it.m •uhH*v|iwMit to tho said Application to such justico A. No nppml KIUIII under thin act bo Allow- IHI. unlt*H5i Niu-h MHurily for said judgment HII.III !><• k<ivrri /lr »d approved by (lie judgr ftt t\\r Imir (•{ allowing mi< Ii nppr;il t nnd served tm i\\r JIISIK r with tlw ullUUvit for nppeal. Sl.ttr of AVi/ V' .*-./•* f ritli 1/1 ( >/fi hlr m th\H "ffi« r 1 •• i* • Minj'.ucd ihr prrceif with i \\r 411 i^m.il \i\ w nn |<lo rrrttly thnt the snni#' is n \f |tne whole <»f i h r Secretary t>t Slnlr. I KFOTM. iiiM"i ii|M thereof, i;; null. n u n s roriiKH TIIK In tin-discussion in Parliament of iho fjucs- tiiui of howl.he lair riof* at Montreal ori^irm fed, Mr MrrriLI s.-iid that ;»ll Canada ou^ht to come mil .and feslify an abhorrence and defeR of (If art of burning the Parliament and <leKt?ovmj£ (he Hecords of the Colonies. Sir All u» McNab (who did nmro th.m any other man to rouse the Tories to K'irh a pitch of excitement as would produce Uouhle, and that too because his own mens State of Affairs in Canada* Cmitinuation of the Outbreak—Additional Particulars. MONTREAL, April 28— F. lu. Thu prisoners have just been released. A crowd of several thousands followed them to the Place d f Arms, where they wore ad- dressed by each liberated prisoner in turn. The multitude dispersed quietly. In consequence of a message from the Brit- ish party to the effect that if the Governor did presented by the Mayor of S|L. Malo to thje Historical Society of Quebec. " The books are valued at allf&uns of sums as high as $100,000. I should *rf that this must be an enormous exagge^ 011 ^ but they were pretty numerous, and .sortie ^ry scarce. When their loss was alluded % <{H£ the house yesterday, poor Monsieur Moriji, fne speaker, could contain himself no4$nger,i but burst into a fit of weeping. Heis a ver^ amiable man, and of considerable learning. Being obnox- ious to the crowd, he was escdrted from the not disarm the Canadian ^ ranch.immediately huM o n l h e n i h t o f t h e fiN b g ir A thev would arm and do it the Ministry have * L' they would arm and do it, the Ministry have issued orders to disarm. In the evening a proclamation was issued by the Ooverhor, forbidding tumultuous as scmblies being held in the streets ; notwith- standing which a large mob assembled in the I lay market, and only dispersed at the earnest request of their favorite leaders. MONTUKAI., April 30 —11 A. M. Mr. John Young has been appointed chief magistrate of the city of Montreal, as the Mayor, when wanted, can never be found. Ilin excellency is to godown to the Parlia- ment House at fl o'clock. A riot is expected. The provincial cavalry have arrived in town. uir* wrrr to br CUIMMI into rflrrt by Reform A dispatch hnathis moment been received rr.) complained that the hoops W ITO not call »t th<» Montreal ( 1 ourier(»flicc, from Brockvillr, rti i»ut f Mr Hindis, (Inspector (irneral,), in which it i« stated that information had just haul Ur wntl to Col Kniwitmjjrr, (of fhe I\>- bren received at that place, of the arming of lin\) when hf M aw fho violent bin^ua^e of the French Canadians by the (Governor; and rWris'n (a dtsrhiujnvl K\< tsc-nmn) o\(ni (ia , that steamers will be chartered for the pur- pose* of bringing down armed men to the assis- tance of Montreal, and this may shortly be ex- pected. Fn Itastings*,Frontennc and ("Jlongary, the news is to the effect that all the populace of Nab and other conservative meribers. :r(ti\ "fold liim OHMV was danger, and f| l^-sfed th.it tip 1 military should be called out fo prevent disf ur hanres. " Krm/H illifer, (aTo ?y. like most of the ShenfN, Peace Clerks, Jud^^s, &*c ,) thought there would be no trou l»l«\ and (hut (Jen tJore would \v*• 1 r hr to a-.k loi mihtai \ aid. Mi Wihdii, member lor London, on the, Thames, an ho?n*sf, eonsisttwit Tory, who had lau"h at him *he*e counties aro arming and waiting orders to inarch on the metropolis. MONTKKA!., April HO— 5 P . M. i#ord Klgin came to town at 3 o'clock to- \ot»J agamsi the Itebelhon Lo>,se« Payment day. The carriagewns escorted by a troop of bll I Th H M ' d i i h l d i id ll g y p bill. HMHI ; M That Her Majesty's dignit ) should ^ Provincial cavalry. The streets were lined all ho ui'mltt'd in the person of her Representa tho way to the flovernment House by the tive fhtf tho Legislative Assembly, in the j people, who hissed, cursed, and pelted the l f l hld b ' d peaceful prosecution of its labors, should b< •utrn^rd so grossly that tin* HOUKCK of Par 11 a rue r it uhou b I b e \\ illully s e t fit * t<», its ircords dostroycil. ifsnoblr and uni(|uo lihrunes both Jirnid the savage and exulting Views of thc Home (roveh*r**ent. The liondon Times of April lj contained an editorial on the subject of Canadian affairs, which, we suspect, from its cautious language and other indications, was written " by au- thority." In the course of ttye article the Times holds the foliowinor language in refer- ence to the Indemnity Bill, th(fc approval of which by Lord Elgin lias caused such excite- ment in Canada: "Though it has awkward features, it may still be a simpler and easier subject than we imagine or political politicians represent it to be. Compensation to rebels has a(n u^ly sound. But that which the Ministry of Lord Klgin is doing is but a copy or a eonjplc*tirm of that which the Ministry of Sir C. Mcitcalf did be- fore. They extended a grant which was orig- inally intended for the Loyalists to all who had suffered through the rebellion in Canada weak-minded de-iccrats wo believed the pro- feseionffof the whig leaders, thus forgetting the leasohs taught by all past experience. THE GAZETTE o-ttfs Thursday, ITIay IO, 1849 FRI!\€IPrK», JVOTllIKrVJ Union of the Democratic Party. Tins fitihjcct is receiving the nttention of medem- ocratic press throughout (he State, and was made a pute, where our cousin, Jobn Boll, Jr., has manifested his natural propensity to bluster and burn the public property and innocent books by way of exhibiting to hia parent at home how angry he is. It i* a very good com- edy, but will not prove a tragedy. TheJoy- alista of Canada will not carry their allegianoe to the point of burning their own individual property. British subjects would harttly be recognized as legitimate royalists unless they proved their descent by an occasional riot and a bonfire of public property. This is the kind of rebellion to* which Eng- lish subjects have been most accustomed that of a minority of the people against the P HALON'S CHEMICAL HAIR INVIGORA. TOR—A fresh supply just received by J W.PANGBORNACo. T Wheat, Corn, Flour and Plaster. HE subscriber offers for sale, bushels of Wh*fit at 8J. per bushel 4o Corn, M 4*. M^ 50 bhlo. superfine Geuesee Flour, ]0 fat Hog*, and 50 Tons of Fresh Ground Ptofer. May !, 1849. O U B. K. GOVK. N. B. A few tons of NOVASCOTlA PLASTER expected by <he first boat from Montreal. ocratio me inhere of tho Legislature at the close of the late session ^qf that body. Upon this question we should know what they aro. While we yi^Jd to no one in an anxious desire for die reunion and conse- quent triumph of the democratic party IN this a iop.eo! r^nark 10 the addreM pui forth br the d«m. majori ty-not in favor of more freedom to the masses, but for a renewed tyranny over , , them. Not in favor of the right of self have our own v.cw*. nnd we arc willing tho world ernmentj b u t a ainst |t T o aftrtillrl 1/ n twrnr tatHnt tl.nn «**.» IXfl.*)^. • . . _. ..!_! J , » _ - _ . : _ . . _ . . British crown is invoked to oppress and over- awe the majority of the people of Canada, for the gratification of the minority. Nor do we nnd while woshall hail with joy the return of wan I apprehend a war of races, and that this emeute dercrs to tho aBsociaiion of their old friends, from j w j|] pr0C eed further. If it shall induce our whom they were induced to separate themselves last! neighbors to consider more favorably ourinsti- fall by the deceptive cry of •• free soil/' we cannot I tutions. where the minority is permitted to go- givo our assent to any scheme of union which even I VC rn quietly, whenever it can get in power, no matter by what means, we shall not regret the instructions, however we may deplore tho madness and folly of burning public property, 5, squints nt a coalition with tho **free soil" faction.— Why, who are its leaders in this County, and into whose fellowship would democrats be brought by such a union ? Let us look hack a fewmonths and and especially a public library, sre who were the officers of its meetings and (he delegates toils conventions. Prominent among (hem All Hail Virginia! West. The present Ministry Is doing the same with respect to Canada East. True, in- deed, that three-fourths of Canada West were loyal, and three-fourths of Canada Kast insur- rectionary. But all whowere jeonvicted of j taking part in the rebellion are expressly ex | eeptyd from the compensation! The amount has already been reduced by tho Ministry from .€180,000 to £100,000, out of deference to' honorcd the feelings of thc English paHy. So far there isa prlma faeiv case against any delib- erate intention of provoking angry compari- we find such men as Jabcz Parkhuraf, JobConjjdon, The Democrats of Virginia have discharged Henry Longley, Horace Dickinson, (inorge M. 8a. their whole duty to the country. As far as l»in f Daniel N. Iluntington, and others of the unmv ; heard from, the whigs lose a member of Con- stamp—all of them bitter and uncompromising cne. gross in the 5th district, (Mr. Goggin)—one in Tailoring* Field'* Exehmg*. t JAMES BARRIErespectfuUy return thtnk* for the liberal patronage h* has received, and hopes by superior taste and strict puaetutUty to merit a continuance 0/ the same. CUTTING particularly attended to, and warrant- ed. As the fit of a garment depends much upon the manner it is put together, no pains will be spared to make it plnin and easy 10 the maker. FASHIONS.—In addition to theSpring and Fall Reports, he will receive a monthly Plate, which will enable him to do hb work in n more fashionable le lhan any other shop in (he place* 01 otherwise, the taste of the customer dictates. Malone, May 1, JS49. Dietz, Brother & Co., f, a nip IVEaniUfocturera* *• Washington $tore\" 139 William St.. NEW YORK, n AVL\(; a large rnd well organized .aftnufactory, arc now prepared tofi,'Iorders for their inanutae. tures, at short notice, which will be warranted of the ir sold aa low as will he found mien of democratic principles. It is io the compari. ionship and support of such men as these thut a con. liiion with the •' free soil" laciion would bring the two to eifr democracy o( thin County. sny most fervently, From Rueh a union we Lord deliver UH." Let there be a union of ihe democracy on the old, time, established hy the fathers of our faith, sny we most heartily, and the sooner thc bci- the 7th district, (Mr. Botts) one in the 8th district, (lately represented by the present! ^urnmij Oil or Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Preston)—and one probably in thc; 3d district, (Mr. Flournoy) Gilt & Bronzed Chandeliers, igh's, with and without prism. Table Lamps, Hilt and four in all. The democrats, may lose a mem- ferrnt pn»u her in the 15th district lately represented by for Oil or Cnmphene, of more ihTin one hundred dif- r uinoi as ii passed, wnen tie escort n.'ui „ i .. • * r i p ' l , ,, ,< ' i n ,i i , . 4 XT i T\ I sons and reviving ancient feuds. : ,,:,KS,,1 tho I. rrnrh ( n ; th« ml n.to Noire Dame | A , (m ^ b , . ^ I t l h l l l l l l l f l f / t »\»«*»#*»y*# ( t i l l *•* j -<\* t i-i * l st <** •» O . J™1 ' Oll 'I )i un»b, not (»l (IH* lowt^st. orders (I., till ( nun ri|Mt iv i,, lul.iml to pmlrcl th« carter goo< /x * *i /t 4 »r 1 - 1 1 • pensation even to the less loy^ll portion of Opposite the (rovernment House his lord- ; fi * * *t i ' i- i i 11 . , , . . .. , , , ( the province, except to those whose dwloyalty ship was Hfrurk by a stone in the head and, # i •• if • c • i AH • i - M i i i i * # i t • .i r vented itseli in acts of violence. All revolu- well <ahulafrd to rxntr I hy an e g g in the (ace. uMrsf. npprrhi'h^i(»ns and ihr most ?»•'?•»-' If i d d If.- ,-,Ms 1( |,m ,U. tn.ni oyally In I < for ihr r P i . lX i l l I h<m,,s wore hen separately rhooml tions, from that of Coroyra to (hajt of Paris in 7O a t nnd from that nirVm to Mmso of Paris The members of Parliament then proceeded i an( , y jonnH jn 1H48> . |n? f u l | ( ) f ^ ingt;inces to tho (Jcivernmrnt House, to present tJieir | Whon tho ma j csty o f t h o I a w i s dethroned, and HI am , Viomm jn 1H4fl , f|i| , M,.. : . i...:..., 1 |,nf,U. tn.ni rrsprct for ihr; (.. iho (J,,vornmrnt IICMWO to present (he.r ; Whpn t|lp f | h ( , , aw A\ h.lr as :i „»,-,,• m,.as,,r,.. apart, fn.tn a mldresn. As tl.ey pnswd through the crowd, t]w n of S()( , iHv in af)( , y h..ii.il ^ur .(„„., | H . deeply rvfrn-Uvtl , (hey were actually covered with dirt and the ( . n to tlie license of the bold and tf a rein is « will of the MlMMt « rive tIi hern wi. 1 MI«I 111 i i M' > i >( Iff * r.e of t I <) Itr in ntn hoi 1 W |MS ,,.,,. ( I..M. .' l.« re l{ " v;l1 " ssrr " fl... passing of" ,| M . b,H. he was ?: l:,d that, as (he ; yolk of i W , s( ]> rO p,. rty pillar), families are ru- HrHlexcrrisrufHroMsHhitionalMKhf.amid, F he membf- we;; proceeding in such n | i|lpr ^ tmsts hvU , iyv(]f i) mm £ x t^he rascality d bc> power- il disorgani- his happen- else- If wmild not ha\(*!the (Jovernor (}< m the KrprrmMit.-itive to ha\e with to him an add? •I'.riiHrom this lull, il there had been j^ratulatinj^ h i mo n t h e tvisoiv; thurt to show ( h a t t h e e x e r - ; c o u n t r y ! . . . * \ :. ° . . men, trusts ueirayed, inrou^n i csrorted by tho sold.crs, to nscnvc , an( , wick(>(Iru , ss o f m( . n wh(> wou , , an( , wick((Im eneral of Canada, to present;, CX( . , i ess from the Parliament con- rMUm an) , tli state of the i zation and tumult, 'd in Lower ('ana in seasons of politic edly as it has ha ...;.,.-,.,! l Kr ii u w. rv.'i\tlim^ where. To give a compensation, [therefore, to 5members through , t , Rtv j rl i ms _ many o f t \ wm innocent victims— »y locrri.-n, and that every . St. rnul street, the not act was read, and the y alinj ; 111 K% t o i n * ( r o w n < t r o o p s rnarirrd |;i,ni' t In 1 < II rd 11 u < MI 11 (I h\'ir, hear, and cherrs ) "AM ;I pul»hc c.ilamif v a n d a public dis- h-plorrd the oi*rurrence. Their I stillrr , tfp'ir nj^ht to self govern nieuf, would IM* questioned, their ability to r^wrisi' if would \u< doubted, a n d , in t he mid .f of ei\ ih/:ifurn, and the boast of eivili/,a I letinrment, they should be h* l ld up\n un No lives were lost, though tho crowd was very dense. This is H sign how troops, whose hearts are with the people, can act if necessa The CJovernor proceeded out of t(,.vn by the suburbs. The (rovernor's carriage was smashed about half a mile from the government house. of a revolutionary tempest, is unworthy of a great, secure ar (S overn merit. Of course, in this, as in an o more* depends on the manner in w sure is proposed and carried course not (1 powerful ,her tilings, hieh a mea- han on the tion to tho regular nominations nnd usages o\ thr party. We cannot so soon forgot the injury inflicie;! hy this faction upon some ol our best friends lust fall, i?i its support of a srparnfe ti<kot, made up of old federalists, abolitionists and serederHfrom the demo. eratie rankft, as to join hands wiih it in any HUCII CO. alition.^ The doors ol the old homestead are open to rrrrive back meinbcrn of tfu? drmorrafif! family who have becn.sedured from ifs shelter, but those who have never wandered trorn it, but have sfeodily continued to protect and defend it, will never consent to leave its ample accommodations nnd take up their abode in the dilapidated and crumbling hovels and huts of •• free soilism." The following article so vel! expresses what we would further sav upon this subject, that we append it, and commend its forcible FUJT side/ration of our democratic readers. Frrut fa jll>chniiiral or CcrccI Mr. Brown, but it is by no means certain. If a *\ nr n^ortim-nT, end (ilolns, Wicks nnd Cbimmea the democrats gain, as they have a chance to ! !,° fit ; AIHO—A ifreaf variety of Huspendin/cr Lamp*. i *ii i - \ \ (i ' i bracket Lamps S.de Lnrnps, Sfuriv Lamos CandeJ tcr, l,u. no coalition with any facUon that chooses to j < h >- c 'K bt ort - members in the ( ongressional , )(ira c.muJ.loH, 11,11 Lantern*, China Vaa'e, Man maintain a .separate organisation, and act in opposi. '^ctioiw yet to occur in Maryland, Delaware, tc | Ornanun-s Vur^lum SJi«do> and Giobca. Rhode Island, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Also—A lull aMsuriiucni of Paper Shades, Glais Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, ' sl)a '' (i s ^I<»b<v. Wi.'ks, ('himniM, and oth«r article* Indiana, Missouri and Kentucky, and we think a fj M>r : ! l »s «" > l »eirUu*inr*»; pure Sperm Oil, Lard . , r l *'"* ^'^^Vhviw and NjurM {»n«. they will make an aggrepjite gain of at least T iuy »n- «!M, »H,W wnmit-.icumng Drummond'a that number, the whign will be in a minority Patent Candlp Makrr, an nrrielp ol great nrifity for in both branches of lor, self-deprived of Congress, and Gen. Tay- rlie ^otuln rn nnd UVSKTU Sfaios, being a Candle. ' tlufveto, will be useful ht!< lv vvlmh |l>lmv lhe ranJle ' Wlcked * lld rcod > f ^ only in bills passed by democratic ma- Wo shall not he at all surprised, ei- , if the democrats gain enough in tho com- ^luctions to be strong enough in the House of Representatives to carry their measures a- gainst both whigs. free soilors and indepen (lenls! These are cc.iqu^oLs, let it not be forgotten, of the party that has been declared by thc whi^s to be utterly destroyed—torn by dis- u?e. N. B.^—Orders by mail promptly tillrd. Address JDIKTZ, HKOTHER & Co., April :2U—2* 2in. N u 139 William «ireel. Police. LTO'I id) is hcrchy ^ivrn that i give ~..., «>r> \\io. remainder of his minority. 1 fiiinji n.»r vxucj any of IHR W^PS, nofhor will -f pay liny debt ol uny drsrriprion wherein lir muy become ac- counfahlc, affrr tlrx dale. May 2nd, 1849. A. B. NEAL. TKRMS OK RIVL'NIOJV. From the Hini(hnmpton Democrat. •FitSi jitecetved, 011 Consignment, inn Bt>:*. CIMCIITON^S HEKR, l\J\J 100 do. WATERTOWN WHISKEY, measure itself. We have spoken bf tlw? con- struction which may very fairly te put upon this plan of indemnity, correct one. W We DO e arc? anxious to u «ii M ; r . b.n b H I.in, 1 b)irb;u i.tn I l<» dr \ Major H.u.rhos h it s nrr.vrd from Kinjrs- . , l>( , n d i { 1 . in:i(lians }|rr , ; , simp | O((1 i !i vrn mote rutlilrss ' (f»n, and waited on Sir Henjamin l)*l T rban, fo 'plnri-tl |.hr orcurreiuM 1 .represent to him the dreadful state of the fo (.In 1 PPIVUKT, and a . coiinf.rv, and fo urge if somefhing is not done *.f«»rv. Th'^r who had • flu* peoph* will march on Montreal. Kiots are ••h.if»'l\ r\ri(r<| (lie mnb were responsi ( feared to-night. Another despatch of the same date s r y : At about (\ o'clock Saturday night, a few uiehievuhle IO l,iMhtP< *.fMin u p o n it ; b'e, and more snious loss had (teen inflicte by tl» r |>i «MTeditij^i o f t h e ni^hf o f t h e ' J . M t lirifi b y t h e pHv-.ain- of \*i) such lulls." a in war Mr Shnwn.nl, (T«>iy,) like Mr. Papineau I his hinxl I .atrri IOI re, sennied inclined to Mr Ihj|K|.»y. (T<»rv.) ttn folt (Iri/i ufril when In ^ boys assrmblrd in the Hay Market, evincing a riotous disposition, and their numbers being constantly increased until a large mob had and . but fur thn Hlortsof Col. ly race, who, though neither very nor very bhrewd, nor very fond of Saxons, yet. have a just and holy civil war wantonly provoked ; a of them would willingly re enter guinary strujr'-fle into which the ambition of l'apineau and his cli< eoyed them. On this suppositioi recognize any objection to the prii grant. It seems a large one - it i nu^ht them wan an the state prisoners, (who were liberated at 10 this cif y so Inst and barbarous ns o'clock) much damage would have been done. js to per petiate such an net." lie prorogation at, such a moment. wanted no They were finally induced to disperse by their Col dugy leaders. e \rUse* ii in we Itessed mob. Speaking of| On Sunday tho city was quiet, but consider- il f the government, bo said that "when they f^onded men to plurn/.y by nets of tho most atrocious and im<|iiifuUH nature, tliey must ev y q able excitement was created by tho arrival of a troop of cavalry. Despatches from Quebec state thai the them to show their smsr of the injustice | (Jovernor was burnt in effigy in that oily on If .1 Koullon excused , Saturday night, and that the authorities were »n prae ! using s-frenuous eflorts to preserve the public lie had peace. Upper Tanada shares the same fate, dune to them " M (he rioter; on aivuint of tin th e<| in (he \\n\- of p.issjnir the full. which may be left to the Canadi OoviniMon, April 21, 18J9. e it is the >elieve that et (V order- enlightened the Anglo- horror of a id that few >n that san- /anity and ue once de- we cannot ciplo of tlie certainly a * of detail, n Legisla- o f 1 f the Mi l , u r n - ture. On (hv. other hand, there may stances with which we are unactju warrant the fears so loudly expres party in Canada, and are not un This may be the first march of tl party in the road to supremacy- be an intention to insult thc Crown nize over the Kn^lish Loyalists, be HO. Lord Elgin lias powers nt wherewith to thwart the attempt ar eml. thai h in thin wuv * f < <r rn <>f in '" Pplei ,n . | nl S ll( f ,,Nl,,( un -,., •„,,, < 1,.,,, rune down to JIKM'III. tu thc bill |hnso ,„ many plncrs. and at I?rockv,ll(. the nu- j n|M , c t lld t t th i , to eircum- linted, that ed by one elt l:ere.— i; Grullician there may and tyran- !ut, if this is disposal d prostrate ,., Thnt thnrilifH wm> co.nprllod U» assist in theccn- , M|( . h RU( . n , if Tm]] i|lftl| cmi ) (ll)r Tn!ltI( . hi 1 w:iS'//y^/«/ (onirot the'monv* *.i A " i ! * i r , f „,.• ' 14 A , - . . , ,t r P1 • ,, with temporary sueeess, we do npt believe ; .<>ud c n e s of he St. Andrews ^ocietv ~ A iU " ••»""-• ' < ] « h F '" rd (ho N fr<)111 tIluir to the con. | sensions, and weak, because deprived of pat- ' ronage. So powerful is this great party at present, that if tlie election for Congress in Pennsylvania and other states had yet to \m , 5 U d o ' besl WESTERN FLOI'R. We have recently perused the address a- ! \ wU \\ i] \ e adn»™t'ation of Gen l Taylor would ( 3 dopted by the democratic members of the leg- »;«rtly>vc a corporal s guard to excuse ite ! A LL ,| 10 ,r ih»i hnVP «n W ..W ncroutm w islature at the close of the session. Its state- ' ^ P 1 ^ 0 ^ ^ defend its inconsis encies m i l .ubsenber will cull fln d Jook over wirhont ments are fnir, its style creditable, and its gen- thc ^ ^ h ™™\ o f t h c ^ U o m ] Leg^Ia-. ""H ««VP .rouhlr. C B. MINKLhR. (Tal conclusions as to the division of parties i UJC * cnns ) v.ini.m. just; but ite tone is somewhat beneath the j - J rri „" ii J A i i i i i i ii -i c *\ Dvrfer iiet.Ihe J eletrrapn u.inounces the standard demanded by the spirit of the times, j J $ ' and the feeling of the democratic masses.— ; probable election of /ourkm democrats and While depicting, as it does most truthfully, ' one whig to the next House of Representa- the dangers which threaten our institutions l tives from Virginia. This is a result far het- from the sectional irritations upon the ques- ' l( , r th . u| was anliri alc(j W c l l d o n e for () ]j tion of slavery, obviously kept on foot as well! , . . . . . . rfl! . , ,. r ii \ i i democratic Viarinia. ik 1 here is a £roou time for personal advancement as personal revenge, I u ^ IIIl ^ IrtU< - T ' b J b it ought to have sketched with a bold and res- f coming, boys, M no mistake, olute hand the base treachery and shameless apostacy by whi<*h, under this hypocritical BOAT F »r t!»e 'JV;ins|)orfa!iou of p p y LAKK CIIAMI'LAIN, T)U)Y, M.HANY, N£W YORK AM) HUSTON. cry of " free soil/' the democratic masses were defrauded and defeated at thelast Presiden- tial authors to the scorn and obloquy their con duct merited. It is no time to be tame, spir- Nf-w York ami Pon* on L«ke ChonipJairt, H therel'V avoiding any delayer injury liable to uccur Kzra Smith, Esq., of Washington Co., ! t<> property by reason of translupmcnr. j The facilities for Towing on Lake Champlain o?al Hudson Rivrr are complete, and despatch equal to election, and have held up the perfidious ! w Ka IIaiI remove(I- The has been appointed Collector of Customs for' 1 ' cmplee, and the District of Champlain, in the place of HOIK.) that of uuy other line guaranteed. in this County had selected another man for this Rufld m ^; worded by Wcetcrn Rail aH PROPERTY CAREFVLLY WEIGHED. The proprietor! pledge themselves that no e**r- spriw tluir trap' for them, and so the. ' io » s shal1 hc ^ ore . 11 .!" gi»«w^fa««ion in every par. 1 - ' ' ticufar, anu respectfully ask for a continuance of put. itless or cringing.' It is neither the way to | place, but somebody was unmannerly enoug deserve or receive the confidence of the peo- ! t« " plc f as those who are disposed to trim and I f . ime Wfl8 ] ost There are already an abun- temporize will ascerUiin to their cost, after d?mcc of ]i( , ants f u r t h c 8ubordina t c offices! - Agents. they have gathered the fruit of a full cxperi- . . n , Lm A j O HNSO:> f !) Coont.c Slip, merit* Asto tho suggestion that the demo- in UHb l ; ouni ) t # , CORNELIUS LOVKLL, N. Y. Pa crats shall leave Syracuse, tho ground where f >ur views upon thc subject of n?._.ovals are Whah, they have long been wont to kindle their coun- | well expressed in anarticle in another column ; ., .. cil fires for the State Convention, and go to f mm t| Je Catlskill Recorder A Democrat. HufTalo, Utica, or wherever else the ( New York. Packet Office, BKADLKY &. CANFIELD, Proprietor*. ^ton, Aj>nl Ii.\ 1849. 3 soilers" and abolitionists may be, with a view Later from Europe. ..I,,, l, .... i..-.tl I'.l-.t. (l,,l. M , l( ,i.n,,I i,, (I,,- lu I ibraries, sa\'s tin- peo,,.e nrc qun», ::pon ; (i()V( ' nmr tliat tlu> |ll<>ndl sll!l11 day >e of h.iint'nf Mouse and Libraries, sa\*s : , he disarmed. Tho Libnirirs uf b<»th I lmisos t KJIK! lobe The Governor is m h u to the Parliament iiiHMdiii Ami'rica. ron%ijv;fir»^ of J(>,ooo \4*1 House at (J to night, and much trouble 1 is ex- •i. the irr*iifls »d past Paihnmcnfs, lM»thof, p«H'ted. I 'pp«»r and Lowrr Catiada, and since the I n j MONTRKAI, Tuesday, May 1—4 P. M. I.»M, tho untiiu .hcd hiiHinrss of th<* p r r s n H . sos It was reported this morning that a depu- i* papers of mrmbers, all were destroy t tntion was coming from Qu(»bec to present un that their success could not bd moie than ephemeral is plain to any man who compares the contracted limits nnd more contracted re- j sources of the French fttihifans w|th tiie ex- pansive energy and inrreasin^ nuiiibers of the KriL'lish Colonists in Caruid.-i. TIIK WAY TO TALK-NO W I'^rom thr ('nttskil [Jrcorder& Der^iocraf. The taste of blood seems only <|o excite a- new the ferocity of a Taylor Administration. It is said that applications are already pending f«» m.iko , tho bill t which h ul received ] pie HKsembled to prevent them from landing ; for a change of nearly all the Post Of^ces in the I'oynl a.sent, that il.iv wore preserved I but thoy wore landed at the cross, about three* the country. Meanwhile the axe is drting its mo\t fortunately , so that, all the mischief has miles below tho city, and so saved trouble.— I work with " all convenient speed/' . The pres- heeu done by the Tones* without accomplish Hut it is thought should they return by steam- ent indications are that the new administration iu^ then object the stoppage of tin* Rebel or, that the boat will be attacked. < >ne e voept ion, \\ e to say, wo address to the Governor, and about 4000 poo- J .os.es Mill, which they undoubtedly hop It is rumored thai Mr. Bolton intends mov- e<t <A> Jostioy by burning the building. The ing in the Assembly a dissolution of the Vn- \.iliiuhlr furniture of the houses and adjoining ion. m otliers W.IH of course all destroyed. 'I'ho Li | Large meetings are being held at Toronto luaiy W4 . insiiied for fr.'.oiM). 1'ho build {and Kingston, and petitions getting up to the m^j. whu:h was leased by the Corporation for Queen for tho recall of Lord Klgin. l'-j:.<M) ptir annum, eust l':n» # O0O; it was in All quiet ut 4 P. M. stired tor i'lM.o tho inMirmuT can Ii. is doubtful whether recovered under the cir- The man to whom report assigns me post of thn Canadian Cromwell is an unfortunate fellow, whose free living has caused a very Wfl regret to say that there IKnot tin* least hideous nasal dilapidation, accompanied by a doubt that thin y ee<l was the result smell which renders him unnpproaehable ox- a doliherutely laid plan. Kveiythii»g wore copt to windward. He formerly kept a sec- d id g p p upi*wranco : tho notcu^ went steadily to i ond rate coffee house, and acquired some prop- their wtiik. tIHTO wan noun of that want of; erty °n which be now lives. * NHtem which mark tho. violent actions of men j "The only articles saved from tho general into fury by incidental circumstances, I destruction are the mace of thc Lower Mouse, (heir appeared no doubt or hesitation ; each ik JU if it won' assigned to rnf I Ul to hi, ' h is tho very fine portrait of the Queen, and a cart load of books; the mace is of silver,gilt, and contsix hundred pounds three years ago. .— It U nl>out seven feet high, surmounted by a lite liihf spark olloyaUy <»» Jie orown crown. The mace belonging to tho upper ( Hrwubi. i* seemingly ex tin j house is dostroyod. I believe it was not val- Montreal Courier of tho, uable, being only a wooden affair, gilt; but N Y. KxpioH«, comes U> IIH that I suppose was not much considered.— Arms at the the bond of the Severn! valuable pictures were destroyed : > nnd in MOI uNiNu ! Aml! portraits of George III, George IV, Sir of ibe signilir.niit nigns of the; fteorgo Provott, several ex-Speakers of the o\ o ('olony, and one Jaqucs Carticr, tho discoverer A l\M| r Ulul. HI ui .he«l The 'tilli i.jivk: the the <)\ 1. IIKV IN only ntm i 1 1 •»> q CHiiada, which was tho copy of a will become one of the most intolerant and prescriptive we have ever had in this coun- try. As democrats, we ask in behalf of bur iriends no quarter, and expect none. Tht>se demo- crats who were beguiled into the Bupport of Taylor and Killmore by the smooth And honied professions of " No Partyism," will be more effectually undeceived and brought back to the old fold. "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." Democracy will flourish all the better wlun the ligaments that bind her sons to Taylorism are all sever- ed. We are firm believers in the doctrine that "to the victors belong the spoils." We have the fullest conviction that had a different re- sult followed the canvass of 184R, tvliigs and whiggcry would never have grown fnt at the public crib ; nor do we ask at the hands of our political opponents a favor we would have been A unwilling that a Republican administra- tion should have granted to them. True, it may be said Gen. Taylor t%,mc hito power by pledges and professions which he is now constantly violating. Very wfll; grqnt it. If he had told tho whole truth, and shad- owed forth correctly his future policy, no one supposes he could have been elected; BO the old gentleman is not without apology. Be- sides, we have no great sympathies for those to patch up some discreditable coalition, we Thc Rtram( . r America arrived at Halifax on have no doubt it will meet with the disregard ; Thurs( , morni , nK , wjlh Liverpool dates of and derision it deserves from the great body ; U)f; 2 , s t u U ]} ^ om week ]ater intelli . of the democracy # (l tJmn th;il broug i lt by t } )0 Cambria. Whenever the Democratic party is reduced ; b The Frcnc]y , rovernmcnt has come to the so low that it must follow around Giddmgs • jm fant rrso]ution o f a n ARMKD INTER- (Jates, Hale ^ Co., or their political associates, V KNTI0N TO REINSTATE TIIE POPE at and seek affiliation with such spurious aholi tionists, disaffected and cast off whigs, and a Home. A force adequate to the emergency has already sailed for Civita Vecchia. postates, and funky politicians in general, it will do well to take in its sign and stop busi- ness. To such a proposition for a, State Con- vention, we say No! emphatically. There is a right and a wrong in thematter, and both cannot be made alike hy contract. We repu-1 \] Constnblc, last Tuesday evening *>y R*v. Mr. MARRIED: In nakrmfieM, Vf., TurmJnv rvonine, Mny Ut, ly Rev. [). Wnrri'n, Mr. FJ. M. FARMKLKK, of this vi|. lurr* tr> MIKH SARAII J SCOTT, of (lie former Notice. 1 HIK copartnership heretofore existing be- tween the suitM-ni^n*, urjder ihtj ttyle of fflanch- nrd <^ McDonald, tl»w day dissolved by mutual consent. The books, notes and account of tbc lat#^ company havinfr been an^i^ned io Seth Hlanchard, all persons indebted to .the firm, or having debts agaiufct i», will call on hiiti to settle fhp f^pmr. SRTH BLANCHARD. VICTOR MCDONALD Forl Co-vm^'fou, April J1 fh, }&4 f J. "i'hr HubKerit>fr hereby informs Ins former pi! 0 and the public generally that he will continue the Wheelwright, Blarktmithing and Painting biiMnf's*, m all 1 heir various branches, at his old itand in fho village of Fort Covington. lie lntond* \Q keep Waqgon*, ('arruigc* and Sleighs constantly on hind, which he will sell as lovr for cash, product, or on In Bnrraboo, DIED, April 55th, Hannah, wife 01 diateall tinkering, which makes ten breaches Marvin, Mr. DAIUTWQ C. MEWS, where it repairs one. If those who have apos- 4 Mi** HARRIET If. IImm.>cK, of Constable. A 1 r 41 t 1 •* 1 *u *u i At th#? name nme nnd placr, by the same, Dr. tatized from^thc party, and united with thn j w r§t)nmrEVf}t o f chRteaugay, to Buffalo whigs and abolitionists, and supported u n( ,',, r, (K , of Constable. Adams, Gates <fe Co., at thn last election, are content with their position, let them hold on to it and finish by coming out at the little end of the horn. But let democrats adhere to theirs in all their principles, organizations and usa- ges, and turn neither to the right nor the left, and the quiet masses, who are the sovereign arbiters in such matters, will soon determine on which side is truth, principle and fidelity. They have already decided in advance in the Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York city elections, where "free soilism," with full tick- ets and its strongest men, did not get votes enough in cither to be counted for scattering. CANADA. We joruiiue to-day a summary of the do- ings in Canada^during the last week. It will be seen that the excitement has spread over most parts of Canada, but what it will all a- mount to remains to be seen. We think, however, that the following remarks of the Albany Atlas will prove to be as nearly cor- rect as any thing that could be said at this time: We do not iook upon ihe iioubics in ner Majesty's dominions as being of long continu- ance, or as likely to produce any change in the relations between that country and thia.— of th?s village, to ! approved creaw, as can be bought at any shop in I Northern i\ew York. Io custom work, in uny of his blanches of business, ho does not intend to bo M ..c K.pni w outdone, either in t»tyle of workmanship or in low ! prices, by sny estsblisfiment in this vicinity. Those desirous of having work well done will ptetse April llih, 1849. SETHBLANCHARD. him a col). New Tin Shop, Basement of Field 9 * Ifirum Hubbard, formerly of Vf., aged 74 years. Printers in Vf., N. H. and Mass. please copy. " irrMr C F T. Lock, of Oxford, New York, has q i » K nubscribrr-would respectfully inforw the i\ 11 # , . . J -I habitants of Malone and ns vicinity, tb*t b# h** mnde larfre sales of the Crcat American Remedy, COfnmcnccd lhc manufacture of Dr. C*. C. Vaughn f 8 Lithontriptic Mixture; he holds some of (ho strongest testimony in its favor thai has ever been witnessed, that of Col. Otis P. Tracy, who was cured of a malignant cancer of many years standing, deserves notice. Alao Scrofula, Dropsy, Gravel, Kidney complaints, Liver complaints, Gen. oral Debility; all have been cured, iho parlies af- flicicd restored to health by the use of this medicine. We would atron^ly urge upon all females who are out of hcallh, weakness of the back or spine, irregu- larity of the system, &c, to use this Lithontriplic Mixture. It has by its peculiar properties a healing influence in all such derangements, and cannot be used without a b«n#fic4al effect being immediate— try it—see adverti»cm#nt in our paper—call upon Agents—get a pamphlet. We have no sympathy for " Royal Rebels and think this fervor of loyalty much more disgraceful than serious. It is a political T1RANKLIN COUNTY, CLEM'S OFFICE, «a— JL Notice ia hereby given, that the names of forty- eight persona to serve aa Grand and Petit Juror*, at the next Circuit Court and Court oi Ojrer and Ttr- miner, to be held it thc Court House, io ibn town of Malone, in and for the said Couniy, on the ttcood Monday of June next, will be dnwn mt tb» Office on Thursday the n t hday of May irnttnl, at 2 o'clock in 'he afternoon. i Dated May 9, 1849 U.S. BRKWSTER.Cfcrk. Tin, Sheet Iron and Coppfr in said village, and is now prepared proraptJ' &n4 fai:liiul!y to execute all orders in lhe above bm -ie«i v^ with which he may be favored. All kinds of WARK kept constantly on hand, as wcll as Stove Pipe and Stove Trimming** He has also on hand Russia Pipe and Dumb Si Also Sheet Zinc. Mending and repairing done at all times.jl Most kinds of country produce and ceived in exchange for any of tbc above Also old Bra**, Copper and Pewter. Shop \r\ Field's Exchange, 2d Baserqfent story• Bridge. ANGE, p Entrance by the Stairs at the east end Malone, March 13, 1849. DAVIS EXECUTOR'S N 0 T I 0 % TtTOTICE ia hereby given accordi 11 persona having claim* late oi the town of Malone, in tfc* Itn, deceased, that they are f*q aamc, with voucher* thereof, t# t cutor* of the last wilt and taatan eea^d, at the dwelUttf \nm—* B!M* Wafkms, O N of said Exectitora, is the mU town t»f Mftfofte, 0n #r before the 20th 4*f of OdoUf ncft. DatW (his 17th day of April, 1849. / ELIAS WATKINS, LEONARD OONAKiV - ..--ail

THE GAZETTE - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031574/1849-05-10/ed-1/seq-2.… · hlr m th\H "ffi« r ... Why, who are its leaders in this County, and into

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Page 1: THE GAZETTE - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031574/1849-05-10/ed-1/seq-2.… · hlr m th\H "ffi« r ... Why, who are its leaders in this County, and into

it.m •uhH*v|iwMit to tho said Application to suchjustico

A. No nppml KIUIII under thin act bo Allow-IHI. unlt*H5i Niu-h MHurily for said judgmentHII.III !><• k<ivrri /lr»d approved by (lie judgr fttt\\r Imir (•{ allowing mi< Ii nppr;ilt nnd servedtm i\\r JIISIK r with tlw ullUUvit for nppeal.

Sl.ttr of AVi/ V'.*-./•* f r i t l i 1/1 ( >/fi

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|<lo r r r t t l y thnt the snni#' is n\f | tne whole <»f i h r

Secre tary t>t Slnlr .


iiiM"i ii|M thereof,i;; null.

nuns roriiKH


In tin-discussion in Parliament of iho fjucs-tiiui of how l.he lair riof* at Montreal ori^irmfed, Mr MrrriLI s.-iid that ;»ll Canada ou^ht tocome mil .and feslify an abhorrence and defeR

of (If art of burning the Parliamentand <leKt?ovmj£ (he Hecords of the

Colonies. Sir All u» McNab (who did nmroth.m any other man to rouse the Tories toK'irh a pitch of excitement as would produceUouhle, and that too because his own mens

State of Affairs in Canada*Cmitinuation of the Outbreak—Additional

Particulars.MONTREAL, April 28— F. lu.

Thu prisoners have just been released.A crowd of several thousands followed them

to the Place dfArms, where they wore ad-dressed by each liberated prisoner in turn.

The multitude dispersed quietly.In consequence of a message from the Brit-

ish party to the effect that if the Governor did

presented by the Mayor of S|L. Malo to thjeHistorical Society of Quebec.

" The books are valued at allf&uns of sumsas high as $100,000. I should *rf that thismust be an enormous exagge^011^ but theywere pretty numerous, and .sortie r y scarce.When their loss was alluded %<{H£ the houseyesterday, poor Monsieur Moriji, fne speaker,could contain himself no4$nger,i but burst intoa fit of weeping. He is a ver^ amiable man,and of considerable learning. Being obnox-ious to the crowd, he was escdrted from the

not disarm the Canadian ^ ranch.immediately huM o n l h e n i h t o f t h e fiN b g i r Athev would arm and do it the Ministry have * L 'they would arm and do it, the Ministry haveissued orders to disarm.

In the evening a proclamation was issuedby the Ooverhor, forbidding tumultuous asscmblies being held in the streets ; notwith-standing which a large mob assembled in theI lay market, and only dispersed at the earnestrequest of their favorite leaders.

MONTUKAI., April 30 —11 A. M.Mr. John Young has been appointed chief

magistrate of the city of Montreal, as theMayor, when wanted, can never be found.

Ilin excellency is to go down to the Parlia-ment House at fl o'clock. A riot is expected.

The provincial cavalry have arrived in town.uir* wrrr to br CUIMMI into rflrrt by Reform A dispatch hna this moment been receivedrr.) complained that the hoops W ITO not call »t th<» Montreal (1ourier(»flicc, from Brockvillr,rti i»utf Mr Hindis, (Inspector ( irneral , ) , in which it i« stated that information had justhaul Ur wntl to Col Kniwitmjjrr, (of fhe I\>- bren received at that place, of the arming ofl i n \ ) when hf Maw fho violent bin^ua^e of the French Canadians by the (Governor; andrWris'n (a dtsrhiujnvl K\< tsc-nmn) o \ (ni (ia , that steamers will be chartered for the pur-

pose* of bringing down armed men to the assis-tance of Montreal, and this may shortly be ex-pected.

Fn I tastings*, Frontennc and ("Jlongary, thenews is to the effect that all the populace of

Nab and other conservative meribers.

:r(ti\ " f o l d l i im O H M V w a s d a n g e r , a n d f|l^- s fed th.it t ip1 m i l i t a r y s h o u l d b e c a l l e d o u tfo p r e v e n t disf ur h a n r e s . " Krm/H i l l i fer, ( a To?y. l ike m o s t o f t h e S h e n f N , P e a c e C l e r k s ,Jud^^s, &*c ,) thought there would be no troul»l«\ and (hut (Jen tJore would\v*• 1 r h r to a-.k loi mihtai \ aid.

Mi Wihdi i , member lor London, on the,Thames , an ho?n*sf, eonsisttwit Tory, who had

lau"h at him *he*e counties aro arming and waiting ordersto inarch on the metropolis.

MONTKKA!., April HO— 5 P . M.i#ord Klgin came to town at 3 o'clock to-

\ot»J agamsi the Itebelhon Lo>,se« Payment day. The carriagewns escorted by a troop ofbl l I Th H M ' d i i h l d i id ll

g y pbill. HMHI ; M That Her Majesty's dignit) should ^ Provincial cavalry. The streets were lined allho ui'mltt'd in the person of her Representa tho way to the flovernment House by thetive fhtf tho Legislative Assembly, in the j people, who hissed, cursed, and pelted the

l f l h l d b ' dp e a c e f u l p r o s e c u t i o n o f i t s l a b o r s , s h o u l d b<• • u t r n ^ r d s o g r o s s l y t h a t t in* H O U K C K o f P a r11 a rue r it u h o u b I b e \\ i l l u l l y s e t fit € * t<», i t s i r c o r d sd o s t r o y c i l . i f s n o b l r a n d u n i ( | u o l i h r u n e s b o t h

Jirnid t h e s a v a g e a n d e x u l t i n g

Views of thc Home (roveh*r**ent.

The liondon Times of April l j contained aneditorial on the subject of Canadian affairs,which, we suspect, from its cautious languageand other indications, was written " by au-thority." In the course of ttye article theTimes holds the foliowinor language in refer-ence to the Indemnity Bill, th(fc approval ofwhich by Lord Elgin lias caused such excite-ment in Canada:

"Though it has awkward features, it maystill be a simpler and easier subject than weimagine or political politicians represent it tobe. Compensation to rebels has a(n u^ly sound.But that which the Ministry of Lord Klgin isdoing is but a copy or a eonjplc*tirm of thatwhich the Ministry of Sir C. Mcitcalf did be-fore. They extended a grant which was orig-inally intended for the Loyalists to all whohad suffered through the rebellion in Canada

weak-minded de-iccrats wo believed the pro-feseionffof the whig leaders, thus forgettingthe leasohs taught by all past experience.

THE GAZETTEo-ttfs Thursday, ITIay IO, 1849


Union of the Democratic Party.

Tins fitihjcct is receiving the nttention of me dem-ocratic press throughout (he State, and was made a

pute, where our cousin, Jobn Boll, Jr., hasmanifested his natural propensity to blusterand burn the public property and innocentbooks by way of exhibiting to hia parent athome how angry he is. It i* a very good com-edy, but will not prove a tragedy. The Joy-alista of Canada will not carry their allegianoeto the point of burning their own individualproperty. British subjects would harttly berecognized as legitimate royalists unless theyproved their descent by an occasional riot anda bonfire of public property.

This is the kind of rebellion to* which Eng-lish subjects have been most accustomed —that of a minority of the people against the

PHALON'S CHEMICAL HAIR INVIGORA.TOR—A fresh supply just received by


TWheat, Corn, Flour and Plaster.

HE subscriber offers for sale,bushels of Wh*fit at 8J. per bushel

4o Corn, M 4*. M ^50 bhlo. superfine Geuesee Flour,]0 fat Hog*, and50 Tons of Fresh Ground Ptofer.

May !, 1849. O U B. K. GOVK.N. B. A few tons of NOVASCOTlA PLASTER

expected by <he first boat from Montreal.

ocratio me inhere of tho Legislature at the close of thelate session qf that body. Upon this question we

should know what they aro. While we yi Jd to noone in an anxious desire for die reunion and conse-quent triumph of the democratic party IN this


iop.eo! r^nark 10 the addreM pui forth br the d«m. m a j o r i t y - n o t in favor of more freedom to

the masses, but for a renewed tyranny over, , them. Not in favor of the right of selfhave our own v.cw*. nnd we arc willing tho world e r n m e n t j b u t a a i n s t | t T , £ oa f t r t i l l r l 1 / n twrnr t a t H n t t l . n n « * * . » I X f l . * ) ^ . • . . _. . . ! _ ! J , » _ - _ . : _ . . _ . . •

British crown is invoked to oppress and over-awe the majority of the people of Canada, forthe gratification of the minority. Nor do we

nnd while wo shall hail with joy the return of wan I apprehend a war of races, and that this emeutedercrs to tho aBsociaiion of their old friends, from j wj |] p r 0 Ceed further. If it shall induce ourwhom they were induced to separate themselves last! neighbors to consider more favorably ourinsti-fall by the deceptive cry of •• free soil/' we cannot I tutions. where the minority is permitted to go-givo our assent to any scheme of union which even I VCrn quietly, whenever it can get in power, no

matter by what means, we shall not regret theinstructions, however we may deplore thomadness and folly of burning public property,


squints nt a coalition with tho ** free soil" faction.—Why, who are its leaders in this County, and intowhose fellowship would democrats be brought bysuch a union ? Let us look hack a few months and and especially a public library,sre who were the officers of its meetings and (hedelegates toils conventions. Prominent among (hem All Hail Virginia!

West. The present Ministry Is doing thesame with respect to Canada East. True, in-deed, that three-fourths of Canada West wereloyal, and three-fourths of Canada Kast insur-rectionary. But all who were jeonvicted of jtaking part in the rebellion are expressly ex |eeptyd from the compensation! The amounthas already been reduced by tho Ministry from.€180,000 to £100,000, out of deference to' h o n o r c d

the feelings of thc English paHy. So farthere is a prlma faeiv case against any delib-erate intention of provoking angry compari-

we find such men as Jabcz Parkhuraf, JobConjjdon, The Democrats of Virginia have dischargedHenry Longley, Horace Dickinson, (inorge M. 8a. their whole duty to the country. As far asl»inf Daniel N. Iluntington, and others of the unmv ; heard from, the whigs lose a member of Con-stamp—all of them bitter and uncompromising cne. gross in the 5th district, (Mr. Goggin)—one in

Tailoring*Field'* Exehmg*.

t JAMES BARRIErespectfuUy return thtnk*for the liberal patronage h* has received, andhopes by superior taste and strict puaetutUty to

merit a continuance 0/ the same.CUTTING particularly attended to, and warrant-

ed. As the fit of a garment depends much upon themanner it is put together, no pains will be spared tomake it plnin and easy 10 the maker.

FASHIONS.—In addition to the Spring and FallReports, he will receive a monthly Plate, which willenable him to do hb work in n more fashionable

le lhan any other shop in (he place* 01 otherwise,the taste of the customer dictates.Malone, May 1, JS49.

Dietz, Brother & Co.,f, a n ip IVEaniUfocturera*

*• Washington $tore\" 139 William St..NEW YORK,n AVL\( ; a large rnd well organized .aftnufactory,

arc now prepared to fi,'I orders for their inanutae.tures, at short notice, which will be warranted of the

ir sold aa low aswill he found —

mien of democratic principles. It is io the compari.ionship and support of such men as these thut a con.liiion with the •' free soil" laciion would bring the

t w o to eifr

democracy o( thin County.sny most fervently,

From Rueh a union weLord deliver UH." Let

there be a union of ihe democracy on the old, time,established hy the fathers of our

faith, sny we most heartily, and the sooner thc bci-

the 7th district, (Mr. Botts) — one in the 8thdistrict, (lately represented by the present! ^u rnmi j Oil orSecretary of the Navy, Mr. Preston)—and oneprobably in thc; 3d district, (Mr. Flournoy) —

Gilt & Bronzed Chandeliers,igh's, with and without prism.

Table Lamps, Hilt andfour in all. The democrats, may lose a mem- ferrnt pn»uher in the 15th district lately represented by

for Oil or Cnmphene, of more ihTin one hundred dif-

r uinoi as ii passed, w n e n t i e escort n.'ui „ i . . • * r i p ' l

, ,, ,< ' i n ,i i , . 4 XT i T\ I sons and reviving ancient feuds. :,,:,KS,,1 tho I. rrnrh ( n;th« ml n.to Noire Dame | A , ( m ^ b , . ^

I t l h l l l l l l l f l f / t » \ » « * » # * » y * # ( t i l l *•* j -<\* t i-i * l st <** • » O . J™1 '

O l l

'I )i u n » b , n o t (»l ( I H * lowt^st . o r d e r s —

(I.,t i l l( n u n ri |Mt iv

i,, lul.iml to pmlrcl th« carter goo</x * *i /t 4 »r 1 - 1 1 • pensation even to the less loy^ll portion ofOpposite the (rovernment House his lord- ; fi • * * *t i ' i- i i

1 1 . , , . . .. , , , ( the province, except to those whose dwloyaltyship was Hfrurk by a stone in the head and, # i •• if • • c • i AH • i -M i i i i * # i t • .i r vented itseli in acts of violence. All revolu-

well < ahulafrd to r x n t r I hy an e g g in the (ace.uMrsf. npprrhi'h^i(»ns and ihr most ?»•'?•»-'

If i d dIf.- , - , M s 1 ( | , m

,U. t n . n ioyally In I <

for ihr

r P i . lX i l l

I h« h<m,,s wore hen separately rhoomltions, from that of Coroyra to (hajt of Paris in

7Oa t nnd from that nirVm to Mmso of ParisThe members of Parliament then proceeded i a n ( , y j o n n H j n 1 H 4 8 > . | n ? f u l | ( ) f i n g t ; i n c e s

to tho (Jcivernmrnt House, to present tJieir | W h o n t h o m a j c s t y o f t h o I a w i s dethroned, and


a m , V i o m m j n 1 H 4 f l , f | i | ,M,. . : . i...:...,1|,nf,U. tn.ni rrsprct for ihr ; (.. iho (J,,vornmrnt IICMWO to present (he.r ; W h p n t | l p • f | h ( , , a w

A\ h.lr as :i „»,-,,• m,.as,,r,.. apart, fn.tn a mldresn. As tl.ey pnswd through the crowd, t]w n o f S ( ) ( , i H v i n a f ) ( , y

h..ii.il ^ur .(„„., |H. deeply rvfrn-Uvtl , (hey were actually covered with dirt and the ( . n to tlie license of the bold and tfa rein is« will of the

MlMMt« rive tIihern w i .1 M • I « I 111 i i

M' > i >( I f f

* r.e of t

I <) I t r in


h o i 1 W | M S , , . , , . (I . . M . .' l.« re

l { " v ; l 1 " s s r r "

fl... passing of" ,|M. b,H. he was ?:l:,d that, as (he ; yolk of i W , s ( ]> r O p, . r t y |» p i l l a r ) , families are ru-HrHlexcrrisrufHroMsHhitionalMKhf.amid, F he m e m b f - w e ; ; proceeding in such n | i | l p r ^ t m s t s hvU,iyv(]f i)mm£x t he rascality

d bc> power-il disorgani-his happen-


If w m i l d n o t h a \ ( * ! t h e ( J o v e r n o r (}<m t h e K r p r r m M i t . - i t i v e t o h a \ e w i t h t o h i m a n a d d ?

• I ' . r i i H r o m t h i s l u l l , il t h e r e h a d b e e n j ^ r a t u l a t i n j ^ h i m o n t h et v i s o i v ; thurt t o s h o w ( h a t t h e e x e r - ; c o u n t r y !

. . . * \ :. ° . . men, trusts ueirayed, inrou^n icsrorted by tho sold.crs, to nscnvc , a n ( , wick(>(Iru,ss ofm(.n wh(> w o u ,, a n ( , w i c k ( ( I m

eneral of Canada, to present;, CX(. , iess from the Parliament con- rMUm a n ) , t l i

state of the ization and tumult,'d in Lower ('ana

in seasons of politicedly

as it has ha

...;.,.-,.,! lKr ii u w.

r v . ' i \ t l i m ^

where. To give a compensation, [therefore, to5 members through , t ,R t v j r l i m s _ m a n y o f t\wm innocent victims—

»y locrri.-n, and that every . St. rnul street, the not act was read, and theya l i n j ; 111 K •% t o i n * ( r o w n < t r o o p s r n a r i r r d

| ; i , n i ' t In 1 <

I I r d 11 u < MI 11

(I h\'ir, h e a r , a n dc h e r r s )

" A M ;I pul»hc c . i lamif v a n d a p u b l i c d i s -h - p l o r r d t h e o i * r u r r e n c e . T h e i rI s t i l l rr , tfp'ir nj^ht t o s e l f g o v e r n

nieuf, w o u l d IM* q u e s t i o n e d , t h e i r a b i l i t y t or ^ w r i s i ' if w o u l d \u< d o u b t e d , a n d , in t h em i d .f of e i \ ih / : i furn , a n d t h e b o a s t o f e iv i l i / , a

I l e t i n r m e n t , t h e y s h o u l d b e h* lld u p \nun

No lives were lost, though tho crowd wasvery dense. This is H sign how troops, whosehearts are with the people, can act if necessa

The CJovernor proceeded out of t(,.vn by thesuburbs.

The (rovernor's carriage was smashed abouthalf a mile from the government house.

of a revolutionary tempest, isunworthy of a great, secure ar(S overn merit.

Of course, in this, as in an omore* depends on the manner in wsure is proposed and carried

course not(1 powerful

,her tilings,hieh a mea-han on the

tion to tho regular nominations nnd usages o\ thr

party. We cannot so soon forgot the injury inflicie;!

hy this faction upon some ol our best friends lust

fall, i?i its support of a srparnfe ti<kot, made up of old

federalists, abolitionists and serederHfrom the demo.

eratie rankft, as to join hands wiih it in any HUCII CO.

alition.^ T h e doors ol the old homestead are open

to r r r r ive back meinbcrn of tfu? drmorrafif! family

who have becn .sedured from ifs shelter, but those

who have never wandered trorn it, but have sfeodily

continued to protect and defend it, will never consent

to leave its ample accommodations nnd take up their

abode in the dilapidated and crumbling hovels and

huts of •• free soilism."

T h e following article so vel! expresses what we

would further sav upon this subject, that we append

it, and commend its forcible FUJT

side/ration of our democratic readers.

Frrut fa jll>chniiiral or CcrccIMr. Brown, but it is by no means certain. If a *\nr n^ortim-nT, end (ilolns, Wicks nnd Cbimmeathe democrats gain, as they have a chance to ! !,° fit; AIHO—A ifreaf variety of Huspendin/cr Lamp*.i * i i i - \ \ (i ' i bracket Lamps S.de Lnrnps, Sfuriv Lamos CandeJ

tcr, l,u. no coalition with any facUon that chooses to j <h>- c ' K b t ™ort- members in the ( ongressional , ) ( ira c.muJ.loH, 11,11 Lantern*, China Vaa'e, Manmaintain a .separate organisation, and act in opposi. '^ct io iw yet to occur in Maryland, Delaware, t c | Ornanun-s Vur^lum SJi«do> and Giobca.

Rhode Island, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Also—A lull aMsuriiucni of Paper Shades, GlaisAlabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, ' s l ) a'' ( is I<»b<v. Wi.'ks, ('himniM, and oth«r article*Indiana, Missouri and Kentucky, and we think afjM>r:!"»l»s «" >l»eirUu*inr*»; pure Sperm Oil, Lard

. , • r l *'"* ^'^^Vhviw and NjurM {»n«.they will make an aggrepjite gain of at least T i u y »n- «!M, »H,W wnmit-.icumng Drummond'athat number, the whign will be in a minority Patent Candlp Makrr, an nrrielp ol great nrifity forin both branches oflor, self-deprived of

Congress, and Gen. Tay- r l i e ^otuln rn nnd UVSKTU Sfaios, being a Candle.' t lufveto, will be useful ht!< lv v v l m h | l > l m v l h e r a n J l e ' W l c k e d * l l d r cod> f ^

only in bills passed by democratic ma-Wo shall not he at all surprised, ei-

, if the democrats gain enough in tho com-^luctions to be strong enough in the House

of Representatives to carry their measures a-gainst both whigs. free soilors and indepen(lenls!

These are cc.iqu^oLs, let it not be forgotten,of the party that has been declared by thcwhi^s to be utterly destroyed—torn by dis-

u?e.N. B. —Orders by mail promptly tillrd. Address

JDIKTZ, HKOTHER & Co.,April :2U—2* 2in. N u 139 William «ireel.

Police.LTO'I id) is h c r c h y ^ i v r n that i give ~..., «>r>

\\io. r e m a i n d e r of his m i n o r i t y . 1 fiiinjin.»r vxucj any of IHR W ^ P S , n o f h o r will -f pay linydebt ol uny d r s r r i p r i o n w h e r e i n lir muy b e c o m e ac-counfah lc , affrr tlrx dale. May 2nd, 1849.


TKRMS OK RIVL'NIOJV.From the Hini(hnmpton Democrat.

•FitSi jitecetved, 011 Consignment,i n n Bt>:*. CIMCIITON^S HEKR,l\J\J 100 do. WATERTOWN WHISKEY,

measure itself. We have spoken bf tlw? con-struction which may very fairly te put uponthis plan of indemnity,correct one. W

We DOe arc? anxious to

u «ii M ; r . b . n b H I . i n ,

1 b ) i r b ; u i . t n I l<» d r

\ Major H.u.rhos hits nrr.vrd from Kinjrs- . , l > ( , n d i { 1 . i n : i ( l i a n s } | r r , ; , s i m p | O ( ( 1


!ivrn mote rutlilrss ' (f»n, and waited on Sir Henjamin l)*lTrban, fo• 'plnri-tl |.hr orcurreiuM1 .represent to him the dreadful state of thefo (.In1

P P I V U K T , and a . coiinf.rv, and fo urge if somefhing is not done*.f«»rv. Th'^r who had • flu* peoph* will march on Montreal. Kiots are

••h.if»'l\ r\ri(r<| (lie mnb were responsi ( feared to-night.Another despatch of the same date s r y :At about (\ o'clock Saturday night, a few

u i e h i e v u h l e I O

l , i M h t P < *.fMin u p o n it ;

b ' e , a n d m o r e s n i o u s l o s s h a d ( t e e n i n f l i c t e

b y t l » r |>i « M T e d i t i j ^ i o f t h e n i ^ h f o f t h e ' J . M

t l irifi b y t h e p H v - . a i n - o f \*i) s u c h l u l l s . "

a inw a r

Mr Shnwn.nl , (T«>iy,) like Mr. PapineauI his h in x l I .atrri IOI re, sennied inclined to

Mr Ihj|K|.»y. (T<»rv.)t tn

folt (Iri/i u f r i l w h e n In^

boys assrmblrd in the Hay Market, evincinga riotous disposition, and their numbers beingconstantly increased until a large mob had

and. but fur thn Hlortsof Col.

ly race, who, though neither verynor very bhrewd, nor very fond ofSaxons, yet. have a just and holycivil war wantonly provoked ; aof them would willingly re enterguinary strujr'-fle into which theambition of l'apineau and his cli<eoyed them. On this suppositioirecognize any objection to the priigrant. It seems a large one - it i

nu^ht them wan an the state prisoners, (who were liberated at 10this cif y so Inst and barbarous ns o'clock) much damage would have been done.

j s

to per pe t ia te such an net ." l i eprorogation at, such a m o m e n t .

wanted no They were finally induced to disperse by theirCol dugy leaders.

e \r Use* i i in we Itessed mob. Speaking of | On Sunday tho city was quiet, but consider-i l fthe government, bo said that " w h e n they

f^onded men to plurn/.y by nets of tho mostatrocious and im<|iiifuUH nature, tliey must ev

y qable excitement was created by tho arrival ofa troop of cavalry.

Despatches from Quebec state thai thethem to show their smsr of the injustice | (Jovernor was burnt in effigy in that oily on

If .1 Koullon excused , Saturday night, and that the authorities were»n prae ! using s-frenuous eflorts to preserve the publicl ie had peace. Upper Tanada shares the same fate,

d u n e t o t h e m " M( h e r i o t e r ; o n a i v u i n t o f t i nth e<| in ( h e \\n\- o f p . i s s j n i r t h e fu l l .

which may be left to the Canadi

OoviniMon, April 2 1 , 18J9.

e it is the>elieve thatet (V order-

enlightenedthe Anglo-horror of aid that few>n that san-/anity and

ue once de-we cannot

ciplo of tliecertainly a

* of detail,n Legisla-

of 1

f the Mi l , u r n -

ture.On (hv. other hand, there may

stances with which we are unactjuwarrant the fears so loudly expresparty in Canada, and are not unThis may be the first march of tlparty in the road to supremacy-be an intention to insult thc Crownnize over the Kn^lish Loyalists,be HO. Lord Elgin lias powers ntwherewith to thwart the attempt ar

e m l . t h a i h

in t h i n w u v

* f < <r rn < >f in

'" Pplei


. | n l S l l ( f , , N l , , ( u n -,., • „ , , , < 1 , . , , ,r u n e d o w n t o J I K M ' I I I . t u t h c b i l l

| h n s o,„ many plncrs. and at I?rockv,ll(. the nu- j n|M, ct l ld t t th

i , t o

eircum-linted, thated by oneelt l:ere.—i; Grullicianthere mayand tyran-!ut, if thisis disposald prostrate

,., T h n t

thnrilifH wm> co.nprllod U» assist in the ccn- , M|(.h RU(.n , i f Tm]] i | lf t l | c m i ) ( l l ) r Tn!ltI(.h i 1 w : i S ' / / y ^ / « / ( o n i r o t t h e ' m o n v * * . i A " i ! * i r

, f „,.• ' 14 A , • - . . , ,t rP1 • ,, with temporary sueeess, we do npt believe ;.<>ud cnes of he St. A n d r e w s ^ocietv ~A iU" • • » " " - • '

< ]«h F ' " r d

(ho Nfr<)111 t I l u i r

to the con. | sensions, and weak, because deprived of pat-' ronage. So powerful is this great party at

present, that if tlie election for Congress inPennsylvania and other states had yet to \m , 5 U d o ' b e s l WESTERN FLOI'R.

We have recently perused the address a- ! \wU\\ i]\e adn»™t 'a t ion o f G e nl Taylor would (


dopted by the democratic members of the leg- » ; « r t l y > v c a corporal s guard to excuse ite ! A LL ,|10,r ih»i hnVP «nW . .W ncroutm wislature at the close of the session. Its state- ' ^ P 1 ^ 0 ^ ^ defend its inconsis encies m i l .ubsenber will cull flnd Jook over wirhontments are fnir, its style creditable, and its gen- t h c ^ ^ h™™\ o f t h c ^ U o m ] Leg^Ia- . ""H ««VP .rouhlr. C B. MINKLhR.

(Tal conclusions as to the division of parties i UJC* c n n s ) v.ini.m.

just ; but ite tone is somewhat beneath the j - J r r i „ " iiJA i i i i i i ii • -i c *\ Dvrfer iiet.— Ihe J eletrrapn u.inounces thestandard demanded by the spirit of the times, j J $ 'and the feeling of the democratic masses.— ; probable election of /ourkm democrats andWhile depicting, as it does most truthfully, ' one whig to the next House of Representa-the dangers which threaten our institutions l tives from Virginia. This is a result far het-from the sectional irritations upon the ques- ' l(,r t h . u | w a s a n l i r i a l c ( j W c l l d o n e f o r ()]jtion of slavery, obviously kept on foot as well! , . . . . . . rfl! . , ,.r i i \ i i democratic Viarinia. ik 1 here is a £roou timefor personal advancement as personal revenge, I u^IIIl^IrtU<- T ' bJ bit ought to have sketched with a bold and res- f coming, boys,M no mistake,olute hand the base treachery and shamelessapostacy by whi<*h, under this hypocritical

BOATF »r t!»e ' J V ; i n s | ) o r f a ! i o u of p p y

L A K K C I I A M I ' L A I N , T)U)Y, M . H A N Y , N £ W Y O R K

A M ) H U S T O N .

cry of " free soil/' the democratic masses weredefrauded and defeated at the last Presiden-tialauthors to the scorn and obloquy their conduct merited. It is no time to be tame, spir-

Nf-w York ami Pon* on L«ke ChonipJairt,H therel'V avoiding any d e l a y e r injury liable to uccur

Kzra Smith, Esq., of Washington Co., ! t<> property by reason of translupmcnr.j The facilities for Towing o n Lake Champlain o?al

Hudson Rivrr are complete, and despatch equal to

election, and have held up the perfidious ! w Ka I I a i I r e m o v e ( I - T h e

has been appointed Collector of Customs for'1 ' c m p l e e , and

the Dis tr ic t of C h a m p l a i n , in t h e place of HOIK.) that of uuy other line guaranteed.in this

County had selected another man for thisR u f l d m ^ ; w o r d e d b y W c e t c r n R a i l


PROPERTY CAREFVLLY WEIGHED.The proprietor! pledge themselves that no e**r-

spriw tluir trap' for them, and so the. ' io»s shal1 hc ore.11.!" gi»«w^fa««ion in every par.1 - ' ' ticufar, anu respectfully ask for a continuance of put.

itless or cringing.' It is neither the way to | place, but somebody was unmannerly enougdeserve or receive the confidence of the peo- ! t« "plcfas those who are disposed to trim and I f . i m e Wfl8 ] o s t There are already an abun-temporize will ascerUiin to their cost, after d ? m c c o f ] i ( ,a n t s f u r t h c 8 u b o r d i n a t c offices! - Agents.they have gathered the fruit of a full cxperi- . . n , Lm A jOHNSO:>f !) Coont.c Slip,merit* As to tho suggestion that the demo- i n UHb l ; o u n i ) t

# , CORNELIUS LOVKLL, N. Y. Pacrats shall leave Syracuse, tho ground where f>ur views upon thc subject of n?._.ovals are Whah,they have long been wont to kindle their coun- | well expressed in an article in another column ; ., ..cil fires for the State Convention, and go to fmm t|Je Catlskill Recorder A Democrat.HufTalo, Utica, or wherever else the (

New York.Packet Office,

BKADLKY &. CANFIELD, Proprietor*.^ton, Aj>nl Ii.\ 1849. 3

soilers" and abolitionists may be, with a view Later from Europe.

..I,,, l,. . . . i . . - . t l I ' . l - . t . ( l , , l .M , l ( , i . n , , I i , , ( I , , - l u


ibraries, sa\'s

t i n -

peo,,.e nrc qun», ::pon ;( i ( ) V ( ' n m r t l i a t t lu> | l l < > n d l sll!l11

day>e of

h.iint'nf Mouse and Libraries, sa\*s : , he d i sarmed.Tho Libnir irs uf b<»th I lmisos t KJIK! l o b e T h e G o v e r n o r i s m h u to t h e Par l iamentiiiHMdiii Ami'rica. ron%ijv;fir»^ of J(>,ooo \4*1 H o u s e at (J to n ight , and m u c h trouble1 is ex-

•i. the irr*iifls »d past P a i h n m c n f s , lM»thof, p«H'ted.

I 'pp«»r and Lowrr Catiada, and s ince the I n j M O N T R K A I , T u e s d a y , M a y 1 — 4 P. M.I.»M, tho untiiu .hcd hiiHinrss of th<* prrsnH. sos It was reported this morn ing that a d e p u -

i* papers of m r m b e r s , all were des troy t tntion was c o m i n g from Qu(»bec to present un

that their success could not bd moie thanephemeral is plain to any man who comparesthe contracted limits nnd more contracted re- jsources of the French fttihifans w|th tiie ex-pansive energy and inrreasin^ nuiiibers of theKriL'lish Colonists in Caruid.-i.

TIIK WAY TO TALK-NO WI'^rom thr ('nttskil [ J rcorder& Der^iocraf.

The taste of blood seems only <|o excite a-new the ferocity of a Taylor Administration.It is said that applications are already pending

f«» m.iko , tho bill t which h ul received ] pie HKsembled to prevent them from landing ; for a change of nearly all the Post Of^ces inthe I'oynl a.sent, that il.iv wore preserved I but thoy wore landed at the cross, about three* the country. Meanwhile the axe is drting itsmo\t fortunately , so that, all the mischief has miles below tho city, and so saved trouble.— I work with " all convenient speed/' . The pres-heeu done by the Tones* without accomplish Hut it is thought should they return by steam- ent indications are that the new administrationiu^ then object the stoppage of tin* Rebel or, that the boat will be attacked.

< >ne e voept i on , \\ e to say, wo address to the Governor, and about 4000 poo-

J .os.es Mill, which they undoubtedly hop It is rumored thai Mr. Bolton intends mov-e<t <A> Jostioy by burning the building. The ing in the Assembly a dissolution of the Vn-\ . i l i iuhlr furniture of the houses and adjo in ing ion. m

otliers W.IH of course all destroyed. 'I'ho Li | Large meetings are being held at Torontoluaiy W4 . insiiied for fr.'.oiM). 1'ho build {and Kingston, and petitions gett ing up to them^j. whu:h was leased by the Corporation for Queen for tho recall of Lord Klgin.l'-j:.<M) ptir annum, eust l':n»#O0O; it was in All quiet ut 4 P. M.stired tor i'lM.otho inMirmuT can

Ii. is doubtful whetherrecovered under the cir-

The man to whom report assigns me postof thn Canadian Cromwell is an unfortunatefellow, whose free living has caused a very

Wfl regret to say that there IK not tin* least hideous nasal dilapidation, accompanied by adoubt that thin

yee<l was the result smell which renders him unnpproaehable ox-

a doliherutely laid plan. Kveiythii»g wore copt to windward. He formerly kept a sec-

d idg p p

upi*wranco : tho notcu^ went steadily to i ond rate coffee house, and acquired some prop-their wtiik. tIHTO wan noun of that want of; erty °n which be now lives.* NHtem which mark tho. violent actions of men j "The only articles saved from tho general

into fury by incidental circumstances, I destruction are the mace of thc Lower Mouse,(heir appeared no doubt or hesitation ; each

ik JU if it won' assigned tornf

I Ul

t o h i ,

' h i s

tho very fine portrait of the Queen, and acart load of books; the mace is of silver,gilt,and contsix hundred pounds three years ago.

.— It U nl>out seven feet high, surmounted by alite liihf spark olloyaUy <»» Jie orown crown. The mace belonging to tho upper

( Hrwubi. i* seemingly ex tin j house is dostroyod. I believe it was not val-Montreal Courier of tho, uable, being only a wooden affair, gilt; but

N Y. KxpioH«, comes U> IIH that I suppose was not much considered.—Arms at the the bond of the Severn! valuable pictures were destroyed :

> nnd in MOI uNiNu ! A ml! portraits of George III, George IV, Sirof ibe signilir.niit nigns of the; fteorgo Provott, several ex-Speakers of the

o\ o ('olony, and one Jaqucs Carticr, tho discoverer

A l \M| rUlul. HI

ui .he«l The' t i l l i i . j i v k : t h e

the <)\1 . IIKV

IN onlyn t m

i 1 1 • » >

qCHiiada, which was tho copy of a

will become one of the most intolerant andprescriptive we have ever had in this coun-try.

As democrats, we ask in behalf of bur iriendsno quarter, and expect none. Tht>se demo-crats who were beguiled into the Bupport ofTaylor and Killmore by the smooth And honiedprofessions of " No Partyism," will be moreeffectually undeceived and brought back tothe old fold. "The blood of the martyrs isthe seed of the Church." Democracy willflourish all the better wlun the ligamentsthat bind her sons to Taylorism are all sever-ed.

We are firm believers in the doctrine that"to the victors belong the spoils." We havethe fullest conviction that had a different re-sult followed the canvass of 184R, tvliigs andwhiggcry would never have grown fnt at thepublic crib ; nor do we ask at the hands of ourpolitical opponents a favor we would havebeenAunwilling that a Republican administra-tion should have granted to them.

True, it may be said Gen. Taylor t%,mc hitopower by pledges and professions which he isnow constantly violating. Very wfll; grqntit. If he had told tho whole truth, and shad-owed forth correctly his future policy, no onesupposes he could have been elected; BO theold gentleman is not without apology. Be-sides, we have no great sympathies for those

to patch up some discreditable coalition, we T h c R t r a m ( . r America arrived at Halifax onhave no doubt it will meet with the disregard ; T h u r s ( , m o r n i ,n K , w j l h Liverpool dates ofand derision it deserves from the great body ; U)f; 2 , s t u U ] } ^ om w e e k ] a t e r i n t e l l i .of the democracy # (l t J m n t h ; i l b r o u g i l t b y t } ) 0 Cambria.

Whenever the Democratic party is reduced ; b T h e F r c n c ] y , r o v e r n m c n t has come to theso low that it must follow around Giddmgs • j m f a n t r r s o ] u t i o n o f a n ARMKD INTER-(Jates, Hale ^ Co., or their political associates, VKNTI0N TO REINSTATE TIIE POPE atand seek affiliation with such spurious aholitionists, disaffected and cast off whigs, and a

Home. A force adequate to the emergencyhas already sailed for Civita Vecchia.

postates, and funky politicians in general, itwill do well to take in its sign and stop busi-ness. To such a proposition for a, State Con-vention, we say No! emphatically. There isa right and a wrong in the matter, and bothcannot be made alike hy contract. We repu-1 \] Constnblc, last Tuesday evening *>y R*v. Mr.

M A R R I E D :In nakrmfieM, Vf., TurmJnv rvonine, Mny Ut, ly

Rev. [). Wnrri 'n, Mr. FJ. M. FARMKLKK, of this vi| .lurr* tr> MIKH SARAII J SCOTT, of (lie former


1HIK copartnership heretofore existing be-tween the suitM-ni n*, urjder ihtj ttyle of fflanch-

nrd < McDonald, i« tl»w day dissolved by mutualconsent. The books, notes and a c c o u n t of tbc lat#company havinfr been an^i^ned io Seth Hlanchard, allpersons indebted to .the firm, or having debts agaiufcti», will call on hiiti to settle fhp f^pmr.


Forl Co-vm^'fou, April J1 fh, }&4fJ.

"i'hr HubKerit>fr hereby informs Ins former p i ! 0and the public generally that he will continue the

Wheelwright, Blarktmithing and PaintingbiiMnf's*, m all 1 heir various branches, at his old itandin fho village of Fort Covington. l i e lntond* \Q keepWaqgon*, ('arruigc* and Sleighs constantly on hind,which he will sell as lovr for cash, product, or on

In Bnrraboo,

D I E D ,April 55th, Hannah, wife 01

diateall tinkering, which makes ten breaches • Marvin, Mr. DAIUTWQ C. MEWS,where it repairs one. If those who have apos-4 Mi** HARRIET If. IImm.>cK, of Constable.A • 1 r 41 t 1 •* 1 *u *u i At th#? name nme nnd placr, by the same, Dr.tatized from^thc party, and united with thn j w r§t)nmrEVf}t of chRteaugay, toBuffalo whigs and abolitionists, and supported un(,',, r,( K, of Constable.Adams, Gates <fe Co., at thn last election, arecontent with their position, let them hold on toit and finish by coming out at the little end ofthe horn. But let democrats adhere to theirsin all their principles, organizations and usa-ges, and turn neither to the right nor the left,and the quiet masses, who are the sovereignarbiters in such matters, will soon determineon which side is truth, principle and fidelity.They have already decided in advance in theRhode Island, Connecticut, and New York cityelections, where "free soilism," with full tick-ets and its strongest men, did not get votesenough in cither to be counted for scattering.

CANADA.We joruiiue to-day a summary of the do-

ings in Canada^during the last week. It willbe seen that the excitement has spread overmost parts of Canada, but what it will all a-mount to remains to be seen. We think,however, that the following remarks of theAlbany Atlas will prove to be as nearly cor-rect as any thing that could be said at thistime:

We do not iook upon ihe iioubics in nerMajesty's dominions as being of long continu-ance, or as likely to produce any change inthe relations between that country and thia.—

of th?s village, to ! approved creaw, as can be bought at any shop inI Northern i\ew York. Io custom work, in uny of

his blanches of business, ho does not intend to bo

M ..c K.pni w outdone, either in t»tyle of workmanship or in low! prices, by sny estsblisfiment in this vicinity. Thosedesirous of having work well done will ptetse

April l l ih , 1849.SETHBLANCHARD.

him a col).

New Tin Shop,Basement of Field9*

Ifirum Hubbard, formerly of Vf., aged 74 years.Printers in Vf., N. H. and Mass. please copy.

" i rrMr C F T. Lock, of Oxford, New York, has q i » K nubscribrr-would respectfully inforw the i \11 # , . . „ J -I habitants of Malone and ns vicinity, tb*t b# h**

mnde larfre sales of the Crcat American Remedy, C O f n m c n c c d l h c manufacture ofDr. C*. C. Vaughnf8 Lithontriptic Mixture; he holdssome of (ho strongest testimony in its favor thai hasever been witnessed, that of Col. Otis P. Tracy, whowas cured of a malignant cancer of many yearsstanding, deserves notice. Alao Scrofula, Dropsy,Gravel, Kidney complaints, Liver complaints, Gen.oral Debility; all have been cured, iho parlies af-flicicd restored to health by the use of this medicine.

We would atron^ly urge upon all females who areout of hcallh, weakness of the back or spine, irregu-larity of the system, & c , to use this LithontriplicMixture. It has by its peculiar properties a healinginfluence in all such derangements, and cannot beused without a b«n#fic4al effect being immediate—try it—see adverti»cm#nt in our paper—call uponAgents—get a pamphlet.

We have no sympathy for " Royal Rebelsand think this fervor of loyalty much moredisgraceful than serious. It is a political

T1RANKLIN COUNTY, CLEM'S OFFICE, «a—JL Notice ia hereby given, that the names of forty-eight persona to serve aa Grand and Petit Juror*, atthe next Circuit Court and Court oi Ojrer and Ttr-miner, to be held i t thc Court House, io ibn town ofMalone, in and for the said Couniy, on the ttcoodMonday of June next, will be dnwn mt tb» Office onThursday the n th day of May irnttnl, at 2 o'clockin 'he afternoon.

iDated May 9, 1849


Tin, Sheet Iron and Coppfrin said village, and is now prepared proraptJ' &n4fai:liiul!y to execute all orders in lhe above bm -ie«i v^with which he may be favored. All kinds ofWARK kept constantly on hand, as wcll as

Stove Pipe and Stove Trimming**He has also on hand Russia Pipe and Dumb Si

Also Sheet Zinc.Mending and repairing done at all times.jlMost kinds of country produce and

ceived in exchange for any of tbc aboveAlso old Bra**, Copper and Pewter.

Shop \r\ Field's Exchange, 2d Baserqfent story•Bridge.


pEntrance by the Stairs at the east end

Malone, March 13, 1849.DAVIS

EXECUTOR'S N0TI0%TtTOTICE ia hereby given accordi11 persona having claim*late oi the town of Malone, in tfc*Itn, deceased, that they are f*qaamc, with voucher* thereof, t# tcutor* of the last wilt and taataneea^d, at the dwelUttf \nm—* B!M* Wafkms, O Nof said Exectitora, is the mU town t»f Mftfofte, 0n #rbefore the 20th 4*f of OdoUf ncft. DatW (his17th day of April, 1849. /