Healey Enthusiast The Volume XXX No. II March 2019 MARCH EVENTS Wed. March 6 PIE Meeting Sat. March 16 McQueen Tech Session A BEAUTIFUL HEALEY WESTLAND - as shown at the Goodwood Revival in the Fall of 2018 -

The Healey Enthusiast 2019 Enthusiast.… · Trust. Their cafes were some of our favorite lunch places. Each one featured a dessert or two from a period significant to the home (the

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Page 1: The Healey Enthusiast 2019 Enthusiast.… · Trust. Their cafes were some of our favorite lunch places. Each one featured a dessert or two from a period significant to the home (the

Healey Enthusiast The

Volume XXX No. II March 2019


Wed. March 6 PIE Meeting Sat. March 16 McQueen Tech Session


- as shown at the Goodwood Revival in the Fall of 2018 -

Page 2: The Healey Enthusiast 2019 Enthusiast.… · Trust. Their cafes were some of our favorite lunch places. Each one featured a dessert or two from a period significant to the home (the

Page 2 The Healey Enthusiast March 2019

THE HEALEY ENTHUSIAST The official publication of the Minnesota Austin Healey Club, a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation. THE HEALEY ENTHUSIAST, is published 12 times per year for the benefit of its members. Articles which appear in THE HEALEY ENTHUSIAST are the opinions of the authors and do not express the position of the Minnesota Austin Healey Club on any matter unless specifically noted. We do our best to ensure accuracy but cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions. Contributions are welcome on any subject related to Healeys, club members, or of general interest to the classic car hobby. Material from THE HEALEY ENTHUSIAST may be reprinted in any other publication provided reciprocal article use permission is granted by that publication. Deadline for submissions to the editor is the 15th of the month prior to the next issue. Classified ads are free for MAHC members, $5.00 for non-members. For display rates contact newsletter advertising. The Minnesota Austin Healey Club Inc. is operating as a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation and is affiliated with the Austin Healey Club of America, Inc.


President KIM RIXEN 612-590-6513 [email protected] Vice President DAPHNE WALMER 651-334-3879 [email protected] Treasurer LIZ STADTHER [email protected] Membership JIM KRIZ 612-377-2277 [email protected] Newsletter GARY RONNING Editor 1019 Ridge Haven Circle Buffalo, MN 55313 763-684-4041 [email protected] Video Librarian DAVE HERREID 651-334-3879 [email protected] Web Master GREG WILLODSON [email protected] Email DAVE LEE Broadcaster 715-651-2479 [email protected] Name Tags GREG WILLODSON [email protected] National Delegate EILEEN WETZEL 763-541-9571 [email protected] Intermarque SUZANNE WILLODSON Delegate 763-390-4133 [email protected] Regalia GARY RONNING 763-684-4041 [email protected] Technical Resources Sprite PAUL GAU 952-933-7277 100 MIKE MANSER [email protected] 3000 & JEFF JOHNK Modified 952-461-2720 Jensen TOM POLITISKI Healey 218-367-2168 Board of Directors DAVE HERREID CHERYL RADEMACHER, CHAIR. GEOFF ROSSI CLARENCE WESTBERG GARY WETZEL Minnesota Web Site www.mnhealey.com

National Web Site www.healeyclub.org

President’s Informal Evening Date: Wednesday March. 6th Time: 7:00 p.m. (or before) Place: Joseph’s Grill 140 So. Wabasha St. Paul, MN 55107 651-222-2435

Come and enjoy refreshments and/or food with the friendly club members, catch up on news & events, and discuss cars & restorations.

To the members that submitted news, articles, and photos for this newsletter issue:

Kim Rixen Steve Rixen Daphne Walmer Greg Lauser Suzanne Willodson Scott McQueen Barb Ronning Tom Hazen

Fred Ambli

Current and past newsletters: http://www.mnhealey.com/mnhealey/newsletter.htm

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March 2019 The Healey Enthusiast Page 3

Presidential Ponderings By Kim Rixen

Let’s eat The driving season in Minnesota is short. Too short. In fact, several years ago, Mother Nature waited until mid-May to decide it finally was time to stop snowing. By April, we’re all sick of winter and grumble every time we hear snow is in the forecast. Those of us who don’t go south for the winter are especially crabby. We need sun, we need warmth, and we need to drive our sports cars. But until the city sweeps the streets to get rid of all the salt and chemicals that were deposited over the winter, we have to find other ways to stay entertained. Usually, they involve food. We go to plays, then we eat. We make our annual trip to the Walker Art Museum for the British Arrows Awards, then go eat. We pack food for those in need, then go out to eat. We invite everyone over on a cold afternoon and we eat. The Healey Club has a reputation for hosting parties with good food, lots of good food! We’ve made some mighty fine pizzas at Dave Herreid and Daphne Walmer’s cabin in the summer, learned all about southern food at Carl and Betty Stine’s summer picnics, handed the tongs to Mike Lynch when he offers to take over the grill, and never left Eileen Wetzel’s house hungry. People are always happy to bring food to parties, too. One of the first British car club events attended was a high tea hosted by an Australian chap and his wife. We were given a stack of recipes to choose from. I picked a chocolate cake recipe. It was chocolate, and it sounded good. When I looked more closely, I noticed that all the ingredients were measured in milliliters and grams. And what was caster sugar? Could I even buy it here? Fortunately, I was living next door to a British family. Jacqui helped me figure out what I was doing -- and what I was using (regular sugar). But for all the time and effort, the cake proved disappointing. The consistency was weird, and it didn’t taste very good. It’s presentation would cost me serious points on the Great British Baking Show. During our trip to England last September, we toured several of Britain’s great houses owned by the National Trust. Their cafes were some of our favorite lunch places. Each one featured a dessert or two from a period significant to the home (the 1920s and World War II, for example). All were wonderful. When I got home, I opened our copy of the National Trust magazine and found recipes from some of their best-selling bakes. Of course, they were all in metric but at least this time I recognized the ingredients. They look so good, it might be time to experiment with British recipes again. Continued….

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Feeling adventurous? Here’s a recipe for one of the top sellers:

Kim Rixen and Liz Stadther

cooking in Daphne Walmer’s kitchen

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March 2019 The Healey Enthusiast Page 5

Meeting Minutes January 2, 2019 Announcements Arrow Awards Thanks to Suzanne Willodson for organizing our excursion to the Arrow Awards, where again for the 4th or 5th year we watched the best of the year’s British TV commercials. We laughed; we cried; in a few cases we scratched our heads. Afterwards we celebrated at Brit’s Pub—a good way to end the year. Membership The deadline for renewing national membership was January 1, but there is usually s a grace period if you get in by January 15. Upcoming Events On Sunday January 20 the Rixen’s are holding a Revive the Revival Party in honorof Goodwood, the British car show they attended last fall. Bring an appetizer, dessert, and/or something to drink. They’ll have a main dish. You are invited to wear vintage clothing if you want. Dick Leighninger promises to bring Marmite. Greg and Nancy Lauser will offer their Chili, Cabbage, and Borscht Buffet on Saturday February 16. RSVP by Feb 13. Second Harvest Heartland volunteering will be Saturday, February 23 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. We promised 25 volunteers. We’ll help pack dry goods or vegetables or who knows what. The location has moved from Golden Valley to Brooklyn Park. For more details see the ad in the newsletter or an upcoming email from Dave Lee. After our shift we’ll have lunch nearby, perhaps at Granite City. CONCLAVE 2019 Greg Lauser reported on the status, with additions from Gary Wetzel.

• Currently we have 236 registrations representing at least 440 people, and we’re still 9 months out. • The Mountain Grand, Holiday Inn Express & Suites and Hotel by Gold Dust are all but sold out, with

just a few suites still available at the Holiday Inn Express. • We have added contracts for 20 rooms each at the Lodge at Deadwood and Comfort Inn & Suites,

bringing total rooms available to 258. We may be able to secure more rooms at each of those hotels, depending on the pace of future demand by registrants. Those hotels will be publicized in Healey Marque and AHCA news update emails.

• We will decide later whether to seek contracts with other hotels beyond those five, or simply give registrants a list of other lodging nearby, which they can reserve individually.

• Exciting news is that Gary Wetzel learned that Custer State Park charges only $1 per car for groups that make arrangements ahead of time, so we are planning to put one pass in each registration packet. Otherwise, the lowest cost entry fee is $20 for a seven-day pass. Also, having passes will save participants a long wait in line to buy a pass.


The Presidents Informal Evening By Daphne Walmer

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• We need to decide for what day(s) to purchase those passes in coordination with exactly when

events finally end up. It makes sense to have them for participants in the rally or the Moerke’s guided tour to Crazy Horse Memorial and Customer State Park. People who do not participate in either of those events also could use them that day. One option is Monday September 9. We discussed asking participants on the website which events they want, as an aid to our planning. June Moerke pointed out that events such as tours usually attract many people.

• We will cover the costs of the following list from three sources: registration fees, regalia sales, and

sponsorships. o Custer State Park discounts o Welcome reception and reception speakers o Banquet entertainment o Hospitality throughout the week o Gymkhana/Funkhana o Car Show o Ladies Tea speaker o City fees for venues needed for the Sunday car show, trailer and car added parking o Printing o Event memorabilia o Signs and banners o Other discounts

• So far, registration fees are $30,000 of the $66,000 in revenues billed so far. The rest is pass-

through revenue for catering, the ladies tea, the BBQ and dance and Banquet, plus the Rushmore bus tours.

• Regalia promotion starts in March. The Wetzels brought samples dropped off by the Ronning’s son

for us to view. There is an opportunity for the club to make additional money from Regalia, because we are not required to share sales revenue from regalia with the national club.

• The Car Show has 240 cars registered to date. The current space allows for no more than 140, so we

need to negotiate with the city for more space. • Crazy Horse/Custer State Park Tour: The Moerke’s reported the tour will have lunch at Crazy Horse,

and then go on to the state park after lunch. They will take a group photo in front of Crazy Horse. Going to Crazy Horse with this tour will cost only $7 per person instead of $12. Currently this tour is scheduled for Monday.

• Gary Wetzel noted that 31 registrants are coming from California and 30 from Minnesota, which

includes our 5 from Wisconsin. • Quite a few USA Club (West Coast) members are coming, including two USA members who write a

lot of articles, who planned to come to the Black Hills Conclave even if they had to join the National Club. (For those not in the know, the USA Healey Club is separate from the National Healey Club.)


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March 2019 The Healey Enthusiast Page 7

Sponsorships Dave Hatzung reported on sponsorships, and Jeff Lumbard talked about contacts he made during his recent trip to England.

• Dave joked that he and Steve agreed to waive their union modeling fee for regalia. • Greg Lauser noted that sponsorships are another area where our club can make money, although

we must share sponsorship revenue with the national club. • Please contact Dave Hatzung if you have a relationship with a company that might be a potential

sponsor. Dave will send an email via Dave Lee with a list of companies. • Dave Hatzung also wants to add a couple of people to the sponsorship committee. He told a story

about when Dave Herreid asked Hatzung to be vice president, so maybe Herreid owes Hatzung a favor.

• Sponsorship committee members are needed to help contact a list of 200-300 potential sponsors. • Jeff Lumbard made a lot of contacts in England, when he and Betsy attended the Birmingham

Lancaster Insurance Company Classic Motor Car Show at the NEC. It boasted lots of English cars, as opposed to the show in Essen, Germany, which was mostly German cars.

• Jeff talked to AH Spares Ltd, A-Head 4 Healeys and Cape International, which are some of the main UK suppliers in the U.S.

• A-Head 4 Healeys: Jeff says they are not as well known in the U.S. because a lot of people go through Autofarm Ltd. in Canada, and then the shipping costs are really big. Jeff’s contact, Gary Dexter, knows they lack marketing in the States. Perhaps the rep from Autofarm will come.

• Jeff talked to Steve Norton of Cape International, whom he has purchased parts from in the past. They are trying to get back to being recognized for Healeys.

• Jeff also needs to send an email to Denis Welch, who wasn’t at the Birmingham show. • Jeff also had a conversation with people in the UK Healey Club, which is divided into different

regions. Jeff says they have a big system, including lots of Facebook presence, and they would gladly promote our information about the 2019 Conclave.

• Jeff talked to Joe Cox, who is one of the individuals who started HealeySport, the racing division of the UK club, in the late 1980s. Joe was one of the individuals who was instrumental in setting up the 1990 Healey Challenge race organized with Phillip Coombs and Joe Pendergraft from the U.S. Joe Cox has a female acquaintance who went to school in Rapid City, and who knows the area because she comes back every couple of years. Joe is of course good friends with John Chatham, a long-time Big Healey racer. After talking with Joe, he thought of the possibility of coming to Conclave and maybe convincing John Chatham to attend, but that is up in the air right now. Phillip Coombs is planning on attending the Conclave.

• Greg Lauser has already sent information to the UK Healey Club. Gary Wetzel noted that we might get 4-5 people from England who are already interested in coming to the US on vacation. There should 5-7 UK big Healeys planning to race at Road America in the fall right after Conclave, of which 4 are of course the Minnesota Club members.

Attendees: Steve & Kim Rixen, Dave Herreid & Daphne Walmer, Rich & Liz Stadther, Tom & June Moerke, Greg & Nancy Lauser, Greg & Suzanne Willodson, Dave Hatzung, Dave & Cheryl Rademacher, Clarence & Kate Westberg, Dan Powell, Jeff Lumbard, Scott McQueen, Gary & Eileen Wetzel, Andy Lindberg, Phil See, and Dave Leighninger.

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Reviving the Goodwood Revival at the Rixen House in January

It was a cold, sunny day -- not very British like. No Healeys were in attendance, other than pieces of one in the garage. People brought lots of good sweets and savories--and there was plenty to drink.

Clockwise: Dapper Dan (i.e. Rich Stadther), Gary Oster ready to race, Marmite (a party isn’t a party without Marmite), Dick & Sally Leighninger dolled up for show !

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March 2019 The Healey Enthusiast Page 9

Borsch & Chili Buffet, Good Company Warm MAHC Members on Chilly Day Greg Lauser

Eighteen Minnesota club members traveled over the river (St. Croix) and through the Wisconsin woods on a chilly February 16 to warm themselves with a selection of hearty cabbage borsch (mild), chili verde (medium) or Texas Red chili (spicy) at the Lausers.

Those entrées were complemented by Betty Stine’s tasty cast-iron skillet cornbread and other scrumptious appetizers and desserts from each visiting household. Wines and water were on hand along with beverages of choice brought by folks attending.

When everyone had warmed up and refueled, they adjourned to the family room for a Conclave presentation by Gary and Eileen Wetzel and Greg Lauser. The trio reported on progress, planning and the need for every club member who will be at Black Hills Conclave 2019 to help prepare for and host the five-day event this fall in Deadwood. They reported current registration is more than 500 people, which has sold out three of the five hotels that have contracts with Conclave. As registrations continue the next six months, it is likely Deadwood’s population will increase by about 50 percent during Conclave.

They requested that members volunteer to assist Dave Hatzung with follow-up contacts and phone calls to secure sponsorships. Dave has sent an initial letter to some 200 potential sponsors whose contributions can help enrich the Conclave experience for all. It’s particularly important that members who do (or have done) significant business with potential sponsors get involved in calling them. Jeff Lumbard already has hand-carried sponsorship materials to potential sponsoring firms in the United Kingdom. Please let Dave know if you can make some follow-up contacts. He and the club need fellow members’ involved to properly and personally follow-up with as many businesses as possible.

Then it was time for more desserts, beverages and visiting. Those who enjoyed the afternoon at the Lauser home were Dave Herreid, Tom and June Moerke, Geoff and Diane Rossi, Jeff and Karen Sartell, Phil See, Rich and Liz Stadther, Carl and Betty Stine, Clarence and Kate Westberg, Gary and Eileen Wetzel, and Greg and Suzanne Willodson.

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Second Harvest Heartland Event Editor On Saturday February 23rd, fifteen A-H members gathered at 8:45 am in the Brooklyn Park location to volunteer their time packing food for distribution to food shelves, etc. First we got an introductory class on the Second Harvest programs. Next we were off to the hand washing stations, putting on plastic gloves, and proceeding to the packing area. Today’s task was to package potatoes from a very large container in to five pound bags. Any damaged ones were discarded, and those go to a pig farm. Nothing is wasted ! Some volunteers were picking the potatoes, others were weighing and securing the bags, and the “big guys” were putting eight of those bags in to 40 pound sacks. We were done about 11:00 am and gathered again to review our total for the day. There were some other groups attending too, besides the AH Club. Totally the entire group bagged 8,673 pounds of potatoes for distribution. Suzanne also presented a check from our club for $300.00 to the organization. Afterwards, most of the group gathered at Mad Jack’s Sports Cafe for lunch. There was great food and service, so all were smiling. We were especially happy when the MAHC picked up the tab for lunch ! T’was a good day ! Special thanks to Suzanne & Greg Willodson for making all the arrangements ! Those members attending: Greg & Suzanne Willodson, Jim & Patty Manion, Kim & Steve Rixen, Diane Rossi, Eileen & Gary Wetzel, Cheryl Rademacher, Barb & Gary Ronning, Greg & Nancy Lauser, and Dick Leighninger. Continued….

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Page 12: The Healey Enthusiast 2019 Enthusiast.… · Trust. Their cafes were some of our favorite lunch places. Each one featured a dessert or two from a period significant to the home (the

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McQueen Tech Session/Open House Date: Saturday March 16th Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm (approximately...) Place: The McQueen "Carriage House" - Garage level, side door Address: 415 11th Ave S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55414 Tech Topic: Healey failures – some common, some not so common ! Dr. Rixen will be lecturing. Caution: Other topics may arise without notice. Some refreshments provided: coffee, donuts, cocktails Parking: Next door at Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority lot - 401 - 11th Ave. S.E. Street parking is also allowed - It's spring break at the U. Some may choose to attend Intermarque Breakfast at Elsie's and carpool to the site. However, there should be room for about 15 to 20 cars in the adjacent parking lot and more on the streets, since the University students will be on Spring Break. Come join the fun!

A picture of Fred Ambli and Sandie Swensen when they were a bit younger… !!

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Page 14: The Healey Enthusiast 2019 Enthusiast.… · Trust. Their cafes were some of our favorite lunch places. Each one featured a dessert or two from a period significant to the home (the

Page 14 The Healey Enthusiast March 2019 Events Schedule March 6 PIE Meeting - (Wed) Club meeting at 7:00 pm. Hot Wheels Racing ! See p. 2 March 16 Tech Session – (Sat) Held at Scott McQueen’s garage in Mpls. Always a lot of Healey

memorabilia and great cars. See page 12. April 3 PIE Meeting - (Wed) Club meeting at 7:00 pm. See page 2. April 27 Adopt a Highway Clean-up - (Sat) Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Veteran’s Hwy. Roadside Park

at milepost 80 on US Hwy. 61 – just above Lake City, MN for the Spring Adopt-a-Highway clean up. Arrangements by Dave Herreid.

May 1 PIE Meeting - (Wed) Club meeting at 7:00 pm. See page 2 May 4 Hatzung Party – (Sat) – Details later. May 11 InterMarque Spring Kick-Off – (Sat) The InterMarque Council will again sponsor this well

attended event in downtown Osseo, MN. May 17-19 SVRA Spring Vintage Festival – (Fri - Sun) This will be the first weekend for vintage races

at RoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake, WI. May 24-26 Racing at Brainerd International Raceway – (Fri – Sun) The SCCA will be heading up

the regional racing on the Road Course.

. June 5 PIE Meeting - (Wed) Club meet at 7:00 p.m. See page 2 June 6-9 Rendezvous 2019 – (Thur-Sun) The location this year is in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. The

Minnesota MG Group will be hosting this year. Should be a great time on the WI backroads! June 15 Coulee Classic – (Sat) Details later. June 19-23 Back to the 50’s Car Show – (Fri-Sun) The MSRA will again arrange this huge annual show

at the MN State Fairgrounds – 11,000 cars…or more?? June 22 Amery Competition Run – (Sat) Excellent test running of your favorite Sports Car

orchestrated by Greg Willodson at the Amery WI airport. June 23 InterMarque Picnic – (Sun) The first monthly InterMarque Picnic of the season. Join your

fellow British enthusiasts for a picnic at Cherokee Park in St. Paul.

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March 2019 The Healey Enthusiast Page 15

Events Schedule July 3 PIE Meeting - (Wed) Club meet at 7:00 p.m. See page 2 for details. July 5–7 Racing at Brainerd International Raceway – (Fri – Sun) The SCCA will be heading up

regional racing on the Road Course. July 18–21 WeatherTec International Challenge. (Thur-Sun) The largest racing event of our area

will be held at RoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake, WI this weekend. Lots of excitement. July 27 Mexican Fiesta Party – (Sat) Mike & Gloria Lynch will again host their annual Fiesta ! July 28 Intermarque Picnic – (Sun) 1:00 p.m. Monthly gathering for a picnic will be held at

Cherokee Park in St. Paul. Bring your own food and refreshments. August 7 PIE Meeting - (Wed) Club meeting at 7:00 p.m. See page 2 August 10 The “New” Brit Fest – (Sat) At Lakefront Park in Hudson, WI. Sponsored by the MN MG Group. August 17 Amery Airport Run – (Sat) Greg Willodson will hold a second run at Amery, WI. August 24 Dawson Party – (Sat) Phil & Stefanie Dawson are planning to have another party at their

home in River Falls, WI. August 24-25 Racing at Brainerd International Raceway – (Fri – Sun) The SCCA will again be

heading up the regional racing on the Road Course. August 25 Intermarque Picnic – (Sun) 1:00 p.m. Monthly gathering for a picnic at Cherokee Park in St.

Paul. Bring your own food and refreshments. Sept. 4 PIE Meeting – There will be no PIE Meeting this month. Sept.. 6-11 AHCA Conclave 2019 – (Fri – Wed) The Minnesota Austin Healey Club will be sponsoring

the National AHCA Conclave in Deadwood, SD. All members of our club are encouraged to attend and assist at the event.

Sept. 13-15 Fall Vintage Race Festival - (Fri-Sun) Held at RoadAmerica in Elkhart Lake, WI. A great opportunity to see vintage racing up close. Watch our members competing in their cars !

Sept. 27-29 Waumandee Hill Climb – (Fri-Sun) The annual vintage car uphill slalom will be held under the direction of Tom Hazen. CANCELLED FOR 2019

Sept. 29 Intermarque Picnic – (Sun) 1:00 p.m. Monthly gathering for a picnic at Cherokee Park in St. Paul. Bring your own food and refreshments.

Oct. 2 PIE Meeting – (Wed) Club meeting at 7:00 p.m. See page 2. Oct. 5 Adopt a Highway Clean-up - (Sat) The second of our two clean-ups for the year is to be

on this date. Arrangements by Dave Herreid. Oct 12 MG Fall Color Tour – (Sat) Enjoy touring for colors with our MG friends. Nov. 6 PIE Meeting – (Sat) Club meeting at 8:30 a.m. See page 2. Nov. 8-10 AHCA Delegates Meeting – Our club representatives will be attending this meeting. Nov. 16 Annual Banquet / Business Meeting Party – (Sat) The annual dinner, election of

officers, and business meeting will occur on this evening. Dec. 7 PIE/Planning Breakfast – (Sat) The schedule of events for 2020 will be on the agenda for

this meeting hosted by Daphne Walmer. A Board of Directors meeting will follow. Please note that the 2019 Events Schedule is tentative and may be incomplete. Watch for announcements and changes as the year progresses.

Page 16: The Healey Enthusiast 2019 Enthusiast.… · Trust. Their cafes were some of our favorite lunch places. Each one featured a dessert or two from a period significant to the home (the

Minnesota Austin Healey Club Inc. Gary Ronning, Editor 1019 Ridge Haven Circle Buffalo, MN 55313


Marketplace policy: All ads are free to current members. For non-members, the charge is $5.00 per month. Ads will be run for three months after which time the advertiser needs to submit new ad copy. Please inform

the editor if your item or items have been sold during the three month period so the ad can be removed.

Page 16 The Healey Enthusiast March 2019

For Sale: Austin – Healey parts: A set of doors for side curtains. Two sets of side curtains, one almost in new condition - after market. The other is an older original set. A set of new (still in the box) ring and pinion gears. New (still in the box) chrome bullet style 1960’s side mirrors. Hood, Left front fender, Front shroud, Two rear decks, (for two seat model). Door hinges and locking mechanisms. Gas tank filler neck and smaller misc. parts. Half axle shafts, Entire rear axle assembly. (12/18) Dennis Koepsell Ph: 920-421-1000. Sister Bay, WI 54234, 90 miles north of Green Bay, WI.