The function of René Guénon and the fate of the West (IV)

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  • 7/28/2019 The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)


    Volume 3 Numbers 11-12 ORIENS November 2006


    The function of Ren Gunonand the fate of the West (IV)

    Michel VLSAN

    (followed by the French version)

    We have to limit our quotes to the essential, and the reader will have to refer himself to theintegral text of the chapters were quoting here, as well as to The Crisis of the Modern

    Worldand The Reign of Quantity, to have the other aspects that would come with the

    realization of one or the other of these three hypothesis. What should be remembered forour subject, is that the idea of an intellectual elite brings back the very question of the future

    fate of the West. It is up to such a spiritual and human entity to accomplish the return of

    the West to Tradition one way or another as well as to establish the agreement on theprinciples with the traditional East. This is what, shall we say, links the spiritual, and, in

    general, traditional perspectives of the West with Ren Gunons teaching because in fact

    in his work is found the starting point of an intellectual awakening and the inspiration forall the work to be accomplished next. The statement of certain ideas will first allow the

    possible elements of the elite to become aware of themselves and of what was necessary

    for them. The mental formation must start with the acquisition of a theoretical knowledge

    about the metaphysical principles: this is the study of the Eastern doctrines which shouldhave allowed that, and Ren Gunon, with the series of his essays, mainly about the Hindu

    doctrines, came to give light and provoke this study from which could result the

    assimilation by the elite in training of the essential modes of the Eastern way of thinking.We shall also remind the reader that the Western elite, to be indeed such an elite, had to

    remain tied to the Western traditional forms: this is why the elite could only do what

    Gunon called an assimilation to the second degree of the Eastern teaching.1

    Thus, this

    is how the first mode of the support the East was offering to the West was manifestingitself; this is the period that Ren Gunon designated as being the one of the indirect

    help or of the inspirations: these inspirations, he was saying, can only be transmitted

    1 Those among Westerners who will have directly joined some Eastern traditional forms therefore do not

    enter in this notion of a Western elite, even if they live in the West; such people, because of their

    traditional tie, directly linked to the East in the intellectual aspect, properly do a first degree

    assimilation of this teaching. We will have to come back later over the role that such people can play in thedevelopment of the relationships in between the Western elite and the Eastern elites.

  • 7/28/2019 The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)


    The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)

    by some individual influences serving as intermediaries, not by a direct action of some

    organizations which, unless an unexpected upheaval, will never engage their responsibilityin the business of the Western world (East and West, p. 179). And he added this

    statement that concerned him before anybody else: those who directly assimilated the

    Eastern intellectuality can only aspire to play this role of intermediaries we were

    mentioning about earlier; they are, because of this assimilation, too close to the East todo more; they can suggest and expose some ideas, point out what would be advisable to

    do, but not take upon themselves the initiative of an organization which, coming from

    them, would not really be Western. (ibid.) We shall stress, when the chance occurs, thisdistinctive aspect of Ren Gunons function, because some could be tempted to only see

    in him a simple author of theoretical books: first of all, the fact that his writings precisely

    correspond, at any degree, to some inspirations originating from some Eastern spiritualforces and expressing themselves though his possibilities and his personal influence,

    shows that those inspirations have, not only in their doctrinal substance, but also in their

    primary intention, a starting point which is not located in the simple intellectual

    understanding and in the individual desire to make others participate to this understanding,

    nor in the mere requests of the milieu and the pressure of the circumstances; next, his rolewas not only to make some doctrinal talks, but also, as he was saying himself, to suggest

    some ideas and to point out what would be advisable to do, and we know very wellthat, indeed, he has practiced in this way a very widespread activity which is only

    revealed indirectly and partially by his books when he noted down the elements that

    could interest his readers in general.

    To come back to the relations of the elite with the East, the second period of support itwas going to receive is called by Ren Gunon direct support: it implies that the elite

    is already constituted as an organization able to enter into a relationship with the

    Eastern organizations which work in the pure intellectual order, and to receive fromthem, for its action, the help that can be procured by some forces that have been

    accumulating since an unmemorable time. (ibid., p. 201) When a first work ofassimilation will have been accomplished this way, nothing will be against the idea that the

    elite itself (since the initiative had to come from it) would have recourse, in a more

    immediate way, to the representatives of the Eastern traditions; and those, being interestedwith the fate of the West because of the presence of this elite, would not be short of

    answering this call, because the only condition they demand, is the understanding this is

    in the second period that the support from the East could manifest itself effectively. ( ibid.,

    p. 203) During this period, which is the one of the effective action, the elite mustrealize some adaptations toward the Western condition; thus, it is out of the question to

    consider the substitution of a tradition for another, and regarding the religious tradition of

    the West, it is only about the addition of the internal element which is currently lacking,

    but which can very well superpose itself to it without anything being changed externally.(ibid., p. 195) Only if the West ended up being definitively powerless in its efforts to

    come back to a normal civilization could a foreign tradition be imposed upon them; butthen there would not be any fusion, since nothing specifically Western would subsist; and

    there would not be any substitution either, because, to reach such an end, the West would

    have to have lost every single vestige of the traditional mind, with the exception of a smallelite without who, since the West is not able to receive this foreign tradition, it would

    inevitably fall into the worse barbarity. (ibid.,p. 199)


  • 7/28/2019 The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)


    The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)

    To summarize the possible relationships in the most favorable hypothesis between the East

    and the West, Ren Gunon specified again: therefore it is a matter of not imposing to theWest an Eastern tradition, whose forms do not correspond to its mentality, but to restore a

    Western tradition with the help of the East, indirect help first, then direct.: or, inspiration in

    the first period, effective support in the second one When the West will be in possession

    again of a regular and traditional civilization, the elites role will have to continue: theelite will then be what the Western civilization will utilize to communicate with the other

    civilizations, because such a communication can only be established and maintained by

    what is the highest among each of them... In other words, the West would have to finallyhave representatives in what is symbolically designated as the centre of the world or

    any other equivalent expression (which should not be understood literally as the

    indication of a determined location, whatever it could be); but, here, we are talkingabout things way too far, way too inaccessible for the time being and probably for a very

    long time still, to justify insisting about it more. (ibid.,p. 202)


  • 7/28/2019 The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)


    Volume 3 Numbers 11-12 ORIENS November 2006


    La fonction de Ren Gunonet le sort de lOccident (IV)

    Michel VALSAN

    Nous sommes obligs de limiter lessentiel nos citations, et il faudra se reporter au texteintgral des chapitres que nous rappelons ici, ainsi quLa Crise du Monde moderne et au

    Rgne de la Quantit, pour avoir les autres aspects que comporte encore la ralisation delune ou de lautre de ces trois hypothses. Ce quil y a en retenir pour notre propos, cestque cest autour de lide dune lite intellectuelle que toute la question du sort futur de

    lOccident se trouve ramene. Cest une telle entit spirituelle et humaine quincombe

    de raliser le retour de lOccident la Tradition dans une mesure ou dans une autre ainsique dtablir laccord sur les principes avec lOrient traditionnel. Cest cela mme,

    dirons-nous, qui relie les perspectives spirituelles, et en gnral traditionnelles, de lOccident

    lenseignement de Ren Gunon car en fait cest en son uvre que se trouve le point dedpart dun rveil intellectuel et linspiration de tout le travail accomplir par la suite.

    Lexposition de certaines conceptions doit permettre tout dabord, aux lments possibles

    de llite de prendre conscience deux-mmes et de ce qui leur tait ncessaire. La formation

    mentale proprement dite doit commencer par lacquisition dune connaissance thorique desprincipes mtaphysiques : cest ltude des doctrines orientales qui devait permettre cela,

    et Ren Gunon venait, avec toute la srie de ses exposs, principalement des doctrines

    hindoues, susciter et clairer cette tude dont pouvait rsulter lassimilation par llite enformation des modes essentiels de la pense orientale.Nous rappellerons aussi que llite

    occidentale, pour tre telle, devait rester attache aux formes traditionnelles occidentales :

    cest ainsi quelle ne pouvait faire que ce quil appelait une assimilation au seconddegr de lenseignement oriental

    1. Cest ainsi que se manifestait le premier mode de

    lappui que lOrient offrait lOccident ; cest la priode que Ren Gunon dsignait

    comme tant celle de l aide indirecte ou des inspirations : Ces inspirations, disait-il,

    ne peuvent tre transmises que par des influences individuelles servant dintermdiaires,

    non par une action directe dorganisations qui, moins de bouleversements imprvus,nengageront jamais leur responsabilit dans les affaires du monde occidental (Orient

    et Occident, p. 179). Et il ajoutait ceci qui le concernait lui-mme avant tout autre:

    1 Ceux d'entre les Occidentaux qui auront adhr directement des formes traditionnelles de l'Orient, n'entrent

    donc pas dans cette notion d'lite occidentale mme sils vivent en Occident ; ceux-ci, de par leur

    rattachement traditionnel, devant sassimiler directement l'Orient sous le rapport intellectuel, font proprement

    une assimilation au premier degr de cet enseignement. Nous aurons revenir plus loin sur le rle quepeuvent jouer ceux-ci dans le dveloppement des relations entre l'lite occidentale et les lites orientales.

  • 7/28/2019 The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)


    La fonction de Ren Gunon et le sort de lOccident (II)

    Ceux qui se sont assimil directement lintellectualit orientale ne peuvent prtendre

    qu jouer ce rle dintermdiaires dont nous parlions tout lheure ; ils sont du fait decette assimilation, trop prs de lOrient pour faire plus ; ils peuvent suggrer des ides,

    exposer des conceptions, indiquer ce quil conviendrait de faire, mais non pas prendre par

    eux-mmes linitiative dune organisation qui, venant deux, ne serait pas vraiment

    occidentale (ibid.). Nous soulignerons loccasion cet aspect caractristique de lafonction de Ren Gunon, car certains pourraient tre tents de ne voir en lui quun simple

    auteur de livres thoriques: tout dabord, le fait que ses crits correspondent prcisment,

    un degr quelconque, des inspirations manant des forces spirituelles de lOrient etsexprimant travers ses possibilits et son influence personnelle, montre que ceux-ci

    ont, non seulement dans leur substance doctrinale, mais encore dans leur intention

    premire, un point de dpart qui nest pas situ dans la simple comprhensionintellectuelle et dans le dsir individuel de faire participer les autres cette comprhension,

    ni dans les seules sollicitations du milieu et la pression des circonstances ; ensuite, son

    rle ntait pas seulement de faire des exposs doctrinaux, mais aussi, comme il le disait

    lui-mme, de suggrer des ides et dindiquer ce quil conviendrait de faire , et

    nous savons trs bien que, de fait, il a exerc en ce sens une activit trs tendue qui nestrvle quindirectement et partiellement par ses livres quand il y notait les lments qui

    pouvaient intresser ses lecteurs en gnral.

    Pour en revenir ce qui concerne les rapports de llite avec lOrient, la deuximepriode de lappui quelle devait en recevoir est appele par Ren Gunon celle de

    lappui direct : elle suppose llite dj constitue en une organisation capabledentrer en relation avec les organisations orientales qui travaillent dans lordre

    intellectuel pur, et de recevoir de celles-ci, pour son action, laide que peuvent procurer des

    forces accumules depuis un temps immmorial (op. cit., p. 201). Quand un premiertravail dassimilation aura t ainsi accompli, rien ne sopposerait ce que llite elle-

    mme (puisque cest delle que devait venir linitiative) fit appel, dune faon plus

    immdiate, aux reprsentants des traditions orientales ; et ceux-ci, se trouvant intresss

    au sort de lOccident par la prsence de cette lite, ne manqueraient pas de rpondre cetappel, car la seule condition quils exigent, cest la comprhension... Cest dans la

    seconde priode que lappui des Orientaux pourrait se manifester effectivement (op. cit.,p.

    203). Dans cette priode qui est celle de l action effective , llite doit raliser desadaptations la condition occidentale ; il nest pas question denvisager ainsi la substitution

    dune tradition une autre, et pour ce qui est de la tradition religieuse de lOccident, il

    sagit seulement de l adjonction de llment intrieur qui lui fait actuellement dfaut,mais qui peut fort bien sy superposer sans que rien soit chang extrieurement (op. cit.,

    p. 195). Ce nest que si lOccident se montrait dfinitivement impuissant revenir une

    civilisation normale quune tradition trangre pourrait lui tre impose ; mais alors il ny

    aurait pas fusion, puisque rien de spcifiquement occidental ne subsisterait plus; et il nyaurait pas substitution non plus, car, pour en arriver une telle extrmit, il faudrait que

    lOccident et perdu jusquaux derniers vestiges de lesprit traditionnel, lexception

    dune petite lite sans laquelle, ne pouvant mme recevoir cette tradition trangre, ilsenfoncerait invitablement dans la pire barbarie (op. cit.,p. 199).


  • 7/28/2019 The function of Ren Gunon and the fate of the West (IV)


    La fonction de Ren Gunon et le sort de lOccident (II)

    En rsumant les rapports possibles ainsi dans la meilleure hypothse entre Orient etOccident, Ren Gunon prcisait encore : Il sagit donc, non dimposer lOccident unetradition orientale, dont les formes ne correspondent pas sa mentalit, mais de restaurer

    une tradition occidentale avec laide de lOrient, aide indirecte dabord, directe ensuite : ou,

    si lon veut, inspiration dans la premire priode, appui effectif dans la seconde... Lorsque

    lOccident sera de nouveau en possession dune civilisation rgulire et traditionnelle, lerle de llite devra se poursuivre : elle sera alors ce par quoi la civilisation occidentale

    communiquera dune faon permanente avec les autres civilisations, car une telle

    communication ne peut stablir et se maintenir que par ce quil y a de plus lev enchacune delles... En dautres termes, il faudrait que lOccident parvint finalement avoir

    des reprsentants dans ce qui est dsign symboliquement comme le centre du monde

    ou par toute autre expression quivalente (ce qui ne doit pas tre entendu littralementcomme indiquant un lieu dtermin, quel quil puisse tre); mais, ici, il sagit de choses

    trop lointaines, trop inaccessibles prsentement et sans doute pour bien longtemps

    encore, pour quil puisse tre vraiment utile dy insister (op. cit.,p. 202).
