The Harvest Is Ready 8 weeks of Sunday School and Scripture lessons and 2 Church Celebrations focused around stories of missionary kids and praying for unreached peoples

The Harvest is Ready-Sunday School

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8 weeks of Sunday School lessons ans 2 celebrations. Published by WEC Australia to celebrate the Centenary of WEC. The lessons use the Golden Chariot, short stories of missionary kids. Also included are coloring posters of people groups.

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The Harvest Is Ready

8 weeks of Sunday School and Scripture lessons and 2 Church Celebrations focused around stories of missionary kids and praying for unreached peoples

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How to use these lessons ...........................................................................................4

Lesson 1 ........................................................................................................................5

Lesson 2 ........................................................................................................................9

Lesson 3 ...................................................................................................................... 13

Lesson 4 ...................................................................................................................... 16

Lesson 5...................................................................................................................... 19

Lesson 6 .................................................................................................................... 22

Lesson 7 ..................................................................................................................... 25

Lesson 8..................................................................................................................... 28

Celebration 1 ............................................................................................................. 33

Celebration 2............................................................................................................. 34

Where to from here .................................................................................................. 35

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Hi. You are probably reading this because you have two things in common with me. You love God and you love kids.

Probably your greatest joy as a teacher of children is when you see that spiritual light go on. Suddenly the lesson is more than facts, more than stories and activities. The children you teach express their love for Jesus in some way. A prayer, a comment or maybe how they reflect on a memory verse.

Hopefully the ‘Harvest Is Ready’ will help that happen. It is based on some stories from The Golden Chariot, a book written by some MKs, Missionary Kids. They have been in a country where their parents were missionaries. Often they attended a boarding school, travelled through exciting places and had many adventures.

You will need a copy of the Golden Chariot (Christian Focus Publications) for these lessons. To get one you can either:

• purchase it at Christian bookstores

• order it online, try booko.com.au for the various options

• enquire at a WEC Centre, they have some available. Call 1300 788 566 or check out wec.com.au for other contact options

It is also a fun way to invite children into the world of mission. They can relate to the MKs. They can relate their story to a Bible story. They can also pray for a people group that has no

Church, no way of knowing Jesus. We have also included some Prayer Posters of these peoples.

The Golden Chariot and these lessons were published to help WEC International celebrate 100 years of telling the least evangelized people’s on earth about Jesus. WEC was started in 1913, a long time ago, by a fellow called C.T. Studd who was a test cricketer for England. Since then we have been starting churches in over 70 countries and now have people from over 50 nationalities working with us, 1800 people in 101 teams. Thanks for joining in with us, but remember ...

There is much to celebrate but much to be done.

The team

Richard Jenner, that’s me, I contributed ideas and put it together.

Denise Jenner, the very creative activity and memory verse creator.

Hayley Stanbury, incredibly talented artist who drew the Prayer Posters.

Jessica Gale, author of the wonderful lessons.

Phil Siu, the grooviest graphic designer in town.

For any feedback please email Richard Jenner [email protected]

Checkout wec.com.au/centenary for more Centenary events. There is a complimentary prayer and devotional booklet, The Harvest Is Ready, available for download. It focuses on unreached people groups, personal devotion and 33 days of prayer for these peoples.

Copyright © WEC Australia

This material may be copied freely for its intended use of promoting mission.

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There are 8 lessons and two optional celebrations. The lessons follow this pattern.

Lesson Introduction of the day’s stories and people group. A people group is like a tribe, a group of people who connect with each other because they live in the same place, talk the same language or have the same way of doing things (culture). It’s good to explain this idea to children.

If possible find a large world map and plot the stories and peoples from the next 8 weeks. You could also get a copy of Operation World if you would like more information on the countries and people group or check the websites: http://www.joshuaproject.net/ or http://www.operationworld.org/

Memory verse and activity

Talk and Story

This includes a Bible story and a story from the Golden Chariot.


Usually two alternatives are given. Choose which would work best for your group.

A colouring-in prayer poster

This is an awesome opportunity to promote prayer for these people. We suggest creating a prayer wall at your Church or home. If time doesn’t allow the poster can be done at home and brought back the next week.


At the end of each day it’s great if someone can pray for the group in the prayer poster.

How to use the Celebration lessons

Just follow the instructions! If possible get the rest of the Church involved and enjoy.

How to use these lessons

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LESSON 1 The Golden Chariot

Lesson Introduction

In today’s lesson we will hear a story of the Golden Chariot from Asia and learn how God watches over us at all times. Our prayer poster is of the Buryat people who live in Russia and Mongolia.

There are about 500,000 Buryat people living in Russia and Mongolia. They are traditionally nomadic shepherds who raise sheep, horses, cattle and goats. They are mainly followers of Buddhism. The Buryat have a tale a bit like the story of Noah and the Flood in the Bible. However in their story a large animal, maybe a mammoth, refused to go on board as he was proud and thought he was too big to drown! Pray that the Buryat may hear about Jesus and not be too proud to have him as their Lord.

Memory Verse

Psalm 121:5, 6

The Lord watches over you, the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. NIV

Memory Verse Activity

Picture Memory

Get 5 cards or A4 sheets of paper. On one side write a part of the memory verse on the other draw a picture of a symbol for this part of the verse.

Psalm 121:5, 6 (someone singing)

The Lord watches over you (eyes) The Lord is your shade at your right hand. (shade of tree) The sun will not harm you by day (the sun) Nor the moon by night (the moon) Lie paper on the floor, text side up. Recite the verse. Then keep turning a sheet over until only pictures are facing up.

Talk and Story

Most of us know what it is like to be scared. There are many stories in the Bible about people who were scared and how God protected them. One story is of Joseph, Mary and Jesus who were warned in a dream to run away to Egypt.

Read Matthew 2:13-23

Often we forget that God is watching over us all the time. In the story who warned Joseph about the danger Jesus was in? After they ran away to Egypt how did they know that it was safe to return home? Do you think that Joseph and Mary were scared and worried when they were travelling?

At all times this small family was being cared for and watched over by God and his angels. When God first appeared to Joseph in a dream, when they travelled to Egypt and finally when they returned to Nazareth to live.

Read The Golden Chariot p11. (The Golden Chariot)

Seth said that the Golden Chariot raced before them. Wow! God gave Seth a great experience and maybe it was so he could let us know through his story that God is watching out for us in many amazing ways. Ask the children how

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they think God might be watching out for them. This could lead to talking about angels, people and his guiding presence.

Let’s think about all the times when God looks after us. Talk with the children about times when they think that God is watching out for them. Ask them if they have had any special time when they really knew God was caring for them.

Pray with children, asking them to trust God at all times, and thank Him that he is watching over us at all times.

Activity One

Make a chariot and a rider

Do this using the templates and instructions below.

Things needed

• One small milk carton (300mls) • Straws or pipe cleaners • 2 Plastic bottle tops or cardboard for wheels • Split pins • String/ wool • Paint or felt pens to decorate the chariot • Glue • Colour paper to cover milk carton and toilet roll if desired • Horse template on card • Small copies of memory verse • Toilet roll for chariot rider


Cut out milk carton as shown in diagram.

Cut out horse template. Colour-in, cover with paper, paint or decorate these two items. Fold bottom rectangles out to form a stand. Attach two straws or pipe cleaners between horses and either side of chariot. Attach string for reins if desired.

Use two plastic bottle tops as wheels and glue to sides or alternatively cut two circles out of stiff cardboard. These can be glued or attached with split pins. Glue verse to chariot.

Cover toilet roll with paper, draw a face and cut out small pieces of wool or string to make hair, glue this on. Make arms out of cardboard or use pipe cleaners to make rider.

Activity Two

Make chariot out of Clay

Things needed

Clay, Plasticine or Play Doh.

Lego pieces or figurine.

Make a chariot out of self hardening clay, Plasticine or Play-Doh. Use small Lego people for the charioteers or make them with the clay.

Prayer Poster: The Buryat of Mongolia and Russia

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Horse Template

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Pray for the Buryat people

The Lord watches over you, the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

Psalm 121:5, 6

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LESSON 2 Ferry Crossing

Lesson Introduction

In today’s lesson we will hear about Africa. The story from the Golden Chariot happens in the Congo where missionaries started working 100 years ago. Our prayer poster is of some children from Guinea Bissau. (Hold up poster and find Guinea Bissau on a map).

Missionaries began working in Guinea Bissau in 1940. There are about 1.7 million people in the Guinea Bissau, only about 30,000 love Jesus and are seeking to pass on his Good News to those around them. Most people are either Muslims or follow tribal religions. Pray for the Church and the missionaries that work in this country.

Memory Verse

Psalm 107:8, 9 Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.NIV

Memory Verse Activity

Memory conductor

Divide the verse up into 6 parts and write these parts on cardboard or paper. Have 6 children remember one part each. Place them in a line in correct order and have them recite the memory verse. Now mix them up and have the rest of the children try and place them in the right order. When this

is achieved learn memory verse by going through verse several times and gradually removing children from the line.

1. Psalm 107:8, 9 2. Let them give thanks to the Lord 3. for His unfailing love 4. and His wonderful deeds for mankind, 5. for He satisfies the thirsty. 6. Fills the hungry with good things.

Talk and Story

The verse in Psalm 107 is all about God providing for the people that He loves. Explain to children that as Christians, we know that God loves us, so we can trust that He will look after us.

Read Acts 27:13-26

The story of the Paul and the shipwreck is a great example of this. In the story it looks like something really bad was going on around Paul, but he prayed to God that He would protect him, and the people with him. God did just that.

Get the children to pretend they are on a ship at sea during a big storm. Get them to imagine how they would be feeling, what they would be hearing, seeing, smelling.

In verse 22 and 23 we hear Paul tell everyone how an angel of the Lord came to him to explain that no one would be harmed on the boat! God graciously protected everyone on the ship.

Ask the children if they have a time when they knew that God was protecting them?

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Road The Ferry Crossing p109 (The Golden Chariot)

Ask them what they would like God to protect them from.

Ask the children if they think that just like in the Bible with Paul, God protected the people on the ferry? Maybe God sent angels that day to pull the van out of the water! Ask the children why it may have been dangerous on the ferry? How would have Ruth felt when the van went up the ramp? Why?

We know that God cares and protects people now just like he did in the Bible stories.

Invite one or two children to pray, asking that they would have the boldness to ask God to open their eyes to His ways of providing for us, and thank Him for His everlasting love and care.

Activity One

Make a Paper Boat

Things needed:

• A4 paper • Scissors • Stickers • Pictures from magazines • Glue


Make a paper boat and decorate it. You could use many methods. Here are some simple origami boat instructions. The children could also colour them and decorate them with stickers or cuttings from magazines.

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Activity Two

Make a Storm Globe

Things needed • Empty glass jar with lid, label removed • Clay (a type that doesn’t break down in water) to make small boats or small plastic boats that will fit in jars • Small shells and rocks (optional) • Strong glue or glue gun • Glitter or sparkly shapes to put in jar • Glycerine (sold in pharmacies)


1. Make a clay boat small enough to fit in the jar (or use a small plastic boat) 2. Use the strong glue or glue gun to stick boat, shells and rocks to the underside of the lid. 3. Add water to the jar till two-thirds full, add a little glycerine, the more glycerine you add the thicker the mixture. This is optional if glycerine is unavailable. 4. Add glitter and sparkles to the water. 5. Turn decorated lid upside down. 6. Glue around the lid, screw it tightly on the jar. 7. Leave to dry. 8. Turn jar upside down and shake to make a storm.

Prayer Poster: Guinea Bissau

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Pray for the Guinea Bissau

Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

Psalm 107:8, 9

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LESSON 3 God Knew!

Lesson Introduction

In today’s lesson we will hear a story from the Middle East and also how God gave friends to missionaries in the Bible. The Prayer Poster today is of the Kurdish peoples who mostly have Islam as their religion. The 30 million Kurds live in many countries including Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran as they have no country of their own. They live amongst rugged mountains, rivers and vast plains. Burning hot in summer and freezing cold in winter with snow. The people however are warm and friendly and hospitality is one of the highest values of life. Visitors are welcomed with a cold glass of water or a warm glass of tea. The Kurdish people have a saying that ‘an open door invites callers’. Pray that their doors are open to the call of Jesus on their lives.

Memory Verse

Isaiah 65:24 I will answer them before they even call me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.

Memory Verse Activity

Balloon popper

Divide up verse into 7 parts and write verse on strips of paper. See below:

Isaiah 65:24

I will answer them Before they even call me While they are still talking to me

about their needs I will go ahead and answer their prayers

Place these in 7 balloons and inflate prior to lesson. Select 7 children to line up and pop balloons. They then gather their part of the verse and assemble it in the correct order. Get everyone to recite the verse together. Gradually take away verse parts until they can recite it without looking.

Talk and Story

God loves us so much. He looks after us even when we don’t ask Him to! He wants the best for us, so will send us the things we need to help us, make us feel special and loved.

Read ‘God Knew’ pg 93 (The Golden Chariot). Talk about how Emma must have been feeling with no one else her age in a different country to where she was from. Ask children if they can think of a time when they felt a little out of place and alone. The Bible says God hears us, and answers prayers before we even pray them! He knows us so well that He looks after us sometimes even before we start to feel lonely!

This happened to another missionary in the Bible named Paul. He was in a different city by himself and was waiting for his friends Silas and Timothy. However he met Aquila and Priscilla, and they became friends because God had found them for Paul to keep him company and to help him.

Read Acts 18:1-5

Why do you think Paul would have felt welcomed by Aquila and Priscilla? (they were tentmakers like him and found work for him)

Read Romans 16:3-4

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How did Paul feel about Aquila and Priscilla?

Ask children about what they like to do with their friends. Explain that God loves us and wants us to have fun, so puts this special people in our lives. Sometimes when we need a friend it’s good to ask God for someone.

Pray a prayer of thanks with children. Ask them to think of something or someone that they are thankful for, and praise God because He’s promised us good things!

Activity One

Make a Letterbox

Create a letterbox for children and adults to place letters and interesting information to send to missionaries and their children.

Things needed: • Cardboard box • Stickers • Pictures • Paper • Pens


Find a cardboard box, decorate it and label the box ‘News and notes for the ______________(name of the missionary family)’ Place in a prominent spot in the Church.

Children can find newspaper clippings, pictures from magazines, Church bulletins etc for the box. They also write letters and personal notes to send to


This can be an ongoing activity. Someone would need to empty the box every week and send the letters and notes on.

Activity Two

Write a letter to an MK (Missionary Kid)

Children write personal notes to missionary kids overseas. This could lead to the children continuing to write to the MK and becoming their pen pal. The teacher would need to find out the names of children from either Church missionary families or other suitable children.

This is an important exercise as the MK may feel disconnected from their home culture and Church. Letter writing is a great way of helping them understand their own culture and also giving a sense of belonging to their place of origin. It helps narrow the difficulties of coming back home. Writing to an MK is simple. You could tell children to:

Let them know that you are praying for them and value what their family is doing.

Write a little bit about themselves including their family, school and Church.

Ask some, not too many, questions about their own life in a different country.

Prayer Poster: The Kurds

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Pray for the Kurdish people

I will answer them before they even call me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers

Isaiah 65:24

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LESSON 4 Creepy Crawlies

Lesson Introduction

In today’s lesson we will hear a story from the Bible about a scorpion. Scary. We will also hear from a girl who lived in South East Asia in Cambodia and was afraid of creepy crawlies.

Our Prayer Poster is also from South East Asia. The Lao are the largest group of people in Laos. The 3 million Lao are Buddhist and live mostly along the Mekong River Valley. They are an agricultural society and rice farming is their main occupation. There have been many wars in this region and the relative peaceful relations at the moment gives the Lao people a chance for restoration and healing. Pray that hope may come to the Lao through the message of Jesus Christ.

Memory Verse

Psalm 3:5 I lay down and slept yet I woke up in safety for the Lord was watching over me. NLT

Memory Verse Activity:

Insect Shapes

Make some large insect shapes and write the memory verse words on these shapes. Cut them out and peg them up on a string. You could also just stick them up on a wall or whiteboard. Go through the verse several times taking words away until the children can recite the verse.

Talk and Story

Many people are afraid of creepy crawlies. Especially ones that bite. Ask children what creepy crawlies they are afraid of. Read Creepy Crawlies pg 41 (The Golden Chariot). Ask the children if they would have been afraid if they were Kimberley. What would they have done if they were bitten by a scorpion? Sometimes we are scared or unsure about things we don’t understand

Read Acts 28:1-6.

Paul in the Bible also had a confrontation with a dangerous animal. Paul was attacked from nowhere; he didn’t expect to be bitten by a snake. That’s often how things happen; something good or bad happens without any warning. The important thing to know is that God was watching over us before, during and after the event.

The people were watching Paul when something bad happened to him, they all thought he would die, but Paul was protected by God. Sometimes things happen around us that we don’t understand, it’s important to keep trusting Jesus because he can help and people may be watching. God may want to show his love and protection to us as well as our friends.

We don’t need to worry at all. We can trust God at all times, when we wake up, in the day and when we go to sleep. Ask children if they pray before they go to bed. Ask them how they pray. If needed give an example of a prayer they can make before going to sleep.

Pray with the children. Give thanks for creepy crawlies and all those unexpected things they might be worried about. Pray that they would trust in God’s goodness and care at all times, when they wake up, in the day and when they go to sleep.

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Activity One

Make Creepy Crawlies

Make insects out of a variety of bits and pieces:

Things needed:

• Pipe cleaners • Egg cartons • Googly eyes • Cellophane • Coloured paper


Provide the materials plus scissors, glue, felt pens, pencils etc and the freedom to create.

Activity Two

Insect making Contest

Things needed:

• Lego blocks, Meccano • Small boxes • Foam pieces and pins

Have an insect making contest using Lego, blocks or a similar building toy. Set a time limit and make sure everyone has an equal number of blocks, boxes, foam pieces etc.

Activity Three

Nature Walk

Take children outside for a nature walk. You could collect some insects in jars or Bug Catchers if appropriate. Come back inside and have a Show and Tell time with the captured bugs.

Prayer Poster: The Lao

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Pray for the Lao people

I lay down and slept yet I woke up in safety for the Lord was watching over me.

Psalm 3:5

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LESSON 5 Dramatic and Terrifying

Lesson Introduction

Today’s lesson is about Jesus taking care of us when something really terrifying is happening. The Prayer Poster is of Pakistan. There are 185 million people in Pakistan! It is right in between India and Afghanistan and has a river, the Indus, flowing right through it. Most people here are Muslims and speak about 77 languages the main one being Urdu. Many sports are popular in Pakistan including cricket, hockey and squash. Do you know any famous cricketers from Pakistan?

Memory Verse

Joshua 1:5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. NIV

Memory Verse Activity

Secret Code

Finish the verse below using the secret code. Write the numbers on the board and the code and have some children help solve the code.

Joshua 1:5 “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. 9 23-9-12-12 14-15-20 12-5-1-22-5 25-15-21 15-18 6-15-18 19-1-11-5 25-15-21

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

Story from the Golden Chariot: Dramatic and Terrifying pg 19

Talk and Story:

Joshua 1:5 says that God will never leave us or forsake us. Sometimes it’s hard for us to believe that when things that seem hard are happening all around us.

Read Dramatic and Terrifying pg 19 (The Golden Chariot)

Ask children how they think they would have felt if they were stuck in the car? Would they have been able to trust God?

Ask them if they have ever been in a really difficult situation when they thought there was no way out? Perhaps they had been lost somewhere, even at the shopping centre?

Read Acts 9:19b - 25. Paul’s escape from Damascus is exciting. Paul was doing God’s work and spreading the gospel, but there were still dangers around him everywhere he went. He had to trust God to escape from the people that hated him by using a basket out a window! God says He will never leave us alone – even down to helping us escape using a basket!

Ask children to think again of a time when they felt scared. Ask if any of them had prayed in Jesus’ name and after that they knew Jesus was helping them? Share a story of a time when you were worried and needed to feel like Jesus was with you. Explain that this is what it means to have ‘faith’ in God, to trust him when things aren’t going as you want them to.

Pray with children and remind them of the power of calling on the name of Jesus. Lead children in a simple prayer they can pray when they need Him, and pray that it would be sealed in their hearts after today.

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Activity One


Things needed:

• Paint and paper • Paint brushes • Water Jars


Children paint a picture of either: • a time when they were scared and felt God’s protection or • a picture of the story from the Golden Chariot or • the story of Paul being lowered in the basket through the city wall

Activity Two


Ask the children to form groups of 2 or 3. They are to go away for 5 minutes to prepare a small play about a time they were scared. They come back and perform the play and the other children have to guess what they were scared of. Use this time to talk about how God helped them or how He can help them next time they are scared.

Prayer Poster: Pakistan

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Pray for Pakistan

No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua 1:5

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LESSON 6 Village on the Amazon

Lesson Introduction

Today’s lesson focuses on being thankful. The story from the Golden Chariot takes place in a village on the Amazon River. Would you like to live there? It’s the biggest river in the world and the Amazon basin is almost as big as Australia. Many tribal peoples still live along the river. Missionaries travel up the river to tell these people about Jesus.

Memory Verse

Psalm 103:1 Praise the Lord I tell myself, with my whole heart I will praise his holy name. NLT

Memory Verse Activity

Skipping Rope

Write the verse up somewhere so everyone can see it. Get a skipping rope and have someone skip. The children say one word or syllable for every turn of the rope. You could also get a big rope and have two children turning it while another jumps and recites the verse. You will have to lead boldly to get the children into the rhythm.

Golden Chariot Story: Village on the Amazon pg 115

Talk and Story

Sometimes God asks us to do things that are a little strange! And sometimes

we don’t know why God wants us to do the things He asks, so it can be hard to be joyful.

Read Village on the Amazon pg 115 (The Golden Chariot).

This is the story of Marilis and Evelise who lived in a Village on the Amazon. They lived in a town with no electricity, or running water, and sometimes it would have been hard! However Marilis and Everlise remember many wonderful things about living where they did.

Ask the children to remember the memories from the story that Marilis and Everlise were thankful for.

Read Psalm 103:1. It tells us to bless the Lord, with ALL that’s inside us. Explain to children that sometimes we don’t feel like praising God, but He asks us to because it shows that we trust Him.

This is just like the story in the bible where Paul and Silas are put in prison for preaching about Jesus.

Read Acts 16:22-28

People didn’t like that Paul and Silas were telling the good news and so they tried to stop them and put them in jail. Paul and Silas though, knew that God had a bigger plan, and so even when they were in jail, they sung worship songs to God! Ask children to imagine being in chains in a cold, dark, smelly jail cell, but singing to God!

As they were singing, there was a giant earthquake and their chains fell off them! God had come through for them in jail because they’d been praising Him and others were praying for them. Compare Paul and Silas in jail, and the things that we go through now, showing how we can trust God in any situation!

Pray with children and ask them to commit to trusting in God, and thanking

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Him even when things look hard. Ask if there are children who can think of something happening right now in their lives and pray over them, that God’s peace would be with them through their struggle.

Activity OneMake Encouragement Cards

Things needed:

• Card or paper • Pencils or felt pens • Stickers • Magazines to cut out pictures • Glue • Scissors


Think of people in the Church who may need encouragement. Each child can make a card using whatever materials that are available. Write the memory verse or other verses of encouragement in the card. Ask children to think of someone to whom they could give the card. You could also put a small chocolate with it and any other small gift.

Activity Two

Make Comfort Contract

Things needed: • Paper • Pens

• Felt pens • Pencils


Discuss comforts we have and what we feel may be hard to go without. Write them down or draw them. Write a contract and sign an agreement to try and go without a comfort for one week. The list of comforts could include:

A food (chocolate, cordial, chips, biscuits, sweets)

An activity (video games, television, computers)

A luxury (an electric blanket, air conditioning, long showers)

Prayer Poster: Amazon

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Pray for the peoples of the Amazon

Praise the Lord I tell myself, with my whole heart I will praise his holy name.

Psalm 103:1

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LESSON 7 Taking the Flamenco to Holland

Lesson Introduction

Today’s lesson has a story from the Netherlands and the Prayer poster is of Spain. Europe is a continent that has become less and less interested in God. Most of us know something about Spain such as bullfights, Pablo Picasso, piñatas and paella. There are many missionaries in Spain but more are needed. What a great place to tell people about Jesus!

Memory Verse

Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you fill me with joy in your presence. NIV

Memory Verse Activity

Musical Verse

Give out some simple instruments such as tambourines, sticks and shakers. Write the verse up so all can see it. Say the verse and accompany the natural rhythm of the verse with the instruments.

Talk and Story

Sometimes we can get so busy doing things like going to Church, going to school and playing with friends that we forget to stop and praise God!

Read Taking the Flemenco to Holland pg 81 (The Golden Chariot)

Ask children what lessons they thought Joel learnt in this story? Discuss some of his experiences - performing in front of others, moving 6 times making new friends and baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Ask children if they can think of a time when they had been working really hard, and needed to take a break. That’s what it’s like with God! Sometimes we can do lots and lots of things for Him, but we need to stop and look back and remember all the things He’s done for us and to praise him.

A great way of doing this is reading a Psalm. Read Psalm 100 and ask the children how they think we should read this Psalm. Quietly or loudly, sitting down or standing up, with instruments or without. Ask a child to read it again, this time as they think it should be read.

In the Bible, the Israelites celebrated after they crossed the Red Sea. Getting out of Egypt and their life of slavery was a big battle, but then a big victory, and once they had crossed over they decided it was time to praise God and party!!

Read Exodus 15:19-21.

Ask children to imagine how big was this celebration. What sort of instruments did they use? How do you think they danced? Ask for a volunteer to show how they think they danced. Teachers could show pictures of old styles of dancing and instruments if available.

Ask children to think of something that they can thank God for. Explain that you are going to do some popcorn praise! Ask children to close their eyes and when they think of something to thank God for, just say it out loud. As children yell things out, it sounds like popcorn popping and giving praise to God!

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Activity One

Make Musical Instruments

Make musical instruments out of whatever craft material is available.

Things needed:

• Boxes • Rice • Paint • Glue • Tape • Stickers • Tins • Toilet rolls • Plastic containers • Sticks of wood etc.


Shakers: Make these by putting rice in any container and decorating them.

Drums: Make these using a large tin and stretching paper or plastic over the top. Also boxes can be used.

Sticks: Get some large sticks or pieces of wood cut to size beforehand. Decorate with paint or markers.

If possible find some flamenco music and have a dance together and join in with the instruments.

Prayer Poster: Spain

Activity Two

Plan some activities to perform in front of other classes or the church.


• Sing some songs • Put on a short play • Give short testimonies of what the Lord as done for the children • Recite the memory verse • Do a dance and teach other like Joel did

These could be used during the Celebration Service.

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Pray for the Spanish people

You have made known to me the paths of life; you fill me with joy in your presence.

Acts 2:28

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LESSON 8 Boiled Cabbage

Lesson Introduction

Today’s lesson is about seeing all the good things God has put around us. Our prayer poster is of some MKs. We have read quite a few stories from MKs from the Golden Chariot. One thing MKs often learn is thankfulness but this is often because they have had to go without something and have learned to appreciate all the other good gifts from God.

Memory Verse

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Memory Verse Activity

Hide and Seek

The words of the memory verse are hidden around the room or outside in a garden. Write these on coloured cards. The children find these and put them in the right order. The verse is repeated several times, in a variety of ways - loudly, softly etc.

Talk and Story

Our God is a good God. He loves to bless us and give us things to make us happy. Sometimes we don’t even see those good things!

Read Boiled Cabbage pg 99 (The Golden Chariot)

Ask children to think of something they thought was strange, but now are thankful for! He can provide for us in strange ways too. Ask the children to name some strange things (maybe vegetables) that they should be thankful for.

Read 1 Kings 17:1-6.

The story of Elijah in 1 Kings tells of a great drought that went over the land. Because God loved Elijah though, he sent him to a place where there was fresh water, and birds brought him meat and bread every morning and every evening. That sounds a bit strange and you’d think he would have got sick of that after a while, but Elijah was just thankful that God was providing for him.

Romans 8:32 tells us of the greatest gift God has given us which is Jesus. We can have all the cool things in the world, or the best food, or the best toys, but if we don’t have the love of Jesus in our hearts, with Him as our Lord looking after us, then those things really mean nothing. Explain the salvation story to children; that we are sinners, but made to love God, so He sent Jesus to die in our place so that we could be friends with Him and live forever in heaven!

Ask children if they would like to receive the greatest gift of all in their hearts. Pray a salvation prayer with any children that respond inviting Jesus into their heart to wash away the sin, make them clean, and be the Lord in their lives. Pray a blessing over them as they start their walk with Jesus.

Activity One

Healthy Snack

Things needed:

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• Various vegetables • Fruit and cheeses - cut into small pieces • Other healthy foods such as hommus dip • Toothpicks

Make a healthy afternoon or morning tea. Make faces with vegetables, fruit and cheese. Use carrots, celery and cucumbers for dip sticks. Cut up fruit and place toothpicks out for easy eating.

NB: Remember to be mindful of children who may have health issues with some foods i.e. allergies

Activity Two

Prayer Wheel

Make a prayer wheel to remind children to pray every day.

Things needed

• Split pins • The templates provided printed on white paper or card


Color the template in, cut them out and join through the centre with a split pin.

Prayer Poster: MKs – Missionary Kids

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Cut out here


Prayer Wheel

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Lao Pakistan

The Amazon

Spain Kurds

Guinea Bissau


Prayer Wheel

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Pray for Missionary Kids

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Romans 8:32

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CELEBRATION 1 Family Service

This can be done in many ways using the last 8 weeks of lessons. Here are some suggested elements.

Worship Songs: You could select some with a mission theme. You could also find some from other cultures. Maybe someone in your Church could help. Children could play along with the instruments they made in lesson 7.

Prayer posters: Have several children present their Prayer Posters that they have coloured. Then have someone (a child or an adult) pray for the people group from the poster.

Read: Danger in the Jungle (The Golden Chariot page 129)

Talk on John 10:1-18 – The Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. Relate this to Danger in the Jungle and how Marcos was an example of Jesus laying down his life for his sheep. Also relate it to unreached peoples and how they need to come to the Good Shepherd.

Present some crafts and tell the story behind it. Then pray for the people group/country that they have learned about.

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CELEBRATION 2 Celebration Feast

Everyone loves eating. Organise an after Church International lunch or dinner. We suggest some food is prepared beforehand by parents and some made on the day. It really depends on how many are coming and how big you want to make it.

Decorations: If you can find flags, clothing, posters, items from the countries to decorate tables and walls. Use also the Prayer Posters that children have been colouring in.

Music: Get some worship music from a different culture to play in the background.

Food: You only need a few items to make. Some suggestions from Spain are given below.

Tortilla Espanola (Spanish Omelette)

Eggs (1 to 1 ½ per person)

Potatoes (100 to 200 grams per person)

Onions (as desired)

Olive oil, salt

The potatoes are cut into thin slices or in small dices. They are then fried in olive oil together with the sliced onions but not brown. The potatoes and onions are then removed, drained, and mixed with raw beaten and salted eggs. This mixture is then returned to the pan and slowly fried. The tortilla is fried first on one side and then flipped over to fry on its other side. Flipping is accomplished with the help of a plate or a “vuelve tortillas” (a ceramic or wooden lid-like utensil made for this particular purpose). The plate or “vuelve tortillas” is placed on top of the pan and then, with one hand on top of the

plate and the other holding the pan, both are inverted, leaving the tortilla upside-down on the plate. The tortilla is then slid carefully back into the pan. Other ingredients, like green or red peppers, chorizo, tuna, shrimps or different vegetables, can be added. It can also be made without onions.

The tortilla may be eaten hot or cold; it is commonly served as a snack (tapa) or picnic dish throughout Spain. As a tapa, it may be cut into bite-size pieces and served on cocktail sticks, or cut into pie style portions (pincho de tortilla).

Chorizo (Spanish sausage) Pockets

Find these at a supermarket or delicatessen. They are a little spicy. Fry them up and chop into smaller pieces. Provide some fresh salad vegetables such as tomato, lettuce and cucumber. Serve in a pita pocket bread. Add sauce if desired. Alternatively find some traditional bread from a delicatessen. It may not be Spanish but if Italian or French it can easily give that European feel.

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Where to from here

I hope you have enjoyed the Harvest is Ready. In this very busy world we live in it is easy to forget those needs that are not directly before us. It is impor-tant to water these seeds of faith and adventure that have been sown. Here are some simple ideas to carry with after the lessons have finished.

Keep using the Letterbox and send letters etc to missionaries and MKs.

Keep praying during Sunday School or Scripture for missionaries, MKs and a people group.

For more Centenary events go to www.wec.com.au/centenary