instance that they have a dairy reaction or they have a wheat reaction, sometimes its not a dairy reaction that theyre actually having unless theyre drinking store bought pasteurised crap or GMO wheat, its the GMOs that are causing the majority of the problem, its not whether youre eating a meat or vegetable or dairy product its the fact that youve got residuals inside of you thats been there for quite some time thats been accumulating pollutants and other things and then when you do eat something of any value your getting ???????? but in a different fashion so until that is cleaned out or reduced drastically youre always going to have these kind of issues going on.Clive:I had a 28 year old client come to me a few years ago and she took bentonite clay and psyllium husks and out came a small piece of yellow Lego which she feels she must have swallowed at least 20 years earlier and it had been stuck in her colon all that time!Tony:Well think about this now right, weve been eating GMO products and in Canada Ill have to speak from this end because you guys over there have the labelling, we dont but weve been eating GMO products since the 70s here without anybody being aware of it, we were introduced to these things, this was the laboratory of the planet here and weve been experimented on and we still cant label our food, we cant have full disclosure of what were eating here for some reason, were continuing on this road of experimentation and exploitation of the human race and our immune system. So anyway, weve been eating this crap for a long time and so as a result we have a lot of this stuff embedded in us all over not just in our colon but people have restless legs, they have arthritic pain issues because these poisons have accumulated in them and have acquired in our systems. Then when somebody tries to take something that has a benefit theres a reaction though when stuff starts coming out you think where the heck did that come from, whats going on here? You dont remember that 10 years ago you ate food that might of had a preservative agent in it that didnt allow it to break down and so what this stuff does now is it clumps, weve got jams over here that have preserving agents that will keep the thing on the shelf for 99 zillion years and they you eat it and you cant break it down either. So wheres it going? It doesnt always come out of you.Clive:So which form of B vitamins would you go for?Tony:I would use the store bought stuff even though they are synthetics there is enough credible evidence to validate their use. Im a big believer in using niacinamide, B1, choline and B5, those are the top 4 B vitamins I push on people because especially the niacinamide because everyones got anxiety issues, sleep disorders, stress issues and B3 seems to resolve a lot of stuff. B5, people are always tired and worn out and exhausted so I give them B5 and B1for strength and endurance, sometimes Ill combine it with rhodiola, thats the herb of choice that I go with. Some people are having problems with their memory and they cant focus and again choline, folic acid, B12, these are things that work with the brain and acetyl, B1, B3, they all are there for the brain but again nobodys getting it because its not being manipulated in the colon like its supposed to because youve got layers, literal layers growing in the colon which are blocking the ducts in the colon that allows you to absorb your nutrients so whats happened is youve got this plaster from the grains and the soy thats causing this issue and what happens is the bacteria thats supposed to be there to convert it has now become a negative bacteria the wrong one instead of converting these things and working with your body to assimilate and to utilise its now causing the opposite effect, causing it to be self destructive and broken down so as a result youre not getting these things so those are the ones Ive given, those are the ones Ive seen profound effects. All of a sudden mental clarity starts to come back, anxiety issues drop, they can withstand the stresses of life they have to deal with, also theyve got stamina from the B1. People with diabetic neuropathy I give them MSM with B1 and serrapeptase and within 10 days they can feel their fingers and their toes again you know, I get them off the grains, sugars and soy and all of a sudden theyre back and they can walk again and have strength in their legs and so they have merit. Until something better comes along which I havent seen yet and until we really start looking at two cars have a lot of issues today and its not because were eating this or that or what not, vegans believe theyve got the answer, back in 1904 meat eaters outlived vegans by 11 years and from 1904 to 1970 all of a sudden vegans outlived meat eaters, what happened between 1904 and 1970 something changed in the meat, not the meat itself what happened was that the grasses that the cows were eating were no longer being fed to the cows they started feeding them grains which caused the biology of the cow to change, then they started slaughtering the cows and taking the dead carcasses of the cows and feeding them back to the cows and then they banned that and then they took the carcasses of the cows and fed them to the pigs and the chickens and took the waste material from the pigs and the chickens and fed that to the cows which was perfectly ok. Now what theyve done in England is theyve brought in some cloned cows and mixed them in with the food supply without telling anybody this came out about a year and a half ago so this is whats been going on. Now the vegans says that this is the reason why you shouldnt eat meat and I say to the vegans do you know what theyre doing with the fecal matter now? Theyre putting it in the fields so all those genetics that theyre feeding those cows are now being fed into the soil which you are now eating and theyre saying well its organic, yes organic is carbon based but it doesnt mean its GMO free or chemical free thats supposed to be the reality but it isnt and again you will hear this and this might be an outrage to some people but Im talking farmers from France who are telling me that theyre planting GMO seeds in the ground, growing the crop and calling it organic which technically theyre right in what theyre saying because all organic means is carbon based so although its been genetically altered its still carbon based.Clive:And just getting back to the B vitamins for the moment, lets say somebody buys some store bought B vitamins and it says the dose should be one, if they want to get the effects youre talking about do you think ones enough?Tony:No. It depends on the situation, how are you living and how many dollars a day... I put $90 days in so Im taking approximately 2 3 grams of niacinamide a day, 2 3 grams of B1 but if I followed the bottles instructions Im only supposed to take one 50mg tablet per day, Ill but that in an hour so it all depends on how youre living, what youre doing for a living, I use my brain a lot so Im constantly using neurotrophics, Im using choline and B1 or rosemary and sage you know Im using all kinds of stuff to keep my brain going and keep it active. Im eating tonnes of saturated fat from different sources and Im using lots of cheeses for the bacterial and the mineral and protein content so it would depend on what youre doing. The labels on the bottle are a suggested dose thats all they are, they cant prescribe anything to you because then they would be considered or construed as a drug (in the USA and Canada it would be anyway), so they can only suggest that you take 50 mg or 100 mg for a daily dietary use. Now, if youre using it according to orthomolecular uses then youre going to use the required quantity that you need to sustain whatever youre going to sustain or until you balance off your body, thats orthomolecular works so these are just guidelines for most people but when youre looking at the bottle that says one a day well that is not a drug its a food, do you eat one meal a day? How much meat are you eating a day, how much fish are you eating a day, how many eggs or cheese are you eating a day, how much fruit and vegetables are you eating a day I mean are you eating the daily minimum dose of food? If you follow the RDA guidelines which are obsolete and archaic and completely stupid youd be malnourished so you have to look at what youre doing, what youre treating, what are you sustaining and supporting and you base it on that.Clive:And you were mentioning vitamin C as one of the important ones, I believe it is too, I try to take about 10 grams of vitamin C a day and when I started doing that I did notice improvements in my eyesight and a number of factors and having read the orthomolecular medicine people particularly the work that Frederick Klenner was doing in the 1940s and 1950s curing polio and every single infectious disease its really criminal that people arent aware of the power of vitamin C particularly in very high doses.Tony:Well I agree with you, I was just watching a video today it was a British doctor and I didnt get the name this guy was a genius! Hes telling that if you look at the eyes and you look at the heart the eyes are completely connected so whatevers going on in the eyes is going on in the heart and if youre using vitamin C your visual will come back and the heart will clear up on its own. ???? said the same thing, Klenner said the same thing, theyre all saying the same thing and theyre saying they dont need to go through all these X-rays, the cholesterol, the guys saying you cant even examine cholesterol in X-rays and yet theyre causing over 700 cancers a year by X-raying people for cholesterol issues so its ludicrous today what were putting up with!Clive:It is amazing, particularly with cholesterol because Abraham Hoffer, one of your Canadian counterparts did a clinical trial showing that niacin was a cure for cholesterol.Tony:You can eat all the cholesterol you want to and it will not kill you. I eat more cholesterol in one day than probably some people eat in a year and I dont care if the cholesterol goes to the moon, it will not kill me! The problem with cholesterol is sugar, they found that what caused the cholesterol issue was grains, when you eat a grain any grain I dont care if its organic whatever, when you eat a grain that sugar reacts with your body and what cholesterol is doing is protecting you from the ravages and the damages of the grain, thats what its doing, it becomes stick and it peroxidises. So what stops that from happening? More cholesterol! You can use things like rosemary, it stops that from happening because it has a component in it equivalent to BHT which is an anti-oxidant and keeps the fats from periodising. You can use sage in teas or put it on your fats and it stops it from happening, using vitamin C and lysine also clears up any build up that may have occurred from the sugar damage that the cholesterol is reacting with. Niacin is what was used for the liver if there was a liver build up but the reason why theres a build up in the liver is because youve a deficiency in lipates, youre not producing lipates, theres not enough lipates in the fat because people are eating plastic today margarine. Theyre not getting enough B5 which converts the cholesterol to hormones and energy, theyre not producing enough L-cartinine which utilises the fats again for energy and theyre not producing enough bile in the liver so this is the reason why youre having these problems because youre eating margarine instead of the saturated fats that you should be eating. Im a big fan of eating saturated fats because it protects us from viral infections though I dont have a problem with people having high cholesterol, as a matter of fact if its not above 240 youre open and prone for viral infections so I dont see a problem with cholesterol.Clive:Good! And I agree completely with everything you said. I like to eat unpasteurised dairy, I think its one of the great joys in life. The next thing that you mentioned was iodine and I too think Lugols Iodine is the way forward, most of the people like Dr Brownstein and Dr Derry and Mark Sircus seem to put forward the idea that 12.5 mg a day is a normal dose but perhaps up to 50 mg if theres a thyroid issue to be dealt with. How do you feel on that?Tony:Even higher! It depends what it is that youre dealing with, they were giving people 2 grams a day, treating people with every issue under the sun back in the early 1900s. Nobody died, nobody had this reaction that theyre talking about that youre going to get, Ive taken as much as 12 drops of my Lugols for some ????? solution which is approximately 120 mgs, the only thing I saw with it was I could have walked on water I had so much energy. It gives you such a boost and such strength, I think Lugols (in my humble opinion) is probably the best iodine to be using and I think its superior the Nascent. The Nascent is a good iodine but I think in all honesty Lugols is far superior to all the others because it not only deals with the thyroid (the Nascent iodine does deal with the thyroid very effectively as well) but Lugols deals with the digestive system so it protects your digestive system, it protects your reproductive system your endocrine system especially for women, women need twice the iodine that men do because of the oestrogens they convert, the iodine converts estradiol to estradol so you need the iodine. Thats why so many women are having problems with their reproductive organs because they dont have the iodine in the body to regulate the conversions of these hormones. Men are having problems with prostate issues, why? Because theyre producing oestrogens from the DHT, well its binding to the receptor sites, what does iodine do? It helps convert that so it gets to the other side of the body so between using that and sulphur we can clean all this up but again were not. We cant have iodine, oh no its got the poison sign on it, every cell in your body has iodine in it yet its poisonous, go figure that one out! Clive:Theyre putting poison signs on all the good stuff now. Here, borax which used to be considered in the medical literature to be 50 times safer than salt, now it has warning labels and hazard signs, everything is supposed to kill you. Lets talk now about sodium thiosulphate, the wording is slightly off putting, it sounds like a chemical but clearly its an excellent form of sulphur and would you say even better than MSM?Tony:Superior, period. MSMs good but sodium thiosulphate is way better if youre looking for detoxifying and pulling poison out of the body, removing radiation out of the body, removing heavy metals and these damn morgellon ???? coming out of the sky, to take parasites, fungal, bacterial stuff out of the body, in my mind after Ive used it I dont see anything that even comes close. Bentonite clay and all that stuff is ok but it makes that look like candy, I have to tell you that when you combine it with the vitamin C your glutathione levels jump off the chart, it protects the liver, pulls stuff out, I felt that stuff clean me over to my pancreas thats how effective it was I mean this thing was just amazing. The first thing you notice when it starts to work is your joints in the wrists and knees and hips it feels like theres a relaxation going on so any calcium deposits that might be accumulating in these areas they bind and start coming out. The thing about it though if you do use it you must on a daily basis restore the mineral content and the probiotic content because it takes no prisoners, everything if its there its going and its a good thing that you keep putting the healthy bacteria back in the colon and the mineral content back in the system so that when its pulling out all the bad bacteria and the metals youre putting in the good minerals and the good bacteria back in the system. Nothing comes close, nothing! Clive:And it also has the wonderful advantage that if earlier you have spilt your iodine a solution of sodium thiosulphate completely neutralises it. I accidentally poured a whole bottle of iodine on a white carpet and got it all out.Tony:Ascorbic acid would have done the same thing. Yes thats the drawback about this thing it pulls everything out so it will pull iodine out of your body as well which is why you need to restore it, you have to put the minerals back in. Clive:And you were saying earlier about a teaspoonful of sodium thiosulphate, about 5 grams a day...Tony:5 grams and 5 grams of vitamin C, mix it with about 3 ounces of warm water, drink it down, itll taste like crap, theres no masking it, it tastes terrible but chase it with another 6 ounces of water. If you feel any inclination of any kind or disturbance starting to happen in the lower nether regions immediately go to the bathroom, put a load of toilet paper in the loo, spark it and let it go. I mean it will come out like a volcano anyway but this will keep the backsplash from coming back up but it will come out of you unbelievably and you will see stuff come out... youll scratch your head and say, How longs that been there? because you just wont believe whats coming out of you.Clive:Ive had people whove claimed whats ... well I wont go into the details but yes, strange and wonderful things come out that you wouldnt have previously guessed were in there! So maybe the first time one does it one should do it on ones day off perhaps?Tony:4 weeks, if you really want a good job on it then 4 weeks.Clive:Do you take it with meals or....Tony:No, do it before bed. The other beautiful thing about this stuff is when youre doing it you will not feel hungry, youll eat a meal and I will tell you to reduce the portion sizes of your meal because you will not be able to finish it, the reason being is youre now going to be absorbing what youre eating in a more efficient way, youre not going to feel the need to eat. I was going like 12 15 hour gaps between meals, Im still that way today, I eat maybe every 12 hours or something like that and I just dont feel the need to eat all the time and I dont eat any grains, I do cheat on the sugar part a little bit sometimes, I use honey and maple syrup and once in a blue moon Ill eat a ginger thing that has some sugar in it but generally speaking I dont feel hungry. I eat my fruit, meat, saturated fat, cheese, I make my ice cream with sour cream and yoghurt because I make my own but thats all probiotic stuff, Im even adding fat to that or MCT oil to it and honey and fruit, cinnamon powder, sometimes Ill open up a capsule or two of CoQ10 and some manganese and zinc to regulate the insulin so Im eating this stuff and whatever sugar is in there doesnt go all over the place. I make my own fatty, protein type meals and quite frankly I do not hunger, when I need to eat I eat but its not like Ive got to snack and binge all day long, Im fine, I maintain my body weight, Im between 180 185 lbs which is about 75 80 kilos and I put in a 19 hour day so there you go.Clive:You can also use sodium thiosulphate along with a number of other important ingredients in a bath to detox, would you like to expand on that?Tony:For morgellons what I suggest is using Epsom salt which is magnesium sulphate, borax, TSP which is tri sodium phosphate, baking soda, regular salt and you can add the sodium thiosulphate with it, usually I add about a quarter cup of each in there and I even add about a cap of turpentine with it as well. And for those who are suffering from this affliction because its not a disease, dont let anybody tell you its a disease thats complete nonsense, basically its just youre being poisoned from the aerosol spraying and the genetics that youre eating, this will start to draw out stuff, youll draw out amber crystals and those fibres, youll draw out if youve got ???? or any other type of infection going on in the skin it will draw it out - youll see all kinds of stuff come out of the tissues. As you can see my face has cleared up if you look at my earlier videos youll see where Ive got marks all over my face from the morgellons so you can see that its starting to clear it up more. The baths are key to pulling radiation out of the body, the baking soda, borax and sodium thiosulphate will pull radioactive material out of the skin, you are constantly on a daily basis being exposed to radioactive material from the chemtrails. They have plutonium, thorium, uranium and strontium dropping down on you all the time, Europeans have had the nuclear reactors from the Baltic States have been leaking radioactive material for the last 40 years and the USA theyve been leaking as well as in Canada and then theyre blaming Fukishima for a lot of this stuff which I think is a load of nonsense, I think what the big problem is is these chemtrails, theyre being overlooked as the main culprit for the radioactive fallout thats falling down on us, everybody is looking over here, oh Japan, but really nobodys paying attention to whats coming down and some people dont even believe its even happening, these are radioactive lines in the sky is what they are. A friend of mine from France just sent me a video and I couldnt believe this chemtrail, he flew a chemtrail over the Atlantic and instead of spreading it across the sky it came down like a drape into the water and it completely surrounded the boat! I took one look at this and thought what the heck are they doing now? This is just pure insanity and this is what were all being exposed to so this bath will definitely help a lot of you. I had a woman contact me from Paris and she was on the verge of committing suicide so I said, Dont commit suicide, theres no reason for it because the affliction of this morgellons, everyone thought she was crazy and if youve been afflicted you are the canary in the coal mine, you are the ones that have your immune systems functioning, your bodys reaction is a normal response, its trying to get it out of your system but dont feel in any way shape or form that you are the oddball, youre the norm, the rest of them are not reacting because the stuffs still festering inside and it accumulating, theyre the ones that are the oddballs and when it does hit them because of the magnitude thats going on inside when it does manifest it will be exponential, your systems are fighting it, you have the normal immune functions going on, its supposed to be happening and thats what happens, you get loaded up and it comes out its being forced out through some means thats through your diet, supplements or through your immune functions so this bath will help a lot of you pull a lot of stuff out.Clive:You mentioned morgellons and I think thats had a lot more publicity in the USA than it has in England, the first time I came across it was some rather unfortunate man explained to me that he had what appeared to be metallic fibres coming out of his penis and people seem to be experiencing rather strange phenomenon like fibres coming out of their bodies. Can you describe for people in case they dont know what morgellons is here what the symptoms are.Tony:Youll be in pain, itll attack your body and youll be in pain. Morgellons is an affliction of these bio polvers I call them which are nano particle sized, theyve got nano silver in the skies so I dont encourage anyone using any nano silver products, nano aluminium, cadmium, silica, barium, chromium, thorium, uranium, plutonium, strontium, theyve got microbial stuff in these things, they fall down between 22 23 hours what they do is they penetrate you on a cellular level these things get inside and get lodged in, what nano silver does is stops the cells from doing their normal functions so its a reprogramming process, the silica in these things actually amplify your bodys electrical charge to activate these things, the bio filament gets released in your body and starts to reproduce so you have what is called a binary attack on the immune system so what starts to happen is youll have lesions starting to form, sometimes theyll look like red blemishes, sometimes theyll look like triangles with circles in the middles or squares or a little zigzag lightning bolt or some of them will even look like a circuit board trying to form, some will have letters and numbers starting to form so you know this is not a thing of nature at all, as a matter of fact doctors are saying this is from psychosis and all this other nonsense. This is a lab created affliction nothing more, just like this H17N, this is another lab created affliction, all these viruses that weve had over the years the Chinese flu and the Hong Kong flu etc these are all made out of a lab, all of them. In the USA theyve been working together with mosquitoes since 1984, this is common knowledge, they released the genetically engineered mosquito along the St ??? river down in Florida and shortly after people started having afflictions like the restless leg and fibromyalgia. The Western Isle mosquito I dont think came from the Western Isle unless they came from a lab on the Western Isle. So again when were looking at a lot of these so called pathogenic materials, these things are created, thats what morgellons is its a created affliction and what it does like I said is starts to rewrite your DNA and tries to alter you genetic code, its attacking your genetic code where its at its weakest.Clive:Thank you for that. Id like to ask you a couple of specific questions, people say I wake up in the morning and Im just feeling as exhausted in the morning as I was when I went to bed, what do you recommend for people who arent full of the joys of spring first thing in the morning?Tony:Get off your smart meter.Clive:What if they havent got a smart meter?Tony:Shut off your Wi-fi, you might have towers over there which are pumping radio frequencies through the body, we have the smart meters here, a lot of people have that condition here because the smart meters are pulsing the.... theres over 90 to 140,000 pulsing through you on a daily basis and this is breaking down the myelin sheet around the cells which is protecting the cell so whats happening while youre sleeping is youre getting pulsed all the time and Ill bet you any money, you do a survey at 3 am anybody whos not having any sleep and is awake at 3 am because thats when these pulses are at their climax, thats when theyre sending and transponding their signals and you have to understand with these nano particulars and plovers that are being absorbed in our cells we become a transceiver, we are not only receiving these signals but were sending them out as well so were like a living antenna. So one of the things you can do to offset this is to use something thats going to help you purge this out of your body but use saturated fat because the saturated fat helps to sustain cellular integrity, you need to have that cellular integrity so they can communicate with each other. Things like wheatgerm oil which also helps protect and build a myelin sheet around the cells, consuming things like eggs or lecithin, sunflower lecithin or egg yolk lecithin notice I said sunflower lecithin or egg yolk lecithin, I did not say soy. Soy you should avoid like the plague, whether it be fermented or otherwise, you shouldnt be consuming these pea protein products that theyre trying to sell you either, these things are no different from the soy, they have the same oestrogenic value, the same phytate value and they attack your organs at the same levels. Anybody thats going to tell you today that eating fermented soy is ok, they dont have enough brains to tie their shoe if it was if it was Velcro, theyre that stupid because any form of soy that you eat is a goitregen so its going to attack your thyroid, once it attacks the thyroid the brain and heart do not talk to each other and youre going to have these disruptions going on in the head number one. Number two, it attacks the pancreas, cuts down the capacity for the body to produce trypsin which is required to break down protein in the colon, causes pancreatic cancer whether fermented or otherwise. Three, they have phytates in them, it doesnt matter which way you go if someone says, Well you can ferment phytates for a day, really? Chinese were doing it for over two years in lime, in calcium, theyre barely fermented 3 months in aluminium and youre getting that in these products today, so leave the stuff alone. So anything that has saturated fat, consume, that will regenerate and repair those cells, using things like B3 and glycine, glycine also helps pull heavy metals out of the brain, using sea salt that will also pull metals out of the brain salt is a brain detoxifier and what are they telling everybody to do? Reduce your salt, why? Because you lose this here if the salt isnt there to clean and flush out the toxins out of the brain all of a sudden youre derelict, youre walking around and you who you are or where you are or what youre doing because youve got all this metal and stuff in there. Sulphur, MSM, use it, folic acid, thylene, ?????, these things help pull stuff out of the body, garlic, onion, leek, chive, mix them with vinegar, mix them with water, utilise these things, these will pull and draw these things out of your body. Clive:Indeed. One of the other things that Ive heard you speak about is liposomal coating. A few years ago like many of us I suppose, I heard about the use of ultrasonic baths to liposomally coat but now youve enlightened me to the fact that you can liposomally coat or in other words enclose something in fat like vitamin C or glutathione just by mixing it really thoroughly in a liquidiser, could you briefly explain how people at home can take their fat soluble substances and liposomally coat them?Tony:Theres lots of ways of doing it! The guy with the ultrasonic baths I mean thats just one way, its just basically vibrating the thing so the molecules heat up a little bit so that the stuff will fuse. Basically when you heat something up you expand the molecules and when you mix it it will fuse in there, you can even use a solvent, ???? alcohol even, mixing it together and by mixing the alcohol opens up the ???? will receive whatever you mix with it so lets say youre heating up sunflower lecithin or egg yolk lecithin or coconut oil or butter, anything even if you take a frying pan its so simple you see, put some butter in the pan, heat it up, scoop out the cream and now youve got the butter oil, put it in the herbs. The herbs will heat up and the oil will turn colour, itll turn green or whatever, its absorbing, its fusing in with the oil, you just made a liposome. All a liposome is is basically a fusion or a combination of a fat and whatever you want to put it with and it uses a carrier so initially what it was used for back in the body building days is they would take certain supplements so that it would bypass the stomach so survive the first pass with the hydrochloric acid, it will survive the colon so the bacteria and the probiotic will ferment it all to pieces and then get into the liver, so once it got into the liver and the lymphatic system the value of absorbing through the liver and the lymph nodes, thats how they were... initially thats what the idea was. They were actually using another component by using sugar molecules to do the same thing, they would fuse sugar with certain things so when they got inside of you your insulin would carry these things through the body in another route or another pathway. This is nothing new, this has been going on for quite some time, again when the guy did that it was a good thing, I think it was an excellent demonstration he did, I didnt like the fact he was using soy lecithin but the idea was that he was demonstrating that anybody could do this but you can also do it with a blender. I mean youre heating a material, the blenders producing a centrifugal force, whatever youre mixing with it is going to ??? either way so theres more than one way of doing this and there are probably other innovative ways as well so I just showed you another way thats all.Clive:And by doing that ones probably increasing the power of vitamin C by 6 or 7 fold probably...Tony:Well yes its going to survive, its going to get past the stomach and the colon and its going to go right into the liver and then when the liver starts to break it down... over here theres a product, I dont know if they have it in the UK, its called ascorbyl palmitate all it was was ascorbic acid mixed with palm water and has been around over here for the last 30 years so this is nothing new, its been going on for quite some time and the idea with the ascorbyl palmitate was to get the vitamin A and the vitamin C together into the liver. Anytime you design something at home and again when we do the videos we always emphasise that this is just one way of doing something its not the only way were just opening the door and giving you a ground level entry point where you can start, hey I can do this, and then from there you can expand your horizons and make these, I say make them better and share it out because you can make them better. I dont want anybody restricted with youve got to follow only my way because its not the only way and I would be an arrogant ass if I told you that was the only way, all Im showing you is a methodology its not the only method but its a method that can get you started to expand your horizons so dont let anybody bamboozle you with anything that this is the only way because theres many ways of doing things. Now when you understand how your body reacts and its response to what it will absorb in a fat, lets say I want to get CoQ10 in my body ok, Ive got a weak heart and I need to get CoQ10 up ok so Im going to mix that maybe with palm oil which has got the vitamin E in it, its got all the tocotrienols in it, its got the lycopene in it which is good for the heart, its also got the vitamin A in it and now I want to add CoQ10 to it. So I can fuse that together, take the component, make my own, gets in my system and now it bypasses everything and gets down in the liver, the liver absorbs it and sends the CoQ10 right to the heart and now Ive got a higher yield of CoQ10 going to the heart and if I add black pepper to that it prolongs the use of CoQ10 in the heart. Its an interesting thing how peppering can make the CoQ10 more effective or adding vitamin C with the CoQ10 and the palm oil, now theres vitamin C also augments the CoQ10 so weve got a lot of different ways we can combine things and do things that will augment whatever youre doing.Clive:Id like to rewind slightly to what you were saying about nano silver because about 3 years ago I was looking at various ways to make colloidal silver and I stumbled across a patent and this was for a type of nano silver and the FDA curiously in America had given approval to this, they hadnt approved any other silver products as far as I was aware and I read the patent because I was interested in how they were making it and it turned out the patent was registered 50% by the Department of Homeland Security and 50% by the American government. One or two alarm bells started to ring there about nano silver and I notice now that quite a few companies are selling nano silver where they used to sell colloidal silver, claiming huge benefits but something in me has been worried about this from the start...Tony:Good reason for it! Nano silver stops the DNA production of the cell, gets into the brain, lodged in the brain which causes all kinds of dementias and other issues because it is metal poisoning. They are using nano silver to regulate the chemtrails so they can keep the chemtrails in formations that they dont shift and get blown all over the place and then it comes down on you. They are spraying nano silver now in crops, Ive got one report on my script of the show on my webpage where they even actually after 4 washes couldnt get the stuff out and it actually penetrated the outer fibre membranes of the plants and got inside so you are getting silver poisoning. I wouldnt give nano silver to a pig! And if the FDA okayed it... that makes it all ok especially if the FDA approved it, you know the FDA I have my own adjective for the FDA and I cant say it on the radio because its not very polite but if they okay it Im going the other way to be quite honest. Its just like they said tobacco was cancer causing, tobaccos not cancer causing, its the 4,000 chemicals that theyre spraying on the tobacco thats cancer causing but theyre blaming tobacco so the science..... The USA at one point in time back in the 50s and 60s, their scientific communities had some credibility when it came to actual research because that time they were actually looking for answers. Today, credibility wise, you may as well look up Google research to find any information because its about the same, its a lot of fluff and bluster, I wouldnt trust anything today. I always tell people to go back to pre 1980 to look at anything I mean seriously, think about this for one second, what has the medical community cured since 1930? Zero! So if the FDA is approving something its zero, I wouldnt use it. All my research has indicated to me that they militarys using 70 parts per million of a colloid, not nano, thats what theyre using to prevent them from getting afflicted or whatever. Nano silver binds with you, it doesnt flush out, they will tell you it will pass through your system, thats a lot of baloney the colloids do because they are only a millionth of an inch whereas the nano silver is a billionth of an inch so its even smaller than your cell and gets caught in the cells, it doesnt come out and again youre inundated with nano silver. Just like back in the 60s, BHT anti oxidant they were using and BHA in all foods, especially if they had fat, then they found out later that BHT was causing cancer. It wasnt that BHT was causing cancer because BHT every man that I know should be using BHT because it blocks oestrogen and it actually helps the body, blocking the oestrogen so they can sustain their testosterone it fights cancer, it kills all kinds of viruses but the problem with it back at that time was (which nobody really was looking at) was that every food source had BHT in it so all that happened was you were getting inundated with BHT and so it started causing a reaction in the body because it was reacting with other chemicals in the body. Nobody was looking at that scientific approach at that time, they just said BHT is causing cancer so they blocked it and the reason I think they seriously blocked it wasnt because it was causing cancer, it was stopping people getting sick with viral overloads. You wouldnt have had these hepatitis or these herpes or any of these other conditions going on if people were still using BHT in minimal doses in their diet, it would have protected them from these viral infections just like iodine and other things. Its like salt, it causes damage and blood pressure issues and it can cause issues with the heart, these have nothing but one big pile of lies from the FDA so I cant see seriously how anybody can take this organisation seriously with any credibility. Clive:Yes it does seem like unfortunately they are a total bunch of crooks these days and its a great shame. One of the other things that you mentioned earlier was trisodium phosphate, another slightly frightening sounding chemical name but clearly as a source of phosphorus a very interesting material. Would you like to tell us a little more about trisodium phosphate?Tony:That thing is a beauty! If youve got any kind of issue with bone or pain or energy issues and you mix it up properly, we mix it with chlorophyll, potassium, citrate and potassium chloride and magnesium citrate with a little aspirin, its the best anti rheumatoid thing Ive ever seen. I had a woman that was coming to see me, she was getting shots in her shoulders because she couldnt raise her arms and after two months of this stuff shes never had another shot again, it was amazing! Its a very high powered electrolyte mixture when you do it that way, its alkalised at 12 which doesnt mean a whole lot really unless youre dealing with a fungal infection or overload, phosphorus if youve got wax in the ears its probably because you have a phosphorus deficiency and you start using this stuff and the wax will fall out by itself it does protect the male endocrine system, it does protect the heart, and again its very cheap and anybody can get it. I know in Europe its a little funny because I talked to one guy there from Belgium and he couldnt get potassium chlorate and Im thinking what? Why cant you get potassium chlorate? And then some guy from the Caribbean called me up this week and said youve got to get my prescription down here... really? Why? So this is the European people and the safety authority, the FDA, the Health Protection branches in Canada, they all should be flogged seriously and I think they should be banned, theyre doing a disservice to humanity in Europe and over here and in other places where theyve got these ludicrous regulations going on, I think its the same thing, they should be flogged, flogged and hung and removed because theyre not doing anybody any good, theyre actually impeding health in so many ways and what theyre okaying and how theyre okaying some of the things today, it makes me scratch my head because their own research sometimes tells you that what theyre okaying shouldnt be okayed. When you look at the aspartame and some other things that theyve okayed in the past and you look at the research on it and think how the heck could they ever okay this? How did they ever okay soy as a food? Theres not merit or research whatsoever to validate anything on it yet its okayed so when you look at some of the poisonous materials, everybody should be asking themselves, why is this a poison? Not because to read it and it says it is a poison, so you know how to read... now, learn how to think. Why is that poison? And dont do a Google search to find out because youre just going to hear what mainstream says because thats all Google does. Googles a good search engine, if you want to sell a product go to Google but if you want to do some research go to University sites and educational sites and scientific sites and start looking at these things from the right perspective. How do these things become poisons? How do they become beneficial? How are they used? How much was used? What environments were they used in? This is how you have to interpret some of these things, not oh its a poison so youre going to stay away from it, thats not thinking thats just hearing and obeying. Learn to think!Clive:One of the best sites to research that Ive possibly found is GreenMedinfo.com...Tony:Theyre good, for a lot of newbies its a great place to get started. You can go to PubMed.com, NIH because thats where a lot of the GreenMedinfo is getting their stuff from, do a coural.com search this is another good place you can find some information. Start looking at university studies done, this is where robber meets the rodent on a lot of this stuff. We can see... lets just say the cure for cancer, they gave rats so much CoQ10 per kilogram of bodyweight to cure certain types of cancers, what you can extract and figure out is what it would be for a human bodyweight but then youve got to also look at what did they feed those rats when they gave them that CoQ10 at that dose. These are the kinds of things youve got to pay attention to and this is just an example so when youre doing your research and youre looking at this stuff youre actually looking at it with an open and analytical mind not just the hear and obey. Ask questions how much did they take, how much did they use and then start formulating your own recipes because you can do this because theyre actually giving you the information there so okay if they gave the rat 100 mg per kilogram of bodyweight so take the rats weight and figure out to a 10 kg rat they gave a gram of CoQ10 well then convert that to the human body. You might be surprised, you might get similar results, sometimes you might not get any results because there might be something else missing in that equation that they may not have left in that study but this is a starting point for a lot of you. Clive:And you mentioned chlorophyll earlier, chlorophyll is not something that Ive generally seen being sold in bottles in the Health Food Shop with chlorophyll written on it, I dont know if you find it that way in Canada, what is a good source of chlorophyll that one could buy as a supplement rather than eating it as green leafy vegetables?Tony:Well we do sell it here, its common here, I buy it as a powder and pre mix it. There is a company here called Bernard Jenson, I like them, its one of the cleaner ones Ive seen it doesnt have any parabens in it, some of the older stock he had did have it in and they dont now. You could probably extract a juice from parsley or peppermint and boil that down to get your high concentration of chlorophyll if you cant find it thats another way of doing it, thats what theyre doing, theyre filtering it and cooking it down to get the chlorophyll content so you could do it that way if you wanted to as well. I dont know what you might have there in the UK but if you have to buy it in powder form or remix it that would be better. Clive:What do you think of Clammoth Lake algae and spirulina and chlorella, do you reckon those are worth taking?Tony:To be honest with you I never seen them live up to their hype. Some people swear by them but from my perspective and the people that Ive come across in my dealings the percentages have been very little, whether it lives up to its hype Ive not really seen that. Im not knocking the product, Im not saying its not any good, just from my own personal observations with the people I have dealt with with real health concerns have not seen it do all that it says. Now, thats not saying that its not a good product and it may have benefits as a supplement, it does have a component that does kill cancer, there is research on PubMed and NIH to indicate that the bicianin in it does kill the cancer cells in the system but I dont push the product, I dont sell the product and Im not a big advocate of it one way or the other. Clive:Could I ask you, have you had any experience with ormus the material, monatomic gold?Tony:Ive used it years ago, I didnt see anything with it, I didnt see it live up to its expectation of my system but that could have been because I was using other things already and I was fortified so maybe there wasnt an whole lot there for it to do. So Ive not seen it, Ive had people contact me but Ive not had a whole lot of people give me a lot of positive input on it either other than for putting it in the ground for plants so if youre getting it that way and it works use it, if the plants are benefitting from it and youre growing stuff then use it. Im not knocking the product, Im just saying from my own personal observations with it and the feedback Ive got from people have not given me really any clear cut indications saying its a good, wonderful..... if something really works people are exuberant and they tell you and its not a placebo effect where after two weeks it doesnt work anymore its like they say, You know Ive been on this stuff for 6 months and I cant believe the differenced from 6 months ago, so when you hear stuff like that you know somethings going on. Im not knocking the product Im just saying I personally am not seeing anything for me that makes me go yippee and thats basically a fair assessment. Clive:Id like to ask you another question specifically about eyesight, earlier we mentioned vitamin C, what else would you recommend to restore eyesight?Tony:Chlorine. Chlorines a big one for that, chlorine, zinc, your enzymes. There was a guy who contacted me on YouTube when we first got started and he took 3 different formulas and you can go look it up, its in the comments there and the guy said he was blind in his left eye for 30 years and he used the ginger, onion and grapefruit mixture, he used the analgesic mixture which these are two burning hot mixtures with the pineapple, the bioflavonoid, turmeric, paprika and cayenne and then he used the controversial formula which was trisodium phosphate with the chlorophyll. Now he used all three in conjunction with each other and he wrote back and said the guy got his vision back, will that work for everybody? I dont know but it did work for this certain guy. It all has to do I think with whatever is in the eyes, taurine is a main component of the eye, SOD is huge in the eyes and in the lungs (in the chlorophyll) with zinc and copper produce SOD so somehow in that formulation there it all worked together to open up the blood vessels and tiny capillaries, it opened up the oxygen flow, it cleared out whatever was going on there, the ???? and the onion and the bioflavonoid and the grapefruit also helped to rebuild the visual so maybe theres a lot of things that could have done it, I dont know I never stopped to really pinpoint what might have done it but thats what he told me happened. Im not saying its going to work for everybody and Im not making that proclamation but he told me that after he used this stuff after 30 years he got his vision back and you see that in those comments all the time, people are using stuff and doing stuff that even I would never have thought of and theyre getting these awesome results and then theyre sharing it which is good. Clive:And you mentioned bioflavonoids, I remember one of your videos showing how simple it is to make your own bioflavonoids at home by taking the whites of the peels of citrus fruits and drying them and consuming them...Tony:Thats how they make them in the laboratory, we have a product here in the grocery store that they use as a setting agent for making jams and thats all it is, its just the white parts of the citrus and that also has high levels of pectin in it. Well pectin pulls radiation and metal out of the colon so how much cheaper can you be? You combine that with a little garlic or a little onion and youve got a detoxifier of the colon, youve got a thing thats going to open up your blood vessels and keep them permeable so your heart doesnt have to work so hard. If you read the labels on your health food supplements and you actually start analysing the components in those you could make a lot of this stuff at home! Whats lycopene? Tomato paste with oil, how hard is that to make? Some of the simplest remedies that you can make have the most profound effect on your health. Clive:Yes exactly! Thank you very much and before we finish are there any particular tips and advice youd like to give that would be particularly pertinent for people who want to restore their health right now?Tony:Read your labels, dont assume anything, dont believe anything, be sceptical, be analytical, understand just because you can read something doesnt mean youre really evaluating what youre reading, just because something says its organic does not mean its safe, thats the biggest farce thats been going for the last 30 years, the foods in Europe might be safer than in the USA and Canada but not by a whole lot. This is the most ironic thing I find with people, you will ban a GMO product in Europe yet you allow a GMO corn or soy to be fed to the cattle or the sheep and that fecal matter has to go somewhere and its containing the genetically modified organisms that are being fed to these animals, theyre going into the soil so youre still getting GMOs in your food but this is something that I still cant get my head around, were going to ban genetically modified corn because it causes tumours in rats yet were going to feed GMO corn to cows and pigs etc, I fail to understand the logic in this matter and then afterwards the fecal matter from these GMOs are going back into the earth so I have a difficult time getting my head around how this is not going to be spread airborne. So read your labels and really understand what youre reading, I cant push that enough. Weve got a site in the UK called healthaccess.com, we have information there as well as we do in the US, take a look at the stuff there we do a lot of this kind of thing on both sides of the Atlantic, feel free to download this information for yourselves and share it with other people, we encourage you to do this and thats the number one thing I would tell you to do, use your head, dont just accept, analyse and think is the best thing I can tell you. Clive:Well thats excellent and just to end on a bit of good news, I read today that the Russians are calling for a 10 year ban on genetically modified foods and I think as the Russians have certainly had some influence with stopping the war in Syria that theyll have some success in stopping the proliferation of GMOs.


Clive:Welcome Tony! Thank you for joining us. A couple of questions Id like to ask you because people keep asking me about liver and gall bladder cleansing and many people I know think that doing the classic gall bladder flush with Epsom salts and lemon and oil is a good idea but the person who wrote the book died and I always worry when health experts die, theyre just not meant to do that! Tony:We all die it just depends what kills us!Clive:So what do you recommend? The Chinese always say that health starts in the liver and I think you probably think so too perhaps?Tony:The best thing Ive ever seen that detoxes everything at the same time is sodium thiosulphate, Im so sold on that its not even funny. Ive never seen anything in any efficacy that works like this, it will go into the liver, the gall bladder, the pancreas... the majority of these cleanse kits that are on the market today dont do anything really for you. What a lot of them will do is they will get in and push out whats there but they leave their own mix of whatever and the majority of what people are dealing with today... I was doing another show and weve got to start thinking in terms of molecular and genetic violations because thats what were dealing with today and when youre talking cleanses and purging in regard to cleaning the body were not in that same paradigm we were 30 years ago so were dealing with a whole different level of toxification, chemtrail fall out, genetically engineered foods, vaccines, fluoridated water I mean the list goes on and all these things are by design to attack the digestive system and the endocrine system so when were looking at these things we have to look at how are they breaking us down and what do we really need to remove the fluoride, mercury and the genetically engineered material out of body? Were dealing with genetics and molecular nano particulate bio film thats nothing weve ever seen before so when were talking cleanses today its all going to be pertinent and relevant to what youre cleaning out. Is it a parasite and if the parasite hasnt been genetically altered by the food youre eating, by the bacteria in the soil that has maybe altered these bio films or these parasites or these microbes.... I mean youve got to remember when you plant a GMO crop in the ground youre not just changing the plant youre changing the whole eco system in the ground, youre changing the plant life, the bug life, the bacteria youre changing everything. So we are not necessarily dealing with what we had years ago, now the gall bladder flush that this guy promotes is not a bad idea either but to be honest with you the plovers and nano particles, the bio film, the morgellons issues that are occurring youre going to need something to go in there and hit this really in the way that youre not used to. Youve got to go right into the cellular level, Im looking at something now to fortify the myelin sheet and the ATP levels of the body because this is how a lot of us are falling apart, when the ATP levels go down your cells die and if you cant keep the cellular activity going then youve got a problem and if youre being attacked on a cellular level which is what these things are doing then youre going to need to boost your ATP levels to maintain high cellular energy, high cellular mobility and immunity and if thats not there, everything else is really nothing. ATP regulates many of the elements you hear yourself, Im tired all the time, Im low on energy, I feel so exhausted so you give them different things like B5 and rhodiola or maybe ginseng or some other adaptogenic herb or B1 even and it works for a period of time but then what happens is we have another problem going on, theyre being exposed to different things, sometimes its self destructive because theyre eating junk but sometimes theyre eating orgasmically organic because a lot of that doesnt really pertain today, a lot of them have already been cross contaminated with genetics. I sent you an article about Codex Alimentarius and what theyre doing to the food supply so this is breaking people down on a genetic and molecular level, the targeted areas of the body where most people are going to suffer is going to be in the digestive system as well as the endocrine system and thats where you accelerate the aging process of people where they break down exponentially so it gets back to what were trying to clean out. Clive:Well everybody has got this basic level of toxicity that we all need to deal with, clearly if were fish eaters were getting more mercury and heavy metals than we want and sodium thiosulphate seems to be the answer if were just looking for one incredibly inexpensive answer, it seems like sodium thiosulphate is one of the big ones would you say?Tony:Unequivocally, I mean I looked at the research on this that a Russian friend of mine sent me because they were using this kind of thing, they were using something else too for their minors because theyre so inundated with the pollutants wherever they were working the environmental pollutants and this pulled a lot of it out, this stuff will even pull iodine out of your body so this is why you dont take iodine with it. The toxins today, I mean I tell people dont eat grains, dont eat any grains, theyre all micro toxic Ive got a reference point on my December 12th script and you can look at it from people who were working in a genetically field and theyre telling you what Ive been saying for 10 years, leave the grains alone, all of them, there is no such thing as an organically safe grain to consume. Maybe in Europe you have slightly different standards because you guys do have the option of labelling you GMOs, what theyre figuring out is going to happen in North America is that theyre going to eventually label them and I see that coming but whats going to happen because everything is going to be so inundated with GMOs its going to be like tobacco you can buy your cigarette, heres your warning label but people will not have a choice. The options that we have available to us today is to either grow it yourself but according to Codex Alimentarius guidelines if you grow it yourself as a farmer or youre getting it straight from the farm, when he doesnt go through the processing of irradiation and breaking down the nutrients again this is where a lot of this accumulation is going on too because your food doesnt have the nutritional value because of the irradiation process going on so youre collecting clutter, radioactive material in your colon. So were looking at sulphur, baking soda, borax and iodine to pull the radiation out so we have options here and effective options, far better than anything Ive seen in the health food industry today, I find that the health food industry today has been corrupted as a further means to exasperate or debilitate people and their health. Were seeing a change in the chemical construct of a lot of these vitamins and what theyre adding to these vitamins aluminium, soy products, theyre adding calcium to some of these things which will impede the uptake of a lot of the vitamins in the complex I mean Im encouraging people to make their own! Go buy bulk, put it together, ratio it out, you can do this and its doable unless youre getting stuff from a credible manufacturer which is going to be very difficult to find because the GMP and regulatory bodies dont want clean vitamins anymore, they want them to be contaminated because when I contaminate the vitamin I can actually block the effect of the vitamins in this and youre not getting what you think, youre getting a placebo effect. When I see companies that are coming out with Wholefood vitamins and I look at the ingredients and I look at the ratios Im thinking, This is garbage, theyre selling it on the concept or an entitlement on the vitamin itself so you think youre buying something super and theres nothing super about them at all. Im trying to present this in a way where its not just doom and gloom, there are options, we do have options and we have to start taking the initiative on these options. If you allow me Ill send you some information on ATP, one of the things I think everybody needs to look at and investigate is something called adenine and when you look at adenine its part of the ATP production, its not a cheap supplement or material but by combining this with TSP guess what, you make ATP and there are herbal and plant materials that you can also use to make ATP and some of the cheapest material is ginger or nettle very high in production of ATP for our bodies especially for the male libido and the male endocrine system, nettle, ginger and hawthorn berry will balance out testosterone and can actually increase testosterone naturally. So these are some of the things that we as men want to consume because we need to sustain our testosterone levels, we need to maintain them so that our immune system stays functional, our brain stays functional and that our strength doesnt diminish as a result of the onslaught of chemtrails, genetics and other things that are going on so this is again a simple little thing there. Let me read here some things for you as well: There is a formulation out there where they combined six herbs; thyme, rosemary, turmeric, fennel, grapeseed and dandelion by 10-15% weight volume and then they added the ginseng to it and what that did is it activated the ATP levels exponentially got it right up so thats one of the things thats out there that you can do, theres another thing here I want to point out for you: Rhodiola is a herb that again will increase ATP production, vitamin B3, vitamin B2 and vitamin B5 are critical for ATP production on all levels. Creatine will also increase ATP, its another formula and all you need is the monohydrate, you dont need all these high end high tech whatever, now again you want to increase the ATP production with that then combine that with TSP and you will increase that exponentially and youre going to increase the strength levels on it. Paracetam or paracetum, its another neurotrophic that increases ATP production in the brain, theres prosotene, hydrogene, zantiol nicotinate, these are things that again can be facilitated and used, gingers another one for the heart so is the hawthorn. Ill give you some herbs that can help you and which the common person can have; blessed thistle, blue cohosh, burdock, caraway, catnip, cloves, couch grass, ginger, golden seal, hawthorn, hops, kelp, Jehovah, mullein, rosehips, sage, sarsaparilla, spearmint, strawberry, thyme and yucca. So basically Im just trying to tell you to get going and become your own alchemist, put this together and make teas with it, make extracts and combine it because were going to need this kind of technique to maintain the ATP so that the immune system can fight off some of these toxic overloads that youre talking about.Clive:Yes indeed! One of the other things that raises ATP fantastically is magnesium chloride on the skin....Tony:Exactly, any magnesium magnesium chloride would be good because it goes right in and its going to go into the heart and the brain. The ATP is so critical on almost every organ and tissue in our body, without the cells sustaining that energy and the use of that energy to regulate everything including the immune system, the ?????, the overloading of these metals from the sky, from the nano particles theyre spraying in the plants and other metals youre getting exposed from in the food supply whether its in box, bag or can, were constantly overloaded now and its not just metal were talking polvers now, were talking bio film and that combination or cohesion of these things that are in our systems and are causing us to breakdown and to rapidly exponentially age very quickly. I had a 26 year old woman come to see me the other day, she had diabetes 26 years old! This is an accelerating aging process shes dealing with and a lot of it has to do with the diet and what shes taking and what she thinks shes taking and what she thinks is safe so we had to go through that whole dynamic there about eliminating the grains, the soy and all these other things so the pancreas can start healing so she can start reversing that process but this is whats going on with a lot of young people today and Im sure youre seeing that in your country too. Clive:Theyre all addicted to grains, just like a heroin addict they wake up in the morning craving the injection full of cornflakes or whatever and then they want their next fix but they might have a second fix at breakfast with some toast and then another fix of biscuits mid morning and then rush out and have a sandwich at lunch. Most people have got a real raging addiction for carbs particularly grains and they spend half their day thinking about it!Tony:Well thats how theyre designed, thats the genetics of this stuff.... We ate bread, our generation ate bread 50 60 years ago that we could breakdown, digest and it held you all day, I mean its every meal we ever had had bread in it but it didnt cause this over abundance of overgrowth going on, it wasnt genetically designed that way. Now its genetically hybridised it then we genetically engineered it, now were combining it with nano particles you know and its just to further complicate the digestive system and then a lot of these are micro toxic and oestrogenic on top of that so now were attacking the endocrine system so were going to have a lot of young people like you say, they get up, they have their cornflakes or sugar puffs and theyre having toast.... Ill tell you a true story, a few years ago I went to a hospital because I had food poisoning, so I got in there and they ran a saline solution and flushed it out of my body which was great and I recovered within 8 hours. The next day the hospital gave me a breakfast, toast, milk which was pasteurised which is glycated protein which is a high sugar content, a piece of fruit, cereal and some kind of a biscuit and I looked at that and I said, You know what Im not touching that and I didnt, I walked out and went to a real place and got some meat and potato and butter, I just wanted real food, so I mean thats the genetics of these foods. Its altering your digestive system, its altering even the way we think because of how it addicts us and instead of using ATP and glycerine in the body as an energy source, what are we using, fructose, glucose and all these other sugars and starches that were not meant for us to consume.Clive:So when people say, Well I cant give up grains its all I eat what do you actually recommend?Tony:I say well get your box ready and jump in because youre going to be dead before your time! I dont mince words with people, I just dont have the patience any more, I tell them straight out that the grains have got to go, I show them the illustrations with the genetically engineered grains that are in the stomach and the digestive system. The majority of people who come to see me already have a respiratory issue going on or intestinal issues going on, IBS, Crohns and a whole list of other disorders, some of them are having ED issues, heart issues... so when I talk to them about getting off the grains the only thing I get sometimes is, Oooh what am I going to eat?. I tell them that God put on this planet a lot of things to eat, grain is not the only thing, you can eat meat, fish, chicken, eggs, lamb, goose, duck, cheese, yoghurt, kefir, seeds (if your digestive system isnt compromised), you can have almost any fruit on earth except six of them because I tell them to stay away from six specific fruits, any vegetable you like, any fat you like other than vegetable oil or soybean oil cottonseed oil or any form of soy.Clive:So what are the six fruits? Im very interested in that.Tony:Bananas, grapes, raisins, water melons, dates and there was another one but because the high glycaemic level of these fruits and because of the corruption and the intestinal tract these things will react and further proliferate any kind of overgrowth youve got going on I mean a couple of bananas is a cup of white sugar. The only way you should be eating a banana if you must eat a banana is its got to be black, black and mushy because when you ferment the sugar thats when youre going to get the potassium out of a banana, if you dont do that all youre getting is displaced potassium, yes youre getting potassium but its being knocked right out of the door because when you eat high glucose and fructose sugars all your minerals; magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese, calcium get thrown all over the place and get discarded, thats why you have to take more chromium or manganese or more zinc to regulate the insulin in the body. Clive:So lets say somebodys taking a supplement and its got some zinc in it and now theres another supplement and thats got zinc in it, maybe even another one, how safe is it generally lets just take zinc as an example is there too much of zinc or not?Tony:Well the maximum dose they tell you is between 100 150 mg so it would depend on what its bound with, is it zinc citrate or zinc with thionide or zinc with sulphur? You wont need as much because of the fact that its already bound with something thats going to actually impact it or drive it in more. Now if its zinc chelate then you have to sit down and think what protein did they bind it with? Usually when I see products say its got a mineral with an ????? or a chelate I get very suspicious because Im thinking they bound it with some kind of soy and sometimes you will look at the bottle and there will be a soy listing in there so you know that they bound a soy based protein with these minerals which means its going to extract it right out of your body and youre not even going to use it. So between 100 150 mg, women do not need as much and it all depends how its mixed, what your... with the supplement most of the time its only about 10 mg strength which really amounts to nothing so if you had 10 mg and 10 mg and 10 mg if you dont exceed the 150 mg you should be fine. Clive:Brilliant. Let me bring you back right to the beginning about the gall bladder and the liver, people who believe theyve got gall stones, what should they do?Tony:Citric acid will break it right up, simplest thing going! When we do the olive oil and the lemon basically what are we doing? Were combining a lubricant with citric acid and ascorbic acid, very little ascorbic acid in citrus, the best youre going to get out of any citrus is about 15 mg so youre looking for citric acid, why? Because citric acid dissolves what? Calcium.Clive:Exactly, so drinking a vinegar drink would probably do the same thing?Tony:Yes and no because vinegar can actually increase the uptake of calcium, the most absorbable calcium you can make and buy and eat is an eggshell with vinegar because its called calcium acetate, that is the most absorbable calcium you can use so in this situation I dont know if I would use vinegar as opposed to citric acid. Now once everything clears out then if youre going to use it Id probably tell you to use it every other day because it doesnt absorb and you will feel pains in the joints. In my humble opinion based on my research I dont think you need that much calcium anyway, you cant absorb it that well unless its already bound with an acid or some kind of protein thats going to allow it to be utilised in the colon. Yoghurt will give you more than enough calcium, so will kefir and so do a lot of the cheeses because these are ferments that are going to allow you to absorb the mineral more efficiently and because they are also bound with not only a bacteria but with a protein. So when were talking kidney stones, I dont know if I would use vinegar, not at that point, I may use a citric acid and maybe even a little ascorbic acid to help dissolve and break it down. Usually people have these things that weve helped here, the citric acid seems to do the trick and very quickly, usually within a week you see a lot of relief and then I tell them again dont eat grains, dont eat this, dont eat that, drink more fluids, more distilled water to help flush this out.Clive:How much citric acid should they be taking and how much water?Tony:Probably about a quarter teaspoon about 5 times a day. I have found in my experience that 5 is the magic number, if youre going to give anybody anything to fix, heal or recover, get on top so once you give them that 5 or 6 all of a sudden you start seeing some results and people will notice and tell you theyre feeling great, can digest again and dont have that pain in the kidney, youll get that. I get it all the time, I go on YouTube sometimes and read some of the comments, some of these people really amaze me with some of the combinations they put together but yes, 5 a day seems to do the trick, again avoid the grains and soy, any sugar and high fructose corn syrup, stay away from that, splendour stay away from that crap, that sucralose its all garbage, that causes a lot of kidney issues as well. You do have normal natural sugars like unpasteurised honey and maple syrup, I dont see why people are not eating these things, theyre loaded with antioxidants, trace elements and all kinds of protective properties and you can absorb this stuff. If you dont want to even use that then use glycerol or glycerine, that is the sugar that your body is supposed to be using in the first place not glucose or fructose, not the high volume were using and again what does glycerol do when you combine it with phosphorus and glycine, converts to ATP!Clive:And lets be clear about the liver, so lets say one wants to clean the liver can you just give exact precise instructions as to what somebody should do?Tony:I would give them one teaspoon of ascorbic acid with one teaspoon of sodium thiosulphate in 3 ounces of distilled or reverse osmosis water or some kind of clean purified water, do that every night for 4 weeks and if you want to increase the regeneration process of the liver then you would take rosemary, sage, dandelion and milk thistle teas which can help in the recovery and regeneration of the liver, lets say you damaged the liver because of alcohol or some other foods that youve eaten in the past that have had genetically engineered material that attacked your liver then again these are some of the things that can help you regenerate and artichoke will do this as well, it will help regrow, renew a liver.Clive:Artichoke root or the fruit?Tony:The fruit! I think pretty well anything that has to do with it, its a specific component in it that will do it and I think its along the whole plant. You can use things like goji berry which is also very high in SOD production which can again protect the liver, vitamin C which is in the STS which will help produce interferon in the liver so I think that in itself and keeping it simple in regard to what youre eating and what youre avoiding will make a big difference in regard to renewing the liver completely. Lets say youre also dealing with a fatty liver, non alcoholic fatty liver disease, well you might want to use more B5, sunflower or egg lecithin, biosalts, taurine is a biggie for this it can really help in the liver because of its ability to produce biosalts, so depending on the issue going on thats perhaps the best way to approach this in whatever method youre going to use. To clean it out thats STS and vitamin C, to regenerate and rebuild it thats the specific herbs and if youve got a fatty liver then we need to put stuff in thats going to break this down and you MUST avoid the grains there are no ifs, ands or buts. Clive:And many people ask me about liver spots on their hands, can you explain briefly why people get liver spots and what to do or is the answer what youve just given?Tony:Part of it, part of these are not liver spots either, they could be what they call glycation cells your protein and your sugar are actually combining in the skin and as a result causes this browning effect and thats what glycation is, a combination of sugar and protein that are cohesing and creating cellular damage. Now you can clear that up as well by using something as simple as an aspirin, an aspirin solution with lemon juice will break that down or you can start using B1, MSM which are both anti glycating nutrients that when you combine the MSM augments the B1 by a factor of 13 and this can help reverse some of the damage thats going on. Im sure you have people who are dealing with fibromyalgia and restless leg and a whole host of other damaging issues in the body along those lines so what are you going to give them? You have to give them an enzyme to help them break down the debris and material, I usually give seropeptat even tripsyl will work and I combine MSM with B1 and usually between 10 and 12 days they call you back and say, Hey Im actually getting my strength back, Im feeling less pain, Im seeing some results here and again what does it boil down to? Your diet, do not eat grains, do not eat soy and canola oil should be.... if you got any kind of restless leg or any kind of fibromyalgia issues or any kind of cellular decay going on in the body canola oil should be avoided like the plague because it destroys the myelin sheet, it destroys you on a cellular level, dont ever eat it. Clive:Yes I couldnt agree more. Lastly Id like you to just tell us what you would recommend for thyroid issues, iodine clearly is a huge and obvious one...Tony:Yes, definitely. 4 things that we give people here are iodine, selenium citrate, tyrosine and vitamin D, these are the crucial elements there and its all going to boil down to leaving goitrogenic foods alone. If youre eating broccoli, cauliflower, kale, soy, peas, radishes, anything thats going to attack the thyroid at this stage of the game leave it alone because if youre already compromised no matter how good these foods may appear to be theyre going to further exasperate the condition and the other thing you must avoid again is canola because one of the things that canola oil does is it scars the thyroid and the heart. This is an omega 3 oil that theyre having everybody cook with...Cli