PREPARING BOYS FOR L IFE A Strategic Vision: 2010-2020

The Haverford School - A Strategic Vision: 2010-2020

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Preparing Boys for Life

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PREPARING BOYS FOR LIFEA Strategic Vision: 2010-2020

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BoysThe Haverford School RESPECT • HONESTY • COURAGE

A Strategic Vision: 2010-2020

›› INTRODUCTION 4Preparing Boys for Life 4Statement of Mission, Statement of Vision 7The Essential Qualities of a Haverford School Graduate 8Principles of Community 11

›› STRATEGIC VISION 12Strategic Objectives Model 12Leaders in Boys’ Education 15Extraordinary Educators 16Remarkable Students 19Global Readiness 20Financial Sustainability 23


Accreditation & Strategic Planning 24Looking to the Future 24The Strategic Vision Committee 26


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SINCE 1884

Preparing Boys for Life.

Dear Haverford School Community,

The Haverford School has celebrated more than 125 years of successfully educating boys, and is proud of the national and community leaders it has helped develop into men of character. Beginning in 1994, the Board of Trustees engaged in systematic strategic thinking that has resulted in the renewal of our physical plant and a redoubling of our efforts to provide the best teachers for the most qualified boys. This document is a continuation of that strategic thinking process, and the following pages reaffirm our fundamental values and outline key strategic objectives for the next decade.

By many standards, The Haverford School has been successful over the past decades. Our enrollment is at an all-time high, our faculty is caring and dedicated, and our college matriculation continues to be exceptional. Despite a limited endowment, The Haverford School continues to have a worldwide reputation for excellence, which, according to Good to Great author Jim Collins, is the measure of success for those in the social sector. Collins says the key question nonprofits should ask is, “How effectively do we deliver on our mission and make a distinctive impact, relative to our resources?” The impact of The Haverford School and our graduates continues to outstrip our relative resource position in the independent school world. We plan on maintaining that superior position relative to our peers.

This document is the culmination of two years of discussions focused on core values, strategic priorities, and organizational capacities needed to realize The Haverford School’s aspiration to be the best school for boys. The Haverford School Leadership Council, a gathering of 45 of our community’s most committed alumni, parents, and friends, met four times to review the School’s mission, strategic priorities, and ways to accomplish those priorities, as well as to review this document. We shared the thought process online with our alumni and parents, and incorporated contributions from our faculty and staff. Ultimately, the direction of the School and its future stability and success rest in the hands of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees held a weekend retreat in fall 2009 to review the strategic thinking to-date. A subcommittee of the Board of Trustees and key administrators worked on the final documentation of the strategic thinking by all constituents and presented the draft documents to the full Board for further refinement and approval. All through this process, participants have been careful to stress the importance of producing a living document that will adjust to changing circumstances. This is not a plan designed to sit on a shelf, but rather it is a reflection of our best combined thinking and vision for the successful future of our School – a generative set of ideals and ideas that will guide our decision making for the next 10 years.

We realize that we cannot be all things to all people, but we will continue to prepare young men of character who will make meaningful contributions to their families and communities. This document is a vision of the values and skills we believe our boys and young men need to lead productive lives. Your comments and questions are welcome as we share this product of our community’s best strategic thinking and our vision for Haverford’s future.

Sincerely yours,

John F. Stoviak ’69 Joseph T. Cox, Ph.D.

Chairman, Board of Trustees Headmaster

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The Haverford School · Class of 2010

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Statement of Mission›› The Haverford School, a nonsectarian college preparatory school for junior kindergarten through grade 12, provides a superior liberal arts education for qualified boys of differing backgrounds. We are committed to developing the full intellectual, artistic, athletic, and moral potential in each boy, and we aim to graduate young men with strong character who possess a passion for learning and the necessary problem-solving skills to make a difference in the world. The Haverford School prepares boys for life.

Statement of Vision›› The Haverford School seeks to prepare boys to succeed and provide leadership in a world that is globally and culturally interconnected, technologically ever-advancing, and environmentally vulnerable. Haverford strives to create and nurture a supportive and inclusive community in which boys will develop a passion for lifelong learning, creative problem-solving, and good decision making. Every aspect of our program fosters lasting friendships among the boys, as well as meaningful relationships between the boys and their teachers.

The Haverford faculty prepares each boy to be future-ready through developing his character and his emotional intelligence, as well as his academic, artistic, and athletic talents. Pairing the best of a liberal arts education with innovative programs and technology, Haverford inspires its students to be intellectually curious, mindful of the past, and equipped with the vision, judgment, and skills to be successful leaders. Haverford prepares boys to face and resolve tomorrow’s challenges and to make enduring, positive contributions to this complex world.

The Haverford School prepares boys for life.

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The Essential Qualities of aHaverford School Graduate

With the background of a superior liberal arts education,a Haverford School graduate should:

›› Think critically and communicate effectively

›› Possess intellectual curiosity and a passion for lifelong learning

›› Demonstrate strong character, a sound moral compass, and the courage to uphold the highest standards of ethical and legal behavior

›› Be a compassionate person who takes joy in the accomplishments of others and supports those struggling to surmount life’s difficult challenges

›› Strive to maintain a healthy mind and body – exercising self-discipline and moderation, and avoiding illegal or abusive drug and alcohol use ›› Be resilient, committed to hard work and perseverance, and responsive to constructive criticism

›› Be a positive leader and understand the importance of serving others

›› Collaborate and compete with grace

›› Respect and understand people of different genders and backgrounds, and live as a cooperative and engaged citizen of the global community

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SpiritPrinciples of CommunityThe Haverford School is committed to creating a supportive, inclusive, and diverse community that advances the School’s mission, helps develop the essential qualities of a Haverford School graduate, and prepares each boy for life beyond Haverford. A fundamental principle of the Haverford community is individual responsibility. All members of our community – students, teachers, administrators, parents, and alumni – should accept responsibility for their actions, consider and account for the moral implications of their conduct, and have the courage to do what is right.

The Haverford School community is built on trust andrespect for one another. All of us should strive to:

›› Treat others honestly, fairly, respectfully, and courteously

›› Practice empathy, compassion, and generosity of spirit

›› Strive for inclusiveness by avoiding cliques and snobbery

›› Discourage and refrain from verbal abuse and bullying

›› Reject superficiality, materialism, and a sense of entitlement

›› Work together to find commonalities and resolve disagreements amicably

›› Celebrate the many ways boys and young men learn, think, and succeed

›› Create a community where illegal or abusive drug and alcohol use is not tolerated

›› Promote citizenship and advance the greater good for our community and the world around us

›› Participate in the life of the School by supporting Haverford’s programs and personnel

›› Understand and embrace the School’s mission and vision and work together as partners to educate our boys for life

›› Communicate openly, honestly, and constructively with each other and at the appropriate level and, following such dialogue, abide by the School’s decision

Haverford believes that a diverse and inclusive community is a better learning environment, and prepares our boys for the world they will face upon graduation. Haverford expects a community in which a diverse population can live and work in an atmosphere of trust, understanding, appreciation, and mutual respect for each individual. We reject all prejudices, particularly those based on race, ethnicity, national origin, culture, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, learning styles, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

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Strategic Objectives Model

We envision a model for success that combines our unique mission and vision, the Essential Qualities of a Haverford Graduate, and our Principles of Community with five key strategic objectives:


Leaders in Boys’Education




Mission and Vision

Essential QualitiesPrinciples of Community

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Leaders in Boys’ Education

The Haverford School strives to be a world leader in the education of boys. Our goal is to develop further our students’ core values, character, and leadership skills through the intentional application of our Honor Code and Principles of Community. Haverford’s Walk of Virtues, which recognizes and celebrates 24 timeless virtues, is a permanent symbol of the School’s commitment to core values and character development.

The enhancement of current programs and the prospect of continued professional research are required in maintaining Haverford’s position as a leader in boys’ education. Our curriculum must continue to employ best practices for boys, and develop their intellectual curiosity and moral compass. Our faculty must be masters at understanding the essentials of teaching boys and be capable of delivering these best practices to their students.


›› Advance from an intuitive to intentional teaching approach that reflects research-based best practices in boys’ education, and provides developmental continuity through all divisions

›› Embrace an institutional commitment to the core belief that boys learn differently

›› Train and support a faculty and administration that understands and implements proven research that addresses the complexities of the future

›› Integrate the Honor Code and Principles of Community into the curriculum

›› Explore the unique challenges that young men will face in the world and develop curricula that focuses on building decision-making, innovation, and leadership skills

›› Educate our young men to thrive in a complex world that will require an ability to respect and successfully interact with all people, regardless of gender, culture, and background

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Extraordinary EducatorsOur goal is to recruit, develop, and retain faculty and staff with the vision, ability, compassion, and commitment to inspire and deliver the challenging educational program at The Haverford School. Teachers will possess the flexibility to respond to the needs of our students as they prepare to live and work in an increasingly interconnected and complex world. Guided by new discoveries about the brain and learning, faculty will be prepared to adjust and develop their instructional strategies. They will model a growth mind-set through their use of research, experience, and evaluation that informs not only what they teach but also how they teach. Our faculty will seek out and employ best practices in order to further the mission of The Haverford School learning community.


›› Design and manage a professional development program that focuses on effective uses of technology, differentiated teaching strategies, and curriculum and instructional development

›› Administer an evaluation system that promotes professional growth and reflects the research-based performance standards of an extraordinary faculty

›› Offer a highly competitive salary and benefits package to recruit and support an extraordinary faculty

›› Develop a school-year calendar and ethos that encourages continuous reflection, professional growth, and faculty renewal

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Remarkable Students

Because students are the heart of The Haverford School, our goal is to identify, enroll, and retain talented students who embrace our core values and demonstrate strong character, leadership, intellectual prowess, emotional intelligence, and citizenship. Ensuring access to Haverford for remarkable boys from a variety of cultural, geographic, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds enriches our School community, inspires our faculty and staff, and contributes to our overarching goal of preparing boys for life.


›› Create a detailed marketing plan to advertise The Haverford School brand and promote the School’s strengths as a leader in boys’ education

›› Review the School’s admissions process, in light of current market data, local competition, and targeted enrollment outcomes, to ensure that the process is efficient, personable, and effective

›› Support a tuition assistance program designed to enroll the most talented, mission-appropriate students

›› Seek alternative programs/approaches to traditional tuition assistance to help remove financial need as an obstacle to enrollment and full participation in school life

›› Explore new and innovative ways to expand the admissions applicant pool at all grade levels

›› Protect and encourage a growth mindset in every boy

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Global Readiness

The convergence of rapid technological advances and exponential growth in the capacities of developing nations suggests that the world is, indeed, increasingly smaller and more closely connected. To prepare boys to be global citizens in this new world will require development of collaborative problem-solving and learning skills, a sense of shared responsibility to uphold the human rights of all global citizens, the advancement of cross-cultural literacy skills through respecting and valuing human differences, and the ability to analyze and understand the inter-connectedness of world events and global issues both past and present. A Haverford education will teach its graduates to be strategic and intentional in their ability to recognize the opportunities that such an environment will present.


›› Use technology to establish a globally conscious approach to teaching in our classrooms

›› Design formal faculty recruitment strategies to attract candidates from diverse cultural and national backgrounds

›› Conduct a comprehensive curricular review to assess the responsiveness of current K-12 academic program to this strategic objective

›› Research options for student and faculty exchange

›› Link the existing Service Learning program, speaker series, and affiliations and memberships to meet this strategic objective

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Financial Sustainability

Long-term financial sustainability is an essential building block for Haverford to use to achieve the objectives of this Strategic Vision. We seek to develop a sustainable culture of giving, which will provide the necessary funds over time to attract and retain extraordinary educators and remarkable boys, who together will create, develop, and implement world-class programs to prepare our boys for life.


›› Expand the Endowment, with particular emphasis on endowing faculty compensation and professional development, as well as tuition assistance to ensure access to Haverford for boys of talent from differing backgrounds

›› Continue to manage and balance the annual operating budget

›› Develop a strong balance sheet

›› Increase revenue by expanding summer academic programs, developing global awareness exchange programs, and marketing our expertise in boys’ education

›› Increase alumni participation in all aspects of Haverford and increase the level of alumni giving to The Haverford Fund

›› Develop state-of-the-art Planned Giving programs

›› Develop an updated campus master plan that appropriately maintains our facilities, and provides a platform to accomplish our strategic objectives

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Accreditation& Strategic PlanningThe Haverford School will reapply for state accreditation during the fall of 2010. Every 10 years, a team of teachers and administrators representing the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) examines every facet of School operations to determine if we are fulfilling our mission. This year, along with the George School, Haverford will pilot a new PAIS, 21st century accreditation criteria that will address significant aspects of this Strategic Vision. We look forward to their affirmation of this vision for The Haverford School.

Given that this document is a strategic vision and not a strategic plan, we intend it to be a guiding, not proscribing, proposal. The School’s administration will develop specific programs to implement this vision and do the essential work on behalf of Haverford School boys. The wider Haverford community has done its best to provide a dynamic and renewable document that will inspire us for the next five years and beyond.

Looking to the FutureThis Strategic Vision has not addressed the facility needs of the School directly; however, our discussions have not ignored the realities of maintaining our current physical plant and planning for our future needs. For example, we know that parking is a priority, as is the renovation of our Middle School and Dining/Campus Center facilities. In addition, we are not adverse to property acquisition if it can be used to better serve the educational needs of our boys. Facility maintenance will figure significantly in our ongoing financial sustainability discussions, and we have engaged Maarten Pesch, and the firm of Wallace, Roberts, and Todd to assist us in building on our current facilities master plan to meet the School’s future needs.

Our Strategic Vision embraces the values that make The Haverford School experience unique. We will keep you apprised of the initiatives that this document has inspired, and we look forward to your continued interest and feedback.

Haverford aims to be the best school for boys.

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O Haverford, dear Haverford

Thou guide of tender days,

To thee within these honored walls

We lift our hymn of praise

Here on the threshold of our years

With all the future free,

Our youthful hearts and powers we bring

And dedicate to thee.

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Strategic Vision Committee

The Haverford School wishes to thank each and every person who took part in this great effort, and the entire Haverford family, who continue to offer their time, energy, and resources to better this fine institution. In addition, we would like to acknowledge and thank the members of our Strategic Vision Committee for their valuable leadership, insight, and great energy in guiding The Haverford School as it continues to innovate, while maintaining its position of strength among independent boys’ schools across the globe.

Committee Co-ChairmenJohn F. Stoviak ’69, Chairman, Board of TrusteesJoseph T. Cox, Ph.D., Headmaster

Committee MembersRebecca D. DavisLeslie Muhlfelder Freemann P’16Richard W. Graham II ’52David J. Martinelli ’79, P’16, ’17Brian McBride ’82, P’13, ’15, ’15, ’20Daniel C. Lubin ’78Vincent A. Rossi P’14, ’15

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To view and download a PDF of this publication, please visit www.haverford.org/strategicvision. We appreciate your feedback!If you have questions or comments that you would like to share with us, please write to [email protected], or to: The Strategic Vision Committee, The Haverford School, 450 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, PA 19041.

DESIGN Timothy Stay and Meghan Mulrooney PHOTOGRAPHY Dawn Blake, Jordan Hayman, Jim Roese, George Scarino, Timothy Stay, Linda Walters P’81, Tripp Wickersham ’10 PRODUCTION Pemcor Printing, Inc., Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Every morning, Joe Lignore and his students gather together, put their hands in a circle, and recite “The Haverford 5th Grade Pledge”:

“I am a fifth-grade student at The Haverford School. I am respectful and committed to everyone I meet and everything I do. I always watch out for my fellow classmates. I understand that I am a role model for the younger students. But, most of all, I am meant to be and do something special. And the preparation for that day starts today!”

“I wrote “The Haverford Pledge” for my students as a way to ground and focus the kids for the start of class. It also helps me connect with each student, to look at their faces before class starts to see who's having a good day or a bad day. It also helps them understand that they have a responsibility to those around them, not just themselves. Most importantly, it helps them to realize the immense potential that each of them has, and the hard work necessary to realize that potential.”

– Joseph Lignore, fifth-grade teacher

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The Haverford School450 Lancaster AvenueHaverford, PA 19041

›› haverford.org