The God Ra Iconography

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Copyright © 2015 Amentet Neferet

All right reserved

Cover: detail from the ceiling of the Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of the Goddess Hathor at

 Nitentore (Dendera), second band east:

The sacred barqe of the God !a"Hara#hty sailing across the s#y:

 from right to left,

a sacred baboon seated on the bo$,

a falcon"headed God spearing the crsed apophis (the enemy of !a and of all the Gods) here

represented by the hieroglyphic signs for his name,

the Goddess %aat,

a Goddess $earing the co$&s horns and the 'olar dis#,

the t$o Gods 'ia and H,

the God !a"Hara#hty standing inside a shrine,a falcon"headed God steering the sacred barqe

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(written by Luigi Tripni!

-Ra as a falco-!"a#"# $a:

The "od # usully is represented semi$nthropomorphi% s mn with the hed of fl%on nd

wering the &olr dis' with the reus) this is the most %ommon form of #*

+n ddition to the &olr dis' with the reus, sometimes # is represented lso wering the -Atef-

Crown) in few s%enes, # wers the Triple$-Atef- (the .#oring /ne! nd the ouble ethered

Crown with the &olr dis', nd very rrely 3e is sso%ited with the ouble Crown*

4oreover, in relief from one of the Chpels of /siris on the roof of the Temple of 3thor t

 Nitentore (ender!, # is represented with two humn$shped bodies whi%h merge into e%h other 

t the b%', nd with two fl%on$heds*

Con%erning the &olr brues, # is depi%ted s fl%on$heded mn in ll the &olr brues

represented in the .6oo' of the y nd s the form of # during the 7 hour of the dy (tht is the

hour pre%eeding the noon!*

-A%!&o'o$o&'!c fo&$ of Ra:

The "od # is lso represented in fully nthropomorphi% form, usully wering the &olr dis'*

+n 3is form of ivine Child, # is lwys depi%ted in fully nthropomorphi% form, usullyrepresented inside the &un) moreover in some s%enes 3e is represented seted upon the 8rimevl

Lotus flower*

The form of # in the first two hours of the dy is the ivine Child inside the &un*

-oo$o&'!c a# co$*"# fo&$s of Ra:

# is one of the 9gyptin "ods with the lrgest number of forms, nd in f%t there re mny s%red

nimls tht re sso%ited with 3im in the i%onogrphy: the fl%on, the %t, the lion, the %lf nd

the bull, the bboon, the serpent, the %ro%odile, nd the rm*


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As fl%on, # is depi%ted s fl%on$heded mn nd in the full form of fl%on) moreover, in the

first hour of the dy represented on the %eiling of the .8ure 8l%e (the .Chpel of the New ;er!

of the Temple of 3orus t -6ehdet- (9dfu! # is depi%ted s humn$heded fl%on* Another 

%ombined form of # is the rm$heded fl%on inside the &un, tht represents the -6-$&oul of # (s

ttested by the .Litny of #!*

As %t, # is depi%ted s %t$heded mn nd lso in the full form of %t*

As lion, # is lwys represented s lion$heded mn, tht is lso the form of # during the +<

hour of the dy* 4oreover, # is lso depi%ted s hier%osphin= (fl%on$heded lion!, tht is lso

the form of # during the +++ hour of the dy*

As %lf nd bull, # is lwys represented in fully >oomorphi% form*

As bboon, # is depi%ted in the full form of bboon nd lso s bboon$heded mn, tht

moreover re the forms of # during the 7++ nd 7+++ hours of the dy*

As serpent, # is represented in fully >oomorphi% form: the only 'nown imge of # s serpent, s

ttested lso by the L"", is from the %eiling of the 3ypostyle 3ll of the Temple of 3thor t

 Nitentore (ender!, where # is represented in 3is form of   !asomto  ( !"sm"t$y  , .# the

nifier of the Two Lnds! identified with the &erpent "od 'ite ( s"t, the .&on of the 9rth! nd

depi%ted s serpent rising from the gret lotus flower within s%red brue*

As %ro%odile, # is depi%ted s %ro%odile$heded mn nd lso in the full form of %ro%odile*

As rm, # is represented s four$f%ed rm in the 7+ hour of the dy (tht is the noon!* # is lso

depi%ted in the %ombined form of rm$heded mn usully wering the &olr dis'* +n the .6oo' of 

the Night nd in the .6oo's of the Netherworld (li'e the .6oo' of the Amdut nd the .6oo' of 

"tes! # is lwys represented in this %ombined form nd is %lled .the flesh of #* 4oreover,

# is represented s rm$heded mn during the +7 hour of the dy*

-T!" S+ ,%! %!" fo&$s of Ra:

An i%onogrphi% motif represented mostly in the .3ouses of 9ternity (tht re the tombs! is the

&un with the s%rb nd rm$heded "od depi%ted inside, tht re the s%rb tht represents


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?hepry, nd the .flesh of #* This sme i%onogrphi% motif is lso depi%ted in the -8rologue- of the

."ret Litny of #, where it represents the des%ent of # into the Netherworld, s we will see in

the lst prt of this study*

+n ddition to the vrious forms of # listed here, there re the forms of # ttested only in the

.Litny of # nd %onne%ted to the worship of # in  *mente (tht is one of the nmes of the

 Netherworld!: in the lst prt of this study you will find ll the imges, the nmes, nd the

invo%tions of the .Litny of #*

Then there re lso these two forms of # ttested by the L"" but for whi%h there re no e=mples

in this pper:$ white greyhound dressed in bl%' (%fr* 3ornung und &tehelin, '#arab+en asel , @@!

$ semi$nthropomorphi% form with the hed of vulture (represented in the .3ouse of 9ternity of 

?hbe'hnet, TT2!

Con%erning the 9gyptin pronun%ition of the nme of the "od # (  !  !, in this pper + hve used

the widespred %onventionl pronun%ition .#, but it is importnt to note tht its rel

 pronun%ition is preserved in Copti% (tht is the lst stge of the 9gyptin lnguge! s -!./ when

stressed (-!i/ in modern Copti%! nd -!a/ when unstressed, s in -!a"Har0#hty/1

or more informtions on the phoneti% system nd pronun%ition of the 9gyptin lnguge, see our 




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t left, some of the most %ommon spellings of the nme of the "od # in hieroglyphs)

t right, the two most %ommon spellings of the nme of the "od #$3r'hty

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Icoo&a'!c #".:

+ prt: # s fl%on$heded mn

++ prt: # in nthropomorphi% form

$# in 3is form of ivine Child

+++ prt: # in 3is form of s%red fl%on

$# s humn$heded fl%on

$# s rm$heded fl%on

+7 prt: # in 3is form of s%red %t

$# s %t$heded mn

7 prt: # s lion$heded mn

$# in 3is form of hier%osphin=

7+ prt: # in 3is s%red forms of %lf nd bull

7++ prt: # in 3is forms of s%red bboon nd bboon$heded mn

7+++ prt: # in 3is form of s%red serpent

+< prt: # s %ro%odile$heded mn

$# in 3is form of s%red %ro%odile

< prt: # s rm$heded mn

$the .flesh of # in the .6oo's of the Netherworld

$# in 3is form of four$f%ed rm

<+ prt: the &un with the forms of #


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<++ prt: .The Litny of #:


$the -8rologue- of the ."ret Litny

$the forms of # in the ."ret Litny

$the forms of # in the .Little Litny


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I 'a&%: Ra as a falco-!"a#"# $a

."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, Chpel of #$3r'hty, detil from the south$west wll,

lower register: #$3r'hty, fl%on$heded, wering the -Atef-$Crown with rm-s horns nd ureind the bull-s horns with the &olr dis' 


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&%ene from the .3ouse o 9ternity (TT1! of &ennedFem,

.&ervnt in the &et of #ighteousness nd Truth (the 7lley of the ?ings! during the reign of ?ing

&ethi + nd the first yers of ?ing #mses ++:.#$3r'hty$Atum, Lord of the two Lnds of /n$3eliopolis, ?hepry seted in 3is s%red brue*

3e is represented fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' en%ir%led by the reus,

nd holding the -An'h- (-Life-!


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Temple of the "od 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfu!, detil from the "irdle Hll, inner f%e, west wll:

#$3r'hty (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus! enthroned inside shrine

upon s%red brue


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Temple of the "od 3orus t 6edhet (9dfu!,

detil from the estern tower of the 8ylon (upper register, + s%ene!:

.# of 6ehdet enthroned, fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus, holding the

-An'h- nd the -s-$s%epter  


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Temple of the "od 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfu!, detil from the "irdle Hll, inner f%e, west wll:

#$3r'hty (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus! enthroned within the s%red



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Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!, detil from the se%ond west Chpel of /siris

(one of the three western %hpels %lled the .3ouse of +sis$&hentyet! lo%ted on the roof of the

Temple* rwing from A* 4riette, .enderh, des%ription gInIrle, +7$G2*

.#$3r'hty represented with two humn$shped bodies whi%h merge into e%h other t the b%',

nd with two fl%on$heds) 3e wers the -dFt-$9ye nd holds two -s-$s%epters


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etil from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &ethi +, 7lley of the ?ings (?7 1E!,

Hest -set-$Thebes:

 ?ing &ethi + (wering the Nemes with the reus! nd #$3r'hty (fl%on$heded nd weringthe &olr dis' with the reus!


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."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, Chpel of #$3r'hty, north$est wll*

&%ene from the ily #ituls (performed in the +nner &hrines of the Temples! %lled

.ormul for seeing the eity ( r n m N2r  !:

?ing &ethi + (wering the 6lue Crown! 'neeling nd offering in%ense to #$3r'hty (fl%on$

heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus! *

/n the top right, the "oddess Ne'hbet in 3er form of s%red vulture, holding the -shen-$ring ndspreding 3er wings in prote%tion 


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&%ene from one of the pillrs of the 8orti%o of the ."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos:

#$3r'hty (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus! embr%ing ?ing #mses ++

(wering the -Atef-$%rown with rm-s horns nd holding the -An'h-!


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&%ene from the f%de of the "ret Temple of Amon, #$3r'hty, 8th, nd #mses ++ t 4eh,

Lower ?ushNubi (now 'nown s .the "ret Temple of Abu &imbel!:

?ing #mses ++, represented twi%e, offering sttuette of 4t to #$3r'hty (fl%on$heded,

wering the &olr dis' with the reus!


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The 8yrmidion of the ?ing-s writer 8wty from the ne%ropolis of &r) <+< ynsty, now in

the #iF'smuseum vn /udheden of Leiden***

8wty 'neeling nd m'ing dortions to #$3r'hty enthroned (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr 

dis' with the reus!) on the top, the &un rising from the 3ori>on


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8yrmidion of #mose, from the top of one of the two smll pyrmids in the Tomb Comple= (three

tombs, TT E, TT 212 nd TT 250! of #mose, Hest -set-$Thebes)

now in the 9gyptin 4useum of Torino***

#mose lived during the reign of the "ret ?ing #mses ++, nd ws .&%ribe in the 3ouse (the

.Temple of 4illions of ;ers! of 4en'heperu# (Thutmosis +7!, .Tresurer in %hief of the3ouse of 4en'heperu#, .ire%tor of the dministrtion in the deprtment of the dire%tor of the

seled things, .&%ribe %%ountnt of the livesto%' of Amon$#, .Assistnt s%ribe for the

%orresponden%e of the 3ereditry 8rin%e, .&ervnt in the domin of Amon$#, nd

.Administrtor of the funerry domin in the fields of Amon$#* 

#mose stnding nd m'ing dortions to #$3r'hty$Atum (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr 

dis' with the reus nd holding the -An'h-!:

(bove nd before #$3r'hty$Atum!

#$3r'hty$Atum, Lord of the Two Lnds, 3e of /n$3eliopolis, the "ret "od

(below, from right to left!

6y the s%ribe, rightful in ll the disputes, #mose, whose word is right nd true*

(before #mose!

Adoring # t the time of 3is setting in the Hestern 3ori>on of the &'y, by /siris, the s%ribe


in the &et of #ighteousness nd Truth

(behind him!

#mose, son of Amonemheb, whose word is right d true*

(below, from left to right!

6y the /siris, the e=%ellent$one of the .+myt$Hret, the s%ribe #mose, whose word is right nd



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/ne of the two sides of the wooden stele of Ldy Tperet) <<++ ynsty, now in the Louvre


Ldy Tperet m'ing offerings nd dortions to the "od #$3r'hty* +n the middle, the ltr with

the offerings) #$3r'hty wers the &olr dis' tht spreds its lotus$li'e rys

on the f%e of Tperet*

/n the top, the &olr /rb with the Two rei (with hnging -An'h-$signs! fln'ed by the Two 9yes*

To the left re represented ppyrus plnts, nd lilies to the right


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.Temple of 4illions ;ers of ?ing #mses +++, west -set-$Thebes,

detil from the est tower of the irst 8ylon*

rwing from Lepsius, en'mJler us Aegypten und Aethiopien +++$210!:

?ing #mses +++ (wering the #ed Crown! smiting the rebels ginst 4t, enemies of the "ods

nd of 9gypt, before #$3r'hty* 6ehind the ?ing is represented 3is #oyl -?-$spirit*

#$3r'hty is represented fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus, holding the

-s-$s%epter nd the fl%on$heded -'hepesh-$blde, nd leding %ptives bound by ropes) behind

#$3r'hty, smll imge of /nuri ( 3n4 5rt ! holding the ropes with the bound prisoners (e%h

with nme$ring %ontining the nmes of 9gypt-s %onuered enemies!*

/n the top right, bove the ?ing, the &olr /rb with the Two rei fln'ed by Ne'hbet (t left, in

3er form of vulture! nd 3orus of 6ehdet (t right, in 3is form of fl%on! both spreding Their 

wings in prote%tion nd holding the -shen-$ring 


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."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, Chpel of #$3r'hty, north$west wll, lower register*

The s%ene of the ily #ituls (performed in the +nner &hrines of the Temples! %lled

.ormul for removing the grment ( r n sf6t mn6t  !:

?ing &ethi + removing the grment from the %ult sttue of the "od #$3r'hty enthroned*

#$3r'hty in represented fl%on$heded nd mummiform, wering the &olr dis' with the reus

nd holding the -s-$s%epter 


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etil from the stel of the 8rin%ess +sis) from ?optos, now in the 4n%hester 4useum***

The 8rin%ess +sis, dughter of ?ing #mses 7+, "odKs Hife of Amon nd ivine Adortri%e,%ensing nd plying the sistrum before #$3r'hty* &he wers the vulture %p with the ureus,

topped by the vulture nd nother ureus* #$3r'hty is represented mummiform, fl%on$heded,

wering the &olr dis' with the ureus, holding the flil, the -he-$s%epter, nd the %ombined

-Fed-$-An'h-$-s-$s%epter* +n the middle, the ltr with the offerings*

The hieroglyphs bove the 8rin%ess +sis sy:

.+ ply the sistrum before ;our fir f%e, gold is in front of ;ou* 4y ;ou llow me to see the


The /siris, the 3ereditry 8rin%ess, gret of fvours, the "odKs Hife of Amon, the ?ingKs ughter,

the "odKs Adortri%e, +sis, Hhose word is right nd true*

The hieroglyphs bove #$3r'hty sy:

.#$3r'hty, by Hhose shining ll is illuminted, "ret "od, #uler of 9ternity 


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&tele of Nes'honsup'hered, ynsty <<+$<++ (10E0$EBD 6C9!) now in the 9gyptin 4useum of 


 Nes'honsup'hered (wering lrge perfume %one on 3er hed! m'ing dortions to #$

3r'hty$Atum enthroned* The "od is represented fl%on$heded nd mummiform, wering the

&olr dis' with the reus, holding the -3e-$s%epter nd the -An'h-* +n the middle, the ltr with

the -nemset-$Fr nd the lotus flower* To the left, stndrd with the symbol for .9st) to the right,

stndrd with the symbol for .Hest* /n the top, the Hinged &olr /rb with the two rei

(representing 3orus of 6ehdet!*6elow, nturlisti% lnds%pe with trees nd the entrn%e to tomb


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&tele of Fed'honsuiuefn', singer of the "od Amon) 10D@$DD 6C9, now in the Louvre


Fed'honsuiuefn' 'neeling nd plying n ngle hrp (de%orted with the hed of 8hroh!

 before the "od #$3r'hty enthroned (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus, nd

mummiform!* +n the middle, the ltr with the -nemset-$Fr nd lotus flower* /n the top, the Two9yes


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Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!,

%eiling of the 3ypostyle 3ll, se%ond bnd est*

etil of the s%red brue of #$3r'hty siling %ross the s'y:

to the right, #$3r'hty stnding inside shrine* #$3r'hty is represented fl%on$heded,

wering the &olr dis' with the reus, holding the -An'h- nd the -s-$s%epter)on the stern, fl%on$heded "od steering the s%red brue 


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."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, south$west wll of the Chpel of #$3r'hty:

s%ene from the ily #itul in honor of #$3r'hty* ?ing &ethi + 'neeling nd offering the s%eptre, %roo', flil, rmlets, nd n'lets to #$3r'hty

(fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus!) #$3r'hty gives the -An'h- with the

-s-$s%epter to the ?ing* 6ehind #$3r'hty is represented the "oddess +uss with 3er right

hnd rised in blessing


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"ret Temple of Amon$# t -+pet$&ut- (?rn'!, -set-$Thebes, s%ene from the est hlf of the

north wll of the 3ypostyle 3ll:

?ing &ethi + 'neeling on podium before #$3r'hty (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with

the reus! enthroned inside shrine (topped by row of rei!*

6ehind the ?ing is represented the "oddess -ret$3e'u-, lioness$heded*6oth #$3r'hty nd -ret$3e'u- hold the yer$stff with whi%h They bestow ubilees (the -3eb$

&ed- signs!, Life, 8rote%tion, nd ominion to the ?ing


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&%ene from the .3ouse o 9ternity MTT 1 of &ennedFem,

.&ervnt in the &et of #ighteousness nd Truth (the 7lley of the ?ings! during the reign of ?ing

&ethi + nd the first yers of ?ing #mses ++) Hest -set-$Thebes*

#$3r'hty$Atum (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus! stnding in 3is s%red

 brue* 6efore # is represented the -6enu- bird, the s%red phoeni=, wering the -Atef-$Crown with

rm-s horns) behind 3im, five "ods %lled .the "ods of the "ret 9nned Hho re in the brue


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&%ene from the ."ret 3rris 8pyrus, 1150 6C9) now in the 6ritish 4useumO

?ing #mses +++ (wering the Hhite Crown! m'ing dortions to the "ods of the highly s%red

/n$3eliopolis: from right to left, .#$3r'hty "ret "od Lord of the &'y, .Atum Lord of the

Two Lnds of /n$3eliopolis, .+uss Ldy of /n$3eliopolis, nd .3thor Ldy of Nebethetep

(s%red %ity of the "oddess Nebethotepet in the nomeregion of /n$3eliopolis, the 1Bth Lower 

9gyptin nome!


&%ene from the .6oo' of Coming orth by y of the priest ?honsumes: ?honsumes pouring

s%red wter on the offerings nd burning in%ense before #$3r'hty$Atum, /siris /nnophris,+sis, nd Nephthys) %* 1000 6C9, now in the Louvre 4useum***


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&%ene from the Luynes ppyrus of &erAmon, priest of Amon t -set-$Thebes, <<+ ynsty) now

in the Cbinet des mIdilles***

#$3r'hty$Atum (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus! enthroned (holding the

-An'h- nd the -3e-$s%epter! nd %rried by four "ods (s%rb$heded t left, nd serpent$heded

t right! in triumphl pro%ession*

6elow the throne, puut in 3is form of s%red wolfF%'l, with the lil) in front of 3im, thefether of 4t


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etil from the outer %offin of Tywheryt, wife of the 3igh 8riest of Amon$# t -set-$Thebes,

4shrt, <<+ ynsty:

#$3r'hty enthroned, wering the -Atef-$Crown with rm-s horns nd urei, holding the -An'h-,

the lil, nd the -3e-$s%epter* +n front of 3im, the ltr with the offerings, nd the -6-$soul of 

Tywheryt (represented s humn$heded bird! m'ing dortions*

/n the top right, winged -dFt-$9ye with n hnging reus with the -An'h-


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Temple of the "od 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfu!, detil from the north wll of the est stir%se:

#$3orus, fl%on$heded nd wering the ouble Crown, nd Amon (wering the &olr dis' with

the two fethers!*rwing from .Le temple d-9dfou by 9* Chssint, plte <<<7+++$i


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Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!, s%ene from the rer wll (west side!:

-Touyt-, the "oddess of the North, holding up the &'y before #$3r'hty (fl%on$heded, wering

the ouble ethered Crown with the &olr dis'! enthroned*

/n the top of the s'y symbol (where is depi%ted row of strs! is represented the Hinged &olr /rb

(3orus of 6ehdet! with the Two rei (/uto to the left with the #ed Crown, nd Ne'hbet to the

right with the Hhite Crown!


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Temple of 4onthu nd #ettwy t Armnt$3ermonthis,

s%ene from the south wll of the +nner 3ll* rwing from Lepsius, .en'meler us Aegypten,


#$3r'hty enthroned (fl%on$heded, wering the ouble ethered Crown with the &olr dis'!

embr%ing 3orus$# the Child) to the right, Pueen ?leoptr 7++ plying the sistrum nd offering

the -3eb$&ed- (the symbol for the #oyl ubilee! with the .;er$stff


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Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!,

s%ene from the inner shrine of the .3ouse of 6irth:

3thor su%'ling +hy$3rsomtou the Child, nd #$3r'hty (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus! holding the -;er-$stff nd bestowing #oyl ubilees to the Child$"od 


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The lst two &olr brues represented t the end of the .6oo' of y)

from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing #mses 7 nd 7+, 7lley of the ?ings, ?7@, west -set-$


/n both the &olr brues re represented, from right to left,

"eb (hre$heded!,

.the Ldy of the 6rue,

3orus 3e'enu$3e' &emsu,#, fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' nd stnding inside shrine,

3u (fl%on$heded in the &olr brue t left!,

nd &i represented s the rudder*

The &olr brues re represented on the wters of the hevenly Nile, tht is the e%lipti%


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The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the Ceiling of the 3ypostyle

3ll of the Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!:

detil from the 7 hour of the dy*

+sis (t left! nd Thoth (t right! m'ing dortions to #*

# is represented stnding inside the &un, fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus

nd holding the -s-$&%epter 


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II 'a&%: Ra a%!&o'o$o&'!c fo&$

."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, detil from the north$est wll of the Chpel of &ethi +:

# enthroned, mummiform, holding the -s-$s%epter 


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&%ene from the .6oo' of the iyum:

the "od #) the lower prt of 3is body is hidden in the wters


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.Temple of 4illions of ;ers of ?ing &ethi + t west -set-$Thebes,

detil from the north wll (est side! of the &olr Court (<L++!:

#$3r'hty enthroned, wering the &olr dis' with the reus, holding the -An'h-

nd the -s-$s%epter 

.Temple of 4illions of ;ers of ?ing &ethi + t west -set-$Thebes,

s%ene from the north wll (est side! of the &olr Court (<L++!:?ing #mses ++ offering wine to #$3r'hty


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."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, Chpel of #$3r'hty, north$west wll, lower register*

The s%ene of the ily #ituls (performed in the +nner &hrines of the Temples! %lled

.ormul for pl%ing the two hnds on the eity ( r n rd4t $y 5r N2r !:

?ing &ethi + pl%ing 3is hnds on the %ult sttue of the "od #$3r'hty enthroned*

#$3r'hty in represented ntropomorphi%, wering the Nemes with the reus nd the &olr dis' with s%red s%rb inside


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The .6oo' of the 3evenly Cow represented in the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &ethi +, 7lley of 

the ?ings, ?71E, west -set-$Thebes*

The "od &hu (in the middle! supporting the "oddess Nut in 3er form of %ow) &hu is ssisted by the

eight -3eh-$"ods (the .+nfinite$/nes!* /n the brue t left, # (wering the &olr dis'! stnding

nd m'ing dortions) on the brue t right, # is represented seted inside shrine*

rwing from .Les hypogIes royu= de ThQbes (6nd 1!: Le tombeu de &Iti +er by 9* LefIbure, plte <7++$d


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etil from the .6oo' of the 3evenly Cow represented in the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &ethi

+, 7lley of the ?ings, ?71E, west -set-$Thebes

This is the des%ription of the s%ene from the te=t of the .6oo' of the 3evenly Cow (trnsltion

from .The Literture of An%ient 9gypt by ?* &impson!:This spell is to be re%ited over (pi%ture of! %ow t whose %hest is (ins%ribed! RRThe +nSnite /nes

who reKK nd over whose b%' is (ins%ribed! RRThe +nSnite /nes who re,KK whose four hoofs re

filled out in (bl%'! pint nd upon whose belly re plurlity of strs, issuing from its hind$

urters in front of its hind legs, while beneth its belly stnds &hu, pinted in yellow o%her, 3is

rms under these strs, nd ins%ribed with 3is nme between them using the word RR&huKK by itself*

A brue, on whi%h re steering$or nd shrine with solr dis' over it nd # in it, is in front of 

&hu ne=t to 3is hnd, while nother version (of brue! is behind 3im ne=t to 3is (other! hnd*

+ts udder is rendered in the middle of its left hind leg, its proSle being drwn in pint in the middle

of this hind leg with the following words (ins%ribed! outside in retrogrde: RR+ m who + m* + will

not let them t'e %tion*KK Hht is (ins%ribed! beneth the brue tht is in front is s follows: RR;ou

shll not grow wery, my son,KK they (the signs! being in retrogrde, nd s follows: RR;our %ondition is li'e tht of one who lives forever,KK nd s follows: RR;our son is in me (or .;our son

m +!* Life, prosperity nd helth be to this your noseKK Hht is (ins%ribed! behind &hu ne=t to 3is

rm is s follows: RRHt%h over themKK Hht is behind 3im t 3is Un' is (ins%ribed! in retrogrde

s follows: RR+t is right tht they (the strs! should enter in when + retire e%h dy*KK Hht is

(ins%ribed! under the rm of the figure tht is beneth the left hind leg nd behind it is s follows:

RR9verything should be seled*KK Hht is (ins%ribed! bove 3is hed, beneth this %owKs hindurters

nd wht is between its hind legs is s follows: RRAs for him who shll go forth*KK Hht is (ins%ribed!

 behind the two Sgures tht re between its hind legs nd bove their heds: RRThe ged one is in

-+geret- (the Netherworld!* 8rise is given, moreover, when 3e is introdu%ed*KK Hht is (ins%ribed!

over the heds of the two Sgures tht re between its forelegs: RR(3e who dores! re%titude, 3erer,

&upport of the &'y*


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&%ene from the Luynes ppyrus of &erAmon, priest of Amon t -set-$Thebes, <<+ ynsty) now

in the Cbinet des mIdilles***

#$3r'hty$Atum enthroned, wering the &olr dis', holding the -3e-$s%epter nd the lil)

 behind 3im, the two "oddesses +uss nd Nebethotepet* To the right, the ltr with the offerings*

/n the top, the &olr dis' fln'ed by the Two 9yes with fns

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etil from the %offin of Nesy'honsu, %* @ED$GG@ 6C9) now in the Clevelnd 4useum of Art***

A -&em-$priest, wering the leoprd s'in, pouring libtion with the -nemset-$Fr

 before #$3r'hty$Atum enthroned, represented mummiform, wering the &olr dis' with the

reus, holding the -3e-$s%epter nd the lil*

/n the top, row of rei with the &olr dis' 


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-Ra Hs fo&$ of D/" C!l#

The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the rie>e of the /uter 

3ypostyle 3ll of the Temple of 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfou!:

detil of the form of # during the ++ hour of the dy*

.# of 6ehdet, Lord of the &'y enthroned inside the &un* # is represented in 3is form of ivine

Child, with the sidelo%' of youth nd finger on 3is lips*

rwing from .+ 4onumenti dell- 9gitto e dell Nubi by +ppolito #osellini,6nd ,B, plte <<<7+++


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&%ene from the -8rologue- of the .6oo' of y represented in the .3ouse of 9ternity of

?ing #mses 7 nd 7+, 7lley of the ?ings, ?7@, west -set-$Thebes:

the &un in the womb of Nut) inside the &un is represented # in 3is form of ivine Child*

 Nut is fln'ed by +sis (t left! nd Nephthys (t right! both rising nd lowering Their hnds in

gesture of prote%tion nd dortion


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etil from the +7 s%ene of the .6oo' of y represented in the .3ouse of 9ternity of

?ing #mses 7 nd 7+, 7lley of the ?ings, ?7@, west -set-$Thebes*The meeting of the &olr brues: t left, the y brue with +sis) t right, the Night brue with

 Nephthys* +n the middle, # in 3is form of ivine Child inside the &un nd fln'ed by two rei

representing -4ehen-


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etil from the lid of the sr%ophgus of ereshnefer, 8riest of the "oddesses 4ut, Nephthys,

&e'hmet, Neith, nd &ti) <<< ynsty (BG0VB00 6C9!) now in the 4etropolitn 4useum*** 

# in 3is form of ivine Child (with the sidelo%' of youth nd finger on 3is lips! stnding inside

the &un, nd fln'ed by two rei


etil from the lid of the sr%ophgus of ereshnefer, 8riest of the "oddesses 4ut, Nephthys,

&e'hmet, Neith, nd &ti) <<< ynsty (BG0VB00 6C9!) now in the 4etropolitn 4useum***

The meeting of the &olr brues: t left, the y brue) t right, the Night brue* /n the prows,

the "oddess of the 9st (t left, on the y brue! nd the "oddess of the Hest (t right, on the

 Night brue! both rising the "od # represented in 3is form of ivine Child stnding inside the

&un nd fln'ed by two rei* The &olr brues re represented on the wters of the hevenly

 Nile, tht is the e%lipti%* /n the lower frie>e, four imges of Anubis in 3is form of s%red F%'l%rou%hing upon shrine, with the -se'hem-$s%epter nd the flil


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etil from %offin dted to the 1000$@5 6C9) now in the 6ritish 4useum***

# in 3is form of ivine Child represented inside the &un nd emerging from the Lotus lower,

fln'ed by the Two 9yes nd by two imges of Neith (tht is the ivine 4other of #! in 3er form

of winged reus spreding 3er wings in prote%tion*

# is represented with the reus on 3is forehed, holding the -3e-$s%epter,

nd with finger on 3is lips) in front of 3im, the reus with the #ed Crown


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etil from the 8pyrus of Ldy 3eruben, <<+ ynsty) now in the Ciro 4useum*

# in 3is form of ivine Child seted inside the &un, with the reus on 3is forehed, holding the

-3e-$s%epter nd the lil, nd with finger on 3is lips) the &un is en%ir%led by the /uroboros nd

fln'ed by two rms (the symbol for the -?-$spirit!

6elow, -#uty-, the Twin Lion "ods of ;esterdy nd Tomorrow, supporting the &un*

/n the top right, the -dFt-$9ye


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.3ouse of 6irth of the &n%tury of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!,

detil from the se%ond %olumn (lower prt, south outer f%e!:

# in 3is form of ivine Child (bove 3is hed is represented the &olr dis' with the two rei!,

with the sidelo%' of youth nd finger on 3is lips, seted upon lotus flower,

holding the -3e-$s%epter nd the lil*

At left, the "oddess /uto in 3er form of ureus, wering the #ed Crown, nd t right the "oddess

 Ne'hbet in 3er form of vulture, wering the -Atef-$Crown, both stnding on the symbol for .gold)

 below the "oddess /uto re represented the ppyrus flowers of Lower 9gypt, while below the

"oddess Ne'hbet there re the lilies of pper 9gypt


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Temple of 3ibis, s%ene from the south wll of the &n%tury A:

.#$3r'hty of &hmoun (3ermopolis 4egle!*

#$3r'hty in 3is form of ivine Child (wering the &olr dis', with the sidelo%' of youth nd

finger on 3is lips! seted upon the 8rimevl Lotus lower*

Around 3im, the eight eities of the /gdod of &hmoun$3ermopolis 4egle (the four "oddesses

re serpent$heded, while the four "ods re frog$heded!*

rwing from .The Temple of 3ibis in 9l ?hWrgeh osis : 8rt +++ by Normn de "ris vies

(plte +7!


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Temple of 3ibis, detil from the north wll of the &n%tury A:

#$3r'hty in 3is form of ivine Child seted between the horns of the s%red -4Xt$wrt-$Cow*

rwing from .The Temple of 3ibis in 9l ?hWrgeh osis : 8rt +++ by Normn de "ris vies

(plte +++!


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The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the %eiling of the 3ypostyle3ll (first strip est! of the Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!:

detil from the + hour of the dy*

/n the &olr brue re represented:

in the middle, # in 3is form of ivine Child stnding inside the &un, fln'ed by Nephthys (t left!

nd +sis (t right! both rising nd lowering Their hnds in gesture of prote%tion nd dortion*

6ehind +sis is represented Thoth (ibis$heded! with 3is rms rised in dortion*

/n the stern is represented 4ontu (fl%on$heded! steering the &olr brue


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The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the Ceiling of the 3ypostyle

3ll of the Temple of Neith nd ?hnum t -+unyt-$Ltopolis (9sn!:

detil from the + hour of the dy*

# is represented in 3is form of ivine Child, seted inside the &un) below, the Hinged &%rb(representing ?hepry! supporting the &un* At right, +sis) t left, Nephthys, both rising nd lowering

Their hnds in gesture of prote%tion nd dortion


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III 'a&%: Ra Hs fo&$ of sac&"# falco

The 8yrmidion from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?honsu MTT2, .&ervnt in the &et of 

#ighteousness nd Truth (the 7lley of the ?ings!, son of &ennedFem) now in the 9gyptin

4useum of Torino

#$3r'hty in 3is form of s%red fl%on, wering the &olr dis' with the reus, represented onthe symbol for .3ori>on) before 3im, n reus with the Hhite Crown


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Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!,

detil from the frie>e of the west wll of the se%ond est %hpel of /siris (one of the three %hpels

%lled the .3ouse of Life of the sttues! lo%ted on the roof of the Temple nd representing the

-6-$souls of the "ods of the nomes of Lower 9gypt prote%ting /siris:

#$3r'hty of /n$3eliopolis ( 3$n$, %pitl %ity of the <+++ nome of Lower 9gypt, .8rospering

&%epter$3eliopolites! represented s fl%on spreding 3is wings in prote%tion of /siris*

#$3r'hty is represented per%hed on the symbol for .gold, with fn nd lrge -s-$hieroglyph

topped by bird per%hed on the sign for -%nl-, nd wering the &olr dis'*

rwing from A* 4riette, .enderh, des%ription gInIrle, +7$B


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8yrmidion of #mose, from the top of one of the two smll pyrmids in the Tomb Comple= (three

tombs, TT E, TT 212 nd TT 250! of #mose, Hest -set-$Thebes)

now in the 9gyptin 4useum of Torino***

#mose m'ing dortions to #$3r'hty represented in 3is form of s%red fl%on wering the

&olr dis' with the reus*

(bove nd before #$3r'hty!

#$3r'hty, "ret "od, Lord of the &'y

(below, from right to left!

for the good of 3is 4Festy, by the #oyl &%ribe of the -+myt$Hret- (nme of tem of priests, or 

lso nme for the ne%ropolis!, beloved by his ?ing, #mose, whose word is right nd true*

(before #mose!

Adoring # t the time of 3is rising in the 9stern 3ori>on of the &'y, by


/siris, the s%ribe of 4t(behind him!

in the &et of #ighteousness nd Truth (the 7lley of the ?ings!, #mose, whose word is right nd


(below, from left to right!

6y he who 'nows 4t (the "oddess of #ighteousness nd Truth!, he who hs put 3er in his hert,

the s%ribe who e=%els in 'nowledge, #mose* 


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-Ra as a !+$a-!"a#"# falco

The dily Fourney of # during the first two hours of the dy represented on the %eiling of the .8ure

8l%e (the .Chpel of the New ;er! of the Temple of the "od 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfou!*

rwing from 9* Chssint, YLe temple d-9dfouY, plte <<<+++$% *

/n the upper register, the &olr brue of the + hour of the dy: # is represented inside the &un, s

humn$heded fl%on wering the &olr dis' with the two fethers)

on the lower register, the &olr brue of the ++ hour of the dy: # is represented enthroned inside

the &un, in 3is form of ivine Child, wering the &olr dis' with the reus


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-Ra as a &a$-!"a#"# falco

etil from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &i8th, 7lley of the ?ings, ?7E,

west -set-$Thebes*

# in 3is form of rm$heded fl%on representing .the -6-$&oul of #, depi%ted inside the &un


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I0 'a&%: Ra Hs fo&$ of sac&"# ca%


etil of f%simile pinting of s%ene represented in the .3ouse of 9ternity

of &ennedFem (Hest -set$Thebes-, TT1!:

the "od # in 3is form of s%red %t slughtering with 3is 'nife the %ursed pophis (the enemy of 

the "ods! represented in his form of sn'e, under the s%red perse tree of /n$3eliopolis  


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.The "ret Ct, Hho ppers in the imge of #:the Almighty &un "od # represented s "ret Ct slughtering with 3is 'nives the %ursed sn'e

pophis, the enemy of the "ods: its body is riddled with stb wounds, from where its blood flows

out, whilst its hed, in whi%h is lrge %ut, is fi=ed firmly on the ground by the pw of the "ret

Ct* The "ret Ct smiles whilst slying the %ursed sn'e*

r om the .3ouse of 9ternity of N'htAmon, TTBB5, Hest -set-$Thebes*

 N'htAmon lived during the reign of ?ing #mses ++) he ws s%ulptor in the .&et of Truth (the

7lley of the ?ings! nd -b-$8riest of the deified ?ing Amenhotep +) son of 8iy who, li'e

himself, ws s%ulptor in the .7lley of the ?ings, nd of the ldy Neferet'hu, .Ldy of the

3ouse* N'htAmon- s wife is Nebuemsheset, dughter of 8%hed nd of the Ldy 4'hi 


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The "od # represented in 3is form of the ."ret Ct of /n$3eliopolis slughtering with 3is

'nife the %ursed pophis (the enemy of the "ods! in his form of sn'e, under the s%red perse tree

of /n$3eliopolis, nd pl%ing 3is right front pw on the sn'e-s hed*

&%ene from the .3ouse of 9ternity of +nher'hu son of 3y (TTB5@!, member of fmily of 

leders of the %rftsmen of the .8l%e of #ighteousness nd Truth (the .7lley of the ?ings!*

+nher'hu ws .oremn in the 8l%e of #ighteousness nd Truth in the west of Thebes nd

.ire%tor of the wor's of the Lord of the Two Lnds

during the reigns of #mses +++ nd #mses +7 


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-Ra as a ca%-!"a#"# $a

Temple of 3ibis, detil from the west wll of the &n%tury A:

the "od #$3r'hty, %t$heded nd mummiform, holding n egg in 3is hnds*

rwing from .The Temple of 3ibis in 9l ?hWrgeh osis : 8rt +++ by Normn de "ris vies

(plte ++!


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0 'a&%: Ra as a lo-!"a#"# $a

Temple of 3ibis, s%ene from the west wll of the &n%tury A:

the ?ing burning in%ense nd pouring libtion before two imges of the "od #$3r'hty, both

lion$heded (the one t left wers the &olr dis' nd holds the -s-$s%epter nd 'nife, while the

one t right holds the -An'h-, the flil, nd the -s-$s%epter!*

rwing from .The Temple of 3ibis in 9l ?hWrgeh osis : 8rt +++ by Normn de "ris vies

(plte ++!


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The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the Ceiling of the 3ypostyle

3ll of the Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!:

detil from the +< hour*

# is represented lion$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus, holding little bboon on

3is left nd the -An'h- in the right*

/n the stern, 3orus steering the solr brue


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-Ra Hs fo&$ of !"&acos'!.

The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the rie>e of the /uter 

3ypostyle 3ll of the Temple of 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfou!:

detil of the form of # during the +++ hour*

.# of 6ehdet, Lord of the &'y s hier%osphin= upon lotus flower, represented inside the &un*

rwing from .+ 4onumenti dell- 9gitto e dell Nubi by +ppolito #osellini,

6nd ,B, plte <<<+<


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"ret Temple of Amon, #$3r'hty, 8th, nd #mses ++ t 4eh, Lower ?ushNubi (now

'nown s .the "ret Temple of Abu &imbel!,

detil from the doorwy of the "ret 3ll leding to the &e%ond 3ll of the Temple:

?ing #mses ++ offering sttuette of 4t to #$3r'hty, represented s hier%osphin=

%rou%hing* +n the middle, two ltrs with the -nemset-$Frs


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0I 'a&%: Ra Hs sac&"# fo&$s of calf a# *+ll

etil from the .3ouse of 9ternity of +rynefer, .&ervnt in the &et of #ighteousness nd Truth

(the 7lley of the ?ings! during the reign of ?ing #mses ++) Hest set$Thebes (TT2@0!*

# in 3is form of white %lf  s the son of the Celestil Cow, the "oddess Nut 


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&%ene from the .3ouse of 9ternity of +rynefer, Hest set$Thebes (TT2@0!*

+rynefer nd his wife 4ehyt'hti m'ing dortions to # represented in 3is form of s%red white%lf stnding in between two turuoise sy%mores (.the two turuoise sy%mores between whi%h #

goes forth, spell C+< of the .6oo' of Coming orth by y!* Above 3im, the &olr dis' 


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&%ene from the .3ouse of 9ternity (TT1! of &ennedFem, Hest -set-$Thebes (TT1!*

# in 3is form of white %lf with bl%' mr'ings stnding in between two turuoise sy%mores (%fr*spell C+< of the .6oo' of Coming orth by y!) on 3is b%' 3e %rries the de%esed (with

green f%e s symbol of rebirth!* To the right, #$3r'hty$Atum, fl%on$heded nd wering the

&olr dis' with the reus* /n the top left, the &olr dis'


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etil from the .Luynes ppyrus of &erAmon, priest of Amon t -set-$Thebes, <<+ ynsty)

now in the Cbinet des mIdilles***

#$3r'hty$Atum represented s s%red bull) in front of 3im, the ltr with the offerings

&%ene from the .Luynes ppyrus of &erAmon, priest of Amon t -set-$Thebes, <<+ ynsty)

now in the Cbinet des mIdilles***

on the top, #$3r'hty$Atum represented s s%red bull) in the middle, +uss$Nebethotepet s

s%red %ow) in the lower register, s%red bull %lled .the 4ysterious -6-$&oul Hho rises in the primordil o%en


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0II 'a&%: Ra Hs fo&$s of sac&"# *a*oo a# *a*oo-!"a#"# $a

The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the Ceiling of the 3ypostyle

3ll of the Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!:

detil from the 7++ hour*

# is represented s bboon wering the &olr dis' with s%rb nd shooting bow) bove 3im,

 Ne'hbet in 3er form of s%red vulture spreding 3er wings in prote%tion*

/n the stern, 3orus steering the solr brue


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The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the Ceiling of the 3ypostyle

3ll of the Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!:

detil from the 7+++ hour*

# is represented bboon$heded, holding the -An'h- nd the -s-$s%epter*

/n the stern, 3orus steering the solr brue


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0III 'a&%: Ra Hs fo&$ of sac&"# s"&'"%


Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!, %eiling of the 3ypostyle 3ll, detil from the

estermost strip: .#somtou Hho resides in Nitentore (ender!*

#somtou ( !"sm"t$y , .# the nifier of the Two Lnds! represented in 3is form of s%red

serpent rising from the gret lotus flower within s%red brue*

3rsomtou ( 7r"sm"t$y, .3orus the nifier of the Two Lnds! in 3is form of the &erpent &ite

(s"t, the .&on of the 9rth! is identified with #, nd in this spe%t is often %lled .#somtou


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I1 'a&%: Ra as a c&oco#l"-!"a#"# $a

&%ene from the .6oo' of the iyum:the "od # enthroned, %ro%odile$heded, mummiform, wering the &olr dis' with two urei


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&%ene from the .6oo' of the iyum:the "od #, %ro%odile$heded, wering the .Crown of "eb ( %omposite #ed Crown with the

-Atef-!, holding the -An'h- nd the -s-$s%epter, enthroned in the &olr brue (with rm-s hed

wering the &olr dis' with the ureus represented t the bow nd stern!* /n the throne of # is

depi%ted the symbol for .nion of the Two Lnds* +n front of #, the "oddess -4eret- of pper 

9gypt m'ing dortions* 6ehind # nd behind -4eret-, %rou%hing lion with tree


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-Ra Hs fo&$ of sac&"# c&oco#l"

&%ene from the .6oo' of the iyum:the "od # represented s %ro%odile with mummy on 3is b%'* /n the top, three %offins, e%h

with tree on the lid*

rwing from .s 6u%h vom yum by 3* 6einli%h (pge 11!


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1 'a&%: Ra as a &a$-!"a#"# $a

."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, detil from the ++ 3ypostyle 3ll:

the "od #$3r'hty enthroned, rm$heded, wering the &olr dis', holding the -An'h- nd the

.;er$stff with the -Fed-$pillr nd the -An'h-* /n the throne is represented the symbol for 

.nion of the Two Lnds) on its bse, row of -s-$s%epters nd -An'h-$signs


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The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the rie>e of the /uter 

3ypostyle 3ll of the Temple of 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfou!:

the form of # during the +7 hour*

.# of 6ehdet, Lord of the &'y, rm$heded, holding the -An'h- nd the -s-$s%epter, nd

stnding inside the &un*

rwing from .+ 4onumenti dell- 9gitto e dell Nubi by +ppolito #osellini, 6nd ,B, plte



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."ret Temple of ?ing &ethi + t Abydos, Chpel of #$3r'hty, north$est wll, lower register*

The s%ene of the ily #ituls (performed in the +nner &hrines of the Temples! %lled

.ormul for untying the sel ( r n sf6 !:

?ing &ethi + 'neeling nd m'ing dortions to the %ult sttue of the "od #$3r'hty enthroned

inside shrine* #$3r'hty in represented rm$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus nd

holding the -s-$s%epter nd the -An'h-


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Temple of Neith nd ?hnum t -+unyt- (9sn!,

detil from the north$west wll of the 3ypostyle 3ll:

the ?ing, the 9mperor Commodus (wering the .Crown of "eb! offering bouuet of flowers to

the "od #$3r'hty enthroned* #$3r'hty is represented rm$heded, wering the &olr Crown

with the reus


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&%ene from the .3ouse of 9ternity of Pueen Nefertri, 7lley of the Pueens,

P7DD, west -set-$Thebes: the "od #, rm$heded (with green s'in!, mummiform, nd wering

the &olr dis') 3e is fln'ed by +sis (t right! nd Nephthys (t left! both rising nd loweringTheir hnds in gesture of prote%tion nd dortion


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The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the Ceiling of the 3ypostyle

3ll of the Temple of the "oddess 3thor t Nitentore (ender!,

detil of the +7 hour:

6stet (t left! nd Thoth (t right! m'ing dortions to # (rm$heded, holding the -An'h- nd

the -s-$s%epter! represented stnding inside the &un


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-%!" “fl"s! of Ra” %!" “2oo3s of %!" N"%!"&,o&l#”

The first two &olr brues represented t the beginning of the .6oo' of Night

in the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing #mses 7 nd 7+,

7lley of the ?ings, ?7@, west -set-$Thebes*

/n both the &olr brues re represented, from right to left:

ivine Child seted on the bow,


shrine surrounded by the serpent 4ehen,

nd 3u*+nside the shrine is represented the .flesh of #, rm$heded, wering the &olr dis' nd holding

the -s-$s%epter)

in front of 3im, 4t offering the -An'h-*

6ehind the "oddess, serpent stnding on 3is til*

/n the lower register, two rows of &tr "ods towing the &olr brues)

on both s%enes, They re heded by the "urdin "od of the brue nd by the ?ing (bove 3im is

represented the &olr /rb with the two rei!


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etil from the s%red .6oo' of "tes (first division, se%ond hour!, represented in the .3ouse of 

9ternity of ?ing #mses +7, 7lley of the ?ings, ?72, Hest -set-$Thebes:

on the s%red brue is represented ?ing #mses +7 'neeling nd offering sttuette of 4t (tht

is the offering of #ighteousness nd Truth! to the .flesh of #* # is represented in 3is rm$

heded form, wering the &olr dis', nd stnding inside shrine enveloped nd prote%ted by thes%red serpent 4ehen) 3e holds the -An'h- (the symbol of Life! in 3is right nd the -s-$s%epter of 

8ower nd ominion in 3is left) before 3im there is nother s%red serpent, stnding on his til*

/n the stern is represented -3e'- ("od of 4gi% nd 8ower!, nd on the bow &i (the "od of 

 per%eption!) to the right, eity towing the s%red brue


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etil from the ++ division (+++ hour! of the s%red .6oo' of "tes,

from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing #mses +, 7lley of the ?ings, ?71D, Hest -set-$Thebes:

on the s%red brue, from right to left,


the .flesh of #, rm$heded, wering the &olr dis', holding the -An'h- nd the -s-$s%epter, nd

stnding in shrine en%ir%led by the prote%tive serpent 4ehen) in front of 3im, there is nother 

s%red serpent stnding on 3is til,

nd &i*

To the left, one of four "ods %lled .Those of the ut (one of the nmes of the Netherworld!

towing the s%red brue*

To the right, the open lef of the gte, nd its gurdin, s%red serpent stnding on his til


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etil from the fourth division (fifth hour! of the .6oo' of "tes represented in the .3ouse of 

9ternity of ?ing 4eren8th, 7lley of the ?ings, ?7G, west -set-$Thebes*

/n the s%red brue re represented, from right to left:

3e', the .flesh of #, nd &i* The .flesh of #is represented rm$heded, wering the &olr 

dis', holding the -s-$s%epter, stnding in shrine en%ir%led by the prote%tive serpent 4ehen)

inside the shrine, in front of 3im, there is nother s%red serpent stnding on his til*

To the right, "od towing the s%red brue


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-Ra Hs fo&$ of fo+&-fac"# &a$

The dily Fourney of # during the hours of the dy represented on the rie>e of the /uter 3ypostyle 3ll of the Temple of 3orus t 6ehdet (9dfou!:

detil from the 7+ hour*

The "od .# of 6ehdet, Lord of the &'y represented s four$f%ed rm (with the -Atef-$Crown!

inside the &un*

rwing from .+ 4onumenti dell- 9gitto e dell Nubi by +ppolito #osellini, 6nd ,B, plte <L+


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1I 'a&%: %!" S+ ,%! %!" fo&$s of Ra 

.The "od-s pssge of the wy of &hu (the 9ntrn%e$"te! of the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing

4eren8th (<+< ynsty!: the two "oddesses +sis (t left! nd Nephthys (t right! m'ing

dortions to the &un with s%red s%rb nd rm$heded "od represented inside


etil from the 9ntrn%e "te of the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing 4eren8th, 7lley of the ?ings

(?7 G!, Hest -set-$Thebes: the "oddess Nephthys m'ing dortions to the &un with rm$heded "od represented inside


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&%ene from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing #mses <, 7lley of the ?ings (?7 1G!,

Hest -set-,$Thebes* rwing from .+ monumenti dellK9gitto e dell Nubi by +ppolito #ossellini*

A double representtion of ?ing #mses < 'neeling in dortion before the &un nd offering to

3im the 9ye of # (the right eye! nd the -dFt-$9ye (the left eye, the 9ye of 3orus!) inside the &unis represented the s%red s%rb nd rm$heded "od* At left nd t right, behind the ?ing, the

two "oddesses +sis (t left! nd Nephthys (t right! m'ing dortions


&%ene from the 9ntrn%e "te of the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &i8th,

7lley of the ?ings (?7 E!, Hest -set-$Thebes:

the Two "oddesses +sis (t left! nd Nephthys (t right! 'neeling nd m'ing dortions to the &un

with s%red s%rb nd rm$heded "od represented inside


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1II 'a&%: “T!" L%a4 of Ra”


The .Litny of # is one of the most importnt religious te=ts dedi%ted to the "od # nd 3is

worship: it is litny of divine nmes tht %%ompnies the figures of EE5 forms of #*

Among the vrious forms of # listed in the Litny, there re lso some eities tht here re prised

s spe%ts or mnifesttions of #: &hy, ?hepry, Nun, Atum, &hu, Tefnut, Nut, "eb, +sis,

 Nephthys, nd 3orus*

Con%erning the i%onogrphy of # in the Litny, most of 3is forms re represented with

mummiform body) of these, most re nthropomorphi%, nd the others re %omposite

nthropomorphi% forms (for e=mple, rm$heded, fl%on$heded, nd s%rb$heded!* Among the

other forms of # represented in the Litny there re: the rm, the %t, the s%rb, the &olr dis' 

sso%ited with other forms, the 9ye of #, nd lso &t'e to whi%h is tied prisoner*

+t is importnt to note tht some forms of # re represented only in the Litny, nd therefore re

not listed in the %olle%tion of imges presented in the previous pges) nd t the sme time, some of 

the forms of # presented in the previous pges re missing in the Litny: for e=mple, #

nthropomorphi% nd lion$heded, s hier%osphin=, s ivine Child, s %ro%odile nd s

%ro%odile$heded mn* 3en%e in the Litny of #, t lest %on%erning the i%onogrphy, re listed

nd prised only some of the forms of #, nd not ll: s the Title sys, the Litny %ontins the

forms of # relted to 3is worship in *mente (tht is to sy, not the forms of # in *mente, but the

forms of # tht re prised in *mente!*

The .Litny of # is 'nown in two different versions: the ."ret Litny nd the .Little Litny*

The nmes of the forms of # in the two versions re the sme, nd the imges re lmost identi%l*

The only differen%e is the order in whi%h they re listed*

The ."ret Litny is %omposed of two se%tions: in the first se%tion re eulogi>ed E5 forms of #,

e%h one with n invo%tion nd prise) the se%ond se%tion is devoted to the worship of # in

 *mente nd to the mysti% union of the ?ing with # nd /siris: .?ing  N  is #, nd re%ipro%lly* 3e

is the -6-$&oul of /siris*

The oldest 'nown te=t of the ."ret Litny is represented on the shroud of ?ing Thutmosis +++,

gift dedi%ted to 3im by 3is son nd su%%essor, ?ing Amenhotep ++* +ts first %omplete

representtion is from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &ethi +) others %opies re from the tombs of 


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#mses ++, 4eren8th, Amenmesses, &i8th, &ethi ++, #mses +++, #mses +7 nd #mses +< (in

shortened version!) nd some prts of it re ins%ribed lso on the sr%ophgi of the Lte 8eriod* The

."ret Litny is represented lso on the wlls of the gret Temples of 9gypt: t Abydos, in the

de%ortions dted to the reign of 4eren8th in the /sireion nd in the .Temple of 4illions of 

yers of #mses ++, nd t -+pet$sut-, in the edifi%e of Thr nd in the Chpel of 3'oris* &ome

e=tr%ts re lso ins%ribed in the Nilometer of #od*

+n the .3ouses of 9ternity the ."ret Litny is ins%ribed on the wlls of the first two %orridors: it

 begins on the left wll, from the first %orridor, 'nown s .the pssge of # or .the first "od-s

 pssge of the &un-s pth (%orridor 6 %%ording to the modern designtions!, to the end of the

se%ond %orridor, 'nown s .&e%ond "od-s pssge (%orridor C!) nd it %ontinues on the right wll,

from the end of the se%ond %orridor, to the beginning of the first %orridor*

6efore the Title there re two s%enes tht re the -8rologue- of the ."ret Litny: the ?ing m'ingdortions to #$3r'hty, nd the des%ent of # into the Netherworld* +n the ltter s%ene, is

represented the &un with s%rb nd rm$heded "od inside) bove the &olr dis' there is

serpent, nd on the right %orner the hed of bublis or of n ntelope with n horn or tor%h or

serpent between the horns) below the &olr dis' there is %ro%odile, nd on the right %orner the

hed of the sme niml depi%ted bove*

The Title of the ."ret Litny is:

.6eginning of the 6oo' of the Adortion of # in *mente nd of the Adortion of the /ne oined

Together in *mente*

The #ubri% sys:

.Hhen this 6oo' is being re%ited, these imges must be pinted on the ground, t night*

This 6oo' represents the vi%tory of # over 3is enemies in  *mente* +t is useful for mn upon

9rth, nd it is useful for him fter his buril*

The .Little Litny is shortened version of the ."ret Litny with E nmes nd forms of # but

without invo%tions*

The .Little Litny is represented in the .3ouses of 9ternity of mny ?ings, su%h s Thutmosis

+++, &ethi +, #mses +++ nd others*

The #ubri% sys:

.This spell is to be re%ited to every "od, nd these must be depi%ted e=%tly s those on the two

side$wlls of the Netherworld, while the two prts must be pl%ed on them s ivine %tion* Then

;ou re -6-$soul s the se%ond self of #, the 3eir of the -Feb- of the /ne oined Together*

This boo' is to be re%ited every dy when # goes to rest in the Hest, e=%tly nd %orre%tly*


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$T!" 5P&olo+"5 of %!" “G&"a% L%a4”

The first s%ene from the -8rologue- of the ."ret Litny of # represented in the .3ouse of 

9ternity of ?ing 4eren8th, ?7G: ?ing 4eren8th m'ing dortions to #$3r'hty (fl%on$heded, wering the &olr dis' with the reus!


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The se%ond s%ene from the -8rologue- of the ."ret Litny of # represented in the .3ouse of 

9ternity of ?ing &i8th, ?7E: the des%ent of # into the Netherworld*rom .The Tomb of &i8hth by 9* 3rold ones


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etil from the se%ond s%ene of the -8rologue- of the ."ret Litny of # represented in the

.3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &i8th, ?7E:

the &un with s%rb nd rm$heded "od represented inside


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$T!" fo&$s of Ra %!" “G&"a% L%a4”

(The imges re from the Temple of ?ing #mses ++ t Abydos) drwings from .Abydos:

des%ription des fouilles, 6nd 2, by A* 4riette* The trnsltions of the invo%tions re t'en from

.The Litny of #e by A* 8in'off!

rom right to left:

1, .the /ne oined Together ) B, .3e t the hed of 3is Cvern ) 5, .3e Hho prote%ts the -6w-$

souls ) E, . the Hind to the -6w-$souls ) @, .the r'ened /ne ) @ , .The -6-$&oul of #

(without invo%tion!

rom left to right:

2, .the 6e%oming /ne (-?hepry-! ) , .# of the &olr is' ) D, .&evere %e ) G, .3e Hho punishes with the &t'e ) 10, .3e Hho gives the light to the bodies


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6$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Lord of the Cverns of the -ut-, 3e Hhose forms re hidden, 3e Hho goes to rest into the

mysteries when 3e trnsforms 3imself into the /ne oined Together*

7$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

this 6e%oming /ne (-?hepry-! Hho folds 3is wings, 3e Hho goes to rest in the -ut-, nd

trnsforms 3imself into 3e Hho %omes out of 3is /wn members*

8$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

9=lted 9rth Hho gives birth to 3is "ods, 3e Hho prote%ts wht is in 3im, 3e Hho trnsforms

3imself into 3e t the hed of 3is Cvern*

9$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho m'es the 9rth visible, 3e Hho gives light to those in *mente, 3e Hhose forms re 3is

 beings, when 3e trnsforms 3imself into 3is "ret &olr is' (in #mses ++: 3is form is 3is be%oming, when 3e %ontinuously %omes into being s 3is "ret &olr is'!*

$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

-6-$&oul Hho spe's, 3e Hho rests on 3is bn', 3e Hho prote%ts the -6w-$souls of those of 

 *mente while they brethe through 3im*

;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

niue /ne, &evere %e (in Thutmosis +++: 8owerful 3ert!, oined to 3is body, 3e Hho %lls 3is

"ods while pssing through the mysterious %verns of the -ut-*

<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho %lls 3is 9ye, 3e Hho spe's to 3imself 3e Hho gives the wind to the -6w-$souls in

their pl%es, nd they re%eive their breth*

=$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Coming -6-$&oul, 3e Hho nnihiltes 3is enemies, 3e Hho de%rees the punishment of the ded*

>$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

r'ened /ne in 3is Cvern, 3e Hho de%rees tht there be dr'ness in the Cvern whi%h hides

3im Hho is in it*

6?$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho gives the light to the bodies, 3e Hho is on the hori>on, 3e Hho enters 3is Cvern*


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rom right to left,

11, .Atum ) 1B, .&hu ) 15, ."eb ) 1E, .+sis ) 1@, .3orus

rom left to right,

12, .the 6e%oming /ne (-?hepri-! ) 1, .Tefnut ) 1D, .Nut ) 1G, .Nephthys ) 20, .Nun


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66$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho ppro%hest to the Cverns of 3e t the hed of *mente*

Thou rt the forms of Atum*

67$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho %omes to wht Anubis hides*

Thou rt the forms of the 6e%oming /ne (?hepri!*

68$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hhose e=isten%e is longer thn tht of &he Hho hides 3er +mges*

Thou rt the forms of &hu*

69$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho is led towrds the members*

Thou rt the forms of Tefnut*6$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho gives orders to the Time "ods t Their time*

Thou rt the forms of "eb*

6;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the "ret /ne of re%'onings of wht is in 3im*

Thou rt the forms of Nut*

6<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho goes lwys towrds 3im Hho pre%edes 3im (in &ethi ++: Lord of mnifesttions of wht

is in 3is hed!,

Thou rt the forms of +sis*

6=$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3ed more shining thn those before 3im*

Thou rt the forms of Nephthys*

6>$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the Crter of the %retures (in &ethi ++: iller of the members!,

the niue$one,

3e Hho unites the genertive substn%es,

Thou rt the forms of 3orus*

7?$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,


3e Hho shines in the flood*

Thou rt the forms of Nun*


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rom right to left,

21, .the Heeper ) 2B, .Those of the -Adw-$fish ) 25, .Netwty ) 2E, .Amente (the

HestNetherworld! ) 2@, .the 4ourner

rom left to right,

22, .The e%omposed /ne ) 2, .the ivine 9ye ) 2D, .the "ret #m ) 2G, .3e of the Cvern )

B0, .3idden 4embers


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76$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

8rote%tor of Nun, 3e Hho %omes out of 3imself*

Thou rt the forms of the Heeper*

77$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e of the two %obrs, ornmented with two plumes*

Thou rt the bodies of the e%omposed /ne*

78$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho enters nd %omes out, 3e Hho %omes out nd enters, 3e Hho belongs to 3is mysterious

nd hidden Cvern*

Thou rt the forms of the -Adu-$fish (the flthed mullet !

79$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

-6-$&oul to Hhom is presented wht 3e l%'s*Thou rt the forms of the ivine 9ye*

7$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Arising -6-, niue /ne Hho prote%ts 3is %hildren*

Thou rt the forms of -Netwty-*

7;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho rises 3is hed, 3e with high horns*

Thou rt the #m, "ret of forms*

7<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

seed of &hu in *mente*

Thou rt the forms of Amente*

7=$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

&eeing -6- in *mente*

Thou rt the forms of 3e of the Cvern*

7>$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho belongs to wiling, -6- of the Heeper*

Thou rt the forms of the 4ourner*

8?$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the /ne with the rm whi%h %omes out, 3e Hho is prised for 3is 9ye*

Thou rt the forms of 3idden 4embers*


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rom right to left,

B1, .3e t the hed of those of *mente ) BB, .3e of the Ct (%t$heded nd not humn$heded s

in this plte!) B5, .3e of the Coffin ) BE, .&hy ) B@, .3idden 6odies

rom left to right,

B2, .the 9ver$6e%oming ) B, .the 9Fe%tor ) BD, .3e Hho %uses to brethe ) BG, .the #esting-6-$&oul) 0, .the lming /ne


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86$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the Arising /ne towrds the 4ysterious #egion*

Thou rt the forms of 3e t the hed of *mente*

87$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e of mny forms in the &%red Chmber*

Thou rt the forms of the 9ver$6e%oming*

88$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho pl%es 3is enemies in their bonds*

Thou rt the forms of 3e of the Ct*

89$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho shines in the 4ysterious 8l%e*

Thou rt the forms of the 9Fe%tor*8$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho dorns the bodies,

3e Hho m'es the throt brethe*

Thou rt the forms of 3e of the Coffin*

8;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho %lls the bodies in *mente: they brethe nd their de%y is rrested*

Thou rt the forms of 3e Hho %uses to brethe*

8<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

4ysterious %e, Leder of the ivine 9ye*

Thou rt the forms of &hy*

8=$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Lord of Arising, 3e Hho %omes to rest in *mente*

Thou rt the forms of the #esting -6-*

8>$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e of the hidden forms to those mong whom 3e is*

Thou rt the forms of the 3idden forms*

9?$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

&touter hert thn those who follow 3im, 3e Hho sends flmes into the 8l%e of estru%tion*

Thou rt the forms of the lming /ne*


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rom right to left,

1, .3e of the -ut- ) B, .3e with #essembled 4embers ) 5, .8rovider of the 9rth ) E, .the

7enerble /ne ) @, .the Trveller

rom left to right,

2, .the 6rillint /ne ) , .the 3idden /ne ) D, .the ubilting /ne ) G, .3e Hhose wys re

%orre%t ) 50, .the Lightning /ne


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96$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho de%rees destru%tion, 3e Hho %retes breth mong 3is forms in *mente,

Thou rt the forms of 3e of the -ut-*

97$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the Honderful /ne Hho dwells in 3is 9ye, 6rillint /ne in the 4ysterious #egion,

Thou rt the forms of the 6rillint /ne*

98$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e with ressembled members, oundtion of 3e in the 9rth*

Thou rt the forms of 3e with #essembled 4embers*

99$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Cretor of hidden things, "enertor of bodies*

Thou rt the forms of the 3idden /ne*9$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho hs provided those in *mente when pssing the 4ysterious Cverns*

Thou rt the forms of the 8rovider of the 9rth*

9;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

;our members Fubilte when they see ;our forms,

;our -6- is glorified when pssing by ;our members*

Thou rt the forms of the ubilting /ne*

9<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

7enerble /ne owing to the drippings from 3is whole 9ye, the 9nsouled /ne, for Hhom 3is

"lorious 9ye is being filled*

Thou rt the forms of the 7enerble /ne*

9=$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hhose wys re %orre%t in Amente, /pener of the #ods in the 4ysterious #egion*

Thou rt the forms of 3e Hhose wys re %orre%t*

9>$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Trveling -6- with pssing steps*

Thou rt the forms of the Trveler*

?$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho gives orders to 3is strs when 3e lights the dr'ness in the Cverns mysterious of forms*

Thou rt the forms of the Lightning /ne*


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rom right to left,

51, .4'er of 6odies ) 52, .3idden /ne ) 55, .9levted /ne ) 5D, ."ret Ct ) 5E, .3e Hhose

6rillint 9ye spe's ) D0, .+wty

rom left to right,

5B, .&hining 3orn ) 5, .9=lted orms ) 5G, .istnt -6-$&oul ) 5@, .3igh -6-$&oul


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6$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho %retes the Cverns, 3e Hho %uses the bodies to %ome into being by 3is own de%ree to

3imself* Thou de%reest, oh #, for those who e=ist nd for those who do not e=ist, the ed, the

"ods, the spirits*

Thou rt the forms of the 4'er of 6odies*

7$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

4ysterious, 4ysterious, this 3idden /ne Hhose mnifesttions of the 3ed (the &olr dis'! re

li'e 3is imge, 3e Hho %uses those who follow him to pss on

Thou rt the forms of the 3idden /ne*

8$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

&hining 3orn, 8illr of the Hest, 3e of the dr'ened loo's when tired*

Thou rt the forms of &hining 3orn*9$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

with e=lted forms when 3e trverses *mente, nd %uses the -6- in their Cverns to Fubilte*

Thou rt the forms of 9=lted orms*

$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho unites himself to the 6eutiful *mente, t Hhom those of the Netherworld reFoi%e when

seeing 3im*

Thou rt the bodies of the 9levted /ne*

;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

"ret Ct, 8rote%tor of the "ods, udge, 8resident of the Coun%il, 3e t the hed of the 3oly

Cverns, Thou rt the forms of the "ret Ct*

<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho tends 3is 9ye nd Hhose brillint 9ye spe's while the bodies re in mourning*

Thou rt the forms of 3e Hhose 6rillint 9ye spe's*

=$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hhose -6- is on high, Hhose bodies re hidden, &hining /ne when 3e sees his hidden things*

Thou rt the forms of the istnt -6-*

>$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3igh 6 Hho repulses 3is enemies* 3e Hho de%rees the flme ginst the trnsgressors*

Thou rt the forms of the 3igh -6-*

;?$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

-+wty-, 3e Hho hides the de%omposition, 8ower of the -6w-$souls of the "ods*

Thou rt the forms of -+wty-*


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rom left to right,

D1, .3e of the Two Children ) DB, .6l>ing /ne in the 9rth ) D5, .3e of the Cldron ) DE, .The


rom right to left,D2, .r' %e ) D, .the 6inder ) DD, .9=lted 9rth (-T$tenen-!


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;6$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the "ret 9lder in the Netherworld, ?heper$# Hho be%omes the Two Children,

Thou rt the forms of the Two Chidren*

(the Two Chidren re .the Child of # nd .the 8rimevl 9ssen%e of #!

;7$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the "ret Trveler Hho renews the movement, 6rillint -6- of the members, r' %e,

Thou rt the forms of the r' %e*

;8$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho prote%ts 3imself, 3e Hho Fudges the "ods s the 6l>ing /ne, 4ysterious /ne in the


Thou rt the forms of the 6l>ing /ne in the 9rth*

;9$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,the Lord of 6onds for 3is enemies, niue /ne, "ret /ne, Chief of 3is she$mon'eys*

Thou rt the forms of the 6inder*

;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e Hho orders fire into 3is %ldrons, 3e Hho severs the heds of the nnihilted ones*

Thou rt the forms of 3e of the Cldrons*

;;$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

"enertor Hho nnihiltes the offspring, niue /ne, 3e Hho e=lts the 9rth by 3is power*

Thou rt the forms of the 9=lted 9rth (-T$tenen-!*

;<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

 before Hhom the Ht%hers rise, while they on Their stnds do not see their mysteries*

Thou rt the forms of the Ht%hers*


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At right, DG nd E2, ./utflow nd .the Hl'er (one form with two nmes nd two invo%tions!) t

left, E0 nd E, .#enewer of the 9rth nd .3e of the Temple of the /belis' (one form with two

nmes nd two invo%tions!

rom left to right,D@, .the 6boon of the -ut- ) E1, .9ternl /ne ) EB, .Lord of 4ight ) E5, .Lord of r'ness


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;=$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e of the -Fent-$Fr of 3even, &tr of the Netherworld, /utflow of 3is mummies*

Thou rt the forms of the /utflow*

;>$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the bboons slute Thee, Thou of the esert Lnd, ?heper$# Hho leds the forms,

Thou rt the 6boon of the Netherworld*

<?$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

#enewer of the 9rth, /pener of wht is therein, &pe'ing 6, #erer of 3is members*

Thou rt the forms of the #enewer of the 9rth*

<6$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

9ternl /ne Hho burns 3is enemies, lming /ne, lme Hhi%h shoots tongue of fire*

Thou rt the forms of the 9ternl /ne*<7$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

the Hl'er Hho psses by, 6rillint /ne Hho %retes dr'ness fter 3is light*

Thou rt the forms of the Hl'er*

<8$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Lord of 4ight, 3e in 3is /belis', Chief of the "ods Hho re in front*

Thou rt the forms of the Lord of 4ight*

<9$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

3e of the Temple of the /belis' t 8n$3eliopolis, "ret "od Hho ties together time*

Thou rt the forms of 3e of the Temple of the /belis' t 8n$3eliopolis*

<$ "lory be to Thee, oh #, &upreme 8ower,

Lord of r'ness, 3e Hho spe's from (revels! 3is 4ysteries, -6- Hho %lls the inhbitnts who

re in their %verns*

Thou rt the forms of the Lord of r'ness*

/h # of the Cverns, oh # Hho %lls those of the Cverns, oh #, 3e Hho is in 3is Cverns*

"lory be to Thee, #, the Hnderer* (to sy four times!

Those of the Cverns py homge to Thee, -6- of the Hnderer* They py homge to 3is -6-, they

dore Thy forms mong whi%h Thou rt* "lory be to the "ret Hnderer* (to sy four times!


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The imge of the form of # n* BB of the ."ret Litny:

.3e of the Ct, mummiform nd %t$heded,

represented in the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing &ethi +, 7lley of the ?ings, ?7@*

rwing from 9* LefIbure,

.Les hypogIes royu= de ThQbes (6nd 1!: Le tombeu de &Iti +er, plte <7


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-T!" fo&$s of Ra %!" “L%%l" L%a4”

(the imges re from the .3ouse of 9ternity of ?ing Thutmosis +++ M?7B, ins%ribed on the two

 pillrs of the .3ouse of "old wherein one rests, tht is the 6uril %hmber!

rom right to left,

1$.The 6e%oming /ne (-?hepry-!

mummiform, the hed is winged s%rb

2$.# of the &olr is' .3is "ret &olr is'

s%rb represented inside the &olr dis' 

B$.&evere %e

mummiform nd rm$heded

$.3e Hho punishes with the &t'e

the &t'e represents #) %ptive is bound to the st'e

5$.3e Hho gives the light to the bodies

mummiform, fl%on$heded nd wering the &olr dis' 

D$.The 6e%oming /ne (-?hepri-!

s%rb rising the &un





mummiform, with the hed of n horned mmml, nd surrounded by the wters


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rom right to left,

11$.The e%omposed /ne

12$.The "ret #m

1B$.The ivine 9ye

the 9ye of # (the right eye! in n ovl

1$.3e of the Cvern

15$.3idden 4embers

mummiform nd represented inside n ovl

1D$.The 9ver$be%oming


1E$.The 9Fe%tor


1G$.3e Hho %uses to brethe

mummiform, with the hed of n horned mmml

1@$.The #esting -6-$&oul20$.The lming /ne

mummiform nd red, with fire springing from 3is hed


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rom right to left,

21$.The 6rillint /ne

22$.The 3idden /ne

2B$.The ubilting /ne

2$.3e Hhose wys re %orre%t

25$.The Lightning /ne

s%rb rising the &un

2D$.The &hining 3orn

mummiform nd with the hed of mmml with high horn

2E$.9=lted orms

2G$.The istnt -6-$&oul

mummiform nd fl%on$heded

2@$.The 3igh -6-$&oul

mummiform nd rm$hededB0$.3e of the Two Children

mummiform nd with red hed


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rom right to left,

B1$.The 6l>ing /ne in the 9rth

mummiform nd with red hed

B2$.3e of the Cldron

BB$.The Ht%hers

B$.The 6boon of the -ut-

mummiform nd bboon$heded

B5$.The 9ternl /ne

mummiform nd bboon$heded

BD$.Lord of 4ight

BE$.Lord of r'ness

mummiform nd rm$heded


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rom right to left,

BG$.The /ne oined Together

mummiform nd wering the Hhite Crown

B@$.3e t the 3ed of 3is Cvern

mummiform nd wering the Hhite Crown

0$.3e who prote%ts the -6w-$souls .3e Hho prote%ts the -A'hw- (the spirit$souls!

1$.The Hind in the -6w-$souls

2$.The r'ened /ne

rm$hed represented inside is' 

B$.The -6-$&oul of #

rm$heded -b-$bird inside the &un




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rom right to left,




mummiform nd fl%on$heded

@$.The Heeper

50$.Those of the -Adw-$fish

three mummiform "ods51$.Netwty


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rom right to left,

52$.Amente (the HestNetherworld!

5B$.The 4ourner

5$.3e t the 3ed of those of Amente

mummiform nd wering the Hhite Crown

55$.3e of the Ct

mummiform nd %t$heded

5D$.3e of the Coffin


mummiform nd with the hed of mmml


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rom right to left,

5G$.3idden 6odies

5@$.3e of the -ut-

mummiform nd fl%on$heded

D0$.3e with #essembled 4embers

D1$.8rovider of the 9rth

mummiform nd with the hed of mmmlD2$.The 7enerble /ne

DB$.The Trveller


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rom right to left,

D$.The 4'er of 6odies

mummiform nd rm$heded

D5$.The 3idden /ne

mummiform nd with the hed of mmml

DD$.The 9levted /ne

DE$.The "ret Ct

DG$.3e Hhose 6rillint 9ye spe's

mummiform nd rm$heded


mummiform nd red


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rom right to left,

E0$.r' %e

mummiform nd with lmp s hed

E1$.The 6inder

the hed seems to be represented by two sn'es

E2$.The 9=lted 9rth (-T$tenen-!

mummiform nd wering the Crown with two fethers nd rm-s horns

EB$.The /utflow .The Hl'er (one form with two nmes!

mummiform nd fl%on$heded

E$.The #enewer of the 9rth .3e of the Temple of the /belis' (one form with two nmes!


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