Volume 31, Number 7 www.gpha.org The Official Publication of the Georgia Pharmacy Association July 2009 Convention Coverage

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

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www.gpha.org Volume 31, Number 7 The Official Publication of the Georgia Pharmacy Association July 2009

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Volume 31, Number 7 www.gpha.org

The Official Publication of the Georgia Pharmacy Association July 2009

Convention Coverage

Page 2: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 20092

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Page 3: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 20093


14 CE at Sea

16 Tenth Annual Carlton Henderson Memorial Georgia Pharmacy Foundation Golf Tournament

18 GPhA Holds 134th Annual Business Meeting

22 GPhA Honors Pharmacy Professionals


4 President’s Message

8 Editorial

For an up­to­date calendarof events, log onto www.gpha.org.

24Coverage of

GPhA 134th Annual ConventionPreserving the Triad

Departments12 GPhA Member News10 New Members13 South University News13 CE Notice20 GPhA Thanks Exhibitors and Sponsors21 Pharm PAC Contribution Card26 PTCB Information28 NPLC Thank You30 GPhA Board of Directors

Advertisers2 The Insurance Trust2 Principal Financial Group7 Pharmacists Mutual Companies9 PharmStaff9 Toliver & Gainer10 PQC11 AIP12 Michael T. Tarrant18 Melvin M. Goldstein, P.C.19 NCPA Annual Conference 31 PACE32 The Insurance Trust

Page 4: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 20094

It is a great honor to be here tonight and to be inductedas this Georgia Pharmacy Association’s 135thPresident! Boy has my pharmacy career come a long

way. I entered the University of Georgia College ofPharmacy in the fall of 1968. I had just completed my pre-pharmacy degree at Middle Georgia College.

Imagine, my first quarter at the University of Georgia:Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Math,and Dean Kenneth Water’s course on PharmacyOrientation. Oh, by the way, that was also my firstexperience with Georgia Football and all of the excitingtailgating that began on Friday afternoons and lasted allweekend. You can guess where my priorities were. Thosewho knew Dean Waters can understand what he meantwhen he called me to his office at the end of the fallquarter, and said, with his heavy Virginian accent, “I thinkit is ‘about’ time you chose another career. It’s obviousthat you don’t want to be a pharmacist with the grades youhave made this quarter.” I said, “Well Dean, I made an ‘A’in your class” to which he replied, “Oh no, I don’t givegood grades to someone who did so poorly in their othercourses.” I pleaded with him to give me another chance.Lucky for me, he yielded and I graduated showing a vastimprovement in my grades by my senior year. If he couldonly see me now - would he be surprised!

Teddy Roosevelt said, “No man has a right to withhold hissupport from an organization that is striving to improve

conditions within his sphere. Every man owes a part of histime and money to the business or industry in which he isengaged.” I believe this to be true and have devoted muchof my adult life toward this commitment. If Dean Waterswere here tonight, I would give him another “thank you”for having given me a chance to succeed in becoming apharmacist. Tonight is a continuation of giving back tomy profession for the opportunities I have been afforded.I thank each of you for the trust you have placed in me.

This association has been at the forefront of makingpharmacy in Georgia a leader throughout the UnitedStates. I am honored to serve as its president and lookforward to continuing to keep our association in thispremier position.

Our profession is undergoing profound changes. Thebook, WHO MOVED MY CHEESE, reflects on the fact thatpeople are uncomfortable with changes within theirspheres. Like it or not changes do occur and their cheeseis moved. My fellow professionals, I say our cheese isbeing moved. Adaptation to the changes has to occur.Pharmacists today are becoming more and more awarethat our healthcare system is no longer willing toadequately pay a pharmacist for his knowledge as it relatesto the dispensing of a drug to a patient. Pharmacy benefitmanagers are becoming more and more adapted inproviding the drug commodity to the patient. Theproliferation of mail order and the mandating of ninety

Eddie M. Madden, R.Ph.GPhA President

The GPhA President’sInaugural Address

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5The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 2009

days supplies are all ways that healthcare payers areavoiding or severely reducing pharmacists’reimbursements for the dispensing function. Communitypharmacies are “like horses with a carrot dangling in frontof their heads.”

They are trying to have their pharmacists dispense moreand more prescriptions to justify the revenue needed tocompensate the highly trained pharmacists’ salaries. Thecarrot will never be reached and the revenues willcontinue to dwindle!

In 1981, Donald C. McLeod writes in a chapter of hisbook titled “Philosophy of Practice,” saying that,“Dispensing, while being controlled by the profession,must not control the profession. Pharmacy must seek tomaximize its contribution to the patient’s welfare and itmust do so by enhancing the contribution of theindividual pharmacist.”

That was 28 years ago. When I began my pharmacypractice in 1972, I initiated blood pressure screenings atthe shopping centers in my hometown as a service projectfor the Kiwanis Club. I soon heard from the localphysicians that I was overstepping my bounds. At thattime, we could not label the drug name on theprescription unless the physician ordered it. Ourcounseling was restricted to the point that when a patientasked what the medication was for, we had to ask him whyhad the physician given it to him, so as not to overstep thebounds into the physician/patient relationship. A Triaddid not exist.

Slowly, we are enhancing the contribution of theindividual pharmacist as part of a triad in patient care. Mytheme for this year is “Preserving the Triad.” Within thistriad, the physician and the pharmacist provide a uniquecombination of medical expertise affording the utmost incare of the patient. Those who pay us continue to devaluethe pharmacist-dispensing role, which serves toundermine our triad relationship. We must work harder toenhance the pharmacist’s value in other ways.

Purchasers of healthcare will only value us if we candemonstrate that we are worth the cost by improvingpatient healthcare outcomes. Just in this decade have weseen the implementation of Medication Managementwhere pharmacist-delivered MTM increases genericutilization rates, reduces duplicative drug therapies, and

prevents potential adverse drug events.

The Asheville Project demonstrated the value of apharmacist on patient care. With the Ashville Projectthere is a realization that hospital costs are related to theeffective utilization of medications and that improvedpatient health outcomes and reduced hospital costs occur.With better outcomes also comes a more productiveemployee, which provides an even greater overall costsavings. APhA’s Ten City Challenge is also demonstratingthe value of the pharmacist in patient care in citiesthroughout the country.

In order to preserve our Triad, we must continue tostrengthen the pharmacist’s role as a member of thehealthcare team. Let’s imagine what Pharmacy could looklike in twenty-five years.

The dispensing function will be mainly controlled byautomation. Physician prescription orders will be directlyentered into an automated dispensing device at thepharmacy. The patient’s entire health record will beaccessible in this system. Drug interactions, drug allergies,drug utilization will all be identified electronically. Thepharmacist will have the authority to intervene, choosingalternatives when conditions are reported by theautomated system.

I also envision expanded collaborative practice settingswith the pharmacist monitoring the patient’s drug therapyand having the authority to adjust medications for INR,blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, asthma and otherconditions. Patient laboratory results ordered by thepharmacist under this protocol will be part of theinformation available to and utilized by the pharmacist formaking adjustments to the drug regimen. The physicianwill be electronically notified of the pharmacist’s changesfor the patient’s record and his review. Patientconsultation will become an even more importantfunction for the pharmacist and the patient.

For pharmacists to be able to participate in thesescenarios, our scope of practice must be expanded. Ourprofession has the knowledge and the skill to fulfill thisrole on the healthcare team. We need a plan so that ourvision can become a reality. As president, I want theassociation to undertake the development of a strategicfive-year plan.

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 20096

While we may not complete our vision in five years, wecan lay the foundation for change in our practice.

Changing our state laws to expand our scope of practicewill be necessary to reach our vision. This will require acommitment of grassroots efforts and political influencefrom our membership.

I observed, while serving in the Senate, optometristsstruggling for prescriptive authority. Their efforts took tenyears to reach their goal. Each year they pushed further,first getting authority for drugs to dilate the pupils. In afew more sessions they passed a law giving them a limitedlist of ophthalmic preparations. Finally, after moresessions, they were able to pass a law giving them anexpanded list of ophthalmic preparations and oralmedications. As they began their efforts, the medicalprofession resisted, saying they were not qualified andwere only fitters of eyeglasses. Their association andmembers worked diligently to achieve this scope ofexpansion. Their example is proof of what grassrootsefforts, lobbying, and an effective PAC can accomplish inthe legislative process. In the words of Henry Ford, “ifeveryone is moving forward together, then success willtake care of itself.” We too, can move forward workingtogether to achieve our goals as did the optometrists.

From my experience as a member of the Georgialegislature, I know the importance of having influence inthe political process. As your president, I am committed tohaving a strong lobbying effort by our association and todeveloping a stronger PAC. The Medical Association ofGeorgia PAC contributes nearly two dollars for every onedollar that we contribute through PharmPAC. They haveincreased their solid contacts in the Senate and the Housesignificantly over the last three years by utilizing theirPAC’s influence. We must strengthen our association’sPAC with financial contributions and communicate withour legislators to effectively lobby against those whowould oppose expansion of our scope of practice.

These are aggressive goals and visions and I believe theyare the course of action we need to take in order to“Preserve the Triad.”

In closing tonight, I would like to thank those who havesupported my being here. First and foremost, my wife Linda. When I asked her if we

could commit five years to the association, she took a deepbreath and said, “I’ll support you in whatever you chooseto do.” She has been more than supportive, taking anactive role in organizing the social events that go with mycommitment and traveling with me. We have made manyfriends throughout the state and country.

My children, Bryan, Hutton, and Ashley, have understoodand been supportive on many occasions, such as thisFather’s Day weekend, when I could not be home withthem. I am fortunate tonight to have my son, Hutton, andhis wife, Marian, here with me, along with my firstgrandchild, Kate, a 20-month-old, cutie who loves to sayPapa!

I would also like to thank our executive committee,Sharon Sherrer, Robert Bowles, Dale Coker and JackDunn who are leaders with each bringing talents that Itruly admire. I am looking forward to working with themand the Board of Directors for the next year!

Our association would not be where it is today withoutthe hard work of a great staff. I thank each of you for allthat you do.

I would like to give a special recognition tonight to PastPresident, John Sherrer. John has been a part of theassociation for many years and made a tirelesscommitment to the association and our profession. I wishhim a speedy recovery and look forward to him beinginvolved again soon.

Once again, it is an honor to be your president. I will domy best to uphold the trust that you have bestowed uponme in the up coming year.

Page 7: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

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Page 8: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

E X E C U T I V E V I C E P R E S I D E N T ’ S E D I T O R I A L

Jim BracewellExecutive Vice President / CEO

Improving Medication Use Will Lower Healthcare Costs

8The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 2009

“You are not reforming health care if you are notaddressing appropriate use of medications” hasbeen the central message the Georgia Pharmacy

Association has been taking to the GeorgiaCongressional Delegation with personal visits andletters at the end of June and first of July (see theAugust JOURNAL for a full report).

We know pharmacists can ensure the appropriate useof medications leading to higher quality outcomesand medication therapy that is safe, effective,equitable and patient-centered.

The Georgia Pharmacy Association asked for yourcongressman to support the inclusion ofPHARMACIST-provided patient care services inpublic and private health care programs whichinclude:

a. medication therapy reviews for those patients entering Medicare and for all other patients with documented medical needs requiring continued evaluation, analysis, and counseling

b. medication therapy management services (MTMS)

c. pharmacist-delivered immunizations

d. inclusion of pharmacists, services in the Medical "home" model

e. inclusion of pharmacists services in medication therapy management pilot/grant programs

Such inclusion we believe should incorporate theappropriate payment model based on pay-for-performance programs connected to specificevidence-based measures and guarantee electronicaccess to critical patient health care information,including diagnosis and laboratory values.

For example, we know a primary cause of costlyhospital readmissions is the lack of patient adherenceto medications used to treat chronic medicalconditions, such as hypertension and highcholesterol. Pharmacists can play an important role inpost acute care settings in helping patients managetheir medications through education, training, andmonitoring.

We also know that pharmacists’ face-to-faceinterventions are the most cost-effective interventionsin improving health outcomes. Mirixa, a health carecompany that focuses on providing MTM services,recently did a study of over 10 million Medicare Part

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 20099

D prescription claims and found that face-to-faceinterventions with pharmacists about theirmedications help to reduce drug spending by $34 perpatient per month, or over $400 per year. Telephoneinterventions and letters sent to patients were far lesseffective in improving medication use and reducingcosts.

Finally, we urged our representatives to buildtransparency and accountability into any public planoption that might be developed, and that, tomaximize savings, a pharmacy benefits administratorbe used rather than a pharmacy benefits manager.

Congress is about to make the most significant reformto health care that has ever been undertaken by ourgovernment. Have you taken time to voice yourconcern to your member of Congress and each ofyour US Senators? If you do not, you are thenallowing the special corporate interests of health careto be the only voice Congress hears from on this

important legislation. Your message can be as simpleas, “I am a member of the Georgia PharmacyAssociation and I want you to support ourassociation’s message they have sent to you.” Anemail, a phone call, a handwritten note has a hugeimpact. Your silence is a loud message that you aresatisfied with what is taking place. Speak up! Now isthe time to be heard.

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Page 10: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

Dot Roseann Blair, AlpharettaChristine Burroughs, Marietta

Katie Jo Cash, AthensEvelyn Cowan, AthensAshley DeLay, Millen

Humphrey Ehigiator, ChambleeAlicia Beatrix Elam, Pharm.D., Augusta

Kellie Baker Garrett, B.S., RomeAmanda Putkowski Hardy, Pharm.D., Dublin

Christine Brooke Hawes, RinggoldThomas J. Heard, R.Ph., CGP, Grayson

Ehigiator Humphrey, ChambleeCecilia Inhulsen, Augusta

Olivia Johnson, DouglasvilleAshley Jones, Athens

Jennifer Jones, AugustaMichelle Jones, Athens

Heather KerstnerChristina Kim, Athens

Paul King, SavannahChristee G. Laster, Pharm.D., J.D., Atlanta

Michelle Li, AthensMariam Majidi, MariettaRyan Markham, Bogart

Ann McConnell, AthensJason McNeely

Anita Murray, R.Ph., CartersvilleYennam Nguyen

Summer O'Quinn, AthensTaylor Owens, Macon

Catherine Pennington, AthensMary Charles Pfister, Tifton

Ryne Roseberry, GraysonGarrick Schenck, Savannah

Kayce McLeod Shealy, Pharm.D., Leesville, SCDale Sims, Duluth

Lindsay SnowJames A. Stewart, OD, Duluth

Thomas J. Tyer, WinderMelissa Underwood, Alpharetta

Brandy Walker, Locust GroveKristina Walker, Marietta

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200910

Welcome to GPhA!The following is a list of new members who have joined Georgia’s premier

professional pharmacy association!

Page 11: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

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Page 12: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

The International Academy ofCompounding Pharmacists hasrecently inducted Dale Coker,R.Ph., as a fellow in recognition ofhis contribution as a specialist inthe art and skill of pharmacycompounding.

Christy Cecil was recentlyinterviewed for an article entitled“UGA pharmacy school, MGClongtime partner” for the MORRIS



Daniel K. Forrister, Pharm.D.,Clinical Assistant Professor at theUniversity of Georgia College ofPharmacy, received the 2009-2010Scholarship of Engagement grantfor $8,000 from the UGA Office ofthe Vice President for PublicService and Outreach for a projectentitled, “Pharmacy StudentEngagement in delivering HealthCare Services to Residents ofArchway Partnership Counties.”

Charles McDuffie, Public ServiceAssociate; Jeff Sanford, SeniorAssociate; Trina von Walder,Public Service Associate all of theUniversity of Georgia College ofPharmacy presented “OptimizingMedication Therapy Managementthrough Entrepreneurship,” a 40-hour practice based continuingpharmacy education activity inpartnership with the SmallBusiness Development Center(SBCDC). The program included32 hours of live instruction andeight hours of home study utilizing

WebCT. The program ran March28 through May 17, 2009, with anenrollment of 15 pharmacists andbusiness partners.

Brian Buck, Clinical AssociateProfessor and Director of theResidency Program at theUniversity of Georgia,chaired the recent 40thSoutheastern States ResidencyConference (SERC), in whichpharmacy residents from 9southeastern states and PuertoRico presented their residencyresearch project results.

Armon B. Neel, Jr., received the2009 Armon Neel Senior CarePharmacist Award from theAmerican Society of ConsultantPharmacists in Orlando, Florida.President Judith Beizer presentedthe award at the Opening GeneralSession, Wednesday, May 7, duringthe 2009 ASCP MidyearConference and Exhibition takingplace May 7-9.

If you have an item that you wouldlike included in the GPhAMembers in the News section ofThe Georgia Pharmacy Journalplease email the item of news toKelly McLendon [email protected] or fax it toher attention at 404.237.8435.


12The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 2009

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Page 13: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200913


On June 20, 2009, SouthUniversity School ofPharmacy graduated the

Doctor of Pharmacy Students. Theyare as follows:

Asad AminHaley Herrmann AndersonHannah Kristin AthanCody Allan BabcockHeather Ann BarnesLinda Leigh BergerCamron Reid BoydBrooke Tootle CallCharles Newell CannonCarrie Allison ChestnuttWilliam Andrew ClaybaughKidest-Mimi Agonafer DemesseNguyen Huu DoNicholas Michael DoggendorfAshley Christina DolmanJonathan Veazey DossXanthea Nicole DowellHeather Marie DrazdowskiAdam Bryce EnglettSusan FallahiSonya Lee FlakesChasity Lynn GeorgeDaniel Tyler GoldmanGlenn Michael HansonMalissa Gillian HarbinKinsley Baye HarrellCynthia Joye HendrixJacob James HerringtonJennifer Mildred HicksAdrianne LeShay HortonRachel Kathleen JuneAnne H. KeatonKelly Amanda KennedyKimberly Nicole KirbyDavid Alexander KragelMary Amanda KragelMarilyn Elizabeth LukAndrew Travis LukePaul Martin MacDowellMaria Alvarado Manning

Joshua Timothy MizelleBrianna Elise MoodyBetty Ann MorrisMichelle Renee MotlNhan Quang NgoThao Xuan Hoa NguyenEsther Sue ParkKamini Khushal PatelKeyurkumar R. PatelKomal Deepak PatelStephanie Renee PeanaskyJohnny Robert RiversKristina Jean SanfordKyle Rodney SaundersNathin LeRoy SealsShelly Thompson SheffieldHollie Nichole SheltonDara Shin

Christopher Gerald SmithJennifer Scarboro SmithPamela Paige SmithTeresa Lynn SmithWaylon Steve SpiresLauren Nicole StanskyKristin Denise TalbottBill Nam Quang TrinhKristen Renee UsseryErin Lancaster VickersNicole Elizabeth WardenskiLauren Rachel WertsMargarette Beth WestwoodHeather Nikita WhitleySheena Renee WilliamsRebecca Alicia WiseLindsay Marie WolfeHerbert Michael Wood

GPhA members are noted in bold.

Important Notice RegardingJournal Published Home

Study Continuing EducationThe Ohio Pharmacists Association for years has coordinateda program to provide home study continuing educationprograms, for many states associations including Georgia.The Ohio Association, due to rising costs associated withthat program, discontinued providing them for publicationthis spring. May was the last edition of these studies.

GPhA is actively determining our best resource to continuethis service to our members. We expect to resumepublication of the home study courses as early as July orAugust 2009.

Thank you for your patience as we explore the mosteconomical method to continue this service to our members.

Jim BracewellExecutive Vice PresidentGeorgia Pharmacy Association

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C o n v e n t i o n N e w s

10th Annual Carlton Henderson MemorialGeorgia Pharmacy Foundation GolfTournament

With the support of the participating sponsorsand golfers, the 10th Annual CarltonHenderson Memorial Georgia Pharmacy

Foundation Golf Tournament was a huge success.Through their generosity and participation they allowedthe Foundation to raise around $24,000 to be used forscholarships for deserving pharmacy school students inthe state of Georgia.

GPhF extends its sincerest thanks to the followingsponsors for their support:

Friends of the FoundationIn Memory of Neil L. Pruitt, Sr. (United PharmacyServices)AmerisourceBergenCore Management Resource GroupData Rx ManagementFred’s PharmacyLon & Michael LewisHutton Madden/ Pharmacists Mutual CompaniesMcKesson Drug Company ( Birmingham DC)Pembroke Pharmacy/Southern SportsmanRite Aid PharmacySmith Drug CompanyUnited Pharmacy ServicesVPI Diabetes Management

Hole SponsorsAcademy of Independent Pharmacy (AIP)Robert C. Bowles, Jr. , GPhA PresidentBruce Broadrick, GPhA Past PresidentDale Coker, 1st Vice PresidentJack Dunn, Candidate for First Vice President

ECR SoftwareEddie Madden, President-ElectMedical ExcessMary Meredith, Candidate for Second Vice PresidentPCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America)Rexam Prescription ProductsJohn T. Sherrer, Chairman of the Georgia PharmacyFoundationH.D. SmithTommy & Susan Whitworth (In honor of John T. Sherrerand in memory of Gini Braden)

Award SponsorMason Vitamins

Ball SponsorHutton Madden/Pharmacists Mutual Companies

Beverage Cart SponsorRite Aid Pharmacy

Program SponsorLaird Miller, Past Chairman of the AIP Board

Tee Gift SponsorsAnda Atlantic Capital BankMahlon Davidson, Candidate for Second Vice PresidentFred’s PharmaciesGPhS Insurance ServicesRobert Hatton, Candidate for Second Vice PresidentOutdoor Hands Intense Healing Cream (Provided byAustin Gore, R.Ph.)

Kelly J. McLendonGPhA’s Director of Public Affairs

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200917

The Georgia Pharmacy Foundation congratulates thewinners of the tournament and the contestants. The firstplace team was Bobby Moody, Todd Yates and ClaudeBates. The closest to the pin for hole 3 was ShawnGahagan and the closest to the pin for hole 11 was LairdMiller. The longest putt was taken by Alex Tucker andthe longest drive was taken by Mike Lewis.

Mark your calendar and look forward to joining the funfor next year’s 11th Annual Carlton Henderson MemorialGeorgia Pharmacy Foundation Golf Tournament inMyrtle Beach, South Carolina, at the Kingston Plantationon June 28, 2009.

First place team for the 10th Annual Carlton HendersonMemorial Georgia Pharmacy Foundation Golf Tournament(from left to right) Claude Bates, Bobby Moody and ToddYates.

Some of the GPhA fearless leadership (from left to right)Robert Bowles, GPhA President; Dale Coker, GPhA 1st VicePresident; Eddie Madden, GPhA President Elect.

Trevor Miller, Director of Insurance Services presenting theaward for longest putt to Alex Tucker.

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200918

C o n v e n t i o n N e w s

Kelly J. McLendonGPhA’s Director of Public Affairs

GPhA Holds 134th Annual Business Meeting

Every year, the GPhA membership has anopportunity to come together to make decisionsthat will affect the policies and management of the

association during the coming years, and to makenominations to the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy.Here is a summary of the resolutions made and the otherbusiness decisions made on June 24, 2009.

Resolutions were passed to thank the following:

Fred Barber, President of the State Board of Pharmacyand the members of the Board of Pharmacy for theirsupport and assistance to the Association and theprofession of pharmacy.

The University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, MercerUniversity College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, andSouth University School of Pharmacy for their support ofthe Association.

The Convention Exhibitors for their participation in the134th annual convention. (See page X for a list of theseexhibitors).

The sponsors and other contributors to the Convention.

There was also a resolution passed that requested the statefund the attendance of Georgia Drugs and Narcoticsagents at the GPhA Convention as a benefit to the agentsas well as the pharmacists of the state of Georgia.

This meeting is also the time when pharmacists in thestate of Georgia have the opportunity to makenominations to the Governor for the open position on theGeorgia State Board of Pharmacy. This year the threenominations are Larry L. Batten, R.Ph., Alan M. Jones,R.Ph., and R. Andy Rogers, R.Ph.

The final item of Old Business that required attention wasthe changes to the Constitution that had been tabled atthe 2008 convention and required a final vote. The votewas held to make the changes recommended by theBylaws Committee and passed without opposition.

Upon completion of the business of GPhA, Eddie M.Madden, R.Ph., GPhA President, gaveled the meetingand the convention adjourned.

For details of any of these items of business please contactthe GPhA office at 404-231-5074.

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200920

GPhA Thanks Exhibitors andSponsors

Convention ExhibitorsAbbott Diabetes Care

Accu-ChekAcorda Therapeutics

AIMSCO - DELTA HI TECHAmerisourceBergen

Analytical Research LaboratoriesAnda, Inc.

APCIAssociated Pharmacies, Inc.

Astellas Pharma US, Inc.BD

Boehringer-Ingelheim, Inc.CAM Commerce Solutions

Cameron and Company, Inc.Cardinal Health

Core Management Resources Group, Inc.Cost Effective Computer Systems, Inc.

CVS PharmacyData Rx Management, Inc.

Dermik LabsDr. Comfort

ECR Software (ECRS)Emporos Systems

Fanatic CardsFred's Pharmacy

H.D. SmithHealthCare Consultants

Hire Dynamics RxHome Diagnostics, Inc.

Ideal Gifts & PhotosIdeation, Inc.

InnovationIntegral Solutions GroupKelestan Packaging, Inc.

Mason Vitamins, Inc.McKesson

Medicare Diabetes Screening ProjectMEDISCA Inc.

MemberHealth, LLC/A Universal American CompanyMercer University College of Pharmacy and Health

SciencesMichael T. Tarrant/Financial Network Associates

Morris & Dickson Co. LLCMOXATAG

Novo NordiskPCCA

Pace AllianceParata Systems

Pharmacists Mutual CompaniesPharmacy Development Services

Pharmacy-Lite PackagingPRS Pharmacy Services/NASI

Publicom, Inc./Computerized Health ServicesPublix Pharmacy

QS/1Qualitest Pharmaceuticals

Retail Designs, Inc.Retail Management SolutionsRexam Prescription Products

Rite Aid PharmacyRoche Labs

Rx30 Pharmacy SystemSamuels Products

sanofi-aventis, U.S.ScriptPro

Skye ComfortSmith Drug Company

South University School of PharmacySpectrum Pharmacy Products

Stiefel LaboratoriesStoneRiver Pharmacy Solutions

SXC Health Solutions, Inc.Take Charge Pharmacist/Weight Management System

The Perfect MatTransDermal Technologies, Inc.

Tri State Distribution, Inc.UCB

University of Georgia College of PharmacyUpsher Smith LaboratoriesVPI Diabetes Management


Your DME Supplier, Inc.

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200921

Convention SponsorsAcademy of Consultant Pharmacists

Abbott Diabetes CareAcademy of Employee Pharmacists

Academy of Independent PharmaciesAmerican Pharmacy Cooperative

AmerisourceBergenBoehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

CVS/CaremarkDonation from Friend of the Georgia Pharmacy

FoundationForest Pharmaceuticals

Home DiagnosticsHospice Pharmacia

McKessonMercer University College of Pharmacy and Health

SciencesMerck & Co., Inc.Morris & Dickson

Novo Nordisk, Inc.Pricara/Ortho-McNeil Janssen

PCCAPfizer, Inc.

Pharmacists MutualRoche Diagnostics

Smith Drug CompanySouth University School of Pharmacy

University of Georgia College of PharmacyVoice-Tech, Inc.

Work Accessories, Inc.

We appreciate your support and lookforward to your attendance next year!!!

Pharm PAC would like to encourage you to make acontribution today and help pharmacy look forward

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Page 22: The Georgia Pharmacy Journal: July 2009

Every year at the Georgia Pharmacy Associationrecognizes the contributions of individual member-pharmacists. Most of these recognitions occur at

the Annual Convention during the President’s InauguralBanquet or during the general sessions that occur dailyduring the convention, and acknowledges the efforts ofindividual pharmacists in professional service, publicservice, and innovative pharmacy practice.

Mrs. Judy Bowles of Thomaston, was presented with thePharmacist’s Mate Award and the 2009 President’sAward. Judy was unable to attend the convention, butRobert C. Bowles, Jr., R.Ph., CDM, CFts, GPhA 2008-2009 President, accepted these awards in her absence.

The President’s Award was presented by Robert whopromised to pass the award on to Judy.

The Pharmacist’s Mate award was presented by Tina W.Chancy, R.Ph., 2006 recipient of the Pharmacists MateAward, who filled in for John T. Sherrer, R.Ph., the 2008recipient of the Pharmacists Mate Award, who was alsounable to attend the convention.

James W. Bartling,Pharm.D., of Snellville,was awarded the Bowl ofHygeia, one of the mosthighly covetedrecognitions inpharmacy. As a formerGPhA President, anInsurance Trust Trusteeand FoundationDirector, Jim has not

only been a dedicated leader to his profession, but also adevoted leader in his faith and a leader in his community.His is know to his colleagues as “the number one fan of

pharmacy and pharmacy school students.”

Presented by HuttonMadden of PharmacistsMutual Companies, theDistinguished YoungPharmacist honoree thisyear was Kalen B.Porter, Pharm.D., ofAugusta. She is knownby her colleagues andleaders in the professionand has reached manymilestones in her career at a very young age.

Pamala S. Marquess,Pharm.D., of Marietta,was awarded the Mal T.Anderson OutstandingRegion President Award.The award symbolizesstrong leadership skillsand dedication to theprofession of pharmacy.As president of GPhA’sSeventh Region, Dr.

Marquess set a goal of increasing attendance at her regionmeetings. She was innovative in reaching out to members,

non-members, studentsand pharmacies with agoal of including allpractice settings.

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200922

C o n v e n t i o n N e w s

GPhA Honors PharmacyProfessionals

Kelly J. McLendonGPhA’s Director of Public Affairs

Eddie and Linda Maddenenjoying a dance at thePresident’s Banquet onTuesday evening of theGPhA Convention.

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200923

Steven A. Purvis, R.Ph.,was the recipient of theNational Alliance of StatePharmacy Associations’Innovative PharmacyPractice Award. Steveopened the first in-storeclinic in an independentpharmacy in his Ellijaystore in an effort toensuring the quality and

efficency of patient care. Steve was also named theIndependent Pharmacist of the Year for 2009 by theAcademy of Independent Pharmacy. He was unable toattend the convention and his awards were accepted byTim Short, Chairman of AIP.

Representative J. Ron Stephens, R.Ph., is the recipientof the 2009 Larry L. Braden Meritorious Service Award.The recipient of this award is a person who has goneabove and beyond the call of duty on service to theprofession of pharmacy and the patients of the state ofGeorgia. Representative Stephens has served six terms inthe House of Representatives and been a dedicatedadvocate for the profession of pharmacy and patientsalike.

During the GeneralSession on Monday, R.Andy Rogers, R.Ph., washonored with theAcademy of EmployeePharmacists’ Pharmacistof the Year Award.

This year we have five GPhA members whom we honoredat the convention for their 50 years of service. They are asfollows:

William G. Cagle, R.Ph., of CantonRobert D. Hall, R.Ph., of BlakelyMaxwell G. Hancock, R.Ph., of MoutrieJohn T. Robinson, R.Ph., of CarrolltonKenneth S. Thompson, R.Ph., of Macon

Eddie M. Madden,R.Ph., was honored withseveral awards during theconvention including theNCPA LeadershipAward, the Smith DrugCompany IncomingPresident Award and theMcKesson LeadershipAward. And, on Tuesdayevening he was installedas the 2009-2010 President of the Georgia PharmacyAssociation, after which he gave a gracious InauguralAddress that is reprinted in this issue of the JOURNAL (seepage 4).

As a final thank you toRobert Bowles, 2008-2009 GPhA President,Eddie Maddenpresented him with thePast President’s Pin, agold and diamond pinthat is given to everyoutgoing president as atoken of appreciation fortheir time of service.

Also, Thomas and Lindsey Sherrer presented Robert withan American Flag, whichhad flown over theCapitol in Washington,DC, as a thank you for thesupport of the Sherrerfamily.

“Jumpin’ Jack” Dunn, cuttin’ arug at the Dance to the Sounds ofthe Renee Tangee and ClubVisage.

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200924

C o v e n t i o n N e w s

Coverage of the GPhA 134th AnnualConvention

Kelly J. McLendonGPhA’s Director of Public Affairs

For 134 years the Georgia Pharmacy Association hasbeen gathering to discuss challenges and developsolutions for problems facing Georgia pharmacists.

This year, GPhA met at the Sawgrass Marriott in PonteVedra Beach, Florida, to be educated, fellowship togetherand recognize the accomplishments of the pharmacistswho have inspired and changed the profession ofpharmacy.

This year’s theme was “Preserving the Triad,” and reflectedthe outlook of the membership and their role in the healthcare community. The convention brings togetherpharmacists from all walks of life and every practicesetting.

During the week, pharmacists heard from excellentspeakers on topics ranging from new drug information tobusiness marketing. Everyone came together for socialevents that help members catch up with old friends andmake new ones. The profession also took time torecognize the efforts, works and deeds of pharmacists whohave made significant contributions.

Continuing EducationAs in the past, GPhA had another exceptional panel ofspeakers and continuing education programs. In total,there were nearly 30 hours of CE available at theConvention.

The following programs were offered:• OSHA Update 2009• Managing & Monitoring Diabetes• COPD – Therapeutic Guidelines• Empowering Your Diabetes Patient• Marketing Your Compounding Practice• HIV/AIDS: Pharmacists Perspective• New Drug Update 2009 for Pharmacists• Execution – Turning Pharmacy Vision Into a Reality• Reducing Medication Errors• Immunization Update 2009• Anticoagulation Management• OTC Bowl 2009• Hospice and Palliative Care• MTM Update• Political Policy Update• Pharmacist Patient Assessment• Pharmacy Law

Speakers included Danyce Ashton of PCCA, DanBenamoz of Pharmacy Development Services, JohnCoster of NCPA, Stephan Foster of the University ofTennessee, and Linda Garrelts MacLean of WashingtonState University among many others.

We look forward to your joining us next year at theKingston Plantation at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200928

New Practitioner LeadershipConference Participants Say “Thank You”

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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal July 200930

The Georgia Pharmacy JournalEditor: Jim Bracewell

[email protected]

Managing Editor & Designer: Kelly [email protected]

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) is the official publication of theGeorgia Pharmacy Association, Inc. (GPhA). Copyright © 2009, GeorgiaPharmacy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical including by photocopy, recording or information storageretrieval systems, without prior written permission from the publisher andmanaging editor.

All views expressed in bylined articles are the opinions of the author anddo not necessarily express the views or policies of the editors, officers ormembers of the Georgia Pharmacy Association.

ARTICLES AND ARTWORKThose who are interested in writing for this publication are encouraged torequest the official GPJ Guidelines for Writers. Artists or photographerswishing to submit artwork for use on the cover should call, write or e-mailthe editorial offices as listed above.

SUBSCRIPTIONS AND CHANGE OF ADDRESSThe Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) (ISSN 1075-6965) is distributed asa regular membership service, paid for through allocation of membershipdues. Subscription rate for non-members is $50.00 per year domestic and$10.00 per single copy; international rates $65.00 per year and $20.00single copy. Subscriptions are not available for non-GPhA memberpharmacists licensed and practicing in Georgia.

The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) (ISSN 1075-6965) is publishedmonthly by the GPhA, 50 Lenox Pointe NE, Atlanta, GA 30324.Periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, GA and additional offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Georgia PharmacyJournal®, 50 Lenox Pointe, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324.

ADVERTISINGAdvertising copy deadline and rates are available at www.gpha.org uponrequest. All advertising and production orders should be sent to the GPhAheadquarters as listed above.

GPhA HEADQUARTERS50 Lenox Pointe, NEAtlanta, Georgia 30324Office: 404.231.5074Fax: 404.237.8435 www.gpha.org

Print: Star Printing - 770.974.6195


Name PositionRobert Bowles Chairman of the BoardEddie Madden PresidentDale Coker President ElectJack Dunn Candidate for First Vice PresidentMahlon Davidson Candidates for Second Vice PresidentRobert HattonMary MeredithJim Bracewell Executive Vice President/CEOHugh Chancy State at LargeAshley Dukes State at LargeKeith Herist State at LargeJonathan Marquess State at LargeSharon Sherrer State at LargeAndy Rogers State at LargeAlex Tucker State at LargeHeather DeBellis Region One PresidentTony Singletary Region Two PresidentJohn Drew Region Three PresidentBill McLeer Region Four PresidentShobhna Butler Region Five PresidentBobby Moody Region Six PresidentMike Crooks Region Seven PresidentLarry Batten Region Eight PresidentJason Rich Region Nine PresidentChris Thurmond Region Ten PresidentMarshall Frost Region Eleven PresidentKen Eiland Region Twelve PresidentRenee Adamson ACP ChairmanLiza Chapman AEP ChairmanBurnis Breland AHP ChairmanTim Short AIP ChairmanDeAnna Flores APT ChairmanRick Wilhoit ASA ChairmanJohn T. Sherrer Foundation ChairmanMichael Farmer Insurance Trust ChairmanFred Barber Ex Officio - President, GA Board of

PharmacyDon Davis Ex Officio - Chairman, GSHPGina Ryan Johnson EX Officio MercerMeagan Spencer Barbee Ex Officio Mercer ASPRusty Fetterman Ex Officio South Garrick Schenck Ex Officio South ASPDaniel Forrister Ex Officio UGAKyle Burcher Ex Officio UGA ASP

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