JESUS vs. SANTA Santa lives at the North Pole… JESUS is everywhere. Santa rides in a sleigh… JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water. Santa comes but once a year… JESUS is an ever present help. Santa fills your stockings with goodies… JESUS supplies all your needs. Santa comes down your chimney uninvited… JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited. You have to wait in line to see Santa… JESUS is as close as the mention of His name. Santa lets you sit on his lap… JESUS lets you rest in His arms. Santa doesn’t know your name, all he can say is “Hi little boy or girl, what’s your name?”… JESUS knew our name before we were born. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads. Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly… JESUS has a heart full of love All Santa can offer is HO HO HO… JESUS offers health, help and hope. Santa says “You better not cry”… JESUS says “Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.” Santa’s little helpers make toys… JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions. Santa may make you chuckle but… JESUS gives you joy that is your strength. While Santa puts gifts under your tree… JESUS became our gift and died on a tree…the cross. We need to put Christ back in CHRISTmas, Jesus is still the reason for the season. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Reprint from https://thoughts-about- god.com/christmas_/jesus-better 1 Th e Grace Beacon Vol. MMXVIII Issue No. 9 - December. 2018 P ublished by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley, Chair, Diaconate “A Community of Baptized Believers Committed to the Faithfulness of God, Building Families of Fellowship in the Spirit of God, and Blessings the Fallen Through the Forgiveness of God”

The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,

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Page 1: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,

JESUS vs. SANTA Santa lives at the North Pole… JESUS is everywhere. Santa rides in a sleigh… JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water. Santa comes but once a year… JESUS is an ever present help. Santa fills your stockings with goodies… JESUS supplies all your needs. Santa comes down your chimney uninvited… JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited. You have to wait in line to see Santa… JESUS is as close as the mention of His name. Santa lets you sit on his lap…

JESUS lets you rest in His arms. Santa doesn’t know your name, all he can say is “Hi little boy or girl, what’s your name?”… JESUS knew our name before we were born. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads. Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly… JESUS has a heart full of love All Santa can offer is HO HO HO… JESUS offers health, help and hope. Santa says “You better not cry”… JESUS says “Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.” Santa’s little helpers make toys…

JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions. Santa may make you chuckle but… JESUS gives you joy that is your strength. While Santa puts gifts under your tree… JESUS became our gift and died on a tree…the cross. We need to put Christ back in CHRISTmas, Jesus is still the reason for the season. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Reprint from https://thoughts-about-god.com/christmas_/jesus-better


The Grace Beacon Vol. MMXVIII Issue No. 9 - December. 2018

Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144

Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley, Chair, Diaconate

“A Community of Baptized Believers Committed to the Faithfulness of God, Building Families of Fellowship in the

Spirit of God, and Blessings the Fallen Through the Forgiveness of God”

Page 2: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


Seasons’ Greetings,

O Come Let Us Adore Him – O Come Let Us Adore Him – Christ The Lord

In this season of Advent, we celebrate the birth of a Savior, born into the world that through Him, the world might be saved. We thank God for the Savior, Jesus. Because of His sovereign will to bless, the power of His perfect will is offered and extended to a created people. In preparation during the Advent season, we also pause and reflect on the generosity of God’s grace.

Titus 2:11-12 states:

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “no” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.”

What a wonderful grace this is, as our salvation has an appearance. It has a look, an outward form, a visible and noticeable agent of deliverance. By this grace, we have been liberated from the difficulty and destruction of our transgressions. As we celebrate this deliverance from the many offenses committed against God and others, the mercy gift is what we have received and what has been rendered by a benevolent Christ.

We also recognize that this is a time when some mourn their deceased. Like many of us who are here today, it was many of our loved ones who made it possible that we stand here today. So it is in the spirit of our loved ones who have gone on before us, we celebrate you in this glorious season of Joy, and offer prayers for healing and comfort to those in mourning.

We thank our Worship Ministry for this sacrifice of praise that will manifest itself on December 23, 2018. This worship is shaping up to be an exciting moment that will be raised in the history of this church. From the….., well… I was about to let the surprise out of the bag. You will have to be present to see it.

In closing, enjoy the season and have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Pastor Buck & Family

Page 3: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


Mrs. Frances Aikens was the quintessential “Birthday Girl” as she celebrated her Centennial Birthday on Sunday, December 1, 2018. Mrs. Aikens was joined by her daughter and nephew as she jauntily walked to the front of the sanctuary in her high heels! After the Women’s Guild’s presentation to Mrs. Aikens, Pastor invited other Seniors who are celebrating birthdays in December to join her. Mrs. Liller Green, who recently celebrated her 90th

birthday, Mrs. Nannie Paige, who will be 96 years old on December 17th, and Mrs. Barbara Green who recently turned 80 years old, all joined Mrs. Aikens at the front of the Sanctuary and were celebrated by the congregation.

The Word of God promises “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

Grace, we have evidence of the Lord’s sustaining power throughout our congregation as we look at our Senior population.

Let us praise God for how He keeps our Seniors day by day. He is a Promise Keeper!

Happy, Happy Birthday, Ladies!

Page 4: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,

Thank You to the Thanksgiving Baskets

VolunteersOn November 17, the James

B. Murray Social Hall was a beehive of activity as members and friends worked to prepare fruit baskets for the sick, shut-in and bereaved members of Grace.

Baskets filled with plums. grapes, pears, oranges, apples, bananas and tangerines were dedicated on Sunday and then delivered, courtesy of other members.

This practice started many years ago and is our way of

saying “We’re thinking of you and are thankful for you.” While several ministries have volunteered to help with this project from time to time, no one particular ministry is “in charge” at the present time, so we depend on volunteers.

This year we are grateful to Cheryl Johnson, Vera Graham, Enid Jones, Donald Jones, Evelyn Todd Banks, Lisa Dennis, Elijah Murray, Jennifer Gerald, Sandie Jordan-Gordon, Minister Samuel Coleman, the Cub Scout Pack, the Cub Scout parents and the delivery volunteers.

Thank you all.

The Men of Grace Show Up and Show

Out!The Men of the Grace Baptist

Church of Germantown’s Men’s Chorus presented their audience with a wonderful holiday gift of music last Sunday afternoon. The concert was outstanding.

Lights…Camera…Praise (Music For Us By Us) featured both spiritual and secular music, but all music was written by black composers. Music ranged from a composition by the late James Cleveland “Lord Help Me To Hold Out” to the Academy award winning “Glory” by John Legend

and Commons, from the Movie “Selma”.

The Director of the group, Ms. Marilyn George and the Men’s Chorus are grieving the death of her brother and their long time member, the late Mark Thomas George, who was buried on the day before the concert. The concert was a tribute to Mark, and his seat in the choir was draped in black and left vacant as a salute to him.

The group was joined by the Women’s Ensemble: Carolyn Carter, Patsy Chester, Angela Garden, Jacqueline Garden-M a r s h a l l , C a m i l l e J o n e s , Clement ine Thaxton, Sara Blanford, Linda Gooding, Nedra Lee-Barney and Dawn Wilson.

Soloists included Clifford Stanley, Marlow Marshall, Prince Massey, Jace Jones, William Butler, Walter Vertreace, J.R. Wilson, II, Nedra Lee-Barney, Jacqueline Garden-Marshall and Sara C. Blanford.

The George Family was able to be in the audience for the concert. Their strength, as well as Marilyn’s and the Chorus’ reminds us of the late Dr. G. Daniel Jones’ favorite greeting to the bereaved who come to worship after a funeral… “You can move forward when you serve a Risen Savior.”

Rest In Peace, Mark! You are loved and missed!


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Page 5: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


The Men’s Chorus Concert -12/1/18

Page 6: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,

From the African-American Heritage

MinistryKwanzaa or first fruits is an

African American holiday. It is a celebration lasting seven days from December 26 to January 1, observed by people of African descent. This holiday was conceived in 1966 by the black nationalist scholar and philosopher, Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga. It was created to serve as a reminder to all black people of the African Diaspora, scattered throughout the world, that the African heritage should be cherished, preserved, and celebrated. Kwanzaa was also intended to be a statement against the commercialism of December holidays in the western hemisphere. Kwanzaa emphasizes collective activity, the family, the community, and the connection of all African people. It is celebrated in Swahili, an East African language, that has served as a lingua franca (language of trade), among several African nations and accordingly is a suitable linguistic vehicle for the concept of Pan Africanism.

The seven principles of the Nguzo Saba form the foundation of Kwanzaa. These are Umoja (unity), Kujichagulia (self- determination), Ujima (collective work and responsibility), Ujamaa (cooperative economics), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (creativity), and Imani (faith). The celebration of Kwanzaa is about the “First fruits of the harvest (matunda ya

kwanza).” Each day during the holiday, one principle is emphasized and celebrated. A family member asks, “Habari gani?” or “What’s the news?” The family answers with the principle of the day. Kwanzaa like all holidays has symbols, which culturally reinforce the rituals in the minds of the people. Thanksgiving for the harvest is symbolized by fruits and vegetables (mazoa) such as apples, pumpkins and gourds, arranged on the straw mat or mkeke. Dried ears of corn (muhindi), symbolize fertility and the children of the family. The candleholder or kinara holds seven candles (mishumaa saba) for the seven days. Other symbols are the libation cup to honor the ancestors (kikimbe cha umoja), gifts (zawadi), and a flag with the colors of red, black, and green. The flag has been adapted from Marcus Garvey’s Back to Africa Movement of the 1920s. The red in the flag symbolizes the struggle of all African people, the black stands for the people and the green symbolizes the future and the hope that comes from their struggle. Decorations in the home for the Kwanzaa festival include African sculpture, kente cloth from Ghana or other African textiles and other artifacts. Participants may dress in African ethnic garb. Drummers, dancers and singers perform rhythms of Africa and songs in Swahili in celebration of

the last day feast or “karamu” of Kwanzaa.

Kwanzaa, a happy holiday, celebration (2x)

1st day - We celebrate the first fruit of the year, Umoja.

2nd day -We celebrate the first fruits of the year, Kugichagulia.

3rd day -We celebrate the first fruits of the year, Ujima.

4th day -We celebrate the first fruit of the year, Ujamaa.

5th day - We celebrate the first fruits of the year, Nia.

6th day - We celebrate the first fruits of the year, Kuumba.

7th day - We celebrate the first fruits of the year, Imani.

Kwanzaa! Kwanzaa! submitted by Gloria Goode, Ph.D.

Additional references :The Complete Kwanzaa, Dorothy

Winbush Riley, Harper Collins, 1995 The Official Kwanzaa Website,

www.officialkwanzaawebsite.org Kwanzaa: The Unity Way, chapter in A Time for Family by Rev. Anyanwu Cox, Holy Spirit Healing Ministry


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Page 7: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


Habari Gani (What

Is The News?) The greetings during Kwanzaa are in Swahili. Swahili is a Pan-African language and is chosen to reflect African Americans' commitment to the whole of Africa and African culture rather than to a specific ethnic or national group or culture. The greet ings are to reinforce awareness of and commitment to the Seven Principles. It is: "Habari gani?" and the answer is each of the principles for each of the days of Kwanzaa, i.e., "Umoja", on the first day, "Kujichagulia", on the second day and so on.

! Gifts are given mainly to children, but must always include a book and a heritage symbol. The book is to emphasize the African value and tradition of learning stressed since ancient Egypt, and the heritage symbol to

reaffirm and reinforce the African commitment to tradition and history.

! The colors of Kwanzaa are black, red and green as noted above and can be utilized in decorations for Kwanzaa. Also decorations should include traditional African items, i.e., African baskets, cloth patterns, art objects, harvest symbols, etc.

*Summarized from -- Maulana Karenga

Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture,

2008, Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press


Christmas is such a wondrous time for children. It is filled with excitement as they anticipate the coming of Santa Claus, gift giving, the family gatherings, the celebrations and all the rest of the holiday traditions.

Then Christmas actually arrives and kids who have a hard time waking up to go to school each day, are up at the crack of dawn, demolishing the neatly arranged tree.

N o t o n l y d o c h i l d r e n appreciate the gifts they have received , but they are almost as excited about the gifts they are giving to others. “Open mine!” a n d “ T h a n k Yo u ’s ” e c h o throughout the process of the getting and giving. And, should any present be overlooked, someone is sure to point it out.

Parents too are filled with elation as they see the joy their (often sacrificial) gifting brings their offspring.

More than 2000 years ago, Our Heavenly Father saw the anticipation of His children as they awaited the coming of the Messiah. It wasn’t a time of joy for the oppressed people of God. Yet God, as a loving Father, gave a gift that brought and continues

x x X


Spiritual Armor “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm119:105 “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son

and shall call His name, Immanuel (which means God is with us)”

( Isaiah7:14)

From the Pen Of The Editor

Page 8: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,

to bring joy to the hearts of His children.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting F a t h e r , T h e P r i n c e o f Peace.” (Isa. 9:6.) "And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."(Matt 1:21)

How sad that so many back then did not recognize what a great gift had been given them.

In Jesus, God gave us the greatest gift the world has ever known. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

What gift can we give to God, this Christmas? Pastor Nick C a d y s a y s “ I t w o u l d b e presumptuous to think that God needs our gifts. Furthermore, the message of the Gospel is that our relationship with God is based on what He has done for us (grace), not on what we do for him.

So then, what is the place of giving gifts to God?

When you give gifts to God, whether of your finances, your time or something else, you are saying: “I have come to you not for what you can give me, but for the sake of you yourself. The joy that I seek is not the hope of you

giving me things, but the joy of knowing you, and I seek to enjoy you even more by giving up things which have value to me, to express my love, devotion, thankfulness and commitment to finding my joy all the more in you and not in these things.”

As you give gifts this Christmas season, remember to give to God – not to earn his favor, but to train your heart and express with your life that He alone can satisfy your heart, not any material things.”

May I add that just as p r e s e n t s s o m e t i m e s g e t overlooked under the tree, and need to be pointed out, God’s gift of a Savior is often overlooked by those who have never heard the good news of His Salvation. Perhaps one major gift that we can give to God is to share the news of His redeeming love with at least one person.

As you prepare to celebrate your traditions, remember Jesus IS the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you from the Beacon Staff!

Peace. S.J.

“The Triple Nickles” (Conclusion)

We conclude “The Triple Nickles” article as we look forward to many more interesting and informative chapters of our African-American heritage in every field of endeavor.

We see more and more that African-American history is truly limitless as we continue to learn o f the many and va r ious contribution Black Americans have made to the fabric of this country. “The Triple Nickles” chapter is but one more example. Wr i t e r E l i z a b e t h H o o v e r chronicles the story of the first all-Black paratroop unit in the U.S. military to serve in World War II, the 555th Parachute Battalion called “The Triple Nickles.” The s e r v i c e o f t h o s e b l a c k paratroopers in 1944 to defend and protect our nation is another proud period in African-American legacy and one in which the Black community continues to recognize and celebrate. Again, we salute all the men and women who so honorably served our country.

Submitted by Doris Collins -Terrell December 2018



A partridge in a pear tree two turtle doves Three French hens Four calling birds Five golden rings Six geese a-laying Seven swans a-swimming Eight maids a-milking Nine ladies dancing Ten lords a-leaping Eleven pipers piping Twelve drummers drumming

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Page 12: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


“Come and Worship! Come and Worship! Worship Christ, The Newborn King!”

And Then… Join us in the Social Hall

After 10:15 Service for our Yuletide Fellowship

Remember… There is no 7:30 am service on 12/23/18

Page 13: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


Page 14: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


KIDS’ PAGEsDecember Memory



Page 15: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


How Well Do You Know The Twelve Days of Christmas?

Write in the gift that “my true love gave to me”

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me__________________________________.

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me_______________________________.

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me__________________________________.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me_______________________________.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me__________________________________.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me__________________________________.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me______________________________.

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me_______________________________.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me__________________________________.

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me__________________________________.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me______________________________.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me_______________________________.

(Answers are somewhere in this Beacon)


Page 16: The Grace Beacon · Published by Grace Baptist Church of Germantown 25 West Johnson Street Philadelphia, PA 19144 Rev. Dr. James H. Buck, Jr., Senior Pastor Dr. Clifford L. Stanley,


SPECIAL EVENTS IN DECEMBER DATE DAY TIME EVENT 2 Sunday 7:30 am Early MorningWorship First Sunday of Advent - World HIV/AIDS Day Service 10:15 am Worship Service 4:00 pm Men’s Chorus Concert

6 Thursday 7:00 pm Executive Council Meeting 9 Sunday 7:30 am Early MorningWorship Second Sunday of Advent Service / Holy Communion 10:15 am Worship Service /Holy Communion

16 Sunday 7:30 am Early MorningWorship Third Sunday of Advent Service 10:15 am Worship Service

23 Sunday 10:15 am Christmas Soul Celebration Fourth Sunday of Advent After Morning Worship Yuletide Fellowship


30 Sunday 7:30 am Early MorningWorship Service 10:15 am Worship Service 1:00 pm KWANZAA Celebration 31 Monday 10:00 pm New Year’s Eve Service