The Geography of the Anthropocene in New Zealand: Differential River Catchment Response to Human Impact IAN C. FULLER 1 *, MARK G. MACKLIN 1,2 and JANE M. RICHARDSON 3 1 Physical Geography Group, Institute of Agriculture & Environment, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand. 2 Department of Geography & Earth Sciences, River Basin Dynamics and Hydrology Research Group, Centre for Catchment and Coastal Research, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth SY23 3DB, UK. 3 School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Received 10 December 2014; Revised 8 May 2015; Accepted 21 May 2015 Abstract New Zealand provides a useful environment to test the notion that the Anthropocene is a new geological epoch. There are two well-dated anthropogenic impact ‘events’: Polynesian settlement c. AD 1280, and European colonisation c. AD 1800. Little attention, however, has been given to regional catchment response to these, although it has been assumed that both Polynesian and Euro- pean farming and land use management practices significantly increased erosion rates across most of New Zealand. This paper addresses the nature and timing of human impacts on river systems using meta-analysis of a recently compiled nationwide database of radiocarbon-dated fluvial deposits. This shows highly variable human impacts on erosion and sedimentation in river systems, which are often difficult to separate from naturally driven river activity. Catchment-scale data with high resolution dating control record clearer evidence of human dis- turbance. In Northland, anthropogenic alluviation is recorded from c. AD 1300 linked to early Polynesian settlement, enhanced further in the late 19th and 20th centuries by European land clearance, when sedimentation rates exceeded 25 mm year 1 . This study demonstrates significant geographical variability in the timing of human impact on river dynamics in New Zealand, despite two synchro- nous phases of human settlement, and highlights the difficulty of formally des- ignating a simple and single ‘Anthropocene Epoch/Age’. KEY WORDS Polynesian settlement; European colonisation; erosion; flood- plain sedimentation; channel change Introduction The onset of the Anthropocene as a geological epoch is currently debated, ranging from around AD 1800 (Steffen et al., 2007; Foley et al., 2013) to the mid-20th century (Waters et al., 2014). The key point in this debate is the need to iden- tify a critical regime change at which time humans became the dominant factor in control- ling environmental dynamics (Waters et al., 2014). The debate is not new: Marsh (1864) labelled ‘Man as a disturbing agent in nature’, and this is tracked in the alluvial record because 255 Geographical Research • August 2015 • 53(3):255–269 doi: 10.1111/1745-5871.12121

The Geography of the Anthropocene in New Zealand: Differential …geomorphology.sese.asu.edu/Papers/FULLER_et_al_NZ_Catchment_response... · AD 1800 (Steffen et al., 2007; Foley et

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Page 1: The Geography of the Anthropocene in New Zealand: Differential …geomorphology.sese.asu.edu/Papers/FULLER_et_al_NZ_Catchment_response... · AD 1800 (Steffen et al., 2007; Foley et

The Geography of the Anthropocene in NewZealand: Differential River Catchment Response toHuman Impact


1Physical Geography Group, Institute of Agriculture & Environment, Massey University,Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand.2Department of Geography & Earth Sciences, River Basin Dynamics and Hydrology ResearchGroup, Centre for Catchment and Coastal Research, Aberystwyth University, AberystwythSY23 3DB, UK.3School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, Palmerston North 4442, NewZealand.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Received 10 December 2014; Revised 8 May 2015; Accepted 21 May 2015

AbstractNew Zealand provides a useful environment to test the notion that theAnthropocene is a new geological epoch. There are two well-dated anthropogenicimpact ‘events’: Polynesian settlement c. AD 1280, and European colonisation c.AD 1800. Little attention, however, has been given to regional catchmentresponse to these, although it has been assumed that both Polynesian and Euro-pean farming and land use management practices significantly increased erosionrates across most of New Zealand. This paper addresses the nature and timing ofhuman impacts on river systems using meta-analysis of a recently compilednationwide database of radiocarbon-dated fluvial deposits. This shows highlyvariable human impacts on erosion and sedimentation in river systems, which areoften difficult to separate from naturally driven river activity. Catchment-scaledata with high resolution dating control record clearer evidence of human dis-turbance. In Northland, anthropogenic alluviation is recorded from c. AD 1300linked to early Polynesian settlement, enhanced further in the late 19th and 20thcenturies by European land clearance, when sedimentation rates exceeded25 mm year−1. This study demonstrates significant geographical variability in thetiming of human impact on river dynamics in New Zealand, despite two synchro-nous phases of human settlement, and highlights the difficulty of formally des-ignating a simple and single ‘Anthropocene Epoch/Age’.

KEY WORDS Polynesian settlement; European colonisation; erosion; flood-plain sedimentation; channel change

IntroductionThe onset of the Anthropocene as a geologicalepoch is currently debated, ranging from aroundAD 1800 (Steffen et al., 2007; Foley et al., 2013)to the mid-20th century (Waters et al., 2014).The key point in this debate is the need to iden-

tify a critical regime change at which timehumans became the dominant factor in control-ling environmental dynamics (Waters et al.,2014). The debate is not new: Marsh (1864)labelled ‘Man as a disturbing agent in nature’,and this is tracked in the alluvial record because


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floodplains archive landscape responses tohuman impacts (Lewin and Macklin, 2014).

Anthropogenically related changes in riverdischarge and sediment supply result in adjust-ment of channel morphologies and sedimentstorage (Knox, 1972; Macklin et al., 2014).Brown et al. (2013) suggest that the nature, scale,and chronology of alluvial sedimentation havethe potential to provide a clear marker for theAnthropocene. This is because land use changes,such as deforestation, agriculture, and mining,accelerate soil erosion that introduces sedimentof distinctive volume and character into riversystems, which Macklin et al. (2014) term‘anthropogenic alluvium’. Relating sedimenta-tion to land-use change following European set-tlement is well established, particularly in NorthAmerica and Australia, where the resultingdeposits are referred to as post-settlement allu-vium (Knox, 1972; Magilligan, 1985; Lecce,1997; Wasson et al., 1998; Olley and Wasson,2003; Rustomji and Pietsch, 2007). Morerecently, some have referred to such material as‘legacy sediment’ (James, 2013), which is abroader, catch-all term used to describe any‘anthropogenic sediment . . . produced episodi-cally over a period of decades or centuries,regardless of position in the landscape,geomorphic process . . . or . . . characteristics’(James, 2013, 23). Anthropogenic alluvium, asdefined by Macklin et al. (2014), can be consid-ered as a category of legacy sediment. Weavoid use of the term ‘post-settlement’ alluviumbecause its usage has generally implied a morenarrowly defined activity strongly associatedwith European culture, and because Europeanswere not the first to disturb New Zealand’s land-scape.

The timing and nature of Polynesianand European environmental impactsin New ZealandExtensive deforestation of the New Zealandlandscape was effected by small, transient, non-agricultural Polynesian populations arriving inNew Zealand ca. 700–800 years BP who usedfire to clear forests (McGlone, 1983; McGloneand Wilmshurst, 1999). This activity reducedforest cover by c. 50% (Masters et al., 1957). Thespeed of this clearance was dramatic in drierareas, such as the eastern South Island, where itoccurred in decades (McWethy et al., 2010;2014; Woodward et al., 2014a; 2014b) and forestrecovery following fires was rare (McGlone andBasher, 1995). Polynesian deforestation in less

accessible (and generally wetter) parts of theNorth Island occurred later at around c. 400 yearsBP (Wilmshurst et al., 2004), although in thedrier eastern North Island, a human impact on theenvironment is recorded in the last 500 years ofthe Lake Tutira record (Page et al., 2010). Theextent of Maori forest clearance is depicted inFigure 1. Polynesian occupation was followed inthe early 1800s by European settlement. This ledto further deforestation, particularly in the NorthIsland (Figure 1) in advance of agriculture in thelate 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition toagricultural land clearance, gold mining devel-oped in the late 19th century in Otago, GoldenBay, and the Coromandel Peninsula resulted insignificant increases in sediment supply (Blacket al., 2004).

The purpose of this paper is to assess theextent to which New Zealand’s river catchmentsmay have been impacted by pre-European andEuropean phases of human activity. First, weconsider national and regional catchmentresponses to both Polynesian and Europeanimpacts using records of river activity derivedfrom meta-analysis of the New Zealand fluvialradiocarbon database (Macklin et al., 2012;Richardson et al., 2013a). In this database, fol-lowing Zielhofer and Faust (2007), periods ofriver activity have been inferred where datedorganic material has been recovered from riverchannel and floodplain deposits, indicative ofactive sedimentation associated with floodingand channel change. Second, catchment-scaleevidence is examined to evaluate the nature andtiming of anthropogenic alluvium at selectedsites in New Zealand. Because the impactsof Polynesian and European activity on NewZealand’s river catchments represent a disturb-ance to the natural environment (deforestation),an enhancement of river activity and alluvialsedimentation relative to natural rates wouldbe expected (cf., Macklin et al., 2014). TheAnthropocene is thus marked by the point atwhich human-effected erosion exceeded natu-rally occurring erosion in the landscape (cf.,Brown et al., 2013; Macklin et al., 2014). Asthere was no human activity in New Zealandprior to the Polynesian migration of c. AD 1280(McGlone and Wilmshurst, 1999), all earlierriver activity and alluvial sedimentation mustreflect natural processes, which provides a veryclear context from which to assess the extentof human impact and the nature of theAnthropocene in New Zealand’s river catch-ments: river activity and alluviation post c. AD

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1280 are potentially attributable to humanimpact. The questions we address are whetherriver activity and alluvial sedimentation providea clear marker to the onset of the New ZealandAnthropocene and, if so, is this ubiquitous andsynchronous.

River activity: a national andregional databaseRiver activity is recognised in the alluvial sedi-mentary archive by deposits recording activesedimentation associated with flooding andchannel change (Richardson et al., 2013a). TheNew Zealand Holocene fluvial radiocarbon data-base developed by Macklin et al. (2012) andRichardson et al. (2013a) has been expanded toincorporate recently published and availableradiocarbon dates (Nicol et al., 2000; Page et al.,2012; Richardson et al., 2013b) and now com-prises 485 14C ages. Of these, 156 relate to thelast 1000 years and are likely to coincide withhuman activity. Details of these dates are pro-vided in the accompanying Supporting Informa-tion file online. The first human settlement inNew Zealand is dated to ca. AD 1280 (McGloneand Wilmshurst, 1999); earlier arrival dateshave been postulated, but remain controversial(Wilmshurst et al., 2008). Figure 2 plots the dis-tribution of 14C ages derived from the updatedNew Zealand fluvial radiocarbon database. Ageswithin the 2000–3500 cal. yr BP timespan areconsidered to represent natural river activity pro-cesses. Dated fluvial units within the 1000–2000cal. yr BP time period also most probably recordnatural river dynamics in New Zealand. Riveractivity between 1000 and 500 cal. yr BP coin-cides with Polynesian arrival and settlement, andfinally 500 cal. yr BP to the present encompassesboth Polynesian and European occupation.

Meta-analysisMeta-analysis (see Jones et al., 2015 for anup-to-date guide to meta-analysis of 14C-datedunits in fluvial environments) was performed onriver activity dates following the proceduredescribed by Richardson et al. (2013a) andMacklin et al. (2014). All dates were calibratedusing SHCAL04 (McCormac et al., 2004) andthe individual probabilities summed using OxCalv4.2 (Bronk Ramsey, 2009) to generate cumula-tive probability function (CPF) plots, which inturn were normalised by dividing by the CPF ofthe entire database to produce relative CPF plotsfor North and South Islands (Figure 3) and eachcoherent precipitation region (Figure 4). These

relative CPF plots are derived for (1) an extendedperiod (0–3500 cal. yr BP) to provide a naturalcontext of river activity in New Zealand and (2)for the last 1000 years to assess the impacts ofhuman catchment disturbance on river activity(see Table S1 for details of the dates used in theseanalyses). Probability values exceeding onestandard deviation above the mean relative prob-ability were used to identify episodes of signifi-cant river activity. Our meta-analysis approach isnot intended to identify individual flood events,as recently misconstrued by Chiverrell et al.(2011), but provides a probabilistic assessment ofcentennial-length and longer river activity epi-sodes (Macklin et al., 2010; 2011).

North and South Island river activityStatistical analysis performed on an alluvialradiocarbon database spanning the entirety of theHolocene (Richardson et al., 2013a) identifiedtwo periods in which river activity in the Northand South Islands was significantly out-of-phase(12 000–5000 and 2000–0 cal. yr BP). It is there-fore not surprising that results from the updateddatabase presented here are in accord with thispattern (Figure 3), which Richardson et al.(2013a) attributed to climatic control related tophases of ENSO- and SAM-like conditions.Richardson et al. (2013a) suggested that riveractivity in the South Island was related toenhanced westerly flow across New Zealand,bringing storms across New Zealand from theSouthern Ocean during El Nino-like conditionsaugmented by negative SAM-like conditions. Incontrast, North Island river activity was moreassociated with La Nina-like circulation aug-mented by positive SAM-like conditions, whichfavoured southerly incursions of storms from thesub-tropical Pacific Ocean. There is nothing tosuggest that river activity in the North Island isspecifically responding to human disturbance:during the past 3500 years, the most significantperiods of river activity occurred prior to humanarrival. In the past 1000 years, there are somesignificant episodes of river activity, the first ofwhich coincides with Polynesian arrival around800 cal. yr BP. There are also significant episodesc. 450–350 cal. yr BP, coinciding with later forestclearance (Wilmshurst et al., 2004), and c. 150and 80 cal. yr BP, coinciding with Europeanarrival. However, these results show no dramaticchange in river activity in direct response tohuman modification.

In the South Island, there is a significantepisode of river activity at c. 650–550 cal. yr BP

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(Figure 3), which follows large-scale deforesta-tion identified by McWethy et al. (2010) andWoodward et al. (2014a; 2014b). However, thisphase of accelerated river activity took place c.200 years after a period of rapid and dramaticdisturbance that was detected in other proxyrecords, in which vegetation change is suggestedto have occurred within a matter of decades,rather than centuries (McWethy et al., 2014).This highlights the sensitivity of small wetlandsystems to localised environmental change(Woodward et al., 2014a), whereas in largerriver catchments sediment supply and runoffresponses to land cover and land use change may

be delayed depending on the location and scaleof land cover modification. Perhaps surprisingly,there does not appear to be any record of signifi-cant river activity associated with Europeancatchment disturbance in the South Island. Thismight be explained by the following: (1) theimpacts of European settlement were minimal(or resulted in no further disturbance) in com-parison with the earlier Polynesian land clear-ance in the South Island (cf., Figure 1); and/or(2) natural tectonic and climatic factors, as wellas past and present glacial activity, have a greaterimpact on sediment delivery than that arisingfrom human-related catchment land-use and land

Figure 2 Distribution of 14C ages from the NZ Holocene fluvial radiocarbon database grouped by age category and overlaid onthe coherent precipitation regions proposed by Mullan (1998): NNI, Northern North Island; SWNI, Southwestern North Island;ENI, Eastern North Island; NSI, Northern South Island; WSSI, Western and Southern South Island; ESI, Eastern South Island.

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cover change (see, e.g. Davies and Korup, 2010);and/or (3) there are insufficient 14C dates fromthe last ca. 150 years for a significant river activ-ity period to be defined using this methodology.

Regional river activityAggregating river activity by coherent preci-pitation region (Figure 4, cf., Figure 2) permitsa closer scrutiny of potential anthropogenicimpacts on the fluvial sedimentary archive. Overthe last 1000 years in northern North Island,

some periods of river activity do coincide withPolynesian settlement (Figure 4a), which is apattern repeated for the south and west NorthIsland (Figure 4b). The eastern North Island andnorthern South Island register significant riveractivity coincident with European impacts(Figure 4c,d). It is notable that the most signifi-cant river activity in the eastern South Island inthe past 1000 years at c. 700 cal. yrs BP iscoincident with large-scale Polynesian clea-rance in this region (cf. McWethy et al., 2010).

Figure 3 Relative CPF plots of river activity 14C dates for (a) North Island and (b) South Island, 0–3500 cal. yr BP and 0–1000cal. yr BP; and (c) North and South Island 0–3500 cal yr BP combined. Horizontal grey lines indicate the mean (solid line) andone standard deviation above and below the mean (dashed line). Vertical grey boxes highlight significant episodes of riveractivity. Black dashed line indicates timing of Polynesian and European settlement.

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Figure 4 Relative CPF plots of river activity 14C dates for each coherent precipitation region (cf., Figure 2): (a) NNI, (b) SWNI,(c) ENI, (d) NSI, (e) WSSI, (f) ESI, 0–3500 cal. yr BP and 0–1000 cal. yr BP. Horizontal grey lines indicate the mean (solid line)and one standard deviation above and below the mean (dashed line). Vertical grey boxes highlight significant episodes of riveractivity. Black dashed line indicates timing of Polynesian and European settlement. The number of dates in the 0–1000 cal yr BPperiod is inevitably small, which may limit to some degree the significance of river activity detected in this period using thisexploratory approach. NNI, Northern North Island; SWNI, Southwestern North Island; ENI, Eastern North Island; NSI, NorthernSouth Island; WSSI, Western and Southern South Island; ESI, Eastern South Island.

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Significant river activity in the western andsouthern South Island does not show a clear rela-tionship with Polynesian disturbance or Euro-pean settlement.

Meta-analysis of the Holocene alluvial radio-carbon database provides a tool to explore thesignificance of river activity in relation to humandisturbance associated with Polynesian andEuropean settlement in New Zealand. Theseresults suggest that while there is some coinci-dence of significant periods of river activity withthese events, naturally driven river activity isprobably more important in this record. Theremay, however, be an augmentation of naturalriver activity by human impact as deforestation,whether Polynesian or European, would haveenhanced sediment supply and runoff. Forexample, Beatson and Whelan (1993) reportanecdotal evidence of severe flooding and sedi-mentation soon after European settlement inthe Motueka catchment (northern South Island)in the 1870s. Nevertheless, as a marker for theAnthropocene in New Zealand, river activitydoes not appear to provide a clear starting point,and it is certainly not synchronous.

Catchment responsesTo elucidate the potential human impacts onerosion and sediment delivery, we have calcu-lated long-term sedimentation rates for a varietyof catchments in North and South Island(Figure 5). This much more clearly demonstratesthe effects of human disturbance, as sedimenta-tion rates have risen dramatically and signifi-cantly (Table 1) in the period since Polynesianarrival and especially since European settlement.However, it should be cautioned that becauseaggradation at a point is episodic and preserva-tion bias favours younger deposits, higher sedi-mentation rates might be expected in the mostrecent period, but there is nevertheless a consist-ent, significant increase in sedimentation follow-ing Polynesian settlement. Richardson et al.(2014) have quantified this sedimentation inmore detail in Northland floodplains. In thisregion, the natural mean sedimentation rate isc.0.3 to 0.7 mm year−1. Following Polynesiansettlement, sedimentation rates increased tobetween 3.3 and 10 mm year−1 (Richardsonet al., 2014). European arrival increased sedi-mentation rates to >13.5 mm year−1 (Richardsonet al., 2014). Recent 137Cs analysis of samples atKaeo (Figure 6) suggests that the 1964–1965peak in 137Cs occurs deeper than 2.0 m(Ditchcomb, pers. comm., 2014), which suggests

a modern sedimentation rate of at least25 mm year−1 at this site.

However, while these results do suggest a clearanthropogenic influence on floodplain sedimen-tation rates in Northland, these are similar tothose recorded in some volcanically influencedcatchments in the North Island, and glaciatedcatchments in the South Island (Figure 5). Apreliminary appraisal of alluvial deposits foundin the vicinity of selected lake sites showinggreatest human disturbance in the northernSouthern Alps (McWethy et al., 2010) did notreveal any significant change in alluvial signature(Figure 7). This appraisal was based on anassessment of sediment architecture and typeexposed in cut bank sequences. Further workwill be required to seek age control at these sitesand conduct a detailed stratigraphic investiga-tion. Given the extent of disturbance evident(McWethy et al., 2010), the absence of anyimmediately apparent change in alluvial signa-ture might be surprising. However, these riversystems are strongly influenced by a paraglacialinheritance, and will have a high natural erosionsignature (Church and Ryder, 1972). Further-more, wetland archives may be more sensitive tohuman impacts because background rates ofsedimentation tend to be low and register agreater degree of disturbance upon humanclearance (e.g. Woodward et al., 2014a). This isin contrast with adjacent high-energy, highsediment-supply river systems: Woodward et al.(2014a) show a dramatic wetland ecosystemresponse to human arrival in the Canterburyalpine foothills, but also recognise the impact ofan actively aggrading alluvial fan and avulsingriver on this environment. It is unlikely that inthis context, human impacts would generate aclear and discernable response in the alluvialrecord, especially because much of the catch-ment upstream would not have been naturallyforested in the first place. Relatively small-scale,short-term (decadal) pulses of sediment detectedin wetland records thus do not appear to be dis-cernible in these (sub)alpine, paraglacial riversystems.

Elsewhere in the North Island, East CoastRegion rivers have been completely transformedby European land clearance for pastoral agricul-ture. Marden et al. (2014) suggest that the mag-nitude of erosion in this region since Europeanoccupation in the early 20th century has beengreater than for any other part of New Zealand.Anecdotal evidence recorded the Waipaoa asclear-flowing, gravelly bottomed at c. 1900 prior

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Figure 5 Floodplain sedimentation rates plotted for North and South Island Catchments (a); New Zealand catchments influ-enced and not influenced by volcanic activity (b); New Zealand glaciated and unglaciated catchments (c); North Islandcatchments influenced and not influenced by volcanic activity (d); and glaciated and unglaciated South Island catchments (e).

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Table 1 Statistical analysis of sedimentation rates depicted in Figure 5, showing mean rates and standard deviation for theperiods pre- and post-settlement, together with the P value for a one-tailed, two-sample equal variance t-test.

Catchments Sedimentation rate (mm yr−1)

3500–700 cal. yr BP Post-settlement t-test

X σ X σ P

North Island 2.59 2.38 8.66 10.18 0.0002South Island 1.54 1.30 9.14 13.60 0.0000NZ volcanically influenced 2.87 2.55 12.30 7.80 0.0041NZ not volcanically influenced 1.88 1.79 8.66 12.53 0.0000NZ unglaciated 2.12 2.04 8.21 9.97 0.0000NZ glaciated 1.71 1.49 10.80 16.80 0.0020South Island glaciated 1.66 1.47 10.80 16.79 0.0014South Island unglaciated 1.39 1.05 7.60 9.85 0.0014North Island volcanically influenced 2.87 2.56 12.30 7.80 0.0041North Island not volcanically influenced 2.52 2.36 7.71 10.42 0.0056

All results show a significantly higher sediment rate post-settlement.

Figure 6 Anthropogenic alluvium at Kaeo (after Richardson et al., 2014).

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Figure 7 Alluvial architecture at sites with exposed alluvium within 5 km of Lakes (a) Sarah and (b) Horsehoe that demonstratedramatic evidence of human disturbance (McWethy et al., 2010). No clear anthropogenic unit (typically marked by a change insedimentation style) was evident. Gridlines on topographic map extracts are at 1 km; orientation is north. Catchments outlinedin bold dashed lines; location of alluvial exposures indicated by star.

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to clearance (Marden, pers. comm., 2014). Theriver now yields 15 Mt of suspended sediment tothe ocean per annum (Hicks et al., 2000) and hasaggraded its bed by over 20 m in some of theupper tributaries (Fuller and Marden, 2010). Theadjacent (smaller) Waiapu catchment has a sedi-ment yield of 35 Mt yr−1, with >25% of the catch-ment area affected by gully erosion, generating30 000 t km−2 year−1 (Page et al., 2008), resultingin a rapidly aggrading, multi-thread river. Theserivers have responded so dramatically to clear-ance of indigenous forest because catchmentgeology is highly susceptible to erosion, beingweakly indurated, and storms have readily initi-ated and accelerated gully erosion in particular(Marden et al., 2014), although during thestorms, landsliding is also prevalent (Hicks et al.,2000). The result is erosion rates that are an orderof magnitude higher than the 1 mm year−1 esti-mated for the period following the LGM in thisregion (Bilderback, 2012; Marden et al., 2014).Here, there is incontrovertible evidence that thesecatchments have been overwhelmed as a result ofhuman activity and there is a clear startingpoint in the form of early 1900s deforestation:Gomez et al. (1999) record c. 8 m of floodplainaggradation since 1853 in the mid catchment ofthe Waipaoa.

Discussion and conclusionsUsing the surrogate of river activity derived frommeta-analysis of a large national database of 14Cdated Holocene fluvial units, which focuses oncentennial-scale periods of activity derived frommultiple catchments (cf., Figure 2), there is littleevidence to suggest that Maori settlement anddeforestation had a major impact on flooding andriver dynamics in New Zealand. This is in con-trast with wetland and lake records (cf., Pageet al., 2010; Woodward et al., 2014a; 2014b),where a much clearer impact is discernible. Riveractivity deduced from meta-analysis representscatchment behaviour at a large spatial scale(national/regional), as well as a longer temporalscale (centennial). Polynesian impacts discernedfrom lake records were over within a matter ofdecades (McWethy et al., 2010; Woodwardet al., 2014a), and as such have not been resolvedat the meta-analysis scale because the landscapechanges did not constitute a sufficient disturb-ance to register above the natural background ofcentennial river activity in this analysis. Essen-tially, early human impacts in New Zealand weresimply drowned out by a high natural rate ofprocess at this scale.

In parts of the South Island, there appears to berelatively little modification of catchments with astrong paraglacial inheritance, even followingEuropean arrival, because catchments are domi-nated by a very high natural rate of erosion. Inthe North Island, catchments draining the centralplateau are similarly dominated by a volcaniclegacy (Grant, 1985; Manville et al., 2005).Grant (1985) attributed much of erosion andalluvial sedimentation he observed elsewhere inthe North Island to periods of enhanced stormi-ness, noting that the total amount of sedimentdeposited during successive periods of erosionappeared to be decreasing, in spite of increasedhuman impacts in the last 1000 years. Further-more, he suggested that burning of vegetationwas not a primary cause of increased erosion andsedimentation because initiation and accelerationof erosion and sedimentation had taken place inforested wilderness undamaged by fire (Mosley,1978; Robinson and McSaveney, 1980; Grant,1983). The late 1800s, coincident with the onsetof large-scale European deforestation (cf.,Beatson and Whelan, 1993), was marked by aseries of major floods in New Zealand (Cowie,1957). The clearest evidence for human disturb-ance is found in the East Coast Region, where aregime change in system behaviour is evidentand the natural processes here have been over-whelmed (sensu Steffen et al., 2007; Brownet al., 2013) as a consequence of human activity(deforestation) in these catchments (Mardenet al., 2014).

The nature and timing of human impact inNew Zealand’s river catchments are highly vari-able between regions and catchments, and thismakes any attempt at formally defining theAnthropocene problematic at best because thereis no ubiquitous, synchronous marker in NewZealand river catchments that marks the start ofthe Anthropocene. In catchments draining theSouthern Alps, natural processes are far moresignificant in determining erosion, sedimenta-tion, and river activity (see Korup et al., 2004;Korup, 2005; Carrivick and Rushmer, 2009). Theclearest evidence for Polynesian impact is foundin Northland’s catchments in the form ofincreased floodplain sedimentation. Here, thestart of the Anthropocene could be considered toequate with Maori occupation c. 1280 AD, withfurther augmentation associated with Europeansettlement in the 1800s and 1900s. Farther east,in the East Coast Region of the North Island, thestart of the Anthropocene could be taken asc. 1920 when European clearance of indigenous

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vegetation in the Waipaoa and Waiapu catch-ments exposed a highly erodible terrain to arange of erosion processes (see Marden et al.,2014), which resulted in erosion rates exceedingby an order of magnitude those estimated at theend of the Last Glacial Maximum. Each catch-ment and region must be recognised as unique inits response to human disturbance. New Zealandchallenges the notion that the Anthropocene canbe defined simply by a critical regime change inwhich human impact becomes the dominant con-trolling factor in the environment (Waters et al.,2014), and overwhelms the forces of nature(Steffen et al., 2007; Brown et al., 2013). NewZealand’s highly active tectonic and climaticregime largely mitigates against Mankindbecoming the dominant factor controlling riveractivity and alluvial sedimentation in most of itsnaturally dynamic catchments. The exception isNorthland and the East Coast Region, where aregime change has been identified by thesesystems having been overwhelmed by sedimentgenerated as a result of human impact resultingin rapid valley-floor sedimentation. Arguably, theAnthropocene concept in New Zealand is mostuseful as a framework to help inform environ-mental management by highlighting the spatialand temporal variability of human influence atcatchment and regional scales, as well as helpingto document the recovery trajectories of anthro-pogenically impacted systems.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe thank the following researchers for their permission touse their unpublished 14C ages in the meta-analysis presentedhere: AF Cooper, M Yetton, M Marden. We also thank BobDitchburn at GNS Science (Rafter Laboratory) for running137Cs analysis at Kaeo under contract. Fieldwork underpin-ning results presented in this paper were funded by MasseyUniversity Research Funding awarded to ICF and MGM.

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Supporting InformationAdditional Supporting Information may be foundin the online version of this article at the publis-her’s web-site:

Table S1 New Zealand Holocene radiocarbondatabase subset of ages used in this paper.

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