I 3 THE REPUBLIC: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1900. ti ll i ,1 I 1 1 I i iS BRIEF. ( BUSINESS. Discount rates were 5 to 7 per cent on call nd Una loans. Clearances. JI,00l.S3; bal- ances, $550,899. New York exchange. c discount bid. 30c discount asked; Loui-niH- J3C discount bid, par asked; Chicago, 25c dis- count bid. 15c discount asked; New Orleans, I5c discount bid, par asked; Cincinnati. J5e discount bid. par asked. The local wheat market closed Tower at T3c Sept.. 74c n. Oct.. 75Vifc9io a. Dec 73ic b. May, 7507Cc No. 2 red. Corn closed higher at Sc b. Sept., S7c n. Oct, 3lc a. Dec.. XP'c n. year, 40"4c No. 2 white-- Oats cloed at 21c Sept..' Z2hfl Dec., Hay. 22 The local market for stanaaru mcs- - pur closed easy at $12.50 for new. Prime steam ' lard closed easy at C.5c east side. The local spot cotton market closed un- changed. local and srnunBAN. A yachting party from Michigan came, to ,Et. Louis through the Chicago Canal. Bremen avenue children Rave a show for the benefit of Texas storm sufferers. Eleventh District Democrats are to hold their primary according to the election law. Local work for relief of storm sufferers efcows no sign of abatement. Klrkwood's negro prisoner, who refused to escape, has disappeared. Charles & Wilson and Miss Beatrice N. Hill, who eloped, had to ride on a freight train to reach their destination. Th St Louis Republican Club had a at which Major William iWarner epoke. William H. Lamb has been appointed Su- perintendent of Hails In the Pot Office to succeed James G. JVnnessy. Alley In the residence district will le dark this winter, as no provision has Deen made for lighting them. Ilia. Silas P. Craig of St, Louis is a niece ef Mrs.-W- . Scott Cook, who perlshod with her enUre family nt Galveston. Native Virginians have taken charge of the body of Colonel H. E. Peyton, of the Senate, and will give It proper burial, unless relatives with to bury the body. Th Police Beard dismissed two officers, two resigned under charges, nnd a number of others were fined. The board will be in session to-d- ay hearing charges against William i Bryan. Democratic candidate for President, will arrive, to-d- and will epeak ht at the Coliseum. Insurance men do not anticipate heavy lasses as the result of the storm at Gal- veston. News has been received that Mr. Fred Backer, son and daughter escaped death in the hurricane at Galveston. GENERAL DOMESTIC. Sam B. Cook has compiled an array of, facts and figures which refute the claim of Colonel Dick Dalton to the effect that Dem- ocratic rule In Missouri has been a burden on the farmer. Comparative statistics show conclusively that the Democratic adminis- trations have reduced the State tax on farmers, and that their chief burdens to- day are taxes Imposed under the Republican regime. A great Democratic meeting was held yesterday at Havana. 111., in honor of Adlai Stevenson. Thousands, including many Re- publicans, were present. Stevenson's speech on Imperialism and trusts was roundly ap- plauded. Richard Croker has made another bet of ?20,000 that Bryan will be elected. A Kansas volunteer soldier accuses the McKlnley administration of bad faith with both natives and American soldiers. He says the men were compelled to fight against the Filipinos, with whom, they had been friendly. Rear Admiral Montgomery SIcard died yest3rday of apoplexy at his summer home, Westernville, N. Y. William J. Bryan surprised the cltteens of Columbus, O., by arriving several hours be- fore he was expected. He opened the Dem- ocratic campaign In that State In the after- noon. The race troubles at Delaware, O., have not ended, and a serious clash between whites and negroes is hourly expected. Stone and Senator James K. Jones held a conference with Democratic leaders of the several Eastern States on the political outlook. It was decided to make an aggressive fight in New York and other FOREIGN. Prince Chlng, named by the Emperor of China, to assist In the peace negotiations, is not liked by tho foreign Ministers. Envoys Insist on dealing with the Emperor direct. Minister Conger communicated with the State Department yesterday. It was given put that his message was purely advisory. General Chaffee Is Investigating reports of outrages In Tung-Cho- w Province. LI Hung; Chang left Shanghai yesterday for Pekln, where he will Join the Chinese Peace Commissison, RAILROADS. Tne St. Loui Railway Club met yester- day at Forest Park Highlands. The Northern Pacific and St. Paul roads have entered into a closer traffic alliance. The BJinoia Central has submitted its an- nual statement of earnings and expenses. The annual report of the Missouri, Kan- sas and Texas has been submitted to the stockholders. The St. Louis Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents held a special meeting yesterday. W. T. Tyler has been appointed trainmas- ter of the Arkansas division of the St. Louis and Iron Mountain. George T. Jorvis, receiver of the Air Line, will be made, it Is said, general man- ager of the Wisconsin Central. Murine Intelligence. New York. Sept. 14. Arrived: Fuerst Bis- marck from Hamburg. Hamburg, Sept. It Arrived: Pretoria, from New York. Glasgow, Sept. li. Arrived. Norwegian from Boston. Glasgow, Sept. IS. Sailed: Sardinia, New York. Movfile, Sept. 14. Sailed: Parisian (from ZJverpooO. Montreal. Southampton, Sept. 14. Sailed: Kaiser Frledrich (from Hamburg), New York la Cherbourg. SoUly. Sept. 14. Passed: Southwark. New .York, for Antwerp. Br, Michaels, Sept. 14. Passed: Kaiser Wilhelm n, Genoa, Naples and Gibraltar, for New York. Brisbane, Sept. 14. Arrived: Oorangi, Vancouver, via Honolulu, for Sydney, N. 8. W. Naples, Sept-- 14. Arrived: Ems, New York, via Gibraltar, for Genla,,, and New York. Yokohama, Sept. It Sailed:" Braemar, from Hong-Kon- etc.; Portland, Ore. Cblcmco and Return, fTi.OO. ' Via Illinois Central; R. R.. Paturdsy, Sept. Zhid. returning Monday. Sept. 2Mh,. Ticket office No. 21S North Broadway, NEW TELEGRAPH SYSTEM. Chicago Board of Trade to Sign Contracts With Xew Company. Chicago, Sept. lt-- At a special meeting of tho Board of Trade y a resolution was adopted authorizing the president and secretary to execute contracts with the Ex- change Telegraph Company. The first of these contracts provides for the completion of a comprehensive tele- graph system the Important ex- change centers on or before December 3L 190t upon completion of which line the Ex- change Telegraph Company Is to have the exclusive telegraph tpace in the Exchange Hall and Board of Trade building in Chi- cago. . , , The second contract covers the dissemina- tion of Board of Trade quotations through- out territory covered by th lines of tho Exchange Telegraph Company, with the exception of the city .of Chicago. .. The entire system-wit- l comprehend about 6.000 miles of telegraph line, will cost com- plete between $5,000,000 and $7,500,000, and will extend to tho following cities: Peoria, Indianapolis, St. Loula. Kansas City. Omaha. Sioux Cltyr Minneapolis, Du-lnt- h. Milwaukee. Toledo, Cincinnati. Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore,' Boston, Buffalo and New York. . TO CVKB A COLD, IN QKE'JJAT. Tk IUt Bromo Qulnla Tablets. All lrur., s2?,l,iiSSS?J? .nme " to curt. fi. ? aauir Is on at box. Sc. j CITY GIVES TO NEEDY TEXANS UNSTINTEDLY. St. Louis Contributions Grow as Needs of Storm Suffer- ers Are Learned. EVERYBODY LENDS HIS AID. Religious Organizations Take Up the Work List of Do- nations to Date. W.60 Galveston, crushed by hurricane and flood, robbed of at least 5.0O) lives and Its proudest buildings laid waste. nobly struggling to meet the appalling conditions. The Citizens' Relief Committee i" systematizing the work of ameliorating the buf- ferings of the people with the aid of generous contribution, estimated In money alone at this writing at l,iVv, and in supplies of food, disinfectants, clothing, etc., at more than 10O.(W tons. Ufe insurance experts estimate that the great New York companies will have to pay out for los of life In GaUeston $10.VK. The conditions but It is promised by the companies that will made on reasonable proof of death. In aid of the stricken people of the Texa Coa?t the Southern States are subscribing generouly. 1'ully IjO.OOO will be in eight States already heard from, and the word from several i "More if Texas, needs It." Tho up of contributions all over the continues, each day's at Galveston shows need of a larger sum for relief. St. Louis contributions for the relief of the Texas storm sufferers increase dally, as the news from the stricken cities shows the aw- ful need and dangers of the people whom the hurricane left alive. I'p to last night the various organizations which are working In behalf of the suffer- ers had received cash gifts amounting to $55,574. ;. and there was no sign of a de- crease In dally receipts. It Is expected that St. Louis will raise at least $100,000 for this cause, besides donations 'of supplies. Al- ready the city has given more liberally than any other municipality in the United States in proportion to size. The donations come from nearly every class In the ciu Besides the work of the commcrcl.il bodies, religious organizations have besun move- ments in behalf of the needy Texans. Major Cousins of tho Salvation Army and Vicar General Muehlslepen of the St. Louis Cath- olic Diocese appealed yesterday for contri- butions of money and supplies to be as Epeedlly as possible. Gifts Pour In Ceneroualy. W. H. & Sons report that the Liverpool. London, end Globe Insurance Company of London has notified ..- - agent to have Galveston draw on the company for . fkVi The Merchants' Exchange Relief Commit- tee received numerous large subscriptions yesterday, and several firms reported that they had sent contributions direct to Gal veston. L. D. Dozier. manager of the Dozier Bakery, sent in a personal check for $100, and notified Governor Stanard that tho American Biscuit Company had made a large contribution direct to the Governor of Texas. The Hammond Typewriter Company no- tified the committee that it had wired $300 to its employes in Galveston. The Purina Mills also sent In a letter stating that they had forwarded to the Re- lief Committee at Galveston 1,007 packages of breakfast oats, hominy, grits and wheat flour. Mr. Reld Northrup. president of the American Refrigerator Transit Company, In inclosing checks for $100 for the company and $25 for himself, adds: "We will fur- nish our cold-stora- station free for the receipt of any perishable goods which it Is desired to ship, and will also furnish re- frigerator cars and ice, and transport them fres of expense, when so requested by the committee." At the Interstate Merchants' Associa- tion's headquarters several new committees were started out yesterday, but did not re- port the result of their labors last night. Additional subscriptions amounting to were received. Various committees of the Lumbermen's Exchange, who reported yesterday, turned In subscriptions amounting to nearly $2,7v0, and others are yet to be heard from. Subscriptions received yesterday by the Relief Committees of the dllferent commer- cial organizations were as follows: Merchants' fJiehange. Lumber men of St. Louis by W. E. lirr.es, tieasurer S40.C0 iU LouU btu-.- t Yards bi.vll National Tube Works cuO.ul bt. Louis Hluwlug Association &0J.U0 Mtdart Patent I'ulley Cumpan) Ivi.O Cl.ailtrE Ua.eiraana ilup rl Malt Com- pany 100.00 Slns-- r Bros. 100.W Itujl Meul Company U 00 K. llat.ui.ar i'alnt comjany ltrt.vO Ulanke itru. lun.iy oiupany IiU.iO uevlfe &mltu liO 0 Jelie.son ltunk lw.vo GUs V. Brecni ltutcher Supply company. 1"U.1M lnt l&nner itug cumpu liu.w U. 11. limmtiioon lt)j.(M American llelrlgcrator ITanslt Compuny lw.'U 7n Hainan Coie lmeaunrnl Compan.. lw.uQ L. 1. Dozier lv W fct. Louis ITantfer Company lw.vu liuttlg casu and Door coaipan 1W.W dt. ixui9 btou. Kxcnange, v.iroujh N. Kotany, president, gas. contributed as xiiowb: vVJlitaker A. lioogoiau 100.O) A. O. Lduurds bona l'O.vO James Campbell iw.w Flaacls Uro. 4. CO. J. and J. Taussig ......... W..O Wtrnso & Dietkman W.tM Charles li. Druainioud 6J.I0 U. 11. Walker C) W.0J Althaimer i. Vt.vl M. Kctany t4.UJ li. Waterman 2J.0J Richard isiiiKr Josepn (Jlael & tion .& (a3lord-ltlesln-g & Co 2S.UJ Ltauer llros i.0 Little &. ilas Investment Company... ZJ.uO Ue.K!er & ivrausnlclc 2.U) Drummond, lletts Co...... ltote .&. I'atl ................ 25.W ?"oeI-oun- ir liond and block Company... 1J.0J L. ltarklage. K.OJ E. Michaeus ll.DO John P. Meyer &. Co l'J.W I. K. Klckir 11.0) lionaldson lioad and block Company. i.01 J. 11. Jinking E.uO II. S. I'.tln :.oj Casli l.(W John It. Slaughter 10.O) W. H. Maiknam & S5ons w.o Cliartes Crane & Co. l'J.W) James L. Foley ............ 30.W Carroll & l'onell ........ 1J.IM WllllaJll Hull 10.MJ Sol 1Z. WaKKoner 10.1M 1 Churchill VVhittfmore It.toi George D. Capen it Co. .............. .i. !). Coudrey Ac Scott ................ ......... M.iO Trehus Ac Krelsmann 1J.0I b. G. Kennedy ................ 1.1. w Western llascome Vt.Vll lUrtlett A. Miller w.vo .Martin Collins. Son S. Co 1I.IU Ira Welch - l'J.W) Delaheld & Snow - M.fW F. D. Mrschberg & liro W.W John It. Tnplett . 11.0I Iuegnet &. Hemenway .............. .... M.flO lkllman Hrothers Co U.J r.uivn.iiraim Manutacturlnc company, 00. . "Koken'Itarber Supply Company .... toe.) T. Dunn Loan ana .ien.v uiiiis.ij 50 W John 1. Davis bt.tf) Hecry Grcne &I.U0 W. Lehmann W.W F John Wahl comnupion (.orapaoy il.tl) T. W. Carter & Co. &) ilayor.llenry Ziegerheln 0. Walnnrlght wo-- i llcoil'ln Manufacturuic Company W1.IH James V. llyrnes Uelting and Hose Company ... . MOO Western Itallviay Equipment Company. COW St. Lou. a Woodeovvaie Vorks tl.) Obcar-Ne,t- Glass Company tOJH Ilremen Hank v(n lilward VV extern Tea and Spice Company WO) I.Rrkln A, Sciieffer &I.U0 Alrerlcais Wine Company C.V.M J C, Murphy Trunk Company w)00 Jl. S. IioWFe 60 00 l. w. Chadbourne tO.O.) Columbia llrenlng Company .!) William Dooth & Co is.oa The F. Hayden Saddlery Hardware Com- pany 2S0) fir. Loul Sash and Door Work." 15 W t'rlon Dairy Comrany 15.00 PMltbert Johacnlrg Manufacturing Company 25.00 Fit LouU Screw Company 25 00 Quick Meal Stove Company 2S0O Jaires Clark Leather Company 25.00 Pennsylvania lire liitniranra Company, F. C Case, iceneral agent tJ.OO Doctor Edvrard vers 25.01 iThrlstlo Fin Cay Company 25. 00 Eddy Eddy '....; row Nlxdortl-Krel- n Manutacturlrj Company.. 25 00 Hammer Dry Plat Company .,.. 2S.00 A. Merchants' Exchange J25.179.15 Interstate Merchants' As- - foclatlon 1S.700.75 Lumbermen's Exchange 2.6S7.00 Furniture Hoard of Trade.... 1.906.O) William J. Lemp Brewing Company 2,500.00 Anheuser - Husch Brewing Company 2,500.00 4 Continental Tobacco Com- - Company 1,009.00 Live Stock Exchange l.OOO.M Pedagogical Society 100.00 Post A. T. P. A 100.00 Waters-Pierc- e OH Company.. 1.C00.M Pot-Dlspat- 1.S11.00 Stock Exchange l.Ono.OO Retail furniture denlers - Total to date $56,574.50 - with Is alone are peculiar, prompt payment be gien taking world while devel- opment Markham IUtllu,'d by McKe'slian, Parclav Wjttn ISM A. M. llellman A. Co. 25.N) HutUirtl A: Moffltl Commiwlon Company 2i.ll I. K. IVrjrusjn 2i-r- t .National Jirtwery Company 101.0) IE. H. ltuuhinsoti Ul Hex ani Lumber Compan).. ii i)J mtriodn llrake Company 25.l Cl,onlte Construction Company ::. Nupthall Ixlre No. IS. A. r oc A. M... 2i.0J VHiie-ialxt- rt Paint company Wl Iluvton A Mvlnrer Statu iier Company. 2il tnno-an.Ic- r Mineral Wuter Company.... 2J.OJ laac .k hnerry Grain Company 2..0.I hnanon 25 0.1 Altred Gilsjn 2iiJ9 St. .Nicholas Hotel Corporation .0) scJiatflVr Hro. A: I'oa1I Manufacturing t ompanv 25.03 Mr. and Mrs. George K. Durant 25.0) I'. It Confectioner) Company.... r. W. Humphrey Clothing Company.... 2i.iV) Oriel Guv Company 25.00 J A. Holmes Lumber Company ........ 3.0) Nlcholls-ltltte- r Real Kilate and Finan- cial Company 25.00 Ettgers Milling Comrany 25.0) Cats & Lohnbeuter Manufacturing company 2S.W Gottlieb Eyerrnann. Jr. 21)00 Atrle A. llemmelmann Real stat4 Company 20 0) Morton & Co. J 1.0) Charles J". Burr & Co Held Xorthrup 25.0) Archor Mour and Feed Company Z5.W lloctor A. Schloscaleln 3i0) Carthase White Lime and Marble Com- pany (.00 Claud & Schubaih n.oi luin Cba.cian Manufacturing Com- - Pny 11.0) B. Loebleln Collar and Whip Company. 5.00 ....... ..t. .UU1I'011V...... 10.00 ' J.?rr,,son, ?""!. ana -- wning company... lO.'M ... ., --- . ..- - ..j...., 10.00 Cash.. 5.00 The Shelter Top Company 10.1-- J John C. Kupreri n.oo M. J. lirennan i IM Cash 5.UI) Uakrow, Block i lllxley Importing Com- pany 10.CO William Oerlach 50) Mclte)nolds & Co 11.00 Standard Heel and Counter Company.... 5.00 Frank Llad W.) Kranks t Kennedj 5.00 y. M. Elledle t.wj John J. Hammond 10.39 Louis Stumpf (Irocer Company 10.0 J. J. Gibson. New York btorage Com- pany 11.(0 John .Macuire Heal Estate Company.... 10.1 Pearl Candy Company ;.oo Con P. Curran Prirtlng Company........ 10.09 liarnhart Mercantile Company ZO.lO Hahn & Mayer Bannaruine Ualvanlzed Iron Manufacturi- ng; Company...... ............ .......... 12.50 St. Louis Corrugating Company 12.50 liea VV. Clark Orocery Company lO.'iu llarkley A: V'uball 5 00 Western Kngravng Compuny D.O Cash j.-j- J. I. Epstein lu.CO Karnes llusmess College Company l).0l J. C BarTOtus b.W Uerrloit Bros. &. CO lu.u) bchroeier Bros !).' liobert Welch. St. Clair stave Company. 5..l W. S. Jenett. Costal City. Mo 10 0) La&ar-Letzl- Manufacturing Company.. ) Joseph 11. umoalen D.Vt) Ueorga A. Ba)le 15. ct) John M. Kelhein - a.'M A. Bobbins Vamlsh Company 15..W Frank (loodnow 6.00 Walter A. Zeinlcker lkl.O) J. A. Kendnrk lO.oO Richard D'Uelich.. 10.01) Menown &. Gregory .1 barrel of cetreo ied Mueller cigar Company (.CO Prank iteardon pi.oj . a. crart la.tw Bartlett Candy Company 5.7) J. V. 1'enney t.uj An Kndearorer "In His Name" S.'jO l"red W. Nolker 6.00 W. K. Hall 5.0J S. P. Barron b.w li. B. IJlancnf.elJ 3.0) A. M. Suratt l.W John B. Marsha! l.N P. B. Keneke fc.oO C. O. Bralnerd 6.00 P. W. Uoeoel l.to St. Louis Contracting Company 1.00 Charles 1. Johnson 10. W John Lowell b.vQ Doctor Jacob Friedman t b.oo W. F. Kter, M. D 10.00 Richard ana Fred SchwelckharJt i.0 David J. collin $1.00 John VV. Vaughan l.u John Horst 6.0) R. B. Gray China Company 10.IM Employes of den Publishing- - Company.. 12.00 From lteverend William Jungk U, A. G. Tonnles 15. Chr. Kntckmeyer IS. Ernst I. Erbe J2. Kred" Quest $2. George I'echks 11. 1'aul Dueker 25c. Miss O. Ituedl 25c. Al. Kramer 50c. Louis -- .eirer St. Theodort Heine IL John Burkel Jl, Miss P. Spahn 25c. Miss A. Redmond He. Miss P. Kracke 23c, Charles Haak $1, August Heine II, George Melzler II. Jonn Keller 11, Charles Gerak 50c. P. Heldemann 25c. P. Schmledeckamp 60c. Augurt Krats &. J. G. Schlerb&um 11. Hermann Schaad 50c. P. L. Tonnles 11. C. Mejr-e- r Jl. II. Renienbtlr.k 50c. Herm. Schmlermeler 25c. Harty Kahre 26c. H. Hempelmann .. COO Consumer's Brewing Company 10.00 Dorr U Zsller Catering Cojnpany W.w Help and emploes of Dorr Sl Zeller Catering Company 9.00 Mrs. Anna Kern 6.00 a. Dougla Bradley 5.90 Charles II. Kicker G.O) G. II. Gundelach & Co (. J. R. Baumgartner 1J.O) llaa. Lieber &. Costs Grocery Company. 10.00 August Maase ...... 10.00 Wultlng. Dlerkreide & Co M.oO Standard llallay Equipment Company. 10.00 W. R. Di.naldson 10.ni) Klliaheth L. Donaldson 10. 0) James B. Albach & On D.W Schwaner Moulding Company $ 0) W. D. Grant 14.0) Cash 2.0) Henry McKlrhols 10.00 Henry T. Kent 10.00 Henry Hoffmann 5.9) Blackwelder-Holbroo- k Realty Company. 5.00 Forkett-KtMn- Feel Company 6.0) John C. Boever . Co 14.no Artolph Herthel 5.0) Kxpress Lodge. No. 72. Order of Colum- bian Knights 5.00 St. Iuts Schiller Vereln. by R. R. Rlchter - , 11.04 Miss K. M. Whipple 2.H) A. J. Child A Sons 14.i) Rapp-Moll- Carriage Company 10.04 11. J. Taussig 14.04 ('. W. Crowley 10.00 J Stewart Walker S.o) II. W. Friiier ." 6.04 Stenographers Union Trust building.... 16.65 I5.li.ard C Runge 10. oo Morse Bro 10. 0) H II. Kraft .....: 6.04 George II. Shields..., 14.00 John Ellrtermann, Jr. 14.00 Jacob iampert .. .......................... 14.04 Iil'cn lintel 14.00 Joseph Dormttzer 14.00 J. 11. Tiemejer 6.00 Creve Coeur Lake Ice Company 10.44 James A. CIoe 14.44 Charles B. McCormack 5 04 Doctor Carl J. Luvtles 6.01 Cash 1.00 S'llner Oas and Eieclrlo Fixtures Com- pany t.oo Interatute Merchants' Aasoclatlon. St Ixubi Corwet Comnanr.... 26 0V John vv. uood 6.04 & Co , 104.0) P. Bums & Co 54.04 J. B. Sickles Snddlery Company 2S.0) William Ilomann Saddlery Company 2.04 August Holthaus Saddlery Company tS.OO Joseph Goldbach .,.....,...., 23.44 Jaccn Straus Saddlery Company 25.00 James Clark Leather Company 2..00 llenrv Holre & Sons , 14.04 P. Hayden Saddlery Company r.oo E K. Lieber. . :.....; 5.03 Nlrdorf-Krel- n Manufscturlng Company.. 25.04 Sommers Bros.. ManufacturlngT Company. is m N. RalleiuV Sons 25.00 J. W. Schloeman 14.04 Herman & Koentz 25.04 A JCeseler Sn 25.00 American Oak Leather Ctetnpany lon.fti J. U Knirer , 2.W "William M. Tsrgart , 6.00 K. Hartman HIda and Leather Company. 25.04 Kmnloyes Carleton Dry Goodt Company. 1.04 Keller & Tarnn. Manufacturing Com par y tO .04 National Lad Company 204.04 Amsrican JJnwed Oil Company r.oo Oecrge a.Mephen.A Klein ,. r.00 Kant Party Paint Ctompany 25 04 J, D. Rtuet A Co 10.44 AOBndcity Can Oonpoiry ., .0 Herman Pockles Drug Company li.M 6.1.) ltlieni"ofKenrYCMo"""""""-- " W.ftl Morton Jounlan "5.1W lllm Annie Glasgow - 20.00 Employes J, Kennard Pons Can"t Comiiany :.;; D. Crawrord A Co lOl.W GranJ-LeuV- r vn cm William lHrr Iry Goods Company....... V).u Scruiocs. Vaadtrvoort & Barney Dry GKKt Company 1'JO.O n, Nujrcnt & Uro. Dry Goo.1 Company.. li.i Ik) J. W. fastanle....'.. James GlenJennlnjr. Nje. Mo .it Total l,e.'7.r; Previously reported ll.n"3.5i Total to dtn J15,;01.T; ii.uia.iay-iiiot- z Land and Lumper com- pany i Monarch Lumber Company I.od G. Harris Manufacturing Company. Trump Lumber Company 10.0 IIiifjPerk!na Lumber Company 11 'JO itankln Kimball Thelllng Molding Company w.'i ! W. G Jtlce Lumber Company M A T. Gerrans m.o) It y. Km i Co K. i Itnl.lnsun 1 1.) Mlckle-Moor- e Lumber Company 4..m i William llokche .. .. I 1 .X. MrCreery r..0i I.umnr collll.iny .. . !( Pn.lera.t Lumber Company s.oo ("handler.. S.. M L Helshel S.no LATE REPORTS SWELLING LIST OF GALVESTON DEAD. Houston. Tex., Sept. 11. Careful tabula- tion of the known dead of Galve.-to-n has been kept In Houston, and wired out each day. The names here presented arc in ad- dition to all others heretofore presented front this city: ANDi:i:Y. MRS. a., and family. Br.LK ALI,.., wiie, two ons and daughter. Bor.l.l KL.f, CHAKLLS. HUUCl-.lt- , MHS. LUC1. BltuOKS, J. f. Hl.u. Mits.. and seven children (coloreJ). llt-L- 1IK.M1Y. BA.NKElts, JlilS. CHARLES. BbAcli, Mlba .MNA, of Victoria. HUUDtCKElt, 11., rathtr. brother ond lster-In-la- B.IKNAKD. MHS. BliOW VV I.N.NIK M. BfCKhB. JOHN, lfe and daurhters. MAR and MDA. HELLliW. MB. and MKS. J., and daughter. Cll.vr t'Kii, Mllh.. ana child. CllltlMTiA.N-- . JOHN. CAMI'IILLL, VV1L1. COBBY, ilRS. MABTIIA J., and MISS loi:ia. CaRVEJ.", MR., wife and daughter CAltXKTT, MB., and wile ot oranto. UAlllClLN. CABbO.V, C CLI.NTO.N. MBS. MARY. and children. GuaiKGU A.. H011.VCE. Ltli W.. JOShril li. WILLIE It. and FREDDIE. UEJISlK, Mil. and MBS. DAY, WILLIE. DU.NNIN. MRS. 1IOWABD C.. and three chil- dren. DillKE, HENTIY. and family. DAY. AWBEP, found in a tree. DAltt'it. MB., and MB?., and mo daughters. DAMM1I.U W. D.. and wife (colored). DUMIAM. GEOltGE It., and V4lfe. DUNtLVM, GEORGE B. J1L, and tno chil- dren. DONNELLY. NICHOLAS. DCCOS. MADEUNE and CCTAVIA. DAVIS. MISS EMMA. DBEWA. 11. A. DEMESli:. MBS . and tno sons. DOVVLES. SAMUEL wife and one child. DAVIS. MBS. MARY, and children. CABBIE. ALICE, LIZZIE bnil EDDIE. EVANS. MBS. KATE, and two children. FALKKNHABGE. GLORGE. and wife. FORGET, JULIUS. FBEITHER. MRS. FRITZ. FBAC. MS. AlTGUbT. and daughter. PABY, C S , wife and two children. POSTER, MKS. AL'GLTST. PREI8E. MB. AND MBS. CHAKLES M. lOBUUSH. JOHN AND FRKDDHi FBETVVELI.. J. B.. MBS., an! boy. FOSTEIt, MBS. S. P. PARKER. MISS NANNIE, of Sullivan Island. FRANK, ANTON, wife and two dauihtrs. GAIT, A. E., and wife. GIBsoN, PBOFKbJ-OR- . and family. GENTRY, CHARLOTTE (colored). GONZALES. ANDREW, wife and daughter Pauline. GKAHAM. MKS. IL. and baby. GAB.NETT, ROUEBT P. GlllbON, MARY C. GULLET. COLONEU of Victoria. GLOBGE. II. K.. and family. GBEY. II. K.. and family. GBEY, RANDOLPH, four children and sljter-ln-la- GAKIL1LDI. AUGUST. HOLLAND. MBS. JAME3. H1GGINS, MBS. H1LDEBBBAND. FRED. HAltHIS. MISS BEBECCA. lil'BHEIJ MISES MA30IB AND EMMA. HAINES, sister MBS. CA1TAIN. H1EBE.NEB. MKS. A., and bo). 1LVUGHTON, W1IJUE O. HUNTER. GEOltGE. HAL'SINGEB. GICOROE. JOHNSTON. MKS. W. J. MR. AND MRS. AUGUST. JOHNSON, MRS. C. S. JONES, J. and wife. JAEGER, WALTER H. JOHNSON. V. 6. JOHNSON, ODIN, wife and ch!ldv JOHNSTON. J. A., and wife. KUHNA, MRS. KLEM, rr.d two children. KING, MKS. K VKVBU MKS. JACK, and four children. KONSTANTOI'OLOS. F. KBEYWELL, DAVID, and daughter. KEIS. L.. wife and four children. LAVVTON. CHABU:s. wlfs and child. LL'DWIO. ALi.BKD, mother and sIstcr-ln-U- LACKEY. MRS., father and mother. LEWIS, AGNES. LEWIS, MARIA. LYLE. WM.. grandmother and sister. l.EMMON, VIRGIL. LLOD. BUCK. LUDWIO, ALLERT. printer. LAHlrTTE II. J. LABETTE. LOUISA C and sister. NELLIE E. LACKBT and children. LEON and PERL birru wis. j. a. LEPEHBAR. J. 11.. wife and three children. LANAIMN. LAITRA. FKANCIS. TERRENCB and CLAUDE, children of John Lanahan. LL'CA, MBS. J. LEIBC. MRS. MART. LANG, P. A., four sons and one daughter srd colored nnr. LEVY, MISS, of Houston. LEGATE. LOUIS, wife and son. LEGATE. MRS. P.. two sons and two daug- hter. LEGATE, CHRISTIAN. MANLEY, JOB, mother and two nieces. MANLEY, MBS. S. R. MIIJ.ER. MKS . ard five children, colored. MARTIN. HERMAN, and part of family. MCOllllU. JOHN. McI'HEBON. BOBERT. colored. MeNElL. MRS. J., and MISS RUBY. MAYHKOOK. wife and five ctilldrcn. MORRIS. HARRY, wife and threo children. MURI, ANNIA. and MURINE. MARCOTTE, MISS PAULINE. MrVAY. MBS. E. C MULSHURGER. TONY, and wlfa. NELSON. MBS., and daughter. OHLSKN. MIL and MRS. OI'PERMAN, ALBERT I), and wife. CONNOLLY. MISS MAMIE. P1KKSON. MISH MARY and ALICE. PIERSON, FRANK. PETT. MRS. PARK, MRS., and two daughters. ri.NEH. MKS ELLA. MBS . and child. PALMER, MRS. MAE. and son, LEE. PATTERSON. FLORENCE. PBUESM1TH, MRS. P.. and three children. ROEHM. WILLIAM P.. and two children. RAVEY. . and family. RANDOLPH. EDITH. ROSENBERG, . and baby. RPBEHMONf). PROFESSOR, wlf and two children. BOK. K. (colored). HKUTBH. OTTO. REETEK, II V. RYDER. HY, wife and three children. R1ESEU MRS. LULU, and chilren. RAT and EDNA. ROUERTS. HERBERT Jf. RHODES, MISS ELLA, trained nurse. ROSE. C. M. , HURLER. FRANK. MRS. K.. LEON, AL- BERT. BKATGEN. JOHN P. RPTTER II., wife and children. CHARLES. S(TOTT. ANNIE. SHAW. FRANK. SCIIl'LTZ. CHAKLES C FCHtTI.TZ. FRED, and wife. SMITH. MRS. MARY, and baby (colored). SCHULL MRS. MARY. SCHUTTE. B wife and two children. SIMPSON, W. R.. and two children. JAMES and BERRY. SARGENT. THOMAS. ARTHUR and ALLEN. SILKB. M11S. SLADiwCE, n. L, wife and three children. BTEWART. MRS. LESTER. STANFORD, MRS. EMMA. ECHWART2, MARIE. MAGGIE and WILLIE. RAWYElt. DOCTOR J. R. SIDKNSTPCKElt. JOHN. SCHRADER. MAhY. SI'MMKRS. MISH SAKAR. of Cadlngi Ky. SMITH JACOB (Unaccounted for). PPANN J. C wife and daughter. TfRNER. MRS. TRIZEVANT. JORDAN. THPBMAN. MRP. TROSTMAN. MKS. E-- . and three children. TAYER. VERMA and M. C. tlNGERi MRS. E . and Ore children. VAN LlEW. MOLLIB. VAN BUREN. HERMAN, wife and three chil- dren. WILLIAMS. SAMUEL (colored). WILLIAMS, MRS. E C. (colored). WOOHKOW. MATILDA. WARREN. CELIA. WARING MRS., o? Chicago (colored). WISRODT, AUGUST, JR-- , wife and two chil- dren. WEJNRRRG, OTTCX wife and Ave children. WALKER. LOUIS b. WATKINS, MRS. P. STANLEY. ARTinJR and BERNA. WALUS. LEE, wife, mother, four children and a little orphan girl, who formerly lived at e. WATKINS, BTANI.ET an! ARTHUR. ' WEIGHT. JENNIE T. and LCLA. WALKER. JOE. WILLIAN. ROSANNA (colored). WINBERG.MRS. F. A. and FRITZ. YEAOER. "WILLIAM. KAMRS OF THE LOST IX BATTERY O. Galveston. Tex., Sept. are tho names of members of Battery O, First Artillery, United States Army, whose lives were lost In the storm of Saturday night: GEORGE, HPOH R, First 8ergeant. wniWM, rtjanx) yvtf DCiCUli, ROBERT SAMUEL. Corporal CANTNER, JAMES Y cook. A. P. Brewer Lumber Company 10.00 SirlUer A Wehlnen Lumber Company.. T&.CO Freeman Lumber Company 2S.00 Total yeaterday C87.00 Prexloujly reported 2,00) 0) Total to date J 2.CS7.0) Cunrrhea Take Ip Hie "Work. The local branches of the Salvation Army are preparing to send relief to the storm .sufferers at Galveston, and ten officers aro tmw on the way under the direction of Brigadier Stilwcll. Tho headiuarters of the army at No. HU Franklin avenue will be as a supply depot, where contribution if food, clothing, drugs and money may be sent by the charitably Inclined. lrte transportation from St. Louis has been offered by the Frisco road for all con- tributions sent by the army, and partial promiM.- - to the same effect have been made by the Pacific Expr4 Company. Vicar General Muelilslepen ha Issued an address to the Catholic clergy of the illo- - cetc Instructing them to bring the needs or tne storm suiicrers. neroro tneir congre-fi.- and the Sunriav follow ing. Contributions of food, clothing, medi cine ami money will be received at the re"d- - denct- - of the Vicar General, No. 21 Russell avenue. LINK. GEORGE, mechanic. .VVI'RIVS Gi:ii:je F., private. A.NHKi:t. WILLIAM rl. private. KANDClt. LEOPOLD, private. l.l.AFFEY. JOHN, private. liELVNEV. WILLIAM A., private. ImiWNEV l'i:Tl:U. private. HKSS rUEH. trlvatn llPNT PBA.sK W. private. KKI.I.KY. JOHN, irlvate. i.KWis. EVEinrrr a., private. MITCHELU BENJAMIN I)., private. (lEOR'IE. rrlvate. SAIERHEi:. WILLIAM ., private. SEFl'KBS. oTIO. private. VANTII.IIRL'CII. BENJAMIN, private. WIIKKI.ER. WADSWORTH B.. private. WHITE. HERBERT B.. prlvatn. WII.HIVi:. CARVVNM. private. Wltl HIT SIDNEY, private. II lT!1 1'ori.M rtllllllT, private. :oA:i: JoEI'II t.rlrate McILVENE. ELK1GHT. private. vrii.i, i.it or Tin: ncn. Galveston. Tex., Sept. 14. Thp names of the following persons who lost their lives In tlm Galveston Hood hare not heretofore been, publh-hcd- . ALLISON. S. B, family of nine. A.MONOVITCH. PINKiB. JOHN, and grand- mother. AIGI KTIAL. P.. and wife. . I.I.l..-;- . K. it., and wife. lot l.'-O- Jkll: U A. ilOEDEi KER. CHARLES, and grandchild. Bl.l M, MIC. and MBS. ISAAC. HU .Vi. MRS. SYLVAN. HARRY. MKS. .VI. E., MISS M. E., MISS V., JAMtX D., 11 I. and II. I.EItRLCKMnN. EDWARD; MISS LOUISE, dltlghlrr BI.LU CLARENCE, and mother. I.UCKNKR, MB. and MBS. FRITZ, and two iHIImi. BENSrON. T. BEKGERON. MRS., and four children. IIVXNI'VIL. MRS., ami two children. REARJIAN. T. BROWN. ADOLPH. wife, son and daughter. CLl PP. MRS. CHARLES P. CRAWLEY. MIS.-E-S NELLIE. LEE. LOT- TIE. LILI.IE and MARY. (.(OK. WILLIAM. COOK. MRS. hCOTT. and four children. CARRIN. MRS. fOI'l-!- . CHARLES', wife and six children. COWAN wife and daughter. CARLTON. CHARLES, wife and boy. cuvrz JACK. CLARY. DAN. ard three, children ODDAItD. ALEX, niece. MAY BRAT, anl tl Mf children. Dl'lrrT. MISS M DAWLER. MRS SAMUEL, and one child. DAVIS. MBS. TOM. I ORRIN. MRS. '. and six children. ELSIE. MRS. JOHN, and two children. I.IUOIT. CHARLES. EIiWARDS. A. It. C.. and family. I.SIhVI.VN PAUL, wife and baby. MRS. FISHER. MRS. KATE, threo children. FRANK. GOLD.VMN. THEODORE. HEATTIH MKS.. ard WILLIAM: father. mothr nnil bro'her of Carence. GIBSON. MARY C. HOFFMAN. II II. HPGMAN. EDWARD, wife and two children. IlERR. LEONARD, wife and two children. DAYMAN. John A., wife and four children. IRWIN. JOSEPH. JOHNSON. H. P. and J. KRALICH. lost off tiK Jarn Howard. KINDS. JOSEPH. NELSON. ALMA and IJllllS KIMI'AN. PAUL, and SfKS. KEITE, T. .1, wife and daughter. KAI.lt. AI'GUST. wife and mothiMn-Iaw- . KAI.lt c U. anil 1 hill. KALIP. MRS. JOHN, nrd four children. KKI.LOGG. of Tlchenor place, and whole family KAtSFR. Iil'IS. wife ami three children. KIVSFAPIJR. JOE, wife alij cnlld. KELI Y. FIOHKNCE and TIX.T.Y. KIRKV. C.FOHOK. wife and three children. l.INDVER. MRS LOUISE, and fire children. LEV V. SIAJOR W. T.. wife and three children. Ll'CA' fur ehildrrn of Mrs. J. I '1BS. HORACE. MoEW.VN JOHN II.. .IB. M VSEY TOM. MOLL1E. ORIN. KINO. MVRTY R. MRS. R. J'OTT MRS. PRANK. MARTIN. JIM. and thre unknown. MARCO. BI'RRO. entire family, wife and four Chilian MILLER. JOE. wife and one child. MEYER JOE. family of tna McOOVERN JVMES. MclI.VLE JOHN two children. MENARD. MARY. MrU.MI. ROBERT, and wife. MrVEY. MRS. J. W. and MUs Lorraine. MORTON. MIM. AGNES, and daughter. NICK OYST1-RMA- entire family. OI'LIZ. NITA. O'KPirn:. MRS. C. J., and son. OLSON. THOMAS II.. and wife. OI.S-O- Stevt- - CHARLES pitovoST. JAMES, wife and two children. I'U)TOJtrr wife ond four children. PUTT. HERMAN. CHARLES. wlf and five children. Pliri.Ps". RFTH .Uld KPBT 1 EKIJNCr; MRS . and mother. MRS TONT and Teresa, JTCO l.EOV wife and four children. OfVRI'OVICH. . RCMMEL1N. ED and JOHN. 1 HAG N. H J., wife i;l four rhlldren. RVI PIGIt. MIS NELI.D-- . and MISS WILIJEL RCTIir.PV'AND. E.. wife and two children. REVMANN. MRS. KUTOISD. MATTIE. CLAUDE and J. A., colored. RICHARDSON WILLIAM. BITTFR. MRS. W M. Hll-sri- ,. U. wife nrd two children. SCJICLFR. A . wife and five children. RTrAGFR. J., wife and two chllr-n- . SMITH. O I wife and four children. SKI N.VS. MRS (. S. SFNOTE. MAGGIE. STOCKFI.ETH. MRS PETER, and Children. Wll.t.IIl Jl'Urs PnUD. MABEL and JOHN. WALTEP wife and ehlltren. I'VC.ER. MR. and MRS. E.. and TRECHEIN. "VKI't. OSCAP. wire nnd five children. WOODWARD E. C. JR. WILIIAMS. ROSANNA. tvaiteks P A., wife and four children. WOODS. JI'LIA. and son. FRANK, colored. TVICKR. MRS. WERNER. FRITZ, and wife. PEIPPr-T- . J., mother, wife and flv-- o children. ZPMRERO. GUS. wife nnd five children. CHILDREN GAVE SHOW. Tt Was for tho Rcncfit of Storm Sufferers. Ttememlwrinjr her terrifying experiences In tho St. Loul-- i tornado, little Marie Haney. 1.". years old. No. IICH Bremen ave- nue, yolely of her own accord, planned and save a dramatic entertainment at her home for the lenefit of the Galveston sufferers. She enlisted the sympathies of her little Rlrl friends and between them they evolved a programme that satisfactorily amused an audience of W0 persons. Tickets were sold at tho rate of 10 cent1 for adults and 5 cents for children. After tho "show" Ice cream nnd cake, bought .and served by the energetic (tlrls. was dis- posed of to those who would buy. AH to- gether tho Galveston relief fund will be In- creased about $15 by the evening's work. The little girls who figured in the enter- tainment, besides Marie Haney, were Vir- ginia, Ella and Loretta Haney, Elsie Krey, May McN'eilly. Flora Krey, Laura Esher, Miranda Jones and Martha Brady. All live In the immediate vicinity of Marie Haney and her sifters, and are their associates and intimate friends. The programme consisted in a variety of songs, dialogues, bits of children's dra- matic compositions, and a cake walk. Marie Haney. because of her position as the In- stigator of the good work, was given the title of "leading lady" of the unusual troupe, and she did justice to her designa- tion, though all the performers came In for their full share of applause. Marie Haney Is a daughter of 'William F. Haney, who is with the National Stock Yards In East St. Louis. In liX. the cyclone year, the family lived on the East Side, and were directly in the path of the great storm. Their home was wrecked and tho inmates of the house narrowly escaped with their lives. Both Mr. and Mrs. Haney disclaimed to a reporter any responsibility In having aid- ed or helped In any way to get up the en- tertainment. "On the contrary," said they, "we rather laughed at the audacltv of the thing." bAsH alHlfl Eii Cm I1I1 i .&&' m v The Burlington operates, in connection with the Northern Pacific road, via Billings, Montana, the long- est distance 'through trains now running from St. Louis in any direction "The Burlington-Norther- n Pa- cific Express" at 9:00 a. m. daily for Nebraska, Wy- oming, Montana, Washington, Puget Sound Cities, Portland, Oregon. One can board any car in the train at St. Louis and leave the same car at Puget Sound or Portland, 2,400 miles away. For special descriptive folder or tickets, apply at City Ticket Office, S. "vV. Co- -. Broadway and Olive Sts.. St. Loulsv 'fSttmtSSk. f " rftailaaaS, m& mm EGQERT & FISHER, 623 TEXAS IN NEE BY A. G. SMOOT. Itl'ITIiLK's-PKCIA- Austin. Tex., Sept. H. In adlltlon to the Galveston plea for assistance there were a numlxr of relief committees from other points entertained by the Governor The one from Velasco slated that there were 2.C destitute there. Alvin reported S.&O destitute In the neigh- borhood. The Columbia district reported 2.500 destitute, and several other towns re- ported In proportion. Fort Bend County made a report of 15,000 destitute persons in that county alone In response to these reports Governor Snyers ordered bacon and flour sent to Gal- veston, to Richmond, to Fort Bend County sufferers and to Angleton, Velasco and Al- vin In quantities ranging from "AW) pounds of flour and 100.000 pounds of bacon for Gal- veston to 5,0u0 pounds of flour and W) pounds of bacon as an emergency supply for Alvin. More supplies wilt follow and It Is expected that In addition thereto the supply trains from the East will arrive in Galveston which will tend to relieve the situation. The town of Velasco was completely wrecked, nine killed, three being killed in the hotel, which was dtmollfhed. Angleton, the county seat of Brazoria, ten miles north of Vata'co, was completely destroyed and several lives lost, and a num- ber badly Injured. The property loss In these threo towns and country adjacent thereto will be beyond the ability of the people to repair. Absolute destitution stares them in the face, and help is urgently needed, not only In the towns named, but In all other towns within a radius of seven- ty-five miles of Galveston. The loss of property in proportion to pop- - ' STORM STILL CLAIMS LIVES. Fassinfj From Continent After Bringing Woe to Newfoundland. St. Johns. Newfoundland. Sept. It Tales of widespread destruction wrought by last night's gale, the rasslng from the American Continent of the West Indies storm that wreaked damage on the Texjs Coast and the Great Lakes, continue to pour in. Six vessels were wrecked near St. Pierre and six in Placentia Bay. It is also reported that four were lost In Renews harbor, two In the straits of Belle Isle and four near Cape Bonavlsta. Thus far fourteen Uvea are known to have been lost, and It is feared that the loss of life will prove to have been much greater when full Information is at hand. NO NUNS WERE KILLED. Sacred Heart CoiiYent Inmates Were Uninjured. REPUDUC SPECIAL. New York. Sept. It In a telegram re- ceived y by the Rev. Father J. F. McCarthy from Galveston, by way of Hous- ton, it Is stated that the twenty-fou- r nuns in the Catholic convent of the Sacred Heart In Galvemon were neither killed nor In- jured by last Saturday's hurricane. Father McCarthy sent word at once by messenger to the Newark homes of as many of the nuns as he could obtain names and addresses of. and there was general rejoic- ing over the good news. NEW BRIDGE IS ORDERED. Railroads Show Intent That Gal- veston Shall He Rebuilt. Galveston. Tex.. Sept. It C. W. Boscheke. asitstant engineer of the Southern Pacific Railroad, has received orders by wire from New York to prepare plans at once for a double track steel bridge across Galveston Bay, ten feet higher than the old one, and to proceed with all the force poeslble. Engineers are already at work making a survey. CHINESE SHOW SYMPATHY. One Thousand Dollars Raised by Them in New York. SPECIAL. New York. Sept. It Nearly $1,000 In cash was collected from the merchants In China- town in less than two hours y for the relief of the storm sufferers In Galveston. The Best Prescription for Mnlarla. Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grove's Tastels C1.11I Tonic. It l stmply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure na pay. Xrlca 50c TO RECEIVE PRQPEFbURIAL Body of Colonel Peyton in Charge of Virginians. Tho body of Colonel H. E. Peyton, the old Confederate officer who died at the City Hospital Thursday, will r.ot be laid to rest in an unmarked grave, but will be burled by the Virginians In St. Louts, who are represented by G. B. Thomson, manager of the Goodyear Rubber Company, who has taken ch.irge of the body. Should relatives claim the body it will be turned over to them. Early yesterday morning persons Inter- ested in sceirg that Colonel Peyton's body was suitably buried, called at thu city Hos- pital to confer with Doctor Nietert. The doctor's visitors wero all anxious to pre- vent the body going to potter's field. Few of them knew the old man, but they did not want a Virginian to be buried whero he would be forgotten, so they came for- ward and volunteered to defray the ex- penses of the burial. Prominent among those who volunteered were Beth "W. Cobb and Undertaker M. H. Alexander, both natives of Virginia. Cobb was among the first callers at the City Hospi- tal yesterday. Doctor Nietert told them that G. B. Thomas was the first to volun- teer to take charge of the body, and Messrs. Cobb and Alexander and the Colonel's other friends departed fully satis- fied. THE IHPHi MANY Fll mm& 3.0EB,Sr- - -- "f-, VA'Xi- - i Shi ST Your cyn shoe-I- d not be neglected, as they .,., - tub. iuuj4 vi u. uv; "wu-- n, JfWU uavte tiiiui uvjiuiuva ;bu' .Aj'i-c- uy uj vrc ar; the iLudug Opticians. Olive St. and 317 N. 7th St. T ulatlon an me.ins ', just as great and as l:cenl felt in the-- e smaller towns as the loi-- . and destruction in Galve&ton, and they should rot be forgotten by the generous public, v. Inch Is rtspondlr.g to Galveston's cry for help. Thtir wants are just as keen, their dltre:,s. is just as dire, with a less abil.ty in the way of means to cope with those tit the larger city. M'oui's i- - ;Ai.Kvrrx iii:ao .MIT HI Itli:il AT HITCHCOCK. Hitchcock. Tex., Sept. H. Appended is a list of the dead at this point, so far as Is known. s.mo of thee aro Galveston per- sons who were floated hero by the waters of the bayou: HAKVKY JOHNSON and wife, killed on-d- er houhe. WILLIAM ROBINSON. MBS. BJETZE and three children. The family of C. V. YOUNG, wife, two Eon. and two daughters. 1IAKY MONTELCNA. PALMEllO, wife and seven chlHrea. T. V. O'CONNOK. Members of two families cf Alvin. who were the Young family. Seven unl'Ientilled found In Prairie, to be from Galvekton. Scores of the dead from Galveston cast up near Hitchcock are vet unburied. as the oodles are too badly decomposed to haul and too much water on the prairie to admit of dlgginir sraves. Some idea of the wave which reached Hitchcock is given by a large piledriver of the Southern Pacific works nt Galveston and also a large barge partly laden with coat, which are lying in the pear orchards near town. Box cars, railway iron, draw- bridge', houses, schooners and every con- ceivable thing are lying over the prairie, fifteen miles from their former location. ALLOWED TEN CENTS A DAY. ills, aiesiuger Objected and Sued for Divorce. Mrs. Katie Mcslnger filed suit for divorce yesterday against George Mesinger of No. 3UT South Broadw-i- y. She charges that he only allowed her 10 cents a day on which to live, and that he has hundred of dollars In the b.ink. She a'M avers that he fre- quently aroused her of stealing his money. Besides these charges sr-- claims that her husb.icd dves not supj-or- t her. She nsks for the custody of their two children and ali- mony. Tim couple were married In August 1573. and have lived tegether up to tho present time. ITevious to their coming to St. LouU they lived on a faim in Central Missouri, which Mr. Monger i said to have owned. He was Industrious and put aside considera- ble money He ha? not been engaged la anv Iiuslnes'- - since coming to St. l,ouls. Str Mesinger was seen by a Republic reporter last nicht. Sl.e did not nppear to understand exactly what a all that she wanted to be separated from her husband unle ho treated her better. She said that he bad packed up his erfect! start. d awnv from bcm.i in tho morn-fn- s she rot back from the court be had reU.rned. and was at home last hu-bn- only give me ten cer-l- s n. dnv." she said, "and with that ho expect-m- e to support myself and the two ehildren. He has treated m badly, even when vv were living on the firm. I don t know if I will prosecute tre but I vvan.. lilra to tFMr to discuss tho mat- ter fu-th-er thar to vy that he knew no ren-o- n why his wife should proceed against him. i:c.i:.m; - ctnn. o pat. Your drw!,t?t will refund vour inoner If PaYo Ointm.nt fail' to cure Ringworm. OM ricrrs and Sore. Pimples and BLick-heai- ls on the face, and all skin diseases. SOc. LAMB SUCCEEDS FENNESSY. ew Superintendent of Mails at St. Ijouis. A special dipatch trom Washington to The lUpublic states that the Postmaster General has authorized the appointment of William II. Lamb to the position of super- intendent of mails at tlw- - post office in this cltv- - to take the place of John G. tenncssv. who Is to bi transferred to duty as rail- way pota! .Ierk. ,ir. Lomli is well fitted for the position to which hv has appointed. At pres- ent he is at th h ad of the railway mall department and formerly cccupltd th place of inspector of mails. IPs name was .recom- mended to the department at Washington by Postmaster Baumhoff. 7Y $rh Eat it and be happy. Eat anything you like. There's a box of Aycr's Pill? in the house. J. C. Ayes. Company, Pnctial Chematt, Low-I- I, Mas. Ayer'i Saropnrilh Ajtr's H!r Vigor Ajer't PUj Ajer'j Cherry Pectoral Ajcr's Agvis Cure Ajer's Conutoos 2&&w& MiiHitri i'.inrfjiiairtj"'fa. 'w84-l?rW-?S- aM f hififm V wmj -- - rr:y :.V-.- Vf

THE GIVES NEEDY FllA yachting party from Michigan came, to,Et. Louis through the Chicago Canal. Bremen avenue children Rave a show for the benefit of Texas storm sufferers. Eleventh

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Page 1: THE GIVES NEEDY FllA yachting party from Michigan came, to,Et. Louis through the Chicago Canal. Bremen avenue children Rave a show for the benefit of Texas storm sufferers. Eleventh







1 1

I i



( BUSINESS.Discount rates were 5 to 7 per cent on callnd Una loans. Clearances. JI,00l.S3; bal-

ances, $550,899. New York exchange. c

discount bid. 30c discount asked; Loui-niH-

J3C discount bid, par asked; Chicago, 25c dis-

count bid. 15c discount asked; New Orleans,I5c discount bid, par asked; Cincinnati. J5ediscount bid. par asked.

The local wheat market closed Tower atT3c Sept.. 74c n. Oct.. 75Vifc9io a. Dec 73icb. May, 7507Cc No. 2 red. Corn closed higherat Sc b. Sept., S7c n. Oct, 3lc a. Dec.. XP'cn. year, 40"4c No. 2 white-- Oats cloed at21c Sept..' Z2hfl Dec., Hay. 22

The local market for stanaaru mcs- - purclosed easy at $12.50 for new. Prime steam

' lard closed easy at C.5c east side.The local spot cotton market closed un-


local and srnunBAN.A yachting party from Michigan came, to

,Et. Louis through the Chicago Canal.Bremen avenue children Rave a show for

the benefit of Texas storm sufferers.Eleventh District Democrats are to hold

their primary according to the election law.Local work for relief of storm sufferers

efcows no sign of abatement.Klrkwood's negro prisoner, who refused to

escape, has disappeared.Charles & Wilson and Miss Beatrice N.

Hill, who eloped, had to ride on a freighttrain to reach their destination.

Th St Louis Republican Club had aat which Major William

iWarner epoke.William H. Lamb has been appointed Su-

perintendent of Hails In the PotOffice to succeed James G. JVnnessy.

Alley In the residence district will ledark this winter, as no provision has Deenmade for lighting them.

Ilia. Silas P. Craig of St, Louis is a nieceef Mrs.-W- . Scott Cook, who perlshod withher enUre family nt Galveston.

Native Virginians have taken charge ofthe body of Colonel H. E. Peyton,

of the Senate, and will give It properburial, unless relatives with to bury thebody.

Th Police Beard dismissed two officers,two resigned under charges, nnd a numberof others were fined. The board will be insession to-d-ay hearing charges against

William i Bryan. Democratic candidatefor President, will arrive, to-d- and willepeak ht at the Coliseum.

Insurance men do not anticipate heavylasses as the result of the storm at Gal-

veston.News has been received that Mr. Fred

Backer, son and daughter escaped death inthe hurricane at Galveston.

GENERAL DOMESTIC.Sam B. Cook has compiled an array of,

facts and figures which refute the claim ofColonel Dick Dalton to the effect that Dem-

ocratic rule In Missouri has been a burdenon the farmer. Comparative statistics showconclusively that the Democratic adminis-trations have reduced the State tax onfarmers, and that their chief burdens to-

day are taxes Imposed under the Republicanregime.

A great Democratic meeting was heldyesterday at Havana. 111., in honor of AdlaiStevenson. Thousands, including many Re-publicans, were present. Stevenson's speechon Imperialism and trusts was roundly ap-plauded.

Richard Croker has made another bet of?20,000 that Bryan will be elected.

A Kansas volunteer soldier accuses theMcKlnley administration of bad faith withboth natives and American soldiers. Hesays the men were compelled to fightagainst the Filipinos, with whom, they hadbeen friendly.

Rear Admiral Montgomery SIcard diedyest3rday of apoplexy at his summer home,Westernville, N. Y.

William J. Bryan surprised the cltteens ofColumbus, O., by arriving several hours be-

fore he was expected. He opened the Dem-ocratic campaign In that State In the after-noon.

The race troubles at Delaware, O., havenot ended, and a serious clash betweenwhites and negroes is hourly expected.

Stone and Senator James K.Jones held a conference with Democraticleaders of the several Eastern States on thepolitical outlook. It was decided to make anaggressive fight in New York and other

FOREIGN.Prince Chlng, named by the Emperor of

China, to assist In the peace negotiations, isnot liked by tho foreign Ministers. Envoys

Insist on dealing with the Emperor direct.Minister Conger communicated with the

State Department yesterday. It was givenput that his message was purely advisory.

General Chaffee Is Investigating reports ofoutrages In Tung-Cho- w Province.

LI Hung; Chang left Shanghai yesterdayfor Pekln, where he will Join the ChinesePeace Commissison,

RAILROADS.Tne St. Loui Railway Club met yester-

day at Forest Park Highlands.The Northern Pacific and St. Paul roads

have entered into a closer traffic alliance.The BJinoia Central has submitted its an-

nual statement of earnings and expenses.The annual report of the Missouri, Kan-

sas and Texas has been submitted to thestockholders.

The St. Louis Association of GeneralPassenger and Ticket Agents held a specialmeeting yesterday.

W. T. Tyler has been appointed trainmas-ter of the Arkansas division of the St.Louis and Iron Mountain.

George T. Jorvis, receiver of the AirLine, will be made, it Is said, general man-ager of the Wisconsin Central.

Murine Intelligence.New York. Sept. 14. Arrived: Fuerst Bis-

marck from Hamburg.Hamburg, Sept. It Arrived: Pretoria,

from New York.Glasgow, Sept. li. Arrived. Norwegian

from Boston.Glasgow, Sept. IS. Sailed: Sardinia, New

York.Movfile, Sept. 14. Sailed: Parisian (from

ZJverpooO. Montreal.Southampton, Sept. 14. Sailed: Kaiser

Frledrich (from Hamburg), New York laCherbourg.

SoUly. Sept. 14. Passed: Southwark. New.York, for Antwerp.

Br, Michaels, Sept. 14. Passed: KaiserWilhelm n, Genoa, Naples and Gibraltar,for New York.

Brisbane, Sept. 14. Arrived: Oorangi,Vancouver, via Honolulu, for Sydney, N.8. W.

Naples, Sept-- 14. Arrived: Ems, NewYork, via Gibraltar, for Genla,,, and

New York.Yokohama, Sept. It Sailed:" Braemar,

from Hong-Kon- etc.; Portland, Ore.

Cblcmco and Return,fTi.OO. '

Via Illinois Central; R. R.. Paturdsy, Sept.Zhid. returning Monday. Sept. 2Mh,. Ticketoffice No. 21S North Broadway,


Chicago Board of Trade to SignContracts With Xew Company.Chicago, Sept. lt--At a special meeting

of tho Board of Trade y a resolutionwas adopted authorizing the president andsecretary to execute contracts with the Ex-change Telegraph Company.

The first of these contracts provides forthe completion of a comprehensive tele-graph system the Important ex-change centers on or before December 3L190t upon completion of which line the Ex-change Telegraph Company Is to have theexclusive telegraph tpace in the ExchangeHall and Board of Trade building in Chi-cago. . , ,

The second contract covers the dissemina-tion of Board of Trade quotations through-out territory covered by th lines of thoExchange Telegraph Company, with theexception of the city .of Chicago. ..

The entire system-wit- l comprehend about6.000 miles of telegraph line, will cost com-plete between $5,000,000 and $7,500,000, andwill extend to tho following cities:

Peoria, Indianapolis, St. Loula. KansasCity. Omaha. Sioux Cltyr Minneapolis, Du-lnt- h.

Milwaukee. Toledo, Cincinnati. Detroit,Philadelphia, Baltimore,' Boston, Buffaloand New York. .

TO CVKB A COLD, IN QKE'JJAT.Tk IUt Bromo Qulnla Tablets. All lrur.,s2?,l,iiSSS?J? .nme " to curt. fi.? aauir Is on at box. Sc. j



St. Louis Contributions Growas Needs of Storm Suffer-

ers Are Learned.


Religious Organizations TakeUp the Work List of Do-

nations to Date. W.60

Galveston, crushed by hurricane and flood, robbed of at least 5.0O) lives andIts proudest buildings laid waste. nobly struggling to meet the appalling conditions.

The Citizens' Relief Committee i" systematizing the work of ameliorating the buf-

ferings of the people with the aid of generous contribution, estimated In moneyalone at this writing at l,iVv, and in supplies of food, disinfectants, clothing, etc.,at more than 10O.(W tons.

Ufe insurance experts estimate that the great New York companies will have to payout for los of life In GaUeston $10.VK. The conditions but Itis promised by the companies that will made on reasonable proofof death.

In aid of the stricken people of the Texa Coa?t the Southern States are subscribinggenerouly. 1'ully IjO.OOO will be in eight States already heard from, and theword from several i "More if Texas, needs It."

Tho up of contributions all over the continues, each day'sat Galveston shows need of a larger sum for relief.

St. Louis contributions for the relief of theTexas storm sufferers increase dally, as thenews from the stricken cities shows the aw-ful need and dangers of the people whomthe hurricane left alive.

I'p to last night the various organizationswhich are working In behalf of the suffer-ers had received cash gifts amounting to$55,574. ;. and there was no sign of a de-

crease In dally receipts. It Is expected thatSt. Louis will raise at least $100,000 for thiscause, besides donations 'of supplies. Al-ready the city has given more liberally thanany other municipality in the United Statesin proportion to size. The donations comefrom nearly every class In the ciu

Besides the work of the commcrcl.il bodies,religious organizations have besun move-ments in behalf of the needy Texans. MajorCousins of tho Salvation Army and VicarGeneral Muehlslepen of the St. Louis Cath-olic Diocese appealed yesterday for contri-butions of money and supplies to be

as Epeedlly as possible.Gifts Pour In Ceneroualy.

W. H. & Sons report that theLiverpool. London, end Globe InsuranceCompany of London has notified ..- - agentto have Galveston draw on the company for. fkVi

The Merchants' Exchange Relief Commit-tee received numerous large subscriptionsyesterday, and several firms reported thatthey had sent contributions direct to Galveston.

L. D. Dozier. manager of the DozierBakery, sent in a personal check for $100,and notified Governor Stanard that thoAmerican Biscuit Company had made alarge contribution direct to the Governor ofTexas.

The Hammond Typewriter Company no-tified the committee that it had wired $300to its employes in Galveston.

The Purina Mills also sent In a letterstating that they had forwarded to the Re-lief Committee at Galveston 1,007 packagesof breakfast oats, hominy, grits and wheatflour.

Mr. Reld Northrup. president of theAmerican Refrigerator Transit Company,In inclosing checks for $100 for the companyand $25 for himself, adds: "We will fur-nish our cold-stora- station free for thereceipt of any perishable goods which it Isdesired to ship, and will also furnish re-frigerator cars and ice, and transport themfres of expense, when so requested by thecommittee."

At the Interstate Merchants' Associa-tion's headquarters several new committeeswere started out yesterday, but did not re-

port the result of their labors last night.Additional subscriptions amounting to

were received.Various committees of the Lumbermen's

Exchange, who reported yesterday, turnedIn subscriptions amounting to nearly $2,7v0,and others are yet to be heard from.

Subscriptions received yesterday by theRelief Committees of the dllferent commer-cial organizations were as follows:

Merchants' fJiehange.Lumber men of St. Louis by W. E.

lirr.es, tieasurer S40.C0

iU LouU btu-.- t Yards bi.vllNational Tube Works cuO.ul

bt. Louis Hluwlug Association &0J.U0

Mtdart Patent I'ulley Cumpan) Ivi.OCl.ailtrE Ua.eiraana ilup rl Malt Com-

pany 100.00Slns-- r Bros. 100.W

Itujl Meul Company U 00K. llat.ui.ar i'alnt comjany ltrt.vOUlanke itru. lun.iy oiupany IiU.iOuevlfe &mltu liO 0Jelie.son ltunk lw.voGUs V. Brecni ltutcher Supply company. 1"U.1M

lnt l&nner itug cumpu liu.wU. 11. limmtiioon lt)j.(MAmerican llelrlgcrator ITanslt Compuny lw.'U7n Hainan Coie lmeaunrnl Compan.. lw.uQL. 1. Dozier lv Wfct. Louis ITantfer Company lw.vuliuttlg casu and Door coaipan 1W.W

dt. ixui9 btou. Kxcnange, v.iroujh N. Kotany,president, gas. contributed as xiiowb:vVJlitaker A. lioogoiau 100.O)A. O. Lduurds bona l'O.vOJames Campbell iw.wFlaacls Uro. 4. CO.J. and J. Taussig ......... W..OWtrnso & Dietkman W.tMCharles li. Druainioud 6J.I0U. 11. Walker C) W.0JAlthaimer i. Vt.vlM. Kctany t4.UJli. Waterman 2J.0JRichard isiiiKrJosepn (Jlael & tion .&(a3lord-ltlesln-g & Co 2S.UJLtauer llros i.0Little &. ilas Investment Company... ZJ.uOUe.K!er & ivrausnlclc 2.U)Drummond, lletts Co......ltote .&. I'atl ................ 25.W?"oeI-oun- ir liond and block Company... 1J.0JL. ltarklage. K.OJE. Michaeus ll.DOJohn P. Meyer &. Co l'J.WI. K. Klckir 11.0)lionaldson lioad and block Company. i.01J. 11. Jinking E.uO

II. S. I'.tln :.ojCasli l.(W

John It. Slaughter 10.O)W. H. Maiknam & S5ons w.oCliartes Crane & Co. l'J.W)

James L. Foley ............ 30.WCarroll & l'onell ........ 1J.IMWllllaJll Hull 10.MJSol 1Z. WaKKoner 10.1M1 Churchill VVhittfmore It.toiGeorge D. Capen it Co. .............. .i. !).Coudrey Ac Scott ................ ......... M.iOTrehus Ac Krelsmann 1J.0Ib. G. Kennedy ................ 1.1. wWestern llascome Vt.Vll

lUrtlett A. Miller w.vo.Martin Collins. Son S. Co 1I.IUIra Welch - l'J.W)

Delaheld & Snow - M.fW

F. D. Mrschberg & liro W.WJohn It. Tnplett . 11.0IIuegnet &. Hemenway .............. .... M.flO

lkllman Hrothers Co U.Jr.uivn.iiraim Manutacturlnc company, 00. .

"Koken'Itarber Supply Company .... toe.)T. Dunn Loan ana .ien.v uiiiis.ij 50 WJohn 1. Davis bt.tf)Hecry Grcne &I.U0

W. Lehmann W.WFJohn Wahl comnupion (.orapaoy il.tl)T. W. Carter & Co. &)

ilayor.llenry Ziegerheln 0.

Walnnrlght wo-- i

llcoil'ln Manufacturuic Company W1.IH

James V. llyrnes Uelting and HoseCompany ... . MOO

Western Itallviay Equipment Company. COW

St. Lou. a Woodeovvaie Vorks tl.)Obcar-Ne,t- Glass Company tOJHIlremen Hank v(nlilward VV extern Tea and Spice Company WO)I.Rrkln A, Sciieffer &I.U0Alrerlcais Wine Company C.V.M

J C, Murphy Trunk Company w)00Jl. S. IioWFe 60 00l. w. Chadbourne tO.O.)

Columbia llrenlng Company .!)William Dooth & Co is.oaThe F. Hayden Saddlery Hardware Com-

pany 2S0)fir. Loul Sash and Door Work." 15 Wt'rlon Dairy Comrany 15.00PMltbert Johacnlrg Manufacturing

Company 25.00Fit LouU Screw Company 25 00Quick Meal Stove Company 2S0OJaires Clark Leather Company 25.00Pennsylvania lire liitniranra Company,

F. C Case, iceneral agent tJ.OODoctor Edvrard vers 25.01iThrlstlo Fin Cay Company 25. 00Eddy Eddy '....; rowNlxdortl-Krel- n Manutacturlrj Company.. 25 00Hammer Dry Plat Company .,.. 2S.00


Merchants' Exchange J25.179.15

Interstate Merchants' As- -foclatlon 1S.700.75

Lumbermen's Exchange 2.6S7.00

Furniture Hoard of Trade.... 1.906.O)

William J. Lemp BrewingCompany 2,500.00

Anheuser - Husch BrewingCompany 2,500.00

4 Continental Tobacco Com- -

Company 1,009.00

Live Stock Exchange l.OOO.M

Pedagogical Society 100.00

Post A. T. P. A 100.00

Waters-Pierc- e OH Company.. 1.C00.M

Pot-Dlspat- 1.S11.00

Stock Exchange l.Ono.OO

Retail furniture denlers-

Total to date $56,574.50



alone are peculiar,prompt payment be


taking world while devel-opment




McKe'slian, Parclav Wjttn ISMA. M. llellman A. Co. 25.N)HutUirtl A: Moffltl Commiwlon Company 2i.llI. K. IVrjrusjn 2i-r- t.National Jirtwery Company 101.0)IE. H. ltuuhinsoti Ul

Hex ani Lumber Compan).. ii i)Jmtriodn llrake Company 25.lCl,onlte Construction Company ::.Nupthall Ixlre No. IS. A. r oc A. M... 2i.0J

VHiie-ialxt- rt Paint company WlIluvton A Mvlnrer Statu iier Company. 2iltnno-an.Ic- r Mineral Wuter Company.... 2J.OJlaac .k hnerry Grain Company 2..0.I

hnanon 25 0.1Altred Gilsjn 2iiJ9St. .Nicholas Hotel Corporation .0)scJiatflVr Hro. A: I'oa1I Manufacturing

t ompanv 25.03Mr. and Mrs. George K. Durant 25.0)I'. It Confectioner) Company....r. W. Humphrey Clothing Company.... 2i.iV)Oriel Guv Company 25.00J A. Holmes Lumber Company ........ 3.0)Nlcholls-ltltte- r Real Kilate and Finan-

cial Company 25.00Ettgers Milling Comrany 25.0)Cats & Lohnbeuter Manufacturingcompany 2S.WGottlieb Eyerrnann. Jr. 21)00Atrle A. llemmelmann Real stat4Company 20 0)Morton & Co. J 1.0)Charles J". Burr & Co Xorthrup 25.0)Archor Mour and Feed Company Z5.Wlloctor A. Schloscaleln 3i0)Carthase White Lime and Marble Com-pany (.00Claud & Schubaih n.oiluin Cba.cian Manufacturing Com- -

Pny 11.0)B. Loebleln Collar and Whip Company. 5.00....... ..t. .UU1I'011V...... 10.00

' J.?rr,,son, ?""!. ana -- wning company... lO.'M... .,--- . ..- - ..j...., 10.00Cash.. 5.00The Shelter Top Company 10.1-- JJohn C. Kupreri n.ooM. J. lirennan i IMCash 5.UI)Uakrow, Block i lllxley Importing Com-

pany 10.COWilliam Oerlach 50)Mclte)nolds & Co 11.00Standard Heel and Counter Company.... 5.00Frank Llad W.)Kranks t Kennedj 5.00y. M. Elledle t.wjJohn J. Hammond 10.39Louis Stumpf (Irocer Company 10.0J. J. Gibson. New York btorage Com-

pany 11.(0John .Macuire Heal Estate Company.... 10.1Pearl Candy Company ;.ooCon P. Curran Prirtlng Company........ 10.09liarnhart Mercantile Company ZO.lOHahn & MayerBannaruine Ualvanlzed Iron Manufacturi-ng; Company...... ............ .......... 12.50St. Louis Corrugating Company 12.50liea VV. Clark Orocery Company lO.'iullarkley A: V'uball 5 00Western Kngravng Compuny D.OCash j.-j-

J. I. Epstein lu.COKarnes llusmess College Company l).0lJ. C BarTOtus b.WUerrloit Bros. &. CO lu.u)bchroeier Bros !).'liobert Welch. St. Clair stave Company. 5..lW. S. Jenett. Costal City. Mo 10 0)La&ar-Letzl- Manufacturing Company.. )

Joseph 11. umoalen D.Vt)Ueorga A. Ba)le 15. ct)John M. Kelhein - a.'MA. Bobbins Vamlsh Company 15..WFrank (loodnow 6.00Walter A. Zeinlcker lkl.O)J. A. Kendnrk lO.oORichard D'Uelich.. 10.01)Menown &. Gregory .1 barrel of cetreo

ied Mueller cigar Company (.COPrank iteardon pi.oj

. a. crart la.twBartlett Candy Company 5.7)J. V. 1'enney t.ujAn Kndearorer "In His Name" S.'jOl"red W. Nolker 6.00W. K. Hall 5.0JS. P. Barron b.wli. B. IJlancnf.elJ 3.0)A. M. Suratt l.WJohn B. Marsha! l.NP. B. Keneke fc.oOC. O. Bralnerd 6.00P. W. Uoeoel l.toSt. Louis Contracting Company 1.00Charles 1. Johnson 10. WJohn Lowell b.vQDoctor Jacob Friedman t b.ooW. F. Kter, M. D 10.00Richard ana Fred SchwelckharJt i.0David J. collin $1.00John VV. Vaughan l.uJohn Horst 6.0)R. B. Gray China Company 10.IMEmployes of den Publishing- - Company.. 12.00

From lteverend William Jungk U, A.G. Tonnles 15. Chr. Kntckmeyer IS.Ernst I. Erbe J2. Kred" Quest $2. GeorgeI'echks 11. 1'aul Dueker 25c. Miss O.Ituedl 25c. Al. Kramer 50c. Louis-- .eirer St. Theodort Heine IL JohnBurkel Jl, Miss P. Spahn 25c. Miss A.Redmond He. Miss P. Kracke 23c,Charles Haak $1, August Heine II,George Melzler II. Jonn Keller 11,Charles Gerak 50c. P. Heldemann 25c.P. Schmledeckamp 60c. Augurt Krats&. J. G. Schlerb&um 11. HermannSchaad 50c. P. L. Tonnles 11. C. Mejr-e-r

Jl. II. Renienbtlr.k 50c. Herm.Schmlermeler 25c. Harty Kahre 26c.

H. Hempelmann .. COOConsumer's Brewing Company 10.00Dorr U Zsller Catering Cojnpany W.wHelp and emploes of Dorr Sl Zeller

Catering Company 9.00Mrs. Anna Kern 6.00a. Dougla Bradley 5.90Charles II. Kicker G.O)G. II. Gundelach & Co (.J. R. Baumgartner 1J.O)llaa. Lieber &. Costs Grocery Company. 10.00August Maase ...... 10.00Wultlng. Dlerkreide & Co M.oOStandard llallay Equipment Company. 10.00W. R. Di.naldson 10.ni)Klliaheth L. Donaldson 10. 0)James B. Albach & On D.WSchwaner Moulding Company $ 0)W. D. Grant 14.0)Cash 2.0)Henry McKlrhols 10.00Henry T. Kent 10.00Henry Hoffmann 5.9)Blackwelder-Holbroo- k Realty Company. 5.00Forkett-KtMn- Feel Company 6.0)John C. Boever . Co 14.noArtolph Herthel 5.0)Kxpress Lodge. No. 72. Order of Colum-

bian Knights 5.00St. Iuts Schiller Vereln. by R. R.

Rlchter - , 11.04Miss K. M. Whipple 2.H)A. J. Child A Sons 14.i)Rapp-Moll- Carriage Company 10.0411. J. Taussig 14.04('. W. Crowley 10.00J Stewart Walker S.o)II. W. Friiier ." 6.04Stenographers Union Trust building.... 16.65I5.li.ard C Runge 10. ooMorse Bro 10. 0)H II. Kraft .....: 6.04George II. Shields..., 14.00John Ellrtermann, Jr. 14.00Jacob iampert .. .......................... 14.04Iil'cn lintel 14.00Joseph Dormttzer 14.00J. 11. Tiemejer 6.00Creve Coeur Lake Ice Company 10.44James A. CIoe 14.44Charles B. McCormack 5 04Doctor Carl J. Luvtles 6.01Cash 1.00S'llner Oas and Eieclrlo Fixtures Com-

pany t.ooInteratute Merchants' Aasoclatlon.

St Ixubi Corwet Comnanr.... 26 0V

John vv. uood 6.04& Co , 104.0)

P. Bums & Co 54.04J. B. Sickles Snddlery Company 2S.0)William Ilomann Saddlery Company 2.04August Holthaus Saddlery Company tS.OOJoseph Goldbach .,.....,...., 23.44Jaccn Straus Saddlery Company 25.00James Clark Leather Company 2..00llenrv Holre & Sons , 14.04P. Hayden Saddlery Company r.ooE K. Lieber. . :.....; 5.03Nlrdorf-Krel- n Manufscturlng Company.. 25.04Sommers Bros.. ManufacturlngT Company. is mN. RalleiuV Sons 25.00J. W. Schloeman 14.04Herman & Koentz 25.04A JCeseler Sn 25.00American Oak Leather Ctetnpany lon.ftiJ. U Knirer , 2.W"William M. Tsrgart , 6.00K. Hartman HIda and Leather Company. 25.04Kmnloyes Carleton Dry Goodt Company. 1.04Keller & Tarnn. Manufacturing Com pary tO .04National Lad Company 204.04Amsrican JJnwed Oil Company r.ooOecrge a.Mephen.A Klein ,. r.00Kant Party Paint Ctompany 25 04J, D. Rtuet A Co 10.44AOBndcity Can Oonpoiry ., .0

Herman Pockles Drug Company li.M6.1.)

ltlieni"ofKenrYCMo"""""""-- " W.ftlMorton Jounlan "5.1Wlllm Annie Glasgow - 20.00Employes J, Kennard Pons Can"t

Comiiany :.;;D. Crawrord A Co lOl.WGranJ-LeuV- r vn cm

William lHrr Iry Goods Company....... V).uScruiocs. Vaadtrvoort & Barney Dry

GKKt Company 1'JO.On, Nujrcnt & Uro. Dry Goo.1 Company.. li.i Ik)

J. W. fastanle....'..James GlenJennlnjr. Nje. Mo .itTotal l,e.'7.r;

Previously reported ll.n"3.5i

Total to dtn J15,;01.T;ii.uia.iay-iiiot- z Land and Lumper com-

pany iMonarch Lumber CompanyI.od G. Harris Manufacturing Company.Trump Lumber Company 10.0IIiifjPerk!na Lumber Company 11 'JO

itankln KimballThelllng Molding Company w.'i !

W. G Jtlce Lumber Company MA T. Gerrans m.o)It y. Km i CoK. i Itnl.lnsun 1 1.)Mlckle-Moor- e Lumber Company 4..m iWilliam llokche .. .. I

1 .X. MrCreery r..0iI.umnr collll.iny .. . !(

Pn.lera.t Lumber Company s.oo("handler.. S..M L Helshel S.no



Houston. Tex., Sept. 11. Careful tabula-tion of the known dead of Galve.-to-n hasbeen kept In Houston, and wired out eachday. The names here presented arc in ad-dition to all others heretofore presentedfront this city:ANDi:i:Y. MRS. a., and family.Br.LK ALI,.., wiie, two ons and daughter.Bor.l.l KL.f, CHAKLLS.HUUCl-.lt- , MHS. LUC1.BltuOKS, J. f.Hl.u. Mits.. and seven children (coloreJ).llt-L- 1IK.M1Y.BA.NKElts, JlilS. CHARLES.BbAcli, Mlba .MNA, of Victoria.HUUDtCKElt, 11., rathtr. brother ond lster-In-la-

B.IKNAKD. MHS.BliOW VV I.N.NIK M.BfCKhB. JOHN, lfe and daurhters. MAR

and MDA.HELLliW. MB. and MKS. J., and daughter.Cll.vr t'Kii, Mllh.. ana child.CllltlMTiA.N-- . JOHN.CAMI'IILLL, VV1L1.COBBY, ilRS. MABTIIA J., and MISSloi:ia.CaRVEJ.", MR., wife and daughterCAltXKTT, MB., and wile ot oranto.

UAlllClLN.CABbO.V, CCLI.NTO.N. MBS. MARY. and children.

GuaiKGU A.. H011.VCE. Ltli W.. JOShril li.WILLIE It. and FREDDIE.UEJISlK, Mil. and MBS.DAY, WILLIE.DU.NNIN. MRS. 1IOWABD C.. and three chil-

dren.DillKE, HENTIY. and family.DAY. AWBEP, found in a tree.DAltt'it. MB., and MB?., and mo daughters.DAMM1I.U W. D.. and wife (colored).DUMIAM. GEOltGE It., and V4lfe.DUNtLVM, GEORGE B. J1L, and tno chil-


ALICE, LIZZIE bnil EDDIE.EVANS. MBS. KATE, and two children.FALKKNHABGE. GLORGE. and wife.FORGET, JULIUS.FBEITHER. MRS. FRITZ.FBAC. MS. AlTGUbT. and daughter.PABY, C S , wife and two children.POSTER, MKS. AL'GLTST.PREI8E. MB. AND MBS. CHAKLES M.lOBUUSH. JOHN AND FRKDDHiFBETVVELI.. J. B.. MBS., an! boy.FOSTEIt, MBS. S. P.PARKER. MISS NANNIE, of Sullivan Island.FRANK, ANTON, wife and two dauihtrs.GAIT, A. E., and wife.GIBsoN, PBOFKbJ-OR- . and family.GENTRY, CHARLOTTE (colored).GONZALES. ANDREW, wife and daughter

Pauline.GKAHAM. MKS. IL. and baby.GAB.NETT, ROUEBT P.GlllbON, MARY C.GULLET. COLONEU of Victoria.GLOBGE. II. K.. and family.GBEY. II. K.. and family.GBEY, RANDOLPH, four children and sljter-ln-la-


MR. AND MRS. AUGUST.JOHNSON, MRS. C. S.JONES, J. and wife.JAEGER, WALTER H.JOHNSON. V. 6.JOHNSON, ODIN, wife and ch!ldvJOHNSTON. J. A., and wife.KUHNA, MRS. KLEM, rr.d two children.KING, MKS.K VKVBU MKS. JACK, and four children.KONSTANTOI'OLOS. F.KBEYWELL, DAVID, and daughter.KEIS. L.. wife and four children.LAVVTON. CHABU:s. wlfs and child.LL'DWIO. ALi.BKD, mother and sIstcr-ln-U-

LACKEY. MRS., father and mother.LEWIS, AGNES.LEWIS, MARIA.LYLE. WM.. grandmother and sister.l.EMMON, VIRGIL.LLOD. BUCK.LUDWIO, ALLERT. printer.LAHlrTTE II. J.LABETTE. LOUISA C and sister. NELLIE

E.LACKBT and children. LEON and PERLbirru wis. j. a.LEPEHBAR. J. 11.. wife and three children.LANAIMN. LAITRA. FKANCIS. TERRENCB

and CLAUDE, children of John Lanahan.LL'CA, MBS. J.LEIBC. MRS. MART.LANG, P. A., four sons and one daughter srd

colored nnr.LEVY, MISS, of Houston.LEGATE. LOUIS, wife and son.LEGATE. MRS. P.. two sons and two daug-

hter.LEGATE, CHRISTIAN.MANLEY, JOB, mother and two nieces.MANLEY, MBS. S. R.MIIJ.ER. MKS . ard five children, colored.MARTIN. HERMAN, and part of family.MCOllllU. JOHN.McI'HEBON. BOBERT. colored.MeNElL. MRS. J., and MISS RUBY.MAYHKOOK. wife and five ctilldrcn.MORRIS. HARRY, wife and threo children.MURI, ANNIA. and MURINE.MARCOTTE, MISS PAULINE.MrVAY. MBS. E. CMULSHURGER. TONY, and wlfa.NELSON. MBS., and daughter.OHLSKN. MIL and MRS.OI'PERMAN, ALBERT I), and wife.


MBS . and child.PALMER, MRS. MAE. and son,

LEE.PATTERSON. FLORENCE.PBUESM1TH, MRS. P.. and three children.ROEHM. WILLIAM P.. and two children.RAVEY. . and family.RANDOLPH. EDITH.ROSENBERG, . and baby.RPBEHMONf). PROFESSOR, wlf and two

children.BOK. K. (colored).HKUTBH. OTTO.REETEK, II V.RYDER. HY, wife and three children.R1ESEU MRS. LULU, and chilren. RAT and


BERT.BKATGEN. JOHN P.RPTTER II., wife and children.

CHARLES.S(TOTT. ANNIE.SHAW. FRANK.SCIIl'LTZ. CHAKLES CFCHtTI.TZ. FRED, and wife.SMITH. MRS. MARY, and baby (colored).SCHULL MRS. MARY.SCHUTTE. B wife and two children.SIMPSON, W. R.. and two children. JAMES


dren.WILLIAMS. SAMUEL (colored).WILLIAMS, MRS. E C. (colored).WOOHKOW. MATILDA.WARREN. CELIA.WARING MRS., o? Chicago (colored).WISRODT, AUGUST, JR-- , wife and two chil-

dren.WEJNRRRG, OTTCX wife and Ave children.WALKER. LOUIS b.WATKINS, MRS. P. STANLEY. ARTinJR and

BERNA.WALUS. LEE, wife, mother, four children and

a little orphan girl, who formerly lived at e.



Galveston. Tex., Sept. aretho names of members of Battery O, FirstArtillery, United States Army, whose liveswere lost In the storm of Saturday night:

GEORGE, HPOH R, First 8ergeant.wniWM, rtjanx) yvtf DCiCUli,ROBERT SAMUEL. CorporalCANTNER, JAMES Y cook.

A. P. Brewer Lumber Company 10.00SirlUer A Wehlnen Lumber Company.. T&.CO

Freeman Lumber Company 2S.00

Total yeaterday C87.00Prexloujly reported 2,00) 0)

Total to date J 2.CS7.0)Cunrrhea Take Ip Hie "Work.

The local branches of the Salvation Armyare preparing to send relief to the storm.sufferers at Galveston, and ten officers arotmw on the way under the direction ofBrigadier Stilwcll. Tho headiuarters of thearmy at No. HU Franklin avenue will be

as a supply depot, where contributionif food, clothing, drugs and money may be

sent by the charitably Inclined.lrte transportation from St. Louis has

been offered by the Frisco road for all con-tributions sent by the army, and partialpromiM.- - to the same effect have been madeby the Pacific Expr4 Company.

Vicar General Muelilslepen ha Issued anaddress to the Catholic clergy of the illo--cetc Instructing them to bring the needsor tne storm suiicrers. neroro tneir congre-fi.-

and the Sunriav following. Contributions of food, clothing, medicine ami money will be received at the re"d- -denct-- of the Vicar General, No. 21 Russellavenue.

LINK. GEORGE, mechanic..VVI'RIVS Gi:ii:je F., private.A.NHKi:t. WILLIAM rl. private.KANDClt. LEOPOLD, private.l.l.AFFEY. JOHN, private.liELVNEV. WILLIAM A., private.ImiWNEV l'i:Tl:U. private.HKSS rUEH. trlvatnllPNT PBA.sK W. private.KKI.I.KY. JOHN, irlvate.i.KWis. EVEinrrr a., private.MITCHELU BENJAMIN I)., private.

(lEOR'IE. rrlvate.SAIERHEi:. WILLIAM ., private.SEFl'KBS. oTIO. private.VANTII.IIRL'CII. BENJAMIN, private.WIIKKI.ER. WADSWORTH B.. private.WHITE. HERBERT B.. prlvatn.WII.HIVi:. CARVVNM. private.Wltl HIT SIDNEY, private.II lT!1 1'ori.MrtllllllT, private.:oA:i: JoEI'II t.rlrate

McILVENE. ELK1GHT. private.vrii.i,i.it or Tin: ncn.

Galveston. Tex., Sept. 14. Thp names ofthe following persons who lost their lives Intlm Galveston Hood hare not heretofore been,publh-hcd- .

ALLISON. S. B , family of nine.A.MONOVITCH. PINKiB. JOHN, and grand-

mother.AIGI KTIAL. P.. and wife.. I.I.l..-;-. K. it., and wife.lot l.'-O- Jkll: U A.ilOEDEi KER. CHARLES, and grandchild.Bl.l M, MIC. and MBS. ISAAC.HU .Vi. MRS. SYLVAN.HARRY. MKS. .VI. E., MISS M. E., MISS V.,


dltlghlrrBI.LU CLARENCE, and mother.I.UCKNKR, MB. and MBS. FRITZ, and two

iHIImi.BENSrON. T.BEKGERON. MRS., and four children.IIVXNI'VIL. MRS., ami two children.REARJIAN. T.BROWN. ADOLPH. wife, son and daughter.CLl PP. MRS. CHARLES P.CRAWLEY. MIS.-E-S NELLIE. LEE. LOT-

TIE. LILI.IE and MARY.(.(OK. WILLIAM.COOK. MRS. hCOTT. and four children.CARRIN. MRS.fOI'l-!- . CHARLES', wife and six children.COWAN wife and daughter.CARLTON. CHARLES, wife and boy.cuvrz JACK.CLARY. DAN. ard three, children

ODDAItD. ALEX, niece. MAY BRAT, anltl Mf children.

Dl'lrrT. MISS MDAWLER. MRS SAMUEL, and one child.DAVIS. MBS. TOM.I ORRIN. MRS. '. and six children.ELSIE. MRS. JOHN, and two children.I.IUOIT. CHARLES.EIiWARDS. A. It. C.. and family.I.SIhVI.VN PAUL, wife and baby.

MRS.FISHER. MRS. KATE, threo children.


mothr nnil bro'her of Carence.GIBSON. MARY C.HOFFMAN. II II.HPGMAN. EDWARD, wife and two children.IlERR. LEONARD, wife and two children.DAYMAN. John A., wife and four children.IRWIN. JOSEPH.JOHNSON. H. P. and J. KRALICH. lost off


IJllllSKIMI'AN. PAUL, and SfKS.KEITE, T. .1, wife and daughter.KAI.lt. AI'GUST. wife and mothiMn-Iaw- .KAI.lt c U. anil 1 hill.KALIP. MRS. JOHN, nrd four children.KKI.LOGG. of Tlchenor place, and whole

familyKAtSFR. Iil'IS. wife ami three children.KIVSFAPIJR. JOE, wife alij cnlld.KELI Y. FIOHKNCE and TIX.T.Y.KIRKV. C.FOHOK. wife and three children.l.INDVER. MRS LOUISE, and fire children.LEV V. SIAJOR W. T.. wife and three children.Ll'CA' fur ehildrrn of Mrs. J.I '1BS. HORACE.MoEW.VN JOHN II.. .IB.M VSEY TOM. MOLL1E. ORIN. KINO.MVRTY R. MRS. R.J'OTT MRS. PRANK.MARTIN. JIM. and thre unknown.MARCO. BI'RRO. entire family, wife and four

ChilianMILLER. JOE. wife and one child.MEYER JOE. family of tnaMcOOVERN JVMES.MclI.VLE JOHN two children.MENARD. MARY.MrU.MI. ROBERT, and wife.MrVEY. MRS. J. W. and MUs Lorraine.MORTON. MIM. AGNES, and daughter.NICK OYST1-RMA- entire family.OI'LIZ. NITA.O'KPirn:. MRS. C. J., and son.OLSON. THOMAS II.. and wife.OI.S-O- Stevt- - CHARLESpitovoST. JAMES, wife and two children.I'U)TOJtrr wife ond four children.PUTT. HERMAN.

CHARLES. wlf and five children.Pliri.Ps". RFTH .Uld KPBT1 EKIJNCr; MRS . and mother.

MRS TONT and Teresa,JTCO l.EOV wife and four children.OfVRI'OVICH. .RCMMEL1N. ED and JOHN.1 HAG N. H J., wife i;l four rhlldren.RVI PIGIt. MIS NELI.D-- . and MISS WILIJELRCTIir.PV'AND. E.. wife and two children.REVMANN. MRS.KUTOISD. MATTIE. CLAUDE and J. A.,


,. U. wife nrd two children.SCJICLFR. A . wife and five children.RTrAGFR. J., wife and two chllr-n- .SMITH. O I wife and four children.SKI N.VS. MRS (. S.SFNOTE. MAGGIE.STOCKFI.ETH. MRS PETER, and Children.

Wll.t.IIl Jl'Urs PnUD. MABEL and JOHN.WALTEP wife and ehlltren.

I'VC.ER. MR. and MRS. E.. and TRECHEIN."VKI't. OSCAP. wire nnd five children.WOODWARD E. C. JR.WILIIAMS. ROSANNA.tvaiteks P A., wife and four children.WOODS. JI'LIA. and son. FRANK, colored.TVICKR. MRS.WERNER. FRITZ, and wife.PEIPPr-T- . J., mother, wife and flv--o children.ZPMRERO. GUS. wife nnd five children.


Tt Was for tho Rcncfit of StormSufferers.

Ttememlwrinjr her terrifying experiencesIn tho St. Loul-- i tornado, little MarieHaney. 1.". years old. No. IICH Bremen ave-nue, yolely of her own accord, planned andsave a dramatic entertainment at her homefor the lenefit of the Galveston sufferers.

She enlisted the sympathies of her littleRlrl friends and between them they evolveda programme that satisfactorily amused anaudience of W0 persons.

Tickets were sold at tho rate of 10 cent1for adults and 5 cents for children. Aftertho "show" Ice cream nnd cake, bought

.and served by the energetic (tlrls. was dis-posed of to those who would buy. AH to-

gether tho Galveston relief fund will be In-

creased about $15 by the evening's work.The little girls who figured in the enter-

tainment, besides Marie Haney, were Vir-ginia, Ella and Loretta Haney, Elsie Krey,May McN'eilly. Flora Krey, Laura Esher,Miranda Jones and Martha Brady. All liveIn the immediate vicinity of Marie Haneyand her sifters, and are their associatesand intimate friends.

The programme consisted in a variety ofsongs, dialogues, bits of children's dra-matic compositions, and a cake walk. MarieHaney. because of her position as the In-

stigator of the good work, was given thetitle of "leading lady" of the unusualtroupe, and she did justice to her designa-tion, though all the performers came Infor their full share of applause.

Marie Haney Is a daughter of 'William F.Haney, who is with the NationalStock Yards In East St. Louis. In liX. thecyclone year, the family lived on the EastSide, and were directly in the path of thegreat storm. Their home was wrecked andtho inmates of the house narrowly escapedwith their lives.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Haney disclaimed toa reporter any responsibility In having aid-ed or helped In any way to get up the en-tertainment. "On the contrary," said they,"we rather laughed at the audacltv of thething."

bAsH alHlfl Eii Cm I1I1 i.&&' m v

The Burlington operates, in connection with theNorthern Pacific road, via Billings, Montana, the long-est distance 'through trains now running from St.Louis in any direction "The Burlington-Norther- n Pa-cific Express" at 9:00 a. m. daily for Nebraska, Wy-oming, Montana, Washington, Puget Sound Cities,Portland, Oregon.

One can board any car in the train at St. Louis andleave the same car at Puget Sound or Portland, 2,400miles away.

For special descriptive folder or tickets, apply at City Ticket Office, S. "vV. Co- -.

Broadway and Olive Sts.. St. Loulsv

'fSttmtSSk. f " rftailaaaS,

m& mmEGQERT & FISHER, 623



Austin. Tex., Sept. H. In adlltlon to theGalveston plea for assistance there were anumlxr of relief committees from otherpoints entertained by the GovernorThe one from Velasco slated that therewere 2.C destitute there.

Alvin reported S.&O destitute In the neigh-borhood. The Columbia district reported2.500 destitute, and several other towns re-

ported In proportion.Fort Bend County made a report of 15,000

destitute persons in that county aloneIn response to these reports Governor

Snyers ordered bacon and flour sent to Gal-

veston, to Richmond, to Fort Bend Countysufferers and to Angleton, Velasco and Al-

vin In quantities ranging from "AW) poundsof flour and 100.000 pounds of bacon for Gal-

veston to 5,0u0 pounds of flour and W)pounds of bacon as an emergency supplyfor Alvin.

More supplies wilt follow andIt Is expected that In addition thereto thesupply trains from the East will arrive inGalveston which will tend torelieve the situation.

The town of Velasco was completelywrecked, nine killed, three being killed inthe hotel, which was dtmollfhed.

Angleton, the county seat of Brazoria,ten miles north of Vata'co, was completelydestroyed and several lives lost, and a num-ber badly Injured. The property loss Inthese threo towns and country adjacentthereto will be beyond the ability of thepeople to repair. Absolute destitution staresthem in the face, and help is urgentlyneeded, not only In the towns named, butIn all other towns within a radius of seven-

ty-five miles of Galveston.The loss of property in proportion to pop- - '


Fassinfj From Continent AfterBringing Woe to Newfoundland.

St. Johns. Newfoundland. Sept. It Talesof widespread destruction wrought by lastnight's gale, the rasslng from theAmerican Continent of the West Indiesstorm that wreaked damage on the TexjsCoast and the Great Lakes, continue topour in. Six vessels were wrecked near St.Pierre and six in Placentia Bay. It is alsoreported that four were lost In Renewsharbor, two In the straits of Belle Isle andfour near Cape Bonavlsta.

Thus far fourteen Uvea are known tohave been lost, and It is feared that theloss of life will prove to have been muchgreater when full Information is at hand.


Sacred Heart CoiiYent InmatesWere Uninjured.

REPUDUC SPECIAL.New York. Sept. It In a telegram re-

ceived y by the Rev. Father J. F.McCarthy from Galveston, by way of Hous-ton, it Is stated that the twenty-fou- r nunsin the Catholic convent of the Sacred HeartIn Galvemon were neither killed nor In-

jured by last Saturday's hurricane.Father McCarthy sent word at once by

messenger to the Newark homes of as manyof the nuns as he could obtain names andaddresses of. and there was general rejoic-ing over the good news.


Railroads Show Intent That Gal-

veston Shall He Rebuilt.Galveston. Tex.. Sept. It C. W. Boscheke.

asitstant engineer of the Southern PacificRailroad, has received orders by wire fromNew York to prepare plans at once for adouble track steel bridge across GalvestonBay, ten feet higher than the old one, andto proceed with all the force poeslble.

Engineers are already at work making asurvey.


One Thousand Dollars Raised byThem in New York.

SPECIAL.New York. Sept. It Nearly $1,000 In cash

was collected from the merchants In China-town in less than two hours y for therelief of the storm sufferers In Galveston.

The Best Prescription for Mnlarla.Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grove's TastelsC1.11I Tonic. It l stmply Iron and quinine In atasteless form. No cure na pay. Xrlca 50c


Body of Colonel Peyton in Chargeof Virginians.

Tho body of Colonel H. E. Peyton, theold Confederate officer who died at the CityHospital Thursday, will r.ot be laid to restin an unmarked grave, but will be burledby the Virginians In St. Louts, who arerepresented by G. B. Thomson, manager ofthe Goodyear Rubber Company, who hastaken ch.irge of the body. Should relativesclaim the body it will be turned over tothem.

Early yesterday morning persons Inter-ested in sceirg that Colonel Peyton's bodywas suitably buried, called at thu city Hos-pital to confer with Doctor Nietert. Thedoctor's visitors wero all anxious to pre-vent the body going to potter's field. Fewof them knew the old man, but they didnot want a Virginian to be buried wherohe would be forgotten, so they came for-ward and volunteered to defray the ex-penses of the burial.

Prominent among those who volunteeredwere Beth "W. Cobb andUndertaker M. H. Alexander, both nativesof Virginia. Cobb wasamong the first callers at the City Hospi-tal yesterday. Doctor Nietert told themthat G. B. Thomas was the first to volun-teer to take charge of the body, andMessrs. Cobb and Alexander and theColonel's other friends departed fully satis-fied.




Fllmm&3.0EB,Sr- -

--"f-, VA'Xi- - i Shi ST

Your cyn shoe-I-d not be neglected, as they.,.,- tub. iuuj4 vi u. uv; "wu-- n, JfWU

uavte tiiiui uvjiuiuva ;bu' .Aj'i-c- uy uj vrcar; the iLudug Opticians.

Olive St. and 317 N. 7th St.


ulatlon an me.ins ', just as great and asl:cenl felt in the-- e smaller towns as theloi-- . and destruction in Galve&ton, and theyshould rot be forgotten by the generouspublic, v. Inch Is rtspondlr.g to Galveston'scry for help. Thtir wants are just as keen,their dltre:,s. is just as dire, with a lessabil.ty in the way of means to cope withthose tit the larger city.M'oui's i-- ;Ai.Kvrrx iii:ao.MIT HI Itli:il AT HITCHCOCK.

Hitchcock. Tex., Sept. H. Appended is alist of the dead at this point, so far as Isknown. s.mo of thee aro Galveston per-

sons who were floated hero by the watersof the bayou:

HAKVKY JOHNSON and wife, killed on-d- er

houhe.WILLIAM ROBINSON.MBS. BJETZE and three children.The family of C. V. YOUNG, wife, two

Eon. and two daughters.1IAKY MONTELCNA.

PALMEllO, wife and seven chlHrea.T. V. O'CONNOK.Members of two families cf Alvin. who

were the Young family.Seven unl'Ientilled found In Prairie,

to be from Galvekton.Scores of the dead from Galveston cast

up near Hitchcock are vet unburied. as theoodles are too badly decomposed to hauland too much water on the prairie to admitof dlgginir sraves.

Some idea of the wave which reachedHitchcock is given by a large piledriver ofthe Southern Pacific works nt Galvestonand also a large barge partly laden withcoat, which are lying in the pear orchards

near town. Box cars, railway iron, draw-

bridge', houses, schooners and every con-

ceivable thing are lying over the prairie,

fifteen miles from their former location.


ills, aiesiuger Objected and Suedfor Divorce.

Mrs. Katie Mcslnger filed suit for divorceyesterday against George Mesinger of No.3UT South Broadw-i- y. She charges that heonly allowed her 10 cents a day on which tolive, and that he has hundred of dollarsIn the b.ink. She a'M avers that he fre-

quently aroused her of stealing his money.Besides these charges sr-- claims that herhusb.icd dves not supj-or- t her. She nsks forthe custody of their two children and ali-

mony.Tim couple were married In August 1573.

and have lived tegether up to tho presenttime. ITevious to their coming to St. LouUthey lived on a faim in Central Missouri,which Mr. Monger i said to have owned.He was Industrious and put aside considera-

ble money He ha? not been engaged laanv Iiuslnes'- - since coming to St. l,ouls.

Str Mesinger was seen by a Republicreporter last nicht. Sl.e did not nppear tounderstand exactly what aall that she wanted to be separated from

her husband unle ho treated her better.She said that he bad packed up his erfect!

start. d awnv from bcm.i in tho morn-fn- sshe rot back from the court

be had reU.rned. and was at home lasthu-bn- only give me ten cer-l-s n.

dnv." she said, "and with that ho expect-m- e

to support myself and the two ehildren.He has treated m badly, even when vv

were living on the firm. I don t know if Iwill prosecute tre but I vvan.. lilra to

tFMr to discuss tho mat-

ter fu-th-er thar to vy that he knew noren-o- n why his wife should proceed againsthim.

i:c.i:.m; - ctnn. o pat.Your drw!,t?t will refund vour inoner If

PaYo Ointm.nt fail' to cure Ringworm.OM ricrrs and Sore. Pimples and BLick-heai- ls

on the face, and all skin diseases. SOc.


ew Superintendent of Mails atSt. Ijouis.

A special dipatch trom Washington to

The lUpublic states that the PostmasterGeneral has authorized the appointment of

William II. Lamb to the position of super-

intendent of mails at tlw- - post office in thiscltv- - to take the place of John G. tenncssv.who Is to bi transferred to duty as rail-way pota! .Ierk.

,ir. Lomli is well fitted for the positionto which hv has appointed. At pres-

ent he is at th h ad of the railway malldepartment and formerly cccupltd th placeof inspector of mails. IPs name was .recom-mended to the department at Washingtonby Postmaster Baumhoff.

7Y $rh

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