The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

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Page 1: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory
Page 2: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients.

The Circulatory system is made up of three main parts, these being the Heart, the Lungs, Veins and Arteries. All of these have their own vital functions.

Page 3: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

The Heart: The heart is a muscle which is made of from two separate pumps, the left and right. The Heart is the beginning of the circulatory system. The blood starts off at the Left Ventricle which is the largest of the the two pumps. The left Ventricle then pumps the blood in to the Aorta which is a large artery. The blood then travels into smaller arteries called the Arterioles. Arteries have very smooth inside and very tough outside which allow the blood smoothly and forcefully. From the Arterioles it travels into the capillary bed where all the Nutrients and oxygen are released into body cells. After this the waste products i.e. CO2 and unneeded proteins are collected and the blood moved on. It then goes onto the Venous system which is a thin walled, low pressure system. This system carries the deoxygenated blood through the kidney dumping the waste and then proceeds to the heart.

Page 4: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

The blood first goes to the Right Atrium. Where it then proceeds through a valve into the Right Ventricle. The Right Ventricle then pumps the blood through a valve to the Pulmonary Artery the only artery to carry deoxygenated blood. This carries the blood to the Lungs where it dumps the CO2 and collects the oxygen. It then goes through the Pulmonary Vein, the only vein to carry oxygenated blood. The blood then enter the Left Atrium which then goes through a valve to the Left Ventricle where it begins the cycle again.

Page 5: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

We need these organs as they deliver lots of nutrients around the body such as waste proteins, good proteins, O2, CO2, energy, alcohol and etc.

It carries platelets which help to clot up wounds so we don’t bleed to death.

Blood carries white blood cells which are guard cells which protect you against disease and viruses.

Page 6: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

Many things can cause there organs to malfunction such as, being born with a disorder, disease and not looking after yourself .i.e. smoking, drinking, unhealthy eating etc.

One thing that can happen is fibrillation in the heart this is when the electrical impulses do not work properly and it weakly flutters instead of pumping properly pumping blood.

Another is when your Arteries become clogged up with clumps of fat (unhealthy eating habits), preventing effective flow of blood around the body. This can cause Angina which is where you get pains in the heart through lack of oxygen, or a heart attack with is where the heart muscle dies.

Page 7: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

If you have blocked arteries You will quickly get out of breath because the blood will not be able to deliver oxygen to the body very quickly and simple activities such as step climbing will become difficult.

What happens is when all this happens you get really sick painful stuff happens and you die. (sometimes)

Page 8: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory
Page 9: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory
Page 10: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory
Page 11: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory
Page 12: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory
Page 13: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory
Page 14: The function of the circulatory system as a whole is to transport blood to different organs around the body providing them with nutrients. The Circulatory

The Circulatory System

By Gunslinger & Cabbage