The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley Public Participation Report Updated 12/12/13

The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley · 2020. 6. 25. · Maplewood Hall, two associated parking lots, a caretaker’s residence, two outdoor ... considered a

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  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the

    Dundas Valley

    Public Participation Report

    Updated 12/12/13

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary


    1.0 Purpose of Public Participation 5

    2.0 Level of Participation and Techniques 6

    3.0 Results 8

    4.0 Key Findings 24

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    Executive Summary

    The purpose of this process was to gather public feedback on potential future uses of

    the Maplewood facility in the Dundas Valley. This report provides an analysis and

    presentation of results collected to date. Methods of analysis include a mix of both

    quantitative and qualitative techniques. There were a total of 130 responses received.

    Results of the data analyzed show that the majority of 85 participants think that the

    Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) should find a use for the Maplewood facility.

    The report finds that a majority of 64 participants believe that the HCA should pursue

    option 3 to open up the Maplewood facility to a Montessori Adolescent school while 48

    participants believe that the facility be demolished. It is important to note that this report

    is limited in scope by the number of people who participated in this process to date.

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013



    The Maplewood facility formerly known as the ‘Resource Management Centre’ is

    a rental hall and conference facility owned by the HCA and located on Artaban Road in

    the Dundas Valley Conservation Area. The facility under consideration entails the

    Maplewood Hall, two associated parking lots, a caretaker’s residence, two outdoor

    buildings, and an associated access road. In the past, the Maplewood facility had been

    utilized for a number of activities by various groups such as summer camps, outdoor

    education, and nature retreats among others. However, due to the age and location of

    the building, it is anticipated that upgrades will be required to maintain current standards

    if the facility is deemed suitable for a use in the long -term. In addition, the facility has

    impacts on the HCA budget and the encompassing natural environment.

    In 2012, HCA staff presented a report to its Conservation Advisory Board (CAB)

    with a recommendation that the facility be demolished and the area naturalized (see

    Appendix for report). After reviewing the report, the CAB directed staff to explore other

    alternatives aside from demolition. In 2013, an unsolicited informal proposal was

    received from a Montessori Adolescent School for consideration. Prior to moving ahead

    with detailed financial estimates, lease agreements, and a formal proposal, the CAB

    suggested to the HCA’s Board of Directors that staff facilitate a public participation

    process to obtain feedback on potential options and report back with findings. The

    public participation process would then be used to assist the CAB and in turn the HCA’s

    Board of Directors to make a decision on the next steps that would be needed in this


    With a number of concerns being raised among the community concerning the

    future of this facility, the HCA wants to ensure that the public has an opportunity to

    examine potential options that have been put forward to date and provide input towards

    next steps in making a decision on future use of this site. This report should be

    considered a living document that will be continuously updated as needed.

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    1.0 Purpose of Public Participation

    The purpose of public participation towards making a decision about the

    Maplewood facility was to facilitate community input towards this process. The HCA’s

    goals were to provide the public with information to help them understand issues,

    possible alternatives and/or solutions, and obtain feedback on potential alternatives.

    The public participation process strived to seek out and facilitate the involvement of

    potentially affected and interested people while at the same time recognize and

    communicate the needs and interests of participants. The primary objectives were to:

    To provide information about the history, location, uses, and present state of the

    Maplewood facility

    To create awareness of the myriad of concerns and issues surrounding the

    Maplewood facility

    To highlight potential options that could influence future decisions affecting the

    Maplewood facility

    To obtain public feedback on potential alternatives/options

    To facilitate open dialogue with interested persons about this matter

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    2.0 Level of Participation & Techniques

    The following levels of participation were selected:

    1) Inform- to provide the public with balanced and objective information to assist them

    in understanding the problem, alternatives, opportunities and/or solutions

    2) Consult- to obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives, and/or decisions

    This in turn determined the type of techniques that were to be used:

    1) Inform:

    Public Information Centre

    An informal setting with multiple display panels where participants view information on

    set topics at each station and discuss the topic with staff. Participants stop in when it is

    convenient for them to visit display panels and have the opportunity to talk to staff and

    share their comments and questions. The purpose of the Public Information Centre

    (PIC) was to provide the community with information concerning the past, present, and

    possible future scenarios for Maplewood. The PIC was selected because:

    - It would serve to increase public understanding about the concerns and issues

    facing the Maplewood facility

    - It would explain a variety of complex points and present potential options in a simple

    and non-technical fashion that would be easily understandable to a layperson

    - It would collect a variety of contrary viewpoints in a peaceful, and productive manner


    A web page with background information, report, additional resources, and staff contact

    information was posted on the HCA’s main website. This also served as a medium to

    facilitate a virtual PIC where display panels were posted along with a questionnaire for

    consultation. A webpage was posted because:

    - It would reach people who could not attend the PIC

    - It would reach out to a broader geographic area

    - It would maintain an online repository for public access

    Hand Delivered Notices

    A number of hand delivered notices were dropped off by HCA staff to adjacent residents

    of the Maplewood facility. The majority of residents along Artaban, Lions Club, Old

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    Dundas, Lower Lions Club Roads, Montgomery Drive, and Millcreek Court had received

    these notices (see Appendix). In addition, notices were also distributed to residents

    along Mineral Springs, Sulphur Springs Roads, and Ontario Street. These notices

    comprised of an invitation to the PIC (see Appendix), staff contact information, along

    with details of how members of the public could also participate online.

    2) Consult:


    A questionnaire consisting of both multiple choice and semi-structured questions with a

    total of 10 questions was developed and made available for public review at the PIC

    and online (see Appendix). The questionnaire was selected because:

    - It would gain perspectives from people unlikely to participate otherwise

    - It would gather input from a cross-section of the public

    - It would cater to online participation and people who were not able to attend the PIC

    in person

    - It would provide a safe environment for participants to express themselves freely in

    an anonymous manner

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    3.0 Results


    On Tuesday 5th November, 2013 a PIC was hosted at the Old Ancaster Town

    Hall from 6.30-8.30pm by the HCA. Approximately 50 people were in attendance along

    with 10 HCA staff members. At the PIC, 11 display panels were presented to the public

    for review and comment (see Appendix). To summarize, the panels provided

    information on topics ranging from background historical information, location of the

    facility in the Dundas Valley, environmental characteristics of the site, current issues

    and concerns, the 4 options under consideration, and next steps in the public

    participation process. A public participation guide was also distributed to participants

    with details of how they could provide their comments to the HCA (see Appendix).

    These panels were also made available on the HCA’s website as part of an on-going

    virtual PIC along with supporting resources and the questionnaire. There was much

    discussion and exchange of views and concerns between members of the public and


    After the PIC, comments and questionnaires were collected up until early

    December 2013 prior to the HCA’s Conservation Advisory Board (CAB)’s meeting and

    review on December 12th, 2013. Members of the public were informed that delegations

    were welcome to present additional comments at this meeting and that this meeting was

    open to public attendance. To date, a total number of 130 responses have been

    submitted. At the PIC, 17 questionnaires were submitted while 7 were mailed to HCA

    offices. The majority of 101 responses were submitted online via the online

    questionnaire that was posted on the HCA’s web page. An additional number of 5

    detailed responses in the form of emails and letters were also submitted to the HCA.

    The views and concerns of these submissions have also been incorporated into

    this report. The results collected are presented here in a general format as both a

    quantitative and qualitative analysis. All submitted letters and questionnaires could be

    referenced in the supporting Appendix. In keeping with the principles of the Freedom of

    Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the personal information of all participants

    (unless consented) was kept anonymous.

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    3.1 Geographical Distribution of Participants

    From Figure 1 below, 53% or 66 responses came from residents in the Ancaster and

    Dundas area who do not live close to the Maplewood facility while 5% or 6 responses

    came from participants who live outside the City of Hamilton.

    Figure 1: Geographical Distribution of Participants

    The majority of participants from Artaban, Lions Club, Lower Lions Club Roads,

    Montgomery Drive, and Millcreek Court participated in person at the PIC

    Most participants from Ancaster, Dundas, and other parts of the City of Hamilton

    participated online

    3.2 Activities Undertaken in the Vicinity of the Maplewood Facility

    Figure 2 on page 10 illustrates that the greatest number of 67 participants use the area

    around Maplewood for walking, running, and/or hiking activities. The least number of 8

    participants use the area for other activities and nature photography. Some of other

    these activities include studying nature, nature appreciation, horse-back riding, snow

    shoeing, cross country skiing, and dog walking.

    Artaban, Lions Club, Lower Lions Club Rds., Montgomery Dr., Millcreek Ct.-7

    Other parts of Ancaster or Dundas-66

    Other parts of the City of Hamilton-


    Outside the City of Hamilton-6

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    Figure 2: Activities Undertaken in the Vicinity of the Maplewood Facility

    A total number of 6 participants do not use the area with 3 participants residing in

    areas outside of the City of Hamilton

    The 67 participants who use the area for walking, running, or hiking were mostly

    residents of the area around the Maplewood facility and the wider Ancaster and

    Dundas area

    3.3 Frequency of Area’s Use

    For the purpose of this report, the area under consideration shall be referred to as the

    lands surrounding the immediate vicinity of the Maplewood vicinity that is used for the

    activities as demonstrated in Figure 2 above. The greatest number of 74 participants

    does not use this area frequently, while the least number of 7 participants use the area

    on a daily basis.

    Walking, Running, or Hiking

    Mountain Biking

    Bird Watching

    Nature Photography

    None of the above


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    Type of Activity


  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    Figure 3: Frequency of Area’s Use

    For the 7 participants who use the area around the Maplewood facility on a daily

    basis, the majority of these people live in close proximity to the facility i.e. along

    Artaban, Lions Club, Old Dundas, Lower Lions Club Roads, Montgomery Drive, and

    Millcreek Court in addition to Ontario Street

    In contrast, the 74 participants who do use the area frequently do not live in close

    proximity to the Maplewood facility

    3.4 Importance of Various Criteria

    53% or 77 participants felt that environmental and geographical factors are most

    important to them when it comes to making a decision on the future of the Maplewood

    facility. 15% or 17 participants felt that financial criteria are most important.



    None of

    the above

    At least once a week



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    Frequency of Use

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    Figure 4: Importance of Criteria in Decision-Making

    12% or 21 participants felt that other criteria should be considered as well such as:

    - Historical

    - Recreational

    - Educational

    - Activities geared towards getting retired and older people outdoors

    - Health and wellness

    Some participants commented that all three criteria are equally important and go hand in hand with the notion of sustainability and did not provide an answer

    On the other hand, some participants chose more than one criteria e.g. the environmental and social criteria was most selected






    77 people

    17 people

    29 people

    21 people

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    3.5 Should HCA find a Suitable Use for the Maplewood Facility

    For the purposes of this report, ‘suitable’ use means a use for the facility and not

    demolition. Figure 5 below demonstrated that 85 participants believe that the HCA

    should find a suitable use for the Maplewood Facility while 37 participants think

    otherwise. Some participants did not provide an answer to this question.

    No. of Participants

    Figure 5: Should HCA find a Suitable Use for the Maplewood Facility

    Some participants who chose option 4 to demolish facility did not fully comprehend

    what was meant by ‘suitable use’ and selected yes instead of no

    In the 85 participants who responded yes, 2 chose option 1 to mothball the facility,

    16 chose option 2 to upgrade and operate as a rental facility, 64 chose option 3 to

    open up facility to a Montessori school, while 10 chose to demolish the facility






    No. of Participants





  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    3.6 Group 1: What do people living close to the Maplewood facility think?

    For the purposes of this report, the people living in the immediate vicinity of the

    Maplewood facility shall be referred to as the residents who had identified that they live

    along Artaban, Lions Club, Old Dundas, Lower Lions Club Roads, Montgomery Drive,

    and Millcreek Court, who participated in this process.

    Map 1: Location of Group 1 Residents

    Summary of results for this area:

    - 7 participants from this area

    - None of the participants were connected to a Montessori school

    - 2 out of 7 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 2 to upgrade and

    operate as rental facility

    - 5 out of 7 participants think that the HCA should pursue option 4 to demolish the


    Key: Location of Maplewood Area Boundary

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    3.7 Group 2: What do people living in other parts of Ancaster or Dundas think?

    For the purposes of this report, the people living in other parts of Ancaster and Dundas

    shall be referred to as the residents who identified that they do not live in close proximity

    to the Maplewood facility and but participated in this process.

    Map 2: Location of Group 2 Residents

    Summary of results for this area:

    - 66 participants from this area

    - 25 of these participants were connected to a Montessori school

    - 1 out of 66 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 1 to mothball


    - 8 out of 66 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 2 to upgrade and

    operate as rental facility

    - 38 out of 66 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 3 to open up

    facility to a Montessori school

    - 18 out of 66 participants think that the HCA should pursue option 4 to demolish all

    building and naturalize area

    Key: Location of Maplewood Area Boundary

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    3.8 Group 3: What do people living in other parts of the City of Hamilton think?

    For the purposes of this report, the people living in other parts of the City of Hamilton

    shall be referred to as participants who have identified that they do not live close to the

    Maplewood facility, or in the Ancaster and Dundas area and participated in this process.

    Map 3: Location of Group 3 Residents

    Summary of results for this area:

    - 46 participants from this area

    - 13 of these participants were connected to a Montessori school

    - 1 out of 46 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 1 to continue to

    mothball facility

    - 5 out of 46 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 2 to upgrade and

    operate as rental facility

    - 23 out of 46 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 3 to open up

    facility to a Montessori school

    - 17 out of 46 participants think that the HCA should pursue option 4 to demolish all

    building and naturalize area

    Key: Location of Maplewood Area Boundary

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    3.9 Group 4: What do people living outside the City of Hamilton think?

    For the purposes of this report, the people living outside the City of Hamilton shall be

    referred to as participants who do not live close to the Maplewood facility, in the

    Ancaster and Dundas area, or in other parts of the City of Hamilton and participated in

    this process.

    Map 4: Location of Group 4 Residents

    Summary of results for this area:

    - 6 participants from this area

    - None of these participants were connected to a Montessori school

    - 1 out of 6 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 2 to upgrade and

    operate as rental facility

    - 2 out of 6 participants stated that the HCA should pursue option 3 to open up facility

    to a Montessori school

    - 3 out of 6 participants think that the HCA should pursue option 4 to demolish all

    building and naturalize area

    Key: Location of Maplewood Area Boundary

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    4.0 Connection to a Montessori School

    31% or 38 participants identified that they were connected to a Montessori school in

    some capacity (i.e. as a staff member, student, parent, or other) whereas 69% or 86

    participants identified that they were not.

    Figure 6: Connection to a Montessori School

    In the 38 participants that were connected to a Montessori school, 37 participants

    chose option 3 to open up facility to a Montessori school, while 1 participant chose

    option 4 to demolish the facility and naturalize area

    Out of the 86 participants that were not connected to a Montessori school, 21

    participants selected option 3 to open up facility to a Montessori school while 47

    chose option 4 to demolish the facility and naturalize area, 16 chose option 2 to

    upgrade and operate as a rental facility, and 1 person chose option 2 to mothball


    6 participants did not identify whether they were connected to a Montessori school or








  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    5.0 Options Selected by Participants

    From Figure 7 below 57 participants believe that the HCA should pursue option 3 and

    open up the facility to a Montessori school. While 31 participants think the HCA chose

    option 4 and pursue demolition of the facility and naturalization of the area. Only 1

    participant felt that the HCA should continue to mothball the facility.

    Figure 7: Options Selected by Participants

    16 participants who chose option 2 believe that the facility should be upgraded

    and utilized for weddings, meetings, banquets, artists’ sanctuary etc.

    Out of the 64 participants who chose option 3, there were 37 participants who

    were connected to a Montessori school while 21 were not, and 6 participants did

    not provide an answer to whether they were associated with a Montessori school

    or not but chose this option

    47 out of 48 participants who chose option 4 were not connected to a Montessori


    Some participants did not provide an answer to this question while some

    participants provided two options in their answer

    Option 3 Montessori



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    37 Connected to Montesssori

    21 Not

    Connected to Montesssori

    Option 4 Demolish

    Option 1 Mothball

    Option 2 Upgrade

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    6.0 Summary of Public Comments by Option

    What did the 2 participants have to say in support of Option 1: Continue to

    Mothball Facility but against the other options?

    Area should remain and be open to the public

    Area should remain naturalized

    Demolishing too invasive and would create disturbances to the environment

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    What did the 16 participants have to say in support of Option 2: HCA to

    Upgrade and operate as a Rental Facility but against the other options?

    Facility could generate enough money

    Mothballing delays decisions

    Options 3 and 4 put public in dilemma

    Difficulty to find event venues in Ancaster

    Use as educational advertisement for Hamilton

    Conduct an open call for proposals

    Safety of Montessori children in unprotected area

    Maintain heritage for all community access rather than restricting to Montessori

    Montessori will create traffic

    A few extra square feet of green space

    Still have traffic in area due to the residents who live nearby

    Montessori school might increase cost of living

    Desirable location for functions

    Canadian Forces or local Police can use

    Have business plan to support facility

    Paid parking lots would generate revenue

    Facility was great because it was affordable

    Using it as a rental facility would limit disturbances while allowing inflow of capital and

    retaining the natural ambiance

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    What did the 64 participants have to say in support of Option 2: HCA to

    Upgrade and operate as a Rental Facility but against the other options?

    School has demonstrated sound ecological principles

    Children overstimulated in a world of technology

    Teaming HCA with Montessori will meet their goals

    Way for people to use the facility during the school lease

    Opportunities for children to connect with nature

    Educational program should be off the grid

    Support use of school bus

    Not huge numbers of students to attend school

    Provincial support for outdoor education growing

    Young people need to learn how to care about the environment

    Limit traffic in the area-Montessori would be willing

    Teach youth to work with native plants and learn about naturalization

    Education will bond students, families, teachers, and friends

    Good strategy for appreciation and protection of natural heritage

    Obesity on rise in youth a natural setting would allow students to exercise

    Education has been a historical feature of facility

    Focus on educating the next generation

    Valley should be for the enjoyment of all

    Restoration would take a very long time

    A good re-use of an existing property

    Don’t listen to a few selfish people

    A long-term goal should be considered over short term ones

    Retains value of the centre as an educational facility with proposed low-impact

    Montessori school will be respectful of the environment and the community

    surrounding Maplewood Hall and the opportunity it presents to the students is


    My wife and I were Montessori School students in the Netherlands in the 1930s

    and 40s-we consider the Maplewood location and environment ideal for a

    Montessori School; a unique opportunity to include the natural environment in

    the curriculum

    In Hamilton we see buildings demolished, parts of our history demolished all the


  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    What did the 48 participants have to say in support of Option 4: Demolish

    Facility & Naturalize Area but against the other options?

    Purpose of purchase from Diocese was for property to remain open space for all in


    I am so angry with the authority for continuing to ignore public opinion

    To sell or lease this property is not keeping in faith with vendors of land

    Property was acquired for its value as part of the Valley

    Philosophy and purposes of HCA has suffered a shift

    Demolition would allow savings

    Historical record that facility doesn’t generate enough money

    Options 1, 2 & 3 seem expensive and unrealistic

    Access road not good-hills, safety, inclement weather, and stability

    Public conservation area for all not for private school only

    Pollution to Sulphur Creek

    HCA primary mandate should be to naturalize

    Options 2 & 3 turns the facility over to private uses

    Good for the ecosystem

    Organic gardening and chickens interacting with deer, raccoons, foxes, and


    Naturalization is one time cost with no financial burden

    Revitalize area for wildlife and at risk plants

    Increase forest habitat

    Facility in the middle of the Valley and is a hole in the canopy

    Rent won’t result in more than $35,000 a year-demands on road, reconstruction,

    liability claims, possible damages linked to the occupants or visitors

    Montessori proposal commercially subject

    HCA must explain how they intend to use facility and let that use be evaluated

    Too much of a long-term risk

    Supporting an entrepreneur is dubious and could affect the funds

    School populations can be very destructive on an area

    Trail Centre should be used for education

    Isolated school a poor model in a world where ease of access is needed

    Dangerous for cycling and walking and parents in their idling cars who come to

    pick up their children

    Loss of green space for a few dollars

    What about emergency vehicles being able to get to the Hall if required?

    HCA is not a business where making profit is an object

  • The Future of the Maplewood Facility in the Dundas Valley: Public Participation Report 2013


    4.0 Key Findings

    From an analysis of the results obtained to date, the main findings are as follows:

    Environmental and geographical characteristics are of greatest importance to most


    Public access and use of the facility (if not being demolished), for a private group

    only is a concern

    Access road that leads to the Maplewood facility is a key concern due to safety

    during adverse weather conditions, the capability of the Montessori or another user

    to maintain it, along with the unknown environmental impacts

    Increased traffic in the Dundas Valley Conservation Area and around the area e.g.

    along Old Ancaster and Old Dundas Roads

    The need to grow the next generation of people and connect children with nature so

    that they could take care of the environment through learning and growing in an

    outdoor setting

    HCA’s mandate under question as some participants believe that environmental

    protection should come first whereas others think that outdoor education is integral

    for the development of future generations who will become stewards