•If RED WING AND VICINITY. Senatorial vote—Tuesday, Jan. fa6.—Ramsey, 50; Donnelly, 50: Davis. 22; Scattering. 15. Total vote. 137. Adjourned until to-mor- row. New feature* expected. The weather r.ioik-ruted iu^t v. e"k. but it wouldn't -t.r, moderated.' CWplaint i- '«'inp, :nude that <\:\\" of our *>tr« v tt- a n ' l>cin<; u«i .1 .i» w i v l yard-. Th'" 1 ]libfi*nle<>ii« who play-1 in u.ir city la*: -week prcv-d thein^ehe-* a^ .-a- terer*. to the pleasure »rvVr« a »n>-ci ^. The i-ek'hratot! t'm^r al artist, A. -1. Overalls ha* n-m< \f\l }ii- ?•..<•' > 1 oper- ations asi.iin tYoin lI;o»t'."gv to Ro^. Wing. J). C. Hill, ha* hevn awarded T!K contract of tini-dnt'jr the splendid new hotel, which i* hercsii'tt r to }><> the l.oa^t •and pride of our city. -•1 larir^' and enthu^ia^ti'* mi ••*1: , I<J: greeted County Lecturer Iley-s at his lecture in the Sw-dish Lutheran Church, in tin 1 town of Goodhue la<t Friday. Danncll ..t Peterson ha>e removed their Boot and Shoe shop from Main Street to Plumb Street, where they will be glad to v e their old friends and cus- tomers. A lecture on " Our Public Schools," will be given by the County Superin- tendent, at Wanamin^o, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 2d, and at Vasa, on Fri- day evening, Feb. 5th. N. W. "Wheeler, Esq., of Chippewa Falls, Wis., will deliver his celebrated lecture on " Meanness " at Music Hall on Friday evening. This lecture is spoken of. Don't sit in your homes and -hiver your teeth S<.K>, when you can keep warm by using those weather strips at a small cost. For sale by E. F. Hill Gen. Jgent for Minnesota, found at the office of P. C.IIill, Red Wing.Minn. Carpenters, builders, and everbody el*e who contemplate building, the pre«ent season, should remember that C.H.Smith k >eps a full supply of builder'* hardware constantly on hand, at his Hardware *tore, on Plumb street, which he sells at the lowest prises. Danell & Peterson call the attention of the public to their new Boot and Shoe Shop, on Plumb Street, near Cen- tral House, in Peter Olson's old stand. Particular attention is paid to meas- ures. .Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. The person who took a fur cape from the Pre*byterian Church, in Goodhce, ou Christmas eve, is requested to re- turn the sime, by leaving it at the church or with the owner. MRS. EDWARD GUILD. GOODHUE, Jan. 25th, 1^75. William Featheryone, of this city, was appointed at the last State Grange to receive the contribution* from Pa- trons in this County to the grasshop- per sufferers. All moneys or supplies sent to him for that purpose will be promptly forwarded. On Wednesday, the 13th inst., Mr. Abraham Peterson, a resident of Vasa, was driving a team attached to a load of wood, and being on foot at the time, by the side of the sled, was suddenly killed by the load being upset upou him. Cannon Falls Echo. The sermons at the different churches Sunday, seem to have been of a more excellent character than usuaf. A gen- tleman of a philosophical turn of mind suggests that some of the.genial sun- shine of Saturday got into the hearts of the preachers while they were preparing thei* sermons. If you want any thing in the line of Gent's Furnishing Goods, call at Eisen- brand's. Cloak and dress making done in the neateBt style and after the latest fash- ion patterns at Mrs. Esping's new milli- nery store, Main street. In accordance with instructions by the committee of incorporators, we have opened books at this office for subscrip- tions to the capital stock of the Manu- facturing Association. All who wish to help on the good work will please call at once. The man who will not now take hold of this matter, and help it along has no business to com,- plain because this country is drained of its wealth to build up distant cities, foreign capitalists and monopolists, and to pay high freights; no right to whine because we have a poor home markets for men without em- ployment are not to be blamed for not bvying much. "God helps those whe help themselves." Why would it not be a good idea to obtain a special act by the Legislature now in session, dividing our city into three or four wards ? Such a division of the city would certainly be a great 1 convenience on election day. We be- ] lieve that the city should be dvided into , four wards, one for each subdivision of | the Red Wing School District, so that 1 "lections Avould be held at each school I h-Hise. J A number of our young men are striv- tig to see which can lay aside the larg- est sum in the /Savings Bank. This is 1 much more commendable than the am- ' bition of the young man who lately kiMod himself by smoking twelve cigars in one evninjr, on a wager. Tb>e mon- ey -pent by »ome yon-ig men for cigar- , and .Irink, if placed in the Savings ] Bank, would not only be independent, | but wealthy at fifty. J Rev. Edward Eggleston opened his | lecture in St. Paul, on last Thursday j evening, in the following manner: " When the young preacher goes away and preaches for years, and then returns to speak before his classmates, he finds it harder than to speak before others who do not know him so well. You here, he said, knew me when I lived in Minnesota, and when I took daguerrotypes, sold soap, canvassed for insurance companies and for books, and did other things that the newspapers now delight to tell about. But if I did make poor daguerotypes in Faribault, and make soap, I never did take anything from the decayed minister's fund, never sold lots in paper towns, and never be- longed to the Legislature. The subject of a daily mail between Cannon Falls and this city, is being agitated at the former place. The Echo says that a petition for that purpose will be found at the Post-Office. Why hould not the citizens of Red Wing join in this petition ? It would certain- ly be a matter of convenience to many of our business men. We hope to see the time when Cannon Falls and Red Wing shall be united by railway and closer business relations be established: belie\ing as we do that Cannon Falls is to be one of the most important inland manufacturing towns in the State, we shall certainly hail with pleasure any- thing that will tend to unite more close- ly our interests. Col. .Samuel Carpenter died at his residence, in Cannon Falls, last .Satur- day morning. Mr. Carpenter was one of the early settlers of this County, hav- ing settled on a farm near Cannon Falls in 185G, and moved into the village some eight or ten years since. He was seventy-five years of age at the time of his death, and was a brother in good standing in Oriental Lodge, No. 34, -4. F. «fc -4. M-, and was buried in full Ma- sonic rites. The Fraternity met at the residence of the deceased, at nine o'clock, .Sunday morning, and prayer having been offered by the Rev. Mr. Carly, escorted the corpse to the village limits, where it was taken in charge by a delegation consisting of Andrew Mc Kenzie, W. M.: F. B. <S'cager, S. W.: Wm. Boughton, J. W.; A. Denning, &.; R. Bean, T : Chas. Parks, S. D.: Edward Evaretts, J. D.; fc. L. Clark, M., and accompanied by the rel- atives, was brought to this city for burrial. -4t nine o'clock Monday morning,the the procession left the residence of the deceased's son-in-law, Mr. Harlow, in this city, and the body was taken to the last resting place in Oak Wood Cemetery, the last rites being performed by Worshipful Master, Andrew Mc Kenzie. Election returns are all in. Eisen- brand is ahead of all his competitors in selling clothing cheaper than the cheap- est "The jingle, jingle of the bells, bells The merry bells, silver bells." Sleigh bells, for sale at the popular harness shop of W. & S. H. Haynes, on Plumb street, Call and see. J. D. Kellogg is making some of the finest pictures we ever saw. He has lately added to his facilities, and we do not think he can be beaten. J. D. Kellogg has the largest stock and greatest variefy of picture frames ever brought to the city, which he offers at cost for the next sixty days. Fancy goods for sale at Mrs. Esping's new millinery store, Main street. Goto Eisenbrand's and get your nobby suits made to order. NEW MILLINERY.—Mrs. C. C. Es- ping has just opened in her building op- posite Pierce & Simmon's Bank a fine stock of millinery and fancy goods, which she invites the public to call and examine. iTCf^At Jerdee & Fieldby's Machine Depot, (At Peterson's Livery Stable,) You can find a choice lot of three beamed bob sleighs which are offered at a low price and wheat taken in ex- change for them at ONE DOLLAR PER BUSHEL, every set warranted. Call and see them. Remember the place, on Plumb street four doors east of the First National Bank. Red Wing, Minn. Odr* Produce wanted at Sargent, Roath Jc Co's. 5^*If you want a first-class chamber set cheap, go to John Mansfield's, 113 Main St. SCf 1 * Those best teas formerly kept by S. V. Roath are to be had of Sargent, R o a t h A: Co. » ELtf^Thc most perfect looking glassos ever brought to the Red Wing market, of all sizes, styles and prices, for sale eheap at John Mansfield's furniture, 113 Main Street. Jttf^Rcd mattresses, that cannot be excelled for durability and comfort, nor equalled in quality of material and make, are to be had of John Mansfield at the lowest cash prices. IXI^If any one doubts the announce- ment of Simmons, Olson & Bush, that they are selling off their entire stock of goods at greatly reduced prices to close out their business, let them go and price their goods. This firm are not of that class of business men who deal in catch penny advertising, in fact they have never advertised any until since they have decided to close out the^r business and now they have felt that every member of the community Avhere they have lived and done business so long should have the advantage of their low prices and they have therefore made the announcement, and every one can depend upon it that they will stand by and live right up to what they have an- nounced. Stop That Cough! Many hesitate to try a remedy for a disease, on account of the expense, con- nected with the uncertainty of its bene- fiting them: while at the same time, had they confidence in that remedy, the expense would be the least objection. With this fact in view, we make the following proposition: Any person suf- fering with a cold, cough or sore throat, that will call at F. A. Poole's Drug Sto^-and purchase a bottle of HALE'S COUGH CORDIAL, use one-half of it and if they then conclude that it is do- ing them no good, they can return the bottle and receive back their money. No medicine ever sold in this vicinity, that produced such magical results. Don't fail to try it. Orange Williams, Proprietor, Janes- ville, Wis. Proceedings of The County Board—January Session. AUDITOU'S OKPICK. ) (TOUDIIL'K COUNTY, MINX., | Jan. 5th, 1875. Board of County Commissioners met according to law. Present, Commis- sioners Brown, Anderson, Grover and Bennnewitz. Credentials of election in the District Clerk's Office examined, and W . P . Brown ascertained to be the Commissioner elect, for the First Com- missioner District; whereupon Mr. Brown was chosen Chairman pro tern of the Board by unanimous vote. Hans Johnson, Clerk of Court, S. J . Willaru, County Auditor, N . 0 . Wer- ner, Esq., Judge of Probate and J . C . McClure, Esq., County Attorney elect, respectively filed their official bonds, and oaths of office, which were duly ap- proved by the Board, and ordered to be deposited at the proper offices. A petition of John P. Larson, to be set off from School District No. 38, in- to District No. 16, was received and re- ferred to Swante Anderson, for posting notices for action of Board at the next regular session. Thirteen and one-half dollars were appropriated to Chas. Roos, of Vasa, to pay taxes on his land. Commissioner Anderson was author- ized to render such temporary aid to Mrs. Nordbom of Cannon Falls, as he should deem necessary. The County Auditor was directed to draw an oi l der on the Treasury for the amount due to the State from Goodhue County, for expenses incurred in the maintaining, clothing and instructing children at the State Reform School, the same being $318.21. Com. Brown was appointed to take place of E. L. Baker, on all standing committees of the Board. School Supertintendent, Rev. J . W . Hancock, presented a statement of the number of schools visited during the quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1874. Chas. McClurjp, Register of deeds presented his report of fees received dur- ing the year ending Dec. 31st, 1874, as follows: 890 mortgages, $1,173.50; 131 assignments^ $70; 340 leases $180.25; 1,287 warranty deeds, $1,- 307.25; 29G quit claim deeds, $235.75: 22 tax deeds, $22: 77 patents, $04: 14 duplicates, $5J.)5: 22 certificates of mortgage sales, $74.25: certificates of Executor's sales, $0: 7 certificates of redemtion, $7.50; 15 decrees of Court, $20.75: 15 Lis Pendens, $11.50'; 17 bonds for deeds, $10.75: 0 liens, $0.25: 2 official bonds, $ 3 : 2 writs of attach- ment, $2,25: ill) miscellaneous papers, $D>7.75: 53 contracts, $50.75: 0 wills, $13: 82abstracts, $07.24; 320releases, on margin, $32. Making the total re- ceipts of the year, $3,484.10, of which there was paid for clerk hire, $841.40, leaving the net receipts of the office $2,042.70. AFTER-NOON SESSION. Commissioner IJrown presiding. The petition of Sabrina .S'chofield, to have the nw } 4 of sec. 29, T. I l l , R. 14, set off from .School District No. 101, and attached to Dist. No. 32, presented at the J illy session taken up and grant- ed. A petition of Andrew Nolun to be set off from .School Dist. No. 5, into Dist. No. 43, presencd and referred to Com. Brown, to post notices as required by law. The amount of $1,000 was ordered to be transferred from the general County Fund, to the Road and Bridge Fund. Sheriff Chandler, as a matter of form filed his oath and bond for the eighth term,which were approved,according to custom, " whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary.'' Sheriff (a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but, then we would not know it as a rose,) no more would we know by another name, Chandler presented the appointment of Knos F. Grow, duly approved by Judge Crosby, as Jailor, which was received and ordered record- ed in the Register's Office, also by the same at the same time, the same to the office of Deputy Sheriff, which was treated in like manner. On bill of Dr. K. B. Wilkinson, of $15 for medical attendance $10 was al- lowed. The salary of County Superintendent of schools was fixed $1,100. The petition of Com. Anderson, for the re-survey and locating of the Red Wing and Wastedo road, under the act of the Legislature, authorizing a re-sur- vey of the roads of the County was pre- sented and read, and Swante Anderson, A. J. CJrover and William P. Brown were appointed a committee to examine the road and route and report to the Board. Com. Brown was appointed to take the place of E. L. Baker on the several committees on the several road petitions presented by the mem hers for re-loacat- ing the different roads of the County. -4 road petition signed by John Norelias, Lars Westerson, Peter Olson, John Westerson and others, praying for an alteration of a highway in the town of Vasa was presented and referred to a committee consisting of Commission- ers Anderson, Finseth and Bennewitz The County Auditor was directed to have the special law for Goodhue Coun- ty in regard to cattle running at large, published two insertions in the Repub- lican, Argus and ADVANCE. (When shall we three meet again.) The committee on Court House and Poor Farm were instructed to see that the insurance on County buildings be kept up and paid. SECOND DAY. Jan. 0th. The Board then proceeded to the elec- tion of permanent Chairman, and Wil- liam P. Brown was unanimously elected Minutes of first day's session were read and approved. A motion was passed providing for the binding to Marcus Kellogg a cer- tain male child whose name is Frank, and whose christian name is unknown, now a public charge, until the boy is fourteen years old. Dr. Ezra S. Parks, Coroner elect, presented his official oath and bond which wete approved and ordered to be recorded in the office of Register of Deeds. A package of papers, the property of Henry M. Savin, who was for some time supported at the County Poor House, and died there, was ordered to be deposited in the County Treasurer's office, to be delivered to such relatives of the deceased, as shall, in the opinion of the County Attorney, have legal right, and Com. Grover was requested to notify the relatives, if any can be found. The Board then proceeded to select Grand and Petit Jurors for 1875, and the following selections were made: PETIT JURORS. Burnside—Justin Chamberlin, Leland Jones. # Jiclle Creek—Olaf Nordvold, David Frank- lin. Bdvtderc—l'eter J. Hilder, Geo. Siace. Cannon Falls—H. H. Manning, John A. Wilson. Cherry Grove—Ole T. Berg, L\ G. Coin- stock, L. W. Park. Cudral Point—George Stanton, jr. F(ather.,lonr—Win. \>. Hancock, Thomas Featherstone. Florence—D. G. lleggie, J. F. l'mgery, J. D. Spinney. Goodhue—Isaac Gallagher, J. Finney. Jla if Creek—Adolph Grosse, Anton bush, Anton iScherf. llvldut—Loramo Stegner, Holver Ever- son, (Jle J. Erager, Peter Lee. Kinifon—Joshua Lewis, Charles. P. llulc- bak, E. Evans. Lion—John Edstroin, Frank 1. Johnson. JfinneolaChristian Peterson, M. B Anderson, J. J. .Stacy. J'inc Island—VV. Newton, O. E. Smith, Mathias Ringdahl, Giles Hay ward. lioscoe—Lyman Denton, James El well, H. B. Powers. Red Wait/ Robert lieveridge, Joshua Ashion, A. F. GraveB, Johu Heath, John Hawkinson, J. W. Luce, Christie Phillips, Ole K. Simmons, Charles A. Swanson, Jared Sexton, A. Seeback, Frank Carlson, J. A. Wright, Herman Belcher. August Peterson. Stanton—W. L. Kinyou. Vasa—Alfred Carlson, John W. Peter- son, Erick Erickson. Wanaiiunyo — Nels J. Ottuu, Charles Anderson, Thos. Laaven, C. Larson. Wacoota—A W. Post. Welch—W. L. Watson. Zumbrota—Dudley C. Dow, J. C. English, Hiram Bigelow. URAND JURORS. Thos. J. Bryan, M. S. Tyler, David Schweiger,MichaeiGorman, A. W. Fountain, J. S. Thompson, W. P. Tanner, Charles J. Anderson, James Simpson, Heny W. Bill- ings. J. X. Nesson, Hans Bonnell, David Hutchinson, W. H. Featherstone, John Nute, G. Terwillicger, John Colby, J. V. H. Bailey, Samuel Parker, Kaspar Koch, William Bush, Peter J. Erbar, Peter N. Longemo, Abraham Sampson, Ole K. Finseth, G. K. Norsving, Stephen Bullis, Addison Hilton, Peter Naset, John Lagerstrom, Thomas Balfour. B. C. Grover, A. C. Erstad, S. G. Cady, C. R. White, Henry Ahneman, Henry Tome, T. C. Perkins, Henry L. Holmes, B. W. Halliday, Geo. West, Robert Brown, W. H. Purdy, Fred. Bush jr., T. B. Sheldon, Wm. Featherstone, Wm. Howe, J M. Hodgman, Fred. Joss, James Lawther, P. B. Mann, W m . B. Williams, John Wil- kinson, D. C. Hill, J. G. Gustafson. Andrew Danielson, William Williamson, Peter Nil- son, A. T. Lindholm, John Monson jr, Hans Hanson, Nils O. Nordby, Henry Nel- son, Gunder Gunderson Naset. Jacob Wells, Even J. Evenson, John Wright, Wm. F. Beevers, Chas. Ward, E. L. Kingsbury, A B. Folsom. A resolution was then passed to let the job of printing road petitions to T. H. Per- kins, Esq., of the Republican, at *M) cents per thousand ems small pica, and Sl"J0 a form for making up, press-work and stock, and also the notice to be attached at S">.00 for 400 such notices. The Board then adjourned to visit the Poor Farm, in the afternoon. THIRD DAY. W. P. Brown was appointed a committee to inquire into the necessity* of assisting the settlers on Prairie Island to erect a Ferry at Vermillion Slough, and repairing a road to Welch Prairie, and to assertain at what price a Ferry flat can be purchased from Red Wing. An application was made by citizens of the village of Cannon Falls for an appro- priation to cover the amount of difference between the cost of erection of the Cannon Falls bridge, and the appropriation made by the Board for building. The Board passed a resolution favoring such appro- priation, and that such amounts as the Board shall consider reasonable for that purpose should be taken into account; the tax to be levied by the County next year. A number of bills were then allowed, which appear in a statement at the end of this report. The salary of Sheriff Chandler as jailor fixed at $550 for 1875, together with the use of rooms now occupied,wood and lights, he to pay eighty dollars towards fuel and illumination, which was duly approved by the Judge of the District Court. Commissoner E. L. Baker and J. C. Benne- witz reported the expenditure of appropri- ation of June 16th, 1874, on the different roads of the County, and the balance re- maining unexpended was ordered to be placed in the County Treasury to the credit of the Road and Bridge fund. FOURTH DAY. M. S. Chandler presented his report- of fees received as Sheriff during the year, amounting to $2,723.05 gross and $1,462.05 net, which wa6 accepted and ordered placed on file. The taxes on 16 acres Congregationalist Church property in Zumbrota was abated. The proper committee''Was instructed to purchase 75 cords of wood for the Court House. Appropriation of $6.00 a month to Mrs. Margaret Nilson of Vasa was discontinued. The Committee on vouchers made report showing paid orders cancelled and de- stroyed by them amounting to $18,532.89, the same having all been found correct. The County Auditor was authorized to draw orders for the payment of the publi- cation of the proceedings of the Board in the Republican and Aryan. An application for abatement <tf tax on Densmore's foundry was laid oa°We table until next meeting. The personal property tax of L. R Weli- nutn, in the city of Red Wing was abated, the property having been destroyed by fire. The County Attorney was instructed to at once commence f jreclocure of the contract . iV.v the t.,,] t . 0 i' ;i,,. p 0( , r f arm _ The cninrnitte." ou Poor Farm were au- thorized to :;ivertise for bids for the care of the poor, the County t-i furni«h use of farm, household goods and -arming imple- ments now t!iert>,!,. Commissioner Brown «:i s authorized to furnish Pehr Pehrson an 1 t'-irnily of Red Wing with necessary ai 1. The Auditor was instructed to purchase two of Bis«el's Statute*, one for the Clerk of the Couit and the other lor Judge of Pro- bate. The room over the Register of Deed's office was set <,<*, for the use 'fine Judge of Probate. AFIERNOON. A bill oi Robert Deakin of S8C(«.L'0 for additional fees in mailer ot tax judgment sales wa- laid on table until the March ses- sion. A bill of Mrs. A. Coons of $58.00 for keep- ing Effie Boardman was laid on the table until next meeting of the Boaid. Wm. Danforth presented his official bond and oath of office as surveyor, which were duly approved. The County Auditor was instructed to have the notice of tax sale published in the Republican, Red Wing Arynt and Granye Ad- oanct. Application lor abatement of taxes on land of Lars Anderson indefinitely post- poned. Buckets and chain authorized for Court House well. Personal propeity assesment cf G.G. Mc- Coy for 1874 corrected by striking out item of $800 credit. The following statement by the Auditor, of funds in the County Treasury was ordered to be incorporated in the minutes : Spc< :al <!ep'*it (certiheatet;. In Firht National Bank In Pierce Sm.nions A Co Town Orders County Order* Cai-h :n ;ale Total £.07,46.-. 2J A petition a»Kmg the payment of a bil] of Dr. M. J. White for medical attendance was laid on the table, A petition of A. Mallet praying to be set off from £cnool Disttrict No. 11, of Good- hue County into School District No. 137, al-o of Gustaf Bergman to be set off from School District No. 11 into District 137, al- so ol S. W. Peterson to be set of from Dis- tuct No. 4G into District No. 137, also of Peter Erickson to be set ofi' from District No. 11 into District 137, also Swan Pehrson to be set off from District No. 40 into Dis- trict 137, also I. S. Linquist to be set off from District No. 4G into 117, also of Fried- rick Miller to be set off from District No. 11 in-r. 137, also of John Hellstrom to b3. set ofi from District No. 11 into 137, also of N. O. Wiberg to be set off from District^ No 4»j into 137. also ot Over Anderson to be set off from District No 11 into 137, and all referred to Commissioner Anderson fcf posting notices. The fitting up of a room for Countj Treasurer's office was authorized. j ^ The following resolution was adopted • Ritolcfd, That no County License for sale of liquors be granted by the Buark during the current year. The Board then resolved that the GoodFt hue Count;/ Runibhcun should be the officia ' paper of Goodhue County. * IULLS ALLOWED AS» Ari'ROPRIATIOXS MAI»E Chat-. Stat* il Mianc'utu . *13.000 . 11,159 l r - . 'J.97S IV . 1.640 40 . 1.129 13 . 0.558 41 } : "* £13 5J 318 21 Dr. II. B. Wilknibun jjg Q* Minneapolis Tribune Co 0) A. w. pobt ..... .'.'.'.'.'.';.'.'.';::::: i 0 Oubtave Uettnmn case agam»t Fr. Schamer- r- liorn i s 5 i Gustave Westman case against R. 6. Conneii." 12 5* Chas. Swaneon 25 0> C.M.Lawrence gg oj Dr. J.E.Tibbetts "" 41 J1: Dr. J. E. Tibbetts 17 7J Mrs. A. Myrick _ .,', (55 J ^ Ole Johnson Wagner 5 00 V Dr.F. F. Hoyt \....\ZZ'.'.".'.'.'. 128 00 S. A. Hart 79 jg Geo. Riley '. 7 gm^ Horace Buech 1 43' Denemore Bros 14 j ^ Samuel Akey 8 g j Jennison & Perkins 25 7§> Webster* Purdy 10 6^ Field & Royce 39 (*> E. P. Lowater (j »y Chris. Graham 34 15 Jones & Cole ' 24 c t~ Dr. E. 8. Park 7 U • John Anderson 30 i\ Chas. L. Daris 25 £fi* Swan Peterson 3 5 JjJ ' Dr.'s Svreney & ShiJey 193 (ft Jaehnig & Teele 2 Chas. McClure j re E. L. Baker 35 ,£* Dr.O. H. Hall 127 $L-; E. L. Baker 36 ^ A. K. Finseth gg ^~ A.J. Grover "' 60 {l{j D.C. Hill..... 66 ,£, M. S. Chandler 461 ! Oscar Swaneon ' 33 »J^J« D. C. Hill 70 <',4l Mrs. Whitcomb " 10 ff A. Danielson.. X. O. Werner. J*. Bi.-wsells' Statute ' 20 OQ' Hawley & Kellogg ........ !!!..... " v> pA Hawley A Kellogg '."...""."" *>o -'5 Hawlpy & Kellogg ..!!...... "......... " 36 &5 S.J. Hauler •>•• J^» Stephens & Daniels .'. o S Red Wing Mills -R "* . (. Richter ice* .-, . . 10 «»a Grange Advance ^4. TZ .. A. McVean ."'.'.'.'.".'.'.".'.'.'.".".'.'.". 12 0* Swante Anderson "" OR *0,i J. C. Bennewitz . -in <K?. •.IT r> i* " ••• «u .HfS- W.P.Brown l-» uft Swante Anderson ".'.'.'.'..'.'.'."." •?£ « 0 V- A. J. Grover 99 rftt, J. C. Bennewitz Z'ZZ 20 »L Allowance to Lars Anderson for keepiM - Ole Oleson $1.00 per week. ( Jf** Andrew Erickson $6.0^-;r month. ^J^* Mrs. Nils Johnson and children $10 jjtftpS?" week. "TJ#

The Grange advance. (Red Wing, Minn.) 1875-01-26 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025567/1875-01-26/ed-1/seq-9.pdf•If RED WING AND VICINITY. Senatorial vote—Tuesday, Jan

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Page 1: The Grange advance. (Red Wing, Minn.) 1875-01-26 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025567/1875-01-26/ed-1/seq-9.pdf•If RED WING AND VICINITY. Senatorial vote—Tuesday, Jan


R E D W I N G A N D V I C I N I T Y .

Sena to r i a l v o t e — T u e s d a y , J a n .

fa6.—Ramsey, 5 0 ; D o n n e l l y , 5 0 :

D a v i s . 2 2 ; Sca t t e r ing . 15. T o t a l

v o t e . 137. A d j o u r n e d unti l to-mor­

row. N e w feature* e x p e c t e d .

The weather r.ioik-ruted iu^t v. e"k. bu t it wouldn't -t.r, moderated. '

C W p l a i n t i- '«'inp, :nude that <\:\\"

of our *>tr«vtt- an ' l>cin<; u«i .1 .i» w i v l

yard- .

Th'"1 ]libfi*nle<>ii« who p lay-1 in u.ir city la*: -week prcv-d thein^ehe-* a^ .-a-terer*. to the pleasure »rvVr« a »n>-ci ^ .

The i-ek'hratot! t ' m ^ r al artist , A. -1. Overal ls ha* n-m< \f\l }ii- ?•..<•' > 1 oper­ations asi.iin tYoin lI;o»t'."gv to Ro^. Wing.

J). C. Hill, ha* hevn awarded T!K

contract of tini-dnt'jr the splendid new

hotel, which i* hercsii'tt r to }><> the l.oa^t

•and pride of our city.

-•1 larir^' and enthu^ia^ti'* mi ••*1:,I<J: greeted County Lecturer Iley-s at his lecture in the Sw-dish Lutheran Church, in tin1 town of Goodhue la<t Friday.

Danncll ..t Peterson ha>e removed their Boot and Shoe shop from Main St ree t to Plumb Street, where they will be glad to v e their old friends and cus­tomers.

A lecture on " Our Public Schools," will be given by the County Superin­tendent , at Wanamin^o, on Tuesday evening, Feb . 2d, and at Vasa, on Fri­day evening, Feb . 5th.

N . W. "Wheeler, Esq., of Chippewa Falls , Wis . , will deliver his celebrated lecture on " Meanness " at Music Hall on Fr iday evening. This lecture is spoken of.

Don' t sit in your homes and -hiver your teeth S<.K>, when you can keep warm by using those weather strips at a small cost. For sale by E. F . Hill Gen. J g e n t for Minnesota, found a t the office of P . C.IIill, Red Wing.Minn.

Carpenters, builders, and everbody el*e who contemplate building, the pre«ent season, should remember that C . H . S m i t h k >eps a full supply of builder'* hardware constantly on hand, a t his Hardware *tore, on Plumb street, which h e sells at the lowest prises.

Danell & Peterson call the attention of the public to their new Boot and Shoe Shop, on P lumb Street, near Cen­tral House, in Peter Olson's old stand. Par t i cu la r attention is paid to meas­ures . .Repairing done with neatness and dispatch.

The person who took a fur cape from the Pre*byterian Church, in Goodhce, ou Christmas eve, is requested to re­turn t he s ime, by leaving it at the church or with the owner.

M R S . E D W A R D G U I L D .

GOODHUE, J a n . 25th, 1^75.

William Featheryone, of this city, was appointed at the last S ta te Grange to receive the contribution* from P a ­trons in this County to the grasshop­per sufferers. All moneys or supplies sent to him for tha t purpose will be promptly forwarded.

On Wednesday, the 13th inst., Mr. Abraham Peterson, a resident of Vasa, was driving a team attached to a load of wood, and being on foot a t the time, by the side of the sled, was suddenly killed by the load being upset upou him. — Cannon Falls Echo.

The sermons a t the different churches Sunday, seem to have been of a more excellent character than usuaf. A gen­t leman of a philosophical turn of mind suggests tha t some of the .genia l sun­shine of Saturday got into the hearts of the preachers while they were preparing thei* sermons.

If you want any thing in the line of Gent ' s Furnishing Goods, call a t Eisen-b rand ' s .

Cloak and dress making done in the

neateBt style and after the latest fash­

ion pa t te rns a t Mrs . Esping 's new milli­

nery store, Main s t reet .

In accordance with instructions by the committee of incorporators, we have opened books a t this office for subscrip­tions to the capital stock of the Manu­facturing Association. All who wish t o help on the good work will please call a t once. The man who will not now take hold of this mat ter , and help i t along has no business to com,-plain because this country is drained of its wealth to build up dis tant cities, foreign capitalists and monopolists, and to pay high freights; no r ight to whine because we have a poor home markets for men without em­ployment are not to be blamed for not bvying much. " G o d helps those whe help themselves ."

Why would it not be a good idea to obtain a special act by the Legislature now in session, dividing our city into three or four wards ? Such a division of the city would certainly be a great 1 convenience on election day. We be- ] lieve tha t the city should be dvided into , four wards, one for each subdivision of | the Red Wing School District, so tha t 1 "lections Avould be held at each school I h-Hise. J

A number of our young men are striv-

tig to see which can lay aside the larg­

est sum in the /Savings Bank. This is 1

much more commendable than the am- '

bition of the young man who lately

kiMod himself by smoking twelve cigars

in one evninjr , on a wager. Tb>e mon­

ey -pent by »ome yon-ig men for c igar- ,

and .Irink, if placed in the Savings ]

Bank, would not only be independent, |

but wealthy at fifty. J

Rev. Edward Eggleston opened his |

lecture in St. Paul , on last Thursday j

evening, in the following manner :

" When the young preacher goes away and preaches for years , and then re turns to speak before his classmates, he finds it harder than to speak before others who do not know him so well. You here, he said, knew me when I lived in Minnesota, and when I took daguerrotypes, sold soap, canvassed for insurance companies and for books, and did other things that the newspapers now delight to tell about. But if I did make poor daguerotypes in Faribault , and make soap, I never did take anything from the decayed minister 's fund, never sold lots in paper towns, and never be­longed to the Legislature.

The subject of a daily mail between Cannon Falls and this city, is being agitated at the former place. The Echo says tha t a petition for tha t purpose will be found a t the Post-Office. Why hould not the citizens of Red Wing

join in this petition ? I t would certain­ly be a mat ter of convenience to many of our business men. We hope to see the time when Cannon Falls and Red Wing shall be united by railway and closer business relations be established: belie\ing as we do tha t Cannon Falls is to be one of the most important inland manufacturing towns in the State , we shall certainly hail with pleasure any­thing that will tend to unite more close­ly our interests .

Col. .Samuel Carpenter died at his residence, in Cannon Falls, last .Satur­day morning. Mr. Carpenter was one of the early settlers of this County, hav­ing settled on a farm near Cannon Falls in 185G, and moved into the village some eight or ten years since. He was seventy-five years of age a t the t ime of his death, and was a brother in good standing in Oriental Lodge, No. 34, -4. F . «fc -4. M-, and was buried in full Ma­sonic rites. The Fra terni ty met a t the residence of the deceased, a t nine o'clock, .Sunday morning, and prayer having been offered by the Rev. Mr. Carly, escorted the corpse to the village limits, where it was taken in charge by a delegation consisting of Andrew Mc Kenzie, W . M. : F . B . <S'cager, S. W . : W m . Boughton, J . W . ; A. Denning, &.; R. Bean, T : Chas. Pa rks , S. D . : Edward Evaretts , J . D . ; fc. L. Clark, M., and accompanied by the rel­atives, was brought to this city for burrial .

-4t nine o'clock Monday morning,the the procession left the residence of the deceased's son-in-law, Mr. Harlow, in this city, and the body was taken to the last resting place in Oak Wood Cemetery, the last rites being performed by Worshipful Master, Andrew Mc Kenzie.

Election returns are all in. Eisen-

brand is ahead of all his competitors in

selling clothing cheaper than the cheap­

e s t

" T h e j ingle, j ingle of the bells, bells The merry bells, silver bel ls ." Sleigh bells, for sale a t the popular harness shop of W . & S. H . Haynes , on P lumb street, Call and see.

J . D . Kellogg is making some of the

finest pictures we ever saw. He has

lately added to his facilities, and we do

not think he can be beaten.

J . D . Kellogg has the largest stock and greatest variefy of picture frames ever brought to the city, which he offers a t cost for the next sixty days.

Fancy goods for sale a t Mrs . Esping 's new millinery store, Main street .

G o t o Eisenbrand 's and get your nobby suits made to order.

N E W M I L L I N E R Y . — M r s . C. C. Es-

ping has jus t opened in her building op­posite Pierce & Simmon's Bank a fine stock of millinery and fancy goods, which she invites the public to call and examine.

iTCf^At Je rdee & Fieldby's Machine Depot, ( A t Peterson 's Livery Stable,) You can find a choice lot of three beamed bob sleighs which are offered a t a low price and wheat taken in ex­change for them a t ONE DOLLAR P E R BUSHEL, every set warranted. Call and see them. Remember the place, on Plumb street four doors east of the First National Bank. Red Wing, Minn.

Odr* Produce wanted a t Sargent, Roath Jc Co's.

5 ^ * I f you want a first-class chamber set cheap, go to John Mansfield's, 113 Main St.

SCf1* Those best teas formerly kept by S. V. Roath are to be had of Sargent, Roath A: Co.

» ELtf^Thc most perfect looking glassos

ever brought to the Red Wing market , of all sizes, styles and prices, for sale eheap a t J o h n Mansfield's furniture, 113 Main Street .

Jttf^Rcd mattresses, that cannot be excelled for durability and comfort, nor equalled in quality of material and make, are to be had of J o h n Mansfield at the lowest cash prices.

IXI^If any one doubts the announce­ment of Simmons, Olson & Bush, that they are selling off their entire stock of goods a t greatly reduced prices to close out their business, let them go and price their goods. This firm are not of tha t class of business men who deal in catch penny advertising, in fact they have never advertised any until since they have decided to close out the^r business and now they have felt tha t every member of the community Avhere they have lived and done business so long should have the advantage of their low prices and they have therefore made the announcement, and every one can depend upon it tha t they will stand by and live right up to what they have an­nounced.

Stop That Cough!

Many hesi tate to t ry a remedy for a

disease, on account of the expense, con­

nected with the uncertainty of its bene­

fiting them: while at the same time,

had they confidence in tha t remedy, the

expense would be the least objection.

With this fact in view, we make the

following proposit ion: A n y person suf­

fering with a cold, cough or sore throat ,

that will call a t F . A . Poole 's Drug

S to^ -and purchase a bottle of H A L E ' S

COUGH C O R D I A L , use one-half of it

and if they then conclude tha t it is do­

ing them no good, they can re turn the

bottle and receive back their money.

No medicine ever sold in this vicinity,

tha t produced such magical results .

Don ' t fail to t ry it .

Orange Williams, Proprietor, J anes -ville, Wis .

Proceedings of The County Board—January Session.

A U D I T O U ' S O K P I C K . )

(TOUDIIL'K C O U N T Y , M I N X . , |

J a n . 5th, 1875. Board of County Commissioners met

according to law. Present , Commis­sioners Brown, Anderson, Grover and Bennnewitz. Credentials of election in the District Clerk 's Office examined, and W . P . Brown ascertained to be the Commissioner elect, for the First Com­missioner District; whereupon Mr. Brown was chosen Chairman pro tern of the Board by unanimous vote.

Hans Johnson, Clerk of Court, S. J . Willaru, County Auditor, N . 0 . Wer­ner, Esq., Judge of Proba te and J . C. McClure, Esq., County Attorney elect, respectively filed their official bonds, and oaths of office, which were duly ap­proved by the Board, and ordered to be deposited a t the proper offices.

A petition of J o h n P . Larson, to be set off from School District No. 38, in­to District No. 16, was received and re­ferred to Swante Anderson, for posting notices for action of Board a t the next regular session.

Thirteen and one-half dollars were appropriated to Chas. Roos, of Vasa, to pay taxes on his land.

Commissioner Anderson was author­ized to render such temporary aid to Mrs. Nordbom of Cannon Falls, as he should deem necessary.

The County Auditor was directed to draw an oilder on the Treasury for the amount due to the Sta te from Goodhue County, for expenses incurred in the maintaining, clothing and instructing children a t the State Reform School, the same being $318.21.

Com. Brown was appointed to take place of E. L. Baker, on all standing committees of the Board.

School Supertintendent, Rev. J . W. Hancock, presented a statement of the number of schools visited during the

quar ter ending Dec. 31st, 1874.

Chas . McClurjp, Register of deeds presented his report of fees received dur­ing the year ending Dec. 31st, 1874, as follows: 890 mortgages, $1,173.50; 131 assignments^ $70 ; 340 leases $180.25; 1,287 warranty deeds, $ 1 , -307.25; 29G quit claim deeds, $235.75: 22 tax deeds, $22 : 77 patents , $04 : 14 duplicates, $5J.)5: 22 certificates of mortgage sales, $74.25: certificates of Executor 's sales, $ 0 : 7 certificates of redemtion, $7 .50; 15 decrees of Court, $20.75: 15 Lis Pendens, $11.50'; 17 bonds for deeds, $10.75: 0 liens, $0.25: 2 official bonds, $ 3 : 2 writs of at tach­ment, $2 ,25 : ill) miscellaneous papers, $D>7.75: 53 contracts, $50.75: 0 wills, $ 1 3 : 82abs t rac ts , $07.24; 320releases, on margin, $32. Making the total re­ceipts of the year, $3,484.10, of which there was paid for clerk hire, $841.40, leaving the net receipts of the office $2,042.70.

A F T E R - N O O N S E S S I O N .

Commissioner IJrown presiding. The petition of Sabrina .S'chofield, to

have the nw } 4 of sec. 29, T . I l l , R. 14, set off from .School District No. 101, and attached to Dist. No. 32, presented at the J illy session taken up and grant­ed.

A petition of Andrew Nolun to be set off from .School Dist. No. 5, into Dist. No. 43, presencd and referred to Com. Brown, to post notices as required by law.

The amount of $1,000 was ordered to be transferred from the general County Fund, to the Road and Bridge Fund.

Sheriff Chandler, as a mat ter of form filed his oath and bond for the eighth term,which were approved,according to custom, " whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary. ' ' Sheriff (a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but, then we would not know it as a rose,) no more would we know by another name, Chandler presented the appointment of Knos F . Grow, duly approved by Judge Crosby, as Jailor , which was received and ordered record­ed in the Register 's Office, also by the same at the same time, the same to the office of Deputy Sheriff, which was treated in like manner.

On bill of Dr. K. B. Wilkinson, of $15 for medical at tendance $10 was al­lowed.

The salary of County Superintendent of schools was fixed $1,100.

The petition of Com. Anderson, for the re-survey and locating of the Red Wing and Wastedo road, under the act of the Legislature, authorizing a re-sur­vey of the roads of the County was pre­sented and read, and Swante Anderson, A. J . CJrover and William P . Brown were appointed a committee to examine the road and route and report to the Board.

Com. Brown was appointed to take the place of E. L. Baker on the several committees on the several road petitions presented by the mem hers for re-loacat-ing the different roads of the County.

-4 road petition signed by J o h n Norelias, Lars Westerson, Pe ter Olson, John Westerson and others, praying for an alteration of a highway in the town of Vasa was presented and referred to a committee consisting of Commission­ers Anderson, Finseth and Bennewitz

The County Auditor was directed to have the special law for Goodhue Coun­ty in regard to cattle running a t large, published two insertions in the Repub­lican, Argus and A D V A N C E . (When shall we three meet again.)

The committee on Court House and Poor Farm were instructed to see tha t the insurance on County buildings be kept up and paid.

S E C O N D D A Y .

J a n . 0th. The Board then proceeded to the elec­

tion of permanent Chairman, and Wil­liam P . Brown was unanimously elected

Minutes of first day's session were read and approved.

A motion was passed providing for the binding to Marcus Kellogg a cer­tain male child whose name is Frank, and whose christian name is unknown, now a public charge, until the boy is fourteen years old.

Dr . Ezra S. Parks , Coroner elect, presented his official oath and bond which wete approved and ordered to be recorded in the office of Register of Deeds.

A package of papers , the property of Henry M. Savin, who was for some time supported a t the County Poor House, and died there, was ordered to be deposited in the County Treasurer 's office, to be delivered to such relatives of the deceased, as shall, in the opinion of the County Attorney, have legal right, and Com. Grover was requested to notify the relatives, if any can be found.

The Board then proceeded to select Grand and Peti t Ju ro rs for 1875, and the following selections were m a d e :


Burnside—Justin Chamberlin, Leland Jones. #

Jiclle Creek—Olaf Nordvold, David Frank­lin. • Bdvtderc—l'eter J. Hilder, Geo. Siace.

Cannon Falls—H. H. Manning, John A. Wilson.

Cherry Grove—Ole T. Berg, L\ G. Coin-stock, L. W. Park.

Cudral Point—George Stanton, j r . F(ather.,lonr—Win. \>. Hancock, Thomas

Featherstone. Florence—D. G. lleggie, J . F. l 'mgery, J.

D. Spinney. Goodhue—Isaac Gallagher, J. Finney. J la if Creek—Adolph Grosse, Anton bush,

Anton iScherf. llvldut—Loramo Stegner, Holver Ever-

son, (Jle J. Erager, Peter Lee. Kinifon—Joshua Lewis, Charles. P. llulc-

bak, E. Evans. Lion—John Edstroin, Frank 1. Johnson. Jfinneola— Christian Peterson, M. B

Anderson, J . J . .Stacy. J'inc Island—VV. Newton, O. E. Smith,

Mathias Ringdahl, Giles Hay ward. lioscoe—Lyman Denton, James El well,

H. B. Powers. Red Wait/ — Robert lieveridge, Joshua

Ashion, A. F. GraveB, Johu Heath, John Hawkinson, J . W. Luce, Christie Phillips, Ole K. Simmons, Charles A. Swanson, Jared Sexton, A. Seeback, Frank Carlson, J . A. Wright, Herman Belcher. August Peterson.

Stanton—W. L. Kinyou. Vasa—Alfred Carlson, John W. Peter­

son, Erick Erickson. Wanaiiunyo — Nels J. Ottuu, Charles

Anderson, Thos. Laaven, C. Larson. Wacoota—A W. Post. Welch—W. L. Watson.

Zumbrota—Dudley C. Dow, J. C. English, Hiram Bigelow.


Thos. J . Bryan, M. S. Tyler, David Schweiger,MichaeiGorman, A. W. Fountain, J . S. Thompson, W. P. Tanner, Charles J . Anderson, James Simpson, Heny W. Bill­ings. J . X. Nesson, Hans Bonnell, David Hutchinson, W. H. Featherstone, John Nute, G. Terwillicger, John Colby, J. V. H. Bailey, Samuel Parker , Kaspar Koch, William Bush, Peter J . Erbar , Peter N. Longemo, Abraham Sampson, Ole K. Finseth, G. K. Norsving, Stephen Bullis, Addison Hilton, Peter Naset, John Lagerstrom, Thomas Balfour. B. C. Grover, A. C. Erstad, S. G. Cady, C. R. White, Henry Ahneman, Henry Tome, T. C. Perkins, Henry L. Holmes, B. W. Halliday, Geo. West, Robert Brown, W. H. Purdy, Fred. Bush j r . , T. B. Sheldon, Wm. Featherstone, Wm. Howe, J M. Hodgman, Fred. Joss, James Lawther, P. B. Mann, W m . B. Williams, John Wil­kinson, D. C. Hill, J . G. Gustafson. Andrew Danielson, William Williamson, Peter Nil-son, A. T. Lindholm, John Monson j r , Hans Hanson, Nils O. Nordby, Henry Nel­son, Gunder Gunderson Naset. Jacob Wells, Even J . Evenson, John Wright, Wm. F. Beevers, Chas. Ward, E. L. Kingsbury, A B. Folsom.

A resolution was then passed to let the job of printing road petitions to T. H. Per­kins, Esq., of the Republican, at *M) cents per thousand ems small pica, and Sl"J0 a form for making up, press-work and stock, and also the notice to be attached at S">.00 for 400 such notices.

The Board then adjourned to visit the Poor Farm, in the afternoon.


W. P. Brown was appointed a committee to inquire into the necessity* of assisting the settlers on Prair ie Island to erect a Ferry at Vermillion Slough, and repairing a road to Welch Prair ie, and to assertain at what price a Ferry flat can be purchased from Red Wing.

An application was made by citizens of the village of Cannon Falls for an appro­priation to cover the amount of difference between the cost of erection of the Cannon Falls bridge, and the appropriation made by the Board for building. The Board passed a resolution favoring such appro­priation, and that such amounts as the Board shall consider reasonable for that purpose should be taken into account; the tax to be levied by the County next year.

A number of bills were then allowed, which appear in a statement at the end of this report.

The salary of Sheriff Chandler as jailor fixed at $550 for 1875, together with the use of rooms now occupied,wood and lights, he to pay eighty dollars towards fuel and illumination, which was duly approved by the Judge of the District Court.

Commissoner E. L. Baker and J . C. Benne­witz reported the expenditure of appropri­ation of June 16th, 1874, on the different roads of the County, and the balance re­maining unexpended was ordered to be placed in the County Treasury to the credit of the Road and Bridge fund.


M. S. Chandler presented his report- of fees received as Sheriff during the year, amounting to $2,723.05 gross and $1,462.05 net, which wa6 accepted and ordered placed on file.

The taxes on 16 acres Congregationalist Church property in Zumbrota was abated.

The proper committee''Was instructed to purchase 75 cords of wood for the Court House.

Appropriation of $6.00 a month to Mrs. Margaret Nilson of Vasa was discontinued.

The Committee on vouchers made report showing paid orders cancelled and de­stroyed by them amounting to $18,532.89,

the same having all been found correct. The County Auditor was authorized to

draw orders for the payment of the publi­cation of the proceedings of the Board in the Republican and Aryan.

An application for abatement <tf tax on Densmore's foundry was laid oa°We table until next meeting.

The personal property tax of L. R Weli-nutn, in the city of Red Wing was abated, the property having been destroyed by fire.

The County Attorney was instructed to at once commence f jreclocure of the contract . iV.v t h e t . , , ] t . 0 i ' ; i , , . p 0 ( , r f a r m _

The cninrnitte." ou Poor Farm were au-thorized to :;ivertise for bids for the care of the poor, the County t-i furni«h use of farm, household goods and -arming imple­ments now t!iert>,!,.

Commissioner Brown «:is authorized to furnish Pehr Pehrson an 1 t'-irnily of Red Wing with necessary ai 1.

The Auditor was instructed to purchase two of Bis«el's Statute*, one for the Clerk of the Couit and the other lor Judge of Pro­bate.

The room over the Register of Deed's office was set <,<*, for the use ' f i n e Judge of Probate.


A bill oi Robert Deakin of S8C(«.L'0 for additional fees in mailer ot tax judgment sales wa- laid on table until the March ses­sion.

A bill of Mrs. A. Coons of $58.00 for keep­ing Effie Boardman was laid on the table until next meeting of the Boaid.

Wm. Danforth presented his official bond and oath of office as surveyor, which were duly approved.

The County Auditor was instructed to have the notice of tax sale published in the Republican, Red Wing Arynt and Granye Ad-oanct.

Application lor abatement of taxes on land of Lars Anderson indefinitely post­poned.

Buckets and chain authorized for Court House well.

Personal propeity assesment cf G.G. Mc­Coy for 1874 corrected by striking out item of $800 credit.

The following statement by the Auditor, of funds in the County Treasury was ordered to be incorporated in the minutes : Spc< :al <!ep'*it (certiheatet;. In Firht National Bank In Pierce Sm.nions A Co Town Orders County Order* Cai-h :n ;ale

Total £.07,46.-. 2 J

A petition a»Kmg the payment of a bil] of Dr. M. J. White for medical attendance was laid on the table,

A petition of A. Mallet praying to be set off from £cnool Disttrict No. 11, of Good­hue County into School District No. 137, al-o of Gustaf Bergman to be set off from School District No. 11 into District 137, al­so ol S. W. Peterson to be set of from Dis-tuct No. 4G into District No. 137, also of Peter Erickson to be set ofi' from District No. 11 into District 137, also Swan Pehrson to be set off from District No. 40 into Dis­trict 137, also I. S. Linquist to be set off from District No. 4G into 117, also of Fried-rick Miller to be set off from District No. 11 in-r. 137, also of John Hellstrom to b3. set ofi from District No. 11 into 137, also of N. O. Wiberg to be set off from Distr ic t^ No 4»j into 137. also ot Over Anderson to be set off from District No 11 into 137, and all referred to Commissioner Anderson fcf posting notices.

The fitting up of a room for Countj Treasurer 's office was authorized. j ^

The following resolution was adopted • Ritolcfd, That no County License for

sale of liquors be granted by the B u a r k during the current year.

The Board then resolved that the GoodFt hue Count;/ Runibhcun should be the officia ' paper of Goodhue County. * IULLS ALLOWED A S » Ari'ROPRIATIOXS MAI»E Chat-. Stat* i l Mianc'utu

. *13.000

. 11,159 lr-. 'J.97S I V . 1.640 40 . 1.129 13 . 0.558 41

} : " * £13 5J 318 21

Dr. II. B. Wilknibun j jg Q* Minneapolis Tribune Co 0) A . w . pobt..... .'.'.'.'.'.';.'.'.';::::: i 0 o» Oubtave Uet tnmn case agam»t Fr. Schamer- r-

liorn i s 5 i Gustave Westman case against R. 6 . Conneii." 12 5* Chas. Swaneon 25 0> C . M . L a w r e n c e gg o j Dr. J . E . T i b b e t t s "" 41 J 1 : Dr. J . E. Tibbetts 17 7J Mrs. A. Myrick _ .,', (55 J^ Ole Johnson Wagner 5 00 V

D r . F . F. Hoyt \....\ZZ'.'.".'.'.'. 128 00 S. A. Hart 79 j g Geo. Riley '. 7 gm^ Horace Buech 1 4 3 ' Denemore Bros 14 j ^ Samuel Akey 8 g j Jennison & Perkins 25 7§> W e b s t e r * Purdy 10 6^ Field & Royce 39 (*> E. P. Lowater (j »y Chris. Graham 34 15 Jones & Cole ' 24 ct~ Dr. E . 8 . Park 7 U • John Anderson 30 i \ Chas. L. Daris „ 25 £fi* Swan Peterson 35 JjJ ' Dr.'s Svreney & ShiJey 193 (ft Jaehnig & Teele 2 G£ Chas. McClure j re E. L. Baker 35 , £ * Dr.O. H. Hall 1 2 7 $L-; E. L. Baker 3 6 ^ A. K. Finseth gg ^~ A . J . Grover "' 6 0 {l{j D.C. Hill..... 6 6 ,£, M. S. Chandler 4 6 1 ,£!

Oscar Swaneon ' 33 »J^J« D. C. Hill 70 <',4l Mrs. Whitcomb " 1 0 ff A. Danielson.. X. O. Werner. J * . Bi.-wsells' Statute ' 20 OQ' Hawley & Kel logg ........!!!....." v> pA Hawley A Kellogg '."...""."" *>o -'5 Hawlpy & Kellogg ..!!......"........." 36 &5 S .J . Hauler •>•• J » Stephens & Daniels .'. o S Red Wing Mills -R "*

. ( . Richter i c e * .-, . . 10 «»a Grange Advance ^4. TZ .. A. McVean ."'.'.'.'.".'.'.".'.'.'.".".'.'.". 12 0 * Swante Anderson "" OR *0,i J. C. Bennewitz . -in <K?. • •.IT r> i* " ••• « u .HfS-W . P . B r o w n l-» uft Swante Anderson ".'.'.'.'..'.'.'."." •?£ «0 V -A. J . Grover 99 rftt, • J . C. Bennewitz Z'ZZ 20 »L

Allowance to Lars Anderson for keep iM -Ole Oleson $1.00 per week. ( Jf**

Andrew Erickson $ 6 . 0 ^ - ; r month. ^ J ^ * Mrs. Nils Johnson and children $10 jjtftpS?"

week. "TJ#