The Galaxy WP

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  • Table of contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

    2. Premium Support .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

    3. Requirements & Compatibility ...................................................................................................................................... 5

    4. Installation and basic WordPress setup ........................................................................................................................ 6

    5. Demo Data .................................................................................................................................................................... 9

    6. Theme Options ............................................................................................................................................................ 10

    6.1. API Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

    6.2. Captcha Settings................................................................................................................................................... 15

    6.3. Custom modes ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

    6.4. Enabling or Disabling Custom post types ............................................................................................................ 18

    6.5 Custom Widget Areas ........................................................................................................................................... 19

    7. Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types .......................................................................................................................... 20

    7.1 Sidebar settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

    7.2 Post / page appearance options ........................................................................................................................... 21

    7.3 Adding your videos as custom post type .............................................................................................................. 21

    7.4 Adding Photo Albums / Catalog / Portfolio images .............................................................................................. 22

    7.5 Adding a Pricing Table ........................................................................................................................................... 23

    8. Visual Editor, Custom Layouts and Home Page Builder .............................................................................................. 24

    8.1 Visual Editor .......................................................................................................................................................... 24

    8.2 Column Formatting ............................................................................................................................................... 25

    8.4 Custom Page Layouts ............................................................................................................................................ 31

    8.5 Custom homepage builder .................................................................................................................................... 33

    9. Theme Customize ........................................................................................................................................................ 35

    10. Source and Credits .................................................................................................................................................... 36

  • 1. Introduction Thank you for purchasing our theme. We hope that you will be satisfied with our work and it will please you.

    The Galaxy is a fresh awesome multi-purpose theme. The beautiful fonts and the clean and professional look,

    combine to bring you a creative template suitable for any kind of business or company (business, corporate,

    portfolio, etc).

    Theme Features:

    1. Fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Designed for large desktops / small desktops / tablets /

    phones (landscape and portrait modes).

    2. Well-documented

    3. Powerful admin panel

    4. Premium support. We will not leave you alone if you faced a problem

    5. 10 skins included

    6. Unlimited number of page layouts with layout builder. Create custom layout with only couple of clicks

    7. Awesome layered slider ( $15 included at theme's value )

    8. Custom post types to store different types of your content: slides, photo albums; portfolio; catalog; video;

    pricing tables; team; benefits; testimonials; partners, clients, etc.

    9. Custom post formats support: Aside; Gallery; Link; Image; Quote; Status; Video; Audio; Chat

    10. Ajax filtering for portfolio and photo albums

    11. 4 pre-defined homepage layouts ( Standard / Business / Portfolio/ Parallax)

    12. 33 layouts for each post type

    13. 3 Pagination style (AJAX pagination supports browser history)

    14. Widgetized and simple footer

    15. Visual Pricing Tables editor included

    16. A lot of shortcodes + Visual Layout Builder + Visual Homepage Builder. You can create any layout with few clicks.

    17. Unlimited widget areas

    18. Translation ready

    19. Supports WooCommerce

    20. Native Social Networks support. Login / SignUp with Google / Facebook account

    21. 53 widgets (25 custom widgets, 15 woocommerce, 12 standard wp widgets)

    22. Lots of social icons

    23. Iconic fonts: Font Awesome and IcoMoon Ultimate ($59 included at theme's value)

    24. Native comments and posts likes

    25. Highly customizable menu (set icon to any menu item, mega menu support, control displaying menu items at

    different devices).

    26. 629+ font families from Google Fonts (and counting).

    27. Captcha for comments and contact form

    28. Maintenance and Coming Soon mode

    29. PHP MVC code, easy to extend

    30. HTML5 and CSS3. Comfortable with LESS? We support it

    31. SEO-friendly markup

    32. Full native Retina Displays support

    33. Mail Chimp native integration

    34. One-Click demo data installation

    35. Awesome Visual Effects

    36. 6 Variations of header and Sticky Menu

  • 2. Premium Support Do you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file? Faced a problem? No worries! We are

    sure that we can solve it. Please feel free to email us via our user page contact form here. Support requests are

    being processed on business days in the order they were received.

    Attention! If you write us not from ThemeForest contact form (for example, you write us an e-mail directly),

    please note that we cannot provide the technical support until you specify your Item Purchase Code.

    Where can you get it?

    1. Go to downloads page and click the Download button, then click License certificate & purchase code

    2. Open the downloaded text file, and copy your item purchased code:

  • 3. Requirements & Compatibility The Galaxy WordPress is compatible with the WordPress versions 3.6 and later (PHP v.5.2.4 or greater; MySQL

    v.5.0.15 or greater).

    Most JavaScript enabled Browsers will make this theme work with no issues! It is designed for desktop, tablet

    browsers and phones.

    It has been tested on:

    3. Firefox 24 and later

    4. Google Chrome 30

    5. Internet Explorer 8 and later

    6. Safari 5.1

    7. Opera 12 and later

    8. Stock Android 4 browser

  • 4. Installation and basic WordPress setup 1. Install WordPress

    Download & Install WordPress 3.6 or later.

    2. Upload theme

    Unzip the theme package. There you will find the theme installation file (,

    manual, license folder and folder with HTML version.

    To install the theme, in your WordPress Admin Panel (wp-admin) go to Appearance > Themes > Install Theme >

    Upload > Install theme in .zip format (see a screenshot.) and choose the theme installation file (

    Please note that some hosting providers have a restriction on the size of the file that you are uploading.

  • If you cant install the theme via the standard WP theme installer, please install it via FTP. Simply unzip the galaxy- file and upload the fore folder via FTP into your_site/wp-content/themes/

    3. Activate the theme

    In Appearance > Themes > Manage Themes > Available Themes activate Galaxy theme by hitting the

    correspondent Activate link (please see the screenshot).

    After activating Fore WP you will notice a Theme options, Custom Post Types (Photo Albums, Catalog, Portfolio,

    Pricing Tables, Partners / Clients, Team Members, Benefits, Testimonials) and thank you notice in your

    WordPress admin panel.

  • This theme recommends the following plugins: Layer Slider WP, Recent Tweets Widget and WooCommerce. You

    can install them by clicking at begin installing plugins link, but it is not necessary if you are not going to use them. To

    hide the notice about plugins, click the dismiss this notice link.

  • 5. Demo Data If you are newbie in WordPress, we strongly recommend you to install demo data to learn how the theme

    works. Simply go to Theme options -> Settings -> Tools screen and click Install sample data green

    button. This operation may take some time, so please do not refresh this tab until operation will be completed.

    If you are migrating from another theme we strongly recommend regenerate your existing thumbnails by clicking

    Rebuild all thumbnails at Tools tab. This function creates the necessary dimensions for the theme of the existing

    images in your library.

  • 6. Theme Options The theme options structure is the following:





    API Settings




    Custom modes

    Maintenance mode

    Coming Soon mode

    Custom post types


    Let us consider them.

    At General settings screen you will find the Branding section, where you can setup your custom theme logotype,

    favicon and apple touch icons.

    At Misc screen you will be able to change following settings:

    1. Related posts block this block controls eponymous unit at front-end.

  • Here you can setup header of block (title and subtitle) - whether it will be displayed like a common for all pages, or

    individual for each page or post. If you choose Individual for each page option, you will be able to setup title and

    subtitle for this section for any page / post you want at corresponding metabox.

    2. Retina Support - Here you can disable or enable support of Retina devices. If you do not need this option, you

    can disable it. This will reduce the space occupied by website, since the theme will not use double size of the

    image, but some of images (eg in the content of posts) will appear blurry on High Definition devices (like Ipad).

    3. Iconic Fonts. In default, The Galaxy theme uses FontAwesome font to display icons of Benefts, Buttons etc. You

    can also connect an additional IcoMoon premuim library, which available absolutely free for you. Please, not

    that it will affect the speed of loading a website, but adds additional 1366+ icons instead of default 369 icons

    which available in FontAwesome library.

    Other parameters on this tab do not need further description since they are completely transparent and have an optional description.

  • 6.1. API Settings

    Why you may need API setup Settings? The answer is simple - if you want to use a quick registration and authorization of users at your website - you are a stone's throw from the goal. The Galaxy theme supports login and signup with social networks account in the box. For example, this will increase the number of quality comments on your site, or the number of customers who do not want to once again fill the registration form.

    Google OAuth Setup: To setup authorization with Google account, you will need Google Client ID and Google Client Secret code. To get them, go to Google Console page by clicking this link. You will see a similar screen:

    Lets create our project by clicking Create Project button.

    Fill the Project name field and press create button. After your project will be created, go to the APIs & auth ->

    Credentials screen

  • Click the Generate new client ID button, fill the form, type the Redirect URL, it is then copy your Client ID and Client Secret code into appropriate fields of theme settings:

    Press Save settings button at bottom of the page, and now your theme is ready to login with google account. How to setup Facebook OAuth: Go to Facebook APPs console by clicking at this link and create new application by clicking Apps -> Create new application like on a screenshot.

  • Fill the necessary fields and press Create app button:

    After your application will be created, copy your App ID and Client Secret code from this window

    to theme settings window:

    Press the Save settings button. Thats all! Corresponding buttons will appear automatically.

  • 6.2. Captcha Settings

    The captcha allows you to restrict spam bots at comments, so we have included this feature by default. You can

    setup difficult and displaying settings of captcha at this screen.

    6.3. Custom modes We cared to get your site started to work immediately after purchasing of the theme. You can enable Coming soon mode in few clicks at Custom modes tab, and then slowly fill the site with information. Choose the planned opening date of website, custom background image and all unregistered users will see the following page:

  • If you would like to notify your users about opening your site, you can setup MailChimp form at this screen.

    For this data to submit properly, there are a few key bits of code from your MailChimp signup form that will need to be added to your hosted form. You'll want to ensure that sure that the form action, user ID, list ID, andinput name elements on your custom form match those found on your MailChimp signup form. To grab the fields, do the following: 1. Login into your MailChimp account and create the form. 2. Navigate to the Lists page. 3. Click the drop down menu for the list whose forms you want to work with and choose Signup forms.

  • 4. Click the General forms option.

    5. Highlight and copy the Subscribe Form URL, then paste it into the address bar of a separate browser tab or


  • 6. In the new browser tab or window, right-click (control + click in Mac OSX) to view a context menu in the


    7. Select the option to view the page source.

    8. Find the form action and field information in the form's HTML:

    9. Copy/paste the form action code to your hosted form. The first value beneath the form action URL is an

    identifier to link to your MailChimp account. The second value is your list's unique id. Both values are necessary

    to make sure your form submits to the proper list.

    10. Locate each of the form's field inputs and copy/paste the "name" for each input to the corresponding field in the

    Galaxy settings.

    6.4. Enabling or Disabling Custom post types We developed our theme to cover the needs of most users, but we understand that some features may not be useful for certain websites. So you can disable certain types of posts that you do not plan to use, as well as the need to include them again in the future. Just go to the Settings -> Custom posts and disable those types that you do not need:

  • 6.5 Custom Widget Areas By default the Galaxy theme comes with four sidebars:

    1. Left sidebar

    2. Right sidebar

    3. Footer widget area

    4. Shop sidebar

    But you can add unlimited widget areas to store your widgets and displaying them at different pages and even posts

    or custom post types! To add or edit all widget areas, navigate into Theme Options -> Widget areas section. Here

    you can control all of your sidebars.

  • 7. Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types

    It's no secret that different types of data conveniently stored in different places. The Galaxy theme supports

    following types of posts:

    1. Blog Post (with post formats like standard, aside, gallery, link, image, quote, status, video, audio, chat)

    2. Videos (YouTube / Vimeo)

    3. Photo Albums

    4. Website Pages

    5. Catalog

    6. Portfolio

    7. Pricing Tables

    8. Partners / Clients

    9. Team Members

    10. Benefits

    11. Testimonials

    Storing data in the appropriate places is the basis of easy management of your web site. To add your first blog

    record, navigate into Posts -> Add section.

    Almost the post / pages screen have the following settings:

    7.1 Sidebar settings You can change position of each post / page sidebar, enable / disable footer sidebar and choose any widget area

    simply by clicking at following areas.

  • 7.2 Post / page appearance options Control everything! In our powerful admin panel you can:

    1. Show / Hide page title and breadcrumbs

    2. Hide featured image at post page

    3. Show / Hide related posts block for each post

    4. Choose post size for masonry layout

    5. Set post likes / view count

    6. Make post featured or sticky

    7. Change post format

    7.3 Adding your videos as custom post type If you have a lot of videos hosted on YouTube / Vimeo sites, you can quickly add them to your site. Navigate into

    Videos -> Add new, and simply paste your YouTube / Vimeo link into the Link to the video field, then click Get

    video button. The system automatically grab the data of your video and it will setup featured image for your post.

    Now add some description, create category and press the Publish button. Thats all! Now you can display all of

    your videos as wordpress posts (we will talk about this in more detail further in the documentation).

  • 7.4 Adding Photo Albums / Catalog / Portfolio images The Attached Images metabox helps you control all attached images for the Photo Albums / Catalog / Portfolio post

    types. To add the Gallery, click Add images button and choose items you want from WordPress media library.

    Then you can change the order of photos simply dragging the photo into necessary position.

    Also you can change displaying of your photo items by clicking change view buttons. Here is example of list view:

  • 7.5 Adding a Pricing Table It is easy to create complex pricing table by few clicks with our amazing pricing tables editor. It's so simple that it

    needs no explanation, look at screenshot:

    Add your packages / features by clicking corresponding buttons, fill the price, button title and link URL and press the

    Publish button.

    Now that you're familiar with the basic features of metaboxes, (and other features are very easy to learn), we can

    get acquainted with visual editor and custom layouts settings.

  • 8. Visual Editor, Custom Layouts and Home

    Page Builder Create your first page, navigate into Pages -> Add new. Let's get acquainted with additional metaboxes and visual editor, provided by The Galaxy theme:

    8.1 Visual Editor

    We have created 27 custom buttons for you: 1. Column formatting (add columns) 2. Remove column formatting 3. Insert line after column 4. Insert line before column 5. Insert divider or gap into text 6. Highlight text 7. Insert audio shortcode 8. Insert Video shortcode 9. Insert Shorted link 10. Insert Button 11. Insert tooltip 12. Insert call to action 13. Insert slider 14. Insert contact form 15. Insert google map 16. Insert progress bars 17. Insert toggles 18. Insert tabs 19. Insert pricing table 20. Insert blog posts 21. Insert catalog items 22. Insert Team Members

  • 23. Insert Benefits 24. Insert Photo Album 25. Insert Testimonials 26. Insert Portfolio 27. Insert logos carousel

    8.2 Column Formatting You can create column markup directly in the visual editor. Lets create the page with two columns and contact form. It is simple, just do the following steps: 1. Click on Column Formatting button and choose a column size, for example 1/2

    Add some text in the 1/2 block:

    Now click Insert line after button:

  • And then add one more 1/2 column:

    Now click the Add contact form button:

    You will see this window (just fill the form with settings and press Ok button):

  • You should see the following picture:

    Lets add another column with whole size (click Insert line after, and then Whole size column, then type some text):

  • Click Publish button and lets look at front-end for result:

    Simple, isnt it? You do not necessarily need to use the column formatting, lets create simple page with Our Team posts (you should create Team records before this, it is no different from creating an ordinary post to the blog, so create 4 records for Our Team post type by your own). Navigate into Pages -> Add page, fill the page title and some page content:

  • Now click the Insert team button

    You will see the following screen (fill the form and click OK button):

    See the result of this operation:

  • Now click the Publish button and look at front-end part by clicking at View page button:


  • 8.4 Custom Page Layouts Now we learn how to create any page with blog posts / or any custom post type. Lets create one more page with

    Blog posts by clicking Pages -> Add new. Choose a page template named 2. Blog at Page Attributes metabox:

  • Scroll down the page and you will see new metabox named Layout Settings:

    Here you can choose layout for our blog posts page from:

    1. One Column List

    2. One Column Grid

    3. Two Columns

    4. Three Columns

    5. Four Columns

    6. Masonry

    7. Timeline

    8. Hexagon

    Choose any layout what do you like, and set up additional layout settings:

    1. Show / Hide page content

    2. Posts per page

    3. Pagination style

    4. Query settings

    5. Order and sort settings

    These settings allow you to create really unlimited number of pages with different posts queries. Also you can also

    choose from different types of posts (Posts / Photo Albums / Portfolio / Catalog / Videos) by changing the page

    template at Page attributes metabox, experiment and enjoy!

  • 8.5 Custom homepage builder We have done everything possible so that you can create any kind of home page of the existing units of your choice.

    Lets create some home page! Add blank page by clicking Pages -> Add new. Choose a page template named 1.

    Home / Custom at Page Attributes metabox:

    Add any sections by clicking Add section link from the following:

    Drag and drop sections to change their position and click any unit to change settings of the section.

  • All settings sections are quite simple and do not require details description.

  • 9. Theme Customize The Galaxy theme comes with 10 pre-defined color schemes, 6 variations of header, boxed / wide layout, and unlimited fonts styles. It is easy to change the appearance of theme at theme customizer screen, just click the Theme options -> Customize and enjoy the theme skin editor.

  • 10. Source and Credits WordPress Plugins

    Layer Slider Plugin -

    This plugin is NOT A FREEWARE! It is distributed and can be used only as a part of Fore WP theme. (This means that you cannot use it apart from Fore WP template, unless you purchased the appropriate license on its official site). JavaScript 1. jQuery - 2. FancySelect - 3. HTML5Shiv - 4. jQuery Appear - 5. BXSlider - 6. jQuery Cookie - 7. jQuery Easing - 8. FitVids - 9. jQuery FS scroller - 10. jQuery FS selecter - 11. jQuery History - 12. jQuery iCheck - 13. LiquidSlider - 14. Magnific Popup - 15. jQuery custom scrollbar - 16. jQuery thumbnail scroller - 17. jQuery Tipsy - 18. jQuery Touch Swipe - 19. jQuery UI ToTop - 20. WaitForImages - 21. LESS CSS - 22. jQuery Masonry - 23. nProgress - 24. OWL Carousel - 25. Respond JS - 26. VEX - Fonts 1. Font Awesome - 2. IcoMoon - 3. Google Fonts -

    Once again, thank you so much for purchasing our theme.

    As we said at the beginning, we'd be glad to help you with any questions you might have regarding this theme. Best regards, WPlab

    1. Introduction2. Premium Support3. Requirements & Compatibility4. Installation and basic WordPress setup5. Demo Data6. Theme Options6.1. API Settings6.2. Captcha Settings6.3. Custom modes6.4. Enabling or Disabling Custom post types6.5 Custom Widget Areas

    7. Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types7.1 Sidebar settings7.2 Post / page appearance options7.3 Adding your videos as custom post type7.4 Adding Photo Albums / Catalog / Portfolio images7.5 Adding a Pricing Table

    8. Visual Editor, Custom Layouts and Home Page Builder8.1 Visual Editor8.2 Column Formatting8.4 Custom Page Layouts8.5 Custom homepage builder

    9. Theme Customize10. Source and Credits