The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL

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Page 1: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL

With blood our hands we never stain,-A orpoison men to ease their pain.





No Metallic Substances are used—No BatteryA teachmerits—No Electric BeJt," Fad,

Band br appliance; But purelyand literally



Conveyed from man to man through theGrand Process and Power of Nature’s Law.


THE HEALING ART.Can be sent to all parts of the world and

there applied without a physician or anyknowledge of disease.

TU>v\&a.Avelav-e, cAiretn atU'rast ai once whohave been considered beyond the reach ofany human agency.


It is scientifically and Locally AppliedStronger and More Powerful than anyMagnetic, or Body of Magnetic Healerscan Impart; Simply, correctly and Scien-tifically Generated, Held and Supplied at

any degree of strength desired to Fulfilland answer the

REQUIREMENTS O?TnY CASECondition or Necessity of Imparting

Life Health and Vigor to any Diseasedpart —or Organ.IT WILL CUBE'

Positively and unconditionally Cure, Becauseit is a scientific and Well Attested FactProven beyond the Shadow of a DoubtThrough years of Practical experience andconstant Demonstration ; that

Animated Vitalised MagnetismImparted from the Healthy to the Unhealthyman or or woman Will Cure Any and Allclasses of disease.

To The JPublic:The Public are, to a great ex-

tent, acquainted with the mostmarvelous results of the

Fritz-sonian Treatment.It has been used in nearly all

the principal cities of this coun-try as a strictly private Formulaand specialty of our own, andwhat little popularity we haveattained throughout the civilizedworld as a most remarkable heal-er, has been gained through itswonderful influence.

Wonder, admiration and as-tonishment has every whereattended our great success.

Physicians have stood aloofand marveled in silent envywhile seeing the Deaf,—Blind,—Sick and Lame healed by thismost remarkable art.

No man, any RemedyPractice—mode —or manner oftreatment, has ever performedsuch great and noted cures, asthe author of this system.

We now Bow once more to anafflicted Public —prepared to wel-come a whole world, but moreparticularly the sick hosts of this

City, to our office, where wedispense only and always, the

Fritz-sonian Treatmentwith which we promise that evengreater cures than ever (if thatbe possible) shall attend ourwork.

Men, Womenand Childrenbroken down and suffering bythe racking Pains and penaltiesof disease, who have been swill-ing down enormous quantitiesof nauseous, poisonous drugs,wrenching, gagging, spittingand puking over the nasty, bit-ter, griping, sickening, deadlydoses, or he who has been cutand carved by the surgeon’s knife,suffering all the torments of thedamned on earth, and “ payingdear for every dose and slash,”will hail with joy our triumphantmarch.

If we had the voice ofthe mighty waters, the eloquenceof a Clay—could write in the lan-guage of the heart—or touchthe souls of men with kindlysympathy,—bearing on pinions oflight these glad tidings to everybed of disease, —the sufferer’s

frown would become a smile,—hope would fill the heart of theafflicted—the poor bed-ridden in-valid, whose cheek is pallid at theapproach of death,—would theneradicate with the knowledge ofsuccor.

Read this Paper carefullythrough, weigh every word andargument offered ; this system oftreatment is a scientific truth,and will bear the light of theclosest investigation—and themost thorough trial. It standspre-eminently above all others—-the easiest applied, and producesthe most satisfactory results.

Nature is your Physician ; heunerringly points out every symp-tom—and warns you against dis-ease—through the debility andpains you suffer; you need notquestion Doctors ; you are readilyapprised of the fact by Nature—-arid with this treatment theremedy is at hand—which will assurely bring returning health asthe sun rises and sets in her di-urnal course.

Then reason should teachus, and our own commonsense admonish us, to get relief

• from any disease as soon as tlu,: first knowledge of its existence• reaches us. Get that relief vliereit can be obtained mostpromptly. Set about it ;ri niceregardless of trouble or expense—Health lost all is lost. It isthe only fortune the millionspossess.

This opportunity for personalbenefit should be seized upon atonce.

Remember that you can becured now.

We have had yearsof experience with theseremedial agents in every classand form of disease, treating-more cases annually than anyPhysician in the world, and wehave never lost a single case hydeath, besides curing thousandswho were considered incurable,raising from the death-bed hun-dreds who had lost all. hope ; andthose who had often said, I willtry no more, are to-day livingevidences of our success, thusshowing the wisdom of our modeof treatment, and the great effi-cacy of this system in healingthe sick.

OFFICE 150 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS.Entered and Copyrightedaccording to Law. Approved by Act oi Congress, In thefyear 1886, month of R rch, by A. D. Fritz, in the office of the Lihra-L-n r>

Congress, Washington, D. C.All persons are cautioned against copyingany ofourpublications, of is'tiiaiing our mode of treatment in anyform. nig r "rnf!red by law, andreservedby the A

Page 2: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL

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Felt and Fluid and Food.| ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM


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Felt and Fluid and Food.




particular. The only way itcould possibly become confound-ed or be mistaken for any of theold Treatments--is from the sim-ple fact that we make use of aFelt Pad, Band, or Appliance asa vehicle or medium to hold ortake on and retain our healingprinciple—for the purpose of ap-plication to the disease—For in-stance, you may take medicineout oi a “spoon,” but this wouldnot constitute or make the“ spoon” a part of the Treatment—would it? any more than anempty Pill Fox will move thebowds. Now you may chargesteel—or zinc and copper—withmineral magnetism and sew it upin a Belt—How long do you sup-pose that this magnetism will lastwhen coming in contact with thebody—or any substance whichwill absorb or attract it—Twenty-■fcar* —Not "Wg/w—After this, then j<; is no betterthan a worthless rag:—ls it anywonder that these Belts, Bandsand Pads usually fail.

Let me tell you right here ;

I “and don't you forget it I” Noth-ing can feed or exist upon itself.Until perpetual motion is discov-ered every power must have itssource of supply, and everythingwhich possesses power must beconstantly fed, the Pad, the Belt,the Telegraph and the Locorao-

i live. No power or action cangenerate within itself.

You need not be deceived-—ifyou will only reason from causeto effect—always taking the lawsof nature for your guide and actaccordingly.

Stranger:Read this over carefully-—At

feast three times—t want >ou toperfectly understand —That ourSystem and Treatment is NOTlike any other—It may be the

sas of saving your life—Whenyou are brought to see and tothoroughly understand that it is

| not like—nor anywhere near like| any other treatment which you

have ever used, or seen used.Every clay people tell us that

they have used this Treatment orsomething similar When vve

| come to question them, they have£ been using some common mag-| netic Pad ; Magnetic Belt; Elec-I trie Pad, Band, or Belt, or Some-| body’s Liver Pad—Now we want| you to understand and to rerncm-I ber that: none of these are oars—

I Nor are they on the same PrimI ciple as ours—Nor anything likeI ours.| Our* System and Treatment isf, no more like the above ir. kind or1 principle, than is Alcohol like| Water—or that Flour is likeI Mashed Potatoes—or a Wagon| is like a Sled—Now rememberP and always bear in mind.% That our Treatment is a Sys-| tern of “Animated. Vital Mag-I netism'd constantly and con tinu-I ally applied, or kept, on the dis-| eased part or organ—-Every Hour% —Minute—and Second of the| time—until the disease is entirelyI removed from the system—And| just ss fast as the diseased sys-® stem uses—takes up—or can ah-I struct tire vital magnetism hem| the Felt (which is simply a vehi-| dej. It is again supplied—-fed—

in your Flour to raise Bread—So do we supply the first princi-ple—From ourselves, or from theAatural, Vital, Healing Powerof Man—Then as the Doughrises and keeps rising just aslong as you keep supplying theyeast—So does the vital magnet-ism keep flowing and flowinginto the system just as long aswe keep up the supply—withthe Natural Magnetic “Fluid!Therefore we always have a live,active principle at work on thedisease.

Nothing in nature or art cansubsist or exist upon itself—ltmust be perpetually fed, sus-tained, nourished and suppliedwith Fuel or Food for power.

This Treatment must not beconfounded with any other—Forit is as pre-eminently ahead of allother modes and manners ofi i baiiutr, -* —JFi i.VijJC IVdCj liiFCplicity of action—sound theory—-practical results—and scientificprinciple—as Modern Chemistryis superior to old Alchemy.

It is a dangerous thing—forscience and the sick—-To con-found it with—or as similar tothat of the numerous MedicatedPads—Magnetic Belts—ElectricBands, etc.

Animated Vital Magnetismis “Not” a steel magneta Medicated Pad, nor anElectric Battery—But it is—-the absolute result of vitalHandManipulation or Positive AnimalMagnetism. Therefore any dis-cerning mind—or the most un-lettered person can easily see thegreat dissimilarity in almost every

or charged—by the use of ourChemical Magnetic Fluid. ■— bydampening or wetting the origin-ally-charged vitalized Felt withthe Fluid.

This seems plain enough, andshould be easily understood, butto make it still plainer we willillustrate. For instance, whenyou eat a good, square, heartymeal—you are full—feel goodand are capable of labor—Butafter you have worked off thisFood or nutriment—you gradu-ally grow weaker as hunger increases—or as your stomach getsempty—until in time for want ofvitality you completely collapse—Our Treatment acts on the sameprinciple—As long as the Felt isthoroughly charged—well Fed—-filled full with Animated VitalMagnetism —it forces circulation—removes disease—and cures—-

it 'in,

constant action- But when, theVital Magnetism or Food is allused up—it grows weak andworthless—and therefore must beagain Fed or supplied with moremagnetism—The same as youmust be fed when hungry—Whilewe feed you with bread and meat—We feed our Appliance for re-moving disease with AnimatedVitalized Magnetism, which ourFluid contains through chemicalaction and affinity—Do you see ?

Can you understand? Do yourealize ?

We First Feed—Charge—orsupply the Felt Appliance, Pador Band, with Vital AnimatedMagnetism By actual HandManipulation--As you put Yeast

Felt and Fluid and Food.

The “Felt” is Live Woolwhich takes on Animated VitalMagnetism.

The “Fluid” Is a naturalMagnetic Production which per-petuates Vital Magnetism,

The “Food” Is a Chemicalcombination of Fruits, Vege-table and Animal matter.

The “Felt” and “Fluid’and “Food” constitutes theFritz-son 'cm System and Theoryof Animated Vital MagneticTreatment.

The “Pelf Sustains, takes jon and holds Vital Magnetism \

Felt and Fluid and Food.as a -vehicle or vessel retains anyother Vital Principle.

“ The Fluid ” Sustains, Feeds,Supplies or Replenishes the vitalmagnetism to the Pelt as fast isit is taken up or consumed by lieSystem.

The “Food” Sustains theSystem, keep: all the Secretionsof the body open and active, andfurnishes Nutriment to the debil-litated organs.

The “Pelt ” and “Fluid ” and“Food” Forces and EqualizesCirculation, supplies vitality andsustains the System until the de~

Felt and Fluid and Food.bilitated Organs are restored tohealth.

! The “Pelt ” Being chargedj with Animated Vital Magnetism,i by means of actual Hand manip-j idation, thus rendering it possi-

I ble of retention and conveyanceat will from man to man.

I The “Fluid” Being a naturalj Planitary Chemical production,j will recharge and perpetuate vital

| magnetism as long as a par f icle of| Animated. Magnetism remains

j in the (vehicle) “Pelt.”j The “Food” Being a Tonic,

I Alterative and Assimilative Nu-

Felt and Fluid and Food.

triment, supplies the Fatty Tis-sue of the body until the “Pelt”and “ Fluid ” forces and sus-tains a perfect circulation ofFlood through the (Congested)diseased organs.

The * Felt ” and “Fluid ” and“Food” Being the embodiment ofall the vital principles of Life andHealth, and Action of the Blood andNerves and Circulation, Vitalizing. In-vigorating and Sustaining, Equalizingand Energizing every function of theBody, must produce'a perfect, perma-nent and lasting free and equal distri-bution of every Health-Giving andsustaining element of the most vigor-ous life.

Page 3: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL


Plaving read and heard so much aboutthis Fritz-sonian Treatment and of itsmost remarkable success during the pastfew years—and what seeming miraculouscures he was performing with his System—I could not help but become considerablyinterested—as I had been a terrible suffererfor many years—and had as I supposedexhausted every means known to art andscience without receiving any great bene-fit.

I had been treated by such men asBartholomew, Agnew, Flint, Baker, Rush,Thorndike, and a score of others full aswell known and celebrated in the pro-fession—No wonder then that I took holdof a new thing with reluctance and butlittle confidence. Still I thought that ifthere was help for others there might befor me, and I could but try, as I had athousand times rather have been dead thanto continue suffering as I was and hadbeen for the past ten years.

I will tell you a little of my conditionand then you can judge better how a manfeels when he has been snatched from aliving hell and from the very brink of thegrave. In the fall of 1875 I took a severecold which seemed to settle all over me,my feet and every joint in them swelled tonearly three times their natural size. Thenerves ached and every joint seemed as ifbeing drawn from their sockets. I con-stantly groaned with the most excruciatingpains for three mortal weeks; no rest norany ease day or night; hot fomentations,the most powerful liniments and opiatesdone me no good nor eased me in theleast.

Only when I laid in a dead stuporfrom large doses of morphine did uncon-sciousness come over me for a few mo-ments at a time—When at last the painsdid begin to ease up a degree, my feetbegan to turn black and blue—the bloodseemed to stop circulating in my limbs—-a deathly coldness and heaviness oppressedme—my urine became thick and streakedwith blood —my bowels discharged themost foul matter—chills—fevers—smother-ing sensations—dead, heavy aches—andsharp, twitching pains went shooting allover my body—l hovered between life anddeath for many months—finally the diseaseappeared to assume a more settled charac-ter—a sort of a paralytic rheumatism, asthe doctors called it.

At times I could get out of bedand around a little—But pain, I wasalways in pain—My bowels became so thatthey would not move without the mostpowerful cathartics, and v.-iy water had tobe drawn more than half of the time—Idoctored and lingered, and lingered anddoctored—l suffered and prayed, I prayedand suffered, and often wondered whyGod had so afflicted me—Days came andlengthened into weeks, and weeks intomonths, and months ran into years—Stilltime brought me but little relief, and allthe time more feeble and despondent.

I had often heard and rny friends hadsometimes advised me to try Felt, andFluid and Food—Bottled Magnetism, asthey called it—but everybody knows howsuch things are—l thought that if the mostnoted physicians could not help me, ofcourse nothing else would—and as for theidea of a man getting well of such a dis-ease as mine without medicine, why theidea was preposterous.

But as the saying is, “Adrowning man will catch at a straw,”and one day while I was laying on the sofain my room reading over a circular de-scribing the Fritz-sonian System, I cameto the words, “ If not, why not ?” Istopped and thought, read a little furtherand thought again. Now, here I am; Ihave tried all the regular doctors and theyhave done but little for me; yes, nothing ;

and Dr. Fritz says if after you have triedeverything and nothing does you any good,why not try this? If not, why not? Yes,this is the question. If not, why not?

I made up my mind then and there thatI would try it—and I did—l sent that veryday, and God bless the day, it is and everwill be a sacred one to me.

Before I had been using it one hour, Ifelt its revivifying effects. In a few weeksmy appetite became good—my urine passedfree and assumed its natural color. Mybowels were as regular as clock-work.—The blood circulated in my limbs, and inless than three months I was where yousee me to-day—A thoroughly well, hearty,sound man. I used no medicine, unlesshis Food may be called medicine.

I tell you it is wonderful, perfectlywonderful. I can hardly realize it myself—-that I should be where I am to-day—-tough and rugged—able to once more takemy place in business among men, strong—

I could almost knock out Sullivan.I have just returned from a trip

Out West.While stopping at the Palmer House

in Chicago, I noticed an exceed-ingly fine-looking gentleman who wasattracting considerable attention among theguests in the office, very graphically de-scribing his experience with Dr. Fritz.

Let me tell you, gentlemen, said he, thatman saved my life, and I shall never forgethim. I will tell you how it was. My nameis Hill—C. M. Hill. I live and was bornout here in Wanconda, and there is whereI came mighty near being buried. I amnow 35 years old.

What I am telling you happenedjust before the big fire—the latter

part of ’7O, when Dr. Fritz had hisoffice occupying the whole building No.196 Clark St., every resident of Chicagowill remember what great cures he wasperforming then. I have seen the wholebuilding crowded, and the side-walks formore than a block each way waiting to seehim, Mr. Palmer here will tell you whatan excitement he created. And Fred Gross-man, the real estate man who had chargeof my affairs then will tell you what condi-tion I was in about that time.

Just after I got married and wasthe happiest man in Wanconda, Iwas taken sick and kept runningdown for more than a year, when ourchild was born. I considerably overdonemyself by being up a good deal nights.Finally I began to cough and raise theworst matter you ever saw, kept growingweaker and weaker every day until the doc-tors told me I must either change climatesor die. I tell you I was a skeleton.

I settled up my affairs the best I could,kissed my wife and babe good-bye, neverexpecting to see them again in this world.My father and one of the neighbors helpedme to the depot. When I looked out ofthe car window as I passed through here onmy way to Minnesota it was with a heavyheart.

Stranger, were you ever sick, leav-ing all you held dear on earth, goingaway to a strange place to die ? If youever were, you can imagine my feelings thatday. Well, I went to Minneapolis, andstayed there a few weeks, but got no better.The doctors then advised me to go onthrough to Colorado. So I went, but howI ever got there I don’t know, but I did,and stopped at a very good hotel at Colo-rado Springs. There I improved a little,and got so that I could take a little rideevery fine day. But after a little I com-menced growing worse very rapidly, andfearing that I should die in a few days I de-termined to return home at onee and seemy wife and little one if possible before Ipassed over. I had a very comfortable bedprovided in a Pullman, and at last, in utterexhaustion and the very last stages of con-sumption, I found myself once more athome in my own bed, with my dear oldmother and loving wife to attend me. Ilingered without hope for over a month, andthen revived a little again as most consump-tives. I then called on Dr. N. S. Davishere, and he informed me that my onlyhope of ever seeing spring was to go toFlorida at once. I told him that I hadtried Minnesota and Colorado, and if II must die, I should die at home.

The day dawns.That night when I got home, my little

one was looking at some pictures in a paperupon the floor. My wife carelessly pickedit up and laid it on the bed. After a littleI glanced at it and saw that it was one ofDr. Fritz’ circulars. I read a few lines andthen became interested, and read it nearlyall—and that night before I fell asleep Ihad firmly made up my mind to see him. Be-tween hope and the excitement I was ablethe next day to be taken to his office. Inever shall forget my feelings while beinghelped into his presence. I dropped intoa large easy chair, and after I had got mybreath a little, the doctor came up to meand said, Well, young man, you are notdead yet, are you ? I said no, but mightynear it. Yes, said he, It’s a close shave,but I guess you have struck a lead thistime. Do you want to get well ? I criedgentlemen, right then and there I bawledlike a baby, and came near choking todeath from coughing. The doctor told menot to be excited, that if I would only keepa stiff upper lip he would cure me. Andwhat’s a fact, gentlemen, he went right atit and done it. I gained rapidly from thefirst, and within six months was once morewell.

We have sold out up here in Wan-conda, and I now live on a large farmwhich we have lately bought, four milesfrom Decatur, Alabama, in the Tennesseevalley. I can do as much work and standas much exposure as any man in that region.

Gentlemen, you just go up to Wanconda,and see what the folks there have to sayabout my case and Dr. Fritz. You bet ifhe tells you that his treatment will cure acase that it will do it.

He is now in Boston, and has anenormous sale of his Felt andFluid and Food—he is the smartestman and the greatest genius I ever saw.When he looks at a man he knows whatails him, and don’t you forget it,—and heknows how to cure him too.

A day or so after this episode at thePalmer Blouse, I stepped into a large Vien-na bakery and cafe on the corner of State &

Vanburen Sts., kept by a gentleman by thename of Wilhelm Henreci, one of the fa-mous Henreci Bros., who enjoy the reputa-tion of keeping the finest cafes in the Wes-tern metropolis. After partaking of a veryliberal repast, and while lighting a fragrantHavana at the counter I casually inquiredof the gentlemanly attendent if he had everknown a doctor in that city by the name ofFritz. His countenance brightened up in amoment as he answered, I do, sir, know himwell, and I guess nearly everybody elsedoes in this city. Why, sir, he is the great-est healer that ever lived. Stranger, myname is Henreci. I am the proprietor ofthis place, and I will just tell you what thatman did forme. You see, he used to bemy wife’s mother’s doctor. He cured herof a very distressing sickness while theywere living in Peoria, 111., and shortly afterwe were married I was taken very sick,

right in our busiest time. For three longweeks I laid right on the broad of my back,suffering everything but death with, as thedoctors said, spinal irritation, and inflam-mation of the kidneys.

I had six of the very best doctorsto be had, and all the ease Icould get was from hypodermic injec-tions of morphine, and as soon as the ef-fects of that would wear off a little thepains would commence again worse thanever. One evening, after the worst time Ihad suffered yet, and all my friends expect-ed that I would die, who should walk intothe room but Dr. Fritz, the author of thebest system of treatment on earth. M)wife in her desperation and as a last resortunbeknown to me—for to tpll the truth, 1hadn’t much confidence in him—had sent amessenger after him. He smilingly cameup to the bed, and spoke kindly, and askedme what I was there for. I replied becauseI couldn’t help myself. He said I hada good deal better be attending to my busi-ness than laying in bed. I answered thatif I did not get some help soon that I didnot think I should ever attend to much business again. Oh, yes you will, says he, youwill be over at the store to-morrow allright. I asked him if he thought I was ad n fool. Oh no, says he, but I thinhyour doctors are. Let me show you howeasy I can cure you. So saying, he took apiece of felt cloth and a small bottle oisome kind of liquid. He dampened thecloth with the liquid, laid it upon the smallof my back, and then placed his hand overit to keep it there. After letting it rest forabout ten minutes he placed a band of com-mon muslin around me to hold the cloth inplace. I felt quite a burning and pricklingall the time as if the Blood was trying toforce its way through the veins. lie thendeliberetely pulled all the covering off ofme, hit me a slap with the flat of his hand,and told me to get up and dress. I did notthink I could, but I was so mad that I madethe effort, and to my surprise I got up allright, and w-hen once on my feet he handedme my pants and told me to dress myself,I did so without saying a word, but I tellyou I kept up a terrible thinking. The nextday I went about my business, and havebeen doing so ever since without the leastsymptoms of a return of the disease.

I spent quite a number of days in thecity, conversed with a great many peopleand learned of more than three hundreccases full as remarkable as those above related. Among the most prominent peoplein social, professional and business circles.

C. H. Hunter.,. Fifth Ave. Hotel, Y.

A Horrible Sight.Mrs. Jane Hovey, of Beacon street, Bos

ton, in relating her experience with theFritz-sonian System of Treatment saysAbout eight years ago I had a small lumpmake its appearance on my left shoulderwhich gradually enlarged until I had 1surgical operation which removed it for 1short time. Then it commenced to makeits appearance again, and inside of threemonths grew to an enormous size—l agairhad it removed with the knife, by whiclI suffered so much that I firmly made uimy mind that I would much prefer deatlthan to pass through another operation—-therefore you may judge of my feeling:when it commenced reappearing before th<wound was healed—This time it grew scfast that inside of four months it was mudlarger than ever before and very tender tcthe slightest touch. It extended around tcthe back of my neck and between theshoulders until I was a most horrible sightand suffered more than mortal can eveitell. I commenced the Fritz-sonian Treatment by placing the Felt over and arouncthe Tumor, and dampening it twice a da]with the Fluid. I took one tablespoonfuof the Food before each meal, which sustained and kept up my strength—and calit miracle or what you will, the tumor began to grow smaller and smaller every dayuntil at last it had entirely disappeared—All the time I was under this course o:treatment I felt well and continually improved in bodily health. One year ha:now passed and no sign of the tumor reappearing—On the other hand I am betteiin every respect than I have been for yearsThis is, to say the least, a most remarkable cure—but I have seen equally as wonderful results on some of my friends whehave used it through my influence.

Snatched from the very Jawsof Death.

Mrs. I. A. Hollinsworth, of Charlestown,Mass., says:—On the night of April 9thlast I was taken with gouty pneumonia.The pain in my feet was intense—did nolclose my eyes for 48 hours—attacked mjleft elbow, and on the nth my urine turnedthick and full of mucous—bowels had notmoved—spittle a thick, ropy phlegm—lackof, breath, and a rattling in the throat con-

-4 Jered by my physician as a forerunner ofcf ?ath. My husband went to Bostonfdr the Fritz-sonian treatment. When itarrived I was laying in a death-likestupor, and a heavy, labored breathing.The Felt Pad was applied warm and slight-ly dampened across my chest—could notswallow the Food—in about 15 minutes be-gan to breathe easier, and in two hours wasquite comfortable —took one teaspoonful ofthe Food dropped into a comfortablesleep. In three days was about the houseagain. Thus was I snatched from the veryjaws of death.

He was Struck with Death andStill Recovered.

The Hon. Erastus Benedict, of Albany,N. Y., says : About three years ago I waskicked in the stomach by a horse—lnflam-mation of the bowels set in, and my urinewas scarcely anything but pure blood —

Nothing passed my bowels for fourteendays—The most celebrated surgeons saidthere was no hope as mortification wasabout to set in—l had been delirious forthe last thirty-six hours—and they expectedevery hour would be my last. Throughthe earnest desire of one of the membersof our legislature, Mr. Forsythe, they de-spatched to New York and procured theFritz-sonian Treatment —A band of Feltwas placed around me dampened with theFluid, and I was given one teaspoonful ofthe Food every half hour—I felt easier atonce—The fever soon abated—My bowelsmoved the second day—My entire recoverywas rapid—and I can truly say that I wascured after being struck with death.

Never Saw the Like.I believe the Fritz-sonian system of treat-

ment to be a marvel and a wonder—andthat the finger of God is in it. My littleboy Henry had a very severe fall abouttwo years ago. He struck right across thesmall of his back, which swelled up fearful-ly, and from the time he fell he could notmove nor stand on his feet. The bones ofthe spine grew out of shape, and his kneeswere drawn up near to his stomach —he re-mained in this condition for over a year,nearly all the time suffering the most in-tense pain. Large bed sores were formedon both hips, which we could not heal. Myhusband brought home from Boston one ofDr. Fritz’ papers, which we read, and madeup our minds to try his Treatment. Wedid so, and in less tnan two weeks Henrybegan to improve, and in less than sixmonths from that day was entirely well.He is a great healthy boy now. Oh, ifeverybody only knew about it, how muchsuffering might be saved.

Mrr. Sarah Rockwell,Lynn, Mass.

Narrow Escape.Rev. Wm. Foley, of 361 West 15th St.,

Chicago, 111., had a very narrow escapefrom death. This is his own story: Oneyear ago I was in the very last stages ofBright’s disease of the Kidneys. My fam-ily physician and various counsel hadgiven me up to die—l had lost all hope—-but was persuaded through friends as aInst resort for I held no confidence—toget the Fritz-sonian Treatment. I con-sented, and they got it for me—l began toimprove at once—and to-day I am a wellman—l did not take a particle of medi-cine—We all consider it nothing less thana miracle—Since my extraordinary recov-ery, I know of at least fifty others whohave used it, and they to have got well—It is to say the least remarkable.

The Hand of Ood.Gen. Singleton, of South Carolina, on

a visit to his niece residing in Boston,called upon Dr. Fritz for a difficulty fromwhich he had been suffering for over twelveyears—almost entire deafness and a partialparalysis of the whole left side—The doc-tor told him that his Treatment would em-phatically cure him—In four hours hishearing was entirely restored—and in lessthan three months he completely recoveredfrom his paralysis—He says the doctorused no medicine —Simply the Felt, andFluid and Food. The General says hecannot understand it, unless it was thehand of God.

Still Alive.About three years ago my attention was

first called to the wonderful cures beingperformed by Dr. Fritz through his mostremarkable System of Felt and Fluid andFood. Ever since the war I had been agreat sufferer, and as I supposed beyondany hope of relief—I was troubled with adisease of the heart which every daythreatened my life. At the same time adistressing asthmatic difficulty, scarcelyever being able to lie down to sleep, be-sides having a large running sore on myright ankle and four on my left leg justbelow the knee, the direct results of beingwounded in the army. Thus was I a per-fect wreck living yet dying by inches. Mysurprise can better be imagined than de-scribed when the doctor told me that hethought his system of treatment wouldmake me a comparatively well man—com-fortable the balance of my days at least,if not entirely cure me. I commenced hisTreatment by applying a bandage aboutmy ankle and leg, wearing a garment overmy chest and a pad over the region of theheart—dampened each day with the Fluid—and taking internally one teaspoonful ofhis Food before each meal—I commencedgaining at once—My shortness of breathleft me in about thirty days—the heartassumed its natural action in a few weeksand inside of one year my limbs complete-ly healed—and I. now consider myself amuch better man in every way than I waseighteen years ago—In fact I am perfectlywell in every respect. I have lived in Bos-ton all my life, am well known here, and Iconsider the Fritz-sonian System a godsendto the afflicted. I have seen at leasttwenty others who have been cured bythis treatment, some of them in the verylast stages of disease.

Chas. Foster, of Parker St.

Page 4: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL

LECTURE|| Dflivered Iry W»>. lErita:, at Exeter I* Mall, Lcudoti, *apon <hc lulroiluc- j| (■»u of the Fritz*s»uian System

an<i li'.vesvli'uent for thetftnro of


I Animated fital Magnetism.

j Ladies and Gentlemen:| Like all things wi.h winch you mayI not be fully acquanted, the Fritz-so-| nian System of Tre■ intent may seemI strange and almost an impossibility,I or may, perhaos, seem almost tooI good to be true. We would say toI you that it has already passed the or-I deal, mU "where it is known is no long-

er :L. o ad.Wo ae here to-night to introduce

it to you as a Friend, —one whowill improve upon acquaintance, andone to whom you can pin your faith ;

for we have been acquainted withthis system of treatment for twenty-five long years, and for the past fif-teen years of this time it has noblystood by us in every emergency, andhas never filtered nor once disap-pointed our most sanguine anticipa-tions ; therefore we love it as afriend for the good it has dene hu-manity, but from you, as partialst--angers, we can only ask tor it a re-spectful hearing, and a iust verdict in

I the end ; We will do our besi to pre-sent it in such a form that you maybe able to grasp the principle, andreason to the ultimate effects. Andalthough mam- -morions ]h: might.be saved during the time of yourinvestigations and most natural pro-crastination; we can only place thetruth of : ts wonderful success before

!you, and trust to your better judg-ment for the result.

The past century has been fraughtwith many changes, in not only allthe Arts and Sciences, but as wellin the opinions of men.

Ignorance, Superstition, and thebelie ' in, and love of, old Dogmas,are being fast buried in the historyof the past.

The Burning of Witches, the Post-Horse, the Packet and Stage-Coach,have given place to die Iron Horse,the Telegraph and the Telephone, ;the old Tallow Candle to Gas and !the Electric Light.

As innovation after innovationdawns upon the world, so, too, are jthe old schools of medicine —• Calo |mel and Jalap, Blood-Letting, andthe Purge, being fast buried amongthe Dead images of a barbaric race.And the sufferings of man, like theelements of nature, are being con-trolled by the wisdom and mightygenius of man.

After an extensive practice of overtwenty years’ experience, travel andresearch, this treatment has been

I perfected. It always ,I uniform and reliable in its • -

\ free from the many objections| almost all persons have experienced \S i!. 'he use of drugs.S It has proved, by actual experi- |I ence, to be the most reliable anj positive cure for nearly every form Ij and condition of chronic disease. 1| We do not speak from a theoieti-' cal standpoint, nor any matter of j| guess work, but from actual experi- j| ence in our most extensive practice, !

| upon hundreds of patients every jf one of which have been cured—after i| nearly every otherknown means had 1| utterly failed, and almost every lib- ji eral-minded physician of every land, j| who have investigated the subject at j| all have added their testimony to 1\ our own experience.| Tlie Fritz-sonian System is the most wonder- j1 fui success ever achieved la the healingart.S. . I

We would not have von think Hrone moment that -u >e would jeopard 2our hard-earned reputation by fum-ing- upon you a mode oftreatment, un-less we had the mostpositive kmnvleifgeand reliableevidence of its success. [

We have put, this Treatment if Athe form Prescribed with an absoluteassurance of success, knowing thatit is the Pest the world has everknown I

We do not lose sight of the fact,that every form of Practice, Treat-ment, or Merchandise, presented oroffered the general Public is deemedbut a Money-making Scheme for itsProjectors, and must therefore belooked upon with suspicion and dis-favor. Wlgle in one sense this maybe true, yet in another light it is very-far from the fact. All right-wendedand honorable Professional or Busi-ness men are very careful about foist-ing upon die Public any articlewhich does not possess welLattes ledmerit. For all things without merit:are exceeding!}'- short-lived, and nev-er fail to bring disaster to their pro-jectors. It is, therefore, certainruin, both Financially and Profes-sionally. As the Thief, Defaulter,or Forger must sooner o; later e ;dhis career in ruin and disgrace, socertain must all things stand or fallupon their individual merits.

If we discarded or looked uponeach new innovation with disfavorthe greatest Inventions of the Age,and the sublimest interests of man,would suffer Eternal Martyrdo n. .. dthe human race would still sufferwith ?he most loathsome disease., ofancient times.

Further let us appeal to the directunderstanding of all intelligent tarnIc-ing people, and ask them if theyshould not use the same reason landjudgment in selecting a Physician,or a means of cure for their diseases,as in any other business transactionof life? While the art of healingmay seem a divine one to the sickand dying Patient, yet with the. Doc-tor—be he whom lie may-—it is but;• 1 ; r, i ' T• • 5 ‘- *»• Land cents; we know, if we pause butfor one moment to think, that theDoctor, Lawyer, Minister, Merchant.Farmer or Tradesman, only use theircalling as a stepping-stone to Popu-larity and Wealth, and that every in-telligent and enterprising man doesnot leave a stone unturned to bringbis name before the pul he in his par-ticular business capacit) ; this we alldeem a laudable object, and an hon-orable strife among men, which h v atendency to lead to excellence in allProfessions. We have determinedto take the lead as a healer of ‘hesick—for certainly there is no call-ing so ennobling in life, as his, or

j hers, who labors to ease human suf-! feting, and prolong human lift -no

j matter if dollars, cents, and popu-larity be the mainspring that promptsto action.

We assure you, upon the businesshonor of man to mm, that we ha?e

-found our mode of Treatment the mostsuccessful of any in the aunals ofhistory.

It is an utter impossibility for it tofail in a single case, — where deathhas not already set her seal,—end noPhysician, — or Treatment o • Earth—-can show so successful a record asit has brought us in our enormouspractice during the last fifteen years.

We have never as yet been disap-pointed in its ae on, nor in the in--eg) ■ . and intelligence of the p pie

who have treated with us ; we havetrusted to their independent reason-ing and discrimination in its use,and know, from the interest alwaysmanifested, and the remarkable suc-cess of our past career—coupledwith the thousands of patients whomwe have treated,— the multitudeswhom we have cured,—and the un-told amount of suffering we have de-viated,—that the past can be but aglimmering of light at the day’s 1awn-ing; and, ere long, the full deluge;- ofthe noonday’s sun will have eclipsedthe earth, producing a halo of mi- do-ing from a world of diseased-riddenpeople.

Tlie Fritz-sonian System permanently euroswithout manipulation- drugs, x r the Xulfct

uta&m.'~ r rfiUMmiuiifm* 1 '"ww" nvirinr •TtfffflfSiWnrirwnimi- r

Although we may not have thej Persuasive Eloquence of a Beecher,

j the Humorous Philosophy of an In-I gersoll, or the Logic of a Sumner,

yet. we believe that we can at leastconvince every intelligent hearer,

i that we believe in, and are willing toj take our own medicine.

We shall rot endeavor to tickle theear with flowery rhetoric, or to pleasethe eye with fancy sketches, but willspeak in a plain, direct and compre-hensive manner, presenting solidfacts, supported by sound theory andconclusive evidence, that we are pre-sen! ing a claim of the Utmost Im-portance to the Human Race, andworthy of an Enlightened People’sClose Investigation and mostthorough trial.

In order to arrive at a comprehen-I sive understanding of the Fritz-so-

j nian system of treatment, it will bei necessary to state in a few words

j ourTheory

which embraces the whole categoryof disease, by which the human racecan be afflicted.

The cause of all Disease, of what-ever name or nature, is simply Con-gestion, or a Congested con-dition of the small arteries and blood

| vessels which pass through or around'■ that particular paid or organ—Sim-ply this and nothing more. Proveit ( We will. Mark now,— WherePure Blood circulates there can be nodisease. All scientists agree upon

| this paint.— Nothing but Conges-j tion can retard circulation,—There-

! fore, no matter by what cause that Con-j :jes--.cn is produce ,/. Fon this circula-| tion through the. part and the diseasejis removed. Correct, are we not ? Be-

■ cause there is no Congestion where theblood flows freely ; Stop circulationand death ensues,— Start circulationand life begins. Partial Congestion isdisease—Perfect Congestion is death.—As a partial circulation is diseasedlife,— While a perfect ch'culation—is

perfect health and life.pKiNCiTEES.

We will now pass on to our princi-! pies of Treatment For the absoluteJ cure if disease, without Manipula-

■ '.ion, Drugs, or lurgieal operation.For convenience rake we will name

it Felt and Flint- and Food. Inthe first place, what is Felt, and whyis it used ? Felt is raply a pressedtexture instead of a woven one—-we

j use it manufactured into a thick,j elastic, absorbent medium, becauseit is the most economical substance

| which will absorb,— take on,— andI hold our life-giving principle.—• j'j-

| talized Magnetism,—the very| spirit-essence of life,

j Live wool (that is wool taken froma live, perfectly healthy male [Buck]Sheep) will take on and retain vital-ized magnetism from Hand Manipula-tion or Pathological Conveyance, onthe same principle that line steel,will attract, take on, and hold min-eral magnetism from contact with themagnetic (load) stone.

And like the magnet, it will be-come exhausted from use, as all

i things irx Nature and Art must befed, nourished and replenished inorder ».o retain their perpetual power.

This then necessitates or bringsinto use our Fluid, which is a vitaliz-ing producer, or perpetuator, whichreplenishes, supplies or rechargesthis vital magnetised Felt, On pre-

j cisely the same principle that aj solution of vitriol com ,g in contact

i with copper and zinc feeds or charges| the Magnetic Battery.

While the full force of the mag-j nr.HzedFelt, perpetuated and strength-

| ened by Vitalized Fluid placed di-| rectly over any diseased part or or-gan, speedily, silently, and stead-ily, vitalizes and forces circulation,establishing a perfect action of theBlood and nerve vital fluid, produc-ing a healthy condition, by supply-ing nutriment from the Blood and

1 nerve tha 1 fluids, while in this active |! state of circulation,

I The Food.— The debilitated system, jI caused-front a diseased action of arc. 1j The Fritz-soniau System! cn r es disease deemed |

! beyond the reach of any humai agency.

organ of the body, must be sustained Iwhile the cure is going on—as with- Iout proper sustenance, healthy blood |cannot be manufactured : therefore Sit would be impossible to supply (he 1waste tissue. As all food taken into [the stomach contains a (-.rtaio-por-lion of .nutriment; it must be fullyassimilated in the stomach beforepassing into the absorbent glands,by keep'eg up an active secretion ofall the digestive organs what will [we use for this purpose,— DP UGS t jCertainly not. Our Food, which isprepared from the expressed juices orextracts of certain Fruits, Vegeta-bles and Animal matter—Aboundingin Nutritive, Alterative and Assimila-tive properties, will therefore producea perfect digestion of all otherFoodscombining with it, when taken intothe stomach thus eliminating aPure, Rich, healthy Blood.

Thie combined influences of theseHealing elements must, will, and doremove all diseased action from thehuman system.

Our Treatment is one of the MostWonderful and Glorious Achieve-ments of Science, rendering the trueprinciple of disease, its cause andcure, simple, rational and compre-hensive, converting a sovereign rem-edy into a legitimate article of com-merce, which can always be carriedwith you, shipped or transported toany part of the world—Applied with-out a doctor,—Medical skill orknowledge of disease. Nature isyou’- physician. He puts a pain inthe part diseased, and only callsupon you to apply the remedy overor around the spot he has desig-nsed, and bids you use the Foodprepared from Nature’s labratory.

This Treatment unfolds the deep-est research, most ingenious, power-ful and far-reaching elementof man’s |ability to hold the invigorating prin- |ciple, the very essence of life, in such 1abeyance as to produce the mostwonderful results in removing dis-eased action from any part or organof the i; nan system. It is so sci-entifically pnn wived, so practicallyconstructed and simply arranged,that any person of ordinary intelli-gence can produce a stronger, andmore powerful healing influence, thanany magnetic, or body of magnetichealers can impart. It will always |answer the condition and require- |ment of die case, conveying both |health, strength and vigor to thepatient.

It will Cure, — positively and un-conditionally Cure.—-Because it is aScientific and well-attested Factproven beyond a Shadow of Doubt,through years of Practical Experience—and constant IF. nstration,that Vital Magnetism, imparted fromthe positive HeAthy to tlie Negative IUnhealthy man or woman, will Cure Iany and all classes of disease.

The only trouble has been thatit was an utter impossibility for onePositive Nature, to convey it toanother of the same Nature. Thistruth accounts for the many failuresof the Manipulators, or so-calledNatural Magnetic Healers, Pre-cisely the same Principle will applyto the Scientists or Christian Heal-ers,—their Power resting solely upona Psychological condition of the Pa-tient. All Nature, and Creativeforces are influenced by PerfectPositives,—th!d De-Jdk» 1 Negatives.

By our mode of application andimportation of this most subtilepower, every human being becomesthe Negative and our treatment acertain and powerful Positive

This may seem strong Language,but it is nevertheless true ; true tothe very letter; absolutely andliterally true, as heat is Life; andcold is death ; so sure will it produceAnimal heat; Equalize and forcecirculation; Impart life; cure dis-ease; Perpetuate health: and pro-long human existence.

This is no wild visionary scheme ;

but a practical fact; susceptible of Iproof, and the widest range of Idemonstration; easily proven by ?

yourself, beyond the shadow of adoubt. Select a person troubled

The Fritz-souian System is a sound theory, ascientific fact, and «. perfect success’.

Page 5: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL

with any morbid, or painful disease;(and they are legion) apply it accord-ing to the instructions given; watchthe result; upon the very applica-tion, its magic influence is felt; awarm, pleasant glow of Animal heat;Generates, Irradiates, and Permeatesthe whole system. The patient feelsthat New Life is entering into thecirculation; that the Nerve VitalFluids are receiving a strange pleas-ant stimulus, and that Nature is being aided in her effort to throw offdisease.

Its influence is mild, yet powerful,prompt and efficacious in not onlyrelieving, but in permanently airing

every form and condition ofdisease.

With this treatment, we do nothave to Wait, and “Dope,” and Drug,and experiment; Poultice, Cup andBlister ; still suffering, and sufferingon from day to day and week toweek, hoping against hope, thatrelief will come changing doctors;employing consulting physicians—-(besides swilling down enormousquantities of patent medicines) untilat las: we sink into the grave fromutter exhaustion and despair.

We do not wish to be understoodthat our mode of treatment will cureany and all diseases in a momentalthough many are cured in a veryshort time. But it will relieve inall cases and where reasonablelime, perseverance and judgment isdisplayed. It will permanently cureany curable disease. In the mostobstinate cases it seldom requiresmore than a few clays, still there arediseases which have been a longtime coming on are thoroughlyseated and chronic these may andoften do take weeks and even monthsbefore a thorough restoration tohealth. So if you are not cured in aday, do not give up in despair, forsome of the most remarkable cureshave taken place after its close andcontinued use for some time. Butof this fact you may rest assured,it will never disappoint you in theend. And once tried it is alwaysused the one noble friend whichnever deserts nor fails to give reliefin the hour ot your direst -need.

Now—as we have said before—

ail Disease or Diseased Action isbut a Congested condition of thesmail arteries, blood vessels, andnerve vital fluids which pass throughthe Diseased part or Organ. Dis-ease causes this Congested Condi-tion, and this Congested Conditionperpetuates Disease.

There may be, and are, manyprimary causes of disease ; as Strangelation, a blow, a bruise, a wound, asevere cold, damp or wet, Linger-ing disease is the result of longcontinued or improperly treatedacute affections; Such as malaria'fevers,—Agues, or epidemic climaticdiseases, Or from simple or morecomplicated contagious complaints,such as scarlet fever, measles oxsmall-pox; or from a still moreprevalent source, inherent scrofula,syphilis, blood and organic tempera-mentary predisposition to disease,From whatec er cause, source or naturedisease may arise, The ultimateeffects and organic conditions arethe same. Now mark well Ike fact.If yon take a severe cold congestionof the lung.; takes place, followed byfever and inflammation, again pass-ing to a chronic congested condition.If you become billions or malarious,a congestion of the liver is the result.Exposure to inclemencies of theweather, produce rheumatism, theresult of a congested state of theparts exposed, and so on from begin-ning to end infinitum. As heat islife and cold is death, so heat orfever creates a rapid circulation, andcold or congestion retards circula-tion. Now in order to allay fever orany inflammatory action ■ or disease,we equalize the circulation of Hood,and in order to remove cold, con-gestion, and death symptoms; weincrease the circulation, which alsoequalizes it. Hence it is simply,action and reaction; that either allaysfever or removes congestion; but

Xtio Fritz-soniau System removes congestion,forces circulation and cures the patient.

in order to produce or induce aperfect health, we must as well have afree and unrestricted action and cir-culation of lire nerve vital fluids, Asthe running brooklet clears, purines,and cleanses water, so does the equalcirculation of the blood and otherfluids of the body purify themselves,thus the healthful adjustment of themachinery of tire body depends upona free circulation of all its fluids.

Again Reason, Experience, andCommon Sense teach us that where aFree Circulation of Blood exists,there can be no disease. Then ofcourse disease Retards Circulation;Now in order to cure disease, wemust on\yf<rce or equalize circulation,

and if it be a fact that Congestion isthe cause of non-circulation, and all

! disease results from the same source,| namely Congestion; Then in order toremove the cause and cure the Dis-

I ease, we require or need but the OneI Remedy ; this remedy we find comes

j from but the one source—Animal\ Heat generated by and from Vitalized

j Animated Magnetism.I Any person “with half an eye ”

i can see at once the remarkable prin-ciple embodied,in ihe Fritz-soniantheory of treatment. The very fact ofour having produced an artificialmedium of holding and conveyingvital magnetism capable of beingeliminated through Positive and Neg-ative forces from the Medium or ve-hicle (The Felt) direct to the pa-tient, must be one of the mostpowerful healing agencies of scien-tific or divine origin. And further,being able to perpetuate that mostsubtle power, the very Life Essenceof all animated nature by the simpleapplication of The VITAL MAG-NETIC FLUID, through whichmeans wr e gain the perpetual actionof a perfect Vital Magnetic Current,or natural power of healing far sur-passing in simplicity, power, effect,mode of use, healing capacity anddirect results, than could possibly beachieved by any number of indi-vidual magnetic healers.

Let us for one moment comparei our system of treatment with the! old, or that with which you are ac-| quainted and by which you havej generally been treated, watch every| point while we reason. We will en-| deavor to be just and candid andj make it perfectly plain to the thinking or even to the uncultured mind;

j for we are of the opinion tha! mostj men have brains although they maynot have education. As it is a well-established and settled fact acknowl-edged by all scientists that Conges-tion is the direct cause of all disease,

i we will proceed to remove Congestion*.You are taken sick, it matters notwith what disease, you send for thephysician, he enters the room, feelsthe pulse, looks at the tongue,shakes his head, opens his saddle-bags, excuse me he writes a prescrip-tion, but no matter, the first thingyou get is a Physic to remove theAccumulated Feaces, Unload theStomach by an Emetic, Quinine toact as a Tonic, or An Aperiodic, whenif this does not happen to relieve

, the congested condition by thisI very general reaction of or throughI the whole system—Then your veryj scientific and popular Doctor com-j mences to fire into your stomach Shot-gun after Shot-gun Doses of “Pukes,”“Purges,” “Poisons,” “Tonics,”“Antiperiodics,” “Anodynes,” “Stim-ulants,” “Nervines,” and “Diuretics,”

j but in spite of all this you recover—-j But, my God, how do you feel for; about a week ? you feel like a manwithout a Heart—Liver or Intestines.

I would now ask Is it not morereasonable and more in keeping withcommon sense, To relieve this cause

i of disease, “ Congestion,” by apply-ing Vitalized Magnetism direct to thediseased part or organ, producing(it nave- without any experiment oruncertainty the circulation of bloodthrough the part diseased, that reliefmay be immediate and die systemreceive no such shock as it wouldfrom this long continued strugglewith both medicine and disease.

To make it still more plain,.The Fritii-sonisn System is the only never*

I failing’ treatment yet discovered.

—Tfnrirniirwr«f-mitir - ~'Tin iiiUinaiiaMuri na it;

Let us Illustrate.Supposing there “.as a beautiful i

stream running through your garden 1or meadow, its waters pure and clearas the morning dewdrop, glisteningin the bright and glorious Sunlight,ever ebbing and flowing peacefullyand healthfully from its fountain tothe mighty ocean; supposing fromsome cause an avalanche of earth ordrift should be deposited in its bedso as to obstruct its flow, How soon,“Erie the day passes,” its clear purecrystal waters are turned to a murkyPond or Stagnant pool, How wouldyou again clear and purify its brightand crystal elements ? Would yougo, or follow up to its mouth in themountain side, perhaps miles andmiles away, and there commence toforce away the obstruction, so farbelow, Or would you like a sensible,intelligent, practical man, take yourspade and simply remove the accum-ulation, giving .the water again itstree and untrammeled flow ? Howlong will it be Erie all its beautifulcrystal healthfulness will return, andin joyous gladness go dancing,dancing on, whispering to the silentpebbles, “I’m free ! I’m free i ’

As the streams are the arteries andBlood vessels of the earth, So is theBluod the water and Brooklet of thehuman body, when unimpeded in itscirculation it remains free and nour-ishing. But like the stream when itbecomes obstructed in its course it isrendered impure, stagnant, and poi-sonous.

Now if diseased action or an ob-structed circulation should take placein a Man’s Knee, and it should con-sequently become congested andswollen, the Blood naturally becomesFevered, The Bowels become consti-pated, The Urine high colored, theTongue coaled, &c. What shouldbe done ? The old school and theoryof Physic would be to go away backto the Mouth, as the “ Fool ” wouldto die mouth of the stream. They iwould vomit to clear the coating from •the Tongue. They would Physic to !vor’, off the Bowels, They would 1give a Diuretic to clear the urine ; aDiaphoretic to allay the Fever, andQuinine .o picvent its return. Andafter all this “ Old School ScientificDoctoring” and “Tom Foolery,”how much good has been done thereal disease, and cause of all thisderangement of the system, namely,the swollen, conjcsted knee ? Simplynone at ail. But on the other handhey have done irreparable injury.

They have weakened the system andirritated every healthy organ in thebody.

Now our treatment would be todo precisely as the sensible, prac-tical man would do with the Stream.We would simply remove the obstruc-tion or congested condition of thesmall Arteries and Blood vesselswhich passed through the diseasedpart or Knee. We would give thebloou a free and unobstructed circu-lation, when as a natural result theswelling would abate, the Feverwould disappear, the Tongue wouldclean, the Bowels and Kidneys be-come normal. The Knee would becured, and no bad results would fol-low.

If it is a crown of glory to save ahuman life, and hundreds rescued aneternal monument, how much bright-er the diadem and greater the tin

mortal eulogy over a million rescuedfrom the grave! Shall the peopleperish, for the simple reason that theold schools of medicine havefailed tocure them ?

is it consistent with reason andintelligence to pursue a theory orcourse of treatment, or to employ adoctor; who has no promises tomake, and even goes so far; as totpli you that no medicine will reachsour case, but that he will try ? Any“ Fool ” can try, but the wise manseeks in nature a cure for his pa-tient.

Is there any question; but thatthe old Theory and Practice ofphysic is retrograding year afteryjeav ? and as this is true, does it notbehoove us to ask, Why is it true I

JtlioFrit*-sont«K relieve* the mob eatapjUiad c-sd cure is tL*- r««oU.

The reason is plain ; It lias utterlyfoiled to answer the requirements forwhich it was designed.

As an intelligent people, shouldwe not stop to investigate, and givea respective hearing to the claims ofa system ; which promises; and isevery day fulfilling the requirementnever yet attained by any other trea


ment; That is in every instance ; animmediate relief, and in hundreds ofcases performing the most wonderfuland permanent cures ?

Does it not seem that it is to thedirect interest of those who aresuffering with lingering complaints,which is unfitting tyiem for theirbusiness, rendering life unpleasant;and burdensome, bringing povertyto their door, and heaping hardshipsupon their families, to look aboutthem and see if something cannotbe done to change this condition ofthings ? We tell you most emphati-cally, there can be something done, andis every day being done. Positivelyand unequivocally, being done. -Nodisappointment. But successful inevery case and instance.

Then it would seem not only aduty, but an absolute command ofnecessity, to bestiryourself. Not sit;or lie; quietly down and eat thebread of enforced, idleness. Sufferand complain. Complain and suffer,until you become an intolerablenuisance ; both to vourself and yourfamily, just from the simple reasonthat a few bottles of “Pukes,’’“Purges,” and poisonous obnoxiousmedicines have failed to cure. Whatcould you expect when you have seenthese very things ” fail so oftenbefore ? If you would stop but forone moment and reflect,— carefullyreflect, — could you not see the mis-take ? I tell you it is high time forthe sick man to open his eyes to thefallacy of drugs for the cure ofChronic Disease. They never have,nor never will bring to ary Deaf,Blind, Lame, or Sick man, a satis-factory result; we must look for itelsewhere. I tell you in all candorfin- ?

..>ntolULSa, wiul -iA. Clij-Svhiuvi-

sysum of treatment of Tell and Fluidand Food embodying the whole lifeprinciple is the only thing, that willpositively and unconditionally cureChronic Long-standing Diseases.

Has not its simplest element al-ready done wonders, although onlyemployed in an imperfect and crudeform.


Operated and Manipulatedby honest though generally illiteratemen and women, who made no

; claims to know; why; or how ; theycould perform such wonderful andmiraculous cures. Many deemed it agift from God. And indeed theywere right. It is a gift from thehigher power,—from Nature,—fremthe Elements of Life and the creativepower and genius of man. AsFulton controlled the power ofsteam; and Franklin captured thelightning. So knowledge, Experi-ence, and practice, has enabled us toput in a practicable shape ; the longsought for healing power and cura-tive influence of Vitalized Magnetism

One question we will now ask thecandid thinking mind ; if you havetried different Physicians, and theold theories and practice. If ycuhave been taking and using Medi-cines of almost every name andkind; if theyhave failed to cure ycuafter a sufficient and reasonable trial,Is it not about time that you now-tried another and more rationaltheojy and treatment; when the factsare that you must make a changeif you ever expect to get well, wouldit not be in accordance with reasonand good Judgment that you nowgive us a hearing and try but onecourse of this treatment; we onlyask a fair trial and just verdict; Forwe are just as confident as we existthat it will be for your interest to doso; and that you will be more thanSatisfied with the change, and its re-

I suits; we now ask you; If Not,i Why Not? This is the question

| for you to decide; If Not, why

i Not? The query is most Respectfully submitted to an intelligentpeople.

The Prltr-sonlan System never disappointthe patient* s rapid curealways follo ws-

Page 6: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL


and Lungs.Now, in the first place, we want you

to distinctly understand us when wesay that this Treatment will “Not”cure Consumption. Neither can anyother treatment cure this fell destroyerof the human race —where an absolutedecay of any organ of the body hastaken place, no power on earth can re-store it.

But we also wish you to understandus when we say that we “ can most pos-itively ” cure the diseases causing andleading to Consumption—such as Ca-tarrh Bronchitis General Debility,etc. These causes are the first or form-ing stages of consumption —and canmost positively be cured —not helped—-cured—No doubts need be entertainedof a perfect and lasting cure—Consump-tion need not result—You need not diewith this disease—You can use it withthe same positiveness of success —asthat you exist—It is an eminently suc-cessful treatment—perfectly reliable inits results—Any person threatenedwithConsumption who neglects to availthemselves, at once, of this treatment,—is to say the least —Guilty of criminalnegligence —as the choice lays entirelywith themselves—To live—or—die—

You may say that you cannot afford it—or that you do not believe it—But Itell you this lame excuse will not do—ifyour life is worth the effort—this isyour opportunity—You know that medi-cine will not cure—And we tell you em-phatically, that this will.

Do not neglect it—Make the startthis day—write this hour—Drop every-thing—lt is your only hope —your only

| chance for life.Diseases of the Kidneys and

Oenito-Urinary Organs.j If diseases of the kidneys and genitoi organs were better understood andj more properly treated, one-half the suf-

fering of the human race could beI avoided. Diseases of these organs| produce more general misery to both| man and woman than all other organs| of the body combined, as they are the1 most important in their functions, as| well as most delicate and complicatedi|| in their construction. No Treatment2 i>v.er yet devised SO WfU adapted to\ the cure of all the different diseases of| these organs as Vital Magnetism j in

fact, it has never been known to fail.■i Diseases of these organs produce a[j chain of symptoms and diseases almosti too mind-harrowing and misery-produc-i ing to record. A few links of the chain3 which is forged around the unhappy| sufferer are, in the first place, Lamef Back, High Colored or Colorless Urine,;! Urinary Deposits, Weakened Sexual3 Capacity, Diabetes, or Bright’s Dis-j ease, Inability to Retain the Water,j Scalding and Bloody Urine. And as

» disease progresses, producing a gradualj wasting of brain, muscular and nervei power, incapacitating, poverty-stricken-i ing, unhappy, unsatisfied marital rela-

J tions, enforced sterility, morbid feel-j ings, suicidal tendencies, loss of mem-

I cry and brain capacity, lack of confi-dence in self and all mankind, unstable-ness, softening of the brain, spinalcomplaint and softening of the spinalmarrow, disfiguring eruptions, leaving

Will the Day of Great Tilings and of Miraculous PowersNever Cease.

Ever since the Fritz-sonian system of treatment for healing the sick has beenbrought into use some of the most wonderful and remarkable cures ever recordedhave been of almost daily occurence.

When Dr. Fritz was astonishing the people of the different cities of this coun-try with his seeming miraculous healing powers—fairly awakening the dead —

opening the eyes of the blind—unstopping the deaf ear—causing the lame towalk and curing the most hopeless cases of disease as if by a wave of the hand—speaking and acting the words of life and healing power—we but little dreamedof the silent but most potent factor at work—and how he brought forth andutilized one of the most refined elements in all nature to meet the demands of hisproudest fancies—that of alleviating the suffering of man. They deemed him aspeculiarly gifted of the gods, and attributed these marvellous cures to the wonder-ful magnetic influence which he himself exerted over the patient. But since hismost remarkable system has been published and put upon the market, we see thatit is not the man, but the wonderful genius of the man in controlling the mostvital healing properties of natures vast Laboratory—As Fulton discovered andsteam was utilyzed to drive the most ponderous machinery. As Franklin controlledthe lightning, and Morse made it speak from nation to nation, and with it Edisonhas illuminated the world—so too has the mighty genius of this man controlledanimal magnetism, a still more subtle power destined to revolutionize the artof healing. And placed it within your power—to heal all your maladies.

them liable at any time to Rheumatism,Neuralgia, Consumption, Blindness,Deafness, Paralysis, Palsy, Apoplexy,Locomotive Ataxy, Diabetes, Stricture,Bloody Urine, Emaciation, decrepid oldage while yet in the prime of life, or atlast dying by inches with some horriblelingering disease, or filling a suicide’sgrave.

Behold what a great fire a little mat-ter kindleth.

Now, the cause of all this sufferingin the first place is very simple, andcan be easily remedied, if you will takeour advice, and nip the evil in its bud,by at once using Felt, and Fluid andFood. Yet, if the disease has pro-gressed to its worst, and even laststages, do not despair. It will stillcure you, only requiring more time andmore perseverance. It is the correcttreatment. It will not fail.

The Liver.Diseases of the Liver: Conges-

tion—Ulceratfon—lnflammation Tor-pidity—J aundice —Gallstones— Billious-ness—Constipation—Dark or Clay col-ored stools—Diarrhoea—Piles—Colic—Indigestion—Emaciation and decline—

Truly a lamentable chain of symptomsto arise from the disease of one organ—

But the invalid who has ever sufferedfrom a disease of the Liver, with notonly complain of these symptoms, but ofmany others, all of which it would ic-require quite a book to delineate, andtheir sufferings never could be picturedby the pen of the historian. Manyremedies have been devised, Pills andPotions innumerable concocted, butman still suffers, and suffers on. Rem-edies of a day. The disease only to re-turn again and again.

For the complete—permanent andlasting cure—Not to return upon thechange of every moon and season : Buta radical cure. Employ the only directremedy that can possibly be used inthese cases with a positive assurance ofsuccess —Vital Magnetism—the Life-giving principle of every organ of thebody.

The Stomach.Diseases of the Stomach, Indi-

gestion, Dyspepsia, &c. There arebut few diseases that create a greaterdisturbance of the general animal econ-

omy; than a difficulty of this organ.Creating the most IVlorbid, Debilitating,Gloomy, Despondent, Dejected, andmiserable Gnawings,—Burnings—Belch-ing—Fullness—lndigestion Inactivityof the Stomach and whole alimentarycanal.

By the Fritz-sonian treatment all diffi-culties and distressing symptoms areovercome —And a perfect healthy diges-tive action established; Relief is at onceobtained ; by applying the treatment di-rectly over the stomach—Arousing aperfect digestion—by removing the con-gested condition which has taken placein the organ and surrounding tissues.

Cancers anti Tumors.Cancers Tumors Scrofulous

Swellings; and all diseases of thismalignant character; can be cured atany stage ; excepting w'here actual de-composition of the parts have takenplace—After the cancer assumes anopen eating sore—The tumor becomesincisted—The scrofulous swelling aninflamatory or cold abscess—Our treat-ment will not cure.—But at any stagebefore this takes place ; they can becured; and the entire enlargement re-moved by absorption—Therefore all suf-ferers with these diseases should under-take theirtreatment at once ; while theyhave a positive certainty of cure—Nextweek or next month may be too late.The Fritz-sonian system of treat-ment never disappoints a patient—andis not recommended for anything it willnot cure —nor for the incurable stage ofany disease. Avoid the knife and themost horrible of all deaths—by obtain-ing a full course of treatment at once.

The Ear.Deafness. Where there is a roar-

ing hissing or disagreeable noise in thehead Where sound can be heard butwords can not be distinguished—Whereit has been gradually growing worsefrom year to year—the secretion dark-colored, dry ar scally—the tissues ofthe Ear shrunken and the cavity en-larged—or where there is a scrofulousor Otorhoe’l discharge—In fact any casewhere the Drum of the ear is not de-stroyed—Every case without exceptioncan be benefitted ; and a great majorityof them entirely cured—The Fritz-soni-an treatment has been successful in

some cases where the sense of hearing Iwas entirely lost—although we do not Irecommend it in such cases; But we |have the utmost confidence that this isthe most universally successful treat-ment ever yet devised. We use no oilsor medicines in the Ear—no inhalationsor insnuflations in the Nose or Mouth—-but a continuous and gentle current ofvital magnetism applied in the externalorifice of the ear by means of our Feltand Fluid. It is a pleasant; perfectlysafe; and highly scientific mode oftreatment; and the only form that theDeaf should ever employ—as wherethis fails no other means has ever beenknown to succeed.

Bheumatims.Rheumatism. This most painful

disease is caused from a lack of propersecretion of the kidneys: as uricand lactic acid of the blood ; when thisacid matter secretes about the tissuesof the joints ; pressing against the sen-sitive nerves thus causing the most in-tense and excruciating pains.— Thereare different varieties of the disease:yet all arising from the same source—-a poisoned condition of the blood andcongestion of a part—generally broughtabout by exposure to cold and damp.—In all cases the Fritz-sonian system willhave the most prompt and happy results

By getting up an active secretion ofthe Kidneys, removing congestion andforcing circulation ; Don’t let anythingprevent you from employing this treat-ment at once —if you would avoid pro-tracted suffering deformity and acrippled condition for life.

Paralysis and Palsy.Paralysis; Palsy; Ataxy; Corea;

and other diseases of this nature can becured if nature has not ceased to act, orin other words if the Patient is gradual-ly and slowly improving; instead of re-trograding or daily growing worse. Feltand Fluid and Food is particularly adapt-ed to diseases of this character, and hasperformed some of the most wonderfuland remarkable cures, and the only per-fect cures ever recorded.

Blood Diseases.Syphilitic Scrofulous ; Impov-

erishment; Eruptive, &c. No treat-ment ever yet devised or employed, willso quickly, permanently, and unequivo-cally remove all poisons ; humors ; andimpurities ; from the circulatory fluids— smooth, soften and beautify the skin

as the Felt and Fluid a..d Food.The Eye.

For all diseases of The Eye ourtreatment is pre-eminently successful.Don’t neglect to confqr with us at once—if you would avoid the worst of allfates, total blindness.

Finally, w'e might thus go on andenumerate disease after disease, or,more properly speaking, painful andtroublesome symptoms or effects of dis-ease ; but we deem it unnecessary, as itmatters not what your trouble or condi-tion may be, you are most cordially in-vited to communicate with us, that wemay confer together and ascertainif the Fritz-sonian system of treatmentis adapted to the case. You can alwaysrely upon intelligent counsel, candid ad-vice, and an honest decision. We in-vite correspondence.


Gentlemen:The mind of man could not conceive

A nobler mission to fulfill,Than manhood's weakness to relieve,

As slowly he ascends the hill.Nervous Debility—Seminal Weak-

ness —Spermatorrhoea LostManhood—and Impotency.

Is a calamity or disease which may befallor afflict any man; because a man partiallyor completely loses his sexual powers orcapacity is no reason that he has ever beeneither addicted to secret vices or criminallyover-indulgent in venery—But may andoften does result from a myriad of othercauses.

Nevertheless, Loss of Power in any formis a great misfortune to man—He naturallybecomes degraded in his own mind, losingconfidence in himself both morally, soci-ally, and in a business capacity—-— And as if to make his miserystill more complete—he loses the love andesteem of the wife of his bosom, or thewoman of his heart’s desire—From thevery nature of things all women must de-spise, loathe, and abhor a man withoutmanhood—As all men lose both love andrespect for woman without womanhood(from the very philosophical reason that allsox magnetism and affinity is lost) —nothingto attract but everything to repel.

Then how essential that we look to thesethings in time, before we are forever de-barred from the pleasures attending thenecessary demands of our sex theone Essential to the happiness of all men.

Cast away! an incurable while yet in theprime of our existence —The picture seemstoo sad to contemplate—The symptoms bywhich you know of the approaching danger—are too plain to require repetition here—-therefore it seems only necessary to say—

Gentlemen, when the warning finger ispointed at you, as you value your futurehappiness, business capacity, love of wifeand influence in society, go this day, thishour, build up your already shattered andtottering manhood; let it not be a thingof the past, an unredeemable satisfactionand pleasure, the pearl of great price andpride of your declining years.

We know of no Treatment in the wholerange of our experience—upon which youcan depend with the same degree of cer-tainty of cure as you can upon

“ Felt, and Fluid and Food."Vital Magnetism contains and sustains

every principle of Man's Lost Vitality. Itis simply and scientifically employed—It re-quires no Physician—can be daily and con-stantly used without the knowledge of anyperson—sent to any part of the world-—andwill restore Lost Manhood in every instanceand under all conditions—giving strengthfrom its first application and a radical curein a few weeks.

Venereal Blood Poison.The most candid advice, is, do not

marry, nor even contemplate marriage solong as there is any Syphilitic BloodPoison in your system, It is but a covere dup or smothered volcano—liable to breakout at any time and sting you unto death-(Young man, did you ever consider what,acruel dastardly thing it is to wile away fa

poor girl into foul embrace. To take herto sleep in a bower of roses where she willwake to find herself in a charnel house.What man can contemplate without dismaythe prospect of giving life to a doomedprogeny, blear-eyed, shrivelled, and wail-ing as infants; if they live, scrofulous,shrunken, ill-favored youths; as men, dys-peptic, hollow-cheeked, and consumptive,and at length sinking into an early grave,the victims of their parents’ transgressions.

This Treatment is one of the mostpowerful and subtile Blood Purifiers in allcases of Venereal or Scrofulous BloodPoisoning. We cannot urge you toostrongly to honestly and faithfully carryout the instructions necessary in thesecases—That you may once more become“A Man ” in every sense the term implies—We cannot dwell—lt is not necessary forus to say more*—We could not have saidless—The path is open—Take your choice—Will you use this Treatment and becomeA Alan—the possessor of all manliness—Or put off and become an Imbecile —Ordie a most horrible death from a mostloathsome disease.Ladies:

We do not deem it advisable in a publi-cation of this kind to speak too pointedlynor too elaborately on the diseases to whichyour peculiar Organism is subject—W’ewould much rather leave it to you to drawyour own inferences from the few Remarkswe mav drop—and trust to your wisdom—

To Nip the Evil in its Bud —before it de-stroys all your hope of happy maidenhoodor Married Felicity—Let no evil conse-quences of your solitary hours—grow and

ripen into unhappiness and bring forthscorpions to sting your after life—Do notlet your noblestAVomanhood become im-paired—The Constitution Broken down—

The Memory or intellect Weakened—YourMind wander or Thoughts revert—becomeDreamy and Listless—with eyes Sunkenand Dull—lips Pale —cheeks without Lus-tre—and step inelastic—Company of theopposite Sex no Pleasure —and Society adrag—Let not these ravages go too far—-seek Relief while you Can Be Cured.

If you value your Womanhood and yourMotherhood give this your attention—Youare within the Prime or Life—and yet yourstrength is slowly but surely wasting away—Your mental Power has received a heavyshock—It vibrates through the entire Ner-vous System Procrastination meansDeath —not a sudden dissolution but aslow and lingering death.

When you feel peevish and fretful, ner-vous and Despondent Hysterical and“ Awful,”—dull and languid in the morn-ing—Pains under the points of the shoul-ders—Weakness across the small of theBack—dull Headache—weak Stomach —

bloating and bearing down Pains—besidesthe many other symptoms with which youSuffer—Remember the Consequences—Don’t allow it to Run on—Our Felt andFhnd and Food will make a quick andrapid change for the better—the rightthing done at the right time will produce amost rapid cure—One thing is very certain,you never Can Be Cured unless you try—Then why not Seize the Opportunity as itis now offered—Don’t let Procrastinationseal your fate as “too late," nor render yourExistence a Miserable failure.

Page 7: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL




Bee,3on, Truth; Intelligence, -Experi-ence. and Good "'Yorks will


ileroie Medicine*-, Poisons--Or«ars—thi* Lancet.vid the Knife jnnsi. he Consigned and

forever Sorted among the HeadImages ef a Barbaric Bare.

iteiuoainij Hen flare Lost All Faithin Drug.-,,

4< We Have N» Fail’) ia Rlcrilcme.”

Thirty years experience in thestudy, research and active Practicein healing the sick, both with andwithout medicine, has convinced usthat no confidence can be placed inDrugs—And that the Fritz-somanSystem is the only Treatment uponwhich we can implicitly rely withany assurance of success.

The most wonderful and remark-able cures which have been every-where attested and recorded fromits use—Convinces us still furtherthat the world should be made moreintimately acquainted with its sove-reign healing Powers—in all casesof Long; standing Chronic diseasesand deformities.

It stands pre-eminently above ailothers.

No words are adequate to portray—nor thought deep enough to con-ceive its vast and unlimited benefitsto man.

W e repeat:If we had the voice of the mighty

waters, the eloquence of a Clay couldwrite in the language of the heart —ortouch the souls of men with kindlysympathy,— bearing on pinions of lighthese glad tidings to ever) bed of

disease. the sufferer’s frown wouldsmile, hope would fill the

heart bi the afflicted ■—the poor bed-ridden invalid, whose cheek is pair’d atthe approach of death,— would thenradiate with the knowledge of succor.

This would hail the tidings of help tothat poor widow who is being consumedby the canker of disease,— to the ever-faithful wife and mother, whose totter-ing step bespeak the burden and frailtyof her sex.

These words would bring joy to theold man whose eyes have become dimby the weight of years,— or the youngwho grope their way in darkness, or the

Vitalized Mag-netism has provento be in all agesof the world oneof the mostStrange, Weird,Efficient, andPowerful HealingAgents—it is the-almighty— crea-tive god like pow-er— which ener-

j gizes, vitalizesI and magnetically

controls all thingsI EmanatingI from Deity, per-j meatiug every:| atom and ani-

mating all nature;—lt H the vehicleof light, life, and

| thought, creating,divinizing andquickening—Thevery epirit-tssence ofall strengthing and.healing influence—-every ramifioatir.-. of,Fl‘to and Flood i«jpermeated by thissubtis povfcr— It is nolas, than the finger olGod,workingthroughmind and matter, ie-vealing to man Hisunlimited resoun es.

“During thepast few yearsmanyof the moststartling Cureshave been record-ed as emanatingfrom the Fritz-sonian System ofTreatment— fair-ly outrivalingmany of the mys-terious and mar-velous cureswrought by ourSaviour anJ someHis of Apostles—much like thoseof a Newton, aCastor or a Dar-ring-—only more >brilliant effec- ;tual—and lasting, jThis system!so pregnant ;with good results j—so potent in its jaction —so con- ;

stanr ami uniform j.0 UCC -- He- fin itsadministration,consists oi the mostingenious blending ofVitalizedMagnetism jits vitalistic perpetu- 1atingpowerand vi*al- I

miI 11 MLMl




Wonderful Cures are being performedin our midst.

Hundreds and Thousand* lu ail part# of fhoLand of the IL-af, Blind, Sick and

Lame are given a newlease of life.

5Se Heals the People, who la return,are overwhelming him with order*.

Excileueat Bonn High.In time past, but more recently,

in Boston, mention has often been madein the principal journals concerning themost wonderful cures which have beeneverywhere recorded in favor of theFritz-sonian system of treatment, and sooverwhelming is the evidence in its fa-vor that it. can be no longer doubted.

Formerly, this system of treatmentwas only used by Dr. Fritz, its Author,as in the Practice of a great Physician,and administered only by hmiself.But through his great Liberality andwish to benefit humanity, to-day it isbeing sent to every part of the world,gladdening the hearts of all Peoples ofevery tongue and nation.

1 he Doctor docs not wish to be understoodas an advocate of no medicine at all, or asdenying or doubting tor one moment theefficacy of certain medicines properly ap-plied for the purpose of counteractingPoisons —healing sores—alleviating painand certain acute diseases—But he mostemphatically protests against the use of allDeadly Poisons, whether vegetable ormineral God in his wonderful goodnessIran implanted in nature a cure for all dis-eases of man. 'The Foods and life-givingforces,—harmless in and of themselves, yetever potent in healing and vitalizing prop-erties—they will benefit and not destroyhuman life—nor cause a worse diseasewhile alleviating a lesser one. Nor doeshe condemn Surgery in the abstract—asoften its judicious employment is theonly means of saving valuable life. Butlie does say that but very few well-authen-ticated ernes of long-standing chronicdiseases has ever been recorded as em-anating from the use of medicines—andthousands of cases have been made ab-solutely worse.—He also, like all reason-able men, must condemn in the strongestterms the indiscriminate use of the knife.

All experience and authority goes toshow that more cures have been per-formed without medicine than with it—thefiner and more vital principles of Nature.Life and action heing,.fax more, potent in ,their effects. liieTatms^,

; j- - •- All men ought to nrderstana the principles of the vital mag-netic science in its relation to medical art.”This would shield them from impositionand quackery, whether in or out of theschools.

great calamity of tot' 1 Deafness. It Iwill bring the priceless gift of light, and jthe chime of merry bells will gladden ithe unstopped Ear.

He who totters on the wears walk of ilife, supported by crutch and cane,suffering from the wrenching pains of INerve and Bone—to him it would bring Ithe eloping stall which nature’s Cod •lias given.

It will stay the hand of that youth jwhose passions 1 .vc taken Ik.ld- ;• i >hell, and command his unholy impulses, ‘saving him from disgrace and win. !healing his malady, and leading him :onward to noble deeds, which even Ins j

j enemies will praise.It will snatch the young bright, I

• beautiful and sprightly maiden ir >m the !j jaws of death, and make disease in all j

! her types less feared in the, h.nd.j Let it not be said that we ca-t this j

I most precious Pearl before swine, or •! that v?/speak fi. fools. You suffer, ij you read, you under.-uvmd. Tile 1j language of your own In n, th appeal ;

j to your own, better, higher and noble ij sens , bids you I’ause,— Reflect, — fI Listen. The words we utter are truths.

! No such means have ever vet been, vouched to man, and they v, 11 as surelybring relurmng health as the sun rises ‘and sets in Iter diurnal course.

Stop and witness this melancholy Isigh;—as you stand beside-the- bed of I

ri'im or her—who is fast sinking Into the’ong, dark, unknown hereafter, watch-

ing the light of reason fade from theSo',-ing eye, the pallid cheek, the atten-uated form so perfect in all God’s love-liness, soon to be covered by the coldfloods of earth—to feel that this needhot have been,—had not neglect of ob-tain I is the means of cure within our

. each, and vouched for by all that istruthful and appealing to our own senseof c/perience, been delayed until too

■Lath.But the day Is passed, and the long,

dreamless night of death approachedand snatched from our midst a humanform.

Win n the hand of disease is uponr~ and is every day bringing us near ,rdeath's door, wo should not stop to the-prize or repine.

The time has then come for promptand efficient action. The old remedieswhich have dropped thousands into thegrave, should not be depended upon;but reason and judgment should takethe helm, and the greatest, safest andmost positive of ail means employed.

Life is sweet and most precious to all,whether the king upon his throne, thepresident in his chair, the judge uponhis bench, the merchant behind hiscounter, the farmer at the plough, thewidow in her cottage, or the pauper inhis hovel.

Animated Vita! Magnetism.



BECAUSE—It is endorsed by the best people ofevery land.

BECAUSE—It possesses an immense array; of factsto sustain its use.

BECAUSE—It is the Greatest Triumph of Nature’sLaboratory.

BECAUSE—It can always be carried with the pa-tient, ard aj plied at will.

BECAUSE —lt requires no Physician, nor medicalknowledge- in its use.

BECAUSE—It never disappoints a patient in remov-ing disease.

BECAUSE—-It is adapted to, aad will cure al!chronic complaints.

BECAUSE—It is a highly scientific and pleasanttreatment.

BECAUSE—It should ba used by every nek manand woman.

BECAUSE —It has performed more cures thanany other treatment in the world.

BECAUSE- I■- cures are perfect, permanent andlasting.

BECAUSE—It will advance the science and art ofhealing.

BECAUSE—It will simplify the removing of dk-ease,and do avay with Drugs.

BECAUSE—It wil’cv. . through the grand power cfnature’s laws.

BECAUSE—It will ot impair tV-r integrity of theconstitution.

BECAUSE—It removes both the cause aqd the ef-fects of disease.

BECAUSE—It sustains a nicely balanced contrasof every healing effluent.

BECAUSE-Its he sling effects are soothing, pi ' -ing, bracing and vitalizing.

BECAUSE—It produces a sudden transition fromsickness to health.

BECAUSE—It acts as a servant or hand-mar:! tonature in curing disease

BECAUSE—It contains the stronger andjfiner ele-

ments cf the human system.BECAUSE—It is a perfect equalizer of the circula-

tion.BECAUSE—It can he used with perfect 'safety and

successBECAUSE—It supercedes Drugs, the Lancet and

the Knife.BECAUSE—It cannot be too highly extolled, nor

too universally employed.BECAUSE—It is simp!-, gentle, pleasing, yet all

powerful in itsaction.BECAUSE—It is the Power that giver life and v.-

tality to every animate thing.BECAUSE—It is the vitalize - cf al! life, in nature,

and theuniverse

BECAUSE—It contains the finest elements of :all healing powers.

BECAUSE-It is pre-eminently and universally jsuccessful.

BECAUSE—It is impossible to do any harm to the ,most delicate organ.

BECAUSE—It is the most powerful healing influ- Ionce in the universe.BECAUSE—It contains no poison to break down the !

constitution.BECAUSE—It robs almshouses and av -yards of !

their many victims.BECAUSE—It prolongs life, health, strength and :

vitality.BECAUSE —It contains the vital principles of Lift Iitself.BECAUSE—It will remove dist v-r quicker than i

any other known remedy.'BECAUSE—It is nature’s remedy, the vital princi- '

pie of all life.BECAUSE—It never poisons men to case their

pains.BECAUSE—It is the Treatment of true Christian

Philanthropy.BECAUSE—It promotes intelligence, and strength-

en gs the reasoning forces of man.BECAUSE —It is the finest ard the best true healing

principle.BECAUSE—It is as old as the Universe, and as

stable as God’s ways.BECAUSE—It is the one great healing principle

under the control of Mi men.BECAUSE —It is like electricity, only a thousand

times more volatile.BECAUSE—Its influence can be felt as soon as it ■

comes in coni act w :,.h the patient,BECAUSE—It oftencures in a day diseases of years’

standing.BECAUSE—It is impossible for diseased action to .

exit where it i.- used.BECAUSE—It i, the most rca enable, sensible and !

skilful of Physicians.BECAUSE —Tt vs the healing principle of both j

anciem and modern times.BECAUSE—It promotes the hapincss of mankind i

by removing their disabilities.BECAUSE—ft is vital magnetism conveyed from iman to man.BECAUSE—It is natural magnetic hea er, always |

on duty.BECAUSE —Tt containsevery principle of the cure.- itive agency of all medicines.BECAUSE—It produces an active condition of

every organ of the body.BECAUSE—It k vita! medicalive without deple-

tion or poison.BECAUSE—It is a sovereign Doctor to all human-

ity.BECAUSE—Its principle is the deepest, grandest,

and sublisnest, apart of deity itself.BECAUSE—It commends itself to the Intelligence

of all men.

BECAUSE—It forces new life into the circulation,and airests decay.

BECAUSE—It is a method peculiar only to itselfentirely different from all others. -——

BECAUSE—It is the Physician of all Physicians,the God-given influence.

BECASTSE—It will cuie any chronic disease knownto man.

BECAUSE—It cures the Deaf, Blind, Sick andLams.

BECAUSE—It Purifies the Blood and forces the cu-cuiation.

BECAUSE —lt n iroves ail congestion, and forces theNerve fluids to action.

BECAUSE—It promotes an active secretion of allthe vital organs.

BECAUSE—It promotes an active secretion of theLiver, Stomach and Kidneys.

BECAUSE—it enriches the Blood by supplying itwith Red Corpuscle.

BECAUSE—It promotes a perfect assimilative ofall food taken into the stomach.

BECAUSE —It expands the Lungs by forcing circu-lation around the air cells.

BE( AUSE—It controls the action of the heart andcirculation.

BEt AUSE—Itallays all fevered and inflammatoryconditions at once.

BECAUSE— 1 arouses the iurmant action of a de-bilitated constitution.

BECAUSE— Tt electrifies the blood and tones up thesystem.

BE< FUSE —It cures consumption by removing allits first causes

BECAUSE—li allays pain by promoting absorptionand circulation,

BECAUSE—It scatter- Tumors and removes everyscrofulous clement from the blood.

BECAUSE—It cures cancers by forcing circula-tion through the malignantgrowth.

BECAUSE—Tt cures Paralysis by forcing the circu-lation of the Nerve Vit Fluids.

BECAUSE—It cures all diseases of the Liver byforcing an active secretion of Bile

BECAUSE L will cure deformities by supplyingvitality to the bones and muscles.

BECAUSE—I t will cure inflammatory scrofulousenlargement by its absorbent action.

BTC VIST. -L will care all ■’ .-ease.: of the Lungs,Liver, Stomach and Kidneys.

BECAUSE—'It. will cure tumors, cancers, scrofula,and all blood diseases and impurities.

BEC'.f -E—lt will cure all female derangements,misplacements and irregularities.

BEjiAUSE—It will cure nervous debility, sperma-torrhoea, lost or weakened manhood.

BECAUSE- ■ ft will cure Paralysis, Apoplexy, Rheu-A matism, Deafness and Insanity.

BECAUSE- -I I will cure ait diseases oi the principal

!life-sustaining organs of ..he body.

,'AUSB-Tt is harmless, yet all .potent, in thehands of the moat inexperienced.

BECAUSE—It. strengthens and builds up every at-tribute of man and womanhood.

BECAUSE —It perpetuates the strength of man toage.

BECAUSE —It fi’l? the home life of woman withhealth, comfort and joy.

BECAUSE—It restores that youth whose passionshave taken old on hell.

BECAUSE—It snatches the young, bright andbeautiful from the jaws of death.

BECAUSE—It promotes the beauty of womanthrough its health-giving influence.

BECAUSE—It contains the three necessary eie- Iments to health and life.

BECAUSE—It fosters and sustains an active se-.secretion of all the org .ns of the body.

BECAUSE—It contains no metallic substances, bat- Itery attachments or complicated appli-ances.

BECAUSE—it contains th o fundamental laws ofcure—the Law of Power and the I,awof Harmony.

BECAUSE —It is a mild, steadfast, moderate, firm, jeven temperate, ennneiator of healingpower.

BECAUSE—It cures muscular and hone diseases, by jremoving all Uric and Lactic Acid |from the Blood.

BECAUSE —It cures Dyspepsia by stimulating the |stomach i o a perfect assimilation offoods.

BECAUSE—It has met with the most wonderfulsuccess ever achieved in the healingart.

BECAUSE—It cure ; diseaseswhich have been con-sidered beyond the reach of any humanagency.

BECAUSE- It is the only thoroughly scientifictreatment which can be sent to all partsof the world.

BECAUSE—It heals on the Theoretical Basis ofremoving congestion by direct actionand jeaction.

BECAUSE—It cures whea the Last hope has ex-pired, and every other treatment hasfailed.

BECAUSE—It should be tried before taking anymore medicine or doctoring any fur-ther wih anybody.

BECAUSE—It is simply Amikated MagneticKelt Vital Fluid and VitalizedFood.

FINALLY —II is the greet and only positive curefor ail diseases of the Lungs, Liver,Stomach , rnd Kidneys, Tumors, Can-cers, Scrofula, and Blood, Female De-

BECAUSE- -rangemeuw, Misplacements, and Ir-regularl tics, Nervous Debility, Sper-matorrhoea, Lost or Weakened Man-hood, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Deafnessand Insanity, and all the concomitantderangements and diseases of theprincipal life-sustaining organs of theBody, Nerve forces, Brain and VitalPowers.

Page 8: The Fritz-sonian system of treatment. · Withbloodour handswe never stain,-Aorpoisonmento ease theirpain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. FELTandFLUID and FOOD ANIMATED YITAL




Tonic, Alterative, DiureticAND VITALIZING.


To be taken in case of any Disease of theLungs, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kid-ney and geneto organs.

It keeps up an active secretionand healthyaction of all the vital organs of the body.

It aids digestion and assimulation of allother foods.

It is a Powerful Nutriment, Blood Maker,Purifier and Nerve Vitalizer.

It is a positive cure for all diseases whentaken in connection with the use of the Feltand Fiuid.

DIRECTIONS.Take one table-spoon-ful before each

meal three times a day.[copyrighted.]


HEALS THE MULTITUDES.••MarvellousCures before the

Eyes of thePeople.A Busy Week in Curing the Sick.

Tho Blind seel The Deaf hear! The Lamewalk! The Sick are healed I The Deformed

the days pass, mo omfti. -V w_,assume more the aspect of avast inn..: arythan the private offices of a great physician.So great has been the demand upon his ser-vices tho past week, that hundreds havebeen turned away unable to gain admission.

Amongthe noted cures wereMrs. Sarah Dupree, of East Boston. Thislady has been nearly blind for the past four

years. Her sight was entirely restored in afew hours.James Henderson, of Cambridge, spinal

complaint, cured in 20 minutes.Mr. M. Naldcn, of Benham, been doctor-ing for the past 8 years for congestion of

liver and rheumatism, cured in one week;so well pleased, brought his wife and hadher cured also.

Mr. Levi Williams, of Lynn, a gentlemanof 70 years ofage, has been deaf for the past6 years. The doctor cured him so he couldhear the tick of a watch in ten minutes.

The following witnesses were present andconversed with the gentleman afterward:Michael Gilman, No. 6 Rogers avenue; Mrs.C. F. Nipsen, 213 Hanover street; and Geo.H. Patterson, Esq., who himself was curedby the doctor.

Anothervery remarkable cure of Aphro-bia, or loss of voice, Mrs. Sarah Hyde hasbeen troubled with complete loss of voiceand bronchial affection for the past six years.The doctor cured her so that she spoke per-fectly in fifteen minutes.

Mrs. Clara Brewer, of 586 Broadway, SouthBoston, and Mr. S. J. Sanders, Wolfboro,N. H., were present and witnessed the cure.Maj. J. Dewey, of Sleeker street, came tothe doctor on crutches from spinal com-plaint; cured so that he left crutches andwalked home in four hours.

Gen. R. S. Forsythe, of Tremont street,cured of partial paralysis of lower limbs in64 hours. J. T. Godfrey. Esq., of Charles-town, cured of deafness of 8 years’ standing;could hear the tick of a watch in five min-utes; Mrs. Emma Goodney, of Lynn, rheu-matism ; had to go on crutches, walkedaway from the office os well as ever insixhours.

Maj. Southworth, of Springfield, nearlyblind for three years, could see to read in 2*4hours.Many patients who have visited his officehave seen these cures performed, and scoreshave been either entirely cured or verymuch benefited.

The doctor docs not wish tobe understoodto cure everything and everybody, but hodoes say that where he promises a cure or abenefit, it shall bo given. And persons whohave boon given up by other doctors as in-curable can come with full confidence thatthere is still hope for ihem ; during his offleehours there will nearly always bo more orless marvellous cures performed.”“The Wealth and Culture of

Hostou Throng His Recep-tion Rooms Hally.Yesterday, among the number who called

upon Dr. Fritz, was no less a personage thanGen. Merriman, of South Carolina. Itappearsthat the General has been growing quite deafof late, and came to Boston seeking aid.Hearing Dr. Fritz spoken of, ho sought himfor an opinion, and received not only anopinion, but, to his greatsurprise and joy, aperfect cure before leaving his office.

Joseph R. Stockton, of Providence, hasbeen for the past eight years suffering athousand deaths from dyspepsia, asthma, anddiabetes, and, notwithstanding this almosthopeless complication of diseases, which hasbaffled tho skill of both his home and foreignphysicians, six weeks’ treatment with Dr.Fritz has entirely restored him to health.Many cures perfected by this great healerhave been published from time to time intho columns of this paper, as well as hismannerof diagnosing disease, without ask-ing any questions, looking at tho tongue orfeeling the pulse. He is to-day the leadingphysicianof Boston.”“Continued Excitement.

Another most marvellous cure performedby Dr. Fritz, of 150 Tremont street. Maj.John Witherell, of Lynn, who has beennearly bedridden witha very painful diseaseof the kidneys and spine for the past fiveyears, was brought to the doctor last week.He applied his treatment,and we are gladto'record that the Major has been entirelycured.”

He Gives Life to the Dylag,Robs the Sick Room of It*Suffering, and tbe Coffin ofits Prey.For weeks pajt mention has occasionally

been made of most wonderful cures beingperformed by Dr. Fritz of No. U0 Trcraont‘‘•vwtJtHUAitv- —, , - ktrum fif.nir.r * - ncTVr. Am gfntlfmfilhas adually been gaining a moat exten-sive i ’cticc in Boston among our mostwealth. >tnd cultured people—almost solelythrough lit© influence of tho remarkablecures he is daily performing—while his fameand well-attested ability is spreading withlightning rapidity throughout all Nsw Rng-land. His offices, which are central andIvery commodious, are daily thronged with \tho afflicted, to ail of which he gives especial Iattention; and many returning therefrom!with heavy load of grief removed fromtheir minds by their sufferings being entirely ialleviated. *

While he does not profess to cure every-body and everything, yet all are very muchbenefited and hundreds entirely restored toperfect health and usefulness,

“As week follows week, it Is becomingmore and more apparent that Dr. Fritz isperforming miraculous, wonderftil, and mostnoted cures in our midst. He appears tohave not only an intuitive knowledge of dis-ease, but liis treatment acts like a charm ininstantly relieving, speedily arresting, andpermanently curing the most obstinate casesbrought to him.

His patients are among our best people ofboth this city and surrounding country, andall speak of him in tho highest terms, as aman of affable manner, candid adviser, andskilful physician. It is needless toser thathis parlors are almost daily thronged withpatients who are suffering from almost everyconceivable disease, and mil appear to bemore than satisfied with the treatment re-ceived at his hands.”

Many cures ore perfected at once, whileothers have required a number of days oreven weeks. But in every ease where hehas made a promise, he has never failed toredeem that promise. He will not take anycase nor give any hope unless a positive cureis probable. By this moans the doctor hasestablished a reputation of unerring ability,and his judgment is considered as authoritivein all cases.“Thename of Dr. Fritz has now become

well known from his wonderful talent andskill. His diagnoses are unequalled,and hissuccess in healing the sick unparalleled. Dr,Fritz will detect and describe any organiodisease without asking any questions, look-ingat tho tongue or feeling the pulse; hafact, his success is marvellous, and mayalmost be ascribed to tho supernatural.—Boston Star.“Dr. Fritz never makes any mistakes in

his examinations, tho moment ho catchestho eyo of the patient he knows tbe disoasewith which they are afflicted, goes right onand describesit in every particular, giving itsfull history from begining toeud.”

The New York. ScientificTimes (Says*

“ We are not of those who believe that allmedical science is confinedto the schools orthat the artof curing disease can be whollylearned from the books. Wo have here inBoston a practitioner of decided excellence,and who is gaining in repute with everyweek of his life. We refer to Dr. Frits,whose offlee is at No. 150 Tremont street.Dr. Fritz possesses to a marked degree thatmagnetic power always and ever found tobe efficacious, especially in affections of thonervous and muscular system. He uses nomedicine, yet he is tbe most powerful ofhealers. A very remarkable cure, recentlyperformed, was that of a gentlemanafflictedwith ataxey, something akin to a paralysisof the muscular system. After a moment'srestingof the doctor’s hand upon the smellof his back, he arose without effort, and hassince been entirely restored. A pleasantthingto say of the doctor in this connectionis, that the sick of every grade and conditionin life can always rely upon the most courte-ous reception, plain, intelligent counsel,andtho most rational treatment. Wo believe inpresenting the claims of anybody gifted nshe is to the notice of our readers, and we cansay that wo have a thorough confidence inthose of Dr. Fritz, as we know him to be amost remarkable healer. He impressed usas a thoroughly intelligent gentleman.”“Mr. August Fuller, of wenton crutches for five years, permanently cured

in two months.”

mi, mm,.AUTHOR ,OF

The Fritz-sonian System of Treatment.;THE WORLD’S GREATEST EXPERT IN DIAGNOSING



Such knowledge of disease—Such marvelous Healing Power—Such scientific truths—Such practical demonstrations, and suchuncontrovertable facts—meet with wonder and astonishment fromall afflicted people—who witness his remarkable wisdom—lnDiagnosing Disease, healing the sick, and curing deformities.

It is said of him and acknowledged by all that he is the mostWonderful and expert Diagnostition, deepest searcher of hiddencauses and sources of disease; and with his system of treatmentthe most successful healer the world has ever known.

FREE’ ‘TEST.’ ‘DAILY.The physician who describes dis-


No examination necessary—no informa-tion from the patient—no previous knowl-edgeof tho case. Every Ache, Pain andDisagreeable Feeling pointed out anddescribed better than the patient canthemselves.

The greatest wonder of Modern Sciencein Diagnosing Disease; will tell plainlywhether the disease is curableor not; and,if curable, how to cure it




Animated Vital Magnetized.USE.

A Pad, Band, Girdle, or Garment, toplace directly over and around any dis-eased part or organ, to give off, communi-cate, discharge or convey to that part ororgan a constant perpetual auimal mag-netic current or influence.*

DIRECTIONS.Dampen this appliance once a day, “ The side nextthe skin,” with about one ounce or two table-spoon-fuls of the accompanying “ Animated Yitai MagneticFluid.” b

Wear this appliance constantly over the diseasedpart or organ, until all the Pain—Soreness—Enlarge-ment—Disease—or congestion is removed.

The time will vary according to the case or disease.!.*r«r the purpose of assisting, forcing, vitalizing, the circulatoryfluids (Blood and Nerve) through that congested diseased part ororgan (thus assisting nature in throwing off the disease bv forc-

ing the active circulation of vitalized blood), (as where purebloodcirculates freely and unobstructed there can be no diseasedactiont “U®™aking or performing a perfect or positive euro ofany curlable disease, when persevered in for a sufficient time toremove ordo away with all congestion of the part—thereby allowing ahealthy circulation to take place, and leaving a well-establishedaction of the life-giving forccg predominant.)When in uM ita power or strength becomes exhausted or weakened. by being taken up or conveyed into the system by absorp-

tion* Then it is re-fed —re-charged— and continually kept in

SWW dampening with the

fWhen the cure is perfected end the appliance isremoved—lncase it ra worn forany iength of time.asa matter of precaution,avoid taking cold in thepart by substituting a light dress or flan-del in its place,[COPYRIGHTED.]

ELEGANT OFFICES,AND THE LARGEST IN NEW ENGLAND.No physician of Boston has ever so rapidly gained iiüblic favor and confidence and built up such an enorm

as practice in so short a time.Some few of his most remarkable cures have frortme to time appeared in the columns of the daily Pressntil enough has been accumulated to more than filicir columns.He now occupies the Largest and Most Extensiv<ffices in New England, consisting of the entire secondlird, fourth and fifth floors of the building,

150 TREMONT STREET,11 elegantly fitted and appointed with every modern con.tnience, subdivided into Eighteen Large, Well Ventilatedtd Finely Furnished Offices, Parlors and Sleeping RoomsTangod singly and en suite, located in the very heart o:ic city, and overlooking Boston Common, where his mostctensiye home and foreign patronage are furnished everjmyenience of office and ’otel accommodations.His patients are numbered from nearly all parts of theorld, and so remarkable hasbeen his success that we pausewonder and astonishment at the superior qualifications oli* physician who can thus astonished the world by hi:markabla cures.

Not only are all Patients surprised athis most wonderful knowledge of disease,his plain, concise explanation of its causeand effect, but at the rapidity with whichhe grasps every symptom of [the mosthidden disease, without placing his handupon the patient or a single questionbeing asked or answered.

The only scientist who, by the aid of hisknowledge of the structure of man, andhis experience with the peculiarities otdisease and its action upon the functionsof the body, can so demonstrate to thepatient the real source of trouble, socompletelyoverwhelm his auditor with thebelief in, and knowledge of, his most Sup-ernatural Powers.

A. Grand Army of over SixThousand In validh Restoredto Health.“Boston Traveler, Oct. 27, 1885, says;

Positive knowledge of disease, and a distinctunderstanding of the human system, arenecessary requirements in tho skilful treat-ment of disease, and it is aided by these thatDr. Frit* has had such phenomenalin Boston in permanently curing hundreds ofthose who were sick and deformed.”“This wellattested fact than an army of

over 6,000 siok and deformed have been re-stored to health by Dr. Fritz during the pestyear, adds but to the conclusive evidencethat the physician who can so readily readdisease and so unerringly employ the propermeans of restoring his patients to health,without tho use of poisonous drugs, must

possess to the very highest degree a thor-ough understanding of the economy of life—-the most hidden secrets of disease and themost essential elements of cure.

Those who visit him among our most in-telligent people express the greatest sur-prise at the wonderful accuracy lie displaysin describing their case. As soon as theyenter hispresence he points out every ache,pain, and diseased action, locates, describes,and historizes its incipiency, progress, andtermination, without a single failure.

His mode of describing or diagnosing dis-ease is the most peculiar, thorough, and satis-factory ever practised.

The sick, afflicted, and deformed are com-ing to him from all parts of New England,and many of the most marvellous cures arebeing performed. Out of over GOO casestreated during the past week, over nine-tenths are perfectly and permanently curedalready.. He uses no medicine. Amongthe wonderful cures reported is Mr. CharlesBrown, of Jamaica Plain, of chronic con-gestion of the liver.

Mr. John Harrison, deafness, could hearthe tick ofa watch in 10 minutes.Capt. M. Nolan, of Walnut Hill. Thisgentleman has been afflicted with a verysevere disease of tho kidneys for the past9 years. He is now working every day athis trade, stone-mason,as sound and strongas ever. The doctor also cured his wife offemale complaint, and his brother of kidneyand stomach disease.

Gen. R. 11. Mann cured ofpartial paralysis.Mr. E. E. Bacon, ofFramingham, rendereda poor man from many years of suffering

and heavy doctors’ bills, went towork afterone week’s treatment. His sister hns alsocommenced treatment, and is gaining rap-idly.

C. H. Jones, of Ingraham, says: I havebeen a cripple for years, withhip' and spinaldisease; two weeks ago it took mo over twohours to walk one mile. To-day I walkedcomfortably from depot, foot of Summerstreet, to the doctor’s offlee.Mary E. Smith, of Washington street, andRobert Hunter, of Beacon street, have bothbeen cured of consumption.

Benjamin F. Linton, Esq., of Quincy, hasbeen troubled with a most distressingchronic disease for the part 20 years. Hosays since treating with Dr. Fritz he hasentirely recovered.

His offices are always thronged with thoafflicted, chiefly of the better grade ofsociety.

Instantaneous Cure* whichare Permanent and Ef.fectual.“ The generalrush of patients always con-

tains some persons susceptible to an im-mediate relief and cure. His treatments areentirely different from other * physicians,—being more rapid, thorough, and perma-nent. He uses no medicines. A very re-markable cure is reported from his office onMonday last. Mr. Charles A. Dewey hasbeen so afflicted with what the physicianstermed locomotive ataxey, that it was withthe utmost difficultyhe could even cross theroom. After a moment’s application of thoFelt upon the small of his back, he arosewithout effort and hns since been entirelyrestored. Severalcases of partial paralysisand rheumatism have been cured during thepast week, as, for instance, that of JamesSullivan and Marvin Henrcci. In cases ofasthma and consumption, he relieves thecough and difficulty of breathing at once,tones up the general system, and a mostrapid cure is the natural result. No personshould doctor any further, or take a particleof medicine before consulting him.

He has setapart his evening hours for thespecial benefit of gentlemenonly, and treatssuccessfully those specific diseases fromwhich so many are suffering. Young rnenin need of intelligent advice and speedycure should make a note of this and conferFrith him immediately.'*





Recharges, Feeds, and perpetuates thehe action of the Animated Vitalizedr elt.*

DIRECTIONS.Dampen the Pad (the side next the

kin) once a day with about one ouncetwo table-spoons-ful) of the Fluid. Rubyell into the Pad with the bottom ofhe bottle.•Also acts as a ritalistic Stimulator of Nerve and Blood circula-lon, Absorbent, Sedative, Paia allaying. Muscular Strengthening,nd healing embrocation (external application) independent of the'Felt," well pathatised (rubbed in) about three times a day.Noth —Has a high reputation as an aid to the Natural Healer, used to

ampen the hands, and wet or«r the diseased part before the Pathatiscingandübbing process. By this means any Pobitit* Nature may become a Buc-essful Magnetic operator in all painful acute affections. In Chronic longlanding diseases a mora powerful perpetual constant action must be keptip, therefore in all case* theAhimatid Magiutibbd “ P«lt ” is indispeu*able to a permanent cure.




JM.U Fame as a GreatHcsilcrReaches all Farts of the Civ-ilized Globe.“Patients are constantlycoming- to him

from all parts of the world, every one ofwhich he examines in the same way merelyby a single penetrating glance of the eye;and it is said of him that out of thousands ofexaminations ho has never mad* a singlemistake; and cat of the vast nnmber he hastreated that he lu-s never lost a single caseby death.”

“Oneof ourm«*>t gifted statesmen says;‘ When in Boston I went to see Dr. Fritz,and what seemed very strange to me, themomenthe motioned me to a seat and caughtray eye ho seemed to devine my verythoughts, he went right on and described mydisease, told mo just what was the matter,how I hadbeen treated, how long I hadbeensick, pointed out all my aches and pains,weak points, and suffering, and in fact gavea much better history of my case than Icould have done myself; and all thiswithoutasking me a single question, or ever havingseen nie before, or knowing who I was oranything about me. This to me seems avery strange and valuable knowledge orgift. I took his treatment, and must saythat he cured me without medicine, after Ihad been taking medicine for over twelveyears.’ ”

Mr. J. H. Higgins, of Gloucester, Mass.,the very celebrated boat builder, and knownin nearly every port of the world, was curedofa long and many thought of a fatal illnessby Dr. Fritz’s Felt and Fluid and Food, andsays that he has sent the same treatment tofriends in different parts of the country, andit has always proved successful.

Lyman Locke, Esq., of South Boston, avery extensive builder and highly honorablebusiness man, says “That the Fritzsoninnsystem of treatment did for him what thebest physicians had long failed to do, andthat it cured him when nothing else seemedto reach his case. lam to-day a well man,”says Mr. Locke.“Ihad u large tumor on the side of myneck as big as a quart bowl,” says Mr. JohnBerry, of Worcester, “ I was cured by Dr.Fritz in just twelve weeks, I took no medi-cine, simply Felt and Fluid and Food. I

thank God for the good it done me.”Ijet XothlncPreventYou fromConsulting this GreatHealer.“As month succeeds month of this greathealer’s residence inBoston, his cures seem

to increase in numbers and interest. Scarce-ly a day passes but some most miraculouscure is reported. They do not seem to boconfined toany particular class or condition,but many deaf, blind, lame, and sick fromvarious causes, such as consumption, liver,stomach, kidneys, rheumatism, paralysis,catarrh, &c., &c., are cured In from a fewminutes’ time toas many weeks. Most per-sons who have visited his office have seenmore or less cures performed.”

Dr. Fritz is doing an immense businessand curing hundreds.—Buffalo Adver-tiser.

The people of this city seem to be runningwild over his miraculous cures.—Philadkl-ruiA Independent.

Great is no name for the man who per-forms such marvelous cures.— St. LouisDemocrat.

Raised froma boy amongst us, we cannotaccount for his wonderful power of healingand diagnosing disease. His cures are cer-tainly the m<»st miraculous we ever wit-nessed.—Flint Gazette.

There is something about Dr. Fritz thatwe cannot understand. He seems to cureeverybody—he hns raised the editor of thisSaper almost from the grave. Saginaw

kws.No one should despair of a cure until afterconsulting Dr. Fritz. Chicago Evening


I warn all men, whether friend or foe, thatfrom this out they must cease to copy any ofmy advertisements, writings, or produc-tions. They are an emanation of my own,original in both conception, perfection, andapplication, and are secured to us by rightand by law.I will pay $lOO for information leading to

die conviction ofany thiefofa mountebank,who uses my name or copies my publica-tions, thereby deceiving tho afflicted andbringing into disrepute the honorand reputa- I;lon I have labored years to sustain. Gen- !CLEMEN, IT MUST BE STOPPED!