THE GIANT RUNESMITH - 2CGAMING · THE GIANT RUNESMITH First Printing: August, 2016 ... and o˛ ers a measure of their power to aid the ... THE RUNIC CIRCLE

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First Printing: August, 2016ISBN: 978-0-9967242-5-8©2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. � e Giant Runesmith v1.0 printed August, 2016 by 2CGaming, LLC. � e 2CGaming logos and name, the book name � e Giant Runesmith are protected by copyright. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of 2CGaming, LLC or its representatives.

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Written by

Steven Gordon

Produced by


Editing by

Valerie Valdes

Illustration & Cover by

Ambrose Hoilman

Design & Formatting by

John Cason

Illustration byKadra Alvaro

Page 3: THE GIANT RUNESMITH - 2CGAMING · THE GIANT RUNESMITH First Printing: August, 2016 ... and o˛ ers a measure of their power to aid the ... THE RUNIC CIRCLE



How can a party of 5th level characters stand up against two cloud giants? With some big help from a generous stone giant. She grants the players the last of her rune-magic, giving them the power to harness the energies that course through the cloud giant’s ritual site, and even become giants themselves, for a time. Will it be enough to stop the twin cloud giants before they call down a calamity from the heavens and devastate the countryside? � ere’s only one way to � nd out.


Sho is a stone giant, and like most of them, lives a solitary life as an artisan. Her carvings are powerful as well as beautiful, and have attracted the unfortunate attention of a pair of cloud giants. She enlists the players’ help in preventing the cloud giants from getting their hands on the runes, and o� ers a measure of their power to aid the party in achieving this goal.

� e following text will help establish the scene, if necessary, and provide some insight into Sho’s personality.

Standing 18 feet tall, the muscular woman before you would be intimidating if she had any expression other than a smile of genuine warmth on her face. “In spite of all the chaos it has caused in the dreaming world,” she gestures to the sky above, “it cheers my heart to see such a fuss made over my work. But it cannot continue. My name is Sho, and I am a Runesmith. I bring you a gi� .” Sho spreads out a small (for a giant) bundle of cloth on the ground in front of her, revealing a set of eight runes, each carved in a stone slab. � e artistry is incredible, and Sho beams with pride. “Each of these runes will grant you great power. Some now, more later, when you � nd a site of matching energy to draw from.” She looks at each of you in turn. “Ask me of them, and I will tell you. � en choose wisely, and choose soon. Your enemies work tirelessly to prepare their ritual, and I desire to return to the real world beneath the earth.”

EN CO U N T E R STAT IST I C STerrain Tags

Exterior, nature, mountains

FavorsMonks, Rogues, Barbarians

FoilsWizards, Sorcerers

Encounter WeightHeavy (fully-rested parties only)

Creatures2x Cloud Giant

Experience15,000 XP (10,000 XP from creatures, 5,000 XP

from terrain)

ENCOUNTER LEVEL 5(Scales 3 to 9)

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powerful rune allows a creature to take on the aspect of a Stone Giant temporarily, growing in size and strength. One character must choose � e Stoneheart to begin with, but when its e� ects wear o� , it is passed to another creature. Check � e Stoneheart rune stat block at the end of the encounter for details on the bene� ts it confers.


� is is the site of the Cloud Giants’ ritual. � e � rst features likely to catch your party’s attention are the sixteen pillars of stone, followed closely by the nine sigils on the ground. � ree of these sigils glow with a peculiar magic. When the party

arrives, the cloud giants are in deep concentration, pouring over their work. � is gives the party the element of surprise, and you should ask them how they want to approach. � ey may have some

success with diplomacy, but with a +7 bonus on Insight checks, the Cloud Giants are very di� cult

to deceive. Given the Cloud Giants’ motives, speci� cally the part where they’re trying to destroy the surrounding cities with a ritual, a peaceful resolution is unlikely.

� e following text describes the Runic Circle to your players as they approach:

You see the circle of standing stones exactly where Sho said it would be.

Sixteen pillars of tall, carved stone encircle a set of nine runes. � e

runes vary in size, but only a few of them pulse with power. Two

giants, both nearly 25 feet in height, work diligently

on the runes. � ough they lack the artistry

of Sho’s careful hands, they seem determined to get it right.

Sho will offer the party their choice of runes and bind the runes into their gear, their skin, or their very essence. The particulars will depend on how you’re choosing to use rune-magic in your campaign, but the important part is that the runes function as listed below, and that each character gets only one. It’s okay if two characters pick the same rune, though diversity is usually good to have in an adventuring party. It’s up to you whether to carry these powers forward, build on them, or have them wear off after this encounter. If you do carry them forward and they become problematic, a few options will be discussed later in the “Plot Hooks” section. Each rune option has a “vague description” if you want to keep the discussion in character, but you can just as easily tell your players directly what functions the different runes have. If you keep their functions a mystery, the encounter will be more challenging, and a party that goes in fully informed will have an easier time tackling the two Cloud Giants.

Each rune has a simple power, which can be activated any time, and a complex power, which can only be activated in certain circumstances. � is will be explained further in the encounter itself, but the general idea is that the character using the complex power must be standing in a location that is attuned to that rune. � e runes are listed at the end of the encounter. As the GM, you’re encouraged to print out copies of these signs for your players to keep on hand (similar to spell cards), for their quick-reference.

� e StoneheartOnce the players have all picked their runes, Sho provides them one � nal gi� : � e Stoneheart. � is

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would activate the NW, Center, and East runes. All other sigils become inactive.

When a player stands on an active sigil, he or she can use the complex power of their rune. Doing so sometimes requires an action, sometimes a reaction, as explained in that rune’s description. Regardless of the method of use, once a complex rune has been used on an active sigil, that sigil becomes inactive. In essence, each active sigil can be used once. Active sigils will also help the cloud giants to power their own runic abilities, as detailed in their stat blocks. At initiative count 20 on the next round, roll 3d6 again, and activate another set of three runes, deactivating

any that remained active from the previous set.

Rune Pillars� ese pillars are 5 � . in length and width, with a height of 25 � . � ey are roughand easy to climb, so while it takes twiceas much movement to move up them, as normal, no ability checks are necessary.� ey o� er cover to creatures that movebehind them, providing a +2 bonus toAC and Dexterity saving throws, as wellas allowing sneaky characters to useStealth and try to hide.


� e Cloud Giants should seek tochannel the power of the runes as o� en as possible. In addition to providingthem with powerful attacks, it also

Even though the Cloud Giants don’t react to the party’s initial approach, they are very perceptive. It is almost impossible for the whole party to get the drop on them, but a cra� y rogue might be able to get into position to launch a surprise attack.


Sigils� e Cloud Giants have carved a number of sigils intothe stone for channeling and empowering rune-magic. Some of the sigils are active and some are inactive. While a character stands on an active sigil, they can use the complex power of their chosen rune. To determine which sigils are active, on initiative count 20 every round (losing ties), roll 3d6 and compare the results to the following table, with one of the dice determining which rune becomes active in Set A, the second for Set B, and the third for Set C. For example, if you rolled a 2, a 4, and a 3, you





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prevents the party from taking advantage of the sigils. Initiative will play a big role in this � ght, and if the players all act before the Cloud Giants, it’s possible the creatures will never get to channel the sigils. Likewise, if the Cloud Giants act before the party, the players will be at a major disadvantage. � e giants should stay near the active sigils as much as they can, throwing boulders at distant targets and channeling the power of the sigils whenever possible, though they are unlikely to risk an opportunity attack from the player a� ected by � e Stoneheart even to get at a sigil. � ey should attack whoever is using � e Stoneheart, but also be willing to spread the damage around a little bit—they are very overcon� dent. If one Cloud Giant is slain, the other will attack whoever dealt the killing blow relentlessly, stopping only when they are unconscious. Neither of the giants should � nish o� downed characters, preferring to attack the still-conscious threats to their ritual. � e Cloud Giants � ght to the death.


� e powerful runes the party has gained are the main treasure here, but the Cloud Giants may, at your discretion, have in their possession 3d6 valuable gemstones (malachite, greenstone, and opals), each worth 25 gold pieces. Discussion of whether or not the players should keep the runes will be covered in the “Plot Hooks” section.


So your players have some powerful runes. You could have them simply stop working a� er this encounter, but that’s not very fun. � at said, you don’t want to just give them these toys without a price. At the very least, the players will become a target for giants, attracting potentially lethal attention to themselves. You can give them the opportunity to give up the runes, possibly to a giant, possibly to another individual or faction that seeks to make use of them. � is faction may be aligned with the party’s interests, or they might be opposed. � e runes can make a great bargaining


Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 200 (16d12+96)

Speed 40 ft.

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 27 (+8) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)

Saves Con +9, Wis +7, Cha +7

Skills Insight +7, Perception +7

Senses passive Perception 17

Languages Common, Giant

Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)


Keen Smell: The Giant has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Rune Magic: Instead of casting spells like most Cloud Giants, these giants have opted to learn the art of runes. This gives them additional abilities, noted in the Bonus Actions section.


Multiattack: The giant makes two Morningstar attacks.

Morningstar: Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8+8) piercing damage.

Rock: Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10+8) bludgeoning damage.

Bonus Actions

Channel Rune: The giant selects one active sigil it can see within 5 ft. and channels the magic within. This deactivates the rune, allowing the giant to project an elemental orb which targets a point within 30 ft. of the sigil. The orb detonates on impact at that point. All creatures within 5 ft. of the detonation point must make a Dexterity save against a DC of 15 or take 21 (6d6) cold damage. A successful save halves the damage. On a failed save, the creature is also subject to one additional eff ect of the giant’s choice:

Kald (Cold): Creatures that failed their saves are Restrained until the end of their next turn.

Vind (Air): Creatures that failed their saves are pushed 20 ft. away from the center of the eff ect and knocked prone.

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tool, as well, potentially allowing the party to gain a favor from a noble or other major � gure they ordinarily wouldn’t be able to in� uence.

Another option, if you don’t want the runes to be a long-term thing, is to have Sho warn the players that the runes will eventually cease to function, but that she doesn’t know when. � ey’ll last for the entire � ght with the cloud giants, but they might stop working the next day, or the next week. � is will make your players apprehensive about relying onthem, and makes the moment when you take the runesaway something for the characters to be frustrated by, notthe players. It will feel like the characters are strugglingwith the mysteries of rune-magic, not like you, the angryDM, are taking fun things away from your players.


� is encounter hinges upon giants and rune-magic, butyou can make tweaks to the setting to � t your campaign.You can place the Cloud Giants’ ritual site anywhere that isclose to something your party doesn’t want to get destroyed. You can also replace the stone giant, Sho, with an NPC ofyour own (potentially even a non-giant, depending on howyou’ve chosen to integrate rune-magic into your game).� e runes don’t have to originate from a giant; they couldbe something a human or elf (or any other “small folk”) hascreated to even the playing � eld against the giants.


EL 3 (-5,000 XP): Remove one Cloud Giant. A single Cloud Giant is still a serious threat to a 3rd level party, but with the aid of runes and especially � e Stoneheart, they will be able to prevail. One or more characters might be knocked unconscious, so you might want to have Sho provide them with a few healing potions if they aren’t carrying any.

EL 7 (+5,000 XP): Add another Cloud Giant. Change the sigils so that each active sigil can be used once by the party

and once by the giants before it deactivates. � ese changes will make the encounter much more challenging, but a well-coordinated party should be able to handle it. � ey will be less reliant on � e Stoneheart and more able to handle the Cloud Giants on their own terms.

EL 9 (+10,000 XP): Add a Storm Giant. Change the sigils so that each active sigil can be used once by the party and once by the giants before it deactivates. Storm Giants are incredibly dangerous foes, and the party will need to be at the top of their game to tackle this trio.


Easier: � e way you aim the giants’ rune-magic will strongly a� ect how dangerous it is. Use the ability to primarily target individuals, and try to spread the giant’s attacks out between di� erent targets. One of the giants should attack whichever player is under the e� ects of � e Stoneheart, letting those temporary hit points soak up as much damage as possible. � e other one should always pick a di� erent target. Don’talways have them channel their runes, and never have them risk opportunity attacks to get to another sigil. � at shouldmake them a much more manageable threat.

Harder: If the Cloud Giants focus their attacks on the character under the e� ects of � e Stoneheart, they’ll likely knock them out of it in a single round. Make sure they channel their rune-magic as o� en as they can, even if they have to take an opportunity attack to get close enough to an active sigil. Between these two tweaks, they’ll be a big threat to the party.

Lethal: Killing the party is pretty di� erent from just making this � ght a challenge. If you want to leave a pile of dead bodies, the Cloud Giants should focus their attacks on whichever party members aren’t using � e Stoneheart. Spellcasters and rogues are tempting targets. Have them team up on these more vulnerable party members to take them down

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The Ild sign will spark the hottest fl ames from the smallest ember.

Simple Power: FirebornYou can use an action to cause any weapons you hold to deal fi re damage instead of their normal damage type. You end this eff ect with an action or when you cease holding the weapon.

Complex Power: Sweltering SurgeWhen you deal fi re damage to a creature, you can channel this rune to maximize the damage, dealing the maximum possible result of all dice to that creature. If you deal fi re damage to multiple creatures, the damage is maximized against only one of them, and you must roll damage normally against all other targets.

Those who wield the sign of Vind are fl eet of foot, and can call the air itself to restrain their foes.

Simple Power: WindsweptYour speed increases by 10 feet, and you make initiative checks with advantage.

Complex Power: Howling GaleAs an action, you can focus a whirlwind of air on a creature you can see within 90 ft. That creature becomes Restrained for 1 minute. It can use its action to make a Strength check against DC 14, freeing itself on a success.

Stein will keep you safe.

Simple Power: Armor of EarthYou gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Complex Power: BulwarkAs a bonus action, you intensify the power of the Stein rune around yourself or one creature you can see. The target gains resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage for 1 minute.

The Kalt rune can be focused into a devastating barrage.

Simple Power: Cloak of IceEach time a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack, that creature takes 3 cold damage.

Complex Power: HailstormAs an action, you conjure a barrage of ice that covers a 20 ft. cube centered on a point within 90 ft. of you. All creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw against DC 14. On a failed save, they take 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage and their speed is reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn. A successful saving throw reduces the damage by half and negates the speed penalty.

Syre melts all it touches, making your foes easier targets. It can also be used defensively, making you much less appealing prey.

Simple Power: Corrosive TouchWhen you hit a creature with a weapon or spell attack, the next attack roll against that creature has advantage.

Complex Power: Acidic BacklashAs a bonus action, you coat yourself in a sheath of acid. The next time you are hit by a melee weapon attack, the attacker must make a Dexterity saving throw against DC 14, taking 21 (6d6) acid damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. That attacking creature’s next attack roll has disadvantage.

None can withstand the might of the Torden rune. Your weapons land mighty blows and thunder with the might of a storm.

Simple Power: Raw ForceYour weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 thunder damage.

Complex Power: Sonic BoomWhen you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can use this rune to unleash a detonation, dealing an additional 22 (4d10) thunder damage and forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw against DC 14. On a failed save they are pushed up to 20 ft. away from you and knocked prone. A successful save reduces the damage by half and the target is neither pushed nor knocked prone.



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With Lysglimt, you leap like lightning. With enough focus, you can even call a bolt from the heavens to smite your enemies.

Simple Power: Conductive LeapWith a bonus action, you teleport up to 10 ft. to an unoccupied location you can see.

Complex Power: Lightning StrikeAs an action, you manifest the storm, calling down a bolt of lightning targeting a creature you can see within 120 ft. of you. That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against DC 14, taking 27 (6d8) lightning damage on a failed saving throw or half as much on a success. There must be open sky above you to use this power.

When the creature activates this simple power, they take on the physical shape of a Stone Giant. While in this form, the creature’s gear melds into the new form. The creature cannot activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefi t from any of its equipment. Additionally, the creature gains the following benefi ts.

• The creature gains 50 temporary hit points, and cannot gain any more while aff ected by The Stoneheart. The eff ects of The Stoneheart last until these temporary hit points are depleted, or until the creature chooses to end them (no action required).

• The creature’s size increases to Large. Creatures that are already Large or Larger do not change size.

• The creature has advantage on all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.

• The creature gains a new attack: Slam (see below). Characters with the Extra Attack feature can make multiple Slam attacks while aff ected by The Stoneheart. Slam: Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8+6) bludgeoning damage.

When a creature loses the benefi ts of The Stoneheart, whether from taking damage or by choosing to end it, they may select a willing creature within 60 ft. to pass The Stoneheart to. That creature gains the Stoneheart and can activate its simple power immediately. Once a creature has been aff ected by The Stoneheart, that creature can’t be aff ected again until they fi nish a long rest.

This powerful rune allows a creature to take on the aspect of a Stone Giant temporarily, growing in size and strength.

Stralende is the essence of life, empowering your magic with the power to mend injuries and turn your pain into a shield.

Simple Power: Healer’s TouchWhenever you expend a spell slot to cast a spell or use an ability, you or one ally you can see within 30 ft. regains a number of hit points equal to twice the level of the spell slot used.

Complex Power: Martyr’s BlessingAs a bonus action, you invoke the spirit of the martyr. The next time you take damage from an attack or spell, all allies you can see within 30 ft. gain temporary hit points equal to half the damage you took.



Simple Power: Aspect of The Stoneheart

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