The governing self-discharge processes in activated carbon fabric-based supercapacitors with different organic electrolytes Qing Zhang, a Jiepeng Rong, a Dongsheng Ma b and Bingqing Wei * a Received 14th December 2010, Accepted 15th March 2011 DOI: 10.1039/c0ee00773k Electrochemical power devices with a long lifespan, long-term energy retention and great cycle stability are extremely important for periodic energy store/supply, especially for solar energy storage for space equipment and for power electronics in integrated circuits. In this report, we have systematically investigated the effects of the charging current density and temperature over the self-discharge (SDC) process of activated carbon fabric-based (ACF) supercapacitors with 1 M LiPF 6 /EC–DEC (v/v ¼ 1) and 1 M TEABF 4 /PC as electrolytes, respectively. The experimental results have shown that a different control mechanism governs the SDC process in each electrolyte system. Significant energy retention (in excess of 70%) was obtained in the ACF–TEABF 4 system after 36 h. SDC at room temperature. A dual- mechanism control model is proposed for the first time which describes perfectly the SDC process of the supercapacitor using 1 M TEABF 4 /PC as the electrolyte over different charge current densities and at different SDC temperatures. 1. Introduction Due to the intrinsic electrochemical reaction, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have always suffered from the drawback of rapid capacity reduction and short lifespan, even though they can have high energy density and retainability. 1–3 Hence, with outstanding cycling stability and long lifetime, supercapacitors (SCs) based on the double-layer mechanism have become a promising candidate in periodical energy storage, as they have ultra-long service life and high reliability. 4–7 However, poor energy retention due to the rapid self-discharge (SDC) process is one of the biggest challenges remaining for SCs. SC systems with various configurations of electrodes and electrolytes may expe- rience different SDC mechanisms. It is therefore necessary to understand the fundamentals of SDC mechanisms in different electrode/electrolyte systems, to better control and tailor the SDC process. By doing this, applications of SCs could be expanded: for example, they could be used in integrated circuits, or they could replace the bulky (and heavier) lithium-ion batteries used as solar-energy storage devices on space equip- ment. However, in order to do this, the SDC process of SCs needs to be controllable, in order that they can retain sufficient energy for a long enough time period. Different types of carbon materials (activated carbons, 7,8 aero- gels, 9,10 xerogels, 11,12 carbon nanotubes, 13 and graphene 14,15 ) have a Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 19716, USA. E-mail: [email protected] b Integrated System Design Laboratory (ISDL), Texas Analog Center of Excellence (TxACE), The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, 75080, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Broader context Electrochemical power devices with a long lifespan, long-term energy retention and great cycle stability are extremely important for periodic energy store/supply, especially for solar energy storage for space equipment and for power electronics in integrated circuits. Supercapacitors (SCs) are an electrochemical power source with a significant power density, but poor energy retention due to the rapid self-discharge (SDC) process remains a big challenge. In order to understand the fundamentals of the SDC process and make it retain sufficient energy for a long enough time, we have systematically investigated the SDC process of activated carbon fabric-based (ACF) supercapacitors with two electrolytes. We have found that two different control mechanisms govern the SDC processes in the two electrolyte systems. A dual-mechanism control model is proposed for the first time which describes perfectly the SDC process of the supercapacitor using 1 M TEABF 4 /PC as electrolyte over different charge current densities and at different SDC temperatures. Significant energy retention (in excess of 70%) was then obtained in the ACF–TEABF 4 system after 36 h. This fundamental understanding will provide guidance in designing next-generation SCs, and should eventually lead to reliable commercial SC products. 2152 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2152–2159 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Dynamic Article Links C < Energy & Environmental Science Cite this: Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2152 www.rsc.org/ees PAPER Downloaded by Stanford University on 02 October 2012 Published on 20 April 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C0EE00773K View Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue

The governing self-discharge processes in activated carbon fabric-based supercapacitors with different organic electrolytes

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The governing self-discharge processes in activated carbon fabric-basedsupercapacitors with different organic electrolytes

Qing Zhang,a Jiepeng Rong,a Dongsheng Mab and Bingqing Wei*a

Received 14th December 2010, Accepted 15th March 2011

DOI: 10.1039/c0ee00773k

Electrochemical power devices with a long lifespan, long-term energy retention and great cycle stability

are extremely important for periodic energy store/supply, especially for solar energy storage for space

equipment and for power electronics in integrated circuits. In this report, we have systematically

investigated the effects of the charging current density and temperature over the self-discharge (SDC)

process of activated carbon fabric-based (ACF) supercapacitors with 1 M LiPF6/EC–DEC (v/v ¼ 1)

and 1 M TEABF4/PC as electrolytes, respectively. The experimental results have shown that a different

control mechanism governs the SDC process in each electrolyte system. Significant energy retention (in

excess of 70%) was obtained in the ACF–TEABF4 system after 36 h. SDC at room temperature. A dual-

mechanism control model is proposed for the first time which describes perfectly the SDC process of the

supercapacitor using 1 M TEABF4/PC as the electrolyte over different charge current densities and at

different SDC temperatures.

1. Introduction

Due to the intrinsic electrochemical reaction, rechargeable

lithium-ion batteries have always suffered from the drawback of

rapid capacity reduction and short lifespan, even though they can

have high energy density and retainability.1–3 Hence, with

outstanding cycling stability and long lifetime, supercapacitors

(SCs) based on the double-layer mechanism have become

a promising candidate in periodical energy storage, as they have

ultra-long service life and high reliability.4–7 However, poor

aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark,DE, 19716, USA. E-mail: [email protected] System Design Laboratory (ISDL), Texas Analog Center ofExcellence (TxACE), The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson,TX, 75080, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

Broader context

Electrochemical power devices with a long lifespan, long-term energ

periodic energy store/supply, especially for solar energy storage for s

Supercapacitors (SCs) are an electrochemical power source with a

rapid self-discharge (SDC) process remains a big challenge. In order

retain sufficient energy for a long enough time, we have systematical

(ACF) supercapacitors with two electrolytes. We have found that tw

two electrolyte systems. A dual-mechanism control model is propose

the supercapacitor using 1 M TEABF4/PC as electrolyte over differ

Significant energy retention (in excess of 70%) was then obtaine

understanding will provide guidance in designing next-generation


2152 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2152–2159

energy retention due to the rapid self-discharge (SDC) process is

one of the biggest challenges remaining for SCs. SC systems with

various configurations of electrodes and electrolytes may expe-

rience different SDC mechanisms. It is therefore necessary to

understand the fundamentals of SDC mechanisms in different

electrode/electrolyte systems, to better control and tailor the

SDC process. By doing this, applications of SCs could be

expanded: for example, they could be used in integrated circuits,

or they could replace the bulky (and heavier) lithium-ion

batteries used as solar-energy storage devices on space equip-

ment. However, in order to do this, the SDC process of SCs needs

to be controllable, in order that they can retain sufficient energy

for a long enough time period.

Different types of carbon materials (activated carbons,7,8 aero-

gels,9,10 xerogels,11,12 carbon nanotubes,13 and graphene14,15) have

y retention and great cycle stability are extremely important for

pace equipment and for power electronics in integrated circuits.

significant power density, but poor energy retention due to the

to understand the fundamentals of the SDC process and make it

ly investigated the SDC process of activated carbon fabric-based

o different control mechanisms govern the SDC processes in the

d for the first time which describes perfectly the SDC process of

ent charge current densities and at different SDC temperatures.

d in the ACF–TEABF4 system after 36 h. This fundamental

SCs, and should eventually lead to reliable commercial SC

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been studied for their electrochemical performance with aqueous

and aprotic electrolytes. Activated carbon fibers (ACFs), with

their high specific surface areas,16 controllable pore size distri-

bution17,18 and a wide temperature tolerance with organic elec-

trolytes,19,20 have been examined for application in double-layer

SCs, and were selected as the standard electrode materials for the

evaluation of the SDC processes in the current study.

For conventional dielectric capacitors, the potential driving

model with leakage over an ohmic resistance was well-developed

decades ago:21 V ¼ Vinitial e�t/RC (where V is potential difference,

i.e. the voltage of the capacitor, Vinitial is the voltage from which

SDC starts, R is the ohmic equivalent load resistance, and C is

the capacitance of the capacitor). It can be used to perfectly fit

the SDC process under only electric field driving, but without the

consideration and involvement of ions. Usually, the SDC process

in this type of capacitor can be completed in microseconds,

therefore allowing negligible energy retention in dielectric

capacitors. The time constant, s ¼ RC, is the intrinsic charac-

teristic of the dielectric capacitor, and determines its SDC rate.

t ¼ s corresponds to the moment that the voltage decreases to

37% of the initial voltage (as e�1 ¼ 0.37).

Introduction of a double layer and organic electrolytes has

radially enhanced the energy density of capacitors relative to

dielectric capacitors. Taking an average capacitance value of

25 mF cm�2 and a specific area of 1000 m2 g�1,21,22 the ideal

attainable energy at 1 V operating potential would be

250 kJ kg�1, which is comparable to the energy density of

lithium-ion batteries. However, the involvement of ions and

various electrode structures makes SDC behavior more difficult

to understand. Although previous studies have pointed out that

the SDC process of SCs cannot be entirely attributed to the

leakage resistance model as in dielectric capacitors,23 very few

analytical results or mechanistic models have been presented that

allow one to understand the phenomenon.

In this report, in order to have a better understanding of the

SDC process and the design of SCs with adequate energy

retainability, two types of SCs built with the ACF electrodes but

with different organic electrolytes – 1 M lithium hexa-

fluorophosphate in ethylene carbonate–diethyl carbonate

(LiPF6/EC–DEC) and 1 M tetraethyl ammonium tetra-

fluoroborate in propylene carbonate (TEABF4/PC) – were

systematically studied with various charge current densities (IC)

and at different temperatures. A dual-mechanism control model

is proposed for the first time, enabling us to better understand the

>70% energy retention of the ACF–TEABF4 system.

Fig. 1 SDC of ACF–LiPF6 at 25 �C after two-and-a-half cycles of

charge/discharge with 100 mA g�1.

2. Experimental

Two types of supercapacitors (SCs) were assembled in a standard

2032 coin cell configuration with ACF (Challenge Carbon

Technology Co., Taiwan) as electrodes, 1 M LiPF6/EC–DEC

(Ferro Corporation) and 1 M TEABF4 (Alfa-Aesar) dissolved in

battery-grade PC (Alfa-Aesar) solvent as electrolyte, respec-

tively. The ACF electrode is the same as we used in a previous

study on supercapacitors operable over a wide temperature

range.19 The ACF electrode has a pore size distributed around

10 �A (in the micropore region) and partly at 25 �A (in the meso-

pore region), and has an excellent BET surface area of

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011

1340 m2 g�1. All of these structural features suggest that ACF

electrode would be a very good choice to build double-layer SCs.

The galvanostatic charge/discharge examinations were carried

out using anArbinbattery testing system.To certify the stability of

the initial voltage, first we carried out two-and-a-half charge/

discharge cycles with various charge current densities from

10mAg�1 to1000mAg�1 and from0 to2.0V, and thenallowed the

cell to experience the SDC process (Fig. 1). All the charging cycles

were carried out at 25 �C,while the SDCprocesses were conducted

at three different temperatures: �25 �C, 25 �C, and 75 �C,respectively. An alcohol based circulation cooling system (Poly-

Science) was used to conduct the low-temperature (�25 �C) SDC

measurements. The high-temperature (75 �C) SDCmeasurements

were conducted in a hot-box (Thermo, Electron Corporation) to

examine the temperature effects on the SDC process. Detailed

experimental parameters are summarized in Table 1.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 General SDC rule for both ACF-based SCs

By comparing the SDC processes of the two SCs under the same

temperature and charge current density IC (Fig. 2), we found that

ACF–TEABF4 SC not only displays a much lower discharge

rate, but also enters a discharge plateau which stays at a voltage

higher than 1.2 V for 48 h. The onset and the presence of the SDC

plateau reflects a low driving force from the potential, despite

appearing at a high voltage. This obvious difference indicates

that different SDCmechanisms operate in the two electrolytes, as

discussed below.

Capacitors in a charged condition are in a state of highly

positive free energy compared to the discharged or partially

charged states. Hence, virtual forces corresponding to certain

mechanisms exist and drive the SDC process.21 In our experi-

ments, the permitted high voltage window of organic electrolytes,

and glovebox operation, have eliminated the probability of

faradic reactions as demonstrated by the straight charge/

discharge lines (V vs. t) displayed in Fig. 1, which shows a pure

double layer behavior. Hence, the two possible driving forces

involved in the process might be: the potential differenceV by the

potential driving model lnV f t; and the ion concentration

variation vC/vx by the diffusion-control model V f t1/2.

Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2152–2159 | 2153

Table 1 SDC experimental parameter set-up

Capacitor (electrode/electrolyte)

Charge current density IC/mA g�1 a

25 �C (RT) �25 �C 75 �C

ACF–1 M LiPF6/EC–DEC 1000, 500, 250, 100, 50, 25, 10 100 100ACF–1 M TEABF4/PC 500, 250, 100, 50, 25b 100 100

a All charged to 2.0 V at 25 �C, followed by SDC. b Unstable SDC under 1000 mA g�1 and 10 mA g�1.

Fig. 2 SDC of ACF–LiPF6 and ACF–TEABF4 at IC ¼ 100 mA g�1,

T ¼ 25 �C.




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More detailed SDC curves as a function of the charge current

density for the two SCs built with the same ACF as electrodes but

with different electrolytes are shown in Fig. 3(a) and 3(b). The

nominal voltage (here 2.0 V) should be replaced with the actual

voltage from which point the SDC process starts, i.e. the initial

voltage (Vinitial), because of an internal resistance (IR) drop from

2.0 V at the commencement of the SDC process. As can be seen

from Fig. 3 and the insets, the initial voltage, Vinitial, increases

with decreasing charge current density IC, and varies depending

on the type of electrolyte being used.

A near-zero to fairly large IR drop with increasing IC indicates

a strong influence of IC on the SC pre-discharge states, i.e. Vinitial.

According to the V¼Q/C relation between voltageV and charge

Q in capacitors, an IR drop in voltage should be ascribed to the

variation in the quantity of ions accumulated within the double

layers. A lower IC allows more time for ions to distribute and

form a more stable double-layer (DL) structure than when the

ions stack together quickly to form an unstable state at high IC.

Therefore, as shown in Fig. 3, as the DL structure becomes more

stable with decreasing IC, the corresponding IR drop decreases

for both SCs.

The initial voltage shows an approximate linear behavior with

IC in both SC systems; however, their SDC curves differ from

each other, indicating a possible change in the mechanism of

SDC control.

Fig. 3 SDC curves of (a) ACF–LiPF6 and (b) ACF–TEABF4 systems

under different charge current densities IC, at T ¼ 25 �C; insets in (a) and

(b) are Vinitial vs. IC.

3.2 SDC processes of the ACF–1 M LiPF6/EC–DEC system

3.2.1 SDC mechanism of ACF–LiPF6. By redrawing each

SDC curve by setting t to t1/2, shown in Fig. 4(a), within the

voltage range down to 37% of the initial voltage, we find that

2154 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2152–2159

almost all the curves display a linear relation between V and t1/2.

This linear relation is confirmed by performing fittings (Fig. 4(b))

on the original data curves. According to the diffusion control

model V ¼ Vinitial � mt1/2, the high correlation coefficient R2 (all

higher than 0.99) resulting from the fittings shows that the

diffusion control model can explain the SDC process in the

ACF–LiPF6 system.

The value of ‘‘m’’, which is the slope of the fitting curves, also

called the diffusion parameter,21,23 is shown in Fig. 4(c), together

with Vinitial. It can be seen in the figure that the initial voltage

decreased by 61.7% when IC increased from 10 to 1000 mA g�1,

and m decreases in a similar fashion. Since SDC in ACF–LiPF6

SC is under diffusion control (as confirmed by the fitting), the

corresponding driving force comes from the variation in

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011

Fig. 4 Diffusion control simulation of ACF–LiPF6 SDC: (a) SDC curved by (V � t1/2); (b) Comparison between the original experiment data (black

lines) and the diffusion-control simulation (blue lines) (1000, 100 and 10 mA g�1 are shown here); (c) Initial voltage and diffusion parameter as functions

of charge current density IC.

Fig. 5 Variation of the energy barrier Eb at different charge current densities.

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Fig. 6 ACF–TEABF4 simulation by: (a) (Vf t1/2), (b) (lnVf t); and by

the proposed dual-mechanism control model; (c) IC ¼ 25 mA g�1 and (d)

IC ¼ 500 mA g�1. Black curve: original; Red curve: lnV f t; Blue curve:

Vf t1/2. Simulations were performed for all charge current densities; only

25 mA g�1 and 500 mA g�1 are shown here, as examples.

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concentration of the ions (vC/vx), which is proportional to V

because of Q ¼ CV. Hence, as V decreases, m decreases


3.2.2 Deviation at the beginning of SDC with a lower IC. At

the beginning of the SDC process, a small deviation was

observed at small IC, comparing the original experimental curve

with the fitted one (Fig. 4(b), shadowed area), implying a rela-

tively unusual situation at the beginning of the SDC process.

Similarly to the effects of low IC upon the IR drop, this slowness

of ion discharging from the double layer also results from the

more equilibriated state of ions at the electrode–electrolyte

interfaces when charged with a lower IC. The lower IC (and the

correspondingly more stable ion distribution) lead to not only

the small IR drop (i.e. high Vinitial), but also the formation of

a higher energy barrier Eb, which prevents ions from moving

from the established double layer despite the correspondingly

higherVinitial, as illustrated in Fig. 5. Eb increases with decreasing

IC, as confirmed by the increasing trend of deviation, as seen in

Fig. 4(a) and 4(b).

3.3 SDC process of the ACF–1 M TEABF4/PC system

3.3.1 SDC mechanism of ACF–TEABF4. For the SDC

process of the ACF–TEABF4 system, it is hard to understand the

behavior if only a single control mode is considered. As shown in

Fig. 6(a) and 6(b) with the charge current densities of 25 mA g�1

and 500 mA g�1 as examples, neither the diffusion-control model

(Vf t1/2) nor the potential drivingmodel (lnVf t), fitwell with the

experimental data, respectively. However, the fact that the lower

portion overlaps between the original data and the simulation

curves derived from the diffusion controlmodel (Vf t1/2) in Fig. 6

(a) implies that a transition occurs, with diffusion control domi-

nating as the SDC process reaches a certain point. Thus, we

considered a possible dual-mechanism (DM)model by separating

the SDC process of the ACF–TEABF4 system into two parts, and

fitting each of themwith the potential drivingmodel (lnVf t) and

the diffusion control model (Vf t1/2), respectively.

As seen in Fig. 6(c) and 6(d), the red curve represents the fitting

from the potential driving model (lnV f t) and the blue curve

from the diffusion control model (V f t1/2). The nearly perfect

matches demonstrate that SCs built with ACF and TEABF4/PC

experienced a transition of governing mechanisms, from the

potential driving model to the diffusion control model during the

SDC process – thus a dual-mechanism (DM) control model is


The ‘‘cut-off point’’ VC corresponds to the voltage around

which the mechanism transition occurred. With decreasing IC, an

increase ofVC was found based on the DMmodel proposed here.

Based on the knowledge that ions can discharge/diffuse only

when the SDC driving forces outstrips the drag, the DM model

and the transition of control models relies on the competition

between the two driving forces corresponding to the two control


As is well known, the SDC process is fundamentally a direc-

tional migration of ions across opposing electrodes. For the more

stably-arranged ions, a larger driving force will be needed to

enforce ion migration. This can be interpreted as follows: at the

beginning of an SDC process, as demonstrated by the DMmodel

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011

Fig. 7 Absolute voltage drop and drop percentage of ACF–TEABF4 with SDC for (a) 12 h, (b) 24 h, (c) 36 h. (d) Percentage drop every 12 h.




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fitting, the corresponding driving force is scaled with the poten-

tial difference of the SC as measured. Due to the equilibrium

distribution of ions under a low IC, a stronger electric driving

force, scaled by the large potential difference, would be required

Fig. 8 SDC behavior at different temperatures with charge current density

TEABF4 at �25 �C, 25 �C, 75 �C; (c) Simulation by the diffusion control mod

mechanism model for ACF–TEABF4 SDC at �25 �C and 75 �C.

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011

at the initial part of SDC dominated by potential driving model.

Thus, the potential driving model will lose control at a relatively

high voltage when subjected to a low IC, which is shown as an

increase of VC with decreasing IC according to the DM analysis.

of IC ¼ 100 mA g�1: (a) ACF–LiPF6 at �25 �C, 25 �C, 75 �C; (b) ACF–

el for ACF–LiPF6 SDC at �25 �C and 75 �C; (d) Simulation by the dual-

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3.3.2 The slow SDC process and explanation using the dual-

mechanism model. For the ACF–TEABF4 SCs, the most signif-

icant practical feature is their great energy retention as shown in

Fig. 7; more than 70% energy was preserved after 36 h SDC, even

when charged with a high current density of 500 mA g�1 (Fig. 7

(a–c)). This remarkably high energy retention makes the appli-

cations of SCs in periodic energy storage promising and realistic.

It is interesting to note that an extreme point at IC¼ 100mAg�1

was observed at all three voltage drop percentage lines (Fig. 7),

suggesting that the fastest SDC process is at this middle point.

With the DM model, this phenomenon can be explained as the

combined effects of the two mechanisms:

(1) The beginning of the SDC process is dominated by the

potential driving model (red curves in Fig. 6(c and d)), and the

corresponding driving force results from the electric field scaled

by the potential difference V. Hence, charging with a lower ICwill give a higher initial voltage, and a faster SDC process. As

long as the SDC is driven by the electric field and scaled by V, the

percentage voltage drop should increase with decreasing IC.

(2) The large (up to 15%) voltage drop in the first 12 h,

compared with the subsequent small voltage drops (only �5%

and 3%) (Fig. 7(d)), indicates that the SDC process becomes

much slower as the diffusion control model gradually takes

control. Thus, the earlier the diffusion model takes control, the

slower the SDC process becomes.

Combining the two effects above and considering the increase

of VC when the diffusion model takes control at small IC, it

reaches a maximum at a middle point.

3.3.3 Temperature effect on the SDC process. Environmental

temperature has a significant effect on the SDC process for both

SCs, the SDC process is faster at a high temperature (75 �C) andslower at a lower temperature (�25 �C), as can be seen from

Fig. 8(a and b). However, the SDC mechanisms applied at room

temperature are still valid within the wide temperature window

for both SC systems. This conclusion is based on the excellent

curve fittings in the two SC systems, i.e. the diffusion-control

model applied to the ACF–LiPF6/EC–DEC system as shown

in Fig. 8(c), and the DM-control model applied to the

ACF–TEABF4/PC system as shown in Fig. 8(d).

It should be noted that the blue line representing the diffusion

control begins at a lower VC at 75 �C and a higher VC at �25 �C,as shown in Fig. 8(d). The effects of elevating the temperature to

75 �C include decreasing electrolyte viscosity and increasing the

thermal energy of ions, which means that the drag force would be

lower than at 25 �C. Thus, the potential driving mechanism can

be sustained to a lower VC at 75 �C, whereas, at �25 �C, the

Table 2 Initial voltages and capacitances of the two SCs

Charge curr


ACF–1 M LiPF6/EC–DEC Vinitial/V 1.97C/F g�1 66.2

ACF–1 M TEABF4/PC Vinitial/V 1.96C/F g�1 37.7

C: specific capacitance.

2158 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2152–2159

electrolyte is more viscous and the ions move less easily due to

their lower thermal energy, so the potential-driven mechanism

loses control at a higher VC – exactly the situation shown in

Fig. 8(d).

Moreover, a wide voltage fluctuation was observed in ACF–

TEABF4 SC at �25 �C (Fig. 8(b), blue line), indicating that both

TEA+ and BF4� ions in PC solvent are difficult to move at

�25 �C. The absence of this phenomenon in the ACF–LiPF6 SC

provides evidence of a difference between the two electrolytes,

such as the ion mobility difference. Hence, the different prop-

erties of the two electrolytes be the main reason for the different

SDC mechanisms operating, which is surely worthy further


SDC is a spontaneous and self-driving process. In capacitor

systems, where no chemical reactions take place, such as the two

SCs in our experiments, the driving forces can be ascribed to only

two factors: the potential field V and concentration variation

vC/vx; one leads to SDC by a potential-driven mechanism and

the other by a diffusion-control mechanism. Which one takes

control depends on the outcome of competition between the two

mechanisms. For the ACF–LiPF6 SC, the diffusion takes control

up to the voltage reaches 37% of the initial value; the driving

force from vC/vx outweighs the potential driving force to a great

extent for this SC, and only diffusion-control operates. In

contrast, in the ACF–TEABF4 SC, even though the initial

voltage decreases slightly compared to ACF–LiPF6 (Table 2), its

capacitance decreases by a larger percentage. Because Q ¼ CV,

the decrease in capacitance means that fewer ions accumulate

within the double layers, i.e. there is a lower concentration

variation. Thus, we may assume that in the capacitor system of

ACF–TEABF4, both V and vC/vx decrease, but with vC/vx

decreasing more, thus SDC of ACF–TEABF4 first is dominated

by the potential driving mechanism then switched to the diffu-

sion-control mechanism. Based on the discussion and assump-

tion above, we may expect that potential-driven SDC is likely to

occur in SCs with a high voltage and a low capacitance, and high-

energy retention should be expected from SCs with a low ion

mobility controlled by diffusion.

4. Conclusions

In summary, we have demonstrated that different electrode/

electrolyte configurations are responsible for different SDC

processes. The diffusion control model governs the SDC process

in the ACF–LiPF6/EC–DEC system, while the dual-mechanism

control model controls the SDC process in the ACF–TEABF4/

PC system. It is also evident that both models are suitable under

ent density IC/mA g�1

50 100 250 500

1.95 1.90 1.77 1.5952.2 43.2 33.7 22.51.92 1.85 1.44 1.2835.7 31.5 14.3 8.3

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different charge current densities and extendable to a wide

discharge temperature window. Most importantly, an excellent

energy retention capability can be achieved by tailoring the

electrode/electrolyte configuration – more than 70% energy

retention was observed after 36 h SDC in the ACF–TEABF4/PC

system, suggesting that SCs are very promising candidates for

periodic energy storage/supply that require high reliability and

long lifetime.


This work is supported in part by the US National Science

Foundation (NSF) under the Contracts CMMI-0925678 and

CMMI-0926093, and in part by the Semiconductor Research

Corporation (SRC) under Contract 2009-RJ-2020G.


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