The Haunting of Josephine

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Kathleen Whelpley - The Haunting of Josephine (html)/content.opf Kathleen Whelpley Josephine was born and raised poor and through the generosity of her Aunt Katherine and Uncle Joseph Cline she was introduced into good society in order to try and find a husband. Josephine immediately caught the eye of two men. One is Mr. Kinsley, the most eligible bachelor in town; and the other worshiped her from afar. When Josephine's engagement to Mr. Kinsley is announced her secret admirer's obsession leads to fatal results. Will Josephine back out of her engagement to Mr. Kinsley? Or will she find encouragement from her Aunt Katherine to help her find the strength to hang on to her chance at love and find the man who is wreaking havoc though their small society? Or will she fall victim to him too? en Kathleen Whelpley The Haunting of Josephine 2012-06-28T14:00:00+00:00 calibre (0.8.48) [] 3aae10dd-c6b3-44cb-a389-d695f91bf581

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Kathleen Whelpley - The Haunting of Josephine (html)/The_Haunting_of_Josephine.htmlThe Haunting of JosephineBy: Kathleen Whelpley

2011 by Kathleen Whelpley.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the priorwritten permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quotebrief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal.

All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons,living or dead, is coincidental.

In Loving Memory of TeddyTeddy, I will forever miss you and wish that you could be here again. I will forever owe you for taking me in when I had nowhere else to go. I will also forever be grateful that I wrote my first book while living with you. You inspired me to try something different because the worst that would happen is that I would fail and I had nothing to lose except a little time.

Other Books by Kathleen WhelpleyChangesIn Self DefenseFor the Love of FriendshipThe Adventures of Jade and Cherry: When Jade Meets Cherry

Chapter 1All Jo could hear was the sound of hooves hitting the hard half frozen ground of early spring and the rattle of the wheels on the carriage in which she was riding. Like so many girls her age who were born poor her family was sending her off to stay with relatives. Not just any relatives, Jos Aunt Katherine and Uncle Joseph Cline where rich and had never had children of their own. So out of the kindness of their heart they were taking Jo in with plans to treat her as if she was their own daughter with big plans to introduce her into good society.Good society my toe. They are shipping me off to Aunt and Uncles to see if they can marry me off. Is that not what everyone does? I know what Mama was thinking well never marry her off with men knowing she is poor. Why do we not just send her to live with the rich relatives so that any would be suitors do not know where she comes from until tis too late. Jo had the feeling of being cattle that was being shipped off to the market. She had no more choice in the matter. She was a woman and that meant the only occupation allowed her was that of a school teacher, to be a nanny for a rich family, or to be married. Though she had the schooling to be a teacher (which alone could be viewed as a miracle) her family refused to find her employment and insisted that she be sent to find a good husband.When the carriage pulled up outside of her Aunt and Uncles house Jo found herself a bit in awe of the size and grandeur of it. She had been informed that they were well to do but was still unprepared for the size of their home having never been there before. Fox Field Manor was the name of her Aunt and Uncles home. The size of the home was so large that it sat on a full city lot. Given that she was informed that she was going to their small city house she was struck without words to think of the grandeur that would be her new life that she was about to embark on.Drawing on the good breeding that she knew was somewhere within her, Jo gracefully exited the carriage and did her best to hide her shock at her surroundings. She followed the butler inside and was immediately led to the study where her Aunt and Uncle sat waiting for her. Their open curiosity and exploration of her looks intensified Jos feeling of being cattle up for sale. She prayed that her unease was not as apparent as she felt it must be.She will need all new clothes. Did she have a bag with her? Jos Aunt addressed the butler that brought her in as if Jo was not standing right there. It was hard but Jo resisted answering her Aunt herself for she knew that a lady was to never to draw attention to herself without first being spoken to.Yes, mam; I have instructed the stable boy to go through it and give any clothing to the servants as you had already told me. The butler bowed his head at the look of approval on Katherines face and left the room continuing to bow and never turning his back on the family.Aunt Katherine, I had some other personal things in my bag. And what am I to do for clothing until you can get me some you deem more appropriate? Her Aunts look of disapproval was apparent. She obviously did not care for being questioned and felt that it was not yet Jos turn to talk for Jo had yet to be spoken to.If you must know when we agreed to take you on I insisted that your mother send your measurements ahead. I knew that nothing you would bring from her house would be appropriate. Her Aunt paused for a moment with an exaggerated look up and down of Jo. I can see that I was right and that you have nothing for you to be wearing around here. I have already had a few things made up for you. The maid will show you to your room. Go up, wash, and immediately change. She will dispose of your clothing for you. And Josephine. Jo turned to her Uncle Joseph at the sound of his voice. It should go without saying but there have been some unsavory crimes in the area so be sure that you shut your windows at night. A maid gently grabbed Jos elbow and led her out of the room.Jo listened as the maid went through rule after rule that she was to follow. Upon arriving in her room she had very little time to look around let alone to register that her room was the size of her home she had shared with her parents and all of her siblings. The maid quickly got Jo undressed and gave her a quick sponge bath. The maid continued to go over several rules. The rules she was going over now were the rules on how to behave at dinner. There were several questions on if she was aware of what all of the forks that were going to be on the table at dinner where to be used for.It mildly amused her that there was no need for her to talk or respond and that the maid just assumed that she was listening. Once she was dried off the maid went to the armoire and grabbed out a dinner dress and all under garments that were going to be needed. The maid was now silent and only talking occasionally to inform Jo when to lift her arms and hold her breath. Then she was sat down and the maid did her hair. All of this just for dinner with Aunt Katherine and Uncle Joseph? This seems so crazy.Back downstairs she was left in the solarium for drinks before dinner. She sat unmoving waiting for her Aunt and Uncle unsure of what to do with herself. When her Aunt entered the room Jo rose and dipped her head in a bow. Hello, Aunt Katherine.Josephine. Her Aunt returned her bowed head before motioning for them both to sit. I see that you clean up very nicely. I hope that your breeding will be able to overcome the way you were raised and I can pass you off as a lady. Jo resisted the urge to dispute what her Aunt Katherine had said but then thought better about it though she continued to be curious on if her Aunts digs at the way she was raised was something she would forever have to endure.Thank you Mam. I hope that I will be able to please you. Her Aunt gave her a pointed look showing Jo that she got the sarcasm.I had hoped to have a day or two to or preparation to correct things with you if needed; however, your Uncle Joseph has invited his business partner to dinner tonight so you need to be on your best behavior. At the very least please try to say the very as little as you possibly can. Jo was not sure if she was more appalled or offended over her Aunts attitude toward her. But she was not given much time to think about it let alone to retort because just then her Uncle entered the room with the man she assumed was the coworker she had been warned to behave in front of.Jo barely heard her Uncle introduce Charles Genus. All she could think of was that the man looked rather ordinary. To her to look ordinary was one of the best things to happen to a person. For example if she had been an ordinary looking girl she would have had a better chance to be allowed to pursue a profession rather than her parents feeling that she had a chance to marry into a better life. Mr. Genus had brown hair with matching brown eyes and looked surprisingly exhausted considering the generally rested look that most men of society tended to carry. Jo curtseyed and then sat down on the nearest chair and turned herself toward Mr. Genus in a gesture to show she was open for a conversation. Thankfully, some of the rules of conduct that the maid had gone over with her had somehow managed to stick into her head.Out of the corner of her eye Jo could see that her Aunt Katherine was looking at her with disapproval. What is wrong with her? They brought me here to meet men of good society and marry me off. Mr. Genus works with Uncle so clearly he must be good enough. How can it be bothering her that I am doing just what she wants?Josephine, will you walk about the room with me? With the way her Aunt stood and waited next to Jos chair she was sure that refusal was not an option. Jo rose and joined her Aunt taking her arm as they walked together around the room.Now, given that the dinner tonight was unavoidable I have not gotten much of a chance to explain to you how this all works. Jos Aunt held up her hand to stop Jo when she went to reply. You are to be referred to by your proper name at all times. You will not engage in a conversation with any man unless I have previously told you that he is appropriate. Do you understand?Yes. Jo got the feeling that her Aunt was not going to be open to questions or much of a conversation.I noticed that you took an interest in Mr. Genus. Is that the type of man that you would prefer? Jo was rather surprised in her Aunts interest in what type of a man that she would actually be interested in.Yes mam. I prefer a man who has to work for his living. I feel that a man who has had to work for his things will more greatly appreciate everything he has in his life than a man who has been given everything his whole life.Young lady that is not to what I was referring to and I am sure that you know it. I meant the way that Mr. Genus looks. As to whether or not you will be with a professional or a man who was born into means you will have no say in that. You will take whatever you can get. Jo was about to contradict her Aunt when a maid entered the room and rang a little bell signaling that they were now to be seated for dinner.Doing her best to be the lady that her Aunt so wanted her to be, Jo followed her into the dining room and sat in the chair that was pulled out for her by one of the butlers in the room. Carefully Jo watched and did her best to follow her Aunts lead on how to unfold her napkin and where to place it. The men continued with their conversation about work as the women sat in silence. Jo noticed that Mr. Genus had begun to stare at her during dinner; however, remembering what her Aunt had said she remained silent and attempted to gracefully avoid having a conversation with him because her Aunt had not previously told her if she was allowed to take an interest in Mr. Genus. Jo was not completely sure about it but she had a feeling that her Aunt did not really like Mr. Genus though she was not sure why.After many courses and feeling as if she had eaten as much food as she had in the last month the men excused themselves to the den and Jo followed her Aunt Katherine into the sitting room sure that her Aunt Katherine was going to go over her performance that night.Very well my dear. I see that it will take nothing at all to train you to be a proper lady. Jo smiled at her Aunt in appreciation to the compliment sure that compliments were something that would not be passed out much. Now, in the morning we will begin daily lessons. You must make sure that you are punctual because I do not tolerate tardiness.Aunt Katherine, I have already finished all of my schooling. I actually have been educated to the point that if I were allowed I would be able to teach. Katherine chuckled at Jos response confusing Jo on what could be so funny about her having completed school.Josephine, your lessons are going to be lessons on how to be a lady. I feel conventional schooling is a waste of a ladys time. You will not be using many if any of those lessons in the life that you will eventually lead. Jo was upset at her Aunts claim that conventional schooling was a waste of a ladys time. But again she resisted contradicting her Aunt Katherine. I will be teaching you how to walk, talk, and look. Along with many other things that I am sure you will find useful in the pursuit of a proper husband. Or at the very least to keep you from embarrassing your Uncle Joseph and myself when we introduce you into society.Oh, I did not realize that there would be so much for me to learn. I promise I will do my best to learn everything which you deem appropriate. Jos Aunt looked sternly at her for a moment as if she were contemplating on whether or not what she had to say next was actually something she wanted to address right then.I noticed that both you and Mr. Genus seem to have taken a shine to one another. Jo shook her head no. She had done her best to pay little attention to Mr. Genus after her Aunts previous warning. She wanted to make sure that she had not somehow encouraged someone that she had neither intended to encourage or someone whom she knew her Aunt would not want to encourage.Mam, I can assure you that if there was a shine that you noticed it would have only been on his part. As you had requested I did not engage in conversation with him, nor did I seek out any attempt to talk with him. Again Katherine laughed at her.My dear girl, you have so much that you need to learn. Many times it is when and why two people are trying so hard not to take notice of or to talk to each other that it is made the most obvious on what their feelings for each other are or their physical attraction to one another is made the most obvious.Surely you must be mistaken. Again Jo could feel her Aunts piercing and seemingly disappointed look upon her.Well, I hope that you are right. Mr. Genus is indeed from proper family and upbringing. Yet, there is something about him that I have never liked therefore I will never condone you talking with him. It is best to steer clear. The tone of warning in her voice sent a chill up Jos spine. What could there possibly be about Mr. Genus that had made her Aunt feel so compelled to warn her against him?As they headed toward the stairs to bed they spotted her Uncle and Mr. Genus in the foyer. Remembering her Aunts warning Jo did her best to not attract too much attention to herself from Mr. Genus. She simply bowed her head and said goodnight and went up to her room. It felt like it took hours for her Maid to help her change out of her dinner gown and into a simple cotton nightgown. So far the life of luxury felt like a life full of silly rules and endless hours of being dressed and undressed. Her maid had informed her that she was to have a fitting the following day and Jo wondered what it would be like to have someone come and ask her what she wanted her clothing to be like and measure her and do all the work instead of her having to do it herself.Jo stared out at the Moon and the Stars while brushing her hair and thinking of how much different her life already was from the life she had lived at home with her parents and siblings. Suddenly she was struck with a chill up her spine and the feeling that she was being watched. As she searched the street below she was unable to see anything but immediately went into her room closing the curtains behind her. Little did she know that someone had been not far below hidden in the shadows of a nearby ally staring at her filled with forbidden desire.

Chapter 2The concept of a fitting is something that a man must have thought up. Jo was going into her second hour of standing this way and that as the tailor had her stand and be measured and re-measured. Having made all of her own dresses since she had been old enough to sew she knew there was not really any need for so many measurements in a simple womens gown. Not to mention that she felt it was improper that she was being measured in her underclothes by a man. She had never in her life been touched by a man in some of the places that he insisted needed measuring multiple times.After finally noticing Jos obvious distress Katherine called a small break to the fitting and suggested that the tailor go and enjoy a nice lunch while she had a moment or two to talk fabric with Jo. Jo was greatly relieved to have a break away from her fitting.Josephine dear, is there something wrong? You look as though you have been violated. Katherine asked with obvious concern in her voice. It touched Jo more then she thought possible to hear that her Aunt sounded as if she really cared.Aunt Katherine, I do feel as though I have been violated. Is it really proper for a woman to be fitted by a man? To have him touching some of the places that he has been touching? I am not at all comfortable with this. Jos Aunt thought for a moment before replying.I failed to think about the fact that you still are pure. I have been married so long and in society I do not think much of a mans hand brushing me and did not realize it would affect you so. Jo made a noise of exasperation at the thought of having to get used to any man which she did not really know touching her.Aunt Katherine, how much more of this am I going to have to endure today? I am sure he has enough measurements to make anything that you want him to make for me. Katherine stared at her in consideration for a moment. Jo feared that her Aunt was going to scold her for being difficult but she could not help the way that she felt about the situation that she was placed in with this fitting.Alright than, I will insist that we just move on to the premade pieces that he has brought for you to try on and see if they need alteration and then we should be done. Even if they need a bit of alteration I am sure that you will not be too uncomfortable with that part of the fitting. Katherine walked out of the room to go fetch the tailor.Here you go miss. Jo felt extremely grateful to her maid who wrapped her in a heavy robe. She had not realized until the robe was on her just how cold she had become standing around with very little clothing on. She thought about how distracted she must have been with how uncomfortable she was in the situation to have not realized that she was so cold that she had begun to shiver.How often is she going to make me have fittings? Jo asked the maid with a hint of pleading in her voice.Do not worry Miss fittings are only once a season. And if you remain the size that you are and do not gain or lose too much you should be able to get away with only needing the actual fitting part with the dresses and not have to endure being measured often. Before Jo had a chance to thank the maid she bowed her head and hurried out of the room. Turning Jo noticed that the maids departure had to do with Katherines return to the room.We do not talk to the help so casually Josephine. They are only to be spoken to when you need them to fetch something or do something. Otherwise they feel that they can be too familiar with you. Jo looked at her Aunt in sheer horror. How could you treat a human being like that? Was she really expected to treat someone so callously when a few days ago there had been nothing to Jos own situation to have prevented her from being equals with the maid? To have possibly been friends?Jo realized that every day that she lived with her Aunt and Uncle she was likely to find more and more things that pulled her further away from the life that she had once known. This saddened her really. She had known that her life was going to change but for some reason had not realized that not only would she have to reconcile herself with finding a husband but that she was going to have to look down on her entire former way of life.The maid returned to the room with her arms weighed down with several gowns. Guiltily Jo suddenly did not feel too reluctant to give up the old ways of life. Previously she would get maybe two new gowns every other year. And here she was being presented with four and that was not to be the extent of her wardrobe. No longer reluctant Jo tried on dress after dress and the tailor made note of her favorite colors and fabrics for the rest of her wardrobe.

That evening they were again joined by Mr. Genus; however, there was also the addition of Mr. Bradley Kinsley. Mr. Kinsley is a gentleman of proper breeding and background. He is the perfect example of the type of man you will now need to learn to interact with. Though he is too far out of your possible reach for suitors it will be good for you to talk and interact with him and hopefully you will be able to snag one of his close friends.Is there anything in particular that you suggest I talk with him about? Jo wondered what it was that would make a man too far out of reach. Was he too rich? So snobbish that he would only tolerate talking with her but never consider her? And what exactly did Aunt Katherine mean by maybe she could snag one of his close friends? Was the way to finding a proper suitor really to first befriend the best one and hope for one of the lessors?No, you will let him lead the conversation and you should be intelligent about anything he discusses without showing so much mind that you become boring. That was confusing to say the least. Why was it so important to make sure that she seems smart but not too smart when having a conversation with him?I will try my best Aunt Katherine. Jo busied herself with things like checking her gown and her hair in the looking glass. Though she was sure that she looked fashionable she could not help but feel like she was playing dress up and therefore looked silly.Upon Mr. Kinsleys arrival it was immediately clear to her why he was so far out of her league. Besides the fact that he was gorgeous his clothing was immaculate. And though he was a man he bore several jewels on his clothing with matching rings on his hand, though he wore the jewels with such grace and class their addition to his clothing brought an air of importance. It was easy to tell that Mr. Kinsley was probably the richest person she would ever know. Yet, though he clearly was rich he did not seem to have any haughtiness to him; which many rich people several stations below him in life would sometimes possess.Ahh, this must be the lovely Josephine. Mr. Kinsley bowed a brief nod in her direction though he was talking to her Uncle. Your description of her hardly does her justice. She is absolutely stunning. Where have you been hiding her all these years? Mr. Kinsley began approaching Jo slowly as if mesmerized.Oh, you do run on sir. It is a pleasure to meet you. Jo shifted into a deep curtsy that her Aunt had shown her just that morning. Not realizing the reason for that particular curtsey was intended to show off her cleavage and that was almost falling out of her evening gown. Blushing Jo stood back up and shifted so that she was closer to her Aunt sure that Katherine would need to whisper some instruction or another and was surprised when Katherine had nothing to say and nudged her closer to Mr. Kinsley.May I escort you into the sitting room for a cocktail? Jo smiled as she took Mr. Kinsleys extended arm and allowed him to lead her into the next room.What can I get for you sir? Jo asked Mr. Kinsley doing her best to try and be the good hostess that Katherine had told her to always make sure that she was.Oh please call me Bradley. How about I get myself my drink as well as something for you? Jo looked to her Aunt again for direction not sure on if she should allow a guest to serve themselves when one of the rules she had been told was to never have a guest serve themselves.Mr. Kinsley would you please sit down over there with Josephine and I will get your drinks. I already have them prepared. Jo was impressed on how easily her Aunt sidestepped Mr. Kinsleys request to serve himself. She realized that there were probably a great many things that she could learn from her Aunt that she would have never have thought before to be useful.Alright then. After you Miss. Mr. Kinsley motioned for Jo to sit first and waited until she was comfortably seated before motioning in question if it was alright for him to take the seat next to her. Again Jo looked to Katherine for direction and was grateful for the slight nod of Katherines head telling her it was alright.Please join me Mr. Kinsley. Jo motioned her invitation to the chair that was situated just to her right.Please call me Bradley. I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a lot of each other and would hate it if you felt the need to have to be so formal with me. Again Jo felt herself blush and found herself curious on why it was that he thought that they would be seeing enough of each other that they should not feel the need to be so formal.Alright Bradley. Do you mind if I ask what your profession is? Mr. Kinsley gave Jo an odd look. I am sorry if I offended. It is just I am a bit out of practice when it comes to starting up a conversation and that is the first thing that popped into my head.No, it is not that I was offended. Actually I found it quiet surprising, intriguing, and nothing short of refreshing to have you ask. Now it was Jo's turn to have an odd expression on her face.And why would a question like what is your profession be intriguing or surprising? Let alone refreshing? I am sure that in a society like this that it must be one of the most commonly discussed topics. Mr. Kinsley shook his head in agreement.You are right. And because it is so widely popular of a topic I tend to find it refreshing when I run into someone who has to actually ask me what my profession is. In a clearly faked whisper Mr. Kinsley leaned over and said, Most people around here like to start off their conversations with me by asking about my practice.Oh, well, than I guess I should ask how your practice is going. How is your practice? Mr. Kinsley laughed a little when Jo got a confused look on her face and Jo looked to her Aunt for some tip on what to do and decided to just try and ask a different question. Umm, what is it that you practice?Well Josephine, those are some fine questions. I practice law and in fact I handle almost all legal matters for everyone in town. Hence why it is shocking that I have run into someone who did not already know what it is that I do for a living.Oh, well, I hope that you have found that refreshing. So are you the only lawyer in this fair town or do you have a large practice? Again Mr. Kinsley laughed a little and Jo noticed the look of delight on her Aunts face so she must be doing alright talking with Mr. Kinsley.My practice is large though I am the only lawyer at it really; however, you will find that there are other lawyers in town. But not to ring my own bell I am the lawyer that wins the most cases. This made Jo rather curious.I am sure that every lawyer has had their share of lost cases. You cannot win them all. Mr. Kinsley smiled at Jo as if she had challenged him to something though she was not sure to what it would be that she would have challenged him.You would think that; however, I took advantage of my familys affluence and got the best education that I could get making me the most educated lawyer in town. Jo found herself mildly surprised to learn that Mr. Kinsley not only came from a family of means but that he had still insisted on getting an education and working to earn his occupation. Sure there are others who come from families with more affluence than mine. Yet, those lawyers used their families power so to speak in order to get a foothold in the door with very little education. Jo shook her head in understanding.Oh so it is not just that you have more education but you probably have a more unique view point than the other lawyers giving you an advantage. Mr. Kinsley shook his head in excited agreement.Exactly, not only did I challenge myself by getting the best education out there but I am able to relate to a broader number of clients by the sheer fact that I learned to understand what it means to have to work for what you get.Well, I think that may be one of the smartest things that I have ever heard any man say. The butler came in ringing the bell for dinner. Mr. Kinsley and Jo both rose and walked together into the dining room carrying their conversation with them and failing to notice or care who joined them.Exactly. Now do you mind if I ask how much education you have pursued? I always find the answers of what a womens family may consider education to be rather interesting and wide spread. Jo looked to her Aunt knowing that the extent of her education had been a bit of a sore spot with her family and was surprised when Katherine answered for her.Mr. Kinsley you might be impressed to learn that Josephine here has had a traditional education. Enough so that if she were so inclined she would be able to teach school. Mr. Kinsley looked both shocked and proud.I am glad to say Josephine that you may never fail to amaze me. You are fully educated? I was made to understand that your parents are not quite as affluent as your Aunt Katherine and Uncle Joseph which makes not only a bit of education impressive but that you have a complete one. I am beyond impressed by you.Well, as you say my parents may not have been able to help me much but due to the size of my family they did not care one way or the other if I was not in the home and I worked out a deal with the headmaster of the local school and tutored in order to fund my education. Jo dropped her eyes to her lap in response to the look she was sure that her Aunt was sure to give her. Not only had she admitted that her parents were poor but she had also admitted that she herself had worked to get an education at a level that most women would never want let alone dream to have.I believe that is very impressive Josephine. I always enjoy hearing a story about when a woman finds the motivation to challenge the norm and pursues what she really wants in life. After that Katherine shifted Mr. Kinsleys attention away from Jo. Throughout dinner Jo practiced only speaking when spoken to and avoided drawing too much attention to herself. She began to worry a bit on what her Aunts assessment was going to be of her interaction with Mr. Kinsley. Though she herself had quiet enjoyed getting to have an intelligent conversation.After dinner Katherine excused them up to their rooms as the men sat and talked with brandy and cigars. When up in Jos room she pressed her opinion on Jo. This ended up rather surprising Jo.I cannot believe how Mr. Kinsley has taken to you. Jo grabbed the pole of her bed as her aunt helped her undress by loosening the strings on Jos corset. He never has invited anyone to call him Bradley ever that I know of. Your Uncle Joseph and I have known him as our lawyer for well over ten years and we still call him Mr. Kinsley.I hope that I did alright Aunt Katherine. I was doing my best to try and make you proud. Katherine turned Jo around quickly which had Jo fearing what her aunt may have to say if she needed to do it face to face.Make me proud? My dear you did more than make me proud. You may very well be able to land the most eligible bachelor in this town. Something that I did not think would be at all possible. But the way that he was around you tonight. I now believe that anything may be possible. Jo was rather shocked by her aunts assessment.You cannot possibly think that he would want me. Jo sat at her dressing table to begin pulling her hair down out of its intricate braids.My dear, did you not notice how he was looking at you? I was hoping that tonight you might intrigue him enough for him to tell a few other gentlemen about you and increase your chances. But with the way Mr. Kinsley was fascinated by you and how you intrigued him I doubt you will last all the way to your coming out party before he begins courting you.Oh Aunt Katherine, you are being rather silly. He was only interested in meeting a woman who is educated past the ability to sing, dance, and sew. Katherine shook her head in mixed agreement.You are right that he was interested in that. But you do not know Mr. Kinsley. He went to law school when he did not have to because he likes a challenge. I think he realized tonight that you would forever be surprising him and challenging him which will make him want you even more.This thought intrigued Jo. Was it possible that there might be a man in this society that would actually like her? Someone whom she would not mind being bound to? She had to face it; Mr. Kinsley was a smart educated man, who had a profession, but also had the old money that her aunt preferred her to marry into. Someone who also was not too bad to look at. Is it possible that someone could have everything to make both herself and her family happy?

Chapter 3Does Bradley Kinsley always have to lure away any sweet girl that moves into this town? I saw her first that should count for something. Tonight he shows up and she completely forgets that anyone else exists. How will any man ever have a chance when faced with competition like Mr. Kinsley?I bet that Katherine had a part in this. She is always doing her best to control the other women in this town when it comes to who should be with whom. It is no wonder that I have not been able to make one mine... That is willingly. Oh but the resistance does create such a sweet release. I wonder if it will still feel so good if I bed a woman who is willingly there. If I convince one to love me and take care of me like a women should. Would I still enjoy the feel of her? Or is half the fun the battle in which I must go through with my women now?I bet that Mr. Kinsley would love to get his hands on me. If only he knew that I was the very man that everyone in this town was after. Would he feel remorse? Or would he string me up and leave me to hang for all to see me in the end of my glory? Would that really be all that bad of a way to go? To have everyone in town have to stand and listen to the extent of my crimes? To then watch me die and cheer on my death? It would be the only way to get any of them to attend my funeral.Oh sweet Josephine please open your window tonight! At that as if she had heard his plea and answered to him Jo appeared at the window and opened the curtains and looked out. She was still in her evening dress she had worn to dinner. He climbed up one of the nearby trees and did his best to peer into her windows. The view point allowed him the occasional glimpse as her aunt called her over and began to help her undress. His view point allowed him to see bits of Jos corseted body as her aunt helped her with her laces.Oh what beauty. I pray for patience. I want you to be the one who comes to me willingly. Not that it would be such a bad thing if you did not. I would love to have you either way. From where he was sitting he was able to hear parts of the womens conversation.I cannot believe how Mr. Kinsley has taken to you. He never has invited anyone to call him Bradley ever that I know of. Your uncle and I have known him as our lawyer for well over ten years and we still call him Mr. Kinsley. That man needs to mind his own business. To think him trying to get so familiar with the women that should so clearly be mine. After all I have dealt with for her insufferable relatives for years. Cannot sweet Josephine be my reward for all that I have suffered and endured?I hope that I did alright Aunt Katherine. I was doing my best to try and make you proud. Oh my dearest Josephine I should have known that you would not betray me. You were just trying to do your best by your relatives. You are not really interested in that insufferable man you were just trying to behave how they wanted you to. If you did not make them proud then you have made me proud for your attempt though it had hurt me to watch you interact so sweetly with that man.Make me proud? My dear you did more than make me proud. You may very well be able to land the most eligible bachelor in this town. His hand tightened around the tree limb that he was holding in desperate attempt to resist the urge to wring Katherines neck. Knowing that that would be no way to get Jo to fall in love with him. Taking deep breaths he continued to look into Jos window and tried to concentrate on what they had been saying again.You cannot possibly think that he would want me. Oh even if he does please resist my sweetest Josephine. You should be mine and I know that in time you will begin to see that you should be mine. Just give me a little chance. Just open your heart and mind to the possibility of me.My dear, did you not notice how he was looking at you? I was hoping that tonight you might intrigue him enough to tell a few other gentlemen about you and increase your chances. But with the way Mr. Kinsley was fascinated by you and how you intrigued him I doubt you will last all the way to your coming out party before he begins courting you. Listening outside in the tree his mind began to race trying to think of some way to thwart Jos family and to distract Mr. Kinsley long enough so that he could get the girl.Oh Aunt Katherine, you are being rather silly. He was only interested in meeting a woman who is educated past the ability to sing, dance, and sew. If only she knew how much I desired her brain and her other feminine qualities she possesses. If only I could get her to see me or notice me.You are right that he was interested in that. But you dont know Mr. Kinsley. He went to law school when he did not have to because he likes a challenge. I think he realized tonight that you would forever be surprising him and challenging him which will make him want you more.A plan began to form for him to get what he wanted more than his own life. He wanted Jo more than he had wanted any of the other women that he had taken but this time he was challenging himself by trying to actually woe a woman. If he was going to get her to come willing. Now the only thing he had to figure out was does he go after Mr. Kinsley or did her family really pose a greater threat to him obtaining his object of desire?

Chapter 4It was beginning to feel to Jo like she was being prepared for sale again. Her aunt announced that she felt as if she was comfortable enough to put Jo out into society due to her amazing interacting abilities with eligible men as she had shown with Mr. Kinsley. Thus began the preparations for her coming out party. This also meant that most every night she was to be done up like a doll and there was a new suitor to dinner.Aunt Katherine, are you still hoping to get Mr. Kinsley to pursue me? Katherine stopped looking at the list for market in front of her and looked at Jo as if she were crazy.Do you think me daft? I would never put all my eggs in one basket. That is why there have been several eligible gentlemen to dinner almost every night. Besides it would not hurt to show Mr. Kinsley that there might be some competition to your affection. Katherine returned to what she was doing but she did not fool Jo.Alright. You are right about the several different men whom have been in and out of this house. I just cannot help but notice that besides Mr. Genus who you have made very clear is only here for Uncle Joseph; Mr. Kinsley is the only gentleman who has attended dinner here several times. Actually, if I have been keeping track right he is here almost every third night. Her Aunt blushed confirming Jos suspicions.Josephine, I know that you are resistant to the whole idea but you seem to get along best with Mr. Kinsley and I want to give you every possible chance with him. With the others I can tell that it is hard for you to hold a conversation with them it is as if you are not interested in them but you are clearly interested in Mr. Kinsley.Aunt Katherine, that is because I feel as if you are preparing me for auction like some cattle. But you are right. I am more comfortable with Mr. Kinsley. I do not know what it is about him but I just feel so much more relaxed around him. Katherine pulled Jo in for an awkward side hug.I understand dear. Trust me. When it was my day and my parents began this process I felt overwhelmed and hated it all. But then I met your Uncle and for some reason with him it just was simple and easy. I hope that is what you have found with Mr. Kinsley. Jo bit her lip in consideration causing her Aunt to cast a disapproving look at her.I guess I hope that you are right and that is what I have found. But like you said before I first met him. He is way out of my reach so I am trying my best not to get my hopes up. Katherine did her best to look as if she was disinterested but she did not fool Jo.But you have some hopes when it comes to Mr. Kinsley? Katherine asked hopefully.Yes I do have some tiny hopes. They also include the hope that I am not going to regret even thinking it might be possible because this whole thing is hard enough let alone if I end up hurt. Katherine readily shook her head in agreement.I will do my best to not let you get hurt. If I sense or notice that Mr. Kinsley does not seem to be returning any affection or seems to be backing off in his interest in you I will immediately end all pursuit to get him to marry you. I honestly do not want you hurt and want the best for you. I do not want you to ever have to struggle the way that your parents have. Jo thought about that for a moment.My parents may have struggled but they have always loved each other. I hope to be so lucky as to find a love like they have. I have seen what love can get you through and how it can help get you through many hardships. I do not ever want to have to live without feeling that kind of love. Is it really worth being married for financial security if you do not also have a love for each other? Something that could help sustain you through any hardship that should come? Their conversation was interrupted when Mr. Kinsley walked into the room.I hope that I am not interrupting anything important. Did I hear right are the two of you talking about love? Mr. Kinsley bowed his head at Jo with laughter in his eyes. Have you already fallen for one of your many suitors? I believe I will need to start coming to dinner more often to dissuade you from him. Jos heart melted at what was clearly as close to a declaration of feelings as Mr. Kinsley had probably ever bestowed on anyone.We were discussing how my parents love each other truly and how I have seen what love can get you through. I hope that I will be so fortunate as to find something like that. Mr. Kinsley moved a chair closer to Jo and sat down looking rather intrigued.So you would not care if the man you married was poor as long as the two of you loved each other? Jo shook her head.Of course, money can come and go even from the wealthiest of families. So if you marry for money you are marrying something that is not guaranteed to always be there; however, if you marry for love you will have married for something more solid and more likely to last. Mr. Kinsley smiled broadly at Jo.That is exactly what I have always thought. One of the reasons I have never married is I have only ever been able to find a women who was in love with my bank account. Though I never plan on being poor and have a good solid business there is no guarantee that I will always have such a standing. Jo and Mr. Kinsley smiled broadly at each other.Well, I can guarantee any feelings that I might possibly have or may form toward you will be solely based on you and your person and never based on anything to do with your profession or how much you are worth. Though, I must admit that I do rather admire that you have a profession. Though I am sure that you are able to understand that it is solely for the fact that you choose to have one when you were not raised to feel the need to have one. Mr. Kinsley clasped his hand to his heart.Be still my heart fair lady. Can you be real? I do understand your admiration for the fact that I have a profession and that just makes me admire you more. Mr. Kinsley cast a look to Katherine before continuing. I do have something rather serious that I came here to ask you today. And our conversation thus far has only confirmed and cemented my desire to ask.By all means. What is it that you have come here to ask me today? Mr. Kinsley immediately began to look nervous as if he honestly thought that what he was about to ask her she would possibly reject.Would you mind very much if I asked your Uncle Joseph to pronounce me as your suitor? As your only suitor? Jo was shocked. It could not be possible that this marvel of a man who was everything that she wanted and everything that it would take to please her family could possibly be honestly asking to be her only suitor!You may do as you wish. The only thing that I ask is that you post haste. Jo immediately felt faint and turned to her Aunt who was already up retrieving something from the sideboard.I will my love. At that Mr. Kinsley was out of the room and headed in the direction of her Uncle Josephs office. Jo was not aware of fainting until the pungent smell of smelling salts assaulted her nose.Oh Josephine! I cannot believe that you did it! Katherine led Jo up to her room for a rest before dinner. Jo could not believe it had just happened.

Knock, knock, knockWithout waiting to be invited in Mr. Kinsley entered Mr. Clines office. He did not bother to look around or anything. He knew what he was there for and was not willing to wait another minute before having as legally binding as Mr. Clines word to make Jo his.Sorry to interrupt. I have come to ask for the right to be Josephines only suitor.Are you kidding me? The voice that answered was not Mr. Clines causing Mr. Kinsley to spin in response to face Mr. Genus.Oh, I did not realize that Mr. Cline was busy in here. Would you mind giving us some privacy? Given that his business was not with Mr. Genus Mr. Kinsley did not bother with responding to his outburst.Mr. Genus please do leave us, I will get back with you tomorrow for the rest of our business. I have a feeling that I am going to be in here for a while. Mr. Cline waved Mr. Genus out of his office with no more than a small glance in his direction and did not bother with waiting for the door to close before addressing Mr. Kinsley. Are you certain that you are truly ready to fully commit to my niece? I am not going to make you her only suitor just to have you later decide that you are done with her after ruining her chance at any other prospects.Yes sir, I am fully ready to commit to your niece. If it was not for protocol that required me to court her first I would be here asking that you change her coming out party to an engagement party. This had Mr. Cline speechless. Sir, I have been intrigued by your niece since the moment that I first met her to the point where I was tempted to ask you for her that very night. She is everything that I have ever wanted. The more time that I have been allowed to spend with her has only left me wanting to know more about her.Have you discussed any of this with her yet? Mr. Cline looked slightly concerned about pledging her niece to someone without first knowing her opinion on the matter. He knew of her reluctance to being married off and did not want to pledge her to someone unless it was someone that she could see herself later growing to love.Yes I have. And she advised me to post haste to you. I would have never asked for her without first asking her opinion; I respect her too much. Mr. Cline continued to think a bit more.How much is it that you respect her?Sir, I respect her so much that I would allow her to work as a school teacher if that is really where her passion lies. That I would even build her a school in which to work if that is what she so desired. Though I would never require her to work. I would allow her to do whatever it is that would make her happy. I hope only to please her. Mr. Kinsleys sheer passion was clear across his face as he talked.That is a rather honorable declaration. Does it bother you that she is several stations below you?No sir, I believe that actually makes me respect her and want her more. She understands the need and wants for challenge in life and clearly does not settle for just what life has handed her. Mr. Cline picked a bell up off his desk and rang it.I am sure that you are telling me the truth and all. Do you mind if I talk with my niece and make sure that your affections are returned?By all means please do. I hope only for her to be happy and if she does not truly feel that I could make her happy than I would not want you to pledge her to me. A maid entered the room.Sir?Please fetch Miss Josephine and ask Katherine to please come and keep Mr. Kinsley company in the sitting room.Right away sir. The maid left leaving Mr. Kinsley and Mr. Cline alone again.Before your niece arrives I did have one thing on the business side that I wanted to address with you. I have made the changes to yours and Katherines wills that you have requested. If you do not mind would you sign them before I forget in all the excitement tonight? Mr. Cline signed the pieces of paper that Mr. Kinsley laid down in front of him.So when you are family will I get a discount on legal fees? Mr. Kinsley flashed a bright smile at Mr. Cline.Anything for my best customer and hopefully my future Uncle. Mr. Kinsley took the papers and placed them in his briefcase before leaving the room. He exchanged a quick glance at Jo in passing as she went into her uncles office. Both wearing matching ecstatic smiles.

Chapter 5

I cannot believe that Mr. Kinsley would steal Josephine right from under me just as I was starting to get her to see me and actually talk to me. The nerve of him. I have been working harder than ever, creating endless reasons to be invited to dinner as often as possible in order to see and talk with Josephine. She must feel duty bound to accept Mr. Kinsleys offer. After all she is not after money the way the rest of her family is.There had been a couple of occasions where he had managed an invite amongst the many suitors vying for Jos affection. He had; however, managed to fail to notice that she had kept to polite conversation with him and whenever Mr. Kinsley was around she could not take her eyes off of him and freely talked with him about anything, even several things that were not proper for a lady to talk about with a potential suitor.Here I am yet again forced to listening at windows. Who should I listen to? My dearest Josephine is in with her uncle but he hardly ever opens his office window for fear of the breeze blowing his papers. I best go around and try and see what her sniveling aunt is saying to Mr. Kinsley.He skulked around the outside of the house to the windows of the sitting room. He was in luck. True to form Katherine had opened the windows just enough that he would be able to hear any conversation. He also lucked out that they were in the sitting room which was the only room in the house with a big flowering bush that was large enough for him to sit in and not be seen even if someone was to come to the window and look directly at it. He could hear Mr. Kinsley pacing back and forth through the room as he waited impatiently.Mr. Kinsley, you certainly have made this house come alive today.I am hoping that you are welcome to the change. Look at Katherine preening herself like a peacock at Mr. Kinsleys obvious flattery. She should know that he is only being kind to her because he has to in order to get to my sweet Josephine.A very welcome change indeed. So what are your intentions with my niece? I guess I have to hand it to her Katherine is straight forward. I hope there is a chance that she might find some fault in Mr. Kinsley to break the pledge between him and Josephine. Though given the size of his bank account I doubt that.Katherine I have always admired your willingness to say what is on your mind despite society proprieties. I intend on trying my best to wait patiently through the proper period required by propriety and then I fully intend on asking for Josephines hand. Anger quickly rose through him and he was starting to have a very difficult time controlling himself. He wanted to hurt someone. To make them feel the pain that he was starting to feel inside. The pain that came from seeing something he so coveted be taken from him.Who really cares what society mandates? If you so want Josephine why do you not just ask for her hand? If you really think about it you have already passed the required amount of time to be her suitor before a proposal. Who is to say we had not talked of it before tonight? Again the twinkle in Katherines eye that could be seen clearly even from where he sat outraged him. Why does she have to be such a whore to society? Why does she have to feel the desperate need to marry her niece off to a man that is well to do over one who would cherish her?Dear Katherine, you would be willing to lie to society on the terms of my courtship to Josephine? And why would that be?I have seen how you are with her. You make her truly happy and I believe that she already loves you enough to last a lifetime together and all that that entails. When two people actually manage to get together and find a love like that so young and so fast; I do not believe that society should have the right to force distance when you should be embracing such a rare find.A rare find indeed. This whole family is a rare find. If you do not mind I think I will be asking for her hand. Not tonight though. I would not want to ask for her hand when I have nothing in mine to give to her. But soon though. I am going to make them all pay for this. Just watch and see. They are going to pay one way or another.Is there anything that I can do to help you in your preparation? He watched as Mr. Kinsley smiled fondly at Katherine. Mr. Kinsleys fondness for the entire family outraged him. Especially seems how he was unable to find the same happiness there.Not really. I already know what I will give her when I do. I think the only thing that you may be able to do in order to help me is stop planning Josephines coming out party. I think that an engagement party may be more fitting. As you wish Mr. Kinsley. His heart sank as he watched as Josephine entered the room and went straight to Mr. Kinsley. Taking both of his hands with a broad smile on her face.My Uncle wishes to speak with you again. Mr. Kinsley gave a stiff bow to both ladies before leaving the room and headed for the office. Oh Aunt Katherine I cannot believe that this is all happening.He makes you happy? Anger continued to rise as he watched Jo shake her head yes to her aunt. You do realize that with a man like Mr. Kinsley that saying yes to an exclusive courtship means that you are already agreeing to marry him?Oh Aunt Katherine, I would marry him tomorrow if it were allowed. I cannot believe that a man like him exists.What do you mean a man like him?Oh Aunt, he is everything I could have ever possibly wanted in a man and he is everything that you and Uncle Joseph wished for me to find. I just cannot believe that we were able to find someone that fits so perfectly into everything we all wanted.At that point he got up and left his bush not wanting to hear anymore. He felt it was now the time to make a plan. He could not decide more who he should be mad at and who really deserved to be punished for the wrong he felt had been done to him. The only thing he knew was that he did not blame Jo for being blinded by society and that SOMEONE had to pay.

Chapter 6The next few weeks felt like a whirlwind to Jo. It was not more than two days after she started officially courting Mr. Kinsley when he presented her with a beautiful ring. It was the ring that his mother had worn when she was alive. Her coming out party was now being planned as an engagement party which meant the gown that she had already been measured for was not appropriate for the occasion so she had to be re-measured and hearing of her engagement and to whom she was engaged the tailor came over carrying ream after ream of fabric for her to look at and feel.Bradley, do you always get special treatment from all of the merchants in town? Jo was doing her best to relax for she had not been given very many breaks in her party planning and was finally alone with Mr. Kinsley.You will get used to it. Because of my position in this town many of the merchants like to see their wares on me because it increases their business. This proves to be a great thing for our town. It is even better for me because they never try to pull the wool over my eyes and only show me their finest things. Jo thought about what Mr. Kinsley said for a moment.Is that why they are treating me so differently now? Not two weeks ago I had a fitting for my coming out dress and the tailor had been trying to pass off some sub-par fabric as the best when it clearly was not. Not that I had a problem with the quality of the fabric just his representation of it. Yet this last time he brought me nothing but the best silks and furs. I was trying to figure out what the change was.You will notice that many people will treat you nicer and probably expect more out of you. I am sorry to say that as my wife you are going to have a very challenging role of dealing with the society rules and how others look upon you. Jo hesitated in her reply.Are you like the society figure head? This time it was Mr. Kinsleys turn to take a moment to think before responding.I do not know if I am really a figure head but many do look upon me to set the pace of things. For example with many others it would be a great scandal if someone were to suddenly be engaged before being introduced into society and after we have known each other for such a short period of time. With us; however, it seems to be starting a new trend. Jo seemed to be nervous at the thought of having to set the pace in a society when she had never really been part of one.Oh dear, have we caused a scandal? Jo was genuinely concerned for she did not want to cause problems for her aunt and uncle by being a subject for gossip.No, we have not. In fact your aunt Katherine managed to spin the tale of our romance in such a way that many young women are more than likely already praying that they will find a match like you did. Jo breathed a sigh of relief even though she was still nervous about having to enter into a society that seemed to already know so much about her. She wondered if it really wouldnt take all that much for her to adjust to this new way of life and how soon she should expect to be comfortable in such a setting.I am grateful for my aunt. I would not want to cause her any problems. Now are you excited for the party? Mr. Kinsley chuckled at Jos obvious attempt to change the subject.Why yes I am. I cannot wait to introduce the rest of society to my beautiful and intelligent fianc. Mr. Kinsley smiled at Jo in such a way that she felt her knees go weak and felt as if she could melt into a puddle.Oh how you do run on. Would you care to join me to meet with Aunt Katherine to go over more details of the party? I am sure that I could use some help with picking out the best and proper things seems how this is all so new to me. Jo rose from her chair and took the arm that Mr. Kinsley extended to her. Content they both went in search of Katherine to plan their decedent party.Yes mam, I would love to assist you. Has your aunt started you on your wifely training? Jo looked shocked at Mr. Kinsleys question. You could not possibly think that men do not know that you are first trained before marriage on how to run a house and take care of a husband.I honestly had not realized that you would know. After all I thought it was just some other silly thing that my aunt had invented to torcher me with seems how she no longer needs to train me in the luring and snaring of a man. Mr. Kinsley laughed again; he loved her sense of humor.Trust me it is the norm. It takes a lot to run a house of this size let alone a house as large as mine. It takes some training and practice to get used to it. I am sure that you probably would be able to figure it out on your own because you are smarter than most women preparing for matrimony; however, I also think that it is always a good idea to listen to someone who has a lot of experience that they can use to share with you so that it can be easier.You are right. I do not really mind my lessons. Sometimes I wonder what Aunt Katherine is going to do with herself after we are married and she no longer has things she needs to trouble herself with in training me. Mr. Kinsley thought for a moment.Well, hopefully not long after our wedding she will be distracted in helping you prepare for our first child. Jos cheeks flamed to a deep blush.I would like that. At that they continued off to find her aunt so they could finish planning their engagement party and move even closer to being able to spend their lives together.

Like any other night they went through their normal routine. They ate dinner together and after dinner instead of separating Katherine, Mr. Cline, Mr. Kinsley, and Jo would all gather in the sitting room to go over details on the upcoming engagement party and then start discussing when the wedding should take place and start planning some of the basic details of the wedding.And like every night the man was in the bushes watching them. They never knew that he was out there but he was. As he would listen he would think about and wish that he could figure out what he could do to get revenge on Mr. Kinsley for taking the women he wanted. He also wanted revenge on Katherine for pushing said women toward Mr. Kinsley in the first place.Aunt Katherine, has the guest list been finalized? Jo took up the pieces of paper that listed almost everyone in town and a few that were to come in especially for the party and looked it over counting the number of people.Why yes Josephine. I am sure that we have not forgotten anyone. Is there something the matter? Katherine took the papers from Josephine and she herself started to look them over to make sure that she had not forgotten anyone.Oh, I was not worried that anyone had been forgotten because I am sure that you remembered everyone you ever met and put them on that list. Mr. Kinsley tried hard not to laugh at his fiancs jest at her aunt. It is just that there is an odd number on the list which seemed strange to me because I thought that you were only inviting couples and such so that there would be an even number of males and females.You are right I did my best to make sure the guest list was perfectly even. That every single man was equally countered with a single female. I wanted to make sure it was even so there would not be any problems for everyone to find a dance partner if they so choose. Katherine kept scouring through the papers this time counting the number of females and comparing it to the number of males.Well, to me the list seems to have one more male name than females. I am sure that should not cause a problem more females tend to want to dance then males so an extra should make it easier. Katherine looked at Jo as if she were daft for suggesting such a thing.Josephine even if that were completely true I still want everything to be even and an extra male just would not do. It would throw off the balance at the table for our meal as well. It is not just about having an even number for dancing you see there is even more to it than that. You want an even table. Now let me see. I think that we should take this person off of the list. Katherine leaned over and showed her husband the person she had selected for his approval.Now how do you think that is going to look to others? He is fairly involved with our family. Do you believe it would be proper? Is there not anyone else whom you could consider?I do not care how it looks to others. That man makes me uncomfortable and never bothers with dancing or properly mingling with others anyway so why invite him? Besides I never did like the way that he would look at Josephine. Jo thought about what her aunt was saying and feared the she had to agree. He had always managed to make her rather uncomfortable.Uncle Joseph, I am sorry but I am going to have to agree with Aunt Katherine. Ever since I have gotten engaged he has always managed to make me feel very uncomfortable. He looks at me as though I have done something to make him mad. Plus would not it be easier to disinvite someone that you are closer to who is less important than it would be with someone who has more standing in society? Or even to have to disinvite a relative? Jos uncle thought about what she said and realized that he too agreed that Katherine had picked the most logical person to disinvite to the party.

Later that night when lying in bed Jo awoke to a rustling noise. She could not place what it was but she felt rather cold and quickly grabbed at her covers and tried to better wrap them around herself.Jo, Jo, help me. I need you. Jo thought that she heard her aunt calling out to her though she knew her aunt would forever insist on always calling her Josephine. She got out of bed pulling on a heavy robe and slipping into a pair of slippers.I will just peak into her room and assure myself that she really is just sound asleep and then come back to bed. Jo was not two feet from her bed when a scream resonated throughout the house. It chilled her to the bone and she went running toward the sound. Oh my God that sounded like my aunt.

Chapter 7That night it easily came to him who he was going to get his revenge on and how he was going to get it. The ease in which his decision was made should have come as a shock to him but it almost seemed so obvious that he would go with his signature moves in order to teach the family a lesson. It would also insure that he got to have a bit of fun before he got to the messy part.

After listening outside of the sitting room with his temper slowly building at all the discussion about the engagement party and then about the wedding he was pushed farther then he could recover from when he heard not only Katherine but Jo talk about how he should be disinvited. The nerve of those people deciding that I should be disinvited just because I do not dance and I make Josephine uncomfortable! Uncomfortable?! I love Josephine enough to have restrained myself from taking her already and this is how they repay me? I cannot even be at the party to celebrate her marrying THAT man.Instead of going and standing outside of Jos window like he did every night this night he went and waited outside of Katherines window. Having been in and out of the house enough he knew them well enough to know that Katherine had her own room and it drove her husband insane that she never shut her window at night and if it happened to be closed she always failed to lock it.Patiently he sat outside of the window envisioning what he was going to do to her as he watched her undress herself and brush her hair singing a happy tune. When her light went out he went around the house to check that everyone else appeared to be asleep so he would have a better chance to not be disturbed. It took another hour after that for him to fully formulate his plan and then he climbed up the trellis outside of her window and snuck into Katherines room.Sneering as he watched Katherine sleep he went to her chest of drawers to get the items that he would need. One of the things he loved about all of these high class women was that they kept everything in almost the same place in every house. It did not take him long to find some strong string that she kept spare for her corsets and a scarf.He stalked over to Katherines bed and slipped a potion between her lips that when she would wake would keep her groggy enough to keep her from being able to fight a bit and then wrapped the scarf around her head and tied it so that her mouth was captured tight enough that she would not have much of a chance to scream. Katherine began to wake up to but was drugged too much to fight as she wondered who was there.Next thing she knew a rope was being wrapped around her wrists tying them together above her head to the headboard. Katherine shuttered as a mans hand slipped up her nightgown soon followed by the feeling of a cold metal blade that then slit through the fabric making a tearing sound that sent shivers up her spine as the cold began to hit her bare skin.He smiled down at the sight of Katherines bare skin and her wide open eyes filled with terror. He went to the nightstand and lit a single candle so he could better see her. Never before had he dared let one of his victims see him. The knowledge that Katherine would be unable to tell anyone of what she saw therefore provided him with the full ability to have light which excited him. This would be the first time he would get to see his victim not just feel her.I bet that you were not expecting to see me here were you? Katherine attempted to respond but the scarf covering her mouth prevented her from getting out more than a feeble mumble.Well, because I am a rational man I suppose that I can tell you that I am here to make you pay for giving away the only women that I love to that man. Josephine should be mine and I know deep down that you really know that. Katherine attempted to make a sound of contradiction. She did not agree to anything that he was saying.I assure you that without you around that I will be able to finally get what I want. Katherine did her best to ask; How. It did not escape his notice that she wanted a reason so he decided that it would not hurt to tell her what he thought her crimes were.I am sure that without you whispering in her ear that she should be with Mr. Kinsley that I will be able to persuade her away from him and she will finally be mine. All it is going to take is a little time Well, that and the disposal of you and your incessant meddling.At that he went to work on Katherine doing with her what he wanted against her will. He had debated back and forth on whether he wanted to rape her but then decided that seems how he planned on disposing of her he deserved to have a bit of fun. He felt that she at least owed him that bit of fun before she was out of his life and out of his way forever. When he was through he went about cutting and torturing Katherine slowly making her wish that she could just give up and die. It was the first time that he had allowed himself to give in to the want to do more than just rape a women so he took his time not only to make her pay for what she was doing to him but also so that he could fully enjoy it.Katherines room was next door to Jos room so he kept a close ear out for any sounds that might indicate that he could be caught. He had been working on Katherine for a while when he thought that he could hear Jo getting up. Not wanting to risk being caught he decided that he would get a one last bit of satisfaction in the ending of Katherines life and was sure to do it in a way that would get everyones attention. She was lying on her bed already near death and he removed the scarf from her mouth.Katherine looked at him confused. She desperately wanted to scream but for a moment all she could do was lay there and whimper in pain. Why was he untying her mouth? Just as Katherine was beginning to think that there was hope that he might let her go and give her a fighting chance at living like so many of the other women that she had heard about having endured torture like this she saw the candlelight glint off of the blade of his knife as he thrust the blade toward her heart.She screamed out in fear. Her cry ending as the last of her breath left her body and her heart faltered.Taking the knife with him he ran to the window and quickly climbed down and left the property. He went straight to his home, washed himself up, got into his nightclothes, and did his best to fall asleep with the adrenaline of what he had just done still pumping through him. The sweet release of the murder was far better than any release he had gotten from rape before. He was sure that it wouldnt be long before the police came knocking to inform him of the death of his dear partners wife. He had to be sure to fain shock at the news.

Chapter 8Jo was the first to Katherines room and the first to see her body. Her scream rang through the house just as her uncle came running just in time to see Jo faint in the doorway. When he saw his wifes body he himself wanted to run to her but from the amount of blood and the color of her body with her open lifeless eyes he knew that she was dead. He did his best to pick Jo up and carried her into her room and then went down to get the butler to fetch the police and Mr. Kinsley. It was hours later before Jo awoke again. There had been much discussion on if they should try to wake her right away but the doctor that had arrived with the police had determined that they should leave her be until they had managed to take in all the evidence and then remove her aunts body from the house.When she awoke she immediately remembered what she had seen and got up and tried to go to her aunts room. But she was met at her door by Mr. Kinsley who had not left her side since he had first arrived to the house.Jo she is not there anymore. Mr. Kinsley held onto a sobbing Jo as his words sunk in. Jo continued to try to get past him though her attempts soon slowed and weakened in their strength as she gave up her fight.What happened? How could this happen? Why would someone do that to her? Jo was not asking anything that her uncle, Mr. Kinsley, and the police themselves had not already been asking. The one thing that all of the men knew was that they were going to shield Jo from anything that they found if possible.We do not know sweetheart. Jo struggled against Mr. Kinsley still trying to break free to go to Katherines room though her attempts were now feeble at best.I want to see her. I need to see her. Mr. Kinsley tightened his grip on her. He hated that he had to be the one to try and talk some sense into her but at the same time was glad that he was able to be there for her instead of some uncaring cop that they would have assigned to such a task.You cannot, she is not there anymore. She is not in the house. Besides Jo you really should not see her the way that she was. She would not want you to remember her like that. Jo broke down sobbing at that sinking to the floor. The doctor came in after hearing Jos raised voice.Josephine can I get you to go back to your bed? I want to check you and make sure that you are alright. Mr. Kinsley picked up a still sobbing Jo and placed her on the bed and watched over her as the doctor took her pulse and examined her complexion and eyes. I think that this girl needs a great deal of rest and we need to figure out how best to help get her through this safely.I agree doctor but I do not think that she is going to go to sleep willingly. I do not believe she is going to let us shield her from anything. The doctor looked from Mr. Kinsley to Jo and back contemplating on what would be the proper and necessary in order to comfort Jo.Here, put a teaspoon of this in some tea. She will rest more willingly with it. Until she starts to show signs of calming down you can give her a teaspoon up to every six hours. The doctor discreetly slipped a bottle into Mr. Kinsleys hand.Alright, thank you doctor. As the doctor left Mr. Kinsley went to the bell pull to ring for the maid. When the maid arrived he slipped her the bottle and instructed her to get some tea for Jo.Oh Bradley, what am I going to do without my aunt? Mr. Kinsley was rather confused on her question. What had been so important about her aunts presence that had Jo worried that she would not be able to live without her? He had not realized that Jo had grown as close to Katherine as she had in the past weeks.What has you so worried my dear? Where you still in lessons with her or something? Did she fail to teach you something that now has you worried? Jo shook her head. She needed to tell someone about her worries.No, I was only here because she had convinced my uncle to let me be here and without her he might send me away. Mr. Kinsley found her worry to be unfounded but Jo was not aware of just how much her uncle and aunt had both loved her so much that either of them would have done anything for Jo.Sweetest, you have nothing to worry about. I am sure that Mr. Cline is going to keep you here. Besides, even if he did not want to keep you here for some odd reason it would not really matter because you will soon be living in my home with me anyway. Jo shot Mr. Kinsley an odd look.You could not possibly think that we should continue on with our engagement party and then the wedding right away? My aunt just died! You are heartless. Jo threw herself on her bed so that she was no longer facing Mr. Kinsley.I was not trying to be heartless my dear. I just know how much your aunt had been looking forward to our union and I would like for us to at least consider not postponing our nuptials too long. Mr. Kinsley was not helping matters much by bringing up how much Katherine had been looking forward to Jos wedding. A wedding that she was no longer going to be able to be a part in planning nor able to attend. He looked to Mr. Cline standing in the doorway for help but found that there would be no help there for Mr. Cline looked equally worried and lost.It was not very long before Mr. Genus came rushing into Jos room. Oh Mr. Cline, Josephine, I came as soon as I heard. Was anyone else harmed? Jo shot Mr. Genus a look wishing that he would just shrivel up and die.Mr. Genus, it was only my Katherine and I would like it if you would refrain from talking about it too much in front of Josephine until she is more ready to talk. At the moment she is still rather shaken by what happened. Mr. Kinsley explained hoping that it might get Mr. Genus to leave. He was not quite sure but there was something about Mr. Genus he had not liked all that much. He also remembered that Mr. Genus had not been cared for much by the family just tolerated because he was in business with Mr. Cline.At Mr. Clines urging the men left Jo in the care of a nurse the doctor had sent up and they all went down into the sitting room to meet with the police. Captain, Mr. Cline greeted the police officer. Is there anything you can tell me about how and why this happened? The officer looked at the gentlemen accompanying Mr. cline and upon recognizing who they were and their importance to Mr. Cline the officer decided to speak freely in front of them.I am certain that it was done by the same man that has been abusing various women that we have already been seeking. This offered Mr. Kinsley and Mr. Cline little to no reassurance seems how the police had already been trying to find the man and had no success thus far. The one thing that is interesting that I think is a good lead is that this time the man who did it entered straight into her room. Mr. Kinsley was not sure but that sounded like a big lead.What can a lead like that tell us about the man who did this? Is it different from the way the others were attacked? Other than the obvious that this is the first one that he has killed? Mr. Kinsley comforted Mr. Cline when he made a noise of pain from hearing it put so bluntly.It is very different. Always before he would enter through a hall window and we would have a trail to follow through the house of how he searched for who he was looking for. Because he was able to access her so easily means that he thought it out beforehand a lot more. I believe that this means that he may know your family very well. At least well enough to know where exactly he needed to go without much search.Should we worry about Josephine? Though Mr. Kinsley had asked the Captain Mr. Genus took the liberty of answering the question.I do not think that you will have to worry about Josephine. What kind of a man would return to where he had already done such a horrible thing before? This caused the Captain, Mr. Kinsley, and Mr. Cline to consider Mr. Genus, and not in a good way. He had not thought before he had spoken and therefore had made his confidence that the killer would not return seem suspect.On the contrary I think that you have very much to worry about when it comes to Josephine. While it would seem crazy to return to the scene of the crime he obviously knows how to get into the house without being caught not to mention everything he did and still managed to leave. If the man who did it is after Mr. Cline and trying to hurt him he may come back for Josephine. Mr. Cline thought about this very carefully.How can I best protect her? If these might be enemies coming after me trying to hurt me through them I do not want anything to happen to Josephine. The Captain thought for a moment before responding.I am going to help you come up with a plan and we will discuss her safety later. No offense Mr. Kinsley and Mr. Genus but considering the nature of the crime I would really feel most comfortable creating a plan to keep her safe with Mr. Cline only. Mr. Kinsley readily nodded in agreement.Just let me know if I can help with providing anything including money in order to procure anything you need. I would expect you to leave me out of this. As Josephines fianc I am sure that I am a suspect until I can prove otherwise.Thank you for your understanding Mr. Kinsley and you are quite right. I am sure that you will check out perfectly fine but I do not want to take any chances. The Captain turned to ask Mr. Genus if he would be so kind as to meet with him later to explain his whereabouts of the night before and was shocked to find that he had left. Now where did he go?The three men continued talking for a while and Mr. Kinsley gave the Captain a full list of his employees in his home that could verify his comings and goings of the last night and month before if needed. Then Mr. Cline provided the Captain of a list of possible enemies that would go after him through his wife. A list that included Mr. Genus.

Chapter 9On the day that would have been the day before Jos engagement party nearly the entire town gathered in honor of Katherine Cline. The death of Katherine had changed so many things in everyones lives. Mr. Cline had been struggling to make it to work every day leaving Mr. Genus to handle most everything at the office. Mr. Kinsley had been struggling to get Jo to open up to him and to keep her from pulling so far away from him that it broke their engagement. And Jo well, she was dealing with many things that she did not feel she could explain to anyone causing her to withdraw from everyone.Jo are you going to help me or not? Jo was laying fully dressed on her bed trying her best to avoid the gathering that was going on downstairs and trying to figure out why it was she kept thinking she was hearing her aunt. It was rather hard to have to deal with something like that which could be a good sign that she was going insane.You are not really here! I know that it is not possible. Jo put her pillow over her head to ignore what she knew was not possible to hear. What was her mind doing to her causing her to think that she was hearing her aunt?Josephine! I know that you can hear me. Just look at me! This was a first. In all of the times that Katherine had called out to Jo for help she had never demanded her to look. This peaked Jos curiosity enough to cause her to peer out from under her pillow and looked in the direction of the sound.You cannot be my aunt. Aunt Katherine was murdered. You cannot really be here. Jo removed the pillow farther from her head and gasped when she spotted a transparent form in the corner of her room that sure enough looked just like her aunt. She grabbed at the blanket and pillow and scrambled back against her headboard.Calm down. I know that it is shocking and I cannot explain why exactly it is that I am able to talk to you but I can. And you seem to be the only person who can see or hear me. Can you please just listen I need your help and you are the only one who I can ask. Jo did the best to gather her wits about her.How am I ever going to be able to help you? Aunt looked around as if she was making sure that she and Jo were really alone. Jo continued to wonder how it was that she was able to see her aunt but then decided to dismiss thinking about it too much for fear of causing a headache.I know who killed me. I need your help proving it. Just as Jo was about to ask her aunt who a knock sounded on her door and Katherines figure disappeared. Jo found herself as shocked at the disappearance of her aunts figure as she had been at the discovery of it in the first place. Before she could gather her wits about her the door opened and Mr. Genus rushed in and stopped just short of the bed on which Jo lay.Josephine, everyone is asking about you. Mr. Genus took a minute to look at the pale form of Jo lying on the bed. I think that you should come down and help your uncle with all the guests. Jo took a deep breath before responding to Mr. Genus.Alright, let me just gather myself and I will be right down. Mr. Genus had noticed the paleness and scared look on Jos face when he had come in but chose not to comment. Since the death of Katherine he was doing his best to be more distant and show less visible interest in Jo seems how he had been questioned several times extensively about his whereabouts on the night of Katherines death.Mr. Genus left the room and Jo waited in her room not moving for a minute to see if the illusion of her aunt would reappear. After a long time of waiting she got up and pulled herself together and headed down to see everyone who had arrived. Whe